AGENDA DOCUMENTS November 25, 1997 Mark Wallace Bovis Construction, Inc, c/o Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 Glades Road, Suite 444W Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE: Your letter of October 21, 1997 SUBJECT: Mobil Station 02-A 15 2605 S.W. 15th Avenue (northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Wallace: The City of Boynton Beach has conducted a survey of existing gas station/convenience store lighting for an upcoming workshop scheduled for December 8, 1997 at 6:00 p,m. The survey is attached. Sincerely, Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director Attachment cc: Central File TJH:bme s:\Mobil at Woolbright & Congress\Lighting Letter CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Commission Meeting Dates in to City Manaeer's Office Meetinl!: Dates in to City Manaeer's Office 0 May 6, 1997 Apri125, 1997 (noon) 0 July I, 1997 June 20, 1997 (noon) 0 May 20, 1997 May 9,1997 (noon) 0 July IS, 1997 July 3, 1997 (Thursday noon) 0 June 3, 1997 May 23, 1997 (noon) 0 August 5, 1997 July 25, 1997 (noon) 0 June 17, 1997 June 6, 1997 (noon) 0 August 19, 1997 August 8, 1997 (noon) [8J September 2, 1997 August 22, 1997 0 September 16, 1997 September 5, 1997 RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the September 2, 1997 City Commission meeting agenda under Consent. The Planning and Development Board, with a 6-1 vote, recommended approval, subject to all staff comments in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval (see attached), with the exception of comment 1 regarding reversing the car wash traffic flow, and rewording comments 17 and 31, regarding mulch type and reducing glare from lighting, For further details pertaining to this request, see attached Planning and Zoning Memorandum No. 97-437. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Mobil at Woolbright and Congress AGENT: Anna Cottrell OWNER: Mobil Oil Corporation LOCA TION: 2605 S,W. 15th Avenue (Northwest comer of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue), DESCRIPTION: Request for conditional use approval to raze an existing service station and construct a 3,084 square foot service station with a convenience store and a car wash on ,879 acres of land. PROGRAM IMP ACT: N/ A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A City Manager's Signature Development Services Department Name ~ ~;J. _ ~L~(~.~ Planning and Zon' g irect S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM,DQC EXlllBIT "0" Conditions of Aooroval Project name: Mobil Gas Station at Woolbright and Congress File number: COUS 97-002 Reference: The olans consist of I 1 sheets identified as 2nd Review, New Site Plan. File # COUS 97-002 with a July 22, 1997 Planning and Zoning Deoartment date stamo marking, DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: 1. It is recommended that the direction of the vehicular traffic to access the car wash facility be reversed, The current direction allows for traffic flow to exit from the car wash building eastbound and travel directly into the path of westbound vehicles entering the site, This creates potential head-on conflicts within a limited line of sight. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: ,., All drawings need to be signed and sealed by a design professional. ..., 3, Palm Beach County permits for work in right-of-way are needed prior to submission of plans for a building permit. [Chapter 23, Article II.H.6.] 4, All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of ~pplication. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, pavmg, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices, Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DEP, L WDD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request, 5. Proposed entrance on Congress Avenue is in conflict with existing light pole and guy wires, Applicant shall provide approval from governing agency to remove and/or relocate pole and guy wires. [Chapter 23, Article II,H.6.] 6, Engineer's written certification that drainage conforms to City of I Boynton Beach rules, regulations and codes IS required prIor to I ! Page 2 Mobil at Woolbright and Congress File No. caus 97-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT permitting. [Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.] 7, Add to General Note 2 on Sheet C-3 "and B-90012", 8, Show double, 6" yellow stripes from both sets of stop bars for land separation, 9. It is recommended that the Woolbright Road ingress lane be made 20 feet wide (the same as on Congress Avenue) to allow safe and smooth transition off high speed Woolbright Road, BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 10. On the site plan place a note indicating that the required handicapped accessible path leading to the entrance of the building from the abutting public right-of-way and the handicapped parking space will be designed and constructed in compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4,1,2 III (1) thru (4), Where applicable, specify with notes on the plan the location of the required curb cut ramps and built up ramps. 