AGENDA DOCUMENTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-315 August 16, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~jl/.:!b-e....DiY'- FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - August 15, 1991 CALIFORNIA FEDERAL BANK DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Chuck Yannette of Kilday and Associates, agent for Carteret Savings & Loan Association of Delray Beach, for approval to re-landscape the site. The project is located at 1600 S. Federal Highway DETERMINATION: The Board unanimously, (6-0), approved the project as submitted. Motion was made by Dale Mitchell and seconded by Eleanor Shuman. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-316 August 16, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager THRU: Don Jaeger, BUilding & Zoning Director ~~fi4!--A-~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - August 15, 1991 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH EAST WATER TREATMENT PLANT DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by John Guidry, representative for the city of Boynton Beach, for approval for landscaping and irrigation around the existing East Water Treatment Plant site and utility Department Administrative Building. The project is located at 1620 S. Seacrest Boulevard. DETERMINATION: The Board unanimously, (6-0), approved the project as submitted. Motion was made by George Davis and seconded by Jean Sheridan. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-313 August 16, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager ? THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director 41~~~~L7~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Development Administrator RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - August 15, 1991 SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PARKS ACTIVITY CENTER DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Bill DeBeck, representative for the City of Boynton Beach, for approval to demolish the eXisting tennis center and construct a 6,640 square foot recreation activity center and 'an 89 space parking lot. The project is located on the Northwest corner of S.E. 2nd Avenue and S.E. 1st Street (125 S.E. 2nd Avenue). RECOMMENDATION: The Board unanimously, (6-0), recommended approval of the project as presented subject to staff comments with the following stipulations recommended to enhance the site and shield the shuffle board courts including the lighting from the adjacent residential area: 1. Install in the grass area between S.E. 1st Street and the Madsen Center Building and shuffle board courts five (5) equally spaced, ten (10) to twelve (12) foot high Live Oak trees. 2. Along the same area identified above in #1, install a Scaevola hedge with the material spaced two (2) feet on center and two (2) feet in height at time of planting. 3. Along the east side of the existing parking lot, install a Scaevola hedge (material to be two (2) feet in height at time of planting). 4. Eliminate the four (4) Mahogany trees proposed along the east side of the new parking lot. 5. Eliminate the Live Oak tree proposed west of the south shuffle board court. To: J. scott Miller Re: C.A.B. August 15, 1991 Meeting Page Two of Two for the Recreation Building NOTE: 6 . Eliminate the scaevola hedge proposed west of the existing parking lot and west of the south shuffle board court. 7 . Eliminate miscellaneous proposed foundation landscape material. 8 . Eliminate the two (2) groupings of Sabal Palms proposed to be planted along S.E. 2nd Avenue and substitute with two (2) Live Oak trees, ten (10) to twelve (12) feet in height at time of planting. The intent of the Board is that the new landscaping proposed along N.E. 1st street will be ac~ounted for by the elimination of the landscaping identified above within items 4, 5, 6, "and 7, and that all landscaping proposed along N.E. 1st street shall be properly irrigated .. Motion was made by Dean Fleming and seconded by Eleanor shuman. ichael <71d BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-312 August 16, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~~~ ~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MEETING - AUGUST 15, 1991 Please find attached the results of the August 15, 1991 Community Appearance Board Meeting. Attachments cc: Honorable Mayor & Commission Christopher cutro File BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-314 August 16, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager ~~~~ THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ,~ . FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - August 15, 1991 CONDITIONAL USE - WILLIAMS AUTO SALES DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by George Davis, agent for Horace A. Williams, for approval to allow for the establishment of a used car lot including improvements to site landscaping and signage. The project is located at 1009 N. Federal Highway. RECOMMENDATION: The Board unanimously, (5-0), recommended approval of the project as presented subject to staff comments with the following stipulations recommended to enhance the site: 1 . The existing chain link fence located along the east property line be moved west to allow the landscaping required along the east property line to be installed outside of the fence. 