CORRESPONDENCE November 25, 1997 Mark Wallace Bovis Construction, Inc. c/o Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 Glades Road, Suite 444W Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE: Your letter of October 21, 1997 SUBJECT: Mobil Station 02-A 15 2605 S.W. 15th Avenue (northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr, Wallace: The City of Boynton Beach has conducted a survey of existing gas station/convenience store lighting for an upcoming workshop scheduled for December 8, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. The survey is attached. Sincerely, Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director Attachment cc: Central File T JH:bme s:\Mobil at Woolbright & Congress\Lighting Letter Cl-'J:IZ OF BOYNTON BE.tJ--r:~:r REG....,J...JUt CITY COMMISSION Ml:.~Tl1..JG AGENDA -:1 ;:...J iJ , ,- ::< ~ i-'0 l:, , I ;J I , i Ii I;! ! ~ l I ~ -. ,-:)' ~ I v i' 'U ' I ,~ August 4, 1998 PLANr~ING MlO ZONiNG DEPT. 6:30 P.IYI. I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor B. Invocation - Reverend Bob Hahn, First United Methodist Church C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Pro Tern Tillman D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made: Appointment To Be Made Board Length of Term Exoiration Date IV Tillman* I Titcomb II Denahan Mayor Taylor Mayor Taylor* I Titcomb Bldg. Bd. Of Adj. & Appeals Code Compliance Board Code Compliance Board Community Relations Board Eucation Advisory Board Planning & Development Board Alt Alt Reg Alt Stu Alt 1 yr term to 4/99 TABLED-3 1 yr term to 9/98 3 yr term to 9/99 1 yr term to 4/99 1 yr term to 4/99 TABLED 3 1 yr term to 4/99 III. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements: 1. The first City Commission Meeting in September & First Budget Public Hearing will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1998. 2. Quarterly meeting of City Commission and Chamber of Commerce - Monday, August 10, 1998 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room B. Presentations: 1. Proclamation from City of Ormond Beach in appreciation of emergency aid during fire storms Department of Engineering and Public Works p,o. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416- 1229 (561) 684.4000 www.co.palm-beach.fl.us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee, Chair Warren H, Newell, Vice Chairman Karen T Marcus Carol A, Roberts Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony MasHotti County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper August 24, 2000 Mr, Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Mobile Station - 02-AL5 - Additions TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr, Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement (received on August 23, 2000) for the project entitled; Mobile Station - 02-AL5 - Additions pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, The project is summarized as follows: Location: NW Quadrant of Woolbright Road / Congress Ave. Intersection. Boynton Beach Gas Station with 4 pump stations, and 2,415 sf convenience store, 2 pump stations, 185 sf convenience store, and one stall car wash, 316 2002 Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Additions: New Daily Trips: Build-out Year: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the expansion project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, /Vl. I'D Iff & Iff n W , ~-~~..--1l""D"',n"l"J I flll, i AUG 2 8 ,1/(' '.' ,', ! Masoud Atefi, MSCE Sr. Engineer - Traffic DIVision ''''--C''''"'~;:'.__" ~L/iH r~ {'\i; "_ Z{)Nn,,(:,~ ~~,.~_"I \ , ..,"".-1 'il -"""'~' MAjrs ~ '-_.""""'..-....~..,.~.. cc: Joseph Pollock Sr., PE , Kimley-Horn & Associates File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F:\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\000816, doc AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Anna Cottrell Mobil Oil Corporation 2605 SW 15th Avenue (Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL Request for conditional use approval to raze an existing service station and construct a 3,084 square foot gas station with a convenience store and a car wash on ,879 acres of land Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all who would testify during the proceedings for Items Band G. Anna Cottrell, 319 Clematis Street, Suite 804, West Palm Beach, is a planner and the agent representing Mobil Oil. The intent of this application is to contemporize the station to take it from service and retail sales of gasoline to a modern convenience store with gas sales and a car wash. Ms, Cottrell thanked staff for the work they have done with the applicant on the conditions. Ms. Cottrell said there are only two conditions (lighting and building appearance) at issue. Condition #31 - "In order to avoid excessive illumination and glare to passing motorists caused by lights under the pump island canopy, raise the elevation of the undercanopy by two feet. The fascia board height and elevation shall remain as proposed. Also, the photometries plan submitted shows illumination points ranging from 88 foot candles down to 3.9 foot candles, whereas the convenience store security ordinance only requires a minimum of two foot candles. Reduce the lighting levels so that no point exceeds 10 foot candles." During the Planning & Development Board meeting, there was discussion relative to the levels of illumination recommended by staff. The applicant did not have an expert present during that meeting. Ms. Cottrell said the recommendation has an absolute maximum on levels of illumination measured in foot candles. She requested that this item be deleted in its entirety. If that is not acceptable, she recommends that it be reworded to indicate that the site lighting shall meet the standards identified in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 4.N. Ms. Cottrell feels it is appropriate to either eliminate this recommendation entirely or make it more general because the factors involved in determining site illumination are more complex than just picking a number for maximum foot candles. The amount of illumination will be determined in part by the number of light fixtures, height of light fixtures, the type of fixture, and its location. In this case, Mobil understands there was a concern with the amount of lighting that was being used at the Amoco station across the street. Tests were done last week to determine the lighting levels at the Amoco station and the Mobil station at Congress and Hypoluxo. There have been no complaints about the lighting at the Mobil station on Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. The requirements of Condition #31 will create an unsafe situation and the site will appear dark. Although there is a reference that there is a minimum of two foot candles recommended by the W:\NFO\COMM MIN.NFO State for convenience stores, this would only provide as much lighting as a full moon. This will not provide enough lighting on the site to conduct business outside. If the Commission were not comfortable eliminating the condition in its entirety, the applicant would be agreeable to indicating that the lighting shall be at those levels required to comply with Code. These are performance standards that require no spill-over and no glare. In response to Mayor Taylor's question regarding the results of the tests at Amoco, Mr. Chris East said the readings averaged 60 to 65 taken at 12 different points under the canopy. As an industry standard, lighting has taken a very big turn. The industry standard now is between 75 and 130 foot candles underneath the canopy. To promote 10 foot candle maximum on a site would be impossible, The site would appear to be closed and it would create a security problem. Mayor Taylor feels the Amoco station is brightly lit at 60 to 65. Mr. East agreed with Mayor Taylor that the Amoco station is adequately lit. Ms. Heyden advised that we have our own convenience store security ordinance that overrides this chapter of the LDRs. When the ratio is applied to the minimum, there is a maximum of 10 foot candles. Staff identified the problem to be the blinding light at the pump islands that is visible from the thoroughfare. For this reason the Planning & Development Board settled on the language which included baffling the light fixtures so that the illumination is directed downward rather than outward. Ms. Heyden consulted with Gee & Jensen and they advised that 10 foot candles are very light. She feels the applicant's request is excessive. The spread does not meet our Code. Commissioner Bradley questioned whether the applicant would have to apply for a variance. Ms. Heyden was not certain a variance was applicable in this case. Attorney Cherof advised that there is no variance procedure set forth in this section of the Code. Mayor Taylor is of the opinion that you cannot relate the lighting of a convenience store to the lighting of a gas station. The concern should be with the amount of lighting at the pump islands because people are conducting business at those islands. Ms. Heyden clarified that the Code refers to the parking lot outside the convenience store. The Code requires a maximum of 10 foot candles. Ms. Cottrell pointed out that if the maximum is 10 foot candles, there is not a convenience store or gas station within the City that complies with the Code. There are ways to meet the objectives of not excessively lighting the site so as to create glare or spillover. In the performance standard, there is no number associated with levels of illumination. Ms. Cottrell is not familiar with the section of the Code mentioned this evening. Ms. Cottrell is willing to work with the City to achieve the objectives the City wants. Vice Mayor Titcomb agrees that perhaps 10 foot candles are not adequate, but feels it might be necessary to set some limits. He suggested that the lighting expert and staff take lighting levels W:\NFO\COMM MIN.NFO ~[-L__UliJfC_ nIJUlllllDUlrtl.