REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS "Meadows 300" Master Plan City Planner: Dedicate R-O-W for Congress Ave. & Hypoluxo Rd. within 60 days of Master Plan modification approvati to include ROW'S adjacent to commer~9al property. Energy Coordinator: Subject to Memo . MEMORANDUM 1\ TO Peter L. Cheney, City Manager OATE 5 April 1983 FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner !!JUBJ ECT Memorandum of Understanding C&H Properties/Modification Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of a modified Memorandum of Understanding for the Meadows 300 planned unit develop- ment. The purpose of this modification was to change the timing of the roadway improvement/impact fee which resulted from government four- laning Congress Avenue prior to the developer's responsibility coming into play. Specifically, in lieu of the developer paying all of the required road impact fee at the 60% completion level, which responsi- bility remained as a result of proposed government action, the developer would pay the required road impact fee at the time of permit issuance. This agreement excludes any road impact fee for the commercial property owing to the reduced number of dollars required which re- sulted from a sub-standard proposed cross section and a roadway im- provement which would be constructed at the same time as the other subdivision improvements. It is suggested that this modification be approved by the City Council as the memorandum of understanding was imposed initially as a part of a zoning action. c-:::: r.<_"'"\ - -, _ ~, \ f r ____-~ ~ _ '7::. CARMEN s. ANNUNZ~TO CITY PLANNER CSA:bks Attachment cc: Building Official Central File Receiv~ ~: Date _ L-- JONES Be FOSTE~~.A- 1!3~ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS 601 FLAGLER DRIVE COURT P,O, DRAWER E WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-3475 (305) 659,3000 OTHER LOCATIONS LARRY B, ALEXANDER GEORGE H, BAILEY ROBIN A. BLANTON W, CHESTER BREWER, JR DAVID A, CAIRNS JAMES R, COLE MARGARET L, COOPER B. JEANE CRIPPEN CHARLES H, DAMSEL, JR BRUCE A, EPPLE JEFFREY H, FISHER L MARTIN FLANAGAN WILLIAM A, FOSTER HAYWARD D, GAY MARJORIE GADARIAN GRAHAM THADDEUS D, HARTMANN STEVE L HENDERSON THORNTON M, HENRY THEODORE W, HERZOG PETER S, HOLTON R, BRUCE JONES THOMAS A. KOVAL CLINTON W LANIER ROBIN A, LLOYD JOHN BLAIR McCRACKEN BRIAN J, MORRISSEY GEORGE H MOSS MATTHEW S, NUGENT RICHARD J, OLACK WILLIAM W PRICE BRUCE M RAMSEY ROBERT L SELLARS SIDNEY A, STUBBS, JR GEORGE P SUPRAN ALLEN R TOMLINSON EVERETT J, VAN GAASBECK KEVIN D WILKINSON PAUL C WOLFE 811 NORTH OLIVE AVENUE, SUITE 150 PO, DRAWER E WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402.3475 (305) 659,3000 200 HYPOLUXO ROAD, SUITE 204 HYPOLUXO, FLORIDA 33462 (305) 659,3000 April 1, 1983 JONES, FOSTER & MOSS 817 BEACH LAND BOULEVARD P,O, BOX 3406 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 (305) 231.1900 Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Re: C , H properties - Meadows 300 Dear Mr. Walker: Enclosed is a fully executed copy of the agreement modifying the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the C & H properties. Very truly yours, JONES & FOSTER, P.A. Paul ,... ...... Wolfe PCW:PEO Enclosure CC, 1.tr. Carmen Annunziato rtr. Stanley Franks with copies of enclosure '. ' ,/ t -- .- -....~ ,. :- MODIFICATIul. j MEHORANDUH OF UNDERSTANlJ- .; BETWEEN PALl,l BEACH COUNTY AND C & H PROPERTIES, DEVELOP- ERS OF THE 11EADOWS 300, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA WHEREAS, on October 3, 1978, C & H Properties and Palm Beach County entered in an agreement with regard to improvements to Congress Avenue and Hypo1uxo Road to help off-set the traffic impact of the Meadows 300 development on the public roadway system and WHEREAS, the parties wish to modify said previous memor- andum, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit Ai NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Items 1 and 2 of Exhibit A requiring dedications have been completed and the rights-of-way have been dedicated to Palm Beach County. 2. Items 3 and 4 of Exhibit A will not change. 