AGENDA DOCUMENTS EXHIBIT C STAFF COMMENTS HEATHERLAKE, TRACT ilL", MEADOWS P.U.D. MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum REVISED ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-205CC TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: October 22, 1991 RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS HEATHER LAKE "TRACT L" AT THE MEADOWS SITE PLAN MODIFICATION In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida Code of Ordinances, specifically Appendix B, Section 12, the applicant for the above-referenced project shall submit the following technical data, plan revisions and information: 1. Need South Florida Water Management District permit to verify 45% impervious calculations. 2. Replat is necessary unless a separate instrument recording screened enclosure setbacks with roofs is executed with a new master plan drawing. 3. Revised master plan submittal is . Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Engineering of W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers WRS:VAF/jm cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager MEMORANDUM Utilities #91-513 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: October 11, 1991 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Heatherlake, Tract L at the Meadows We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: Lots 5, 6,16,30, 31, 32, 33, 61, 62 and 63 have side yard utility easements. Building Department should be aware that encroachments into utility easements are not allowed. Applicant shall add the following note to the plan, "No structures will be built encroaching on utility or drainage easement s" . 19b xc: Mike Kazunas File PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-261 October 15, 1991 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - October 10, 1991 Meeting MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - HEATHERLAKE, TRACT L AT THE MEADOWS (reduction in rear setback fro. 25 feet to 15 feet for lots 1-33 and 60-75 to construct hard-roofed screen enclosures) To facilitate the permitting process regarding the request, I recommend the following information be part of your resubmittal: 1. Submit a full size sheet (24" by 3611) titled Master Plan Heatherlake at the Meadows (Sheet 1 of 2) a. Depict on the sheet typical scaled detail drawings of each lot within the development that represent different conditions regarding the location of the lot. Label each drawing by specific condition and below the drawing specify all the individual lot numbers where the condition exists (drawings to be similar to original and present submittal). b. Show and identify within each typical lot drawing the location and minimum setback distance for the following types of structures from the previous approved modification and present request: i. building area ii. swimming pools iii. screen enclosures iv. hard-roofed open patio/screen enclosures c. Include a separate drawing or notes specifying the aforementioned buildable conditions for the following corner lots: I, 15, 17, 18, 69 and 70. d. Add the following to the sheet as general notes: Notes 1 thru 9 from page one (1) of the original recorded plat documents for the project. e. Add the following as general notes 10 and 11: note 10 - Each residential structure shall have two (2) nine (9) by eighteen (18) feet parking spaces note 11 - The development and use of the land shall comply with the applicable sections of Appendix A-Zoning and Appendix B-Planned Unit Development. 2. Add to the aforementioned Master Plan drawing, which combined the present request with the previous approved modification, a copy of sheet two (2) from the original recorded plat documents for the project (sheet 2 of 2). 3. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-271 TO: Chairman and Members Planning ~zoning Board ~ fu.W? - Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director THRU: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: October 18, 1991 SUBJECT: The Meadows, Tract L, Heatherlake - File No. 650 Master Plan Modification (rear setback reduction) Please b~ advised of the following Planning Department comments with the above-referenced request: 1. Revise the typical lake front and canal front detail to include pools within the 12 foot screened enclosure setback for clarification purposes. 2. Revise the typical lake front and canal front detail to specify that the 15 foot setback pertains to the bUilding and hard-roof screened enclosures. ,/'""' -d~~. ~ Tambri J. He-aen tjh A:HthLkCom xc: Central File L.V'V~ . ."'.,. .".. ... HEA THERLAKE AT THE MEADOWS I I ~T~ "--~' -r N.c ~ :~D:I~,C t~: 1~, ~:.~ I . LUI: f))~/ ~ Ii A.d.J~~ II.') S.O 0 Z~".n_? ~~ PUD.~ r~r"\':'.'c; %: ~~~~,_V /'~~.~ IKND~~~:~O '-vu ,'" / ~.~'T( ~. ~ QAD~. --.;. 7 " ,,~ H ~ I -, ~ " ~ 'w'1 ::J ~ ... ~ SrrE .. J :'~~i. j~ r} r I _ _ ..__ IU J rr:rr~111 ~I\"ii~-!_',J(- C1E"1U:'/'-'I"'-'~~)&~ C!'1 ,~rri! = _" ~~: 0::1 I.) :;-oL,j I-- .' .. ..I II ~II ::: ~ r-: .-------~ ~~. ^~~n)~(l~ , lilt'''' " . E::: '; - n _ ), "l !&~ ~ ~ . I : U .Jj.;~ -':111 ~ ~ ~ ~ :...._-~~ w. ir;--~ $; :$.~'c. ~~t.~ ~ t,,~ rtH -- ~ -1 u.ur: I~ , ~ -= ~ ~ \j - / 1 1 -- r 1 \ - 1T ~ . -oj I 1 := I t)~ :: I I- 11111 ..... C '/NA,. iA - 14 !:..:. - n-" I 11111 /11 I II T 1........//1 IITTl'- -" "" , . - , .. = ..~. ". --'. ' _ J. ~:- :I 0 {4} (tI r -1~' . ' ~ la'lL . Cor-', ",:' x.:~ · ~ I~ 'L~~~:;XiJ'~ ~~~ ~. fiCfJJ; "ME- I:irlft.~ ..... ~)Jy ,_.lIJ ~ ~~l ~~_R I T <5~ ~' ~ r ~~ = = I L--- f-ifr --; I I 'R1A ~ ~I :- .... ~~,;. 111ft - ~~ - ,I ~ -== ... II f - ~~ . n ,.- ~ L. .0, Id I IIIII'~ - t::: Trl . . -.... .. ~:.'~. ' dO = . ' ,- . . -1Pl. .. . ~ ~~~I1~x. ~' 3~-=~":."-. , ...~. 4I'"B .!~ ::1t-__ .:.... ~ ~_.....: I; ---r -"'1.:!~ ,-+-~- ..--~..J..JL-,"-:-..r 1 -/f J 1fT.,\ ~J ~.: 'i IlfIT1", ~ _ "CITRUS GLE'N 2" == puc LUI:4.0 . I - ~ 0,'-/ - '\ ...- R1AA ; t-- I-- ;;.,;., - ~I___.m II \...... ., --oO- -. . - - -. .. .. - -.. -...... .- In -----.. ._- -,---- --- .LA....:. : ,JrL ;=Q.. \~I_';~~.~~ D rth frill. = ~ ~~3 :'\ ~." (I I' I~ ...~ ~ ')\\...~~\\7':_' 1; .~~ ! Y ~ ".~ :<: . '1-. ,/ " I .. f7 -- " ~ ~ ~)~ J /1' I / ,i/ ./ ,--, f'O 1/8 , ! Till 1 'I . "0 400. '800 FEET "1... ...,~ OFiPT: J J j j J I I If (.'"') /I I II A' , ..",- 7B1 THE MEADOWS, TRACT "L", HEATHERLAKE MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION William Turner, agent for the Lakeshore/Heatherlake Homeowners' Association, is requesting approval to reduce the rear setback from 25 feet to 15 feet for all interior lots and all lots with rear yards abutting Meadows Boulevard, for the purpose of constructing screened enclosures with hard roofs. At the November 5, 1991 City Commission meeting, the City Commission made a finding of no substantial change for the requested modification. The Technical Review Board recommends approval of this request, subject to the attached staff comments. PuANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-270 Agenda Memorandum for November 5, 199~ City Commission meeting THRU: J. scott Miller e1.:ttib~~ Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director TO: FROM: Tarnbri J. Heyden Senior planner DATE: SUBJECT: October 18, 1991 The Meadows, Tract L, Heatherlake - File No. 650 Master plan Modification (rear setback reduction) William Turner, agent for the Lakeshore/Heatherlake Homeowners' Association, has requested a modification to the previously approved master plan" for the Meadows 300 PUD, as outlined in Exhibit "A". The modification requested is to allow for a reduction of the rear setback from 25 feet to 15 feet for all interior lots and lots with rear yards abutting Meadows Boulevard, for the purpose of constructing screened enclosures with hard roofs. The approved building setback for the lake front and canal front lots is 15 feet, therefore approval of this request would result in a rear building setback and hard-roofed screen enclosure setback of 15 feet, for all lot types within Heatherlake. No change is requested to the approved 12 foot pool and screened enclosure setback for the lake front, canal front and lots with rear yards abutting Meadows Boulevard and the approved 8 foot pool and screened enclosure setback for the interior lots (see Exhibit "B" for illustrations of the approved and proposed, typical setbacks). The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developments is twofold. First, the city Commission must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are substantial in nature. A determination of substantial change on the part of the city Commission which has sole discretion in this matter, would require a new application for PUD. On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of this request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request. This procedure appears in Appendix B, section 12 of the code of ordinances. With respect to the changes requested by Mr. Turner, the Technical Review Board (TRB) met on Thursday, october 10, 1991 to review the plans and documents submitted, and they offer for your consideration, a recommendation that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the requested modification, and the Planning and Zoning Board approve this request subject to the attached comments from the Building Department, Engineering Department, Utilities Department and Planning Department in Exhibit "C". ,,- -d'~~,~ Tambri J. He en' tjh Attachments A:HthLkMPM '-i - EXHIBIT A LRKESHORE/HERTHERLRKE HOHEONHERS RSSOCIRTIOH~ IHC_ September 17,1991 TO: I.. It" Df 130\. n ton Be<:o.c h l')i) E. 20yTlton Bch. Bl'/rJ. F' . O. Bo';,;:::: 1 () Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Atten: lambri J. Hevden. Sr. Planner Planning Dept. Current Planning Div. RE: Master Plan Modification Heather Lake At The Meadows Sheet 1 of 2. Dear' T c:\/llbr' i : At a duly called meeting of The Homeowners Association. it was approved to request a Master Plan Modification for the benefit of all of the Homeowners in The Heather Lake at The Meadows De\/E~.l opment. Enclosed with this letter is the revised site plan for track 'L'. Heather Lake at The Meadows 300 PUD in Boynton Beach. This modification is the change from the existing 25 ft. rear set back for lots 1 thru 33 and lots 60 thru 75. note 10. page 1 of the the SIte plan. to 15 ft. to agree with the 15 ft. setback that now exists for lots 34 thru 59. As part of thIS site plan modification. we will not be modifying the number of dwelling units. the size of the lots. or the configuration of the parcel. nor the maximum lot coverage of 45% in note 9. The only request of this modification is internal to the lot and the reduction of the rear set back to 15 ft. The following is a breakdown of the purpose behind our request and should answer any questions concerning the site plan modification. If you haVE any questions. please call. Sin c er- e I y. LAKgSHORE/HEATHER LAKE HOMEOWNERS .~?~IATIONr--I~ \.. _ ,L-' ., --" . .'"\ " ....- ,- / c1.'-'....'- oW - EARL BROWN, PRESIDENT 4781 N. CONGRESS AVE. SUITE 129 LANTANA, FL 33461 --- ~' - J.q ~TtEtc:; B.I.IQN__~.1f1.I..E;t1.~J~T f:i1;:6IH~E.:.J-::BL~ u. ?J.I~._.F:b-_€~.U._ MPP J FJ GALLO!:! [-, In t to. O(jLIC::.:t:iqO He.:<th€~t"-ldl:e i.~: d t-e~j.dentlaJ. p"H"CeJ. locat.ed ~~j,1.:t,in th€~ t'1E'ado~~s 300 planned unit development. The primary access to this propert~ 1S off of Meadows Boulevard which intersects with Conqre~s just south 0+ Hypoluxo Road. Todav. Heatherlake has been completed. ~_.L:::,Bg.qq_~_?..t Since there are a number of existing screen patios that cannot be roofed due to present setback requirements for internal lots. this reduction will maintain the same size rear yard as originally approved and actually increase the outside useful area in the rear of the home. UJ..::~.QJ::U;J...~~~Lt o!J This modification of the site plan will in no way increase any hazards to existing easements since only a TV cable and telephone line are in the 6 ft. utility easement at the rear of the lots. All water. sewer and power utilities are underground and enter each lot from the street. Thi~ modification of the site plan will ultimately produce a better community for the City of Boynton Beach. The value of the homes will be hiqher due to the increase in the actual living areas of the residence. ...: -- I L~KESHORE/HE~THERL~KE HOMEOHNERS ~SSOCI~TION~ INC_ September 20, 1991 city ~f Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 To Whom It May Concern: As Vice-President of the Lakeshore/Heatherlake Homeowners Association I, Paul Griesmer, do hereby authorize William 9'~-91/9-(Bill) Turner to act and/or speak on behalf of the above referenced Homeowners Association with regard to the revision of setbacks in the Heatherlake community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sinc~ 0 ( /.~/ (/.3~~ pau\ Griesm Vice~Presid t Board~ ectors Lakeshore/Heatherlake Homeowners Association 4/~1 N. CUNGRE5S AYE. SUITE 129 LANTANA, FL 33461 .. EXHIBIT B f=~'~';-- - ---- --l \ \ \ \ . \ % \ \ , \ ___.J --- \ , , . -- -- .. ~.,...g;I1C# ?'O !>~pG;I'I:JO~ ePM t:Jr W,4/6R /~ I~' (llJIP) r-At:'1Y" 12 8'\~ ~~ '8' I iii ~~Ij ('rY~) ,. ~ r _---1, \ \ \ \ , t B/./,UJ/$ \ '76\ 8.M!i.(VI57 ~~. (7'Y~) .; ,.~ \ \ \ \ \ L , , r---- \ \ \ \ (1.<1 . oP 6J04 Ot7R~) \ \ \ ~\ \ \ \ \ _---.-J L---- .f . ~ ~ (/Z, ....-- 6~' ~.6'au 610d ~R) ~ ~~ ~ \ JALreR1tJIl ?t27?!!J- 'I (AppYfJV~~J - -_...- .,.~- (8'" ~ ~ ~VP ,t.~ ,qO~O ;? .- - ..- , . , , , !:z'tle -- g~ ---- _----- 6' --=----. -- -- ,------- --- - - -- -- --- --- -- -- -'- ----- S' In -;;.ii' - S' ""'" SET SA 01< 71J ,sW1M#ING #< , .. (sWl","'tN~ EDGE OF wArel< IS 10'("''' f", VJlSfiiEN OL.. FIlOf'1/Z . \~ ~J8'~ r~ 'ARt) JltOOFE.O \ \""'$C.QE.E"E/)ENCL~ \ . 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ROAD ;; .,z - __ ___'l _ -' ------ 'I}"" t\t~ ---~ CS;-.I(N/~A?oL 1 1+'l' SC~6FIV-O.e. ~~ - - (TYP)- HAAD A(JCR"O SC'Rl'ENEO ENaOJ)r~ I (-ryp) , 7.5 ~5; l7N S/DE' lb4'N~'(!) 1 1 , I I I I 4 ______~~J L---- 5~LAe_ ~ /2' tit&". -- --- - ----, I : ,1 1 70S , . I I , I I ~ " I I I I I , ---~ I t IC , ~ .. , ~ ~ ~ tt ~ , ~ G ~ 1( S"Er84~K 7i:J \.fJVAI1H/H6 A:%l{ L".oG~ o~ WA7ER /$ /O'~/N:J : r-F20M-/T CualJllIfs EN~L(')pe } (7YP) / ~,' (~;.S'ON.sIDe a1RNE'.tlj -- e,e -- MEAOOW BLva tOTS (R-D p"~) -/~. - ~' ~ ~\~ ~\~ ,~ \'.J \ \ ~-- ----\ If. \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ ----~ -=~p~~7 """'~. (rftP.J f, - /l ~eo'~w.pp. ,,/I~ ~-/9? . ,,~#pr ' Ii. ~ r-- ---I \ ) [tJI}.t:.aJlS ~Jjvp.