2. The east property line fence be painted Sherwin Williams BM9-23. 3. The specie of hedge material proposed to be installed along the north side of the building to be changed from Hibiscus to Variegated Pittosporum. NOTE: The applicant agreed to all stipulations. Motion was made by Eleanor Shuman and seconded by Dale Mitchell. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-318 August 16, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: , b" Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~;:-;'?Y.k~,{)e?-, Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator THRU: RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - August 15, 1991 REQUEST FOR APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Bill DeBeck, representative for the City of Boynton Beach, for relief from the placement of perimeter tree and hedge landscaping around the existing parking lot. The project is located on the Northwest corner of S.E. 2nd Avenue and S.E. 1st -street (125 S.E. 2nd Avenue). DETERMINATION: The Board unanimously, (6-0), denied the variance for relief from placement of landscaping around the eXisting parking lot. Motion was made by Eleanor Shuman and seconded by Jean Sheridan. 2'0: ;~lN(J l)e;z. (AG~...~~l/r.t NO "~O~rJ/f) . ".rPCOt:t: ~.t.1.1. ~~L.. ~el', C.t.t: c l'.Lat2p~ 'I;f /rt,~"gel' l' l'o ".s1. ~.lhlo. J4 · "JO""J~" II ,~. ' J99J l'~ fi.t.1.1..t.itllle "'lit: o S"1.e.. .. ~ Co cf I} .t. t:.t. oll"l Clae Ill. ~Pl1al.l C liltt.tl.\rc cc: 81d. a. Pl.". .!'''B. lit!./. l"~o~: l)A2>e: SCJa.Je~: 9.2-.298 CC/JIIl 1>1f9.2~J.98 . Jill ;J.e"ae PJ. 4gellcf" ro "ce t:he "J.._ l' AlIQ'uat: "'O\>e~l'et: 1l~8CllJ 20. J"l .".~~lt(f J. Co~ctJ. ~Olt: 11 . ""ct.,. %.... o~ .~. 110,.0], i'::'''.~~J.~ ~:O~o~~J"lt(f OJ- 1< JJ~ 1I.0"J~';:'''' C"""'JOOJo~ llE:CQo,..". ,,~~O"'. 0 .O'OblJo~O"O~. "'JJ1J "ec,'~~"'JOlt: 7'h 0 .olt(f ~o,."'1' ~o,. It(f ct.~JOJ ~"JO~010" o. o. J.o, o 0],. "OquOOct ZO~10" 8 eat. Octl'cf Ill} al).tIllOIl8J.~ ~. ~ - - --------~- 7A2 WILLIAMS AUTO SALES CONDITIONAL USE --------~---- ~--- I PL. ING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-190 FROM: Chairman and Member. ~ ~ Zonln9 Board Chri.topher Cutro, AICP plannin9 Director Jorge L. Gonzalez A.si.tant City Planner August 6, 1991 William. Auto Sale. Fi1. No. 623 Conditional U.. (used car sales) TO: THRU: DATE: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION Horace A. William., property owner, is requesting conditional use approval for a used car sale. lot to be located at 1099 North Federal Highway. The proposed used car lot will consist of a small sales office and a display area for the automobiles. No service and/or repa1r of automobiles is proposed on the s1te. The .21 acre parcel 1s occupied by a vacant office structure. The parcel 1s is currently zoned C-4 (General Commercial). Used car sales are permitted in the C-4 zoning district, subject to conditional use approval. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Abutting the subject parcel to the north is a "take-out" res~aurant (Nuttin' But Ribs), zoned C-4. To the east across North F~~eral Highway is a restaurant (The Chef's Touch Gourmet Restaurant), zoned C-4. To the south is an automotive muffler shop (Meineke Discount Muffler), zoned C-4. The F.E.C. Railroad Track abuts the SUbject property to the west. STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING CONDITIONAL USES Section 11.2.D of AppendiX A-Zoning, contains the following standards to which conditional uses are required to conform. FollOWing each of these standards is the Planning Department's evaluation of the application as to whether it would comply with the particular standard. The Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations, and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or conditioned upon the faithful adherence to and of fulfillment of such restrictions and conditions including, b~t not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, and recreatlon space, and sidewalks, as sh~~l be necessary for the protection of the surrounding areo ~d the citizen's general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not 1n harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating and application for conditional use, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety, and welfare of the community, and make written findinqs certifying that satisfactory provision has been made concerninq the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and eoress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular refers-" GO automobile and pede.trian safety and convenience, trA..~~ flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. TWo driveways cur~.ntly exist onto North Federal Highway from the subject parcel. The sv~thernmost driveway will be eliminated, leaving the northernmost driveway a8 the only ingre.s and egress to and from the site. This driveway will be marked -- .-------.,...------- ----.---.-.-...-.-.. .-.-- ._--..