LEGAL APPROVAL %e.City of '''> 'Boynton 'Beach Pfanning & Zoning 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beacli 'Boulevard P.O. 'Boi(310 'Boynton 'Beach., :Jforida 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, :J!llX; (407) 738-7459 July 23, 1992 Jim Zengage 2499 Glades Rd., #104 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Re: Modular Model Hoae Sales Center at Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.W. 7th Court - Site Plan Approval Dear Mr. Zengage: This is to advise you that on July 21, 1992 the City Commission of Boynton Beach approved the Site Plan application for the above referenced location. The approval of this request was subject to the following specific conditions that relate to the site design, and operation of this business: 1) That the approval be for a maximum of four (4) years, at which time the applicant has the right to request an extension from the city Commission; 2) That a cash bond be posted at 110% of the amount required to remove the building as well as the structural elements on the site, in order to ensure the removal of said items at the time that the use is discontinued and site vacated; 3) That no banners, flags, lights or other items to attract attention to the building, other than code allowable signage, be allowed on this property; 4) That the south elevation be enhanced with further landscaping and the possibility of at least one window in order to improve the visual appearance from Boynton Beach Boulevard; 5) That the applicant provide a solid masonry, six (6) foot high buffer wall with painted stucco on both sides, between the subject property and the residential property to the north. Jlmerica's gateway to the guifstream To: Mr. Zengage Re: Modular Model Home - Site Plan Approval Page Two of Two This Site Plan approval entitles you to develop the property as shown on the approved plans as revised pursuant to the aforementioned conditions and any outstanding comments. If you wish to modify the plan prior to submission of your building plan, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department. Modifications during the building permit process will be handled as part of that process. The Site Plan approval remains in effect for one year, until July 21, 1993. If an extension is needed, please provide your request to the Planning and Zoning Department 30 days prior to the expiration date. We have attached a list of submittal documents from the Building Department to assist you in assembling your building permit package. We have also attached copies of the outstanding comments that must be addressed in the building permit submittal. We would like to thank you for building in Boynton Beach. If we can be of any further assistance, please contact me. Yours truly, ~-u z. 7L-~' ~ Christopher cutro, AICP Planning and Zoning Director Attachments MISCV:MODULETT.792