11. Where applicable, provide the following information on the Paving and Drainage Plan: a) Show the location of the handicapped accessible curb cut ramp(s) and built up ramps, b) Provide a detail drawing of the built up ramps and curb cut ramps, c) Specify the finish grade elevations and/or slope of the accessible paths required to the building from the abutting right-of-way and the handicapped parking spaces, d) Identify the finish floor elevation of the building, Note: All drawings, dimensions; surface finishes, elevations and slopes shall comply with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4,1.2,III (1) thru (4), 12, The 107.04 square foot proposed pole sign exceeds the 64 square feet maximum sign area allowed by the sign code, Amend the plans to show the sign area in compliance with the regulations of the sign code, [Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Article IV, Section 2,B,] 13, The 334.48 square feet of proposed signage on the buildings, canopy and pump islands exceeds the 114 square feet maximum sign area allowed by the sign code. Reduce the total area of the building/structure signage to comply with the regulations of the sign code. [Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Article IV, Section 2.C.] 14. Permit plans for the proposed project shall comply with the applicable Page 3 Mobil at Woolbright and Congress File No. caus 97-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Building, Energy and Accessibility Code, [Chapter 20 - Building, Housing and Construction Regulations] PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORE STER/ENVIRONMENTALI ST Comments: IS, The applicant shall remove and replace the six existing trees on the site, PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 16. The distance between the northern edge of the Congress A venue driveway and the property line is approximately 28 feet, LOR, Chapter 2, Section 11.C.3,D requires that this distance shall be a minimum of 30 feet, Correct the distance on the permit set of drawings, 17. It is recommended that a type of mulch other than cypress be used, 18. Eliminate the bright yellow, translucent back-lit fascia (LOR, Chapter 3, Section 10,F,5), 19, It is recommended that the egg shell stucco fascia proposed for the car wash be utilized on fascias of the proposed buildings and structures in order to achieve a more unified site as is required by Chapter 9 - Community Oesign Plan; Section 1l,C, 20, Information regarding lettering styles and material samples for all site signs shall be required prior to the issuing of sign permits. 2l. Automotive service stations and car washes are required by code to obtain an environmental review permit, (Chapter 2 Zoning Section C.l B of City of Boynton Beach LOR), The environmental permit needs to be issued prior to an occupational license for the service station. 22. In order to maintain architectural consistency, it is recommended that the canopy over the gasoline dispensers be covered with S tiles as shown on the other proposed buildings, (This was done at the Mobil at Congress and Hypoluxo as well.) 23, With the permit set of drawings submit a survey abstracted for all easements and rights-of-way as required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7,A, Page 4 Mobil at Woolbright and Congress File No. COUS 97-002 OEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 24, LOR, Chapter 9, Section 10,!.3 reqUITes that SIgn colors be complementary to the colors of the structure on which it is located, Use the same shade of blue for the background of the sign listing prices as is used for the blue lettering of the "Mobil" sign. 25. It is recommended that the green background of the "A TM" sign be replaced with either the blue or red color of the lettering used for the "Mobil" sign, 26, Any roof top equipment shall have to be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location and the height of the equipment above the top of the parapet wall or mansard roof. Provide elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with eye level from a distance of six (6) hundred feet from the building (LOR, Chapter 9, Section 1 1 ,E), If necessary, provide architectural details of screening structures. 27, Provide traffic markings for the entire on-site vehicular system 10 accordance with LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7,B, 28. Provide dumpster enclosure details in conformance with LOR, Chapter 7.5, Art, II, Section 5.J and Chapter 9, Section 10,C(3), 29, Provide required dimensions for the proposed loading zone 10 accordance with LOR, Section 11.1, 30, The approval of this conditional use application is contingent upon approval of the zoning variance to allow the 46 foot reduction of the Woolbright Road driveway distance from the intersecting right-of-way lines of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue from the required 110 foot, If the variance request is not granted, the Woolbright Road access driveway shall be relocated to comply with the 110 foot distance requirement. 31, In order to avoid excessive illumination and glare to passing motorists caused by lights under the pump island canopy, raise the elevation of the undercanopy by two feet. The fascia board height and elevation shall remain as proposed, Also, the photometries plan submitted shows illumination points ranging from 88 foot candles down to 3.9 foot candles, whereas the convenience store security ordinance only requires a minimum of two foot candles, Reduce the lighting levels so that no point exceeds 10 foot candles, (Chapter 2, Section 4.N of the LOR) Page 5 Mobil at Woolbright and Congress File No, CaDS 97-002 ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 32. Delete comment no, 1. 33, Revise comment 17 to read: A type of mulch other than cypress shall be used, 34, Revise comment 31 to read: Baffle the light fixtures and reduce the lighting levels so that no point exceeds 10 foot candles. (Chapter 2, Section 4,N of the LDR), ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 33, To be determined, Ibme s:\projectslcond of appr\ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Date Final Fonn Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Fonn Must be Turned Commission Meeting Dates in to City Manager's Office Meeting Dates in to City Manll2er's Office 0 May 6, 1997 April 25, 1997 (noon) 0 July I, 1997 June 20, 1997 (noon) 0 May 20, 1997 May 9,1997 (noon) 0 July 15, 1997 July 3, 1997 (Thursday noon) 0 June 3, 1997 May 23, 1997 (noon) 0 August 5, 1997 July 25, 1997 (noon) 0 June 17, 1997 June 6, 1997 (noon) 0 August 19, 1997 August 8, 1997 (noon) rg] September 2, 1997 August 22, 1997 0 September 16, 1997 September S, 1997 RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the September 2, 1997 City Commission meeting agenda under Consent. The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval, subject to all staff comments in Exhibit "c" - Conditions of Approval (see attached). For further details pertaining to this request, see attached Planning and Zoning Memorandum No. 97-436. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Mobil at Woolbright and Congress AGENT: Anna Cottrell OWNER: Mobil Oil Corporation LOCATION: 2605 S,W. 15th Avenue (Northwest comer of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue), DESCRIPTION: Request for a variance to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section Il.L.3,d(l) of the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations to allow an accessway driveway located 65 feet rather than the required 110 feet, from the intersecting right-of-way lines of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMP ACT: N/ A ALTERNATIVES: N/A ~ ~~ignamre Development Services Department Name City Manager's Signature ~ i ~~M~-~1 ~~LfJl- Planning and ,td'nm' Dir tor S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM,DOC EXHIBIT "F" Conditions of ADDroval Project name: Mobil Service Station at Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue File number: ZNCV 97-002, Case No, 236 Reference: Zoning Code Variance ADDlication dated June 9. 1997. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: Nt A UTILITIES Comments: NtA FIRE Comments: NtA POLICE Comments: N/ A ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: Nt A BUILDING DIVISION Comments: Nt A PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: Nt A FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: Nt A PLANNING AND ZONING .. Comments: 1. If the variance is granted, the variance applies only to the proposed site plan configuration, If the operation of the service station per the proposed site plan configuration ceases, the variance shall become null and void, ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 2, None, ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 3, To be determined, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Meeting Dates o July 21,1998 rgJ August 4, 1998 o August 18, 1998 o September 1, 1998 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office July 10, 1998 (noon) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates o September 15, 1998 o October 6, 1998 o October 20, 1998 o November 3,1998 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office September 4, 1998 (noon) July 24, 1998 (noon) September 25' 1998 (noon) August 7, 1998 (noon) October 9, 1998 (noon) August 21, 1998 (noon) October 23, 1998 (noon) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative rgJ o o o Consent Agenda Public Hearing Bids o Development Plans o New Business o Legal o Unfmished Business o Presentation Announcement RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the August 4, 1998 City Commission meeting agenda under Consent. Anna Cottrell of Anna Cottrell and Associates, agent for Mobil Oil Corporation, owner of the property located at the northwest comer of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map), was granted conditional use approval by the City Commission on September 2, 1997, to raze the existing service station facility and construct a new 3,084 square foot service station. You will recall that this approval by the Commission excluded the approval for lighting, which became a separate item of discussion, due principally to the lack of data and the low maximum light level (10 foot candles) recommended by staff. The Commission directed staff to evaluate lighting levels on other sites within the city, and arrive at an optimal lighting level for the Mobile project. Staff recommends that the site lighting for this project be approved subject to the conditions of approval indicated in Exhibit "E" of the accompanying Department Memorandum 98-221. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: Mobil Station at Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue AGENT: Anna Cottrell OWNER: Mobil Oil Corporation LOCATION: 2605 S,W, 15th Avenue (Northwest comer of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue). DESCRIPTION: Request for approval of lighting planned for the Mobile Gas Station. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A Development Dep City Manager's Signature City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATAIPLANNlNGISHARED\WP\PROJECTSIMOBIL AT WOOLBRIGHT & CONGRESS\COUSIAGENDA ITEM REQUEST 8-4-98,DOC ... . VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM No. PZ 98-221 TO: Mayor and Commissioners /) I - FROM: Michael W, Rumpf /0,^,i k JL~ Acting Director of Planning and Zoning DATE: July 22, 1998 SUBJECT: Mobil Gas Station at Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road (COUS 97-002) Approval of site lighting INTRODUCTION: Anna Cottrell of Anna Cottrell and Associates, agent for Mobil Oil Corporation, owner of the property located at the northwest comer of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map), was granted conditional use approval by the City Commission on September 2, 1997, to raze the existing serviee station facility and construct a new 3,084 square foot service station, You will recall that this approval by the Commission excluded the approval for lighting, which became a separate item of discussion, due principally to the lack of data and the low maximum light level (10 foot candles) recommended by staff, The Commission directed staff to evaluate lighting levels on other sites within the city, and arrive at an optimal lighting level for the Mobile project, In addition to these tasks, staff has also further evaluated the applicability of the engineering standards that staff previously presented to the Commission, ANALYSIS Analysis Issue #1 - Lighting level inventory: The applicant has evaluated lighting levels at eight (8) service stations (7 within the city and 1 located within unincorporated Palm Beach County), and the recordings, in foot-candles, are included in Exhibit "B", As also indicated by this exhibit, these