TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager
FROM: Christopher Cutro, AICP
Planning & Zoning Director
DATE: May 13, 1992
SUBJECT: Mall South - Ordinances for Annexation, Land Use
Plan Amendment, Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, and
Attached please find, and consider on First Reading at the City
Commission meeting scheduled for May 19, 1992, the ordinances for
the above referenced applications. The applications are
summarized below.
Kieran J. Kilday, agent for Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher &
Schroeder, A Florida General Partnership; Ernest Klatt, Bill
Winchester, and Elsie A. Winchester, is requesting that 50.94
acres of property, located between Old Boynton Road and Boynton
Beach Boulevard, west of Congress Avenue, be annexed into the
City. The applicant is also requesting that the subject area be
rezoned from AR, Agricultural Residential, in Palm Beach County
to AG, Agriculture, (area west of Winchester Park Blvd.), and
C-3, Community Commercial, (area east of Winchester Park Blvd.),
and that the Future Land Use Plan designation for the entire area
be amended from CH/8, Commercial High, in Palm Beach County to
"Local Retail Commercial" (See Attachment "A").
In addition, the applicant has submitted an application to amend
the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting to amend
Figure #17 (2010 Roadway Design Types) and Figure #18 (Future
Functional Classification) of the Traffic Circulation Support
Document, in order to recognize Winchester Park Boulevard on
these figures as a "Four Lane Divided Road" and a "County
Collector", respectively.
The Mall South applications were unanimously recommended for
approval by the Planning and Zoning Board, subject to staff
comments, on December 10, 1991, and then unanimously approved by
the City Commission for transmittal to the Florida Department of
Community Affairs (DCA) on December 17, 1991. The land use
amendment and Comprehensive Plan text amendment applications were
then forwarded to the DCA for review. The State review of the
applications is based upon consistency with the City's
Comprehensive Plan, the State Comprehensive Plan, and the
Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan.
On April 13, 1992, the City received the results of the review by
the DCA. Numerous objections were raised by the State, which can
be summarized as relating to either analysis requirements (i.e.
availability of and impact upon services), or inconsistency with
the City's Comprehensive Plan. With respect to the inconsistency
with the Comprehensive Plan, the objections related specifically
to Comprehensive Plan policies that address the addition of land
designated for commercial uses.
Although additional analysis on the availability of and impact
upon facilities will be provided to the DCA (the original
analysis on the availability of facilities was based upon the
highest development potential according to zoning, not according
to land use classifications as required by DCA), the remaining
objections raised by the State, particularly as they relate to
the City's Comprehensive Plan, are based upon incorrect
assumptions and findings. Staff has determined that the proposed
amendments are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
May 13, 1992
With respect to the issue of availability of, and impact upon
facilities, with the exception of roads, there exists sufficient
capacity for the remaining facilities (i.e. utilities, drainage,
solid waste, and recreation) to serve the maximum development
allowed by the proposed amendments. Since roadway capacity does
not exist at this time to permit the maximum development of this
project, development would have to be delayed or phased until
roadway capacity was available, or the levels of service for the
affected roads would have to be altered. It should be noted that
approval of these requests would not approve development activity
that would further degrade area roadways. Development of the
site will continue to be subject to the County's Traffic
Performance Standards Ordinance.
The Planning & Zoning Department continues to recommend that the
Mall South applications for annexation, Land Use Element
amendment, and rezoning be approved, and this recommendation is
based, in part, on the following:
1. The SUbject property is contiguous to the corporate limits
of the City;
2. The annexation of the subject property will result in the
elimination of an unincorporated enclave;
3. The subject property is located within the City's municipal
service area;
4. The requests are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, and
5. The subject property was included within the data and
analysis of the Comprehensive Plan Support Documents as part
of the Boynton Beach Market Area.*
The Planning & Zoning Department also recommends that the
application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment be approved
based on the following:
1. The request for reclassification is consistent with the
definitions for a Collector Street as indicated in the
City's Zoning Code and the State of Florida Manual of
Uniform Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance
For Streets and Highways;
2. This request is consistent with the design standards as
provided in the City's Zoning Code and the State of Florida
Manual of Uniform Standards For Design, Construction and
Maintenance For Streets and Highways; and
3. Winchester Park Boulevard was originally constructed
according to Palm Beach County standards as an "Urban
Pursuant to State requirements, staff will provide a copy of the
above referenced ordinances (if adopted), as well as a thorough
response to each objection raised by the DCA, to the DCA.
