REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 00 cx:r,s. ~rn TO: Diane Reese, Finance Director PlANNING ANO ZONING OfPT FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: (}cfot~ IL.( /lfq '/ I SUBJECT: Reservation fee transmittal for - tlCVt 0"- tA.-t M.wP;)/ f /%tc-c..- Enclosed is a reservation fee for the subject project: Amount - _$ '17../1.7''1 Check no. - -....... - ~ 4"00 <1 D From - ,.eM/a... 1,~-I;,4~ /1a~cr9~e~<f Please deposit thjs fee in the appropriate account. You may refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. . JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director File APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PROJECT TITLE: THE MANORS AT NEWPORT PLACE PROJECT LOCATION: Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court FILE #: NWSP 97-015 TYPE OF APPLICATION: NEW SITE PLAN PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED: (Y IN) 0 REVIEWER'S NAME: JERZY LEWICKI AGENT: Ronald K. KoUns. ESQ. ADDRESS: 625 N.Flagler Dr.. 9th Fl.. WPB. FL 33401 FAX: (561) 659-1789 AGENT PHONE: (561) 659-7500 DATE REC'D: 6/9/97 AMOUNT: 12 SETS OF PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: 2 OF 12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 APPLICATION/SUBMITTAL: DATE ACCEPTED: $750. RECEIPT NO.: DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o DATE DENIED: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: INITIAL 1ST REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT: tjl'l MEMO NO. 97-274 RETURN DATE: 6/25/97 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED UTIL. P.W. PARKS FIRE POLICE PLANNING BUILDING ENGINEER FORESTER ECON. DEV. COORD. PLANS o ..a- lE'" o PLANS o ~ o [B" o MEMO# DATE DATE OF LETTER SENT TO SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 90 DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE (ASSEMBLED) SETS OF AMENDED PLANSfMITTED FOR 2ND REVIEW: PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: AMENDED APPLICATION 0 2 OF12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAM 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 2ND REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT: '1 !c:o DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED TRANSPARENCY RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED MEMO NO. 9'7 - 3- 91 o o o o o o RETURN DATE: 7/:;.;' / 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED UTIL. P.W. PARKS FIRE POLICE PLANNING BUILDING ENGINEER FORESTER ECON. DEV. COORD. MEMO# DATE ~ (,Izc.{ o BOARD MEETING DATE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY. DATE SENT / SIGNS INSTALLED: DATE: BOARD: CITY COMMISSION: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER RECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK: 0 DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER SENT TO APPLICANT: 0 DATE: S:\FORMS\TRACKING LOG FORM revised 4/25/97 \ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-325 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki DATE: June 30, 1997 SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 1st Review Project: Manor at Newport Place Location: South Corner of Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court Agent: Ronald K. Kolins, Esq. File No.: NWSP 97-015 The following is a list of comments regarding the first review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments include recommendations we believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. The comments that identify deficiencies from the City's Land Development Regulations (L.D.R.) or previous conditions of approval are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans and/or documents submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process. The applicant shall understand that all documents and plans submitted for site plan review are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact this office regarding questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies or deficiencies from previous conditions of approval and they request that the project remain on the review schedule identified he/she should contact this office regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement or previous condition of approval. 1. With the second submittal include the most current version of the master plan matching the one that is being currently rectified. 2. Provide a statement on the site plan that the subject site - 2 acre undeveloped parcel of Tract 4, will not be sold, detached or otherwise separated from the original Tract 4 without the City of Boynton Beach approval of a subdivision plat. 3. With the second submittal provide a clause on the survey stating that the property was abstracted for all easements, right-of-ways and utility lines, as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A. 4. Rectify the submitted master plan of the development prior to Planning and Development Board meeting. Page 2 Memorandum No. 97-325 1st Review - New Site Plan Manor at Newport Place NWSP 97-015 5. Provide lighting details showing shields diverting light from shining towards the residential properties located to the east of the subject site. 6. With the second submittal provide dumpster enclosure details, as required by the LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.J. and Chapter 9, Section 10.C.3. 