REVIEW COMMENTS f M!JDWUDI tn'ILITIFS DEPAR'lMPNl' NO. 91 - 597 DATE : December 12, 1991 TO: Michael Rtll'Pf, Assistant City PI John A. FRCM: &JBJECT: Mall South Land Use t Water and Sewer Availability As discussed with Peter Mazzella on this date, we would anticipate the following magnitude of potabl e water and sanitary sewer demmds fran the subject project, based upon gross building square footage as shown: USAGE FACTOR UNITS PIDl/DEMAND Retail space: 0.125 GPO/SQ. FT. Restaurant use: 44 GPO/BFAT 165,000 SQ. FT. 300 SEJ\TS (8000 SQ. F1'.) 'l'O'l'AL FLCJf/DEMAND: 33,825 GPO 20,625 GPO 13,200 GPO Please be advised that we currently have sufficient installed capacity to meet this additional demand. If you have any additional questions on this matter please refer them to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM be: Peter Mazzella xc: File """'1l"'lif""D RECbl" n, OEe 13 PLANN~NG DEPT. - - .// November 19, 1991 GEE & JENSON MEMORANDUM FROM: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., city TO: Michael Rumpf, Sr. Planner RE: Mall South Application for Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment File No. 655 I have reviewed your Planning Department Memorandum 91-272 concerning the reclassification of Winchester Park Boulevard from a local street to a City collector. It is my understanding that Winchester Park Boulevard presently has traffic signalization at the intersection of Old Boynton Beach Road on the north and at Boynton Beach Boulevard on the south and serves as a major access as required in the DRI to the Boynton Beach Mall. I have no objection to the reclassification of this road. WRS:kvc 91-025 RECEIVED NOV 21 PLANNING DE.PT. _.-.,------'" ~ , -- November 15, 1991 GEE & JENSON MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach FROM: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer RE: Mall South Application for Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment - File No. 655 I have reviewed your Planning Department memorandum, No. 91-272, concerning the reclassification of Winchester Park Boulevard from a local street to a city collector. It is my understanding that Winchester Boulevard presently has traffic signalization at the intersection of Old Boynton Beach Road (on the North) and at Boynton Beach Boulevard (on the South). Winchester Boulevard is a major access roadway required in the DRI Development Order for the Boynton Beach Mall. I have no objection to the reclassification of this road as a City collector, as it is already improved and serves as such. It should be noted that the spacing of city collectors should be between one-quarter mile minimum and one-half mile maximum. Knuth Road to the West and Congress Avenue to the East are both approximately one-quarter of a mile away from winchester Park Boulevard placing this collector at/or near the minimum spacing requirements for city collectors. Should you have any further questions on this call. Ie W. Richard Staudinger, City Engineer lease WRS:kvc enc 91-,o.i,~" ;;:'lI.....,~ cc: '~~a J. Scott Ml'er T" ._'~~ ,\~.:;.ji\;/.El) j Sl PLANNiNG nr:pT. ~- ~ \ - I \ Planning Department Memorandum No~ 91-272 TO: W. Richard staudinger, P.E city Engineer ~~ Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director THRU: FROM: Michael Rumpf, f( Senior Planner DATE: October 28, 1991 SUBJECT: Mall South - Application for Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment (File No. 655) This office is currently reviewing the above referenced application which is in connection with an application for annexation and land use/rezoning. As described in the attached application materials, the applicant requests to reclassify Winchester Park Boulevard from a local street to a "City Collector". Please review this request and provide me with your comments. Since your analysis and comments will be an integral part of our review and recommendation, a timely response is most appreciated. If you have any questions, or need additional information, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance. MWR:cp Encs. cc: Vince Finizio, Engineering .' . CITY'OF BO~ON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department.' Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicant's Name (Person or business entity in whose name this application is made): BILL R. WINCHESTER Address: 9290 NICKELS BLVD BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436 (Zip Code) Phone: 732-3961 FAX: 2. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Address: KIERAN J. KILDAY / KILDAY & ASSOCIATES 1551 FORUM PL BLDG 100A WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 Phone: 689-5522 F A..'C : (Zip Code) 689-259'2 3. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* (Zip Code) Phone: F".x : * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. II. PROPOSED AMENDMENT. The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to amend the text of the Comprehen- sive Plan for the reasons stated below: 1. Section, page number, and exact language contained in the Comprehensive Plan which the applicant desires to be amended: Future Land Use Element Paqe 127 "Future Functional Classification" (pg.142 current ver Paqe 128 "2010 Roadway Desiqn Types" (pg.143 current vel See attached maps includinq Winchester Park Boulevard. . PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: Txtl>.mc;nd . '. ~ .- - .. .' ( 2 ) 2. Nature of Amendment requested: See Attached Letter 3. Properties or persons that would be affected by proposed amendment: See attached affected property owner list. 4. Statement of conditions, hardships, or other reasons justifying the proposed amendment: See attached letter III. LIST OF AFFECTED PROPERTY Ow~ERS. For all proposed Compre- hensive Plan amen~~ents which would change the permitted use of property, the applicant must submit the following materials in two (2) copies: 1. A complete list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties for which the permitted uses of said properties would be changed, as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county court house shall be furnished by the applicant. Mailing labels for these addresses must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. Notifi- cation of affected property owners will be handled by the City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend JUSTIFICATION FOR TEXT AMENDMENT TO SHOW WINCHESTER BOULEVARD AS A COLLECTOR ROAD The proposed Text Amendment corrects what should be considered a scribner's error in relation to Winchester Boulevard. Winchester Boulevard is a fully developed collector street dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach between the Boynton Beach Mall and Boynton Beach Boulevard. This collector road was required to be constructed as part of the development of Regional Impact agreement for the Boynton Beach Mall. The purpose of this collector street is to provide direct access between Boynton Beach Boulevard and the Mall, thereby eliminating a significant amount of trip by Congress Avenue. The road was constructed along with the Boynton Beach Mall in the mid-1980's and has, therefore, been considered an all-previous traffic analysis in conjunction with the adoption of the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the designation of this road as a recognized City collector will have no affect on the analysis currently contained in the Plan. In addition, traffic modeling in Palm Beach County also recognizes the existence of Winchester Boulevard in projecting