3. In lieu and in place of items 5, 6 and 7 in Exhibit A the following language will be substituted: "The developer of the Meadows 300 will pay to the City of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach County,as shall be determined between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach Count~ at the time of applying for any residential building permit the sum of $300.00 for each building permit for a detached dwelling unit and the sum of $200.00 for each build- ing permit for each attached dwelling unit. The payment of such sqm shall be in complete satisfaction of all road impact fee ordinances or any other road pa"Ments for the properties described in Exhibits Band C attached. It is understood and agreed that the property described in Exhibit B attached is a commer- cial parcel and that the fees above described will only be ~;lid on account of the dwelling units built on Exhibit C and no buildings on the land described in Exhibit B will require any impact fee payments. 4. This is the complete agreement between the parties and will modify the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A. This agreement dated the I day of ftfltJL , 1983. cf-r.. O~ Date C & H Properties by Paul C. Wolfe, Attor '3 /2-,1- /,rl , Da t.e Charles R. Walker, Jr , P.E. Director, Palm Beach County Traffic Division . . to, ----, ) r' ( ... p ,-~a'd ,o!"-County Comn~!s.sioners Pegcy' U. Evan, C!,airlll"n Bill Bailey. Vice.Chairman lake lytal Dennis P. Koehler Bill Medlen r- r, ,JO, , '-'~.,~,-~~ I,' .; ~: ~:~ .~ ~::' ,;:';) ~<~~.~ \~~ ~r~~\~.t . 1\ .' "".,'L.i,1f ' . -," , . '""~~M;J;) '1 .~,.' ,. ... .. . ,~. I Coun1Y Administrator John C. Sansbury I~ Dep3rtrT\'el'l! of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer October 3, 1978 :)1EMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETt.JEEN PAIM BEACH COUNTY AND C & H PROPERTIES, DEVELOPER OF THE MEADOWS' 300, BOYN1O N BEACH, FLORIpA - I, , J I J , I . to I I t I I - , I It is understood that the Developer of The Meadows 300 will construct or provide the following improvements to Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road help offset the traffic ,impact of the development on the public roadway system. ..... (1) Dedicate an additional 68 feet of right-af-way along Hypoluxo Road. (2) Dedicate an additional 10 feet of right-of-way along Congress Avenue providing for a 60-foot half right-of-way. (3) Construct left turn ,lanes at all access points onto Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. (4) Bear the full cost of signalization of the project roadway intersections with Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road when warranted as determined by the County Engineer. Where these roadwa1s'align with other development access which have a similar commitment, it "is understood that the signalization cost will be shared.. (5) In lieu of payment of ar~air share contribution" for road improvements, the developer will construct an additional two, lanes of roadway with curbed median on Congress Avenue from L-20 Canal to the north side of L-19 Canal. This would in- clude culverting the L-19 Canal (the section to be con~tructed is shown on the attached print). Said construction shall com- mence prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the' 697th unit in this development (50% completion) or at such time as the,traffic generation from the residential and commercial development equals 50% of the traffic generated by the residential development. This construction shall be com- pleted priur to Certificates of Occupancy being issued for 60% of the units (836 units). The developer shall supply a detailed set of construction plans, acceptable to the County Engineer, including drainage for this proposed construction. . BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (3051 1:::34.2460 I I I .,t c",;,;;,~'r' "':_,,'!"~"'.~!~ - .-~~l ,.~~'~~' _ . ;",::~:~~~:J~: i' ..",,' "," l' ",:~;,( j' !: ,.." f - EXHIBIT "A" i). ) <~~\~).j;5 ~,' ,. .~~"-$":f; r '--'~, ~.. r .- r'~ '\ ' " '!. , -MEMORAND~l OF UNDERSTANDING BEn{EEN PAlM BEACH COUNTY AND C & H PROPERTIES, DEVELOPER OF THE MEADOWS 300, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Page 2 October 3, 1978 (6) The developer will post a bond or letter of credit in favor of Palm Beach County for an amount equal to 110% of a certified engineer's estimate of the cost of the Congress Avenue improvements. This bond or letter of credit will be furnished at the time of the second phase approved by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida (7) If Government 4 lanes Congress Avenue in this area prior to the developer completing 50% of the project, then the developer will pay to Palm Beach County an amount equal to the engineer's certified cost estimate on which the bonding of the improvements to Congress Avenue was based. These monies-shall be paid prior to the completion of 60% of the units in this project.