LEGAL APPROVAL - .-----..-- n GIE & JENSON Engleers-ArchltecIS- Planers,lnc. November 2, 1992 Mr. Nilliam Turner 71 Heather Trace Drive Boynton Beach, FI 33462 Re: Heather Lake at the Meadows Building Setbacks Dear Mr. Turner: The documentation which you have submitted to the Planning and Zoning Dept. and Engineering for the setbacks for this subdivision meets the criteria previously delineated in the engineering department comments. Your permit will be issued as soon as you return to the City, attention Mike Haag or myself, a copy of the actual recorded document, recording the new setbacks. Very truly Yours, r1." _o~ I,~ Lk~ ~I c"1' r'" "frP'{ ""...1''''- f",f2-"',: 1 {/)f2. t {VI 12-',1 {f,e ~A>> f..p-<,J,fl /1 (;;fJl.. WRS/bf 92-049 cc: Vince Finizio Mike Haag Chris Cutro Don Jaeger 1 ~_-.,.....-~r',",,'" ,..-,.-,'"'(,~. ..}-"i-~I . ';..~~_..Y 1('V n r-, " L. - -'---~-- One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach. Flonda 33409-1923.407/6833301' FAX 407/686-7446 NOI/-Lj-1992 04:10pm 92-359175 ORB 7488 Ps 445 LRKESHORE/HERTHERLRKE HOMEOHNERS RSSOCIRTION_INC_ December 10, 1991 Addendum for: Heather Lake at the Meadows Tract "L" Meadows 300-Plat No.3 as recorded in Plat Book 48, Pages 196 through 200, inclusive. Fublic Records, Palm Beach County, Florida ~ction 7. Township 45 South, Range 43 East, B~ynton Beach, Florida. To be made part of and recorded in: P:at Book No. 58, Page 38. Note 10,"Set Backs"-Rear. New rear set backs as follows: 15 Feet for Building and Hard Roofed Screened Enclosures. 12 Feet for Pools and Screened Enclosures. (Lots 34 thru 42 (Canal), (Lots 43 thru 59 (Lake Front). 25 Feet for Buildings. 15 Feet for Hard Roofed Screened Enclosures. 8 Feet for Pools and Screened Enclosures. (Lots 7 thru 30 and 63 thru 75 (Interior lots). 25 Feet for Buildings. 15 Feet for Hard Roofed Screened Enclosures. 12 Feet for pools and Screened Enclosures. (Lots ! thru 6, lets 31 thr.u 33~ lots 60 thru 62 (Meadows Blvd. Lots) rr r--, ': !~ ~ .~ -- ,-;" ~ f 5' =: =,:.:J ~: ~ !"':1 ~' "", ~ 1: ~ .....:::~';l.., " ClERK CIRCUIT COUft'T ,~" & .',)"'.::47S'!.,N. 'i:ONGRESS AVE. SUITE 129 LANTANA, FL 33461 ~ f? 2- STATE OF FLORIDA" '<< ~ .' ! ;." ;;: COUNTY or PALM BErtCW~) .,- .,. .~. .:J :' una ltered j :: g: ON thi s 20th day ilf ~~vemoer, 1992;, I 'attest that the precedi n1 gkdOCUtmetnht Mi sa:o::Upf~:~:~~;d c~:p ::t~y a~~e document's .. :g h t opy made bY"m;" '~f Actdendum-df ,i-~a~ setbacks for Heather a e a e e , ' ; ... ~u~t~~;an Earlllrowi,cand to thibe-st of my knowledge, that the photocopied document is nelther a publlC recordtnor b1;c a publicly recordable do~umeDt,-t~rtified copies of which are available from an official source ~ther than a no ary pu '1' ," ,\ 1. "., 1>2 T, Michele A. Hacker, Notary public, state of Flonda .- . Notary Public, Slale of Florida' My Commiss".. Expires Oct,.22.J29J londed Tb!u fuY. ~i.DI~" ---:a-~ ~c~~~ " .. ~ . .. '4 ' "'.....' I ~t' %~...._----_..... .. c A__I3Pc.ld q,I~J IC;? ~ ~ -4--' IOf/rot' oiL ~ RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY, PIA. \ ." ~ .., ',", '" , . : ~ ' " ~' ,:.~~I,\~ ~:."" :,~. ", ~ _~. y :"'~-~'\i' '~ ' 41 .' i"!~ ,Li'" h~~!, " .~r ,I, -:~~:t UI., It (.,,;...'1 ~3P) '''lli~,ct?-- ,~~t~iJt ",- 1, , )- ~, 1 itf.'\ ~ !J"'lf.. -- GEE & JENSON Engineers- Architects- Planners, Inc. November 2, 1992 Mr. William Turner 71 Heather Trace Drive Boynton Beach, FI 33462 Re: Heather Lake at the Meadows Building Setbacks Dear Mr. Turner: The documentation which you have submitted to the Planning and Zoning Dept. and Engineering for the setbacks for this subdivision meets the criteria previously delineated in the engineering department comments. Your permit will be issued as soon as you return to the City, attention Mike Haag or myself, a copy of the actual recorded document, recording the new setbacks. Very truly Yours, Gee & Jenson Engineers-Architects-Planne s, Inc. WRS/bf 92-049 cc: Vince Finizio Mike Haag Chris Cutro Don Jaeger RECEIVE~ ~ 1 PLANNING DEPT. ~ ....