~. at a site the community is comfortable with (Amoco or Mobil at Congress and Hypoluxo) in order for us to craft parameters for this site. He is not comfortable leaving this open ended. Commissioner Jaskiewicz does not feel this Commission can deviate from what is existing on an opposite corner, and Mayor Taylor does not believe RaceTrac conforms to this Code. In response to a question about this Code from Commissioner Bradley, Attorney Cherof advised that this Code was adopted in November of 1990. Ms. Cottrell agreed that Mobil is amenable to a condition that the lights either be recessed or baffled so that there is no excessive glare. Ms. Heyden advised that staff has a light meter. They can take light readings at different locations throughout the City and come up with a standard. Ms. Cottrell is agreeable to working with staff to try to arrive at a level of lighting the City will be comfortable with. She said Mr. East and his company could offer their expertise. Commissioner Bradley feels a standard is necessary to ensure safety and to define glare. He is anxious to have the applicant and staff work together to arrive at some figures. Ms. Heyden advised that the other issue to be addressed deals with the building appearance. The conditions involved are: Condition #18 - Eliminate the bright yellow, translucent back-lit fascia (LDR, Chapter 3, Section 10.F.5); and Condition #19 -It is recommended that the eggshell stucco fascia proposed for the car wash be utilized on fascias of the proposed buildings and structures in order to achieve a more unified site as is required by Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan; Section 11.C. Ms. Cottrell explained that what was proposed was a building design that included a translucent back-lit fascia board 36" in height and yellow in color. At the Planning & Development Board meeting, a good rendering was not available. The applicant is now proposing that the building for the convenience store include a band of yellow. They are willing to eliminate the request for back-lit panels and do it on stucco. Mobil feels this is an important issue. There have been many modifications to the plan to meet the standards for Boynton Beach. Some of those modifications include the roof treatment in Spanish tiles on all three elements including the canopy. The amount of signage is also being reduced. From the market research, Mobil knows the customer needs to see a distinction between the goods they buy at the convenience store and the gasoline station. This is a mini-mart type of convenience store which offers a wider range of goods than a convenience store. This is not corporate architecture, and it is not intrusive or objectionable. Ms, Cottrell displayed a new elevation depicting a truer shade of yellow. She also displayed the color chip. W:\NFO\COMM MIN.NFO Regular City Commission Meeting 05/02/00 Commissioner Jaskiewicz questioned whether Mobil would consider reducing the size of the color band, However, Commissioner Bradley feels the band needs to be 36", but noted that the color chip, which is the true shade of yellow, is brighter than what was displayed on the elevation. He requested that the shade of yellow be toned down one or two shades to more closely match the shade of yellow displayed on the elevation. Ms. Cottrell was agreeable to working with the manufacturer to tone down the shade of yellow. MAYOR TAYLOR ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS ITEM. .._.L!__ Regular City Commission Meeting 05/02/00 Commissioner Jaskiewicz questioned whether Mobil would consider reducing the size of the color band. However, Commissioner Bradley feels the band needs to be 36", but noted that the color chip, which is the true shade of yellow, is brighter than what was displayed on the elevation. He requested that the shade of yellow be toned down one or two shades to more closely match the shade of yellow displayed on the elevation. Ms. Cottrell was agreeable to working with the manufacturer to tone down the shade of yellow. MAYOR TAYLOR ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS ITEM. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request for conditional use approval to raze an existing service station and construct a 3,084 square foot service station with a convenience store and a car wash on .879 acres of land subject to staff comments taking into consideration they are going to reduce the bright yellow and with regard to Condition #31, they will meet with staff to determine the lighting level, and delete Condition #34. Attorney Cherof requested more definition regarding the motion. Ms. Cottrell suggested eliminating Condition #18, and change Condition #19 to read that the fascia is to be yellow, consistent with the color in the elevation that is submitted for the record. Commissioner Jaskiewicz was agreeable with Ms. Cottrell's suggestion. Ms, Cottrell confirmed that the Commission was accepting the staff recommendations as amended by the Planning & Development Board. Mayor Taylor clarified that Condition #18 was being eliminated, Condition #19 is being amended to reflect the color as presented in the elevation, and with regard to Condition #31, the site illumination levels are subject to specific approval by the City Commission following staff recommendation. No building permit shall be issued until the entry of a supplementary Development Order addressing this issue. Attorney Cherof advised Ms. Cottrell that it would be necessary to come back before the City Commission for approval of an Order that addresses the lighting. Ms. Cottrell said the applicant must come back for signage. Vice Mayor Titcomb seconded the motion which carried 4-0. G Approve Zoning Code Variance request for Mobil Service Station to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.L.3.d(1) of the W:\NFO\COMM MIN.NFO Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations to allow an access driveway located 65' rather than the required 110' from the intersecting right-of-way lines of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue Motion Vice Mayor Titcomb moved approval of the Zoning Code variance request for Mobil Station requesting the distance change on the access driveway. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion, A gentleman from the audience expressed concern about the customers who will no longer have a place to take their cars for service. With the elimination of the bays, no service will be performed at this location. He said this is a good service station and the customers have been well pleased. Mayor Taylor explained that the Commission cannot dictate how a parcel of property is developed. The motion carried 4-0. W:\NFO\COMM MIN.NFO SECTION 4.6.8 Sectlon4.6.S Lighting: Artificial lighting used to illuminate premises shalf be directed , awey from adjacent properties. In addition. the following standards shall be adhered to: , . (A) ~~_Deral ReQu,trements: (l) Fixture Heigflt: No lighting fixtures on private property shall exceed , twenty-five feet (25') in height. . ,'~ "(2) ~utoff Lumlnalr. R,quired: VYhen necessary to keep lighting confined to the site sharp cutoff luminaire shall be used. (:3) illumination #!itltufards: When measured ten feet within the property upon which the fixture is located, the illumination shall not exceed: * One-hundred foot..candles within display or storage areas; . Forty foot-candles within all other areas. (~l) ~ight Hours Red"ction: After 11:00 p.rn;, the illumination within display an4 storage areas shall not exceed fifty foot-candles. ~~ . "'~" (8) .e:IQuirements for Qutr;foor Parking Artas and Commerc;lll Sites: (AI) aJtndards: The complete installation of the area lighting system shall comply with applicable local codes and ordinances and meet the recommended iUumlnaticm levels and uniformity ratios of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (t.E.S.), as set forth in this specification. The responsibility for performance to' , this speci'fication, in lts entirety. cannot be split up among individual suppliers of componer-lIts comprising the system, but must be assumed solely by a single supplier. (~'.) J.estlng: Upon completion of installation, the system shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer, at his discretion. to determine compliance with criteria set forth tu~rein. Computer verification shall be made available upon his request. , ' (~:) Oeslgr;J Criteria: (a) ",neral: In determining a lighting design, consideration shall be given to the architectural and environmental aspects of the facility it is to serve. This consideration shall be instrumental in determining type of fIXture (cutoff or non-cutoff luminaire), mounting height. and light source. 4628 G0 39\:1d HO\;l3ff A\;Idl3G ~o A1IJ Ep:91 8551/L!/L0 tZ;UEPz:t99 ( <[ .~~ :,~..,:, .. D . . SECTION 4.6.8 (8) (3) (b) . ,(b) lIaht Control and Spilfage: Cutoff luminaries, utilizing I.E.S. Type III distribution, or fixtures provided with cutoff "shielding",. shall be used around the perimeter of a facility in order to limit glare and light spiflage onto adjacent properties. All cutoff luminaries shall shield the light source at angles above 72 degrees from vertical, limiting effective light throw to 3 mounting heights. Lighting shall be directed away from i , residential properties bordering commercial areas that employ site i' lighting. Average illumination levels of exits, entrances, trafficway collector lanes, pedestrian walkways. and loading zones shall be approximately twice the illumination level of parking areas they are contiguous with. or approximately twice the illumination of any adjoining streets, whichever is greater. . (c) illumination levels and Uniformity: The following criteria shall be the minimum acceptable standards for the lighting of parking areas: ,';;;'.,):i.;::,...:..;;.. .,.,';' '<, " .. :>';i:3:~:',rk<'.i,PARKING AREA FOR . "i.,",;,t;; \:; .:~ '.~ ": . . ~. . . I.E.S. IlLUM LEVELS UNifORMITY' Regional :malls, major league athletic 2.0 Avg. Maint. F,e. stadiums, ,'museums, art galleries, conventionicenters, auditoriums. , 3: 1 Avg. I Min. ( .7 F.e. Min. ) 12:1 Max. J Min. e 8.0 F.e. Max. ) Area shof,jping centers, strip malls, fast 1.0 Avg. Maint. F.e. food, franchises, hospitals, airports, rail and bus .' " terminals, apartment and condominil,.lm complexes. 3: 1 Avg. / Min. ( .4 F.e. Min. ) 12:1 Max. I Min. (4.0 F.e. Max. ) Local merchant or neighborhood 0.5 Avg. Maint. F.e. shopping centers, schools. 