readings were taken beneath the pump canopies at grade level. In summary, the average readings indicate the following: one (1) station exceeds 77 foot-candles (fc), three (3) stations, which includes the AmocolMcDonalds station, exceed 60 fc, and the remaining stations were all less than 45 fc, Analysis Issue #2 - Minimum standards from Illumination Engineering Society: With respect to the engineering standards previously referenced by staff (see Exhibit "C"), further review of them has determined that they are minimum lighting standards established by the Illumination Engineers Society (lES), and are currently the most widely recognized minimum standards today. These standards are not maximum standards, but rather minimum standards necessary to allow the function of assumed activities within given environments, and where, according to the applicant, formulated in the 1960's, Analysis Issue #3-Photometrics for planned project: Included in Exhibit "D" are the reduced photometries for the planned Mobile station, and the results from review of the IES standards and the lighting data prepared by the applicant. The lighting data was calculated for both a lighting system with and without baffles (cone-shaped device intended to focus light downward rather outward), As indicated on the reductions, without baffling, the average under-canopy reading is approximately 68 fc, and with baffling the average under-canopy reading increases to over 90 'Page 2 Staff Report Mobil service station Memorandum No, PZ 98-221 fc, Logically, when the baffles are applied, the readings under the fixtures intensify, while the readings taken out from under the fixtures are reduced, SUMMARY IRECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the lighting proposed for the planned Mobile station be approved, subject to those conditions listed in Exhibit "E". These conditions include the requirements to baffle and shield the fixtures to prevent the fixture from being visible from the street, or as originally recommended by staff, recess the under-canopy, and maintain average under-canopy light levels at less than 60 foot-candles to ensure that glare is avoided and to minimize the ambient light which is seen off the premises, This recommendation is based on the following: 1) Given that only one (1) of the eight (8) stations evaluated and described herein measures near the minimum light level indicated for a service station, according to the IES standards, these standards may not reflect current, optimum lighting levels necessary to safely engage in business (e,g, reading LCD screens and receipts, etc,) at the pump islands; 2) The three stations with the highest light levels within the City, that were evaluated for comparison and described in Exhibit "B", are also the newest stations, which may indicate the current desirable light level based on function and safety; 3) The City Engineer has reviewed the lighting data prepared for the planned station and determined that it meets standards of the IES and would conform to current city lighting regulations (if off site glare is prevented); and 4) The current regulation based only on the existence of glare may be difficult to anticipate at the time of review, therefore justifying more specific requirements relative to baffling, screening, I or location of the lit portion of the fixture, which are factors of distant visibility and glare; and 5) Not only is safety an issue, but equally important is the perception of safety, A site generating a maximum of 60 fc would be arguably perceived more safe than a site generating a maximum of 10 fc, Although a specific standard may be warranted, if the planned station is restricted as low as 10 fc, in comparison to the adjacent AmocolMcDonalds station, it could be perceived as being less lit and safe, Staff concludes that until such time that more substantial and quantifiable data is available on which to set a lower maximum lighting standard, the city should use as a maximum that light level that is common among the newer stations (e,g. 60 fc), Furthermore, the emphasis of the standards should be placed on orientation, fixture design, baffling, or screening of the lit portion of the fixture (which generates glare), This lit portion of the fixture should not be seen, at a minimum, from the right-of-way, MR Attachment xc: Central File IICHIMAINISHRDA T A IPlanning\SHARED\ WPIPROJECTSIMOBIL AT WOOLBRIGHT & CONGRESSICOUSlLighling reporl,doc EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP ': :, -=i\ \ :. r ' 'c:,Cl~~'\'i?x,;~......~, "",,-:-::--"~7.~,' . ~ \UL.c.=~ ;..":: ~":/}r: ":< . .,~ "'.... -~ ,'V"" ~ .' , ,\ I. 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Chris East i 1701 NW 23rdSL Margate, FL 33063 , :Z Fax Trans~ttall of' pages sent. i , Attn: Mr./17 N ,.., (J It /,.,. ~!k.. ~~ 1~ p F~Ea.st-=::> 1('1- "C 11 ~ /I { ~ 'I ~ '/ "} 'Subject: Ughting ;~'~B_~~eb,er:~th. \ . Dear Mike, The foUowiDg information i& per your request. Foot-candle readings were taken in severallocatioDS unde;neath the c4nopies at grade level. the numbers below indicate the actual foot-candle I~l with totah( and averages calculated. If you have any questions or need further infotmation please call me, ~~T~ _!' :~~,,;.' .... ~~co \ ;:, ," ,~~n '. (Woil1bri8bt:a:I-~ ~(~i ~~):~'~ngttt&C~)" tn0ygtOa& 10g),~ 49 ' 32 I 01 44 49 43 68 47 S2 32 79 3S 68 80 74 % 78 94 81 SO 68 S9 i 65 47 n nl ~ % 97 73: 48 48 8S 42 ,44 SO 68 S4 42 % 71 S2 72 54 87 73 46 I Total, 861:',' ~ ' 72l~ .:' : ::- ". 77.tj 4$9 Avg, (66.23) (60,08) (64.92), (45.90) APR-29-1~9 lO:~S 3GS9711.11B Sf;/:' ---~._---~-'-- ----_..~,----_.-.- /' /' , 'Texaco ! ~ ' , .' TC;DCO, ' Sh~ ' (BoyntOn %~W.lnd..): .~011)t0n.~ ~,Sz} ~ CF~ 4t'3;J~', ~oOlbri~ &:. US-I) : 27 (old site avg. 1S) 2S. 54 34 (security problem) 19 9S 3& 44 S3 41 27 n 41 44 111 46 28 77 41 36 106 57 26 77 47 24 48 n n 61 8S6 (77.82) Total 399. Avg. (39.90) I . m (30.33) . ) (15,00) Area lighting ~tlin~: Texaco (Fedml &. 