LEGAL APPROVAL ~ J..' ;OLd- / ~''(J DEVELOPMENT ORDE. &~~~d~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ff[-:T ~:~ 00' PROJECT NAME: Manors at Newport Place APPLICANT: Senior Lifestyle Corporation APPLICANT'S AGENT: Ronald K. Kolins, Esq. I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 625 N. Flagler Drive, 9th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 26,1997 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: New Site Plan approval LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southwest comer of Hypoluxo Road and th Court DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant ,/ HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit uB" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby ~ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED ,-,3 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Cleric 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other \\\\'.I;'I'lil/ll/1 ~"/ sOY IV.,. ////,-~ ~ o~ ......... 0'1- 'lJ "" .- .. ,- ~ ~ .. ofl.PoJ;>.. ~ ::::}.. ,o".::.,V ..,~.. ($) ~ ~ ~ ~~ =: ,.~ r, (f\~ DATED: .,~ /797 ~ :<4<J ~ (3 {-- ~\ > ~ City Clerk %. \191Y ~ ~ ;:; cO ~ ~... ~ J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Manors at Newport Place\NWSP\DEVELOPMENT ORDER.doc ~."e.( 00_ ~ ~" OAIO~ ~\~ ~11111I1lI""\\\\'\ IS EXlllBIT "0" Conditions of Aoproval Project name: The Manors at Newport Place File number: NWSP 97-015 Reference: The plans consist of 7 sheets identified as 2nd Review. New Site Plan. File # NWSP 97-015 with a Julv 22. 1997 Plannimz and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. Department of Health permits will be required for the water system v/ serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 2. A capacity reservation fee will be due for this project upon request for signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days vi of site plan approval. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size. (Sec. 26-34(E)) 3. Show proposed connection(s) to sanitary sewer, with clean out at property V line. FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION " Comments: :~ 4. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirement at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, vi landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DEP, LWDD and any other permitting agency shall be included with the permit request. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 5. On the site plan place a note indicating that the required handicapped vi accessible path leading to the entrance of the building from the abutting public right-of-way and each handicapped parking space will be designed jf ~_. -_._--~----------_._--~- Page 2 The Manors at Newport Place File No. NWSP 97-015 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT and constructed in compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.1.2. III (1) thru (4). Where applicable, specify with notes on the plan the location of the required curb cut ramps. 6. Where applicable, provide the following information on the paving and drainage plan: a) Show the location of the handicapped accessible curb cut ramp(s) and built up ramps. / b) Provide a detail drawing of the curb cut ramps and built up ramps. V c) Identify the finish floor elevation of the building. Note: All drawings, dimensions, surface finishes, elevations and slopes shall comply with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.1.2 III (l) thru (4). 7. It is recommended that the proposed project identification monument sign shown near the northeast comer of the subject site be approved administratively at time of permit review subject to the following conditions: a) Show and dimension the overall height of the sign structure not exceeding the 6 foot maximum height allowed by the code. b) Show and dimension the total area of the sign face not exceeding the 32 square feet maximum allowed by the code. . / c) The color of the sign structure shall match the primary color of the V walls of the proposed building and the color of the symbol located above the sign copy match a color found on the proposed building. d) The color of the sign face shall match the color of the copy depicted on the Newport Place pole sign located near the intersection of NW 7th Court and Hypoluxo Road. e) Because the applicant did not indicate the monument sign will be illuminated place a note on the plan indicating the sign is not iIlum1nated. Note: All colors shall be identified by color name, color code and manufacturer. [Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Article IV, Section I.B and Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10.1.] 8. Permit plans for the proposed project shall comply with the applicable / Building, Energy and Accessibility Codes. [Chapter 20 - Building, Housing and Construction Regulations] P ARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: None /J- Page 3 The Manors at Newport Place File No, NWSP 97-015 FORESTER/ENVlRONMENT ALIST ~&UZ)€ ~ Comments: 9. Indicate on the site plan which existing trees will be preserved, relocated / or removed and replaced and prepare a Tree Management Plan for these trees prior to issuance of a site clearing permit. 10. Place a copy of the Tree Management Plan in the Association documents for proper maintenance of the trees in the future. Submit the Association ~ documents containing the requested clause prior to issuance of a site clearing permit. -~ PLANNING AND ZONING 1/\ ~ '\\~V Comments: 11. With the permit set of drawings provide lighting details showing shields ~ diverting light away from the residential properties located to the north and to the east of the site. (Zoning Code Performance Standards) 12. With the permit set of drawings provide dumpster enclosure details, as / required by the LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.1 and Chapter 9, Section 10.C.3. The color of the dumpster enclosure finish shall match the color of the building exterior finish. 