7. On the site plan show traffic control markings within the vehicular system of the development, as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.8.2. 8. Show and dimension required and proposed setbacks of all structures as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.8.1. 9. Include with your submittal a presentation board containing samples of all major exterior building materials as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.0.1. 10. It is recommended that, in order to compare architectural compatibility of the proposed building with the existing buildings color photographs of the existing complex be provided with the second submittal. 11. On the Landscape Plan, Sheet L-1, amend the tabular summary of the planting material to include a "landscape material required by the code" category. Also, provide relevant calculations for this category. For the landscape buffer adjacent to the right-of way and along abutting properties, provide perimeter distances of the parcel for which the landscape buffer material is being calculated (Chapter 7.5, Article" - Landscape Code). Note that the minimum height of required trees at the time of planting is 8 feet, and required shrubs is 18 inches. The minimum spacing of required shrubs is 2 feet o.c. 12. Incorporate the above calculation into the tabulation of the landscape material provided for the site. All native species shall be distinguished Page 3 Memorandum No. 97-325 1 sl Review - New Site Plan Manor at Newport Place NWSP 97-015 from non-native species with a recognizable symbol. Note, that the native requirement is fifty percent of the required landscape planting (Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.6). 13. On the landscape plan indicate all existing and proposed easements as to avoid potential conflicts with the utility lines and proposed structures. 14. With the second submittal, eliminate all references regarding the proposed Cypress mulch. Substitute Cypress mulch with another type of mulch, such as Eucaliptus or Melaleuca. 15. No building permit will be issued until the submitted traffic statement is evaluated by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. 16. With the second submittal coordinate ground floor plan with the elevation drawings in respect to proposed windows, window panels, porte cochere and balconies. 17. Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2 requires that signage information consistent with Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10. I. and Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Article IV, Section 7 is provided at the time of site plan submittal. If the signage information will not be submitted with the second submittal, another formal submittal will be required and be reviewed by the Planning and Development Board prior to sign permits being issued for the proposed development. 18. Any roof top equipment will have to be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location and the height of the equipment above the roof level. Provide elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations the lines-of- sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with the eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building (LOR, Chapter 9, Section 11.E). Page 4 Memorandum No. 97-325 1 sl Review - New Site Plan Manor at Newport Place NWSP 97-015 19. On the Landscape Plan include a notation regarding the anticipated method of irrigation. 20. With the second submittal provide architectural details of all proposed structures, including both gazebos, as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.8.1. 21. In order to ensure proper landscaping along the northern property line of Lot 7 and southern property line of Lot 8, it is recommended that another site plan request encompassing Lot 7 and Lot 8 be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Division prior to Certificate of Occupancy being issued for the subject Assisted Living Facility. 22. In accordance with LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.E, amend your site plan tabulation to include the following: A. net buildable land area in acres and feet (net buildable land area is the area of the lot within the required setback lines) B. other paved areas (paved area other than vehicular use area) C. total lot coverage (total lot coverage is a sum of building coverage and all hard surface pavement coverage) xc: Central File J:ISHRDA TAIPLANNINGISHARED\WP\PROJECTSIMANORS AT NEWPORT PLACEINWSPll ST REVIEW COMMENTS.NEWPORT.DOC ~" \- :~l I".,. \ 1 1 ~ i 1 t \ '01 ~ ~~."~ ,..ll ~iJ :'~: 1 "'N',' 2 '7 IQ'"'7 . ! ,11 , i ,.:::.} l ! '.J i ..,....--.J , ~"'""-" l_ . I ,. 7"'~~~< ;! ~;~1 ""Wiofi It....''"''<''',,.'