33rd) 13.0 Mobil (Boynton&. Jog Rd.) 3.5..7.6 Race Tmk (Woolbright &. 1-95) 11.0 Best Regards. ~~ Cluis East -- APR-29-1998 10: 4G .;:, cF" 30S9711118 ~-------- ------- ----..~_.--- EXHIBIT "c" ANALYSIS ISSUE #2 - MINIMUM STANDARDS FROM IllUMINATION ENGINEERING SOCIETY -~- -- - --- -~~ ------------~ " .:.- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. ENG. 98-106 TO: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning Administrator DATE: John S, Yeend, P,E" City Engineer ~ June 26, 1998 FROM: RE: MOBILE LIGHTING In accordance with your request, I reviewed the lighting material provided, Additionally, I reviewed the City and County Codes related to lighting. As a result of this review, I have the following comments or opinions: 1, The <4 Lighting System Design Considerations" (copy attached) are recommended minimum standards published by the Illumination Engineers Society (IES), This is probably the most comprehensive and widely accepted lighting standard used today. 2, The two page report by Lucas Ford Assoc. (copy attached) shows the results of their lighting survey performed on Oct. 28,1997, The survey consisted of measurements ofJighting intensities in foot-candles (FC) at 7 local service stations, The measurements were taken under the fuel island canopies at grade and listed in foot-candles, The average was also listed and ranged from 30.3 Fe to 77,8 FC with 4 of the stations having averages over 60 Fe. 3. The IES suggests a minimum under canopy lighting level of30 Fe. The existing 7 stations averaged 180 percent of the IES minimum value. 4, The proposed Mobil Station has submitted a lighting plan revised to reflect the use of shielded lights. This plan indicates the average under canopy lighting to be 68.2 FC without shields and 90,6 FC with shields. This is 26 and 68 percent respectively above the average of the 7 existing local stations. 5. The City of Boynton Beach does not have a code that regulates or limits the lighting intensity except to prohibit producing a glare on adjacent properties. [LDR Chapter 9, Section IO,F.2,] 6. Palm Beach County regulates lighting through their code Chapter 7, Section 7.8.8. (copy attached), This code limits light spillover and prohibits certain lights, Should the City desire to amend their code, I recommend the County code as a guide. In conclusion, the proposed Mobile lighting in the vicinity of the pump islands is relatively consistent with other stations in the City, The proposed Mobile lighting appears to be allowed under (he current City code, JSY/ck Attachments C: !\I\ ))l)~lIl11c:nt~'[\I\lhilc: I.ighling.d()~ . ---_.--_.._...__._-_.~ --~-" ---- ,.~- ___.. __-_,- ...:1..., ::...ii..).',t:.=~Jij:;,o .It::.F' 1 :8.< PO: lrit.( 1~> -- . ~ . ' ,- _... . ...c. 2-18 J..IG~TJNG SYSTEM OES/GN CONS/DERATIONS ~7;::.... aIao \.0111",) Cut-<lH saw.. .. .. .. 1.00 haul, . , , , , , , , . , ' I.og hcdI (tlae Ill'n ' , , , ' ' Primary 100 deck , .... .. Sarkerln-~ " ' , .,. GI'MI\ chaIn. ' l.umc.r stnlQpin; ", .,., L.umller handling .f9as . , . , Lumber '*in; .,.. ' ' Wood chip 1tDnI;e Pilei ' , . '-'0" (at ~l Oark -..rroundlng Approacn ' , .. .. .. .. , . ' OI'Mway '.. .....'... PUIftC) lIIand.,.. , ' . 8uildlng faces (pc:IU8lve 01 GianI ' .. ' .. s.Mee .,... , . ' LanclIcape IlIgIIlI;nt. ' ugnt ,url'O\.lnc:lln9 , AoDl'Q&CIl . ' ' .. ' , .. , , Or,....."., '" .. Pump 1lllf\O &rea , " " BYjldlng tac.. (pclU-'Ye of gtl$l) .. .. . .. - JuwIlAalMtV .. ~.rv (IMool') 1'atgM, loum.ment ' .,..,.. ~rut.o"a1, ShClCllI"~ line. lOUm1m8r<< ' Shooting 11M, recdtlOnat . , AfChery (outdOor) '1"a~lt, \cur".ment ;~. recrelSlonal, . , ' ShQQtlng lin.. toumem.,n , $l'IclO&Ing line. rlerlmien.1 e.dmlmon Tournamlt'll, , , , Club .. ,,"'.' Fl4tc,..tIOf\at , , ......, Majer ..~ 1",;e14 ,..'"""., OUC1IeId"".".. . Mind AM. leep 'nfl~ ...... ...... OUtfIeld.. . ' A and 8 INOW Infleld .. .. ... .... OUtfield ' o anel 0 le'flJY' Intlelcl .."....' OuUle(cl ,.., ,,', .. StmI-oro Me! mt.i"ICI!l'lloag~' inti"' ' , , Outfleld , . . , . , Rec:tNtlonaI InfI.1d . , Outfield, , . , " " ,'.'.' FDf' (OO'D~ _ pq9 2.20. Uia 100 2D 20 100 300 200 to 3Ool0 150 to 'l.OfP 20 50 $ 15 15 200 100" 30 ZO 30 50 300 300" l.wl soo" 300'" 200 100 1001. SOl' 100 60 300 200 100 ,~o 1000 700 SOO SOO 300 300 ~OO 200 lS0 ,~o 100 At, M. ContinuMl ~... 1() 2 2 10 30 20 to 3~~ 1!510~. 2 5 O,~ 1.5 1.5 20 '0'. 3 2 3 5 30 3014 50'. :l0'. ~ 10 tOl. .,<1 :,) 10 5 30 ZO 10 1S() 100 70 SO 50 3C 3Cl 20 20 '5 1~ 10 lV,~~ F ~lvity ~ ~ SeMce Pat '.. '..' I L,ande<;ape ~igi11s ,., ,. yald. I Genlnl ' , .. ' I ~C4,k;~ ~d : ' .. .. .. II9N Advertising l'" Bulletin end ..., bO.lCla) Eltt.mally IlghttCl roadway (He pa9.,.25) ~ wtUl "'"rt~ft; "'...... elM luletln .... ....' boarllll $tO..... ytIral Activ. ' I~"""", SlnMCa (... paQ. 14-10) ~ <Me *. 14-16) Water tan... wtth act\llll1lMftg "'1IIW9" (........ tIIIMdttOlllr ....., IowHnt I burn.m.nt I ~/IeI i Lan.... ..,,'..,...... I R':;:~I' , . , , , , , , . . ' , , Approach.. '., ....,... I La............ ......,.. \ FIt". , ' . , " " Iow4In9 on _ green I ~urnam.nt , , . . , ~ ~onaJ .. , .. .. .. I eolllng Of wrwttlng (,Ing) I Cha~on.e"Jp., , , . . , , IEB ~L\lH"~ .w.DIClClIC ,. APtOUCA11C/Ii I/CLUIIlI LIllI '"-8~ 7Q , SO 5 50 5 100 10 300 30 200 10 20 v, Spona an<S Aecr8lllOnaJ Ar... Foolcandl.. A~ Juntor :~ (CIua I aM Cia" II) Infield . Outtlelc1.""," ' On Mat during game, , On ... c.lort & att.r game BIID1IIII1 Colleg' .,,0 1'1'01',"lonll , ' , eoaege intramural ano high IQhQOl ., . " ,.,.., RecreatiOnal (OUlClOC>>) , , , , . , ISIlthln; lI..en.. On land , , .. .. .. .. , 150 f.et from thOte ' , ' BI~ (on WIle) bur'll""", ' , ' , , Recreatlol1al , , . . . , , . . , , . . , Lux FcOle,t1d'" 300 30 200 20 20 2 50 ~ 500 SO 300 30 100 1() 10 1 30'. 314 SOO 50 ~ 30 100 '0 200 ZO 5001. SO" 100 10 100 10 3001" 301. 10C 10 50 II 5000 500 _"" -, _I "-I. .c..C:i"'! ILl :"'="i! "::c:4 P03 :H~..:6 -- 1 , . ~ ,-, .I.... ..C '* 12.10 OUTDOOR LIGHTING APPLICATIONS G. Eubli~ a typa of ccnitruction ~ on: where devices will be m.ounted and l\ov.r they ca.o be ..ClUNe! and MrVieed.. 