13. On the site plan show traffic control markings within the vehicular system / of the development, as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.8.2. 14. As per site plan application requirements, in order to compare / architectural compatibility of the proposed building with the existing buildings, color photographs of the existing complex shall be provided. " :~ 15. On the landscape plan, provide calculations for the perimeter material required by the code. F or the hedge located along the western property / line and on the adjacent property, specifications are required in order to receive credit in accordance with LOR, Chapter 7.5, Art. II, Sec. 5.E.2. Note that ficus hedge is non-native and does not meet the Florida 50 percent specie requirement. 16. Any roof top equipment shall be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet. With the permit set of drawings provide more specific construction / drawings regarding elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and draw in on these elevations the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building (LOR, Chapter 9, Section II.E). 17. Include in the landscape permit plans landscaping along the northern y/ /3 Page 4 The Manors at Newport Place File No. NWSP 97-015 property line of Lot 7 and the southern property line of Lot 8 that is used for an accessway to the PUD. (Landscape Code) ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 18. None. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 19. To be determined. /bme s:\projects\cond of appr\ :~ MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 the emergency diesel generator. removal of the underground fuel storage tank. replacement of electrical main service disconnect. transfer switch. main control panel and variable speed drives with a new electrical system and soft starts and replacement of the pump suction and discharge piping valves - Award bid to South Florida Utilities, Inc., of Plantation, Florida, in the amount of $670,557 (Proposed Resolution No. R97-141) C. Resolutions: 1, Proposed Resolution No. R97-142 Re: Approving contract with Gee & Jensen for engineering design and inspection services for a lightning protection system in the amount of $5,900 2, Proposed Resolution No. R97-143 Re: Authorize execution of agreement between Bryant Miller and Olive and the City of Boynton Beach for lobbying services during the Special Legislative Session on education This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. 3, Proposed Resolution No. R97-144 Re: Authorizing Ernst & Young to prepare computations to determine the rebate amount on the $60,255,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1992 4. Proposed Resolution No. R97-145 Re: Authorizing execution of Letter of Intent and authorizing negotiation of terms of agreement for Fire/Rescue and EMS Services in the Town of Hypoluxo D, Approval of Bills A copy of these bills is attached to the original set of meeting minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. E Approve new site plan request for The Manors at Newport Place to construct a four-story, 81-bed assisted living facility containing 71,390 square feet on two acres (a portion of Tract 4) of the Newport Place PUD F, Approve Site Plan request for Heise PCD (Auto Care Centers of America, Inc,) to construct an 18,659 square foot retail complex to include minor automotive repair and retail uses on 3.63 acres of land G Approve Zoning Code Variance request for Mobil Service Station to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11. L.3.d( 1) of the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations to allow an access driveway located 65' rather than the required 110' from the intersecting right-of- way lines of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue This item was moved to VII-Public Hearing. H. Approve request for Community Design Plan Appeal for Miami Subs to allow back-lit awnings to be replaced and enlarged on the west, north and south elevations of Miami Subs restaurant building 7 - ill ~~ ~:.:rn rn f1!NNING AND MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD ME TING Hli!fWmlJWT. ,- COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 26,1997, AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Lee Wische. Chairman Jim Golden. Vice Chairman Mike Friedland Stan Dube Pat Frazier Maurice Rosenstock James Reed. Alternate Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Administrator Jerzy Lewicki. Assistant Planner Michael Pawelczyk, Assistant City Attorney ABSENT Jose Aguila Steve Myott. Alternate 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. 2. INTRODUCTION OF MAYOR, COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Wische introduced Vice Mayor Jamie Titcomb. 