AGENDA DOCUMENTS PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-128 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director DATE: May 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning - Mall Corner Restaurant Please place the referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, May 15, 1990 under Public Hearings. DESCRIPTION: Request to show annexed land as "Local Retail Commercial" and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to C-3 (Community Commercial). Project is located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of this request subject to the stipulation that the development of this site be limited to a restaurant. ~~~-h TI 0 Y P. CANNON JJG:cp A:PM90-128 / 7A4 MALL CORNER RESTAURANT LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-116 TO: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon 1:L/ Interim Planning Director FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: May 2, 1990 SUBJECT: Mall Corner, Inc. - Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning Application Kieran J. Kilday, agent for Mall Corner, Inc., property owner, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 1.34 acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard (see attached location map). The property is currently zoned AR (Agricultural Residential) and it is vacant. Included with the annexation request is a request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to show this land as "Local Retail Commercial" and to rezone from AR to C-3 (Community Commercial). The proposed use of the site, if annexed and zoned C-3, would be to develop it for a restaurant. However, if the property is rezoned to C-3, it could be developed for any use permitted in the C-3 zoning district, unless otherwise restricted by the City Commission as a condition of zoning approval. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with State statutes and Boynton Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning and Section 9.C: Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Rezonings. 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 7. Boynton Beach Ordinance #89-38: Comprehensive Plan. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission, and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. CURRENT LAND USE AND ZONING As previously discussed, this property is undeveloped and zoned AR (Agricultural Residential). The land use and zoning in the surrounding area varies and is presented for your information in the table which follows: PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-116 SUBJ: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board Mall Corner, Inc. -2- May 2, 1990 TO: JURISDICTION ZONING LAND USE DIRECTION North East South West Boynton Beach Palm Beach County Palm Beach County Palm Beach County C-3 AR AR AR Boynton Beach Mall Vacant Vacant Gas Transmission Facility and large lot single-family home FUTURE LAND USE AND REZONING The subject parcel lies within the City's Reserve Annexation Area. Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of Appendix A-Zoning, staff analysis of the proposed zoning is not required where rezoning is requested in conjunction with an application for annexation and the rezoning would be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan, or where the proposed zoning would be consistent with the zoning or land use recommendations contained in the City of Boynto~ Beach Comprehensive Plan. The land use category requested, "Local Retail Commercial", is consistent with both the County and City Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Maps. Concerning the zoning category requested, C-3 (Community Commercial), Section 7.f of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents requires that parcels, within this portion of the unincorporated area be developed as planned zoning districts. However, the minimum land area for rezoning to a Planned Commercial Development (PCD) is 3 acres. The subject parcel is only 1.34 acres in size. In addition, this parcel is under separate ownership from all surrounding properties. Due to these limitations, the applicant appeared before the City Commission on March 6, 1990, to request an interpretation that, since this parcel is less than 3 acres and is under separate ownership from surrounding parcels, an application for rezoning to C-3 instead of PCD would be acceptable. The City commission concurred with the applicant's request and directed staff to proceed with the processing of the application. It should also be noted that, subsequent to the March 6, 1990 Commission meeting, the applicant submitted an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Section 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents. The proposed amendment would not require parcels under 3 acres in size to be zoned to PCD, as long as they meet the intent of the planned zoning district setbacks and greenbelt standards. The Text Amendment application has been scheduled for public hearings in June. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANNEXATION POLICIES The proposed annexation is consistent with the policies pertaining to annexation contained within the Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Palm Beach County has been notified of the proposed annexation. However, comments have not been received as of this date. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Kieran J. Kilday for Mall Corner, Inc., be approved. This recommendation is based in part on the following: 1) That the parcel is contiguous to the corporate limits; 2) That the parcel lies within a County pocket and it is in the path of urban development; PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-1l6 SUBJ: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board Mall Corner, Inc. -3- May 2, 1990 TO: 3) That the parcel is located within the City's utility service area; 4) That the parcel is located at the intersection of two collector roads and it is suitable for commercial development; 5) That the intensity of land use desired is consistent with the County and City Future Land Use maps; 6) That the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan annexation policies; and 7) That the zoning category requested is consistent with the proposed use of the site for a restaurant or other local retail land uses. J~ ~ J. GOLDEN JJG:cp Ene. I , ! ',\ ,:~\"~' Ct,~/ "1'.1 ,...' . ,/.'1,. ,Pc ,/;Jy r' I ba~p._~$.s_e~~~p.~sNI_a~p.LQ8_8slQ~IN~_eEEbl~eIlQ~ City of Boynton Beach~ Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and 5ubmitted~ together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. ~s~~8eb_l~EQ8~eIlQ~ 1. Project Name: _Msll_,~Q~n~~_Restall~ant____________________________ 2. Type of Application (check one) -------- i:\. F~ez on i ng only -------- b. Land U~;e Amendment only ._,_X.2C.___ c. Land Use Plm€'mdment and Rezoning 3. Date this Application is Accep'ted (to be filled out by Planning Departmen't) : ---------.----------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant"s Name (person or business entity in whose name this. application is made): -~~11_~Q~rrg~LlnQ~__~LQ_~Qh~Qgdg~_~Ud_La~Qh~L_e~A~_______ Address: . -~~~~_g19gg~_,BQ9Q~_~y.it~_~1~_8~RIQM_____________________ _~Qg~_g~tQnL_[L_11ill___________________________________ Telephol"'le. Number: _i~Ql1_211=QJQQ______.___________________________________ 5. Agent"s Name (person, if any, representing applicant): -_KieIan_J__Kilda~-t-Kilda~-&-AssocLates--------------__ Address: l55l E p" Dld lnnA. -- - orum_ .~ace~~ g_- ww --_________________________ West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 ,Planning Department 1-86 pc'1ge 1 Telephone ____L'!.~I.L_E?.8y__:..5_5.J._~_________________________________------- Number: 6. Property Owner"s (or Trustee"s) Name: _ _~c:.. ~~ _ ~C:.:_I?-_~~ ~___~ I?-_'=-:_..L _~L ~ __~E~:r:..~e:~ ~~ _~~~ _.!=.a_~ ~~0:.~~~______ Ad d r es s : __~ ~~~_~,~~~~~_~_~_~d_,__S_~~_t_e__~_~..9_A~~I_U_~_ -------------------- ___~?_c:..~_~~1:.<?~~_~~__~_~'!.~}_________,__________________--------- Telephone _ _L~Q_"?..L~_.V-__:..O_3_0_0_,_______________________________---------- NLlmber: 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* __;I5_U.<i~Y _~__8.s_s.Q.G.i..a.t.e.s..._-- --- -.-- --- - ----------------- ------ _ _l,!i!il.. _;EQ.J;JJJn._tl..a..GJ~~_ ..B.ld.g:....l.O.O.A.--.:...------ ---- -------- ------ West Palm Beach, F1 3340l * This is the address to which all agenda5~ letters~ and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant"s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner~ Buyer~ Lessee~ Builder~ Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) __~~QQ~_t:.ty_ Q\'LIle..t:..___ - - --- --- -- - ---- -- ------ ---- - ---------------------- 9. Street Addr-ess or Locat i on of Subj ect Parcel: ..!.b...e..~t.}!....i.a--- lQ.Q.s.t.~.<i_<a.t._t.b.e.._s..Q.u.th~e.s.:t._c.o.r.n.ex.:._o..f.._tha_i.n.t.e.LSe.c.ti.a.n.._O.f.. (Mrll] Rna d 1. Winchester Park Blvd. & Old Boynton Road. 10. Legal Description of Subject F'i;;\t-cel: ___-5.e.e...-A.t.t-rlr.herl P.yh;h;:t..._~~ ---------------------~-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------.-------------------------------------------- .11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre}: 1.34 acres ----------------------------------------------------------------- Planning Department 1-86 page 2 1" -. Current Zoning District: _.A.R=Ag.r. j cu 1 t ux..a.l- .ae.s..i.Q.~.Q.-1-~.s.t:..r4...Q.t:--- C-3 13. Proposed Zoning District: ----------.----------------------------- 14. Current Land Use Category: ~~!~_J~~~~~~~~E_~E~E!xl______________ __S.?~~E~j.~~1_~.?~~}_!~.!22_l____________ 15. Proposed Land Use Category: 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: Restaurant --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Deve 1 r.1p er or Bu i 1 d er : __~.9:.gl~..,..9__~_l\J?pJj.2..?.flJ:_________________.________ ------------------------------~----------------------------------- 113. Archi tect: N/A ------------------------------------------------------- 19. Landscape Architect: N/A ---------------~----------------------------- 20. Si te PI anner: ..._....Ki 1 ooy--_...&....As.s.or'; rlrp!': _________________.____________' 21. Ci vi 1 Engi neer: _K_._.?_.___R_05~E:=>..!_!_._~_~______.__________________________ 22. Traffic Engineer: K.S. Rogers, P.E. --------------------------------------------------- 23. Surveyor: _ ..Mox:.g,an., ,-s--E.k.l.u.nd...- - --- -- - - ------- - ----- ----- ----------- II. ~BI~Ble~2_IQ_?f:_8~~~lII~Q_w.IIH_eEEbl~eIIQN The following materials shall be 5ubmitted, in two (2) copies. (check) XX a. This application form. _~~_b. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. xx c. The following documents and letters of consent: (1) If the propel~ty is under joint or several own.~rship: A written consent to the application by all owners of record, and (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and lQL_ (3) I f thE? app 1 i cant is reprE'?sent.ed by an authori zed <<3gent: A copy of the agenc~ agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Depar~ment 1-86 page 3 ~___(b) EXisting and propo~~d ~~~d~ ~~eva~~on~. , ---- (c) E:x i s-t i ng Of '~opo~ed w8t~r bodil ~ (d) Form of ownor~hip and 40rm o~ organization to m~int~in common ~P~CQ~ and r~~r~~tion~l ~Mcilitl~~. ____(e) A wrltt~n commitment to the provi~ion of ~ll nec~.~~ry fac11itie5 for storm drain~9~, water supply, ~QWDQe cQl1~ctlon ~nd t~eatment; golid w~stm d1spo$~1, h~2~rdoug.wast. disposal, {ire protection~ easem~nts or r1ghtg-o~-w~y, ~o~dway~, recreation ~nd p~rk ar~es~ ~ct'ool sitms, bnd other pUblic imp~ovemQnt. or d~dic~tlons a~ may bm ~Gquir~d. ~___(11) For rezoMingm to planned zoning districtn, th~ ~peci~ic requirements for submission of applic~tion6 for rezoning to such districts shall also be s~ti$fi~d. Furth~rmo~~, ~ll m~t8rl~lG rQquir.d for ~ subdiYlsi~n m~stQr pl~n sh~11 ~lSD bm submittgd~ III. eeE~lgeI!Q~_E~gg~ Fees sh~ll be pa1d at the time that tn. applic&tion 1~ ~ubmittQd, accord1nQ to the fees which h~ve bS0n adoptdd by ordinance or ~e501ution. The P1Bnning D~partment will inform the applicant a~ to the f~e$ which ar~ r~quired. All fe~~ ~hall b9 paid by che~k, pay~ble to the City of Soynton ae~~h. IV. ~~BI!El~arlQ~ <I) (We) und!:ll""st~nd thctt t.tl1s appl1cat1cm and ~11 pl~n And ".peres Gubmitt~d h~r~w1th become a part o~ the permnN~nt r9cordQ of th~ Planning ~nd Zoning 9oard. (I) (We) he~eby ~ertify t.hat th~ ~bov~ ~tatementg and any statements or $howlngs In bny papQrs or plans aubm1tted herewith 8re t~ue to t.he be~t. bf (my) (our) knowladOQ and belja~~ThiS applic~tion will not b~ a~eGptQd unl~ss ~iQnQd _ _::::r: n .~:::~one balow. ___~aIZ1Q________ ~ture Of er(~) O~ Tru~te~, ~te Authorized Principal i1 property is owned bY'4 ccrpo~ation or other bu~ines5 entity. VII -J1~(/qCL______-- i>~tG . ~& (my) (Qur) ~utho~12ed ____{I~iLql1______ Oita Pl~nning Ogp~rtment 1-86 paOQ 7 . , ---------...-.---- EXHIBIT "All A portion 0'1: Lot 4::.1 of Subdivision section ~9, Township 45 Soutll, Range 43 East as r~corded in plat Book 7, at Page 19, of the Public Record::> of Palm Beach county, Florida, lesG the South 320.00 feet and less the North 20.00 feet for road right-vf-way and being more particularly described as follows: commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 4.2 i" thence run along the East line of said Lot 42 on an assumed bea~ing of South 01'06'0:3" East a distance of 20.00 feet to a. point of intersection of the South right-of-way line of Old Boynton Road and the West right-of-~TaY line of Winchester Park' Boulevard as now exists, said point also baing the point of Beginning; thence continue South 01' 06 '03" East along the said West right-Of-way line of Wir.cheztcr Park Boulevard a dj.stance of 243,08 feeti thence South 88'09'0611 West a distance of 307.55 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 42 i thence North 01000 '33" West along the West line of said Lot 42, a distance of 124.60 feet; thence North 89'50'16" East a distance of 139.90 feet; thence North 01000'33" West a distance of 127.53 feet to a point on the said South right-of-way lin~ of old Boynton Road; thence North 89-50'16" East along the said South right-Of-way line a distance of 167.26 feet to the Point of Beginning - -- - ~ ----~--~_.--_..- Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects! Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 REQUIREMENTS G. & H. MALL CORNER RESTAURANT Items (g) and (h) of the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning Application require a justification and a comparison of impacts between existing zoning and proposed zoning. In this case, the request of the petitioner is to bring the property into conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of Boynton Beach. Currently the property is zoned AR-Agricultural Residential in Palm Beach County, a rural zone entirely inappropriate for this property which is located at the center of an existing urban commercial area. The application contained herein is consistent with the current County Comprehensive Plan designation of CH/8 (Commercial High) and the Boynton Beach designation of Local Retail Commercial. The current zoning would not allow any development on less than five acres in size and then only a single family home would be permitted. 1. The current zoning allows for one dwelling unit per five acres which would not allow a lot of lesser size. In this case the proposed 1.34 acre lot size is consistent with the Boynton Beach Zoning Code for C-3 Commercial zoning. The proposed zoning and lot size can reasonably accommodate a restaurant with excellent onsite circulation. While this use is a permitted use within the C-3 Zoning District, a specific plan of development has been submitted for the purpose of specifying the proposed intensity of uses for this site. ..,', 2. The proposed use is a restaurant. 