*NOTE: The Boynton Beach Market Area was the study area
designated within the data and analysis of the Comprehensive
Plan for projecting the supply/demand of the different land
MWR: jm
(Original Staff Report)
TO: Chairman and Members,
Planning and Zoning Board
THRU: Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P.
Planning Director
FROM: Michael W. Rumpf,
Senior Planner
DATE: December 3, 1991
SUBJECT: Mall South - File No. 655
Request for Annexation, Land Use Plan Amendment/
Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment
Kieran J. Kilday, agent for Bill R. Winchester and Elsie A.
Winchester, Ernest Klatt, and Winchester, Winchester, Zieher &
Schroeder, Partnership, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach,
a total of 51.05 acres of land located between Old Boynton Road
and Boynton Beach Boulevard, on the east and west sides of
Winchester Park Boulevard (see location map in Attachment "A").
The land is currently zoned AR Agricultural Residential in Palm
Beach County and is undeveloped. Accompanying this request for
annexation are requests to amend the Future Land Use plan of the
comprehensive plan to show the annexed land as "Local Retail
Commercial" and to rezone that portion of the subject area that
lies to the east of Winchester Park Boulevard to C-3 Communiey
Commercial, and to rezone the remainder of the land to AG .
Agriculture. The above described applications have not been
attached to this report, however, they can be reviewed in the
planning Department where they are on file.
These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land
Use Plan of the comprehensive Plan, and rezoning are being
processed consistent with Florida statutes and Boynton Beach
codes, ordinances and resolutions as follows:
1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government comprehensive Planning
and Land Development Act.
2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of ordinances
and Resolutions.
3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and contraction
4. Boynton Beach code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section
3.A.5.(e): Boundary and Zoning
5. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for
6. Boynton Beach Ordinance #89-38: 1989 comprehensive
These regulations have been listed for informational purposes.
Paraphrasing, these regulations require newspaper advertisements,
public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City
Commission, review by the Florida Department of community Affairs
(DCA), and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the
Future Land Use Plan and rezone.
As previously discussed, this property is currently zoned AR
Agricultural Residential, and is undeveloped. The land use and
PM No. 91-318
DECEMBER 3, 1991
zoning in the surrounding area varies, and is presented for your
information in the table which follows:
Direction Jurisdiction Zonina Land Use
North Boynton Beach C-3 Boynton Beach Mall
Northeast Boynton Beach R-l-AA Vacant
East Boynton Beach C-3 Oakwood Square Shopping
Southeast Boynton Beach C-3. .
(north of Boynton Beach Blvd.)
South Boynton Beach C-3
(north of Boynton Beach Blvd.)
South C-3
(south of Boynton Beach Blvd. )
Commercial uses at
intersection: NCNB Bank
(vacant) and Shell
Service Station, The
Door Store (furniture),
WRMB Radio Station.
Bedding Barn
Boynton Plaza Shopping
U.S. Post Office
Vacant (master plan
approved for 120,000
square foot shopping,i'
center) ;
PUD Stonehaven POD (Banyon
Creek single family
Southwest Boynton Beach C-3
(north of Boynton Beach Blvd.)
Palm Beach county AR
Boynton Beach PCD
Palm Beach County RSISE
Paz Plaza and Greentree
Plaza II (strip
commercial centers)
Oakwood Lakes PUD
The subject properties lie within the City's reserve annexation
area. Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of Appendix A - Zoning, staff
analysis of the proposed rezoning (and land use amendment) is not
required where rezoning is requested in connection with an
application for annexation and the rezoning would be consistent
with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan, or consistent with
the zoning or land use recommendations contained in the City of
Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan.
With respect to the above, the proposed land use and zoning
categories requested would be generally consistent, provided
future development on the subject properties complies with the
requirements for Planning Area 7.f. of the Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Support Document, which are underlined below:
7.f. Incorporated and Unincorporated Parcels Bounded bv .
Conaress Avenue. Old Bovnton Road. Knuth Road. and L.W.D.D.
L-24 Canal
This area cont~ins a number of parcels in an unincorporated
enclave, all of which should be annexe~. These parcels have
unique characteristics, since there are relatively few
owners, the area is bounded by collector and arterial roads,
and the area is adjacent to a regional mall and two
community shopping centers. consequently, the City should
encourage intensive commercial development in this area.