- ,.~' The Development hereby commits to accomplishing the above improvements, and it is understood that this ,Memorandum of Understanding and attached typical sec- tion print for improvements to Congress Avenue will be made a part_of the records of the Boynton Beach City Council meeting of October 3, 1978. --c",~ .~~A (/- T-.'/ r Date I C & H Properties by Paul C. Wolfe, Attorney -- ., -. /- / .' /7 /,' q /IJ/, / ~/~(r..){-c../,//,.KI?f~ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Palm Beach County Traffic Division -;1 / ? II / ?r' Date " ~_,'i-:~-'_. - . . ,~ 'f..' .,";r.-t.;~"';:-- ",..,~; .1.(i.~~ . , '! ,,".5~~ "I: . ,~ .- ';..2;'~~~~; "';~ ).;.i~~~~:~~~- :.;.~~~'; . '- ~~:..,~ ._-:~. . ::':"~'.':"~'~:~~'=.':~.(~:~;;:~.."..~;" Z.;':~1~~.5.":';' .:~.- -....- ... . :'V.~... ... ~::i~ \ ~. :"~'~ -, .' , . ~ " 'l ~ "'" . :--,. '~---720"'-R vv .~!U I ~I ~, ~ l' ~ '~/Z.~B~, i 22:'1 ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ I I~ ~ ~ ~ .' -::.:.~ /~ '" . '2,4' -- RQP,.., c-= n_'j .~~ J..-J. 0.0, - J/4.......J____ .-. 1'/~2.5J c.~' ST.R'NORR.DO. 0. 7:- =- u--PRQ.QOSS.a, ,~,:;;:..s .(.,a.urr.=R.. - .. . -- ., - --- ...... - C'7 Z:-7' -r /O/V' - -- -----.......-.-. '-.J c:.. <--- /. / . A'-A~l -=-=.=sPEC/ ~/ CR'TLO ;4./.s..,:".._____:.~~',___, .,____,__ ___._-/T. _-P-EVEMc-.;vr.:=:./2ft~u-LY...P-.c:.:::zr ,..::?,SPHRLTIC C.CN C;~'E:T-E '_:__. ::.:.' , - kY'....E.,I=T~./Y'G_.sL/R.E"...D"CE.~_ ---= ...~~ .:...:...' .~:-' , -:=--. ." .-: ' .. _ _ ',_.=s::..~.B"BS.e--c:S_'!.-:,-.sh"c.L...L"- BRSC-:-'PL."q'C'E'Z:)' /"iJ"'TwO '..l./,::-rs' CCMPr:;-crEL:J ---..u--.,-----..:..-T.o:~:'ge ~-/"-"7'"....::7'~:'..a~y:.. L:JS/V.s/7Y" '., ,_ ".h. ""__ ___, -c:..-..sL/E?GR.R,CU=__.-:.:'..sr/?E/.LjZE~' 70,0' J2!" n:x 75 A.s:.~ "c;.s.:,-: _ ..._., _. ,.__ ~ -.--.::.c;. SNOOLLJcR:.7:-. .::JTREL.L:./:z..E "TOP ~,1/, TO .:SO P..s./. "c,..g, v: :. A,jiJ:., ~,-~u"." , .,":.'1"!J:'i-;... '..~. ..,'."- .":-i..- ,~~"'. . ..,:....-'. PROPOSED TYPICAL SEC7ION CONGRESS AVENUE C & H PROPERTIES -:,~~.~ .' ,=-"'-~"'!""... .... .;~;~.~ '~.~'.:. -.. . ": ... ti:~,;,-.~~:,",;i . ~ .~'4-',..~:.",'~~' 'i.~~(ll.. .' : . Parcel #2 ......... .' -~-.. - .~.:::~~i~~ ,,~ , :;~~~~-:-.. A parcel of land in Section 7, Township 45 South,. Range-4j'Eas:t;:. lying West of the J?-ght-of-Way ~ne of Congres:" Avenue,-:.Palm,:":3.i Beach County, FlorJ.da, more' part:tcularly descrlbed - as fOl.lOws.,_-:-": - ...""'," :'.._.~;. ." 'r--:~ Conunencing at the Northea st corner of Section 7, Township~' ~S~~ ~_oiI . Range 43 East, (said Section corner being ~lso the'Cerlt::r:~~~, Congress Avenue (S.R. 807) and the South Right-of-Way~~~,;.", Hypoluxo Road~;' thence' run- South,.?O~42T1.9W ~est,:..,a< d~stanq:r~,fS;~;,,'~~'" feet to' a~ point ori"the Westerl.y'L Right::-.oE-:.Wav~.llne~oft;~ . __~_ ""AVeIUlE!'; cino the POINT OF BEGINNING (P.O.B.); thence run along sai.d Westerly:' Right-of-Way by the following courses: South 'OOlOTOltf t.Jest, a distance of 59.72 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the East, having a radius of 1l509.24 feet and o a central angle of l 30T36!l; thence run Southerly, along the arc of said curve, a distance of 303.31 feet to the end of said curve; thence run South l020T35" East, a distance of 178.82 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave Westerly, having a radiuS'Df 5679.58 feet and a central angle of 3042T59tf; thence run Southe~1y, along the arc of the just described curve, a distance of 368.34 feet; thence South 88050T56" West, departing from said Westerl.y Right-of- Way, a distance of 595.54 feet; thence North 1009'04" West,:a dis- tance of9l0.00 feet to a point on the Southerly Right-of-Way line. of Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral No. 18, as now in use; - thence run North 88050T56" East, along said Southerly Right-of-Way, a distance of 610.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 12.641 acres, more or less. "~~":~'--'-'-': ,i..t ::~ -~''''':1- .. . .;. """".. ......: ~:.-.<f~1 ~...~J'\. _ ',-,::1,;, . ':~. ~ '. .~\~~ .: .~;;~ ..~ . '--:~~ . .. EXHIBIT, "B" -'<.'~'~,Uil'~~,' 1ti:iIJii. -" '.~ . , <," . ,,-, .,..'"~ .' - ,,~ . ... , .......- . .', :- '"~ < "'/~-'~""""~- ""'-~ ", . -',..~~. . ,A,. ....._ ..J,r: '. 'i"': .io" ". ~"...