.._,,,, c,,___l PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #97-138 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~w THRU: C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer FROM: Mark Lips, Sanitation Foreman SUBJ: Site Plan Review - 1 st Review - The Manors at Newport Place PUD DATE: June 26, 1997 The Public Works Department has no comments in reference to the above site plan. The project should proceed to the Planning and Development Board and City Commission for ;;;J~~ Mark Lips Sanitation Foreman MLlcr I~ ~ lU n ~ ~ uU JUN 2 3 1997 ~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #97-288 TO: FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent it) Manors at Newport Place tf - RE: Date: June 23, 1997 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the plans for Manors at Newport Place. There are no recreation related comments. The plan may continue through the normal review process. JW m~ ..u. 2 6. ~ 00 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97 -0039 TO: FROM: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT ~ JUNE 25, 1997 THE MANORS AT NEWPORT PLACE PUD-NEW SITE PLAN_1st DATE: RE: I reviewed the above plans and have no comments/recommendations. --~P ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT- MEMORANDUM NO. 97-145 oo~ ~ 0 W ~ rn n426_ TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning and Zoning ~~ FROM: Milan M. Knor, P.E., Director of Development DATE: June 25, 1997 SUBJECT: THE MANORS AT NEWPORT PLACE PUD - NEW SITE PLAN 1st REVIEW We have reviewed subject plans and offer the following comments: Building Division 1. The site plan and the other plan view drawings of the site do not indicate the location of the handicapped accessible path that is required between the handicapped accessible entrance to the building and the existing sidewalk located within the abutting public right-of-way. Amend the plans to identify the location of the accessible path including specifying the width and grade elevations of the path consistent with the regulations of the Accessibility Code. [Florida Accessibility Cod~ for Building Construction, Section 4. 1. 2 III (1) thru (4)] 2. The proposed monument sign is shown outside of the property lines of the proposed site. The Sign Code specifies off-premise signs as prohibited; therefore, relocate the sign onto the subject property. The location, size and height of the sign shall comply with the regulations of the Sign Code. [Chapter 21, Sign Code, Article II, Section 3.T; Article III, Section 5; and Article IV, Section 7] 3. Either place a note on the elevation view drawing of the building indicating that no building signage will be installed or provide detail specifications for the building signage in compliance with the regulations of the City codes. [Chapter 21, Sign Code and Chapter 9, Community Design Plan, Section 10l]. Engineering 1. Attach sheet 4 of 4 showing surveyor's certification. 2. All plans prepared by design professionals shall be signed and sealed. 3. Provide an approved modification to the S.F.W.M.D. permit at time of permit application. 4. Revise the fifth general note to read "No buildings or structures shall be placed within easements." Recommendations Subject to Fire Department approval, provide a stabilized, sodded fire access lane in lieu of asphalt paving along the back and south side ofthe facility as was approved behind the recreation building. We recommend that this request proceed to the Planning and Development Board and City Commission for approval. MMK:bg XC: Mike Haag Ken Hall C:\BOYNTON\Documents\TRC\Manors at Newport Place.doc FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Memorandum No. 97-260 iill ~ :: ;~~ 00 TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Division FROM: William D. Cavanaugh, Act. FPO III! /~ Fire Rescue Department /LN N'---- DATE: June 26, 1997 SUBJECT: The Manors at Newport Place Hypoluxo Rd. & ih Ct. NWSP 97 -015 Please insure the following: 1. Hard surface access on four sides is maintained. 2. No portion of any building shall be over 200' from a fire hydrant. 3. Aerial locations are provided. CC: Deputy Chief Ness File MEMORANDUM UTILITIES D EPT. NO. 97 - 201 .-, "~~:-......_,......",....",.....,.... f~ " TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director John A. Guidry, ~ / Utilities Director ~ y June 26, 1997 . !I !~.! 2 -( FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The Manors at Newport Place P.U.D. New Site Plan - First Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1) Palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utilities easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future.(Sec. 7.5-18.1) 2) Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 3) Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. (LDR chap. 6, Art. , Sec. 16), or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (Sec. 26-16(a)) 4) A capacity reservation fee will be due for this project upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size. (Sec. 26-34(E)) 5) Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utilities easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City. (Sec. 26-33(a)) 6) Please indicate that all points on the building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant, by showing said hydrant on the plans.(LDR chap. 6, Article IV, Sec. 16) 7) Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one.(Sec. 26-207) 8) City water may not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available.(Comp Plan policy 3C.3.4) It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at ext. 6407 or Peter Mazzella at ext. 6404. Sm/manors 1 xc: Skip Milor Peter Mazzella File r=:=-.. i~ i":\ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #97-169 U./. io1L 2 9 1997 I; ! ii I ! PLANNING AND . J '-., ; ZONING DE ~~~ THRU: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer C~ ..