tTfte City of
~ynton $eacli
po~cl ~ & ZonintJ 'Departme.nt
100 'E. ~oynton 'Buuh. 'Boulevard
P.O. 'B~31O
flJoynton'lJuufr., 110ritfa 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490, 1'J4X: (407) 738-7459
June 22, 1992
Mr. Kieran J. Kilday
Kilday & Associates
1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Re: Boynton Amoco #60617 - Site Plan
(Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester
Park Boulevard)
Dear Mr. Kilday:
This is to advise you that on June 16, 1992, the City Commission
of Boynton Beach approved the Site Plan at the above referenced
The approval of the Site Plan was subject to the condition that
building permit plans be modified to address any outstanding
The Site Plan approval entitles you to develop the property as
shown on the approved plans. If you wish to modify the plan
prior to submission of your building plan, please contact the
Planning and Zoning Department. Modifications during the
building permit process will be handled as part of that process.
The approval of the Site Plan remains in effect for one year,
until June 16, 1993. If an extension is needed, please forward
your request to the Planning and Zoning Department 30 days prior
to the expiration date.
We have attached a list of submittal documents from the Building
Department to assist you in assembling your building permit
package. We have also attached copies of the comments that must
be met in the building permit submittal.
To: Mr. Kilday
Re: Boynton Amoco #60617
Page Two of Two
We would like to thank you for building in Boynton Beach. If we
can be of any further assistance to you, please feel free to call
Yours truly,
Christopher Cutro
planning and Zoning Director