~- ~ NO. 91-190 -2- Auqust 6, 1991 with pavement "in" and "out" arrow.. Th1s driveway 18 adequate in providing access to and from the 8ite. The location of the proposed parking area i. directly adjacent to the sale8 office; thu., pedestrian access to the office i. adequate. Vehicular access from North Federal Highway to the parkinq area i8 also adequate since traffic will enter and exit through a direct access a1sle from the roadway to the parking area, without crossing through the di.play area. Thi8 i8 important in order to maintain a reasonable distance between the flow of incoming and outgoing traffic from the parked automobiles which are being displayed. The way the site i8 presently designed, a customer can drive into the site, park his automobile, and walk to the salas office without having to meander around the automobiles beinq displayed. Access to the site in case of fire is also adequate. 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection D.l above, and the economic, glare, noise and odor effects the conditional use would have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the City as a whole. The site needs one (1) more parkinq space than what is presently shown on the site plan, for a total of four (4). The reason for this is that Appendix A - Zon1ng requires a m1nimum of four (4) parkinq spaces for any non-residential use. There appears to be sufficient space on the site to add one (1) more parking space. Once this fourth parking space is added, par~ing will be adequate to serve the proposed URe. As mentioned in No.1. above, pedestrian access is adequate. The proposed use on this property will not create negative effects on adjacent and nearby properties since general commercial uses are already established in this vicinity. For example, an automotive repair shop (Meineke Muffler Shop) is existing directly south of the proposed used car sales lot. It can be argued that an. automotive repair shop is more intensiye than a used car sales lot, since the repair and/or service of automobiles generates more noise and odor than a used car sales lot. As preYiously mentioned, no repair and/or service of automobiles is proposed on the subject property. There area no significant noise and odor prOblems associated with the sale of automobiles since the automobiles displayed remain idle for the majority of the time. with respect to glare, refer to item No. 6 below. 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in Subsection 0.1 and D.2 above. Adequate refuse and service areas presently exist to serve the propoljed use. 4. U~ilities, with reference to location, availability, and compatibility. The existing utilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. It should be pointed out, however, that a portion of the eXisting structure encroaches on a dedicated alley which contains an active underground sewer line (rear of property). The portion of the structure that encroaches on the alley appears to have been constructed by a preVious owner without the required permits. As indicated by the Buildin9 oepartme.'. \umorandua, (Memorandum No. 91-285, Comment NO.1) all portion~ vf the structure that were erected without permits must be demolished. Once this portion of the structure is d.molished, there will not be a bu1ldin; encr04...ment on the alley. In add~tion, the alley i. being abandoned c~~currently with thia conditional use application. As indicated in the Utilitie. cepartment memorandum, (Memorandum No. 91-408) . utility easement must be dedicated alonq the alley. -j --- MEMO NO 1-190 -3- AuO'u.<;t 6, 1991 And as indicated by the Engineering Department memorandum, (Memorandum No. 91-143CC, Comment No.8) an indemnif1cat10n letter should also be provided 1n order to ensure that the property owner will aSlume all responsib11ity for any damage done to the portion of the pavement area that il over the ut11ity easement as a result of any work performed on the ut11ity 11ne by the C1ty of Boynton Beach. The removal of the rear port10n of the structure, abandonment of the alley and the dedication of a utility easement along the abandoned alley are conditions of approval of this application. As a point of information, the applicant/owner has aO'reed to comply with all of thele condit10ns. 5. sereeninO', buffering and landscaping w1th reference to type, dimensions and character. The existing ,ite does not have any significant landscap1ng at this present time. The proposed site plan shows a significant amount of new landscavinq which, for the most part il be1nO' provided yoluntarily by the applicant. The site plan shows approximately four new yellow tabs (10 feet in diameter), four satin leafs (10 feet in diameter), and a twenty-four inch (24) silver buttonwood hedge around the perimeter of the property. The site plan also shows nine-hundred (900) square feet of new St. Augustine grass that will be planted throughout the site. The proposed landscaping will significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of the entire site and would prOVide adequate bufferinO' from the adjacent properties. 