-...., ... TO: FROM: Mark Lips, Sanitation Foreman SUBJ: New Site Plan - 2nd Review - The Manors at Newport Place, P.U.D. DATE: July 28, 1997 The Public Works Department has no further comments at this time, we recommend these plans go forward to the Planning & Development board for consideration. ~~w Mark Lips Sanitation Foreman MLlcr MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 97 - 257 IW~J! ,P G-i- I ~ I L..~" , l' i"..~-:~.""",,-; ....,...,-,-~""~~ . TO: Tambri Heyden, p~and Zoning Director FROM: j) Iohn A. Guidry, ~Utilities Director DATE: July 31, 1997 SUBJECT: The Manors at Newport Place PUD New Site Plan - Second Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the following comments: 1) Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water system serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 2) A capacity reservation fee will be due for this project upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size.(Sec. 26-34(E)) 3) Show proposed connection(s) to sanitary sewer, with clean out at property line. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at ext. 6407 or Peter Mazzella at ext. 6404. Sm/Manor3 xc: Skip Milor Peter Mazzella File TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I FIRE PREVENTION DIVISON Memorandum NO. 97-283 Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Division William D. Cavanaugh, Act. F':9)~ Fire Rescue Department /C/V"'f/ August 4, 1997 The Manors at Newport Place PUD Hypoluxo Rd. & NW 7 Ct. NWSP 97-015 We have no objections at this time. CC: Deputy Chief Ness File ,. . '~""""""~'" ft", , ,! ii J .' ~.v f ~ n~~ ; i II ........, .. " , : .~,J tbI ~. ~ ;.\ ;:i,.,; l' ,,' , ", ->'.", ''''''-''''''''~'' .- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-195 i~~:~~:' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPl. TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning FROM: Al Newbold, Deputy Director of Development DATE: July 31, 1997 RE: THE MANORS AT NEWPORT PLACE PUD - NEW SITE PLAN 2ND REVIEW We recommend approval of the above referenced project subject to the following comments. Building Division 1. On the site plan place a note indicating that the required handicapped accessible path leading to the entrance of the building from the abutting public right-of-way and each handicapped parking space will be designed and constructed in compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.1.2. ill (I) thru (4). Where applicable, specifY with notes on the plan the location of the required curb cut ramps. 2. Where applicable, provide the following information on the Paving and Drainage Plan: a) Show the location of the handicapped accessible curb cut ramp(s) and built up ramps. b) Provide a detail drawing of the curb cut ramps and built up ramps. c) IdentifY the finish floor elevation of each building. Note: All drawings, dimensions, surface finishes, elevations and slopes shall comply with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.1.2.ill (1) thru (4). 3. It is recommended that the proposed project identification monument sign shown near the northeast corner of the subject site be approved administratively at time of permit review subject to the following conditions: a) Show and dimension the overall height ofthe sign structure not exceeding the 6 foot maximum height allowed by the code. b) Show and dimension the total area of the sign face not exceeding the 32 square feet maximum allowed by the code. c) The color of the sign structure shall match the primary color of the walls of the proposed building and the color of the symbol located above the sign copy match a color found on the proposed building. d) The color of the sign face shall match the color ofthe copy depicted on the Newport Place pole sign located near the intersection ofNW 7th Court and Hypoluxo Road. e) Because the applicant did not indicate the monument sign will be illuminated place a note on the plan indicating the sign is not illuminated. Note: All colors shall be identified by color name, color code and manufacturer. [Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Article IV, Section l.B and Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10.1.] Department of Development Memorandum No. 97-195 Re: The Manors at Newport Place PUD - New Site Plan 2nd Review July 31, 1997 Page #2 4. Permit plans for the proposed project shall comply with the applicable Building, Energy and Accessibility Codes. [Chapter 20 - Building, Housing and Construction Regulations] Engineering Division 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following~ site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DEP, L WDO and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. AN/ck xc: Mike Haag Sebastian Puda Ken Hall o~~ attachment: Eng. Division Plans C:\My Documcnts\Manors {fll. Newport PI.. New Site Plan 2nd.doc RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #97- FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent P The Manor At Newport Place p.u.f TO: RE: DATE: July 23, 1997 There are no comments to this project. The project should continue in the normal review process. JW:ad RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM f.fn)..U.J.l' It ij ,Ul] _151m ~ PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DATE: Tambi Heyden, Planing and Zoning Director Kevin John Hallahan ,Forester I Environmentalist ~ fI-- The Manor at Newport Place PUD . New Site Plan \ tr ~'i\d 2 ~, \CQ.V\E'\.oQ S l<}~ TO: FROM: RE: June 24,1997 There are existing trees on the site which must meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. [Environmental Chapter 7.5]. 