July 17, 1992'
- The Honorable Arline Weiner
Mayor, City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach City Hall
10~East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Dear Mayor Weiner:
The Department has completed its review of the adopted
comprehensive plan amendment (DCA No. 92-1) for the City of
Boynton Beach as amended on June 2, 1992 and determined that it
meets the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida statutes,
for compliance, as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1) (b). The
Department is issuing a Notice of Intent to find the plan
amendment in compliance. The No~ice of Intent has been sent to
the The News for publicatio~ on July 20, 1992.
Please note that a copy of the amended City Comprehensive
Plan, the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments
Report dated April 6, 1992 and the Notice of Intent must be
available for public inspection Monday through Friday, except for
legal holidays, during normal business hours, at the city Hall,
Planning Department, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton
Beach, Florida 33425.
The Department appreciates the City's effort to prepare and
adopt your Comprehensive Plan amendment to guide the growth and
development of your community and further the growth management
policies of the region and state.
The Department would also like to thank your staff for their
cooperation and efforts to respond to and address the issues
raised in the Department's ORC Report dated April 6, 19~2. The
City's response document was very thorough and complete innEC~-E"'---~-'-
addressing the Department's concerns. .l\... " LYE]
JUL 21
The Honorable Arline Weiner
July 17,',1992
Page Two
If you have any questions, please contact Robert Pennock,
cnief, Bureau of Local Planning, Maria Abadal,~Plan Review
Administrator, Paul F. Noll, Community Program Administrator, or
David Dahlstrom, Planner IV, at (994) 487-4545.
Charles G. Pattison, Director
Division of Resource Planning
and Management
Enclosures: Notice of Intent
cc: Mr. Christopher Cutro, Director of Planning
Mr. Daniel M. Cary, Executive Director, Treasure Coast
Regional Planning Council
DOCKET NO. 92-1-NOI-5005-(A)-(I)
The adopted City of Boynton Be4c~ Comprehensive Plan Amend-
mentes) and the Department's Objectiobs, Recommendations, and
Comments Report, (if any), are available for public inspection
Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal
business hours, at the Boynton Beach City Hall, Planning
Department, 1QO East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach,
Florida 33425.
Any affected person, as defined in Section 163.3184, F.S.,
has a right to petition for an administrative hear~ng to chal-
lenge the proposed agency determination that the Amendment(s) to
the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan are In Compliance,
as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1), F.S. The petition must be
filed within twenty-one (21) days after publication of this notice,
and must include ,all of the information and contents described in
Rule 9J-11.012(8), F.A.C. The petition shall be filed with the
Agency Clerk, Department o~ Community Affairs, 2740 Centerview
Drive, ~allahassee, Flor~da 32399-2100, and a copy mailed or
delivered to the local government. Failure to timely file a
petition shall constitute a waiver of any right to request an
administrative proceeding as a petitioner under Section 120.57,
F.S. If a petition is filed, the;purpose of the administrative
hearing will be to present e~dence and testimony and forward a
recommended order to the Department. If no petition is filed,
this Notice of Intent shall become final agency action.
If a petition is filed, other affected persons may petition
for leave to intervene ia the proceeding. A petition for inter-
vention must he filed at least five (5) days before the final
hearing and must include all of the information and contents
described in Rule 22I-6.010, F.A.C. A petition for leave to
intervene shall be filed at the Division of Administrative Hear-
ings, Department of Administration, 1230 Apalachee Parkway,
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550. Failure to petition to inter-
vene within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any
right such a person has to request a hearing under Section
120.57, F.S., or to participate in the administrative hearing.
c~ V4kav\
Charles G. Pattison, Director
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Resource Planning
and Management
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
. .
%e City of
t:Boynton t:Beac/i
Pfa.nnino & Zonino 'lJepartment
100 'E, 'Boynton 'Becu;!i. 'Boukvard
P.O, 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Becu;!i., :FCorida 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490, :F.9tX: (407) 738-7459
May 15, 1992
Mr. Dan Weisburg
Palm Beach Co. Engr. Dept., Traffic Div.