6. SiO'ns and proposed exterior lighting, with rc oerence to O'lare, traffic safety, economic effect and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. ~ne free-standing site identifying the use is proposed on the landscaped strip just south of the driveway. The proposed siO'n will have to comply with all relevant prOvisions of the new sign code. No signs are proposed on the building. As indicated in the attached Engineer~ng Department memorandum, (Memorandum 91-143CC, Comment No.6.) the lighting that is proposed on the site contains luminaries that are too powerful (1,000 watts) and may create a glare problem. Thus, the power of the lighting needs to be decreased to the wattage recommended by the EngineerinO' Department (400 watts). 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. once the portion of the structure that encroaches on the alley is removed, all setback requirements will be complied with. 8. General compatibility with adjacent properties, and other properties in the zoning district. As previously discussed, the surrvunding lan~dLs~~~ude a "take-out" restaurant to the north, and ai\Ia\tffli!'t"'re'P~shop to the soutA; both of which are zoned C-4 (General Commercial). The SUbject ploperty is also bounded by North Federal Highway to the east and the F.E.C Tracks to the west. Since the subject property lies within an established commercial corridor and is surrounded by general commercial uses with direct access to a major thoroughfare (North Federal Hiqhway), it can be arqued that the proposed use is qenerally compatible with the surr9~~~nq properties. It is not anticipated that the proposed ~-car~ la18. lat will exacerbate existing condition. on the site and adjacent properties, nor have a siqnificant neqative effect on an area which has been developed for com..~~1~1 u.e. for an extended period of time. The C-4 (~~n.ral Commercial) zoning district R,~~ts use. which can be cO...H.rued to be lIore 1nten.ive than a '~car .al.s lot~. For exampl., tl.ry C-4 zoning district permit. automotive repair facil. ities ~d automobile paint and body shops. ~ pr.Y1g~.ly .an.i-~~, ~tomotive repair stations and paint and body shops ? ----.---.-.------------..-------.--..---.....- MINO NO. . -190 -4- AUqust 6, 1991 can be cons1dered to generate more noi.., odor, and negat1ve externalities than a u.ed car lot wh1ch dO~~LPpt of(fTd~ny repa1r .erv1ce.. Thu., 1t can be argued that a ~ar ~s generally compat1ble with and i. w1th1n the .cope of the C-4 zoning di.trict. .J ~~1 bu1ld1ng. and structure., with reference to compatibility and harmony w1th adjacent and nearby propert1es, and the City a. a whole. The building i. on. (1) .tory, which 1. compat1ble with the .urrounding bu1lding.. 10. Econom1c effect. on adjacent properties and the C1ty as a whole. For reasona already atated, 1t ia not antic1pated that the proposed used will have an adverse economic impact on adjacent properties or the City a8 a whole. conversely, due to the small size and scale of the proposed use, it is not anticipated that the proposod used will generate Significant economic benefits for the City as a whole, although occupancy and general maintenance of the Subject property may improve the appearance and vitality of the general area. Comorehensiye Plan Policies: This request, subject to the attached etaff comment., is consistent with all relevant policies contained in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. Conclusion/Recommendation: The planning Department recommends that this request for conditional use approval be approved, subject to the attached staff comments. This recommendation is based in part, on the arguments that have been presented in this memorandum and the fact that the proposed used car lot will not create additional negative impacts on the surrounding areas since this portion of North Federal Highway is a well recognized and established commercial corridor. In addition, the subject property is not directly adjacent to any residential properties which could be negatively affected. Access to and frOm the site will be exclusively through North Federal Highway, which is major arterial roadway. The proposed landscaping, sodding, irrigation, and general building maintenance will also Significantly improve the appearance of the site and the surrounding properties. ~. OONZ+ a:will1ams .doc 11 STArr COMMINTS WILLIAMS AUTO SALIS CONDITIONAL USI BUILDING DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTIlITIES DEPAR~ENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: RECREATION DBPARTMENT: FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST: See attached memorandum No Comment. See attached memorandum See attached memorandum No comments No comments See attached memorandum No cOllUl\ents See attached memorandum BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-285 Ju 1 y 30, 199 1 TO: THRU: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director .~ Don Jaeqer, Building & Zoning Director)' Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator FROM: RE: TRB Comments - July 30, 1991 Meeting CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL - WILLIAMS AUTO SALIS (1009 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be ad~ressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Remove all portions of the bUilding that were erected without permits. 