1. The applicant should designate which existing trees will be preserved, relocated or removed and replaced. This should be indicated on the landscape plan. 2. The applicant should prepare a Tree Management Plan for the existing trees indicated in number one above. 3. The applicant should place a copy of the Tree Management Plan in the Association documents for proper maintenance of the trees in the future. 4. The applicant should prepare the above three items prior to receiving a site clearing permit. kjh DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 97-394 FROM: Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer Mike Haag, Building Division Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utility Dept. Chief Field Insp. Sg1. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Park Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Sebastian Puda, Engineering Division Tambri J. Heyden, AICP ~ Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: July 23, 1997 SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 2nd Review Project: The Manors at Newport Place PUD Location: Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court Agent: Ronald K. Kolins, Esq. File No.: NWSP 97-015 Attached is the amended site plan submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendation. Please review this amended site plan submittal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy the comments previously made by your department. If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise this office in writing. If your comments have not been met, please indicate this in writing to my office. Finally, include in your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the project should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for consideration. Please return your memorandum and the amended plans (Building Division shall keep their plans) to Planning and Zoning by 5:00 P.M. on Thursday July 31,1997. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Jerzy Lewicki at Extension 6260, who is coordinating the review of this project. Page 2 The Manors at Newport Place PUD File No. NWSP 97-015 T JH:bme Attachment cc: (Memo only) Kerry Willis Charlie Frederick Marshall Gage John Guidry William Bingham AI Newbold Central File J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Manors at Newport Place\NWSP\2NDREVIEW-PLANS.doc DE\ ~LOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTN.......jT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-274 TO: Kerry Willis, City Manager Milan Knor, Development Services Director Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Dept. Chief Field Insp. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department AI Newbold, Deputy Director of Development Ken Hall, Development Division John Yeend I Development Division Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Tambri J. Heyden, AICP 1JfJ~ Planning & Zoning Director FROM: DATE: June 17, 1997 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project - The Manors at Newport Place PUD Location - Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court Agent - Ronald K. Kolins, Esq. File No. - NWSP 97-015 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments to the Director of Planning and Zoning no later than 5:00 P.M. on June 25. 1997. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories; code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. If you believe the plans are substantially complete with regard to code compliance and that your outstanding comments and/or recommendations may be addressed at time of rectification of the master plan following City Commission approval, rather than requiring the applicant to prepare amended plans for a 2nd submittal, indicate in your 1st review written comments that you recommend the request proceed to the Planning and Development Board and City Commission for approval. If you recommend the request move forward for approval with one review, please attach the 1st review plans to your written comments (Building Division may retain their set of plans as control plans for the project). Page 2 The Manors at Newport Place PUD TO: TRC Members RE: Planning and Zoning Memo 97-274 Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 3, Master Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Jerzy Lewicki. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRe member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Division for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum. Jerzy Lewicki will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. Planning and Zoning staff will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When Planning and Zoning staff receives the amended plans, we will distribute the plans with a cover memorandum to all TRC Members for review and approval. TJH:bme Attachment Page 3 The Manors at Newport Place PUD TO: TRC Members RE: Planning and Zoning Memo 97-274 Planning and Zoning staff will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When Planning and Zoning staff receives the amended plans, we will distribute the plans with a cover memorandum to all TRC Members for review and approval. T JH:bme Attachment xc: (Memo Only) William Bingham, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Central File s:\projects\MANORS AT NEWPORT PLACE\NWSP\1streview-plans