P.o. Box 2429
West Palm Beach, FL 33401-2429
RE: Mall South Land Use Amendment - Revised Traffic Study
Dear Mr. Weisburg:
Enclosed you will find a copy of the revised traffic study as
required by the Florida Department Community of Affairs (DCA) in
connection with the review of the above referenced proposed
amendment. You may recall that the original study (provided to
you in October, 1991) was based upon potential maximum
development according to the proposed zoning of the subject area.
However, the DCA requires that analyses on the availability of,
and impact upon facilities is based upon the proposed land use
Please review the enclosed study for compliance with all
applicable provisions of the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance
Code of Pa~ Beach County.
A timely response is most appreciated, as we will likely be
forwarding the adopted amendments to the DCA on June 5, 1992.
Thank you for your assistance.
Very truly yours,
Michael W. Rumpf
Senior Planner
5lmerica's (jateway to tfie (juifstream
fJ1ie City of
~oynton ~eacfi
Pfanning & Zoning 'lJepartment
100 'E" 'Boynton 'Bead" 'Boulevard
P,O, 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Bead", :FforUa 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490, :F.'JIX: (407) 738-7459
May 15, 1992
Mr. Dan Weisburg
Palm Beach Co. Engr. Dept., Traffic Div.
P.o. Box 2429
West Palm Beach, FL 33401-2429
RE: Mall South Land Use Amendment - Revised Traffic Study
Dear Mr. Weisburg:
Enclosed you will find a copy of the revised traffic study as
required by the Florida Department Community of Affairs (DCA) in
connection with the review of the above referenced proposed
amendment. You may recall that the original study (provided to
you in October, 1991) was based upon potential maximum
development according to the proposed zoning of the subject area.
However, the DCA requires that analyses on the availability of,
and impact upon facilities is based upon the proposed land use
Please review the enclosed study for compliance with all
applicable provisions of the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance
Code of Palm Beach County.
A timely response is most appreciated, as we will likely be
forwarding the adopted amendments to the DCA on June 5, 1992.
Thank you for your assistance.
Very truly yours,
~ Co 7Lr?
Michael W. Rumpf
Senior Planner
.qmerica~~ Gatc7LJa!, to tfie (ju(fstream
'./(llie City of
tBoynton tBeac/i
100 'E. tJJoynton tJJeadi tJJoult.vard
P.Q, tJJo~J10
tJJoynton tJJeadi., %ritIa 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490
:J.9lX: (407) 738.7459
PUznning 'Depart~ntJ City 9Iall Compft.:( 'West mng
December 18, 1991
Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief
Bureau of Local Planning
Div. of Resource Planning & Management
state of Florida Department of Community Affairs
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32399
RE: Transmittal of Proposed comprehensive Plan Amendments
Dear Mr. Pennock:
Enclosed you will find nine (9) copies, (one copy has been sent
directly to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council), of
eleven (11) applications that propose amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan. These eleven applications consist of eleven
(11) proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map, and nine (9)
proposed amendments to the Text of the Comprehensive Plan. The
applications are listed and briefly described as follows:
1. Mall South (Future Land Use Map Amendment
and Text Amendment);
2, Water Treatment Plant Expansion (Future Land Use Map
Amendment and Text Amendment);
3,. Application #13-A (Text Amendment) i
4. Application #1 (Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text
Amendmen t ) ;
5. Application #3 (Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text
Amendmen t ) ;
6, Application #10 (Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text
Amendmen t) ;
7, Application #20 (Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text
Amendment) ;
8, Application #21 (Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text
Amendment) ;
.9lmericas gateway to tfie (julfstream
TO: Mr. Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
9. Application #25 (Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text
Amendment) i
10, Application #26 (Future Land Use Map Amendment and Text
Amendment); and
11. Application #16 (Text Amendment).
The above proposed applications were considered by the Planning
and Zoning Board (Local Planning Agency) on December 10, 1991,
and approved for transmittal by the city Commission on December
17, 1991 at a public hearing that was held subsequent to due
public notice.
with respect to Rule 9J-11.006, which outlines the procedure and
requirements for transmitting Plan Amendments, please be advised
of the following:
(l)(a) 1. The proposed month of adoption for these Plan
Amendments has been estimated based upon the 90-day
review period and 60-day adoption period, as outlined
in Rule 9J-ll.006. Assuming that the information
contained herein is complete, it is anticipated that
second and final reading of the appropriate ordinances
for these Amendments will occur in May of the following
(l)(a) 2, The proposed Amendments are not in an area of Critical
state Concern.
