APPLICATION KIIdIIy (10 A.-ocI8te8 Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 0;yc;? b4~. ~"7>.../ ~~. An. .~ A~ WE TRANSMIT: . ~EREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOllOWING: o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM DTRACINGS/SEPIAS ~BMITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER D SHOP DRAWINGS 0 Copy OF LETTER 0 TH IS IS TRANSM ITIED TO YOU: RECEIVED MAY t 3 1992 DATE .5 - /";;2 - J? c:;:2.. PROJECT NAME /77a~ '-.J: a~ PROJECT NUMBER 7;; ;: ~ o FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT o FOR YOUR USE Rs REOUESTED ACTION CODE: A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o RESUBMIT E DO NOT RESUBMIT F. RESUBMIT FOR FILES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO ~~~~/' CODE d- ~ ~~//1.-ch~,<J ~~~ evn.c:U 0-~'C<::--roO 0~~ ~~~~~d ~L~~~ IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE U~..(~TH ENCLOSURE o o o o o COPIES TO ~/ FILE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV / """EO <~ L1 Ja.& j SIMa ~ONS & WHITE, Ih~. Engineers · Planners · Consultants May 11, 1992 Job No. 92-029A TRAFFIC IMPACT SUMMARY MALL SOUTH AMENDMENT Winchester Residential Tract Winchester Commercial Tract Palm Beach County, Florida INTRODUCTION The Mall South Amendment consists of a request for annexation into the City of Boynton Beach for two tracts of land currently located in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, Florida. Winchester Residential Tract (to be known as Tract R in this summary) is located generally in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard and contains approximately 32.31 acres. The undeveloped parcel is currently zoned Agriculture (AR) and has a commercial high intensity designation on the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. It is proposed to annex. this parcel into the City of Boynton Beach with a requested City land use classification of commercial and zoning of agriculture. Winchester Commercial Tract (to be known as Tract C in this summary) is located generally in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard and contains approximately 18.74 acres. The undeveloped parcel is currently zoned Agriculture (AR) and has a commercial high intensity designation on the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. It is proposed to annex this parcel into the City of Boynton Beach with a requested City land use classification of commercial and a zoning of Commercial C-3. Both of the. above parcels have been investigated individually with respect to traffic performance by K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc. The report for Tract C, Winchester Commercial Tract, is dated October 1, 1991 and is attached with this summary. It addressed the traffic impact of 173,000 S.F. of commercial development in accordance with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90-40. Based on a total site area of 18.74 acres, 173,000 S.F. represents a 21.27- coverage, calculated as follows: 173.000 S.F. (18.74 acres) (43,560 S.F/Acre) x 100 = 21.27- 4623 Forest Hill f:- II i 5~ or ~j):N , 5c-d2r ~ZC//-~ 6~L Zl%1 o-€c;Z~ 7'2-/ A,.,.,=n6//Vl=~ lorida 33415 -:;' Traffic Impact Summary Job No. 92-029A May 11, 1992 - Page Two INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED) Considering the City Boynton Beach requirements regarding parking, open space, landscaping, and stormwater management, a 21.27. building coverage is reasonable for the purposes of addressing traffic performance. The report for Tract R, Winchester Residential Tract October 1, 1991, latest revision October 31, 1991. It the traffic impact of 6 residential units based on the density under the requested City zoning of AR. is dated addressed allowable Two comments were received concerning the above-referenced Traffic Impact Studies. The first comment concerns the analysis of the traffic impact from 6 residential units on T~act R based on the requested zoning. It has been requested that the Traffic Impact Analysis for Tract R be revised to address the traffic impact from potential development under the City's commercial land use designation rather than the zoning. The second comment concerns the analysis of both tracts individually. It has been requested that the traffic impacts from future commercial development on both the 18.74 acre parcel (Tract C) and the 32.31 acre parcel (Tract R) be combined in one analysis of the total 51.05 acres. This summary will therefore address the traffic impacts of the full 51.05 acre parcel as a phased commercial development. Phase One will consist of 173,000 S.F. of commercial development on Tract C and will conform to the traffic performance guidelines set forth in the report prepared by K.S. Rogers, attached with this summary. Phase Two will be addressed in this summary and will consist of a commercial development with a 21.27. floor area ratio as requested in the above comments. It is important to note, however, that this summary has been prepared as a requirement for annexation into the City of Boynton Beach. It is not proposed to develop Tract R at this time. Following the successful annexation effort and the preparation of a proposed development scheme, the project will require revisiting with respect to traffic performance. ~ Traffic Impact Summary .Job No. 92-029A May 11, 1992 - Page Three PHASE TWO As stated above, Phase Two will consist of the 32.31 acre Tract R with a floor area ratio of 2~.27.. The proposed square footage of commercial development will be 298,374 S.F. calculated as follows: 32.31 acres x 43.560 S.F. Acre" x 0.212 F.A.R. = 298,374 S.F. TRAFFIC GENERATION Phase One includes 173,000 S.F. of commercial development with an anticipated external trip generation of 5853 trips per day (see attached report by K.S. Rogers). Phase Two will add 298,374 S.F. for a total floor area of 471,374 S.F. The total development is expected to generate 12,531 tpd based on generation and passer-by capture rates accepted by Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach as follows: Passer-By7. T = 6371 + 27.07 (X) X = Area in 1000 S.F. T = Trips per day T = 6371 + 27.07 (471.374) = 19,131 tpd = 45.1 - .0225 (X) = 45.1 - .0225 (471.374) = 34.57- = 19,131 - 19,131 (0.34~) = 12,531 tpd RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE Net T Based on Table 2A and 2B of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90-40, for a net trip generation of 12,531 trips the radius of development influence for the combined 51.05 acre development shall be four (4) miles for Test 1 and Test 2. <:; Traffic Impact Summary Job No. 92-029A May ~1, 1992 - Page Four EXISTING TRAFFIC Existing average annual daily traffic volumes for the links within the project's radius of development influence were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Palm Beach County 1991 Annual Traffic Volume Map. Background traffic, consisting of historical growth allowances furnished by Palm Beach County, major project traffic, and anticipated development in the area was also considered. The build-out period for Phase One will remain 1993 as referenced in the report by K.S. Rogers. The build-out period for Phase Two has not been determined. The actual scheme of development for the entire 51.05 acre tract is unknown at this time. Tract C, Phase One, could potentially be site planned, approved and constructed prior to 1994. There are no plans, however, to develop Phase Two in the near future. The build-out period for Phase Two has therefore been assumed to be 1996 for the purposes of this summary. The distribution of trips the analysis prepared by follows: for the total development is based on K.S. Rogers and may be generalized as North East South West 337- 217. 227. 247. The distributed traffic for the project at full build-out of Phase Two of the commercial development was assigned to the links within the project's radius of development influence in accordance with the above generalized distribution. Although not graphically represented in this summary, the following links were determined to potentially exceed the adopted threshold level of service volumes during the build-out period of Phase Two: 1. Military Trail from Steiner Road to Boynton Beach Boulevard. This link is currently a four-lane facility with a 1991 A.A.D.T. of 27,448 and a 3- year growth rate of approximately 97.. This link is on the Palm Beach County Five Year Road Pro- gram and is scheduled to be widened to a 6-lane facility in fiscal year 1992/1993. Upon its widen- ing, capacity should be available for the project. " Traffic Impact Summary Job No. 92-029A May 11, 1992 - Page Five EXISTING TRAFFIC (CONTINUED) 2. Old Boynton Road from Military Trail to Knuth Road. This link is currently a two-lane facility with a 1991 A.A.D.T. of 12,610 and a 3-year growth rate of approximately 2.57.. This link is also scheduled for widening in fiscal year 1992/1993 as a four-lane fa- cility. Upon its widening, capacity should be avail- able for the project. 3. Congress Avenue from Miner Road to Lake Worth Road. These links are currently four-lane and not scheduled for construction on the current Palm Beach County Five Year Road Program. From Lake Worth Road to Lan- tana Road, Congress Avenue is currently over capacity. Prior to Phase Two build-out, Congress Avenue from Miner Road to Lantana Road is expected to exceed al- lowable capacities. Prior to build-out of Phase Two, this corridor is anticipated to require widening if growth trends continue as expected. << 4. Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95. This link is currently at is ultimate section as a 6- lane roadway and is slightly over capacity. Due to its growth rate of approximately 47., even reducing the ex- isting volumes for anticipated decreases due to the opening of the N.W. 22nd Avenue interchange with 1-95 and the extension of Woolbright Road to the west, this link is anticipated to be over capacity at project build-out. Future growth and roadway volumes may allow for project traffic, however at this time it is antici- pated that a detailed analysis allowing for a con- strained facility designation with a lower level of ser- vice may be required to obtain Phase Two approval in the future. 5. N.W. 22nd Avenue between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue. This two-lane roadway is currently over ca- pacity and is not scheduled for widening under the Palm Beach County Five Year Road Program. Future roadway conditions and volumes may allow for project traffic, however it is anticipated that this link will require widening prior to project build-out. S~ Dor - In-rr1.;5 Ue:: ~ ~ "Doc_'] 0" d~.-t;IL (3""5) 777- gs/c> I --H-<:N-- - Slph~ +r~f-Ae- ~+o _~::3 (.,/~~~"I;" ~~ k ~.s-5 ~ - L~ ~ Lo~( 7<.d~ ~c::.~....s V..s.r c."Lf I ~ ~ det .q;, ~ Ie d- h; T J- c- (.~ f'.~"- ~ ---> .pr ~{~ 6-~i_\ j~L ~J c/o, {-o/. (VI,+- ~~ Yl"\cs4:a"i t~-cy _~s5 .-- "'0 >iJ.f; ~Ge- f'r-orn ~'<'\Dr6~-t..;f St;,...c~ DQ/ "'~~ JP {1~~ .ryp' A{>> Y- J' bJ ,,6\~ .(eJ ~ ~ {4J t..~ /; ~t1 /J ~ (<< \tvo' [ Y ~la; ~ 1'~.J-< ~~' .t- \b'~ l ~(I'~~tJ if ~f/1'tJ 'f~ q g~ l Traffic Impact Summary Job No. 92-029A May 11, 1992 - Page Six EXISTING TRAFFIC (CONTINUED) 6. Lawrence Road between Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.W. 22nd Avenue. This two-lane link has experienced a very high growth rate in the past several years and is an- ticipated to be over capacity prior to project build- out. It is not scheduled for widening on the current Palm Beach County Five Year Road Program and will likely require widening prior to project build-out. 7. Boynton Beach Boulevard from 1-95 to Seacrest Avenue. This four-lane facility is at its ultimate section and may exceed capacity prior to project build-out. As with the Boynton Beach Boulevard link to the west, this roadway may require a constrained facility designation with a lower level of service designation prior to project build-out. CONCLUSION The 51.05 acre parcel is located in an excellent area for future commercial development considering the surr~nding commercial and residential land uses, roadway geometry and proximity to 1-95, and existing and proposed infrastructure. This area has seen rapid growth in the past years as the existing traffic volumes indicate. Palm Beach County has taken positive steps to provide for the growth as shown by the N.W. 22nd Avenue interchange with 1-95, the extension of Woolbright Road and the above-referenced planned roadway widenings. This 51.05 acre parcel is the subject of an annexation request into the City of Boynton Beach. No site specific development orders are being requested at this time. The developer is aware of the constraints to development at this time covered in this summary. He is also aware that at the time a site specific development order is requested, detailed analysis with respect to the traffic performance regulations in effect at the time approvals are requested will be required. The detailed analysis will consider the means to overcome any future constraints with regard to traffic performance through required developer roadway widening, constrained facility de "gnations, or other methods available at the time. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS WINCHESTER CCOMMERCIAL' TRACT BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. & CONGRESS AVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1991 Prepared By: K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 7808 St. Andrews Road Lake Worth, Florida 33467 (407) 964-7336 (FAX) 969-9717 <::; LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS FIGURE 3 DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC FI GURE 4 TOTAL TRAFFIC FIGURE 5 MODIFIED TOTAL TRAFFIC APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (1%) OF THE ADOPTED THRESHOLD VOLUMES APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D MAJOR PROJECT LIST APPENDIX E TEST 2 MODELING DATA ., INTRODUCTION This office has been retained to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis to be part of an application to annex into the City of Boynton Beach, establish a land use classification and to rezone to C-3 a 18.74 acre parcel of land. This parcel is bounded by Boynton Beach Boulevard, Winchester Boulevard, Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. This Analysis has been performed in order to determine the volume of traffic expected to be added to the roadway system as a resul t of the approval of this project, the effect that this traffic will have on the capacity of the roadways in the area of the project and what roadway improv~ments, if any, are necessary as a result of the approval of this project.. In addition, this Analysis has been performed in accordance with the standards and criteria as established by the Cit~:, of Boynton Baach. For all rezoning applications, the City requires that a traffic report be submitted which has been prepared in conformance to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County (Ordi- nance #90-40). Existing traffic counts, which were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Division were used when applicable. SITE INFORMATION The subject 18.74 acres is an undeveloped parcel of land presently in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County. This parcel is presently zoned AR - Agriculture and has a commercial high intensity designation on the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. t', The commercial designation requested under the City' Compre- hensive Plan is similar to the County's commercial designation. As such, this petition is not considered to be requestinq a change in the Comprehensive Plan as much as it is maintainingtne same classification as the parcel moves from one jurisdiction to another. The commercial zoning requested will establish a classifica- tion which is both in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and will allow the owner to directly submit for a site plan approval when the proposed uses are finalized. This rezoning action is not considered to be a site specific a?proval as no final devel- opment approval will be given at this time. A site,plan approval for a shopping center will be requested at a later time which will identify the exact intensity which will be approved for this site. The site is shown in relation to the surrounding roadways in Figure 1. EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS This property fronts on three roads which are on the County's Thoroughfare Map. Boynton Beach Boulevard is a six lane divided road adjacent to the site. Boynton Beach Boul~vard is a State maintained arterial roadway. Presentl y, an interchange' with the Florida Turnpike is und~r construction at this road. As a part of this interchange construction, the FOOT is widening Boynton Beach Boulevard to a six lane divided road from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road and 1s widening to a four .lane divided road from EI Clair Ranch Road to west of the Turnpike. This work is under construction and, for the purposes of this report, shall be considered constructed. -2- ..,...., .f~.O"'.~"tC. JU'et w > < Z < w <.J 0 L ~ sn 0 w > a:: < 3^V .l.S3~OV3S c > 0 LLi ..J a: > en c( ..I~ ,J. ~ .I. r " .., 96-1 0 , c a:: / a: a: M w C\.l z ~ ~ fr. 3^V r...."'" . SS3lH)NOO EU~ ;;: : , 0 J a: I I ...1 , 0 Oil I a: I . Ol::! % 3:JN3~MV1 0 I- % > 0 0 :z lD N :: N c.; II. ~ 0 c( 11Vl::!l. ~ .J W C 0 en ~ 0 AHV.1./ilV. )( ::l .J O~ HONVH 0 Q. HIV10 13 I- > Z :z: 0 :z: I- 0 Z a: @> l1 "- " . k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. > o 12) 12) ..J o o ~ LOCA TION MAP dote OCT 91 figure 1 ..,....... .,.."..,......1";, )",.,. ... " w > < z ~IO 0110 < (')0 (')0 w I ON \/'lIN 0 ~Ig ~Ig 0 L .,;. sn w 010 '<:f10 0 > ,...jO CDIO 0: < (')IN CO,::\! CD;O '<:fiO .-i(") ..iC? 3^'t ~10 lS3!::l::l\f3S (')0 0 NN > 0 W ~'O ...l C\I10 ex: > ..-i("') c:l \/'lIO c( -.tC\l 0110 C\I(,) 0' .I~ ....:!l.... ) .J.~ r/ r/ r "-r/ r 96-1 00 ~O (')(') 0 \/'lCO ""10 0: \ 'I' ~ ' ,...0 .0"" 0: C Ol(') W S~/ -10 0: - z ~t M CDIO - CDlo -10 COI~ NIO CON r~ ~O ::iE ~10 -0 Ol(') \/'l0 ""10 ~lg :;g~ ","N ","M (')1(') - OM COe? CDO CDlD (')CO C\ICO c::lICO NCO(/) N;M . N~ (')I~ M-.t C\I~ M'<:f 3^\f f SS3C1:>NO:) . (')r ~O \/'l10 0 -.to 00 ~1 '<:f0 a: ~"'" 0"'" elM (')10 I -0 ~g (')(') 0[0 M ,') ","'CO \/'l10 I -- _0 ...1... MI~ (')"'" I ~~ \/'l:-' 0 "'IM CIJ, ... ... I 0)(') a: - O!::l 3:)N3C1M't1 Z 0 I- Z >- '<:f10 0 co O. 0 CD "'"1(') Z CDIO "'"I CO N CDO X C\II'<:f 0 N \/'l"'" 0 - CO(') \/'lIO 010 u.. u.. 3: - NIO c < OlIO ..J u.. 1P1' !:IJ. ~ \/'l(') ...l W CO 1(') 0 < 0l1U) 0 CD COU) 0 00: -~ C\II-.t I- 0 <' x CD!O ^!::l'tlr'l~ z ::l '<:f0 ...l '<:f(') 0 I- 0 C\ICO O!::l H:)N'tCl (/) l1. C\I~ Z - o. !::lIV1:) 13 W x >- Z I- ~ W X 0 X I- 0 W Z - ..J 71 >- o !Xl 0: !Xl ...l o o ~ , " k. s, rogers, consulting . . engineer, Inc. west palm beach, fl. EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS 1 >- I- o < l1. < o Q. ...lQ o. ::tCf) Cf)o W...l 0: XI- 1-< \/'l10 NO \/'l(') 011 CO -~ dote OCT 91 r. rlgure 2 Congress Avenue, adjacent to the site, has recently been widened to a six lane road from south of Gulf Road (S.W. 23rd Avenue) to Miner Road. Old. Boynton Road is a five lane road from Congress Avenue to Knuth Road. The two lane road between Knuth Road and Military Trail is scheduled to be widened to a five lane road by Palm Beach County in fiscal year 1991 - 92. GENERATION The generation rate used fcir this report ~as taken from "Tr ip Generation _: Fifth Edition ~ , Institute. of Transportation Engineers, 1991:. The following fbrmula obtained from Shopping Centers, Code #820 shall be used: Ln(T) = 0.625 Ln(X)+5.865 Where T = Total Traffic (tpd) X = Floor Area (in 1,000 sq.ft.) The subject petition is for a non-site specific rezonlng. No site plan identifying the development intensity has been filed. Absent a site plan, it 1s not possible to identify a specific impact which can be applied to Ordinance #90-40. In order to comply .with the Ordinance, an assumed intensity of 173,000 square feet was used. Based upon the preceding formuia, a 173,000 ~quar~ foot shopping center is expected to generate approximately 9,955 trips per .day. Ordinance. #90-40 recognizes that not all traffic. at- tracted to commercial development is additional traffic to the .' . . . roadway system. The.pass-by traffic is calculated by: P = 45.1 - 0.0225 (X) Where P = % of pass-by traffic X = Floor Area (1000 sq;ft.) The actual additional (external traffic calculated for this size shopping center is: Driveway Volume Pass-by Volume External Volume 9,955 tpd 4.102 tod 5,853 tpd .. DISTRIBUTION The distribution analysis used in this report was prepared based upon an analysis of the existing and proposed land uses and of observed travel patterns. The following generalized distribu- tion splits have been calculated for this report: NORTH 33% EAST 21% SOUTH 22% WEST 24% The distributed traffic vol urnes are shown in Figure 3. In accordance with the Traffic Performan~e Standards Ordinance, the distributed traffic was brought three miles from the site or until the project generated less than 1% of the capacity of the roadway. However, the traffic distribution was extended out a minimum of one half mile from the site regardless of the amount of generated traffic. CONFORMANCE WITH THE TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE CODE The 1990 Traffic Performance Code of Palm Beach County (Ordinance #90-40) delineates very specific criteria which must be met prior to any Site Specific Development Order request being approved. The traffic performance standard for all major thor- oughfares in Palm Beach County consists of two tests. The first test is the Link Buildout Test. This test requires that the project not add traffic on any road link in the radius of devel- opment infl uence which would cause the total traffic to exceed capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "D" (shown in Appendix A). The bUildout period for this project has been established as 1993 by the owner. Thus, to meet Test #1, the total traff ic on any link in the project study area should not exceed capacity during the buildout of the project, during 1993. -4- ... .....1.'..00....."=1 Into, w > <( Z <( w U I ~I~ ~I~ 0 CDO (')0 -(') (')(') L" sn 0 w Ol~ > e: <( lZJl~ ~O ~l~ ~!~ ~(') ~I~ 3^'V .LS3l:!:l'V3S 0 > 0 W ..J 01~ e: > ll) ~I~ <( /t,- ~ ). .J. r , T ~l tl~ T ~ gS-! I 0 (')1<0 "'"I""" _t~ ~l~ ~I C'). e: (')0 _I- e: ~, -(') 0 L:J 01: "r"f e: o <1l C') . (') z _l~ '~I~ ~ :E -1(') L~'<c ~I(') CDr ~ lZJl~ ""In " .. (')1 ~I<O ;l~ CDO ..... CO <0 _~ ~ CC (J) . ~It'? ~~ ~ '<! "'", ~~ . . CD.~ _ ~'(') 3^'V . "'~.'!"I SS3~~"'O:l J ~I~~/ g ~IO ~. Q .-.C') e: lZJl.... or -1(') ~I""" I I -(') ~M .~ <c -- ,,- :-"'I~ .-~ i I 0 ~~ , c: Ol:l CDI" z 13:lN3l:1'hWl t~l~ Ot'? "I~ ~- 0 I- z- >- .1 0 ~tM -I 0 ....1:1 z ~Icc ~ J: CD~ I u ;;I~r - ~ u ~I u.. ~ <( u.. W n_< i I 'V cU. ~ a:! ~l~ e: . 01 CDO I- , .-C') 0 , (')tt') l- X "'1M / Al:Il;' .L111V'4 (.) ~ <OIIC / 1&)1<et C w ..J ~I~ ,...It'? t')~ Z -, 0 -I: Ol:l H:lN'V1:I w 0 Co I:II'Vl:l 13 0 e: >- z I- W Co :t. 0 J: ...I i I- ~ Z - 71 >- o CD c: ll) ..J o o ~ -1(') ~<O ,...~ " " . k. s. rogers, consulting engiAeer, inc. west palm beach, fl. date OCT 91 figure 3 DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC I I '1 . . o . (J) o ..J u.. o ~ The total traffic is defined as the sum of the existing average annual daily traffic, the project traffic plus the back- ground traffic. Th~ background traffic is further defined as the sum of the historical growth, plus traffic generated by major projects which are -in excess of 10% of the capacity of the af- fected roadway link. The total traffic volumes are shown in Figure 4. The 1993 projected traffic has been determined by taking the sum of the 1990/91 MDT, plus the projected historical growth, plus the traffic generated from major projects which are in excess of 10% of the roadway'::; link capacity. The historical growth calculations are shown in APPENDIX C. The major project traffic volume calculations are shown in APPENDIX D. The total traffic volumes for the buildout year of 1993 are shown with the roadway capacities in Figure .4. Reviewing the total volumes and the roadway capacities in Figure 4, it.,ls seen that on the roadway links within the radius of development influ- ence, the total traffic does exceed capacIty on the following roadway links: ROAD LINK BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD I-95 to Old Boynton Road Congress Ave. to Lawrence Rd. Knuth Road to Military Tr. OLD BOYNTON ROAD Article V, Section 2CE) of Ordinance #90-40 states that I-95 shall be addressed only if Net Trips on I-95 are greater than one percent (1%) of the Level of Service "0" MDT vol ume. As this project does not generate more than 1% of 1-95 Level of Service "0" MDT volume, 1-95 will not be analyzed as part of this re- port. The projected volume as shown in Figure 4 for Boynton Beach Boulevard does not accurately reflect the volume of traffic which is expected to be on Boynton Beach Bo~levard in 1993. -5- I . 0 ~ "I" 0 I ~....(") 100 ~ - -r= 0 (") (") CII 0) (") 100)10 "'0 10-'" -CO (I) ~ CO (I)'" ~ IO~ 0 C'I ........ C': 1 ~I ' .-- -" I "~"/"O ~. eg<'2C11I~O "' ., (") (") 0 _ ~........l:lIO o (") - II) (") ~ .... II) - (I) <'2 CII - CII II) CO oJ) ., I <'2 CO (") (") ., CII <'2"" I I , "001~0 011) 11)0 I 0.... ......... "-To ~ ~~, ~IOCII _0 - -- O....Oeg(") 10 ... 0 co CO (") - "" ., oX I I 3:::>N3t;lMYl OCD~II)O z -0 00 0 II)N<'20.... ~ (I) (") <'2 t") Z -- I ,. 1 0 H "I ~ 0 0 ta CI)~(")~O Z ... CO co CII (") CII I ~ .... co....co N ~""Ol-O . '-, CII <'2 ., 0- C'~o/ .c I O~ <'2.....~ ~ n~.J IoJ ... ~~ 0 CD I at;l H:::>NYt;l z t:lIY1:::l 13 ~ 0 J: ~ " Z cr >- CD 0 -J '" CD 0 '" 0 . ~ _tl..' .'..00......<1 IJJr.. o er 3^V I I 3^V al::t 11VI::tJ. o )( :J -J o Q. >- :t: 71 k. s. rogers. consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, fl. I (I) ClIO -0 (")<'2 ....0 10(") CON N ClIO CII N(") \\1 w > .c z < w o o w > < I 00000 ....10 ClIO (")10 O)CII CO egO - -(") I 0 I > CIIOO NO 0 -J "'., 0)0 er CD .,.... -C11 (I) 00 C'4 (")(") I A !::tv .1.11' "'f TOTAL TRAFFIC L." sn .1.S3t;l:::lV3S w > .c ~ S6-1" I .... - 01 CD 0 I /~~~Ig~ _ / -0;- o cr I (") (1)0)....100 ciI .,ION<'20 ~ (")co-...(") :> N O(")CD f/) (") - "" ~ I SS3I::tDNO::l o a: 1 CII (") (01- (:) .....,.... CDO 'CI)OO) (O~ eg-egCO<l:' CII . (") ., 1 II. -J o " o >- 11.. ~ II. 0 oo.c < i:i: ii: cr- Q. .11. II. 1-.0 .c .c .c 0 ii: 0 ercrzu. ~~:J o(~. " ~ o. ~ 0 f' zoer J: -w"-Jf/)a; ~"'lI::.cwo o ~oo l-er.J Z )(a:< OJ:~ W WQ.a:r.~~.c ~ W ..J I 10-...'....0 ~II)N -0 0.... 0 co (") .... OegCO (") -.,~ I date OCT 91 figure 4 .. There are two on-going roadway improvements which will have a significant impact on the volume of traffic on the section of Boynton Beach Boulevard west of 1-95. The first is'the extension of Woolbright Road (S.W. 15th Avenue) from Congress Avenue to Military Trail. According to a traffic analysis prepared by the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), an average of 3,000 trips per day are expected to be diverted eoff of the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Old Boynton Read and 1-95 and 10,000 trips per day off of the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Congress Avenue and Lawrence Road when this 1 ink of Woolbright Road is opened. This link of Woolbright is expected to be open during the fourth quarter of 1991. The second road project is the interchange on I-95 with N.W. 22nd Avenue. This construc'tion has . recently commenced and is expected to be finished by mid 1992. Previous estimates made by this office concluded that an average of approximately 5,000 trips per day will be diverted off of the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and I-95 once this interchange is opened. The modified total. .traffic has been recalculated for this link and is shown in Figure 5. Reviewing the modified total volume for the two im- pacted links of Boynton Beach Boulevard, it is concluded that there are no roadway links within the radius of development infl uence where the total traffic exceeds capaci ty. Therefore:, this project meets the provisions of Test #1. As stated previously, the section of Old Boynton Road is scheduled to be widened to a five lane road by Palm Beach County in fiscal year 1991 - 92. In order to comply. with the phasing. requirements of Ordinance #90-40, building activity on this site will have to be delayed until after commencement of construction of this section of Old Boynton Road. -6- W > < z < W U 0 L. sn 0 w > a: < 3^V .LS3l::)V3S 0 w > 0 ~ a: > a:I < ./ ~ ')'ill.. .J.~ \ 'if '[ ~if ~ S6-1 I 0 ,,,. "I'"' b ~:-.<"o tnO 0 10 <" <" .'" 0 CIJ <" tn _ tn CZ) <" CZ) a: , v -- ~~ I a: 0 W / a: z <" :i N ~ rn 3^V ~,.;1 . SS3~~NOO r.fP .. 9: 1 ~') - - OJ''" b 0 ..-tnC'\lO -0 a: \ 0,,"001CZ)<" I WI "" 0 0 "" CZ) I 0 ~I <" - :; C') l' , a: Ol: : 10N3ClM V1 U. 0 . u.. ... u.., Z uu< >- --c 0 0 ~~I- a:I Z <<0 N ::c a:a:z N ~I ......:;, u.. ~ 0 ~ ot-O 11Vl:.l ..J 0 zua: 0 CI -wCl I--,~ . ~oo 0 0 x A l: V .1111 ~I Z xa:< :) W Wl1.a:1 ~ Gl: H::iNVCl C) 0 W a. ~1'd1:) 13 ..J >- z I- ::CI 0 ::c tn-- t- CI .tnN Z - 0""0 _ft.,.., ....-00....-<1 I"'''' .. l!. >- o al a: al ~ o o ~ '" "' . k. s. rogers, consulting engineer. inc. west palm beach, fl. MODIFIED TOTAL TRAFFIC o u.. u..>- <... oa:(j _t-< LI. ..J a. u..<< <1-0 a: 1-00 I- . ~o~? ... . ~ ::c (I) rnu..rno :;, - W -,0a:..J 00::Ct- <:i"'< "" <" 01"" b 0-0 OCZ)<" 00 ""CO ~... c-J ... - I dote OCT 91 figure 5 With the delaYing of site bUilding activity until after commencement or construction of Old Boynton Road, this project is found to meet the provisions of Test #1. The second test a project must meet is the Model Test. According to the Model Test, a project cannot be approved if the total model traffic, which includes the project traffic, exceeds the capacity or the adopted level of service of all the affected roadway I inks wi thin the project maximum radius of development influence. According to TABLE 2B of Ordinance #90-40, the maxi- mum radius of development influence for this project has been determined to be two miles from the site. TABLE 2B further states that, if a project has a maximum radius of development influence beyond the directly accessed links, o.nly those links beyond the directly accessed links upon which the project adds more than 3% of Test 2 network capacity need to be addressed. This project's maximum radIus or d~velopment influence does go beyond the directly accessed link of Boynton Beach Boulevard, Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road. However, from Figure 3, it is seen that this project does not generate more than 1% of capacity of the directly accessed roadway links and more than 3% of the capacity of the fOllowing non-directly acceEsed links: CONGRESS AVENUE Boynton Beach Blvd. to Old Boynton Old Boynton Rd. to N.W. 22nd Ave. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD Site to Congress Avenue As such, onl y the direct 1 y accessed I inks and the above listed three links need to be addr~ssed. According to the most recent Model Test (Test 2) data addressed in a memorandum from Allan A. Ennis, P.E., Palm Beach County Traffic Division, dated JUly 19, 1991, none of these roadway links are listed as having Test 2 volumes in excess of capacity. Therefore, it is concluded that this project meets the Model Test. -7- ~ This Analysis has shown that the total project meets both Test #1 and Test #2 for the complete buildout of tr.is project. PEAK HOUR This rezoning application does not meet the definition in Ordinance #90-40 as a site Specific A~proval. As such, an exer- cise to identify site related improvements at tr.is early time would be an unwarranted exercise. The site related impacts will be fully addressed at such time that the project's intensity is defined on the site plan. CONCLUSION The owner of this 18.74 acre parcel is desirous of annexing this parcel into the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. As part of the annexation request, Concurrent Land Use Designation and Zoning Classification must be requested. A commercial designa- tion with a C-3 Zoning Classification is being requested for this site. It has been shown that this is not an increase in land use designation as the parcel currently has a similar designation on the Palm Beach County Land Use Plan. The impact of a C-3 zoning classification was addressed. The request for the R-3 classifi- cation is a generic request as no specific developrr.ent program is being offered at this time. In order to show that this request meets Concurrency requirements, an assumed intensity of 173,000 square feet of floor area was analyzed. It was found that this size shopping center can meet both Test # 1 and Test #2 of the 1990 Traffic Performance Code of Palm Beach County. -8- APPENDIX APPENDIX A ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE (AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC) ROADWAY Two Lane Four Lane Dividec TPD 13,700 30,200 30,200 46,300 60,000 110,700 Five Lane Undivided Six Lane Divided Eight Lane Divided Six Lane Freeway APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT (t%) OF THE ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE THQRQUGHF~~F;__TXZ~ MINIMUM VOLUME LTRJ_P~_ ..f.D.. _DA,Xl TwCJ Lan.: 137 302 Four kane (Divided) Five Lane (Undivided) 302 Six' Lane (Divided) 463 Eight Lane (Divided) fiDO Six Lane (Expressway) 1107 , APPENDIX C HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS WINCHESTER COMMERCIAL TRACT ROAD/Link BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: US 1 to Seacrest Seacrest to I-95 I-95 to Old Boynton Old Boynton to Congress Congress to Winchester Winchester to Lawrence Lawrence to Military OLD BOYNTON ROAD: B B Blvd to Congress Congress to Winchester Winchester to Lawrence Lawrence to Military CONGRESS AVENUE: Hypoluxo to Miner Miner to N.W. 22nd N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton Old Boynton to B B Blvd. B B Blvd. to Woolbright Woolbright to Golf ANNUAL GROWTH RATE 0.0% (1) o . 0% \ 1) 4.47% 2.51% 10.05% (2) 10.05% (2) 11. 69% 6.33% o . 0% (1) o . 0% (1) 0.0% (3) 5.57% 5.57% 8.03% 8.03iS 11.51~ 11.51% ( 4 ) ( 5 ) S.w. 23rd AVENUE: Congress to I-95 1.48% LAWRENCE ROAD: Old Boynton to NW 22nd 12.?7% (6) u.S. HIGHWAY #1: B B Blvd. to Ocean Ave. 0.0% (L) 1990/91 UDT 18,370 29,452 45,340 32,056 37,045 37,045 27,764 9,954 13,004 13,004 13,004 28,748 . 28,748 33,311 33,311 28,672 32,349 9,577 9,510 22,539 1993 UDT DIFFERENCE 18,370 -0- 29,452 -0- 50,578 5.238 34,189 2, 133 47,066 10 ,021 47,066 10-,021 36,603 8,839 11,605 1.651 13,004 -0- 13,004 -0- 13,004 -0- 32,920 11,172 32,920 4,172 40,406 7,095 40,406 7,095 37,648 8,976 42,476 10, 127. 9,935 358 12,899 3.389 22,539 -0- NOTES: (1) Three year growth rate is negative value, use 0.0% (2) Actual 87/38 to 90/91 three year growth rate is 16.65%. .This is not a reasonable growth rate. The 1991 off peak season count calculates to be 33,251 tpd. The 1988 - 91 three year growth rate calculates to be 10.05%. (3) No historical growth rate available for this link~ Use growth rate for Old Boynton Road east of Lawrence Road. (4) No historical growth rate available for this link. Use gr0wth rate for Congress Avenue north of Miner Road. (5) No historical growth rate available for this link. Use growth rate for Congress Avenue north of Woolbright Road. (6) Actual three year growth is 31.9%. The use of this rate is not reasonable. Use as an alternative three year growth rate on Lawrence Road north of N.W. 22nd Avenue of 12.97%. APPENDIX 0 MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC WINCHESTER CO~~ERCrAL TRACT The following Major Projects have been identified as having an impact within the project's radius of development influence: Boynton Beach Mall Motorola Quantum Industrial Park None of the Major Projects identified in the project study area are expected to add more than 10% of the adopted threshold capacity of any of the roadway links within the project's maximum radius of development influence. APPENDIX E MODEL!NG DATA WINCHESTER COMMERCIAL TRACT TAZ # 486 SIC CODE: 53 Additional Floor Area: 173,000 sq. ft. __ ~Y-01-'92 FRI 09:29 ID:KI~DAY &I ASSOCIATES TEL NO:407-689-2592 **857 P01 MAV- ~-92 FRI 9: SJ:MM( II ~- :C5 . 19 ~U. RPo u"t; 1 i-I I s 5/11'! f 2. --tJ(J Z. ,e;:,e w/A/tIIESrGft!. ~9IP&IJ""I,qJ- rlZlfC:r . 3e.91 AUES /issv,ve MAX. (!.()V&A!A6iJ' p~ ZtS % r"rllL 15;:": 3e.gllge~ )( 'f~5&'~.s,t:" >' Ches # S5"/)85~ S.'&: I ;;(". T/tIlF*'/C. e,eNE~ArloN: (SH~PPIIJ(J, Cr!FNTe~) OVER zoo. t:XX/:SF' -r- ~37/'" 21,,1)'1 (x) J X po AUA IN 1<<ieJ :vr r- ~8'1/ ~27:()7C)() ~.. 35'1,85'6 r" "3'7/ ~ :z.~ e>7 (.35'1,15'.) (. /~ If&, tf'd. ,:, I'A.J$E,e- BY' 'Is, I - "OZ2~ ('x:.) ) - ~..s:1 -, I)Z:L'S(351.8S~ = 3~ /8 % NEr r .. 1~8'1'-1.s,8'~~3'118) ... l' 4d> t,Pd. 1 RECEIVED "MY 1 PLANNING DEPT. Klld8y (10 Aaoc.... Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 HAND DELIVERED CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Arr MIKE RUMPF WE TRANSMIT: DATE 10-31-91 PROJECT NAME MALL S ANNEXATION PROJECT NUMBER 799. 4 ~ HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING: o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS D ADDENDUM DTRACINGS/SEPIAS 0 SUBMITTALS D CHANGE ORDER D SHOP DRAWINGS 0 Copy OF LETTER ~ THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ACTION CODE: o FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT ~ FOR YOUR USE 0 AS REQUESTED A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o RESUBMIT E DO NOT RESUBMIT F. RESUBMIT FQR FilES NO OF COPIES DATE DRAWING OR ITEM NO DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION CODE As discussed please find attached the following items for the Mall South Annexation: 1) Two copies of revised page 3 and revised legal for parcel 5 for the Annexation Application. 2) Two copies of Mall South justification and impacts, revised water and sewer demand comparison, revised page 2 and revised legal of the Land Use Application. 3) Photocopy of Property Tax Map and list of effected property owners. 4) Four copies of revised boundary surveys 5) Three copies of revised Traffic Study for the Residential Parcel and one copy of the Traffic Study for the Commercial Parcel. " IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE o o o o o FILE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV. , SIGNED ; e[)~ FOR: LINDSEY A. WALTER Klldtly (10 A.-ocI8te8 Landscape Architects! Planners 1561 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071689-5522. Fax: (407) 689-2592 r/ ~ / r ., City of Boynton Beach (Hand delivered) Mike Rumpf ATT DATE 1 0 - 2 2 - 91 PROJECT NAME Mall South Annex. PROJECT NUMBER 799 . 4 WE TRANSMIT: (Xl HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING: o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM' DTRACINGS/SEPIAS ~ SUBMITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER D SH~P D,RAWINGS DcoPY OF LETTER 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ACTION CODE: ~ FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT D FOR YOUR USE 0 AS REOUESTED A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o RESUBMIT E DO NOT RESUBMIT F. RESUBMIT FOR FILES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO CODE 2- Pursuant to our telephone conversation please find attached revised documents for the Annex- ation,Land Use & Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment applications. The revised Traffic Impact Analysis will be forthcoming. RTI \~JL.t OCT , i_ PLAt'll H ,.{",- 17. IF ENCLOSURES AREJ;JQT:"AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE D o o D o FILE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV. SIGNED d? . c;? , //.k ,;1~~<.0 ' t:{/tz~J Linds~y A.Walter ~ ~ ''I/U: City,oi 1JojJnto11r lletUli /] .Y \........ f\<; t--- J-l " :X:'-{ \ ./ ~ ...~ < "", ,1>' ....-1 ." - i' 1:'- V I"'~'- (. -- October 21, 1991 Mr. Dennis R. Foltz Palm Beach County Planning Department 800 13th street West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 RE: Mall south-Application for Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning (File No. 655) Dear Mr. Foltz: Enclosed you will find copies of the applications and related documentation for the above-referenced annexation and land use amendment/rezoning request. Please provide your comments concerning consistency with the County's Comprehensive Plan and a summary of the County zoning categories that abut these parcels in the immediate vicinity by November 14, 1991. The first public hearing for these requests is scheduled for December 10, 1991. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~ Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P Planning Director mwr Enclosure cc: Carmen Annunziato, Executive Director, Palm Beach Countywide Planning Council (with enclosures) Central File :4mema's (jateway to tfie (julfstream CITY ( BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materialS listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please print Legibly or Type All Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. project Name: Mall South 2. Type of APplication (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only xx c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by planning Department): 4. APplicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Bill R. Winchester Address: 9290 Nickels Blvd phone: 732-3961 33436 (Zip Code) N/A Boynton Beach Fl FAX: 5. Agent'S Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J. KildaY / Kilday & Associates Address: 1551 Forum pl Bldq 100A West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 phone: 407-689-5522 (Zip Code) FAX: 689-2592 6. Property owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Winchester,Winchester,Zieher & Schroeder, partnership, Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. winchest' Ernest Klatt Address: 9290 Nickels Blvd Boynton Beach, Fl 33436 FAX: (Zip code) N/A ~LANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse (2) 7. correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) : N/A *This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Owner 9. street Address or Location of subject Parcel: Between 01d Boynton Blvd. & Boynton Bch Blvd.; on the east & west side of Winchester Blvd. (Mall Rd . 10. Legal Description of subject Parcel: See Attached Exhibit "A" 11. Area of subject parcel (to the nearest hundredth ,(1/100) of an acre): 51.05 acres 12. current Zoning District:AR-Aqricultural Residential , 13. Proposed zoning District: commercial C-3, AG-Aqricultura1 **C-3= Parcels 1&5 (18.74 acres); AG=parcels2&3 (32.31 acres) 14. current Land use Category: CH/8 commercial Hiqh 15. proposed Land Use Category: Local Retail commercial 16. Intended Use of subject Parcel: There are no development plans at this time. 17. Developer or Builder: N/A 18. Architect: N/A 19. Landscape Architect: !II/A 20. site planner: N/A 21. Civil Engineer: N/A 22. Traffic Engineer: Ken RoqerS 23. surveyor: Shephard & Associates PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:LandUse . ~. (.. (3) C I T Y o F BOYNTON B E A C H APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: REJECTION: '''''i ORDINANCE i DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: REJECTION: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR: AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Name of GENERAL DATA Winchester,Winchester,Zieher & Schroeder A Developer/owner: ~ ~'nr;~~ G~PQr&l p~rtRcr3~i~ D L Kl .' . , 1: u",;:) att; B111 R. W1nchester, Elsie A. Winchester / Area of subject property: ???1.71R nn sq. Ft. or 51.05 Acres Estimated Present population: -0- Agricultural Existing zoning:AR-Residential Density Allowed: 1 d.u.'s/lO ac proposed zoning: commercial C-3 AG_Agricultural **C-3= Parcels 1&5 (18.74 acres); EXISTING UTILITIES: Density Allowed: 1 d.u.'s/l ac AG=parcels 2&3 (32.31 acres) Water: City of Boynton Beach wastewater collection: city of Boynton Beach solid Waste (garbage): city of Boynton Beach PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl .~ . r_ (4) STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Vacant proposed Use: at this time. However, all of the subject pro ert has an existin The petit~oner has no specific develo ment lans ~ designation of CH/8 Commercial High in Palm Beach Count indicating that somefuture use of a Commercial nature is most suited to this property. The City Land Use plan designates this area as Commercial Local Retail. Express in your own words whY this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: JUSTIFICATION ;,.' See Attached EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See Att~~hp~ ~xhihit "~" PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl ." ~~k- '1~ ~!_ \.- ~ -~ " :~" ~~~1,: ~ " ,; :- ", ',' . . ~ ~ " ~.J ~? ,~ ,,2:.: -r(:'/lI;' t ",e ' d r:! I ~ I~. . ~~r;r ~ ~ ._'1;" 'i L ~ ~1C1lf~ ',/'~I'~ I (1~'i;;;r1t'll '.~~J~~ ~ j :EtS;HFrli.'.~'~.'~--rn" ...,.~ik~~i~.;~' II' '~:1.!:""~~RC~ ~~;~ . --'ib!. ..' ." ,1t\'iJ ~~~iJ ~ ~faT r'IIII'~~' .~l u:l -.f h.,., IUi=-':; -i !. ~~.. 1 ." '.:j' ~ \ ._l:JJ I .) . ':":-':' i ":" r 'IIIJ; Ilw f::: .r'O hi I ~t '.. ':...~I1:.:-J . '".~ "II , ' l[[! ' 'I.~I., t J;:, ;; "f;j;"~' ,~~-;c~,"-'I~ :ih."..~".I:1. ~ \ ~'~f:~..~'I::' J: ~"f"'IittijJ iF ," ,'\i13 .A- =_ _ l"'l~ I, .. ~"~ j ,..-q :~, ,. " _, V8t!J!ll:lli js ~"'~" . t ' ;;;; ;;."{'"l' ~I rf~i:~TI:~ 'j'tbl_ . . ~ - - .-- i>'~~l': k::l J;wft,~~e;:. ::.I.~f.~"=-':; ,I ....~.R;l:fi rJ: . . J 0 D I .>\l.) 'C - 7' ~ I " I ". 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J ::,\\~j;)[) rr -, . _.; 1. 1;....1.,,;,. ,,,..",,,,~.,".._~., r."':. .r"~"l'~''i(y"",,,,\".r-:.-.; .~ : ~d';':" .1'--=","'1 .~~ 9J~~[~ --~ -'. :-":i-J~~*::)~-+J+'P~~",J. A'[ ..t':':;I.~~~~~'-~: .;g,f~.pf':' I :l.,?~~ ~~;'~ . t,:t~~.: : (t' ;FI{: J.. itf.;"~ :.:F;1: .t. ~ .' ~.~[ c"~J""iU; -."~~rv~~: ~~.;,:'?'.. (1,. v(A~'i~ .' ~ '.' . ,171./ \-:,:.:'\....:..t;.>:;I.d..,;;.: .r~~./.'.-.' :1;',' ;f.:~llf~' : , ; ~;~ 1~'~7L'~, '.?~1~, "':-:r}~}llf';/~?~~~: ~~I.' ;=~/;'.' i '~"I.r;;j1! il! . _ C7~~ ~ !~- "UI ~ \ ".'. 1 'IIi\'-,':= u Lff:Jff! / ,.-_ _ .'. I _ tr ~ ~n~~~t'~'r;~.'~~".~..~~:t~,,-. Y":,, .. I J.tt . ~y ":{~ ti IIi! ~! ;'/ . .f~'H~.~ ~ ..... I T :iA/i TIlitt . WfEf" J\\I .,.or. ~I :~"'. 'lfjl';~ ~,~;.~lli ; ; ~l"E ;:.~. 1 ~ & " f r Clly .r Ooy,'..,O"'h l?i8(!!:'lng Department ~ Winchester,Winchester,Zieher & S~hroeder, A Florida Partnership; Name of Development/owner Mall South/ Wlnchp.~t:pr. wi nf"'npcter: Kliiltt . Locate the subjf~t property on this map and shade in the area. ., ~ .. -5- . .. -- ..-.. ------------ . sheet 2 of 2 IIJ EXHIBIT "A" PAACEL N:). 3 .... . "." 1\ PMCEL OF' IJIJ-l) LYI~ TN SEX:TlOOS 19 OF ro..l&tIP 45 saml, IW{;C 43 F.!\ST, S1\ID p1\RCEL OEI~ 1\ POOTlrn OF !OI'S 43 & 44, Of TIlE: SUDDIVISlOO Of ~lOO 19, TaYNSlIIP 4S sa.ml, ~ 43 F_,<;T, 1\.<; Rln::nnrn TN rl^'T DCXJ( 7, PlICE 19 OF TIlE _ruDLlC RIXX.ROS OF PMM om.1I a:JNI"{, FlanrV\. S1\ID PI\RCEi, OEI~ "em: F'LITLY OESOUOED TIS ro~: cr::t+IfN:I~ 1\T '!HE scunlFAS1' CX)llNE1l Of SIXTlrn 19, ~UP 45 romt, ~ 43 FJ\Sl',nIEN:E h'Inl ^ DENU~ OF scum 870 32' 47" WEST, 1\1.,eN:; ,nlE.SCUniLlNE OF' SocrIOO 19, 1\ DlSI'Na Of' t09S.70 FEET TO TIIP. POIm' OF Ba:;I~ItG; T1!I:N:B I-.'Inl 1\ OEI\RIN:; OF san, I 870 32' 47" WEST, 1\ DI5- T1IN:E OF 201.03 FEET TO 1\ POINT nn:>>:E WI'l'H ^ DEMIN:; OF ocro'il 010 00' 24" WESr, 1\ DlSI'M"CE Of 632.32 FEET: nlEN:E WITII 1\ BEflRIN:; Of N:.Rrn 880 06' 16" v.sr, 1\ DISI'l\N:E OF 282.45 FEET TO 1\ POINT: nroo:: WIW ^' CURVE ro '!HE RtGlrr Jll\VI~ ^ DOlO BENUtG OF ~ 090 51' 09" WEST, 1\ RADIUS Of' 2041.:\1 rnr:;r, 1\ CENrnl\r.. l\N:;LE: or 3 43' 29. NIl l\N Me LEN:;1'1 Of' 132.69 FEET TO 1\ roINT OF ~E CI.JI'M':: nrr:N.:E WInI 1\ CURVE TO nlE Lf.!"T IVlVIN::; ^ nJ\DIUS OF 2301.99 f"EEI', 1\ cmrMl, J\N:iLE OF' 1.10 01' 36., l\ND l\N Me UN:m1 or 523.30 I"EI3T TO 1\ mn11': . nlEN:E WIn! 1\ DElInIN::; Of' sa.ml 1" 18' 43" EI\..<;T, l\ DISTNO': 01' 2.1', FEET "mE 00 LE5S TO 'lilE T'On-lT or I'IIXaNNr~. a:NI'1\rNIN:; ~,43 lICRES /-ORE 00 U:SS l\ND SunJIX'T 'm rA<;rnDlI'S ml IUGlrrs-OF..\,l\Y OF RBXJr-n.' --.--.---.------.-. . Pf\RCKL. 5.. .' A PARCEL OF LAND l.YING IN SECTIONS 19 & 30, TOWNSHIP "S SOUTH. RANGE 42 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNT~ FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING' AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF" SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP Lo5 SOUTH. RANGE "3 EAST. THENCE WITH A BEARING OF" SOUTH 87 32' "7" WEST~ ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF" 793.74"FEET' TO A POINT. SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 01 18' "3: EAST. A DISTANCE OF 25.0 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 67 32' 47" WEST. ALONG A LINE 25.0 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 19. A DISTANCE OF 193.9" FEET TO A POINT. ON THE EAST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD.: THiNCE NORTH 01 18' 4)" WEST ALONG THE EAST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD, A DISTANCE OF 25.0 FEET: THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ALONG SArD EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 00 59' oe." WEST. A RADIUS OF 21930.99' FEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00 39' II". AND AN ARC LENGTH OF" 25.01 FEET: THENCE NORTH 87 32' .47" EAST..A DISTANCE OF 193.80 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 2S.0 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CO~TAIHING 0.22 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. / . ~. ~ if: C I T Y o F BOY N TON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completelY and accuratelY and must accompany all applications submitted to the planning Department. (2 copies of application required. ) PROJECT NAME: Mall South AGENT'S NAME: Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place. Bldg. 100A. West Palm Beach. Fl 33401 Winchester winchester. zieher & Schroeder. A Florida General partnership; Ernest Klatt, Bill R. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester 9290 Nickels Boulevard OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: Between Old Boynton Beach Blvd & Boynton Beach Blvd, PROJECT LOCATION: on the East & West side of winchester Blvd. (Mall Rdl (gQ! legal description) Bovnton Beach, Pi 33436 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) *This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. .> ~-! PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl -. f" -..... =1- . : ~ 1\ ;.0..- . ..J: ~ IJ J~: - !II.I:' ~ :::. ,. , ) /j, \:~.'1, L(\~A TION MAP . --- ~ ..- MALL SOUTH n w.nl'fi . -M- U ~l'--lr I I if'! I~ f 1-'~ r I ~' , ~= ~ V i-~ . .t::= \\ ,\ II II L_ .~ ~ :111 J' 11 I I , t I I -n J I 11 ' I -, inl~L r~ pTl1Ij _ j_ r 1~ : l I 11 ~ prIjj' I II II 1 I ,'~ ~ T ,,1 r I I I I L ,- I" ~~~~ : ~Il ,-- -1 \\ I _____u_,_____________ . - - - - --- ~i-q.. dO -- .- --A NA L-. -...' -- 'C-:"'I-~' -.-- ---- - ---- .--- OYNr /II C . .--- ..,.-- - - .... -".-, - - - - - -' - - - ' . . . . - - -, - - - - - - . -.. - T-. II '\[ll ~ I 1 "tIC" J H__'i::J _ ~" III /11 n...-- ~...... >- T I '/,f I 1 T I 1 I ' n I ! I I i I I .' L-J II IT I I I. ll' i 1\ ! 1 --- ;::;; - t~~ t.,' ...... I - ~ 1 "Y __ i- " ",3 ~l' -I , 011\- ~ "", f.::- T ..... t).I . . eo. ~~ r II ~~ ~ "-- uBOV"TON ~ BEACH , I -ITT 1 .. 'IL~i;i~ 1 r I J~ n _~ TI J[ ~Ddll{l Tl ]~gj!JU 111 "hf ~ r-Il ~T 1 0r- J IllJ ',-~-.=J F \ ,,,. :/ I :(7 """' j"." I " ,;- ~::.:.::: ~ ~ : .~.. - 1 .r c; il; -,'I C;~N~'- ,.-2" \ 8Y.Nro;./ l3t=Ilc-tI AI.> 0, r '" TT' , C -1_ ~ .~ I I ~ [ _~"- ~t- [ . [ - -..:I :T. I / (~ , S ./ II I [l ~' eD T .;;;~..... I J ~~ '\ .. III ~~ ~ '-- ~ J _ ~ r oJ "'i t~ j 'I~~ :;1 fJ' - "3 P C D 2 h :I ! 1 I 1 I I ,. II ,It C U l~~'- , 1 ,v... I ~[I 1 ./ \ Lll ~~Il~ ~!!tr'lJ- ~ ~1'1f -- ~ ~ ,1' I ~~I"'" ~ If T " J ,I ~ ~ =< "i~ ~ -I1=: L:>\.; ,f ~WI~,' ,":-;1, -- ~~KN~.~~~l 1r-:k: ~/~~ ~~. 'I~t- ...... :>'" : !\ ~ _ () ~ L _0' t : -K t- ....11 :W.' V 1/ 1I1'~U (nil; } \\. ~~ ~)(~ ~)t, P ! r ", ? 11S MI~ESV ~I~~ \ '~ ~ .1\ \Uo,sk FE~~ ~: :0191 ~ ~ , ViI' -----I "M ---- -------- '-----, I .. - # ;-ra-n; i ~ t . . ~ . , . ~ . ll.i ~ ~ ~ - .. ~ II) u \I) ~ 4( ~ E ~ () I~ " 3 1 ~@ L.~ \ \ r,. ul\ ~ t] ril L- ~J [f!! ~.. -:3 R. 3 L......I - ::: ~ "- / ~.- ~~ EXHIBIT "All , I'ARCSL NO. 1 A "A".;oF-L '.'~ LAlit' 'LYING III SECTION 19 OF TOYNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RAHG!: ..:;, EAST. SAID PARCEL BEIPIC A PORTIOH OF LOTS :19-100-41-43 AND 104, .")J' flU: 5U9l,lV1Sll)N OF SECTION 19. TO\lNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANCE 103 EAST, A~ HI~uROED IN PLAT aoov. 7. PACE 19 OJ' THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAl.H BEA~ ':OUIITY. J'l.~)H IDA. . . SAil' PAR':-EL 8E\l1C HORE I'ULL'( DESCRIBED As FOLI.O\.lS: C~>MHF.~Cl~ AT THE SOUTHEAST CORt4ER OF SECTION .19. TOUNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RAH.;E 4) O:"'ST. TIlEIICI:: \.lITH'" BE...RIt4G OF SOUTIl 87 32' 47" \.lEST. ^l.OfIC THE S(~H 1.It4E OF SECTION 19, ... DISTANCE 01' 60.00 TEET Tv A POlIlT ON TilE YEST RICHT-O,-\.IAY l.IHEOI' COt4GRESS AV~NUE: TlIEICCF. \.IITII A OEAR1NG ..~F tfORTIl 01 Z". 43" \.lEST. Al.OtIC THE IJEST f<I,;IfT-v,-IJAY l.IIIE uF CONORESS AVli:NU!. A DlST...NCE or 300.00 FliT TO TilE POUlT or nEGINNIHO: THENCE IJ1TH A BEARING OF SOUTH a7 32' 47". IJE$1". A ['ltSTANCE ('F 390.C'" FEET: THENCE SClUTII 68 OJ' "'0" \.lEST, A. 11lSTAIlC'F. OF 511.09 nET TO A POINT 0<< WINCHESTER PARY. Bl.VO..: THEN';r. \.It TIl A CURVE TO TH! RICIlT Al.ONC THE EAST RICHT-O'-YAY 1.INE OFWIN..-UESTER PARK B1.VD. HAVING A CHORD BEARIIIG OF NORTH 06 )7' 56" E^ST. A R...Dtus OF 219J.99 FEET, A CENTRA1. AN01.E 01' 10 09' 54" AND All ...He LtHCTH OF 389.24 FEET; THENCE IJITH A REVERSE CURVE TO THli: I.EFT II...VIHC A c..'IORt' BEARING Of' IIORTH OS 16' 24" YEST, A R...OIUS Of' ~149.31 rEET. A CENTRAL AI~L~ 01' 12 48' 59". AND AN ...RC l.EHCTH OF ..(l~1 7(\ n:n T~' ... !"OINT; THENCI NORTH t 06' 06" YEST, A1.0NO THE I:A~T II[';HT-O'-\.IA~' Of \.IINCHISTER PARI'. B1.VD., ... DISTANC~ Of' 22J.72 FEET; THli:HCE NORTH U 22' 08" EAST. A DISTANCE or 35.61. FEET. TO A I'Olt4T ~.... nlE SO\JTH RICIlT-Of-\.IAY 1.IHI! or 01.0 OOYNTON ROAD: THINCE IJITH A BEAR IN'; OF NORTH 89 SO' 22" EAST. ALONG TH~ SOUTH RIGHT-OF- \JAY 1.IIIE OF 01.0 OOYMTOfI ROAD. A DISTANCE 01' 763.72 TEET:. THDfl:t \.I]TII A OEAIHH<: OF ~~UTlI 45 4(...'11.' EAST. A DISTA~E OF 34.98 TEIT 1\' A P('IN'T (;rl TilE \.lEST RICHT-Ol'-WAY LIIlE .." CONGRISS AViNUI: TIlr.N~r:: \.lITH A BE...R fNG OF SOUTH 1 22' 43" EAST. Al.OtlG THE \.lEST RIGHT- l'~.-\.I"'V 1.INE ..