REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS MEADOWS 300 TRACT N "WELLESLEY" ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-276 June 25, 1990 TO: Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger ~//',.l,{b.c.;>A?,'k Building & z~~c~or FROM: Michael E. Haag Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: SITE MODIFICATION - MEADOWS 300 TRACT N "Wellesley" (SCREEN ENCLOSURE FOR EACH UNIT) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comment must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: Identify on the plans the width of the means of egress door (minimum clear opening width of two (2) feet, eight (8) inches). MEH:bh b~~~ ,,' WELLSLEY.SDD tk MEMORANDUM NO. 91-260 TO: FROM: DATE SUBJECT: Don Jaeger, Building Official J. Scott Miller, City Manager October 7, 1991 Use Of Surveys With Penmit Documents Reference your memorandum #91-368, dated October 2, 1991 regarding the FPL transmission lines - Meadows 300, your recommendation that the City main- tain the current policy of requiring surveys be submitted with penmit docu- ments and the enforcing of restrictions on the easements shown on the surveys is an acceptable practice as far as I am concerned, and thus will be continued as I understand. JSM:jb cc: Honorable Mayor & City Commission Chris Cutro, Planning Director Vincent Finizio, Admin. Coordinator of Engineering Central File " RECEIVED I JeT 8 1/ PLANNING DEPT. OTHER tember 24 , /~ ,'Ol!~-NT()\, I~ ~\ .....1\1 ' /9 ,,~r.r\. \ ~ " INFORMA oj ~ltJU L . ,CJ SEP 2 5 G , """...l RETURN \ t1j'.' l)\'€] < .... --" '. /',L ,-" "Q" Cr' "..' ,," '(flJ'I ttffl,' . / ~~/~ 19 1- ..fu~ ~ ...t\ f .. .. ern MANAGE' S OI'PZCII ern op BODft'OH BBACII TO: ~~ DEPARTMENT Building DATE Se FOR YOUR FILES []I D D FOR YOUR APPROPRIATE ACTION EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION NOTE AND ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: FPL Transmission Lines - Meadows 300 Subdivision Attached hereto please find a copy of a letter dated september 18, 1991, from Terri L. Robinson, Boca/Delray Area Manager - External Affairs, to Vincent A. Finizio, Admin. Coordinator of Engineering, reference the aerial transmission lines in the rear yard of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Deal, Meadows 300 Subdivision. I draw your attention to the third and fourth paragraphs of Ms. Robinson's letter and ask you to review and/or investi- gate this incident and provide to this office your findings and conclusion. Specifically, I would ask that you address any City policies/regulations in your department that are in fact involved in the permitting process. Your prompt attention to providing a report on this subject matter would be appreciated. ~. ~scot M~ City Manager JSM: j b Attach. cc: Honorable Mayor & City Commission Central RESPONSE: TO: -~~Jl _ n-- City Manager Please see attached. RECEIVED OCT " 1991 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Date (Action Completed) 10/2/91 Signature Itf D Jaeger . ..., -- BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-368 October 2, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Don Jaeger Building Official RE: FPL TRANSMISSION LINES - MEADOWS 300 I have reviewed the attached letter from Terri Robinson, Boca/Delray Area Manager, External Affairs for Florida Power & Light Company. I understand FPL's concern regarding structures in utility easements and I have attached a copy of Building Department Memorandum 91-353 which delineates the sequence of events in this matter. The Building Department requires a recent survey to be submitted with each permit application. I have also attached a copy of a memorandum to me from Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official, which will further explain the issues involved. The only definitive way to accurately determine easements of record is through a complete title search of the property. I have discussed this issue with the City Attorney and he feels we can comfortably rely upon surveys for our permit review. At this point, I'm recommending that we maintain our current policy of requiring that surveys be submitted with permit documents and enforcing restrictions on the easements shown on the surveys. If you would like to discuss this matter further, I am available at your convenience. i!fger DJ:bh Attachments XC: James Cherof Al Newbold MEADOWS.DOC MEMORANDUM September 27, 1991 TO: Don Jaeger Building Official FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: F.P.L. TRANSMISSION LINES - MEADOWS 300 Our records indicate that permits were issued for 25 storage sheds, 270 fences, 179 swimming pools and 251 screen enclosures, plus residential and commercial additions, from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990. Setbacks for this mass of structures will change from zone to zone, subdivision to subdivision and P.U.D. to P.U.D. Easements are platted in many sizes and change over the years, some by replat or Commission action and others by agreements between owners and users. Neither our department nor the Engineering Department can attest that the plats we have on file are the true conditions of what has transpired from the date of plat approval to the date of our review since we are not surveyors nor do we have the time to go to the court records and investigate changes in plats. ' Our code recognizes the above and requires a survey to be submitted for a permit and our reviewers use it as proof of the existing conditions at a site. It is the land surveyor's job to check the records before he certifies the survey and places his seal on it for public record filing. The problem that should be addressed in this case is the power lines, which could fall even if no structures were on the lot. As for the screen room, the surveyor who produced the wrong information is at fault, not our reviewers. I hope this and the copies from Milt are of some help in your response to the City Manager. ~ ~, AN: bh MEADOWS.DOC ==-::::::III" .... .." [ CHECKLIST PLANS SUBMITTAL FOR COMMERCIAL PLANS I. Board of Health (if required) 2. Army Corp. of Engineers 3. D.O.T. (if required) 4. County Engineer (turnout permit, etc.) D.E.R. (if required) Water Management (required if 2 acres impervious area) L.W.D.D. (if required) TRB sign-off sheet CAB - two copies of approved sets Survey Two IS', 20', penetration test with blow count and PSF bearing Foundation plan Floor plan 14. All elevations 15. Typical wall section 16. Electrical riser 17. Plumbing riser 18. A/e plan 19. Truss drawing or rafter layout 20. Energy calculations 21. Architect, engineer or owner/builder signature 22. Finish floor height above sea level 5. 6. 7 . 8. 9. 10. 11. ;, 1 12. . ) 3. ~ " ,~ ,~ ., CHECKLIST PLANS SUBMITTAL FOR RESIDENTAL PLANS ). Two complete sets of plans ,2. Survey 3. Soil test (2-15' or 1-15' for addn. with eng. letter) 4. Foundation plan 5. Floor plan 6. Elevations 7. Typical wall section 8. Electrical riser diagram 9. Plumbing riser diagram 10. Aft plan (if applicable) )- r - 9 - G FPL Drawer 0, West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3435 September 18, 1991 Mr. Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 RE: Frank & Caron Deal Meadows 300 Subdivision Dear Mr. Finizio: In response to your August 20, 1991 letter to Mr. Don Urgo of FPL regarding the status of the above referenced complaint, FPL has investigated the situation and has contacted the customer. The Deals are concerned that the distribution lines behind their home have failed twice in the past few years at approximately the same location, and they feel that the lines are located too close to their home. The recent failure of the distribution lines is attributed to a large bird flying into the lines and contacting two phases concurrently. Although it is not known for certain, this may also have been the cause of the previous failure in 1989. To reduce the potential for this type of failure, FPL is proceeding to reconductor the distribution lines utilizing a heavier guage of wire. This will increase both the visibility and strength of the conductors. Taller poles will be installed with an alternative framing method that allows the conductors to be spaced further apart. This should permit birds to pass through the lines more easily. Also the new conductor wires will be installed on the south side of the poles which is further away from the homes. Although the Deals feel that the lines are too close to their home, they do acknowledge that the distribution lines are located within a ten foot platted easement. It is clearly stated on the plat that Nthere shall be no buildings or other structures placed on easements.. The Deals have been informed that the screened enclosure/patio area behind their home encroaches upon this recorded utility easement. It was also explained that FPL does not dictate local building setback requirements. Establishing and enforcing setback standards is the responsibility of the local government, in this case, the City of Boynton Beach. The Deals subsequently produced a permit issued by Boynton Beach for their patio/screened enclosure addition. "" ~Pl G rD 'JO COMe any ~ w Mr. Vincent A. Finizio Sepember 18, 1991 Page 2 Admittedly the survey used to obtain the permit erroneously indicates a six foot utility easement, however, the fact that a permit was issued does raise several questions regarding City policies/regulations. First, are permit applications being verified against plat records? Also, does the City of Boynton Beach currently allow a structure to be located eight feet from the property line with no additional provisions for instances where easements exist? FPL respectfully requests that any such policies be reviewed and re- evaluated to prevent any future conflicts. The Deals, as well as some of their neighbors, have suggested moving the lines or placing them underground as a potential solution to resolve their concerns. However, since the lines existed prior to the construction of the homes and are located within a legally designated easement, it would not be appropriate for FPL ratepayers to bear the cost of relocation or underground conversion. FPL would gladly implement either of these suggested alternatives, if payment of the cost was provided by another party. In reference to your inquiry concerning local policies which require the undergrounding of all electrical utilities within subdivisions, FPL has no objections to these regulations provided that the responsibility for the differential cost of underground service is clearly placed with the developer. The language used in Palm Beach County's code is one example of how this can be accomplished. However, it should be noted that such an ordinance would not resolve situations such as the one at the Meadows. Should Boynton Beach wish to adopt a similar policy, FPL would be happy to assist by reviewing and commenting on the proposed regulation(s). I hope this information meets your needs. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at 265-3103. Sincerely, ~~.~~ Terri L. Robinson Boca/Del ray Area Manager External Affairs TLR:pc cc: Don U rgo Jean Howard