4:1 Avg./ Min. e ,125 F.e. Min.) 15:1 Max. I Min. (2.5 F.e. Max. ) 4629 Eta 39~d H~~38 ^~~l3a ~o ^lI~ t~~LEp~t99 EP:9t 855tlLtlL0 JUN-2:3-98 WED 11:~7 AM ANNA S COTTRELL, ING 561 8:32 46:26 P.02 '-'" ''-" DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 98-037 TO: Sue Kruse City Clerk FROM: Tambri 1. Heyden,AICP 7j/J~ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: January 27, 1998 SUBJECT: Corrections needed to development order for Mobil at WooLbright Road and Congress Avenue To correct the above-referenced development order, please revise condition 19 and 31 to reference" See attached transcription of minutes" and attach a copy of the transcribed portion of the meeting that verifies and proves the outcome of these two conditions only. My recollection is that what you've written for #19 also belongs under #31 and I have no recollection, and can't understand the abbreviated minutes of the #19 discussion. Since this is being disputed by the applicant, the only proof of what happened is a transcription, rather than an interpretation, of what happened. TJH:dim Attaclunents LISHIUlA TA\PLANNINGISHARE.D\WP\PROJEC'TSlMOBll. AT WOOLBJUGlfT '" roNGRESS\COOS\CC MINUTES TRANSCRlB,DOC JUN-23-98 WED 'P' 11 :_59 AM ANNA S COTTRELL, I NC 561 832 4626 P,01 v .....,;- REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/2/97 . PUBLIC HEARING - MOBIL OIL. CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL B, PROJECT: Mobil at Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue DESCRIPTION: Anna Cottrell Mobil Oil Corporation 2605 SW 15th Avenue (Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL - Request for conditional use approval to raze an existing service station and construct a 3,084 square foot gas station with a convenience store and a car wash on .879 acres of land AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all who would testify during the proceedings for items Band G. Anna Cottrell, 319 Clematis Street, Suite 804, West Palm Beach, is a planner and the agent representing Mobil Oil. The intent of this application is to contemporize the station to take it from service and retail sales of gasoline to a modern convenience store with gas sales and a car wash, Ms, Cottrell thanked staff for the work they have done with the applicant on the conditions. Ms. Cottrell said there are only two conditions (lighting and building appearance) at issue, Condition #31 - "In order to avoid excessive illumination and glare to passing motorists caused by lights under the pump island canopy, raise the elevation of the undercanopy by two feet. The fascia board height and elevation shall remain as proposed. Also, the photometries plan submitted shows iIIumlnafion points ranging from 88 foot candles down to 3.9 foot candles, whereas the convenience store security ordinance only requires a minimum of two foot candles. Reduce the fighting levels so that no point exceeds 10 foot candles." During the Planning & Development Board meeting, there was discussion relative to the levels of illumination recommended by staff. The applicant did not have an expert present during that meeting. Ms. Cottrell said the recommendation has a,n absolute maximum on levels of illumination measured in foot candles. She requested that this item be deleted in its entirety. If that is not acceptable, she recommends that it be reworded to indicate that the site lighting shall meet the standards identified in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 4.N. Ms. Cottrell feels it is appropriate to either eliminate this recommendation entirely or make it W:\NFO\COMM _r-.UN .NFO JUN-23-98 WED 12:00 PM ANNA S COTTRELL. INC 561 832 4626 P,02 . . ,-",' ~ REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/2/97 - PUBLIC HEARING · MOBIL Oil - CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL more general because the factors involved in determining site illumination are more complex than just picking a number for maximum foot candles. The amount of illumination will be determined in part by the number of light fixtures, height of light fixtures, the type of fixture, and its location, In this case. Mobil understands ,there was a concern with~1he amount of lighting that '* was beinQ used at the Amoco station across the street. Tests were done last week to determine the lighting levels at the Amoco station and the Mobil station at Congress and Hypoluxo, There have been no complaints about the lighting at the Mobil station on Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road, The requirements of Condition #31 will create an unsafe situation and the site will appear dark, Although there is a reference that there is a minimum of two foot candles recommended by the State for convenience stores, this would only provide as much lighting as a full moon. This will not provide enough lighting on the site to conduct business outside. If the Commission were not comfortable eliminating the condition in its entirety, the applicant would be agreeable to indicating that the lighting shall be at those levels required to comply with Code. These are performance standards that require no spill-over and no glare. In response to Mayor Taylor's question regarding the results of the tests at Amoco, Mr. Chris East said the readings averaged 60 to 65 taken at 12 different points under the canopy. As an industry standard, lighting has taken a very big turn. The industry standard now is between 75 and 130 foot candles underneath the canopy. To promote 10 foot candle maximum on a site would be impossible. The site would appear to be closed and it would create a security problem. *' Mayor Taylor feels the Amoco station is brightly lit at 60 to 65. Mr. East agreed with Mayor t Taylor that the Amoco station is adequately lit. Ms. Heyden advised that we have our own convenience store securit ' ordinance that overrides this chapter of the LDRs. When the ratio is applied to the minimum, there is a ximum of 10 *- foot candles. Staff identified the problem to be the blinding light at the pump islands that is visible from the thoroughfare. For this reason the Planning & Development Board settled on the language which included baffling the light fixtures so that the illumination is directed downward rather than outward. Ms. Heyden consulted with Gee & Jensen and they advised that 10 foot -k candles are very light. She feels the applicant's request is excessive. The spread does not meet our Code. Commissioner Bradley questioned whether the applicant would have to apply for a variance. Ms. Heyden was not certain a variance was applicable in this case. Attorney Cherof advised W;\NFO\COMM_MlN.NFO JUN-23-98 WED 12:02 PM ANNA S COTTRELL. J~C 561 832 4626 P,03 '-' ~' REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/2/97 · PUBLIC HEARING - MOBIL OIL - CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL that there is no variance procedure set forth in this section of the Code. Mayor Taylor is of the opinion that you cannot relate the lighting of a convenience store to the lighting of a gas station. The concern should be with the amount of lighting at the pump islands because people are conducting business at those islands. Ms. Heyden c.larified that the Code refers to the parking lot outside the convenience store, The Code requires a maximum of 10 foot candles. Ms. Cottrell pointed out that if the maximum is 10 foot candles, there is not a convenience store or gas station within the City that complies with the Code. There are ways to meet the objectives of not excessively lighting the site so as to create glare or spillover, In the performance standard. there is no number associated with levels of illumination. Ms. Cottrell is not familiar with the section of the Code mentioned this evening. Ms. Cottrell is willing to work with the City to achieve the objectives the City wants. -* * Commissioner Jaskiewicz does not feel this Commission can deviate from what is existing on an t oRRosite corner:... and Mavor Tavlor does not belie'.leRaceTrac conforms to this Code. '-----* In response to a question about this Code from Commissioner Bradley, Attorney Cherof advised that this Code was adopted in November of 1990, Ms. Cottrell agreed that Mobil is amenable to a condition that the lights either be recessed or baffled so that there is no excessive glare. k Ms. Cottrell is agreeable to working with staff to try to arrive at a level of lighting the City will be comfortable with. She said Mr. East and his company could offer their expertise. Co,:,missioner B~ f'7els a standard is necessary to ensure safety and to define glare. ~ a~IQus to havethe ap.plLcant and st~ffY!.2~~~~S~ttlf;}C~ to arrive at some figu~s. Ms, Heyden advised that the other issue to be addressed deals with the building appearance. W:\NFO\COMM_MIN.NFO JUN-23-98 WED 12: 03 PM ANNA S COTTRELL, I NC 561 832 4626 P.04 7/ Y'\~ rN> -\ , . '"-" v REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 9/2197 - PUBLIC HEARING - MOBIL OIL - CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL store and a car wash on .879 acres of land subject to staff comments taking into consideration they are going to reduce the bright yellow and with regard to Condition #31, they will meet with staff to determine the lighting level, and delete Condition #34. Attorney Cherof requested more definition regarding the motion. Ms. Cottrell suggested eliminating Condition #18, and change Condition #19 to read that the fascia is to be yellow, consistent with the color in the elevation that is submitted for the record, Commissioner Jaskiewicz was agreeable with Ms, Cottrell's suggestion. Ms. Cottrell confirmed that the Commission was accepting the staff recommendations as amended by the Planning & Development Board, Mayor Taylor clarified that Condition #18 was being eliminated, Condition #19 is being amended to reflect the color as presented in the elevation, and with regard to Condition #31, the site iHumination levels are subject to specific approval by the City Commission following staff recommendation. No building permit shall be issued until the entry of a supplementary Development Order addressing this issue. Attorney Cherof advised Ms. Cottrell that it would be necessary to come back before the City Commission for approval of an Order that addresses the lighting. Ms. Cottrell said the applicant must come