Particular reauirements of the City should be that these
PH No. 91-318
DECEMBER 3, 1991
Darcels be annexed Drior to development. the parcels be
developed as planned zonina districts. where possible. or
meet the intent of planned zonina district setbacKs and
areenbelt standards where not possible. that the City
approve any Developments of Reaional Impact (includina
areawide DRIS) for these parcels. and that development not
exceed the capacity of public facilities which serve these
In order to minimize land use conflicts with the residential
land uses which lie to the west, those parcels which abut
the east side of Knuth Road should be placed in the Office
Commercial land use category. The City should require that
commercial development of includes the
provision of adequate buffers to protect the residential land
uses which lie to the west.
High Density Residential or mixed-use residential and
commercial development should be considered to be an
alternative land use, if roadway capacity proves to be a
problem. Residential densities up to 10.8 dwelling units
per acre would be permitted in this case.
The rights-of-way for Congress Avenue, Knuth Road, Old
Boynton Road, abutting this area should also be annexed, as
well as any platted Palm Beach Farms roads within the area.
A portion of the subject area is to be rezoned to Agriculture.
Such a use can be construed to be consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Policy 1.16.1, which provides~for
agricultural and horticultural uses in all land use categories as
interim uses.
Although a thorough review is not necessary, an evaluation of the
potential impacts that these amendments may have on facilities
and services is required by the Florida Department of Community
Affairs for their review of the proposed land use amendment. For
that reason, these applications were reviewed for their potential
impact upon drainage, solid waste, road, and parks and recreation
facilities. These reviews were conducted by the respective
agencies and the results have been included in this report within
Attachment liB".
In addition to the aforementioned requests~ the applicant
proposes to amend the text of the Comprehensive Plan. The
applicant is requesting to amend Figure #17 (2010 Roadway Design
Types) and Figure #18 (Future Functional Classification) of the
Traffic Circulation Support Document by recognizing Winchester
Park Boulevard on these figures as a "Four Lane Divided Road" and
a "County Collector", respectively. Since the subject figures
were adopted within the city's comprehensive Plan (as part of the
Future Conditions Hap Series), a Comprehensive Plan Text
Amendment is therefore required to amend them. The application
for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment is also on file in the
Planning Department.
Winchester Park Boulevard was constructed in connection with the
Development of Regional Impact Agreement for the Boynton Beach
Mall. According to the Agreement for Roadway Improvements (Palm
Beach County Resolution No. R-81-1652) Winchester Park Boulevard
was constructed according to the engineering standards of Palm
Beach County, and specifically, as an "Urban Collector".
Winchester Park Boulevard has a total right-of-way of 108 feet,
and consists of 4 (four), 12 foot lanes, divided by a median.
The Florida Department of Transportation is responsible for the
functional classification of roadways. This hierarchial
arrangement is based on overall roadway function and level of
use. An "Urban Collector Roadway" is defined in the
PM No. 91-318
DECEMBER 3, 1991
Comprehensive Plan Traffic Circulation Support Document as
"...connecting trips from the arterial system to their ultimate
destinations". An "Urban Local street System" is defined as
"...providing direct access to abutting uses, connections to
higher order systems, and offer the lowest mobility. Service to
through traffic is deliberately discouraged and bus routes are
not usually provided". Furthermore, the city's Code of
ordinances, Appendix C, Article V Definitions, describes a local
street as having " continuity and not for through
traffic". It is clear that according to the above descriptions
and definitions, Winchester Park Boulevard, based upon its use,
could be considered a collector road.
According to the City's Code of ordinances, Appendix C, Article X
Design Requirements, the minimum right-of-way for a collector
roadway is 80 feet, and there must be 2 or more 12-foot lanes
with turning lanes. As indicated above, Winchester Park
Boulevard has a total right-of-way of 108 feet, and consists of 4
(four), 12 foot lanes, divided by a median. It should be noted
that the City's standard for minimum paving width exceeds the
standard provided by the Florida Department of Transportation as
indicated in the state of Florida Manual of Uniform Minimum
Standards For Design, Construction and Maintenance For Streets
and Highways.
Lastly, the City's Engineer has indicated that he has no
objections to this reclassification as Winchester Park Boulevard
also meets the spacing requirements for city collector roads (see
Attachment "C").
