APPLICATION s.p f.E D L.ETTER~ 44.902 ( SPEED Lr::- - TO FROM Mr. Jim White Sue Kruse City Engineer City Clerk MESSAGE Attached is a copy of a utility easement abandonment application submitted by Ewing & Shirley, Inc. Please review and advise of your recommendations for approval or disapproval in accordance with Section 22-40(a) of the Code. Your response should be sent to this office by January 3, 1994. Please send Tambri Heyden in the Planning Dept. a copy of your response. Thank you. DATE 12-1-93 SIGNED. ~ ~~<)L' REPLY '10 "y, \.J\~\. -( ~ (\z. ~(\..~vi 7::;1:zv I-+A.S IE" Irr ~--:;~t7' WA~Q.. ~I'vfl\~G- Vtrl-f /N~..5 ~ 7(\='~s. w\..~\.ch O";"\='.;).'-LY -0 e"'t-' s-r t..~'IC.~ ~~~1 -- FOlD fOR NO_ 9 .- fOlD FOR NO. 10 DATE SIGNED W1leon"-. _. MADE IN U.S.A. _~.O__.l_ REC;P!EJ\iT: c:E:\,:_~: ''.1'-11 if CC:P' TO Mr. John Guidry ~\d)' I Ci) ~\ '-" , . . c'- :..z~\ . I " .~~.. o. <<.:' "c?] <:'.'1.'; ,/;' <.~ / \ /eI t- >') "(:~... ---.../ '" \~ !,\ -- ." / t.';"~ .__!; I' . ' . , ,--' ~ ,,',' ,',' f="- - j . . r;;~~ . ~ . <._. _ , 'C~ /1. (" , /r> ' _ , ....; -'\ .r ,. >- _,- \. .- ~ ";-, .-11) ~, ~ ~C --::~...~ ". Director of Utilities MESSAGE SUBJECT' Plannin & -FOLD NQ. lJOt1O SD-r-- '.. . '1_ _'_ i .~ j L.L J-.- , r-T-, CD i- L Li\ FROM Sue Kruse Attached is a copy of a utility easement abandonment appli~R~inn ~l1hm;rrpn hy Ewing & Shirley, Inc. Please review and advise of your accordance with Section 22-40Ca) this office by January 3, 1994. a copy of your response. recommendations for approval or disapproval in of the Code. Your TP~pnn~p ~hnllln bE' sent to Please send Tambri Heyden in the Planning Dept. Thank you. DATE 12-1-93 :~EPLY SIGNED ~ ~./.L?",-" No objections. -FOlD HJft NO.' - FOlD FOR NO. 10 W1laonJon.. . __. MADE IN U,S,A, 44-902 TriphcaIe . e W~. 1988 DATE SIGNED TO Mr. John Guidry ~\d)' I Ci) ~\ '-" , . . c'" :..z~\ . I " .~~.. o. <<.:' "c?] <:-" ';,/;' <.~ / \ /eI t- ~_") "(:~... ---.../ '" \~ !,\ -- ." / t.';"~ '__!; I' . ' . , ,--' ~ ,,'.. ,',' f="- - j . . r;;~~ . ~.<._, _, 'C~ /1. (" , /r> ' _ . ....; -'\ .r ,. >- _,- \. .- ~ ";-, .-11) ~, ~ ~C --::~...~ ". Director of Utilities MESSAGE SUBJECT' Plannin & -FOLD NQ. lJOt1O SD-r-- '.. . '1_ _'_ i .~ j L.L J-.- , r-T-, CD i- L Li\ FROM Sue Kruse Attached is a copy of a utility easement abandonment appli~R~inn ~l1hm;rrpn hy Ewing & Shirley, Inc. Please review and advise of your accordance with Section 22-40Ca) this office by January 3, 1994. a copy of your response. recommendations for approval or disapproval in of the Code. Your TP~pnnl'lP ~hnllln bE' sent to Please send Tambri Heyden in the Planning Dept. Thank you. DATE 12-1-93 :~EPLY SIGNED ~ ~./.L?",-" No objections. -FOlD HJft NO.' - FOlD FOR NO. 10 W1laonJon.. . __. MADE IN U,S,A, 44-902 TriphcaIe . e W~. 1988 DATE SIGNED ,1 1 ~ 1 APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the C~~~' of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate; abandon, and discontinue the, (check one): ALLEY STREET X SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in conn~ction therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): DEED x DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in Plat Book 43 , Page 58 , and Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes.: 5. That the following constitutes'a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. NAME ADDRESS . I Lake Worth Drainage District 13081 North Military Trail Dolray ~each Frank and Juanita Cid 22 Bay tree Circle Boynton Beach, FL Pearl Stark 31 Baytroo Circle Boynton Beach, FL .1 .y 6. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: To al~ow for the existence of appurtenances attached to tho existing residences. DATED: November 12. 1993 c V)~~ASE SIGN) ADDRESS Kent W. Ewing, P.O. Box 15796 Ewing and Shirley, Inc. West Palm Beach. Florida 33416 ~L-\E.-6oos~ q~??2 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that __he__ ~/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to Abandonl Vacate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA. ~Y COMMISSION EXPIRES: MAY 21. 199401 ONDED THRU NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITER" 6-19-87 BELLSOUTH TELECOAfAfUNICAnONS @ P. S. Davis Operations Manager - Outside Plant Engineering Room 501 326 Fern Street West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 407 837-6355 FAX 407 833-9898 November 16, 1993 \; Ms. Caron Deal 28 Bay tree Circle Boynton Beach, Florida 33462 RE: Easement Abandonment Bay tree At The Meadows Lots 23-30 Dear Ms. Deal: Southern Bell does not object to abandoning the north 3' of the 10' utility easement. Southern Bell's facilities are not in the portion to be abandoned. If you have any questions or need any additional information contact Larry Mayernik at 837-6404. ~~ Operations Manager Outside Plant Engineering LFM:ds . I=PL 9329 S. Military Trail Boynton, FL 33436 November 12, 1993 Mrs. Caron Deal 28 Bay tree Circle Lantana, FL 33462 Re: Easements at the rear of Block "B", The Meadows 300 - Plat No.1 P.D.D., as recorded in Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62, Inclusive, Public Records, Palm Beach County, Florida. Dear Mrs. Deal: Florida Power & Light Company is willing to abandon the north three feet of the utility easement at the rear of lots 23-30, of the above referenced property. We will not be able to grant an abandonment for lots 19-22, or lots 31 & 32. Sincerely, J'~~ Jim L. Adams Distribution Designer JLA:ga an FPL Group company .-:. ~ lii! TELE-MEDIA COMPANY 19146 Lyons Road · Boca Raton. FL 33434 · Phone: 407/451-8424 November' 10, 1993 Mr'. and Mr's. Fr'ank Deal E.'8 Baytr'ee Cir'c1e Boynton Beach, F1or'ida 3346;::: RE: Bayt r'ee Rt the Meadows Dear' Mr'. arid Mr's. Deal: In r'erer'ence to Meadows 300, P1 at #1, Lots 19 thr'ough 3;:::, Block B, Tel e-Medi a Company or Southeast F 1 or'i da has rlo object i cm to abandonmer,t or the rlor'th thr'ee reet or the ten rc/ot I..Iti1it)/ easement at the rear' or the above lots. Please reel rr'ee t'o contact me i r )/ou need an.v f'ur'ther assistance regarding this matter. f\ er'~ly, \~ ~, Paul L tzmann Cons~ r ~I t i on Coord i ria tOr' \ EWING AND SHIRL.LJ Y, INC. land surveyo"c and planners P.o. Box 15796 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 t.:::t'Tf \V EVv'l\:C, PLS TELEPHONE (407) 968,0421 November 12, 1993 Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A TEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT That part of a ten foot utility easement lying within the North three feet of the South ten feet of Lots 23 through 30, inclusive, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO. 1, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, pages 58 through 62, inclusive, public records, Palm Beach County, Florida, less however, the East 12 feet of Lot 26 and the East 12 feet of Lot 29 of said Block B. EWING AND SHIRLEY, INC. land surveyors and piarmers P.O. Box 15796 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 KEN! W EWING, PLS TELEPHONE (407) 968,0421 November 12, 1993 Boynton Beach Planning Dept. City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Abandonment of Easement To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to serve as permission for Ewing and Shirley, Inc. to act as agent, to prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all meetings pertaining to the abandonment of a portion of the ten foot utility easement described on the attached Exhibit A as it relates to our property. Authorization is hereby given to Ewing and Shirley, Inc. to act as applicant on behalf of the following homeowners. Charles W. Hazle 23 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 23, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 Mary A. Hazle ~+~ Mildred Fradin 24 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 24, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 Billie J. Lefebvre 25 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 25, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 Carl T. Benson 26 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 26, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43. Pages 58-62 1\, :r-TI1Lel' , j ~ , j , .1 ~ f' ',r",-'~ll',- t-.l,- , .1"..1 .... l'~)' (,; 'f l' ': l "',;- I f-....,...... ' .. .. v ..;.. C' ~ .,~... l J1 \\'I'~l Pi'!, ), H~. J " "~,-I ' r, ~, '~-~ e j"! t . "" t';-,,'1 ,,',I;: '.1. V!vd. {.l43', '~e. ~ j,\ 1, t;;, ' !, . i 'I t lIt :', : (~'," l H(mt~nL r)l)'! \ lJ.'f'1ci 1" :: .,. 'l Jo "'~ ))1'; ,leti'';; , I 1 e I ' a r ~~ ".,;: , ,~ :~ l;"- . \i'L' e.~ l \ ~ { 1 ,1 r A', t~ S \!t~ ;-.,.. ~.. .'-:'),;u.,,"1 -s.n OJ') ff.'l"'" F-w1nr ". i d('Cllment.~.t " nnd ,.1 p(,lt~(") uf the ter, ll'''L ., 'I :~l:!'l;lit'~.l, t;l (fur propelt.v.. r..... e:~ -t~ i: \,,] t ; -. \. - ,I. 1 i 1 t ,] I 1z. ,8, t j;'j c:; l-l t .<' 1't.ll ;[ ng ii' 'I;;r. d J;ieet i nfl;e ni l.! ~,t J~ ~ 7 ,;t;; 11: "to r HB p .;' !' t d I ' I 1 to I: ,.,,-J ,Yr'l thi hy gtven tli F\.vin~~ Emil .~ r ;~'l ,II l0 act HI; ~l)pl~~~Di'L Q~1 "~\.\-' n c' 1" 9 . ~_~ (I.!_ ~'harJe;; \~.:;a:,',l(' ~ ~~~? 11CL}L.- >t.11 ,;{'.., j c \,'" ;~. (~n r t',. f~'~'~ 6.' 1 C~ tl'l;!e Cirel," lkIYTlt(~n HeEu~h. L f h-l ( k H ~ tBl' !"~CA;'~j'.,jf', .5(1(j:"1,,; t:' }'J l';<~_f:: '- '. ~{ l~ .f ,'~ ; l' ~; ,;\ lH) p:~ Ht' €I'. f,;l , , I , , h ~ H ",.., i l,.!' I ~ '"i- t h q !f 1& '; H 'il, ;, ~_.. ;)\ ,f)'l t,'> ~C,\Ln\ ': '1(" \).f~Hr-~ .i. C., j I'; v' 'n ~ '~i" .. :\i;(J '.-- ~} 1.;'tJ( 11:; FL )1 .; .~ '~ l, () "~ h~ i, : j~ J J j '! I f, ~ , . . """, i f 1 I. " '-~ 'l !~, r ~ ", ''; i: ~j Cb~'\.d: Lt.at C! ~rl ~'1li:~.1 L '.'- H _ '.1.. u "j.J', :\, " I' '1"'1 ,J.'I AI ~._..,,,_..,.,,..~,- -,..-.- ..._...,....'~.-~,,-_... .--, ",-",-,~,-,-,-,,",,--'" "...~..-_."".~_._~,-~....".._,_. 28 Rt~ytr~e Cj[~'le, Ho'ynt~)n 3eR~:h. pi ~ 6~ "," f,iQCk B, 'n-!;~' '1L\DOWs~nt " j'LAJ 'eok hi.'.,', ". li..6:' i:. \.7 1 :'i ~ .' ' ~ idS !, '1 1 f:: Y ~ ... :'1 C r:, con I, \~ I. .,U 'It ".,.1 ; ~~ t t'. :-~" l ~ :::( ':9 LOl trf:,~ ('in: 2'-), 1Uol'k l~. t"wl" 4J, F!1f!,f3 boyntoll hee,h, m:I\DUWS JOi) . ~:" ~.' ;''' ..~ ~~. {.. rjJ~i\T N(\ ;) 1 d ~ ~r ~'.~ .~, (. 2 er.;;( '~"J l~..~ t:.!"", t'lt<];.~_ :)~::l:; n;. r'l, 3,4( , tL ii- I -0 ci< .r~l, TP~' ",~ :,~,))nl'~ ;L :\,L >:t," jIJ t'~ 1. ,., I . .~ ~l;,:<:"f' b 'j ~,' / \ I. , .j l'l, ! r EWING AND SHIRLEY, INC. land surveyors and planners P.O. Box 15796 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 KE1IT VI EWlNG. PLS TELEPHONE (407) 968-0<; 21 November 12, 1993 Boynton Beach Planning Dept. City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Abandonment of Easement To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to serve as permission for Ewing and Shirley, Inc. ~o act as agent, to prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all meetings pertaining to the abandonment of a portion of ~he ten foot utility easement described on the attached Exhibit A as it relates to our property. Authorization is hereby given to Ewing and Shirley, Inc. ~o act as applicant on behalf of the following homeowners. Charles W. Hazle 23 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 23, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 Mary A. Hazle ~+~ Mildred Fradin 24 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 24, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 ~~l ~~ 25 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 25, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 ~ Carl T. Benson 26 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 26, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43. Pages 58-62 00 NO\' 2 9 _ 00 November 12, 1993 Page 2 ~~~L __ ( e eth L. Shelhamer !i9:f:- 1f 4UL- Steph K. Shelhamer ~().~ Arthur C. Clark '":f(p.P~I. ~ Helen A. Clark U1 ~ WendY~ Sincerely, attachments 27 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 27, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 28 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 28, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 29 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 29, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Pages 58-62 30 Bay tree Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Lot 30, Block B, THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO.1, Plat Book 43, Page3s 58-62