CORRESPONDENCE CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 Eaat Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beaoh, Florida 33426-0310 (407) 734-8111 August 14, 1989 Mr. Frank Mason 1674 South 24th Court Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Dear Mr. Mason: I am attaching for your examination, comments from the Department of Community Improvement, and the Planning Department, regarding your desire to rennovate a duplex into a child care center within Boynton Beach. Please be advised that you have only preliminarily begun the process, and several significant issues remain to be resolved. I would urge you to contact Johnnetta Broomfield, Director of the Department of Community Improvement, as well as Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director, in order to proceed with your proposal. An appli- cation for rezoning will have to be filed, and the Commission will need to discuss the possible sale of a City owned tract of land to you in order for you to complete the project. I apologize for the delay in getting this information back to you, however, the situation is exceedingly complicated and I believe the number of issues which need to be resolved before construction could commence are more significant than perhaps you originally anticipated. I will certainly be happy to assist you in any manner which I can in moving forward with this goal, as it is generally agreed upon that Boynton Beach, especially on its north end, needs as many day care centers as possible. However, my review of the material indicates that the obstacles which you face are formidable, and I would urge you to contact staff regarding their resolution. ;.. .-:.~ ~lY'~ .~ George (t Hl Interim City Manager ~-:;~ GNH:lat cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Johnnetta Broomfield, Director, Department of Community Improvement Canmen Annunziato, Planning Director Jim Golden, Senior City Planner Centra 1 Fll e " ;, M E M 0 RAN DUM August 14, 1989 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Commissioner Ezell Hester " I / George N. Hunt, Interim City Manager~ Frank Mason As a follow-up to your original inquiry regarding the status of Frank Mason1s request for a child care center, I am submitting infonmation from Johnnetta Broomfield, Director of the Department of Community Improvement, as well as Jim Golden, Planning Department, regarding the options available to Mr. Mason. It should be noted from Mr. Golden's remarks that there seems to be a fair number of problems which need to be resolved before Mr. Mason can make a successful application for a change, and I will be advising Mr. Mason of those necessary actions so that he can initiate the process, if he so desires. In the meantime, if you wish me to expedite this matter in any additional way, please let me know. George N. Interim C ;.. GNH:lat Attachment cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Johnnetta Broomfield, Director, Department of Community Improvement Canmen Annunziato, Planning Director Jim Golden, Senior City Planner l.-:;~,~.. " RECEIVED A.UG 1 5 1989 PLANNING DEPT. I ! ' .. , ,:~ ~""ll,-;'J!o.'(i~, .~ -~,--,-,.,._- -.. " ..,.,'.o.:....:~.,..."."._'-'""., .,',"CN.',~,;- ,',::::::,=C:;:'"::::_:,:=:::::,_:,,,___,~ . 'J.i"'r~' . ,-. --------'"-~-- ~ ;.:".. ~' '.'-~ e MEMORANDUM RECEIVE AUG 9 .wa9 CITY r' '.t, ~.! "PD?'2 Of August 8, 1989 ....-.........~..-,..,~ TO: George Hunt Interim city Manager FROM: Johnnetta Broomfield, Directo Department of Community Improv RE: Frank Mason As per your memorandum dated July 5, 1989, please find enclosed the requested information: Address(es) (location) of City-owned property which may be available to Mr. Mason should the Commission choose to sell any of them to him in order to meet parking requirements: 1. Lanehart Sub of ~ot 3 08-43-45-21-21-00-0220 NE 13th Ave Between 227 & 229 NE 13th Ave Zone - R-3 Land Value: $3,243. ;.. 2. Palm Beach Country Club Estates 08-43-41-21-10-002-0090 NE 8th Ave East of 130 NE 8th Ave Zone - R-2 Land Value: $10,810. l'';''~'':- ...._ '-~ 3. sutton Manor 08-43-45-21-36-000-0400 NE 7th Ave Tract No. 1 Zone - R-2 Land Value: $2,432. RECEIVED, AUG 8 1985 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Also, please be advised of the following: 1. #3 may possibly be located within 300' of the questioned site. If this is the case, it could possibly be used for parking. it. ';',"% '~f '.'