AGENDA DOCUMENTS 'I Torn Clark Perry Cessna Bud Howell "I FROM Ca Ci 1....1 ""I S. Annunziato lanner TO SUBJECT: ____ Master Plan l>10dificationj"Meadows 300" PUD TRB......Mee.:t.ing _=~llne--8-#-l.9Bl DATE: : .Tnnp ? I 1 qRl . FOLD. Please be advised that a meeting of the Technical Review Soard is I scheduled for Monday, June 8th,1981 at LO:OO A.M. The purpose of _ this meeting is to discuss a modification to the approved Master Plan for the abovementioned PUD. As the modifications are minor involving only a consolidation of the private recreation, I have not forwarded any copies for review prior to the meeting. Make plans to attend, or send an authorized agent. 0(' -:-r, _._~- ~ SIGNED CSA:mpc REPLY t J DATE: SIGNED .' ,._~-_.---...." .'"._....-..._~~-_....,- '._~- - ._. "~" GRAYARC co" INC., BROOKLYN, N, Y. t 1232 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED