CORRESPONDENCE BELL SOUTH TELECOAfAfUNICAnONS @ P. S. Davis Operations Manager - Outside Plant Engineering Room 501 326 Fern Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 407 837-6355 FAX 407 833-9898 December 22, 1993 Mr. James D. White, P.E. city Engineer The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: EASEMENT REDUCTION APPLICATION BLOCK B, THE MEADOWS 300-PLAT NO 1 LOTS 23-30 Dear Mr. White: Southern Bell does not object to reducing the easement from 10' to 7' . If you require any additional information or have any questions please contact Larry Mayernik at (407) 837-6404. Yours truly, ~A// ~operations Manager- outside Plant Engineering LFM/rr . FPL Florida Power & light l......pany, P. O. Box 2409, Delray Beach, Fl 33447-2409 December 14, 1993 James D. White, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Utility Easement Abandonment, The Meadows Dear Mr. White: FPL has no objections to the abandonment of the utility easement in Block B, The Meadows 300, Plat No.1, Lots 23-30 as described in your letter dated December 3, 1993.. If you require any additional information, please call me at (407) 265-3104. Sincerely, Jh~ A. G. Russillo, fr.' FPL Accounts Manager dn FPl GrOUJl t;;:;mpany F L ~.'~lDA € UTIL~trltS COMPANY ~~ 11 :!~~ , PUBLIC Mr. James D. White, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 ADDRESS ~EPLY TO CO....PANY AT P. O. Box 3395 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3395 December 8, 1993 RE: BLOCK B, TIlE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, LOTS 23-30 Dear Mr. James: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment of the existing 3' easement described in your letter. At the present time, we have no underground gas distribution facilities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment. cc: Mr. M. L. Schneidermann Sincerely,.-.:::: dr ~. David E. Pellico Division Engineer .../. ) fJJie City of 'Boynton 'Beacfi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boukvartl P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bead.., ~tori.tfa 33425-0310 City:Jfa1[: (407) 734-8111 ~:U: (407) 738-7459 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER December 3, 1993 Adelphia Cable 7378 Lake Worth Road Lake Worth, Fl 33467 Re: Easement Abandonment Application Dear Sirs: The City of Boynton Beach is considering a request to abandon part of a utility easement within it's jurisdiction. It is recommended that you review this application and how it may affect your operations. If you have comments, suggestions or recommendations, please send them to this office at the address listed above within 20 days of the date of this letter or your input may not be considered. Very truly yours, , : B7/tJ7i' //James D. White, P.E. / City Engineer FLORIDA JDW/ck NOT I(IbLP HI It 5:;f\J D /u CoV1'J CI1Sr, -~._~~~ 17_/i'/ 5lmerUa's (jateway to tlie (julfstream ..-/l,:~ .J- i { 1--- , / "-,-.-",,- Adelphia Cable 7378 Lake Worth Roau Lake Worth, Fl 33467 Mr. C.J. Lonsdale Southern Bell Telephone C 326 Fern Street, Room 6010. West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 Mr. Rusty Russillo Acc't M Florida Power & Li~ht . gr. P.O. Box 2409 Delray Beach, Fl 33447-2409 Mr. David E. Pellico Eng; Fl P bl' " , .neer u l.C Utl.ll.ties/Flo_Gas C 401 S. Dixie Hwy. orp. West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 ~vara :5-0310 1 December 3, 1993 Mr. C. J. Lonsdale Southern Bell Telephone Company 326 Fern Street, Room 601 West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 Dear Mr. Lonsdale: Re: Easement Abandonment Application The City of Boynton Beach is considering a request to abandon part of a utility easement within it's jurisdiction. It is recommended that you review this application and how it may affect your operations. If you have comments, suggestions or recommendations, please send them to this office at the address listed above within 20 days of the date of this letter or your input may not be considered. Very truly yours, 4f.ITY OF BOYNT02 ,EACH, .~ ~ t.U ~./! James D. White, P.E. ll' City Engineer FLORIDA JDW/ck 5lmerUas (jateway to tfie (julfstream 1ii TELE-MEDIA COMPANY 19146 Lyons Road. Boca Raton, FL 33434 · Phone: 407/451-8424 M_-'\o'ember~ 10, 1993 Mr. and Mr~s. Fr~ank Deal 28 Bay tree Circle Boynton Beach, Flor~ida 33462 RE: Bay tree Rt the Meadows Dear Mr. and "'rs. Deal: In refer~ence to Meadows 300, Plat #1, Lots 19 thr~ol.lgh :32, Block B, Tele-Media Company of Southeast Florida has no object i on to abandonment of the nor~th thr~ee feet of the ten foot utility easement at the r~ear~ of the above lots. Please feel fr~ee to contact me if you need any fl.lr~ther assistance regarding this matter. q er ly, Paul tzmann Cons, r I t i on Coor~di nator~ .. ~ -. / IVy / .; M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Tim Cannon Interim Planning Director DATE: April 13, 1990 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Quit-Claim Deed The 300 property Owner's Assoc. Attached is the original quit-claim deed and acceptance of deed and maintenance obli~gation by the City for your infor- mation and files. PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF SAME. J~~-" Sue use mas r"'~~' 77:-"''7'''''- ; 1;:-';:, \ I ~~ J'\1 ~,....J ~....:..... ': ~ J.'