(1) (a) 3, The proposed Amendments do not constitute an exemption
from the twice per year calendar limitation on the
adoption of Comprehensive Plan Amendments,
(l)(a) 4, The proposed Amendments are not to be adopted under a
joint planning agreement.
(1) (a) 5, Contact person: Michael Rumpf
Senior Planner
City of Boynton Beach, P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Tel: (407) 738-7490
(1)(b)1,2 Nine (9) copies of the current Future Land Use Map arE
enclosed. This current Future Land Use Map indicates
the location and proposed land use designation of each
of the nine (9) proposed Future Land Use Map
Amendments (Please note that the location map within
each staff report may assist in the identification of
boundaries for each proposed Amendment if it is unclear
on the Future Land Use Map) ,
TO: Mr. Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
The eleven (11) proposed Text Amendments can be found
within the corresponding staff reports, as well as in
the attached Section VIII. Land Use problems and
Opportunities (that portion of the Future Land Use
Support Document that was adopted by reference into the
Plan by Policy 1.16.4), The proposed changes to the
Text are indicated by that which is underlined and
cross-hatchered. Also included are nine (9) copies of
the Future Land Use Element, Traffic Circulation
Element, and the Future Land Use Support
Document-Section VIII. Land Use Problems and
(l)(b) 3. The attached Future Land Use Map also indicates
the size of the subject property for all nine (9)
proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map.
(l)(b) 4. A description of the availability of, or demand upon
public facilities is provided for each proposed
amendment as outlined below:
Mall South - The analysis of the availability of
parks and recreation, drainage, solid waste, traffic,
sanitary sewer, and potable water facilities can be
found within Attachment "B" of the staff report for
Mall south. In sum, this proposed amendment would only
affect the availability of traffic facilities, and this
issue will be addressed by project phasing,
Water Treatment Plant Expansion - A description of the
demand upon public facilities is not applicable to this
proposed amendment as, the use of this site for the
expansion of the City's water treatment plant would be
consistent with the comprehensive Plan. According to
the comprehensive Plan, this site falls within the
Public and Private Governmental/Institutional "overlay"
land use category. This use and development is
expected to comply with the use restrictions and
recommendations found in the Future Land Use Support
Document, Section VIII Problems and opportunities,
Planning Area 4,e. Although the Future Land Use Map is
being amended (see staff report, Utility Plant
Expansion, for explanation), this is only being done in
order to avoid possible confusion in the future with
respect to the land use classification of this site,
The following proposed amendments are in connection
with several proposed rezonings that were denied by the
city Commission, which were intended to implement the
comprehensive Plan, The rezonings were denied at
advertised public hearings, and were based upon the
TO: Mr, Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
opinion/preference of the city Commission, a change in
the circumstances or information that the original
recommendations were based upon, and/or the opinion of
the subject property owner or that of adjacent property
Application i13-A - No impact upon availability of
facilities and, analysis of impact is not applicable.
Amendment pursuant to city Commission action. The land
use on this site is not being amended. The Text of the
Comprehensive Plan (Planning Area 7.a) is being amended
in order to delete the restrictions and recommendations
for this site which are inconsistent with the City
Commission's desires with respect to the zoning on this
Application #1 - No impact upon availability of
facilities. Amendment of Map and Text is pursuant to
City Commission action. Amendment involves a 2-acre
block, which contains only one undeveloped lot. The
remaining lots have been developed for single family
homes. Although the area is well established and is
not expected to be redeveloped, if the area was
redeveloped at a higher density, the impact would be
Application #3 - No impact upon availability of
facilities. Amendment of Map and Text pursuant to city
Commission action. The subject area consists of 2
acres developed for single family homes. Although the
area is well established and is not expected to be
redeveloped, if the area was redeveloped at a higher
density, the impact would be insignificant.
