APPLICATION v c&H PROPERTIES CO July 12, 1982 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner, Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. Annunziato: Re: Meadows 300 - Minor P.U.D. Master Plan Change Through our Planning Consultant, Julian Bryan, I am herewith submitting six copies of the master plan along with a check for $50.00 as our request for a minor P.U.D, amendment. I understand that this will be considered at your City Council meeting of August 3rd. and then before the Zoning Board on Augus t 10th. The changes proposed do not increase density but do increase the amount of parks and open space lands on the plan. In addition the dwelling units and acreage on four tracts have been combined into two tracts to provide for a more viable marketing program with new housing products. Mr. Bryan will be appearing before Council and the Zoning Board and will answer any questions that may arise, however, to further clarify the changes I have attached a table comparing the approved plan with that requested. ...-- Should you have any questions whatsoever on this matter, please feel free to call. _____----: ' .....--.- Enclosures I .' ,{Il/J..'/ '/11 .' I 'I (//i- I :f,f,{l.tl11- .,. If '// ',' /' !.j'; f 6 1)/ ,~,,-- 'j I /",. "I' ,,;j /'" xed p, 0, Box 15468 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 (305) 655-5810 ,,,!f-!'~'~.T':""" -pr-'"!r .'..:..-........"..-~,' . = ,....,.. " '- ~'... - / .P-- - BUYNTON BEACH PLJ...l-JNING DEPJI..rI.l.'MENT APPLICATION INFOR1,1ATIOtJ FORM NOTE: This form must be'filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. t':-./.IJ PI?DPEiJ'-~ p()~ g~)(. 15"4b8 . tJ~~c..f..{ ~/H~- 3~D6 3o;s-- (; S-S- S'8/D · C2-:-~~ PROJECT LOCATION ' ');t:X,.{Q /..d ~ X - d-o :-- ~r :"--n ~ J:J (not legal des iPtiOn1~~(-:::' CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* ~ c (if different than agent or owner) PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ~ OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee' 5) . ADDRESS: PHONE I{PADo/AK ?a:J -------- "~ ~ --- \jt.JL/,G/) T R/?(4',-l 7/ I 176 l/6UprJJ UtE 4y D/<;;CAyiJ6, kA. g~/49 36S-- 94~-24{)3 -- ,-," - '"" * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. r TO SUBJECT: FOLD. Grady Swann Finance Dept. -, Master Plan (Filing Fees) FROM Carmen ~ City Pla Annunziato er July 13,1982 DATE: Please deposit the attached check-------Master Plan ------- for Meadows ., 300" - in the amount of $ 50.00. Acct. # 001-000-341-32-00. CSA:mpc Ene. PLEASE REPLY TO DATE: . , / / SIGNED~" SIGNED ,.F~~' 'C. '~/ ,.:( , , , 'i,' >",f ,,' ...... 1. I., f j / I / /j ../ ,~. ,"""" ,... , "",',~"._.._w >' /"> I 1/-', / h,j'j'/' ;t (i'" l / v." v"'" " f'~ THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO., INC~, New Hartford, Conn 06057 PROPOSED P. U. D. AMENDMENT Meadows 300 land Use Approved Pl an Revised Plan % Change Single Fami ly 7l.74ac. 71 .74 ac. 0 Cl uster 81.73 ac. 73.67 ac. - 9.9 Townhouse 41.2 ac. 15.8 ac. -61. 6 Garden Apts. 30. 1 ac. 58.9 ac. +95.7 To ta 1 Residential 224.77 ac. 220. 11 ac. - 2.1 Pa rks 14.83 ac. 19.06 ac. +28.5 Canals 5.51 ac. 5.51 ac. 0 Roads 12. 1 ac. 12.53 ac. + 4.3 lakes 30.1 ac. 30.1 ac. 0 Tota 1 Un i ts 1394 1394 0 Density 4.85 Units/Acre 4.85 Units/Acre 0