~F .:Of/CRESS AVENUE, A ['ISTANCE OF 960.95 TEET HOllE OR 1.ESS TO TilE POINT OF 8XCI NHIHC. "''In A INt N':I t 8. '502 ...CRES HORE OR l.P:SS AIW SUBJtCT TO EASOlENTS AND RIr-IIn; or \JAYS OF RECORD. ("ARCEl, HO. 2' ^ 'PIIlICEL OF l.AND LYING IN SECTION 19 AND 30 0' TOYNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 lAST. SAIO PARCEL OXING A PORTION OF LOTS 42_45.46-~7-49 AND SO OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SICTION 19. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANCE 4:1. EAST. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAOE 19 OF THI PUB1.IC RECORDS OF P...l.M BEACH COUNTY. F1.0RID... AND A PORTION OF LOTS A ~ 9. B1.OCK 4 "'1'10 5, LYING NORTH OF .STATE RO,...D 004 AS RECORDID. IN PLAT or rALH SItAOI FARMS COt\PAHY. PLAT NO. 0.. IN P1.AT BOOK 5. PAGE iJ OF THI PUB1.IC RI:COROS OF PALH BEACH COUNTV. 1'1.0RIDA. SAIt> PARCEL BEInG HORE fU1.l.Y DESCRIBEO AS '01.1.OloIS: CQtlHENCIHC AT THE SOUTH~AST CORNER Of SECTION 19. TOYIISHIP 45 SOUTH. It1.NQE ~3 EAST, THENCE W1TII A BE...RING OF SOVTH 87 )2' "47" YEST. "'1.000 Till! SOUTH LINE OI'.SECTION 19: A DISTAIIC'l OF 1095.70 fUT TO THE POINT 0.. BEOHnflNO: THENC~ WITH A BEAlUtIC Of SOUTH 1 la' "3M'Z"'ST. A DIST"'NCE' OF 191.5J FZET TO A POINT: TIIENCE \.11TH ^ BEARING OF SOUTn 4307' OZ" \.lEST. ... DISTAt4CE Of 35.00 fEET TO ^ POINT ON tilE NORTH RICHT-OF-Y~Y 1.1111': 01 HE\.I BOY/ITON ROAD (S.R.S041; THENCE \lITH A BEARING. 01 SOUT~ 87 J2' 4'" YEST. Al.ONO TIn: NORTH RIGHT-O'.YAY 1.tH! Of OOYNTOH ROAD. ... DISTANCI Of 510.'27 rEET: THENCE IJITH A BEARING OF NORn~ 01 10' JOM \.lEST. A DISTANCE Of' Z16.0S FEET TO A POINT: THENCE WITH A BEARINO OF SOUTH 87 32' "" \JEST. A DISTAlICE OF ))4.S8 FEET: THENCE NORTH 0 57' 44"'\.IES.T, A DISTANCE Of' 661.80 'EET: THENCE SOUTH 97 35' 1J" \.lEST. A DISTANCE OF :127.71 'EU: THENCE \.lITH A BE"'RING 01' NORTH 0101' 32" \JEST. A DIST...ttCE Of 612.58 FrET TO A POINT ON THt SOUTH RICltT-Or-YAY loIN&. OF 01.0 BOYNTO/I ROAD: THINCE \.lITH A BEARIlIG OF NORTH 89 50' 22" IAS.T. A1.0NG A 1.INE 1.YING 40.00 TEET SOUTH OF AHD PARALLEL TO .THE CENTERLINE Of 01.0 9QVHTOH ROAO, A DIST"'NCE 0' 965.32 TIE.T: THENCE UITH A BI:...RING 0' SOUTH 01 00' 33" EAST. ... DISTANCE OF :l5J.Ol TEICT: THEIfCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 6-B 09' 11" UST. A DISTAtlCr; Of 337.55 fEn, TO A !"OIIIT 01'1 THE \.lEST RICHr"-O,.IJAY OF THI HA1.L RO"'D: THENC! WITII A BX...RIHO OF SOUTH I 06' 06" EAST....1.0HG THI \.lEST RIGHT-OT-WAY 1.INE Of THt HAl.1. ROAD. A DIST...HCE OF 7.83 FElT TO A POINT: nlENCl \.lITH A CURVE TO TIlE 1.EFT HAVING A RAOIUS "F 2041.J1 FEET. A CtNTRAL ANGL~ OF 9 OS' Jl". A" ARC LENGTH 0' J23.9J FEET TO A POINT: THENCE SOUTH 88 06' 16" \.lEST. A DISTANCE OF 282.45 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 01 00' 24" EAST. ^ DIST"'NCIC OF 632. J:I FEET: THE1ICE tfORTH 87.32' 47" EAST. ... DISTANCE OF :;:01.03 FEET: THENCE .\.IITH A .BEARING OF SOUTH 01 16' 4J" EAST. ... DIST...NCE OF 2.15 FEET HORE OR LESS TO THE pOIKT OF BEOIHNINC. OOHTAINIHO 28.88 ^CRES MORE OR LESS AHD SU8JECT TO EASEMENTS "'HD RICHTS OF WAY OF RECOkD. J:;An.LOJ.J. n PARC.L NO. 1 A r'AII':F.L ,..t LAlIC' 'LVIm: tII SECTION 19 or TOUNSHIP I.!> SOUTH. RANOE ./0) I:"'ST, $14 1[1 PARCEL BEIIIC A PORTION 0' LOTS '9-40-'1-4) AND 44. iJF flIE ~URVlvtSHlfI OF SECTION 19. TOWHSHIP I.!> SOUTH, RANCE 43 EAST, "'~ HI~vROED IN PLAT BOOK 7. PACE 19 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALH BEM."ll .;ourITY, FLORIDA. . SAIL' f'AR'~IL B!II~ HORE FULLY OESCIIIBED AS FOLI.O'-lS: C~.t1/'1F."'CIr<<.; AT THE S(\(JTIIEAST COIINtR OF SECTION .19. TCXJNSHIP 45 SVUTlI. IIA",;E 4) EAST. T11EllCE '-lITH A BEARINC 0' SOUTII 8' 32' 4'" '-IrST. ALONr. THE SC~H LINE Of SECTION 19, A DISTANCE Of 60.00 FEET TO A POIIlT \)N THE IIEST IIICHT-Or-'-IAY L.IHE Of CONCRESS AVINUE: TlIEIfCF. IolITII A DEARINC ~~F NOATll 01 2',' .3" IolEST. ALO~ THt IolEST flJ,;lll-v,.I./AY LIIIE uF CCHCAF.SS AVINUt. A DISTAp./CE or 300,00 FtlT TO Tilt: f'OlNT 0' nEC1HHINO: THE"'CE \.lITH A BEARlp./C Of SOUTH 8' )2' Io'-. lJE~r. A C'lSTAHCI {IF J90.(>'J FEET; TIIE...CI s(lUTII 68 OJ' 48- \.lEST. A lIJSTAHCP: OF S11,09 FEET TO A POINT 0<< WINCIlESTER PARI( BLYD,: THEN':E \II TJI A CURYI TO THI I\ICIlT AL.OtIC THE EAST RICHT-Or-'-IAY I.INE OF\.IIN..."llE$TER rARK SLVC', HAVI"'C A CHORD BEARIllC Of NORTH 06 3" 56" EAST. A RADIUS OF 2193.99 FEET. A CIIlTIIAI. A"'OLE OF 10 09' 54- AND All ARC LEl'fCTH "F 389,24 FEET; THENCE \.lITH A REVERSI CURYE TO THE \.F.FT IIAVIHC A c..110'U' DIARINC OF !lORTII OS If>' 2'" '-lEST, A RADIUS OF ~149,JI rEET. A CE~TRAL AI~LE Of 12 48' !>9-. A~D AN ARC I.INGTH OF "(\~I 7(1 fElT fl' A /'OINT: THUICI NORTH 1 06' Q6- '-lEST, AL.oHO THE EAST ~I~HT-OF.'-IAY uF ~IHCHISTER PARY. BL.VO.. A DISTANCE OF 223.72 FEET: THENCE NORTH U 22' 08" lAST. A DISTANCE 01 3S. 6' nET. TO A !'OINT ....... nIt So:lUTIl RIGHT-O,-IIAY LINl! OF OL.D BOYNTON ROAD: THINCE \.II TH A BEARIN'; OF ...QRTlI 89 SO' 22" EAST, AL.ONC THI SOUTH RIGHT-OF- IolAY LIIIE 0' Ol.D OOY'HTOfI ROA[1. A OISTANCI OF 763.'2 FE!T;' THVfCE IoIIT/I ,. DEAIlIH1: OF ~unl 4'> 4(....11" lAST. A DISTANCE 0'34.98 'lIT h' A P('IN"T (.If I THE \JEST RICIlT-OF-lJAV LitlE OF CONCRESS AVENUE; TtIF.No:"l:: \.Jl TH A BEAR I tiC or SOUTH 1 22' .).. EAST. ALOtlC THE WEST UGHT- ('~.-IoIAY L.1NE N' .;OffCRESS AVEINE. A llISTANCE OF 860.95 FilT HORE OR L.E~S TO Tll);: POINT OF' BltC1 NNltlC, c.:tlIlAINIP4'; 19,~2 ACRES HORE OR L.ESS ANO SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AIlD R Jr.II~ Of WAYS OF RICVAD, fARCEL NO.2' A .PARCEI. OF L.AND LYINC IN SECTIOI~ 19 AND 30 0,. TOUteSH1!" 4S SOUTH. RANCE 43 [AST. SAID PARCEL DII~C A PORTION OF LOTS 42_45_46_67_49 AND 50 OF THI SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANCE 4' lAST, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAOE 19 OF THI PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAI.H BEACH COUNTY. FL.ORIOA AND A POIITION 0" LOTS A ~ 8. 8UOCK .. AND S. LVINC NORTH OF .STATE R~AD BOlo AS RECORDEO'IN PLAT or PALH DUOI FARMS ~rAHY' PLAT NO. O. IN PL.AT BOOK S. PACE 7J OF THI PUBLIC RECORDS 0" PALH BEACII COUNTY. FL.ORIDA. SAID PARcEL DIIIIG HORI FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLL.C>\.lS: COHHENCItlC AT THE SOUTIlEAST CORNER OF SECTION 19. TOUIISHIP 45 SOUTH. Kl\N~E 43 EAST. THENCE WITIl A BEARI NC 0' SOUTH B7 32' 47" "'EST. ALOttO TIlE SOUTH L.INE OF,SlCTfOH 19. A DISTAlICI OF 109!>.70 FUT TO THE POINT 0,. Bl!.QIKrfUfO: THENCE "'lTll A BEARIHO OF SOUTH 1 18' 4J"'EAST. A DISTANCE' 0' 191.53 FEET TO A POINT: TIlENCE \.lITIl A BEARIHC OF SOUTIl 43 07' 02" \.lEST. A DISTANCE OF 35.00 HIl TO ^ I'OIteT ON TilE NORTH RICHT-OF.U~Y LINE 0' H~ OOYHTOII ROAD (s.R,a04); THIHCE \.IITIl A BEARINO ,or SOU111 87 32' 47" \.lEST. ALONO nl! 1I0RTH RIGHT-O,.\.lAY L.IIIE OF DOYNTOH ROAD. A DISTAIfCI OF 510.'27 FEET: THEIICE \.lITH A BEARII/G OF 1f0Rn~ 01 10' 30w \JEST. A DISTANCE OF 216.05 FEET TO A POINT: THINCE \.lITH A BEARINO Of SOUTH 87 32' 4'" \.lEST. A DISTArICE or 334.88 FElT: THENCE NORTH 0 5" 44-' \.lEST. A DISTANCE 0' 661,90 FElT: THENCE SOUTH 9' J5' 13" \.lIST, A DISTAHCE OF 327.71 FElT: THENCI \.11TH A BEARINC Of /fORTH 0101' 32" \JEST. A DISTAHCE or 612.S8 'UT TO A POINT ON THt SOUTH RICHT-OF-IJAY L.INE- OF OLD BOYNTOfl ROAD: THENCI \.lITI-l A. BEARWC OF NORTH 89 SO' 22" EAST. AL.ONC A L.INE L.YINC 40.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PAIIALLEL TO THE CENTERLINE OF OLD BO.YHTOH IIOAD, A DISTANCE OF 965.32 FlIT: THENCI loll TH A BIARINC or SOUTH 01 00' J3" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 2SJ. 01 FElT: THE14CE '-lITH A BEARll/O OF NORTH 68 09' 11" UST, A DISTAIfCE OF 337.55 Fln, TO A I'OII/T ON THE \JEST UCHT-O,.-IJAY or THI HALL ROAD: THENCI \.IITll A BIARIHO OF SOUTH 1 {lEo' 06" EAST. ALONC TIll \.lEST RICHT-O,-WAY L.IN! OF THI HAL.L. ROAD. A DISTANCE OF 7.83 FElT TO A Pl:>IHT: nlENCE \.lITH A CURVI TO Till! I.EFT HAVI14C A RADIUS or 2041.31 FEU. A CEIITRAL ANCLI Of' 9 05' 31". A.I/ AIlC LENGTH OF 323.93 FEET TO A POINT: THENCE SOUTH 68 06' 16" \.lEST. A DISTA...Cr: OF 292.45 FEET: THOlCE SOUTH 0100' 24" EAST, A DISTANCI OF 632.32 FElT: THEIICI NORTH 8732' 4'" EAST. A DISTANCE Of' 201.0' FElT: THEHCE \lITH A 'BEARl"'O OF SOUTH 01 16' 43" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 2.15 YEn HORE ~ I.ESS TO THI POINT OF DEOIHMIHC. OOKTAINIHC 28.88 ^CRIS HORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMEHTS AND RICHTS Of' \JAY OF RECORD. ( t -"';.' ~" f It. , it " " CITY.' OF BOYN:r'ON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ., COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the planning Department.' Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicant's Name (Person or business entity in whose name this application is made): BILL R. WINCHESTER Address: 9290 NICKELS BLVD BOYNTON BEACH. FL 33436 (Zip Code) Phone: 732-3961 FAX: 2. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): KIERAN J. KILDAY / KILDAY & ASSOCIATES Address: 1551 FORUM PL BLDG 100A WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 (Zip Code) Phone: 689-5522 FAX: 689-2592 3. correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* (Zip Code) Phone: FAX: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. II. PROPOSED AMENDMENT. The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to amend the text of the Comprehen- sive Plan for the reasons stated below: 1. Section, page number, and exact language contained in the Comprehensive Plan which the applicant desires to be amended: Future Land Use Element Paqe 127 "Future Functional Classification" (pg.142 current version) Paqe 128 "2010 Roadway Desiqn Types" (pg.143 current version) See attached maps includinq Winchester Park Boulevard. ..... RECEIVED OCT 1 I '1/ , PLANNING DEPT. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend --<r " I, . . . ~ ( 2 ) 2. Nature of Amendment requested: See Attached Letter 3. Properties or persons that would be affected by proposed amendment: See attached affected property owner list. 4. Statement of conditions, hardships, or other reasons justifying the proposed amendment: See attached letter III. LIST OF AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS. For all proposed Compre- hensive Plan amendments which would change the permitted use of property, the applicant must submit the following materials in two (2) copies: 1. A complete list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties for which the permitted uses of said properties would be changed, as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county court house shall be furnished by the applicant. Mailing labels for these addresses must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant'S knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. Notifi- cation of affected property owners will be handled by the City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend r _, 1\. .1 '", ' (3) " 2. A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the properties referred to in paragraph 1, above. ' IV. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the attached schedule. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. x 44JQL/~ Signature f Applicant 9-;<3- 9/ / Da te VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ~" )1-30- P/ Date (I) (We) hereby designate the (our) authorized agent with regard x L&rL~~ Signature of Applicant above signed person as (my) to this application. /-~d?- 9/ Date PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend .;""'.".---~ eM HYPOLUXO RD CM F2 l3' t:l & ~ a: ii ~ ij t.J C WINER 1'0 C t.J 22 AYE N CN a: w' :fl~ t3 ~~ E2 w.J ~ ICO ~ ():::.:::: "" za: j ~c:Vi "j t.J CMOLD BOY/fHlN AD CM C t.J t.J 0 SM t.J BOYNTON B CH BLVD SN SN 1 SN LO ill I m !f > J -00: J 1-4 ~it.J Ul .,r Ul Vi r lU ,(,'!"'" I 0:: lD ~ :z 0 CM (J llOOLMJ6!-fT AD CM CC Vi 23 AYE S CC Ii! ~ ! ~ g! "" ~t5 ij l'i I ~ ~II I 18 ~ j .~ ~, l~~\ I I ! ~ j . /~j ,q, I . ~ , ~J ' /01 ~ 1/ . i j'. ! ff / . ~, I /~ Il/ ~ I / I:: SM r SM, jl:.J -; / ~ II ;. (.) !' . ~ cJ I I ~ /. I ~ ;IVi I~ -; I ;, . / I ~ I 8;/1 . j -; I I;, . i / ~ L E fi E N.D 00 SP - STA TE FRJNCJPAL ARTERJALS s)( - STA TE /O(JNCR ARTERJALS CJ{ - COUNTY Jo(.JNCR ARTERJALS CC - COUNTY COUECTCRS C - CJTY COLLECTCRS NOTE' UJ/).{,.4.fl(ED ROADJrA YS NOT QY STATE CLASSJFJCATJO'l Not To Scale May, 1989 SOURCE: Walter H. Keller Jr" Inc. BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION WALTER H. KELLER JR., INC. CO/lSlI}ti/lg Dlgiflt'ers S P}amers Cora} Springs. Florida 127 ..1:. S! ~i)j UJ > -< l:::l ~ I I .r "LD HYPOLUXO AD ..- ( 4LD \ ?\f ~ Ei ~ a: i)j ii ~ 2L IIIHEll III 2L 2L Ii! ~i)j '" j 2'2 AVE H a: . we t5::i wlXl J::::c: l::::l Zoo: ~ _ c( ..., ~ a.. OLD BOYNTON ~LD 2L 4LD ~ ..J C ::J BOYIfTONl\i VB H lO BL YD "LD oLD oLD ~ :-,J 4LD lO >- :J: ::I: g tr ~ 4LD l\i ~ "LD l\i 4LD 4LD "LD ~~ LD Z o l.J 1I00LBRISHT AD oLD ~ ~ 2L Z3 AVE. S 2L ?\f Ii! ~ ! ~ LEG END ~ 10LX - TEN LANE EXPRESSWAY 6LD - SIX LANE DIVIDED 4LD - FOUR LANE DIVIDED 4L - FOUR LANE UNDIVIDED 2L - TWO LANE ~ - TRI-RAIL SIATION L111 - PROPOSED HlGH SPEED RAIL CORRIDOR Not To SCule May, 1989 SOURCE: Waller H. Keller Jr., Inc. BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2010 ROADWAY DESIGN TYPES WALTER H. KELLER JR" lNG, Consulting Eilgineers G PlilMers Coral Springs, Florida 128 JUSTIFICATION FOR TEXT AMENDMENT TO SHOW WINCHESTER BOULEVARD AS A COLLECTOR ROAD The proposed Text Amendment corrects what should be considered a scribner's error in relation to Winchester Boulevard. Winchester Boulevard is a fully developed collector street dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach between the Boynton Beach Mall and Boynton Beach Boulevard. This collector road was required to be constructed as part of the development of Regional Impact agreement for the Boynton Beach Mall. The purpose of this collector street is to provide direct access between Boynton Beach Boulevard and the Mall, thereby eliminating a significant amount of trip by Congress Avenue. The road was constructed along with the Boynton Beach Mall in the mid-1980's and has, therefore, been considered an all-previous traffic analysis in conjunction with the adoption of the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the designation of this road as a recognized City collector will have no affect on the analysis currently contained in the Plan. In addition, traffic modeling in Palm Beach County also recognizes the existence of Winchester Boulevard in projecting trip distribution from the Mall to both Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Attached is a copy of Ordinance 82-38 requiring the construction of this road as well a Palm Beach County Resolution R-81-1652 which also provides agreement for roadway improvements including this collector road. Additionally, a copy of the 1980 Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan typical cross sections shows the 108' section which was constructed as Winchester Boulevard under a classification of "Urban Arterial". STATE OP FLORIDA } } SS ) ,i r. v; ..I, ~ \ \ I' I , , I i ^ f' r I [l A '.J I 'r C;OUI{TY or PALM OEACH BEFORE HE THIS DA'.l' PERSOHALLY APPEARED DEVRA NEWET,L SWORN, DEPOSES A~D SAYS: I-IrlO BEl HG DULY : i r ~ (: [ That the occompany~ng Property Owners L~s~ ~G, to the best LT~ h~s/he-x' Knowledge, 'fj conrplete t:lnd EJccurat:~. .l~si.. 0:1: all 'property ovneX'".G, ma~l~ng addresees end. p:cope:c t.y control numbers .8S recorded ~n the latest o~~iciel tax rollB ~n the Coun~y Courthouse ~or all property v~th~n four hundred <40n~ ~eet o~ the belov deEcr~~ed parcel 0~ 1 elld. ,. f t ( l \ ~ t } : 1 ii The property in que~t~on is legally describe-d 8S :folJ.uvs: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "All ( ., I f t i : A. D. , to and 10,hL' subscr~bed before me th~s \>4UJ/l CLl tp,ill <~;IGHATUdi) . \ :7 9 Y/} ,Y' day r' ../ / of ~i-v<2-~c~~ / FURTHER AFFIANT ~;AYETH HOT. 5worn rX~~/ C? (uU&u Itot<'try publ~ . state of Floride at Large IWTARY SEAL My Commission Exp~reB: !:~TJI.r!,::ft~~~J.~~_}C" STl\T~ OF rLO~H)IC'; ,fl>l .COn'd:u::-,t-J'.JN EXPLRE3: i'JAR. 2, ~ ()~f?'OI t:O:;DZ~ 'nlfHJ N'07...,\ny PU01...IC fJNOE:RWR7"1~c~s~ -c- ,("\ \' - ' . . ~Ex/;/ b'.'/ " 4// II .. JAt-I-l'3~'90 16:32 !TS:-:WESr PAL~1 #,--410- "'..' ~'.r " r~------ ..... --...----...... TEL NO:487-241-079S H001 P04 - Jan lY,~U lb:1S ~,U~ f.... .. ,.- ~.....;.: ~i \)d, ~clll 0<.1 ~f1<J"" 'lfi iVIll:"od K' ~ thl1 pt~lloJ'711 0 ~ . ' :r.', / I . ~"'... Cbl:'" !.t I,J...',\' 1'.' . -- ~",..t:. .\", . Y . .. 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L~ hotobY lcknoW'toOQQd, do h'H"ll'by C)rl1n'G, rtlrlll1'.e/ t'ot<lIL~!l, quit cLllll1'1 /H\~ cOIWOY unto tho pllrt.y or thw Heone D~t'c, 11:11' I:lUCCC1l30rr- ,ncl .IlJllliOr'lnl ,&U. tL<;It\t, tLt.l(\, intot'oJ!.t, cl.IlL'J\ llr'lO dClJl(lnd which 1;1',<) pHl:j' o~ thtl !.it'llt plU:t, hMI rn ~r.d t.o tnli fal-to",!n.:; duo,:;" l.o<<cI l.I,nc1, ~lt.l1ntr.-, \yln0 "nd QQ\niJ In th-:l County of p,~ln\ DQ~ch, SC.il:.l\ ot rlorldl.lI to-".'1\:.: t~o txhlblt W^" ~tt~ch~d hur.~o: If, WI"t~lBS5 WHi:.Rl:ot; fl.t".':!t r~t'ty n:>u h:7rounto "ct iu:: htlno ,~rW n4/o1 tho d,o,y ...r.d YCI.:U," Ut'ct IJC\jQV'" W'C\.ttoln. WINCllt$1'c:ft, \.nHCI!~STI:n, 281 Ilf';g Al10 CHROCDCrt, n rlo", ica C.n .~l pat"tnc~nhip ~~' .... --- ~~- coor.:>1- p..r . .. o1~2\j7bb Con h OJ Doc: r,r: JCW 8 ClN\lEICLERX ~ p~ COI)JTYI FL'h STX'1'l:: OF. rr..oRID^ COUlltt: OF' PAl.K Ds^CH I m:ru:)lJ':t' C:~rl'rrrY th/:t 01'1 Lhlll dllY/ bllfo(c =1 .:In o[(ict,lt" c1u~y ~vthor-l::!:l'Jd In the Stat-It I(r\d COllnty ~to'C'!tIll(lid' to t/tk~ br;kno",l.d\J~l1\ontll, :;WOlOnaUy AppOM6d ~IIdiAEL A. SCHROEDER I a GenoC'..l ?art.Mt o[ WI NCflE:S'r(;R/ \-iINCHE:5~R-;Zf.IT\rr'JJtIY'lf(iTho(G~;RI a F'lociJ* Q~r'1"r~l pllt'Ln(''C'ch If,) { ....hO~il nnJ1\tJ i~ ::ionud co tho cb()VC documont hllb thi~ day ackno....l!'100~d thll t:1Ir;\() b~[or.t'l mo in ;!',y jV(lOdlction ~for.~~lcl. Still:._ WI':CNet,$ rr.y hM\ll ltnu o~{ lcl(.l :tabl in l:~\<) County.. Mcl b,llt n[or:o.tl~id' t.hLlI 2.J!1J...----d)or .._._~..ill.____._1 :;,.~?::;,..., I /' .... .,. , L.' . /' .).... ,--:. 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CLlCCIi-~::torf( /'./'\0_ <I:s:dqntlJ !In B~ll't:fl\':";" :.:, COfll,\('C~. to, tJ:tC ll11cl hlt.vc .~CC\l:lJl, to, ....ithout cOIll:.1 ~xpcp..'~ (:,_' Cnl<t"Q" r tl;('~fcoJ"',. llr,y Jr(ld ,,11 dtllinn9~ llYlltem~, pipCl~, drlll:,'.: 0:: pot't:on\l tr.~,."~':,' no"; or hlH"'ellft"r loclltcd In, \Jr'\G'lJ:, ovc:r. or thrQulJh c,~![S . .CJht-O!-'><'41 01" now ot" herDDCtor provi6tno {O~ ntorm ~fttdr clr~jnAge in~o tht L-2& canbl, blong wi.th /jny linG Itll. dr<l.i.nAQ\l t:yt.l>',.,,<, PlpeD, dt:',~dnt or por- - tion~ thlll:oQ! I)OV or. 1~erc3[twr i)~'o',.\"~' tor: c:",-tnIlQ" from 2\ny portion of ";I !<.' dQht-or-W"y i:.to i!:'I)' (~' ':ondc,!'l ~ond J:!'tt'vinO ~.~~\O, ~\'\cl\ldi,"\::'1 tno rio\\~ to tHO or:.\r.,,(,!ll l.inoo noW or hor~",-f~~'r under or thrcu~h the riQh~-O!-VRYr ~nd, ~ G(tntot"dl~oat ~nd cxpcn:Jlt/ .to \;11\\;1111 ;:\no u~~ adi.')~t~C"Hl dr,,,ln~C1o!l linol!: ur.c]er oc t.nt'O\IOh 't~::1i-. Ely c1>.tl!:ino;.l ,th\ll Dud t.? h~ P.- ',,"\~r:I {n t~,e 1',lbltc- Roc::orclo .q! J>..\~;- "'uc::r CO'JntYJ rlcn:Lcl3, Cr-'l'1t : ooAt hu'("cby con- sent to tho ~{CL 'ntion~d ~~~~m*nt r~t.Qrvaclo~ a~d ao~c or~nt to Gt'Ilt'I'r.Ot:: it:J lSlJC:;*~. '.::>r.~ " 0 f.l!~L~~t; l.no ~llme e'~,II:L't,!}r'lt t:iOhl:t', ,1.I:: t'acorv(\d ,-'oOVt / .,.,t'i1 l:"C!cyoot tu llt'id tn, Vh()o-t' &I~(\ tht:oUQ'n, :)tlY ~xt.cn:::~on or; c6i'ls!:::r;I(:t10n at thll" li-.:-t<lin oe-I';cdbod rlQht...oi-\Ji-'Y bct~een Old Boynton R)lld and Boynton D~JC~ uoul.v~rd ~s they m~y f1:01~ t..:.'tl',O .to tim!!l o:dtt. 1~\~ ABOVE Dr.$CRle~D PROPERTY IS ~OHYEYED FOR ROAD n!CH1 of KAY ?VR?O~t$ ONLY, .1" ,.l "J ',I :1 ,'\ . >1: .:' ~: " ,f t :j 'l: :1 'j '. '.~ '::) y Rr:CO!lDF..~'~ N~J!.(): ~b\jjl", 0{ WrWII!. "f:yJ)inl1 pr Prin\:inK ILtl.t Il ili r a.ctory In th>> ~ I ~ wben ~ytd. ~tC0;10 VUlIF'/!!O PAl.:.' ~,;; :<'CH J;OUNT'T', tt .\. .~!."'hN n. =:-,I..H":><'!.~ ~,. CIRCt:. ': ::.':()vt" .,. . ......,.___.. _.._...~._._._._..R._......_. m.---.---.-----.-:..~(JCn:-J\.:r'\"I...>...,'"-1"-.... .. T1FI~;~~~~~ -----.-.:! I ;. .' . _ . - . ~. _ I .'J_~' -.' .. ~-. -, -.b..~r,-~ - ''''''''','f",,\M ..,.],..-:tii 1: . -,':"':oi'"l'~';'~,,~,JI~~~~"n.l'.~'X::''';~''.I..'''-I'l\1..:u_''':''''-'''''~; ~ ....._-'II,.-.V"'_.....-.:;,....~j;'" ......., ...______...\~~-......"""'-'l.:.'-"'-"<!.."'~...... a:X .---3.t)-~-.. ,---,u_'.''-'J,,~u~~~'3''5--_~'"_~4'.~~~"''''''-'--=-.~f4~''--'~'~~'''.,..-" - ..)...) == -- J"'- (-'I'~~~ -, 1 i'~ ~...: ~ i @, '.. j ~I ~o" - j?'-l 14 I. 5.-> l--- . \ ';:' " .O~N. '..---1 o"",l f 2. V'I- I. ORe@: lB . //33- 2 V""I-- .Of '.'. 0\, 'I''': I ~ 1'0 )'Ul I :"/!/_-'-::~//"'.i.'~~-,:::..~!.. ./~/_,p/-. "J~e.':1L ::l,&F~~i...,-. ,"// (iii, ll"l., " C'i: I () ;::0-12 7 r-:'l II ;).1""; -." cQ)! I " V~C(. ;, .,':, " 02 -1. ... ~.:.. ~ . '11 f.C . 42.. / 2. ~o ' , I 'IV" :5 30b L;G 1S 'j/ Lf.5-1 , I' \-1'" I .( 1. 1 ~ , I '\ 1 18.61AC :'J O' --. -' ~1 Lj 'j 1 II " I k' ::: l' . <\ .I'~ ~ .-';) ~I \'1 ':: I ~i 1\ *1 \ \ ~~~I ...----~ -.' ,.pi r-' ;. ;=!v "".....~ ~ -=--------- - .......-. ~"':'_.:-' . ------ -'" \~ /.J4AC " ~ Y'7.5~ @ (-4? -I f 2. .3/;'. ....;..:, ..r..'(....~ --. I :] -- -~l I )4- 5-l 6 ~b o c, /:i37S1 , i~/@~:..-f:-/ ~ //,'/ .-g;>"~';'/f:</.//lfI'''// /"/'<'<;/6-}.'4'.".'/1//~ Or,?c~'1 PIOie .. --.... oR'J653 10-531 -',lit. ~ ~ 1/!:. 103. ; ~ . I (j; 4.' C () cO N CD () ,'~. W ('\ n 0 c.:... \.D l..i) IY) T; '1::: C) '" CJ " ~ --J (D 40 .\,...-../ 7 ' @ 39 22 (!8. -i ~ Q: ~ 'l... I. Q-i 6. I I r-...... v) lu -=t (.J 390. @ 3. ",: ,,-\ '" . 140 - I l.; -", '.50bC <) (Y) Cr<.4i31 PDY3B (\l ~61/ vI'; """:> '...... 19 OR S09" " ::;: () r>i lJ' ~;O.31 7 . qI7."20 I.. OK'L370 PIS95 987.(,'0 'TO SEe.' COP."lER ".v .... .1 I I I \, .c; R 80L \ ~~..~. -'\ ,.\ '....;: .. - . ~ ..{. ./ ~ I t. .__.__...1-.-...-.._._.__~._...:._ "\ .-.0"> / .~ I" ~ "- (\..!/ - I < ., --' . ;;., <;) o '. 01 ..- I" .~ . -- ---j--.. ---.';'--.-.'" I I i I I !V -<i" ( /-~.\ (,{j \ I ,I. ''-.C!y )1 -}:'8 . I - / -.0 I I. I f r\ i? '68[:' . J~ ~ I IO'r6 IN " - .11 ' ~ 2 - 0 '0- ;;.", , 'J"> b':' Zi ;.....~.t~ '. ;: ~~.; ~ CID !I' CD rY) - (J ~ Q:) 0:) Si! '<:8t- 0/80) 9080d 9~f'r;CfO 0/178 )fCfP'd Cf3JS3H:JNIM ~S.S~I r'v. ') lie 'lOC?S . -,' ~ r j' 1 o en ri) \ ~ ~' C\JI' I \ \D 'ij- -- ~ -- 0\ ,. rs V] '" ,. ,n of "It -: l.J \I) . .....Ia ., \J ..... (h .. ~~-:~ '1.. ',,1. EXPRESSWAY SECTION TO BE DETERMINED BY rLORIDA 0.0. T. I ... ril ~. ~ [ill K H. I RURAL ARTERIAL I'.' em r~, ... RURAL ARTERIAL ~. ... ". RURAL COLLECTOR ha .< m y. rn u' u' I RURAL COLLECTOR I ~'I [t, ----- , . - - - - b~ ~ - .. ~-=-; " ~l ~ : : l :" - (c:Jz-CJ',/l /q!3t-"> hl~. ! III I URBAN ARTERIAL "'[CtAl, KC;TIOll WHt"! [XIIT... ",. DleTATn ~ -.' - - ~ u-:= u r-. itl -.' Jd -- !1 ..' u' y A I' ..0' A A )C)O'..oo' A --~~'" IT::::: _ - - - - I N - !: - -= -= ---i ~[ : : -:~~' ---~" If ---~ I. ~~ .~ t~ ~. ;s I' I toO" uu' It'.' to ,toO" (no' 1tI.' ... '00" 100' t- I'''WO' A : ~ : ~ [i A -----j B B b! B L-__ ~ 42 ~--- -~ ?13.c- ?PH~ J-'MPV( (qq, 4 r--- ~ rffiTl1 . I . I nn 1 - .. RURAL ARTERIAL "" ... .. ... 1 "0' ~. M. ". ... _..,,'N.' r l URBAN ARTERIAL .. .. ... .,. 'II' .,. . . URBA N COLLECTOR PALM BEACH COltITY. rLORIO CROSS SECTIONS :31 -1] E ~...~--- 32"- 3~' R/W o' td tel .' PALM BEACH COltITY, rLORIt C 2:liZ'- 2760 R/W SPECIAL INTERSECTIOI TREATMENTS , -?er"'.1- ~ CJ Palm Beach County Resolution No. R-81-1652 December 22, 1981 and AGREEMENT .FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS o December 22, 1981 (0 o , I' i ~ I I; I' .1 il I, " ! I' i: I. ~: . I. " :' I j: ,I i' ,I " i \. ,. I" I' ., , ., I! I: " " h I' H I! .. .1 " !, ,. ii I; " I: j. ~ ~ ., ~ : j, " " ! ~ ( : ,I f; :, \: ': \! RF.S')LUnON 110-,- R-llt-I('S2 RESOLUTIO:I OF TIIf: /lOARD OF COUNTY CO~t:11 SS lO:a:RS OF PAUl BEhClI COl:::TY, Fl.ORtOA TO f.XI~CU1'I, Tim hTTACIIF.1> ACREEHE:rr 8r~TI{F.t:~ TlIE COu~'rY MW 1I0~ART 80YNTO:-l hSSOCIATES/EI>I~AI,-') J. D~: BARTOLO CORr'ORAnON. o WlIEREAS, Palm Beach County.~dopte~ Resolution No. R-78-1132 for a Special Exception to allow a Re~ional Shopping Center, an~ WHEREAS, said Resolution contained ~umerous conditions of approval relating to traffic impacts, including m~jor construction on Congress Avenue and Boynton West Road, and WHEREAS, Palm Beach County is proposing to construct Congress Avenue and Boynton West Road in the vicinity of th~proposed Mall, in- cluding construction which .is the obligation of the Developer under said Resolution, and WHEREAS, it is proposed that Palm Beach County accomplish a number of the roadway and traffic related conditions imposed by said Resolution in return for payment in the amount of $1,700,000, and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the County Engineer that the Board of County Commissioners enter into this agreement, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary for the County to enter into a contract setting forth their respective for the improvements as fully set forth in the attached is incorporated herein by reference. and the Developer rights and duties (' " agreement, whi,~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM.'llS- SIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA that the foregoing recitals are adopted in their entirety and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners are authorized to execute the attached agreement in duplicate. i! j' l! ( :: The foregoing Resolution vas offered by Commissioner vho moved it adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote vas as follows: Koehler' Baile;.' , i: FRANK II. FOSTER NO~~N R. GREGORY PEGGY 8, EVATT DENNIS P. KOEHLER BIL1. BAILEY Aj'C - Aye - Aye - Aye Aye :! n The Chairman thereupon declared the resoj.utic.1l duly passed and adopted this 22nd day of December- , 1981. p .' I' .1 j! ,I Ii 'I I, I: ,I 1i \1 PALH Br..\Cll COUNl"Y, F:.c.RlDA, BY ITS BOARD CF a/JJ-ITY c:mll'I1SSI0~:E; JOIlN B. r:UNK..r., Clul( qr' . 0'.' By:,"",.":": ./1 r:/", . .. Deputy: Clerk APPROVED AS TO FOtul AND 1.ECAL SUFfI~CI ENCY "/ ,/ ~/_~. ",,- / ~.- . ~",;.. ~ .- -r:/ County Attorney ".0.. . ...... , . - r-- \ " r r'~ ;..~; :-::~ :..:': ~.: ;0:0 F..::t :,t),\L.: ,0.. Ot i :::' ;---~/ ~.::.: ~'~::"1"~ --- Till:; j.;'; He: ;~:'I!:::r:', :::.Id,~ .. I " ..~ (. 1 'I . .{l J:' . ' . ., . J. . I . J.. .r'V, ,. ,..,...,. !. , _ _ r_' ~ -' i 19lJl. rJj' LlnJ o'~t''''el~n P/\:'~\ Ut:;,\CH :':OVI';TY, Ll political sueji'lision of the Stato:! of florida, het"ein t"ef~L.t"",d to as "COIJN7"" and llO;'U\irr-[lO':'~TOrl AS50C rAT!:::), and Ei)~':ld{D J, CcB:\RTO~O CORPO~J\TtO~:, cOL.:>,?~...til'n:i I~:~il';tin'j \Jlhl~t' tho:! 1.....::; of thp. Statp. of Fl~:,ida, il(!t"~ln t"(:('~n'e:l to a~ "Ol::';e:LO?EH", WHEREAS, on S~?tembet" 12, 1970, the OO~t"d of County Co;r.;:lis.c;ionct"s of ?Lllm DeLich Countj' apPL"OVQt! tl~e ?o:!t~tion of Homat"t-8oynton hSl';ociates, by Resolution No. R-70-l132, fot" a Special f::':certion to allo~ a .Region<ll Shoppin~ ~ntet" 0:1 pt"op~rty located on the ~:\!st side of Congress ,\venue and 0:\ the i';ot"t!\ side of Old aoyn::on Road, said appt"ov~1. containi~g nUmp.L"OUS conditions of aPPt"ovLll rel.ltin') to traE:ic i::opacts that ....p.r.;: t"easonc1bly ca1.::u1.ated to i::o~ caused by th" pL"o=,os.:::l dev~1.op~ent; and t'H1ERE:AS, OE:VE:LOPF;R nol.' sel~ks to annex th~ pt"oject int"> the City of Boynton Beach put"l;uant to Flot"ida Statutp.s, Ch<'~'tet" 171; <lnd \-lHEH.E:AS, Flodda Statutt;!s, Secti~n 171.062(2) pt"ovides that, if any at"ea to be annexed into a municipa1itr ", was 5~bject to County Zoning Regulations, the:, ~aid r<:!~ulations shall remain in full af~ect until othet"'~'isi! pro~id~d by la~; and \H1ERE:AS, florida Law provides that th~ municipality into ....hien the annexation is sought is not authot:iz-=o to inct"ease ot" dect"ease the int~nsity of the Zoning per:lIitt-.:c! unop.::" the County's reyulation for a pet"iod or t....o ye03t"s unl~sl'; the pt"oposed cha:1~e is aPPL"ove~ by the COU~TY; a~J \'lHE:Rl:':,\S, Florida Statu~~s, Chapter 163.3194 pro\'id~s that aft~t" a Compt"e!ll7!n::;i'le Plan is adopt.~ti by a Co;;nty, all d.;!'J.;!lopmen.t untlertal:en by and <Ill acti"r.s ta;':~:l in t"'!':;<!e~l to ,j~'J~lopment oroees by t:~" C01;NTY silall be: consist~nt with tho adopted plan; Dnd --.----- ~ \ , \ \ \ ~'iiIEHS/\:, ?'ll::-. ~~-.J<.:i1 \:()\.. ../ hc:l~ ..l.!JJ:J':,....i :":~'-' 1 ');JO {:Or.-,l.d..~h~n~iv(~ ?1tJ,~ ."':.i~h c'jnt...n~i p'~L'rOL'::a",l;'IC': St~l:l.!.)r:1 no. J C''?l]uiC'ing that all ::la)oC' thoC'qu<Jhfar'~:i ~ha~ S'U'/'J.:l j)l"oj.>oscll pC'ojcct not '?xce~d C''?.:l!;o:1iiblo? .:lnd s..,!(! levcl~ of scC'vll:e - ,,? duC'ing and l;?On ~orn?l~tiOI\ of tile proJ~ct; -:lnci \",., ~ \ \. \oJlIl::RE';S, it is now n~cell~.:JCY foC' ootl; p.:lC'tio!s to \ ; agC''''~ ~O ceC'tain modifications to the oC'ic;inal Zoning '\. " "-, P'?ti:ion's conditions anc to fully S~:: fOC'th the C'espectivli! C'iyhts and obligations of each pat"ty pL-ior to P.:llm Beach County's entry o~ an ord~r approvinl.) the c'l:'lnex.:ltion under Florida Statutes, Section 171.062(2). IN WITN~SS WH~REOF, the parties agree as follows: 1. DEVE~OPER agrees to pay the COUNTY One Million Se.....;:n ilundred Thousand Dollars ($1,700,000,00) Ol' to provide a l~tter of credit or si:nilar arralhJc:nent acceptable to the COUN7Y upon which the COUNTY may draw the s~m of,One Million Seve:'l lIundred T~ousand Dollars ($1,700,000,00) as needed, ~ith~r of said aC'C'angemelH to OCCur within thicty (30) days of t~(! execution of tilis !\';jrup.mcnt. 2. DEVSLOPER shall caullc to b~ con:"itcuctecl tile f"~ V following roau....ay impC'ol,"e:nents at D!:':V~LOPER':5 exp~nsc. aoth parties agree that this commitment is only (or tile construction of the impC'ovC!::lents required by Palm Dea=h County c:\d that the a:quisition of dgnt-ot-....ay incl'.lcii:'.~ per:nanent and te;nporary eas~ments in conncctior. \-lith said improvemen ts other than on the DEV:;LO?ER' S property shall be the responsibility of t!le COUtITY. Utility relocation or acjust;n<:!nts within the existing or pC'o",osed public right-of- ....a:,'s associatp.d with tl:es~ imrn'ovc:::ents, if any, shall also be the COUNTY'S responsibility. All impl"ove;n~n tl'; in COUN'rY right-of-.....:l:! o~. c1t:'l?c1S ....hi~h will br~c\)'n" COUNTY C'i,;h:-oE-....,)y und~r the pcol-mscd develoi>'"~nt r>lan 5i1311 be constructed as d~sct'i~~d in para'JC'.:lphs 2.1, 2b, 2c <1Ild 2d b.~low: -2- u - J; Tip...' IJ::oJ:-:L:')i !;:~ l. .': 0) 11 ~ t :- .J": '. .. ~ .. : . ": l:1t'H'SI!I:t ion ')~ :~'11"1 :;-r:':'ll!)n : -)...1 .1:1..1 :'!.I~ i ;,I.:':'~.;:~ j'.)Jd ..~.. r!uil1 it:!t t'Jt'n ~illl'~~; Jl'.:i :"~'Jl\t turn 1;1:l~ IhJrth ':'i)i'r'),l~il, rr bl Tlll~ DEI/ELOPER s11.:111 constcu~t ilt the i:1tecs~ction 0: ')id aoyn~on ~oaJ .:1nd :':;;11 :,cces:; Ro"J "U"; i.l Left" tut"n L\fH~5 nOt.tit .:Inc! sout:~ appt"'o.::lch. ii' '9ft 'l~J'... 1...._ "'__ _.... _ ~~r- the imrrovements c) constcuct I ~oT ~"I2.E.O ,-.3 6 ~.qy,,)l!. 'PI-tc\~ at the .; i i) :t:":IL L<J"11 :'-'-.._ Iii' 111t1.._""'''''':H fo:: follo'A's: il be c()n!ltt"u.;:~ed as a with the possible and I irnt ted cur!) ",,:i shall only be r t"eqlJ i red when guttet" is the ellCJ inec r ins that ...ill i i ) will be constructed I"ith only nO::-;:jal ditch section the :,ossi::>.ie of I i;:".it~u stor':\ 1.-111 cause impt"ovcm~~ts to ~lJllct ion ;>t"o,)':! r 1 'J- iii) :.~irJ~"'.:Ilk Ot" bi~:e i'/l o':et"~ an.l .HJJ tf) ~:<istil" p.~\"~:~t.!nt. (i -..............' -)- -.....-- ..----.. -----.. - _.._.._" - -.. ....--... . PZOM -p.irl,J7':~;.) MAt-'L 7=>?- ( ,/VPL--lhA-;?.w-{"- '?/3? ~~I,j..w-pC'''''- JR. fZ -f!.{-/66:L )~~/ -j SI ,Ifi:>t'fJr?.o -rf/;3- j)~d-i?P;:;Y/fi7kr r42 P~;?/IZJ~ / 111j?{2.;;>vt?'111 ?#?"~ 'J) :;tn:.;t ll' htl:)'J. ~ _ ... va~cnt lim~to existin culva~t c~in~. of the I ',,- '/1 ) vi il , the 3. The pa~ties a9~ee that the DEVLLOPER will :f"p.J~ oo.v. r>.:D IO~ const~uct a -t:'We-Iane)\connccto~ ~odd on an a-e foot right-of-way p~ovided by the DEVELOPER, sai~ road to be constructed to COUNTY standards and to be located between Old and New Doynton j{oads ~s shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. This ~oad and the right-of-way shall be dedicate~ to the COUNTY and accepted by the COUNTY fo~ maintenance and other purposus upon /.. ~ tJ V /Z.15fl "" completion. This ~oadway will be constructed as -e- ",,",~o. '- THC ..... . s ec Clon.,1 t.J l\c:.c.o"D"'~ W IT)t^'P&.ol'l'l,)~ ?a.: r1'l f.l Pj)Q.QII,!.l::l t!o"t ~....... &l'Ie II ,-",,10.1 ~ F"r\1."" ''''''a\oIf ~"rJT'1 ".c:....r ~F ""I'I~ e""w.TlI......T\.."" ?~"M IT !.~" - II ~ I ~~ u IS 0 1I}1Q/8 4. The COUNTY agrecs that the obligations agreed to be ur.d~~ta.ken by the OEVi::LOPCR in Paragraphs I and :l are in l~au of the reyuiremcnts relating to roadway construction contalned within Resolution l~o. R-7!l-1!32 (attached hereto as I" Exhibit "B"). The COUNTY further agrees that the faithful performance and completion by the DLVELOPCK of his obliyations shall relieve DEVLLOPI::R of the roadway improvement obligations (wi,tn the exception of cond i tions 1-1, 18 and 20 l containcd within Resolution No. R-70-1132. 5. 1n considct'atlOrl of l)!~VI::LOPI::/{'::; comrnit::lcnts contal:,cd hcrein, COUUTY agrees to mill~e the followintj roadway i:n:;r'ovl~r.l...nt:S at CCJUIITY'::; expcn~c suoJcct to tl'~ provisionz contalned within l'o1ra:,)rapn ';;I: -4- ( r (- '- o' c) 0, ,)) P.)l:r. Or:.:lch C,>unty' II con5tl"ll~t Conrjrr!!';!; AI.'(w...e .1::; u Eout'-lM1C l."Odd....uy ',:ith m~Ji,)n (rolll ^CC\!fiS Roac! "E" throuyh the intecsection with New Goynton Road (S.R. B04) . b) ?alm Oeuch .County shall construct, at th~ intecsl!ction of Nt;!',/ Ooynton Roao (S.R, B04) .:lncl Con~:-es!; Avenue; ; i ) 0 u a I l'e f t t urn s n 0 c t h and sou t h apPcoClch. ii) Right turn lane cast appcoach. c) Palm Beuch County shall constcuct New Boynton Road as a four-lane roadway with median from Congress Avenue to Access Road "B". d) Palm Beach County shall construct at the intersection of Hew Ooynton Road and Mall Access Road "B"; i) Left turn lane west approach. ii) Right turn lanc east appcoach. e) Palm Beach County shall constcuct at the intersec.tionof Old Ooynton Roael and CO!l<;p:ess lw<.!nue; i) Ri~ht turn lane nast aPPcodch, ii) Left turn lane all approaches, f) Palm Oeach County shall constcuct at the inters~ction of Congress and Access Roads "E", "0", and "C"; i) Left turn .lane sout;\ approach, iil Right turn lune ;llocth aPPL"oach, iii) Right ancl left turn lan~s west approach, (as shown on Exhibit "C"l g) Pal:n Deach County s~\al1 construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and New Boynton Road; i) Right turn lane cust approach. iil L':!r:t turn. lane north appt't).:lch. h) p.:llm Oe41ch County shilll install slrjnulization Lit th~ follo~/ing intcrsectiorul with tile initi,,: phLi:oe of cOllstL"uction of tht:! main shoPpin9 mall; il COn9L"eSS Avenun and ^CC~5S R041d "0". i il New Boynton Road and Access RO<lu "13". -5- " .-- --- ~... .. ...- ..-. .. - ..- ...-'''. -- .. ...--- .. .. .. - .. . , \ i!i ) Old Uoyn tCJn I~Oi'ld _.IJ ;\Cc.:ss KO,1Ci "UII. iv) Old Boynton Hoad and Congress Avenue. vI Upg rade existing signal at Hew Boynton Road and Cong ress Avenur.!. i I Palm Beach County shall install signaliza- o tion whcn warranted, as ddtermined by the County Engincer, at the following intersectionu~ i) Congress Avenue and Access Road "C". iil Congress Avenue and Access Road "E". i i i) Old Boyn ton Road and Access Road "1\". 6. COUNTY acknowlcdges and agrees that the roadway c::.R.nstruction prograr.l outlined in this Agreement is in lieu of O.{p."'roadway obligation ~he^conditions set forth in kesolution 110. 78-1132 and that subJect to the voluntary .annexation ot the project into the city limits of Boynton Ueach, florida, the execution ot this Agrecr.lcnt constltutes official action by the COUNTY to relieve DEVELOPER of all remaining conditions (with exception of 14, 16 and 10) in said Resolution. 7. COUIITY acknowledges that the roadway improver.lent program set forth in this Agreer.lent wi 1:1 bring the roadway J net~ork serving this proposed development into compliance with Performance Standard ~o, 3 within the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan and that Palm Beach County will not object to the voluntary annexation of the Shopping Center site including the easterly out parcels, all of which is ciescribed , specif ically in Exhibi t "A., into the Ci ty of Boynton Beach, on the basis of traffic generation and will grant permission to annex the development according to the Site Plan (Exhibit Al which includes the followJng modifications: il) Due to the requirements of Governmental Regulatot"y Authorities, the water retention ilreas hilve been substantially enlarged, thus enlarging the actuill site of the ccnter. However, this modification ~/ill not tncrease the S4uClrc footage of buildable area as originally proposed to Palm Beach County or as allowed by Chapter JIlO, noriJa Statutes, or a' Development Order issued tnereunder. -6- ,-) ..'. -- .. . - -----.-...... - ...-- ..... . ..---.....-.----.- '. II o o 0' :)} 'r~I': ;;~~:J;;:}~:ll ..:..'rlt:':r-~--;':': :....J~ :.:'::1 ::l.';:~::/ ~~a.:r~.J:;'?'.: t.) :-i..l':i:i!i' :)11:''-:l:~J r':'I'~::'''~I......n~:;. H' J',:. ..:.: r , 5L: =: I in=r:~ilsr: '".'ill flOt 'Jf~.~c.::' tit.:: :-;'i~h.\l.": r.jO:,.,I'jl: ot i.;~~:.:.l:jl.:' ~rc:Io' Ln th~ projact as ori~inDll~ prO~~5Q~ or a~ ~llQwed ~y '::.;~:.i:''::- 3co, FiOt'" Ld,1 StiJ:.~t'~:-i, or il :i.~I"t2~,)p::\.~nt Orlh!l' issue.! ~!~~r~~nJ/",::, c) t~e Cl.lt iJut"'c-dls '",',.:..:n ill.e ~r.~s,:-ntly ~on~d Agricultural, ...'ill be rezoncu'i:ly tl:~ City of uoynt'in ue.)ch to Com;:,erc ia 1. The COUNTY specifically r~scrves the ri~ht to comment on any Sit~ Plan off@reJ-to t~e City of 3o~nt~n Ocach a t the time of anna;.:ation t!lat contains :;i')11ificant :r,odifications Other than thosa Sl?t fortll in subsections 03, b, or c of tllis paragLaph or as shown 011 i:::<hibit "AN, a, The COUNTY ag re.a s th at i:. ',,' i 11 no t i;r,:,ose acditional traffic conditions at the tirr,e of annexation u:loer the requirements of f'lori...:a Statut~!'l, Section lil.062(2l or ?al:n Beach County Ordinance ,'0. 01-6, Traftic ?,~~.ron::al~ce' Standards, if th~ Sit~ ?~ali for tht! l'LOject is ilS o~.i,:!i:1ally a"pLo./~d by ?al:~ Seac!~ County or AS I:lodified pu!."s;.Jant to ?ara:;rap:: 7 abov~ oc lS in basi:: con:oL.;::ance ....it:l i::;.:iliiJi: "AM. \. 9. Both pClrti.~s .:)yr~'~ that tilt? anI! :,till ion S.?\'''n Hu~dred Thousand Doll~~s iSl,7QO,OOQ,OCl ?Ay~e~: ~~nt~inQj ....l:.nLn ?.1ra:;L-aph 1 shall be us~d by tile .cOUi..,:,i' to puy th~ costs (includ'in9 ac_wisition of right-of-....ay and i',:n-manent/ tel:1 ? 0 r a rye a S e In en t s ) 0 f co n s t l.' U.: ~ i n g the i :~!' ~ (') v e ::1'~ n t 5 cesi~n<itecl to b'~ con!'l::ructed by t!le CO:'::J'rY undec t;lis 1\; r~~::\en:. The purties to thi!'l f\'iL.ee::;I~llt reco<jnize thllt the pa:-'~lent described in Paragraph 1 toyath~r ....ith funds already bl.::.!g e tl~tl by tha COUN'r'Y for i:n?rovcrnall t!; to Con-j l.",~s::; .\veilue L1r~ $uCfici~nt to COVo:lL- tile cost!'l oE till~ i;n?L-ov.~:::allt!'l to be :r..:loic ::.y :!h! cou:n",'. l,,:cor..:JiIl11y, it l:;' nc):. :'::~~ i~t'.2'n:.:ion 0: ( ~:Ii<; ;\:,;~."~.:!,::ent t'1 i:n...(')!'l~ un:-' Qi:lli',j<JtL'-;1l un t:'I-~ COU;~~"{ to :, ~.:.j": .1.J 'l~lt'')r':::: tax r~'."~:l..I"::; ("jr C..J ~t,ir.:: ~l':l'..lL'~'; ~:'.J:." s~\.:h . ---. . .-- .-.-....-....--..... .;. . ;:.a:...,:. .....:....:':l.::,t~;. I 'r::.~ '~;'.I...1 ... ,,! ';')-~~.':;": .'~,"lo , ," .I ;.: ::'.:. . " '",,'..:.:n t......-.:f"lt.i-~.)Ul" i~~; ;l.~lJl'.:i .)t r':,;,::,/~: .1: '.:,": :.J::.:~; J.: :;..: :.~ l :"1': in p.J ~".1 <1 r" :;:~ . ~ , ."~ i t jl t::...., .~^C'::>t. It)n 0' t:~ ,~ l~~~OVQ~~nts d~sc~Lb~d :n p~~~9r~~h S(hl ~nd S(i), wni~h /J 5113;': !)-: compl,~t~d o":C;j~"J~n'j to th,~ tIH".ns o~ thoJt j).J"!<JL",Ji'J;. 10. Thi:o:; '\.:jt"-:l'!.~I~nt Ct)('lstitut..,?s th.~ cnti,:,.: ~:;t'"e..:'l~(:nt bet....e~n tile parti~s anc ma'j onl: b~ mocifil!d uj' sl.:bst!qu~nt, written instrum~nt sign~c by bath pArties. 11. Force j'lajeul:'e - The tilr.p. (01:' thc P~~"(oL"~Ic1nCe of D::IJ::LO~ER or COUNTY of any tc I."m , pL"ovision o~ cov'~llant of tn is I,g ~ee::Ien t shall be deemed ex tended by time los t clue to dclays I."e$ulting fro~ acts of God, stl:'i~es, unavailability of !;.atedals, civil riots, floods, un~vi!:.lability of t'e'1ui~~d materials ot' laboL", t'cs:r:ictions by govern::Iental a~thori::.y, othet' than COU~:'r'Y fot' th05C obl igation~ of the COl.:::-:";', OL" all: othet' cause not within the contt'ol of i)::V:':L;j~::il., as the case! m.:!i' be. 12. "101"<1s of Gc;;de!r:, Etc. ~'lh~r.~v~t' h~l:'e in the COI1t'~lCt so r.~qui~es, t!ie usc "f thc si;1Cjular: !il.all inclucl~ t;,e ?lul:'al, the use 0:' ~asculine sh~ll include thc fa::li:-.in~ or th~ neuter: and the US,~ of repr'~!icntative shall in.;l~cje J tr'Jstee, recei'Jct', execu':.or:, etc. 13. ';ppl icabl~ La.... Thi!> J\gt'e~;l:c;,nt. shall oe <;ove~"n~c bi' and ';I)nst~\,;~:.l in accor'::d;,,\'::'~ ',..it:," t~.;!. la',::; oE t~';! State of Florida. 14. Integt'ation This instt'u::;ent el:lbodies t:.t:: '...hole agl:":!e.:Icllt of the pal:'ties a:1l1 thet'e i!::e no pt'oinises, tet'mloi, c':lnJition:; ot' ooligations other: th~n th05C here:':": cClntail1-!!r!. This AYI:'e!~::Iant shall su~~rsedc ~ll pr~v:.c\,;s cOIr.o:lunic<3tions, discussions, I:'ept'cschtativcs, advet'tiseinents, O::ocihJt'es, propos~ls 1)1." agr:,~e::I'~llts, .~:.th~t' 'Jcr:b.:ll OL" ""I:'rtt~n, bet'~.~'~n t!1e [l~rti'~s hereto Cl"~ not hCLO(:in cor:t..incd. 15. S'~'/cL"~bili:y - In th'? ~'J~:lt. :::~<1~ tl:~Y ~J.J:..t, t~:":1 ~.J:.: i)r:);/~~i.()n of till!; ;\..)r'::c;:\.lnt is ~::i' ~ ~(')l:L.t ..)e ':oti\:.>et~2:~:' :,'~:."'i,di~::lf)n f')'Jnd t,1) :).,! ill'?'J.:ll, t:a~ vill:..d l ~y r.J~ ~hC' -8- \ J ;.:-...::...;; ;~.;:: -. ren .\ing portions .:;nd proVi310'\:; sh.:l not bl.l ..'It ~Qcted ilnd the rlght:; and obligatlons of the pilrtll~s shall be construed '. and enforced ilS if this Agrel.lment did not contain the c. particular part, term or provision held to be so inv.:Ilid. 16. failure to ,\nnex If the anticipated annexation by the City of Boynton Beach fails to occur, then the obligations of the parties ....ith respect to the traffic improvements shall remain in full force and effect. The DEVELOPER ....ill be permitted to proceed ....ith the development of the property as a Shopping center or mall ....ith up ~o 1,108,000 square feet of gross leaseable area plus the development by the Developer, its successors, assigns or transfer~ the four out parcels for commercial purposes. subject to zoning, and that the parties hereby agree that no additional traffic or road....ay improvements arc requirp.u and that Palm Beach County Ordinance 81-6 will be satisfied ....ith the construction of the improvements described in this Agreement.' 17. Counterparts - This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in t....o or mor~ counterparts, each of ....hich o shall be deeJ:\ed an original, but all of ....hich tOlJcther shall constitute one and the same instrument. \ "\ \ \. IH \'llTNJ::SS \IHERI:':()f, the part iQS herClt.:o have set their hands and seals on' the date above ....ritten. ATT!::ST: (SEA:") IT~ JOH~ a. D~NKLE, CL!::RK G..... ,L/j'.;: / Ui'~'1' .'i ;r ( .-/ r', II ',1, ",,/ Deputy Clerk 11 \. , , , :.\ ;.;- V\ L;' It!:" tl~ \' By I : i. ~" ... " . "j . <' ,..". ScC?ctt~Y1Asslstant ~ecl"ctary . 11 \S~AL, ~ HO~IAHT-BO,{N'ror'l ASSOC IATl:$, OY:. BOYNTON B~ACH, INC., a ::g~faTIlt l dice ~e'" .'.".1"'1'1::$":: : c/ , i\T.'r;;~T: i \ r iI', \ ,(tt\ <'\1(\ I I Hy ! ~ J,.~ ". ~:\...J\ ~.\'; ~ .' il -? 's" c::e '-~II:~' / As:; 1 stan t !;~ C I:e ta 91" (~~Ar..1 ~ J AP?RlJ....i:;U AS 't'O rUH:'! 1\~I~'J~~~G~~ )?.?~~;,~Y ~J'(.' ~ '-::; . . -, - ,/ COlln~'i .\t. tl~[,lI"" ED\Y~i' By l,t.l . ~ pr ~ 'Ot.!;) COnpORAT ION ',,L -'1- . ..:.,... '1-" -OPED ~I I 1 ( \ I I (... ~ )PED S 46027'06" 56,/1' 'f . - --- --- 5lf-j'q- L i Lf I - , . . ~: '.:.::- ~ .. ... '_,0. , ~ , " I " , .~ ..- ..J, f ~. .' .: .., . ". " . i-[! .. ".' 1 .. _1: .~i:. ..1 . " :.~ .:..:'~j [' DEC. 18, IlJel P.,J. B. ". _ . In\:: 9, 1981 J;'Dw- \:.C 'J OAT( -.geT 2e JI981 n PM- J ;', ...../ . ... . .1 ~ .~ :;.t " .. t ,~ ,; '.~,: )1 ':~ .,' ". j' , . I':J I ,~ ""'3 to', . '.. 'j " . ,.., . "".4"-.-,' ! 'r",,! \J BEACH M'ALL::;:~ ~N , (5. R. 807) 8.- )N BEACH, ;' i . BO Y NT 0 N >>,EST RD~, :.~;J (,.... " F LOR I D A 'lj, .';i,'" , . .;:1 . . . 0' "'; t'~ · '..:~i S p -1 , ~~!~:'~ . .u. '. ~.i:i'. ~\ .# !.. ;1;" . .......:;" . '''\~''II'I : i..~I'~.~-:o?l .1 -, i ""' \ I '. .,~ f .1 I ORDINANCE N~ 82~38 Lr , , ".,\ l w~~:;J- JWWI. ~ -1~' f AN O~~INANCE OF THE CIl_ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID.a., ANNEXING A CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND TH1.T IS CONTIGUOUS ,TO THE CITY LIMITS WITHIN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THAT WILL UPON ITS ANNEXJtTION, CONSTITUTE A REASONABLY COMPACT ADDITION TO THE CITY TERRITORY PURSUANT TO A PETITION OF THE LAND OWNER OF SAID TRACT OF z..a.ND, REQUESTING ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 7 (32) OF THE CW,RTER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI~, AND FLORIM STATUTES 171.0441 PROVIDING TH1.T THB PROPER LAND USE DESIGNATION AND PROPER ZONING OF THE PROPERTY SR\LL BE REFLECTED IN SEPARATE ORDI~CES TO BE PASSED SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES 15 CONFLICT HEREWITHI PROVIDING A SAVINGS cIJl:US~: PROVIDING FOR. ADVERTISING: AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. r- WHEREAS, Ho~~t-Boynton Associates, the owner of the following tract of land described as: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT -A. filed a Petition for Annexation to the City of Boynton Beach direct to the City Council pursu~t to Article 7(32) of the Cbarter of. the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and Florida Statutes 1171.044 (1980): and, C'i WHE~, the said tract of land lying and being within palm Beach County 18 contiguou~ to the existing ci ty limi tII of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and will upon its annexation constitute a reasonably compact addition to the City territory: o. and, WHEREAS, the.proposed use of said land and land use designation has been determined to be consistent with the future '. : land uses of the City of BOynton Beach and the pal;u Beach County - Commission has no objection to the designated use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COd'NCIL OF THE CITY' OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOUDP. r i. , Section i.' Pursuant to Section 7(32) of the charter of o "the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and Florida statutes .li71.044. ~:~..- ...... .~'~.: .......;....;~....:_-:;:;.._...._~.,_....~~:,......'r:..7"-~J.....-...-:::-..~.~~.::-. - .-. .. .; .th~ fpllowing :.desc.. d....~in~~por.at:ed-.~d~..~i1tigu.oiu.a-~traa.:~t::~~ .". . . .,.: . ...-.,. .... . ...:..... "~ ...: ..-~ ::~. ~.:-_..:.~::....~ s;" .1;;~':..-?--:.1::..(.-:-:I~~;;.:..:;~..':::.. '~'':~~~~. :'--; -:-::rr..:...:.~~.~:;:':;:' :::.:..:~~: ....: ::,.:~~~~ ;;!.7;; :-"1i.;m~ii~~-:-4t:~~aha:~"~. ."~1'rici2'tei~~Wt:h1?:.~6iitf.:"~1?~itl~:B~'~Ch..;'.;~:~;:~~ _.....__ "'__ ..-..... _-: ...-:':' .... ':-> . ll' _... . _ e ," ......1.. -.oft;:" .. Fr6~.td2l~~~t.b-wl~i'''''''''~': eo. ~:!~.__,.;-:\--?-~~.;~IIs'~~:-:~~.:!~.:..~~':.~:~:~:::"~::~.t..::......:'0. :,: ~ ~. ... .. ... .'. ''';0', ......., - ",-.", ,t.-".. _,eo",...~ ...~-_:" I .~ ~"'JI~":".'''''' ': '.~.':"~ .....__...~.\.'......I...........:.. .... '. ......::'~ ."r........ ..'.~!:..". ......"":.....:"'.~. _~.." .:_.' .... .....1'..-_..""...-...... .....,~."'!.:.~".~.~....,.: ~.~'..'"'~-."'. 7t,....-t''. ....:..". i-' ",....".. ~- SZE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A. i. hereby annexed to the City of Boynton Beach and such land so annexed shall be and become part of the City with the same force and effect as though the same had been originally incorporated in the territorial boundaries thereof. ~ I Section 2. That Section 6 and 6(a) of the Boynton Beach city Charter is hereby amended to reflect the annexation of that tract of land ~ore particularly described in Section 1 of this Ordinance. Section 3. That by Ordinances adopted simultaneous herewith, the proper zoning designation and land use category is being determined. Section 4. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. Should any section or provision of this Ord~nance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentenc~ or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the , remainder hereof as a whole or any part hereof otber than the I part declared to be invalid. Section 6. Specific authority is hereby granted to codify this Ordinance: section 7. This Ordinance shall not be passed until the same has been advertised for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Boynton Beach as required by the City Charter and Florida Statutes 1171.044. Section 8. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its final passage. section 9. This Ordinance after adoption, sh~ll be filed with the Clerk of.the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County. " :- - _.---"...~..~ . . ...... -. -. -~.--.~._.- ~..~~~~-- ::c~.~~~I:~~~~(~~~~:~:~7l;~~ "=.a.~ . 11 -...... ~~ :~~~ - =~=- ~ .---...- .. ....+._..~"'""".... .. .I_tf- tU ~"--l"'----~'" . . _ ...., .... '.. _ :: .!":. ..~"f.'~~~~~;:.::;...-';,;..:.r~";:;~-7':*""".~;,.~~~~:~~~~"':~..:.': .:.,... ,:.-\ -"'. ":.. . ." " ..", '~"":.~.~.~_~~~"'~~:'~,=::-~'~-'.":'. ~~:-"'.:.. :..... ."':" \..........-::'.........-... 4J'.,~._.." .~..: ,...... :':'......+:i..~"',...~..r~...~'~-:"..... ~'""",...... ':...,.......1.:'" ..""'-.. :.' .....--.r:...,...~ .,.........."',..~~_ ..,......,. ."'r'_ .,.._.~..__":.'u.. ,..... .....-:. - ..". .~.. .... : " .....- ...J..,.._ ...,......-__ '~~";_'~,\'''' o. o .... 1,0 ,-- ,rt ~ this /t 1982. day of ~ DAY OF FIRST READING THIS I SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE, 1982. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: ',' h?~f ~ uU7- (Corp. Seal) . , :,'.~:o ;.....;~ ,'.' - -.;,0.. ,. :...... : .c;;,~iL~~~~?;~.i-~~~_~ii~;~~~::~ .- -.- .... .,.:' ~.~.~:;.. ~:-~'::~~~:~:~':!'::~'::~".:::"'::':;.'':':;l !'::~~~-~~!:Q&!I . . ~::-.....~.~~.~...;-~~~~.~t..: ~ ~ . ........... 1':0. ..",....,.:.. ....,':11...".. ~ ~ ~""..t....,:_,: ....T .... '",0'.' ..............,_. ',oo ....... .-"t.,....... _. ..'t" .#...._,..;.'.~T'I.. _~.;!>.... ~.lItt.:'............,... ..... .'1. ~ "., . ... '.-' .. <t' .-~!.., ','.,..~'P'~..... :.... ',.., .#.,~ ..-:~' ,.. .........' ... -,. ,- ~~ ~.... J'.f .... .. .' '1.' . . . . ..,.,..., .,~ .. _' ..,... __ ... _:.~ . .. _ ;~. ... . .. . :"_ a .-... - . 3/3/12 (Ref Dwg) PA ;'1 BOYNTON BEACH HALL PARCEL.IS -'MALL TRACT Being a tract of land located in South, R.ange 43 East, County of further described as follows: Section 19, Pal. Beach, TOwnship 45 Florida and Beginning at the'sou~heast corner of Section 19, T 45 S,R 43 E: Thence H 00. 59' 39- W along the east line of said Section 19, a distance of '1898.10 'feet to a point; Thence S 89. DO' 21- W a distance of 60.00 feet to a poInt on the wesferly'right-of-way line of Congress Avenue, saId point also being the principal point and place of beginning of the following description: Thence S 88- OS' 26- W a distance of 846.73 feet to a point, Thence S 43- 32' 54. W a distance of 57.02 feet to a point; Thence S 00- 59' 39. E a distance of 231.62 feet to a point; Thence S 14. 46' 19. E a distance of 207.00 feet to a point; Thence SOD- 59' 39. E a distance of 130.00 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Old Boynton ROad; Thence N 89.- 46' 34- W, along said northerly right-of-way line, of Old Boynton Road, a distance of 1689.25 feet to a point; Thence N 00. 51' 51- W a distance of 1227.27 feet to-a point on the southeasterly right-of-way line of the relocat~d L.W. D. D. L-23 canal; Thence along said southeasterly right-of-way line the following courses: N 87- 58' 21. E a distance of 72.34 feet to a point: 227.77 feet along a curve to. t.he left having a radius of 145.00 feet and a central angle of 90-; N 02- 01' ~9. W a distance of 23.67 feet to.a point; 134.54 feet a~o~g a curve to the right having a radius of 240.00 feet and a central angle of 32- 07' OS- to a point: 2.34.57 fecot along a curve to the 'left having a radius of 320.00 feet and a central angle of 42. to a point; NIl- 54' 34. W a distance of 70.00 feet to a point; 294.96 feet along a curve to' the' r.ight having a radius of 325.00 feet .and a central angle of 52. to a poInt; 293.22 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 420.00 feet and a central angle of 40- to a point; N 00- OS' 26- E a distance of 145.00 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of the Boynton Canal; Thence H 8S. OS' 26-..E along said southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 1738.97 feet to a. point'; _ . Thence S 00. S9' 39- E. a distance of 472.S6 feet to a polnt:;r . .. "~-~'Thence"'N: SS.-OS.... 261l-E..a=distance:-of '328.87_, feet-:- t~.:_a po.lnt.,.":' __:-"" . _ . _ . on ..the~ v.esterly. right:-of,:way-"-~i,,,e-=.()~: Con9ress_^Ye.~.~~;_.Th.ence -,-..,;..- :..........:~_:;;:..;:~;.o~'~~!)~~-:.59. ~..:39. ..E ,;. al,91'!9 :::.sai4 ;:~es~e!"J.Y.:'.rJgi1~::-~f-vay':;.).~!!.e'_~o~::""~ '7:.~ -, ,;."""..6=~' rC-on~-l' sS='" Ave n ue r.=a.::::di s tance;;<;~1.3o..' 0 l~fee:~~:Q.:._..;;--PQ:I.!1_~~:';;_"':: :. r.- .":'.k.........~~~.-~~...::~..1. . .......:..::.:~tc:.~.~:-~.:::s.~~~~.~:::-;.~~~~~~.~:..),~."I:~~:'~..r-:~:..~,' .~.:-:.~~':.~--'.~..~ . .....', ,_.0. .... .~ . ';: .. ...:;'.., .,.;;~~~:-::~'i .'1'. -', ~~~_.. .~..~~~!'~:..~..:~...:~::;::.:~~~.:~'t~:~~~.:..!:"~.. ~:~::-:~~~~~ .~":.~"':r" . ... . ,-' ....., ~ , .. ~ .. - . ... .-., .".~ ".-~. 1'"' ...-.... ~.-,.. ~,. ':7!:'- '01. .y.._. :''''-~. .... :"....,..:-:.~.1'~':'.."" .."':*,.'....-.... """ ";--"~~ ~... .....-,....,.-,.........,..:.~...: .,",:"~ .,.".... ~.., -:.",..~~ ~.~.. ........:'"' ;r...~........r....~...... #....~...,.."" ~~ ~..'.";'".,_. ': .....r. ....-... ~..'" . : -. ) I I . ".-. .- . .........-. .. . .' c,' ",.-... ~ o ._ .~...'...r...... ~ "-:-'" .~. ...... _ ...................:. ,..~ ,;~:~~~;~~~~-[~~75s~::i1~~~j~'tJ~~~ ~..~.~~;2~~~.~~,~::~;:~:;~~2b~~~~~;:~~~~~~~.~~:;~~~.~~.r.~ . '" ..... , . I './ .J"~-.._ . - . I r ; .. "' .. BOYNTON BEACH HALL PARCEL .5 - HALL TRACT (CONTINUED) thence N 46- 27' 06- W a distance of "56. 11 feet to a point: thence S 8S- OS' 2S- W a distance of 430.00 feet to a point; .thence S 00- 59' 39- E a distance of 609.99 feet to a point; thence N 8S- 05' 26-"E a distance of 430.00 feet to a point: thence N 43- 32' 5~- E a distance of 57.02 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Congress Avehue: thence S 00-. 