3. The owner is currently in negotiations to develop this restaurant site. Construction is anticipated to begin as soon as final site plan approval is granted and all permits are received. 4. The potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed C-3 Zoning District equals 7~OOO square feet, as shown on the site plan which was submitted as part of the application. 5. Employment projections: Based on the size of the subject restaurant it is estimated that approximately fifty (50) employment opportunities will be provi.ded. K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 ( FAX ) 9 6 9 - 9 7 1 7 January 31, 1990 Mr. Lindsey Walters Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Way Building 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Mall Corner Water Useage Dear Lindsey: At your request, this office has projected the water and sewer demand for the above project. A 7,000 square foot restaurant is planned for this site. This building is expected to have a seat- ing capacity of 250 seats. Using the Palm Beach County Heal th Department's flow rate of 50 gallons per day per seat, this establishement can be expected to generate an average daily flow of 12,500 gallons per day. This parcel of land is currently zoned agricultural in Palm Beach County. As such, one dwelling unit could be constructed. At an average flow of 350 gallons per day per unit, the existing zoning would generate an average of 350 gallons per day. The County's Comprehensive Plan shows commercial designation for this site. Thus, there is no difference in expected flow rates between this request and that which would be allowed according to development regulations if developed according to the County 's Comprehensive Plan. Ml. Lindsey Walters January 31, 1990 Mall Corner Page Two Typicall y J there is very 1 i ttle difference in water and sewer flow rates for commercial uses unless irrigation is going to be done from publ ic water. At this time, the source of irrigation water is planned to be from on-site wells. Very truly yours, ~~,7E. KSR/jr .. ,0, .. .. ~. " .. n'" ,. "1 ~tt.,M / .. J ?~ BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of applicat~on required). NOTE: PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: PHONE: .' Mall Corner Restaurant , '. Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (407) 689-5522 " Mall Corner, Inc. 2255 Glades Road, Suite 319 Atrium Boca Raton, FL 33431 (407) 241-0300 I PROJECT LOCATION: SW corner of Old Boynton Road & Mall Road "..'." I .: " (not legal description) (Winchester Park Bly-a:.' ", .... CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* 'Kilday & Associates (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials Will be forwarded. -1- t. 'It ('i'l ",' I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: . '. 'DATE "F ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE # DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: '- DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/owner: Mall Corner, Inc. Area of subject Property: Sq. Ft. or. 1.34 Acres Estimated Present Population: undeveloped .' Existing Zoning: AR Density Allowed: I du/5ac d.u.'s proposed Zoning: C-3 Density Allowed: N/A d. u. 's . EXISTING UTILITIES Water: City of Boynton Beach Utilities Wa~tewater Collection: City of Boynton Beach Utilties Solid Waste (garbage): City of Boynton Beach 'It I, -3- (7', ~.. ~ I'ro'PoS~d 'Use: , . \ ~acant use: ~~i.sti.ng . '. . ~ . .~~ ~e.~enef~e~a~ dS ~~y t~~S anne~at~on ~~ . 1j'our o~n ~oI: ~~I:ess ~n h ?lOI:ida: 'BOynton "Beac , to ~ OF ?1l.0?$1l.fi 'to 13$ ~11.'D F:P-c't 1.o$Gp.1. 1l$SC1l.~?'t~~ .. . " ;' see p.,; .. ... , . \ ..4'" . , . " ln~l 1,J 11 l' City of Boynton' Beach f?lBlJl'lng Department Name of Development/owner I Mall Corner,Tnl".. Locate the,subjrPt property on this map and shade in the area. . -. : , ... .. JAN-19-' 90 FRI 17: 41 In.: K. ILDA. Y & ASSOCIATES TEL NO: 407-689-2592 l:t198 P05 . . OWNERS AUTHORIZATION J Under the provisions for voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. '. MALL CORNER) INC.. a Florl.'da , corporation MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER Type Name of Applic~nt Type Name of owner{s) 2255 Glades Road ) Suite 319 Atrium 2255 ~lades Road,Suite 319 Atrium Street Address Street Address Boca Raton, Florida 33431 City and state Boca Raton,Fl. 33431 City and State (407) 241-0300 Telephone Number (407) 241-0300 Telephone Number **** OWNER IS APPLICANT **** K!LDAY & ASSOCIATES IS AGENT I .. -6- . JAN-19-'90 FRI 17:41 ID:KILDAY & ~SOCI^TES M~ M TEL, NO:4~(-689-2592 ~198 P06 - AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BE~CH ) ( . Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared : '. . MALL fORNER, INCb" a Flodda cQXPc_~ation MICHAEL A, SCHROEDER, as Preside'Qt of , WnO l:)e~nq y me rJ.rst QUJ.'Y" sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That nJtis the fee simple owner of the followinq described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See Exhibit A attached hereto " (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That heiaesires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he i'has appointed Kilday & Associates its to aot as aqent in his behalf to accomplish the above. ffiant MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of January, 1990, No My Cornmj.ssion NOTARY PtlSUC, ST^TF: OF . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES' S~~~FIIDIf~ , Exp.1.' res. "ONOEO THRU NOTA"V pueLl~ ' 7, 191)-:2, . UND.E:RWr.>ITERS: I -8- . Kilday & Aaociates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MALL CORNER RESTAURANT The petitioner is requesting the annexation of 1.34 acres of property into the City of Boynton Beach. This parcel of property is located immediately south of the entrance to the Boynton Mall at the Southwest Corner of the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Boulevard. The land use designation of the property in Palm Beach County is Commercial High and in Boynton Beach is Local Retail Commercial. The Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan indicates this property to be located in Land Use Problems and Opportunities Area 7.f. This section of the Plan states: "This area contains a number of parcels in an unincorporated enclave, all of which should be annexed. These parcels have unique characteristics, since there are relatively few owners, the area is bounded by collector and arterial roads, and the area is adjacent to a regional mall and two community shopping centers. consequently, the City should encourage intensive commercial development in this area. Particular requirements of the City should be that these parcels be annexed prior to development, (and) the parcels be developed as planned zoning districts ..." This petition accomplishes all of these goals. This property's unique location provides for an excellent restaurant location as an appropriate secondary com- mercial use to the Mall which is a regional attractor. Due to this location factor the restaurant will serve a good amount of passer-by traffic entering and exiting the mall and have a minimal traffic impact. The pro- posed use will be totally compatible with other sur- rounding commercial retail uses. Since this property is under three (3) acres, it does not meet the City's minimum area requirement for a Planned Commercial District. However, the site plan has been designed to meet the City's site planning guidelines for a Planned Commercial District. CU*c-h', h.curd L~ ~)f'ch~ . II'-I','~':' ,_.....L _'. - J,J.... ~,. .~~..... ~ SEP-13-198L,_.J:D4PID 88-254160 . - .-.... ,."",.-- , ORB 5805 P9 1427 PREPARED BY: MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, ESQ. SC OEDER AND LARCHE, P.A. ITE 3l9A 2255 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 (407) 241-0300 88-254160 Con 233,024.00 Doc ' 1,282.05 JOHN B DU~,Lt,CLERK - PB COUNTY, FL \ --, WARRAN'I'Y DEED This Indenture made this 6th day of September, 1988, by FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, f/k/a HOUSTON TEXAS G~S AND OIL CORPORATION, a corporation existing under the laws of Delaware, and having its p::incipa1 place of business at, 1400 Smith Street, Houston, Texas 77002 hereafter called the Grantor to MALL CORNER, INC., a Florida corporation, whose post o!fice address is c/o Schroeder and Larche, P.A., suite 319A, 2255 Glades Road, Boca Raton, ~Jortd~ ~~~~l of the County of Palm Beach, state of Florida, hereinafter called the Grantee, WITNESSETH, that said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and nojlooths-----($lO.OO)-----Oollars, and other good and valuable consideration, the re.ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach, Count.y, Florida, viz: SEE EXHIBIT "All ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN ay REFERENCE SUBJECT TO: .' : 1. Taxes for the year, 1988 and subsequent years. 2. Zoninq, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority. :3. Restrictive covenants, conditions, stipulations, easements dedications and reservations as set forth, shown and recited on plat recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida TOGETHER with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantee that it is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that it hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor executed in its name, and its affixed, by its proper officers day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered has caused these presents to be corporate seal to be hereunto thereunto duly authorized, the FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, f/k/a HOUSTON TEXAS GAS AND OIL CORPORATION in the presence of: ~ q/~?- . -- SCHF OEDER AND LARCHE. p, A, ONe; DOC.... Pl.....Cti;, $VITE :JIQ' ....TRIUM. iil~55 Gl....O!1:S ROAD. DOCA ~ATON. "'LORIO'" 'J:J"'~1.7~'" ,TE:....HONE (~o7l 2<11-0300 .. IIOV-LJ2- 'ti'::;l l".:i:':';, 1lJ : LHl.J Ur r i '-I:::, I t::L IlL j, -.;;.' W ,::'v He:J=' ru.... ..............'-.-.. ',ORB 5805 p, 1428 ., '..... ,'-' _... -..J... .- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JAMES G. BARNHART, well known to me to be the Vice President of Florida Ga~ Transmission company, a Delaware corporation, f/k/a Houston Texas Gas and oil Corporation the Grantor in the foregoing deed, and that he acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two (2) subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 6th day of September, 1 Of ....~ " My commission Expires: H..".'...- ' ' F'ORlD~ ,," SlllE OF .. lIQTl\l't PIl6LlC p ~UG t7 ,1991 ~y COKKISSIQM t~\llL liS, UNO, ' BONDED 1111l.U Gl~ SCHROEDER AND LARCHE. p, A, . - . - - - -..... - _. -.. -, - -~ - .. - - - - . .. ,'~-,:. '\ ORB 5805 Ps 1429 .