7, Conaider weight aud size limitations. 8, Consid~r visual conflict with lighted windows, street lishta and ideI1liificatioD ligna. Darken or blank out windOWl if neceuary, g, Sel.ct 18m~ and luminaires 0{ appropriate wattage, aize, ~ color, finilh, etc:. Plan source density, i.e., the quantity ot lamps neclftllary to pJ'ovlde the ~lanned pattern and brightness for the area, 10, Do not overload the power llupply, nor defeat fusing. groWld fault interuption. ete. Service Statton L.lghting The deaiiU of service atations tends toward a specific lm:hitectural style, luc:h ali colonial, ruchtype strUc:turM, etc., 'With 1nnQscapine, f\!'nt, iu" walkways. and other treatments utilizing outdoor light~ Lirht aO\U'C8li for such inetalla- t1on. .hould be considered in the initial design, The basic objectives of u!'Vice station lighting are: 1. 'Ib .id the rapid """"";n~Atitm of the station ana ita product. 2, '.10 !uilitate lafe ent.ranee and ex\t into and out of the .tation. 3, Tb provide adequate liiht ou the pu,mf) island and its t.cljacent area to permit the attendant or cuQ()mer to ..sily perform tub (see Fig. 2.1). 4, 'lb provid8 a well lighted building U1terioJ' ana exterior, 5, To pf'O\'ide an overall iusta.llation that is at.. tnu:ti.. to the Pl'08pective user, Additional lighting objectives are: A, 'Ib provide driwwa"v hshting between the ap, proach and i.s1.aDd to complete the traffic pt.ttern. B, 'l'b illuminate the auxiliary servici areas. e, 'Ib illuminate additional driveway areas. D. To illuminate parking areu, ' See Fii- 12.18 for a correlation of 8e1"Vice sta' tion areas and the above objectives. IdeatUlcattoll. The f'mrt objective to be c:ou. sidered in deaiping Mrvir:e station lieh,ting is th.e i9eDtifieation of the product. 8ervKle& ren- a.red. and facilitiel! available. This 19 achitwed by aeequatoly 1llmninating the product iden. tification sign and the principal vm.ica.l eurt'aa!B of. the ltaucm and canopie.s, Sipa. Location, legfbility and brigbtness are th. primary factors to b. conaidered in sign lightini', Siitll .hould be locat.ed to provide max- lIS LIGHTING ~ I'" Al'1'I.1CIIT,,* \OWllIIE imum &.Cvertising and identmeatiOll val~ from all J)OB8ible traft\c angles, Illuminances for both internally anel ext.ena.ally li8~ sipa are Ji\"e~ in Section 17, on outdoor siBJl8. When utilizing I> silrD pole foJ' the mount.ing of approach or driveway lighting units, caution should be taken 80 that the liehtini units will not distract from the advertising appeal of the si,n, The use of a minimum pole height of 4,5 met-lIta (15 feet) should permit the mounting of a properl)' de.isn-d approaeh light below the sign wner. there is less tendency to distract from the sign itllel!. When a sign pole is locatec 3 met.enl (10 reet) 01' more from the approach curb, uae of a separate light pole should be considered. Building Lighti.ne, Liirhtine the prominent faces of the ltation building and canopiee serves to ad...'ertlse the station', presence and indicate that the station is open and ready for buainell5. Bornt t)'J'e lighting is a commonly UIeci method for the hghting of the building face, The inter- nalligbting of spires, cllpolas, canopy odges, etc., as weli as the accenting ot the building's ar, chiteetural featurell with appropriate floodlight. ing also is used. See Building FloodliSbting. ~12.1, Appl'Oach LiPdna, Adeq\Ulte lightin~ t;tf the approaches from the edge of the highway o. street curb to the station property ill 8 vital part of good service station lighting, The limits to the ' approac:heli should be readily identifieci to per. mit the motorist to see them well in advance. While some luminaire brightness may be desir.. able from an atttac:tion viewpoint. extreme care mo'lld be talten to insure that the type oflumin, . i :'(g) @":' '6,:' , D"" '(I m ' ::, ,::; ,\~ ~ $10~t - , o 0 ~~-1rl @ --<1') !~:1 @ , f ~ .1~";;:,n, ~ " ~\.. :'.~j .. C, "J! r:t ......' , . l;l III e""" .. 4 tb e> I:D ~ ;;;'0'__ 2 "vlllIC e~.. Fig, 12.1a ~ 8lIItJon plOt 0Ian dellnin9 ,IftS ~r Iigi'lltng, Numbv~ and '-tterl ftMef lO _, aoove. ~,=>.-,::"--,-/.:l-i Eh3: ',EEPHiG ['EPT 384 P04 JRN 10 '9= 11:19 P.OS t, Irs UQIlTIllO "'ANDeClOl< ,'" UIO\.:CATlQIoo ~~~ I I ain ot the e.imiDg doee a.ot cause ,lu. that will interfere with the visiDIl of pUlling motonate or thOle enter~ or leavillJ the station, A minj~ mum clearance of 4,3 meters (14 feet) .hould 'be contemplated where lumiaaina en deaigned to extend out over the appl"OaChes. I Pump I81uc:l Area. The pump island is a primary point of sale aDd ita Ulnting should rer~~ ita commercial importance. Sufficient il. luminance should. be provided in this area not only to enable the operator to perform his taaks quickly and accurately, but alJo to prominently illuminate the product dispenser and the mer. chandise diepJ.a.ys in tbe &reL Aa part of its eval- uation. the types of pumpll to be UMd <1iihted. 1 or W1ligbted> 5hculd be contidered, as well as the CUM of island canopies, Buildln. lDieriD~ Th. building interior ia the oft\~ and maj01' work area of ~he station. The salesroom, whic:h it uaed for met'Chaueiille dt. plays, limited BUlCk suppliu and. sal.. tru.ac- tioZUI should be llh.lmil'lAteQ in accordance with the requirements of a p1lenU office ana, Areas fol' Automatically vended f~ beveng... etc., alao may be jll~_ LilbtiDa in the Mrvice bay areaa should be ad.equate to permit efficient per- formanee of the various ..rvicu rendered. Aux- iliary li,htinB for meteband.iH displaY' also may be required. Well1ighted fMt 1"OOIDI are euen. tial to encourage cleanlineea and acceptance by the public. Speciai lightins C:OnIJideration should be given tc the walkways anei approaches to the rest room. u well. F01' totally self'service sta- tiOn5 the office (c:uhier's l0C8tion) should be !i,hted to be the focal point of the station, Driveway, LimitAld driwway lighting (Bectiona :narked. A in Fig. 12.18) comp1etft the path-of, light from entranc. to Wmd to exit and