59'. 39- E along said westerly right-of-way line of Congress Avenue a distance of 170.01 feet to a point: thence N 46. 27' 06- W a distance of 56.11 feet to a point: thence S 8S. OS' 26- W a distance of 60S.00 feet,to a point: thence S 00. 59' 39- E a distance of 230.00 feet to a point: thence N 8S- OS' 26- E a distance of 340.00 feet to a point; thence s. 00. 59' 39- E a distance of 150.00 feet to a point; thence S 8S- OS' 26- W a distance of 340.00 feet to a point; thence S 00. 59' 39- E a distance of 229.99 feet to a point; thence N 8S- 05' 26- E a distance of 608.00 feet to a point; thence N 43- '32' 54- E a distance of 57.02 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Congress Avenue: thence S 00. 59' 39- E along said westerly right-of-way line of Congce$s Avenue a distance "of 130.01 feet to the principal point and place of beginning and containing 108.30 acres ot land, more or le.s. . . . . ----....-.0:":"': '~" ....... >'..: .:.t :. ~ .. . ~~"---- :~.;...,.. ", ~..'.L .... ......:: _..--... --' I _"!:xhJb1 t lOA..,' .. ........, ~... ..:,-.". ~~... .t"." ..~... ,.... ..,~.... .'.-' .. ......,;..\o.,...Of .........-.", .-;: ~-... ;".;-. ';" -"'';'':- .1..~-...~.1....,...:,..........~::.~.l'....~..:::"". '\r~..'.. ......: ;'-;"" .......-:....~ .....1...~ :~!" .. ."'" .... . . . . .~ ~";.. ,. . "..~"..... ...~.u, .--, " ..><. _ . ), ......1 ---',:~ --:-~~. .. T- _ . 'FJZC'I-A 8t:vH~ /VI ,& t--'- DP-{ A?? i- ~:tnoJ,w( . ,.- .., -.... . BOYNTON BEACH ~!ALL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT c: Boynton Beach, Inc. is the Owner of certain real property, hereinarte~ referred to as the "property", situated in the City of Boynton Beach Palm Beach County, Florida and shown on Exhibit "A" and more particui:l described in Exhibit "A-I", attached hereto. Boynton Beach, Inc. (Owner) and the City of Boynton Beach (City) hereb agree that the property will be developed in basic conformance with th drawings, specifications, documents, etc., listed on Exhibit "B" and the fOllowing terms, conditions, requirements, etc.: Section 1 Zoning . C-3 (Community Commercial) wll1 permit development of the regional mall - 108.30 acres in accordance with the drawings, specification etc., set forth on Exhibit "B". No variances, special exceptions, etc., will be required to permit the development of the regional mall as shown on the drawings, specifications, etc., listed on Exhibit "B" with the exception of the following: ' Parking Lot Regulationg Section 5-l4l(d) - Elimination of the required concrete curb stop. Zoning Regulations Section 4(L) _ Eliminate required constrnction of a 6' masonry wall along west boundary between Old Boynton Road and the drainage canal. Section 2 Development of Regional Impact (DRI) The "property" will be developed in accordance with the Developmen' Order, pursuant to Section 380.06. (14)(e), Florida Statutes, incorporating the provisions of Palm Beach County Resolution No. R-74-343, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". Section 3 Platting & Subdivision In accordance with the defintion of the term "subdivision" as con- tained in the City of Boynton Beach Code regulating subdivisions, the City agrees that the proposed division of land as set forth in the plan attached hereto as Exhibit "D" will not be deemed a subdivision within the meaning of the City Code under the followin conditions: 1-" '- a. Any division of the subject property will result in all parcel of land being more than five (5) acres in area. b. Division of the subject property will not, in and of itself, involve any changes in street lines or public easements of any kind. · c. The development of the subject property as a regional mall wil involve the de~~ction of new public easements. These easement will be dedicated to the City after the improvements have been installed and accept~d ~y the City, with the easement.dedicati being,based on as-built drawings. :.Wblle .~nveyances'9.f portio . .. "__~",,,~'..o(~.th~propel'ty.;,.td';"'thY~p'art~!!..!!ore ten~ts of the mall ... _' _ : .~. c:-i!_m~1. oC.~!1~p-rlor::!o tlie"":.ct-ual:~!dica_t.ian~p..t ~~":"'6aseme~iin-;':'-:-- ____' .: _~. . .; suc~c;ony:~ya~~~,.w2:~2-no1i;~C':lr. P:,1b~~~~.e;:_ac.~u&l.;"'i",~j;~~:-: ~,_~',=:. __~._:-::,.~.::::::-a.~ili . _' .:it\l~l~..",~l:i. ~fo~=",h"e6:;.~p.s.~-..;.!"!~!t~~= . '.. ~-.~ ..__._._--_...~ .~. ;:.:_'.,; .... . ~,;.:;~....:'1..: -:- ~~~~~t;;~-:~~~~.~~~-q.:. .' .., _....~-:~ T ,"''''1: ~"". ~.....,_. ':".....:"'!' .,...._.4~.\...:..:.:.~:.. :... ..~.....:.::"-..\,..."".. .......~"!7..,....u'...._.-..,,_ "w_," .'-,-:-0 ."/"'__"~.,-,."", :...":....,.............,.,.....,.: :.:-....~ -.., :.:".-,.~,L' '.~'.~' u,.O\,.~:t"'o.ll...:...~ .:.,..~..~ ~.... ......, .........0 r-. '< _c. : lOr. 3 :ing & Subdl~:sion (cont'd) d. No certificate ot occupancy .111 be issued for any buildinl: connected with the mall prior to dedication ot the related public easements to the City. Based on the conditions set torth above, it is agreed that a sub- division plat will not be required tor the regional mall tract (IOR,30 ac.) and tor Parcel #2 (7.87 ac.) and parcel #3 (6.54 ac.) unless Parcels #2 or #3 are divided into more than three (3) tracts and that the sale of (1) any and all parcels within the regional mall tract to the various department stores and (2) parcel #2 and #3 can be conveyed by metes and bounds description only. It is further agreed that given the .axKUtions set lorth above, the subdivision regulations of the City of Boynton Beach will not apply to this "property. t, . Section .- Off-Slte Improvements Off-site (beyond.the boundary limits of the "property") improve- ments for the development of the regional mall as shown on SP-l and SP-2 and parcel #1, #2, #3 and #4 will be limited to the following: a. Highway. Access 1. (. The Owner under an agreement with William Winchester, the Owner of the property between Old Boynton Road and New Boynton Road (SR 804) will construct a four (4) lane roadway with median and separate left turn lanes between mall entrance "B" on Old Boynton Road to an intersection with New Boynton Road (SB 804), approx- imately 1037 feet west of Congress Ave. This roadway will be constructed to Palm Beach County standards and will be dedicated to Palm Beach County upon completion and acceptance of construction. The con- struction will be limited to roadway (including striping, and signing) and drainage improvements only. '.... Signalization at the intersection of the connector road" and New Bovnton Rbad (SR'804) and the connector road and 01 BoYJ)ton Rd. (Ent."B") w11l be installed by, Palm Beach Count per Section 5h)1i) and 5h)1ii)'of the "Agreement for roadway improvements" dated December 22, 1981 between Palm Beach County, Homart-Boynton Associates, and the Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation attached hereto as Exhibit "E". 2. Old Boynton ,Road (Boynton West Road) The "Owner" will construct the following improvements on Old Boynton Road in accordance with Section 2 b) and 2 c) of the "Agreement for Roadway Improvements" (Exhibit "E"): At the' intersection of Old Boynton Road and ~al~Access Road "B" i) Left turn lanes Dorth and south approac!i 'c) .. :.' :".;";' . .. ~i~~~~~~~~~~ztt};~~!S~ .,,,rr;:;:_,~"=...,:,,___,..........> _~~}'.........~:F~" ~__~.....~..;~.~~... ~'!=".~:'W::~.'f~"'~~~1;"...:r. ._.____... __ ___.. ..~~~~~-...i,..~ _._....._..-..II.L......,_ ...-.:_r._.I1t:..:.IO I ., 1i). Left turD l..ne west approach _~it)_ Right turn laDe east approach ...", .:'" .... ,'. :: . ~ ~ .. ~ J ",-' ~ ..~,.".. -....,~'!:..,. ...~..~.....:..~_ --:-.... .:-~.:"O ....1".__ ..~.............. .....':-~...:~.Vt'...~....,-: i'~"'''.~.'',''' ~.:......-....~.:.. :.'!". .""':' U.40....._f--::.;'......_... ""!I'.r.....,.. ....!..... ,_or ..~-.."':', .r, ':'."f"'~}"''''~r'lll:--:-.-' ~ .,..." :." _.""1':- ~...,~....." "'V~.I.'..".. ~ ... , ., ,.' ~,.. .~,.~"~..J..A._! .J L, ...t.: JL..!._._;;;j"JL .11 '1" :. -" .."..__._.....~._. . -..-.......-..... Off -~ ite : :..~ :-::)\'cments At the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Mall Access Road "A" i) 11) 11i) i11) iv) v) vi) Left turn lane west approach Two lane north approach Right turn lane east approach The requirements and conditions for the Old Boynton Road improvements will be as follows: i) The improvements will be constructed ~ a rural section witb tbe possible exception of isolated and limited curb and gutters whicb sball only be required when curb and gvtter is tbe only engineering solution that will cause tbe said 'ro~dway improvements to function properly. The improvements will be constructed witb open drainage and witb only normal ditcb section witb tbe possible exception of isolated and limited enclosed storm sewers wbicb sball only be required when enclosed storm sewers are' tbe only engineering solution tbat will cause tbe said improvements to function properly. , AD 8' wide aspbalt or 6' wide concrete bike patb will be installed on tbe north side of Old Boynton ~ad along the property frontage only. Overlay and add to existing pavement. No street ligbting. 11) Storm sewer improvement limited to extension of existing culvert crossing. 3. All otber bighway and access improvements required for the development of tbe "property" has been or will be completed in accordance with the .terms and CQnditions of the December 22, 1981 agreement between Palm Beach County, Bomart- . Boynton Associates and the Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation attached bereto as Exhibit ''E''. --" 4. The "Owner" and the "~ity" mutually agree tbat the faith- ful performance and completion by the Owner of 1) and 2) above shall relieve the Owner(s), his successors, assigns or transferees of any further obliga;~ons for highway and access improvements as a result or as a condition to the development of the "property" and outparcels #1, #2, '3 and #4. The "City" and tbe "Owner" also agree tbat tbe "property" and the outparcels (#1 through #4) will not be subject to Dny road impact fees, assessments,' or similar charges for off-site highways. . b. Utilities ~ 1. _ .1..... . Owner. sball pay the .Ci t:f.._the_ Owner's fair sbare of the cost 01' .'" __ _~_'. __;: 16.'l.-water:=l~n.ttt.~~~~1,~~wer.. fo~~ma~~~j:h !Fin serve _ . . . ._~___,~ the;~i'p~p<<t~f'~r '-;rJi)..& Bn~~ ~h8.l1 !?~!-ld' pri~!~ot_he' ~<:c:~pt- .: .. -: ance" l)"..: :the-Ct. ,.oto::-tlie;;o~l1;8" water';:.aiiCf"sewer;;Sfi.tems'.':".-::,'- - n:._ -':-;~:'-;-;: "'--";~7..~-~ - - ~~~'-':~'-.l~~~~~ .' - ~""""""'~.-~~~"'~ ~.~..... .:~ .. ,.,:".'. .::_~ ~:;~!.;~.. _.~._...___. ~'J:!.__.._ _--.....;. ._W-~~,.~ 3 . r :".......-:-, ,,~fI'r...r.:~r7""'~''''~.-;-'~;_'' .....:-..,.~.... :.~ ~~1_~..~.:.~ ........,.J:..,.....!A~...,......,~:.~~.:~'~~ .....~ ...(...~~...._...,......,... .,.....;. ~...,........ ..,.....,..':",.. _"I:-_~.~J..-:.....:",""" ".,\.-~,. .",,-_. .,~...~t.,...",:-~~- '.r"_I.:"I"':"'~'" .-.t -. '.' _'. " - .__.... _....,_....__. .'.0_ . ~_ ..~.#.." .._ ._ , '\"..... ( " r- ( Ll ~c) -< , , I.. .-~lt(' Improv<.'::H?:..:s (cont'd) 2. Cost participation in proposed 20" water main in Old Boynton RO:l.d The 20" water main to be constructed on Old Boynton Road shall be designed by the City's en~ineers and con- structed by the City under City supervision. The "Owner" shall participate in these costs as outlined in Chapter 26-34 of the City's code of ordinances. In this instance, the rates ."ill be the carrying capacity of a 10".water line VB. a 20" water line. The City's engineers w11l prepare an estimate of the total cost and based upon this estimate, "Owner" will escrow their estimated share of ,the costs. After completion and acceptance by the City, final costs will be compiled and the "Owners" share will be adjusted upward or downward accordingly with Owner either giving additional funds to cover their share or the City -returning to the "Owner" the excess from the escrow account. The City shall insta'l1 a 20" x 10" tee with a valve and 10" stub line (from new 20" water main to a point 5' inside Owner's property) at the location indicated on the Owner's site water plan M-3. 3. The text of Paragraph 4(b)(1) above does not apply to out-parcels #1 and #3. , . ~ .. -... - ... . ...-.- . . ._ ..:-....._.....;~.~::~.._-=--"':_..".~;_._.. ,,-----.--r.o- . ...,.--- .. ~--- . ~.~~~:~~::::~~~~~;-~-~!~~t:;;S-~,~~~~::~f~- '-~~ffdi~:~~~='~.]~~t~,.~: ........ _.~.....AJ_ ..s.__ __I ~~"~~:"~:::~!~' ':,~Z ..." ., ....:.-. ,.'t" .~." ..t';':'~~". .-.'.~- ~...:.........:""-. _.. ..... Jt.",:" ,... ." ........... t... ....-..!... 1.'.1-:.,.1"';..... :.,. ...., ''''''~ ...-.~..,... ~--.."". ....,. ,. ~7 :.... .J.'T ......:'S.. '. ... .....,....:.~ :Of':'. . <I ..~...''''.._..OOI ...... ....--'.:-:' '!".. ..,.._._,............ ......~.. .. ~..,'. . " r . r, ._. _. . . . I ' . ' . .. ',. , On- -'te lmprov~~~~~~ . "-. ...- ....,,'"'.. -.... -. .'" ..,.~- On-site .(within the boundary limites of the "property") i;;-,prove- ments required for the development ot the regional mall as shown on SP-l and SP-2 and Parcel "2" and "3" will be' as tollows: a. Storm Water Management The storm water management system to serve the regional mall' (108.30 ac.) :'Ind Parcel #1, #2, '#3, and #4 includes the construction ot an enclosed storm sewer system as shown on Drawing No. M-l, four (4) retention ponds as shown on Dwg. No.3, and connection to Lake Worth Drainage District's L-23 and Boynton Canal by control structures detailed on Dwg. No. II-lB. The storm water management system will be constructed, operated, and maintained by the owner. The requirements and conditions governing the constru:tion, operation, a~d maintenance of the storm sewer management system will be per the applicable drawings and specifications listed on Exhibit "B" and the following report, correspondence, approvals and permits: 1. South Florida Water Management (SFWUD) permit material a. Water Management Permit Application report dated Kay, 1981, b. SFWKD Staff Report dated August 26, 1981 c. SFWUD Surface Water Management Permit No. 50-00860-8 dated September 10, 1981 d. Letter from Char~es A. Hall dated November 5, 1981 which describes the adequacy of the on-site storm water management facilities e. SFWMD permit modification letter and staff report dated June 10, 1982 ~-"~"". 2. Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) a. DER form letter dated August 3, 1981 requesting additional information for a permit requirement determination b. Letter from Gee & Jenson dated' August 19,1981 written to DER in response to thei~ August 3, 1981 letter. c. Letter from DER dated August 26, 1981 outlining the adequacy of Gee & Jenson response letter dated August 19, 1981. d. Letter to C.!. Corroto dated February 17, 1982 whicb explains the inter-relationship between SFWMD and DER permitting for this development 3. Lake Worth Drainage District . '.' a. Letter, from Lake Worth Drainage District dated July 13, 1981 approving the Boynton Beach Mall connection to tbeir facilities. b. Sanitary Sewer - .. '-'-..' - ,'.__6 ....--The. '.City". "agrees' tbaithere 1s preSi"iiny sewag"it-.t'rea-tment~;plaDt ---7 and ~liJie capacity: available to, accept.the flows. generated, by the.-,-'-- ~ _ :. '..:::::-:' ~,~ .:~..P~t.l)pQs~~"'develop'men t; of :.the : ~'property"., and. outpar,cels,; and that. -. ' , ~~~~~~;.t:'I:iEI1:fgj:~.~~i$~~t?~i!Wktjt&Qi'!y{JE::~te::...~~\iOvht~;;l'~-t:-~ ~;'i~~'~"ii~~~ti,~~f;...;."t.~e;..:.;aev.B~W~~" tb"t"~9.t..~~m:2~~tc .,' ...~-~ ...,:.....~..,. ,.......~ '.~- '"':"\~";.~:";'.7i!'i''''-7':';''..:i~~~I~~~'~'-~,~~:r,~'':~':';,~~.~ ~;1:fi1':':1I1:"~y~;i::~'S.::j~2;:::.-.:..~:._:,l: . .' 5 .- · ....-..0: ....-~..,... ..... ~ .....-,. .,.,'7 ~..- ~. ., .... :'.' .. .... ,.....,...:":.~ ~...:."... ""':""'~.._~-~"..~ '-'~~"'!'.. ...~.~.-..~........~.. ~......, ~...-~...., -,~'. "~". ...... ,'.._..,.11.. ;r......._....,,,,....'....,, ,......,~-."r.~ ~_., ......._. ~ ....':"".. ....._.... :..._.... . {. A_ 9.......:r willln.:StCi... .~plnr; station, and the fv:-~'" '.' ~,.. ::-:e pur;.pir.,: .. '.0 tne existing 16" F.K. along Con~res3 Avenue in accord~nce "ith Drawing No. K-IA and K-2 and applicable specifications listed on Exhibit "B" and the pump station plans and specifications prepared b~ Gee & Jenson. It is agreed that these drawings and specification: have been prepared and are in conformance with the requirements and standards of the City of Boynton Beach. It is further agreed that upon completion of construction of the on-site gravity system shown on Drawing No. K-2 (excluding those portions of the system under the building-between manhole #6 and 17 and manhole #16 and #17) and the pump station and force main. in accordance with the City requirements, the City will accept dedication of the system for ownership. maintenance, and operation. Upon completion of construction and acceptance by the City. the Owner will: - . 1. Grant to the City, a 10' wide (if depth or gravity line is 8' or less) or IS' wide (if over 8' in depth) easement over that portion of the gravity system to be maintained by tbe City and; . . 2. Deed (warranty deed) a 30' x 30' (or a modified size and configuration to be mutually agreed upon by the Owner and tbe City) pump station site to tbe City. Tbe City will require, TV inspection aDd a one (l~ year main- t~nance bond as a condition of final acceptance. Witb regard to Outparcels II (owned by First Federal of Lake Wortb) and #2 (owned by First American Bank). tbe Owner will agree to extend tbe on-site sanitary sewer system to tbe respective parcels subject to tbe following conditions: Parcel #1 _ First Federal of Lake Worth must agree to pay: ( 1. Pay 100S of the cost of tbe gravity system between manbole 129 and manhole #19 including stubs to their parcel, 2. :Pay 10~ of the cost to oversize tb,at portion of tbe system between manhole #19 and tbe pumping station if required to accomodate tbe sewage flow from parcel II, 3. Pay pro rata share (based on gallonage) of the total cost of the pumping station and force main to tbe existing force main in Congress Ave. Parcel #4 - First American Bank must agree to: 1. Pay 100S of tbe cost of' the gravity system between Manhole #32 and Manbole #8, including stubs to their parcel, .~: 2. Pay 100$ of the cost .to oversize tbat portion of the system between Manhole #8 and the pumping.station if required to accomodate tbe sewage flow from Parcel H. · 3. Pay pro rata share (based on gallonage) of the total cost of the. pumping station and foroe m~in to the , existing ~o'rce main on Congress Ave. ... -..__._0. -....... ..... ...-. , _J_J..oI1""':.4:. ..;"~ Ci .. . . ~3:~::~:~~~~~~~~~iK~:~:,': ':'~"~; --:.~:~~~.~-~.::t::+~. ~;'~~f;~:.~.:~~;\~;~~.t.~~:..~~'~~~~'h~?;:~;F;~i~0~::-7:':'!!:~~}~~:~~7~~'~:~~~1.~::'-;":':-"':'t'. ..... 'to - ;..~" ..... - -.....,...,., 10..... ~...,..~, .~~.. ~ .'. ,,"-' ': "":0-'" ....--.....~.~.,.,...............::. :...... ....~.::~.."\ ~.."P..... ...... _: /~.",. .............:..~. .....-.... .:..., ,'" ....'r....... ........~_...~ -:"'t.~~-;" ':." ~~.~:'.:;.~..:..~.~ _.... -:r-."f' "; ';"0. '. "....... 'r. .......~~:.. .... . . .... . .. . .......... ......-........ .~.-..... 4 . .; ..he Owner of ?3rcel #l and #4 d, ot --' _. ."",.; :';.:;;. :.:. c'JlIllllencement or construction, all costs (en!::~r.':l::- ing, construct lC~ . etc.) required to provide service to their parcel(s) via the ~xtension and oversizing of the mall system, the Owner can delete those portions of the system. c. ~ The "City" agrees that there is presently plant and line capacity available to. satisfy the domestic and fire flow demand requirements for the proposed development of the "property" and outparcels #1, #2, #3 and #4 lU1d that there is presently no moratoriums, etc., that would pro~ibit or restrict the development of.the "property" or the out-parcels. The "Owner" will install the on-site water distribution system in accordance with Owg. 1-3, and K-~A and the site water specifications (Section 15010, 15050, and 15200). It is agreed that these drawings and specifications have been prepared and are in conformance with the requirements and standards of the City of Boynton Beach. It is further agreed that upon completion of construction of the on-site water distribution system shown on Owg. No. 1-3 in accordance with City requirements, the City will accept dedication of the system for their ownership, maintenance . and operation. Upon completion of construction and.acceptance by the City, the Owner will grant a 10' wide easement over that portion of the system to be maintained by the City. The City will accept the on-site water distribution system (including hydrants, and all appurtenances) from the 'public maiDS in COngress Ave. and Old Boynton Road (proposed) up to and including the water meters. The water laterals from the main loop will be combination ,fire and domestic lines. Fire hydrants and Fire Department connections shall be accessible, .unobscured, and protected as necessary. Site water mains and laterals are to be ductile iron pipe min- imum class 50. Taps fo~ service lines shall be made with a doub strap saddle and a Mueller COrporation stop of the appropriate s Service lines from submain to water meters are to be ductile iro pipe, type K copper tubing, or pOlyetheleDe #3046. Materials pe pl~bing code may be used on the customer side of the water mete Water main taps shall be cast iron split tee with valve. . Kinimum of 30" cover will be provided on the sampling point deta shown on Owg. No. M-3A. , A 24" square by 8" thick concrete pad will be provided around tt. collar at the top of the valve box shown on Owg. No. M-3A. Typical water service detail will be provided per City of Boyntc Beach Utility Dept. standard detail. · The Owner has the following options re'gardiDg the 8" fire lines they'enter the .b~ildings: 1. a. Modify the riser detail to show a cross (domestic tee); b. Bold the City harmless for the water lines from. the __~.~'.._..~___ _."_~ro~_iDto the building; and, " . .' .: __-" . . .._ ___~c~.___-..Instal1_an 11idfcat1Dir v&1 ve-~inslde- the' bu1.l-ding..wi tb~. - ...- .. :.t ..~ ..' .... . ....:.ou:tside contro;t;;, orO=;:-~"",,"":-7-"-:',"7'~';:':::-:';'-=:'=''':=;'':':'. -..- ..~.: ..";--.:=.~~.t', ~__:.~~.:::.~.~...~a'..~;.M~g1::-:the- rise;r. d~tdl~:to :ShO~_.,aA.:iDdfcitJ.D&Ja.ly.t!:~:-,~.: ~~~i~~~:!::!Z:f:~~~-)~ '.' . . -. . .~. ~.'...' ." . ....__. ......-:-'.:. .. eo'. '0:"" ....... . _. .n. . ..-. ~~,.,. - .....r...\oP...~'" 1-...... ,!"-.J>.~, eo:,:' ~...", ....,..-. ~...'::::.. ~':~-'~_~'~"~"~"'~:.~::'::~,.:":"'.:'.~~"\""''''''.,.....~ :'""!..,. .....-....'" \, ....._.,' 0"_' :""" .""'''_''~'I''_''''''':''~,~'''''.~''''~?'''''''I.:.....;:-.'W~_'''''' ~''''''_'''_';'' ." '. ..... "...._.'":"~ ,... ...._ ....,. ',. ._ _... ~._.~.- .a.____,.. ~ 2. .:..~;.~~~~~;.~:: :~:~~~~~F~~'~~~:':., :~-j~?~~~~:~~"~;'-:~:~~~~~~1~~:~::'."~,:=,,:+-::~ ._~_~"'-:_""'N,~'::C::1t'C"A~~~~':'-.t.,:~~~~~~~..7'7"i"'T""-':"-~ ..o:-t:--~ '::~;'7~~~~~=~'.~=~C;;~~~;.~;~4~;;:f~~~;Z;~ .' .#~~~~~~ ---. ( o o . .:-. '" -- alopment Fees ~ Charges The development of the "property" will not be subject to any impact fees, capital improvement contributions, assessments, etc., with the exception of the following: 1. Capital facilities charges for water and sanitary sewer service and appropriate meter installation charges will be the responsibility of each individual department store and small shop center section tenant. Fees will be cal- culated by the Building Department and payable by each individual store prior to .the Building Department's issuance of building permits. This is in accordance with Chapter 26-34 of the code of ordinances. Information regarding the capital facilities charges will be included in the tenant's handbook and each tenant ...ill be required tc sign a receipt tor the handbook. 2. Cost participation by Owner in existing water'and sanitary lines in'Congress Ave. as described in Section 4b.l. 3. Cost participation by Owner in the proposed 20" water main in Old Boynton Road as described in Section 4b.2. , . t" ..--...~n-:-~:~ -:'- t" . ~.......:'...._..::. .~ 8 .~.::..,.t~ -:-' -:.....-,..... ~. .',.~.,.. ,,&. '0. "'r":)~~" -." ..,..~~. t" .I~.-, .......:"'~~.i":". .~,. :.r:,:" '~.;-Y''': r~-i.:T~ ~ ., ~4. =-'~'Jt::':""I'~ ~.y~.~...~....,...., 7:.....-..~. ~"" ......~:.:':.7.-' ,.~"': .""'.'; ":- ......~...:--. '/l"'_".. .,. ...:. ~.. .,.. .....-......;....~rl.. -, ....... ".": - ..-.. -......... .-................ . ~ cr: ; Development Condltions, Standards & Criteri3 A. !!J! 1. Parking lot lighting will be energy efficient, high intensity discharge metal halide lamps. Illumination levels shall be between one-halt (i) and three quarter (3/4) footcandle average at grade. The shopping center parking lot lighting system shall be maintained and operated by the individual property owners. Minimum on-site security lighting will be maintained by Boynton 'Beach, Inc. in the event a department store ceases to operate. 2. Signs: The location of the shopping center identification and vehicle directional signs are shown on Owg. No. SP-l. These signs will be as detailed on Dwg. US-I and MS-2. 3. Storm lines and retention basins shall be sized to include alc condensate. \- 4. Landscapingl Based on the site and building landscape plans (Dwg. No. L-A, L-B, L-C, L-D, BP-l, BP-2 and BP-3), tbe requirements ot'the landscape ordinance and any other ordinance pertaining to Landscape and open space re- quirements have been satisfied. The final landscape construction plans will be prepared and in conformance wi~h the plans listed abov~. . Required trees shall be a minimum trunk diameter of two (2) inches when measured, four and one-half (41) feet above grade and required trees shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet In overall height immediately after planting. . Requirement for hedge along the driveway abutting the Boynton Canal on the no~th property line has been waived per action by the Community Appearance Board. No one specie of any "tree" will comprise more than 30-40% of the total quantity used. The Owner will use native t~ees and vegetation in sel- ection of materials. "Senegal Date Palm" (Pheonu Reclinata) will be removed from the lIst of Palm Trees. "Tamarind" (Tamarindus indica) will be replaced with "Tamarind" (Lysiloma latisilquum)on the tree list. 5. Based on the existing vegetation on the property, a tree preservation permit is not required. . 6. Sanitation Service: . ..--.-- . All refuse from the center sectioD small shop areas and the department stores will be deposited in comp- actors which-will be located in the mall and department . store service areas. The ownerCs) will contract with a City of Boynton Beach licensed vendor for refuse removal and dlspo!_a~. _ '0 . ". .. ....:-: ....;~.. . ..... - - .._.-....~ ..: ..~~. . --..~., i~~~~~~i~rL~~~~;;-;j~;~ '::;=-_~;:'-":;Z~-iii.J/,1''-~-''~~~1~-'': .~~::~~~~._~:-.::;:,:;~!.. .~..::.::.:.,..~ .~ . :.0.: 0; _': -"_'..'" .":".:.~~'~'''.:.-!.~.~~,~~~:~:;,i.:-i:i:'";:'-~-='''::~~l''''~~;':-:;:~:J~;:;t:~:'*~~'1':..-::-:-'; ! .. 9 ._'. .'z..... ..... ."._ . '_..0"'; .~:. ...r-'..""'1"'",..' .t..,.......:.~t.*:~..':.-:-.~.....~...-;.....~ ..~.,.. :.::......~...ofI:...'1...~.-~....",.r~....__.r~-.....,...IIlo~~.~ ..... .....~-:"'. ....'r.".!...)."""P..~.r~~'..~.., -, .... ~...-....l.:- ...,,........, ..........r:..".." ..... ......I.._~ _ "".''l'' ....,. ~.. ..............,_..,.... ................. ...~. ..._........,....,...._., __........ .- ..~... ...-. - ... -..... .........', ..". .........- .~-"~... .... De, Ipment CU~c:tluns. Star.~~. ~ Cl .eria B. BUILDINGS C.. 1. Cieneral a. Applicable Buildin~ Codes will apply: Boynton Beach - Code of Ordinances Standard Building Code - 1982 Edition Standard Uechanical Code - 1982 Edition Standard Plumbin~ Code - 1982 Edition National Electrical Code - 1981 Edition 1978 Florida 110del Energy Code w/1982 3JIIendments (Climate Zone 8) NFPA 101 Life Safety Code - 1981 Edition. Florida Handicap Code - 1978 Edition, 5th Printing NFPA 1982 Edition b. Build~ng permit fees will be based on the local permit fee schedules. In arriving at the permit fee evaluations regarding the specialty Shop/mall shell valuations, the spec~alty shop tenants will pay 60$ and the mall w~ll pay 40$ of the permit fees. The mall's share of 40$ shall represent the shell portlon. Information regarding the permit fees will be included in the tenant's handbook and each tenant will be required to sign a receipt for the handbook. r , c. An Engineer's seal is required on the structural drawings and specs. An Architect's seal and signature is accept~ble on the balance of plans and specs. d. It is understood that when submitting plans for a building permit, the plans examination te~, which is 30$ of the permit fee, shall be paid with the permit application. Owner will pay the complete fee 100$ at the time of filing for application. e. Two (2)~ of plans and specifications are required for a Building Permit. Three (3) sets of plans and specs will be required for a Food Serv~ce operation permit. f. The architect's and engineer's signature on the plans and specs must be .over the embossed seal.' g. The mall street and mailing address will be: Boynton Beach Hall 801 North Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 All rooms receiving mail will be three (3) digit odd numbers. ..: ..""...~ h. Tbe Owner will review tenant plans on tbe basis of tbeir meeting lease requirements. The Building Department will review tenant plans and issue building permits on tbe basis of. their meeting code requirements. No tenant may start construction without obtaining approvals from both. The Owner's agent will send a copy of the release correspondence to the Building Department for coordination and information only. i. . The Owner will be tbe general contractor under tbe license of. Mr. A.C. Rigas wbo is a "certified" general contractor in tbe State of Florida. Tbe Owner sball . furnish to tbe City a copy of Mr. Rigas' ce~tific~tion. ....,..-.- _.:.._~ ~~~--'".. and-a":'1etter'.of authorizatlon....listing. tbe..namea. o.f. ...,.... . _~ _ _ . ...:':':. ::;:.. ~ ,.... ~rsons autborized to..Jllake permi1;~application8:.J,~_bis __..___. ~~~~~~1~~NtJ~~~~ 10 . t..... "':'"".~'''-:''''':.~.'~'' '.'-. .. :- .~~:...~:-~~...I.:;(:....:-'~:.~.:.~"t':~~~\~.~":;-~.~...:-.::.~l.~..~:~:."'<::~":~~.'-":'.~~.~;:.....-:. ~.::.~__ ':'........}.....y.......:c.7....' -.,."" :'...._....I.~..y~.~...:: "1W".".f;.~"'~! ~....".....::.::~.- 1':,,:...,.. ...._",; ":,....~..-:..~":.,i.....,...~.'-:. ~....,.....-......:".":~JO.. .-;I:-~~...'........:......., ........ .':.~ ,...............t.~-...-f>r....:~-i.,.~.,.":... :.,. _....\ .....~ ..._~.,. ......... . . , " "". -. ."'~ \:: ~:: t ~ i -~....~---:.... k. .' ": Four (4) sets each of mallspr'<':er and sprInkler alarm drawIngs (hYdr,ullcs, It 'Ppllcable) sh.ll be SUbmItted to tbe BUIlding DePt. who will review and then turn OVer to the F1re Department for approval. Also, each tenant w111 have to furn1sh tour (4) sets ot drawings and hYdrau11cs (1t app11cable) to the BU11d1ng Department. 2. BUl1d1ng' . i. K.ll eonstru.tion >onld .onsist of masonry exterior v"1s, "Hit COlumns, steel bar Joists, Poured gypsUIJI OD tormboard or equal.20 year bonded root, and that the bUilding would be totally sprinklered. J. KUlti_.tory buildi... mu.t b.v. '..es.ibi11ty p'nel. for Pire DepartJDent use. p . -....,...-- . -. -. - '" - -.. ._~~~---.__.-.. - -.__.~ . .'.' ~..'.. ~,,~~.. k''-._ i.' .nii~" repo';. -:-;;U.i:- be'. sUbmit ind. .10ni.."ltb1.b.' f2'1jod. tion ... '''..?' ,'-. ~,' ...'...'7.... en" it'k a.-. tion.:.C.Thi., rePort Will 1..1 ude. o;apU t-SPOOn .__ ~:.' ~':"-':"4':'_:":':':':_. :':'..:. -.: -. '. ... '.. ~enet"i'a t~~:.tA~+:. ShoyrDg-':.the - .:.:.Qlcur..:.c.otiii t';rp-er.:::.r~~(J: th-e'~~,:-. '- ' . '.'.' "=-"="'"'' --~~.~.. - --"''''''~'-,---=-,- -=-~'"~.. '0, .. --. -' :0. --... -- ~~-'....' -.. tW....~'"iib"t.,n......~,""'" . _"'-C.....: . _...,.... ,~ , :':"c;;:;~~'_~'_..;,~~;",-;~;"_~,;;",,,,~~;;~;.:~:~~~_._: _'__~~ :;;~~:=':_ .' ., Upon .ompletlon of th. mall, .ert.in .P.... ViII rem.fn unleased temporarily. These unleased spaces w111 be prov1ded w1th temporary storefronts constructed ot metal stUds and" cfrywall--to-'...he1ght.ot._approX1matelY 8 '-0.... Th. remainIng oP.n ing of 'PProxi... t'ly 4 feet will be draped with visquene to preVent loss ot mall air cond1tioning and also to prevent dust from enter1~g the the mall area and adjacent spec1alty shops. This method has been determined acceptable since it 1s an unoccupied area. b. The mall root .tru.t~re will be design.d b,s'd on the Stand.rd BuildIng Cod. 1982 EdItIon witb the 201b./s., ft, live load horizontal projection as a m1nimum criter1a. Further, the spec1t1c structural COns1derations tor the root des1gn, in addit10n to the 20 pst 11ve load, will be proP.r an.lY818 of all root .r.as th.t ponding v111 o.cur, desIgn of "1 T'li.t ..Upper. 'nd r.llef dr.in. to b.ndl. oVertlow dra1nage and general design ot all areas of the root tbat.20 pst live load COuld exceed 1n accordance vlth the Stand.rd 8Ul1ding Code 'nd '..eptable,engine.ring practices in the State of Plor1da. c. The mall center Section type of construction w111 be Gronp K - TyP' IV, unprot..t.d .teel, unlimited ar.., s1ngle story, sprinklered. d, Th. "ulti-.tory dep.rtment store. type of eon.tru.tio. will be Group M - Type 11 sprinklered protected steel, un- limited area. e. F1re exit corridor walls w111 be Sit concrete block. No ce111ng 1s reqUired. DOors into the corr1dor trom the mall will be B label doors at the rear ot tbe tenant's spaces and will SW1ng 180 degrees 1n the direct10n of travel of the fire corridor. The corridors will be . spr1nklered. t. Tenant Spaces shall be separated by 1 hour walls con- Sisting of metal stUds with 5/8" type X plasterboard on both sides t1ght to the unders1de ot the r.oot deck. g. There shall be a separation above the ceiling between the tenant's storefronts and the concourse area (no tire rating required). h. Kaxlmum tr.v.l di.tan.. to .n .ait eorrldor in . .9rinkl.red bUIlding 1. '00', Theretore. tbe fir. eait .orridor. ..n be a m~x1mum ot 400' on center. - 11 "''',,-,... ~_.:.- .," .T__' :'l.... ~. ....... .......,.:-,.,..:. ....f1 .."":"...,........... 'w'\..,....,....~~~..... ....,........-,.:.....~....~.-t'.".~-.-c:,."r......_. _ ',_ .~....,...,..". ~~....,,;"I.~':,.......:~..'.:r,.,.. :.,,-., .,.... ..-,. _ ...... __.____.___ ,. .-". p.. - -..... . 't..... .' ....\ .....-_. ._._.u. ~'\~........_.. ..' B, UILDINGS (cont'd) I j 1. Kiosks are permitted provided they are constructed per the building code. 3. Signs a. Bt:lilding wall signs will be interpreted as "flat" signs under the Sign Ordinance. On this basis, the signs may not exceed 10$ of each face area and may also be illuminate b. Storefront signs inside the mall do not require a permit from the City and must therefore meet only the mall design/sign criteria. c. Exterior bUilding'wall signs are permitted and allowed to cover up to 10$ of the exterior wall area of a mall center section store. Each major department store may also apply this 10$ rule to each exterior elevation of their individual stores. (- . 4. Mechanical c a. Water meters to be installed CD lines over 2" will require a bypass. b. Detector checks and meters are not required for eitber mall or department stores. Backflow preventers are not required on domestic services for general water service. c. Water meters are to be placed i~ pits in tbe sidewalks. d. Ail!' cond1tion1.ng condensate ne~d not be piped to roof drains. Tenants will, bowever, be required to. install a splash pan or similar material on'the roof. Tenant rooftop units as well as mall rooftop units will be required to have a walkway material such as Carey Tred installed around the perimeter of each unit. e. Mall fountains and elevator or escalator pits shall be drained to the storm system. f. Interior sanitary sewer with stubs in Aach tenant space will be provided, which i@~.cceptable to th~ City. . g. 750 gallon minimum exterior grease interceptors shall be provided for large food operations and food boutique tenants. The food boutique area is to be served by a common grease trl h. Trash compactors require a slab to be sloped to a floor drain which shall be connected to a separate grease trap or tied to one which services a restaurant. This grease trap shall be connected to the sanitary system. 1. I Each food boutique tenant shall have a toilet room. j. Stores with 10 or more employees shall have 2 toilet rooms. 9 or less, one toilet' room (also applies to food boutique tenants) . . Tbe'mall maintenance garage floor drain shall be either the sand and grease types or combination sand and grease. type. 1. PVC schedule 40 pipe may be used for interior storm and sanitary l~nes except that it cannot penetrate or b~ used _y~.. _"~-_ _.... ,.,-_ ....in_aJ.;lJ:.Q.."JI'al1.~:.-!!.~or . 0,:". ~!.!.U.~g,!--,..- __.J_~~__~___ . ..--_..-. --, . _.....-;.. ..-.". . ..... . . .';," '_...I'.";~...~C:;":'~ . k. o c c." . """'.~:2 .:::: ... .'. m:."...:. Emergency: roof ",drains. for: locked' ili" roof.' area.s:=can :-be tied;:.-. ~.'- ::;:.-." -"'" ".-';...._,.... - "',." ln~o-: tbe same"'storm: risez:::u' .tbe_p.rjme":roof~'drjIlii:;'~~::;o:-'.- _.0;" ==~~+:S~-;.~~~:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .l....,;~ ..--..r-04~.:.,,~"A~~.,,-.....-.t~...~. :~'l:: .~..... _. ~ .:...... .. '"-~IIl~t<<'~~ "1'.... ,... :.' :.; -t'7:.~-:r . eo .~-.~'ti ~"';-'''.~~~.~~~-~'''~:-~:'.L: .:.~":':=-:~~:~':~'t-":';I::=:.~:..~;;,.:::::~ ~to:f~~~:.~~::-_~!:":"_"':-:..~ '1,. ;.....: h." :,' 12 ..~ ~~"""~:'::":- "":~. ,"<t,"': ..~........~..~.. .,..... "00 ~"":"'. ..'" ....... ~':...h..':":... ._........ :.~:;......~...".1r..... "I-~ _....,....... ,...,.._~.'''' :'-".': rf";.., :'.. ._.,.....: "'_.~' '!"" ........ ~ ",-",...,~.~..[~.."..T 0'_' :'.' , .... ,.....,.. ;'.'1":', ." "~","'" . . - "" I .". Smoke detectors in r('tu:'":-::.. .~'_:'"'.:;.,m allu fire 5::".- ::'. '\1:'". supply air stream must shut the H~AC Units down. noof pen- etrations of supply and return ducts will be handl('d on an ~ndividual basis as to the requirements of ~ire dnmpers. o. Ceilings may be used 1.8 return air plenum~. ... ," ~_ '* ._..~_.... _.;. " 1..... . ',~ .,' n, p. Exhaust hoods may have their own make up air systems, q. Fiberglas duct is acceptable but must comply with app- licable codes. r. Toilet exhaust - Both conventional ceiling exhaust and ductless exhaust-rans are acceptable. although ceiling exhaust fans are strongly recommended. s. Rooftop units must be fast~ned to the structural steel. Method of installation is subject to Building Department .approv!ll.. 5. Electrical a. Emergency lighting with either battery or generator back- up will be required throughout the mall and in the individual tenant stores in accordance with Section 5-9 of Life Safety Code 101; exit signs shall comply with Section 5-10 of Life Safety Code 101 and SBC Section 1124. , . b. Type "OF" wire is approved for exterior use under the parking lot and grassed areas provided it is installed . 24" below grade. c. Conduit run below grade may be galvanized heavy wall steel or schedule "40" P.V.C. plastic. Schedule'''80'' P.V.C. should be used in lieu of schedule "40" where advserse conditions exist. Conduit run above grade may be galvan- ized heavy wall steel or E.M.T. conduit. P.V;C. conduit 1s approved for use on the roof provided it is properly supported. ."",,) d. All non-metallic conduit after the service entrance point must have. a copper grounding conductor run 1n the conduit. e. The use of "BX" armored cable is prohibited. f. Sealtite or Liquidtite conduit cannot exceed 6' in length and must have a copper grounding conductor run either inside or outside the conduit. g.. Flexibile metallic conduit (standard greenfield) is approved in lengths of 6' at indoor dry locations for.Bhort connectior to lighting fixtures, etc. Although not strictly required, it is recommended that a~ounding conductor be run in all flexible metallic conduit. h. . A #12 A.W.G. is the minimum wire size permitted for branch circuits. . Aluminum wire is permitted only in sizes #2 or larger. Use of all aluminum wire is restricted by exact ~equire- ments and approvals (see uniform amendment to N.E.C. - county code). . Fixture wire. run past the ballast of fluorescent lighting fixtures must be rated at least 90 degrees C. k. Individual fusiDg 1s_.not..required for fluorescent fixtures ~--with-Class-."pu-ballast~~ . -........ .._ .. - .':- ~"":" . r......, .- 1. j. i~~~~~~4;Ii~~~ '~'&~!I.~~~""12.t.~~~~,~Jlr"S'r a -ji~~~'~~.:~'S~-~:.;;...~~~.r : .'.:~_':." _;:':- .. ....l'S.~~.~~~..........,. :"~~:""~~~~;:.~'.~-~~:~~-;~~':::"l;~'I"~'~-,:!!~~~~~~~~~"':~:"t..: :.~....~;:~.:":' t.: ''"'''~~t~'''''~-:'\.'''''''I :... .., :~~~....;. ~... .'01 ..... ....'~~ -;.-..:"'.-=~ ;;r:~::-...:: -~.: :~.:::;r:-~",;:,,"'~ ~~!:.."":":".-'";"4'~.---:'o~.~.;::;:;::::;;':.r:"t ~~"!~-::~-::-:: .1T"'~ "''''';.~ ....t'...,.... tI:.:...~.,.. .-..:O...~.-:I;....:"'::..~~.~~..~.;. :: ..._. .......:-! ~....~~~:.-::..I \'I.:1'I":..~.:.~~~..~t .;..~ "'.-:~''''''~.'' ~ ".....,.,... \~.:..'!",.oI. .T...... ~,..' t. .... ......,....~..:'...:. .'_. ~~...'t...._... ~.~'.~''!'''... ~....__......,.,...........~.. ......"',... .. . ... ... ,.... .. B. BUILDING (cont'd) , c). 1. The meter points will be bus in trough protected by a main switch. The rule of six (6) main disconnects will apply to each meter point. Meter rooms are not required, meter points will be mounted on the exterior of the building. (. m. Individual disconnects at the meter points will be used for room services. A main disconnect in the tenant rooms is not required if an individual room disconnect is installed at tbe meter point, however, it is recommended tbat a main disconnect be .~nstalled in the tenant's panel. n. Direct feeding of individual rooms underground from the transformer vault will be permitted provided that a disconnect switch is installed at the point tbe service enters .the room. o. Service entrance grounding is' accomplished by means of a driven grounding electrode. Tbe building's metallic water piping system must be effectively bonded to the grounding electrode conductor. It is recommended that the building steel also be bonded although it is not required. p. The use of dou~le locknuts is recognized for ground con- tinuity on metallic conduit provided the equipment bole is punched to the proper size. Where concentric or eccentric knock outs are utilized, a bonding type busing with a jumper wire will be required. q~ Circuit directories for panels must have permanent. ident~ ification markings (preferably type written). r. The proper color coding of wire is as follows: 208 volt system; "A" phase - black, "B" phase - red, "C" phase- blue, "neutral" - white. 480 volt system; "A" phase - brown, "B" phase - orange, "c" phase - yellow, "neutral" - gray. Color coding may be accomplished by either taped or pain ted ends. .. so" All HVAC units must comply with.the manufacturer's name- plate rating for overcurrent protective devices. Where tbe nameplate'markings specify a maximum fuse size for ~he unit, fuses only will be acceptable as~e overcurrent protective device. . t. All fuses and circuit breakers shall comply with Article 110-9 of the 'H.E.C. regarding the interrupting ratings of protective devices. For purposes of determining the available fault current wbich the protective devices must interrupt, the Inspection Department will use fault CU7rent information supplied to them by the Power Co. u. Individual meter point disconnects for the tenant rooms must be labeled to indicate the number of the room being served.. Where more than one main switch is located at a meter point, each must be identified as a "main d.1sconnect." Identification markings for meter point service disconnects must be a permanent type. Etched micarta nameplates are acceptable for this purpose. c~ '. . Ci, v. All air-conditioning and beating components installed on the roof must bave a 120 volt ale convenience' outlet located .convenient to tbe general equipment area. ~ .._~.-_.r...~....:.~; _......_ .'__"~.:':"_.....~: :"'~_'._"";"...__... _ .-~~. ...--- . . ,:':..' .,. ~ 'c" w.-The' metallic. water.. piping . system. groun4_connection should be. . -- _.' ..; -:'~':::_ ....: ...;kep~: out-.::o~.;the: 'el.e~td~L<:J.o~_e:ta~TI:u~_.~~_n~~p.K:.J~~e!,:.gr..o~n~.:'. .~~~..~:;:.~~,~~~~i~~~,i::~lSr~.. u ....to:&.z-.Q~!4'b-o.t.-.l.,t!le, electrl~ _:.:,,:';"~.=-:..:.._. .,.... ,:,--,,~'!os :. . ~&.c~' .. wa't~. :.I.1O~biitieckur-"~1iit::!f.1:.),teetiii.i'1rc~. ~:VQ,t:~~_:';UI:u:i~... ~fP.J8noU'a~~" .. If",.. .. "'- ~~ ~ J=-~._. ... . ,-..=.,. '. .:71- .;'-:.....:~. ;::.~~:.:~.:.::~.. :":~i~8.!'8U"..f:f.~./.e....c'-t..."'1:0...p. b.u.s' Ie"a'''' ''':.Iam-'~a~8' .~-.s:~_;>..r.,~......~~~~~~.;!~~. DJ .I~'" U ....... .- .. ... .... ..'I~.''IO..hI.''''.t.........;,.. "r.. .... ". t . -. 14 .. :.,. .-., .....~ ....-~.,... ......." ~ ",-,. .~. ~~.:.~ .,. .r ...... :'...9. .... .'.......:-:..,...:. "... ..~"'."..'"'''' ~..~:~~!'... ........~....t'"""..~.,.:..~.t. ....... .'.; ....". "."":..- .':... ..~,.. " _ "'.~__ ....... _......,........."'_~.....'f',.J>." ,.~'::" ~_.,.......~.: ...~.. ..,._.... '0. I' I ., /..-~".- - ....,.,-..-. ~""'."'-" ..-.. I 3..?,-~i....ui:~(j.\.. . x. In accordance with Article 4l0-65(c) of the :\.r..C.. ~~l recessed incandescent lighting fixtures shall have thermal protection and shall be so identified as thermally protected . -~, y. In accordance with Article 410-66 of the H.E.C., thermal insulation, includin~ insulated B.V.A.C. ductwork shall not be installed within three (3) inches of the recessed fixtures enclosure, wiring compartment, or ballast and shall not be so installed above the fixture as to entrap heat or prevent the free circulation of air unless the fixture is otherwise identified for installation within thermal insulation. I ; z. Where recessed lighting fixtures are installed in a fire rated ceiling, (such as the lower level ceilings of a multi-level depArtment store), the U.L. design standards as listed in the 1982 fire resistance directory will apply to the mounting, enclosing and support of the fixtures. - . . - ..-- 6. Fire Protection a. Unleased areas need not be sprinklered. However, should any unleased area be used for storage of any sort, the interior metal stud divider walls must have 5/8" type X drywall applied from existing floor and sealed tight to the underside of roof deck. , b. Fire extinguishers shall. not be required within the fire exit corridors. c. The entire mall center section, specialty shops, and departmen~ stores will be 'totally sprinklered. d. Wall post indicator valves will be used at each riser yard post ind~cator, valves out.., in the parkinR' lot. e. A siamese connection (Fire Dept. connection) shall be located at each riser. in lieu c -"" ') f. The mall is not located in a fire district. The sprinkler system can be either schedule pipe or hy- draulically calculated system (Ordinary Group Hazard II). g. h. Sprinklers are not required in switchgear,. telephone equipment, electrical meter and elevator equipment rooms, elevator shafts, walk-in coolers and freezers. The Fire Dept. reserves the right to require sprinklers if a sit- uation is as required by Code.' ... Wall post indicator valves must be chained. The mall, concourse and tenant areas are allowed to be fed from the same sprinkler riser so lon~ as each riser is separately monitored and supervised per water flow and water supply meets cQde requirements for sprinkler dens- ity and valves are availabl'e and accessible to shutoff areas controlled ~f the sprinkler riser, all as tequired by Cod L j. . k. The Fire Dept. utilizes National Standard Tread. 1. . . Fire hydrants are to have 4-1/2" steamer connections. m. 2-1/2" hose valves shall be located 1n all fire ex.it . - ._,-- .~,. corridors~! -O"~ back from door. leading._iD1:Q_~PD.co.~x:~.!._.__._ ~ '_._ - ". .-:."=..._a.!,,e_~!__J.lose. yalves are not.re.q~i.!.~~ t~_~! in cab:D!ts. ~. J ~C~.~~~~I --. <':""'l.fU!_.i__~ L ~l<!~.- ......,'t..NIiI-'...K'<~.M-._..- .~~'~'ll""'~"'I .~'_ '.' ::..... :.~_....-~.,.';;..-~~:""":":'!"~~ ''''"':''~'"":?''~~~;O:':: !;',::~~..,:.-...,. ".1':"=~ :':;c.::~:E:::~:~~::i~:.~1':"b:~:'..,_,': . .;...:. "'-""'>:"..:i::~ , 15- .. ~.. -.....,;.. ~... --:.,.."","0'. .,~.... ,'. .,~". .r...... """....-:-"'.,.-....'" ,......"!'-:'" ''::''~'''''.'':''''-'': ....~.. ......-...~.\.,.,......"..:....:~=~~:~......,.. ."'~"!;~."".'.","'.\''''''~'.' .~...,.. .....~~.__P"'f..:-.......:'~.v-....-:".,,......,.:.~~.....~...., '. . . -" .. .. ....-. B. B.I.L.:: ~.::.: : cont I d) o. The Fire Department is requ1rin~ all tenants to have a 10 lb. multi-purpose tire extinguisher located at a maximum travel distance of 75' trom any point in each room.' Also 10 lb. multi-purpose fire ext1nJ;t- uishers are requirod in telephone equipment, switch- gear and electrical eauipment rooms. The Fire D~pt. reserves the right to add/delete extinguishers on an individual tenant basis based on reco~nized good practice. p. A remote fire alarm panel shall be supervised by a remote monitoring station such as Honeywell, ACT or Security Central. q. Alarm bells are not required throughout the mall. Owner will submit notification and alarm concept philosophy and/or plans as required by Code. Owner w1l1 submit concourse smoke control concept phil- osophy and/or plans as required by Code. C\ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED THIS OF" . 1983 by: DAY BY , CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BY . Cf . '.' c~. .:" . . ." .. .:. . .::~ --.~' '-. ..:~"S.~~ . ~:.~-::-~. :~.~. ~~':. ..::;:...~_~.._......_' -~.'_' .. :...tI!f:..-.,_..;::.~_",,_.__-..,_.::::..-.-..._...o#_,...;~~. ..'_' "'__' . _ .... .,..,....._ ........"_~ _"':L . . I orr..,. - -.. ....:'.... .~.., ......."46:~\;f.;;;.r:~~.~~.~.:.:..tr; . .'.. ....~. "'I.. ..~..-:...."........ ..,.....t- .~.... .-,.. ..........,.,..,.. 'r~r-'':''"}.7''''''.~/.'C-'....;.....r ~..':.'.I"""."'I':o:.,""~~"J: ......,......-.' ~ ., . ..".....-... ,~... ......-........"":.,' .:-,- .....~- .~..-.~ :.".~:~~.~~.,.,.: .:~...~...-.. ~....t'" ~ :. .. ..' -h4 .;.., ~.~J~"J' !\.AtilJ.[.L.:~_,.' ~.- . L '.1.- .4., "!>-4.."". _..J. .~'~-'TI". .. I . . .' t -'. ---...~~ I . T . .'., . .. ".'7'," ... .'. ~~";--,~"'''XV.ll'J:., .''''. ...,.'. . ,'1', . .. -' , , . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, ,FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in section II below, in two (2) copies to the planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Mall South 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only xx c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): \ Bill R. Winchester Address: 9290 Nickels Blvd Boynton Beach Fl 33436 (Zip Code) FAX: N/A Phone: 732-3961 :'). 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J. Kildav / Kilday & Associates Address: 1551 Forum PI Blda 100A West Palm Beach. Fl 33401 Phone: 407-689-5522 (Zip Code) FAX: 689-2592 6. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: Winchester,Winchester,zieher & Schroeder, Partnership. Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. WinchestE Ernest Klatt Address: 9290 Nickels Blvd Bovnton Beach. Fl 33436 (Zip Code) FAX: N/A PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse . ,.' ~. ( 2 ) 7. correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) : N/A *This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other.materials will be mailed. I 8.' What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (OWner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract purchaser, etc.) Owner 9. street Address or Location of subject Parcel: Between eld Boynton Blvd. & Boynton Bch Blvd.; on the east & west side of Winchester Blvd. (Mall Rd). 10. Legal Description of subject Parcel: See Attached Exhibit "A" 11. Area of subject parcel (to the nearest hundredth . (1/100) of an acre): 5)..-.-{)5-acres.?.$:c. . 12. Current Zoning District:AR-Aqricultural Residential ~'13. proposed Zoning District: Commercial C-3, AG-Aqricultural **C-3~ Parcels 1&5 (18~63 acres); AG=parce1s2&3 (32.31 acres) 14. Current Land Use Category: CH/8 Commercial Hiqh 15. proposed Land Use Category: Local Retail Commercial 16. Intended Use of subject Parcel: There are no development plans at this time. 17.' Developer or Builder: N/A 18. Architect: N/A 19. Landscape Architect: N/A 20. site 'Planner: N/A 21. civil Engineer: N/A 22. Traffic Engineer: Ken Roqers 23. Surveyor: Shephard & Associates PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse EXHIBIT IIAII I'ARCEL NO. 1 A PAM':F.L '-'~ LAIID'LYING HI SECTJON 19 OF TO!.lNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANG! 4) EAST SAID PARCEL BElt~ A PORTION OF LOTS 39-40-41-43 AND 4~. OF TIlE 5UBl>IVISIl'N OF SECTJON 19. TO!.lNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. A~ Ha~uRDED IN PLAT BOOK 7. PAGE 19 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALH BEACH ':OurITY. FLllRIDA. . . SA \ll f'AR':EL BE WG MORE FULLY DESCR 1 BED As FOLLOWS: C~>MHEI'iCIN(; AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION .19, TOIJNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RAtI';E 43 EAST. THEIICE !.lITH A BEARING OF SOUlIl 87 32' 47" WEST. ALONG THE SC~TH LINE OF SECTION 19. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET T0 A POHIT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-!.lAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE: THENC~: Wlnt A BEARING N' NORTH 01 22' ~3" WEST. ALONG THE wEST RJ.;J/T-v'.WAY LIIIF. UF CONGRESS AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FElT TO Till:: POINT 0' DECIHHINO: THENCE \.11TH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 )2' 47" IJE~r. A DISTANCE (.F 390, (I.) FEET: THENCE &lUTll 68 03' 4a" WEST. A lIJSTANC'F. OF 571.09 FEET TO A POINT ON WINCHESTER PARK BLVD..: THEN':! WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ALOtlG THE EAST RICHT-OP'-!.lAY LINE OFWINl~ESTER PARK BLVD. HAVING A CHORD BEARING OFt/ORTH 06 37' 56" EAST: A RADIUS OF 2193.99 FEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 09' 54" AND All ARC LEtf(;TH OF 389,24 FEET: THENCE WITH A REVERSE CURVE TO THE I.F.FT HAVING A c.1iOR[r SEARINC OF NORTH 05 16' 2"" WEST, A RADIUS OF ~149.3J FEET. A CENTRAL At~LE OF 12 48' 59". AND AN ARC LENCTH OF 4(10 78 FEET Tll A POINT: THENCE NORTH 1 06' 06." WEST, ALOHa THE EAST IIl~HT-OF.WA~' OF IJIHCHESTER PARI< BLVD.. ^ DISTANCE OF 223.72 FEET: THENCE NORTH ~4 22' OS" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 35.6" FEET. TO A POINT ''" nlE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD: THINC! IJ}T~ A BEARING OF NORTH 89 50' 22" EAST, ALONG THI SOUTH RIGHT-OF- IJAY lUIE OF OLD BOYNTOfI ROAD. A DISTANCE OF 763.72 FEET;' n1E1fCE WITlI A OEAlll/1(; OF :;<)uTlI 45 4(....ll.. EAST. A DISTANCE OF 3~.9a rEET 1\, A pC'lN1' l"JN TIlE IoIEST RIGHT-OF-wAY LINE OF CONCRESS AVENUE: THEN~l:: WITH A BEARINC OF SOUTH 1 2;l' 43" EAST.ALONG THE WEST RIGHT- I:'''-~AY LINE OF .:OOORESS AVENUE, A ['ISTANCE OF 860.95 FEET HORE oil LESS TO THE POJNT O~ BtCINNJNG. <""ITAINI"":; 18.$2 A<'RES MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEHENTS AND. RICIl'Nl OF ~AYS OF RECOflD, "ARCln, NO.2' A 'PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 19 AND 30 OF TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, .RANCE 43 EAST. SAID PARCEL BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 42-45-46-47-49 AND so OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19. TOWNSH1P 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 lAST, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 19 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF. PALH BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA AND A PORTION OF LOTS A & D. BLOCK 4 AND 5. LYING NO~TH OF STATE ROAD B04 AS RECORDED. IN PLAT or PALM SItACH FARMS COt'IPAHY' PUT NO. B'. IN PLAT BOOK 5. PAGE 73 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIOI'.. SAID PARCEL BEUlG MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ! l I 1 ~. j j ! , ; . ~ COtltlENCJrtG AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 19, TOWIlSHIP 45 .SOUTH. AANOE 43 lAST. THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32'47" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF,SECTION 19: A DISTANCE OF 1095.70 FEET TO THE POJNT 0,. IJECINtCIHG: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 1 18' 4)"'EAST. ^ OISTANClf OF 191.53 FEET TO I'. POINT: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF' SOUTH 43 '07' 02" !.lEST. I'. DISTANCE OF 35.00 FElT TO A POINT ON TIlE NORTH RIGHT-OF-W^..Y I.ItlE OF NE\.! BOYNTON ROAD Is.R.eOlol; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' "'.. !.lEST. ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LUll OF .BOYNTON .ROAD. A DISTANCIL OF' 510.~7 FEET: THENCE WITH I'. BEARING OF NORTH 01 10' 30" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 216.05 FEET TO A POINT: THENCE WITH A BEARINa OF SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. A DISTI'.IfCE 0' 334.98 FElT: THENCE NORTH 0 57' 44"'WES.T, ^ DISTANCE OF 661.80 FEET: THENC! SOUTH 87 35' 13" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 327.71 FEET: THENCI wITII A BlARING OF NORTH 0101' 32" WEST. A DISTANCE Of 612.58 'EIT TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LIN~ OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD: THENCE WITI-( A BEARIIlG OF NORTH 89 SO' 22" lAST. ALONC A LINE LYING 40.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PI'.RALLEL TO THE CENTERLINE OF OLD 9QYNTON ROAD, ^ DISTANCE OF 065.32 FEET. THl!:NCE WITH A BtARING 0,. SOUTH 0100' 33" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 253.01 FEET: THENCE WITH A BEARI/fa OF NORTH Be 09' 11" ItAST. A DJSTANCE OF 3J7,55 FUT. TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF.WAY OF THE HALL ROAD: THENCE WITH A BEARJHO OF SOUTH 1 06' 06" EAST . ALONG nil WEST RIGHT-OT-WAY LINE OF THE HALL ROAO. A DISTANCE OF 7.B3 FEET TOA POINT: THENCE WITH ^ CURVE TO TlfE LEFT HAVING A RAOIUS or 2041. ii FEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9 05' 31". At. ARC LENGTH OF 323.93 FEET TO A POINT: THENCE SOUtH a8 06' 16" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 282.45 FEET: THENCE SC~TH 01 00' 24" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 632.32 FEET: THENCE NORTH 87.32' 47" EAST. I'. DISTANCE Of' 201.0' FIlET: THENCIL IoIlYH A BEARING l'F SOUTH 01 18' 43" EAST. A DISTANCE 0.. 2.15 FEET HORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGJNNING. CONTAINING 29.89 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS or WAY OF RECORD. ~.~ ;, sheet 1 of 2 ,}.l,.... .. ' 1" ..... ...: toel .... ,.:"'~ I "'. . I,'" (....-...\\ .', ..' ,. sheet 2 of 2 ~ EXHIBIT "A" .. ....~.,._....r~. fP. ,3..", . .... A PMCEL Of" lMt) LYIN:; IN SB:'I'ICNS 19 OF'TO\'NSfIII' 45 SarrH, ~ 4J FJtSr; S1\ID I'J\RCEto DEIl'G A. I'ORTICN Of" J:01'S 43 s. 44, OF'!lIE SUI30IVISICN .()1l' ~.TCN,19, Ta'rNSItIP 4S scx.ml, M>>:;E 43 r-N>T, 1\." IU:Camffi IN rlJ\T .~ 7, PJGE 19 Of" TIm .PUDLIC Rro:::nos OF PNl-l: BEN. II roMI'Y, nrollYl. ~ PMCEi, BEl>>::; ~i::nE F'1JU,Y D1::S0UOED 1\5 FO~: a:r-MEN:Il'G liT 'IUE SCUrHEI\ST CORNrn or- ScrrlON 19, 'I'CWNSHIP 45 ~i, MR:E 43' E1\S'l','n1l':N:E 1\'1'111 ^ DE:l\nIN::; or- SCXJ111 87" )2' 47" WEST, M.cN:: :rnE.SCUnl.LlNE Of" socrlON 19, 1\ DIST~ 0[" t09S.70 r:ieT TO TIm POlm' OF:. Ba::n~rUN::;l 'nlElO:: ~'ITlI 1\ OEMIN::; or- sa.mr. 070 32' 47" WEST, ^ DI$- Tm::E Of' 201. OJ FEET 'f0 ^ POINT 'IlIEN:E wrm ^ BrNtIN::; OF: N:lR'n1 010 ,00' 24" WEST, 11 DISTM-cE OF 632.J2 F'E::SJ': 'J1lEN::E WIT/I 11 BEMIN::; OF' . JOmi 880 06' 16" ElISr, 1\ DIST~ OF' 282.45' f"EE:T TO 1\ POINT: 'Ilrt:N:e .WI'nt 1\ CURVE TO mE RIGlTr IIl1VIN::; i\ oom 13E1\RIl-J:; OF ~ 090 51' 09" WEST, 11 MOIUS OF 2041.:\1 f"'J::B"r, 11 CENTML 1\N:;LE or J 4J' 28" NlJ m l\I'C LEN::;lll OF' 132.69 F'EET TO 1\ !:oINT OF nEVEnSE CtJRVE: TlIf:N:C:. WInI 1\ CURVE TO TIlE u:rr ItJWI>>::; 1\ IllIDIUS or 2301. 99 FmI', 11 crnmN, 1\N:;LE 01" 1.10 01' 36", 1\ND m Me LJ:N:m1 or- 523.J8 FEET TO 1\ mrm':. . ~IEN:E wrm 11 OEMI>>::; or- scx.ml I" 18' 4J" El\S1', 1\ DISTl\N:E ()I~ 2.1~ f'EET t-ORE 00 LESS TO 'nm FOn-lI' OF llmINNI~. a:N'J'T\r.NIN::; ~1-3 ^'=ro::s HORE on LESS we SUOJOCT 'rei rN;E1-lENTS ml RIcrrrs-oF-I"AY OF ru:x:xr-n.' '. , I .... . ,. P^RC.E~. 5,. .----- A PARCEL OF LAND LYING I~ SECT.IONS 19 & 30. TOWNSHI? 4S SO~TH, RANGE 42 EAST. PALH BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH 25.Q feet of the following described parcel: COHHENCING' AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 19. TOlJNSHIP ~s . SOUTH; RANGE 1,3 EAST, THENCE WI TH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' I.," WEST: ALO.NG THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 793..,4"FEeT' TO A 'POINT. SAID POINT BEING iHE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 01 IB' 1,3: EAST. A DISTANCE OF 25,0 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 6' 32' 1.7" WEST. ALONG A l.INE 25.0 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARAl.l.El. WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTIO~ 19, A DISTANCE OF 193,91. FEET TO A.POI~T. ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK B1.VD,: THENCE NORTH 01 IB' 1.3" WEST A1.0NG THE EAS.T RIGHT-OF-WAY' 1.INE OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD, A DISTANCE elF 25.0 FEET: THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ~LONG SAfD EAST nICHT-OF-WAY LINE. HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH. 00 S9' 06" WEST, A RADIUS OF 2193.99' FEET. A CENTRAL ANG1.E OF ClO 39' 11", AND AN ARC LENCTH OF 25,01 FEET: THENCE NORTH 67 32' A'" EAST, A Dr STANCE OF 193,80 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 87 32' I. T' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25,0 FEET MORE OR 1.ESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. " ,.. COtlTAINING (.l.ll ACRES Hl'RE OR 1.I-;SS Mill SUDJI;CT TO EASEHENTS AND RIGHTS-ClF-WA'f OF RECORD, i r . II. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION ( 3 ) The following materials shall be submitted in two (2) copies, unless otherwise indicated: (check) ..xx- a. ~ b. .xX- c. This application form. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. The following documents and letters of consent: (1 ) If the property is under joint or several ownership: a written consent to the application by all owners of record, _ (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and xx d. -1QL e. xx (3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: a copy of the agency agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and (4) If the applicant is a lessee: a copy of the lease agreement, and the written consent of the owner, and xx (5) If the applicant is a corporation or other business entity: the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation. A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: xx (1) An accurate legal description of the subject parcel. xx (2) A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre. (3) A tree survey, which conforms to the requirements of the city of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. (Also refer to Page 6, Sec. II h.(12) of this application if property is occupied by native vegetation.) This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with the application. A complete certified list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county courthouse shall be furnished by the applicant. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. Notification of surrounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse ( 4 ) -1QL f. A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and their relation to the subject parcel. xx g. A statement by the applicant justifying the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. xx h. A comparison of the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which will include: xx (1) A comparison of the potential square footage or number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under the proposed zoning or development. xx (2) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. xx (3) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. xx (4) For proposed zoning of property to commercial or industrial districts, where the area of the subject parcel exceeds one (1) acre, projections for the number of employees. xx .(5) A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For projects that generate more than five hundred (500) net trips per day, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted which complies with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. (a) For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted to the City at least 30 days prior to the deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by the City's traffic consultant and Palm Beach County. The applicant shall be billed for the cost of review by the City's traffic consultant. (b) For projects that generate between five hundred (500) and two thousand (2,000) net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted at the application deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by Palm Beach County. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 ~. A: LandUse . (5) However, if it is the desire of the applicant to utilize the City's traffic consultant for review of the traffic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach County, then the procedure and requirements outlined under item "a" above shall be followed. NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner prescribed above may delay approval of the application. xx (6) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequatre to serve development under the proposed zoning. ~ (7) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. JiLLA. (8) (9 ) . For proposed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation of such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, screening of service areas and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse MALL SOUTH JUSTIFICATIONS AND IMPACTS Items g, and h. of the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning Applica- tion requires a comparison of impacts between existing zoning and proposed zoning. In this case, the request of the peti- tioner is to bring the property into conformity with the Com- prehensive Plan of Boynton Beach. Currently the property is zoned AR-Agricultural Residential in Palm Beach County, a rural zone entirely inappropriate for this property which is located at the center of an existing urban commercial area. The application contained herein is consistent with the cur- rent County Comprehensive Plan designation of CH/8 (Commer- cial High) and the Boynton Beach Designation of Local Retail Commercial. Therefore, the following comparisons between a farming district zone and the proposed zone have little value. N~vertheless, the following comparisons are provided; (1) The current zoning allows for one dwelling unit per ten acres which could permit five (5) individual single-family homes to develop on single ten-acre tracts. The proposed' zoning can reasonably be expected to yield (6) single family homes and approximately 173,000 square feet of commer- cial retail space. (2) The proposed future use would allow the typical retail and consumer service uses already established in the area with a probability that the site will be ideally suited to some of the modernday specialty department and llome stores. In addition, a certain amount of office use can be expected. (3) At this time, 'there is no established development sched- ule, Prior to development specific plans would need to be submitted for zoning and site plan approval. (4) Because no specific development plan is being submitted, projections for the approximate number of employees for a commercial retail center will be in the area of 100 to 250. ,,!'<.!()r #--,. <'1....././ ~ (~ ;}_C// MALL SOUTH JUSTIFICATIONS AND IMPACTS ..-.. Items g. and h. of the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning Applica- tion requires a comparison of impacts between existing zoning and proposed zoning. In this case, the request of the peti- tioner is to bring the property into conformity with the Com- prehensive Plan of Boynton Beach. Currently the property is zoned AR-Agr~cultural Residential in Palm Beach County, a rural zone entirely inappropriate for this property which is located at the center of an existing urban commercial area. The application contained herein is consistent with the cur- rent County Comprehensive Plan designation of CH/8 (Commer- cial High) and the Boynton Beach Designation of Local Retail Commercial. Therefore, the following comparisons between a farming district zone and the proposed zone have little value. Ne'vertheless, "the following comparisons are provided; (1) The current zoning allows for one dwelling unit per ten acres which could permit five (5) individual single-family homes to develop on single ten-acre tracts. The proposed' zoning can reasonably be expected to yield ,(6) single family homes and approximately 173,000 square feet of commer- cial retail space. (2) The proposed future use would allow the typical retail and consumer service uses already established in the area with a probability that the site will be ideally suited to some of the modern day specialty department and home stores. In addition, a certain amount of office use can be expected. (3) At this time, "there is no establ ished development sched- ule. Prior to development specific plans would need to be submitted for zoning and site plan approval. (4) Because no specific development plan is being submitted, projections for the approximate number of employees for a commerc.ial retail center will be in the area of 100 to 250. . ., . , . -\ ,P f::: 0 N' \ \ ~ \ i"' \ .c- .. .".." , '1\) \' .' ,. I '--; ,t. . _'l < . ~ .. i lJJ - C? . .Q) (X) I ; ~,~ ! ~ o \ I \ \ 1 l \ \ . \ ' VI ~~.~- " I ~ ~~... ....r \ \ \ I . I \ I ~ i \ \ \ .i \ , \ \ , t I . , " I .... , \ ~, ~, / , ,. " ~ w- i ~. t\) 2 (0' 0 ~ . , i ,." 0 .x (') " ("'\ "?\ .~. ,.,., V> ~ 1:1 () _. -t ;0 ~ Q) '- ~ u..a ')- en 0 Q) ~ ---- . ~ ---- - - wr:::......., f ~~w--n. "- ~" ~ --l L ,;~- ,,,':'r'" ......''':,f"'''' },~ ' SU.3I WINeHESTER PARK BLW ' OR5356 PO~ fOBle &/82.u lJJ , \ UJ ,~ .~ \ r . -' , " . \ - ; ~~ III .). (~,<...;,.t .~ ) '(g) -., . ~ j. \ ~.~ ~ , \...~ \ , I . k .., ,"f . F"~ ~. )> :> ,1' \. .... 1: .( ,. :.~.~.". ,. . ~ ~ '- '. I.'. . ~~.,. 'ii';'~:.. ' . ~ ~'-,.:. \. \, '. ,. --- . ./. ,. "1 .. . i"> ~ ' : \..... e ,',t., .. . ..' :~.-..~ .~. '. L, ,.... ~:;: .~.. ~ WATER AND SEWER DEMAND COMPARISON Existing Zoning: The overall 50.94-acre parcel is currently zoned AR-Agricultural Residential in Palm Beach County. As such, five (5) dwelling unit could be const.ructed at an average flow of 350 gallons per day per unit, the existing zoning would generate an average of 1,750 gallons per day~ Proposed Zoning: The petitioner is requesting to rezone the subject parcel to AG-Agricultut~al, in part, and C-3, Community Commercial, in part. The AG zoned parcel will consist of 32.31 acres and the C-3 parcel will consist of 18.63 acres. As such, (6} dwelling units could be constructe~ oh the Agricultural parcel. At an average flow of 350 gallons per day per unit, the proposed AG zoning would generate an average of .2,100 gallons per day. No specific development plans are proposed for the C-3 zoned parcel. However, based on the Traffic Study as submitted with this application, approximately 173,000 square feet of Commercial square footage could be co~structed on site. Using the Palm Beach County Health Department's flow rate of 0.1 gallon per day per square foot of retail space, this site can be expected to generate an average daily flow of 17,300 gallons per day. Typically, there is very little difference in water and sewer flow rates fot~ c~mmercial uses unless irrigation is going to be done from publiC water. At this time the source of irrigation water is planned to be from on-site wells. . ............... ..-....'.~ _(10) l..--- -HLb (11) _ (12) ( 6 ) lighting. Nuisances and hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements concerning the height, orientation, and bulk of structures, setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development shall be provided. At the request of the Planning and zoning Board or City Commission, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit the following information: (a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. (c) Existing or proposed water bodies. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreation facilities. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. Where conformance with the County's Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance is required, an Application for Alteration of Environmentally Sensitive Lands (Environmental Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the Land Use Amendment and/ or Rezoning Application to the city. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse (7) III. ," APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the city of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the. instructions below. x 9-c;:<7'- 9/ / Date V. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT f1-~7- 1/ / Da te ' (I) (We) bereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. \ . ail? ustee, or Authorized Principal ~f property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. ?~~ 1~ 9/ / Date' (~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse (7) III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the " application i$ submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the city of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or s owings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true o the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This ap lication will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. (s r principal i is owned by a corporation business entity. V. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Trustee, property or other 1!d-1 (9/ Date s~~~;:*r ~ 'e,R/9JA/ v: ,4:J /t 0/ . ) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) ( ur) authorized agent with regard to this application. .9' "'..3cJ- 9/ " Date / nature 0 e or Trustee, Authorized principa if property 1s owned by a corporation or other business entity. iIJJ!q/ Date . PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse .: tJ ) 1:-" - ..' L':.;-; lSCJ.ng and proposed grade elevations. (c) Existing or proposed water bodIes. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreational facilities. (0) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. (11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts. the specl~lc requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. I I I. eEE~l~eIlg~_E~~~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been 0dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. rVn ~~BIIEIGBIIQ~ (I) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the F'li::"lnni.nq and Zeming Bc)ard.. (I) (We) hereby cer-tify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not. be accepted unless signed V ~a.cc:ording ~ j.nstn..lctionf:; bE!lmoJ. //--:2.<:l.. ~ 1\ --- .._.._1______.. -----:..-z;J11-----..- 8ig ature of OwnerCs;-~~-~~~;i;;, Dat~ or Authorized Principal if property is owned by'a corporation or other business ent.it.-y.. v. ~;a~dL"~~c.~, Signatul~f Authorized ~~ ~' CI) (lJ.Je) hf-:?n.~by de~;ignc:(t_e i:he abov(:;! <:;igned person agent with regard to this application. X .______ F ~- ~~----- Signat~~of Owner~) or Trustee, _,.//:..3~,;.?L2.._,,___ D=lt.l~ as (my) COUl'-) cluthori.zed .-a:~/::~Q------ Date Planning Department 1-86 p,:.:I.ge 7 ..... ... ~- SEP-26-' 91 THU 16: 11 I D : f< I LDA'y' & ASSIJC I ATES TEL HO: 407-689'-2592 1:1518 P03 (7) III. ~PPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application 1s submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the planning and zoning Board. (I) (We) herebY certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the. instructions bel~:. / ,,~ __/e~ ~gnature OW er(s) or Trustee, or Author ed P incipal if property is owned a orporation or other business e ti ,_/ /0 - 7- )?/ Date v. ~UTHORIZATION OF AGENT ~v~~ &. iJ([Ld:c~) '.. gnature 0 Authorized ~gent /o-/#-/'/ Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. -~-_._------- .~- \ " /s gnature of or Trustee, or Authorize clpal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. /tf- 7-7/ Date ,~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:LandUse " ,.. , ./ . ,. t;~ ~ " ! ] i 1. -, ., , ,f' j . ! i ~. 'i ;i .; ~ :' ','1; .j ] ! ,~ ("- .' .. -.-. .. i- '. 0 PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT made this day of August, 1979, by and between BILL R. WINCHESTER, ELSIE WINCHESTER, 'WILLIAM A. ZEIHER and MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, (herein referred to individually as "PARTNER" and collectively as "PARTNERS"). In consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, the PARTNERS agree as fo~lows: 1. FORMATION AND NAl-iE: The undersigned parties do hereby form a General Partnership under the name WINCHESTER, WINCHESTER, ZEIHER AND SCHROEDER, a Florida General Partnership~ Each PARTNER agrees to execute the necessary documents to comply with the Florida fictitious name statute. 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: The principal office of the Partnership shall be located at 9290 Nickels Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. The PARTNERS may change the aforesaid office or have additional offices as the PARTNERS shall deem advisable. 3. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Partnership is to purchase property described on attached Exhibit "A" (Partner~hip property) and to lease and/or sell such property as determined by the PARTNERS. The business purpose of this Partnership shall be limited to this transaction. 4. TITLE: The legal title to the Partnership Property described in the preceding paragraph is to be held in the Partnership name. 5 .0. TERM : The term of this Partnership shall comm~nce on the 30th day of August, 1979, and continue.until August 30, 1999, unless sooner dissolved or terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. / #~ '.. . . l ;. '.',: ~j ~~ '!l, (...-, " / 6. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION: A. Percentages: Capital contributed. ,to the Partnership' shall be in the following percentages: Bill R. Winchester.: ,25% Elsie ~\Tinchester 25% william A. Zeiher 25% 25% Michael A. Schroeder B. Initial Contribution: On or before the date of the closing of the purchase of the Partnership Property, each ,PARTNER shall contribute in proportion to his respective percentage~ all of the cash necessary to pay for the cash down payment, closing costs and other sums necessary to close ~he purchase of the above described property. will make their initial contributions in accordance with the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B"~ The PARTNERS shall contribute additional capital to the Partnership in proportion to their r~spective percentages only if such contributions are required to enable the Partnership to satisfy obligations which shall arise after the'date of this Agreement, and are to be used exclusively to cover the costs of: (I) Real estate taxes and assessments on the property or improvements; (2) Payments required to be made pursuant to any mortgage on the property or improvements as well as the expense of curing any default under any such mortgage; (3) Any costs expended for the maintenance or ordinary operation of the Partnership Property. (4) Any alteration, repair or replacement required by any present or future law, ordinance, order, rules, regulation or 'requirement of any federal, state or municipal government, department, commission, board.or officer, or any order, iule or regulation of/the National -2- l '. . . o :_ 00.. ~~r Board of Fire Underwriters or any other body exercising similar functions~ (5) Any amount required to be paid pursuant to any final order, judgment, or decree of any court or governmental body having jurisdictioni and (6) Any other item of expense if approved by the PARTNERS specifically or by inclusion in a budget which has been approved by the PARTNERS. D. Delinquency. If any PARTNER fails to contribute any portion of his capital, or additional capital contribution to the Partnership as provided for above, such deficiency shall not reduce the delinquent Partner's share ofcthe profits and losses set forth in Paragraph 7 below. Such deficiency shall be paid out of t~e. reserves 'provided for in Paragraph B.A.3 below to the extent such reserves can cover such deficiencies. If these reserves are insrifficient to pay such deficiency, then any PARTNER may make a loan to the partnership to cover the balance of the deficiency. Both the money expended from the reserve and any money. loaned to the Partnership by any PARTNER for payment of same shall bear' interest at the rate of ten (10%) percent per annum from the date it is paid to the date of repayment. The interest due and the'money loaned by any PARTNER and the money expended from said reserve shall be repaid out of the percentage share of distribution due the PARTNER who has failed to contribute his share of the needed capital of the Partnership, or out of his capital inferest in the Partnership assets in the event of the termination of his interest in the ~artnership for any reason. To the extent that the . percentage share of distribution due the delinquent'PARTNER is insufficient to pay the sums due the par~nership or a / " -3- . . '. . . ~: .." . .l.' ~> , ! ,. ,'; ~ . 'I: r PARTNER for any monies lent in accordance herewith, the Partnership, or the PARTNER loaning the money, ,shall have a lien on the delinquent PARTNER'S capital interest in,the Partnership. Any and' all payments from the share of' the' delinquent PARTNER'S distribution or capital interest ,shall first be applied to the interest due and then to the repayment of any capital deficiency. , . . '7., PROFIT AND LOSSES:, Each PARTNER shall have ,a percentag~ interest in the net income and net losses of. the partnership, including cash losses, and in the net cash flow distribution defined in the next paragraph, in accordance with the following percentages: . \ .' , Bill R. Winchester 25% 25% Elsie Winchester william A. Zeiher 25% l1ichael A. Schroeder 25% 8. DISBURSEHENTS: The rents and other funds (other than funds received by way of initial or subsequent capital contribution ,by the.PARTNERS) earned or received by' the Partnership shall be disbursed or distributed as follows: A. On Behalf of the Partnership: (1) In payment of all expenses incurred in the normal operation of the Partnership business. (2) In payment of the total indebtedness due on the mortgage obligation incurred or to be incurred with respect to the Partnership Property. (3) In retention and reserve for ~aintenance or improvements of the Partnership property as determined by the Partnership. B. To the PARTNERS: {l) The net operating cash flow as defined herein shall be apportioned among the PARTNERS and the net losses of the part~ership shall be borne by the -4- '. . t . , \," ~, '(.. .-...... Partners in accordance with their respective percentage shares as set forth in Paragraph 7 above, provided, however, no PARTNER shall be entitled to his share of the net operating cash flow if on the date of any distribution any sums are due from said PARTNER for capital, including additional capital, contributions as provided for in Paragraph 6 above. (2) The term "net operating cash flow" as used herein shall mean: (a) All monies received during the calendar year, other than capital contributions, and the proceeds of loans: (b) Less all monies expended during the calendar years; (c) Less any reserve for contin- gencies provided for above. Cd) The net operating cash flow of the Partnership as thus computed shall be distributed at reasonable intervals, as determined by the PARTNERS at their discretion but at least within three (3) months' after the clpse of the year in which earned. (e) The depreciation of the building, equipment'~nd other improvements shall not be considered as a deduction within the aforesaid definition, but the method of depreciation for tax purposes shall be determined by the PARTNERS. c. Treatment of Losses: All losses incurred by the Partnership shall be allocated to and borne by each PARTNER in proportion to his respectiye income percentage as set forth in paragraph 7 above. 9. HANAGEMENT OF THE PARTNERSHIP: A. Overall Hanagement: The overall management and control of the business and affairs of the, Partnership / shall be vested in the PARTNERS collectively. Except where. . .. -5- . \, '.;",,' r . :~: ' ;, ~ ' '. r . l---::~' , , . . . herein expressly provided to the contrary, all decisions. with respect to 'the management and control of the Partnership approved by fifty-one (51%) percent of the PARTNERS shall be binding on the Partnership.and all the PARTNERS. B. Major Decisions: No act shall be taken,' sum expended, decision'made or obligation incurred by the Partnership or any PARTNER with respect to a matter within the scope of any of the major decisions (hereinafter called "Major Decisions") as enumerated below, unless such of the Major Decisions have been approved by fifty-one percent (51%) of the PARTNERS. The Major Decisions shall include: (1) acquisition of any land or interest therein; (2) financing of the Partnership, including but not limited to the interim and permanent financing of the improvements and operations of the .Partner- ship; i (3) sale or other transfer, or leasing for any terms; (4) mortgaging or the placing or suffering .il . .::,:;-.,~,'> ";. . ,"~ . .'........'..'..:-.;.. ., ',.' ":,-;'.::',:~ the placing of any' encumbrance on the Property of the improvemerii:s:':~;";:, : "', ::'.-,'),,;.:>r~::.:; or any parts thereof; (5) terminating or modifying any lease " or other arrangement involving all or any part of the Partnership. .'. Property or space in any of the improvements if such lease or other arrangement was required to be approved by the Partners pursuant hereto or if such modification would result in a modified lease or other arrangement which, if it '. . were a new lease, would be required to be approved by the PARTNERS pursuant hereto; -6- / ._____._,,_._~_. '~_' ."..~_,. _..~._______ ______.h._...___._____._... , / ...... . . . I : ;"'.:. ..;.. ,,::~:. : .... A-- \:..,;.) ~-r" " f' .. \ t, ~'..:'.,' .~. , .'" I " .. ",' . . . -, (6) construction of any improvements or . the making. of any capital improvements! repairs, alterations :"r ::...... or charges not provided for in the budget; (7) selecting or varying depreciation and accounting methods! changing the fiscal year of the Partnership and making other decisions with respect to treatment of various transactions for bookkeeping or'tax . I \. purposes, consistent with the other provisions of this Agreement; (8) approval of all construction and architectural contracts and all architectural pla~s" and drawings prior to the construction of any improvements contemplated thereby; (9) varying or changing any portion of the insurance program required by paragraph 13; (10) ne.termining whether or not should be made to the PARTNERS except as set forth in paragraph B; , (~l) making any expenditure or'incurr!ng any obligation by or of the Partnership involving a sum'in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($l,OOO.OO) for any ,transaction.. or group of similar transactions. (12) determining the maximum and . working capital requirements of the Partnership; (13) the adjustment, settlement, compromise of any claim, obligation, debt, demand, suit or judgme~t against the Partnership or Manager; and (14) any other decision or action by the provision of this ~greement is required to be approved by the Partnership or which materially affects the Partnership or the assets or operations thereof; -7- 1- ': :. I } ," (J:' - -,..,.'. , . . . '-~.:;:: ,--", (15) approval of management contract. 10. COMPENSATION: No PARTNER shall be entitled to any compensation for services rendered to the Partnership in the transaction of Partnership business. II. BANK ACCOUNT: The funds of the General Partnership shall be deposited in in the name of the partnership or name of its appointed agent managing the funds of the Partnership. withdrawals from any such account shall be made upon the signature of any' one PARTNER. l2. BOOKS AND RECORDS: At all times during the continuation of the Partnership, the PARTNERS shall keep or cause to be kept, full and true books of account' in which such shall be entere~ fully and accurately each and every transaction of the Partnership. Such books of account, together with a true copy of this Partnership Agreement and all amendments thereto, shall be at all times maintained at the principal office of the Partnership, and shall be open to the reasonable inspections of the Partners and their duly authorized representativ~s. A copy of the Balance Sheet and Annual Income Statement of the Partnership shall be transmitted'''' to each PARTNER within sixty (60) days of the end of each calendar year. If any'PARTNER desires the books and records audited, he may so request within sixty (GO) days prior to the end of such calendar year and such audit shall be at the expense of the PARTNER requesting the audit. The books of account shall be kept on the basis of an accounting period consxsting of a calendar year and utilizing the cash method ", of accounting. 13. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS:' The Partnership- shall carry and maintain the following insurance, the premium .for / I -9- . . -:~ -'.-.J ". .. ,-'~ ";:..J l ,opj (oDt>" h(P'-'- 1 ( E-1t I , ;, .; ;. r-. (" . c. \.. which shall be ~aid as a cost and expense in connection with the operation of the business of the Partnership: A. Comprehensive Liability Insurance: A Comprehensive Liability Insurance Policy on an "occurrence" basis for the benefit of the PARTNERS and the Partnership, insuring against claims for personal injury liability, bodily injury liability, including death and property damage li,abilit~. j"?) d The limits' of insurance shall not be less than per occurrence for bodily injury and not . less'than I /J J per occurrence for property damage. Said bodi~y injury. and property damage coverage shall'be extended to include hired cars on an "if any" basis. arid employer's non-ownership coverage. B. Insurance During Construction: If the c-,"!-,- ~:'.: \":;:", . ,;.; . Partnership enters into' a construction contr~ct, shall be supplied with Certifica~es of L~ability .the partnership')';:::(i;'; Insurance .;!!il from contractors and .subcontractors providing for liability limits in accordance with Paragraph l3-A above, anq naming the Partnership as an additional insured, and shall obtain Certificates showing contractor has required coverage under Workmen's Compensation Insurance laws. '" C. other Insurance: Such other insurance as ::'~:T',t'{N , .:,' , '.~ ;'....::,f~:f, " :./'~L:~;t: ".;.\:,:.;';': .,,~,,~: (:'.:,...,'~' -;;',':,'"..:"'" "'i"; " . ' ' l " ."' '''''.1 l':'.: , ,',.:'\ ,,'," ,;.-,'" .'I~ : ':" ~ -' "":'. may be required by any mortgagee lo,!-ning money to 1:.he partners1i.~p;}:::'.: may be obtained and the limits of the above described policies' ". . increased if required by said mortgagee. D. Partnership and PARTNERS Named Insureds:. ~ll of the aforesaid policies shall name the Partnership and. each PARTNER as the named insured. 14. TRANSFER OF INTEREST OF A ~ARTNER: Any PARTNER may transfer all .or any part of his Partnership interes~ to his spouse or children, without / -9- . . i j 'I I I ; i ~ ~.~, ...... obtaining the prior written approval of the PARTNERS. Such transferee shall be bound by all of the terms and CODditions of this Agreement with same force and effect as if such transferee had been a signatory and original party to it. Such. transferee shall by ~Litten instrument, delivered to ,the other PARTNERS, expressly assume. all of the obligations of the transferor to the extent or and in proportion to the . I,. interest transferred to such transferee, except those obligations which are enforceable against the transferor only by foreclosure of lien or encumbrance on the Partnership Property and the PARTNERS: :ii:';,:;:':: . . . ~:\:;. !:~:.:'i?\~~:~~,;:} '.; .}[,;;f,;:\itr: improvements situated thereon. B. General: Any PARTNER 'shall have the right to assign, encumber, sell or otherwise dispose of his interest in the Partnership, after servirig notice of his intention to do so on the other PARTNERS not less than ninety (90) days prio~ to the transfer, and provided the option granted to the remaining PARTNERS under subparagraph (1) below is not exercised. For this purpose, the date of. postmark of the notice shall be considered as the date of its service. The right of transfer shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) Option to Purchase by Remaining One or more of the remaining PARTNERS shall have the right to purchase such interest. This right may be exercised by serving written notice'upon the selling PARTNER within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the notice ofintcntion to sell, assign, or encumber. For this purpose, the'date of the postmark ~f the notice of exe~cise of r1ght to purchase shall be considered as the date o~ service. Any portion of the Selling PARTNER'S interest, upon which there has not been an exercise in writing of the /' -10- .1-,......,,',.., ".~I:-:;'~:::.:,>::/: . ,-1.,::' , '-, "-~' .,.....:,.' . . I' . . i r , .. ~, (,~. ,:-. '<\. .... . ". .. right to purchase, may then be purchased by one or more of . ., .I . the PARTNERS who exercised their right to purchase within thirty (30) days as provided for above. This secondary right of purchase may be exercised within sixty (GO)' days after expiration of the first thirty (30) day period by the service of written. notice upon the selling PARTNER who shall be required to honor 'such notices of exercise in full in the order received. For this purpose, the date of postmark'of the notice of exercise of the secondary right of exercise shall be considered as the date of service thereof. (2) l\.mount of Purchase Price: Where the PARTNERS are notified in writing of a bona fide offer to purchase received by the selling PARTNER for his interest in the Partnership, the PARTNERS may exercise their right to purchase (see Paragraph (1) above), 'at a price proportionately equal to, and on the same terms contained in, the outside offer. An outside offer, in order to be deemed a bona fide offer. within the meaning of this Agreement, must,be in writing, signed by the outside offeror, who must be a person, partnership or corporation financially capable of 6arrying out the terms~of the offer, must. be in a form legally enforceable against the outside . . offeror, must be accompanied by a certified check' equal to ten (10%) percent of the proposed purchase price, which shall be held in escrow by a third party, and must bind the offeror to become a PARTNER and assume all the obligations and undertakings of the seller in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. An executed copy of such offer must be enclosed with the notice sent to non-selling partners as provided in Paragraph (1) above. In the event of a proposed encumbrance rather than a sale, the purchase price shall.be / I -11- .. " , . 'j I i ! , : i I . \ \ 1 ,j :1 ; f . .1 , .~~ !/, J '. ; \ , , ~ l i ) \ ,1 'i r- \ established and paid i~ the same manner as provided for the purc.hase of a deceased PARTNER'S share in paragraph 16 c. 15. THIRD PARTY OFFER: If a bona fide offer is made by some third party to purchase all of the Property owned by the Partnership and all of the PARTNERS, except one, desire to sell in a~cordance with the terms and conditions of said bona fide offer, the PARTNER not desiring to sell, shall buy the interest of the other PARTNERS desiring to sell by paying a price equal to the price offered by the third party times the total percentage interest of such Pa~tners desiring to sell and upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the third party offer. If the PARTNER not desiring to sell in accordance with said offer does not purchase the interest of the PARTNERS desiring to sell within thirty (30) days of the date of the receipt of the notification of the third party's bona fide offer and the acceptance thereof by the PARTNERS desiring to sell, then the Partner not desiring to sell shall be deemed to have consented to the sale of the Partnership Property to the third party in accordance with the bona fide offer and all . parties shall sign all documents and agreements necessa~y to close the :sale of. the Partnership Property to said third party. 16. DISSOLUTION OF THE PARTNERSHIP: A. Acts of Dissolution. Any of the following acts shall dissolve the Partnership: (I) Withdrawal of a PARTNER. ^ny PARTNER shall have the rig~t to withdraw from the Partnership as of the end of any accounting year. Written notice of intention to withdraw shall be served on each of the PARTNERS at least six (6) months before the end. of the accounting year; /; -12- '. t i ~ " ;'..i '. " ,', '.' ,'. ..~-..... -- C- ,Or '~~ ......... (2) Death or. incompetency of a Partner, . . or commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings for or against a Partner. The death or adjudication of incompetency of any individual PARTNER, or the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition of bankruptcy of the commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings under applicable Federal or State law with respect to any PARTNER which is not dismissed with prejudice within ninety (90) days after same is filed, including assignment of such PARTNER'S interest, in the'Partnership for the benefit of creditors, shall dissolve the Partnership. Written notice of such death, etc., shall be served on each of the PARTNERS by the executor, trustee or personal representative of the deceased or administrator, trustee, personal representative or assignee of the deceased or incompetent PARTNER or by the Trustee ,in Dankruptcy or Assigne~ of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have commenced, within sixty (GO) days after the qualification of such executor, administrator, PARTNER~ or within ninety-five (95) days the date of of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or within sixty (60) days from the date of assignment of such PARTNER'S interest ih the Partnership for the be~efit of creditor~, such notice to be made to the last known address as shown on . the records maintained at the principal office of the Partner B. Effect of Dissolution: (1) Election to form new Partnership: Upon the dissolution of the Partnership by reason of the death, incompetency, withdrawal, or termination of, Qr the filing of a petition in or commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, including assignment' of a PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the benefit / -13- t ~ ".... of creditors, with respect to a PARTNER, the remaining PARTNERS, (incl?ding the executor, administrator, or personal representative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER)., may be vote of not less than fifty-one (51%) percent in interest of such PARTNERS elect to form a new partnership to continue without interruption the business theretofore carried on by this Partnership. (2) Effect of notice of withdrawal, bankruptcy or insolvency of a PARTNER and notice of'death or incompetency from a personal representative of a deceased or incompete.nt PARTNER: Immediately 'upon. the receipt of the notice of withdrawal of a PAR~NER under Paragraph A. (2) above, or notice of death or incompetency, or notice of commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, or an assignment of any PARTNER'S inte~est in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors, as provided for in Paragraph A el) above, a right to purchase the interest of such PARTNER shall vest in the remaining PARTNERS. This right may 'be exercised' by one or more of the.remaining PARTNERS by service upon the withdrawing PARTNER, or the trustee, personal representative of a' deceased or incompetent PARTNER or assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have commenced, including assignment of the PARTNER'S interest for the benefit of creditors, of written notice. within sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice of withdrawal or election to sell from the personal represen- tative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER to sell or within sixty .(60) days after the receipt of notice of the . commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, .including assignment of intere~t for the benefit of creditors. For /' -14- ,:. ,., . ."L_ ....... '.., ....1' ,"."'.' .........,. Pi this purpose, the date of postmark of notice of exercise of the right to purchase shall be considered as the date of service of such notice. Such right may be exercised.in such proportion as the percentage interest of each purchasing PARTNER bears to the total percentage interest of 'all' remaining r ' . PARTNERS. Any proportion of such PARTNER'S interest upon which there has not been an exercise in writing of the right . ", to purchase, may then be purchased by one or more of those partners who exercise their right to purchase within' sixty (GO) days after expiration of the first sixty (60) day period, by the service of written notice upon the withdrawing PARTNER or upon the trustee, personal representative, of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER or assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings had commenced, including assignment of such PARTNER'S 'interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors, who shall be required to honor such notices of exercise in full in the order' received. The price at which the interest of' such PARTNER may be purchased shall be as described in Paragraph C below. If none of the PARTNERS elects to purchase the interest of such PARTNER, the interest may be transferred to a non-partner under Paragraph 14 above. c. pur'chase Price of ~vithdrawing, Bankrupt, Insolvent, Incompetent and Deceased PARTNER'S Interest: (1) Purchase Price pf Deceased PARTNER'S Interest. If"the surviving PARTNERS shall elect to purchase , ~ the decedent's entire Partnership interest, the purchase price shall be the book value thereof, as it appears on the' bookg and records of the Partnership as of the close of bus~ness on the dnte ~f death or such decedent, as adjusted / -15- . , , .... r ~ '~ ~ ,\:" .;; ......'.. ... by substituting the fair market value as of such dat~ in place of fhe book value of any real estate owned by ,the Partnership. Such book value, adjusted as herein provided, shall be computed by the accountant regularly employed by the Partnership in accordance with the accounting practices regularly followed by the Partnership; in. cases' not covered by.such practices, in accordance with good accounting practices. No allowance shall be made for good~ill,. trade name, patents, or other intangible assets, except as those assets may be reflected on the Partnership books immediately . prior to the decedent's death. Such book value shall include and reflect the decedent's capital account as at the. end of the last accounting year as shown on the ,Partnership. books, increased by the decedent's share of the ,Partnership's net cash receipts or decreased by the decedent's share of the net cash losses for the period from the beginning of the accounting year in which his death occurred .until the date of his death, and increased by contributions to capital anq decreased by withdrawals during such period. In making the. adjustments for the fair market value of the real estate, the accountant shall rely on and use the written appraisal of a licensed real estate appraiser, agreed upon and retained by fifty-one. (51%)' percent of the PARTNERS for tha~ purpose at the expense of the Partnership. A statement showing such ;1., ...'j. .; book value as thus adjusted, and supporting items and computations,.:: including without limitation a copy of the real estate appraisal relied upon, shall be completed, by the accountant and copies delivered to the legal representative of the dece'ased rARTNER' S estate and to the surviving PARTNERS before the expiration of the period in which to exercise the aforesaid options. Such book value, as adjusted, as set out / -16- ~ : . 0, \ "'I ..... i,; ,."J~.. in the' accounta~t's statement, shall constitute and be deemed to be the purchase price for the decedent's. entire interest, binding upon all parties hereto, unless an~ until changed by written agreement of the parties, or by arbitration award as hereinafter provided. (2) Pa~ent of Purchase Price. If. the deceased PARTNER'S entire Partnership interest is purchased by two (2) or more surviving PARTNERS, the portion of the: purchase price payable by each surviving PARTNER shall be the sums determined by multiplying the purchase price for the entire Partnership interest by the fraction representing the portion thereof purchased .by such surviving PARTNER. The purchase price to be paid to any PARTNER shall be paid in cash on date of closing. . . (3) Closing Date and Place of Closing. The closing date shall be within thirty (30) days after the date of the last election by any PARTNER to purchase the, deceased PARTNER'S interest. The exact date within such period of time shall be agreed upon by,the purchasing PARTNERS, and the' closing shall be held at the principal off~ce of the PARTNERSHIP, or at any other place agreed to by the parti~s.. (4) Closing Documents. On date of closing, the purchasing PARTNERS shall execute and deliver to the ,decedent's personal representative the cash provided for above. The decedent's personal representative shall deliver to the respective purchasers appropriate duly executed . instruments of transfer and assignment, assigning and good and marketable title to the portion or portions of the deceQent's entire Partnership interest thus purchased" free and clear of all liens, ~ncumbrances, or rights of others therein. Also, on date of closing, the personal representative / -17- ,L .,. ," . r r--,- !" shall deliver co~ies to each of the purchasing PARTNERS of a specific Release of Lien for Federal and Florida Estate Taxes. The decedent's entire Partnership interest thus transferred shall comprise all of his right, title, and interest in and to the Partnership, its firm name, and all assets thereof, including but not limited to the decedent's capital account as of the date of his death, his share of any undrawn profits for any fiscal year'up to the year of his death, and his share of any net profits from the beginning of the fiscal year in which his death occurs, and for all periods after his death. The distribution percentage of each 'purchasing PARTNER shall be increased by that portion of ,the decedent's percentage therein equal to the fraction of the decedent's entire Partnership interest purchased by such purchaser. (5) Arbitration. The adjusted book value (purchase price) as determined by the accountant pursuant to the preceding subparagraph C. (1) shall be subj~ci:: , to increase or decrease as follows: If either the decedent's legal representative or any of the surviving PARTNERS, should dispute the adjusted book value shown on the accountant's statement,..~uch parties shall give to the other party and all other surviving PARTNERS wri.t.ten notice of the dispute containing specifications of the reasons therefor, within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the report. If the dispute is not settled within twenty (20) days thereafter by written agreement between the decedent's legal representative and the surviving PARTNERS (the agreement of the majority of the surviving PARTNERS shall constitute the agreement of, and be binding upon, all surviving PARTNERS), the arbitrated value shall be determined by a committee of appraiser's each / -18- .... . ; .'>\ '.: !, . :1; . ~.>.] ',.. .', ,'! , I "" "I . '.:1 ./~:-l ,"'.i . " ~ '.l :,'j ~ .' ..; . .l .' ~:3 .-'.i ....1 ; , ~ " , I . .... ~ . , . . "j I . , 1 Y . I I "1 ,.' l' : ( " -'. ~ .'A " .1' ::, .~ '>1 1" : " ~ , " i '. (0.,; ~ . t I .j , . , '.\ d q 'i y~ ~" ''i ".,: ;.1 I., i.l !.j. 'I '.j I i ! .:',:, i ,I '0 . "I 0' 'J '1 'j ,J !1 :1 . , . . i! . q '; '~ "' ,-',: 1 ~ '" ~ ~l ..... . " : "", .. ~ of whom shall be a member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, appointed within ten (10) days after. the termination of the aforesaid twenty (20) day period. One such appraiser shall be appointed by and represent the Purchasing Partners, the second appraiser shall be appointed by and represent the deceased or incompetent or selling PARTNER, and the third appraiser shall be chosen by the other two (2) appraisers. They shall within thirty (30) days from the date of the appointment of the last appraiser, report their finding in writing to all parties.which shall be binding on all parties. The fee of each appraiser shall be borne. by the party who selected him except that the fee of the third appraiser shall be borne one-half (1(2) ,by the Purchasing Partner or Partners, and one-half (1/2) by the executor, administrator, successor in interest or personal representative of the deceased or incompetent partner. If the amount of the adjusted book value as shown by the accountant is changed by agreement or by arbitration award, then the new amount shall govern and shall be the purchase price of the decedent's entire Partnership interest hereunder. If such new amount is not fixed and determined until after the date of closing, then any increase in the purchase price thus affected shall be paid in cash to the PARTNER'S estate, either six (6) months after the date of such agreement, or such arbitration award, or the thirtieth (30th) day o~ January immediately following the calendar year in which the closing .date occurs, whichever is later; and any decrease in / / -19- -,.._~._.,._- ..