-.... ..... ~ EXHIBIT "All A portion of 'Lot 42 of Subdivision section ~9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East as recorded in plat Book 7, at Page 19, ot the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida, leSE the South 320.00 feet and less the North 20.00 feet for road right-of-way and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 42; thence run along the East line ot said Lot 42 on an assumed bearing of South 01.06'03" East a distance of 20.00 feet to a point of intersection of the South right-of-way line of Old Boynton Road and the West right-ot-way line of Winchester Park Boulevard as now e~ists, said point also being the point of Beginning; thence continue South 01' 06 '03" East along the said West right-of-way line of Wir.chester Park Boulevard a. distance of 243.08 feet; thence South 88'09'06" West a distance of 307.55 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 42; thence North 01.00'33" West along the West line of said Lot 42, a distance of 124.60 feet; thence North 89' 50 '16" East a distance of 139.90 feet; thence North 01.00'33" West a distance of 127.53 feet to a point on the said South right-of-way line of Old Boynton Road; thence North 89'50'1611 East along the said South right-of-way line a distance of 167.26 feet to the Point of Beginning PA RECORD VERIFIED LM aEACH COUNTY FLA JOHN a, DUNKLe.' CLERK CIRCUIT COURT SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P. A, ONe; 80<;A PLACE, SUITE 319 - ATRIUM, 221511 GLADE.S AOACI . DOC'" A"'TQN. F'LORIDA 33431'?313 . TU,E5>HONf: (407) 241-0:;100 8~'" - .....~~~~~~\..J L , cJl fRo'~ \ ~. . 0 ,. 0 ( 'i- 3 , = ' 0 'u :~ \ _ '. c:x:::JOV \ ~1"'" 4 a,r"I ~ ' .... u '\ ~ It.- JUL. L.;;; - C:!l --- r, LOCA T\Ol" MAP MALL CORNER \NC. ON'GRESS\ _ LAKES" 1 1 ,~ ')0. "" ... IJ - ," I I I I I I , I , .....' ~-- "Ir I - ; . :::: " '1[ ~ - ,- ~ , '-i.~ ", - - ~ ' ". ~ : ~ 1> ~- 1-. \ . , '" I ,,- . I .'" I I ~ : ;,' ' \tI' ~ · I il~' \U ~) I ' ,. ' " ~ ~ ........- . ..... ...... ; ..-- . -- ' .. '" ... . ~( " I r "MOTQROL~ ,:' . t .1 f ..... T. . . ':c. , '. 'I ' - . " ':Q' ~_ ...a.~.'-~.'" ',~' ...; . ~ ,'"",!",' ',' r:t " j\ ~ I '1 ~ ~ , . I I , , . ~ , I l. .1 nT r 1 -I T '1- \:: ....... '1 -\\ I '- . C'A N A -c'-"- -' -"c':'" -I-~~- _u" --.' .-.- ',,--. .------------ ---.- -' ~ ..,..-.--.__ .._.....-... \P \ ~[. ,",' :r """ .~.. 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'\600 FEET ~"i;\S \~~ .i":;' ~~:>I';'<S ._ ..u.." tII"-"r: 5 /'0 b \ 0 ~l'\\\ I 0 \ << "T T ~.~ ~ ( , 'I ( , , '0 1/8 .\\ \\ \ ,\ \ ' . _^ 'onn f\lOTICE OF ANNF-'{A TION NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE, ,or NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The city of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land, and rezone the land within the areas shown on the map in this advertisement, A public hearing on tllese proposals will be held before the city Commission Tuesday, December 18, 1990, at 6:00 p.m" or as soon thereafter as the agenda pf'rmitr., at city Hall in thE' Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, ,~ J .BOVNXON BEACH i i i t . i dJ I i " , , i! 1111 I \ APPLICATION No.1 APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Kieran J, Kilday/Kilday & Associates Knuth Road Planned Commercial De~elopment 120,000 square foot shopping cente~ A 13.87 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of W, Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road REQUEST: I ANNEXATION: Ordinance No,' 90-61 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - CH/3 (Palm Beach County) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE :' From - AR, Agricultural Residential (palm Beach County) To - PCD, Planned Commercial Development (City of Boynton Beach) s " APPLICANT: AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: PROJECT NAME: I PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICATION N( M1chael A, Schroeder, Trustee Kilday & Associates University of Florida Foundation" Inc. Boynton Beach Blvd, Planned Commercial Development 120,000 square foot Shopping center A 14,76 acre parcel located at the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard, between North Congress Avenue and Knuth Road ANNEXATION: Ordinance No, 90-62 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - R/B (Palm Beach county) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - PCD, Planned Commercial Development (City of Boynton Beach) APPLICATION No.3 Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder A Florida General partnership Kilday & Associates Winchester Boulevard Restaurant (f.k.a. Retail/Oil Lube) Fast food restaurant A 0.B4 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Blvd. ANNEXATION: ordinance No. 90-63 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - CH/B (Palm Beach County), To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton B~ach) REZONE: , From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - C-3, Community Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) APPLICATION No.4 Mall Corner Inc, Kilday & Associates Mall Corner Restaurant Restaurant A 1.34 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of winchester Park Boulevard and old Boynton Road ... ANNEXATION: Ordinance No, 90-64 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - CH/8 (palm Beach County) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - C-3, Community Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) . The complete legal description by metes and bounds and the proposed ordinances can be obtained from the office of the City clerk. I A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan' amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Plannin'g, Department, All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard, Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record for the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: THE POST - November 22, 29, and December 6, 13, 1990 s ~ ~'": ,...........,;.;.. : " . ~ ~'."-,:'. ':"l"'r;-, ,I 0 N '. "..101 , L~ , ~ '^ :s X ~<< ",8 .. ~:n . 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If' o IT> !\J '" :r ,.., :r o o zx WU "'111 '-' o u >D tV oJ:) r-' ..oJ ,... ,.., o o o !\J a.. 0. 0. .if9'~1: ~t -'f ')~" if .c ... -r ,. ~ ... -' 'J:J 't r"" o , 't '=' '=' - -, ---"r..:::r---' '-- ---- Z => r o oJ:) v IT' -' <t ... o ..., -, , >- ,'" --.-.r-- '" III o Z 7 oJ: I: '" .... o ." ... 0 '" 0 "" X>D, 4:1'\1"': .... . , ...... )(,...~ ,",00 ....., z-- o z J-- <tCT>'" >tr'tr' ,"'''' X...", WOOlit' z o Z oft:r:r I: W J ...siX 0"'- Ow J:Z uw <)'><.0 00 L"'l L"l a..(l, J?", " -,..r ,." 1")4 ., ~' '~ , " " < c~ t 8EEIOtJ~lI STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) THIS 29th 0(-\'( Jan/90 'PERSONALLY BEFORE ME APPEAREO__________________ ________~.:':.:.a_~.:~:.3!______________, WHO BEING DULY SUOR.",:, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the ~est of his/her knowledge. a complete and accurate list of all properly owners, mailing addresses and property control numbers a~ recorded in the latest orficial lax rolls in the County Courthouse for all property withjn three hundred (300) fee t CI f t h (~ bel 0 ~,I d (! -:. c I" i bed par eel 0 f 1 and. ' The property in question is legally descr.ibed as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" " '-, FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, IlWZt~ (Sign~ture) Sworn to and of_cl.~Q1d~t:y___ A.D., 19_22__, CZ~f)f)~ Notary Public State of Florida at Large subscribed this before __~tJ!.__ day me NOT ;iRY SC:Al 11y Commission NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP, APR.ll,1992 DONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO. , E^pircs:______________________~_~?----------- 22 . . , " ;Y' -- ,,' ,. " . \ ,:...." . .,.' EXHIBI'I' If An "'" ,/' A portion o~ Lot 4~ of Subdivision Section ~9, Town~hip 4S South, R~n9'Q 43 East as racorded in plat Book 7, at PD.ge :1.9 I ot the Publio Record:J of Palm Beach count.y, Florida/ less tho South 320600 feet and less the North 20.00 feet for road right-oi-way and boing more particUlarly described as follows: ,ColUmencing at the Northeast co~ner of said Lot 4,2;' thence run ~lonq the East line of said Lot 42 on an assumed bea~inq of south 01-06'03" East a distance of 20.00 reet to a; point of intersection ot the South right-af-way line of Old Boynton Roa~ and the Wast ri9ht-of-way line ot winchester Park' Boulev~t'd. ~s now exists, said point also being the Point of BElg,inninqT thence continue south 01' 06 I 03" East alon9' the said West right-Of-way line of Wir.c~..estcr Park Boulevard a distance of 243.08 feet; thence South SS-09'06" West. a distance of 307.55 feet to a point. on the West ~1ne of said Lot 42; thence North O~ - 00 '33 If West along the West lina of said Lot 42, a distance Of 124.60 feet;, thence North 89' 50 '1611 East a distance or 139.90 :eClet; \ thence North 01'00'33" west a distance. of 127.53 reet to a point "Qn the said South right-Of-way line of Old Boynton Road; thenc'e No~th 89'50116" East along the said South right"ot-way line a dist~nce ot 167.26 teet to the Point ot Beginning ,. . --.- -- -~._~----,.,.._---_.,-----_._. ~ LOCATION MAP MALL CORNER INC. ~ ON'GRESS', LAKES'" 'F' -r\).~r- : ~=,l..., I '- " ,--" " ~ ~: ~ ~ --- : 1-'" ~ Ir,:::: " -,r: n , ~lf: I 4 , - I I \.. ._ 1 , I I ~ - / I I I' 1 -, I' I T I'll 1 I ~ T , [ T I ," 1 -\ T' ~ ). 1lT I -, ~ ~ . \J ~,_ 11 In' C A A/A -C-' --", -- -c':"-; ~- -..- - -- -' --- - --- - .-- -'< --.---- - - -.- -" ~ ~J~-ur,h ';"lll+r . ; u ',':::: ---<-11 \I \ 1 ~ ! Tl l Ti T ' e;r.' I I I I I.J ~~ ~ _I TI ITTI I ~"1~ ~ ,j .n .11 I~. ::: I 11 \- ~ ... 1 \, , '"BOYNTON BEACH D~ ;-r I' ~+ --r-I r iTT T! iiii lll- ~11\lIJ, liT 'OITI' rf _ ," 11 I 1 ..,3 ' [ [ [ _/ ,:/ ^ " ~ 0/,.11 f!30Y;./TO,,", t ~manp~ ill lIZW'ili I-----' ;ii'~~ 0 ~rnm -.1- :~ 1 ',.":..:':::"'_.,; C' -."\ -l ~ffiuunm r \ \-r y~n CAt!' ,p C D ~- SITE f: ~ , , '. . - , c" '. ~ NI 'T ~ .. '"1-1);':_ I ~ \~\\ ~\ . ~~,(\CI' y fll'\ \ ~ '" rr, I ,~:rr,::B ~ ~ J ~..' .Dl ~~~m"-: ~ _ ~ '- --n ~ )~1i~ '. .;b~ ( ;M j-lJ~1i' ~).,Ip~ I - II 'VL CJ i i: ~ >-j : :, \ ,'>t.r H I' () .-,. ,-' I~:!' ;~...~. ."" .'..,..i..~' .~ M1LESV r ~ '0 1/8 'n \ \ \ \ \ "n .400, '800 1/4 \ \ 1600 FEET -.... P/,.AtJN/ftlr. m~,V' 5/QO ,----- , . i ..- } ~ , , , , , , : ~ 11 III Na~ IN CITY 7~It, &1 \ \ , I 'I \i ~'U 1 \ --.~ ~:~ -'~ . . - _ ~'t "ITf' . \~ I - . , \.,J "II ~ .C( ,\l , I "MOTOROLA r,- . J I I "1- , f. I 1 ~ I/,I A I "I'. I / I ' I I : A-" ~) ~, .. . ... r -.-...- #... . - ~ ~.. . .