3, AGENDA APPROVAL Item 8,C.3 was moved up to be heard before Item 8.C.1. to accommodate the citizens who came to speak on this item. Motion Mr. Dube moved to approve the agenda as amended. Vice Chairman Golden seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES No additions. deletions, or corrections were made to the minutes of the last meeting. MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 Motion Mr. Dube moved to deny the request for site plan approval to construct a 13,905 square foot drugstore (Walgreens) with a drive-thru facility and a 26,160 square foot medical office building on a 3.92 parcel of land. Mr. Reed seconded the motion, which carried 4-3. Vice Chairman Golden. Mr. Friedland, and Ms. Frazier voted nay. At 8:10 p.m., Chairman Wische declared a recess. The meeting resumed at 8:15 p.m. New Site Plan Description: The Manors at Newport Place PUD Ronald K. Kolins, Esquire Senior lifestyle Corporation Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and 7\':1 Court Request for site plan approval to construct a four-story, 81 bed assisted living facility containing 761 .390 square feet on two acres (a portion of tract 4) of the Newport Place PUD. 3. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Mr, Kolins agreed with all the comments. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to approve the request for site plan approval to construct a four-story, 81 bed assisted living facility containing 761,390 square feet on two acres (a portion of tract 4) of the Newport Place PUD, subject to staff comments. Mr. Rosenstock seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Description: Auto Care Centers of America, Inc. (Heise peO) Anna Cottrell Westlake Hardware, Inc. Approximately 160 feet south of the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road Request for site plan approval to construct an 18,659 square foot retail complex to include minor automotive repair and retail uses on 3.63 acres of land. 2. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: 12 - ---_.- -._~'_.- --------_.~--_..._---------_._-'_._...- MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 Ms. Cottrell addressed the following comments: Comment 5 This comment conflicts with comment 51. Comment 5 requires that the only trees within the utility easement be Palm trees. Comment 51 indicates that the applicant should eliminate trees altogether from the easement. Ms. Cottrell requested that comment 51 be eliminated. Mr. Lewicki agreed to eliminate comment 51. Comment 11 This comment is duplicative of comment 37, Mr. Lewicki agreed to eliminate comment 37. Comment 12 This comment conflicts with comment 47. The concern is that people will be taking a short cut to avoid the intersection by going through this site from Congress onto Woolbright Road. The Engineering Division recommended that there be traffic control devices that would deny westbound traffic on the south driveway on the interior of the site. Mr. Dube did not think motorists would obey a "do not enter" sign. Mr. Lewicki believes both signs and a traffic control device would provide a better level of protection. Ms. Cottrell believes that the traffic flow that the applicant is proposing would work throughout the site. She thinks it is better handled with some speed bumps at appropriate locations and she would be happy to install signage. She requested that comment 47 be eliminated. Mr. Lewicki would like comment 47 to remain. The board agreed to eliminate comment 12. Comment 14 This comment conflicts with comment 60. At the last meeting, there was discussion regarding the width of the sidewalks and foundation plantings. At that meeting, it was agreed that five foot sidewalks and a two foot planting area in front of all the buildings would be provided where practicable. Comment 14 asks for an 8 foot sidewalk which was never proposed. is not practicable, and far exceeds what is required for unimpeded 13 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 movement. With regard to Comment 60. Ms. Cottrell stated that staff indicated that what they are proposing is seven feet (the combination of the five foot sidewalk and the two foot planting). Mr. Lewicki confirmed that this is what this board decided. Ms. Cottrell requested that comment 14 be eliminated and comment 60 be modified to state "5" feet. instead of "7" feet. Mr. Lewicki was not agreeable to eliminating 14. Vice Chairman Golden suggested that comment 14 be modified to state. "Change 'Typical Parking Detail' to be consistent with dimensions referenced in revised comment 60." Ms. Cottrell agreed to this. Comment 19 This is duplicative of comment 45. She wanted to be certain that the amendment to the master plan to reflect the conditions is not going to require that the applicant submit another application. She wanted it done as an administrative review as part of the building permit process. Ms. Heyden advised that this is correct. Ms. Cottrell requested that comment 19 be eliminated and Mr. Lewicki agreed. Comments 20, 21, and 22 All these comments relate to very specific site design elements and Ms. Cottrell was confused about them. Mr. Lewicki explained these comments. Comment 20 deals with extending the edge of the driveway. Ms. Cottrell pointed out that there is a 30 foot driveway that is reduced to 20 feet between the buildings. She thinks this condition should be deleted because there are some manipulated curb locations that do not affect the site function and may cause some consequences in terms of traffic congestion or confusion. Vice Chairman Golden suggested reducing the width of the driveway to be more consistent with the access between the buildings. Ms. Cottrell stated that 20 feet is narrow when you consider the turning radiuses. Those driveways were set at the minimum that the Fire Department and Public Works said they need in order to get their trucks in there. With regard to comment 21, Ms. Cottrell said the applicant wanted to reduce the through movements through the site and encourage people to go at the perimeters rather than between the buildings. 14 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 With regard to comment 22, Ms. Cottrell said a lot of consideration was given to the turning radiuses and the primary concern was by the Fire Department and Public Works about getting their trucks in and out. If the landscape curb is extended. the radius will be shortened, She felt this condition should be deleted. Mr, Lewicki did not have a problem with deleting comments 20. 21 and 22. He did not think they would have any impact on the traffic circulation in the area. Comment 24 Comment 24 requests the applicant provide a handicap accessible path between all three buildings. Ms. Cottrell pointed out that each of the buildings has a handicap accessible path that is required for people to get out of their cars and go into the building, and for people to move from the sidewalk to the buildings. She was not aware of any requirement for a handicap accessible connection between the buildings. The way the traffic movement is, it might not be desirable. If required by the Code, the applicant will do it. Mr. Lewicki recommended keeping this comment in and having the applicant work it out with the Building Department. Mr. Dube suggested using a drop curb. Ms. Cottrell agreed. Comments 27, 32 and 34 Ms. Cottrell stated that these are all essentially the same comment, namely that the project have a Unity of Title recorded. Mr. Lewicki disagreed. He explained that comment 27 deals with Unity of Title and comment 32 deals with unified control. They are two different documents. However, comment 34 is duplicative of 27 and can be deleted. Comment 35 Ms. Cottrell said this comment is related to the landscape buffer treatment. On the south side of the property where this project abutts residential, she proposed that the existing concrete block wall be raised to six feet. that there be a berm and plant hedges and trees at a maximum spacing of one tree every 30 feet. The first part of the condition is acceptable. She objected to the exact same treatment, other than the wall, on the north, east and west buffer. She thinks the three foot high berm is excessive and is not going to give you the result that you want aesthetically. In addition, it is going to create some problems with maintaining security on the site. What you will essentially 15 -MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 have with a 15 foot buffer and a three foot high berm is a green wall, and a three foot hedge on top of the berm. She asked that the berm be reduced. She felt an 18 inch berm and a 24 inch hedge is appropriate. She stated that part of the problem relates to the width of the buffer strip and getting a 3 foot high berm to get the appropriate slope so that it can be maintained properly. In addition, there is already a landscape strip and a buffer on the east side. Chairman Wische. Mr. Dube. and Mr. Reed were in agreement with Ms. Cottrell. Ms. Cottrell proposed that the buffer treatment on the north, east and west include a berm at an average height of 18 inches, with a 24 inch hedge, and the tree spacing at 30 feet on center. She did not object to using 50 percent native material. Comments 40, 41, 42, 43, 46 and 61 Ms. Cottrell stated that comments 40,41,42 and 43 are related. Comment 40 recommends that Spanish "5" tiles be added to the building, and comment 43 recommends that Spanish "S" tiles be used on the awnings. She displayed an elevation that does not incorporate those kinds of tiles on the roof treatment. She felt the proposed design is much better for this development. Fabric is proposed for the awnings. If Spanish "5" tiles are used on the awnings, it will increase the bulk and mass of the building. Comment 41 recommends that the wall finish be painted beige. Ms. Cottrell stated that it may not match the beige of the McDonald's, but it is close. Since no blue accents are proposed. she requested that comment 42 be deleted. Comment 46 proposes that trim, arches, pillars and scoring proposed on the front of the building be extended to all other elevations. She had proposed that the trim and scoring be done all the way around. She said the addition of the pillars and arches is going to add very significantly to the mass of the building and create a very uneven roofline. She felt it is a very undesirable result to add the pillars to the back of the building. Chairman Wische agreed with Ms. Cottrell. . Mr. Lewicki addressed comment 40 and stated that staff would like to consistently apply this standard to every development on that corner. He addressed the tiles on the awnings and stated that he would like to have a little more permanent features there. He pointed out that awnings deteriorate quickly and fade. 16 ~"---------._- MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 He agreed that the proposed beige color of the wall is close to the beige on McDonald's and is compatible with the neighborhood. Vice Chairman Golden felt canvas awnings would be a potential problem. Mr. Lewicki felt the tiles would tie the entire architectural complex on all four corners together. Ms. Cottrell expressed concern about the recommendation on the connections between the buildings. Once the rooftops are added and the tiles are substituted for the awnings. you are going to have a building that increases in the intensity of its appearance. With the roof tiles and the building connections, you will have a massive building. Vice Chairman Golden was in favor of the tiles instead of the canvas awnings. However. he was not in favor of the building connections. Ms. Cottrell stated that the biggest problem with the building connections is a structural one. In order to meet the condition that the service doors not face Congress Avenue, the buildings