Application =10 - No impact upon the availability of
facilities. Amendment pursuant to City Commission
action. Land Use Amendment will result in a decrease
in the potential impact upon public facilities.
Application #20 - No impact upon the availability of
facilities. Amendment pursuant to City Commission
action. Subject area consists of only 1.88 acres, and
is to be used for the expansion of the property owner's
commercial business that is located adjacent to the
subject property.
Application #21 - No impact upon the availability of
facilities. Amendment pursuant to City Commission
action. A portion of the property is to be changed to
a lower intensity land use, and the remaining property
is to be changed from High Density Residential to Local
Retail Commercial; a total change in land use that is
arguably comparable when considering the acreage
TO: Mr, Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
Application i25 - No impact upon the availability of
facilities. Amendment pursuant to city Commission
action. There currently exists a mixture of both
retail and office uses along this corridor (subject
property), which consists of small, developed lots.
Total conversion of this corridor to retail uses would
not significantly impact public facilities.
Application ~26 - No impact upon the availability of
facilities. Amendment pursuant to city Commission
action. Land Use Amendment will result in a decrease
in the potential impact upon public facilities.
Application #16 - No impact upon availability of
facilities and, analysis of impact is not applicable.
Amendment pursuant to city Commission action. The land
use on this site is not being amended. The Text of the
Comprehensive Plan (Planning Area l.a) is being amended
in order to delete the restrictions and recommendations
for this site that are inconsistent with the City
Commission's desires with respect to the zoning of this
(l)(b) 5, Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed
Future Land Use Map Amendments and Text Amendments with
the Land Use Element objectives and policies and those
of other affected elements is provided as outlined
Mall South - This proposed amendment is not
inconsistent with any objective or policy of the
Comprehensive Plan. Please see the staff report for
the justification of the Text Amendment.
Water Treatment Plant Expansion - This proposed
amendment is not inconsistent with any objective or
policy of the Comprehensive Plan. The use of this site
for the expansion of the City's water treatment plant
would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
According to the Comprehensive Plan, this site falls
within the Public and Private
Governmental/Institutional "overlay" land use category.
This use and development is
expected to comply with the use restrictions and
recommendations found in the Future Land Use Support
Document, Section VIII. Problems and opportunities,
Planning Area 4.e.
Application #13-A - This proposed amendment is not
inconsistent with any objective or policy of the
Comprehensive Plan. The land use on this site is not
being amended, The Text of the Comprehensive Plan
TO: Mr. Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
(Planning Area 7.a) is being amended in order to delete
the restrictions and recommendations for this site
which are inconsistent with the city Commission's
desires with respect to the zoning of this property.
Application #1 - The proposed amendments are
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The potential
maximum impact of this amendment is insignificant with
respect to the change in demand for potable water or
sanitary sewer facilities. Furthermore, cognizant of
the land use changes proposed (Application #1 thru
Application #26), which consists of both increases and
decreases in residential and commercial development
potential, the total change in the demand for water and
sewer facilities will be balanced (policies 1.4.5,
1.5.5) .
Application ~3 - The proposed amendments are consistent
with the Comprehensive plan (see explanation above for
Application #1).
Application =10 - The proposed amendments are
consistent the with Comprehensive Plan.
Application #20 - The proposed amendments are
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and,
specifically Policies 1.17.1 and 1.19.6 (please see the
staff report for Application #20).
Application ~21 - The proposed amendments are consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan, and specifically policies
1.4.5, 1.5.5, 1.17.1, and 1.19.6 (Please see the
explanation for Application #1 above, and the staff
report for Application #21)
Application ~25 - The proposed amendments are
consistent with the objectives and policies of the
Comprehensive Plan. In addition to the explanation
contained in Application #1, which applies to this
application, it is specifically consistent with
Objective 1.17 (please see the staff report for
Application #25).
Application #26 - The proposed amendments are
consistent with the objectives and policies of the
comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, they are specifically
consistent with Objective 1,17 (please see the staff
report for Application #26).