trip distribution from the Mall to both Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Attached is a copy of Ordinance 82-38 requiring the construction of this road as well a Palm Beach County Resolution R-81-1652 which also provides agreement for roadway improvements including this collector road. Additionally, a copy of the 1980 Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan typical cross sections shows the 108' section which was constructed as Winchester Boulevard under a classification of "Urban Arterial". , '. . .... " ' ( 3 ) 2. A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the propertie~ referred to in paragraph 1, above. IV. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the attached schedule. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. , / L-A X dYp )L .~~ Signature bf Applicant ~ 7-C/d- 9/ / Da te VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ," : c:~/cd6v -A!~ ' ~ignatur%f A thorized A~ nt . A~ to..:?/? A./ <:.J- ~'/.z' Y ;;-30- 7'/' Date (I) (We) hereby designate the (our) authorized agent with regard y ~~~J:i~ S~gnature of Appl~cantJ above signed person as (my) to this application. ,5>- d2 t?- 9/ Date PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend r........., H'fP(I.uxa RO eM I~ ~I i~~f ! E:~, I~~\ j ~ I f / ~ j ~ ,~, ; / /0/ I ~ ! / I fIB !' / rei ~ j / I , ~: /' I I ~ tt:; 8,! ' . I i 4.; SM ; SM i I I c.., t . I /f ~ I ! ! ii5 ,I; I / ~c., lA(J i~ ~ u ! ~I I, ~ t :/ j~ I I I eM CM J ~ i i ~ J ! I/~ if i I - , . I i J! ~ I ,9, ; I ~ i ~J I ! j ) I I, il eM ~ &! ! cz: Ii ~ tl 8; (J I , I t MD/Ul 11) C u ~ ~ ~ ::s j 2'2 A '{E H CM 10 L;~ m ~ u c.,v, o:.n a OYIfT 0'1 lu BDYlfTCN I B . S}of I ! !! -'u 5 ~, UJ >- ... ...., & ~ U> :;: 8 WOQLBR16HT go CM Ln C'1 , I I 'I-l T e, I ~ /'.~~ .... & o.f cc a; Z3 AVE S CC &:: is; i' '"', ~ ~ ~~ tl ~j L E (j E N.D sP - S1), TE PRJNCIPAL AI1TCRJALS SJI - STA iE J.lJJoI()q ARTEAJALS O! - COUNTY /.UNrF AfllFRJAlS CC - COIINTY COUECTCRS C - c.nr COl.LCCTtRS- NO Tf:: IJ!IJ./J.n(E]) RQ)j)It'A rs NO T CW STATE CLASSJFJCATJa'I Not To SC:l:c May, 1989 SOURCE: Walter H. Keller Jr., lnc, BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I I I , I FUTURE FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION WALTER H. KELLER JR.. lNC, CQ/1SIlJf ir,g E/lgjneers If ?1ar/:ers COrti} SJ;r ings. Fl Of' :'da 127 .-' .fLD tftPCLUXO III I "'LD t:\f ~ Ii! I I II: ?ij i 2! IIIHE11 /I) 2L IIINER III 2L ~ J'[ 4LlJ C\l Co! loVE N 4LO ~ i i~ II ~ g U! OLD 8D)'NlQH ~LlJ 2L ?ij 4LD N fiO ~ 4LD BOYIfTOH~ B c.cs BLVD 4LO III 5UJ 6LD w > ~ /. gl~ ~~ s:z lD 5 4LlJ 4LD 4LlJ v WOOLBRI6HT AD 6LD ~ ra 2L ~ Ii1 lS ! ~ LEG E H D 2L ?ij~ ~~ ~ a 00 10LX - TEN LANE EXPRESSWAY 5LD - SIX LANE DIVIDED 4LD - FOUR LANE DIVIDED 4L - FOUR LANE UNDIVIDED 21.. - TWO LANE ::+:: - T1U-RAIL SlATlOH 1111 - PROPOSED HIGH SPEED RAIL COAAIOOR Not To Sc.IIc May, 1989 SOURCE: Walter H, Keller Jr., Inc. BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2010 ROADWAY DESIGN TYPES WALTER H. KELLER JR.. JNC. Consulti? Ei1gineers G Pla/l/1ers Cori! Springs. Florida 128 .~ ~s'~e~d~s. ~ J(ed_~SI-hc.o-6~ (Ci.y M. ~ c~.J::.y G.o flee:::. --tc< ) "* - ~-b:t.:f:;;e. C~~~,d... ~ -c-<s~t.)d....y.s - -t:(~;r d2~Y\';t::lO(\S - C~-i:.y C-~ of (X&~~ "c.v' ^ (;.. . P o,'It::.c-~ OIc.:r7hr ~~ - Ct.... y-;c::.s ~:1-C,; ~tP~ l' S17~~5 b tA-r1r=<~ .5trt!!-~ ~\~.MS~. f 5.:>~rv tPc~( .5I::r~d - A!-c-/ :>t::..--f-. ., '. 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L-~('~ -..( <";',----\,-"", - y,S<<(_l("~~ - 3\, {,bt(iF - (,.,t',', (;'t';l''''-'''' v' . <,' (,';' -1.'- < \ ',__" f- ((. ~~ 2- 1/1 /lj~ 5~t;r-r5.113c1"-;1' - I <(.If I 4.W$ l'liS, -t7f af ; (:.;trf{-" (".'I~"\~Y":;~f u:..\ C'::'"..