aelda to tb. active bueineaa like appelU'8DCe of the sta- tion. Dependinl on the marnitude of the opera. tion and services available, extended dn'Ve'WIIJ lichtin.c (0) ph.. a1Wliary liShtin, <B) may be reqmr.d to provide aufticient Yiaibilit)' for out. door Nn'ice operatiODB sueh ae replacizll head- lamps. servicing batteriel. changing tn.. or in- stalling chlUna, Where the" it a patio or boua- iug !or vonding machintM within the driveway u.a. there should b. adequate lirntiDIr to pro- mote cleanliness and. instill public confidence. l: , " SERVICE srATIONS 12..11 The SlII'I"OUd. The ovvall objective in li&hting a service station q to make it ltaud out by conttalt tlom the areas around it, to attract the attention of the motoriIt ill 11_ of ita Hr. vice&. In achillVing theM objectiw.. care must b. taken that the type of equipment used, mount- inr heilhta, et~ do not ClI'Ute aD annoyance. through glare and spill Uaht, to surrounciilli lWiihbon. The NquUezaents fA appliable code8 anei ordinancel must be CODIicIered in the ..lec- tion of equipment u wU as the economic fae, tora of nWnUmaace. operating costs and flex- ibility (01' future expI'IlaiOD, REFERENCES 1. a.m.l. ,fA, Wl'fto 1lA. ucl CU~'" C,M,: "NfW 'Yl:rlJ Worl.', raa ~' CUullO. ."... ~\, ux. po ~,Oculw. 1", Z. I..aGMa. 1.. ''HoIidIr ~()=-- tIw 81*'&1.;' ~ /hi, APJl, VIIl. 111, No. 4, po u. A1arU. 1.... a. H~ '%'eaataIte oi PIlIIM c.ltbn&ld la 81m rl Lllmi6,e," LiIM- Da. App., Vol, Ill, No. 4. Po U. April, 11841, .. ~J,:"~.Lip~~"Lif^'Da. ^,,., Vbl, Ill. ~ ., po l8".\fIri!. 1918. 8, "UcAtlllr Eada B~' upt. Do. AHo. VoL 14. No.8, 11- 27 ^"1U8&- 1184. .. "Clfteiacl', '1WlmMl TlMv-JIiI~,Pair.' lU\llIIiptiooA," Li,;.e. Du. A",. 1,'OL 13. !k ~ po 20. ....., 1M', " '1I:quhlox III !Sl~' Uflu, Dn ANl, VaL ~ No. 11. 11- Z:l. N~r, 1183. 5. CUlli, ,J,M" ''1\efl~C1II !'ma ~.... 'ipeta: FtoMUlMlf>I ];)wap lIIIIl1Al1_':' u.N. Do..Itpp.. Vol. 18, No. 6. p. 71, Mq, ltlU. ~ "'!'h. LipUac 9f ~b.. Joba A. &.b1lftC S.,.uioD Bridp," I.4chi. Dta. App., ....01. 15, No. 11. 11, 10. N...III_. 1986, 19. .'1l.t~ the Lali)':' /,j,"t, :A.. App.. 'l4l1. ;1. No. 11, Po lZ, o-mbtr; lN$, lL ''11l, Ntw BnQ. Oft BIaIIl. Cre,.;' LithL Dn "JIll. Vol. 140, No. t, p. 18. ,...,. 1114. 12. Beuca. as...w.: "'l'IM ~_ '-J"IlIOdliah=,1Il Buildinp," lllllm. Zn,.. VoL XLIX. p. 38'7, ~ lM4, 13. t_lby, JlA.:"~ o...u...~~~' la-.... XII&. Vol.!'. p. 166. AprU, 1.... 1.6. Nlptiftc81.. r.a, Li4hhlsf III CIA .vc. Kaicht Pllbil6bi-c, Co.. Sk~ C&!iforaia. lH2, lL Schllict\ s.~ O"Nofr Li4~ 0, v,. NOI&ft.II6 Co.. New York. ""', Ie. Nt~ '.11.: Gardn Lilllel",. KniJbt P'ubliebillr eo.. ~ C1Il1faoa1a, 196', n. ~ &: T"- ~ lJlJM ofCitJldtM. Oul4DGr LI,II'ln~. :tuUe_ Pt... lDc.. N_ 'liar.. lW. la. 1'1'&..", I.A, aM h~, LB.: ,'O~ ~fttu)r a~ l5e8nl, Wcrld'.1'~21:' m-a.~, ",1.LVJ1,p.6Io1,OdOber, \M2, 19. "Expo 81 &All laa Li,htlAJ." lUIlm. lb... ~l, LXJL Ii ~" ~, 1&8'l. lie. "ExPG 70," tuu"" e,,*, Vol G5, 1> 46e, "uSU't. 1570 21, h-'\,1\.a.: .EAII_m.ofl.irh_VOUn.....n.;' A~, ]We., 'hI. 19, p. :UlI. July, 169, EXHIBIT "0" ANALYSIS ISSUE #3 - PHOTOMETRies FOR PLANNED PROJECT ---------_.~~~~~-------""._'--,._'-"---~--~---_.".",-_.'-- --.- " =.: '" ~ :l '" .. r: .. ... .., ... ... "l :! "l ~ :! "l :! Cl! ~ "1 :t or! .., "1 ... .. ..; .. OIl .. .., .. .. .. ;;! II! .. ;! .... '" .. ..; .. .. !! .... .. .. .. ~ .... ..; .. .. !i :e i ii ~ I t .... .., !! ~ = . g ~ ... .. 1 ..; :! ::I :l :l :l ~ ~ , :l .., .. : .... iii :t !l ~ III; ;j ;! : '" IU eo PI :l :! .., : " ., .. .... ori ... s! ... s! li: ., .. .. ., .. .. .. ; ~.s .;; eo ~ .. !! l! .. ~ I: .. .... ~ IIQ ~ ::> u io. D &oJ R ..... ~ % )- ~ 4 I :3 ~ I'! .. .. PI .. ,.: .. ori .. .i .... ri .. ~ ~ .. .. I: !: ~ .. ori ~ 00 ., " 000 ::E::E =>=> ..II::E% ... ... %Z uuu...... .c..c..::E::E .......... t:I~~ht~ 4:XX4X ~......~... w)(ZWX >4:_>4 C:z::z:C% ::. ::! '" IU :; ~ "I .. "l ~ ... ... 'I .. '.... .. '" il .. .. . ori .. .. ~ ., ~ : ~. ; : ~:: -- == :t .. :;; ~ .. :I :l : .. .. wi :! .. III .. .... ~ .. .. ::I :t ~ ... ... IU eo iii == .. ;;! ... .. .., .. ~ '" .. ~ )- ~ :z: 5 10') >- ~ ~ 4: U CO) \D 10 M I(J ,0 . 0""(1\' . O"-ru ::x =>=> II II IIXX -... ZZ uuu-... ......eo.~:r .......... &oI%:Ew::E CJ:3=>t:J=> 4::EX4:::E Of......."'... "')(ZW~ >c.....>_ C ::E :z: ,~ ::E OIl ... ... .., ~ :! II! .. .: :l .. eo 0\ .. J .. "l .: ~;. : ~:: -- ~ .. ~ .. ~ ~ .. iii ~ '" . = J !1 .. .. ,.: ... 0\ .., ... :t "! ,...,m t~C II! "l ., " '" II! .. .; '" ... .., = !l .. II! .. :I :I '" .. w -' u.. u.. 4: on -' <( z a:: w t- Z ., .., ..., I'! .., ~ :I :I :I' .. .. :i :! 2 .., .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ ; m~ .. II! .... ,.: ~ .. ... ... ~ .. .. ... Iri .. .. on ... .., ,I .., "! I'! "! .., .., ... ., .. "l '" .. ::. . .. .. .. "l .. .' l!! on .. .. i ... ... .. !i on ~ :I .. :i .. .. .. .. :; ~ :I ~ :l ~ .. M :! .. ~ :! .. :l :I .. on iii : .., ., .. ~ " .. .. '" on .; '" oil '" " .. '" EXHIBIT "E" CONDITIONS DEVELOPMENT ORDER CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Mobil Gas Station at Woolbright and Congress APPLICANT'S AGENT: Anna Cottrell APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: P.O. Box 19058, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: September 1,1998 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Conditional Use Approval - site lighting LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 2605 S,W, 15th Ave (Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR --X- THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1, Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2, The Applicant LHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested, 3, The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "B" with notation "Included". 