Application #16 - This proposed amendment is
consistent with the objectives and policies contained
within the comprehensive Plan,
TO: Mr. Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
The staff recommendations are contained in the
attached staff reports for each of the proposed
Amendments within the following memorandums:
Mall South - Memorandum #91-318
Water Treatment Plant Expansion - Memorandum #91-313
Application ~13-A - Memorandum #91-304
Application ~1 - Memorandum #91-305
Aoplication ~3 - Memorandum #91-312
Application ~10 - Memorandum #91-306
Application #20 - Memorandum #91-307
Application ~21 - Memorandum #91-308
Application ~25 - Memorandum #91-309
Application #26 - Memorandum #91-310
Application #16 - Memorandum #91-311
The recommendations from the Local Planning Agency (Planning and
Zoning Board) are contained in the attached memorandums for each
of the proposed Amendments as outlined below:
Mall South - Memorandum #91-325
Water Treatment Plant Expansion - Memorandum #91-326
Application ~13-A - Memorandum #91-328
Application ~1 - Memorandum #91-329
Application #:3 - Memorandum #91-330
Application ~10 - Memorandum #91-331
Application #:20 - Memorandum #91-332
Application ~21 - Memorandum #91-333
Application #:25 - Memorandum #91-334
APplication #26 - Memorandum #91-335
Apolication #16 - Memorandum #91-336
TO: Mr. Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
The recommendations from the Local Governing Body (City
Commission) are as follows:
Mall South - The Local Governing Body, by unanimous
vote, recommended to approve the transmittal of these
proposed Amendments.
Water Treatment Plant Expansion - The Local Governing
Body, by unanimous vote, recommended to approve the
transmittal of these proposed Amendments.
Application #13-A - The Local Governing Body, by
unanimous vote, recommended to approve the transmittal
of this proposed Amendment.
Application ~1 - The Local Governing Body, by unanimous
vote, recommended to approve the transmittal of this
proposed Amendment.
Application #3 - The Local Governing Body, by unanimous
vote, recommended to approve the transmittal of these
proposed Amendments.
Application #10 - The Local Governing Body, by unanimous
vote, recommended to approve the transmittal of these
proposed Amendments.
Application #20 - The Local Governing Body, by unanimous
vote, recommended to approve the transmittal of these
proposed Amendments.
Application #21 - The Local Governing Body, by unanimous
vote, recommended to approve the transmittal of these
proposed Amendments.
Application #25 - The Local Governing Body, by
unanimous vote, recommended to approve the transmittal
of these proposed Amendments.
Application #26 - The Local Governing Body, by
unanimous vote, recommended to approve the transmittal
of these proposed Amendments.
Application #16 - The Local Governing Body, by
unanimous vote, recommended to approve the transmittal
of this proposed Amendment.
TO: Mr. Robert Pennock
December 18, 1991
If you have any questions concerning these proposed Plan
Amendments, please do not hesitate to contact Senior Planner
Michael Rumpf.
Very truly yours,
Christopher Cutro, AICP
Planning Director
cc: Dan Cary, Treasure Coast R.P.C., Executive Director
(wi enclosures)
Kieran Kilday
Central File
Board of County Commissioners
Karen T, Marcus, Chair
Carole Phillips, Vice Chair
Carol A, Roberts
Carol J. Elmquist
Mary McCarty
Ken Foster
Maude Ford Lee
County Administrator
Jan \~/inters
November 21, 1991
Department of Planning, Zoning & Building
Chris Cutro
Planning Director
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
MCN. 'Zt(-~ I
RE: The proposed annexation of the 51 acres south of the Boynton Beach Mall
Dear Mr. Cutro:
The Planning, Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed
annexation of 51 acres genemlly located between Old Boynton Beach Boulevard and Boynton
Beach Boulevard, on the east and west side of Winchester Boulevard. County staff comments are
as follows:
1. PLANNING DNISION: Steve Morales, Planner
The area to be annexed is substantially contiguous to the City's boundaries and is
located within the City's future annexation area. Furthermore, this annexation will
substantially reduce an existing pocket.
It appears that an enclave would be created on the north side of Boynton Beach
Boulevard as result of this annexation. However, upon closer review, it was
determined that the property is an existing functional enclave. Therefore, this
annexation will not alter service delivery to that parcel.
This annexation is consistent with Chapter 171, F.S. and Palm Beach County's
Interim Annexation Policy.