-t:~<' '3~ J)" t(JS /~r orf'. : /,1 I> c1 L 11,0;1;. . I' 'f :. g ,2) (<':.if i~ 711 , ,7-- I#" r: c.', :'~, 177) 'j- cJ )- J /5-j.1-~ ~ -:(.? t ".- ~ ,- c i" l.- f - ~ ~~- ,) \,.' ~ COrr l"fI'::~ C '/el.l tfifh </ :.' <' -J (- A -', ,:) --' " , 'I, (---.. -r~ ~; .1<J'1~. ~ s. 8 (,7./ Lf fS- zf J p>, ...) l::'t- ~..t4 ~ TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS WINCHESTER RESIDENTIAL TRACT BOYNTON BEACH BLVD, & WINCHESTER BOULEVARD BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1991 (REVISED OCTOBER 31.1991) Prepared By: K,S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 7808 St. Andrews Road Lake Worth, Florida 33467 (407) 964-7336 ( FAX ) 9 6 9 - 9 7 1 7 '1/ tp LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS FIGURE 3 DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC FIGURE 4 TOTAL TRAFFIC FIGURE 5 MODIFIED TOTAL TRAFFIC APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D MAJOR PROJECT LIST APPENDIX E TEST 2 MODELING DATA .INTRODUCTION This office has been retained to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis to be part of an application to annex into the City of Boynton Beach. establish a land use classification and to rezone to Agricultrual a 32.31 acre parcel of land. This parcel is bounded by Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Boulevard, Old Boynton Road. This Analysis has been performed in order to determine the volume of traffic expected to be added to the roadway system as a resul t of the approval of this project I the effect that this traffic will have on the capacity of the roadways in the area of the project and what roadway improvements, if any, are necessary as a result of the approval of this project. In addition, this Analysis has been performed in accordance with the standards and cr iter ia as establ ished by the Ci ty of Boynton Beach. For all rezoning applications, the City requires that a traffic report be submi tted which has been prepared in conformance to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County (Ordi- nance #90-40). Existing traffic counts, which were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Division were used when applicable. SITE INFORMATION The subject 32.31 acres is an undeveloped parcel of land presently in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, This parcel is presently zoned AR - Agriculture and has a commercial high intensity designation on the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. _IlIAIL' tlIf".OO.'....tC;1 ""01 w > c( Z c( w 0 0 ~# sn 0 w > a: c( 3 ^", lS31:10V35 0 > 0 W ...J a: > II) c( .J~ ..J. J. .J ,(7 '\v "'r/ r 96-1 0 a: , a: 0 w / a: z (') :!: (\j ~ (fJ 3^V SS31:1DNOO J~ 0 - ' a: I w I I- 0 I a: rn . 01:1 30N31:1MV1 z 0 .- z >- 0 0 Z II) (\j ::t eN U U. ~ 0 c( ...J 11Vl:l1 ...J w 0 0 II) (!) 0 )( Al::lV 1111W ~ ...J 01:1 HONVI:I 0 Cl. I:IIV10 13.- >- z ::t 0 ::t I- (!) Z - Ji >- o II) '" ~ k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. LOCATION MAP a: II) ...J o o ~ dote OCT 91 figure 1 The commercial designation requested under the City' Compre- hensive Plan is similar to the County I s commercial designation. As such, this petition is not considered to be requesting a change in the Comprehensive Plan as much as it is maintaining the same classification as the parcel moves from one jurisdiction to another. The resident ial zoning is being sought at this time as a ho}dinv action. It is not feasible to develop this parcel at this time. As such, the zoning classification with the least intensity is being requested. This zoning classification allows for a density of one dwelling unit per five acres. Thus. the impact of six dwelling units will be analyzed. The site is shown in relation to the surrounding roadways in Figure 1. E~ISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS This property