back for signage, Vice Mayor Titcomb seconded the motion which carried 4-0, W:'NFO\COMM _ MIN.NFO Ann(A S. Cottrell ~ A~~oci(Ate~, Inc. June 9, 1998 '-T ~~~fiWrn illl ~ JUNIO~ PLANNING AND \ ZONING OEPT. The Comwu Building, 31Q Clemoti, Street Suit.e 80/+ P,Q, Box IQ058, West. polm Beoch, ~loT'ido 33L+16 (561) 83'2L~600 Fox (561) 83'246'26 Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 VIA FAX TRANSMISSION RE: MOBIL STA TIONI NORTHWEST CORNER CONGRESS AVENUE AND WOOLBRIGHT ROAD Dear Michael: We received your fax and your telephone message regarding Mobil Oil's presented proposal for lighting at the above referenced station. As we discussed, we have had several meetings with the City staff over the last half year, and we have expressed our desire to resolve this issue as quickly as possible so that Mobil can proceed with permitting for this facility. We understand that your response to Mobil's proposal is that the station lighting meet "industry standards". This response, regrettably, fails to resolve anything on this matter. Our lighting experts at LSI Industries have confirmed that the "industry standards" presented in your fax have been taken from "The Lighting System Design Considerations" within the IES Lighting Handbook. LSI research indicates that the lighting levels included in this text were formulated in the 1960's, and are wholly inadequate for a contemporary service station design. In his June 1, 1998 letter, a copy of which is attached, LSI's Scott Ready writes: "... the greatest motivation that major oil companies have had for increasing their investment in lighting at their sites has not been to add to merchandising power as much as it has been"! reaction t.) t]1e liability pressures and security concerns that have begun to dominate the convenience, retail fulling, and quick service food industries". Mr. Ready writes further: "The security of employees and of local customers has become a major motivation to increase lighting in an industry which has seen a magnified effect of this country's crime increase." LSI's research indicates the regulations of the State of Florida, to which City staff has made reference in earlier discussions, mandate minimum levels of light on locations on which non- family employees work, in order to protect both the employee and the customer. Mobil's proposal for site lighting provides what is considered currently in the industry as the minimum level of lighting sufficient to protect customers and employees, and is equivalent to what is incorporated in virtually all contemporary service station site design, The lighting is also entirely consistent with other stations which have been approved by the City. Michael Rumpf June 9, 1998 It is always been our desire to reach an agreement with the City staff regarding the lighting levels, and to avoid airing this issue with the City Commission since it is one which must be based on science, and not at all politics, Since we have not been able to reach such an agreement, we are requesting that we meet with you and Bulent Kastarlak as soon as possible, perhaps anytime on June 15 or the afternoon of the 16th. Please give me a call at your earliest convemence. ~ ~df) Anna Cottrell, AICP cc: Daniel Grimm, Himes Construction Hasan Allgayer, Mobil Oil ~lA~ INDUSTRIES. Image Group June 1,1998 Daniel Grimm Himes Associates Ltd. c/o Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 Glades Road Suite 444W Boca Raton, Florida 33413 Dear Daniel, In response to your request for information on industry lighting trends and standards, and issues relating to the need for adequate light levels in today's service station environment. I would like to take a few moments to share with you what we see in today's market. For the most part, the major oil companies selling through retail facilities across the country have set some very similar goals with regard to lighting. Exxon, Shell, BP, Texaco, Mobil and Sun have been increasing the level of light on their facilities gradually for the last 5-7 years. Area lighting has become a more important element as it has expanded its role from simple approach identification to a tool for overall site illumination used in conjunction with the canopy fixtures. Minimum levels for site lighting have been rising steadily for the last few years to a minimum of 3 to 5 footcandles in most cases. Canopy fixture levels have been traditionally anywhere from 75 to 130 footcandles for new installations depending upon the location. To understand what levels are appropriate or adequate, you need to look at the motivations for change from the levels of the past as well as the operating differences in the environment. Contrary to popular belief among some regulating zoning bodies, the greatest motivation that major oil companies have had for increasing their investment in lighting at their sites has not been to add to merchandising power as much as it has been a reaction to the liability pressures and security concerns that have begun to dominate the convenience, retail fueling, and quick service food industries. The security of employees and of local customers has become a major motivation to increase lighting in an industry which has seen a magnified effect of this country's crime increase. 10000 Alliance Road + Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 + (513) 793-3200 + FAX (513) 984,1335 ~._,_ "..~.~~~ I SI Automotive + LSI Petroleum I Convenience Store + SGllntegrated Graphic Syster Daniel Grimm Mobil Oil Corporation June 1, 1998 Page -2- The State of Florida has led the way with regulations mandating minimum levels of light on all locations in which non-family employees work. This was done to protect both the employee and the local citizen customer. The quick service restaurant industry, increasingly sensitive to customer injury liability has put forth a major push to increase light levels at all their facilities. While some communities feel that they are trying to protect their constituents by limiting the allowed light levels at facilities, they may in fact be responsible for setting in place the environment which will attract more of the crime element that they normally try to discourage. Today it is not uncommon for a major oil company to have to answer in a court of law to a complainant who claims to have been injured or assaulted as the result of negligent conditions such as poor lighting. Who will answer if that poor lighting was the result of local restrictions? Recent studies and publications available from OSHA illustrate how services stations have become categorized near the top of the list in terms of high risk establishments. These same studies show that lighting is a major factor in crime prevention. (See attached) OSHA's recommendations seem to promote the concept of raising light levels over those commonly found in the industry. This is in direct contradiction to recent proposals from some communities to reduce levels of lighting for new locations below those levels of existing locations in the same area. The Illuminating Engineering Society's (IES) manual that deals with lighting levels at retail petroleum sites is often quoted as the "source" of lighting recommendations for some zoning boards. Please find attached a copy of page 2-16. These levels have not changed since the mid-sixties. During the sixties, all petroleum sites were full-service with an employee of the owner being responsible for handling the fueling process. This was his full time job and he was trained to operate the equipment. Most facilities closed at earlier hours as the closing time matched the travel and buying habits of the population. Crime, self-service, and today's more hectic schedules are all factors which were not taken into effect when the manual was last edited. We are now seeing the IES manual under review with respect to the quick service restaurant industry and hope to see the petroleum section updated shortly after. JUN-e9-98 WED e1 :~e PM ANNA S COTTRELL. INC 561 8:32 4626 P.12l1 l--~Gl n ~nl i L teA I """--'-~ 1m ~~ ~:~~ ill' Anna ~;. ColLrell (~ (A~socialcsl Inc. Illn Cornn....HI Lluilding. 31Q, (J,"'IJI':lti~ Sh'(;ct. SIJile ~~O!I p.() BOll I<)o~)n. 'W(>~1: Palm [1nock rlopiiA 3:VII() (~'()I) B.Ylll600 r",x (561) 8.3']./1626 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Via:~ ~ F:AX ~ Total f-)age'i: -~-----1___,__ o Mail o [XfJT'C~~ M~il o I-land ()eliveT>lj o Pick lJp Da[,,,_J~ qJq~t 'Te" [:-)l.nnl~: 1=,:\)(: ~12--W25q C:nrnp(;!fltj: AJL'es~' (-=omrnen~s; - - - r-- -"- - ~ .. - JUN-091-918 WED 01: 50 pr1 ANNA S COTTRELL" I ~!C 561 8:52 4626 P.02 Anna S, Cottrell &~ Associates, Inc. T~lC (~orneou Building, 31Q Clemc.rti. Sh>eet, Suite 804 PC) Box 19055, 'We.t: palm Beach. 4=lol'ida 33416 , (Y-.,)I) 83'.?4Coo Fax (561) 83"1-1+626 June 9, 1998 Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 VIA FAX TRANSMISSION RE: MOBIL ST ATIONI NORTHWEST CORNER CONGRESS A VENUE AND WOOLBRIGHT ROAD Dear Michael: We received your fax and your telephone message regarding Mobil Oil's presented proposal for lighting at the above referenced station. As we discussed, we have had several meetings with the City staff over the last half year, and we have expressed our desire to resolve this issue as quickly as possible so that Mobil can proceed with permitting for this facility. We understand that your response to Mobil's proposal is that the station lighting meet "industry standards". This response, regrettably, fails to resolve anything on this matter. Our lighting experts at LSI Industries have confirmed that the "industry standards" presented in your fax have been taken from "The Lighting System Design Considerations" within the IES Lightina Handbook. LS1 research indicates that the lighting levels included in this text were formulated in the 1960's, and are wholly inadequate for a contemporalY service station design. In his June 1, 1998 letter, a copy of which is attached, LSI's Scott Ready \\Tites: "". the greatest motivation that major oil companies have had for increasing their investment in lighting at their sites has not been to add to merchandising power as much as it has been a reaction to the liability pressures and security concerns that have begun to dominate the convenience, retail fulling, and