4, The Applicant's application for relief is hereby L GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof, DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk, 6, All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Mobil at Woolbright & Congress\COUS\DEV ORDER-site Iighting,doc C.ITY OF BOYNTON B~6~H APPLICA~ . ~CHNICAL REVIEW COMhI.. . I cE MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, July 1, 1997 TIME: 9:00 AM, PLACE: Conference Room C, 2nd Floor, West Wing, City Hall 1. Old Business None 2, New Business A LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS (OTHER THAN SITE PLANS) Conditional Use 1. PROJECT: Mobil Service Station AGENT: Anna Cottrell LOCATION: 2605 S,W. 15th Avenue (Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) DESCRIPTION: Request for conditional use approval to raze an existing service station and construct a 3,084 square foot service station with a convenience store and a car wash on ,879 acres of land, Zonino Code Variance 2. PROJECT: Mobil Service Station AGENT: Anna Cottrell LOCATION: 2605 S.W. 15th Avenue (Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) DESCRIPTION: Request for a variance to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.L.3.d(1) of the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations to allow an access driveway located 65 feet, rather than the required 110 feet, trom the intersecting right-ot-way lines ot Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue, Page 2 TRC Meeting Agenda July 1, 1997 Master Plan Modification 3, PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Site Plan Time Extension 4, PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 8, SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Melear PUD Donaldson Hearing Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Miner Road (between the LWDD L-20 and L-21 canals), Request to amend the previously approved Melear PUD master plan to allow a reduced buffer width along Congress Avenue from 50 to 40 feet, revised access for one driveway onto Congress Avenue and an emergency exit onto Sandalwood Drive, and redistributed unit types and numbers within Phase 2 and 3 of 492 multi-family units and 181 single-family units to 364 multi-family units and 309 single-family units. Healing for the Nations Church Vincent DeLalla West side of Seacrest Boulevard, approximately 335 feet north of Mission Hill Road, Request for a one year time extension of the site plan approval granted on July 16, 1996 (to July 16, 1998) for construction of a 6,888 square foot church located on 1,006 acres. Alhambra Square North Malek and Associates Northeast corner of Congress Avenue and S,W, 23rd Avenue (Golf Road) Request for site plan approval to construct a 13,905 square foot drugstore with a drive-thru facility and a 13,080 square foot medical office building on a 3,97 parcel of land, Page 3 TRC Meeting Agenda July 1, 1997 2, 4, Other Business None PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 5, Comments by members 6, Adjournment S:\agenda\adm\A TRC070197.doc The Manor at Newport Place PUD Ronald K, Kolins, Esq, Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court Request for site plan approval to construct a four story, 81 bed assisted living facility containing 71,390 square feet on two acres (a portion of tract 4) of the Newport Place PUD. (,. rv OF BOYNTON BEA'"-'h PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday,August26,1997 TIME: 7:00 P,M, PLACE: Commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 1, Pledge of Allegiance 2, Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members, 3, Agenda Approval. 4, Approval of Minutes, 5. Communications and Announcements, A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1, Final City Commission disposition of the agenda items from the last Planning and Development Board meeting, 6, Swearing in of witnesses, 7. Old Business None 8, New Business A. PUBLIC HEARINGS Zonina Code Variance 1, - PROJECT: Mobil gas station and convenience store AGENT: Anna Cottrell OWNER: Mobil Oil Corporation LOCATION: 2605 S,W, 15th Avenue (Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue), DESCRIPTION: Request for a variance to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.L.3,d(1) of the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations to allow an access driveway located 65 feet, Page 3 of4 Planning and Development Board Meeting Agenda, August 26, 1997 DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct a four story, 81 bed assisted living facility containing 71,390 square feet on two acres (a portion of tract 4) of the Newport Place PUD, 2, PROJECT: Auto Care Centers of America, Inc. (Heise PC D) AGENT: Anna Cottrell OWNER: Westlake Hardware, Inc, LOCATION: Approximately 160 feet south of the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road, DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct an 18,659 square foot retail complex to include minor automotive repair and retail uses on 3,63 acres of land, 3, PROJECT: Alhambra Square North AGENT: Malek and Associates OWNER: Norman J, Michael LOCATION: Northeast corner of Congress Avenue and S,W. 23rd Avenue (Golf Road), DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct a 13,905 square foot drugstore (Walgreens) with a drive-thru facility and a 26,160 square foot medical office building on a 3,92 parcel of land, F, OTHER NONE 9, Comments by members 10, Adjournment NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S, 286.0105) Page 4 of 4 Planning and Development Board Meeting Agenda, August 26, 1997 THE CITY SHAll FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTEllO, (561) 375-6013 AT lEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. J:\SHRDA TA\Planning\SHARED\WP\AGENDAS\P&D\8-12-9.doc ....~ .. ,..," ',- .'. ~t~4 . ,tn'llt. :,.~ ..~." '.. "..~ ,...:.- "', ' ~. ',0. , . ... , . ,t ',. I !\ e 'r. .., ,.."'~ .' '.' .'; .. ' .. " ;.;\ ,n,' I'~. '~~;' ~ ~~: '"i' ;,~,.r.~ "~~ -il~. ,~~ "'€'~Jt " .~h" '" ..;.' r= 0 ,It I ,\ ! , 20 . ,"t o. ,:: , l\~ U. ~ 2~~1 :i ~~I ~~ 2,- ~ 2_,\ 23 ...22 2j C." ,. _ .' 'l.. ,', " ~ - ~!.- I ~ ~, ~- ;:- , .. - I ~" . , ' ~ : 'S.W.:'CO[4GRESS BLVD i', ~ '7,,; CONGRE~~ ';- ,. ",':'12.'~ WI' _. 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