REVIEW COMMENTS }v\EMORANDU~J-~ TO Peter Cheney City Manager DATI: July 28, 1982 FIL~ ",.OM Timothy P. Cannon Asst. City Planner SUBJECT Council Agenda Item Meadows "300" P.D.D. Master Plan Modification On Tuesday, July 27, 1982, the Technical Review Board met and recommended that the City Council find that the proposed Master Plan Modification for the Meadows 300 PUD is not a substantial change and refer approval of same to the Planning and Zoning Board. Proposed Master Plan Modification would change the mix of housing types and would create an additional park area. There were no comments by the Technical Review Board members on the proposed Master Plan Modification.' ~;{~~~/- 7? C:;~.-./~ Timot~ P. Cannon Asst. City Planner TPC:mpc -::