A review of this proposed annexation was performed using aerials of the area.
Based upon this aerial review, the properties are cleared and do not appear to
support any native habitat. No well-field protection zones are located within the
proposed annexation area, The properties are currently used for pasture land and
two of the four parcels will remain in an agricultumlland use.
4. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator
Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue has no objection to this proposed annexation.
800 13th STREET, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406. (407) 233-5300
g pnnted on recycled paper
Boynton heach Annexation
Chris Cutro
Page 2
5. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT: Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Planner
The Sheriff's Office does not foresee potential problems with this proposal. We
encourage proposals that eliminate enclaves and pare down existing service
6. WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: Carl C. Lingard, P.E., Chief Engineer
The area proposed to be annexed is outside of the Palm Beach County Water
Utilities Department service area.
Roberts, Assistant Director
The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $345.56 as the
above municipality does not participate in the fire-rescue MSTU and the Library
Taxing District. In addition, certain revenue, i.e., utility selVice tax, franchise fees,
sales tax and state shared revenues may be marginally reduceed but cannot be
estimated from available information.
Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. Please be advised that the
comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners,
Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this
annexation is discussed.
S~cerely, ~ '
L / ~
DennisR:~, ~
Planning Director
pc: Board of County Commissioners
Bob Weisman, Administration
Bob Banks, County Attorney's Office
Kris Kern, Planning, Zoning and Building
Bob Kraus, ERM
Kathy Owens, FirelRescue
Diana Newcomer, Sheriff's Department
Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division
Linda Hammond, Water Utilities
Richard Roberts, OFMB
Tim Granowitz, Parks and Recreation Department
Beth McCall, Zoning Division
FILE:Boynton Beach
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_ Proposed Annexation
Boynton Beach
D Unincorporated Palm Beah County
Palm Beach County
Property Appraiser's Map
Rnge 43
Twn 45
Sec(s) 19 & 30
'1Jie City of
'Boynton $eacfi
100 'I;, tIJoynton tIJtadi. tIJoufe.vara
P.O, tIJo'C,310
tIJoynton tIJuufr., 1'Coritfa 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490
1'1U: (407) 738-7459
Pt:annintl1Jtpartmtnt, City!J{JJfl Compft'C, 'West 'J1ti'W
November 14, 1991
Doug O'Hara
Florida Dept. of Transportation
780 SW 24th street
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315
Dear Mr. O'Hara:
Subject: Classification of Winchester Park Boulevard to City
Collector (Functional Classification)
In connection with my conversation with Mr. Weisman on November
14, 1991, I am requesting you to provide comments and/or
recommendations on the above referenced subject. As I had
indicated to Mr. Weisman, in addition to a land use amendment
and rezoning application, an applicant is requesting a
comprehensive Plan text amendment to allow for the addition of
the aforementioned road to the state's classification scheme (a
Comprehensive Plan amendment is required since 'the state's
roadway classifications were adopted within the City'S 1989
Comprehensive Plan).
Please review the atta9hed application materials and provide me
with your comments and/or recommendations with respect to whether
this roadway has the qualifications to serve as a City Collector.
To assist me in reviewing this request and completing my
evaluation, please include the specific qualifications and any
other requirements that you consider when reviewing such a
request. Finally, please explain in your letter the procedures
we will ultimately follow to have this road formally added to the
state's classification system, assuming that this land use
amendment/rezoning and text amendment requests are approved by
our City Commission and the Florida Department of Community
Affairs. Since your analysis and comments will be an integral
part of our recommendation, a timely response is most
5fmeril:as (jateway to tfie (julfstream
Doug O'Hara
November 14, 1991
Thank you for your assistance and, if you have any questions, or
need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me
at (407) 738-7490.
Michael W. Rumpf
Senior city Planner
100 'E, 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Bou1evara
P,O. 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Bead", ~forUfa 33425-0310
(407) 738,7490
~5U: (407) 738,7459
Pranning Vepartment, City:J-fa[[ Comp~ 'West Uing
November 4, 1991
Lindsey A. Walter
Kilday & Associates
1551 Forum Place, suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
RE: Fees Owed for the Current Mall South Applications
Dear Mr. Walter:
Please be informed that Mr. Winchester has provided my staff
sufficient documentation to verify the payment and processing of
fees for the original submittal of the Mall South and M. Davis
applications. Since these applications were not thoroughly
processed, nor were fees returned, I have determined that such
fees should contribute toward the fees now owed in connection
with the current Mall South applications.