fronts on two roads which are on the County's Thoroughfare Map. Boynton Beach Boulevard is a six lane divided road ad jacent to the site. Boynton Beach Boulevard is a State maintained arterial roadway. Presently, an interchange with the Florida Turnpike is under construction at this road. As a part of this interchange 'construction, the FDOT is widening Boynton Beach Boulevard to a six lane divided road from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road and is widening to a four lane divided road from El Clair Ranch Road to west of the Turnpike. This work is under construction and, for the purposes of this report, shall be considered constructed. -2- .fl'.,U .,...OO....H.CS ,lU701 w > c( Z c( W 0 0 ~ '" sn 0 w > a: c( 3 ^'tJ lS3t!:)V3S 0 > 0 ill .J a: > m <( ~ ...I~ ./. /. I 96-1 0 0 '<t 0 (') (') 10 (0 0 \ '<t '<t a: 0 a: 1:5/ 0: w (') z ~o (0[0 NIO N ::t ~o O)r-. 100 r-.o (')(') O)~ 0(') (0(') ~ (')CO N(O lOCO en (')'<t (')'<t N'<t 3^1rJ SS3C1~NO:> rr 0 (')[0 '<t10 ~..;,:.:. 1010 '<to 00 '<to a: '<tr-. or-. 0(') I (')(') 010 (')(') w r-.co I ~~ ...0 ...~ I- (,)'<t ! .or-. 0 U) 0)(') a: ... at! 3:)N3C1MVl z 0 I- Z >- '<t 0 0 (0 0 0 m r-. (') Z r-.co N J: N'<t () f" () - 100 010 14 u. ~ NO 0 <( 0)0 .J u. lllrJt:Ll ~ lOt') ...J W CO(') 0 c( 0) CO 0 m COCO C) a: ~~ N~ I- 0 0 x At!V llll~ z ::> .J at! H:>NIrJCI 0 I- 0 Z en a. ClllrJl:) 13 I- W x >- z C) ill J: 0 J: I- 0 W Z - ..J 7i >- o lD 0: m .J o o ~ " ~ k, s, rogers, consulting engineer, inc west palm beach, fl. EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS >- I- o c( a. <( o O. ...Jo o. J:cn cno ill.J 0: J:I- 1-<( 1010 NO 10(') 0) co ~'<t date OCT 91 figure 2 >_._-_.__._---------~-_.- ---.-- Old Boynton Road is a five lane road from Congress Avenue to Knuth Road. The two I ane road between Knuth Road and Mi I i tary Trail is scheduled to be widened to a five lane road by Palm Beach County in fiscal year 1991 - 92. The main property front- age is along Winchester Boulevard, a four lane divided collector road which connects Boynton Beach Boulevard to Old Boynton Road. GENERATION The generation rate used for this report was taken from "Trip Ger,eration - Fifth Edition", Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1991 and the Palm Beach County "Fair Share Contribu- tion for Road Improvement Ordinance", #89-19. After a review of these documents, it has been decided that a generation rate of 10 trips per day per dwelling unit shall be used. The project generation can be calculated as: 6 units @ 10.0 tpd/unit = 60 tpd DISTRIBUTION The distribution analysis used in this report was prepared based upon an analysis of the existing and proposed land uses and of observed travel patterns. The following generalized distribu- tion splits have been calculated for this report: NORTH 25% EAST 35% SOUTH 20% WEST 20% The distributed traffic volumes are shown in Figure 3. In accordance with the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, the Radius of Development Influence is limited to the directly ac- cessed links which for this project are Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. -3- w > < z <I( w u 0 l # sn 0 w cc > < 3^\t lS3H::>V3S 0 > 0 W -I a: > m c( ..) ~ .A .A ~ 9 6-1 0 a: \ a:: w 0 z ( a: (') :E N :: en 3^V OIN ~l(') ('10 ('leD SS3HDNO::> t') 'I .q- ;.i.;i; :::. 0 .J~ 0: I w ~~ I l- I 0 (f) . a: OH 3::>N3HMV1 2 0 .... z >- 0 0 z m .N :r ('I u ~ 0 <I( U. -I 1IVH.L -I w 0 0 CO 0 0 u )( AHV.lI1IV1l ->- ::l u..... -I u._ 0 OH H::>NVH <0 D. a:< >- HIV1::> 13 .... a.. . :r z .... ....<0 0 :r 0000 .... 0 WU.O 2 - '0-1 "..u.... f .r~.oo..,.NIC. ""1111 l1 >- o III a:: m -I o o :: ~ k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC o z w (!) W ...J o 0: at.... a.....