- . ," ~"., . ; .' Parcel #1 - A parcel of land in Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying West of the Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue, ~ Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as folLows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, (said Section corner being also the centerline of Congress Avenue (S.R. 807) and the South Right-of-Way line of Hypoluxo Road); thence run South 50042'19" West, a distance of , 54.75 feet to a point on the Westerly Right-of-vJay Line of Congress Avenue; thence run, along said Westerly Right-of-Way, Sooth 0010' or' West, a distance of 59.72 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the East, having a radius of 11509.24 feet and a central angle of 1030'35"; thence run Southerly, along the arc of said curve, a distance of 303.32 feet to the end of'said curve; thence run South 1020'35" East, a distance of 178.82 ~eet to the beginning of a 5679.58 foot radius curve, concave to ~he West, having a central angle of 3042'59"; thence run Southerly, along the arc of said curve, a distance of 368.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcel, and from said point run by the following courses: Continue Southerly, along the arc of the just described, curve, a ' " distance of 40.63 feet to the end of said curve; thence:"South 2047'01~c- West, continuing along the Westerly Right-of-Way of Congress~'Avenue.,..., - a distance of 1093.58 feet to the beginning of a 5679.58 foot radius. 0' curve, concave Westerly, having a central angle of", 4-4Sf"49";' thence,_ Southerly, along the arc of the just described curve and continuing' along said Westerly Right-of-Way, a distance of 472.20 feet to the end o~,said curve; thence South 7032'50" West, a10ngsaid-Wester1y -' Right-of-Way, 'a distance of 126.52 feet to the beginning ofa curve~, concave Easterly"having a radius of 5779.58 feet and a central angle of 4045'49"; thence Southerly, along the arc of the just described curve, a distance of 480.52 feet to the end of said curve; thence" South 2047'01" West, along the Wes,terly Right-of-Way or Congress: Avenue, a distance of 2122.99 feet to a point on the Northerly'~ Right-of_'-Way line of Lake Worth Drainage District. LateraLNo;;20'~ as now in use; thence run South 00031 '22" West, along- said Northerly"'" Right-of-Way, a distance of 2774.12 feet; thence, run North 2036'03""'''' - East, a distance of 1628.19 feet; thence run South 880)7'30" West,.... a distance of 628.69 feet; thence run North 2033'37" East"a.distance" of 1001.60 feet; thence run North 88041' 11" East, a distance,,:,of" - 944.03 feet; thence run North 2037'16" East, a distance of 200l.33:j,o, , feet; thence run North 88048'30Tf East, a distance of, 3]S~34';"feet;~:;.:c~-' ~ thence rurr South 2038' 29" West, a distance. of- 666~90 'feet:;~ thence~\...:."o run North 2042' 08" East, a distance of 1292.46- feet to a,point::o~~'~,""- the Southerly Right-of-Way line of Lake, Worth' Drainage Distric~...-::-'" Lateral No. 18, as now in use; thence run North 88050' 56TT-East-t-f'ci'" distance of 604.01 feet; thence South 1009'04" East~c a distance':'o- 910.00 feet; thence North 88050' 56" East" a distance- of 595:.54:'fee'- to the POINT OF' BEGINNING.- Containing 287 .3L acres" rnore;,o~',;,less~1,< ,<~ , ~~'..,~~ '~ ,'~'h\ ..y'.;:ji,l, '. ':;.~ , "~~~ ,: .. !.'- ._.J. 4.'~-,'.' , ..'''" . ,~-"..-- ...... ".-'. ~ .'.....:..~ t. ;~ , ...... - . ".: - - ,~" ~ .:: ,::.;d-.;:~''''''l: ~;...;. ' .. .,,~;;.,~:;.~.,' : ..o.1!..,,<:-,..~F""" '., ",~ ' ' \ ~'fl~~"'.. . . _ ." .~~.~ EXHIBIT "C" MEMORANDUM TO Peter Cheney DATE June 8, 1981 City Manager FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato SUBJECT "Meadows 300" Master Plan City Planner Modification Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of a letter from Julian T. Bryan III requesting consideration of a mod- ification to the approved master plan for the "Meadows 300" Planned Unit Development (PUD). PUD modifications are addressed procedurally in Appendix B, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances. Specifically, the process is two-fold. First, a determination must be made by the City Council as to the degree of the change; that is, whether or not the change is "substantial". If the change is deter- mined by Council to be "substantial", a new application for PUD approval shall be required to affect the changes requested. If the change is determined to be not of a substantial nature, the application for modification may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board based on a finding that the