--. '-,.-. ----- ~.-~-._='.==.,':~..:~~.~:::=.::._.__::._.:_.::_::::_:_==_:::_.:_-_:_::_-:-:-:--:-.:,..::'--:::~..---.':.-::-:-:---~~..~~.:_.c.:=._ '>,-''',-'-,~,'-'-;', ~ .$:~~I '" (6) Purchase Price of withdrawing Partner. The purchase price of a withdrawing PARTNER shall be equal to the net book value of such PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership, and determined by the independent accountant ; l . 'then serving the Partnership as of the date of withdrawal, which shall constitute the end of the month preceeding the date on which notice of withdrawal is given. If the notice of withdrawal is given wi:thin three (3), years after the date of the purchase of the property of the Partnership, then the term "net book value" of such PARTNER's interest shall be determined by taking assets of the Partnership per books and computing depreciation on buildings, other structural components, or'depreciated assets thereof owned by the Partnership using straight-line depreciation, regardless of the method of depreciation used by the Partnership for tax or book purposes. If the notice of withdrawal is given after the aforesaid three (3) year period, then the net book value of the Partner's interest shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph . C (I) subject to the arbitration provisions of subparagraph c. (5) of Paragraph 16. (a) Payment of Purchase Price. The purchase price to be paid to the withdrawing PARTNER as provided for in subparagraph (6) above shall be payable as follows: Twenty (20~) percent thereof in cash on closing, date as hereinafter defined; the balance by such purchaser's execution and delivery, of a promissory note providing ~hat the principal thereof shall be paid in five (5) equal annua~ installments, with interest at the rate of nine (9%) percent per a~num, payable annually, made payable to the order of the withdrawing PARTNER, such interest and principal payments. to commence within one' (1) year after the closing date, and continuing thereafter annually until paid. ,. / / " -20'- '.! l " r\ " . '-, " ~ (b) The promissory note described in subparagraph (a) above shall provide for the privilege of prepayment at any time, without penalty, and shall recite that all sums thereunder may become due and payable if the maker thereof remains in default in the performance of the terms of said promissory note for a thirty (30) day period. Said promissory note shall be secured by a collateral assignment of the withdrawing partner's interest being purchased.. If an adjustment in the purchase price is made by reason of arbitration made pursuant to subparagraph C ,(5) of Paragraph 16 above, then within thirty (30) days after the date of the arbitration report, the amount due under the promissor~ not~ shall be increased or decreased according to the adjustment made in the purchase price, such increase or decrease shall be made by way of an endorsement to said promissory note. (7) Purchase Price of Bankrupt or Insolvent Partner's Interest. The purchase price of the interest of a PARTNER against whom any bankruptcy proceediJ1,gs have commenced without being dismissed within one hundred' twenty (120) days after the filing of same; including the assignment of such Partnership interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors shall, if during the first five (5) 'years after the purchase of the Partnership property be the amount of the original investmeht of such PARTNER actually paid in, plus interest at the rate'of six (6%) percent per annum from the date of such investment until the date of sale; or if after the aforesaid five (5) year period, the appraised fair market value of the assets as determined in the case of death as of the date of the filing of the voluntary or involuntary petition ~f bankruptcy of insolvency proceedings or the date of the assignment of the PARTNERS interest for /' -21- ~'~~,. '" ,~\ . ...i~' ~ . . the benefit of creditors. The payment of the purchase price shall be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments with interest at the rate of six (G%) percent per annum. (8) Closing of Purchase of Withdrawing l Partner Interest or the Interest of a Bankrupt or Insolvent Partner. The closing date of the purchase o~ a withdrawing partner or a bankrupt or insolvent partners interest as provided for above, shall be within thirty (30) days after the date of the last election by any PARTNER to purchase the, interest of such PARTNER in the Partnersh~p~ The exact date shall be agreed upon by the purchasing PARTNERS and the closing .shall be held at the principal office of the;Partnership or 'at such other place as may be agreed upon by the parties. 17. NOTICE: Each PARTNER shall keep the Partnership informed as to his current address. The Partnership shall have the addresses furnished by the PARTNERS on file at the Partnership's office and any and all notices required under the provisions of this Agreement mailed to a PARTNER by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, shall constitute the notice required under this Agreement. 18. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be construed ,in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be contrary ~o the laws of the State of Florida, at the present time or in the future, said provision shall be deemed null and void, but this shall not affect the legality of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. The Agreement shall be deemed to be modified and amended by the elimination of such provision and the Agreement shall then be construed in such a way as will serve the intention of the parties at the time of the execution of the Agreement. / -22- ,. . .'~:. .: :.._~ - -- -, -.,.-.. ._.- ._-,-, --,.,. t~ '. o. \. ' .. i. . p ,. I I o(f) I-' I-'IV W W-..J .. .. .. ..J ..J111 -..J -..J,r:.. .t>- .t>-CO 0 00 0 00 J:"i ~ 1-'. (1) ~ ~ 0" t-' 1-'. i t-' 1:':1 H H \ 1-'. Ul Z Z rt' rt' I-J 8 '< ~ t':I t':I t rt' ~ ~ I" H (1) 1:':1 1:':1 ~ (f) (f) Ul 8 8 8 C ~ Ii X i ~ (1) I ::1 Ul () ~ ~ (\) :J>' :J>' Z Z c C :J>' :J>' ?:' ?:' t< t< I-' I-' \.0 \.0 00 00 IV I-' " .... o(f) o(f) ..:. H I-' IV Z W .. C\ .. () 0 IV I-' ,r:.. ::t: \0 W . \0 -..J t':I \0 \0 Ul \0 co 8 N C\ ,r:.. w t':I' C\ IV ~ ~ .. 1-(,.., . ~ ~.., 'm H X. Z ~~ .::I: ;, () ;,...- ::t: .,..'. 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H I . ~'.' ~ \}'\ .z:,. 0"\ I-' I-' '" t-<< .. W I-' 0"\ 0"\ 00 t-<< CO \0 111 U1 \0 H ~ . ~ U1 U1 '" '" 0 \0 U1 Ul U1 U1 ~' ~ )I . ~S:-- t-:l tr.l 1=- H I ::I: , ....:> tr.l ...., ~ ~ , .... ". "IT" J,HIIHX8: -,...-.-..-- --'-"--'-- ....,._._.._-_._..-....'''~.- -- -----------~--_.,-~-- ,t1 .... .;:. ':;~':; ,,'i'~,::.~\ '~, :\' '''::'':.';~:'''~)h~~;~ '. . ". :'.; :<~;.:~.::.t: '....:'-:)";.::.~>1 :~ .-~\~ "<'.:}::,: ~l :.. . ... , ~ EXHIBIT "1\" Description of Property 1 The West 194 feet of Block 3, being that portion of Lots A and B lying North of State ROud 804, PALM BEACH FARMS PLAT 1/8, ac.cording to the plat thereof recorded in piat Book 5, Page 73 of the Publ.ic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. i . ., " / ""l'. .....,.,.."....:' ,"~-,>':;":li' 'c~- ......... ~ . .: . ,. . ' 19. CONSTRUCTION: All pronouns and other variations thereof shall b~ deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine, ,neuter, singular or plural as the identity of the organization" person or persons may require. Except as herein oth~rwise provided to the contrary, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto" their personal representatives ,and assigns. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts bearing the signatures of the PARTNERS and one or more of the PARTNERS and each such counterpar~ shall, for all purposes, be deemed an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 20. INTEREST HELD BY TENANTS BY ENTIRETY: The death, incompetency or withdrawal of er~her spouse while :"; holding a partnership interest by a tenancy by the entireties or any transfer of any portion of that interest from one to the. other sh~ll not cause a dissolution of the partnership nor give. rise to any option to purchase on the part of the othe~ PARTNERS ,anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have sworn and subscribed to this Agreement. . . .' ", Signed, sealed and delivered presence of: dd~~) BILL . \ INCHEs'rER . 06 fJtr-~~ {'l---,J I7.t.:W " _G~~ ELSIE WINCHESTER Iij ~;A,UlJUrI. (i\.? OJ..AJ:o f) /L~'-J../ tL"'4J / k. ~___J '/. --' /~~~ //tHL(IN1 A. .?EII-l.ER \~ ( /~ .../r', . ~ HI ~~L S2L~Lv ..El~,f\.r~ -23- , . "~"~~""~'l , \,...,,!1,"',' f>4'.~.:'/~"1;.,~\.~, 'f ~",t : :'. ,.,'" "f!" 'H11" ,.' ~ t.. t~"~~~~,,~~~i.!;"""~ ,'i,';.~ i....~ft..~!..:,.. 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Ln ~ m -D U"I o -( 0- r=-: I cr =Y' to . ... .., ~.,<<J.amrf U; ....0Ic:6 "OlllC at Thr~ $ptcli.~J Wftrr~nlg :Dtttf M~Jlll,r ~O J..., "Q~.6V'lW~\..JJt D, 1035 f,y DILL R. HrUCH~ST"En 'I.H'tI/I\4f/t4' ~ir,J II,. p"""'~. r" \'IINCIl~S'l'En, \-lINCIlE!';Tl::l\, ~I:IlI'Cn r. r-CnnOBDJ:!t, ~ F 1 oridl1 Gcnernl 1"11rtfl~r~hlpl UI~otf~""IIIC'1.dJt+trl' One Lincc>ll' i'l~cc, Coite :lln, BOO Clndc!; rtoZld, noc~ n^ton, Pln~id~ JJ4Jl, 1,.,t-rI",,/fh' ""ll...d 11,. 11"",1....' fw,..,""""" .,,-t I,..t,tl. M k,"""- ..yn...'-~. hJ "r':""a.~" INl.J.t .!II: ~ ~ ...,. ""'" ~".., ......l ~~ ~:".. l."oJ _,.....,w...,.t:- ~ .....i..... A1 ,.J:....:.......:.. .......J tl... -u--'o _I ...tJ- .1 4~':-J W(f.Jt~W11: Ti,nl IJ" otunlM. !M ~"rl In nllul/I,.,uIIN" 0111,1 111ft' of S 10.00 unJ or!.t, 1'41lUlLr.. M""I,l~....flt"". .-lpl wl..,....,/I' ~Ir~h dr1nbu.l..Jll,J. f,url,y Cld/lU. wadI"" u/&. "II,IU, No ",t;;';. ttl,...,rI. "''1'''''' ..~~ ronflmou Ul1r<l /,~, ~'.nl..,. ./1 IIlal C"Idnlll l"U\{[ ,UplIlt In Pnlm Deach C/llIhl)'. FIl'ri,I.. ..rf: Gr:J: EXHID1T ~l\". l\TTJ..CimD ImnE'i'O A~D nY lml?r.:1U~NC'f:: :mconrOnNl'ED m:n:::nl. ~UDJCCT TO thnt c~rthLn Mort9AQe execute~ by DILL R. WIQC8SSTER !n favor DC NCNB N^~IONAL DANK OF FLon%DA dated December G, 1985, ,:~'':'or.,~,.", t)ec("mbcr 11, 190~, '.tn(.\cr t:!6rl<:'ll )"110 No. 1l5-204.(9G, ''>; . ~l,: ~>,1,,~~lnl:l ot: Palm nt!:~ch Caul" l'.y, F"loridl1. " The ~e~l pcc~~r~)' ~?nveye~ herein l~ unlmpr~~~d p~operty I1nd iK not, nor ~~e= ~G! ~een. the homcgtend or th~ Grnntor. .1"gdbt!", wl:I. ,,!: te..t,t .ppr"'a/":"i/ '+t-..tH't tu .,." 3- / z ~~. 0 0 I ... (r.:;r;~ i:..":!!u. r.., I'( . #,~twu. . 'if, ~"..drtftf'I\.,,11 "nc~ "1'1.UlJ",,,,,c.~ 11"",1.. r"runul"p' '" In ..n)" r 0 lLtVt trill t.o -I, ~-). ' ".J ~(\""t J)'\ f~t li"'.:>t.... (OHv,r nnd I;''' pranl'" "",,,1,)' r-oVI"/:,,J, Icl,/ lfIol"r.. ,f,.! d.. .1,111' (, I"Ll'l~hY Iflt...! 0/'4,:1 t"M /" !~ ,Impl.: !l"., 1J,~ gMnrO' I,lll flMrl ,Igrd ~",t louoful ",,; 1rlly rn ,,(I11I\.l I"""" IbId lal\d. and 1,,,.. bY """,..^I. Ih. 111[,. /0 ..lei I,,".i ""J uolll '~",n'; ,/, .n',,' "In;,,'/ fl" lnwf,,/ .r"ll't\J 0/,411 )>-IhO/"J cL,/m/n~ 1:.,., /),,,,.~,,It ., unJw II., hltJ 0"'1\ t~. ~N"I'" rutS I".r"n/.. ,./ hie 1,,,,,,[ "",[,....l. II,. cl..., anJ .,,.,,, .. ?.J ~M'? ' '" . . ~ ../~({.);.....) ,:.~x:t...s.:ld;. _.._., OD 31 Ll. ".. IHNCHF;STJ:n ..............................................................!D . STATt or rL~mA. ) cOvN1'" O'f " f<r.... A Q...a...h . I ~v:."'" i"'-~ ~ T Hr.k1.nv C'"':JtTIT\. 'Mt OIL ,hh fhy. b..fo.-r m~. 111 Colfttft' "'toI'", JU"\.a~ in I"'.. 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'rl-tt 1'!..^T Or SUBDIVISION OF' 5tCiIoN 191 TO'~'NSH1P ~!- SOUTH, rICE "., F.AS7, AS ft~COl'tDEb IN l"LAt ~K 7, pM'ir:. 1~, N' THE Pl _Ie RECORDS Of PALM ~~^CH COUNry, FLORIDA, $;"ID LAND ~ElIJG MORE PAR T1CULARL Y DESCR-ICED ^S FOI..l..01<'St . COMMt:NCINC ^ T THl: ~OlnKC:^~,T CDRNtP. c.r- ~r.CiJON )0, TO\t:N$HIP IJ~ SOt:TH, ~^NGE II) ~^$it iHI:.NCE. ~'lrl'l A BEARINC OF SOUTH no ," 5)". ~:rsr, M.OI":G THE I'OR.{H t1~E. erF 5'ECTION 3(;. !... DI!-IANCf. Or ~o.~6 n:ET TO A POINT ON HIE l;'E.S" RiCH1' OF U'AY LlNE. OF CONGRE.SS AVENt':!:.. ~H'NCE CONrlNUt ALONC T'-I' AFO'_E,,,,..'-'O"'ED COURS' EXT(ND'D ^ · DISTANCE. OF ~:l7.(.~ r-trT TO A rOIN;- ::::1'1 ',HE. EAST RIGHT OF V.'AY LINE OF THE. ~'ALt ROAD: nttNCE '\t'lTH ^ CLn~'JC TO TH!:: RIGHT ALONG THE EAST RIGHT of ~!AY UNt OF THE MALL ROAD \t'ITH A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 00' 59' O{," Vlt:.ST, ^ RADIUS or 21'J,.9t FEr.i, A CENTRAL ANCU OF O. )? 11", AND AN ARC LtNCTH or 2~.Ol" Ff.E.T TO A POINT; 5r\rD 1"O::--:i ~EING rrlF. ponn OF Br.CINN!NG: 'fI-rE.NCE Co~:rlNlIE ALONG T1-iE ArOrtEMENTIONf.D Ct:RYE HAVJI.JG ^ CHORD t\l:MtING OJ- NORTH 00. 33' )1" tA$T, " TL-\DIUS Of' :119).9') fEEl, .J., CENTRAL ;,NGLt: OF "]" 7,3' 4,3", AND. AN ARC !..~'::NGTH OF 9).01 FCE"; THf.NCE \t'ITH ,; nEARlNG OF NORTH S7. 'Z' It'" :.;.5T, A DISTANCE OF 2J.).:l FE!:.!' THE'.~4Cr. NORTH (,t- 0)' liS" CAST, A DIS'l'ANCl!. or- Z72.~~ fEE"!'l THENCt:. soUTH ()2. 27' IJ" EAST, ^ DISrA:'JCE OF liJ.7Z r-r.!!.'1" TO ,t., POINT ON A LiNE L Y1NC, '1:' FEE" NOtt'rH OF AND PARA1.1.XL TO THE. S~">L~jl.1 tiN!: OF stCTION I'), nl1:r-.'Cr: W1TH ^ BE.-\R1NG or- SOtJ'l'H ~7" )1' lJ," 'V;::!,T, A DISTANCZ: OF 21>5.00 feO AJ.ONG THt 50LlTH LINt OF SECTION ,,. MOR'- OR LESS TO ,>l' pOINT OF BEGINNING. - - CON"f^lNING O.~71 ACRE.S {,79.$1.9 SQUARE J:'t::ET} MORt on LESS, AND SUB::ll~Cr TO E.^StMfNi's AND RIGHTS or- 'VA y or- RrCORD. '. l']\TlCEL C 'RECOltDER13 },(E.lJ0: ~..nlll!.!:Tl o! wrlti~ ~ bI." l'1:inlU:lq 1U1utit!~ In iliI1 dOoCtWd i t \.: ~' t~ 'I' " J. }~ / " .,. . ":;:':'<:~T'<"::~:,' i . . .." ...~.~,:r::.~.. r,~'~~.{.":- :~'; (\ \. .' ID: LAt-) OFF ICES TEL tJO. .. I." ..... 0'#.....,...# .~.f . I... ............,..._~.l............ ..- ....... '-'" ... ....0 ... JlJ..-17..t9a7 11l37a Pi7.....: ~ ~::.... ....:) " ' JAH-19:""90 16:32 , \1'S~:WEST PALM j... . ...-_1lo. .... " .';':~F:i;~::~'(. ,';', I/,~,{"",.l'r..' hl)I~; . .:. ; ::. "',,:\ ":'i~ll!1 .',,'[' "':. '.l . ~ .~ 1 ~-.~~ - --------........ TEL 1-10: L107-241-(1798 HElOl P04 . Jan 19,~U lb:l~ P.U2 RICHT-OP-WAy-otCD -- ,.---- -' 'TUI.!! HlOImTURE Kt<do thill nth., day o! .~MdL_--' 1~87, bqt',loon \vlNCIIES'rf:R/ WINCH~gT~:;R, tC1HP;rt A..JTIJ-scHlweDeR, ~ 1"lodda OtlMt"1'I1 Fat'~I'\,I't'.hl.p, t1fJ ptLrty of l;.h6 !ir~l: p"rt, ^nd the C:IT~ O~ OOYI;'rOH lH-:ACIl, rLOP.!D^, M r,"r~~' ol thO' !llcQl'd pue... HI'tN~SS~TIl, tht\t tho- 1f.~td !')t't:{ c.! \:.1\0 l:l~/I\:. ~."I='t, foe al'ld 11'1 eonlidlll:"llticn of. I:ht llvtn ot Ono !~l,OOl OoUbt' (IJ'\Q 01;10.01." VlllUlIblo con.!occlItlOfl'.!l, p/lldl (""o,dp!;.' or ....hieh. [,$ h()t6bY lckriOloltodQQd, do hllL'nby arlln\:., l:'rt!l\iul l.'lll~lUn, quit claim and cot'\V6Y unto tho pllt.ty of th* ncono p~rl:., it. 1:lUCC~!l30C8 ,ncl ,ul.l.Or'lJl, ~ll ~L~ht, tL!:l('r, intot'olt, dai!1\ /100 dCl.O~nd which 1:1\\l "Ar~y o( thfl !1%"~t part hll. In bnd to tn\ll [ol.lOlllin9 d<rl:l;~ 1.l)41d l..nd, 511;.\JlItc, \yrn/) and bolo'.! In th~ County of pb.lnl n.....t..::h, !::I:.ah' of rlorLdo, t~-I./it: .. 1: t~ t". It. r.:, ".: ~.':. ~::.':;. . ~.:' ~'.,;'..." ~(' ~'<,l . !:::; ,"",,0': , '~~',. , 1. ." "r.;" "'", '.' ~; f.\ t,;' . L f,', , ~" E"".'" '" ;;"1;':' :;. . . .,..:., .'.... ~... ".,..... : v,' .' ){ .;. ~. :',".. ;\'.: .' ~60 txhibit "AM ~ttlcnod h.r.tO: 11~ WI1"HE;SS ~HERl:ot; r.tl"~t "H.ty h~D h~H'(1Unto ~cL Ill:: h",,.,,:1 "n.d tI~l)l tho dbY .llfld YOI:lC' (Iret IIbQ.... vri1:t."n. .1 iv~rod WINClI E:GTt:R, HIltCIlr.S'I't:R, ZE: I I!r-:lt A~D CHROCOCR, ~ Flot'l~a C.n t~l '~t'tncrnhip ~. .... ~~- 000t'<Io Po1.r .. at..2137bb Con i. Cd DOl: r.r, JCW ~ OlM<LEICI.ERX ~ ?B COI)lTYI FL." Q~cdl.c..~ ST^~E OF r~ORID^ COUHT'l or PM.K DE:^CH 1 HEIH~1)" C~~TIrY tKlIt 0(\ l.hL. dilY, b.,Cor:e ~, M oCCicot' duty .vt.hor!2;,.,a in ~he Stat... r:r\d CO\lnty ~torlt.ni.d' to taKe :u;knowhd\J6'mol"lta, p<.lttlOn311y .~pt)bl'.d MIOIAEI. J,. :;QlROEDt;R , a Genoc~l P.artn~r o( WINCHE:S'rE:~, iiI NCIiE:m-R;""Zf.fiimfl\FJ1f.SC'iTROFrO};n, a Plo.:-iJA fJ"'r'1,tr'~l pl'lrl;.1"1~r(lhlp, ....ho'"" rtnmll LIS donll'd to t:ho obovc document hllb I:ht:l day ackno'llln-dQOc.l I:hlf Illmo tJefor.!l mo 11'1 :'1y jvrLodlctto~ bror.~aLcl. WI'l'I.u~$~ my h<lnt.l St~l. l~~t nro(~$.id.thi. MY Commi..lon t~plt'~~1 pH tt 1 ) uAl in th,=, Cou~ty.. /Inti .__._~...ill._---' . ~~~7 .;. f ...t' ..-..,.... .. :' \ 1 "I' ~~' '-..~t . ~JU~~ ~~~~}"r US1;,l.C . ..... :. '. ... '~"" ...... n"T~l\V r\':-~:-. .~ .-:. ,.. "l~r;l:lt 1:1 <.cr,wI'J'\'. .' ..... :~, ,,')6, .""\\' t.,-"" 1.., ,. ..'..'.. ...H.:....,W~IT!l:.." :./ /} :.; /,:'1. !j.1.1r.-::J 1...'" ~ ;.1: j" : ' r ~'. . I, I '. . ....-:, ',: i"l~ ~ ~'(O !IV~CCI.t>~'~ to; ~.I.~.~ ~~~,..,.....~,')(ll. l>>l~~ . ..... "'..... r16n/lor )J.( 11 j' .r ."~ "I :'. . .. . ..." .'.. '",,', .~ ":. . .._~._-_...~-_.---_..~_.~._-.......---- ~. . " . ., TEL HI]: 4:::)7-2,H -(1798 1:1001 P03 Jan 19,90 16!19 P.03 i, .1:A/'-I-19- '90 1 f; : 31 I D: LA!..; DFF j CES : LATSXWEST PRU1, TEL ~~o. ;' . __ ...._....--------.....-..- ...,..,... __....''''......_.1'.. . .... '; :r...... ..... ,-.1....... " ' .. .. ........ .... . .". . (. ." " . . If-~~( . 'tI.'rI.!.t.S. :vw rctt l~ p "'( '; ~~fO WH~$~EJl. mt. ~ ::~:.y.... I'AJtCCL O<~ LN-C \.XI' . scc"fICN~ ).. .K rw~l p ~; ~} It.>>~E 1(~ P.s.1'1 tA1C> f .. ..I!.;', P;.;1.Ctt. I',CII-C ^ ~T :":J~ OF LOTS ^ r,. !:S) L\t.OC~ ~, I:m'~ }t~.l'K OP STArt P.OAD MIt, ;.s. , .. ~~. P~CMDCD tN PI..AT CIt :\W~ e.~t fN~ CCPP,l.liY M.A'f' ~', S, IN !'tAl BOX' S, r~ y( ~ J nil:. Mtlc ~CCP.::>S D? r'ALu · "'i\j~ CJ:,'I...Ntf, F1.MtC'o.. SA 10 ,.MC'et, ~P.l!t Hjlt! n.u '(' ~; c:~tl.::; AT ~ Soon-lf;\$T 'c~x. C!l' s~CT1OH ,H,. 'ro.~'N'31~I" :'3 'iC-IJlii1 AA~ 1f,'S W1'} '.{~e wl'rrl J.. U~~'l~ or -:;CUTl'l Sit :H~' 4~11 ~HJ .J.J..Ci..~ ne WJnl LTIoe C?' S~C'!!CN llJ} ~.'. '~"A bJ$T~E Ii 9S7,,;a mTJ ~e: 'rllnl ^ ~~.":m.,.' ~r setmll. 14. ~Jll u.S':', ^ Olsr,AJ.r...r. ;. :'~l'~ H~,5!f ftF.'l' TO TH!~ r-'vr lS~!l.ti Tr€ to;m t:>1' UOll-t,m~) ~c!: \{ITH 1\ tl~I~ 01' (~).t~.: :tOUTH .lf6t 5' I ~.:.., ::'.: " A {; n~,"'~Y':!! . " :.5. 71 n!~ ,.0 ~ ron;r eN M ~11i 'RICK'!' 0\- ;~T;>>.w.y Lll-J::' ~~ tIC'.. tIO~'rCr-J fl,(".A,t) (~,ll,. ~~!j' n-e-:a 'ritT'n ^ nV~tm ~' 5~"lf{ ~7l) J2' Itjll ." ..... .-.... ' 'l~';:.:'~>~H, J!l..C!'-.' ........ /-l.,."IIt':' ;,.Y or \f."'I' ;.1~ t.:. ~ni:CN r>,OM' ^ !;l!srm:r: .(;l' B.50 l"'!1:". i~%V',.":,;,,c< "tnl A 8EAAl'" ". "",,, lA'. 43" >f.!T, ^ DIST""! or ,s',SO YE"" f<JIlt 'll\l Lm .i ~~)r;'ro n-~.' I'OINT or t>l:Gtl-Nt!w, :\ :.~].'! :, IX Gri\"tor rClsat'I/l1'. ~o....' ...H J Ul'lt.o :iLtuH itr. ell~C.,UOl.'ll /l,nd_ . . <ls:d(]nlSl !In Etsell\~:" :.~ cOJ'lnec~ eo, U:lC IInd hlJv~ .~ccu:u, to, :.'} ~;, wt.thou!:. COlt, lily-per.. ~ c.: en_rI,l", thc'r[ol"", any J/('Id ~11 tlr-'linll9~ ;/ l!Ylltcm~, pipttlJt drnl~:1 0::'- pot't!oni tlH'.."\"-' no.... or hore-llft..,r . lOCAted In J \lnd'ltl: I ove:r. or: throuQ'h c.~ {r! . ,<]llt-of-M'iY or no..... ot' herel\!tor providlnQ for gtorm w~t~r dr,inAge Into th* L-2~ e~nal, "long with llny and 1111 drainllQiS ltyt./;......"'t pipelJ I ':It',,inlS or \X>r- - tion~ thet:tl()! nov 01:' her~aftwr i't"O""":' for o:-l![n.!Q~ from any l'ortton (If s:d.:.l dQht-O!-..,ay L~to I!:'lj' ,~,";(lnt.tol'1 ~ot\d J:f'tl:lI'in9 ~~~o, ineludlR0 tho ri~h~ to uso 6r~\n~~9 lino~ noW or hor~afti~ under or thrcu1h the riQh~-6!-vaYI ~n~, ~ Cr.~tot'~l~ost a~d expcn5~1 ~o ln~t.ll ~nd u!~ ~d~ltlc~~l dc~Lnka~ ltnol under oc thrO\loh sb~t, tly ClIddn';:! t.h{S Du.d \:." h" t-'I.. ',d~.j {" t;~e p~lblt(; ~oeordo.o! pal;- "'uel'- COIJntYI node;, Crll/lt I doat htt"C!:by con- sent to thh ~tc< Antlon~d wa~~m~nt r~~o!'vaclo~ and ~oe~ orant to Cl"Al\tor it. 1I1,1tr.:ltt ;~r.~ ,.. d t1Jl.l~~. l.h~ same tl'I.IIll'I1'\!)nt t'!Qhtte, :llS: l"Qcorv~d about, wL'h r~~PQot to ~~d In/undor &~d throuoh, ~ny ~~ten~~on O( eoi'l'ltr:It;,tlon of th~ ht'r~l.(\ dC'~t:t"tbed rtt;lht..O!-viloY bot~CQn 010 soy~to~ n,~d ~^d SoYnto~ n~~ch noultvard *s they m~y froM tlmo ~o timm o~l't. .,'/: jJ:.o,:,..'o';c,.,- ' j' ~--' iFl~~~!f'.1r----:-1 ~, ." TH~ ABOVE DrSCR16ED rROP~~TY IS CDNY~YED fOR ROAD nlC~ or- WAY ?URPO~~S ONLY, R}~CORm:~'!,{ f'-{t:N:.O: Loqibl.ii\', eX WI'W"l', "fypinll' '01' Printlmc \1n,....u.!a.ctoTY In 1.h!:6 ~~ ~ when ~ved. y A~cono V;:OtFllrD !'..t.V,1 ,. C 1I.CH ~(lUNT"'. ft.\. ,'1:"'''' a. ::....H~,.::L!! ",.cmc\:. ~ (:")U~ .,. . ...... w__'_ _.._...w.~._~_._..w__.,._. . _._._.~_..._~-..._w_---.:.~Qcn-.J\.r.I-\;O...'.,..--'. .' ":,'\ " j. Grantor hereby reserves unto Grantor a perpetual casement through !l the north 40 feet of the property described on Exhibit "A" hereto I for the operation and maintenance of a drainage culvert. Grantee 'may use the surface above the easement area for parking and landsc'aping. provided, however, should Grantor deem it necessary' I. for the operation and maintenance of the culvert, Grantor and its authorized agents may enter upon the ease~ent area' and perform I ,such excavation and other work as it deems.' reasonably necessary ~ for the operation an~ mainten,:n::e of the culver~. Grantor shall. :;../.: "'..',, II prosecute the work W:J.. th due dJ..IJ..gence and, \1pon .:J:ts completion, ". ,.;...... ;':fI,W:,:;', 'I:: Grantor shaH return the property to grade. '~~~~h:t ' i?i':.:,Cl,-<~ I:'. J O,UO ,,:'.' .. ..: >-'::..J . .' ;. 0 .., () ;:J:?'~:~,:,::)' 1 ."'\ ::'.';.:z: 0: I-.:r ,; ';. 50 v: 0:0"2~"I';:' " ... ;:) :r ,::. w " ~/~'~:itr~:i~':. "'3=;X;~' , wO-J' : . ~ M LLl '. . ':5:::'0 ;! 10 l-laut and to.1101d I Ill' saml' logC'l111'r util], all and singular 1],1' appurlrnanC"C's 111C'rt'unlci;<~::/::(:}:::: .;)IL; i: ::~~;~ ~f II~; ::j fi~;:i;:,;:'P:;'I~:;i;; 'Ia:~:' a ;~,~::;, ;:' a,;:; ~~ ;~:' :~~;~::;;:' !:,~i:;;; :~~ tl.::/~I't;'f~~!{~~1~1 ;~t;i"i, ~;~:!~,:~!;'!~~~~:~;~~t :'~:,:::d :":" P"')' I.a, ,'oood a"d "",,,/ ,I"" I""'"" .1" Ja)'a~J1~~lill !1 ~~ LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT : :[i"tf,\~i:'M'j;!; 'I., ,::~~::;::;'=:~:;'~:~:~~::::::':':':::::::::::::::::. ~:';::::~",""~'~~::~~:',I!mfi ii, ST.-\TE OF FLORIDA. } Its Pres' ent " ",. "'5" ;.,t,.~;-:.'i<': COt":-:TY OF Attest, ; ec .y;\'\' " lhis dar. brrorr. ~.~;:,~~;{;:.L'~i;~,:.:::':: in IhC' County aforesaid 10 lake :lckno,,'IC'dgmenu. penon:lily' :i'p'pc'~:red;<;:.:'''''' . .', .;. ..\, ~.. .a" ro,... -' , " Ln ',C?',. is=>';' .(.0. .. CO I I 01 .1: II I! . \11. l"~' '.",. .'. "~: \\ :w::: . 0- .>;~ :~.:~ CI: -;) gg 22 A : " \",:,' '_',' W" c..v:.c::-: ~.\>:~~~. . .:::.il;;t~.,~':I',";'\>'" _ '~.~~I;I:f.I,-;~.~~~ . "" ~,~~,;...~::j1~~~~~:~~i ~ : .,<...H' ~t\'~'I'\:';~:l:-,rS THIS DOCUMENT PREPAREO BY ~E~O AHO RETuRt(~fr.~,_1;;~~ "'~ 1-.. Schl'tld<< ~ ' ,,', ...""..,..,"'.;'1"'.- 7=-":?~11 ~~;t;~it~ Doc. No. 3980 8.........."."". :- ,A. D, 19s5'~;l~J~11 -I. - , .... QUIl.ClA'M DUD RAMCO FORM 0 Ihis ~Ua.t{alm })ced, EXl'culC'cl tTlis 18th do)' oJ December '.1JU<E WORTH DRAINAGE D.ISTRICT, a special taxing district '. .....,\~...:'~.: firsl parI)'. to WINCHESTER, WINCHESTER, ZEIHER AND SCHROEDER, a Florida General partnership,' ." url10Sp.poslofJiC"C'addrC'ssi!' c/o Michael A. Schroeder, Esq., One Lincoln Place, Suite 301',' 1900 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 :. , ~("('o/1(1 porl:-': . ::.~.'::~' ,:' ("'''rt",.. u.",1 "tr.in th. 'rim' "''''I 1'",." 2nd ......."c1 pHIl''' lh,l1 jnrludr lin~ubl ,nd l,hll,l, "';'" 1..,1 r'l'.u.nul;,'''. ,and ,ni..nl tor ,nd;\-idu,1.. ,nd th. lU(C'''''rl and a"jJCnl or ,,,~po"liCln\, ...hrtr\'tr Ih. 'O"I'~1 ,"0 admil' nr rrquirt).) ~ancsscth, Tllal 111l' soiel firsl pI.:"ly, for and irl C"on!'icll'rolioll oJ 11". SlIfTl o/S 10.00; : in hand paid hy Iht' !'aid Sl'C"oncl parly. I],l' rcoel'ipl u.lll'rl'oJ is ]ll'TC'b)' oC"knourl('(frjt"cl. dot'~ ltl'rl'by rC'mist".~C';,;:i::i.>';C;~ 11'asC' and quil.claim un/o IhC' said scoC"ond parI)' IorC'tlC'r. all till' rig/ll. litlC', in!t"rcosl. claim and dC'mand ti;l;fcN:;':-!DF:l~;V, I11C' said firsl parly lIas in and 10 Illl' follotL'ina dl'sC"ribC'd 101. piC'cC' or pam,l oJ lend. silua/C'. lying aTld'h~(r;d.}F~~,;,:f%!~~~, in I11C' Count)' of Palm Beach SlatC' 0/ Floric1a . 10'.t1'if:' ,.",.,..:.}~;W;~~!;: :.:~.':.::;;)~\~t; See Legal Description attachec1 as Exhibit "A" . '~.- uOc--"t.ry -c.lC l'd t I ,-) 0 - S tntlllSlb h TU ?'d. Cl.~'lat"o I. II '! '11. orriC'C'r duh' :lUthorizrd in IhC' Stair aforrsaid :tnd '/ '1 . . ,:.: "" .!, . . .:(_'. C7L::.;:\' .::,. KERMIT DELL AND JAMES H. RANSON ,10 me kno,,'n to bC' lht' pC'TSonS described in :lnd b~fore ~e lhat they C'xeculrd IhC' S:lmr. WIT~ESS my hand :lnc offici:l' seal in "December .~, D. 1985 . ~~'fl",,,J.,.....'. '; ~j&;~~?,~~~s~~~lr\!::' ~~,':',_:t TI,,:,-!n<lnimml p'rl'nml l~" M I cm, EL A, ";,:,:.. ::a ~:::~~~;~;;~~~!:;;:~~:~~~.;;;~::R.I;::;;',jiji\I(1 t........ ru"" c ,Ie Q. ,lV. II...." ..... ,\,,,'" SCH ROEDER , E~:~C?~\~;~!i~;~_~~;~';"~- ',:' :~""~Ii;~ " ' ",-' ,"-- ..-,-~.~.~-~_.,._'~--- _1.....IC"4."P'".Ol,"" ...,~ ," .~..., , j' .:,!:;). ,-" ',. . ;:'n ,-t, ;~. ;1;7. . Tn'\' : l;:=,S.',:;';~~' : ':t::::' ( !?:.' .: . ~ ' " " ' ,i :/ ;; J""".., , '. , ' , .~ That portion of the South 25 feet of Tracts 44, 50, and 52, all in the Subdivision of section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East,' as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach Coun ty, Florida, ly ing immed ia tely north of and abutting Parcel A described below. . TOGETHER WITH that portion of the North 60 feet of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying directly South of the above described land, also described as: The North 35 feet of Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6,7, and 8 aild the 25 foot road lying betweer. these tracts "and the North section line of Section 30, all in Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8 of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, aS'recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying immediately north of and abutting Parcel A described below. Parcel A The West 194' feet of Block 3, being that portion of. Lots A and B lying North of State Road 804, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY. PLAT NO. B,as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, Section 30, Township 4::, South, Range 43 East, Public Records of Palm Beach County" Flprida, LESS the North 35 feet of the West 193.7 feet. , ~ : , .\ '. '>'" '.r " .....' . ,..., ..,,;..ce;{:H:; . :.~- ':~;/;;~~'. ..,.' . ',. ~ .. I . ....j~~I~ R E COR 0 VE R I Fl E 0 ....:,::;!>\\:.,y:L::d:; PALM B E.A CH CO u mY of LA'.-:.:.:::::~:g;:z;:~Y:;:i;~t~~::i JOHN B. DUNKLE .... ":::\':;::;,::~:.;::;p~igli~~;;~ CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ",A/~;~';'iW;~r{~:~r ;.",'" '.:~ . ~.'.:;~' ~~;.::;,::~.~;~~.;~~~~~~ .. .~~_._----- '. ~ ..-...---- ......-..' ...-....-.----... .nsXWEST UJ J#' o N CO 0., ,.. ~ {;.: . .. :.: oC" , , <.} ,':J "1 ::1 1 " .~ .:/. ;.~' ~ :~ .'...,~ I"'~ : '~i ~'? ,(""<'-.. " 1 t;...: ",' , " .,.; ~. ,,:.'..:.' .: : '.' ..' ~\:,~::.;~\ ,:,.,"";';......'1 . ':,'.:\':.: . ,.' :. .:;";:1 " :;,:. ~ . \ JAH- t9-' 91] 1E.: 313 p A L."~ ID: I LAt.'! [IFF ICES TEL rt~O. T~L t'IO: 40?-2Lli-!::179:3 Jar! 1':1,,:," I" 14001 P02 . _v..t.U 1 I v""t 1 v,ytufl ""..:'\Qt/Urt r..... , ''',- ) 11.Y, LMlJ'JITItf\I P!~ by '-.j J~a 1~'ti, b~, ~' II c' f ! /; II Y t/J \\ ........... 1 11'7; I ': ';:1 ..., .,. .. ~ 'N' .... "'I"" ~"'"' ,J" or", " ,,~ ,....<. ..d.<JJ "'I"""" .. ~ ,,><0' ", t_rw """. ' . t y.~~I;' __~~1 ~"""",'r, /J:, ";" ~ U!!tJ..",f, . c,...., "", ,,,,,,,,, '" ,~,,~'. I".,J..w ...1 ,', ""...< ,H.J'" .'"'' """,.. . -V,,}S' SCXK"'.~~W ,,.;. o:lll>i:,,,J(fl :;~~~,. /J y-J Q'i( ~., ....11 ._"'::J.~A~~-tl.Ljfb!,:" ...I'c:'i~:...J~ _. ::::'/$....1) , ""<:;;,-"'j! ~ 'JlllJt/' .' <.J em ". >:::.JJ;;;;/") HJc::"..;> .J'HlI ~. '~YM:.'o/~~ ('..~~~~~':.~' ~~~: .....c- _-"HtI \1 \' ~1'A1'i (1' }jh:hlJ::>" c(){,?(/: !,,. ~,A f<.'~,t~ N.D ll1t.1U'.t., (.1: "TI '1 rl.... "" ''''f c!6IJ M/~~ r~t. d^ (JJftNt Ju1v .,.....hr.N /I' .,,1, J\'~~"ll"..Jt",,(n('. ,...-"cI.....llr .ppu....tl \~ r.btY H. ~_.:'., ~ . ~{l.I,f.mll'f'T::-'!T'1' l(, it('SS, .1 stnIJ'" ,un. t" ,...-.f t.. ".~ ~..,~,,, '(>1",..../,) :ii"{"'~ ",.':1.~ ~ ~:. ...N"JI....! ,),,0 fl,,'t"'~ I- .!"'.......I ~""', '\...IU IHlt....l W/(JH"" .. J.' . . \ sM .-c/......... ",.. .' r .. ..... ':: . .,,,;' " ltt",:t v. l Wll'~t.~ ~ 0,1,.1....17..:: .'J!'IrlAJ ~\!~}!~ 1"..:C""hl~.",..).I:{,;l'f r~'f .j.,....,.i.J t~l' y. d.iI..r~"It'~. 1J.1 .' . \ .~..'.'." "t';!~:''.:: ~ -2d:'''''' r.:....:,=Uy.7"II .. ",,' ... .'..- . .~ . , ' ,. .... .. 1!1 / ~ r ~.,'. (.,. :/ .1::.;.>:;:' :.' ~:) cl..d!.~ .': ". .....1 I "\' "::.: . .'; t.l ':.f.,i~. .,!. N"/Ilrv""~-~ -- ._..._--~r:;:.:! ,~.: , ',,'. 'I.: . :....,..:: ~ \. oo.w ., ",;.;? ......... t:"~" ).JVI"t'lI<rho,",",".~,.1""7"~~~~ I . "',' CO" ~.~...., ~ ,~. .... .. ,l:, I . ~..'. ;,... -z ..~..~~.'\~!"" ..__...li ~ \ .....:'.A !~I ii' i-- n~n", ~ 3 \ 3 5 P I 2 ~ : mhi~Jttbtnt~i,. U. 'OJ 0 I' rY'"...lt:IS ('IT 'tow.J.iIt~O ~ T'OJ.t;.O\t\ r. fl- Y", 1'). 04~...u ltf. Mi> 1.li...t,,,'I\'ff,ol!lCT oo.,.w<':(i.o)l !'t!."Cl(. nbt'lIOJ\ ~I.Il4' I '~l rrw u..u ~..-.r oN ....I'o'H- Loo_ -...JI .. ....--. ...~~.,.~~................... ~..\t..I t..........-Jo,.lU.' "[,IJ>o: IIlWt ! l' J.,..y v-I r, )\1 ~ 7 , c.-.1'y ~!. t16l1lf, 11 ~\1'l~1~ un ilM Torry H. noH. Ii .tl\$l~ lII~ o;SIL,(;""""Vb! O"..J.J(L.rJ..)<'! ,~/""Y~{ }Uchl!il.l1 .fN~lfIlI"."~ Y.tI1ClftS-relt, ~!~CHl!mJ;. ll!1HErt l\nd SCl~P:. '1. Vlorldl!. C~Mrbl ht'tl,uffi,l~ \ &."" """ofI"."it-"'" M" 'OO, """"...1 th """ "" EM' OM "'" ,,,' t I"" "f\>..J ,..fISt/C"om/VI:! :!l~tz:,d .$wHf nor1d.a l.J;w1onm..~ .rti1i~i:; ~'!.~ 'nul roU,.To/JAfc><.!M ,lO.4l101 ~~l~~l\ :VI}., ilII'lO ~ lo.M D~~....41 trf~ ~ /ttIJ ~ re>",w".JlI"n. lCO t-61d t:'1l"IM ,.. kt...J ,01-1I J.v uA'I ~",,"U'" ~!.r ....NJ,J .....~ 0 l..t,..~ J;'k~l(/.pJ. W tf#'!",t.1,..o11MIh4d .uw:! uUl 101M HI!..>! ~ II" tt+Hlf"".J ),.,..{J,"7U<'"IX~~~....l ~t.r.~"". 1!:.t'f..r!.,yo/~~-& 14"-'. tllU.tlt.1ylkl.....1},.,J1<j III ht,. ,>l!)~ch C.,....ttJ, ~.I'6-II.'u. ~ ~~tt 1~ r~~t of t,locr. ~, b~~n~ th~t p6~ti~ o! tbt1 ~ ,t ~ lring lWTtk of ~'Ultlt M~d to.:, Pi lSlo nll!<:h Fa.ttl e~\Il\}" PlAt }kl. ll, ".; r~'\~~ in ?Slt ~it X 1'1,/,~11 13, S~ttlnn 34.Townll.hl)t tS ~tl,. hn!" .t3 ~t. Pt,l1! l.:: l'l:..Cbt...1J, 0 r 1'.t1111 ua:eh County, florldA. . . 'r ~?;~~~w~~~:~ . . . . r ..' ..... 1r l: : ~: .. ~',' ~ ~- ~ '. ~ ~~. \"'3:. ~tll.11 n :: a t 3 6 := .~ ,. .~ 1oC....-'iIl IH.H. == ___. . .. _.~. ~._./SH/l --------- _____0" ......----- ..- #2- 4~a/ IN!J. : pAl ~-,. .-,., 2325 . rrq~ 812 p~409 ~"C 'I; t'c III ~'r\ .~ I......,.... 'I1de c.--y F.... o.w..Ioo. ......... 1[tfwnly .Jttd ~~ STATUTOltY ~ 9 ) UJlJls 1nhrlltm'f. Made this '3 0 day of . - ., ~ A. F. Bryant, joined by his wife, Evelyn F. Bryant r of the County of Broward . Slate of Fllorida I Bill aay Winchester and Blsie A. Winchester, his wife ' whose posttoffice address is % ;7#~ I/".Pfj'h re f',v E ;z. d 11 ,/~, f?(J y J.J .h"J /leA::. H, '? /-9 , ';;.of the County of pala Beach ' State of Florida . ,grantee. r.:> .::tIUnrssrtlJ. That said grantor, ,for and in consid~ration o( the sum of Ten and ,Ko/lOO----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ~~ 'and other good and valuable considerations to 'said grantor in hand paid by said grantc.'C, the receipt whereof is h~by Ilcknowledgl'<l. has grankd. bargained and sold to tht. said ltJ"ant~. and grantee's heirs and assigns forever. the fol. lowing described land. situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County. Florida. to-wit: . Tracts 39, 40, 41, 43 and 44, a subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 7, page 19. 19 ~. .11uffll . . &nDtoI". and " TOGB'l'BBR WITH all improvements located thereon. ~1I ,'''I: SUBJBCT TO reservations, restrictions, easements and exceptions of record and taxes for 1962 and subsequent years. SUBJECT ALSO TO the revelations of an accurate survey. i ..t~. +. ~ '. lJ I " ~ . f . . ..~,I ,'" . . r/,:.i.'~ .~/ to. ",:' -.~<4.,(. r...1A"~' t;....., ,-;. I.' ,. ; . . ...., " and said ~oIntor dOt."S hereby fully warrant tIll' title to saitl land. alltl will tlt.ft"nd lh... sam... "g~in~: lhe lawful c111ims of all persons whomsoever. (Herein the tenn" "pnlur" and oOKralllt"C." ,h.,lIlx. c.'ulI!\tnll"ll tu illdmt.. m.,,,'ulinc.. r,.minilM'. ,in..:uJar, 01' p1uJ.ei a~ t~. ...'1mt~.'t irKli"';,,tc~.) ....--: 1n .ttnrss .~rrrpf. Crantor has hereunto set grantur's hand ;llltl st';ll tilt' day aud yt'ar first ahnve written. ~? .,.1;,_ '" ..., ",t,'S,t'lIee:. c::;-: c;;t; t-tJ4'. .-/ _ ~~~_ ... .____~___V;::::::::;~ (Seal) (! yt d. ~<~.{.~~ _~.._.~~..!rY~~':J_ (Seal) 4~;:~--' ..... ~l-'-' .... (Seal) I:ove yn I . Dryan ' __ ________ __._(Seal) / ..;.-... STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF pallll BeacD I HEREBY CERTI....Y that 011 this day ht.furt. mt., nil uffiwr tluly tllmlifi,'d to takt, acknowlc.-dgments. personally appeared A. F. Bryant, joined by his wife, Evelyn F. Bryant My comrniuion expires: NotlIry Public S . My com . tat. of fIorlr111 .t LIl __~_. mission .'plr,.s Jan. 21 J' ,/~ -- lit MIu . ,.,., . 1Iond'1II .. ""ulln" Co. to me known to be the person S dt'Seril)t'd ill and who t'xt'(,'uh-d tht' furt'goillf; instnlmr'lt and admowledg....i before me thllt the y exc.'CUted the sam('. ' -WITNESS my hand and official seal in tilt' COllnty and SI;lh' last afort'Saidlhis J..tJ day of ()'./.J -: . . 19 62 .. t7~ ::,..:;..;.. .....--:.1\'.. "",j.'~-', ~ {~ >1t'L~~:::.::..:.,.:'>;>., Nol.arY ~1U: (: , .:... '.~ '" State of Florida at Larg.': ''>.,':''':''' >,.': ".: :,." ..<~{);..~t:}.1.:~;." JlE'rumr '1'0 FULTON ... BURllS P. O. BOI 1391 . RST PALl( BEACH. FLORID! '." ... . -~. ...~. ~ .., "... ,"'.~. ".,...,~-~V'~.~!\-.""'.~.,.'_ '. ------ -- I r~ \ ..... -~ - 1 ~~".U1J.~'~~21}~'~~t'~f.i1~fA.!~.il~1l~' . :', 'I':. '.i.I""~'~:~."~'~~~;"~:"':'''''':''.'''':'''Ll.'''''<...; ".~l~I,;~I.....;";'~~~.L:'::"':':"~' ,- '.,. . ' _11"\r'C"" 1/ U,' ,\oJ ......,.... r... I....'..... TII... c;......,) ....... ........... ......... , ~.hi. 111,""11I"'11' w", 1""IJllrl'll II)': s~"M,n.:edet:).ck _~~R_L JI1.U ^~torncy at Law A.~ln"'P. o. Box.J,3.Q.__ lWarranty Jeed GTlMOR'f fOIM - SKllOI 689.02 U.) BoyntoD.Beach. Fla.33435 m~ts lni\rnturt. \1,..1., ,hi. 21st ,L,),..I . January III 70, IItllll".' EARL R. LOWE and VERNA L. LOWE. his wife. ..I ,I... t:"'III,~..1 Palm B~ach . Sill"'''' Florida . I(r~,,'nr.. ,,1,,1 BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER. his wife.. ,,10..,,' I~'" ..Iii.... ...1.1".,,, is Boynton Beach P. O. Drawer 1240 . ~orth Military Trail ..I .1... t:'MIIII~ III Palm Beach . s..."...r Florida . It............ .Unr..rt~. '1'11.1' .....1 Itr.III'"'' f.... .....1 ill "...sill.'mlill" ..I .1... Slim .., TWELVE TUOUSAND- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - '- - - - - - - - - - - - Unll.u.. ...,,1 111101" 1:,".1 ..11.1 \ ..III..hl,' ",".i,h'I,.ti".., '" ",i,1 JlI'''II'"' i.. 10.1111111;1111 II) Jil,I" Ilmll"~'. .Ii.. rt'\'I'II)' ""I........ j, I......i" ....L.M'" 1,..1..:,..1. I.... 11..11I....1. 1~..O:'..II...1 .11,,1 ...hI... tI... ,,,i,1 Itr~II""" 11I"lltrulI""'" I"...,. "",I .I,,;,tll' ''''''\1''. .1... ...\. I.",illl: .1....,,\....1 1.....1. ..h...",. 1~1II1: ..."II,,'jllll ill Palm Beach (:'HIIl'~'. ':'"rld". \...wi': c:::t ::- All of Lot A and that Par~ of Lot B North of State R03d 804 of Block 4. and all of Lot A and thlt part of Lot B North of State Road 804 of Block 5. PAU4 BEAOi FARMS CO.. Plat no. 8. all land ~yin9 in Sec.. 30. Township 45 South. Range 43 East. containing more or lesR 2 acres. as recorded"in the Public Rec- ords ~f Palm 3each cuunty. Florida. SUBJECT to restrictions of record. cX~lJ ~- N ~o:: ~ '~:l - ~(I) III 00 ~ .0 " '") ~[I]- ~ .. ~ .;. ~~..~ VII! ,~ a ~ GRANTORS and their heirs. assigns and grantees to have 3ccess to East and West drainage ditches for purpose of maintanance end use as long as necessary. SELLERS to have 18 m~nths from the execution of DeAd to remove buildings from property. 6 , t t z 0 ,u..nC3 1\:; ;oJ .U\'4 I"II~ "';lU"'" .1". tit!.. t.. ,:,id 1.11..1. il,,,1 will .1......,,1'1... ..,"'" ull~,jll'. II;;' I"~'I,,I d"ill~ .U"I',","~ &:,..111"" .hM.~ lat.u..h\ tit ..11 ,...."'U...1l wh.uU,,"O\tO,. .. . "( ;,,,"10,," ..,,,I "):r.IlIt...." ~n' "",..l r..r .illltllh.r ,... 1)lmill. ii' ''1'"'"'' n"l"in.... 3"\ RUlnrs8 lDbrrtl'lf. (;1.11.10" I..IS l...n"lIIl11 set Itril"h...'s h.&,K1 illld.,....~III... ".,~. .....1 ).,..or Cr,. ..1,,",,' "'TlI"'... ~,It''''1I.)4."l...1 .....1.1..1"......1 ill ,Mlr I'......'''...: ~' / , ~. j' .' , J.... /. !f. . I' /. I' ;,.' ..I....{'/~ y--L~'-:'t........ /',;.; ."." . ~... ~.~..l. .:..--.. /. .~.. .~ - -r..~~~.,.l IS,...\) ~."... / / _.. ", ~~ R. Lowe ...,;,,' y' /:.;...u 't"'.. ,~~. "I . ~_.......'> ?j~.:!..;. .I'r...-<., "-..: ,,:A"~,L~ 1s,,,,11 VernAl L. Lowe : ) s'" STAl t::. OF FLORIDA I ~:: .. ~UMENTARY,._ STAfiAP TAX' n :'~ : ::: COIlA'IlOIU. (I. . I ~T\TF III' FLORI~ ;:? _ E -L ~ ru.r7t' : 3 6. 0 il I ClIl':'\T\ IIF PAal BEACH .. :: li..l I ~ 1 111-:\11':'" I:I-:IITII-'" 11,,\' .... II... ,I.., l..-fl"" 1111". "" III1K.." ...:; .,.'il' l""......11) :;"( ...'.....1"..1 EARL 1l. LOWE and '/EJUI':\ L. LOME. his wife. !r. 1. \II "'" \.."""/ h. I". th., ...""",8 ,I.....ril..... in ","1 ",,:.., ,."..,,\1..1 ..... fo...t'lt'oilllt il~"'''.'')\ lU.d ad""....k-.lJr.c..1 lore.- /11'0:J- ... .1.". tl... y 1'\1'\'11\1... tI". ~II"'.. ~ ~ '\""':-;I':~!. "" h.II,,1 ,....I ."IM.",I ",...1 i.. ..... (:a.,...t)., "'"1, St. "t.. last aI........!d this -ZJ ,my nI January \I!I 70. ' /?" 1~,'J .-1'< ".~::..~.. " ~-~ ~- ---.---' , \1) """...;"i",, ."I>>in": .~ . , . .' ~~, ........ lIO'AIt'I PlJllIC S'AU .. fUlllOlII ~ ....... .. .. .... · 'l""~ . . .... alINISSION UI'lIllS 1.\1I. ~ .In . I:I.,=-, ..,:;.J .. .' .. ': __ ~ "'-....__ _ hili Ie:.. ".-,," fl&. r .' ""18 .. -" CIorIl c..~ r.;..d -. . " .~', -.:. -. <r.:.17&t J::;[ :M 1 . ," .f7 /.-! I # z,. I'. WARRANTY DEED" "_I'~;V~" - ../ -lh~~~~~~~i~~~sr~a:l~{iat~2~~ po.(i~~Y an undi';i~d ~/1" 74. b, interest~ana.C.~iSpencer Pompey and H. Ruth Pompey, his wife an undivided 1/4'inte+,est /. .: hereinaf'er. called:':lhe g;ci~lor;" 10 . ~ ., -, .-, '" . : ...." . 0,. ~. ,. " :..", ,.~.,;:." .' ." . . Erne~t~'IQ;att'.<u.ld Bill 'Ray Winchester ':;', '.~ ;1. ~ \,\.\".' (l"IlI:rIl"\~ ,,' <." .. wllose poslof/ice.acicl,:ess is P.O. DJ:'awer .1~40, Boynton Beach, Florida. 33435 hereina/ler called Ih~ granlee: (Wh~n'ver ""cd hrrein the- terms ",crantor" and u'iranlrc" include all the partie. 10 chi. instrument and .he heirs, ICMal repre~nlali\'cl and ..,i'!lftl 01 indiViduals. and the luccenora and &ililnl of corporationl) UitneSSetn:'Thal I/,p 'gr'anlor:'fo;. ~nd in 'consid~':alion of Ihc"sum of S 10.00 and ~iher valuable consideraUons. re~eipl' whereof is he;.~by ackno~;'~cloeel. h(>reby 'or~nls. :b~rgains. sells.' aliens:' re- mises. releases. ~onve)ls ~nd c~nf(rms"unl~l/le graniee.' all Ihal ~e;'~il\ lanel siluale in 'Palm' Beach Counl)l. Florida. vi:z;: . . , l. I Tract 47 of the Subdivision of section 19, Township 45 South, -.--..-Range-43 East', LESS -the- right of way.for Boynton Road, according - ,...". . ,.. to the Plat thereof as recorded in plat Book 7, page 19, of the <,'.. .:;/' 'Public Recordsof'Palm'B'each County, Florida. "'d::.~.~..:',,,~ ~~..::;. '. ._;:_ ....':SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easments of record, if '. .. ,... ," '.~. ~apy:; taxes for the year 1974 and subsequent years, and any and all .., '~:~V:alid zoning ordinances. .. ~f_ .. .. . ...(\J.\""::: :', ,:..",.:..... ::"':. - :':;:;-:;I{:.~.::'.-: ,;' ~.. ,'. i;' ::...::;.....;'L:.( ~.,.:>STATEO.F: F'LGlRlo-:N'I~', '. 'j'" ..,...... ~.:>-.:.~~.. ..~;,.;OOCUMENTARY ......s .S'TA'M'.. TAX I,' ::," :..CII~,LI')",,'OEPT...Of'REYENI;E ~. ".'.', '1 h::.;' :~8:cn";:'~"::::':'~'i.UG~';'.;4' ,.1 'fa '0. 0 0.' 1 . E.::~}.~{(~\:F:::':'!='1~~;':_'~~~~~~~~'~~-'~::' ~,-'~'.;..~." ;....:~: : 1':... . . v v.~..,..,.."t;.,......... .'........... "."'''. ......,.,,,...1"" ~~.t.l".."'-";"./\I.""'.J'.~_.../'".,.;a.'........"..N.....'.'''.''''~. ".~" ~ Together willi all Ihe lenements. heredila.mClnirand appurlenances Iherelo belonging or in any. ~ wise apperlaining. '" ~ J 0 Have and to llold, Ihe same in fee simple forever. c: ,g iflnd Ille granlor hereby covenants wuh said granlee Ihal .he granlor i: lawfully .eized of said land .~ in fee simple; Ihat Ihe' g;anlor has good righl and lawful aUlhorily to .ell and conuey said land; Ihat Ihe <3 grantor hero by fully warranls Ihe Ut~ 10 said land and wil( defend .the sa.me. l.J!1aind t~e lawful claims of g all persons whomsoever; and Ihat .aid larn:bts~'f~~e 'of'~ll e~'~wnbrances. except laxes accruing subsequent ~ 10 December :51. 19 73 . . . ....- ... iil .,' ::-.~... .', . c r I' Signed~ sealed and delivered in our presence: ('oJ ~ lo.(P~o III ,0 O. ~ b ~(o.~ III C 'iij ... c o u In ltJilness llflJhereof, the said granlor firs I above wrUlen. SPACE IELOW '01 UCOIOUS USE ew YorK: '"'Y-Y\~ /) fU~ ~ -- -.-- ..~.' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an oUicer duly . authori%ed in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments; personally appeared Booker T. pompey, Sr. ~nd Clyatt W. po~pey, his ~ife, ~'unpivide~ 3/4 interest to me known to be the prrson S described in and who executed the Coregoing instrument and who . acknowledged before me that they clCeculed the same. WITNESS my hand and olficial seal in the County and .~.Stafe-"I~,'aforesaid this 2 1.-- day oC ...",~\~I~..')I]"!!!!~7}."~'I": July . A. D. 19 74 ...... ,~"...... CI/y,~,,,,.,-...,,, , ~".~f~ ~.~.'_....'J ~.....;t,;: s.'- IS ...' Io\~ ....~f:.~.......... '-#:'; .I ' " . .Ia iI f~..':-~~"":\;"O}~':f~ . %:~l.~ . ,....;.c....a._,,'- ~ ~:i.f: rt"!J.s:...;.,(....;,.'i:........~.r:.1:...... ......... 'ii' ............. ..................................... :: ~:lXp;;r':.~ i:l:;t~.. =.,;, OS:E'MARIE B. BERARDO Thff.I~jJti(l4j!.fY.fJ.,~}.'id'-JjJ:iir~ lNotary .Plub/ie, Stllte of New York _ 4.~... t.~~~.tJ(:/.!!J. _ '..l::t No. .., '.0250775 Ad'J~.~..\,)l..~;~.:(:.,'~l.'11l,..:; .~l.t.:. ',!;:: Qualifjed in Queans Count urt. <J" ',' .;.1....1.... ...-.,...:::;- T. E' V '..V:'. 'i~",,';':;'. ...~;o'::::;- rm xplras MclrCll 30 1975 ~... ..::tl'~:..~..u~.....c."A\~... ...~. . J"..,j"~~ 0 H .;z ~I::.",,' JII11 -U.,,*.-t';, \ ,.;~.,..\ \ ~', ".~ .~~~: ....."...... ,,",\ , ".... ..- .... .;. ~ . . I ...". . . . m~~b2335 PAGE 259 '" :~ ~TE 0.,.. FL01UI?~ . COUNTY;.S?f, ~'~'" BE;A~H ~ .' I . . ,"" ;.. f .....: ; ,~" -. .~ ' . ....., .' . t ~ .... ...... ,.,_,_,;';,-,"T .~.~.:~I''7 . I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer ~uly authorized in the state aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared C. spencer"pompey and"H. Ruth-p'~mpey, his"wife', an undivided 1/4 int~re~t to me known to be the persons describe~ in and who executed the foregoing' instrument and who acknowledged before me that they executed the same. " " WITNE$S my hand~and official seal in the County and state last aforesaid this~~day of July, 1974. " \ : ... -'\ ':,~:".'" " . . ' I I/Itl'f"....; . C ,\. '(1/ '. ARY PUBLI.. . ...:.\.~".rORr' . Itl.- .,' \. \' ~"',~ ".z" ..tv 'vr .........~". ~!. . 'NOTARY puaUC, STATf'Or"FlORIDA lit Gfl;'>v :...~ ~J\...t\:;.~.. ot.. ~ .........: .t~Y COMMlS::IO:(EXPIR~ fES; 21, ).91,'.~l ~~r"~F{ti... -..>. .t , '., ' DUJCPC) 'THMI"UH '1'I'lCQ 11. ~13~UlO~.: .!;"; :;~ ,,~:=~ . : ~ : . . .;; ,::: ""',. ().,....:, ~. ..: . - _ ,,' . - , ,-.1. ,-..",' -...! .',j; .. -..,),.. .. . ..' ~...'..w.~ ~Jw ..J:.",- ..,~I:~'" ..-I~ . .....-.1..;,'\ ......~ ~" -- """='. .- .~V ..' - ~t. .f.... ~ ~~,... ... ~~ ~ ..I~~"'.'" "",~,,,,.., .-'("".~ ..~ ~.....::o -.. ~"l':'~' .- .~~ .....~ \. ~ 'i- .........:t .;....' ':~'l'i;.':"'!-Jjr":'; ~'Y" ..~~.' , '/Ill'.....( _. ~.\" . ..~~~JlJJiil;I:\\\\\' ......, . . _..t. ~-:-_, .__-~ . '\ ,...~_._~ ~'....'..__~,..........:;......co..,. I : ~'~ ;. . .. ... ~ '.,. .. Oj~. ,:',;","", "..r ",~, -, ,.... ... ~ ..~..... Jr.', .' ,','-. - .....' , :..,...".. :"';.";!~"~'- "rr- ., . . ..... :-', ) , ' ,-,'"... . "'.-. ~. , .. . i ,.. .......' .- .... .. ........ . ";";;.. :<.~:~ ....~.'-:~...: :;':.~.:,~:>. '1 .."l'....... . -. . ... 1='" _J~:';~r...:i;:i: ~.\C' ........ .. ~~~t\ ~~..P e\<).04 ~"...~,... \I(~1" . ~t\~t.'o. tp \'>\\'to~\\l ,~~ ":il \). ~~\l\" . ~.~ ~. .t;,'J,\\ " .... ,,:.\<,1." . .. .,.....1j:::.:~ fE~o~h2395 PAGE 260 " .' ".... ~ 8.....(\ 'OJ_ r.'\.(".,....,~~. ..~..;\. }.'..I \"..t..(.~.,.;:..,", . ':' p,ez #z I'rillled for La",,.el'll' Tide GuaranI,. Fund, Orlando, Florida 126373 This instrumeut was preparcd by: \.. '\ (, Name R ; ~'h~ rn A. M~C 1 ~ j n 1!tlIarranty Jilrrd Addrc,,4307 lOth Ave. North (STATUTORY fORM-SECTION 689.02 F.S.J Lakp- Worth, Florida m~i.tl 1Jnl'lrnturr. November LEO B. STERRE'rl' and NADINE B. STERRETT, His Wife Made this ~3~ da y of 19 73' ilrtwrrn tD In .. of tlw County of Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantorO, and ....- C:.i: BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, His Wife r- ""'" whose post office address is . P.O. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, Flor~da of tIll' County of Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantec., , ::> ~ BHtnrssrtlJ. That said grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($IO) ,.., - . Dollars, and other good and valuuhle considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee. the receipt whereof is hereby al:knowll'dged, has gmntl'd. bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigus forcver, the fol- lowillg dl'sl:rihm..l land. situate, lying and being iu Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: Tracts 45, 46, 49, and 50 according to the Palm Beach Miami Land and Development Company Plat recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, Palm Beach County Court Records, and also described as the E~ of S~ of W~ of SE~ of Section 19, Town- ship 45, Range 43 East, containing 20 acres. more or less. -.', ' r~ '. DOCU~',ENTARY -: SUR TAX = IZ75.001~ ..... ~,... ..-............................----"'-,~...~ ~~,~~~"~~"~~~" +~o ?~5'o"J ,:' :: @l) FL~I A ::: om., NG"2i"7~ "I p.o, ,'-, r.L~~:.~~ 11106 :x; ';-~~ I........ wz U") ~ -, ....,....- -'c.:, .. ,.... <0 = sft7\.=r.:t:.H- CJr:- - r::T~jj F':1 Cj r~J< : c..o DOCU:....d::. IT."; i.{ :; -I !'. t, ; fJ " t. ;; I ~lPr6~-;(.:.,Ji:N'jl i, z :r3':'::i\~\~ -i::" : = PI), = IWV2l'Ll \,;, -.-!!;;-)' oJ O. 0 U j =: 1C~2~ \ '1',' ~~". ,.~/ I ---'- --- - _. -- -------- j _. '.'.... ....a........"..... .. ' . ........:.....,. ~." ......... ." ...0 . "... .. . . . ~ _ . ami said ~ralltor ooes hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persolls whomsoever. · "Crantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. 1Jn 11IIfUnl".B!1 11IIfl1rrl"of. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Si~1 sl.'a -0 alld delivered in our presence: ,y=. '. --). ~. . ___..__~~" ~~ j} };b~' c-~~~Q~~ ~~~Q'~) ( Seal) ~1:;L~:E:>>;57 L~<-;t;(: NADINE B. S~ERP~TT X Seal) " ,,' (St.al) ( Seal) STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Palm Beach I IIEBEBY CEHTIFY that 011 this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appl'an'd LEO B. STERRETT and NADINE B. STERRETT, His Wife to IIH' kllOWII to he the person S described in and who executed the foregoin~ instrument and acknowlec\gt:9' before lilt' tha~ ~ heY eXl'cuted the ~ame. " . --JJ ...,......~'~,...:.,:.;':).......... WITNl..SS my hallo and offiCIal s~al Jfl the County and State thIS 0).3 day of.... "\~V~~~'';'''' 19 3 ' //~A ...... J " . . 7 . ?r~/ J(/ ./~"... '. I ~:' 0:<",;'. 'Po ~ . , . ' . ,~ ~~~y,\ubl!c ;'. .'....': . . ) ~ Co- . .. I ...... ,- . . '-. ...--' . \, ':,.' .... ~'>~;.'.:.:~..::.:,.:. .:"!-'-' Co ~/ \~f;' I ,! "lo.:: \ ... '~....' , I 'I I ~1y l'ommission expires: 9-1-79 Richard A. McClain "-r'v 1"242- 2r.:9 iitccp.b,~ PAGE J ...... III . . ..... -... ~ ,trfttud ,. 6<;~. t..nt~. Fl_.. JlIlIi; I. hll~l, Cl...k Clf~t Clurt " --- - !, .. PR.Z' 1/Z- ( 034 - F LA- P ALN- 5 .wARRANTY DEEp (FROM CORPORATION' 1646 RAMCO FORM 33 This ~arranly Jeed Maele and ex('culed Ille 5th day of FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY December A D. 19.74. by \,.,..'\\:'" ...\ ,. .:.: ,;,. ~~J", a corporation existing under Ihe laws of Delaware . and having ils principal p1Clc;8' of business al Orlando and Orange Avenues (P. q. Box 44) Winter Park, F1oridf' :~.~78~.>,: i ':,-,.. hereinafler called '~ granlor. 10 . . BILL J: WINCHESTER AND ELSIE A. WINCHESTER . wllose poslofbce address is P.O. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, Flon.da 33435"'-:" '" " :,'1 hereinafler calleel l/le granlee: - "I'") (Wh~renr used h<r~in Ihe terms "grantor" and ""rantee" indude all Ihe parties to Ihis inslrumenl and Ihe heirs. le!lal represenlaliv.,. and assisns of individuals. and Ihe successors and assisn. of corporaliolll) . . ~ UUnesseth: Thai llle granlor. for and in consideration of l/le sum of $ 10. 00 and oilIer valuable consideralions. receipl whereof is hereby acknowledged. by Ihese presenls does grant. bargain. sell. alien. remi~~. ,release. convey and confirm un.lo the .arantc.e. all Ihal cerlain land situale in Palm Beach Counly. Florida. ui%: The South 320 feet of Lot 42, Subdivision Section 19, Township -.-. 45 South, Range 43 East, recorded in Plat Book 7. Page 19 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 2.29 acres more or less. ~ co :2: <C """':) .." .- .. "<t' DOCUMENTARY - SURTAX- \:: I 5. 4 0 1 = .' :r. '.1 ., ,.. ,....... ~~.. ';:Q CQ ;1U a. cD = ., .................... ........ -, . .. - ... . .. ~ . . . . Together' wise apperlaining. To J{alle and to Hold, . Ihe same in fee simple forever. Rnd Ihe grantor hereby couenanls with said granlee Ihal if is lawfully seiz.eJ uf said lqnd in fee simple; Ihat it has good righl and lawful aUlhorily 10 sell and convey said land; I It.;;. I il hereby fully war- ranis Ihe tille to said land an'd will defend Il.e. same againsl Il.e lawful claims of ..ll persons wl.orruoeuer; . a~.~'::'~OOR\\~i(( land is free of all encumbrances _~~\ ti'~t 6~~'1,..... ., .:;.~ ~.....~~h...:,s.,9' t,t'~. L~ .~, ~'.J..:.~ ..J}I.()". '.>-.....!M.; :-<.. .# w. '" :0:-, ",. ~v .'''i-''A ~...: I"-J' ,: .....;~ )~. :.A.. "r;.-'.'J~'" :. ..~;:..,.... '.-'1... fI~)"';":""" -~~. ",?I,~r- , ~~. ...... .. ~ ~ '}.,. . ....,~~ " '~"'...):.O" ,..<'....... ,..r't .0. cn;~> I: .':~.'...~ "::'~~"'::'."". . '!':'I'~ ~ :'-;-a.i~. ~ !$~~~~~y~?f' J" 1tfitness Uhereof the grantor has caused I/u!se presents 10 .;t'1A..I~..: ':,~'~"J.f ........ ,\;/.E. be execuled in its name. and its corporate seal 10 be hereunto affixed liy its ....,:",~ ~".....", ~ ~~.._..... . .....:.;~\~it..Q!?~;t..:.~~~ proper officers Ihereunlo duly authorized. I/le day and year firsl above wrillen. "\~~~~"~~"-" 9Lan~/ ~ A TrEST :......... . ...~A'E-::;~rd.;.....~;;~;;... .F.L.QRI.D.A..GAs....T.~?J{~.$.S.IQ~...~9.W'~.......u... Signed. sealed and delivered in Il.e presence of: will, all I/lc lenements. Ileredilamenls and appurlenances :1..:relo belonging or in any- ~.:............. .....~L.g..IitamL...................................... STATE OF Florida} -- COUNTY OF Orange - - I HEREBY CERTIFY ,halon Ihis day, before me. an oflicer duly aUlhorized in Ihe Slale lOnd County afu.......id 10 take acknowledgment.. pcnonallyappmrd H. L. Wilhite and W. J. Aberwald, BY...........rI........!.';:..~ln~.:;~tJ~ ~o ED , . L gal Oepl. ~&o 1.00 ;,,/0 .....' well known to me 10 be the President and Secretary respectively or the corporation named :~'I'~'~~;;':'-:"" ,'\' <r'lli' '. in the roresoin!! deed. and lhat Ihey severally acknowledsed elleculil)S the same in Ihe presence Dr Iwo subscribing wilnesses frcel~,'lI~ v;.ju~a?i{l'tI.t',; . . . . " .. \ \I ...............'<Q~~. fI' un~er aUlhorlly duly ve.ted In them by laId eorpora\lun and thai 'he seal aCfixcd Ihereto is Ih,! true corporale;1eal 01 laid cOf~atiP,..' . ';;;'.1jZ'~ :-- ;" ,~ WIT:-IESS my hand and oCficial .ul in the Counly and S'ale 1...1 aroresaid Ihis S't1,. day or t.!LR t>.f!..;r1J-i'f~,/A., 2 (;J. ~:.... o~.; . :: . "'''Sl ~. ,. - I /1 (!1~( ~ 7'.r.. ~ .\.:. .0::, ~ ~ V" 11 {)~. Vfy ,,' ". .~~ .......~4~((d~....:...:L:.....:.f!:~~,~.~.~~ }l' . ;",'rIYI'~\\'" ~"... liotary Public. State 01 Florida at larKe . ~lltll""I""\'\, My Commission .bpjr~ lull J:L la~ ~H~~b2381 fAGE144? .. ThiJ IlIs/mllleu/ prepared hy.' Address T. P. MCPEAKE. MANAGER RIGHT.Of.WAY DEPARTMENT 1:'0. /1/1 ~ l/~ nod/"" j.... tI." !".. I n~lI'C Il~ 1l~1 :d rlllm Rt)~ ecr.lI 1. " J(l~n L\. D:::m,:!'" '!' .....~ ....... ,IJ ._ I ......, .t/,e~ #2., I'rilllcd Cor I.awycn' Title Guaranly Fund, Orlando, Florida .126373 This iustrumcllt was prepared by: \,. " '\ \ \ Nallll' R; ~hrt rn A. M~~ 1 rt:i n l(ffarranty Iced AdJrc,,4307 lOth Ave. North (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02 F.S.l Lab~ W~-rr, Florida ijJ~i.1i 1Jn~rnturr. ~tadc this ~ 3 ..J) day uf November LEO B. STERRETT and NADINE B. STERRETT, His Wife 19 7-3 ilrtwrrn CD Lf') .. of tlw County of Palm Beach , State of FJ,.orida , gnintorO, and BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, His Wife ...". c:: WIIl)Sl' post office addrt.>ss is r- c-.J uf till' COllllty of P.O. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, Florida Palm Beach St t f Florida , aeo , grallteeO, . ;::.- c.:> ~ 'IIitnrsstt4. That said grail tor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($IO) C"f") - . Dollars, allll otlll'r good allll vahmhlt.> cOllsi~erations to said granto~ in hand paid by said g~'allte~, tht.> receipt when:of i.~ her~by lll'kllowll'dged, has gnllltl.d, hargamed and sold to the s,ud gralltee, alld grantee s hClrs and assigns furever, the fol- lowing dl'scrilwd land, situate, lying and being ill Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: Tracts 45, 46, 49, and 50 according to the Palm Beach Miami Land and Development Company Plat recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, Palm Beach County Court Records, and also described as the E~ of S~ of w~ of SE~ of Section 19, Town- ship 45, Range 43 East, containing 20 acres, more or less. -...... .,~. ..-....._........."............._,~. ~.,..."'~".~~,...""',,..,' ....r ~.:;..,<\ !.;:~.J:.i,..i.1 ~ ,:'>~h FLORI A ~;~~:' J NO~.Zi.7J~ ~f p.o. r.1.