< 01" ('1/(') ... date OCT 91 figure 3 CD CD - .... e? .... o o c w en > w a: ~ONFORMANCE WITH THE TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE CODE The 1990 Traffic Performance Code of Palm Beach County (Ordinance #90-40) delineates very specific criteria which must be met prior to any Site Specific Development Order request being approved. The traffic performance standard for all major thor- oughfares in Palm Beach County consists of two tests. The first test is the Link BLli Ido1Jt Test. This test requires that the pH\ject not aeld traffic on any road link in the radius of devel- opment in f I uenGe which wou 1 d cause the tota I traf f ic to exceed capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "D" (shown in Appendix A). The buildout period for this project has been established as 1994 by the owner. Thus, to meet Test #1, the total traffic on any link in the project study area should not exceed capacity during the buildout of the project, during 1994. The total traffic is defined as the sum of the existing average annual daily traffic, the project traffic plus the back- ground traffic. The background traffic is further defined as the sum of the historical growth 1 pI us traff ic generated by ma jor projects which are in excess of 10% of the capacity of the af- fected roadway 1 ink.' The total traff ic vol urnes are shown in Figure 4. The 1994 projected traffic has been determined by taking the sum of the 1990/91 AADT, plus the projected historical growth, plus the traffic generated from major projects which are in excess of 10% of the roadway's link capacity. The historical growth calculations are shown in APPENDIX C. The major project traffic volume calculations are shown in APPENDIX D. -4- .fl'''''' ..~.OO...,.MtCI 31"01 w > < Z < W 0 0 ~.,. sn 0 w a: > < 3^V .L831::1::>V3S 0 > 0 w -' 0: > m <( ..)t\. .4 .J /. V r V V- I 96-1 0 \ 0: a: I 0 W .0.CXl 0 / I 0: Z o C\I...('I) 0 IOCXl.... 0 0 ...... C\I .C\lIOC\I 0 C? ::E ('I) ....0 0 I'-CXl ('I) C\I ... ...('1) I'- .... co ;: I ('I) "'10 . I en 3^V SS3I::1DNO:> I '1 ...C\I 0 0 0 ...C\I 0 - I 0: 0 ... - I'- u-.~ I ('I) -. ('I) w . 1000 ... ... - o I'-CXl('l) I I .... I'- ._CXl ! 0 en ('I) _10. 0: I 01::1 3:>N31::1MV1 . z 0 0 . I- en z 0 >- -' 0 0 I- Z m < C\I J: 0 >- . C\I 0 LL LL I- ~ 0 < -' LL 0 11VI::Il. -' w 0 00< < 0 m 0 u:u:a: 0. 0 LLLLI-OCC <<OU:O x A 1::1 V .L111V'l a:a:zLLo ::J -' I-I-::J<-, 0 01::1 H:>NVI::I 01-00:0 0. 1::11'11:> 13 ZOo:l-J: >- Z ~wO-'en :x: I- en"'lo::CCW 0 J: _OOI-a: I- 0 xa:ccO:X: z 0: wo.ml-I- 11 >- o m m -' o o ;: " '" k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. TOT AL TRAFFIC o z w IOCXl....b We!) . C\I 10 C\I 0 o I'-CXl('l) ..J I'- . ... CXl ('I) _10. I' date OCT 91 figure 4 0) 0) . - ('I) I- o o o w en > w a: The total traffic volumes for the buildout year of 1994 are shown with the roadway capacities in Figure 4. Reviewing the total volumes and the roadway capacities in Figure 4, it is seen that on the roadway links within the radius of development influ- ence, the total traffic does exceed capacity on the following roadway links: ROAD LINK BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD OLD BOYNTON ROAD Congress Ave. to Lawrence Rd. Knuth Road to Lawrence Road As stated previously, this section of Old Boynton Road is scheduled to be widened to a five lane road by Palm Beach County in fiscal year 1991 - 92. The recalculated capacity of the wid- ened Old Boynton Road is shown in Figure 5. With this additional capacity, there will be adequate capacity to accommodate this project. The projected volume as shown in Figure 4 for Boynton Beach Boulevard does not accurately reflect the volume of traffic which is expected to be on Boynton Beach Boulevard in 1994. There is an on-going roadway improvement which will have a significant impact on