2. Revise the typical handicapped parking space striping drawing to be consistent with city standards. 3. Show on the site plan drawing the handicapped accessible route leading to the entrance of the building from the handicapped parking space. Drawing shallnclude the following information: 1. show the required hand~capped accessible walkway that leads to the encrance of the building from the five (5) foot access aisle. Specify and show the following walkway information: a) slope for the entire length b) texture of the finish c) total length d) cross slope e) width f) type of material g) location, height, material and configuration of handrail, where required ii. show the location, width, length and elevation of the leyel platform that is required at the entrance to the building iii. Identify the finish floor elevation of the building 4. Show on the site plan the appropriate number of required parkinq spaces consistent w1th Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.H. 5. Submit a copy of the recorded survey of the property shOWing t~ land acquired by the abandonment including the de~,cation of the required utility easement. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included within your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: 1. PrOVide detail drawings specifYing that the site lighting poles are desiqned to meet the windload requirements of Chapter 12, Standard Building Code, 1988 Edition. 2. Acquire a demolition permit. -, ... -",4 4/_ ~ ~GY/ ~. ~# h ~uJ Michael E. Haag d - / MEH:pam WILLAUTO.SDD DCIIIIDIIIC DIU'AaTMIln' MD<<)IARDUM HO.91-143CC July 31, 1991 TOl Chrlstopher Cutro Director of Plannlnl rROHa Vincent A. Fin1810 Adminiatrative Coordinator of Enlineering IlEa TlClD(ICAL UYlIW IOAID <XHmIn'S WlLLUK r 8 AlT1'O SAUl COMDITIOIW. usa UVlEV GEORGB C. DAVIS. AllCBlT!CT In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, .pecifically Ch.pter 19, Section 151-17, "Pl.n Required", including Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Be.ch P.rking Lot Regul.tion.... Section 5-142 inclusive, the applic.nt for the above referenced project ah.ll .ubmIt the followina plan revision., information and technical dat.. 1. The applicant ahall provld~ a photometric plan depictIng the level of illumination within the parking facility. Lighting systems sh.ll be photo- cell .ctivated and pl.n submission. shall comply with the requIrement a .s set forth in Section 5-l42(a). "Required Lighting", including Section 5-l4:.!(g). "Lighting Standards". 2. Provide handicap atall striping details which conform to the requirements set forth in the Department of Community Affairs Accessibility Requireme.lts Manual (lastf'st edition). Section S-142(k), "Handicap Requirements". 3. Provide raised continuous concrete curbing where parking stalls abut landscaped areas in accordance with Section 5-l42(e). "Required Curbing". Curbing shall be interrupted to facilitate stormwater drainage into grassed areas. 4. Clearly depict upon the submitted plans, the proposed vehicle display .re.. The display area shall not block the ingress/egress aisle nor encroach upon the 27 feet free backup area for the designated atandard and handic.p st.lls as specified within Section 5-142 appendix. S. Feder.l Highway sh.ll be posted with standard Department of Transportation approved (No Parkina) .ignage in accordance with the State of Florida, Department of Tr.nsportation's "Roadw.y and Traffic Design Standards", Index 117358. 6. The .pecified lighting system contains luminaires with the equivelent of 1.000 watts and in order to abate glare, the lighting system should be modified in ord~r to limit glare. Standards and luminaires type. shall be modified to utilize energy efficient fixtures with an app~oximste wattage of 400 w.tt.. Additionally. light pole. should be located outside of the subject easement area. Factors t, be considered by committee in review. 7. The Engineering Department recommend. that the applicant provide proof of a Building Permit for the addition that is encroaching upon a public dedicated rights-of-way. As the structure ia constructed over. force main the Enlineering Department r~commends demolition of the addition if proof of permits cannot be provided to the City. 8. The pavement area, as depicted upon subject plana, encro.ches upon a public dedicated rights-of-way and a letter of indemification ahall be provided to tha City of Boynton Beach to ansura that utility reFalr~. :onstruction or reconstruction, within the allay which may causa dr.:".' . . ;;0 the parkins lot, will result in th~ parking lot baing rap.ired at tha ownera expens.. 9. The drain.g. planf ~1~res.es watar q~ality (2.5 inches) but hae no poaitive outfall, therafore a 3 ye.r - 24 hour analysi8 i. requirad. --~-----'--~-' 1IQ1IDI1IQ DKPD'DIII'l' 1llll)UlDUll1O. 91-143CC coa't. 