- jrJ/ :cif , )~, ',~ // ,"-' . ;:; L~ ~ ~ ltl ~ ''It ~ (;;': \ ' I l"'- t ,- I \_ \ '- ~ \t: \ .~ . \ . '. . , , , , R'IA A ." II) . -. < ~ L~ .'-' '1 R3 '1 11 T '-- TTT -i~' \ ! \. U ,... I I 1 , ...., -1 I ~ 1...l In. /'1 7. --"~~- I pea 10000TON . ~ ....J 0 -, 11 ~ f x 9l'14-'\ W ~ _1 '-F. '2 _, .-r' ES \l y ...;,...'...;:-:..:.:.r":'-~'':<l... w.' ' p; ;:'~ R~~i"'':''1 i- :: . - : ;~ ,,~.J. ~ ~ ~ " \~ ...... ~ 'l.. ..._......:.f, L. 00 o III I , I___~..l I:l 1-1 l I..;. . 00:..,....... '1, -. .~\Rf5~ T ~ , L~--y, ~1 . " : ~ .1 ,\, l~~, ~ <~...l '-AI y./'v ,'lI _ h/~t".} ~'h ~ Y , ! I \ TllT ~ ":...~)$.~ __ '1 ~ '.,g., x v" << '. ", ,,0tiJJ..v. pd ePOo'! ~:..'" 0 0 ~ or'~ ,rP J~ '\r1l1U ~~ \~~ .............-----.--"..-.-..-- MORGAN 8 EKLUND Z';;!J() -10'", Avt:. :,UITE y VENO tJE..lCH, FLONIOA .JZ960 ,J05 - 5ti9 - Z21tJ /500 SE, .i,d, CT., sUire 100-0 OEEHFIELO HEACH. nONIOff 5544/ .105 - 421 - 6BHZ ~ PROFESSIONAL SURVEY CONSUL TANTS 1:l0UNDARY . MORTGAGE . ROUTE . CONSTRUCTION . TOPOGRAPHIC . CONTROL . HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS Fr:), 5-e ", ~l r2-00 L B, 1\19 429~ 6.29 'o/s ,.., Of2rH c~~ II ,if /11- ()!J' .53'fY' If4 h/J' ~61 lint' "I !.of 42 -/ FD, ~B" \!2.0pj 1'200 1.-13 tJ2. 4~.~~ , ~ ~ ~ NoT' 5 II-JCL-'JOEI) ~~ ~ \I) , FO ,5'.,,," Il2C>IJ POD LBt-JS! 4'2q~ I FD. P/f/C.. N,b.\L lB, "-19 4'Z~& \ \ \ \ \\ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ........ ~ '-I , ~ , ~ ~ t'...: ~ ~ ~ \I;j ) ~ ~ , "" ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ;V 01" tJO' 33if1 IZ153, .f~, ?55. 94 SF ! 34 ~L'RE.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FO, p/tc. tJ.'L- lB ,..,)2.4::2<':\6 It-.! c.o,.Jc.. W /2/w t [ line "I ilJ; 42 ) .':. l,'.i.::~ ~:- '-e'!<..:,'..,." ,-..~::~ ",;~~':;'" ~OI.IJ,,'03NE~43/1~' . unuS ;- " ""', .. '.,'., .,.{; Z.ll,It:'''.. PI1 8.; ", fq).:.~ ,~~. ..l I Rae. N E. tI/'IU Lnl 1-2 p.lJ. 7,;; /f) , , ~":,,.. W/N~J/E.1T~P p.lRr r108' R/wJ BLVD. UPDATE BOUNDARY SURVEY NlJTE: fjU2JlJ68 fJAfiE.lJ OV ASjLJJ?EfJ A1€RJf)IAAI CERTIFIC~TE OF SURVEYOR - I HFkEHY ('ERT~FY that the information shown is in accordance with a recent field survey nEde under my direction and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and meets Minimum Technical Standards as set forth by the Board of Profess' 1 Land Surveyors, Florida Statutes Chapter 21-HH-06 Da te ,3- /7- BfJ UPDArE Corrrn, No. .3/94.0ll FB II Pj, 2-J3 Scale as shown .sU!Z.VE-y ? - '2-8 - 8e. f-zz-<lO . , No. 2559 'j'HIS SURVEY IS Nar VALID UNLESS SEA1,E[1 WlTII AN EMBOSSED SURVEYORS SEAL, LANDS SHOWN HEREON h'EHE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGH"'--: 1)1- I<lAYS, EASOOU1'S OF RECORD OR OWNERSHIP, ..5lJeel / 0 ~ MORGAN a EKLUND 20~O 0/0"" ~YC, :il/ITC II VENO /lEACH. FLOlt'l{J1I J2~(jO J05 - 5,iil- zel/l I~OO $,E, Jul, CT. SUITe 100-0 DEEIt'FIELD /lEACH. FLORIDA ~344/ J05 - 42/ - 6882 b PROFESSIONAL SURVEY CONSULTANTS HOUNDARY . MORTGAGE . ROUTE . CONSTRUCTION . TOPOGRAPHIC . CONTROL . HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Lot 42 of Subdivison Section 19. Township 45 South, Range 43 East uS recorded in ~lat BOOK 7, Page 19 of the Public Records (',f Palm Beac~ County. Florida, less U:c' SOllth 3~().00 f~'et and 1288 the North ~O,OO feet for road right-of-w~ and hein~ more particularly described as fol10'l'is: Commencing at the Nort~2ast corner of s~id Lot 42; thence run along the East line of said Sot 47 on an assumed bearing of South 01006'03" Eust a clist3nCE:' of 20,00 feet to a j,Joint of intersection of t~e SOllth ri]ht-of-way line of Old Boynton Road and the Hest ri'}ht-of-;l'J.'y' lin0 of Winchester Park lll;',;1evard a s now (,;: i _, i', s, s:) i d poi n tal :; 0 b? i n (' t 11 e Poi n t 0 f Beg inn i n 9 ; thence continu0 South Olo06'O~I' East alonq the said West rig h t - 0 f - way 1 i n 2- 0 f Win c h e ~~ t 2 r P'3 r k B I): d e v a r dad i s t d n c C' 0 f 24 3 , 08 fee t; the n c e Sou t h 88 ,) 0 9 ' 06" loJ est a ci i s tan ceo f 307. 5 5 feet to a point on the West lin2 of said LQt 42; thence North o 1 000 ' 3 3" We s t ;) 1 0 n ~; t ~ eWe s t J i 11 ,': 0 f sa i::1 Lot .:1 2, a d i s tan c e c)f 124,60 feet; thence Nort:l (jQOSO'16" East () distance of 139,90 feet; thence North 01000'33" West C\ distance of 127.53 feet to Cl tJoint on tt)p said South ri']!'lt-of-1ny line of Old Bcynton Road; thence North 89050'16" East along the said South right-of- way line a distance of 167,26 feet to the Point of Beginning, Containing 58,255,94 Sq, Ft, or 1,34 Acres more or less, CERTIFY TO: MALL CORNER INC. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR - I HFHFHY ('ERT~FY that the information shown is in accordanee with a recent field survey made under my direction and that it is true and COl."rect to the best of my knOWledge and bel ief, and meets Minimum Technical Standards doli set forth by the Board of Profess' 1 Land SurveYtlrs, Florida Statutes Chapter 21-HH-06 ~ ~.r- Date 3-J7~ if' Up!'?Are SIJ12ve T Comn, No, ~j'i4.tJO 7 - 28- 8e FB IJ,Pg.2-/3 1-'2"2.-"0 Scale as shown iALD B. E LUND Registered Land Surveyor No. 2559 :;L,1 \' of Florida. 'CHIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS SEAU.IJ W j 'I'H AN EMBOSSED SlJRVEYORS SEAL, LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGH'I::;m \";AYS, EASEMEN'!'S OF RECORD OR OWNERSHIP, 5hU-t 2 0