quick service food industries". Mr. Ready writes further: "The security of employees and of local cllstomers has become a major motivation to increase lighting in an industry which has seen a magnified effect of this country's crime increase." LSf's research indicates the regulations of the State of Florida, to which City staff has made reference in earlier discussions, mandate minimum levels of light on locations on which non- family employees work, in order to protect both the employee and the customer. Mobil's proposal for site lighting provides what is considered currently in the industry as the minimum level of lighting sufficient to protect customers and employees, and is equivalent to what is incorporated in virtually all contemporary service station site design. The lighting is also entirely consistent with other stations which have been approved by tbe City. JUN-139-98 WED 131 :52 PM ANNA S COTTRELL, I~jC Michael Rumpf June 9, 1998 561 832 4626 P.03 It is always been our desire to reach an agreement with the City staff regarding the lighting levels, and to avoid airing this issue with the CitY Commission since it is one which must be based on science, and not at all politics. Since we have not been able to reach sllch an agreement, we are requesting that we meet with you and Bulent Kastarlak as soon as possible, perhaps anytime on June 15 or the afternoon of the 16th.' Please give me a can at your earliest convenience. cc ~df) Anna Cottrell, AICP cc: Daniel Grimm, Himes Construction Hasan Allgayer, Mobil Oil .; ,;J',UN-e9-98 WED 1211 :52 PM ANNA S COTTRELL, INC .. 561 832 4626 p.e4 /# ~m;D) iN5iimiiiS- Image Group June 1,1998 Daniel Grimm Himes Associates Ltd. c/o Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 Glades Road Suite 444W Boca Raton, Florida 33413 Dear Daniel. In response to your request for information on industry lighting trends and standards, and issues relating to the need for adequate light levels in to day's service station environment. I would like to take a few moments to share with you what we see In today's market. For the most part, the major oil companies selling through retail facilities across the country have set some very similar goals with regard to lighting. Exxon, Shelf, BP, Texaco, Mobil and Sun have been Increasing the level of light on their facilities gradually for the last 5.7 years. Area lighting has become a more important element as It has expanded its role from simple approach Identification to a tool for overall site illumination used in conjunction with the canopy fixtures. Minimum revels for site lighting have been rising steadily for the last few years to a minimum of 3 to 5 footcandles in most cases. Canopy fixture levels have been traditionally anywhere from 75 to 130 footcandles for new installations depending upon the location. To understand what levels are appropriate or adequate, you need to look at the motivations for change from the levels of the past as well as the operating differences in the environment. Contrary to popular belief among some regulating zoning bodies. the greatest motivation that major oil companies have had for increasing their Investment in lighting at their sites has not been to add to merchandising power as much as it has been a reaction to the liability pressures and security concerns that have begun to dominate the convenience, retail fueling, and quick service food industries. The security of employees and of local customers has become a major motivation to increase lighting in an industry which has seen a magnified effect of this country's crime increase. 10000 AUiance Road . Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 . (513) 793-3200 . FAX (513) 984-1335 InSight GraphiC Systems . LSI Automotive _ LSI Petroleum l Convenience Store _ SGllntegrated Graphic Systems .,zUN-0S1-S18 WED 01 :53 PM A~~NA S COTTRELL, INC . 561 832 4626 P.05 Daniel Grimm Mobil Oil Corporation June 1, 1998 Page -2- The State of Florida has led the way with regulations mandating minimum levels of light on all locations in which non-family employees work. This was done to protect both the employee and the local citizen customer. The quick service restaurant industryt increasingly sensitive to customer injury liability has put forth a major push to increase light levels at all their facilities. While some communities feel that they are trying to protect their constituents by limiting the allowed light levels at facIlIties, they may in fact be responsible for setting in place the environment which will attract more of the crime element that they normally try to discourage. Today It is not uncommon for a major oil company to have to answer in a court of law to a complainant who claims to have been injured or assaulted as the result of negligent conditions such as poor lighting. Who will answer if that poor lighting was the result of local restrictions? Recent studies and publications available from OSHA illustrate how services stations have become categorized near the top of the list in terms of high risk establishments. These same studies show that lighting is a major factor in crime prevention. (See attached) OSHA's recommendations seem to promote the concept of raising light levels over those commonly found in the industry. This is in direct contradiction to recent proposals from some communities to reduce levels of lighting for new locations below those levels of existing locations in the same area. The Illuminating Engineering Society's (IES) manual that deals with lighting levels at retail petroleum sites is often quoted as the "sourcell of lighting recommendations for some zoning boards. Please find artached a copy of page 2-16. These levels have not changed since the mid-sixties. During the sixties, all petroleum sites were full-service with an employee of the owner being responsible for handling the fueling process. This was his full time job and he was trained to operate the equipment. Most facilities closed at earlier hours as the closing time matched the travel and buying habits of the population. Crime, self-service, and today's more hectic schedules are all factors which were not taken into effect when the manual was last edited. We are now seeing the IES manual under review with respect to the quick service restaurant industry and hope to see the petroleum section updated shortly after. JUN-e9-98 WED €Ii: ~~ PM ANNA S COTTRELL, I NC .. 561 832 4626 P.et6 Daniel Grimm Mobil Oil Corporation June 1, 1998 Page .3. I've included a couple of articles, which were taken from industry pUblications that you may find helpful. I will continue to keep my eyes open for anything that may help in the future. Sincerely, ~ Scott D. Ready Vice President Sales SDRlsfb ,Anna S. Cottrell ~ A~~ociate~, Inc. July 1, 1998 mr ~ @ ~ U W ~ 1m) ILflJ1ff" -6/998 IJI i__':"':-.:.;7'7-:~---.J I P _11 . . "" ," n I "",Z,'J~Jd(u~t#.t:.: ".,~_"~_..._; 'The Comeou Building, 310 Clemotic; Street Suite 804 P{) Box IQ058, ~est. polm Beoch. t=lorido 33/}16 (561) 83'2f~600 fox (561) 83'246'26 Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard PO BOX 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 VIA US MAIL AND FAX TRANSMISSION (561) 375-6259 RE: MOBIL STATION AT WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE Dear Mike: Thank you for your fax this week regarding the above reference. As you know Mobil has submitted applications for building permits for this site. A resolution of the issues related to the site lighting will allow Mobil to complete its construction permitting, so we are pleased to have apparently reached agreement with your office on appropriate and allowed lighting levels. The Conditional Use approval for the station required final approval by the City Commission of the specific condition related to the lighting levels for this site. Weare respectfully requesting that this matter be submitted to the City Commission for consideration at the earliest possible date. Please feel free to give me a call if you need anything in order to process this request. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, ~~ Anna Cottrell, AICP cc: Daniel Grimm, Himes Construction Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 375-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: Anna S. Cottrell, Anna S. Cottrell &Associates, Inc, fax #: 561-832-4626 from: Michael W. Rumpf/mae date: June 29, 1998 re: Attached please find correspondence for your information. pages: 13 , including cover sheet. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 561/ 375-6260 S:\Shrdata\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\MOBIL AT WOOLBRIGHT & c. ..\Cous\fax,doc Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 375-6260 Fax: 375-6259 J 1 ,MISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME OS/29/1998 12:45 NAME BOYNTON BEACH P & Z FAX 5513755259 TEL 5513755250 DATE,TIME FAX NO. /NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT CHECK READABILITY OF TRANSMITTED PAGE(S) MODE OS/29 12:37 815518324525 00:08:00 12 NG 12 STANDARD NG : POOR LINE CONDITIOt~ ( ,2: tfJ,7 (p ~ ~t7A1, ~ ~- . (( ( ()~.~. ~. 