'l.I.I. CCIIIIITI - VIJ.LUX'. AIJ'l'O IW.I8 10. P.rcolation t..t data and a..ociat.d t..t location plan. ar. r.quir.d to v.rify hydraulic conductivity. x. 11. S.parat. the .xfiltration tr.nch .y.t.m fro. the vat.r .,1n by a m1ni~ of 10 f.et and .ov. the .xfiltratioD .yat.. und.r pavement. !nain..dnl WRS:VAF/ck ee: J. Scott Hill.r. City Kanaa.r -------~ ~ MEMORANDUM Utllitie. .91-408 Rr-:B!VED MIIi. PLANNING DEpt, , .. TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director ~ FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utllitie. DATE: July 31, 1991 SUBJECT: TftB Review - Wlllla.. Auto Sale. We can approve this project. subject to the following conditions. Show all existing water .nd sewer ..rvlce.. A minimum 10' cl.ar.nc. betwe.n wat.r m.ln .nd exflltratlon I. n.c....ry (P.B. County Health Unit Tech Memo 91 -2 ) . Unconditional aban40nment of .lley I. not pos.lbl. due to .xlstanc. of an actlv. sanitary .~er. If the building i. remov.d. then the alley '4n be abandoned subject to the are. b.lng conv.rted to . utility ...~~ent. This will .llow for parking within the ....m.nt.. xc: Mike K.zun.. FUe 1 PLANNING DEPAR'l'MENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-191 '1'0: Chair.an and Member. Planning and Zoning Board ~- 0:tCJ" Chri.topher CUtro Planning Director Jorge L. Gonzalez A..i.tant City Planner AU9\l.t 1, 1991 William. Auto Sale. - Fil. No. 623 Conditional Use (used ear sales) 'l'HRU : FROM: DATI: SUBJECT: Ple&~. b. advis.d of the follOWing Planning Department comments with re.pect to the above-referenced request for conditional use approval: 1. The site plan rider must be notarized. 2. The zoning district on the conditional use application must be corrected to C-4. (Section IV., No.2 of Conditional Use Application) 3. Show the exact location of all utility lines (water and sewer) on the site plan and/or legal survey. (Section 11.2, F.5.i of Appendix A-zoning) 4. Indicate on the site plan the use of the building (i.e. sales office). (Sec~ion 11.2, F.5.f of AppendiX A-zoning) 5. Make any necessary correction to the conditional use application which may occur as a result of modifications to the site plan. (i.e. change in size of building, parking space calculations, size of impervious area, etc.) 6. Clearly delinate the area that will be used for display parking of automobiles and indicate the square footage of the area on the site plan. Pursuant to Section 10.H 16.d.(8) and (10) of Appendix A-zoning, parking spaces for automobile sales must be provided at a rate of one (1) parking space per five hundred (500) square feet of gross floor area AND one (1) parking space per five thousand (5,000) square feet of outdoor area used for storage or display. ~. a' . : 11 . cu I, -. ------- UCUA'l'IClf , PARlt JIIIIORMDUII "1-312 TOI Chris CUtro, Director Planning Department FROM I REI DA'1'EI Kevin J. Hallahan 1.A.Jj., Forester/Environmentalist r~~ William. Auto Sale. - Conditional Us. July 31, 1991 .' '!'he applicant .hould adjust the irrigation .y.cern design to provide water to the U. S. Highway II R.O.W. grass. KH: ad RECEIVED - JUl 81 PLANNING DEfT. " - " Clift or ~ .Dca, I'LORIJ)A >>t.ANNING , ZONING BC)AItD camI'.rIONAL us. A1tPLICATIOH NO'l'ZI '1'hia form muat be t11led out canpletely and accurately and muat accompany all application. .ubmitted to the Planning Department. (2 cogie. ot application required) PROJECT NAMlI AGENT'S N>>1Za ADDRESS I PJlfl/4M ( !v1lJ' J~S (Zip Code) PHONKa r~l OWNER'S NAME I (or truste.) ADDRESS I fhelt-eG A, JJIt,(,I4*J~ Id-(, .s uJ IO~ ~ Piwf~UIJ ~ FiA 13/,- 3~1 PAX I ~ 3 L/3:r (Zip Code) PHONE a ~;~Na 1()(J1 N. ~~ I/~ ~lJtb1J !1.~1I Fe. (DeS legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * Th1. i. the addre.. to which all agenda., letters and other materi.~. will be for~arded. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 AICUs..App I" (2) Pee Pile Ho. . 17'P (,;13 COKDITIOKAL usa APPLICATION -Ii! -fIol'~ A, Ii)} I,,{.,/ A:H ~ I~..!w 1!)'Ht. A'fJe~ ~A.Jt1)U f~ AA '~b - ~l Faxr I <<;1 ~.. ~ ~ ~1.V1b1J ~ ~ . Leg-al De.cdptionr WI.3 ~ IJJ..c. N., 'Ie>' t)F-lD~ ~ /JJ~(~ /, ~o J u;fS ,(>.,(). W 0 ro~ /.J,S. ~ 11-1 Date SWxnittech Applicant Namer Applicant A4dre..r 3Jt/.3G (Zip COde) Phoner Site Ac1dre..r Pro)4tct De3criptionr ~//)& V;S1f.O t"A1e .!";Jrl.,.Il.~ ~a& A -,I> OI$PUtvf. Nt;) MP~t:Itd- WDU ()W .!/~ . ~ tt~ s '~n~ OWNER '!'he OWNER ha. hereby de.- ignate. the above .igned per.on to..ct .. hi. agent in regard to th18 . petition. (TO be executed when owner de.ignate. another ~o act on hi. behalf. ) PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 ArCU....w ,-,.'-"-+"~ --...-.+.,~+_.._.,..,.._.._. (" Tb..-#ollowinq information mu.t be Ul .t out below and mu.t apl :, wh.r. applicabl., on all copt.. of the .it. plan. ~~d c::r;~:~:i;: ;~~ 1n 1. 2. Zoniner Dhtrict Ar.a of Sit. 1),,,., ~.3 acr.. 'I3.li.J.. .q. ft. 3. 4. tand U.. -- Acr.aa. Br.akdown a. R..id.ntial, inoluding .urrounding lot ar.a or ground. a.cr.ation Ar.a. * (.xcluding wat.r ar.a) Watt r.' Area ConI'Ileroial Indu.tdal Public/ln- .UtuUonal Public, privat., and Canal Right.