{)I'~ J (1')'.R) , \ \ \ 7~' \ \ \ \ \ --- \ -r 8' -- ---- --- --- --- tf~ r--- \ \ \ \ \ \ L---- s~ F~1: ~()1:6_ (AfVrfJ"etJ.. - nO eh~ eo ~'\A.e&-te6-) .--!I ~-- t/l~ ;:'f?{Jp-r tpr6- -- (1<f1{''('D"etJ.. - no rXl~ fe. lA.t.f e q.. ) - - ----- .' ~ -'" ......... EXHIBIT C STAFF COMMENTS HEATHERLAKE, TRACT "L", MEADOWS P.U.D. MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum ,~' --- REVISED ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-205CC TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: October 22, 1991 RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS HEATHER LAKE "TRACT L" AT THE MEADOWS SITE PLAN MODIFICATION In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida Code of Ordinances, specifically Appendix B, Section 12, the applicant for the above-referenced project shall submit the following technical data, plan revisions and information: 1. Need South Florida Water Management District permit to verify 45% impervious calculations. 2. Replat is necessary unless a separate instrument recording screened enclosure setbacks with roofs is executed with a new master plan drawing. 3. Revised master plan submittal . Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Engineering of WRS:VAF/jm cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager .~ MEMORANDUM Utilities #91-513 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: October 11, 1991 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Heatherlake, Tract L at the Meadows We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: Lots 5, 6, 16, 30, 31, 32, 33, 61, 62 and 63 have side yard utility easements. Building Department should be aware that encroachments into utility easements are not allowed. Applicant shall add the following note to the plan, "No structures will be built encroaching on utility or drainage easements" . 19b xc: Mike Kazunas File PLANNI~G DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-261 october 15, 1991 TC: Christopher Cutro, planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - October 10, 1991 Meeting MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - HBATHBRI..AKE, TRACT L AT THE MEADOWS (reduction in rear setback fro. 25 feet to 15 feet for lots 1-33 and 60-75 to construct bard-roofed screen enclosures) To facilitate the permitting process regarding the request, I recommend the following information be part of your resubmittal: 1. Submit a full size sheet (24" by 36") titled Master Plan Heatherlake at the Meadows (Sheet 1 of 2) a. Depict on the sheet typical scaled detail drawings of each lot within the development that represent different conditions regarding the location of the lot. Label each drawing by specific condition and below the drawing specify all the individual lot numbers where the condition exists (drawings to be similar to original and present submittal). b. Show and identify within each typical lot drawing the location and minimum setback distance for the following types of structures from the previous approved modification and present request: i. bUilding area ii. swimming pools iii. screen enclosures iv. hard-roofed open patio/screen enclosures c. Include a separate drawing or notes specifying the aforementioned buildable conditions for the following corner lots: 1, 15, 17, 18, 69 and 70. d. Add