modifications re- quested are consistent with current regulations and the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan. The changes requested are four in number as follows: 1. To remove from each development tract the previously approved small parcel of land which was devoted to private recreation and incorporate this acreage into the proposed lot layout for the tract; 2. To consolidate all the private recreation into two parcels formed from tracts M and G; 3. To increase the density in tract E from 3.5 to 4 units per acre and in tract F from 4 to 5 units per acre to account for the loss of units which resulted in placing the private recrea- tion in tracts G and M only; and, 4. To increase the overall unit count by two (2) units. Proposed access to the site remains unchanged with a circu- lar road intersecting Congress Avenue at two locations and a north/south road terminating at Hypoluxo Road. At the time of PUD approval, improvements related to traffic were imposed by Council. These requirements are not requested to be changed, but for the edification of Council are attached. - 1 - .. MEMORANDUN, -- 'TO Peter Cheney City Manager OATE" June 8, 1981 FILf. FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJ [CT "Meadows 300" Master plan Modification - 2 - Concerning the impact of this development on the school system, at the time of PUD approval, the developer agreed to commit to the .4% transfer fee, but these contracts have been suspended by an action of the School Board of Palm Beach County. * * * * On Monday, June 8th, 1981, the Technical Review Board reviewed this proposal for consistency with the approved master plan. The Board found that the plans and proposals submitted to be consistent with the approved PUD. Therefore, the Board recommends to the City Council that a finding of no substantial change be made. In addition, the recommendations that follow are suggested to the Planning and Zoning Board by the appropriate staff member as provisos to the approval of the modification of the master plan. 1. Planning Department: Dedicate rights-of-way for Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road within 60 days of master plan modification approval by the Planning and Zoning Board to include rights-of-way adjacent to the commercial property. 2. Energy Coordinator: See attached memorandum. ~s'r: -~ Carmen S. Annunzi City Planner CSA:mpc Attachs. . MEMORANDUM June 8, 1981 TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Craig Grabeel, Energy Coordinator RE: Meadows "300" P.U.D. The following comments are submitted relative to subject master plan in the interest of encouraging energy-efficient development: I. Recommend the use of high-pressure sodium vapor lighting, 2. Recommend the use of low-maintenance vegetation and ground cover in landscaped areas in order to reduce irrigation requirements, 3. Further recommend the use of surface water for irrigation of common areas to minimize the demand for treated (City) water. The above recommendations are offered as a courtesy to the applicant in accordance with adopted City policy and should not be construed as a condition for approval. ~ Cra~g Grabeel Energy Coordinator CG:sr cc: City Manager , ~ ..--- ,.. - , ~.-- - -- -- ~~, ---, .. (1.,;..d r t County Cornrnll',.oner5 .p('gyy B E "alt. Cha'llT.an 13ill Bade.. VICc,ChilirmiJn Lake Lylal Dennis P. f( othler Bill Medlen " .t. ,. '\.. .' '\ ': .'f. . . County kdmln';~'~tDr John C S"n~!'J'V Drp;,rlmrnt of Engi'.~~rin! and Public ~';ork H. F. Yo,,"'er County Er';jinee October 3, 1978 l-lEHORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETHEEN PAL"1 BEACH COUNTY pJm C & H PROPERTIES, DEVELOPER OF THE HEADo\"TS 300, BOYNlON BEACH, FLORIDA It is understood that the Developer of The Meadows 300 will construct or . provide the foll~wing improvements to Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road to help offset the traffic impact of the development on the public roadway system. ~ (1) Dedicate an additional 68 feet of right-of-way along Hypoluxo Road. (2) Dedicate an additional 10 feet of right-of-way along Congress Avenue providing for a 60-foot half right-of-way. (3) Construct left turn lanes at all access points onto Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. (4) Bear the full cost of signalization of the project roadway intersections with Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road when warranted as determined by the County Engineer. Hhere these roadways