the volume of traffic on the section of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Congress Avenue and Lawrence Road. This is the extension of Woolbright Road (S.W. 15th Ave- nue) from Congress Avenue to Mi 1 i tary Trai 1. According to a traffic analysis prepared by the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), an average of 10,000 trips per day are expected to be diverted off of the 1 ink of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Congress Avenue and Lawrence Road when this link of Woolbright Road is opened. This link of Woolbright is expected to be open during the fourth quarter of 1991. -5- IU\I".'" ttr".oO"."NtCS "trOt W > < z < W 0 0 I ~.,. sn 0 W cc > < 3^V lS3t1::>V3S 0 > 0 W .J cc > (I) < ,/. )~ /. "r .....,.. "( ""( r 96-1 0 a:: , cc .... I 0 W / ~~_O~ a: z ~ NIOO N M ~ o .....0 cnM C\l ..... ~O ~co M ....~ ~ 3: .... I (/) 3^V SS3t1~NO::> I 'I 0 ~~~C\l0 . .... I 0 ~C\lO C~-O"I a: I 0 ~~C\l W ~ 1000 ('I) ~~o o .....ocn I .... ~M I- ..... ~o- I I 0 en ('I) ~~~ cc .... I . Ot:! . z 3::>N3t:!M V1 . 0 ... z >- 0 0 0 co lI.. Z 0 lI.. C\l :I: - < 'C\l LL 0 II. LL 0 cc ~ 0 < .J 00 cc - ... < 11Vt:!1 .J W 0 --a:LL...JQ. 0 co 11.11....11.<< <-' 11.11. < 0 <<occ"'O cca:Z"'OO x Al:IV 1111vt ......=:>> ......J =:>> <-,...O~OO ...J 0 Ot:! HONVt:! ZOO:...W:I: Q. I::lIV10 13 i=W<-'{/)i:i:{/) >- z .lll::=:>>-w :I: I- ~OO.Occ 0 :I: xa:ccoO:I: ... <-' WQ. co<:l!: I- z - 7i >- o co a: CO ..I o o 3: ....i1 IOcn....O~ ~ 100 o .....0 ..... ~o~ ('I) ~~ .... 1 o z w o W ..J " ~ k, s, rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fI, dote OCT 91 figure 5 MODIFIED TOTAL TRAFFIC 0) Ol . .... ('I) ... o o o W (/) > W a: o (/) o ..I ... e( >- I- o The modified total traffic has been recalculated for this link and is also shown in Figure 5. Reviewing the modified total volume for the impacted links of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road, it is concluded that there are no roadway links within the radius of development influence where the total traf- fic exceeds capacity. Therefore, this project can meet the provisions of Test #1. Th e s e con d t est a pro j e c t m us t me e tis the Mod e 1 T est. According to the Model Test, a project cannot be approved if the total model traffic, which includes the project traffic, exceeds the capacity or the adopted level of service of all the affected roadway links within the project maximum radius of development influence. According to TABLE 2B of Ordinance #90-40, the maxi- mum radius of development influence for this project has been determined to be the directly accessed links. This project's maximum radius of development influence does not go beyond the directly accessed links of Boynton Beach Boule- vard and Old Boynton Road. According to the most recent Model Test (Test 2) data ad- dressed in a memorandum from Allan A. Ennis, P.E., Palm Beach County Traffic Division, dated July 19, 1991, neither of these roadway links are listed as having Test 2 volumes in excess of capacity. Therefore, it is concluded that this project meets the Model Test. This Analysis has shown that the total project meets both Test #1 and Test #2 for the complete buildout of this project. -6- PEAK HOUR This rezoning application does not meet the definition in Ordinance #90-40 as a site Specific Approval. As such, .an exer- cise to identify site related improvements at this early time would be an unwarranted exercise. The site related impacts will be fully addressed at such time that the project's intensity is defined on the site plan, CONCLUSION The owner of this 32.31 acre parcel is desirous of annexing this parcel into the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. As part of the annexation request, Concurrent Land Use Designation and Zoning Classification must be requested. A commercial land use designation with a Agricultural Zoning Classification is being requested for this site. It has been shown that this is not an increase in land use designation as the parcel currently has a similar designation on the Palm Beach County Land Use Plan. The impact of the agricultural zoning classification was addressed. The maximum density that can be developed on this site is 6 dwell i ng uni ts. These 6 units can be expected to generate an average of 60 trips per day. It was found that this proposed use can meet both Test #1 and Test #2 of the 1990 Traffic Performance Code of Palm Beach County. -7- APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE (AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC) ROADWAY TPD Two Lane 13,700 Four Lane Divided 30,200 Five Lane Undivided 30,200 Six Lane Divided 46,300 Eight Lane Divided 60,000 Six Lane Freeway 110,700 APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE ~HOROUGHFARE TYPE MINIMUM VOLUME (TRIPS PER DAY) Two Lane 137 Four Lane (Divided) 302 Five Lane (Undivided) 302 Eight Lane (Divided) 463 600 Six Lane (Divided) Six Lane (Expressway) 1107 APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS WINCHESTER RESIDENTIAL TRACT ANNUAL GROWTH 1990/91 1994 ROAD/Link RATE AADT AADT DIFFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: Congress to Winchester 10.05% ( 2 ) 37,045 51, 796 14,751 Winchester to Lawrence 10.05% ( 2 ) 37,045 51,796 14,751 OLD BOYNTON ROAD: Congress to Winchester 2.38% (1) 13,004 14,118 1, 114 Winchester to Lawrence 2.38% (1) 13,004 14,118 1, 114 CONGRESS AVENUE: N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton 8.03% 33,311 40,406 7,095 Old Boynton to B B Blvd. 8.03% 33,311 40,406 7,095 B B Blvd. to Woolbright 11.51% 28,672 37,648 8.976 NOTES: (1) The three year growth rate, 1987/88 - 1990/91 is not calculable. The 1991 AADT for this link is 12610. The 1988 - 91 three year growth rate calculates to be 2.38%. (2) Actual 87/88 to 90/91 three year growth rate is 16.65%. This is not a reasonable growth rate. The 1991 off peak season count calculates to be 33,251 tpd. The 1988 - 91 three year growth rate calculates to be 10.05%. REVISED OCTOBER 31,1991 APPENDIX D MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC WINCHESTER RESIDENTIAL TRACT The following Major Projects have been identified as having an impact within the project's radius of development influence: Boynton Beach Mall Motorola Quantum Industrial Park None of the Major Projects identified in the project study area are expected to add more than 10% of the adopted threshold capacity of any of the roadway links within the project's maximum radius of development influence. APPENDIX E MODELING DATA WINCHESTER RESIDENTIAL TRACT TAZ # 486 SIC CODE: N/A Number of Dwelling Units: 6 LCCA TION MAF" MALL SOUTH l} ~~~J\ ...., . ,---J . "M ,------ . , .... - ~ ~ ~ < Iij ll. ~ \ ; ,~ c:::=> R 3 : '0 1/8 ~ -n \I \ I \ ~ #0 ,400. .800 FEET . 1()/91 \ "" \ \ >> > \ .. ' \ -- \ --> \ - - I - I ~ O:J \ ~ ~' tfl lJ1 OO.,i.. ~ \., 't; '" ~> vJ ~ OJ '0' Q.) . - , ". \~ (, .. .... fJ\ '\ vJ \') b' 1 fJ\ \~ ,... . r .0' " \ " ....... . lJl _..a 0' , . \~ Q. ..~ --- ..~ ~ P'~ 0', 0' ,.. \~ n 05tlS,' ._----- -- /) -1..--- ... .. y " ; ~.. J' o l' \ \ . , ~ --"^ ~~ --- >~ N.N.@~ (" - \ ,'\10 -\- )> a, C) ...... . , "., . ~ \~t t>J., / b ; <? ;c ' ~ WI,I\JCHEST'=R f)ARK \ \ "60,11 l; ,. ~\~ . V f' \ -]~ 1 ~ (jl \ BLVD , ' , 6 ~ 08/0 OR5356POBO ~ _____z2!,-rZ , ~, l;o....--- .... .0 - ;: , \ /- - ) \ \ -- ~ ..1-, -- " -L -. --- - ,'( I. , \ ~..- . Vf) , . 1 '')j . " ' \ .~ ~..~, "1"-." - - UJ Q I\) I f"'\ CO I\)-.....:w . .~ , ~ <; \0-1 ~ C')\ ~ ():) O. ....>'.. ~.... \ !, : \ \ . >' \, \ ~~ I '- " :0. - -~ -- ~ 0, .... ~ ~ ~