CORRESPONDENCE ~" . \-" --.~- -.- B~ 7~ ~a~ ~ ~ 3- r~ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, Utilities Engineer Vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Richard Staudinger, Engineer, Gee & Jensen FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: July 20, 1992 RE: Technical Review Conmittee Meeting Tuesday, July 28, 1992 Please be advis~d that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 28, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION * Bay Tree Meadows 300 - Tract B - PUD Modification is a request to reduce the rear yard setback; for the purpose of screened-roofed and hard-roofed structures; to six (6) feet or to the existing easement of record where applicable for lots 1 through 86. All construction structures including overhangs shall not encroach into an easement of record. Side setback for hard-roofed and screened-roof screen enclosures remain at 12-1/2 feet. Front setbacks remain at 25 feet. PARKING LOT VARIANCE: * I 1313 West Boynton Beach Boulevard, Cross Creek Center. Requests relief from Article X, Parking Lots, Section 5-142 Required Improvement (i) Parking Lot Layout (m) Fire Lanes. (See Attached Application.) To eliminate an existing fire lane in front of 1313 West Boynton Beach Boulevard to allow the construction of additional parking spaces. ~echnical Review Committee Page 2 REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS: PROJECT: Kid Stop II LOCATION: 3800 Quantum Boulevard APPLICANT: Mark & Joan Mendel FILE NO.: 684 OTHER: 1. Discussion - Technical Review Committee sign-off of permit plans. 2. Discussion - Easement Abandonment Carriage Homes Building No.9. 3. Sign-Off of the Final Plat and Master Plan Modification for Lawrence Groves. * Please return all comments and plans to the Planning and Zoning Director by 5:00 p.m. on July 30, 1992. ~,~~" ~ Dorothy Moore DM/jm Atts. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager City Commission (5) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, ,Utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works Central File Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Project File Chronological File A:TRCAGDA.JM -AUG~rF'92 15:02 m:FPL ED ADMIN EDe TEL NO: 364-44 9~. l:i8'79 P01 PIIlo....I. brAnd Fax Transmittal Memo 7612 1'10'''' .'.f'.' ....1\ '... . ,.... '.;; .c.... t....L J"""......... t" ~ ~ ~7l. 1 "-' ~ C.;rr.p.arv, i ri..Ocialion rF.li'#,^'~ '_ -,4' ~iepno!1ll' "..., '.' .3fa.. . . '2P\ : Comm~nt$ !!. ',' ..$ t-i'.i.OfPages From -'7--- Todays bat9&.. { l:nma ""'\ e.~; %\01~oN CllIll>sny " ~'''''.-.'''' " . ,ft-y ..~ LDV"'l5\'&iL~o ~ V\~ D1~d. Or;gjn~1 Oispos.lion o Destroy . ;l)ept, Gl1.rge ;-relfp~~:.~,_ 11,2.5 o Relurn DCallfor~ICkUp local ion faXl . I t,. . "".'~ 1 m~ ~,,,,l',,,,,,,,,,,,,,y.. '.,/ . '... - r=PL ~Iori~ POwer & Light C6mpllny, P.O, Bo" 16179, Wll~t Palm finch, FL 3J416-6119 ~'L{') .- A.ugust 10, 1992 Mr. Scott Miller, City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 Eaat Boynton Beach Boulevard p , 0 . Box :H 0 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Reo Revisions to Setback Requirements Lawrence Lake eay Tree at the Meadows Dear Mr. Miller: It has corne to my attention that the City of Boynton Beach is consiaer1ng requests for Master Plan Modifications involvina reductions in setback requirements at both Lawrence Lake and Bay Tree at the Meadows Planned Unit Developments. Since FPL has platted easements in both of these developments. a field investigation was made by FPL representatives to determine whether the proposed changes would be compatible with FPL facilitiQS located in these areas. As a result of this investigation, the following determinations have beer.. made. 1. FPL has no objection to the oroDosed setback m~dification6 for Lawrence Lake as stated in Item VIII, C.l. of th. August 4, 1992 City Commission AgQnda. 2. FPL hCis no objection to the proposed setback modificatione for Bay Tlee at the Meadows as stated in Item VIII. C.2. of the August 4. 1992 City commission Agenda. It should be noted, however, that this letter in no way preempts FPL's standard procedures, the requirement5 of the Nctional Electric Safety Coda, the Florida Eleotric Tariff or any other a~~licabl~ ~lectrical safety standard3, i.e., clearances for pools, etc. While FPL is am~nable to the specific setback cevisions requested in t.he two developm~nts referenced ~bove, in Borne cases, similar s@tbock requirements could create 0. aituation whicn '.rvoulct restrict, impair or intQrfere with FPL'a current o~ future use of platted Qa~Qroents. Therefore, it is impo~t~nt that FPL have the opportunity to oo~ent on reque5ted revisions prior to the City's date~,ination of the ma.tter. an ~Pl. CrOllp Oompllnv "I ... ~ ;j. - In 11111II1 O,lPDl'IUally blJ:I.~.,. MIF - [, "......,...,."--.".-.,.--.,,.,,-"".:.. AUG-11-'92 15:03 ID:FPL ED ADMIN EDC TEL NO:364-4496 1:t879 P02 Mr. Scott Miller -2- August 10, 1992 Your consideration of FPL' 5 cOlnments is greatly appreciated. Please contact me at 265-3103 if r can be of further assistance. Sincerely, ~~~ Terri L. Robinson External Affairs Manager TLR:at ee: Mr. Chris Cutro Mr. Don Urgo i ~ _l!~rt!E~~ . Homeowners Association 87 Bay Tree Circle Boynton Beach, Florida P.O. Lantana 33462 June 29, 1992 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Bch, ,Fl'. 33425-0310 Attention: Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Dear Mr. Cutro: Enclosed please find the information for the site plan modification to the Meadows 300, Tract B. On April 13, 1992 the Board of Directors for Bay tree voted to proceed with this plan as submitted. We are appointing Gary Maresca, a resident of Bay tree to act as our representative. If additional information is required please contact him at his office number (407) 734-9l10 or at his home (407) 964-2575. Sincerely yours, '1y.J -i'cJt Mel Fauk President of Bay tree Homeowners Association HF/aam -~~~ Homeowners Association 87 Bay Tree Circle Boynton Beach, Florida P.O. Lantana 33462 MASTER PLAN DATA Master Plan Modification is a request to reduce the rear yard setback; for the purpose of screened roofed or hard roofed structures; to SIX (6) feet or to the existing easment of record where applicable for lots 1 thru 86. All construction, structure including overhangs, shall not encroach into an easement of record. Side setbacks remain at 12! feet. Front setbacks remain at 25 feet.