~~;,.J 11106 DOCU~.tEr~TARY -: CUR TAX = ....;II _~ l275.001~ :L: ~;">" <.0 ~~~ U~.t , .., .....,;'\- -;i<<.J .... u:> co S-i.-:(\.=r~d- (~Jr":' T::'LJ'j Fn Cl ,~/',' : OO(U;":, '.:.! 1.'\ t. '( " :':'1 ;". <'. ; I) ',"~' I ~lPf.-(j~.~(i:vi~f:'Jt f;':~ :r.::))::i!~:i'~ .~~ ... ". ~ ::: F:fJ. - ilO~211j \.:~~':'.'!jPi' ..J O. 0 u ; =: IC~24 \ ....; ..~,:...~./ ' -..-.-- --- ..-.. -- .-----.-- j (V) :1 I . c.t) f~o ,GO'O ..If)' ;,1.5'Uv . ," I:' ," ,..., _,'jl C.. "'-J ..-:-. . .,..... ...... .,.......,..... ...... . ....-.......4...... .,.............. ...,...... ..... allll said ~ralltur dot.>s hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. · "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular 01' plural, as context requires, lJn 1IIIIitnrss 1lI!I~rrrnf. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. S;~, . 'ea .d m,d deHve'.~Z~re'en~' , . 11 .J,;r;e..~J... . .__m____~ ~ , -'ZI . c._:..:~ ' ~ ~ . B. STERREY ;?-f~~ __~~ (!j/n~~) 'fk;L,<tAfl /.J 4~<.pt NADINE B. STERF~TT ( Seal) k Seal) ,! ,; (Sl'OlI) .1 ( Seal) STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Palm Beach I IIEBEBY CEHTIFY that 011 this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appl'arl.d LEO B. STERRETT and NADINE B. STERRETT, His Wife to 1Ill' kllOWIl to he the person S described in and who executed the foregoin~ instrument and acknow!~~\~c;g..~~cfore IIll' tlaat t IwY eXl'cuted the same. ~ . ......,; '>;'.'."./ ....... WI TN ESS my hewd and official seal ill the County and State this 0).3 day of "/" ~p:v~~:r' :';'" 19 73. ~() /~..>~ .' () I <. ;';:.;..\. ~Iy l'ommission expires: 9-1-7cf Richard A. McClain Ndt.tr1/'1?ubUc. ::'~:~.' ~~ -' ~ \,,''', ,-,_.; ..... .'.:-' . <.i. ","',',. . ,I , ....~~'~. ':":.~~'>~';"~~'~" :::::.: ~ . '. :./ \ 1.\ J '\ \ . .;1.,-,' '''', . ',. I "-f'l.t r'242 2r:.:9 R(CCP.O/~ ~^GE;:'l ..... III , I ....-il~ 1MoIr' ,1Iittwd 'aInI Ik..:..b te<!lty. Fit.. JlIlli; I. !hll~hl J:I..-k Clr.pllll Court . -"'- - I, , , \ ' --- , : ". ~::~.~~:-:.~~:: ;'I~~ " This Uarra(1ty'\{IJ,ted, Made lhe Ji 22nd B~ker~T. .Ppmpey, '.Sr. and CJ.yatt w. inte;est ~and. C..;iSpencer Pompey and 1/4 l.nterest .:, .: hereinaf'er. calt~d~',he g;aotor;" 10 "',-, . . . '.. '. ".,.:.. .I", . ~,-" .' .', . Erne~t,,' IQ;att'2u.ld' Bill 'Ray Winchester . "'I. ..t j of~'" \\\.....". (lIIHI:rIl\l\~ .,' .- ::r- .. ~ C,!) = <:t o;ro r- .. ,.",' .... ...... //;".> . . ........ . ."'.. . '. .:': \ 'p", ;.: ~ ~ ~ ('t) '0 ('t) Gl ::I CG III '0 ~ 'i: 0 c: LA: Ql J! E ... " u 's 1lO CG C III E :a !Xl 0 iii >> U l'1. IQ Ql ~ (I) ;u 0 c .J 0 ~ 0: Ql ::I III ::I .5 c Ql Ql ~ .. .s= f= ... III Itl .5 ILi '0 en Ql c " 'R; ot ... c 0 u w W i- Z c:C 0::: _.~ o t- Z 0:: ::J .~ ,.~ p/-! I #z, ~Jf 1 ... A. D. I. 74. b, po'~wTI/ an undivided 3/4. H. Ruth Pompey, his wife an undivided (.~ ,. ...... wllose podoflice'(ldclress is P.O. Drawer .l~40, Boynton Beach, Florida. . 33435 hereina/ler called th~ gran lee : (Wherever u..d herein ,he lerm. "lIraRlor" and "~ranl.." include all Ihe parlie. 10 Ihi. inllrumenl and Ihe heirs. lellal rep....nlal;'... and _illn. 0/ indiViduals. aRd Ihe lucce.sors and a..illn. 0/ corporalion,) 'Witnesseth: That t/,p 'grantor; 1 fo;. ~nd in "consij~':ation of the"sum of $ 10.00 and a.ther lJaluable considerations. re~eipt' ';"hereof is her~by ac~n()u;'~clued. hereby '{Jr~nts. :b~rgains. sells. aliens.' re- mises. releases. ~onlJ~Ys and c~nfi;.ms 'unto ',lie graniee. all that ~eri~in lalld situale in 'Palm Beach Counly. Florida. lJiz: . Tract 47 of the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, - --,'-Range-43 East, LESS -the- right of way for Boynton Road, according ,...11' , ". to the Plat thereof as recorded in plat Book 7, page 19, of the . r - . :> '~,~lic Records of' Palm' B'each County, Florida. .' ~,~.. ......../ . -:.~ . <: -'.:'SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easments .::~:. ":a:v.i.; taxes for the year 1974 and subsequent years, ... ' ~ :'valid zoning ordinances. ,.. ... ,..... . ....~ ';'\):',"'.': . '. :..'.', "": :.:":~. ...:.;:.'~I:t:':.:."....;.~..... , . . ~.;;;:,.:.i.,:.:.STATE >OF.- F'L.ORlo-:NJ-', ,....,.. ~-:,.,...>. "",DOCUMENTARY .....STA.M'. TAX I. ~,,~ . :~~''''''..~E~~.O!.'REYE.N~E: . ~~ . ..' . d ~'... ~o.cn', ... '.' . ~ "'8 0 00 <,':.:~'~>~P.'8.7AU~.'I"!4: ~:.. '. .' ..; I , ". ,,,.....,., ,.-10524,.',.'. .' .....~ ' 11' C:~~~?:~:;;;j>.:.. t'~:.~~\ >~~,~ r:n ~i-,~n;/>;~;'~~~,~:2;"~:';~~'~V:"_N'~:" .,~. .... v', of record, if and any and all . ~I- . . ! Together willi all ,he 'enement" hereduamen,;"cinJ appur'enances thereto belonging or in any. wise appertaining. To Itaue and to Hold, ,he ,ame in fee 'imple forelJer. :tl.nd ,he grantor hereby cOlJenanll wuh ,aid grantee ,ha' ,he gran'or i: lawfully ,eized of ,aid Jand in fee simple: that the" g;antor has good righl and lawful au,hority 10 ,ell and conuey said land: that the gran'or hereby fully warrant, the IUle 10 ,aid lan,d and wil( defend .the same.ogain.d the lawful claims of . f .' . ... . all persons whomsoever: and ,hal said lambLsJ~ee of 'all en'cumbrances. excep' Icu:os accruing su.bsequent to December 31. 19 73 . ... - ." lo.~~o r ~O. fD (0, ~ In lCtitness 1flIhereof, the said grantor first above written. Signed~ sealed and delilJered in our pre'ence: .... ..... .~'l' .' '.1 ::..:.~:.,.~ . C'l .... .c..)...;~ L:.ii,~' . . ..... c:>> ~~.-- DOCUMENTARY'- . ,.SUR fAK-= '., -"r-"'.'.- . , - :: S' 6 0'0.= ... ..... .'.- SPACE afLOW rOI UCOIDUS USE ew YorK: ""P\~ /)lU~ ~ -. _.-.--...- I HEREBY CERTIFY that Dn thia day, before me, an officer duly . authorized in the State arDresaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgmt'nu, personally appeared Booker T. Pompey, Sr. ~d Clyatt W. Poppey, his ~ife, aJ,i'wi~ivide~ 3/4 interest to mt' known to be ,he pr-rson S dt'lcribed in and who executed the Coregoing inltrument and who' acknowledged beCore me that they executed the aame. WITN~SS my hand and oHicial leal in the County and ,:~Slalc":'laa!.aCorc'aid this 2. 1-' day or ....'\\WI.~.i}'l"~.'H';;~~;{\,:, ' July , A. D. 19 74 ..' '0 y.' CIty'.'''''"" ," :-",_.~ -:........ v~."I..,... ;c.' /S ......... lllt- ..~r:~r.:-...'... ~...:;J; ..'f,;l:,;" . ~a,n., L "" ,.......\~:.....,..O.:~~ ~~~~ .. ,v~G4....~ g ~:;V,~'~"~"';"";[;"''''''~'~:''''''''''''"'''R''~''''""''''''''"'''''''''''''.................... .;.: g;,:~p;;..'Z~f,j..~';..-:, ::,>. .....S:EMARIE B BERARDO ThJ.l~~ru~4:!.+14.rei.'ieJ"jjJ/:l lNotuYPllblic. St"t. of New York .. '~<~l.!{G,',";!!J. . :I~ INo. 41-0250775 ~'\)l,.,.~.~~ J'~ l""'I'I' :".f~.::: Qu "f' d' 0 A JJ -',~....:" .;.::::..:;;, :l".. p~ ;....t"...!."~ " I '.. In ueonl County uun!~:f.;'. ,,?I; ./;,~ ..'t:-~'~ T.rm Explros March 30 1975 ~~ ".;(IJ~:..~".",,~'.....c~~'" ....,. . "',,'.,:[1.:;; 0 ~ >0 '~H::;:"'" 'J.;,I'......~.,~ ~p4 -':'.1.\' 1111I;"'1\r.,. ..... ....~ ':.~'~ -, ,...... ..... , '"\ 1 ... .~. .' ... . I ~.. _ . I I. '. 1 . . m~~b2335 PAGE 259 -.. ., SD.TE 0'.. FL01UI?~ . COUNTY:.-'?f p~. BEACH .. '." .... , :, .,. ..' ~..r "I ",~' . ~ ,. ~,-, .~ ''''''',~'~,....,!T ;r:.;!j'7 .' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer ~uly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared C. Spencer"Pompey and"H. Ruth 'Pompey, 'his"wife, an undivided 1/4 int~rest to me known to be the persons describe~ in and whO executed the foreg~ing instrument and who acknowledged before me that they executed the same. .. WITNE~S my h~and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this~--day of July, 1974. ..' .~ :.,"\ . .l... ..., '. " , 11It11f ,. '" ARY PUBLIC . ~':'\'~\)'tOllp'/~II/I;~" . ._ - .....:. 'v"" ..c........ ~",.~.. , .' 'N.OTARY PUllllC, ~ATE of FLORI~A ll~ RGfl."jv"" ~"ft,,}. <>t. %. . ., MY COMMI~SJON EXPIR~ FEB. 21, ~81' ."':'f.:". ~~.~"I"'Y'i:;.. ~ 7': . '.....KDI:D ':JHA4:I\lUH 1'1'ICA! :tf. JlI3.JI&UH'~.: .;.,: ;;:;;. 7. ;~:..~ 1 ~ : . . .;:; .:: 't-.) ,..I 4)~:/' ~: q . . .'.~. .' ,., ;-:t~'. ~ ;.'(j '.L::'..f,..-.r.;" ~ '~ -.......- l~i.... ~.~.~~ : ~,..~. .- .-'....~- ~ . I ~ . ., '# ... ~," ,,~--... ........ -:;:~ - '). .... . .......- ..... .J:'l~"" .,....l>.~.:.. .-.(-> ...... ..~;\.......:o -. ...."S.:,.. ,.- ..,r' ......,.. ~. '/-...::.... ~......~..c., .....;~.' ~>t" '/. ..'.",}-o::' ~l ,'L' , '1ll/' <"..t ..' \.-.. . , ..:/~J/)l)j l: 1: \\\\\ . ":! .~ ., ..., _ . - ..-1.. c--:--:. ~__-- " t'.,.___....' .--:...___~"'..........-c"'.'. . t ~ \;. ,~ ," .' ~"',"'" r ." \ i r.. . " "... '-r- '\~' : -:~,.:..~,...- rr- ., . ..........' ........ . , . ,...~'o.. '~,-. '.1, .,. ......., .. ",' .. ~.... .,: ,'. " . .."l.... . ..' f .~.'" ~ .-" . ~ ~ . ~ :,"~.. ~\ :1,:~ .. _~....;, ',' . ;. "....t.. ... " , "'t'" f ',":'''''. . ,.. . -. ,:'" .J :-~,; o'r'..:r;; i: !. \. ,. ..;.,--~ .~ .-ail- ~ C\~ ......~~ t.O\I(~1" . ~l\~t.'" \\\\'t:~\oa fa.'" ." \). G'~Cl\"L ,&':l-:' ~-;.~\\ y,\';:" , , .. ",,' ," Ii: ":.~ fE~~l2335 PAGE 260 .' ....... ()-~ \-;("'_1 , I. j- . '''d I ~ ~ i'''' f"'l. .~ :~. CL(.~,.; '.. ", :- .. . #2- /%~a/ ~ , : pAl - ~.' 'f ...._..~.." '~~,l ',' - . .......,. ' ...... 2325 . Vrq~ 812 p1.CE4.09 H"e \ c: l~ III ~f\ · ~ 1- ~' n&Ie c--y F.... 0rW00I-.. f1orioIa lltlfwnty .Jeed ~~~ STATUTOItY ~ 9 ;, m~lll lnhruturt. Made this "3 0 day of ~ a Tt '!!f 19 62. Ltlutru A. F. Bryant, joined by his wife, Evelyn ~. Bryant of the County of Broward . State of Fllorida .'gantw. and I Bill aay Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester, his wife . whose ~t:omce address is?:'::;-;Hh Hq,mj>)u"e I /IJ E ;2 ~ /lv(!, f?vy p -ht<J Be~#;, "?/~. ';:.of the County oC pala Beach . State or Florida - . grantee. t.!:> .::tIttnrssrtlt. That said grantor. .ror and in consid~rati"n o( the sum or Ten and .No/lDO----------- _________________________________________________________________ Do~ 'amI other goud and valuable considerations to'said grantor in hand paid by said grantL'C. the receipt whereof is h~by acknowledged. has grantl.d, bargained and sold to tilt' said Walltrt". ,\lid grantcc's ht'irs and assigns for~er. the fol- lowing dl.'scribed land, situate. Iyillg and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. to-~t: Tracts 39, 40, 41, 43 and 44, a subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to \ the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 7, page 19. '\ TOGBnmR WITH all improvements located thereon. ,'''t.. SUBJBCT TO reservations, restrictions, easements and exceptions of record and taxes for 1962 and subsequent years. SUBJBCT ALSO TO the revelations of an accurate survey. i .~., + ...(' -. l J " : . . . '"" ,." I" ~,.", , . .0 .. ." '" , "'" " 1;.. .......'""'1... r:. '-.', , t;...... ,0;. I.' ~. . . '.." , .. and said grantor dOLOS Ill'reby Cuny warmnt tht. title tu said I.llul. :lIld will d,'fc'lId tht" same 109::.im;: the Iawflll claims of all persUIIS whomsuL'Vero (Hen:1n the tenn~ "Rruhtur- and ..Kr"nh....... ,11.,n h... c..uu~tn.."tl tlf im:lmlt. m......;,.ulint.. f..mini...... ~inJ.:ul.;1r. or pInr..; ;,as t~. ",mt~.'t in(li,;ah.~.) .....--: In "Unrlls 1Iltrrrof. Grantor has hcreuntu set grantor's 'mllel a III I s,'al tIll" day amI )'t':U first :lhm't" written, ~.,; ....J;.<<... in ...' "t.'s..c'"ce:' c::;-: ~ ~;;..:/ . ~/ _ ~~~. _ . ..__.,__..,.~~ (Seal) " (!, >t d.C<'~-(.~ZL: _ ~.....~~_Bry~~u_ (Seal) ~~ J: ~-- "'<1 !,al"-' - .....-:- (Seal) r.ve yn I . Dryan . 0__"'''''' ..___ .._ ________.._(51."011) --:.-.~ / :. STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF PalJll Beacn I HEllEBY CEJ\TIFY that UII this day hl'fuft, ml', ,III ullict'r duly tlUalifit'd. tu takl.' ackllowlL-dgmclIts, personally appeared A. F. Bryant, joined by his wife, Evelyn F. Bryant I . ' My com1lliuion expues: Notal)' Public SIa . My commls~n ex~, Dr '}",kfll .t lllt~ IlonclecI br Man. os an, 21, J:'(;4 lionel,,,, .. ""ullnco Co. to me known to hi.' the person Sdt'st:ri!lt'd ill and who l'u'(:uh-d thl.' Corl'goillt; illdntmrllt a.nd admowledgL.J before me that the y c'XL'Cutcd the samC'. .' -WITNESS my hand and official seal in tht. COllllt)' alld Statt'last afuft'said this J.<J cby of 0, /~ -: . . 1962. t?~;::...:;,,:.,. . . ......-:.I\'~.:!,lj.'~...',. O~ {~ ;Y2~~,~::.:.::~':~..:.:.<...:~ Nota.rYr~1U:r; .-';\ ';:. :: ' State of Florida at Lars.'f .~..,':j;~', :.'.:': :,,:. ..<~{i:..ZiSl1Y BiTURI 'fO J'ULTOll &. BURNS P. O. BOX 1391 RBT P AIJl BEACR, FLORID! '." ... '. . ~... . ~... p ."L~~~, .,~::::J'~.~;~ I':,..~."!~'~.~~~:~./::......, {.... -<11 ,:. "1. ~ . to, .i; ,.. .. .... " ,..,.;....l;~.:v2 .;" .~ ~I;'-i:~~i :"f;.; '~',. ;/ ~ _' 1'" '..~ ,! .. '. c~ ,0,':) *' &:- ~ , --- J .G:. RESOLUTION NO. R-76-802 RESOLUTION TO ABANDON A CERTAIN 30 FOOT ROAD RIGHT OF WAY IN PALH BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8 AND ALSO SijOW ON THE PLAT OF THE SUB- DIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUl~, RANGE 43 EAST IN PAD! BEACH COVNTY, FLORIDA 'A}-. 1..0318~ WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, pursuant to authority in Chapter 336.09, Florida Statutes, upon the petition of Elsie and B.R. Winchester, called a public hearing to be held at the County Commissioners' Chambers, Courthouse, West Palm Beach Florida, on the 14th day of September, 1976, to'.consider and determine whether or not ,the County would vacate, abandon, discontinue and close, renounce and disclaim any rig?t of the County ,to the road right of way, or interest therein, which is hereinafter described; and ~REAS, notice of the holding of such meeting was duly published in ;, , , " '. .' . . the Palm Beach Post Times, on Sunday, August 29, 1976 and Sunday, September " 5, 1976; and ~REAS, this Board while convened in regular session on the 14th day, of September, 1976, did hold such meeting at such time and such place, and this Board having determined that such action will not materially . interfere with the County road system and will not deprive any person of a reasonable means of ingress and egress to his premises from at least one County, State or Federal h~ghway; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ,..; PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following right of way described herein, to wit: !\jb Begin at the Northwest corner of Tract 42, ~s shown on the subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 7 on page 19,' Public Records of Pa~ Beach County, Florida; thence southerly, along the west line of Tract 42, a distance of 272.13 feet to the Point of Beginning' of the parcel.to be herein described; ,thence continue Southerly along the west line of Tracts 42, 43, and 44, as shown on said plat, to a point in the South line of said Section 19; thence Westerly along said South line, a distance of 30 feet; thence northerly, along the cast lines of Tracts 50, '49 and 45, as shown on the afore- said plat, to a point of 273.67 feet south of the south right of way of Old Boynton Road, a 40 foot road shown on the said plat of Section 19; thence easterly, a distance of 30.0 feet to the Point of Beginning. Less a~d not including the south'20 feet thereof. Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 4, as shown on the Palm Deach Farms Company Plat No.8, as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Page 73, Public Records of Palm Deach County. Florida; '. thence southerly, along the west line of said Block 4, a. dista.nce of 251 feet:, more or less, to the north right: of way err 'Cl.2 mO,:J 586 p^~E1378 i I 1 I I I i I I I , i..' r " ____. _'_ ._. ~. - .... __ .... ...... ~.. ..0'._..' /" '.. \ ,\ . . .. :/. 1,' , . line of Fiorida State Road No. 804 (West Boynton.Road) as presently laid out and in use; thence westerly along said right of way line, a distance of 30 feet; thence northerly, along the east line of Block 5, as shown on the aforementioned plat to the Northeast corner of Bleck 5; thence easterly, a~distance of 30 feet to tlle Point of Beginning. Les~ and not including the north 35 f~et thereof. . \ .~ , , I . ., ., ," , . " be and the same are hereby vacated, abandoned and closed as public road right of way and this Board does hereby renounc~ and_disclaim any right of the County of Palm Beach and the publiC in and to the above described road. ~E IT FURXHER'RESOLVED that notice of the adoption of this resolution I I' .\ ' be published in one issue of the Palm Beach Post ~imes, West Palm Beach Florida, within thirty (30) days following the date of adoption of this .; The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Weave::!: , resolution. ~o moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Culpepper, 'and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: . . ,. , The Chairman thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 14th day of September , '1976. BOARD OF COUNTY CONMISSIO~ERS I . OF PAlM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND J-EGAL SUFF1CI CY tUJCllJtCt.. 'ivr2 COUNTY ATTORN Y JOHN B. DUNKLE, Clerk X ..; , , ' ..' "- Jly: ~~-"-"~ Deputy Clerk' 4~ ," . .....~\...... :."'..!.I. .a": .1, ,... ~ J 0"'''':..'' 00 _' ',\"1 .,l ,~",'.." . .,. . "'/" ~ . .~.: ,,,,,.,,. .-....:;.": ":.: I~:\~ .- .. ..y..' .......... . '. o. .:" ~.~.' t,'- ...., ~.;.t':). . ~ ~:.: ,'.. ~ :>,..;' ". fJ'") '.~ .' . .~.' <-:'J '-;? ,. . 0~~e' (.;.. :~~: 3 '.: ~ ~) .i; ~~" ....:.....- :.......".. -..":) " ~., : '- - ~-:;. wi'" ~ f: ...... 1. . .. -. ; . ..... ~ .-;,,*,., "".1 U ,,"-v ..:- :,~:~ '~~I...., ~7" _': .~.:/ ..-- ....:...... ... '. .1 .l." ,_.... -,:..;J. '. .0..,1 ,~..;, .... .' ''':) '~".' '. ."'J .:..... ., \.~:.J.:...... , '!~' .:~..... IV :~ u.........~ ':>:.~,:. ;::;~:f~:~~::":~:';.~~: ',:" , I I I " . m~~h2586 f^~E1379 --..-.......--.---. "'~"'-~-' -....-.........-...--..- ~, ~ \ " . . \ I I \ I I r , I ) \ " ) .. I..... , \ ~.. C I T Y o F BOY N TON BEACH '. ." PLANNING & ZONING BOARD . .; ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required. ) PROJECT NAME: Mall South AGENT'S NAME: Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A, West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 OWNER'S NAME: Winchester, winchester, Zieher & Schroeder, A Florida (or trustee's) General Partnership; Ernest Klatt, Bill R. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester ADDRESS: 9290 Nickels Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl 33436 Between Old Boynton Beach Blvd & Boynton Beach Blvd; PROJECT LOCATION: on the East & West side of Winchester Blvd. (Mall Rd) (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) *This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. '," ~'i PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl (2) ,"." '" C I T Y o F BOYNTON B E A C H APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the subject of separate applications. No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of the city of Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant must submit two copies of this application and other required information. Before an application may be accepted, it must fully comply with all required information as stated below. ATTACH THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. a. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record. "{ or b. All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property. The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. 2. A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a. If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the annexation petition by all owners of record, ~ b. If a lessee, a copy of the Lease Agreement and written consent of the owner, ~ c. If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or written consent of the seller/owner, ~ d. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, ~ e. If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and written consent of the seller/owner. COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION FORM AND SUBMIT WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl (..../' II!. ")'1C;U .~. ,. (,' (3 ) C I T Y o F BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: .~ DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE ~ I DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: REJECTION: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR: AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: pO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Name of GENERAL DATA ~inchester,Winchester,Zieher & Schroeder A Developer/Owner: ~ F'nr;~~ GQngr~l P3rtner~~i D L KI tt .' . P, rl.e~ a . ; B~ll R. W~nchester, Elsie A. Winchester Area of Subject Property: ?.21B,94~ nn sq. Ft. or 50,94 Acres Estimated Present population: -0- Agricultural Existing zoning:AR-Residential Density Allowed: I d.u. I silO ac. proposed Zoning: commercial C-3 AG-Agricultural **C-3= Parcels. 1&5 (18.63 acres); EXISTING UTILITIES: Density: Allowed: I d.u.'s/s ac. ,A,G=l?arcels 2&3 {32.31: acres} Water: City of Boynton Beach Wastewater collection: City of Boynton Beach Solid Waste (garbage): City of Boynton Beach PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl ..,j ",. :' ,..... (4) STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: The petitioner has no specific development plans at this time.However, all of the subject has an existin designation of CHIS Commercial High in Palm Beach County indicating that somefuture use of a commercial nature is most suited to this property. The City Land Use Plan designates this area as Commercial Local Retail. JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See Attached ~ EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED Se~ A~~~~hp~ Rxhihi~ "A" PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MALL SOUTH ANNEXATION The petitioner is requesting the annexation of approximately fifty one (51) acres of property into the City of Boynton Beach. This parcel of property is located immediately south of the Boynton Mall and north of Boynton Beach Boulevard. The land use designation of the property in Palm Beach County is commercial and in Boynton Beach is Local Retail Commercial. In addition to the property's frontage on Boynton Beach Boulevard, Old Boynton Road, and Congress Avenue, the property is bisected by Winchester Boulevard which serves as a major entrance to the Boynton Mall. The Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan indicates this property to be located Land Use Problems and Opportunities Area 7.f. This section of the Plan states: "This area contains a number of parcels in an unincorporated enclave, all of which should be annexed. These parcels have unique characteristics, since there are relatively few owners, the area is bounded by collector and arterial roads, and the area is adjacent to a regional mall and two community shopping centers. consequently, the City should encourage intensive commercial development in this area. Particular requirements of the City should be that these parcels be annexed prior to development, (and) the parcels be developed as planned zoning districts..." This petition accomplishes all of these goals. This property's unique location insures that the future commercial land use will generate the highest tax revenues for the City of Boynton Beach while demanding a minimum of services. EXHIBIT IIAII PARCEL NO. 1 A PAHCF.L '.'~ LArlt' 'LYING W SECTION 19 01" TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH. RANGE 4) EAST. SAlt' PARCEL BElt~ A PORTION OF LOTS 39-40-41-43 AND 44, .)1" rilE SU9ltIVISll>N OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. A~ HI~0ROED IN PLAT BOOK 7. PAGE 19 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALH BEACH COUrITY. FLORIDA. . . ! i .1 . SAIl! PAR'.-IL surlG HORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLI.OWS: C(oMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION .19. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RAN';;E 43 EAST. TlIEIICE WITH A BEAR I NG OF SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. ALONe THE SC~TH LINE OF SECTION 19. A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO A POJrlT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CONORESS AVENUE: Tllf:ItCK WITH A BEARING OF HORTH 012:1.' 43" WEST. ALONa THE WEST FlJ,;IIT-u,-UAY LIrIE uF CONORESS AVENUE. A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FEET TO TIlE t'OlltT Of' DEc:IHHINO: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 97 32' 47~: \oIES1'. A [>1 STANcr OF 390. (Ie) FEET: THENCE SClOTH 68 03' 48" wEST, A' 1IISTAHCF. OF 571.09 FEET TO A POINT 00 WINCHESTER PARK BLVD,,: THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ALOtlG THE EAST RIGHT-OP'-WAY LINE Of\olII~~[STER PARK BLVD. HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 06 37' 56" EAST: A RADIUS OF 2193.99 FEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 09' 54" AND ,\II ARC LEtfCTH OF 389.24 FEET; THENCE WITH A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LF.FT IIAVltfC A l..1iORt' BEARI/fG OF ,..ORTH 05 16' 24" WEST. A RAOI\.IS OF ~149.Jl P'EET. A CE/fTRAL AI~LE OF 12 48' 59". AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 4(l(t 78 FEET Tl' A POINT; THENCE NORTH 1 06' 06" WEST. ALONa THE EAST NI~HT-O'-WAY OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD.. A DISTA/fCE OF 223.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44 22' OS'. EAST. A DISTANCE OF 35.6' FEET. TO A POINT 'tH nlE SOUTU RIGHT-OP-IlAY LINE OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD: THENCE WITH A BEARI/fG OF NORTH 89 50' 22" EAST. ALONa THE SOUTH RIGHT-OP'- WAY LlfIE 0,. 01,0 BOYNTON ROAD. A DISTANCIt OF 763.72 FEET:" THENCE WITII A OEAIlIN<<i OF SOUTH '5 46'''11" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 34.98 P'EET 1\> A P('IHi (.Jfl TIlE WEST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF CONCRESS AVENUE: THE/f~l:: WITH A BEAR rNO OF SOUTH 1 22' 43" EAST . ALONG THE WEST RIGHT- ('.'-WAY LIIIE OF .;OHGRESS AVENUE. A ('ISTANCE OF 860.95 FEItT /fORi OR LESS TO THE POINT OF ~IHHIHC. C't/I1AINIW; 18.52 ACRES /fORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND. RIeHTS OF WAYS OF RECORD. fARClt1. HO. :I " A 'PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION "19 AND 30 OF TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH. RAHaE 43 EAST. SAID PARCEL BitING A PORTION OF LOTS 42-45-46-47-49 AND SO OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH. RANGE 43, lAST. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7. PAGE 19 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND A PORTION OF LOTS A & 9. BLOCK 4 AND S. LYING NORTH OF STATE ROAD 904 AS RECORDED' IN PLAT or PALH DUal FARMs COtIPANY. PLAT NO. 0'. IN PLAT BOOKS, PAGE 73 OF THE PU81,IC RJ:COROS OF PALH BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEWG /fORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS YOLLOwS: COt1HENCIHG AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF' SECTlON 19. TOWlfSHIP 45 SOUTH. R'AWJE 43 lAST, THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 97 32. '47" ~EST, ALONO THE SOUTH LINE OF.SECTION 19: A DISTANCE OF 1095.70 rUT TO THE POINT 0,. 8EOI"ltIHG: THENCE 1oI1TII It BEARINO OF' SOUTH 1 18' ~3" 'EAST. It OISTA/lCIt' OF 191. 53 FEET TO A POINT: TIIENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUT//' 4307. 0'2" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 35.00 FUT TO A POINT ON TIlE NORTH RIGHT-OF'-W~Y LINE 01' HEW BOYNTON ROAD (s.R.aOld; THINCE WI TH It BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' '7" WEST. ALONG mE NORTH RIGHT-O'-WAY LINE OF 'BOYNTON 'ROAD. A DISTANCE OF' 510.~7 fEET: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH OJ 10' 38'" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 216.05 FEET TO A POINT: THINCE WITH A BEARING Of' SOUTH 87 32' "" IlEST. It DISTANCE OF 334.88 FElT: THENCE NORTH 0 57' 44"'WES.T. A DISTANCE 0'661.80 FElT: THENCE SOUTH 87 35' 1)" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 327.71 P'EEl; THENCI WITH A BlARING OF' NORTH 01 01' 32" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 61'2.58 I'CET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIOHT-O'-WAY LIN~ OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD: THENCI WITH A BEARIlfG OF NORTH 89 SO' 22" lAST. ALONG A LINE LVING 40.00 F'EET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE, CENTERLINE or OLD PQYNTOH ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 965.32 FElT: THINeE WITH A BlARING OF SOUTH 01 00' 33" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 253.01 FElT: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF /IORTH 88 09' 11" EAST. A DISTAl'fCI OF 337.55 FIET, TO A POINT ON THI WIST RICHT~OF-WAY OF THI HALL ROAD: THENCE WITH It BEARIHO 01" SOUTH 1 06' 06" EAST . ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OP'-wAY LINE OF THI HALL ROAD. A DISTANCE OF 7.83 FEET TO ,A POINT: nlEHcr WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS or 2041.3i fEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9 05. 31" .AN ARC LENGTH OF 323.93 n:n TO A POINT: THENCE SOUTH 89 06' 16" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 282.45 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 01 00' 24- EAST. A DISTANCE OF 632.32 FEiT: THENCE /fORTH 87' 32' '7" EAST. Ii. DISTANCE Of' 201.03 FElT: THENCE .WlTH A 'BEARING OF SOUTH 01 19. 43" EAST. A DISTANCI OF 2.15 FEET HORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF DEGIHJcIHC. CONTAINING 28.88 ACRIS HORE OR LESS AHD SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS or WAY or RECORO. sheet I of 2 ?:n.~.. .. . ......:.-!I t'--:' .,1oI"0t . ....~. ' (--..'. sheet 2 of 2 ~ EXHIBIT "A" .. ........_" ..r~.lP. .3.. .. . . ... 11. PMCEC. Of" U\ro LYIN:; TN Sa::rI~ '19 01" TO~'NSlIIP 45 SCU1'f1, rw::;e 43 F.ASr,' S1\ID PARCEL DEIf.lj A. PORTIa-! Of" I.OI'S 43 t. 44, 01" 11tE SUI30IVISICN 'OF 5I'Cr.Tal.19, ro..wsrUP 4S sotml, ~ 43 1"^c:T, /\.c, nr:x::oonm IN p/Nr .~ 7, PlGE 19 OF TIlE .PUDLIC nI:X::c.ros 01" PN.M. BEN.II a::x;rm, noUlY\. s.a.m PMCEi., DElf.lj ~'mE FULLY Or::SClUDED l\S FOI..tCWS: CXl+lEN:lf.lj 1\'1' 'I1iE SCX1nlEl\ST CXXlNEl1 01" SOCTION 19, TCWt~HIP 45 Fa.Tm, RlIN:;E 43' E1IST, TIIENCE l\'Inl 11. OI:J\RII'J:j Of" SCX1llJ 87. 32' '17" wt::ST, M.LN:; .'I1D;:.SCUI1t.LINE Of" SEX:TIa-! 19, 1\ DISTm:::E Of' l09S.70 Fci:;r ro nm POIN'!. OF. BEX::INNIl'J:jl 'I11ElCe "''ITII 11. DEI\[UN:; OF' scum. a7. 32' 47" WEST, 11. DI5- TM:E Of' 201.03 FEET 're 11. POINT n~ WI'm 11. DENtIN::; Of' IoOml 010 .00' 24" WESr, 1\ DISTM"CE OF' 632.32 FEET: 'I11EN:E WITII 1\ BE1\RII'J:j OF '>>::m'H aao 06' 16" EJ\S'r, 1\ DISTm:::E OF 2a2.4S'F'EET ro 1\ POINT: n~ .WI'IH A CURVE ro mE R.tGlrr IIl1VIN::; ^ COID DE1\RIN::; Of" ~ 090 51' 09" WEST, 1\ AADIUS OF 2041.:\1 F'E!::"r, 1\ CrnrML AA::;LE or- 3 43' 28" N:rl m Me LEN:>"ltl OF" 132.69 F'EE:T TO 1\ ronlJ' OF rtEVE1lSE CtJIMt: nrr:n:e. WInI '" CURVE TO TIlE I..F.IT [u\VIN:; 1\ !W)IUS OF 2301.99 FEET, 1\ crnml\l, ~ 01" 130 01' 36", l\NO m 1\RC UN;TII OF" 523.30 FEET TO 11. rol,,":. . 'l;tlEN:E WIn! 1\ DEMIN::; Of" scorn 1" 18' 4 3" EAST, 11. DISTm:T:: ('lJ' '-.1 ~ Fmr I'ORE en LESS TO 'mE ron-IT OF DEGINNIN::;. o:NTl\T.NIN::; ~.1-3 N::ro:s /-OnE OR LESS lINO SUDJOCT 'm T"AC,EMEm'S ml RIGlrr5-0F-I,'/W 01" RI:X:XrJ). . _.~_.._-'" '. . . .... . ..PMtCK~.S.. A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTIONS 19 & 30. TOWNSHIf ~5 SOU.TH. RANGE ~2 EAST. PALM BEACH caUNT~ FLORIDA. SAID PARCE~ BEING HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH 25.Q feet of the followi.ng described parcel: COMMENCING' AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP Lo5 . SOUTH; RANGE Lo3 EAST. THENCE WITH ^ BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' ~7" WEST: ALONG THE SOUTH ~INE OF SECTION 19. A DISTANCE OF 793.'71o"FEE'T. TO A 'POINT. SAID POINT BEING ~HE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 01 19' ~3: EAST. A DISTANCE OF 25.0 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 87 32' 47.' WEST. ALONG A LINE 25.0 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 19. A DISTANCE OF 193.910 FEET TO A.POINT. ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF wrNCHESTER PARK BLVD.: THENCE NORTH 01 1 e' 43.' WEST ALONG THE EAS.T RIGHT-OF-WAY' LINE OF' WINCHESTER PARK BLVD. A DISTANCE OF 25.0 FEET: THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT '^~ONC SA rD EAST RICHT-OF-WAY LINE. HAVINC A CHORD BEARING OF' NORTH. 00 59' O~' WEST. A RADIUS OF 2193.9~ FEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF QO 39' U". AND AN ARC LENCTH OF 25.01 FEET: THENCE NORTH 87 32' .~7" EAST..A DISTANCE OF 193.80 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 87 32' t.," WEST. A DISTANCE OF 25.0 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BECINNINC. .' ,... CONT A UU Ne II .II ACR ES ML'RE OR L1-:SS ANll SUBJ J;CT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-"F~WA"f OF RECORD. . i ... I ." irt". 0 1.- I ~~, ',~ ~"I' ",' 1r----=1. III I '--~~.~ ru~. ~. ' II 01 I I L I":' !I ., 1 ~..=' ',--11'1'11.1. 1 i I ./-" F:~ I . ~ I, ;i=fiN~'llllll e: Ir;;.:/:;-: .01--';&' --~ ~. to::.. ~ I '"i~J ":11 I ~. U. c:- _ i:':,rr-r.:f.i' .9; .- , 7' I II' .~ . I 11::n-:-....' 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Beach p!a!:!!.'lng Department l '~ i ! ,. .. .. o' . ) , I , Winchester,Winchester,zieher & S~hroeder, A Florida Partnership; Name of Development/owner Mall South/ W1nche~+pr; W;n~n~9t~~:Klatt . Locate the subj~~t property on this map and shade in the area. . ., : .. -5- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. o c1A~~: Applicant ~ Ernest Klatt Elsie A. Winchester Bill Ray Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applicant 9290 Nickels Blvd. street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 city and state West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and state 407-732-3961 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number -6- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. ~ ~A4 Qd Jidut- signature of owner(s) of Record ~q a/aZ2b~: Signatu of Applicant C/ Ernest Klatt Type Name of owner(s) Kieran J.Kilday/Kilday &Associates Type Name of Applicant 4269 Hypoluxo Road street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A street Address Lantana,Fl. 33462 city and state West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State 407-968-4365 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number -6- ------", , .. ..., .. OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority , authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. . . M/~~) Signature of Owner(s) of Record Elsie Winchester, Gen. Partner William A. Zieher, Gen. Partner Michael A. Schroeder, Gen. Partner Bill R. Winchester, Gen. Partner Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J . Kilday/Kilday & Associates:. Type Name of Applicant 9290 Nickols Boulevard street Address 1551 Forum Place, Bldg.100A Street Address ",C'.:,. Boynotn Beach, FI 33436 City and State West Palm Beach, FI 33401 city and State ,~'.,::::':,:\;~/.:: " ....<.,..,'.: ' ".....'.., ' .. t.;, ....:...'~:'i.".;,.":{. '. "..~,.... ," '.':'.;;'';':-.' . ., ::..':;..'".::';;' .' --:-:' ,.;c..... . ",,(, '..) , '.;.:. ~., 407-689-5522 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number " -6- APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true ,to the best"of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: optionee cJ(~jK~~L~:b/~r: Kieran J Kilday Kilday & Associates, Inc. Type Name of Applicant Owner Lessee 1551 Forum Place 100A street Address xx Agent West Palm Beach,FL 33401 City and state Contract Purchaser (407) 689-5522 Telephone Number -7- l,,\ '>a.t:f - ---.. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH .' Before me, the undersigned authority personallY appeared : '. . Ernest Klatt on oath deposes and says: , who being by me first duly sworn, 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. 6~~ (Signature t..J.. owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~~~ ~'-"--~ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: tf(l~ury P:::b1ic, State of f10rida M"i Ctr.11d$S1;;-; ::;:},:~~S fill:>. 13, 1993 Ilonded Tnru Troy fain .lnsulaIl<O InI:o '. -8- . .... .' AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority personallY appeared ; " , Bill R. Winchester,General Partn~rwho being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See Attched Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. .That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed 1(; pr;:ln ,T 1(;' 09}T s- 1(;' ~ay " :A ~~gGiatgs to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. (Signature Affiant sworn to and subscribed before me ~-m~~~ Notary Public, state of Florida at Large I'!""" ' --. , Notary 'l!b~lt, Sb'l} cf Ftoridcr '. MV Ccmr.t~ss:;::1 !:'T~rG5 f.:!J. 13, 199~ My commission Expires: 3onclodT!.",TrOfr~in.I,,,ur~n..ln,. -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority personaltY appeared Elsie A. Winchester & Bill R. Winchester ' who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: I. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J. Kilday/ Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. wner) Signature Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me " ~~~~ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large U~kr; r;:l.'~~,. !:l!~~ (/: r!c+!€f , . t!l, C";';":": ''':....;;.;: f',,:,. 13, lti93 My Commission Exp~res."5 . ,"", . " " "", "ol~ '. -8- EXHIBIT "A" 1"1IRCEI. NO. 1 I. ' ~ 1\ I'MCEL OF LlIND L'ilNG IN SECTION 19 OF TOWNSIHI" 4S SOUTH, Rl\NGE',4) I':/\ST, SlIID PMICEI. DEI NG 11 PORTION OF LOTS 39":40-41-43 AND 44, 01" TilE 5Ut10TVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSIIIP 4S SOUTIl, RlINGE 43E:lIST liS In:COROED IN I'LlIT nOOK 7, PlIGE 19 OF TilE PUDLIC RECORDS OF PlILM UE!\CII COUNTY, FI.ORIOI\. ". 5/\10 ('I\RCEl. nE1NG MORE FULLY DESCRIDF.O I\S FOLLOWS: COMIomNC1NG 1\1' 1'1If. SOU1'lIElIS1' CORNf.l1 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSIlIP 45, SOUTII, It1\NGE 43 E1\S1', 'rllf,NCf, WTTII 11 nf.1\RING OF SOUTH 87 32'47" weST,. lILONG TilE SOUTII I.TNE OF Sf.CTION 19, 11 DISTI\Nc-E OF 60.00 FEE:!' TO 11 POINT"ON '1'1If. WI,ST RIGIIT OF W1\Y I.INI': OF CONGIlESS lIVENUE; TIIENCE ,WITII 11 DEI\RING OF NORTH 01 22' 43" WEST, 1\1,ONG 1'111': WEST RIGHT OF' WlIY LINE OF CONGRF.SS 1\VI.;NIH;, 11 01 STI\NCE OF 300.00 FEE'r TO TilE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIIENCE WITlI 11 BEI\RING OF SOUTII 87 32'47" WEST, ^ DISTlINCE OF 390.00 FEF.T: 1'IIENCE SOUTII 68 03'48" WEST, 11 OISTlINCE OF 273.33 FEET; THENCE Non,'1I 02 27'LJ" wr.ST, 11 OI6T1\NCE OF 41.60 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 83 16'46" wr':ST, 1\ DT STlINCr. OF 269.64 FI':E1' '1'0 11 POINT ON WINCIlESTER PlIRK DLVD.; THENCr. W1TII 1\ CUIlVr. TO 'rilE RTGIIT TIf.ONG TilE ElIs'r RIGIIT OF WAY T.INE 01' WI NCIIESTER PI\RK [l1.vD. II1\VING 1\ CHORD DElIRING OF NORTII 08 13' 05" ,ElIST, 1\ 1l1lDTUS OF 2193.99 FF.ET, /\ CEN'I'RI\I. lINGLJ:: OF' 6 ~9'36", lIND lIN lIRC I,ENG'I'II 267.79 F'EE'!'; 'I'IIENCE wrTH A 11IWERSE CURVE TO 'l'IIE LEFT 1I11VING, II CHOllO BEI\IlTNG 01' NORTlI 05 16'24" WEs'r, ^ RADIUS OF' 2149.31 F'EET',I\ Cf:NTRM, 1\Wa,I': OF 12 46'59", lIND IIN 1\IlC LENGTII OF 480.76 1'F.I~'r 1'0 1\ POIN'I'; 1'ImNCE NOR'l'1I 1 06'06" Wf.S'I', lILONG 1'111': 1':1\51' nIGII'l' OF' WAY OF WI NCIlEST1,R PMIK [lIND, A DlS1'ANCB OF 223.72 1'1':1>1'; TIIENCI': lCORTII ,44 V'06" RAS'I', A DIs'rANCE OF 35.64 1"1':1':'1', '1'0 II POIN'I' ON TilE SOUTII RTGIlT OF WAY I.INI': OF' 01,0 BOYNTON R01\D; 'I'IIENCE WITII A ImllllINO OF NOR1'Il 09 ~O'22" I':I\S1', ALONG TilE SOUTII !lIOIl'I' 01" W1\Y I.INP. 01" 01,0 nOVNTON ROI\O, 1\ DIS1'1\NCI': 01' 568.J5 FJ::ET; TlmNCf. WI'I'II ^ BEARING 01' :; 00 09'38 r.AST, A DISTANCE OF 175,00 FEET TO A POIN'r, '('IlENCE WI'I'II 1\ IlF.ARINO OF'N 89 "0';'2" "I\s'r, A OISTANCf. 01' 203,57 t'I~WI' TO A POIN'r ON 'I'IIE Wr.ST ItIGIIT or WI\Y l,lNF. OF eON{~R~~5S lIVI':NUE: 'I'Ill':NCE ''Il'1'1I A lll~lI1lING OF SOUTII 1 7./'43" I':AS1', 1\ DlS'l'lINCI, 01" 710,39 I"lm'l' MORE Oft 1.1'55 'J'O 'rllp. POINT,PF nf.GINNING. eON'!'I\INING 17.21 l\eRES HORP. OR I.ESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND 1l101l'('S 01' WI\ YS OF REeOIlD. PARCEL NO, 2 1\ "Aller,[, OF IA'\IT) I.YIl-r. IN :.EC'1'IOO 19 liNn 30 OF 1Q;oINSIlIP 45 !",Ql!1'1I, 1l/\r-r.r. 43 I~[', SAW l'NICJ':f, mmr.; 1\ ron'l'WN 01' 10l'S 42_4~-4(.-47-r49 lINT'l r;o or 1111, SUBDIVISION OF' SFJ:'1'lON 19, 1'CWoISIIIP 45 SOIJI11, R1Itr.I:~ 43 I;:11ST, ^" Ill'~ COllDE!) IN PI.AT IJC(1K 7, I'I\GI, 19 OF' 11m rtml,Ie R!'lX)MS OF PI\I.M mw:11 C.'OlJlolI'V, I'I{)IllI'l\ AND 1\ IUIl'l'JON OF Im'S ^ & fl, llTJXK 4 lIND 5, J.YH.x.; r.x.'JIr11l OF STATE IlOl\D "04 1\.<; RECORDEf) TN PI AT OF PI\I M nEI'CH l'/\RMS CXloIP/INY PIXI' 1'l.1. 0, IN PIA,], I'lXJK '" rl\Gf. 73 01' 11m ruBl.IC IlFCOROS OF PMN I)EI'L'I O~ IN'I'V, FIOIlTIJ/\. SA If) "ARCEI, BJ::IW, M'11lF. FULLY Df<iCR rnrn 1\.<; f'OI,1 0.'IS: C(T+lr'N::T1-r. 1\1' 'I1IE rlU11II::I\.<;,r L"ORNffi OF SlX."TIOO 1'), 'IUoINSIIlP 45 SOIJI1I, Iw.r.E 43 r::l\S'l', 'J1lm:~~ Wl'r11 1\ 13F'J\RIt-r. OF' ['..OU'111 070 32' 47" WEST, 1\1ll1'K> 'lllE f''(Jl1T11 I,INE OF SfX:'I'ION 19, II DIS'I'NoK:E 01' 1095.70 rEP.1' 1'0 '11m mrm' or m:GTNNlt-r.: 11tFN:E WI'nl 1\ UlWUt-r. 01' sount 1" 10' 43" EI\..<;'I', 1\ !)IS- T1\NCE 01'191. 53 F'EE'l' 'ro 1\ rolm'; 'nJF>>::E WITIl A I3FMIIK> OF' SCU11I 4)0 07' 02" l'lEST, 1\ mSTNoK:E OF' 35.00 FEET '10 1\ POINT ON TIlE OOIml llIOltl' 01' WI\Y LINE or NFW OOYNJON HOI\D (S.R. 6(4) TltFN:E WI'l11 11 DE'.I\IUr-r. 01' mmr 0.," )2' 47" WES'!', I\lor.x.; '11 IE 00Im1 IUGltI' OF W1\Y I.INE 01' OOYNIn-! RCW) 1\ OIS'l'NoK:F: OF' 510.27 rnr::r; ,'IE>>::E WITll 11 nF'J\Rlr.x.; OF' NQlmt 0.1" 10' .30" WF.r.T. 1\ TJrsrNoK:I'; or 216,05 I'EE'l' 'to 1\ POTNr; 'lltEN:E wrJ1l 1\ BFAIUr.x.; (1[-' S/'.JlJ111 07" 32' 47" lo/F..ST, 1\ OIS!'m:E 01' 334.08 FEET: 1'IEN:E 00Il111 0" ~..7' 44" l'lEST, /\ D.ISTNoK:E 01" 658.84 F'f.E'I': 'l1tEl'CE SOIJl'li 68" 06' 16" wt':S"T, 1I1)[S1'1Ir.x.~E 01" 327,1\5 FET::r; 111FN:l, Wl'111 A UlWllr.x.; OF' r.x.)Iml 010 OJ' )2" wrm', ^ I)]SI'I\f\'.~r:: 01' 612.56 FEET '10 11 roltoll' ON mE SOIJnJ IUGm' 0[" Wl\Y l.rNE 0[' ow 110YNIDN 1l000D; '11EN:1> WI'J1I ^ mwnt-r. OF t-JJR'nl 890 SO' 22" r':I\.'~I', l\IDNG 11 !,INr, INlt-r. 40.00 mer SOUTII Ol' lIN!) P/IlV',I.I,m., '10 TIlE CFNI:- F:rlL,lNF. 01' OW POYN'roN ROIID, II D1S'l'NoK:E 01' %~.)2 1'F.E:1'; '111l'N:F.'''I1111\ f\EIIRTr.x.; or S0lJm 01" 00' ))" 1".1\..<;1', 1\ OlS'l'NCE 01" 253.0J. l'EE'I'; '1111'1'l.~I, Wl'l1 I 11 1\1'.lI1l1t-r. OF r.x.JR11 I 6llo 09' 11" El\ST, 1\ DIS'I'NoK:I> or 337.55 l'I-:r':I'; 'I'CJ A 1'011011' ON 'OlE wrSI' RIGHI' OF W1\Y 01' 'rill> Wlr,l. nON); 'nlT:N:f. WI'I'I 1\ 111::l\lllN..; 01' SOIrm 1" 06' 06" rA'IT, I\lar. '11m wrsr' nIGlTr OF' 1"l\Y I,IHI': Ofo' 'm!' Mi\tJ, HOI\D: 1\ DIS1'NoK:I; or 7.03 l'1':rrr'ro ^ rom!'; '1111'N:E Wl'l1l 1\ OIlNI': '1'0 'mf. loEF'I' III'Vl r.x.l 11 HNHI IS OF 2041. 31 F1'J':'r, 1\ CENIWJ, 1It-r.1 J; OF 'J-W;- 3 1 , I\ND lIN lIHe l,m.:i'111 ai' 323.'lJ FEET 'I'CJ 1\ roIN'!'; 'nU'N:F: ~:('Un1 nil" 0(,' \(,h \oIl~~I', 1\ 1Jl~,I'N>:f. or 202.'l~t FEI';['; 'mm~E [',('JUJ1l O\." 00' 24" FA<;'J', 1\ 111:;- 'l'lIr.x.:r'; 01" 632.32 mET; '1111'N.:E r.x.lirl1/ 07" 37.' 47" IW~I', ^ orm'm:I'; (JIo' 2111.03 f1':!':'r THENCE wiTH A BEARING OF SOUTH Ol~ IB' 43" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 2.15 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, n 1N'I'/\ I NTlr, 24.88 /\CHES ~nflE Of! I.F.<;S lINT'l r.un.lEcr' '1'0 F.I\SfoMI'Nl'S I\NTJ 111r.rrt~ Ill' '''IIV nv IlF,Cn[m, I'l\llCm, 1'l.1. J 11 P^,ICEI, O!- [JINI) [.ynor; IN SFL"l'IOOS 19 OF 'IQ;oINS , '(" ,. EIIS1' , ~;I\ TO pl\lleEr HElr.x.; .,., III I 4.' ,;(1(1111, Ill\~ ,r" 4.1 OF ';("1'1'101'01 19 '1~IIrP ~~rollTION 01' laIS ~3 (, 44, OF '11If. SIIBDTVIS1IlN ,.. . ," f'..omll, 1l1l>>;'1': '11 r':I\.<;T, l\!; llI.xnrUlI':n IN 1'11\'1' roT< 7. PN".r. 19 or" '11E Pflfll,re IlFX::orms 0'" Pl\r~' IlEI\I II tUJNI'V, f'l1~m;l\. SAID PllflCE" mm-r. M.1Hf: F111,I,Y f)f:~..C1nllm lIS mr.rc.w:,: CXM>IEN::lt-r. I\T 'I1IE f'-.(unll::l\.<;r C(~lNI'JI OF "rr'I'ION I') , !lllt~~. 43 F:1\S'1',11Tr'N:" "'I'nr 1\ BFAfl1'>>;' m;'f',(Xrl'lI 07~' t~l;W:;~[~:..~." ~'<(rnr,. TlIh f~.UJ1lI,INE OF Slrl'IOO 19 ,.".. ", "...1', IIlfl/ol, OF I3lrlNNI " " ,. ., 11 Or.,II1r.x..r', OF 1095.70 l'n~1' 'In '1111'; "'Ii'll' .. .'., '. 1'1:,; 111rN:8.hll1l 1\ IlF.lIIHI-r. OF ~;OI.rI1I 07" '{2' 47" .,'" '" ~~~~4~r'~1..()J FE~I: 'Il~ ,1\ !'Omr 'llTEJoJ.':I:: WI,'11 1\ mJ\ruI\'" Of' ~~:{I ~1 ~:l. ,- >>:Jll'jli 110. o~: ~(,~1.:T1\"< Jo. Of' 6.37...32 Fr.P.1'; 'nlrN:E l~l'l1l 1\ mwn>>;. OF \'IITI! 1\ aJI1VE 'I'CJ 'TII~";;:'~H~ :~~~i~~ g;'102R2.4," FI':r~1' 'In 1\ mlN'I': '11I1'N:,.'E wt'S'l' 1\ I '.' , RD BEI\IlT>>:': OF roml 09" ',1' 09" ... " ~N),llIS ~F :/0.11.11 1'1(1':1', 1\ ONI1l/\I, 1\r.x.:I,E OF 1" 4" 211" /\Nt> I\N,lIlK (,"N.11l ()[o 112J,'1 1'1::1':1' TO 11 r'01N'I' OF IlEVEll:;E CllIIVE: 'l'III':I\l.;I': Wll.11 II (~lRV~ 1n,11m, IJ.:r'r HI\V.lr.x.; 11 IlNHlJ;, OF 2.301,'1') I'Em' , 1\ ('I'Nllll\l. ~t.J(:r,r:: ,m ,11 01, 1(,', ND' I\N I\lle IJ'N.-;"1r 01' ',21. 1ft n:I':1' 'In 1\ 1111NI" 111m ", Will: 1\ !If'J\1l1>>:; OF S<Jlrl11 1" III' 4 '" !'J\SOI' II III <;'I'I\N:T IW 7. 1: 1'1,1('1' ~r>1lE OIl I.r'::;~; TO 'll1E mIl'll' 01' nrr.rNNHJl:.' . . . ..' CON'I'lIINIW, !$,4<J N'm,; Him.: OIl 1.1~~; I\Nn <;llIUrrl' 'In 1:I\.<;I'NI':1'.m; /\Nlt Rlrdm;..f)f"-\','1\V 01' lU'omn. sheet 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" r~~. .3._.,. .... A PARCEL Of' I.J\loD LYIN:; TN SEX:TICNS19 OF TOolNSJUP 45 scx.ml, JWCE 43 E1Sr, S1\ID Pl\RCEL DEIN:; ^ roR'I'lOO Of" IDTS 43 Ie 44, OF TIlE SUBOIVISlOO OF SFCr.lOO 19, ~IIP 45 saml, MN:;E 43 f'1I.<;T, f\.c, Rtm'IDro IN PIJ\'r ec::at 7, PJlCE 19 OF TIle PUnLIC RImIDS Of' PN.M BEN.II COONI"i, naullr'\. SAID PMCEi, BEIN:; t,rm; FULLY 1>ESCRI13ED lIS ro~: CXM1EN:IN:; ^T THE sa.rI11E11ST roRNER Of" SEX:TION 19, ~HP 45 FamI, Rl\ra 43 EI\ST,TtIEN:E "'ITII 1\ tlPJ\RIOO Of' scx.n1l 87. 32' 47" WEST, M..<N:: .THE_scum LINE Of' SEX:TION 19, 1\ OIsrllOCE OF L095.70 FEE:T TO TIm POINI' OF BEr.INNIOO; TI~ ~'ITII 1\ BPJ\RIOO OF' scx.n1l 87. 32' 47" WEST, 1\ 015- T1IOCE Of' 201.03 FEET TO 1\ POlm' nlEOCE WI11f A BEAAIOO OF tOm! 01. ,00' 24" WESr, 1\ OIsrM"CE OF 632.32 FEET: TIIEN:E WITIl1\ BEAAIOO OF' N:fm-I 880 06' 16" EI\S"f, 1\ OIsrllOCE OF 282.45 FEET TO ^ POIm': nlEN:E WI'nt 1\ CURVE TO THE RIGlrr II1\VIOO ^ oom BFJ\RIN::> Of' ~ 09. 51' 09" WEST, 1\ RADIUS Of' 2041.:n F"F.f::T, ^ CEN'lW\L ~LE ar 3 43' 211" NJ:) AN Me LEN:i'1ll Of' 132.69 I""EE:I' TO ^ POIm' OF' REVrnSE CLJRVE; T1rm::E WI'I1t 1\ CURVE TO TIlE LFFT Hl\VIN:> 1\ MOWS OF' 2301.99 FEE'r, ^ CfNIW\I. AN:;LE 01" 130 01' 36", lINO AN Me u::N:.;n1 OF' 523.3[1 !'EET TO 1\ mll-1l': . TIIEN:E WI'I1! ^ DFJ\RIN:> Of" sa.rm I" 18' 43" El\ST, II DlsrNCE OF 2.1r) FEET "ORE 00 u:.ss TO 'me POIm' OF' I1I:X;INNJOO. CXNr1\r.NIOO ~.4S lICRES "ORE OR LESS /\NO SUBJOCT 'm rll.<;~.rrs lIUl RIGlrrs-OP-\'"AY OP REX:XJr'.J). . . P,A.RCK~. S. . A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTIONS 19 & 30. T~NSHIP "5 SOUTH. RANGE "2 EAST. PALM BEACH COUNT~ FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING' AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF' SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP "5 SOUTH, RANGE "3 EAST. THENCE WITH A BEARING OF' SOUTH 87 32' "," WEST: ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 19. A DISTANCE OF' 793.7""F'EET. TO A POINT. SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 01 lS. "3: EAST. ^ DISTANCE OF' 25.0 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. ALONG A LINE 25.0 FEET SOUTH Of AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 19. A DISTANCE OF' 193.94 F'EET TO A POINT. ON THE EAST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of WINCHESTER PARK BLVD.: THENCE NORTH 01 IS. 43" WEST ALONG THE EAST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF' WINCHESTER PARK BLVD. A DISTANCE OF' 25.0 FEET: THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE. HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 00 59' 06" WEST. A RADIUS OF 2193.99 FEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF QO 39' 11'". AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 25.01 fEET: THENCE NORTH 87 32' .47" EAST.. A DISTANCE OF 193.80 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 8732' 47" WEST. A DISTANCE OF' 25.0 FEET MORE OR LESS 'f0 THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONT A IN I NG 0.22 ACR ES HL)RE OR LESS ANll SUBJ EeT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-Of-WAY OF RECORD. .. ~t:.t-'-~b- "'::II I HU l"j:::lb I U: K I LUH Y 01 H~~UL I HI c:.:;:' I t:L I'IU: ':;<..;',' lSt:l'.:'-<:::::J'.:'<::: HJJ.C; r\QJ ~~' r ; II .;- '--' v Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder, partnership I, Michael A. Schroeder, General Partner, hereby authorize Bill.R. Winchester, General Partner, to sign all documents pertaining to Annexation, Land Use Amendment, Rezoning and 5i e Plan Approval applications for property described on STATE OF: COUNTY OF: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS d- ') day of j ~ rr- 199', before me personally appeared I\!\)t::..-U~ (\ - S U~ (U) U[) ~ . , to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and county the day and year last aforesaid. ~ (NOTARIAL SEAL) /' ( '-1 Notary ublic State of: My commission Expires: -------- ,. . . . ' .' "-, .. -",,:",,'. .orl MAR-30-'90 FRI 15:04 ID:KILDAY & ASSOCIATES TEL NO:407-689-2592 . . J .. \",.,. , EXHIBIT "A" '-' WWI.lJ l'^I((":~t. ... ^ PMlCP:I. or 1.T\NO I.YTtfC rN r.r:CT10N 1?, TOWNSl1U' 4S SOUTIl, "^NCr. 0 .E^ST,,,,p,M.M DF.^ClI COUNTY, FI.a"T!)^. 51\10 PMICP:L DEINC 1\ PORTION 01" TltM:r:.co\ Of" ,.11& l'I.I\T or :lllOlHV1S.fON or SP.:CTIOl'l 19, .rOWNSIUP 4S SOlJTII, R^NGE "3 E^r-'r.. J\S, nECOTlDED fN l'1,TI" nOO1< 7, PM;!'; l!l, 01' TilE pun!, t c nr.c~nD!-; OF 1'l\t.M O'1':1\CIl COUN"t'Y, I"I.on t O^ l\t~O 11 r>on1'ION 01" Tn^1' 1"1\n1' 01" Tlte"2S' lt01\O ftJGllT-Of'-W1\Y t"on t'MoM Ur.:I\CI1'f"1\I'lHS COMPANY l'1,1\T No.6, MJ 'n~CORD~~.I~ QUIT 'CLAIM D~RD ~7~9, rAG~ 1369, 1\ND 1\ POnTJON OF TnACT~ ^ & 0," n[.OCK:,J' OT (,l\i,H Dt::1\Cll r^,IM1'l COMPANY pr.1\T NO. Il OF SECTION JO, 'rOWN51l!r. .(5 SOUTII,. "M~C:~ 0 r.M;T. Pl.I\T DOOl< S, I'TlGr. 73, l"unLIC nr.CORDs.or l'J\LM nE1\CIt C,?UNTV, rl,onltJl\. '. I COMMI':NCINC AT Till': NOTlTIIEAST conNlm 01'" S!,;CTION 30, TOWNSlltr -15 SOl/l1lf, .nM~Gr:.4J.EM::TI TlIENC~.Wl'rlt 1\ llMnH~C or SOUTIl 07.J2'~7" WI~5T, M.ONC ,T,ltz:;. NOTlTtI I,INl';' 01'" Sr.CTT.QN. JO, TI IH :;T^NCf: 01" 60.00 l"r:!,;T '"0 ^ tlOl,," ON. .Tnp. w~s,."n1.c'lIT-Ol"-WT\'l"J.!Nl.': OF CON!";lt"!i~ ^VENUF;: 'rllF.NCt': CON'rlNUr: AI.ON!,,; "l~ .AP.'on~Hr:NTt ONr.O coun:;l!:' r.x'rl~NI)lm 1\ I) r ST^NCl.': Or ., JJ. 7 0\ ,..r::r.,. TO ^ rOlN'T,' SAil) roun' OlUNG .Tll.r. J'Ot'NT 01" nr.GINtlING: 'fllJ:.NCB' wJ'rll A I)r-:MlHlC; 01': S'..O.1.~ln'.cJ~' 3', "'LONe: 11 l.lNr. t.VING 120.00 rEl.-:1' wr;ST 01" Mll) I'MlAl.l.I':I. ':TOT"I~" r:1\STf.XNE"OF. LO~r..^ ,,' n, n'T,OCK 3, 01" TIm ^,JOVr. imSCTlIO~!) rl.l\.r or'l'AI,M Oe:^ClI l'"^nHS;~cOHr^"l\' J"t.1\'r NO. 0, 11 DlSTM-lcr: Of" 2]('.O~ F'el~T TO ^ .rOWT ON'Trll'.: NORTII lUGI!T or W^Y I,INE Of nOYNTON Ur;I\CIl ntND. I ,'rmNcr: WITH ^ Dr.AR1NC.~ OF' 8.7...32' 4'" ~, ^I.ONG Tllr~ NohTII IUCll,. or W^'i t,INt. Of' DOYNTON'nr:^CII rH.I.v,Q.,-.'^ D!8Tl\NCr. 01" 166.43 ff:f;;T: TlIr.:NC~ l{ 46.52'50" w, ^ 01ST^,!CE: O~\ .~$ .a.l:'.~~J!IT::'TO ,1\ rOfN,.: ON 'TIlE :::AST n.rcflT Of" WilY LIN~ or . WI"CltE5TF.n. PMK ,.Qt.YO;:"TlltNCr: wITll A neMING.or l-l 01- 18.'-1.)" W, !\T.o~G.. . ',TIIE. EMTF.RI.V RiIC1J'J" ?-? ~lIY LtNJ.':.'OI" WINCHESTER Pfl.Rl< OIN!)., .^ tHS'I'^"IC~ or 1.90',504 rttr. 1'0' ,~....t'ol,mi" TlIr:.NCr.,. ""I~.;! fl.' CU:1V& TO 'tll~ Rlell'!" 1/1IVINC, 11 ..M01US OF" 219J.99. p'P:e"I', ^'. C~N1'n^J. '^NCr..r. or OG" 03'J3-, ^NO .^N ^1tC ..r.~Nq:rIl:'OI'" 2:n.O'~: l"1':f.T T01\"I'OJNT1,.TIl~r-:<;B'N 83.ili'.H,- r;, ^ DIST^NCE.o1" . ,':;..2(,9 .G<I. l"r~P.T.: :TIl~~Cr.. S" 0 ,,- 27' lJ "". R "J '\' .ql ST/'.NCE: or .22 5. J n f"r.r;T ..TOll " J'OiNT ON'^ I.um I.VING 25.00 F"r-:r.'t":NO""Il'~Or^ND.l"l\lthl,r,r.t, WTTIl TilE sotJ'rll 1.1NE..Or. SF.CTTON....l:9..rlliNce wITllri~~nl~^\lINc' oF- S1J7' J2~.n" w,. ^ Ol-:JTMtcr, ;. ,OI""~H"20:rp.&T1"TIIZNCr.:S Ol-]lJ'O" .r;,'.^ "OIS'I'M1CE or 25.00 I"t::!tT Honr. on .....I.P.SS'TOTIlr.ra'tHTor.m:CINNIN<i. .'\"': " .": . . ,.. . '... t" .: . ., . cotJTl\lNl NG'" 2.014 1\CnES. HOnt~ 01"1" r.r-:5S, MwsUnJ ~CT TO F.^Sl':MY.NTS 1\NO' ',nICIITS or WAY 0.1'" necono. '. " . '. . .' ", ," . ........., l:t880 P03 Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder, Partnership I, Elsie Winchester, General Partner, hereby authorize Bill R. Winchester, General Partner, to sign all documents pertaining to Annexation, Land Use Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan Approval applications for property described on attached Exhibit "A". C~-I~~u/u&J Elsie Winchester, General Partner STATE OF: ~d:v _ J COUNTY OF: ~~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS c97~day o~~ 199J, before me personally appeared Eh--/€ ~~ch~J'A-e , to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County the day and year last aforesaid. (NOTARIAL SEAL) ~Ow~ Notary publi State of: My Commission Expires: K"OTARV pusm~, STATE OF FlORIDA'- MY COMMISSION EXPIRES; MAR. 2. 1992. EONDE:O THRU NOTARY PUBL.IC UNDERWRITER.. .~ -.. ,," ,,'. ....:.,'. .'" ~. "--;-'. "S" MAR-30-'90 FRI 15:04 ID:KILDRY & RSSOCIRTES TEL NO:407-689-2592 , . \".,.' EXHIBIT "A" -..../ W'I'I/,lJ l' ^ m,.; r, 1.0 '" ^ I"1IRCP;I, Or' I.ANO 1.YTNe IN r;r:C:1"ION l?, TOWNSIlU' 45 SOUTIl, "ANer. 0\.3 .E^ST','.'P,M.M DF.^CIl COUNTY, FI,OItT!)^. 5^lD PAIlCY-I. OF-HIe:; ^ ['onTION 01" Tlt^CT:<t4 01'" Till': I'I.^T 01" SllDnlVI510N or S~CTION 19, TOWNSIlIP 4S SOI)TII, R^NG!!: .0 roM,'r ,. ^S. IU:COTlDIm 1N rl,AT nOOl< 7, PAGE 19, 01' TilE punl, t C nr.q:mo:; OF" 1'^toM o'r:^CIl C0l1I'l1'Y, I'"l.on t O^ AND 1\ PonTION 01" TlI^T ,,^nT ot" TllIr'2S' I\O^O IUGlIT-Or-Wl\Y ron ['AtoM IJ~^CII'rMtMS COMPANY I'I."T NO.6, MJ . nJ-:CORnF.O, ,IN. QUIT 'CL" IH OF-r.O O!i!l, I'M;r:: 1369, AND A POll'r.lON 01" TRACT1l ^ , D," nt,OCIt ;,3' OT r^i,M Dt::l\CII l'"^,lM[l COMP^!-lY PI,AT NO. n 01" SECTION ,)0, 'rOWNSII!r.0I5 SOUTII,. TlMJGF. 0 r.M;T, I'I,^T 0001< 5. P^Gr. 73. runr..1C nr.CORDS. or P^LM nE^Cl1 CC?UNTY, rl.on I O^. . I COMMr.NCING AT Till': NORTIIEAST COItNJ':n ot" Sr.CTION JO, TOWNSlltr ~5 SOU111J, .nMI(;p;.4.l,El\!;TI TlIENce.WI'rll ^ llMnlNC or 50UTI1 07.)2'0" WI~5T. ^,~ONG .T.IlZ':~ORTIl T,U-Ir;'or' Sr.C.TT.QtLJO, " 01:>T^NCF: Of" 60.00 1.-r:I';T "0 1\ l'OIHT ON. 'TUG wr.s~"'nt.C:IIT-O[l'-W^'i"I,lNl.': 01'" CONr:It~m:: ^VENUf.: 'rllF.NCF. CONT1Hue AI.ONr: ",r, .l\lonr::Mr:NTtONEO coun~t':. r.x'rl~N[)lm ^ Or5T^NC1~ Of" "/JJ.7-1 1--c:;e1' "to ^ 1'01 NT,' SAi I) rOINT' IlI'UJoIG ,Tilt': 1'0 t'NT 01" nr.GI NtH NG; .rlll.':NCr.' w t'm ^ U!':l\n r NC; 01': S'..O.l~11l'4J~'~, "LONe,.. 'L.lI-lr, t,VING 120.00 FEI":'. WIt~T Ol" J\Nn PMl^',I.I':I. "TOTItW. P:1\ST .t.INE"OF. LO:t'~.'" ,,' n. n',.OCK :\, or Tilt'; MJOYr. 