ImDact upon the state Functional Classification System and the
Traffic Circulation SUPDort Document
It should be noted that the applicant is requesting an amendment
to the Future Functional Classification system (Figure #18), and
not the official Functional Classification system as indicated in
Figure #4 of the Traffic Circulation Support Document. The
Florida Department of Transportation must review and approve any
additions to their official Functional Classification System
(Figure #4). Although the official Functional classification
system will ultimately be amended to reflect the changes that
are made in the Future Functional Classification system (Table
#18), this process can be done in the future consistent with the
state's official process for amending their classification
system. This process is to be conducted next in 1993, and based
upon the analysis within this report, it is likely that the state
would approve this amendment.
Furthermore, it should also be noted that the applicant has
indicated, in the justification statement of the application,
that the designation of this road as a city Collector will have
no affect on the remaining data and analysis currently contained
in the support Document (see Attachment "D"). However, if it is
ultimately determined that additional amenmdments to the support
Document are needed as a result of the reclassification of
Winchester Park Boulevard, the applicant should be responsible
for such amendments.
The Planning Department recommends that the applications for
Annexation, and Land Use Amendment/Rezoning submitted by Kieran
J. Kilday be approved contingent upon the necessary delay in, or
phasing of the development as indicated in the anlaysis of
traffic impact (see Attachment "B"), and this recommendation is
based in part on the following:
1. The subject property is contiguous to the corporate limits
of the City;
2. The annexation of the subject property will result in the
elimination of an unincorporated enclave;
PH No. 91-318
DECEMBER 3, 1991
3. The subject property is located within the Cityrs municipal
service area; and
4. The requests are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and
the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map.
The Planning Department also recommends that the application for
a comprehensive Plan Text Amendment be approved based in part on
the following:
1. The request for reclassification is consistent with the
definitions for a Collector street as indicated in the
City's Zoning Code and the state of Florida Manual of
Uniform Minimum Standards For Design, construction and
Maintenance For Streets and Highways;
2. The request for reclassification is consistent with the
design standards as prOVided in the City's Zoning Code and
the state of Florida Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards For
Design, Construction and Maintenance For streets and
Highways; and
3. Winchester Park Boulevard was originally constructed
according to Palm Beach County standards as an "Urban
Michael W. Rump
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Numbers on map correspo~
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J. Scott Miller, City Manager
C'~ ~~
Christopher Cutro, Planning Director
December 12, 1991
Mall South
Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning/
Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment
Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission
agenda for Tuesday, December 17, 1991, under Public Hearings.
DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Kilday & Associates to show
annexed land as Local Retail Commercial, to rezone from AR
(Agricultural Residential) in Palm Beach County to C-3 (Community
Commercial) and AG (Agriculture) and to amend the Traffic
Circulation Element Support Document of the Comprehensive Plan to
include Winchester Park Boulevard as a city collector on the
Future Functional Classification Map and to include Winchester
Park Boulevard as a 4-lane divided road on the 2010 Roadway
Design Map. The property, totalling 51.05 acres, is located on
the west side of Congress Avenue between Old Boynton Road and
Boynton Beach Boulevard.
RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board recommended
approval of this request, subject to the applicant applying for a
Comprehensive Plan text amendment to delete language regarding
zoning to a Planned Commercial District (PCD) in Area 7.f of the
Future Land Use Element Support Document or to the applicant
applying for rezoning of the subject property to PCD, prior to
site plan approval.
~~Miller, City Manager
'-~ t=>
Christopher Cutro, Planning Director
December 11, 1991
Planning and Zoning Board Meeting
December 10, 1991
Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Board met on
Tuesday, December 10, 1991 and took the following action:
1. Continued the public hearing for the Cross Creek Centre
parking lot variance to the January 14, 1992 meeting at
7:00 p.m., as per the applicant's final request for another
30 day postponement.