., ..,...-- ~ 2. For your information - Blanch Girtman owns 2 pieces of vacant property located on the East side of Seacrest between NE 6th Avenue and NE 5th Avenue (Sunny-side Estates--See map*). It is my understanding that she intends to build a day care center. 3. There is an existing Headstart Center located just North of the questioned site jNE 8th Avenue and NE 3rd Street). (See map**). 4. See memorandum from James Golden (attached). JB/jm Att. " -, " , ~}\ n~';;;';i' ':~--~ ._,' -~..:.~:.. --':_~::'::-'- ___.......;...f"-.~,;2..~c~_.::-_,~ __+_..__._...___.__..-..:-=-::.......-=..:~----_.- ._.,~ - -:t;J:""-., . -+ - ----.--~ -. , '" ' MEMORANDUM 20 July 1989 TO: George Hunt, Assistant city Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Frank Mason In response to your memo of, July 5, 1989 regarding Frank Mason and his desire to convert a duplex into a day care center, attached please find a memo from James Golden which responds to the issues raised by Mr. Mason. Please advise if you have any additional comments or concerns. d. /bks , " "', RECEIVED JUt a 1 4Sa~ CITY MANl\(:!ED~S Or' t;'\\iI ~\; rFICE I " :. I~ ... .~ ,J . \ ~. : ........." 'XO: FROM: RE: I MEMORANDUM July 13, 1989 Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director James J. Golden, Senior City Planner Mason Day Care Center With respect to the above, pleas~ be advised of the following: 1. A certain square footage of outdoor play area must be provided for each child enrolled at the day care center according to HRS regulations. 2. -,-" t~;;: ... '-~ (, \-' 3. section ll-H.16.c(4) of Appendix A, Zoning, was recently amended to provide for the following: 7/17/81 Day care centers and nursery schools: 13u)~ 'I~:!o ~ ~ One (1) parking space per three hundred A ~f r... 0 ~ (300) square feet of gross floor area, ~[CO~ ~,.S~(j plus adequate provision for a convenient ~or drop-off area adjacent to the building providing unobstructed ingress and egress. With respect to the item *2 above, if the parking is to be provided on a second lot under a unity of title within' 300 feet of the main lot, as permitted under Section H-I.2 of Appendix A, Zoning, a drop-off area must still be provided adjacent to the,building. As noted in the attached sketch, there is an existing paved parking area in front of the building which can be reconstructed to provide for the required drop-off area. , "<, ;.. ; I , I Due to the limited space available for the drop-off area in front of the building, it is likely that there may be a problem with vehicles stacking on N.E. 3rd Street in the morning and afternoon when the children are being dropped off and picked up by the parents. 5. Any off-site parking lot that is utilized for this facility must meet the design requirements of Article X, Parking Lots. 4. 6. While the proposed use would be consistent with the future land use element of the Comprehensive Plan, it may not be consistent with all of the policies contained within the text, such as the goal to "provide for efficient and safe movement within the city". ., }~ o . ' .. ',' c~ .. ~ I" . ..-.....-- '-~ 7. JJG: frb masonctr An architect should be consulted regarding the feasibility and cost of converting the duplex into a day care center that meets HRS requirements and the maximum number of children which could be accommodated in this facility. " ~ J,. ~ AMES Jj. 'GOLDEN ,\ I- ,"~ -----,---- - CAN A L' , ---p' ' . ~L----., --- - =-1 I - @It, ~::: , I 1 ;~~ a:~(~~r~~~~F~~~} I~:; ..' ~~] ..~~ "f -----1 Jl= 11th MEi K~w ~Dci ~(~'~ .~~ O' "'. '" t.' .. '~~' \0'" ~. 9 5 ) I; 10'; ~ t f BmE~ '" n. J (9 ~) 1 Zl ~ ' E .I 112 ) z.~ to ..' L""I~ : I;;....... I, D' .... .. ..." ..l. ... . ...,....,'..:::. I ~---..- ~E-";';'--_. --IOt'------AVE ____ ~ I~.~' / '~ '(" ~. .. 6' I' . - "'1..' ~ ;:, to' ..' 0 0 i./ I! ~,~ .; I~ II 66) (II 6: ~ ~ ~ .. I} ~ .~ I~ ,,'., j ~ : 15'~' ": ~ - "$ so...... r--:~,.......o ..' IlZ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ 't 1"-0 :t'PS, N . ~~ ~~ .p:, \ I M' j~'~E E" ~ .Hot ;.t.. .0' .. .. .. .. .. .. ..' 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