~ One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923.407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 n January 28, 1992 GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects - Plan ners, I nc. t.- Mr. Mike Haag City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 F\ECe,,\lEO J~" 3 " - "" \~! '~:tE Of.va.. ::'~~~~ Re: Heatherlake at the Meadows Setbacks Dear Mike: Enclosed are the drawings for the referenced project. We have checked the listed setbacks and lots against the plat and concur with the listing. The applicant has been instructed to prepare a legal document for recording of the setbacks by separate instrument. No plat document modification will occur. The prints of the plat submitted are for informational purposes only and are not to be recorded or considered as a valid document. Please call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, GEE & JENSON ENGINE CHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. tc~ WRS/cw 91-025.40 cc: Vince Finizio .. One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923.407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 J:t }: ~ ~d"", .~_ l}~ - January 20, 1992 GEE & JENSON MEMORANDUM TO: vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator FROM: Richard staudinger, City Engine~~ RE: Heather Lake at the Meadows - Setbacks In response to your memo of January 15, 1992 on the modified plat documents for this project, I concur that a document so modified cannot be accepted by the city. My instructions to the applicant are to prepare a legally correct "separate instrument" detailing the setbacks as modified and recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County. I have reviewed a draft of the document last week and Mike Haag is verifying the setbacks listed against the TRB approval modifications. The applicant has been instructed, by me, to have their attorney prepare a legal document for recording. By using a separate instrument, no plat document modifications are necessary. Please disregard the modified plat documents and return them to the applicant as they are not relevant to the process now underway. WRS:kvc 91-025.4 cc: Jim Cherof ."ol11'~ Mike Haag Tambri Heyden J. Scott Miller ,'\ .' ,-~. ~~~/ ~\. / ,q <0 n :;~ ~30 1\) l5-' ~ ,< ~ " t ,,) r-...... t:'J S. ,1-" i ,") CL) m i-..~ ! " tD m ;. . , ;\ rv n /.. ~ ,,/''h ::1,<"'" '. < /. :>>'-'-''T~ ,..-,-.;':', ':-: '! ',' f\' .... RECEIV~D JN4 21 p\..ANN\N,G D~P", -",~~~,~ I January 20, 1992 GEE & JENSON MEMORANDUM TO: Vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator FROM: Richard staudinger, city Engine~~ RE: Heather Lake at the Meadows - Setbacks In response to your memo of January 15, 1992 on the modified plat documents for this project, I concur that a document so modified cannot be accepted by the city. My instructions to the applicant are to prepare a legally correct "separate instrument" detailing the setbacks as modified and recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County. I have reviewed a draft of the document last week and Mike Haag is verifying the setbacks listed against the TRB approval modifications. The applicant has been instructed, by me, to have their attorney prepare a legal document for recording. By using a separate instrument, no plat document modifications are necessary. Please disregard the modified plat documents and return them to the applicant as they are not relevant to the process now underway. . WRS:kvc 91-025.4 cc: Jim Cherof . 'i~~~"'" Tambri Heyden J. Scott Miller (, \ \ I. , " '- , \.).-J~ ,\ ',.j/v ~ j,;, ',,-,' c.._ ~ \/'" I -j..~ ,c;: '\r9-; /r., ,,'~ ':', ..'~\ \;....., "':"" :: j ~ r."t~ I". { '.' ~ ,(..1 (:~} ~\.J " l '\'/'- " -' ,'''~- .) ~~;.y / ",-~,. - _. ~.;,;;;;:-,_:>>.'-'=----"''''' ~~ , ,) . i) c..')" 1V~ 1D 0\ L r7) /,', ~\l-') i '..-. I'- " \ "" riJ. i " ( IJ \ " t. '> :I I r ) . I( ,1.. .~. ,. J.,\H ::L ;! ~ LAi ~ ~ , ~ h, L~