2. Tabled the determination of consistency with the
Comprehensive Plan for the proposed amendment to Appendix
A-Zoning to amend the regulations governing service stations
and convenience stores until the amendment is presented to
the Board in ordinance form. In addition, the Board
directed staff to formulate language to include specific
landscape buffer criteria, a 6 foot rather than a 5 foot
concrete wall and to change "larger" to "wider" under the
locational standards. The Board reiterated their desire to
exclude T-intersections as an allowable location for such
3. After conducting a public hearing recommended approval of
Ray F. Flow's request for conditional use approval of an
existing day care center, subject to proviso. Motion was
made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mr. Howard. The vote
was 5-1 with Mr. Rosenstock dissenting. (PM91-324)
4. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of Kilday and Associates' Mall South request to
show annexed land as Local Retail Commercial, to rezone from
AR in Palm Beach County to C-3 and AG and to amend the
Traffic Circulation Element Support Document of the
Comprehensive Plan to include Winchester Boulevard as a city
collector on the Future Functional Classification Map and as
a 4-lane divided road on the 2010 Roadway Design Map,
subject to proviso. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and
seconded by Mr. Cwynar. (PM91-325)
5. After conducting a public hearing, recommended approval of
the City's water treatment plant expansion request to amend
the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from
Medium Density Residential to Public and Private
Governmental/Institutional, amend Area 4.e of the Future
Land Use Element Support Document to remove obsolete text
and rezone from R-2 to PU, Public Usage. The motion was
made by Mr. Howard and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. The vote
was 5-1 with Mr. Hinson dissenting. (PM91-326)
6. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
denial of the City's North Federal Highway request to amend
Area 1.i of the Future Land Use Element Support Document, to
remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed rezoning
and to rezone from C-4 to C-3. The motion was made by Mr.
Cwynar and seconded by Mr. Hinson.
In addition a motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded by
Mrs. Stevens recommending that the City Commission, an
alternative to rezoning from C-4 to C-3, investigate an
aesthetic/landscape overlay district for the C-4 zoned area
of North Federal Highway. The vote was 4-2 with Mr. Cwynar
and Mrs. Huckle dissenting. (PM91-327)
Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-323
Page 2
7. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #13-A request to amend
Area 7.a of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to
remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed rezoning
and to rezone from R-2 to C-1. The motion was made by Mr.
Cwynar and seconded by Mr. Hinson. Mrs. Stevens was out of
the room during the making of the motion. (PM91-328)
8. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #1 request to amend the
Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Low
Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and to
amend Area 4.b of the Future Land Use Element Support
Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the
proposed land use. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and
seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-329)
9. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #3 request to amend the
Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Low
Density Residential to Medium Density Residential to amend
Area 4.h of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to
remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use
amendment. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded
by Mr. Hinson; Mr. Cwynar was out of the room during the
making of the motion. (PM91-330)
10. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #10 request to amend the
Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from
Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential and to
amend Area 4.a of the Future Land Use Element Support
Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the
proposed land use amendment. The motion was made by Mr.
Howard and seconded by Mr. Hinson; Mr. Cwynar was out of the
room during the making of the motion. (PM91-331)
11. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #20 request to amend the
Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from High
Density Residential to Local Retail Commercial and to delete
Area 1.g of the Future Land Use Element Support Document.
The motion was made by Mr. Hinson and seconded by Mr.
Howard; Mr. Cwynar was out of the room during the making of
the motion. (PM91-332)
12. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #21 request to amend the
Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from High
Density Residential to Local Retail Commercial and Low
Density Residential and to delete Area 1.h of the Future
Land Use Element Support Document. The motion was made by
Mr. Howard and seconded by Mrs. Huckle; Mr. Cwynar was out
of the room during the making of the motion. (PM91-333)
13. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #25 request to amend the
Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from
Office Commercial to Local Retail Commercial and to amend
Area 3.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to
remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use
amendment. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded
by Mr. Cwynar. (PM91-334)
Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-323
Page 3
14. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #26 request to amend the
Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Local
Retail Commercial to Office Commercial and to amend Area 3.f
of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove
text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use
amendment. The motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded
by Mrs. Huckle. (PM91-335)
15. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended
approval of the City's Application #16 request to amend Area
1.a of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to
remove text that recommends R1A zoning for a portion of the
Lakeside Gardens subdivision. The motion was made by Mrs.
Huckle and seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-336)
16. Continued the public hearing for the Cedar Grove P.U.D. to
the January 14, 1992 meeting at 7:00 p.m., as per the
applicant's request for a 30 day postponement.
17. Unanimously recommended approval of the request for a six
month concurrency extension for Boynton Lakes Plaza. The
motion was made by Mrs. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Huckle.
cc: Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator