REVIEW COMMENTS -------.-.... ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-243 TO: John Guidry, Utility Director Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director wA1~m Hukill, P.E., City Engineer ifu~t 11, 1994 FROM: DATE: RE: MEADOW LAKE (~RACT M) M /I J/-d rn e...s Attached please find a Certificate of Approval for paving, water and wastewater improvements signed by the Developer's Engineer. PleasE'! ,,:mhmit .<:lny writ'ten commE'!nr!=l you may have pxpressinl] E'!i rrer ~ nhjprrions or ohj~rrions with comment to this office by 5 p.~ , Auqust 22, 1994 ^ T",v rPJhmit.ting no objection the Contractor W1.1l be - eligible for -errnl ' ~\t',t ion of surety for that portion of the work. The Engineer has represented to us that everything is completed except certain repairs to a 60" CMP outfall. If that is correct, we will place the project before the City Commission for final approval upon correction of the pipe, which will trigger the start of the guarantee period. WVH/ck C:MEADOWLK.REL attachment: Simmons & White letter of 8/10/94 xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager 00 AUG i ~rn : -........ ( I l~......d '- . - 70.- &4 ~ CdfJ~ Piz.-olv{: ~.~. . ~f3~~ D-kr'e: ~ /~ 199~ ~ -rur ~ ~ ~~ 71.ubz.-X4, SIMMONS & WHITI:, INC. Engineers · Planners · Consultants August 10, 1994 City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Attention: William Hukill, P.E. Re: Meadow Lake (Tract M) Dear Mr. Hukill: This letter is to certify that the paving, water and wastewater improvements as approved and jointly observed with the City for the above-referenced project have been completed in substantial conformance with the originally approved plans as prepared by Simmons & White, Inc., Job Number 85-027, Drawing No. 198-01, Sheets 1 through 10 of 10 and as modified by Simmons & White, Inc., Job Number 92-96, Drawing No. 198-07, Sheets 1 through 10 of 10. These facilities were constructed during the years of 1987-1994 and therefore cannot be represented as "like new" condition. Enclosed for your use are copies of the density test results and one copy of the paving and drainage record drawings. Very truly yours, SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. ~j. ~j/fW/~ Charles J. Simmons, P.E. CJS/jp 92-96C Enclosures cc: Tim Hernandez Kevin Borkenhagen 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 MEMORANDUM May 22, 1990 'ill: Ti.m:lthy Cannon, Interim Director of Planning Don Jaeger, Director of Building & Zoning Jolm Guidry, Director of Utilities FRCM: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: Infrastructure Carpletion Estimates Meadows Tract "M" (a.k.a. Meadow Lake) Boynton West Corporation (f. k. a. Hasco DevelC'lplTent) The Engineering Department in conjunction with the City Manager's office is currently in the process of ascertaining the percentage and associated value of incarplete irrprovenents at the above referenced P.U.D. Please provide this office with the requested infornation as defined below on or before Tuesday, May 29, 1990. Plannino Deoartrrent One (1) ccpy of the Unified Control DocLUnents for Tract "M", P.U.D. in accordance with P.U.D. regulations, City 0Jde of Ordinances. Buildinq DepartJrent Percentage and estimated value of incarplete required landscaping (ie. carmon areas) . Utili tv Department Percentage and estimated value of incarplete, incorrectly and/or damaged installed Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Systems. If installation is carplete, percentage of irrproveIlEllts yet to be inspected and approved by the Utility Director including any and all estimated costs relative to the investi- gative work the City must initiate in order to determine carpliance with applicable codes and Utility Depa.rtment criteria (ie. cost of televising lines). Thank you in advance of your cooperation in this matter. Respectfully sul:rnitted, ~Q--d A ~ Vincent A. Finizio' 0- - VAF/ck RECEIViD cc: Carrie Parker, Assistant City Manager J. Scott Miller, City Manager .. !! a99r ...,-...",..~ r,-~'" ""l~1\"~:'n '.- -.' j. "---._---.__.~_.._.,,~ {' 1 ~ MeAt:,-;ou) ~ (j) ~~ ~,f,,~~? (!J ~r~. ~~~-: ,//>) ,7 " ~ \J/ { ...L(,C ,-_"I' /:6.,/, (,/ ...".>~ (/ -" #" ", :' ~~ \ / '/ { I / /.,-, ~ , .. " ./,.;;:.~'} /4/ IY \. I' f' ( .,;f. ( " z.. 1../ tit C"I!! ,P(.e- ,/',.(. '/'., C._,t*"" /" / .. .I' ('. CL> 1 (,CL."~"(~' (;t" .~,~ ,I ~ _ (~. ,.,.." ~-" .' .1 ' '0 '-', . ;''' l ",- , ". '/ _ U,' (<...( ( t u (.... ;' ;/ . ( .') ;