-of Way Other (specify) b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Other (specify) j. Total Area of Site NA NA IIA f),U YA /VA' IJA . m.. NA 0,:;..,1 acr.. acre. acre. acre. IIYD acr.. acr.. acre. acre. acre. 100 , of .it. , of alte , of aite , of aite , of .ite , of .ite , of d te , of site , of site , of site · InclUding open apace .uitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimenalon of SO ft. by SO ft. Ground Floor Building t/Q Area ("building footprint") NA 5. Surface Cover a. b~ Water Are. aq.ft. .q.ft. Other Impervioua Are.., inclUding paved .rea of public , private atreet., paved are. of p.rking lota . , drivewaya (excluding landacaped area.), and sidewalks, p.tio., dec~f~d athletic courts. aq.ft. c. d. Total Imperviou. Area ~771-. sq. ft. Landacaped Area In.id. of Parking Lot. (20 .q. ft. per interior parking apace required--.e. Sec. 7.5-35(g~ of Landscape Cod. r-J~() Other Land.caped Area., exclUding Wat.r Ar.a PLANNING DEPAT'~ - APRIL 1991 e. f. AICU....pp / 'I a... IP' 71 , , of site , of alte , of site , of aite sq.ft. (),O-aB, of .it. aq.ft. , of .it. no) g-- Oth.r '.rvlou. Ar.a., lnoludlng Golf Cour..., Natural Ar.a., Yarc1., and &wal.., but .xoluc11ng .:1,1""- .). Wat.r Ar.al. ,..,,- .q.ft.:JJ-. , of 11te Total '.rvlou. Ar.a. ~7':J- .q.ft.~' of .It. Total Ar.a of SU. 'o.I"~ .q.ft,' 1~9 , of 11te h. I. 6. Floor Ar.a a. R..ldentlal N'A .q.ft. b. Commerolal/Offlo. ~n Iq.ft. o. Indu.trlal/War.hou.e M4 Iq.ft. 4. a.or.atl.onal W1r .q.ft. e. P\lJ:)l1o/ ~. In.tltutlonal Iq.ft. f. Other (.pacify) ~ .q.ft. g. Other (.paoify) tv:Ac .q.ft. h. Total Floor Area b.f .q.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwellino Units a. Single-Family Detached N'A dwellinq unit. b. Dupl.x dwellinq unita o. MUlti-Family (3 + attached dwelling unlt. ( l) Iff icienay dwell1nq unit. (2) 1 Bedroom dwell1nq unit. (3) 2 Bedroom dwellinq unit. ( .. ) 3+ Bedroom dwelling unit. d. e. Total Number of Dwelling Unit. N4 8. Grols Denlity Dwe ng Unit. Per Acre 9. Maximum HeiGht of Struoturel on Site feet atoriel 10. Required Oft-Street ParkinG a. ~.lculation of Requlred b. Off-Street Parklng Space. : ~r of Off-Street Provlded on Sl te Plan Parklng Ipace. 8HSf F1/6rO .; 2 .3 'LANNING DE'ARTMENT - APRIL 19'1 ArCU....pp ....-------.--...-.'. (11) RIDER '1'0 81ft 'LAM APPLICATIOM Th. un4.r.ivned a. applioant for '1nal .ite .lan Approval doe. here~ aoknowledge, repre.ent and agr.. that all plan., .paoification., drawing., engineering, and cther data .ul:lmitte4 with thl. app11oation for review ~ the City of Boynton Beach .hall be revlew4 by the variou. board., oonni..ion, .taff per.onnel and other part i.. 4e.lvnated, appointed or employeeS by th. City of Boynton aeach, and any .uoh party reviewing the .&me .hall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change 1n any it.., .uJxn1ttecS .hall be deemed materlal and eUb.tantial. The under81vned hereby agr.e. that aU aapeclt. of the propo.ed project .hall be con.tructe4 ln .trict oomplianc. with the fo~ in whlch they are a__proved, and any chang. to tbe .&me .hall be deemed mat.rial an4 .hall plac. ~he applicant in violatlon of thi. application and all approval. and pendt. which may be granteeS. Th. app11cant aCknowledge. that the City of Boynton ha. all right. and reMC11.. a. provi4e4 for by the app11cGle oode. and orcSinance. of the CitI of Boynton beach to ~rlng any violation into compliance, and that n the event of enforcement action by the City, the .pplicant .hall indemnify, re1mbur.e ancS'..ve the City of Boynton Be.ch harml... frem any co.t., expen.e, claim, liabi11ty or any .ction which may .ri.. du. to th.ir enforcement of the .ame. ACltNOWLEDGBD AND AGlUm '1'0 'l'BIS , 19 11-. ~ DAY OF. . PLANNING DIPAR'l'MENT - APRIL 1991 AsCU....pp -----.-------------- A r rID A V I T HAft 01' I'LOaIDA ) >> " ... COUl,ft'I' 01' 'ALII IDCII ). f." . auou 1m TRII !)AT 'IRICIru.LT AftDUD . !.-t')f"'(J.(L> 4 IJ,/ I r";, tu~ .. , WHO IllJfel nur.y 1WOIIf, DUOS" Ala) lAYS. '1'ba~ the aooOlllPMyln, P~ope~ty OWM~8 t,1et 18, to the beat of hl. knowled,., a compl.te an4 accurate l1.t of all p~ope~ty owne~8, nal11n, .d4r..... and 1.,al de8c~lptlona .. ~.co~de4 ln the 1.t..t official tax ~o11. In the COUnty Courthou.. fo~ .11 p~ope~ty w1th1n I'our JlUD4recl (400) f..t of the below de.CI'~ parcel of lueS. . Th. property 1n ~..t1oD 1, 1.,al1y d..c~1be4 .. followac SD A'1"IAcaD DJlIBI'l' itA" . FURTIIBR An'IAlf'l' SAYn'II lfOT. ~{!~ QtJ SWorn to anc1 .ubacr1be4 before _ th1. ~ ....11.. 19 91 No ry 0 St.t. of rlo~1da .t Larg. My Comm1aa1on Bxpl~.aa day of . -.' ~ . .......~ ... ~. .......--... ~A -' ... .., ..:- .. ~ ~ :" -:: - ~ ..~.~, ~ -:: i ~ . =- ~.. 1 --:. -- . .. : ,::. ~ ..~'.... ~ '::'.l" i'" .. '.:S .... t'... . oIIW', .... ...... ,-' ~, ........J;:~...... ~, ~.. ...,........ .... ..=-..",... ".......... I'LANlflMG DUAJt'1'MIHT - AnIL 1111 J"" APR-U"S9'r. U:5aM 9' -098;'99 ORS h7B~" 1.25 C on 5th 000. m Doc 275.00 JOff4 B DUN<lF,CLFRK .. P8 CCUfTY. FL ./fittl"A.t~ 4'1/tHD MT*-~ '"'= ~. SAlfUEL BUst. Esq. f... lIOO GLADES IlDIJ) SUIrE 2'0 JOe" 1tAI'OIt. FL "..J1 1RUSTEZ'S DEED TR:IS 'l'R08'l'J1a'. DEJlD is made .nd executed a. ot the 5th day of April, 1991, by BARRY 8. ~~, individually and a. Truste., wI~h rull power and authority under Florida Statute. 6".071 to proteot, oon.erve and ~o .el1, 1ea.e, encumb.r or otherwi.e ..n.ge .nd di.po.e of re.l property, hereinatter calle4 the Grantor, to HORACB A. W%~~~\KS, . ainq1e man, who.. addre.. 1~ 126 8.W. 10th Avenu., Boynton a.ach, Florida 33435, h.r.inaft.r called the Gr.ntee. ..