align with other development access which have a similar commitment, it is understood that the signalization cost will be shared. (5) In lieu of payment of a "fair share contribution" for road improvements, the developer will construct an additional two lanes of roadway with curbed median on Congress Avenue from L-20 Canal to the north side of L-19 Canal. This would in- clude culverting the L-19 Canal (the section to be constructed is sho\m on the attached print). Said construction shall com- mence prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the 697th unit in this development (50% completion) or at such time as the traffic generation from the residential and co~ercial development equals 50% of the traffic generated by the residential development. This construction shall be com- pleted prior to Certificates of Occupancy being i~sued for 60% of the units (836 units). The developer shall supply a detailed set of constnlction plans, acceptable to the County Engineer, including drainage for this proposed construction. BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 13051 684,2460 .. .. ..; ... l-lD-1OJv\;;DUH OF UlHJEL_ . ANDING BEnn::D~ PAU1 BEJ..CH CCUJ!HY I...;.r &. H PROPERTIES, DEVELOPER OF THE 1-1EJ..Dv.IS 300, BOYNTO;~ BEACH, FLORID~ rage 2 October 3, 1978 (6) The deyeloper will post a bond or letter of credit in favor of Palm Beach County for an amount equal to 110% of a certified engineer's estimate of the cost of the Congress Avenue improvements. This bond or letter of credit will be furnished at the time of the second phase approved by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida (7) If Government 4 lanes Congress Avenue in this area prior to the developer completing 50% of the project, then the developer will pay to Palm Beach County an amount equal to the engineer's certified cost estimate on which the bonding of the improvements to Congress Avenue was based. These monies shall be paid prior to the completion of 60% of the units in this project. ... -- The Development hereby commits to accomplishing the above improvements, and it is understood that this Memorandum of Understanding and attached typical sec- tion print for improvements to Congress Avenue will be made a part of the records of the Boynton Beach City Council meeting of October 3, 1978. q~ ~ .~Properties bY~ Paul C. Wolfe, Attorney I /-r-? r Date ~~;:i--I/~q/J!~, Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Palm Beach County Traffic Division C; / ? ,~ / llr Date ~ TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS THE MEADOWS 300 August 14, 1978 Mid South Engineering Company 233 Commercial Boulevard Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida 33308 -~----~--_._-----------_.."_.. .------- list of Figures. List of Tables Introduction . . land Use Data Projected Traffic TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 2 4 5 LIST OF FI GURES 1. Study Area . . . . . 2. Parcel Identification 3. Location of Traffic Count Stations. 4. Projected Traffic Volumes--On-site and Immediate Vicinity . . . . . . . . . 5. Projected Traffic Volumes--Study Area. LIST OF TABLES 1. Trip Generation Factors 2. Projected Internal and External Trips 3. Traffi c Counts 1 \ 3 6 . . . . 10 12 13 7 9 11 I INTRODUCTION The Meadows 300 is a 288 acre Planned Unit Development in the City of Boynton Beach. Mid South Engineering Company was retained to evaluate the impact that this development would have on the surrounding highway network. The site is bounded on the north by Hypo1uxo Road and by Congress Road on the east. Figure 1 indicates the project's location and identifies other major projects in the immediate vi ci n i ty. The internal circulation system provides three points of access to the project, two on Congress Avenue and one on Hypo- 1uxo Road. A 12.5 acre shopping center is foreseen at the south- west corner of Hypo1uxo Road and Congress Avenue. Although it is not a part of the ~~adows 300, it is included for purposes of analyzing the traffic impact of the development. 2 . ~ANTANA RD. T , HYPOLUXO RD. 0 0:: rl I J I I J ~ I I' ," . I , , I , I L&J !r IBOYN~ C) 0 ~ ~ LAKES 0:: _I :x: -~ C) :x: ~~~ , It) en I III - prOject 0 site' , <t I >= 0 0:: " Nw 22nd. ~ AVE. :x: -' ~ <t . 