were reoriented and separated in order to get the proper site circulation. Therefore. there is now 35 feet between the retail building and the tire store, and 47 feet between the oil connection and the retail shop. This is a lot of space to span with a false fa~ade for the sake of appearance. The structure will have to meet wind load requirements. When you add on the other elements, you have a massive looking building. She would like to eliminate the requirement to connect the buildings because this would create problems from a structural standpoint. a cost standpoint, and an aesthetic standpoint. Chairman Wische was not in favor of the building connections. He did not think they were aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Rosenstock liked what he saw in the renderings. However, he was concerned about seeing a straight wall when you look down the passageways. Martin Heise of American Site Selectors, Inc. stated that an architectural treatment is going to be added there. He advised that the building on Southern Boulevard east of 441 is identical to the renderings. What looks like pillars was added along the side of the building. They stick out 3 or 4 inches, and the molding that is on top of the building was continued around the sides of the building. Mr. Rosenstock asked if more trees can be added and Mr. Heise answered affirmatively. 17 --- ...---- ~~ ~---- ~------ -~ , MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 Vice Chairman Goldman asked how the S tiles would be added to the building. Mr. Heise stated that this design came off a Barnes and Noble store. The barrel tile design is a "has been" look and would take away a lot of the interest of the building. The canopy material is a very expensive material. has to be replaced every three to five years. and is a very attractive look. Mr. Rosenstock would like this in writing. Mr.Heise agreed to put in writing that the canopy will be maintained. Ms, Cottrell asked that comments 40.42.43 and 61 be deleted, and that comment 46 be modified. With regard to comment 40, Ms. Heyden stated that the Spanish Mediterranean look is classic and does not go out of style. She said staff is trying to tie this project in with the .Amoco/McDonald's. With regard to comment 46, she stated that you are not going to see the trim and scoring from a distance. When the Amoco/McDonald's was approved, she received several complaints about the back of the Amoco/McDonald's building looking like the back of a building. No attention was given to making it look more attractive. Hence. the comment about the arches and pillars. Ms. Cottrell agreed to put the trim and scoring all the way around the building. However. she was opposed to the use of arches and pillars. Roy Massa. architect for this project, stated that the arches are 5 to 8 feet from the building. The sides and the rear can be treated with something similar to arches; however, they would not be 5 to 6 feet off the building. They would be on the building and would have some relief of a few inches and perhaps a different color. He proposed the following language with regard to comment 46: Dress up the sides and the rear and carry some theme around the four sides of the building to blend in with the front. Ms. Heyden will work this out with the applicant. With regard to comment 40, Mr. Rosenstock asked Ms. Cottrell about her objection to comment 40. Ms. Cottrell said it is basically aesthetic. She feft there is a way to create a theme at that corner in a way that is different than absolute uniformity. She was not sure the board wanted this development to look like McDonald's. She felt there is architectural harmony with what is being proposed by the applicant. The majority of the board was in favor of canvas awnings as opposed to the tiles. 18 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 Comment 59 Ms. Cottrell stated that this is a proposal to flip the openings on the tire store. When the condition was placed that there be no garage door openings on Congress Avenue. it created a need to do a significant evaluation of the site circulation. The applicant tried this every way possible. considering the vehicular movements within the site and the ingress and egress. and what is proposed works, particularly with all the signage and the pavement markings. The applicant met with the Police. Fire. and Public Works to make sure all their service vehicles can get in and out of this site. Flipping the building would create problems with site circulation. The proposed plan meets that condition and the code and works well, particularly with the channelization where we are limiting vehicular traffic between the buildings. She requested that this condition be eliminated. Mr. Lewicki explained that there are two access points to this development from Congress Avenue. One of them is a main driveway to the complex that will allow for a shortcut. The Police Department is concerned that there will be backing off from the 10 bays of the tire store complex at the same time as incoming traffic from Congress Avenue. He felt this was logical and for safety reasons. a valid comment. Chairman Wische asked about the distance between the street and building. Ms. Cottrell advised that it is 35 feet. She pointed out that the traffic movements between the building are different. With the oil change, people are going to stay in their cars until they get to the service bay door. Then they will get out and the service personnel will drive the car in. With regard to the tire store, people are not going to drive up to the bay doors. There is a very controlled traffic movement between those two