the following to the sheet as general notes: Notes 1 thru 9 from page one (1) of the original recorded plat documents for the project. e. Add the following as general notes 10 and 11: note 10 - Each residential structure shall have two (2) nine (9) by eighteen (18) feet parking spaces note 11 - The development and use of the land shall comply with the applicable sections of Appendix A-Zoning and Appendix B-Planned Unit Development. .., .... . Adc to the aforementi~ned Master Plan drawing, which combined the present request with the previous approved modification, a copy of sheet two (2) from the original recorded plat documents for the project (sheet 2 of 2). 3. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original legible raised seal and Signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. ,"" _. / / - PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-271 -. TO: Chairman and Members ~g ~ZOning Board Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director THRU: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: October 18, 1991 SUBJECT: The Meadows, Tract L, Heatherlake - File No. 650 Master Plan Modification (rear setback reduction) Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with the above-referenced request: 1. Revise the typical lake front and canal front detail to include pools within the 12 foot screened enclosure setback for clarification purposes. 2. Revise the typical lake front and canal front detail to specify that the 15 foot setback pertains to the bUilding and hard-roof screened enclosures. r- ..,d~ 2'~ Tambri J. He aen tjh A: HthLkCom xc: Central File _~~.-"".~ 'HEATHERLAKE AT THE MEADOWS .... J ~ 0 i~,\? '" ~ __ /L-=::, ./~. V ~-- -~---~j .. --.: '- i' 12fi1n :", ,.~~ . .~11L ! )-0'';'' '" t~l I~::j 3. ~ ~I _ ;:::r J I I II mll .~ -~'~ ~ri itii~&' !,~/;:'.=/""~:\ J.1=_ C>j' .~ E!6'~l=' , - ',<<IJJIil:u I "!~ b ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ f" =: - _. _ _~ ') ~ _ l~ I~~ ~ ~ III ~IrTnl n. ~', .._)~,~ r/~ \~I IT \:> ..-'. Jlif. ., -.', " ~I ~ ~ .~;...,y I ~ ~. :'=~JI ~ ~ \.Y" ~\ F=: ., ffil: - " ....;: - -< )0. ~.!::L.{7 ~ ~, ~ I' "I )... )1~~ -= ~ c::: ~, ~ ..t~1 ~ ::: := ~ H <::: ~ ~I \j .... / -= ... ~ = , I 1 _.... r 1 \ 8 ~ rr~ = .... I I I -- It:::.::: t;il= ~ / I fit 1 I I 1 I \ ,:; I I II \"' ~\ =,m ..., II - "- . - - ..-- -- .. .c....A-~1. :~!:U ~ .Q''';~ ~')~:J12\~ I ~ ...... · p'n ..~ .1:15 ~ . V~~,\! ? 2z] ~~ [.~, : r 0 1/8 MILES ~ 1-/..~ w = ~--- ~:...'~. - ~ I .t 111l!o,~L F~ET l ~l', ~ _\ f(;:' -7)~' r D,.6 . .. , /. fJE,P r. I I I . I / ,/ ./ I I i I I I I ..,.~ II t II~' " II " j ( J L--. .~T t., -- -1- - ..,-'- & N.e I puc NIC .: =r;;r ,. I ~r T I I ~._~~. - u LUI: ~1A In S.D ~: \", .. . ....~ ~"" I ! 1 ~ "I PUD LUI: 4.1:J IKNOLLWOdc ~"DV.; - I 7 -srrE ~ ! ~ ::::::' - :- ...' ' .. ..."... . ~~ ,(:;,11 Tn t t 'l -- _ :I.. 'GJtt ;",r: - Wi II TI II - I I ~r I I ~ I 11 , . ~I! ~ 1. I t II """ lilli' iT ~- >--- - i! .... ' , ~::.. . . ~~~~~~ ~ , ~ ~'.'~~~1.~~1 = -~~ .1>~~-.i..~.JL. --:) 1 ../T I I J r -r ~. '----{,~. 'i 'IT l', ~ = "CITRUS GLEN e" ~ = PUD LUt: 4.D = - - . ~ r-'~ 0 ::I!;::)~~ \.: .)Xv..... I Pl Y ")G~ ,LUI ~ : ~:tr:~r-;... ,. .' 1 ~l -.' ~ i'~' '. , "ME' I! ~ 1"'1 - - \~ ,./ -- ~_R.y I - -= - = == == J ~1C : = - R"1AA , Il ;~AJ~~ '~~~ ~~7lj,nJ:M Lllff) ___._,._.__. 'I ., - -.., -i' - - -.:-. I' ~ r~~ D . ----= L .. """.... --- . ~l C .':1 ~' . :f'{1'InIT' , ~~. - ~... , L ~}' i- . I- . ~ . e:: C:::l. -. -~I J ~I ,=~I ~I T -I ,. -:. I ~~ t!J ~) (-'lill' ]( - . ,. ~~~ L=r~ ~I C ~~ ~ B '- [i,\ ~ I