'Dt':scnlo~o PINr or. [>1\1,;" Or.:^ClI 1'"1i!lHS'~COHrMIY l't,T\'f NO. 0, ^ DIST^NCr: or 2] (, .0-1 l"el~T TO 1\ 'rOWT ON'TIIP; NORTII RIGI\T or WAY T,INt:; OF BOYNTON lJr;J\CIl IlLND,Z "l'Ilr:NCr: WITH ^ D~^R7NG,' or 8.r 32 to.. w, "I.oNG TlIl:i NO'nTII RrGIlT or WhY t.uu: OF' DOYHTON'OMCII D'I...V,Q';',.<,^ OISTI\NCr. 01" 166.43 Ff;F,;T: TlIr::NC~ N 46.52'50" W, ^ DlSTMICE OF\.il~.<<,l:""~JM";TO"^ porNT:ON'TIIE EAST nlGftT or WAY LINF. O~ . WI~CtIE5TER. P^~J(' .~t.YO:':'"'Til~NCr: WITlI h neMING or N 01.18.'0\,)" w, M.oWG, . ',TIIE. E^STF.RI,y R;ICtf1' o.~ W1\V LINr.,'OP' WINCHESTER' P1\RJ< OTNO., ,^ DISTMIC~ 'OP' 1.90'.54 FteT' '1'0: ,1\>t'ot;N'ri" TIIl.':NCr.., WI~H ^. CUl'lVI:: TO 'l"rle "tellT IlAVING A "Rl\DIUS,OP' 2l9J.!l!). P'EeT, ^". cr.wrnl\r. "l\NCl..F. or 06" 03'33", hNO .^N MtC .,I.ENq,TII: 01" 2Jl.O'~: fP:f.T 1'01\' t'OlN'I'I..'l'Il~J'lc;i:'N 83. ic,'.4(," F" ^ DISTl\NCI:: .01" . ::;,.269 .G 01. rr~r.T.: :TII~tlCr.. s., 02- 27' lJ ...., It "I ^:. -Ql STMC::: or .2 2 5. J Il n:r;T ..'1'0 '1\ " J'O,lNT qN 1\ 1.1.NF. T~YtNC. 25.00 rr-:p:'( NORTII.:o.rI,lNo.t"AR1\I,I.r.r, WITl1 .TIIE sou'rll t.lNt..OP' SECTtON,'.J:9 'drJlf:NCe WITlII'i'..ngAtt't,NG Of' SU7' J2~O" W.. ^ DI~TMCr, , \or"~1"20:f'r;&Tr'Tll~NCr.:S Ol-'lll'O" '1';".,.. "OISTMICE OF 25.00F"t';t.T MorlF: on .....I.~SS\TO Till': ro"tNT or,m:CINNlH<i. .'\"': '. .":.' . ~ ..' " . , S" .. . , .' ,COUTl\.lN1NG'.'2.H l\CnI~S. Monr~ OR "I.Jl;5S, 1\NDSUllJECT TO r-;^5l':MY.NTS MIO' " nICIITS or 'rl^V o.r rt~conD. ., l:t880 P03 - --- SEP-26-'91 THU 16: 11 1D:f<ILDAY tl A%DCH=iTES TEL t'.liJ:4[17-68'3-259~ tt51 l3 P02 ..., . v v ) Winchester, winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder, Partne~ship I, william A. Zeiher, General Partner, hereby authorize Bill R. winchester, General partner, to sign all documents pertaining to Annexation, Land Use Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan Approval applications for property described on attached Exhibit "A". ---...... Partner STATE OF: F~ce/j)r1 COUNTY OF: /3 t<20t0/9!2-.-1) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS i/,t-L day ofMEk----r- 199~, before me personally appeared L(;/'dh.a~JA(~> -- to me known to be the per$on(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County the day and year last aforesaid. (NOTARIAL SEAL) ~~~z~0~~ o ry Publ~c State of: Fl-tJ/Z I j)+ My Commission Expires: NGT/I.RY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP. MAY 4,1993 BONDED THRU GENERAL 1 tiS. UNO. ,'. '. .... "--;--'.1:" MAR-30-'90 FRI 15:04 ID:KILDAY & ASSOCIATES TEL NO:407-689-2592 . ~ . '" ~. EXHIBIT "A" '-' WW/.lJ l.^t(C~t. .,. ^ PJ\RCP;'. 01'" I.I\NO 1.YINC IN r.r:CTTON 1?, TOWN511!f' <IS SOUTII. "^NGr: <IJ .E^ST,"'P.M.M OF:^CIl COUNTY. FI.onTDI\. 51\lD P1\lZCr.t. Dl!.tNG ^ t'OttTION 01" TltM:-r:<t" or TilE rr.1\T or SllDt>lVTS.TON or S::'CTION 19. 1'OWN5ltrp <IS 50lJTII, n^NG~ .u r.^~'r,. 1\5. rU::COl'lDlm 1 N l'LJ\T nOOK 7, PJ\GE 19. 01' TilE punt.! C np;q)ROS 01" t'MoM n't':1\CIl COUN1'Y. I"I.on T 0/\ I\NO ^ flonTION 01'" TIt/\T I'MtT 01" "T11~': 25' 1l0l\O IUGnT~Or-WI\Y l"OTl r/\I.M IH~r\cn' fMlHS COMrJ\l'IY t'1.I\T No.6, MJ 'nl-:CORnTm; ,IN, QUIT 'CLl\lH Dr-r.O n!:o!l, rl\GJ: 1369, MoJO 1\ POll'r.ION or Tlt^CTtl ^ , D," O[,OCK:,J' or l"^i.H OEI\ClI l'"M1Mn cOHPNn rr,1\T NO. tI or SECTION JO, 'rO\iNml.[r. ,(5 SOUT",. nM:cm 43 r::M;;T, I'l,^,r nOOK S, T'l\Gr:: 7J. runt,lc nr::COROS.Oc r^LM nBI\CIl CC:>UNT'l'. I'I.onIDl\. . , COHMF;NCING 1\1' TIII': NOtt1'lIEI\S'l' COllNl':tt ot" sr;CTION JO, TOWN:'>llrr <15 501)1111, .nMlCr:.4J.EI\ZTr Tnr.Nce.Wl'flt 1\ nr::l\nlNC or 50U1'I1 07..37'0" Wl~5T, M.ONG . T.\l1::, NORTll 1,tN]';' 01'" 5Y.CTT.QN, 30. 1\ Of :;T1\NCE or 60.00 1.-r:lIT TO 1\ tlOINT ON. .TItF. WF.S1,"nI.GIIT-0[\"-W^yo'T.tNl.': 01" CON~Itr:!i~ 1\VENUF:: 'rllENCt': CON'rHwr: 1\1.ON(; ,.It~ .1\F.'Onr:;H!':NTtONF.O coun~e' f:X'rl'.tmrm 1\ D!ST1\NCr: OF "3J.7~ I"rm,. TO 1\ rolN'T,' Sl\il) rOINT' or:HIG .TlI.!': rot'NT 01' nr.GINrllNG: .rllr:NCf;' Wl'rll 1\ I)I':I\I'ITI-/(; Or: S'..ot.~ln'O~: I!:', M.QNC ^ l,nlr. t,VTNG 120.00 fE~:1' Wr:$T 01' Mlt) r1\n"I.I~l':I. ';TOTltt~" P:1\STLINE"OF. LO:t'r.^ ,'n. n'I.OCK :t, or TIlr:; M)OVf: or::scruor:n l"1.1\.r 01'"- f'1\1.M Oe:^ClI r^flHS;~COHrMlY 1"1.,,'r NO. I}. 1\ DIS"l"1\Ncr:: en- 2] (, .01, F'e~:T TO 1\ .rOWT ON'Tn)'; N'OnTII RIGI\T or W1\Y 1,IN~ Of nO'YNTON Ur;1\CIl !'lIND, I 'l'IIr:Ncr; WITn 1\ DMR7NC.~0P' 8.rJ2'0\7" W. M.oNG TIIl:l NO'flT" RICllT Ol" W^'( t,INl': or DOYNTON'Or:^CIl r1LV.~'~"::^ D!5TI\NCE 01" 16G.4J ff:ET: TllENCr. N 46.S2'sa" \>1, ^ 01ST^~CE O~\ .~5 .a,l:~~JrI':;TO ,1\ rorNT: ON 'TilE E1\ST !UGHT or W"Y LINY. or. . WINC\IESTKR. t'Mlit .pt..VO~1"TI1ENCr: W!Tl1 1\ OeMING 01" N 0].1.8'.0" w, M.oWc;. . ':TIIE. ZM;Tr.nI,V n;IC:IJ~' o.r W1\Y ~HH':,'OJl' WI NClfEST E:r., Pr\Rl< own., ,^ DISTMlCr. 'OP' J..90'..54 .FEeT' 1'0' .~>tO~N'T;" TflF.NCr... WI~H ". cunvr; TO "'lI~ IHGItT Il1\VING 1\ ..1t^OlUS . OF" 211)3.99. P'Y.ET, ^: ctNTnM. '1\NGLE or OG. 0 J t J J.. ^ND .l\N ^nc . l,P.:NCTIl: or 2Jl.O'4.t"r.~T TO'''''1''OlNTI 'I'11~t<cr;'N 8J.ic,'0\6" r.. ^ OlST"NCr: or .::;)r;9:'G.t. rr~r.r: :Tlle;rCr:::S"07."' 27'lJ"/R",^~:~tSTJ"'NCE: 'or22~J..Jn n:P:T..To"" " l'OIN'l'ON 1\ '.IWr. r.YiNG 25.00 1"r::P:T:NOR1"ll'~Ol"M.JO.i'Mt"'I,I,r.r. WTTIl TII& SoU'!"1I l"lNe.,oi Sf.:CTTON....l:9.rIIENce WIT!! .,i~~.i'.ml\riING O~ S1J7. )2.0" W" i. l)t~T1\NCr, ~ ,or"91.'20:F~&Tf.'-r:II~NCr,:S.Cl.'JIJ'~~":.r..'" .^"OISTMICE OF' 25~OO Fer:.:r MOt:lF: on .... 'I,~SS ''rO, Till': rOINT or' nEGINNItW. . .....,' . . .' '. . ~ ..' . , 1 ... , , .' . Cot~Tl\lNl NG'.' 2. H ^crms. HOlm Ofl" T.r:SS, MWSUnJ r:CT TO r-1\5l':MY.NTS ^NO' '. RI(;lITS or W1\Y OF Recono. '. "880 P03 /.--. i- 1 , P/~/ ;yz,. WARRANTY Dt:t:D" . ,~i9!f!O~'" .:J' jh~';';~~~~J~ed M,J, .h, ,1 22nd~lL~y... A. D. 1974.. b, ~o.oker.~T...Ppmpey, :.sr. and Clyatt w. p~lI~wife an undivided 3i4. int~~est ~anCl. C..;ispencer Pompey and H. Ruth Pompey, his wife an undivided lj4.1nte;est r ..: IU!rI!inafler. colfed:'llhe f/;o;'lor;: 10' l"'. .-, ~. , : . ft. '. f'.,. :.J't ....':;0'. ..... . ,ft. ..' Erne~t.:;lO.att.'.a4d Bill 'RaY Winchester ".,/. '.~ jl." ,.,".".' 11/11111I11\1\1' .' wl'oseposloffice"ad~r:e~s is. P.O. D:r:awer:l~4q, Boynton ~each, Plorida. 33435 IU!rIlina/ler calleel 'Ih~ gron'lee: . (Whereyer Ulcd hrrein Ihr Itrm' "llranlor" and "~ranlfC" include III Ihe parli., 10 Ihil inllrum.nl and ,h. hcirl, lellll repr..cnlal;.... and a..illnl 01 indiYldulh, Ind Ih. I"eC.llOrI and anilln, 01 corpora,ion,) Uitnesseth:' Th'al Ill(' '!lr"an"or: I fo;. ~n'el in' "consid~'':~lion o{ Ihe"sum of $ 10.00' and ~'Iher valuable co,;slde;.al'ions, re~cipl'whercor Is he;.~by ac1uiou;'~c'ueel. lu.re'hy 'ar~nls, :b~raains, sells,' aliens:' re- mises, releases, ~on'lJ~Ys ~nd c~nf(rmj"uiilo ',/10 oranieo.' cill l1.al ~cr',~in lanel siluale in . palm' Beach Counly. Florida, viz: . .' . .0' . . ' 'c.:..," .. '- .Tract47 of the Subdivision of section 19, Township 45 South, ..._.....Rango-43. East', LESS-the-ri:ght of'way .for Boynton ROad, according .""",:: to the Plat thereof as recorded in plat Book 7, page 19, of the :. . .:. .: ,~:~. 'Public Records' of' palm' B'each County, Florida. " ..: ....."../ .~;... . . . - . ..,. . ..;: ....':SU5JECT TO restrictions, reservations and easments .-!' . ~ .- '.~. ~av.Y:; taxes for the year 1974 and subsequent years, ,. ....'. " ..~ :'vaIid zoning ordinances. t-.. ...;?/j4:::;,:'::::;;,. .:' 'e" "'::.':~ :,/,<,':,",;",;: .,:. '." ....::'... '..' . " ...... .. .':~. "~.' :'.S""l7'A'-rE 'oF'F'Lr.:"l':"'lI~~.I-. ,," . .... 0 J~.. _I-I-', I.. ' I. . ~~""".1 . . ;..:.......... ~..:;.;.4::.. <~:OOCUMENTARY ......s .STA'MP..TA 1.,. .:~ .;; ~:::: )jlx"t.n::,'OEPT..Of'REYE"I;~ ~_. ." .... . '1 ..: oo;~ en ,_",', ._ '.': ~ ..' t, r::." :::"','. "'::'=':::::':'='J.UG,;'j'74' '\... l +'8 O. 0 0 1 ..., '. a,.' :.en.... = .P.B... .. ... . .'.. " . .,.... . . .. 10524" ....... ... ~ ,. ..... '.' 1 n:~:::{\~:~j;X~-~:~~.. ....:.::-..~;. .'. .... ..-~-~...:. ;.' .' :.'. .: ~'("" .:. . . -v' :,,;..::.-:;';I;:;.;.:~'.'; ;:.......:. ;~-:-.:::-;-,-;;:-;; ,,,;"'~.':;';;;N~~.-;';;:;"''''''';'''''_''':''.''''''''''''.'' ... .' ~ Together willi all Ihe lonomonls. heroelUcunoni'j"cini:l appurlonancos Iherelo bolonging or In any- ~ wisD apporlaining. => ~ 10 Jlaue and to Hold, Iho same in feo simple forelJer. C ~ :Jlnd 11,0 granlor heroby covenanls wuh sold granleo Ihal Ihe granlor i~ lawfully seized of said land ~ in foo simple: Ihal Iho"g'~nlor hOJ g~oel rlghl ~nd la~ful aUlhorUy' 10 soIl and convoy saiel land: Ih~i Ih~ 8 granfor hereb)' fully warranls Ihe mlo 10 salel lan,d and wil{ defond.I/\I~ samo. "!1ain.~1 I~e lawful claims of 8 all persons whomsoever: anel Ihaf saiel larnbls:'l~~o 'of ''allD~umhrance.s. oxcept laxos ac~rui;'g subsequ"nl c . :! 10 Decomber :S1. 19 73 => on .s :~ ~i if ~. ~ 'I I ~ ~ \ \ , ~ ,r , , i of record, if and any and all ... . -. . "'.- .... .... : . ."- \ \ I I Signed~ scaled anel doliveroel in our prosonce: ',' DOCUMENTAR'('= . .....SUR TAl=: . :-., .,....f. = O~O .- ~ 6'.6.' .:= .... , . -- ~r . ..' ~ lo.~O 0 flJ I{)O.O' ; b (qto.~ III c ;;; - c o CJ )n 'Utitness ~hereDf, 11.0 said granlor (irsl abolJo wrillon. S~ACf IUOW rOI IfCOIOUS uS( I HER.EBY CER.TIFY that on this day, before me, an' officer duly . authorized in the State aforelaid. and in the County. aforesaid to take acknowledgments; personally appeared Booker T. pompey, Sr. ~nd Clyatt W. pOlUpey, his ~fe, ~~un~ivfde~3/4 interest --- . a .. ..0. to me known to be ,he person. S described in and who executed Ihe foregoing instrument and who acknowledged before'me that they c::cecuted Ihe same. WITNESS my hand and official Kal in the County and . .~.Stl\l~-~I~It~,'arorelaid this 2. 1..-- day of \\\\~.lI "/~!'t, "~~.,. July A D 19 74 ,,\\ "~' '"":)1~"~/{4~~'" .' ' . . .."~'\)........ vr-.'''~ ~ ":l) ...........J ,J;..... '" <.,~ 4 ,a ~~;~:.~.;.f';;ro~;:iJi ':'~t.'-'; loJ _ I:...;~CI-..."L- . i ~l..~~;.f,...K~.~..;[;':.;~.~.,.,t:................R...O..:::...._....................................... :: ~:tl.~~ .~.'#""'" r,,:,.:t":.. :.,';. ,.,:I:-MARle B. DERARDO ThjEl'.AkrflJ~.Ji4.~'i'ed"jj';i}. !Notary .P.ublic, State of 'New York :;:. ~~.....l:~'f":~~ftr!J!J. . :~,.'-:~ Q I' No. ." 1-0250775 A JJ-:;:"..,.:,.:i.~::e?t~~p.::.,...j~.~ T ua I;.e~ In Oueons County uun~..f..!~. 'i '/'.'.,'f.~ ...~~~ .rm ElCPITOI M/Hcr. 30 1975 ~ ..~~ 1#.., '-~. _':..I'''; ", . :/'1' O':lt("lJ.;.....~.~."...c: ,.:' ...-:- :t'II";,::;.a 011 {I.:?";::-'" ~III /i:.i'~.,":t' li ...a,..\' ..... I' ~.... . ...,..... ~. .., .,.. .... ..0:' : 0.,., . ~'. , ".... , t" ~~~~W02335 P~GE 259 ,."......., !.: 'j " ' . '. I ~ /' I" , / .' .' ~TE Pl.. FLOR:tI?~ ' .. COUNTY: Of pALM B~~H ... :'-,"'" ...; : ~..... :. . . .. : ~ -, ~ -. . - . . . . . ,-'. i l ~ /' . \ \ l l 1 . .' ," I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer p,ulyauthorized in the state aforesaid and in the County:. aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared .. :. .,.... ..,. '.'~ ~~.' .....: ,: '\ ,,-,...~. ....,..~ .,,~ ..,."....:.~r...,. ~:...!!I.~ . ". . .. t . ~ 0'''' ..'" ...,. . ,..,.. .." .#/ ........ ,. .. C. spencer"pompey and"H. 'Ruth'p'ompey,: his"wife', an undivided 1/4 int~re~t to me known ,to be the persons describe~ in and whO executed the foregoing. instrument and who acknowledged before me that they executed the same. ,',' ". WITNE~S my h~.-Aand official seal in the County and state last aforesaid this0'7,;..-day of July, 1974. ,'\ .~.~. .:....., . :~;. ~.;. ""\ : -' .' .... " .. ...... ......t.c....--.......-.. . . '. I .i.~. ,.,:...II-.....r ,0, ..~ : I.' .. ;.... .,- , .' .. .......:. . ,'0 '. ,\,' I 'lllt/lli, "'" . . :ARY PUBLIC... . . ~..:'\\\~.rORc../'II~... . ._. .''':' 'v~ ..r.......~ ~,,;.~,. , NOTARY PUtlLJCj ~ATE of FLORIDA llt . RG~:' ~I.) ..' . ~1'(~ :'. ~~. ........... iAY COIAMlS~ION..EXPIRES. fEB; 21, ~975::::.l.' ~.:,.t.~;;..:.>...'~ ,... . ','sIUHIII:D':J}f^,",uUH '1'11(.1.1. .~. tlJ!>~utO~:: .:'j,....:ti..1..~::~ : ~.~ . . .::::_ "/'-t."t .--:"oQ..tr,.: "'.~.:: .... ..' .. \ . ~ ,'.".~ ",,"'J; ......;),.... o. .. . '0' . . '.,.I'..w.~ ~ ,"'.W ./..1:...._ ,.i: ~: .....M .~..l.;'\......~~ .......-::-,... .~v ..' -: .:.;... .,.... ~ .~,...... f>"';:: .;~ ~:''l.:(? .. ....I\;.~..~.~. ...-<.... S \.'~. ".4 ...:~~-:...:~... .;.,r.:~'" ''tI,/'l'~~~,~")o._"" rI:Y" ....)~.. " ~II'J' .1)1;( ;.. '" ,.",' . ...JJU)'::'!I'\\\\\\' ',. 'I J II l ,.,..~....., ~~,.__."""",.,;;"",,, ... '0 .r.r"', .~...t,.. ..-t... .,... t :0."" .,t . : "'": !"; !~',~,," '".... .~ " -... " 10 . ,. i " " ,:. .0.. . . .- ....... \ . . ; .... . .. ,... ..-_... ....-... ..... ........- ..... .... '..:'~ . '.r..........-:~. ..'. 0:0 " .... -" t.,. It . . .1... . . ..... ........ ... -.. I' ....... .-.... ,,:,... '.. ....,..... .. r ;,".:...... :-.:" . ( ~. :: ,'. ::,:.:: . ~-:,'.;.:: ; :. ,::..~" ~. "1 . " . .... -. '. .. "'0._._. _....._.. --.-.... .. , .. ' ') .oj" . !.\,. ........oo .. ~...~~ f.~ .,~. -;\~ ~ ~~t.'b. \\1Sf~\'.\ ,o.~ ),I:,~ \). ~\... f.'.lo.'~ , 0.-(, V.\\/O'S. . .. '.' '.~..~. . ......~. I J".' .J :-~' ;-:'~.. .:.;:-: i:. ..;.., i ::J" . . fE~Dk~23~5 PhGE 260 .... '" ,'.... '. .,. I .. .... .. . ...... '. ,: '.. .' '., - ... ... 8;::(\ 1')- ,\"'-': ~.....I ;:: ..:. r."'. .... ~~. \,...l..(....~,..:~..:..: " . . . :. '. .' .' ,-..., r - .... #Z- " ( -FLA-l'ALH-5 . WARRANTY DEEp 'FROM CORPO.RATION' :1646 RAMCO FOft'" 33 < " This ~arranty 3geed MucIC! and ('x('cul('cI 11111 5th day of FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY December i\. D. 19 74. .by ..,\",.... -f\ .. : . .i ,.11,1.. ", '. ....... t" a corporation exislina under /lte laws of De 1 aware ' and Ilaving i/s principal place' of bu.siness al Orlando and Orange Avenues (P. O. Box 44) Winter Park, Flori4.a'" :3Z?89.. i: .,. .... .m'n./'" call.d '7 .",n'<" 10 .' ," .. -' ". . .:.: ", BILL YWINCHESTER AND ELSIE A. WINClillSTER " ....... w1,ose pos/office aclclress is P. O. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 -'.,.";'." ',' - 11crC!inaf/er callC!cI 11,e granlee: (Whrrrvrr usrd hrrrin Ihr turns "Ilnnlor" and ")lrancee" inehllle all lhe partie. to Ihi, in.tnlmcnl aJ'Id the hrin, le!!al representatives and alSiln. 0/ individuals, and Ihe suecelSon and allilns 01 corpnraliom) ~itnesseth: T1ta/ Iluf wan/or. Jar ancI in consideralion or ITle sum or $ 10.00 and oll,er valuable consideralions, receipl w11creoJ is hereby ac1mowledged, hy Illase presenls does granl, hargain, sell. alien. remi~q, .release. convey arid confirm. u~,lo .I}~e .uran/c.e, all Illal cerlain land silualo in. Palm Beach Coun/y. Florida, ui::;: The South 320 feet of Lot 42, Subdivision Section 19, Township ..:.--. 45 South, Range 43 East, recorded in Pl,at Book 7, Page 19 of .' the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 2.29 acres more or less. .', .' . oct' :r. '.' ., ... ,.,..- UJ:- ., ~o ~ ....u .1 cD Q.. CJ DOCUMENTARY g SURTAX::: ~ \ 5. 4 01 i ................. ......... ...... ........ . .. .. .. .. ~ .. . .. ..... .. ..... 14,_... .. .. .. .. .. . .. ,. ~.' .., .. .. :.... ':l~g~ther' wIsa apperlaining. 10 lti\lIe and to *old, .Ille same in fee simple forever. Rnd ll,a fJranlor !laroby covenanls willI said' !lranlee lTtal if is lawfully .iei:t.:!J c)f said lqnd in fea simplo: 111at il lIas good rigT,1 and lawful aullaorily 10 sell and convey said lancI: lTa..1 it (toreby fully war- ranis lha lilIo 10 said land an'd will defend lTle' same againsl lite lawful claims of u/l per:;ons w!lomsoeuer: . a~.('::',:IJ.i:(i&,\,~id.\ land is free of all encumbrances . .;::.... "',.~.'....., \" '. _~.\ ~~~. {;1 ,/.":""1'- , ~,~~ ..."........ J.,s..9" tt~; r'f:.t .~~ ~i);:.f:,) "1.0.."; .:.>-..... II, i.:.. , .' g..r ".~ ' b. -JU .~/ii.''''A :Jl .. ~ .:. t ......~"'It: ?. .r;::...lj"r'.... .l:~.....:'i. f,!J~d.:.'" ..". "'?".-Z~ ......-::........:..~ ;,..~'o:....'Z~. ".\~...,;....":~~"'a w.l.;' ...(.?1~'\ l~:~ :;-).Y: '.!>:,f-:~.fJ: ~J~ 11 1hWt ]l.fUh f ~':~j;~~i1~?I' . :n~ 1WJl. n~ss 1WJ ere~ IT\e granlor lIas caused ITtese presan/s 10 ,'~"f:..." "''i~;'~. ... .....,....:.:: be executed III lis name. and tls corporale seallo he llereunlo affixed 1:;y ils . ..."'~' ........ :\ ,," - . ,~~~~~~if..'Q~~1J.{,.:..:.~~=. proper officers lhereunto duly aulltori:ed. 111e clay and year first above wriUen. "':\',~~~,,:,~"\"':-""" ~~~ A TrEST : ........~~ ......) ......l.c.e..:,;:..w..a..l.::...,......sc...c.r.:.t.a.ry..... '!:'LQRID. A G A ~ "!'l:I Al.'!.:> HI S S ION I.. OMP ANY fiU.. u. ~-. .. . .0... O'::;....~.!~.~1~.:..................~........................... . Signed. sealed and Jeliucred in the presence of: ~/ By..........t1..:.._..::.::~:..~lli~~~.}:-:-~ {o ". C() . .. . I . L gal 0.111. will, all Ille lOllemenls, hereclilamenls anel appurlenanccs :T.t!relo helonging or in any- ~.~... .. . .. . . . .. ................. _._#kL2.ji!mJJL..............................:..... STATE OF Florida} -- COUNTY OF Orange - - I HEREBY CERTIFY thaC Cln lhi. day, be/ore me, an ollic~r duly authorized in the Stale and County aror<...id to take acknowled&ments. penonallyapprarrd H. L. Wilhite and W. J. Aberwald, I ! , ! , I I I I 1 ......1 wrll hown to me to be Ihe l'resident and Secretary re.pcdivcly 01 the corporation n.me.i:i..I'~~~:,~:.:-..;. \\\\ "!"t 1111"" in Ihe loresoin! d.ed. Ind Ihat they .everally Icknowlcdlled execuli'J.'t Ihe lame in the presence 01 two lub$Cribing wltne..e. In:el~,~,,Xt ~~uon,",illl!t:~I" . .... .' ,'.,\ ' ............. <0.:...: ~ under authorIty duly vesled In tnem by ....1 corpora lion and that ,he sol a!lIKed thereto " lhe 'rue corporlteAell ..z ..id corpOr_uP"." ....-..:t~,.. .~. " ."". .. W1TSESS my hand and oUidal ...al in Ihe County and Stale b.t aloresaid ,lti. S-t1r. day 01 /.1Le e./!.A'1J:;'~:^.~ t}. f;J, . :;:\ "\: it~~~b2381 PAGE:t.447 l/l. "c.~ iJ' .~~~C. ~ i~~::?i~.~f;.~~j ,......;:.. J //1, /:1 -' L /it":'::~'i:.,,~:.q}f ..{~ ~{ C!.. .z..,t.<-'l.Io(./"" ". ,". ,';4.:'1::'-':;(; ;.:.~ ......:.." ...._ ..._...._on......................!........... ._._.._.....,~~_':"\" . :'" ...." .' tl '111"\ \ "" , .}~'II.'IIII1I1..\\\' I I I i , I ! . ! Tlris J1I11;III11(1/1 prepared by: AcMrw liot~ry Public, Slale 01 Aorida a\ larl[l My Commission .UP'lrllS Ml rz. l~~ n~ 112 V 'I: ... ll...~ ,qrll :t1 rl!lm Bo~ te'tll 1. ~" T. P. McprAKe, ~1^IIAGrR IIIGIIT.O,.V!AY orr;:.nTMENT 1';>........ . , , , I / .4....... ~ "....,I~,., r. '-' V" -- .#;;., .'l..~ 0( ~.l tor I..",y..."' Tittr. GUllrllnty Fund, Orlando, .'torida 126373 This instrument was prepurcu by: .. \ .. . !.': \ ~ Naill" ~, ("'n~ yon 1\. Mc.CJ::l.; n , . \. Addrc:>~4.3_0.1.-l.Qtb Ave. tro..rth farranty Jttd (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02 F.S.) L.::l.K: P Wo.r-t:h-; l" 1 n yo; da ~Il\de this ~3'~ day uf 19 73' iSrtturrn ri 3Jt1llrnturr. November LEO B. STERRETT and NADINE B. STERRETT, His Wife It! CUlluty of Palm Beach 5t t f F J,.orida , l\ e 0 , gnlntor., and rl ) BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, His Wife )Sl' pust olficc atldrt.ss is . d P.O. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, FlorJ. a Ill' Cunnty of Palm Beach . , State of Florida ~tt1rll.artll, That sl\id grantor. for anu in consiueration of the stlm of grantee. , ' , Dollars, . I ..,I",r glKld .,nd vlll..uhl. t"O..,ideration, '0 ",id gr.ntor in h.md pu;d hy ,uid gruntee, ,h. receipt whereof i, I",rehy \ ......I,.dged, has g"m'.d, hurgained and ,nld to ,he ,uid gruntee, u"d gntn'e.' heirs .md u"ign, fon.'Ver, the fol. 'ill~ dl'Sc:l'ihed lund, situute, l)'ing und being in Palm Beach County, l"loridu, to-wit: . Ten ($10) Tracts 45, 46, 49, and 50 according to the Palm Beach Miami Land and Development Company plat recorded in Plat Book 7, page 19, palm Beach County Court Records, and also described as the E~ of S~ of w~ of S~ of Section 19, Town- ship 45, Range 43 East, containing 20 acres, more or lesS. . .............-.....-..............._----~. ~ A'~..~~,~~~~~,~~,~ ...., :. . ... .~ ...., 'L .' . .. .... -'... '. . ...., a. ,":"I .:;~~~~ ;..: :r":"i) ::~!:,:"~h rLO RIA ~:;;: r NO:''Z'/.73J (,f p.o. r.l~~:;~~ I 11106 Docur~.,ENTARY ~ SUR T/\X = \2 75. 0 0 I ! :I.: "-' <.0' .':0;... ~~:.; u.... , .., ..........- -;i~ f.L . <..t:I co -Sl.-.-;-~\.=j.;-r:::.- c;'r~:' T:::':--l':';ir::'j-\r";',.,' : I . I ,._... . -.- --' \ . s__ r '\ [L9.QJ.:":;'.I.:~:.U"':,.t:':i .". ~.:,}"..;(J_.:,'~'.?: I r~;p"" Or ;(<. 'I Ui '!t. .:., ;, :r-. w';::,- . : = == i ~.~~~',,~":3~.l=~r~" cOO '.. . == r,'l.::: l/u....21.13 t::',:,",;,,'i!;;~;,;J . Ul =:: 1C~~4 '.'~'; ':(;.~.i/ . -.-..-.- --- .~_.,. -- ...--...----- ! f) , (frJ d ",fd ~nm"" dnes herehy fully warruut the title to ,uid h,nd, ..Old ..ill defend the ,..me ..guin't ,he I....fnl cJuim' all persolls WhOlllS()l'ver. . . ..Cruntor" and. .'gnmtee" are used for singul~lr or plural, us context requires. n JIIitlltSS 3!l!Il)trtl1f. Crantor h... herenn'o ,et gr..ntor', h.,nd and ,eul the duy and yeur first uhove written. ~ll . s<::l1 .t! mId delivered in our presence: . () ~1J "J). / J1# t"aLj' '.\ p/J j} ?~' ~'-----~J-s 'e ~~STERRE~ /..r:- :.~~ niP,.,,~) -LI";& ~ /;) ~(-:17(: NAD!NE B. S':I:'ERRETT ( Selll ) k Seul ) I !l I I I I I I I , I I i i I . ....-.' '.' -.' .... ..... ....... .., .'. . ... . . .. ,.,,;..... .... ......... .... . ......... . ...... . . ..,,,.. ..........-.-- . j'( S l.~\l ) .1 ~ Selll ) . .... ..-.., _._----~-- , i. i I l'ATI~ OF Florida :OUNTY OF palm Beach m:n EIlY CEJlTI!''! thut on thi' day before me, un offi....,. dOlly qualifi,d to tuke acknowledgment', peisnnany PPl':Irl.tl LEO B. STERRETT and NAD!NE B. STERRETT, His Wife l nw km,wn 'n h. the pmon S descrihed in llnd who executed the forogoln. in"",ment ,n,d ueknowledg.fl. before w tl "" t Iw Y e<<'cu ted the ",me. J ' ..,,;: .~. · , ; )~""'" tJITNI~~S my hund <u..1 nlfie;.,\ ,...1 in the ComIty and Stute : uf ,e,..it thix oJ:';"ol dUy Of,<,~)::~V:~l<.:':"'" ,9 73. ~~. !,{/. /. " l>':;~:~>. "r "unm;"ion <spir." Q-1-'7<[ Richard A. McC~a= N<>t"'1",,,bll~ ,,',' ,": .:..,) ~ v", ....- 't. ...... :.:--;~ . L'. ....... I . .. .. , ' \'3~>.;.::~ .:-: '. ::1:. :"<'":'~'" " . I. ,../.\l.:"~':}\" ,.' . :~.~'... i. ~r'l.l ~242 ~ 21::9 altCP.9,-:' PAGt ~l hoeriW 111 , I u.d'i2~ II4IUrl ,1ll1t1ud ,alnI lic:~k e./.lt1. FhI., JlIU: II. !Itftl:lll J:J.rk Cfr.~ll Court i I I I', ,. , . \ :' - -..-.-.....- ,..'/;of...... / '*"/<: (. CJ . ~ ~z- PAl' .. .1 : :..r JI.~""~' .... . ".--J:~'" ;~~;~~.",...".~.,.._..,_'ft"I_. " 2325 .. Vr~;~~ 812 pt.GE409 ~lIG \ ( ~~ II 1 ~H '~ 1- ~. Tkle c...r-y F.... on.-a... I"1odoM 'ltthirranty ,Jttd ~:;-~ STATUTOltY -rf.-- J "3 0 day of I ~a .l 9 & by his wife, Evelyn ~. Bryan~ . State of Fliorida I Bill aa1 .inches~er and Elsie A. .inches~er, his wite . whose ~"'omce address is % ,,::;-; M 1/ ~ /If j> Ii ,..e 1/. AJ E ;:z d /1 v ~ / f? u 'f jJ ./JAJ Be A:. #; '? /-9 . ;;...of the County o( Pala Beach . Stat~ of Florida ' . grantee. r~ . .:jIttnrssrt~. That said grantor, .for and in consid~ratilln ()~ the sum of Ten and 'No/lGO----------- _________________________________________________________________ Dona~ "and other good and valuable considerations to'said granlor in hand p:,id by said grante~. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. has grantl-d, bargained and sold to tlw said If.Jntl."t', :md grantee's hl'irs and assigns CorC'Ver. the Col- lowing dl'SCJ'ibed land, situate. lying Ilnd being ill Palm Beach County, Florida. to-wit: . Tracts 39, 40, 41, 43 and 44, a subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 7, page 19.' . llJ~IJl l.wraturt. Made this A. F. Bryant, joined oC the County of Broward 19 62. Jht1utrtt . . uaotor. and \ '\ TOGE'l'HER .lm all improvements located thereon. SUBJECT TO reservations, restrictions, easements and e~ceptions of record and taxes for 1962 and subsequen~ years. SUBJECT ALSO TO ~he revelations of an accura~e survey. i I . -r.... to ., l J " : , /! . . . '",. /.." .' v'";(', .t,' .l-. ":~'.""q.,t.. r....." t".t-)...# '...1.'... , , . ..... , .. llnd said ~ntor docos hereby (ully wlIrrant tIll' titlt: to slIid land, IIml will (),.f('ndlht" same :.:g::.ir.s: tht." lawful clllims of all persons whomsuever. (Herein lhe lenn~ "ltf1Intnr- and "J(rtlnh"." ...1...U lw ....m~lnu..1 tu im:lml.. ....,,,.ulhM.. 'c'",i..hM", ~in).."ll.u. or plur..i .." l~. t'1mt~~t In<<.11....II&.".) '.' In WUnrss lI~rrrpf. Crantor has hereunto st:t grantnr's hand ami $(...1 tIll' day and yc'ar first nbnvt" written, ~,?..,'li\.crl.-d in otlr p n'sl.ncc:' a:c;;1/tl. / ~~ . / ..,~ . \"./. -~~~~ , - --.:;'n ----. -- . i.. dF-:-p;iyantCJlY':'~ (Seal) (!. d. ~'(A~ .. .. ...._..____.;_ (Seal) -;r~J .;: ~ ...--------.. "Ev'7;fyn /1 :--nrfanr-r-(5eal~ __.,. ... _. .._._......._ .... ...________._(Seal) I ~~ ..~ .. STATE OF Flori'da COUNTY OF pala Beach I HEnEBY CEnTI!-"\' that on lhis day In.fnrl' m,'. ;11I IImC('r duly 'Iualifil'd tu takl. ackuowlt.dgments. persoulllly appeared A. F. Bryant, joined by his wife, Evelyn F. Bryant .' 4. to me known to be the person Sdt'Scribt.d in and who exc'(:uhod the (urt"golllt: jnstnlmrllt :I.nd Ilcknowledgai before ~e thilt the '1 eXI.'CUted the samt'o ,WITNESS my hand aud ollicial seal in tin' County and Stall. last aCun.said lhis J~ 19 62.' . ... mumr fa 1tILTOll &"BURllS P. O. BOX 1391 . n:ST PALl( BElCH. day of (1, / ~ :..... . tJ?'~ :..~ .... .,..........., '.::~" {_ . .... "\l,..:rl.~ ,,~.' /"'"7A ;.1 _. I ,/} -. ....;t.......:.~..... .\.... . ~ . /l(,'-."v~"..,y:".,..." - . :' I ': .:....'; =-.~ N?~..~~: i ~.~ .: ...... ~ : state of Florida at Larg.;..~..,:~.::..,...:,~;.,,'. .<~fia~l:'~~;Y .~~ My commission expires: Notary Public: St.1lt . My c:ommls~ · or norkl" .t Lll'~ L.... n expires Jlln 2\ J',<. .....- Ilr .... . . -.,., .. Ilondll" , Insultnce Co. FLORID.! "-. .........,.. ------.-.. ........_......-..~ ,. ..." .~.' ':It.: . :,.': ~ h~. ,( ,.1.,j ".~.. j... ,.., \',-. r' ',t : ..' .', .c.:.,.. ,.'''','''.~. ~"",.,,":. ,...'". '.. .' ,,,.....'.... '.' .... I ~.;.I" ,.i,:&~......t.Ii.;.jJ~t:!':;.J~.."-'~.Il~1:.::...~..,'.Lf".~....,L~..wt..;..\,........ ...:.............:....~. . "''::..' - .~. 4(" . .~;.~ - '. ( . -_....--".,;;;,....,..,..... ......., ~~:"'.,...'''.~........-~ .,,...- ......-- ,-- ..,~::,'.ltt.}.,:~~...A,):,:'.~"..;...,.\:.~.,~:,.~.,;."::.q:!@~t.~'.~.::.~.,.t-'.,, '9"'_" .'-,7'""" ,". p<' .;:'1it:;,..' tff,~":'-"> j . ,~":.;L"':':.' \~t'l ..>~~~~~.t;~::';':~ ..,:i.:.t;..~, " L,....... . .~.'"r.1~f" '(.",,: . " ." ."... " ~:h,! }~..f..!..,\I.,: ~1I~;~il~1 I II ! , Cfm REC'iJ 812 PACE410 I I " " ::: <.> :- l~ ~ '-- ;:::. ~C> """U .....-l..... ' 50QOg :.-0 RID A ST"MP TAX '),--- ~9oo~1 .' '11M" "'.~1'.\1I\ . :":;-~l{..~~'':: ;I'.lr"~"I' ~(I,.:I ,,' ~ ',II\.;;Jt. ;;:~ ), ."~\,.\oiii '(')~" ,.1',' .,. ;~~i:7~~'~~~ .~ .~r. \lit.... ....u..... "'...U\\,,..r.":'u, , "~~.',.,..',..:"~~ .,.' ....,'....1 'I~"".)i ... ... ..... /"" :1.1' .j lJ I "' /", Thls Instrumont W3~ n~d ,(.'. l~.!'.'r.~'! 7 f.t... .',/ d:!y (If r ell 'I 19 t. ~ ~nd recorj'!(! In B.... , W'~ :.., :' . '.~ J~:"..~. J. /'!..::.x r,~:ilm(. Cler~ C1rcull Court., Palm ~ch County. F,ollda ..... - ... rn (:) '00 0- C) rv ..D 00 u c;Y ~#\'o ~pl> ',;1\" !!. ~. LIS ~ ~ ..- ~'.~ 6A\ IIdlel'l 1'01U. at 11U~ $ptcl&\1lft~rr^ntg :Bttd }.f"h II'M~O J..., ..rQ~.carrWt.\..JA. D. 10 OS ~1 DXLL R. WIl7CHESTt:n .1._frt4flt4' Nir..J II.. p'...."r~. In \UNCIlr.S'l'ER, WINcnr:S'1'I::1\, 'tr:InE~ to r.CHnOr.O~n, ~ Florida C~neral FartT\~r~hlpl who" J'C""II'N .dJtm /I One tincbln P lace! I Gl.li tc 3lH, 19 0 0 clndeS' Road I noc~ nAtnn, Plo~id~ JJ~Jl, ~'rhlnalIH ",,!l..J ,".. 0"..,'....' r~ -'" ......'" ..... .....MiI ..~,-'" ,-, ..'r:"........ e,..,'..... .... .M ,...td+t "... U,t ~ ....t tW \4___... l.t:.J ~"l"t.:.- -..l ........u .J ..~."":""".. u.J L"" -u-.n _I ...tJ- 'I ~.:-.., l6itnts~: TI,al ".. Ohlnlr>1. 1.,.. anJ In rn,,"IJrtVrr~rI ..f r", ,tlllt of j 10.00 and ill!." rtClll1dl.l. ~I\.fIJ'''''''t''''. rHWl'l Iul,r"""/ " ~.....~y .r1n~.!.JOIJ. 1"...I,y (t,4I\1J. !KIIod/lll. ..llJ. ,,11..1\1, ,.,.. . ",r.;'j. ",.t,..,,,. Mitt..,., ..n~ C'01<llrnu U"'tI I.~, ~.<<"r~. ",/I ,1..., r<t.,<<I" loutd '''lUI'' In Palm Beach Cl>t'hl,. 'fll.'rirlft. ,.ltl GC~ EXH!DIT ~1." l.TTJ-.ClIED JlERE'i'O l\~O 1'" ImPERCN'CE :mCORl'OMTEO lIEIt'!:IN. SUOJECT TO thnt cftrtaln Mort9^9~ executed by DILL ~. WIQCftESTER ~n !a-..or of. NCHB Nl\'rIONAL nAHy. OF }"JJO!tlOl. d.:\terl December G, ~985, . ,,~.."'~..., t)ec("mber 11, 19l:!S, \mder ':lerX's rilo No. 8S-204.t9G, ~:' li~ ~~~ord9 or Palm D~~eh county, Florid~" .... Th~ xeal prcr~r~) ~,nveyed herein j~ unlmprr~ed property nnd lK not, nor ~~e= ~a! ~een. the ho~este~d of th~ Gr~ntor. .1ogrthtr, wll'. .r: .' tc..t,.. .pprt-hz/r\:"" '--Of"" ,.. Pl' '?:J J ;Z $'".00 . u (rwt':::r.r.-r.:;;r :::::~~h T'" H ~~'~UI . ..1. ~.,~1l.."....1r .n,{ ap/,urhn4l\<c,4 ,1..""" ["ronl1'''1I' rP' In ..",.. 10 llavt itrtd t.o }~. hJ ,(\J'f\' I,.. I., ,iMpf~ (OH"'" ~d ,:... oranla' "H'~" Nw,nt-..I, 14111 II"""" ",.., d.. .,,'11' II lowr....." Iflt..J 0/ fol:l laM 'n I,., Ilmpr.: ,I.", rl.t lI"'""" ,.lll tTNlJ rigld and Iou.I"! co.; ~rlll' 'II ,.U and ~"n.")' ",'d lanc/. anJ 1...... ~y ,....,too"" ,)" ".11 fo ,a,d ",",/ ""J u,,1I ,:,(...,1 I'. ...... "ao;".1 ,I,. lnU11u/l'r~ltI\.I !>1/i1l ""hilI'" d"lmln~ !,.,.. /1.""..vk ." u..J.... tl.. I.rd 0"'"'(>''' . In li1itntSS 1ilhtr~"f, 1(,. ,<1''; ~N"''''' 111'" 1"...",,1. ,,., his ".",[ "",l ,....r r1... J,a'1 a"d .,-- "'" .1...... v~"..". \ ~. ,J, {H',J H~"r .. "~ ,,.,,"',, .., , / 'Y--f --: . :. .\&./.\...L.~.....~.~....n...... . ../..d(.!/~..)-.A:Y.':l./s.:l~).--- OD ~'t.LQJ.D_Q.~!"...)..JL~~") ....a..~.~.l.:. :.~.:...._.:'.~.~.~~.~~.:'.:.~.__._..............tD JJ U'I o ~ 0... STATt or TL~m.... ) COVN"r\' ot Q fa:.... ... 0..0.1 . \ v:."C"\ !__"..J..I'. ---' I lll".kr.l\V ('~.II.Tlr\' .lu. .... .!.h ,t.,.. b~'..., mo. la toIrlt.. "..ly IU....n.,...r :" .... ~...... ~I,.....JJ ....! .. .... c"",,,,, LlbNo.:.l. I. ...h .d..-IM........... ...~.u,. 1l'lW'u04 BILL T,. rllnJCllESTEr~ '" . ....... . '" _ ~_" ... boo .". l"''''''' bHT'l""'" i.. .....r ...1", ........., Ih. ,,,,,,,,;". ;........"'..t ...., nt' ~~tU wI.... ~ "..t h" '~H"...d d... ~. ....'.... ,.:. . WI-rN!:$! "'~ 1....,1 ....t .m.:.t ...1 ,,, ",. r.:...,..11 >r,d .~,,,. \.t" .(.-",i.j ,,,i. ~ a~': ..i~l' 01 .0;: . ("' ....1.\.,' O~. /-._.~._-.. . '.,'. F .;: _\.LU'-?I".'l.-~ . .' ..; ~ .~~~a.1;Q.~:~~...~''':'' . NO'l'AhY PUBLJ.C .. . . . . My Commi~.ion ~xpir..: /'\IC1U\.1:L '1. SCHROE!>En. ~~SOlJ:.cRJ: tlOr..Xt ptlKl<l nA'It U. II " .,.. ., loUC{ MICHAEL 11. SClmOEDI:R. P.)\.. ~Yt;aWolISSlO"HJ.lI"~i~'." In. One I..!.nco::'n l'l;oce, Suite )01 lOc..()(t'l)teH;u<<WPv. 'N~Il1.i ~'JOO Ghdl:"~ 7l.0i.'\<.1 !\\':lCI! l'l....I:.on. r1(\Y"l,. ".1" rn r- iT ::f- to \"" ", i;l~ ,,~ ~J;i' 'W:. :l~: '1'" :.".ti:,.,,' ,.' I ~ ",..., :, I :1 " " \ ~ \ .-'-~.:-::; . ~1:~"2t~'7!!}I?;f~":'::."i '. !!;x.I1Inl't "}." . r? . -~..... i ~-;~...:... .'. '.' . oJ,,,'.L. ...J ....-.-- I.q' ~...;,..,(~~'.;,"'r""". ,,?,.~ ..: ;'\C;:4~1"\: l';~' .'~~,r'" .....,... "r :.:::;;~'~1~?;,.~\,i::. . ,..,..if~,,~:,~.. -, . " :;:!:>!."""~"''': " ',1 ..... ~~:!~ff.~::Ii'.', ~"', I ~~; ':~~,~it;~ f', ,.' . "'~,~,, tt~-'6'i~tJ.~'~""" '. ~',~: ~tl .~r~~~{~7:;~;:::'t ':, : ,,~'1.>~:?~~:{:~:;r~ ".- ,'tt:,4~~-;:.k;";~.~'-""~' ',' ,~J.t~~",p,.,.:,.),t")>.' . .~ t~~~::f11.~~I~t~ "''''',Wr''...~r~''''ltl,'''' "\ \~~.':~l?:'.~::',~':': rf ~4!~i~/:~~,\:' . ~. ~~""'J'!!:'I~~~~"''''':''~' '; ":'.G.~~r::,;;;:;.,..:;.:'.~.. ;', (,~ _..~"'''f?'!/...1u:l;l''''':.1 . :~;, -G.i..;:...~.~~~ .: ~""\Il"~~;~l~:,~""'~' '~ ~f;1~:{~~:t:~;;; . -~ ~~~~':~:'~~;\ . ,:~:'~~'::='7'~~ ~~~ , '.~ ",~.~,,"". ,'" 't.':.er:.e':t'~'i\~T" . ',. T~'~~~~~~J ,.~...~~..~ ;:'~~:::~~~~\":; . ~~t~:~:!.'!jfi " .~~I~~~ , .~ ~~~;~":J',~:.{: "" ::. ".-~.~L",'~~:,~~" ~~::';" ~ ~~.~,~~::~: 'i,r'o . -~ -~t~~0i..~,',~~:~':~~~ ....:.,',..,-: ,', . ,-.1., ...' '~ " ~.' " . . '...,.." ....... ", ...,. .. I F 'f,';. , '1;:~I!':~'.~;j,,;tS:',::. '( 1[;'~~~::1:~:~~f~ I" . ,;,', . ~:::' . I ': ' ') )\:.~ i, .:::~ ',,; i, i~~};Jf~Ji~f: \'~ E:r:fSi~:~1.f~ ;..1: t...\,:~:-;.l':'..jtj~ ~~.~ . ," "I'1'r.:""""';;".~"!' I '.':f:f-~~~f_;;~~r. : .,; t[~t.tr.",~~.~~,,.~ I;' f:;:i.\,:~~,,::~l.~ . """':~ }'l..~,tt"l"~"~_~"'-);': . ......V;.,......lI"'''':tt.' .~~: \~~~~;!li .~i: ~~~~:~:~~~ >;: .!i~.!~tiI,..~~" 9' ,r:.f':~~4~1~~~~: : J ~~~~t;::.~ . .~ ~~x~~..1rT! , ';:, ~~:C;':.~~::J: ~!. ~~~~~~:olt~, . t.';~.,~~~~~.t .~~ ~~~~;1.\~:r~ ~' :.>o.:-.;?~~1,if,..' ~:' ~.~i;~:~~i . ~~l::::.c.~r:;.;.;:-~,::I .; ~~~::.~~....)-~f\. ..1~1it. ,l~ ...~~....!:I..~I...,i '. . ::~ ';::.~~i,~t'q'. ," r:.....,"......,~." : ~.,;.,~t'M'.: . ' r 11\ c) -t 0- ,.., r w- :t- ea l'M~Cr.t ^ .:y-a.- ,. { ^ P;..n.ct'1.o or LAND L 'VINCi 1!~ :.1:':' nON '~/, TOWNSHIP ~$ $OUiH. RM":GE &3 ~A.ST. PAl.M &_ACI-; COUNTY, rj..O~IOh, SAID !"'.\RCEL BEINe ^ T'Cm.TlCN or "tRACTS EJ~t &0. ANO ~9 ,'. .~ 'rKt !'l.xr Or SUBDIVISION OF' 5tctlON I~, "t'ot'NSHt~ 11!- SOUTH, rICE 14' EAST t A!. J:ttCOltOEb IN PL^t ~K 7, PACE 1~, Or:' THE pt _Ie RECOROS OF PALM ~~^CH COON")', r-LO'R1DA, SAID LAND ~EIl~C MORE P^Ri1CULAR.L Y DESCltl6ED AS FOI..tOlC'St . COMMt:NCINC ^ T THt: ~Oll.iHr.^!-T CORNtR or- SF.CTION 30, TO',X.'NSHIP lt~ $C'l..'TH. ~^NGE 4) J:J\$ir THtNCE "a.'ITI-! ^ BEARINC OF SOUTH 17" ,,' 5)" ~'EST. AI.Ol'G THE l'ORiH 1It-.1f.. OF ~rCTION :W. " Ol!-T ^NC~ OF 50.~~ FEET TO ^ POINT ON THE ~IES" RjGr11' OF 'a.'A Y LINE. OF CONGRESS A VENt.:E.' ,1iE.NCE CONTINUE. AL.ONe. THE. ^FOR~.:.:l.'t ~:":ONEO COURSE EXTE.ND~D ^ ' DIST ANeE OF ,j7.(.~ r-t.ET TO A 1'OIN1' :;,-:1'1 'r HE EAST RIGHT OF V" A Y l.INE OF THE MALt ROAD; TH(NC~ 'Il/ITH ^ CW.~'Jr. TO THE,RIGHT ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF '1!A Y LINe OF lHE MALL ROAD 't'JTH A CHORD BEARING OF :-~ORTH 00. '9' 06" Wr.ST. ^ RADIUS or :21?',9! FEf.T. ^ CE.NTR^l ANCtf OF 0- )9' I ,", AND AN ARC LtNCTH or: 2~.OI' FEE.T TO A POIN": SAID POINT BEING 11-1E. ponn OF BEGINNING: il-ltNCE COr-::rINU'E AtONG T1-iE AFOREMENTIONED Ct:RVE HAVl1"G ^ CHORD nt.^'tlt~G ot NORTH 00' ))' )1" toAST. ^ TL\DIU:; Of' '19:l.~? fEET. ^ CCNTr-AL ',NGLt: OF' '1. 13' 43", AND. AN ,.\RC V~NGTH OF 9.3.01 FE!;."; THr.Ne!:: \l'ITH ,; er.:\RING OF NORTH S7- H' "". EAST, ^ D1STANCE OF n,'~ F'Etil iHE.NCl:. NORTH t.t- O~' liS" f.AST. A DistANCE. OF 112.54 fEt"!', "HENCI!. SOUTH 0'" ~7' 13" EAST, A 01S1MJCE OF' It:l.73 FEE.1 TO A POIN" ON ^ LiNE L YINC Z:' fE.r:r N01t'rH Of' AND PARA1.I..t.L TO THE. S(>L''\'I1 1..1N~ OF SECTION I? THENCE ~'ITH A BE..\RING or- SOUTH $'- '1' 117" '.vt'.~T, .\ DISTANce OF :a'.OO f1:~T AI.ONe THE. SOUTH LINE. Of SECTION 19. MOiH:. CR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. . CONTAINING O.~71 ACRf.S (~i'~SI.9 SQUARI: rl:E''O MORt on LESS, AND SUBJECT TO E.^StMfN"tS MID RICHTS OF WAY OF RI:CORD. '. pJ\JtCEL C ^ pl-RCEl.. of L....ND t. YINC IN SECilON I~. iO\J-'NSHli' ~oUTH. RANG~ 4) f-^5T. J"^t.M B'EACH C~I.l>!n'. nOR: , SA .'ARCEL e.EI~C ^ POll. T10l-1 Of' TRA.CTS fill. bOo ,.,,:.n )? Of THr. .^ 1 OF 5UBDIVISI0f'. OF 5'EC"t'10N 19 10.....NSHI? ,,~ sou'n" Rf.NGr. :a' osr. ,\' 1!COROt:.D IN P1..A'i BOOK '7. PAGE I~, of n~~: PUBLIC Rr:/;ORI::';'i OF :..M ~E.Io.o::!-I COUNTY. f1..0n.lDJ-.. SAID L^ND f:.t.::,:~ MORI: !.....RTICU!..'.. . OEseR-Ie-eo AS r-OLLO~'Sf RECOJtD"&n-:B YEJJ.O: ~rhm!;J'l olWrlt!~ ~ tll' rdn~ ~!~lntb!1~ :;\~'~::,~,\< nSXWEST . ?~ ~I ..m . ,..... ....' (~~'\ .,... ,1 J r;. ,,\":,\;': \. ." ~\,.:.li~~ IV. .' ':\\ ,tr : !~~",,: . ..j~ ,. ,,, " .' 1.',." C~: ,f r~'\ nt '^.~::: \ JAr-l- L ',- '90 1 E.: .313 PAL. ~'~ ID: LAt.J OFF 1 CES TEL rt~O. TEL HO: 407-241-(179:3 Jar! l::l,':l" 'u 1-1001 P02 . _ . L.V I. v"t 1 VI1tuh n.1..:'IQW~N r... I "" I 11..M 11*lNlM1\l P!~ by '-l J~tr ,~"ti, b1- ~ 11 I, " I' f 'I (I; 1\ y t;.~) \\ ......... , jf'7( I 'i ':! ...,,.. . ."'N' ....... 1"" "'"'" ,,. ,,,', .. .... ."" .""... "'Ii-' .,. .. '" ....'u".. ,_"" dol'" ty,~~I;' <<fMiU~'" ilL'" 'j!'~ ~ ~~. . C'6P1'M MJ "...~I\h' ul t"l"u.....J !.Mad ~"" n'411"" tUl/ 'M V<<' ~111 ........... .enU"". . ,,~s~U'~'I.HIt.t.~l~JL'i:rHlIII~'Pf/t-foloel"~ ' y-'j q'(l ~~ I .....,~. . /, ... J. 'c:1 .~~.II' /... I -~~,Il. d ~ ~ y ~.v:., -1t. G.U'Y )4. l'toU 71'7' ~ /../ ,: :~I>...ll I. ~.~_ ......,!a~7.;t!:;. ..:V ' ~d':.&t'i..L!j-..JCJc,,1 ';) (SHII ~. LYh#:.~_/ _::~~~':.~' ~~::__.L__"S"'1 \1 I' j1'~rt M M~c:h1,","I COI./.,.,r; !'F' (!loA K....,t~ N .D I Ht..IlP.t:" (.1; ATl,r 17,..' "" Ihlf t!tJ;I bi!t>'N: 'nt, d/\ oJftN't Jut" Q\I&hflN h' ':01.. .h.h,.u./..JII'It,.....". "'-'IIlOUIl, .."",;:..;4 \~ r.tJ"Y .4. .".~. a . ~.IIH!f'T;-"T)" 14. ~O~S, ~ s\ngl" .....n. ,I- "..-., r,~ ..... 1."...,.. ~rI....I,) :~,.,~!>~ ,tJ.';I.~ . _';' ...,...,,1"& ,..... /.",,/,,,,,,, I. '!"''''I''..r tlowl, .~..,'" I~.-.l ~/OH- .. .... . ' \'1wrc'.......rlI..,.... . .......~.; ....'1' " llft:v:ly.l ""'1':-1;'<.' .~ ".1....J ~..~ ..!fIr,.,] .-tu/:' ,1...:t'",,"'i.~..i:l.j;""'d'.11I.J"""I~iJ pl." 3" d.v "r..)l,",~"- HI .' " I ;:..' .... "t'i.::.\:l ~ ~' .. r,-...IH:.1 Y.'" ~-=-:.... .,1.....';'\':: .' ....... ...,., ~., '. t..' ...... ~:.~ .\ ~.:) .. ,.....1. '\1 ',..., . .,,':.1 C",l; r N.....""'~ - -~...=- 0... r:...,'''', ,'..'. ".; . :.." " .::: .._..... t. tICN4 I ',,;';., ........ (.~~.. .\IV""lll""Uri<>"...",,,,,,,~~"'" It........ ,\. ." ,,"'" ""..:..~I:t~::. ~,~.",. ~ I....,.. .....a. ~ ~I ..__..,ll ~ ~...';'A ../ ~ I- .."",,.. "lJ ~ 3 5 P I 2 \ ' mhi~j.J!tbt:nt:k~' ,. u.~ o,rY"..D (W 'lOWkllllO 0. ~~ ...A.. r. Q. o..~ !'tIt co: ~ ~ lL!. .., K 'It'tMln' I'b"tw<:a.)f M..CH. n..O(!lUOl\ U,QI _\ I r- ..., -,.-r oH..._' ....- -.... --' "'.M~ '" ~VI'f........... oJ ~. ~ f"-". .......u.., toO .. Q ~ (,II) }V;7 , Uioo~ llftU :! l' ~'" ~ ~1Y ~. ~Ol', * iSn~l' tan and Ttrry R. ~OSSI · .t~slt ~ - r;J 11~, CtN1ol'lll! tJ;JK tiN ..)<,1 :$etw1f'i/ )tlchlloUl . r-........~ WlffQ{tSteJt, ~!~otamf;. ~E1HEn and scnl~tt'llk, &. florid! ~n'1rbl hr-et\.nt\l~ i 0...... ".".""" dJrlu" out" '''''. C,...,.....l th 1>4., not ..., '" H "tl..)j:~U...a FI"\> ",\ . ../IJ.tClIJIlft11fl:! ~fO'l....d .!I~~~ norlda . · .~j~, I ~ T,ul ,.,u,...-.Io<<.J"".w fl\ t~tW" ~,l.t qs.{ ltJ,o., ~H'.;!41. ",J,M ,,-l MJ ~ N,,,,kUr.lIl,nu III Hid t;'lljIJlM lY< 1..a..... ~ J.w IItiJ Ie"'""''''~' tlw: ",,..,;li~ ~ u lwn.e'Iy l-.lt~."" tnfl'''t. t...I,JI,~d.Mt JtJJ 101M I4IW ~...., JrH'Nfh", Jw.(J1.~..tOon..... ~f,w.rL..'. f~' !,JI;..rIItI In;,iW-& ,.11ooii. tlllU/iI. t~"" IPwll>.rillJ I" h t,. 5ucl\ C-att. ~ hJo",'(t. 0") t... :g '-z ... :..: <oC" rhf Welt 1~ faot of tlock 3, btinJ th~t po~t1~ o! LO~~ AI , lrlnS fCo1th Or Snt' Il.;lrW 80..:, Pi J ll& nUCh F8:fU etll'lfMY P \ u. Mo. !, ..; r~11l~ 1ft ,1u tQO\I. J 1,.(t~lJ 1!t, S$otinn 3lI,TOWI\lI.hi., .cs Sootll. \(Ln.!. H EUt. Vt.\rl1c beord.. or I"dlll Uteh County, 'F1orld~. . . .,1 1', '"\~-"-- .... ~L~RI A f . . ... .., lr " ~ : ~: .. ~ ~ ~~. f')l, ~'3 L ,.. . ~ n .. .~ .,..,.., \11~ ___' . ,. _. v. ~._.ISrH/l ------.. ...----..- -----...- " " ~: k .' ,;} 1.1 ; i i, ~ ! : ~ , . t:~j i.:: ~ L:! L'::l r: ( ~.:' , ~.: t;' l," ~~r hi' ~./ ~.::: ~,,:': I'" ;.,..'.-J rf'l ;'. ~ ~;.' ~:' .1 r t i' ~ )' r ,.,..'. , ,~ ~ ,.-1,. ";~~.JS ::[i;' ,.','!. .' .:"i~\~ i. \t~ ., .. 11 Grantor hereby reserves unto Grantor a perpetual easement through 'I the north 40 feet of the property described on Exhibit" A" hereto I for the operation and maintenance of a drainage culvert. Grantee I may use the surface above the easement area for parking and landsdaping. provided, however, should Grantor deem it necessary I for the operation and maintenance of the culvert, Grantor and its authorized agents may enter upon the easement area' and perform I such excavation and other work as it deems' reasonably necessary ! for the operation and maintenance of the culver{. Grantor shall Ii prosecute the work with due diligence and, Hpon 5:ts completion, I~ Grantor shall return the property to grade. I' I, ,". !!! .:.iln !: ..'o<~ I' ; . ..'W c:: fYI. ; ,:'. C) I- fYI '1' 6~'>-":" ,: I-<~"'.~. ,:z c:: 1-':1:' c:: 0 ::i (.) '1: :::J -<, 'I-:I:~w .' w~. dn ,I 0: 0 (/) >- I: .:=;....< . ;>(X)n: WO...l . :acMW" :5 ... 0 :; \ .' f' \I December ":::2);::: ~.)-<.;/ ,....\ r;;:".. II :t(~~~t~(~ff","li . II :. 1:.- 'j7J1:~!!I,~'.~~1Ilt'l1l prrpt7rt'iII')': ",\' ....., -- .d- 00, . Ln ~ II co co .:3- Lf) N - s: 0- r- I :x: a -, ~ ~ .cr,',. ,..D;' ,:':.f'T'\';~< i'.':;a1:.' :!.:Stt-:., ' r., '\. :..: W~~'~I;:j;.i\J ,', ';;;:\::;:;!~t~~itf:[~(;] THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY/J\ECOftD AND RETURH TO:::,:,.;;~i<:1 MichIeI A. Sch..... ~., ':""/":':"\ OM Litcdn ~ ,. )01 ":':<:"':;:;:,':::j~~<l eoe:~~ ~~31''':;,;i:":'.:;~~:.:l Doc No 3980-B J;:j:~:;t;'>;l . . ~. D. 19 S5 . by,.:.ti~;.'.(~W?~;i , ,.1 ... QUIt.ClA1M DUD RAMCO rORM B lhis t1luit-Ctaim llttd, EXl'cul('d t1lis 18th day of December LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE D.ISTRICT, a special taxing district firsl parly. 10 WINCHESTER, WINCHESTER, ZEIHER AND SCHROEDER, a Florida General Partnership, urhoscposloffic('addrl'ssis c/o Michael A. Schroeder, Esq., One Lincoln Place, Suite 301, 1900 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 ~N'Olld parly: I I I' r II Il II II ~ : .' (Wh~,..,... u..tl h".in 11,. Irlm' """I pnl'" and ....run<l pari)'" ,hall indudr ,i...ul.. a..cI .,\un!, h.in, 1...1 rrprtH-nuli"f"\, ,and ."i,rns pf andhoidu:ah, and thr IUcu'))on and ani~n' of to:,poraliun\. ",hrtt\"tr Iht contf.'" '0 admil. 0' ..qui....) ltfitnc~sdh, Tltal 111(' $aicl firsl pc.:",)'. for and in C'onsid('raliorr of 1/'e> SlIm of S 10.00 . ' in hand paid by Ih(' said spcond parly, "ll' r('c('ipl u"lpreo{ is 'Iprph). ac1mourll'dOl'Cl. dop~ IU;>rC,b)" I',,",isl'. rp., I1'O$e and qui/.claim unlo Ihp said s('cond parI)' {orC'l'C'r. all 111C' rig/ll. fill". in!l'rC'sl. C'laim and d('mand u./lic-li'" Ih(' said firsl parly lias in and 10 111(' follolL~in{1 dC'sC'ribC'cl 101. piC'cC' or 1'arC'C'1 of lend. silual('. lying anJhpinrr in lite Counl)' of Palm Beach Slal(' of Florida .Io.wi!: :":~-;;,:>>,:' See Legal Description attached as Exhibit II A" IO,UO If), ~() ,50 uoe_t.rr t.J: 1'd t I ,-)0_ t tnulIc'bt. Tall H. Cl.~rl0r'lI .. i; 10 l-huJt and to l~old IJII' sam(' 10{1C'llll'r wilJI all and singular Ihl' appurll'nanc('s Ih('reunlo ..' "I'longing or in anywisl' nppC'rlaining. and al1 ill(' I'slatl'. rig It!. iiI Ie>, inll'r('sl, li('n, ('quil). and claim wllal.' ". ,.,'. SOl'l'er of llt(' said firsl part)'. (>illl('r in lau' or ('fluily. /0 IIII' only prop('r U.(I'. l)('ndil and bf'lloo{ ~f Ille saia :'~,;:!(li)i}~{:: s('~ond parly {or(,l'('r. .... ,.:'<:;\'J~:;f'i )n Witness 'Whereof, The> said firsl parI)' 'Ias sianI'd and sl'all'Cl 111('$(' 1>r('s('nls 1/,(' das andyear".:'~~,~:,;;I;;i ~;:lnj.O;:oi':~I:'nnj J,I;o",J in p.."nco 0/ ,';:ZW1~~~; Q , _ J~ LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE ~ISTRICT : :/,."i!!!~'~i~;! ...~.. ......... .......... ......... ..... .............,... ... .............. .......... .... ....... ............. ............ .......... .............~,t.;r:;.....;;.i}.~' F?x..~....~~~..~......cB.\' '. Its Pres' ent . . .' . ,... ,. ., ,,' Attest. ,Sec 'Y.'; '. I' II !! il " II !I I I. I' II il ~ , / ~ .. J:~.!Ll::{....C:t::1..~.:!.k.t:-:J.,{'1-... ...... ......... ......,.... ST.-\TE. OF FLORIDA, } cot.XTY OF on this da~'. brforr mr,:ait';. orri4"l'r dul)" :Iulhorize-d in the- Slate aforrsaid and in thl' COU nl)" aforesaid 10 lake acknowll'dgmcnlS, prrsonallr app~arer:f II of LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT. \.\'ho cxC'tu tt"d tht.. Corc-goinr instrum,.nt and they a("kno".i~d~~'(f '~, ','~ -.;. ., A. D. 19 85 . 'll1th d3'~' of ' , ,., ,..' ." , .: :."~. ':',: >" /. CL'I.. I.. J.:: C l-i \.. J \. (-~f (fi ' <i'~:f.'".~..',;.,'.:;,;. ._~,I...... .. ~... ........._.....................~:!-.7 ................................... ,'. ",.. ....' 'i:~/~\;;~il;:l\*~t<r :\~~. <;'~~~;~i thl'. Counlr and StalC' las. _for.l,.:l'd Ihis ;.,',:', MICH]\EL A. SCHROEDER, ESQ. ." ,,~..~<i:!<~,,\~;~', ~~ ~.c.... . , . .,.; ,', ...'c...~~;;.:.:,<:I'M~... ,.,..,...... ) '. , . , l' That portion of the South 25 feet of Tracts 44, 50, and 52, all in the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East,' as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, ly ing immed ia tely north of and abutting Parcel A described below. TOGETHER WITH that portion of the North 60 feet of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying directly South of the above described land, also described as: The North 35 feet of Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and a and the 25 foot road lying between these tracts -and the North section line of Section 30, all in Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8 of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying immediately north of and abutting Parcel A described below. Parcel A The West 194 feet of Block 3, being that portion of Lots A and B lying North of State Road 804, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, Section 30, Township 4~ South, Range 43 East, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS the North 35 feet of the West 193.7 feet. ::,) " -t 1- T n :t-' o RECORD VERIFIED PALM BE.ACH COUNTY.FLA JOHN B. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COIJAl' \. , , I, i ., *:': I' f ~:t .; ~i ~., ~ ~. " r~ t' f ~. ~;, .' 1. ,r ,1 ' t , ,} ." '. ~. i l ~ .~ . ~ i I :~ il , ,,;~ J :1 , :i , :1 ;1 :; :i ~.~ ,- 'I 'i ;j I.,. ~! I' il :1 '., ~! ( \ ',I ! 0. \, . LAI}) OFF ICES TEL ~~o. TEL HD:407-241-0798 tt001 P04 Jan 19.9U lbl19 P.U2 JAI-I-19-' 98 16: 32 ID: ITS>:WEST PALM -----'--....... ~1'CI.....--~"""1llI -lIlr---- .......#......~..... .~.t .,...~,.,.........._~~f....".,'...... _1..._..........- " .-..,... J\.l-17..t947 11IJ711l17.....~.~ ~::.... '.":) RIGHT-OF-WAY.ot~D -- ..~-' THIS INDENTURE Hbdo thio Htl\ . day ot -Aru:i1 --' 1~~7, bqt....oon tnr:CII ESrrE:Jl.I WINCHesTtRI zt!HP;El A..% SCHROEDER, l\ P'loddll OlJr'IOral PlIrt;.nu..hip, M ~arty of th6 Hl:'Jl: p"r~, And the C:IT~ or DOy,.;'rOH 9BAcn, nOP.tD^, at! ~.~rty o~ l:.hrt leeo"d parr... 'r1I1NeSSCTH, th~t tno .atd rHt)' of 1:.1\0 (1~111:. l't.tt't, fo, a/'ld tn eonal.dlU.lItion of the lIum 0' On9 1$l,OO) ooll"t' ~I'\.;! o~hor v.l~ablo con,1deC'lItl.on~, paid, r:.OClLpt.' of vhieh. h hot6by acltnOw\o<$QfI(l, do htlL"nby !1rlln~, r~lldaet roLellSft, quit etal", and cot\V6Y unto tho l'llrty of th. ..cond pu't, it_ ~ucceBsor8 .nd a..iOl'lIl, aU. tL<<:Jl'lt. t(!:.ltt, lntl'lL.cAt, elai!fl lIl'1d debl~nd which thll "Arty of thtr ! it'lll:. part hll. In and to thw !oll.o...1nQ O<UI;:' l.bed lind, Jdtuatc, \ylnl) ancl bc1nIJ In th~ County of plllM nQ~ch, stab, of rlorlda. to-~it: ~~O hhibl.t "^" :.t,lachod htr6t:.O' H~ Wl1"~&SS to.'HElu:or,. rit"~\:. ~At"t;y h:.u h~t"Clunto /let Ill:; h~n6 ~nd 3.01 tho dbY ~/'Id yo~~ fIrot abQv. ~itt~n, WINCIIES't'EI'l, WIttCHr.-ST~R, Z~ I Ilf~J{ A~D CHROCOCR, 3 ~lorl~a c.~ ..1 '~ttncr8hip ~ r . S 1 ~, a.:lAl ed ~fi(J 1 t.h9 pt'eSlOl' eo: C~:&_lZ. ~1~1 ""L-- ,r, ~Q~jl.o..~ ~. .... --b. _ enor~ p.zr . .. ~1"2137bb Con 1100 Doc Pro JCW 8 OIM<LEI CLERK .. PB COUNTY I FL'.- ST^~E OF f~ORID^ COUllT'i or PAf,.K BE:ACH I t1EnCD'x' C~R't'IrY thllt 0I'l t.hL. daYI b.,f'ot'e :':!lIt an oCCiCUl" duly .vthothtJd In the Stilt. Ilr\d County afore.nid to tllkc lu;knOwhdgemflOt.s, ~(tlOnally applHll,.d MIaMI. A. SCIlROHD1:R , a GenoC'.l Partner o( Wlt-lCHEST&R, WINCHe:mit-;-Zf.nr~lr~.frC'ifROF;-6~;R, . a PlocitlA 'ilwnwt'bl pl'lt'tl'lHshlpl who.it rHl/ll8 Ls signltd \:0 tho a\)ovc doeull1ent hilt \:hIs da,! aCltno....lc-dOtcl th. lama befor:e mo in :"Iy ,vrL~dlctiol'l ~fQ'.datd. WITfolESS my hantI Sta~. 1~9t nCo(Qs.id .thl, ..A1 in th~ Cou~ty.. bnd ._...Nt..dL_-._' . ~~~7.;.. . . ..... .t' '''... . : '1,.- ..~' '..~'" : \.' .. ... "'.. '-~ '. ".. . ~~tf.~~::,: .o_L\..L.L.:~ .. :; : Um:;tC ' . .. . . ", '. ." 00 . ......... . . " ~y co~i..ion txpi'~~1 ItI1Y,U\Y I'\'~~:-. .~ ...:.,.. .'let:1:;l' .a lCI.\tr'ro.",' .' ..... =~. "">b. ..,,,,,,. 1....... '" ,. eo ...... ..",~...,w~".'. .... \~Idl ) ,'. n D,\ ~~" 'flV/MCCt.t> NfO ~ l(); *"""'.t..~.~ 0I0c ~~ "'*" ....-' )G'l I ~ ()oJtw IIoool ..... t ''''''. r'aIOo )3.C11 ./ (fff<,';'~:<t, ,~' '. " ,~, . l~ " :" . , ' I, I 00 ,0,' ',h' . ,~'",' , .~ " ,.. ,.1 . ""./.;:-i::.r;j'~" . ',:~":'~!3:'!:': 1'.. '. .::. :':'::ft!" :' ..' :1', :' '"I- \'." '\J 1:1:; I': d... l:f (\. t. ~ ,'...:"".' ':. , . L," ! . " ~ , \~: ~~. !d: ~. ~ r~ At!. ~ ~ r~ X f' ;~ 1~ r~ ;.~ \. U ;':-, (~ IJ , ,r .,1' 'H Ll I., : ~ \ .\ r:;""';'\t::'; . . .,:. ". I,' ;:"..'"t-" ,,:.,' t ~ ~ ,': 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ... :. ~ . '.' ~ ;( '.i( . ,. . ~ . ~. . .I.~ ~.::. ~; ~ Ii Ii .. ::, t ',." ~. :, . <~ -c ,.',:-,,".,. \..~!: ." ~",::.:t '<.f.;' '.,' , . ,'" -.,,; > ",. ~~: ,. .... j'" " . i" l' ,.~ .,o'~' , .' . , ---...........,..-..... , .... TEL l'!iJ:487-241-0798 ~001 P03 Jan 19,90 16~19 P,O! JAN-19- '9'21 1.~: 31 ID: LA!}J OFF! CE:3 RTSXWEST PRLM TEL No. . .. .-----~--- --........- --.... ... :'f...... . ..... ...:..... . .,-, . t. " ' ,. .. ........ .... t. .... tfo\~{ .' I~ t ,.of ': ",,':',' ',.\"l' A PAACI:L C<~ L#O 1..'(1' . sEc1'let-/~ ~'.. .J{' Tcw&-\lf" l\~ ~J IlJ.}~E It) .Wll tA.H>( ....I!.:., "AACEt l'.tlt-G ,J, ~T:.~J~ 01' LOTS ^ J, ZS} e.t.oc.<" I.'m'~ JotA\1HOP STArt ~ !O'c, 1& ~. '. . . : :: P.ECOPJ>I!D IN PLA'f CIf ~'AlJ'l B~ rf.>>tS W'P).1f{ PlAT ~', S, IN AAt e,o:x'~, pI>[';!!. y~ ~ J nlE. rUstle A.t~ o? F'Al)o1 ~ ~/'\I:H r;o..Nt(, ~\.~tty.,. SAtO JlAACet. ~1!H~ H:>U n:u.:r , W.'rI,'%.t.S. ?IW rm ~oros~o \m~s~EP. mt. ~ ,; c:~ttol; AT ~ SClJ'Tl'1fASi 'C~1t Ci' s!:CT1ON ,HI. 'I'(;I.,,'l'r51.nJII It:s 5;C(['f'rl, AA"U 1f3 fWjt'~ '.':, 'T'r&lCe wl'rn J. t,t!....'lt~ 01' ~WTH ti' 32" ~~\1 ~$T, }JJ)..f; n-e saJn"lI.I~ ct SeC'1'lCN 19# , ' ';" A bl$i~E Of 937,1;5 mTJ ~€ ~l1m A. ef"...:It~.'~, 'SOUTH l' 1&. ~J" rA'S1, /t. OiSYMa: " ~1~, Of 190.514 feET TO 'Hf '-'''lI' '!I~U.jj nE: rox'HT 07' r.!GItfltJG) ~c%: \/I'TH.... u~I~ Ol' :~}~~:. SOUTM.If~. ~,I ~.:.., :'.:', ;.. (;a~,""t':~. ,. ..S.71 ~trr '0 A POVi: ~ M ~lM' ~1~ el' ...~ \:' ",""Y L1!-.E'~)" ~Il'" tIOY'.:'fv-J !l.CIAD (~.Il. ~~~') ~~ W1T\1 ^ l!.t!Af.tl':; ~J S~'TH S7l'1 ~2' It,." <;;;,' W!ST, JlJ...O:-.. ".... N,."lR'!' ':'" or ~....'\" ~.1~ c.:' ~l~(;eN ~o,ln A otST~:t 6,. 2;.50 I't~"{ :It:, n-eNC:f wfnl ^ e.EMl~ Of 'A~; 10 18'. 1t3\: ~ST, A Olsrm!. or 2!i',SO fEr:r' ~PIlE. 00 LI!:S~ :;~.'r. to n-~.' /'011-lT or atGtt-4il'.t;" :\ "~.l! ':: I.:':. Gra...tor \"(tst!lt'IJu. ~o....' .'!'Ir.1 \lr'lt.o :iltu'lf 1 t!': ClIeeu./&orl and_ as!liqnlll IIn E.sem~;" ,,:' c::Oflnect to, use .!Ind hI/V. .~C:C.511. to, without cOBt, .xpcn,~ C~ eh.t~~~ thc~for.', any a~d ~ll ~r~ina~e systems, pipes, drl1tp:~ 0:0: pott:o...' th~,'~;'.' 1\0\1/ or hQrellft~r located 1nl \.tnd4H'1 OV(~r. 0[" thro\lQ'h ute! ,.Qht-Of-....ly O~ I\owor hefea!tar ?rovi61~Q for storm ....attr d~$lnAge into tht L-24 canal, "long with ~ny and lil1 drainlQi!l .yt,1;~"''', pipea I drl1ns or por- . tiong thet:eo! FlOW Or.' hereaft:.wr j;.lrtJ'y'\":' for ~:rltnaQt from any port:lol'\ of .~ l~ d9ht-of-....A.y L~to 1!:'\:r 07';' ';enttol'! ~ond EPll:'...inO ~amo, lnel~diR9 tho ri~h~ to u.o 6r4ln~~g linoQ now or horu3ft.~ under or throc,h the riQht-o!-vay, an6, ~ G,.ntor'.lrogt a~d expens., ~o 1n5tal1 ~nd u~~ ad~it!o~'l dratn~oe lin.. under OC t.hro\loh .~:::t-. tly cl\ddn~ th{a Dud t.') be ~'1,. ',d~d \1'\ the P~lbl1c ~oeorda.ot 'al~ ~.Ae~ CountYI 'lorld~t Cr~nt r do.t h_riby con- sent. to the ale. ~ntlor."d ...,ur:n'lln!: rttlorvat:ior. and <10tl~ "rant to Orantor t\:.. IIlJet;.~ \or:1!. " (1 ~.d~~c tho same ~':"llI'ltI!)nl:. dohttl. :as: racorvad ,bovtt wL' h r~~PQQt to en~ ln, vndor l~d th~oUOhr :a~y extcnl:lon O\" eonstt";ll.t iol'\ of th. h.t-in deGr;:t"1bed rL<Jht..-of-way bctYCQ~ Old Boynton R~^d and Boynton 09~ch noultvard .s they :n~y froM timo to timm o~t.t. THE ABOVE DtSCRt6ED PROPERTY ts CONVEYED FOR ROAD ~ICHT of WAY PURPO~rS ONLY, JU:COltDF.R'i( I'.tEN:O: ~b\iil', tt! W,H~f1r, "l'ypinll 'Dr Print4nlf II.nllltiafa.ctoTY In 1hl.I ~~ .. when ~ 't't-d. v MCOl'lO \It:RIFIIIO PAV.' ~. C "CI-f COUNTy, l't .\. .~f."'l-. ~ 13. :':',Ln.:.::.t! \0 CIRC~:. ~ (:"U' __ --i._. M__'_ .-.._-....,..._--,_....,_....~_._~.-.---_.~.-- , U :, I l.i . ,. ~ ; i :), , ,- : l I . . ~ ~ I 'f:t l.t i.l H fl (;" 5l \." tl ~l " fl (el'l ~:~ L~ t1 ",J U r:~ r~ i : ~ ' : ", L . ~' .. , ~ ~: ~~ ~,.' ", r ~'1 ~.i '. " C ,:. ',; 0':':;;:'.i:; a;1 /,'. >,;,'/:':,:"/'>':'fJjl . :', ,..,.-,' f ",':"::i:'~: t:j i'! ;'1 ~, I I"~: . ~ .~ ~: (, ~. :! i.' ~ ~ fl ~ 4. l ,-e.:, .t f .' " , I, t, .~ () ,r;z-z... . . .,-- .~~ " RESOLUTION NO. R-76-802 'AJ-. 1.0318!\ . . RESOLUTION TO ABANDON A CERTAIN 30 FOOT ROAD RIGHT OF WAY IN PALH BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8 AND .ALSO SlJOWN ON THE PLAT OF THE SUB- DIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUl~, RANGE 43 EAST IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, pursuant to authority in Chapter 336.09, Florida Statutes, upon the petition of Elsie and B.R. Winchester, called a public hearing to be held at the County Commissioners' Chambers, Courthouse, West Palm Beach I , Florida, on the 14th day of September, 1976, to'.consider and determine whether or not ,the County would vacate, abandon, discontinue and close, renounce and disclaim any right of the County ,to the road right of way, or interest therein, which is hereinafter described; and ~REAS, notice of the holding of such meeting was duly published in the Palm Beach Post Times, on Sunday, August 29, 1976 and Sunday, September 5, 1976; and ~REAS, this Board while convened in regular session on the 14th day. of September, 1976, did hold such meeting at such time and such place, and this Board having determined that such action will not materially . interfere with the County road system and will not deprive any person of a reasonable means of ingress and egress to his premises from at least one County, State or Federal h~ghway; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following right of way described herein, to wit: ~b ~egin at the Northwest corner of Tract 42, as shown on the subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 7 on page 19,'Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence southerly, along the west line of Tract 42, a distance of 272.13 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel.to be herein described; thence continue Southerly along the west line of Tracts 42, 43, and 44, as shown on said plat, to a point in the South line of said Section 19; thence Westerly along said South line, a distance of 30 feet; thence northerly, along the cast lines of Tracts 50,49 and 45, as shown on the afore- said plat, to a point of 273.67 feet south of the south right of way of Old Boynton Road, a 40 foot road shown on the said plat of Section 19; thence easterly, :t distance of 30.0 feet to the Point of Beginning. Less a~d not including the south'20 feet thereof. . I I I . I I , i i I I I I i ! ": Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 4, as shown on the Palm Deach Farms Company Plat No.8, as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Page 73, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; '. thence southerly, along the west line of said Block 4, a distance of 25lfeet, more or less, to the north right of way m;~~.2586 p^~E1378 1,""'\ \. . .. .. /. I.' . . line of Florida State Road No. 804 (West Boynton'Road) as presently laid out and in use; thence westerly along said right of way line, a distance of 30 feet; thence northerly, along the east line of Block 5, as shown on the aforementioned plat to the Northeast cor~er of Bleck 5; thence easterly, a' distance of 30 feet to the Point of Beginning. Les~ and not including the north. 