%IIIIJS%I THAT, th. .ald Grantor, tor and in con.ideration of the .ua of $10.00 in hand paid by the .ald Grante., ~e reoeipt and suffici.ncy or Which 18 hereby .ckno....le4q.d, do.. hereby r..l.., r.l.... and qul~-cl.i. unto the .aid Grantee for.v.r, all the riqht, t1tl., intereat, claim and d.mand Which the ..14 Gr.ntor has in and to th. tollowinq desoribed l.nd, .ituate, lyinq and bainq 1n the County ot Palm Beaoh, 8tate at Florid., to-wit a SEE EXltXBIT "A" A'n'ACHZ1) BERB'l'O UD D.DB A PAtlT HERZOl' Grant.e'. 'edaral Tax I.D. Number I ~59-62"5456 Pareel IdentIfication Number: 01-43-45-21-32-001-0030 '1'0 HAVE AlfI) TO HOLO the aame tOg'ether with all .n4 aineJUlar tha ~:ppurt~nance. t.hereunto belonging or 1n anyw1s. appertaining, and all the estate, riqht., title, interest, lien, e~ity and cIat. whatsoevor of the .aid Grantor, either in 1.W or equity, to the use, benefit and behalf of the .aid Grante. forever. THIS Truste.'. De.d ls .xecuted by Grantor individually and as Trusta., .s .foresaid, in the .xerci.. ot the pow.r .nd authority confarred and ve.ted in it as such Tru.te., .nd .uch Trustee hereby w.rrant. that it possesses full pow.r and authority to execute this instrument. IN WITJmSS WHJI:RZOP, the said party haa alqned .nd .ea1e4 these pre.ent.. the day and year first .bove written. Siqne4, eeal~~n4 delivere4 id~~Lri?j,'!Jk . , ~f. j' A /.;;~J,~01~tr ~, Individually and a. Trust.. STATE 01' FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM aEACH ) ) SS: ) wa. sworn .ubscribed and My Commission expires. . TAllY rl'!lL~C ITAT": or "'0"10.-, .. ::~ OU'W;~IO,.i !X~~~~~ =[~~~ . .,,,Dt" TII~" ",,1.\.' .~ / \,.-") ..__ fI. ,,"',... ' ~l:' -' 011" "7.!\5 PI , :lit '" tnnIl.l~ ...... " ";.:'l . '.!Milt. DUt!ltTPrIOll O. IftUI PRO~ "", , ". . ,: Lot 3 .ncI the North 40 teet ot Lot' 4, B1dct 1, "IAU ADDITION '1'0 IOYHTOH, rLORIDA, aooordil\9 to the' Plat thereot on tlle in the Off1ce ot the Clerk ot the cb:CNlt Court in and tor 'al. "ach County, rlodeS., .. recordeeS at 'lat Book 11, 'a9. 11, 1e.. the r19ht-of-vay for U.s. H19hvay No.1. I ~ , . i ~ ~ :1 f.i. f~ ~~V . ,~ ...~ t .. ~. . '. . . ..". ...'. . .. .... .. . /7 tfOTtCI or PUBLIC HlIUtINO Horace A. Willi..., applicant, ha. reque.ted the following parcel to be eon.idered for CONDITIONAL U81 to locate a VSID CAR LOT at the followin9 location: Legal De.cription: Addr...: Lot 3 and the North to f..t of Lot ., Block 1, LAXI ADDITION TO BOYH'l'ON, FLORIDA, according to the 'lat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for 'al. .each county, Florida, a. recorded at 'lat Book 11, 'age 71, Ie.. the right-of-way for U.I. Highway No.1. lOot M. rederal Highway, aoynton Beacb owner: Horace A. WilU... .ropo.ed U.e: U.e~ Car 8al.. A HIARING BlroU TIll 'LANNING II IONING BOJUU) WILL BI HILD AT CITY HALL COMMISSION c:HAMBIRI, 100 I. BOYH'l'ON BBACH BLVD., BOYH'1'OII BEACH ON AVGUS'f 13, 1991 A'f 7:00 P.H. ALIO A PUBLIC HEARING II lamDULBD BBI'ORI '1'HB CITY COHKISSIOII, AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAKBBRS, 011 'l'UBSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1991 AT 1: 00 P.H. OR AS 10011 'l'HBRBAI"l'BJl AI '1'HB AGBNDA PEIUIITI, 011 THI ABOVE REQUBST. All int.re.ted partle. are notlf1~d to appear at .aid hearings in per.on or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decided to ~ppeal any decision of the planning II 10n1ng Board or City ~o..i..1on with re.pect to any .atter con.ider~d at th..e .e.ting. will need a record of the proceeding., and for .ucb purpo.e, .ay need to en8ure that a verbati. record of the proceeding. i. .ade, which record include. the te.timony and evldenc. upon which the appeal i. to be ba.ed. IUZANHI H. KRUSB, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYH'l'ON BEACH PUBLISRr BOYNTON BEACH NEWS July 26 . Au&ust 2. 1991 a.O ----_.~_.- .-". ~ tIi'. j) II ...-,.,-. ~ui~~; /oA.'fD ~ ~_-Q--o- ~h .4t) , 1~~l.~_O' Q ~" ~U1'f\,,1 tIlf 2'1 . ~~~.~ fthJ " ""..uc. -.."'''''. A.I~Q',,"U.~ (a.l:. ~, ."" \ ~ .A.L::"l!V.r.f~mJ.:~.t1\3D ~. 'fA' t~.. wr ~..lICI ~~ eal\Jl!v.'1..,~ -:"0 1l4~ ~).)e.Q?, ~ts lO""-.J,! (,~.) .. ,~.- , - .. . pl,;.b'.~ . ,: ~J..'1'.e-" ," . lC)..~ 7/_~~.d_-. .-.- A'" -~T ~ ~-:; .. \W" .:t-- If ..J === ::: r- - \..- I " I .' . . - . 'II . tI I r\ . - WILLIAMS-~AUTO SALES . ~ I: Lf- ~ +- -- 'I ta~. h L r-. . . V ,1+_ , , . rl '" \ I " IU -, ~tt . ..l I i r:.. - I 1/ ~~~~ ...., ~ ~& .\:~r- ~n-'~~'~ .;~~/! ~ .:x__ - ./r' III" I- ~ ...I: - ....... ~. .1, gffi PU~ I 'iii IEEEffiB j . I I 'I ,', :1: ~[lm' 11111111" ~ ..; ~&,~ ~ ~ o - ..l..~<<9~ ~ D .. 'In ~ ~ rt1;n mj"! ':~'l:;H t D_ -olJJ1. :! ~~~ ~ ..\ 'Irt!l }c r-IJ ,~~, ~, I' t ...., ,"1- ,.t r f- ". ~ t t=. I- > t:: ~ t= I'"~~ . --, -,J"'I""':~, I 1"HflJ\j'li~, >, , . .. t, ( "..,. -. ., . , - "" I 'LiJ,: , , '-f.: '" , -, . ~.~ 'i:-Ii ~ '"" ~ - IfI(. -FT l- )( ~Xy X. '..;II "'" , J ~:'!..JI'.... ......J.. J .J.....L. -1 1 I i l T I n c; ~I 'I ~) ...,;.... I 1.;;;:; J : :=J:": Ir .I. 1m ~ " ~-, I I If, j " 1 41 ~ . ~. roO IoC ...:s..- ~ III ~ L I I 1_ Iff I I I +- r~I'lr- ~k= I r- I II" :J - - ~IJ liT ~, II. .. I -,. ,: - JI .. , I ...~ r , 1\ '~ . . I : I' It . ~: - .. .. ~ .' ~";,~:",'," '[.~. ....~~> I III I III II'! ,1 .I ,;'~ ~ i ~ ~ fI:. rE~' "iFe -;~ ~ I ~ ~ -[~mm: " .-- 1J' '~ mm ,~ :f - ~"c~ CiBI~ }J t I ! I. I '; I' II' . J 1111 ~.._------