buildings. People are going to drive up to the front of the store or to the back, leave their car there. and walk to the retail portion of the office. The service personnel are going to drive the car into the bay. The only backing up or exiting movements at the tire store are going to be made by the people who work there, and they are going to know to be careful. There was a lot of attention paid to restricting the type of vehicular characteristics and the uses that are there. There will be less potential conflict points within the site than in a regular shopping center. Mr. Lewicki disagreed with Ms. Cottrell's logic. He stated that if you have a major entrance to a shopping center, there are no conflicting traffic movements. The principle of planning is to separate traffic movements. You do not mix internal traffic movements from the parking lot to the bay with a main traffic driveway. Ms. Cottrell said when you look at the trip generation for each of these uses, the tire store is one of the lower ones. In addition, the major driveway is no longer between the 19 . MINUTes PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 two buildings. The main driveway is the entrance, but then it becomes the parking area in front of the buildings. Vice Chairman Golden said if this was a shopping center, he would agree with Mr. Lewicki. However, he pointed out that there is less intensity here and there are a number of curb cuts along Congress Avenue to distribute the traffic more. Ms, Frazier said she would probably drive up to the bay of the tire space since there are only three parking spaces in front of it. Ms. Cottrell stated that since there are too many handicap parking spaces there, some can be eliminated and additional spaces can be added in front of the tire store. It was the consensus of the board to eliminate comment 59. Ms. Heyden addressed comment 61. She referred to past discussions regarding the City's desire to eliminate the appearance or the number of outparcels. Staff is trying to prevent the appearance of four outparcel buildings all in a row at this intersection. This is the reason staff is looking for building connections. The oil change building is very narrow and looks like a tiny building totally isolated and unrelated to anything. She requested that there be at least one building connection. Mr. Massa pointed out that this is a difficult connection to achieve on a structural basis. There is a span a distance of 48 feet, and this connection would be 23 feet in the air. He felt it would be a hurricane hazard and has a potential of being hit. Mr. Reed felt this connection would be out of place if it serves no other function and is not useful in the performance of the property. Chairman Wische agreed. Vice Chairman Golden felt one connection would be out of proportion. Chairman Wische opened the public hearing. Barbara Grisdale, 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, Unit 136, objected to overhead doors being allowed to face a residential area. She also did not want this project to look like McDonald's. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to recommend approval of the site plan for Auto Care Centers of America to construct an 18,659 square foot retail complex to include minor automotive repair and retail uses on 3.63 acres of land, subject to staff comments with the following changes: 20 . MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 . Delete comment 12; . Revise comment 14 to read, "Change "Typical Parking Detail" to be consistent with condition 60. revised." . Delete comments 19, 20, 21, 22 and 34; . Comment 35 - modify the language for the buffer along the east. west and north property boundaries to an average 18 inch high berm with a 24 inch hedge. and the trees one foot every 30 feet; . Delete comments 37, 40, 42. 43 .. Modify comment 46 to extend the architectural features; . Delete comments 51 and 59; and . Modify comment 60 to indicate a minimum of five feet instead of 7; and . Delete comment 61 . Mr. Dube seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. F. Other None. 9. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Chairman Wische suggested that in the future, all staff comments be made in the form of conditions of Code requirements only. He pointed out that some comments are personal feelings about how something should look. Vice Chairman Golden and Mr. Dube pointed out that there are certain things that are not code requirements. such as design. and suggested that they be dealt with as they arise. Mr. Reed circulated a photograph of the McDonald's at the corner of Congress and Hypoluxo. He said it blends in well with the shopping center in which it is located. He also circulated a photograph of the Burger King at the Home Depot shopping center 21 - MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEEnNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 26, 1997 and pointed out that their fenestration has become their sideboard. Also, the flags are flying above the parapets. Ms. Heyden reported that with regard to the Old Navy store, the City Commission approved the administrative appeal to modify the . previously-approved building elevations of the Boynton Commons PCD Shopping Center, as submitted by the applicant. Mr. Dube requested that the City Manager make arrangements for the members of this board to have water at their meetings without having to call her every time. Attorney Pawelczyk volunteered to make sure that the members of the board have water at their meetings. 10.. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. /;!~ Eve Eubanks Recording Secretary (Three Tapes) 22