0:: L&J L&J L&J ~ 0 (.) L&J Z (f) I u.. L&J , 0:: ~r SANDHILL ~ <t , -' C) z 0 (.) f74 BOYNTON g BEACH MALL NW 2nd. AVE. ~ 1 STUDY AREA II LAN D USE DATA The PUD Master Land Use Plan was used as the basis for all land use data. The project consists primarily of single-family and cluster homes, townhouses and garden apartment. Specific characteristics of the development are as follows: Residential: Single family 301 Units Cluster 403 Units Townhouse 329 Units Garden Apartment '361 Units Total 1394 Units Parks: Two sites totalling 11.2 acres Canals, Roads and Lakes: 48.4 Acres 82.4 Acres 74.7 Acres 41.2 Acres 30.1 Acres 228.4 Acres The floor area of the shopping center adjacent to the project is estimated at 100,000 square feet. 4 III. PROJECTED TRAFFIC Traffic Estimation Procedure A manual trip generation, distribution, and assignment process was utilized to project future traffic volumes on the highway network. In this method, trips are generated and attracted by land use type. Assumptions are made regarding the number of internal trips (trips that stay within the site) and the traffic distribution (percent of trips to north, south, east, and west). The resulting external trips are manually distributed on the highway network to provide the shortest travel path to their end destination. The projected traffic is added to counts of existing traffic to estimate the total traffic on the highway network. Trip Generation The trip generation rates utilized in this study are based upon the results of the Update Study of Vehicular Traffic Generation Characteristics within Palm Beach County and the Institute of Transportation Engineers' 1976 publication, Trip Generation. Based on these studies, the follow- ing trip generation rates were used: Si ng1 e-fami 1y 10 trips/unit Cluster 10 trips/unit Townhouse 10 trips/unit Garden Apartment 9.7 trips/unit Shoppirig Center 80 trips/1,000 square feet Figure 2 is a parcel identification map for the project. Significant trip generation factors are contained in Table 1. 5 TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FACTORS 1. RESIDENTIAL No. of Parcel Uni t Type Un its Trip Rate Total Trips A TH-8 123 10 1,230 B CL-5 90 10 900 C SF-3.5 87 10 870 D SF-3.5 32 10 320 E SF- 3. 5 74 10 740 F SF-4 35 10 350 G CL-6 107 10 1,070 H GA-12 230 9.7 2,231 J GA-12 131 9.7 1 ,271 K CL-6 72 10 720 L CL-5 84 10 840 M SF-4 73 10 730 N CL-5 50 10 500 0 TH-8 206 10 2,060 1 ,394 13,832 II. SHOPPING CENTER 100,000 Square feet x 80 trips/1,000 square feet 8,000 Trips 7 Trip Distribution It was projected that approximately 24% of the home-based trips would be shopping trips and that 1/3 of the shopping trips would remain internal to the development. Likewise~ approximately 19% of the home- based trips are assumed to be social-recreation trips~ with 1/3 remain- ing internal. The land uses and the relative attractiveness of the surrounding area were evaluated to estimate the distribution of external trips. It was assumed the ultimate distribution of all external trips would be represented by the following percentages. North 25% South 40% East 25% West 10% Trip Assignment The internal trips generated by each residential parcel (A through 0) were distributed to the Shopping Center and Park areas using a minimum path criteria and an assumption that the travel paths of all internal trips would remain within the site. The number of trips attracted to the Shopping Center from outside the site was determined by the difference between total trips attracted to the shopping center and the number of internal shopping trips. The external trips from each residential parcel (A through 0) were distributed into the highway network so as to provide a minimum travel path to their ultimate destination. A summation of the trips crossing each link of the network was obtained to provide ,the external impact of the residential development. The number of externally produced shopping trips was added to this summation to estimate the total external impact. 8 Projected internal and external trips from each residential parcel are contained in Table 2. The directional allocation of the external trips is also provided. TABLE 2 PROJECTED EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL TRIPS Pa rce 1 TOTAL TRIPS 1,230 900 870 320 740 350 A B C D E F G H J K 1,070 L M N o 2,231 1,271 720 840 730 500 2,060 13,832 Traffi c Counts' INTERNAL TRIPS 172 126 122 45 104 49 150 312 178 101 118 102 70 288 1,937 E X T ERN A L T RIP S North East South West 265 194 187 69 159 75 230 480 273 155 181 157 108 443 2,976 265 194 187 69 159 75 230 480 273 155 181 157 108 443 2,976 423 310 299 110 254 120 368 767 437 248 289 251 172 709 4,757 105 77 75 27 63 30 92 191 109 62 72 62 43 177 1 , 185 Figure 3 identifies the location of traffic count stations in the project area. Efforts were made to obtain several traffic counts in the area in order to more accurately identify existing traffic patterns. Table 3 contains the traffic counts that were collected for this study. 