0-' * DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. ENG. 98-106 TO: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning Administrator FROM: John S. Yeend, P,E" City Engineer ~ June 26, 1998 DATE: RE: MOBILE LIGHTING In accordance with your request, I reviewed the lighting material provided. Additionally, 1 reviewed the City and County Codes related to lighting, As a result of this review, 1 have the following comments or opinions: 1, The" Lighting System Design Considerations" (copy attached) are recommended minimum standards published by the Illumination Engineers Society (IES), This is probably the most comprehensive and widely accepted lighting standard used today, 2, The two page report by Lucas Ford Assoc. (copy attached) shows the results of their lighting survey performed on Oct. 28,1997, The survey consisted of measurements of lighting intensities in foot-candles (FC) at 7 local service stations, The measurements were taken under the fuel island canopies at grade and listed in foot-candles. The average was also listed and ranged from 30.3 FC to 77,8 FC with 4 of the stations having averages over 60 Fe. 3. The IES suggests a minimum under canopy lighting level of30 Fe. The existing 7 stations averaged 180 percent of the IES minimum value, 4. The proposed Mobil Station has submitted a lighting plan revised to reflect the use of shielded lights, This plan indicates the average under canopy lighting to be 68.2 FC without shields and 90.6 FC with shields. This is 26 and 68 percent respectively above the average of the 7 existing local stations, 5, The City of Boynton Beach does not have a code that regulates or limits the lighting intensity except to prohibit producing a glare on adjacent properties. [LDR Chapter 9, Section 1O.F.2,J 6, Palm Beach County regulates lighting through their code Chapter 7, Section 7,8.B, (copy attached). This code limits light spillover and prohibits certain lights. Should the City desire to amend their code, I recommend the County code as a guide, In conclusion, the proposed Mobile lighting in the vicinity of the pump islands is relatively consistent with other stations in the City, The proposed Mobile lighting appears to be allowed under the current City code, JSY/ck Attachments C:'1\ly Do.:ultlcnts\1\lohile I.ighting,do.: I ' r.gl. Lucas Ford AssociatFs, Inc. Chris East i 7701 NW 23mSt. Margate, fL 33063 . Ol ~#~5 {Coe( dZ....t:.~ k c..>~ :Z Fax Trans~tta11 of7pages sent. i . Attn: Mr.;;;:; ""i't (]f( 1M ~~ ~'7p . F~01,('-{-"(7 (~ /11 g /,,2 ,/'j '&!pjca: Ughting;~~..~th. I. Dear Mik~ The followiDg information is per your request. Foot-candle readings were taken in severallocatioDS und~eath the ~opies at grade level The numbers below indicate the actual foot-candle I~l with to~ and averages calculated. If you have any questions or need further information please call me. ~~~ . : :~..;. 'q. ~~ 1 ,;. . ~ " (Wobpariglu:ct I-~) (299~ ~~):,:~ngtn-& C~s)." (:b0Y1itoalt J0g).~ 49 32 I 67 44 49 43 68 47 S2 32 79 3S 68 80 74 46 78 94 81 SO 68 59; ~ ~ n nl ~ % 97 73: 48 48 85 42 44 SO 68 S4 42 46 71 52 72 54 87 73 46 I Total. 861:', ; . 72lJ . ~' : ;;- '.. nfJ Avg, (66.23) (60.08) (64.92), 4$9 (45.90) AFR-29-1998 10:45 3laS971l118 96% .E.~1 /..,' . -' -. ~ , , , Tota) 399. Avg. (39.90) T~ ! ~'."..: T~, , ~ ~ (.Boym.gn ~W.IDt): .~4~ ~.sl:) : (F~ "'3;J~ ~oi>IIiriS!J! it; US-I) . 27 (old site avg. ] 5) 2S' 54 34 (security problem) 19 95 38 44 53 41 27 77 41 44 1]1 46 28 n 41 36 106 57 26 77 47 24 48 ~ ~ 6] 8S6 (77.82) I . 273 (30.33) . ) (IS.00) Area lighting ~tf;"85: Texaco (Federal &. 33rd) 13,0 MobD (BoyJlton &: Jog Rd.) 3.5-7.6 Race Trak (WOOlbright &: 1-95) 11.0 Best Regards. ~~ Chris East l=lPR-29-1998 10:46.~ ~t'. 3B59?11118 96/.:' ~t:lq ~ JAN 16 '9: 11:18 2-1' UGHTlNG nblCAf DSlGN CONSIDERATIONs ~ MIMalIWlly .... A (..... ~ Out.off IIW. . . .. . .. " ... 1CIJ LogIIauI...........,.... III l.oi......IIfO........ II) ~_dIclc......... 'GO ""~ ........... 3DO .... CftIin .. . . . . , .. . ... _ to 30QA l..uIIIDer IhIlcIMo ........ 1SCl1D zeoli Lumot, handIIn9 .... . . . . 20 Luntw lOIIIing _ . . . . . SO Wooct "'-....... : . . . -(a&~ 0IIrk~ A~........,.... IS ~ ............. tS Pump lItInd ... . . ... _ 8wldI"V ........ or... ........ 100M ....... ......... 30 ~........ . .. ZO utftt ~. ~..........,.. ao ~ .......... , 10 IIumD iIIIncI_ ... .. . aGO Iuildtn; ... (.... Of __. . .. .. .. .. SOO" ~4~ "'-'Y (I..... ~fOUmamtnr. ....... ~~......... "'-Ill .... IDUI'l'tIrIIen& . ' . Ihaatt", 11M. .......... . . . . ~ (...~...) !&rvIt. 1Du,.... .. .. . . .. . ~ MCll'eIIOftII. . . . . . . , . 1hooano 1M. ....... . . . IIIaaafti line, ......... . . . .......... ~........ ...,.. QUIt .................... ............... . . . . ... . . . . . . , ~.Ih. ... .... tllfieJo ................. ~...............I ItA ..... AM .... tnlleld ....... .. .. . .. . . . 0IIIfteIcI.... ,.... . , ... ., A and . ...... .."..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0ulIlIId. ...,.. . . .. . . . . . O"'DIeegue ........ ' .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. O"*'d........... ..,. lemIoorouo IIlUnlolNl__ fnfIeW........... .... 0uIfIIId... . ... ... '.. . . . ~ 1nfI.w .. . .. .. .... .... 150 0uaIeId .. .... ......... 100 ,.............140. .... soo'. ... 200 tGO 100M to1. 100 80 30D 2GO 'Cla '500 1OCO 700 SOO !DO aoo 300 200 aoo 150 LIla: "11_'-' FIt. a.1. CDntInC>>d tV.~ 10 2 I to . 20 to !: 15 to C1T 2 a 0.1 '.s '.. 20 '0" 3 a .3 . 30' 50" :sa'" . 10 10'" 5'4 to I 30 ZO 10 ,. 100 70 50 10 30 3D 2ID 20 15 11 10 ..~ ~ 1OIIi.. or ~ (,.. ~ .,.......... 5000 - L!!INflNlI NM!!IClCIC .. ~ VClI"UIq LlIlII '7a 10 , M..... ., 5 ........ '........ ta....~... --- ca...w .............,.. SO -,...................1 . FtbIiOlllon .,.... .. . .. .. , _ ...... AdVlIru.ing (... ..... .. ....., .....) !ldernIl1IJ ....., ___ 'M ....... Ifral Ib........ ........ "1ft l In_ _11Ift ... I .....,......) 1 .....,..,. I ~.................. 2IlIO : ,~................. 10 I .... CMe PIge ''''10) .....-- (... .. ,4-'1) --,.............. "" 1_'...(....... 30M ...-....... v: Spana.. .......... A.... Jl'nh.-" I ~ JuI'llOr ~ <a.. lInG QIg ft) ,,...... . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. aGO CUaIeIcI. . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , 100 On Ned dunnv o-n. .. .. . . . :za On ... oeIn , "'" ;un. 10 ...... , ~ 1110 .....on.l . . .. SOO CoIteQe '""-wIt .., ftigh 1aIIOOI............ 3IICt ~ Caueooor) . ..... 100 IIIJ*'I..... On ....... . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 10 110 ,.. from __ .. .. .. .. 301. ...... (on tult) ~.....,......... '00 ~.............. 300 ~...... .... ..... .. .. .. . tOO LIrIeI,................. 200 Plna .................. 1001. ........... ADpwot-. ............ '00 ~. ......... ....... '00.. Ill", .................. 3ClO ~ on......... ~.....,......... 1Cla ~.........'.,.f.. S 10 30 20 , 'OCltOUlSl.. ~ ~ ao 'Z , 50 3D 10 , 3M 10 30 '0 ID 10M 10 10 .1olI 10 I 500 * 12-10 OUTDooR LIGHTING APPUaATIONs 8. LtablicA a type or ~ ba.t.d 011: when de9ioe. will be mounted and how they eao )u "0UNcl aaul Mni-.l. 7. OOUidw -~ht &Del .. limitatiODl. 8. Coa.ider 1'isual CCDflict with Ii,hted ~ ItNet UIbiI - id.~oc Upa. DarkeD or b1auk OUt wmcro.. ff "-01"81'1. 8. Selec& lam,. &Del l~;..... of ~ ~ ... t.JPt, color, ftmaA. ftc. Plan IIOlU'De ~,i.e., the q~ otlamps ~ to Pl'CWide tU ~ Pattern SlId bright.QeU for the IIN.. 10. Do JIOt ~loac1 the power 8UpJ'ly, Den- dereat 1\Iam,. rround fault iDtmJptioc. etc. Service StItton Ltghtfng The cle8181l or lenioe ltatiQDI tends towanl a IPedftc ~ Ityl.. auc:h AI co1cmial, ~~.tc.,1rith~d9CaJ'_fac. bar. , ADd oth.. tNatmeDta uti1WIIJ outdoor U,Mfq. LiPt IOUnlII for auch iDItalJa. tiOlllIlaoUld be ~m the initial li..igi1. The buic o~ oflervb ltation liabtinr are: 1. 2b aid tbe rapid j~,",~nf'_H_ o! the IItatioIl ad ita Pfoduc:t, 2. ~ fatiUtatl 1aI. eutraftf!t pd exit into aDd out at tbe ~. 3. 1b PIOride.....te light OIl the DU~ island 8IId ita adjacem ana to PI'l'mit the atte1ldant or c:ustomeJo to IWly PIZ'fotm tub '- J'ie. 2.1). 4. To Pl'OricLa · ww111irhtecl buiJdiZIJ Ulterior ADd eattrior. S. To Pl'O\icie 8D 0VWra11 iDBbl1atioa that ia a~ ~ to tAt PI'OIpectiw UI8r. Additi0U&l1il~ ob.iecti_ &1'8: A. '1b PftJYicle dril..w*, liPtina betweeu the ap. proadz 8Dcl iIIad to COIDpJete tJae traftic PatterD. B. 'Ib i11111ft;.,... the a1lXi~ lenice area.. C.1b WbJnf"u. additlcmal dm_.,. U8aI. D. To UI~iJI.te P&ridac area. See p~ 12.18 for a correlati= or Hmce ata. tiCN1 are.. &lid tU above ~ rd~ttftOdoD. TAt f1nt ~'N to be caa. liclered iD ~IIC Mnice ltaticm liehtiDr is the id.tP.i~_.t'& or tbe Ja'Gduct, "rricw 2'ea- dered. and taoilitiM available. This it ~ by ICequately WDiUt-+a, t.he product iden. ti~1:iaD 8iIn -= the PriaciPa1 wrt.ical1U1'tacw rL the RaUcm ad ~ 8iIlU. LocattOll,llJibility ad ~ are the ~ fMIcn to be eouidlred in alll l~tiD&-. SilM Ihoulcl be located to ~ ZZIQ. ..:l::l4 P83 JAN 16 'S= 11:18 =~~.= imum adve1'tiaing and identitlCatiGb valua lrom all pouible tramc Ulllet. D!Wft1ftanC88 for bath iIl~ &Del extenaally ~.. &J'e IiWla ill Section 17. oa. outclocw aisu. When utiliziq a Bim pole for tbe ZDountiag or 8ppl'o8ch or dm..w.y 1l1h~ UDiu, caution Ilaould be taken 10 tbat the liptiDr UlUu willsDot distract fzoam the ~ appuJ cf the lip. The QIt ~ a lDiDimum pol. hetrht r.l 4.6 JDe\e1'l (1& feet) .hau1cl1*1Dit the D2GUDtizJe of a Pl'OPely deailDed aPJroacb H,ht btl. cht aJp whir. then; it_ teDdeaey to distract from the .ian itaeJf. When . . pole is located 3 meten (10 teet) or mare from the 8pprOacb ~ 111I r.l a .....1ieht pole IhclWl be C:Onaidtrtd. BaD~ L1~. Lirhtiq the PMmiDent face. oftbe atatiozl ~ aDd cuopiea IIrVII to aclvertile the station'. Pfftence and indicate that th.1t&t.ion iI 0'- -= ready fbr bUline-. Somt type li8h~ 11 a CozIuDoD}, \&Md metbod fat the hshtm, of the baildin, r.oe. The inter. 2181 ~ of 'Pile., CUPOlas. ~ ectp" etc., .. well u the &ecezltma of the building's ar. chitectural teaturel ~th ~vpriate floodUgiu. iDs also i. Uleci. Se. Bulldicg Floocuilhtiq. pap 3,2.1. Approach LlPH." ~ liahtiD~ ot'the aPJ)Macbe. from tb. edp of tbI hirh~ or ... curb to tJaa -tion ~ is a vital Part or iood semc. 8tIItian liPtJDJ. The Ibmta to the ' a~c:he. ahou1d be readily ideDtifted to per. DUt the lIlotorirt to lei them _U in aQV&Dce. While BODIe Imqi7l1it'e brirhtzaeu JDay be clair., able from 8D attraetion ~t. extreme care ahoWci b. taken to ill8UZ'e that the type oflumin. ...... ,':' ..' -... ..2 - PIg. 124. ~-.an.. Olan a.fi""',..... for li;tlung. NUIII~ and __ ''''fIl) *' aDrNe. j . f ~ . " ~84 A34 f: Ii . , . I $ t. 1ft l.ICIHR<<I...... ""~~ an ortbe ~... 110&....'" thai Will baierftn with tile 9iIiGA fll,....motonate or that eDtaiDc or ~ the ~OIL. A mild. mum ~ 014.1 .....(14 ->IhouJd_ comemplatecl w...r-_.... an deaiped to aceDd .. OM' tbe .......... / hap t..... .... 'DIe pump iIIaDd 11 a ~ poim of.. ad ita Urhtiq Ihaul4 Nf1-=t ita -,~. ...4a1 ~ &umcient n. Imnm.,..1baWal he ,..ftw.d in thia ana _ only to euabIe the GpII'at.or to l*'fo.t III .bit tub quic1cJY ad ucarat.eb-, bat aJao to prollWaeAt!y U)nm;aate tbe pI'Oliuct ~..... azul tile map. eh.adbe~ Us the... AI Plftofitl eq1. uatiou. 1M typea of I"UDJIII to be UMcl <U1hted or UIlliIbMd) IbauW De ~ilQJd,.._n_ the CUM tI iJlad ~1Iopiea. ..,......1aMiO& 'l'Iut :huiJ"illl imIrioP fa the . adIce - JUiar work ana of. .... The I81anloaa. -ld&:h ja UoMd b 1IIeI'I!hltDdiM cD. pJ--.1imtW IIact IU\'Plia ud. iIJa ~ tiGu IboW4 .. iUu",~.... m aoaordarace with the ~ota .....dce.... Area for atftQ.