.J' AOb .. (" ]{.rn ::,"'Ill E_ .., ,"'1"'-</:.: PLAr~!''4,~G JEPL -= This Instrument prepared by: Rae Franks, Esquire 1000 Southern Boulevard #201 West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 QU I T -etA I M DEED AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEED AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATION BY CITY /9,.&'~/L THIS QUIT-CLAIM DEED, Executed this // day of 1990, by THE 300 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., A Florida corporation not for profit, and having its principal place of business at 1000 Southern Boulevard, Suite 300, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405, First Party, to the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, whose post office address is 100 East Boynton Reach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, Second Party: ,< (Wherever used herein the terms "First Party" and "Second Party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of Individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires.) WITNESSETH: That the said First Party, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid by the said Second Party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the said Second Party forever, al I the right, title, interest, claim, demand, and maintenance obi igation which the said First Party has in and to the fol lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, to-w it: The Tract des ignated as "PARCEL A", as shown on the Plat of "MEADOWS PARK", recorded in P I at Book 59, Page 33 through 34, of the Pub lie Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, Interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the said First Party, either In law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Second Party forever. FURTHER, by acceptance of th i s Deed, the Second Party (C I ty of Boyn ton Beach) hereby acknowledges and agrees that the First Party's (The 300 Property -1- / Owners Association, Inc.) obllgation of perpetual maintenance of and on this parcel is hereby terminated, and that the First Party shall have no further obi Igation or responsibility of maintenance on this property. It is also acknow ledged and agreed that the Second Party (Ci ty of Boynton Beach) sha II , assume and have all the obligations and respol'lslbllltles of perpetua I ma I ntenance on th is parce I. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said First Party has caused these presents to be executed In Its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto aflxed, by its proper officer thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above w r I tten . WITNESSES: THE 300 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. a Florida corporation not-for-proflt By: I ts Pres I dent ( Cor pora te sea I ) STATE OF FLORIDA ") COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the state and County aforesaid to take acknowledgement, personally appeared , wet I known to me to be the President of THE 300 PROPERTY OWNERS-ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation not for profit, and that he acknow ledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in him by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto Is the true corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of , 1990. NOTARY PUBLI C, state of Florida, at large My commission expires: ACCEPT ANCE OF DEED 'AND MA I NTENANCE OBL I GA T I ON ON FOLLOW I NG PAGE......... 35-QCD2 -2- ,. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED AND ACCEPTANCE OF MAINTENANCE OBLIGATION BY CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH This Quit-Claim Deed is hereby accepted, and the obligation of perpetual maintenance of and on this parcel as described in the deed is also fully assumed and accepted by The City of Boynton Beach. It is agreed and acknowledge that the obligation and responsibility of THE 300 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., for such maintenance Is hereby terminated. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Attest: ~~?-A".~.}// City Blerk I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgement, personally appeared Gene Moore and Suzarme M. Kruse , we II known to me to be the Mayor and ___Ciiy Clerk of THE CITYOF BOYNTON BEACH, , and that they acknow!edged executi ng the same I n the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said city and that the seal affixed thereto Is the true seal of said city. WIT~~SS my hand~nd,official seal in the County and State last aforesaid th i s II,*, day of , 1990. , 35-0CD2 ~~ ~ NOTARY PUBLI C, state of Florida, at a My commission expire: I ,.. Notary Public, Sta~-;;ifi~~,{f~--- My Commission Expires Del. 29. 1990 ~_ 'onded r"h!~ !.toy f4'i~ : 'murallCQ Inc.