9 4209-2 \ 4807-2 LANTANA ROAD ..- 4220-1 4211-2 4313-2 HYPOLUXO ROAD r-- I BOYNTON, \ LAKES, I I I I 1 I L_-, r--' I I r---. I I I L&i / ,-_J ~r' bJ C!) o 0:: :z: C!) :z: It) en I > ~ :z: .J ct 0:: LLI o LLI u.. o ct o 0:: LLI o Z LLI 0:: ~ ct -' /5204_2 BOYNTON r-l ,5206-2 BEACH L_J MALL 5601-2 ~I ~ 1 ~ I SANDHILL l_____ 4315-2 4222-1 NW 2nd. AVEV 5203-2 ~ 5301- 2 9999- 9 -- LOCATION OF TRAFFIC COUNT STATION ~ :3 TABLE 3 TRAFFIC COUNTS (vehicle trips per day) 1st Boynton Boynton 1976 1977 1977 1977 Quarter Lakes Mall Station Average Peak Off Peak Average 1978 Study Study 4600-2 12,655 7,387 6,541 6,964 8,656 7,000 6,960 . 5206-2 8,901 7,315 6,084 6,700 8,059 4,900 6, 700 4211-2 8,704 10,893 9,387 1 0 , 140 17,233 11 ,000 1 0, 140 4315-2 1 ,901 1,867 1,687 1,777 1,997 N/A N/A 4607-2 5,177 4,432 3,809 4,121 5,665 4,000 4,120 Upon review of available traffic counts, the average 1977 counts were selected as the basis for estimating existing traffic conditions. Future Traffic Volumes Future traffic volumes within the site and on highways immediately adjacent to the site are shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 indicates the future traffic volumes throughout the Planning Area. 11 ~ 'l: ~ u ~ 'u ~ ~ 't " ---~~---_. - - - - - -- Knollwood Groves ~ - ~ . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ] i J Meadows 300 Master'Plan' . Rezone from RIAAA to C-3 ~ JiI I ::, I ___ ._.._ ..____ ...._____k_ _.___ __ __. _._ _ .-----.--------------------.---. --.-----------.----- -. -' ------ Rezone from RlAAA to PUD with LUI of 3.36 ~ " . ~- ~. -~-,--/20/'-R 1.-V ~ ~I KI ~ ~ ~ I 22:'1 -:- /c.~B',-,--' 24.' t-I'/:2s' Ie. 7~J 2<1'_ - . E~~~~ I 11-== PRV'To '-J/.a__.::Y~.- '\ 1 ~-==-. =-===- .- ~ c _ _ - ::..:--J !JJ ~ "l ). ~ I I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .-:: -:.::- I ~ c..'S'TriN'CRRD D,Q,7: __-=_ '.__--PR1::;'OOSED, ,LV..:<..8 -? GL/TTER.. , - ' ----- ----, ---- c-' -r- /"? -r JON ~-- ______u____ ~ ~ L-./. / :4-A ~l , ~.~~~PEC/r=/c..RT/O)J.s: . _._m.:.~:'___.. __..___~ __.,_~:cBV.EMEA./7::=.../~""-Z":r:/?~~ PSP.h';::;:L7/C CCNC~E:T"':::=_:"_. :-_,.:-__ . - k/~/<L/VG ..-5L/~....:,qcE~_,~ ,..- .:...:.. ~_-:- -:=-- _ _-::: ',. .. _ ~'__ -=----=e:,~E/=?S.L;~ 8_~/~ .5"..-7'ELL-. ERSC:=-: .PLRCEZ:)" /#-" T;.vo - ,L/FTS- cC~PNC/E.D ,-,... --,.-,__~_Ta.~. 96 ~~.. /,-/,q-x: _ DRY:. .GE/v'S/7Y.. -. ., ____, _ ,__ ._ - h,_C-'SL/e:GR?DE.._-~._5T./?.a/LjZE. 70,0' J2-'/ TO_ ./-:5 r:..5./, ..L:E.:"'-:. ~ ~. SHOL/L.DER.:,::-.5T./7c/L/2E TGP G.'~. TD 50 ?.5./. ;C,E. f/, :. PROPOSED T)~ICAL SECTION Cm~GRESS A\'E.~lJE C & H PROPERIIES , ..... :lJ > () ..... m @\ G> ..... -I ~ ~ i ~ i If: I : ~ ~I L ~ o :-" U'I __ r..., r \t.l w I '0. ... (J) '" p.) co ",,:.. ; : " .. " ."'-"OJ 1 x '" ! i . ; . .. " .. ... : ; ~ ~~ , ~ " ~ .. " ! ~ c , . , z : , . . ^ ; ~ .. " --l1-..--MiNORR6iO'~.~ lff- '-\--- m-_~ tDn';f~'~ ~~ ~- -- , 1:11 ; ~ : I ; ~ ; () n~:~>\ ,.-1--..... .I~ : I ~ ~ m ~/ -\-..~ -, b u ., ' /. '/ p f"'-..... "'" " .. '" i I~ ?"'/ , \~ i1 I ",~\/ , /1" I , I,--.=:;:::::-, \ \~ :: ';1 0 ? ~ ~ ~I~ t Ii~ ~) : >! ~ r ~ I : i>> "'1' I~,' l~-"--- ~,I~I: :: ~ z, ~/ d; ; .. ) '" r,'''''' ..le ~!. 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D' MEADOWS 300 - PLANN~D U:\lIT DEVELO?MENT . t' l ~:: n ~:: !1 BOYNTO:\l 8~ACH, FLORIDA .., ,jWILSHIRE CORP ,11000 Southern Blvd. II Weal Palm Beech, ~Io~; r:-- j \ ~ T LANTANA ROAD 7000 .r- (3600) - 10,600 7000 (,(2200) 1< 6000 9200 <45(0) HYPOLUXO ROAD 10.500 c:i - lr f: ....1 r--~ I~- ....J~ !oJ I BOYNTON/ t!) "l -< 0 - - I LAKES I lr I I / I I I J: rT I I \fPRo~ECT t!) I I J: I I I ~ ~1.1; ~ I I lOt I 00 ~ J: TT I l_--, (3900~ ...J r--' 14,000 ~ ct lr I I ,...-, !oJ 0 !oJ u.. 4900~ I I 1 ) / L._J Nw 22nd AVE 0 ( 7400) I - ct LLI 0 12,300 > ,-I 1800 a: ct to, LLI U en J "---- (800) I z en !oJ LLI 2600 J a: a: ~ t!) I SANDHILL , ct Z ...J 0 u L_____~ r--' 6700 BOYNTON , , ,r (5000) BEACH L_J MALL 11.700 NW 2nd. AVE, . . : , 7200- EXISTING AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (4500)- DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC 11,700 - EXISTI NG PLUS DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC ~ 5 TRAFFIC GENERATION OFF SITE