&~ 'fIIIIdtclfoodl. ~ Ita., -.., be~ Li......mlbe ~ bq anaallbaW4. ~tiD 1IIInDii4'_ per. f'mzwu:e tithe .uioua""'1eIIcIend. Au. iJiazy lilhtiDctbr1DlJll!L-a.. ~ aJeo ID&J be requiNL \VeU UIhW na NCIIIIa an -lIeD. Ua!toe~cI_'f~_..~. tile pub1k SI*ia1 IlI"~ -...i1i1Dtiaa lbouW be liveD to the wa1kwa7lucl ~ totha lWt l"OOJU a 'lN11. lor tatall, I81f tenice ... ticma the cd1ce (c:uIUer'. loIratioD> Ibou1d he UIhW to he the toaaJ pom, of tile natioft. Dri.II_-", IJ.uted .ir1......., l~r<aeeticma marklcl A ta Pic. 12-18) ~ tile PIIth-at. lilht from atnmce to iIIad to au ad adcIa to tile actiw buliDIIIllD ~.... vi the _ tiOA. ~"hlr em the '-IJlIPtude aftbe open. tiOIl aDd. ..mce. "lIliJl~ ~ dliftWlQ' UIA&bac (0) pla -''''If." H~ QI) -"y be I'8ClUiNd to proride lIUM~tIlt "f'iaibllit; Car 0" door NrNe ~ lad1..npl.~ head. lazrap.. ~ WItt.... cbu8tilltiNI or ta. 1taUm, cbaiaa. Where tar. iI a patio 01" hou- iac tor Yl8DdiDr "'~hi... within. tM drt.,-.r ana. thenlbouJd he aUquu. liptiq to pro. mote ~-"Ii~... aDd. 'ilUltUl public ccmftUDCI. JAN 16'95 11:1~ EMGW S'I'ATIONs 12.11 'l'!IIt ~ .. ....u objec:tiw ia lieJwtiar a.........~ ...to.... itltaDd out hi ~It fnm .......... it,'to aUrac:t: the a"-.tva r4ta. ___ ia MIll ol_ III'- vica.lau1aimq1Mle~1 *'-t" ~be tabA that tbe tJpe fI...jp'u" UIId. mcam. iDr heiIbU, -. cID DOC .... .. ~ tbrwatillm ad IpiJ1 Uaht, to ~ uiahbarL The reqaip....-r. ~ .Ju.-bJ. codu ad ardi~~ __ be .......1IL the lIJec. t:iaa of eqn~ u ....u .. tile eeoJIGa1ic: fie. ton of 'Ift.~_~... ~ COlts aDd nez. ibility far ftatw. ....~.. RlJllRENcq to ....lLlouaw..... 1M ~ C&:""'1lD WwIft .... ~.. m-. -. \Ill. z.ar. p. .... 0IIIllIr. I'" &. ~,,;~ua..c............. ~DtI. Ala. -. 11, N.. 4...... _ I_ I. .............. "..... Cel.... .. .... " l.ruWIw:' Up&. Da _. -.. 11.... .. p. u..-o. 1.... 4. u---II..&:"V 'lJiI....J4IIWI. . Il~..."l.itA& DN. .. .. It, ........ .... ~ J-. , L ....... ......... *' IJa _. ...... It.R.... P. 27. M.-. JIM. .. .~.. ,.... 'I - - b4'" "*' m_..... ~ LitIlU. Da Ala. W. lI. .. a. ... ao. ....... 111I. 't. ...... .. _- up,. . .. \W. &a. .. u. .. a. "...... 1__ I. c..&..tM.: ......... ... ...... "'nil "'-1.... ~1IIIlla.a...... u.u,AIa... -.1I,......1T... 1.... .. "-n.. ~., CU lib A. ........ ....,. ..:1'11........ ~ De& .. .... 11..... n. p. 10. ........ 1_ a _...r'....... LIdJ." u,Ac. DII. A,pp.. 1W. 11. No. lJ.1i zz. ~- IL "-n............c..... "* Dt.. .. 1bL 1'. HA t. ,.11, ~ UN. It. .....u.tII::.....,,~ _.m-n-.,toBaildbap," lllua. ... ...... JIll.: ,. _. .... 11M. II. ~I4:-o...,.~1 '-.....................1.... .... "'L L. ... 111. AlII. &WI. It. H'~,.I.: ~ ...... KIIifId ~ee.. .,... ~ Jilt. .. ...... ~ ~ ~ D. Va....... Ct.......k- 1_ . .. ~ . ... Q.r o.a. ~ xmpa ~ eo.. ~~'~ J'J. ~... ftt~....""..... o...,..~ lIInIuid. ..... -. H. ... J-. JI. 1'&vilr. &A. ... Fa-. u.: ~ 1.1&., as SMull 9b\4..,....... -7 aa." -......1ilIL zma. ....1. 0MIIa Ita. II. ..... ., ... hi LitJdIac... .... ... ~ LID. Ii 4N. -.... 1M. .. ...,. to." Illata. Z.. \\I ... Po _ ,...... 1"0. II. ............, .....mJ..,...~............ ArM.... \IIIL UI. p. III. ".. ~. Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 375-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: Anna S. Cottrell fax #: 561-832-4626 from: Tambri J. Heyden date: December 12. 1997 re: Letter dated December 8. 1997. Please contact the City Clerk's office to revise the development order for Mobil Oil Corporation. The City Clerk does the final development orders which reflects all conditions imposed by the City Commission. pages: 2 , including cover sheet. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 561/ 375-6260 J:\SHRDAT A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\FAX FORM,DOC Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 375-6260 Fax: 375,6259 .. . . . SECTION 4.6.8 (B) (3) (b) ,(b) Light Control and $Dilfage: Cutoff luminaries, utilizing I.E.S, Type IfJ distribution, or fixtures provided with cutoff "shielding", shalf be used around the perimeter of a facility in order to limit glare and light spillage onto adjacent properties. All cutoff luminaries shall shield the light source at angles above 72 degrees from vertical, limiting effective light throw to 3 mounting heights. Lighting shall be directed away from residential properties bordering commercial areas that employ site i ' lighting, Average illumination levels of exits, entrances, trafficway collector lanes. pedestrian walkways. and loading zones shall be approximately twice the illumination Jevel of parking areas they are contiguous with. or approximately twice the illumination of any adjoining streets, whichever is greater. (c) illumination levels and Uniformity: The following criteria shall be the minimum acceptable standards for the lighting of parking areas: . .~; ;',") ;~: ;'~'.: <.";: .;. . ',,'. ,: ',,' ;\!>:;:~~T~;::';.i'PARKING AREA FOR LE.S.ILlUM LEVELS UNIFORMITY . ";'?:,.~';"::':~'.~ :." '. ~'. ' , , : : Regional malls, major league athletic 2.0 Avg, Main\. F.e. 3: 1 Avg. I Min. stadiums. :' museums. art galleries. ( .7 F.e. Min. ) conventioriicenters, auditoriums. 12:1 Max./ Min. , ( 8.0 F,C. Max. ) Area shor:iping centers, strip malls, fast 1.0 Avg. Maint. F.e. 3; 1 Avg, I Min. food franct~ises. hospitals, airports, rait ( .4 F.e. Min. ) and bus..' terminals, apartment and 12:1 Max, I Min, condominium complexes. (4,0 F.C. Max. ) , 0.5 Avg. Maint. F.e. 4: 1 Avg, I Min. Local merchant or neighborhood shopping centers, schools. ( ,125 F.e. Min.) 15:1 Max. / Min. ( 2.5 F.e, Max. ) 4629 Eel 39l;jd H8l;j38 Al;j~l3a ~o A1I8 tGGLEp~t99 EP:9t 855tlLtlL0 .Anna S, Cott-rell ~ A~~ocia-te~, Inc. - The Comeau Building, 319 Clematis Street, Suite 804 P.O. Box '9058, 'West Palm Beach, t=IOT'ida 33416 ' (561) 83'2-4600 fax (561) 83'2-4626 ffD] II @ U WI IIrnJ 11/1 .n" - 6 1998 ~I July 1, 1998 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard PO BOX 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 VIA US MAIL AND FAX TRANSMISSION (561) 375-6259 "RE: MOBIL STATION AT WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE , Dear Mike: Thank you for your fax this week regarding the above reference. As you know Mobil has submitted applications for building permits for this site. A resolution of the issues related to the site lighting will allow Mobil to complete its construction permitting, so we are pleaSed to have apparently reached agreement with your office on appropriate and allowed lighting levels, The Conditional Use approval for the station required final approval by the City Commission of the specific condition related to the lighting levels for this site. We are respectfully requesting that this matter be submitted to the City Commission for consideration at the earliest possible date. Please feel free to give me a call if you need anything in order to process this request. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, ~ Anna Cottrell, AICP , cc: Daniel Grimm, Himes Construction AnnlA S. Cottrell ~ A~~ocilAte~, Inc. The Comeou Building, 319 Clemotis Street Suite 601+ P'() Box 19058, West polm 8eoch, f=IOT'ido 33416 (561) 83'24600 fox (561) 83'246'26 December 8, 1997 Tambri Heyden Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, PC Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 00 '~ rn~d.l , I" i fl DEe - 9 1991 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT ':r RE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR MOBIL STATION I WOOLBRIGHT AND CONGRESS AVENUE Dear T ambri: This office received a copy of the Mobil Oil Corporation (Conditional Use and Zoning Code Variance) revised Development Order via fax transmission on November 26, A notation on the cover sheet for the fax transmission indicated that the "previous Development Orders issued were in error regarding conditional use conditions # 19 and 32, and incomplete". Please note that in the latest version of the Development Order condition # 19 is still not worded correctly, i.e., that is it does not accurately reflect the action by the City Commission. I believe the minutes of the meeting properly reflect that the City Commission approved a yellow fascia on the convenience store building, the color to be consistent with that shown on the elevation submitted for the record at the City Commission meeting, I am respectfully requ~sting by this letter that the Development Order for the Mobil Station be revised to correctly reflect all conditions imposed by the City Commission, Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions regarding this, Sincerely, ~ Anna Cottrell, AICP CC: Mike Campbell, Bovis Construction tJ1ie City of $oynton 13eac/i 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boukvartl P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :rforiaa 33425-0310 City "afl: (561) 375-6000 :r.9IX: (561) 375-6090 November 25, 1997 Mark Wallace Bovis Construction, Inc. clo Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 Glades Road, Suite 444W Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE: SUBJECT: Your letter of October 21, 1997 Mobil Station 02-A 15 2605 S. W. 15th Avenue (northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Wallace: The City of Boynton Beach has conducted a survey of existing gas station/convenience store lighting for an upcoming workshop scheduled for December 8, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. The survey is attached, Sincerely, . ,7 .....'" ...,."dA...., .. ~ "., -".