APPLICATION . n.. Seal of Qua/il)' THE BABCOCK COMPANY C~, li, ~4r1\~D~ · R"1J 1\-!.1 '.; jI,..J _~.: l.L; J\.. ' A Weyerhaeuser Company Developerll . Realtors @ NO\} ?9 ,~~4 N' "~I\' ,\,,\ G DE-P1. \ p\J\ r... .. " -:"" - - November 28, 1984 City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: The Meadows 300 PUD Gentlemen: Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $50.00 for the proceesing fee for the Master Plan Modification for our project, Cloverbend, located in The Meadows 300 PUD. If you should need any further information, please contact Mr. Jim Retzke at the above number. Sincerely .~ c~rett Planning Assistant cb cc: File 1 500 MONZA AVENUE . CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 33146 . TELEPHONE: (305) 665-1 1 12 .... ,.., i ':r-rn....'~ "~ "'9}' THE BABCOCK COMPANY A ..,.~ c-,..) ta-fr.rl!" ........... T'" s..J., Quel,,) November 20, 1984 Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach, Florida Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Meadows P.U.D. Block C & D Dear Mr. Annunziatc: We are requesting a Master Plan modification on our above referenced property con- sisting of 122 platted lots. The attached six sets of plans show the modified side and rear setbacks we are requesting. Also shown is a typical drawing of how we ar- rived at the "envelope" shown dotted on each lot. We are requesting this modification for the following reasons: 1. The established setbacks will not allow the future property owners the full enjoyment of their property, specifically, normal sized pools and/or screened enclosures will not fit within existing setbacks. Ap- proval of this blanket request will avoid "piece-meal" individual re- quests and will assure a workable and fair uniformity. 2. The established setbacks will not allow for residences with inter- esting architectural footprints which are in the best interest of the communities esthetics. 3. The established setbacks do not allow for the varied shapes of lots which have created an interesting and desireable site plan. 4. The established setbacks do not take into account the planning that went into the overall planned unit development. The original developer did not make a request of the city at time of rezoning to modify the set backs in consideration of various trade-offs. Please process this application in order to gain approval in the most rapid fashion; as you know we are currently unable to receive final approval from the building de- partment on a group of houses which need the approval of this request. Please be assured that we will cooperate in every way to expedite this review and we do appreciate the assistance we have received from you and other city officials. Sincerely, THE BABCOCK COMP~ ' ~ j",..- f) Ift4~ Jamefi. Retzke Director of Planning , kR/hdy cc: Dewayne Little USOO MON!.A AVENUE. CORAL ~ABLE.S. FLORiDA 33\.6 . TE~PHONE: (305) 665-1112