The calculation of the fee now owed for the Hall South
applications is:
Land Use Arnendment/Rez.
(DCA review)
Text Amendment
Less Credited Fees:
Annexation (Hall South)
Annexation (H. DaVis)
Land Use Amendment/Rez.
(Hall South)
Total Credited
5tmerica's (jateway to tfie (julfstream
Lindsey A. Walter
November 4, 1991
To reiterate, the total fee currently owed for the Mall South
Application is $1,600. If you have any questions regarding the
aforementioned, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Rumpf,
Senior Planner or me.
:J;;.;..J,)_7 j;P
Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P
Planning Director
cc: Central File
': \. Chair
, JL
County Administrator
Jan \Vinters
Department of Engineering
and Public Works
';~ord Lee
October 28, 1991
Mr. Chris Cutro
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310
Dear Mr. Cutro:
The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study
for the project entitled Winchester Commercial Tract pursuant to the 1990 Traffic
Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-40). The proposed development is on a
18.74 acre parcel of land bounded by Boynton Beach Boulevard, Winchester
Boulevard, Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. The development consists of
a 173,000 square foot shopping center proposed to be built-out by 1993. This
equates to a floor area ratio of 0.21.
The project has a significant impact on one backlogged roadway, Old Boynton Road
from Winchester Boulevard to Military Trail. This roadway is scheduled to be
widened to 5-lanes in FY 91/92. As is stated in the study, building activity
on this site must be delayed until the roadway construction commences. Based
on this condition, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets
the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County.
If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic
Division, please feel free to contact Dan Weisberg at 684-4030.
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Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E.
Acting Assistant County Engineer
oct 29
File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review
"An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer"
Box 21229 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000
%e City of
r:Boynton r:Beacli
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead" 'Boulevard
P,Q, 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Bead;', :rforitfa 33425-0310
(407) 738,7490
:rjfX: (407) 738,7459
PCanning'Department, City 1fa[[ Compfe~ 'West 'l1Iing
october 28, 1991
Mr, Marc Bruner
Solid Waste Authority
7501 N. Jog Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33412
RE: Mall South Annexation-Availability of Solid Waste Facilities
Dear Mr. Bruner:
Per our conservation on October 25, 1991, regarding the above
referenced subject, I am providing you with the additional
information needed to conduct an analysis of the availability of
facilities on the Mall South application, Please note that I
have provided you with two sets of figures based on two different
lot coverage percentages, As indicated below, the first lot
coverage requirement is simply the maximum allowed within each
land use classification based on the zoning code of each
jurisdiction, The second lot coverage percentage is an average
created from several projects in Palm Beach County and within the
City. This figure represents a more likely scenario, as it
incorporates development regulations which tend to reduce the
developable area of a site (i.e. parking and landscaping
requirements, etc.),
According to the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Code, the existing land use category, CH/8 Commercial High, will
allow 778.308 square feet of commercial floor area based on a
maximum lot coverage of 35%. However, a more likely percentage
in Palm Beach has been estimated at 23~. A 23% lot coverage
requirement applied to the subject site could potentially result
in the development of 511,460 square feet of floor area,
According to the proposed land use classification, Local Retail
Commercial, with a maximum lot coverage of 40%, 889.495 square
feet of commercial floor space would be allowed, The average
percent covered by several projects within the City is actually
20%, and if this limit is applied to the subject area a total
of approximately 445.000 square feet of floor area would be
~merica's gateway to tfie guIJStream
Mr. Marc Bruner
october 29,1991
I hope this additional information is helpful. If you have any
questions, or need additional information, do not hesitate to
contact me at 738-7490. Thank you for your assistance,
Michael W. Rumpf,
Senior City planner
,?lie City of
t:Boynton t:Beacfi
100 'E" flJoynton flJUUh. flJouUvara
P,O. flJo1(310
flJoynton flJetUh., :Tfcritia 33425-0310
(407) 738.7490
:T.9lX: (407) 738.7459
Pfanning'Department, City 1fa[[ Compfoc 'West 'J1/ing
October 21, 1991
Mr. Donald Lockhart
Solid Waste Authority
7501 N. Jog Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33412
RE: Mall South Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning
Availability of Solid Waste Facilities (File No. 655)
Dear Mr. Lockhart:
This office is processing a land use amendment for the
above-referenced applications. I respectfully request a
statement in writing, required for transmission of these
applications to the State, which verifies that there are solid
waste facilities available to serve this area. As illustrated on
the attached location map, these applications affect 51,05 acres
of land located between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach
Boulevard, immediately west of Congress Avenue. Please note that
the applicant has requested that a portion of this land be
annexed and zoned Agriculture, and the remaining be annexed and
zoned C-3 Community Commercial. The traffic study submitted by
the applicant indicates that the zoning requested could yield up
to 173,000 square feet of commercial retail space, and
approximately 6 single family dwelling units.