35 f~et thereof. .1 ~: . . I . '. ., be and the same are hereby vacated, abandoned and closed as public road right of way and this Board does hereby renounce and_disclaim any right of the County of Palm Beach and the public in and to the above described road. DE IT FURTHER'RESOLVED that notice of the adoption of this resolution I I' be published in one issue of the Palm Beach Post ~imes, West Palm Beach Florida, within thirty (30) days following the date of adoption of this resolution. .... The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Weave!" .wo moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner CUlpepper t 'and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: WILLIAM H. HEDLEN - Aye E. W. WEAVER - Aye R.OBERT F. CULPEPPER Aye LAKE LYTAL Aye ROBERT C. JOHNSON - Aye The Chairman thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 14th day of September ,.1976. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND JEGAL SUFFICI CY tUrJCMtCL 'i~: COUNTY ATTORN Y BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIO~ERS OF PAlM BEACll COUNTY, FLORIDA .JOHN B. DUNKLE, Clerk By:k~~~ Deputy Clerk' i~.:~;' ........~\. ... ... :..~.!t.. ...... t"> ('I 1 ,..j~..... . .....t'\.i oJ'~ v;'~7' ,t..... . .' .......\. ........... . 1....:-.( . . . :...,~~~~:.... r-:.:~" :~.....~.":..):' ," .. ~. ....,..,.... . ; ~," .. ~ > .-'.. fJ" '.~ M:~ C/l J ~.~ J'~ ~. . '"0:. ..".- t.' .-o,:......}. U t.vo' '.. "0 i..;~\'.~y?~.~::~/ .., ,.~ .;:'" .:~:/~: .... ...... .",''''.... '~'J ....... ~'".)..... . ;.. : ~ .]. I! ~ .:'. ..' ~: '"':': .~. ..;.~<~~~:{:~:...::~ !':~: . ." m~~b2586 F^~E1379 ~) ,,,;~.> ~. THE PALM BEACH POST-TIMES Published Every Sunday West Palm Beach, P:11m Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION 5rATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) .' ;.'~~.:.'il:.. '.e. HD.n':lall Before the underslgned authority personally appeared ..... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . , . . . . .. . . . , . . . . :' ctv"""I""; ~. -l ,.:... i."~ f Th P I B ~t.. P t Ti who on oat.h says that he is... .......\/01..........\..1..': _'r. ,..........0 e a m en",,, os - mes, a Sunday newspaper published at, West Palm Beach, in Palm Beach County, Florida: that the . . .'C.t-.; c;e : nttached copy of ndvertlsement, being n . . . . . . . .'0', : .'...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. ,. . 1"16' dO"'" . ,. IS,OO.J..utJ..on ; '.It- { -0 /'.. 1%\ the matter of......... ,.. . . . ...~ . . ., . . . . . . .. . ... , . . .. . . . . .... ., . . . . . . .. . . . . ..... . .... .. in the. ... . ......... .7.-' -:'-:.-:-:.-:. .. ..... . . .. . .... .... Court, was published in said newspaper in ....e...t,..,lhpr lO~1976 the issues of ............ :..1. . .1:' . ::: .. . "':. . . . . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : . .. . ,.-~ i I I ~ I I ~ \ i ~ t' t I \ ..:'-;'-or. :" NO. 5"'743 . ..;. , . ~... Wh Rl!solutlon So. R.7s.802 .. ~ . .' I ert'as the Board ot COl:nty Co I' Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Post-Times is a newspaper published at West Palm Jno~~U~~~~~r.bJ? i!'1~..t~ihorltY'r:o~rn:d: Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida.. and that. the said newspaper has heretofore been '. fl~r~~:~1~10 ~~t'Y:patnce;:"}-3f dfJa~~lds:i p~b!.'. ,lion No. R.76+J2 em r f. 1916 Resolu~. continuously publi'shed in said Palm Beach, ~unty, F1ori.cIa each Sunday and has been entered lIS '~lo&~T.:~~~ncrJ:~ ~~ni?n~nI3~~tA~:and' second clas9 rpailnt the post office in West piUm Beach, in said Plllm Beach County, Florida for a r:en~ t~t l~o. I :~:r sl\o~~ho~~h':~:i~r::t' \ . ',' ." :.:;...::;;:"~;';j(,~t t" ., . .' . SouthU R v slon of Section 19 Township 45' .' perIod 0(' one .yeQi:~l1l)~,precedlng the first publicatIon of the nt.tnched copy of advertisement.: nnd recoriledarJI\~3 E3.st wal duly passed and . ~,...., ~I1\11"'i;:"I1;;:.J:' !~,.. . CountY'Com Il' 1m nutel 01 tilt- Board or . affiint~Jill-~ er-;;~v~~~.J1e..ba9 neither paid nor promised any person, finn or corporatIon any :'.:.':.~ Board':;'t~~~~~sc~m' I I' ....... . .:, _,_ ....'\' ",:J', l: '10:; ",'1....:; . :: .,,;..,;'';' Palm Dl'ach Co m SI oner! :". :discX;u:n~~ 'te:;!~~~.6t;)"efund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication . '~g:.:!/J{.F. KAJn.ERTU1l'ittor~~ .' .:.;;. :,': " .,:;,,' "":::);:Il~"'~'(;;:\"-::"~::' ',' ~..;,~-:;~CoUnlYEnJ'neer" ; .... :;: '... ':.: ..:.in-lIaidjie}\!sV~;:f.:'.,..~oi ";~~;f.C~'l ~'~.f!::t:am lton. P.E.. AcUne DIrt'Ctor' ,:-:., .~.:.:::' Cn'.~t'~ .:," .:'-4 .-^: ::",,')j;':;'::i~!; ~ ~~PUDL1Sn. ~~~'t:er~ D~lslon ..,'....:: ,'. rl.':~ ':::, ~:ii"j.'r-.:. ;.:.~....~r i:';"ffl' ;::;t::' ~/ .." r .1 6 :. .t~"~:,.,:;":- ~F.::.:.:.i ::,<>'::.i;,~(:;",:.....'j~:1t:i.~"j~!:~..:;:;r~; ..................t.... .....,.............. '- ~-~ r..~~~~.-;''' rr'..~-,:. (j '::::~1~-.:c."'~;,:~":-4.f ::;.~~...~:. ~.;~'~t':~-'O"'~. 8 ,-..,..J:C.....-fJJ:.:;..~";.' "c'~\-:' _/.'..... .&..,.. .\< (,') "..... "'Qt' '.' "V'tolnb::.~' 76 ':~:~~;s,W,brp tq.~g.~~\IP~~~foro me this.....h n.... dny of ~lP.;;..v:.. ......~. A.D. 19. .... :.' :~'~~~""'; 4" ((i .; -.. :,loJ',;s'r~:.~~,I.(...~~"'j '''-:'''', ~.,~, ,.1 D:\ .[\' I'~~,,~.;I'~.. '~"")r~~"".(.~~/,u i"lt' \\" ,~:~..- . ""::\:~<::.: :~:?~ ~t::V' ...o~...>(.$s~~~U~... . NOT ARY "'~~?;~ION EXPIRES JUNE 2. 1,)'r,) . ",y. .,C ." ." .~:<:~'I llA.NI{CIIS 1~,SURjt,.NCl co \1':' .w., ." THE PALM BEACH PO'ST-TIMES Published Every Sundny West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Record Verified 'Palm Beach County, Fh!, John 'B.Oun'kle Clerk Circuit ~~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION 5rATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACll ) Before the undersigned authority. personally appeared ..; !)".~~~J::.. . ',i.'. '! . . ~.~'t; !!~).:1:. . . . . . . who on oath snys that he i~ i~~\Y:~:r:t~.$;i.I.1';;. J3~:;:r.........".. of 'The Palm Beach Post-Times, a Sundny newspaper p!Jblished at West Palm Beach, in Palm Beach County, Florida: that the !attached copy of advertisement, being a.... ;'W.t:i.C.o.. .Qh .1n~;fJntion................. in the matter of.... ..:'. ~.~it~no.Qn/V~c:~r~.tJ. .:r.~;l.Itl. .E.Q.~ch. .fam;J.'. .GO........... in the -------- . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' ~ .. . .~.:. Court, wns published in said newspaper in ; the issues of .......:. AUb;:u.~.t. .;}..9. .~.c:tJ.t~jJ,oer. .5.,19.7.6. ........ . ............ .. I Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Post.~imes is 11 newspaper publi9hed at West Palm I Beach, in said Palm Deach County, Florida, and .t.hnt the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously publi~hed in said Palm Beach County, F1oricia"~~h Sunday and hns been entered as secon~ class.,m.~~:~~i.~.~.JX>st office in West Pal~ Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida for n r period:'!>~:\~iH~.y~U;~;jt.i;::~!7~ing the first p~bJjcntion of the attached copy of advertisement: and af~~'.t--'~!!:~~~: ~~( l~l~~~;~.~i~':~ neither paid nor prorclsed any person, finn or corporation any ~~~~~:.rObate;'c~.~?ipa\~~}~~und Cor tht! purpose oC securing this advertisement for publication . .~~ !~~ ~:~~~ fJ }:'.:.:;:Y\ ~'J~~~ I .-.- .'." : t. v.... ....."...r. ..... .. W" .'..'.. ,~.-=- ........11'/..'. - :-:". :a =.. -;;! ~:~b t.:;. ";..\: .:~,~.~~..ef".J.J ;,!;: I'. - ~., U B"L;.';' <:,.. 'l.:> ~:., .. : ~ {",'!_._ Jo." . }.o.:.... - .: :..::0::'. . . .:, .0 .'. .;.....t"~!\.~:-~~' .....,. .:' s,y..,~'!~~~~.,d'suh;iM:tfoeit;betore mu this .'. 7.th. . . . . . .. day of . S ~p.t ~n\b ~r A D 1976 . : :.;,.""".t.{I~Ii}.\ ..,,-~.r" .. . . .: .. .... ",orAllY. p\<\flH"IH",lt"OJ.."FLOM)1\ .t LAIIGl /) ~ ~ /J . 11 IJ.., CO""M'SSIO'~.. ..,L.'lPIllES JUNE 2. 1979 U~ /:J~. L: 7). JlOI'iQE,O .11Y ,.~.~~~!~.~ti: bA"'~.E~S ,.,SURANCE. ~.o ......... . f(.... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ~. ..~..~~~~ ) I t i I I ) NO 5SU&t ,. ..:. .,'"....~ I :NoTICE '. OF l:-'-TEt'o"TION- TO :''''DAN~! I ;,," .. DONNACATE ..:...,.;:.. ~ I PUBLIC NOTICE Is hert'by ~gl\'tn In'' I coml!.Ilance with ChApterS 336.09 and. 336.': I 10. FlorIda StatuteS. that the Board of County Commlsslonen of Palm Beach~ County. Flortda. at Its rerular meoeUnr; 11\.'; the County Commissioner, Chambers. CourthOUse Wl'st Palm &oACh. FloridA on' Septembe'r 14. 19'78. will hold a publiC he..... Inll on thl' vacaUon("bandOnml"nt 01 lhe' tollowlng descrtbed ,.I~bt ot way to wu:.. ,:: LEGAL DESCRIPTION . .' ~ a) Desln at thl' NorthWl'lt cornU of Tract: .42. al shOwn on lhl' subdIvIsion ot Sec. .. Uon ,19. Town,hlp ~~ South. Itance 43. :~ Elut. as recordl'C1 In PIal Boo\( '1 on~palle >~:111. .,-"nllc Re1:ord, 01 Palm lIcach coun. :..ty. k'lorlda: lhence soulherly. alonJ{Jhl' ': west !Ine of Tract .2. a dIstance of 2'12.13 '. teel to thl' PoInt or BegInning of the par- I ',- cel to be- hl'reln dl'Scrlbe'd; th~nce conUn.' I.; C~ SoutherlY along thl' Wl'st tine of .....Trncts 42. .3. and H. a~ Ihown on said . : "Inl to a point In till' SoUlh line oC saId ~'. Sect\on 19; thl'nce We.terly alonf '1\1d . . 50uth line, a dls'ance of 30 f~t. hl'nce" : ,northerIY~ alone the east lines 01 Tracts. I ',. SO. 49 ana fr.. as shown on the arOl"l'-ml"n- : ... \llI,..d plat to a point ot 273.&7 leoet .outh r':iOr th.. &outh rtgb\ of way 01 Old noynton. ['" noAd. a 40 toot road shown on the .ald, ::' plat ot Sl'Ctlon 19: thtnce l'ftl1l'rly. 1\ dls-, !;' ~Il~~.or ~o;~ !I:!~. t~_ ~he p'01'1~ of BeJI!.'~: .......... _.... ....._ ..". ...,,-ludlu. .tiC:- .uU\J.I ~u ., fHI thert'of. ": ., :. ; b) Degtnnlnlt at thl! northwest corner of. . .: Dlocx 4 as shown on thl' Palm Deach ;.:. Farml ComJl'l:ny Pial No.8, as rec:ordl'd . .illl PI~I 000.. !> on paSl" 13. Public Rec- ~i: ords ot P~lm Deaeh County. Flortda: . "'~ Ih.n~ loutherly...along thl' Wl'st line of' . '.'.: sRld Uloc\c 4. a distance or 25l r~t mO~ ;.~ or less. to thl' north rhthl ot way hnl' or 'I.,.. Florida Sla1l' Road No. 804 (We.t Boyn- i":ton Road) as p....sently laid out and In ;'\ UIl': 'hrnce we.1l'rly "lonK laid rlgl1l or .'~..wny line. a d.l.lanao 01 3il Ceet. \bl'nce.. ):,:nartherIY.' along the ust line or Bloc\( 5. ".{II' .hown on the ..roreml'ntlonl"d plat to' \'..lhe Northl'a.t corneor 01 Dloc\c r.. thl'nee ;.~. ..asterIY. a dlstanoe of :JO f~t to t!le PoInt' ....7~ot lIcE{nnlnlC. Less and not Includlna: th.. :. north 35 t~t thl'l"l'Or. .' .. DATED thl' 2~th dal!. of AIIsust \9'18 ". ,.Jt',,:;~ DO.\RD OF COtr.'ITY CO},IMISSrON.. 'jj~~~ERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY.' j:'i.~ ~.FLOJlJDA ... ~..."; , .? '..Chalrman Wllllam.H. Ml'C1len '.~';;~';:'" 'n. F. KAHLERT, P.~..",~'.,..; .... .;:.10....0..:4 County r.nKI~r . " . ,.~. '., ." ..-,~. PUDL1SH: AUIC\lIt 29th. and .Sl'ptembe-r 6!h.:..!!!?~---:-_., . -- ,.. O .- t ~ .:i .~:;' ... -.._- ,. #"'7' , .1 i , . . ~ ,. ~ f;~ PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT made this day of August, 1979, by and between BILL R. WINCHESTER, ELSIE WINCHESTER, 'WILLIAM A. ZEIHER and MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, r (herein referred to individually as "PARTNER" and collectively as "PARTNERS"). In consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, the PARTNERS agree as fo~lows: l. FORMATION AND NAME: The undersigned parties do hereby form a General Partnership under the name WINCHESTER, WINCHESTER, ZEIHER AND SCHROEDER, a Florida General Partnership. Each PARTNBR agrees to execute the necessary documents to comply with the Florida fictitious name statute. 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: The principal office of the Partnership shall be located at 9290 Nickels Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. The PARTNERS may change the aforesaid office or have additional offices as the PARTNERS shall deem advisable. 3. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Partnership is to purchase property described on attached Exhibit "A" (Partnership property) and to lease and/or sell such property as determined by the PARTNERS. The business purpose of this Partnership shall be limited to this transaction. 4. TITLE: The legal title to the Partnership Property described in the preceding paragraph is to be held in the Partnership name. 5.. TERM: The term of this Partnership shall comm~nce on the 30th day of August, 1979, and continue-until .; August 30, 1999, unless sooner dissolved or terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. / 'A l .i. '. .' (). . "'~~':.'?' ,("'.4_. .-r 6 . CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION: A. Percentages: Capital contributed. ,to the partnership' shall be in the following percentages: Bill R. Winchester.: .25% El sie ~'1inche ster 25% william A. Zeiher 25% 25% Michael A. Schroeder B. Initial Contribution: On or before the date of the closing of the purchase of the Partnership property, each PARTNER shall contribute in proportion to his respective percentage~ all of the cash necessary to pay for the cash down payment, closing costs and other sums necessary to close ~he purchase of the above described property. PARTNERS will make their initial contributions in accordance 'with the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B"~ The PARTNERS shall contribute additional capital to the Partnership in proportion to their r~spective percentages only if such contributions are required to enable the Partnership to satisfy obligations which shall arise after the date of this Agreement, and are to be used exclusively to cover the costs of: (I) Real estate taxes and assessments on the property or improvements; (2) payments required to be made pursuant to any mortgage on the property or improvements as well as the expense of curing any default under any such mortgage; (3) Any costs expended for the maintenance or ordinary operation of the Partnership Property. (4) Any alteration, repair or replacement required by any present or future law, ordinance, order, rules, regulation or'requirement of any federal, state or municipal government, department, commission, board.or officer, or any order, iule or regulation of/the National .' -2- r-., ,-.r - '., I.::~' Board of Fire Underwriters or any other body exercising similar functions: (5) Any amount required to be paid pursuant to any final order, judgment, or decree of any court or governmental body having jurisdiction; and 1 (6) Any other item of expense if approved by the PARTNERS specifically or by inclusion in a budget which has been approved by the PARTNERS. D. Delinquency. If any PARTNER fails to contribute any portion of his capital, or additional capital contribution to the Partnership as provided for above, such deficiency shall not reduce the delinquent Partner's share of'the profits and losses set forth in paragraph 7 below. Such deficiency shall be paid out of t~e reserves 'provided for in Paragraph B.A.3 below to the extent such reserves can cover such deficiencies. If these reserves are insufficient to pay such deficiency, then any PARTNER may make a loan to the Partnership to cover the balance of the deficiency. Both the money expended from the reserve and any money loaned to the Partnership by any PARTNER for payment of same shall bear interest at the rate of ten (10%) percent per annum from the date it is paid to the date of repayment. The interest due and the'money loaned by any PARTNER and the money expended from said reserve shall be repaid out of the percentage share of distribution due the PARTNER who has failed to contribute his share of the needed capital of the Partnership, or out of his capital interest in the Partnership assets in the event of the termination of his interest in the Partnership for any reason. To the extent that the percentage share of distribution due the delinquent. PARTNER is insufficient to pay the sums due the Partnership or a /; -3- !'" , I~ . I:" L;:, (.: i' t> :., !~': r: L L A' l: ~' h:: ; ~< t r. t , l' ~, '. t, ~.:' !j~ !<:': ~ . ~;, (~ . ! r i. , , , i \, ! } ~t r ,: f I 1 ~: ~' 1~ ~ h' t;, i; ~ " I ,f. , f '1' ~. t , !: I I I \ \ ~ 1, , I ~ , f { I I ! ~- (: ";) .. PARTNER for any monies lent in accordance herewith, the Partnership, or the PARTNER loaning the money, ,shall have a lien on the delinquent P^RTNER'S capital interest in. the t Partnership. Any and' all payments from the share of.the' delinquent PARTNER'S distribution or capital interest.shall first be applied to the interest due and then to the repayment of any capital deficiency. '7.. PROFIT AND LOSSES:, Each PARTNER shall have.a percentage interest in the net income and net losses of. the Partnership, including cash losses, and in the net cash flow distribution defined in the next paragraph, in accordance with the following percentages: Bill R. Winchester 25% Elsie Winchester 25% 25% William A. Zeiher Uichael ^. Schroeder 25% 8. DISBURSEt1ENTS: The rents and other funds (other than funds received by way of initial or subsequent capital contribution ,by the PARTNERS) earned or received by' the Partnership shall be disbursed or distributed as follows: A. On Behalf of the Partnership: (1) In payment of all expenses incurred (2) In payment of the total indebtedness in the normal operation of the Partnership business. due on the mortgage obligation incurred or to be incurred with respect to the Partnership Property. (3) In retention and reserve for replacement, ~aintenance or improvements of the Partnership property as determined by the Partnership. B. To the PARTNERS: {I) The net operating cash flow as defined herein shall be apportioned among the PARTNERS and the net losses of the Part~ership shall be borne by the -4- ('1 I !, i- \.- !; i: ,'~ ,. .' y~,~~ r....'. '. , ~ ~..,: ' :'~:'.;:~. (b) Less all monies expended f:,:', \ \. h " j' ! ~ t { 1 I; !'4 II ~. e', ~, ~ ~, ~" ~ ~ t. (,. ~ r~ ; ~. ~, ( ~ I: I ~" ~, " l(:. ~ t, ~ ~ ~ ~ I i: I j . ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ I: ! f, I I " t . Partners in accordance with their respective percentage shares as set forth in Paragraph 7 above, provided, however, no PARTNER shall be entitled to his share of the net operating cash flow if on the date of any distribution any sums are due from said PARTNER for capital, including additional l capital, contributions as provided for in Paragraph 6 above. (2) The term "net operating cash flow" as used herein shall mean: (a) All monies received during the calendar year, other than capital contributions, and the proceeds of loans; during the calendar years; (c) Less any reserve for contin- gencies provided for above. (d) The net operating cash flow of the Partnership as thus computed shall be distributed at reasonable intervals, as determined by the PARTNERS at their discretion but at least within three (3) months' after the c19Se of the year in which earned. (e) The depreciation of the building, equipment-and other improvements shall not be considered as a deduction within the aforesaid definition, but the method of depreciation for tax purposes shall be determined by the PARTNERS. c. Treatment of Losses: All losses incurred by the Partnership shall be allocated to and borne by each PARTNER in proportion to his respectiye income percentage as set forth in paragraph 7 above. 9. l1ANAGEMENT OF THE PARTNERSHIP: A. Overall r1anagcment: The overall management and control of the business and affairs of the. Partnership ;' shall be vested in the PARTNERS collectively. Except where. . .' -5- /.,,--....\ - \ herein expressly provided to the contrary, all decisions, with respect to 'the management and control of the Partnership approved by fifty-one (51%) percent of the PARTNERS shall be binding on the Partnership.and all the PARTNERS. B. Major Decisions: No act shall be taken, sum expended, decision' made or obligation incurred by the Partnership or any PARTNER with respect to a matter within the scope of any of the major decisions (hereinafter called "Major Decisions") as enumerated below, unless such of the Major Decisions have been approved by fifty-one percent (51%) of the PARTNERS. The Major Decisions shall include: (1) acquisition of any land or interest therein: (2) financing of the Partnership, including but not limited to the interim and permanent financing of the improvements and operations of the .Partner- ship: i (3) sale or other transfer, or leasing for any terms; (4) mortgaging or the placing or suffering the placing of any. encumbrance on the Property of the improvements or any parts thereof: (5) terminating or modifying any lease or other arrangement involving all or any part of the Partnership. Property or space in any of the improvements if such lease or other arrangement was required to be approved by the Partners pursuant hereto or if such modification would result in a modified lease or other arrangement which, if it were a new lease, would be required to be approved by the PARTNERS pursuant hereto: -6- / I . .. .... ' ,1'J'f' \~:. t) .'., I .' . ..' f- ,'-, l . '. .... '.1 (6) construction of any improvements or the making of any capital improvements, repairs, alterations or charges not provided for in the budget; (7) selecting or varying depreciation and accounting methods, changing the fiscal year of the contemplated thereby; ,~ ~ 'i I ~ ~ t. i I .! i ! ~ I ! I 1 \ ; ! I l Partnership and making other decisions with respect to treatment of various transactions for bookkeeping or'tax purposes, consistent with the other provisions of this Agreement; (8) approval of all construction and architectural contracts and all architectural pla~s,.specifications and drawings prior to the construction of any improvements (9) varying or changing any portion of the insurance program required by paragraph 13; , (10) De'termining whether or not distributions should be made to the PARTNERS except as set forth in (13) the adjustment, settlement, or the Paragraph 8; (11) making any expenditure or oincurrfng any obligation by or of the Partnership involving a sum'in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($I,OOO.OO) for any.transaction or group.of similar transactions. (12) determining the maximum and minimum working capital requirements of the Partnership; compromise of any claim, obligation, debt, demand, suit or judgme~t against the Partnership or Manager; and (14) any other decision or action which by the provision of this Agreement is required to be approved by the Partnership or which materially affects the Partnership I / I or the assets or operations thereof; -7- 0', .n.... '. '. ".',. . '.';''' ", ~:. ~' , f. f;; p: h- r.:; c: t in the name of the Partnership or L ~.. , f...,. j.:,. ,-' !"\',' I,:, ~}.:: . V r ~ r. c \ . t r j ~. . ~' * ~: h~ ~.; f~: ~ t'~ Ii i ~ (IS) approval of management contract. 10. COMPENSATION: No PARTNER shall be entitled to any compensation for services rendered to the Partnership in the transaction of Partnership business. II. BANK ACCOUNT: The funds of the General Partnership shall be deposited in name of its appointed, agent managing the funds of the Partnership. withdrawals from any such account shall be made upon the ,i:. I t signature of anyone PARTNER. 12. BOOKS AND RECORDS: At all times during the continuation of the Partnership, the PARTNERS shall keep or cause to be kept, full and true books of account' in which such shall be entered fully and accurately each and every transaction of the Partnership. Such books of account, together with a true copy of this Partnership Agreement and all amendments thereto, shall be at all times maintained at the principal office of the Partnership, and shall be open to the reasonable inspections of the Partners and their duly authorized representatives. A copy of the Balance Sheet and Annual Income Statement of the Partnership shall be transmitted i i i j 1 I f I ! ! i to each PARTNER within sixty (60) days of the end of each calendar year. If any'PARTNER desires the books and records audited, he may so request within sixty (GO) days prior to the end of such calendar year and such audit shall be at the expense of the PARTNER requesting the audit. The books of account shall be kept on the basis of an accounting period consisting of a calendar year and utilizing the cash method of accounti~g. 13. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS:' The Partnership- shall carry and maintain the following insurance, the premium ,for I I -8- -~ -,...,) .~ . .. ,... "'.'J t ,(;~ roDtJ~ hiJ:..---- 1 (.E-1lf I r-, " " . . which shall be ~aid as a cost and expense in connection with the operation of the business of the Partnership: A. Comprehensive Liability Insurance: A Comprehensive Liability Insurance Policy on an "occurrence" basis for the benefit of the PARTNERS and the Partnership, insuring against claims for personal injury liability, bodily injury liability, including death and property damage l:i,abilit~. J""(J d The limits' of insurance shall not be less than per occurrence for bodily injury and not . less' than I t' J per occurrence for property damage. Said bodily injury, and property damage coverage shall'be extended to include hired cars on an "if any" basis. arid employer's non-ownership coverage. B. Insurance During Construction: If the , Partnership ente'rs into' a construction contr~ct, .the Partnership shall be supplied with Certificates of L~ability Insurance from contractors and .subcontractors providing for liability limits in accordance with Paragraph 13-A above, an~ naming. the Partnership as an additional insured, and shall obtain Certificates showing contractor has required coverage under Workmen's. Compensation Insur~nce laws. C. Other Insurance: Such other insurance as D. Partnership and PARTNERS - Named Insureds: . ~ll of the aforesaid policies shall name the Partnership and, each PARTNER as the named insured. 14. TRANSFER OF INTEREST OF A ~ARTNER: Any PARTNER may transfer all .or any part of his Partnership interes~ to his spouse or children, without / -9- e .- ~;; ,,1'\" . :;:l:;I obtaining the prior written approval of the PARTNERS. Such transferee shall be bound by all of the terms and co~ditions of this Agreement with same force and effect as if such transferee had been a signatory and original party to it. Such. transferee shall by w-ritten instrument, delivered to . ~ the other PARTNERS, expressly assume all of the obligations of the transferor to the extent of and in proportion to the interest transferred to such transferee, except those obligations improvements situated thereon. which are enforceable against the transferor only by foreclosure of lien or encumbrance on the Partnership Property and the B. General: Any PARTNER'shall have the right to assign, encumber, sell or otherwise dispose of his interest in the Partnership, after serving notice of his intention to do so on the other PARTNERS not less than ninety (90) days prio~ to the transfer, and provided the option granted to the remaining PARTNERS under subparagraph (1) below is not exercised. For this purpose, the date of . postmark of the notice shall be considered as the date of its service. The right of transfer shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) Option to Purchase by Remaining PARTNERS: One or more of the remaining PARTNERS . , shall have the right to purchase such interest. This right may be exercised by serving written notice'upon the selling PARTNER within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the notice of intention to sell, assign, or encumber. For this purpose, the'date of the postmark of the notice of exercise of r~ght to purchase shall be considered as the date o~ service. Any portion of the Selling PARTNER'S interest, upon which there has not been an exercise in writing. of the /' -10- ~, \;:. .0 right to purchase, may then be. ~urchased by one or more of ,I . the PARTNERS who exercised their right to purchase within thirty (30) days as provided for above. This secondary right of purchase may be exercised within sixty (GO)' days after expiration of the first thirty (30) day period by the service of written. notice upon the selling PARTNER who shall ! be required to honor 'such notices of exercise in full in the order received. For this purpose, the date of postmark of the notice of exercise of the secondary right of exercise shall be considered as the date of service thereof. (2) Amount of Purchase Price: Where the PARTNERS are notified in writing of a bona fide offer to purchase received by the selling PARTNER for his interest in the Partnership, the PARTNERS may exercise their right to purchase (see Paragraph (1) above), 'at a price proportionately equal to, and on the same terms contained in, the outside offer. An outside offer, in order to be deemed a bona fide offer, within the meaning of this Agreement, must.be in writing, signed by the outside offeror, who must be a person, partnership or corporation financially capable of carrying out the terms.of the offer, must be in a form legally enforceable against the outside . , offeror, must be accompanied by a certified check' equal to ten (10%) percent of the proposed purchase price, which shall be held in escrow by a third party, and must bind the offeror to become a PARTNER and assume all the obligations and undertakings of the seller in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. An executed copy of such offer must be enclosed with the notice sent to non-selling partners as provided in Paragraph (1) above. In the event of a proposed encumbrance rather than a sale, the purchase price shall,be I I -11- r . \ . established and paid i~ the same manner as provided for the purc.hase of a deceased PARTNER'S share in paragraph 16 C. 15. THIRD PARTY OFFER: If a bona fide offer is made by some third party to purchase all of the Property owned by the Partnership and all of the PARTNERS, except I one, desire to sell in accordance with the terms and conditions of said bona fide offer, the PARTNER not desiring to sell, shall buy the interest of the other PARTNERS desiring to sell by paying a price equal to the price offered by the third party times the total percentage interest of such Pa~tners desiring to sell and upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the third party offer. If the PARTNER not desiring to sell in accordance with said offer does not purchase the interest of the PARTNERS de.siring to sell within thirty (30) days of the date of the receipt of the notification of the third party's bona fide offer and the acceptance thereof by the PARTNERS desiring to sell, then the Partner not desiring to sell shall be deemed to have consented to the sale of the Partnership Property to the third party in accordance with the bona fide offer and all parties shall sign all documents and agreements necessary to close th~ .sale of the Partnership Property to said third party. 16. DISSOLUTION OF THE PARTNERSHIP: A. Acts of Dissolution. Any of the following acts shall dissolve the Partnership: (1) Withdrawal of a PARTNER. Any PARTNER shall have the rig~t to withdraw from the Partnership as of the end of any accounting year. Written notice of intention to withdraw shall be served on each of the PARTNERS at least six (6) months before the end, of the accounting year; I' -12- C' OJ';> '!'~' ..---.~ (2) Death or incompetency of a Partner, . . or commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings for or against a Partner. The death or adjudication of incompetency t of any individual PARTNER, or the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition of bankruptcy of the commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings under applicable Federal or State law with respect to any PARTNER which is not dismissed with prejudice within ninety (90) days after same is filed, including assignment of such PARTNER'S interest in the'Partnership for the benefit of creditors, shall dissolve the Partnership. written notice of such death, etc., shall be served on each of the PARTNERS by the executor, administrator, trustee, personal representative or assignee of the deceased or incompetent PARTNER or by the Trustee ~n Bankruptcy or Assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have commenced, within sixty (60) days after the qualification of such executor, administrator, trustee or personal representative of the deceased or inco~petent PARTNER', or within ninety-five (95) days the date of commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or within sixty (GO) days from the date of assignment of such PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the be~efit of creditor~, such notice to be made to the last known address as shown on . the records maintained at the principal office of the Partnership. B. Effect of Dissolution: (1) Election to form new Partnership: Upon the dissolution of the Partnership by reason of the death, incompetency, withdrawal, or termination of, qr the filing of a petition in or commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, including assignment' of a PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the benefit / -13- r- ",. of creditors, with respect to a PARTNER, the remaining PARTNERS, (including the executor, administrator, or personal representative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER)" may be vote of not less than fifty-one (51%) percent in interest of such PARTNERS elect to form a new partnership to continue f without interruption the business theretofore carried on by this Partnership. (2) Effect of notice of withdrawal, bankruptcy or insolvency of a PARTNER and notice of 'death or incompetency from a personal representative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER: Immediately 'upon the receipt of the notice of withdrawal of a PAR~NER under Paragraph A (2) above, or notice of death or incompetency, or notice of commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, or an assignment of any PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors, as provided for in Paragraph A (1) above, a right to purchase the interest of such PARTNER shall vest in the remaining PARTNERS. This right may 'be exercised' by one or more of the.remaining PARTNERS by service upon the withdrawing PARTNER, or the trustee, personal representative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER or assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have commenced, including assignment of the PARTNER'S interest for the benefit of creditors, of written notice. within sixty (GO) days after receipt of the notice of withdrawal or election to sell from the personal represen- tative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER to sell or within sixty ,(GO) days after the receipt of notice of the . commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, ,including assignment of intere'st for the benefit of creditors. For / -14- r~ " this purpose, the date of postmark of notice of exercise of the right to purchase shall be considered as the date of service of such notice. Such right may be exercised,in such proportion as the percentage interest of each purchasing PARTNER bears to the total percentage interest of all 'remaining t PARTNERS. Any proportion of such PARTNER'S interest upon which there has not been an exercise in writing of the right /' to purchase, may then be purchased by one or more of those partners who exercise their right to purchase within'sixty (GO) days after expiration of the first sixty (60) day period, by the service of written notice upon the withdrawing PARTNER or upon the trustee, personal representative, of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER or assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings had commenced, including assignment of such PARTNER'S 'interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors, who shall be required to honor such notices of exercise in full in the order received. The price at which the interest of such PARTNER may be purchased shall be as described in Paragraph C below. If none of the PARTNERS elects to purchase the interest of such PARTNER, the interest may be transferred to a non-partner under Paragraph 14 above. c. Purchase Price of Nithdrawing, Bankrupt, Insolvent, Incompetent and Deceased PARTNER'S Interest: (1) Purchase Price 9f Deceased PARTNER'S Interest. If'the surviving PARTNERS shall elect to purchase the decedent's entire Partnership interest, the purchase price shall be the book value thereof, as it appears on the' book~ and records of the Partnership as of the close of business on the date 'of death or such decedent, as adjusted / -15- (1 \:,. .' "I, '['.' ,,., ." I"~ ~ ....~. .~ .. shall be computed by the accountant regularly employed by ,.;:i' ...;. ~" [. k I t. I }., t: I:. i ~ ~, ~\' ~. ~. i,: ~. i r ~. ~: J.. t, . l I, I i I' I' I. I ~ l ~~. !l \. R ~ v ~ ~i ~ ! , ~ ~ " by substituting the fair market value as of such dat~ in place of the book value of any real estate owned by the Partnership. Such book value, adjusted as herein provided, r the Partnership in accordance with the accounting practices regularly followed by the Partnership; in' cases not covered by ,such practices, in accordance with good accounting practices. No allowance shall be made for goodwill" trade name, patents, or other intangible assets, except as those assets may be reflected on the Partnership books immediately . prior to the decedent's death. Such book value shall include and reflect the decedent's capital account as at the. end of the last accounting year as shown on the Partnership. books, increased by the decedent's share of the Partnership's net cash receipts or decreased by the decedent's share of the net cash losses for the period from the beginning of the accounting year in which his death occurred .until the date of his death, and increased by contributions to capital anq decreased by withdrawals during such period. In making the adjustments for the fair market value of the real estate, ! I \ ! , I ! r I I . . , ~ 1 i , i the accountant shall rely on and use the written appraisal of a licensed real estate appraiser, agreed upon and retained by fifty-one' (51%)' percent of the PARTNERS for that purpose at the expense of the Partnership. A statement showing such including without limitation a copy of the real estate i i i i . , , book value as thus adjusted, and supporting items and computations, appraisal relied upon, shall be completed by the accountant and copies delivered to the legal representative of the deceased PARTNER'S estate and to the surviving PARTNERS before the expiration of the period in which to exercise the aforesaid options. Such book value, as adjusted, as set out I -16- i~ \. 'i: ,."0,",:". ~ in the' accountant's statement, shall constitute and be deemed to be the purchase price for the decedent's,entire interest, binding upon all parties hereto, unless an~ until changed by written agreement of the parties, or by arbitration award as hereinafter provided. r . (2) Pa~ent of Purchase Price. If. the deceased PARTNER'S entire Partnership interest is purchased by two (2) or more surviving PARTNERS, the portion of the: purchase price payable by each surviving PARTNER shall be the sums determined by multiplying the purchase price for the entire Partnership interest by the fraction representing the portion thereof purchased by such surviving PARTNER. The purchase price to be paid to any PARTNER shall be paid in cash on date of closing. (3) Closing Date and Place of Closing. The closing date shall be within thirty (30) days after the date of the last election by any PARTNER to purchase the. deceased PARTNER'S interest. The exact date within such period of time shall be agreed upon by' the purchasing PARTNERS, and the' closing shall be held at the principal off~ce of the PARTNERSHIP, or at any other place agreed to by the parties.. (4) Closing Documents. On date of closing, the purchasing PARTNERS shall execute and deliver to the decedent's personal representative the cash provided for above. The decedent's personal representative shall deliver to the respective purchasers appropriate duly executed o instruments of transfer and assignment, assigning and transferring good and marketable title to the portion or portions of the dece4ent's entire Partnership interest thus purchased" free and clear of all liens, ~ncumbrances, or rightsl of other~ therein. Also, on date of closing, the persona~ representative / -17- ,l; F ..I! , ;,'f' Ii< h' ;'~~s 1,'" i,! "ft ;';'\') l" 1': ~....:... t ~. ~ ? !f " ~ ~ ~ ~ E ij ~ , ~. 'f i r I I' I I' , i, , I: ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I ! ! I /""" !. . ~.. . shall deliver copies to each of the purchasing PARTNERS of a specific Release of Lien for Federal and Florida Estate Taxes. The decedent's entire Partnership interest thus transferred shall comprise all of his right, title, and interest in and to the Partnership, its firm name, and all r assets thereof, including but not limited to the decedent's capital account as of the date of his death, his share of any undrawn profits for any fiscal year'up to the year of his death, and his share of any net profits from the beginning of the fiscal year in which his death occurs, and for all periods after his death. The distribution percentage of each 'purchasing PARTNER shall be increased by that portion of .the decedent's percentage therein equal to the fraction of the decedent's entire Partnership interest purchased by such purchaser. (5) Arbitration. The adjusted book value (purchase price) as determined by the accountant pursuant to the preceding subparagraph C, (1) shall be subj~ct to increase or decrease as follows: If either the decedent's legal representative or any of the surviving PARTNERS, should dispute the adjusted book value shown on the accountant's statement".such parties shall give to the other party and all other surviving PARTNERS wri'cten notice of the dispute containing specifications of the reasons therefor, within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the report. If the dispute is not settled within twenty (20) days thereafter by written agreement between the decedent's legal representative and the surviving PARTNERS (the agreement of the majority of the surviving PARTNERS shall constitute the agreement of, and be binding upon, all surviving PARTNERS), the arbitrated value shall be determined by a committee of appraiser's each / -18- . '....".,.... ~ ~ I. 1 L '0, 1 I ! . ! I \: i, ; i I l: I ~ [ ~ I I I I I ! i I ! ! I I I , I I I I I ~ ! I I I j I ~ I i I " i i I 1 t I i , ~ i I . ! "! , . /';',',"',:'." ;"1- ~. ....-, ") ~ . '. . ~ of whom shall be a member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, appointed within ten (10) days after. the termination of the aforesaid twenty (20) day period. One ::I ..~ . . " , . I such appraiser shall be appointed by and represent the Purchasing Partners, the second appraiser shall be appointed by and represent the deceased or incompetent or selling .~ .~ , ';~ 'i ~ PARTNER, and the third appraiser shall be chosen by the other two (2) appraisers. They shall within thirty (30) days from the date of the appointment of the last appraiser, report their finding in writing to all parties which shall be binding on all parties. The fee of each appraiser shall be borne'by the party who selected him except that the fee of the third appraiser shall be borne one-half (1/2) ,by the Purchasing Partner or Partners, and one-half (1/2) by the . ~~ , i '. 1 '-j , executor, administrator, successor in interest or personal representative of the deceased or incompetent partner. If I I '1 the amount of the adjusted book value as shown by the accountant is changed by agreement or by arbitration award, then the new amount shall govern and shall be the purchase price of the decedent's entire Partnership interest hereunder. If such new amount is not fixed and determined until after the date of closing, then any increase in the purchase price thus affected shall be paid in cash to the PARTNER'S estate, either six (G) months after the date of such agreement, or such arbitration award, or the thirtieth (30th) day of, January immediately following the calendar year in which the closing date occurs, whichever is later; and any decrease in the purchase price thus affected shall be within thir~y (30) days ~f the agreement, repaid in cash to the purchasing PARTNERS. / -19- -"-~-------'---'-"':'--:-'-.~".""~--=.~~~"-;';';'~-=~' "-.;:'~' C,... ~ .', .....r:.:. 'A (6) Purchase Price of withdrawing Partner. The purchase price of a withdrawing PARTNER shall be equal to the net book value of such PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership, and determined by the independent accountant . 'then serving the Partnership as of the date of withdrawal, l which shall constitute the end of the month preceeding the date on which notice of withdrawal is given. If the notice of withdrawal is given within three (3), years after the date of the purchase of the property of the Partnership, then the term "net book value" of such PARTNER's interest shall be determined by taking assets of the Partnership per books and computing depreciation on buildings, other structural components, or'depreciated assets thereof owned by the Partnership using straight-line depreciation, regardless of the method of depreciation used by the Partnership for tax or book purposes. If the notice of withdrawal is given after the aforesaid three (3) year period, then the net book value of the Partner's interest shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph . C (1) subject to the arbitration provisions of subparagraph c. (5) of Paragraph 16. (a) Payment of Purchase Price. The purchase price to be paid to the withdrawing PARTNER as provided for in subparagraph (G) above shall be payable as follows: Twenty (20%) percent thereof in cash on closing date as hereinafter defined; the balance by such purchaser's execution and delivery, of a promissory note providing that the principal thereof shall be paid in five (5) equal annua~ installments', with interest at the rate of nine (9%) percent per ~nnum, payable annually, made payable to the order of the withdrawing PARTNER, such interest and principal payments. to commence within one' (1) year after the closing date, and continuing thereafter annually until paid. ,. I 1 ... -20- , ". '.'.' . f.- r ,.?'I;,> f~f ",,,If'" ~' -'.':.' : I'..,' '.' '..' . :'.....,.[:~.' .'.", ~. '.,~.. I:.'.' i t ij " ~. ~. ~ ~~ ri ~ ! f /, I , I ~ ~ f r , , f Ie j . ~ I ( ~ I 1 I \ . , 1 '\ . ~ r I I I I i I , I i I i , 'I I ; ! -, I " \ ' :. . (b) The promissory note described in subparagraph (a) above shall provide for the privilege of prepayment at any time, without penalty, and shall recite that all sums thereunder may become due and payable if the l maker thereof remains in default in the performance of the terms of said promissory note for a thirty (30) day period. Said promissory note shall be secured by a collateral assignment of the withdrawing partner's interest being purchased. If an adjustment in the purchase price is made by reason of arbitration made pursuant to subparagraph C .(5) of Paragraph 16 above, then within thirty (30) days after the date of the arbitration report, the amount due under the promissory note shall be increased or decreased according to the adjustment made in the purchase price, such increase or decrease shall be made by way of an endorsement to said promissory note. (7) Purchase Price of Bankrupt or Insolvent Partner's Interest. The purchase price of the interest of a PARTNER against whom any bankruptcy proceedings have commenced without being dismissed within one hundred' twenty (120) days after the filing of samej including the assignment of such Partnership interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors shall, if during the first five (5) ,years after the purchase of the Partnership property be the amount of the original investment of such PARTNER actually paid in, plus interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum from the date of such investment until the date of sale; or if after the aforesaid five (5) year periOd, the appraised fair market value of the assets as determined in the case of death as of the date of the filing of the voluntary or involuntary petition ~f bankruptcy of insolvency proceedings or the date of the assignment of the PARTNERS interest for I' -21- - C!J":,~" r . ..~ .~ ,,' .~.;,; ~ the benefit of creditors. The payment of the purchase price shall be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments with interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum. (O) Closing of Purchase of Withdrawing Partner Interest or the Interest of a Bankrupt or Insolvent ! Partner. The closing date of the purchase of a withdrawing partner or a bankrupt or insolvent partners interest as provided for above, shall be within thirty (30) days after the date of the last election by any PARTNER to purchase the interest of such PARTNER in the Partnersh~p~ The exact date shall be agreed upon by the purchasing PARTNERS and the closing 'shall be held at the principal office of the,Partnership or .at such other place as may be agreed upon by the parties. 17. NOTICE: Each PARTNER shall keep the Partnership informed as to his current address. The Partnership shall have the addresses furnished by the PARTNERS on file at the Partnership's office and any and all notices required under the provisions of this Agreement mailed to a PARTNER by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, shall constitute the notice required under this Agreement. 18. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be contrary ~o the laws of the State of Florida, at the present time or in the future, said provision shall be deemed null and void, but this shall not affect the legality of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. The Agreement shall be deemed to be modified and amended by the elimination of such provision and the Agreement shall then be construed in such a way as will serve the intention of the parties at the time of the execution of the Agreement. / -22- ~ \0 0\ IV ~ \0 ' . . 00 -..l -' ~ ;" '-.. " .;.~'~ . - '. 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EXHIBIT "A" Description of Property l The West 194 feet of Block 3, being that portion of Lots A and B lying North of State Road 804, PALM BEACH FARMS PLAT #8, according to the plat thereof recorded in Piat Book 5, Page 73 of the Publ,ic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. .' ., / .. ,~,. 'c~ ........ ... " . .: . '0\ ,. 19. CONSTRUCTION: All pronouns and other variations ~ thereof shall b~ deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine, ,neuter, singular or plural as the identity of the organization" person or persons may require. Except as herein otherwise I provided to the contrary, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their personal representatives .and assigns. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts bearing the signatures of the PARTNERS and one or more of the PARTNERS and each such counterpar~ shall, for all purposes, be deemed an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 20. INTEREST HELD BY TENANTS BY ENTIRETY: The death, incompetency or withdrawal of either spouse while holding a partnership interest by a tenancy by the entireties or any transfer of any portion of that interest from one to ". . the. other shall not cause a dissolution of the partnership . nor give rise to any option to purchase on the part of the othe~ PARTNERS .anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have sworn and subscribed to this Agreement. Signed, sealed and delivered presence of: 4HM~) :BILL . \ INCHESTER ~ ff /Lt-......u-J CL--.; !l.t..:W " .G~~ ELSIE WINCHESTER 71J~-;dAPh{I. (f\, fouJn f3 /l.~t-J) !L._,-, /~ 4-.~} 1f1 ctMAfUJ.N\ ' \'\ . r~ '/ ':, ~-' /o/:-c-cz;z----- .........\'lIL(IN1 A. .,?EIH.ER ,;I' ( /' --t'r', . ~ HI \A;'L S2l~L.v -23- g. Access Requirements The degree and type of access permitted on a given f'.J.cility is dependent upon its intended function and should confom to the guidelines given in Section III GEX:METRIC DESIGN. Reasonable access control rmlSt be exercised to allow a street or highway to fulfill its function. 2. Classification ~. Road classifications are defined in Section 334.03 of the Florid~ Statutes. Functional classification is the assignment of roads into sys- tems according to the character of service they provide in relation to th", total road network. a. Basic Cla~sification Basic functional categories include arterial, collector, and local roads which may be subdivided into principal, major or minor levels. These It::!vels may be additionally divided into rural and urban categories. This basic classification system is utilized throughout this manual. 1) IDeal A route providing service which is of relatively low aver- age traffic voltlIte, short average trip length or minimal th..""Ough-traffic novements, and high land access for abutting property. 2) Collector A route providing service which is of relatively nJderate average traffic volurre, m::xierately average trip length, and rroderately average operating speed. These routes also collect and distribute traffi between local roads or arterial roads and serve as a linkage between land access and nobility needs. 3) Arterial A route providing service which is relatively conti.11uoUS and of relatively high traffic volurre, long average trip lengt.;" high oper- ating speed, and high rrobility irnp::>rtance. In addition, all United States numbered highways shall be arterial roads. b. Cla::.sification Modifications The design and classification of streets and highways shoulG also be based upon a consideration of driver expectations. The function of any facility, as perceived by t.l"}e driver, essentially detennines t.'le driver's willingness to accept restrictions upon speed, capacity, access or level of service. Section I - 5 . ~.... TABLE III-7 MINIMUM LANE WIDTH Desirable Minimum Minimum Lane Width Lane Width Freewavs 12' 12' Maior Arterials 12 11' Minor Arterials 12' 11' Collectors (Maior and Minor-) 11' 11' Local Roads* 10' 10' Auxiliarv Lanes 12' 10' *Pavement widths may be reduced for the paving of certain existing unpaved subdivision streets and low volume rural roads, See Secion III-A for conditions, II I - 28