- ......,. I - , -(;~7'~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director Attachment cc: Central File T JH:bme s:\Mobil at Woolbright & Congress\Lighting Letter Jlmemas (jateway to tfu (jui/stream -,.YOF BOYNTON BEACH SERVICE STATIONS/CONVENIENCE STORE EXTERIOR LIGHT LEVELS EXISTING LIGHTING LEVEL NAME ADDRESS MIN MAX AVG 1. Chevron 310 N. Congress Avenue 0.7 38.0 8.38 2. Mobil 2403 S, Federal Highway 0.2 12.3 1.81 3. Amoco 1147 S. Federal Highway 0.1 20.3 5.94 4. Citgo 1601 S, Federal Highway 0.01 15.4 2.98 5. Shell 301 N. Congress Avenue 0 41.3 10.75 6. Coastal 2508 N. Federal Highway 0.07 22.4 4,9 7. Texaco 645 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard 0 26.3 8.64 8. Mobil 290 N. Congress Avenue 0.1 63.2 9,19 9, Mobil 2605 S, W, 15th Avenue 0.8 20.3 9.3 10. Shell Comer Woolbright Road & U,S, 1, 1520 S. Federal Highway 0.07 95,1 16,67 11. RaceTrak S.W. 8th Street & Woolbright Road-905 W,Woolbright Rd. 0.5 78.5 21.4 12. Mobil 4798 N. Congress Avenue 1.4 28.4 8.81 Comer of Congress Avenue & Hypoluxo Road (S.E.) 13. Amoco 1610 S. Congress Avenue 0.6 72.6 12,2 Comer of Woolbright Road & Congress Avenue (S.E,) 14. FINA 217 N. Federal Highway 0.03 13.4 3.2 Comer of Federal Highway & Boynton Beach. Blvrd (S.W,) 15. Shell 111 E. Woolbright Road 0.7 61.3 16.4 Comer of Seacrest Boulevard & Woolbright Road (N.E.) J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\SPECPROJ\Gas Stations Ust.doc Note: This field study was conducted 11/13/97 -11/18/97. Minimum, maxirnum and overage foot candle readings were determined by taking 20 light meter readings per address. OCT-21-1997 15:22 MOBIL OIL ENGINEERING lBovis ludiaDapolll Ith8c:1I LeI Ang&la Miami Nuhvil1c New~ Olll&ba Or1alldo Thank you, =~~ Raleigh Mark Wallace Alblny Atlanta BoItOll Butrakl CbvIDttJ: Chic. CoIIImb.Ia Colwnbua DI11.11 Dl!IIwr Richmond Sail Ftanclseo Wllhlnlton, J)C 407 997 1350 P.01/02 Bovls Construction, Inc. clo Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 Glades Road, Suite 444W Boca Raten, Florida 33431 Fax Phone 561,912.1567 Fax 5ElU197.1351 http://www.bovis.com Date: To: 10/21/973:16 PM Tambri Heyden, Jerzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 561.373.6357 Mark Wallace Mobil 0.2-AL5, Woolbright Road & Congress Avenue ComFl~ny: Fax; From: Re: Numb4,r of pages (including cover sheet): 2 Romalrks: Please see attached. BQvi. Conluuc:tleD CoqI.,:t...chrel McOOWlm JIqri" rnc.. McDevitt Stroot BovIs, .1=, ~hl1 BoYlS, lac., Jovil MlMgemBllt Systems. w. A P&O M. Ctll::l1plUlY OCT-21-1997 15:22 A1iw1y Atlan(J IaoNon 3\1aalD C1l1'1ottc CliC8Co Columbia C6lumb1l. DaIW OCllYW InClian.poliI Jrhllu LoI ADecla Miami N..hYlllc New York Omaha OrbMo PlIil&ddllbia Pri!lctml'l RaleiSh Rilllunoad SID PrMC.i.eo MOBIL OIL ENGINEERING 407 997 1350 P.02/02 lBovis ~l" \ \\r Vy'" ~",~ i ~ " ' I \ ~ \./ Bovis Conltructlon, Inc. c/o Mobil Oil Corporation 2255 Glades Road, Suite 444W Boca Raton. Florida 33431 Phone 561.912.1567 Fax 5B1.997,1351 http://www.bovis.com Octoher 21, 1997 ~ ~ ~ ,,~,..J)~ fP ~ U,- A~ ~t0~ (]v , 4v ~.~~ vV: J~vr 5V~" "/ , u~y Ms. l'ambri Heyden Mr. Jc~ Lewicki Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear J\.18. Heyden and Mr. Lewicki, RE: Mobil Station 02-AlS 2605 SW 15th Avenue (NW Comer of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) Boynton Beach~ Florida As requested in the September 15. 1997 Development Order Conditions of Approval for the Proje<:t, I am writing to invite you to join Mr. Chris East ofLS! Lighting and myself to surve a few recently constructed convenience stores in the City of Boynton Beach. By taking light ,eter readings around the canopy areas of these stores we hope to establish what light levels ha been traditionally acceptable to the City, and to establish a base standard level that is commo n today! s convenience store market. W~,DC We will be meeting on Tuesday, October 28. 1997 in the parking lot of the Racetrac etroleum Statiollon Woolbright Road at 7:30 pm and look forward to seeing you there. PIe e contact me at (561) 912-1567 to confirm your availability for these site visits. Sincer;w yoW's, ~~~~~ ~~~ Mark 'Wallace Bovis Construction Corp. y.1 0{( L);,' ~ ~. · . i~~. l/ V ~ r;~ tf~ <) !t1~ ~ ~ , .. Department of Engineering and Public Works PO, Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684.4000 http://wwwco,palm-beachJLus . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Burt Aaronson, Chairman Maude Ford Lee, Vice Chair Karen T Marcus Carol A Roberts Warren H, Newell Mary McCarty Ken L Foster County Administrator Robert Weisman, FE, "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper ! f, l U~~::: I U) 1"-"""' ,.., ~ul JUL 2 I L"~M""""="'"'' PLA:'mL',K~ t,!;;) ZONlt~G~VJJ~M'~"''' July 14, 1997 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: MOBILE SITE 02-AL5 Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled Mobile Site 02-AL5, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, The project is on the northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. The project is reported to replace the existing 4-pump gas station with a 6-pump gas station, replace the existing 2,415 square foot convenience store with a 2,436 square foot convenience store, and add a car wash. There are three calculation errors in the trip generation section of the report. They are: - The County methodology for adding gas pumps. - The calculation of pass-by traffic after internal traffic credit. - The tripgeneraticn rate for a car wash. The attached table shows the trip generation calculations. The project will generate 240 additional daily trips, The changes do not change the results of the traffic study. MOBILE STATION 02-AL5 Existing Site Traffic Trip Gross Internal Internal Pass-by Pass-by Net Use Intensity Unit Rate Trips Rate Trips Rate Trips Trips Gas Station 0,67 station 748 501 37% 185 58% 183 133 Convenience Store 2,415 sq, ft. 737,99 1,782 0 45% 802 980 Car Wash 0 site 166 0 0 0 0 1,113 Proposed Site Traffic Trip Gross Internal Internal Pass-by Pass-by Net Use Intensity Unit Rate Trips Rate Trips Rate Trips Trips Gas Station 1 station 748 748 37% 277 58% 273 198 Convenience Store 2,436 sq, ft, 737,99 1,798 0 45% 809 989 Car Wash 1 site 166 166 0 0 166 1,353 Increase 240 %e City of 'Boynton 'Beacli "~,~~ 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard p.o. '1J~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :FforuUz 33425-0310 City :J{aff: (561) 375-6000 :FYlX: (561) 375-6090 June 18, 1997 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Mobil Service Station at Woolbright and Congress Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue File # COUS 97-002 Dear Mr, Weisberg: The enclosed traffic study on the Mobil Service Station at Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue site dated June 5, 1997, prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. was received by the Planning and Zoning Division recently for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Milan Knor, Development Services Director also at the same address. Sincerely, ( . '- e ' 'j. 1 /' / <..., ,it~>- / I: ,.~~ [L ,- .j~ ii';'bri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:bme cc: Milan Knor w/ attachment Central File s:\projects\Mobile at Woolbright & Congress\traffic jl~rUa's (jateway to tlie (julfstream ?1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. fJJognton fJJeadi fJJoukvanl p.o. fJJ~310 fJJognton fJJeacIi, :JforUfa 33425-0310 City !J{a!l: (561) 375-6000 :J.9lX: (561) 375-6090 '~,~,.- June 12, 1997 Anna Cottrell P.O. Box 19058 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 RE: Mobil at Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue - COUS 97-002 and Zoning Code Variance Application - ZNCV 97-002 Acceptance - Conditional Use Application, Variance Application & Submittal Documents Dear Ms, Cottrell: On June 9, 1997, your submittal for conditional use and zoning code variance approval for the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittals are substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Staff member Jerzy Lewicki will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the approval processes and can be contacted if you have questions. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittals for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet on July 1, 1997 to discuss the first review comments. The review schedule will be further determined after this meeting. In can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 375-6260. Very truly yours, ~ , '--J; " I t'.-7./7").'?-/~A~~ ;'\:LL.t:/'L--:c..1.--1t_ L~_ Tambri J, Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme s:\ PROJECTSIMobile at Woolbright & Congress\lSTACLTR,WPD 5tmerica's (jateway to tIU (jui/stream AnncA S. Cottrell G--< A~~ocicAte~, Inc. The Comeou Building, 31Q Clemalis Street Suite 804 P,Q, Box IQos8, West polm Beoch, t=larido 33416 (561) 8s2Lj.600 fox (561) 8314616 July 22, 1997 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 VIA HAND DELIVERY RE: MOBIL SERVICE STATIONINORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE CONDITIONAL USE, VARIANCE AND SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS Dear Ms, Heyden: The attached materials constitute our "second submittal" for the proposed Mobil Service Station at the above referenced location, The revised plans address those comments of the TRC (Technical Review Committee) included in its Memorandum No. 97-320, dated July 1, 1997. Included is the required information for sign colors and materials to provide for review of such, in accordance with Chapter 9, Community Design Plan, Section 10.1 The required environmental review application is beinE submitted under separate cover. Please feel free to call this office if you have questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, ~ Anna Cottrell, AICP ~=~ Engineering Planning and Environmental Consultants Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. froY ~ @ ~ n~:.,j,-... rrJ~l Iln) ~ I 0 1997 ; t~\ I -' \ ,__ PM~,~'&~%tW t TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 5615629689 Suite 400 601 21st Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Transmittal Job. No: 047158.00 Date: June 9, 1997 To: Mr. Jerzy Lewicki City of Boyn~on Beach, Planning and Zoning 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 561/375-6260 Federal Express - Priority We are sending you --1L Attached _ Under separate cover via the following items: __ Shop Drawings Prints/Plans _ Samples __ Specifications _ Change Other: Copies Date No, Description ~~ndary and Topographic. Survey for Mobil Oil Corporation . Site #02-ACS 12 These are transmitted as checked below: --1L For your use __ Approved as submitted _ As requested _ Approved as noted For review and comment Returned for corrections _ Resubmit _ copies for approval Submit _ copies for distribution Return _ corrected prints Remarks ---- [G.\04715800\ WP\COORESPILEWICKLXO 1 ]kjs Copy to Signed