The State has specifi~ time frames within which this information
must be transmitted to them. Therefore, your response would be
greatly appreciated at your earliest convenience. If you have
any questions, please contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner, at
738-7490. Thank you.
~ ' r, ---+----
i~ t'\,v-J.l:;:*:-,.__.t' '-- -,
Christopher cutro, A,I.C.P
Planning Director
.9lmerica's gateway to tfie gulfstream
100 'E. tJ3oynton tJ3etUh tJ3ou.uvara
P,O. tJ3o~31O
tJ3oynton tJ3etUh, ~ri.tla 33425-0310
(407) 738,7490
~5U: (407) 738,7459
Pfanning'Department, City:J-{afl Comp~ 'West 'Ulng
October 21, 1991
Mr. Pat Martin
Lake Worth Drainage District
13081 Military Trail
Delray Beach, Florida 33401
RE: Mall South Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning
Availability of Drainage Facilities (File No. 655)
Dear Mr. Martin:
This office is processing a land use amendment for the
above-referenced applications. I respectfully request a
statement in writing, required for transmission of these
applications to the State, which verifies that there are drainage
facilities available to serve this area. As illustrated on the
attached location map, these applications affect 51.05 acres of
land located between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach
Boulevard, immediately west of Congress Avenue. Please note that
the applicant has requested that a portion of this land be
annexed and zoned Agriculture, and the remaining be annexed and
zoned C-3 Community Commercial. The traffic study submitted by
the applicant indicates that the zoning requested could yield up
to 173,000 square feet of commercial retail space, and
approximately 6 single family dwelling units.
The state has specific time frames within which this information
must be transmitted to them. Therefore, your response would be
greatly appreciated at your earliest convenience. If you have
any questions, please contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner, at
738-7490. Thank you.
-r \~~J..'.~^~ ~~ S\" L.' -
Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P
Planning Director
5fmerica's gateway to tfie (julfstream
100 'E, flJoynton flJeadt flJouUvard
flJoynton 'Beacfi., 7'{orU!a 33425-0310
(407) 738.7490
~.5U: (407) 738-7459
Pt:anning 'Department, City 1laf[ CompU~ 'West '"Wing
october 14, 1991
Mr. Dan Weisberg
Palm Beach Co. Engr. Dept., Traffic Div.
P.O. Box 2429
West Palm Beach, FL 33401-2429
RE: Mall south Land Use Amendment-Traffic study
Dear Mr. Weisburg:
Enclosed you will find a copy of the traffic study submitted as
required for a land use amendment for the unincorporated enclaves
located between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road,
immediately west of Congress Avenue. This application is
scheduled to be reviewed by the City's Planning and Zoning Board
on December 10, 1991.
Please review the enclosed study for compliance with all
applicable provisions of the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance
Code of Palm Beach County (County Ordinance No. 90-40) using
those parameters (maximum dwelling units and square footage)
indicated in the enclosed studies. Since your analysis of the
traffic statement will likely be an integral part of our review
and recommendation, a timely response is most appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance.
Very truly yours,
Christopher Cutro, AICP
Planning Director
JImema's gateway to tfie gulf stream