CORRESPONDENCE . '?<i--~r:~iF!,::S:~,\!~"~:'" T,~"'" ~ .,J~. ,~.., " .............. CORRESPONDENCE . /111ie City~ of 13oynton 13eac/i 100 T.. 1Joynton tJJea&. tJJoufevanl P.O. tJJoi(310 1Joynton tJJeadr., %nitfa 33425-0310 City 9fa1[: (4fJ7) 375-6()()(J 7"JU: (4fJ7) 375-6090 APR-17-1995 12:3OPm 95-11 7547 ORB 8704 P9 757 I 111.1111 1111 III I II . III CERTIFICATION I, SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached copy of Resolution # R95-58, map and Exhibit "A" approved on - April 4, 1995 are true and copies as they appear in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 7th day of April, 1995. _ '. I ," . 1 ~~ ... . ~_.)if;;), '.' '-~. . .~. (~EAL) -.;.- l" '.~- ~0 ,-",:'." . _ '"t. '-~'. -\ " . ' . ~9Y-~, SUZ NNE M. KRUSE, C AAE- CITY CLERK APRIL 7, 1995 ~. '. . -- ~ , . c. l' " I' S:'CCWP\CERT;fY~l. WPD JImtrica's gateway to the gulfttream .1 /' . (L ( :f ORB - 8704 P9 7S~ RESOLUTION NO. R95-~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING A 'IWENTY ( 20) FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT C, WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PLAT 1; SAID PROPERTY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID UTILITY EASEMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,.. , ! " " ij WHBRBAS, the applicant, CCL Consultants, Inc., as agent for ,i Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee for the Woolbright Place PUD is iI reques t ing abandonment of a twenty (20) foot wide drainage , easement, which easement i. located northeast of the southwest :1:11 corner ot S.W. 8th Street and Morton's Way, within a 33.87 acre I. parcel to be known as The Vinings; and " I Ii WHBRBASr comments have been solicited from the appropriate j: City Departments; and ,. f 1/ " I. II !I :1 I' 'I i WHERBASr public hearings have been held before the City'S Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHERBASr based on the foregoing information, easement no longer serves any useful purpose. the said I HOW, TBBRB1'ORBr BB IT RBSOLVBD BY THB CITY COIIIIISSIOH 01' q THB CITY 01' BOnrroH BBACBr FLORIDA, THAT: S~ction i. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission does hereby abandon a twenty (20) foot drainage easement in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and more particularly described in Exhibit "A. attached hereto. ~ I !: S~ction 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 'i :' S~ction 3. That this Resolution shall become effective ~f immediately upon passage. " !i PASSED AND ADOPTED this #-- day of April, 1995. ,I I, .~ -- - - . It. .....-. Vice" Mayor R--~ C Mayor Pro Tem .. JL~I' 'l (b...J.... .,~ -Commissio ert .J "bnci,v'n'n~.. )/30/95 ORB 704 Fg 758 EXHIBIT "Ad The 20 foot .drainage easement at the southwest corner of Tract C, Woolbright Place Plat 1, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 67, Pages 47 through 49, Public Records, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: ! I I " " I 1,1 Commence at the southwest corner of said Tract C; thence north 49Q 3l'is- west along the easterly line of said Tract C for 40.18 feet to a point on a curve, said point bears north 82Q 31'12- east to the radius point of the next described curve; thence northwesterly along a circular curve to the right, having a radius of 1441.26 feet, a central angle of OSQ 32' 01-, for an arc distance of 139.20 feet to the point of beginning and a point on the west line of said Tract C and centerline of said 20 foot drainage easement, said easement lying 10 feet on each side of and adjoining the fOllowing described centerline; thence south 69Q 25' 05- we$t for 203".97 feet to the point of ter.minus. " ,\ I: II Ii il " ;; I' il ;I 'i ;! Ii II ;i Ii i, , I 'I i! II :1 ti II ij 'I ;i " Ii ;, I ': i II 'I l\ /..;,.J ;';;1 ..' DISCLAIMER APR-17-1995 12:31PI 95-11 7548 ORB 8704 pg 760 I 111.1111 I" .1..1. II III KNOW ALL MEN BY THESB PRESENTS that the City of BOynton~ Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a twenty (20) foot. drainage easement, at the southwest corner of Tract C, Woolbright Place Plat 1, situated and located in Palm Beach County, Florida, attached hereto as Exhibit' "A". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the City this ~ day of April, 1995. ~ .~ . "':', .' A'1l!~~;: ~:.i ~ ': , '. '"; " . , t, s anne Kruse,. City Clerk :f.i: . , ;-, "':'- FLORIDA - 'STATE OF"FLORIDK i.:'; ".;;'; .;,t, '.><::'.::,;:';F ,) ,COUN'I!Y OF PALM:~BEACH ,,;~ ~; '.~: >.~:'.~}- ',' :/.. '.. ~ , .~ '-.~':~' . , <BBFORE 11&, the undersigned authority, personally appeared , ,~. . ) )ss: ) JERRY TAYLOR and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the said State and County this ~- day of April, 1995. ~ '-In. p~b, Y PUBLIC: State of Florida My Commission Expires: r ' '~"':'''' ' '':A,;j'r:-r M- 'r"flAiN"YO:l I .' "",'- ....... I _'~::::"~':,':\ MV C(.;',','.i.~SI:J:-~,~ ~G 38~147 i "," ~ :'~ c':r';:;'_~' ""."t2' me ! 1 ." .. ... ...oJ.._ .,.. " ~, " ' .:..' ;J"':1':~:.1 .-t-:O' J ':~~r' ,,~!.:"c: f'iJe:wrtters I ~..-_-....~";.~~..;.:~;-.:.o-- J '! / EXH\B\T 1I A" ~l \ ,~(" ~ \ tie \ b" \ ..I "'" it "--- ~_ gdfI' rI ~1 PCD. __ . I ,.........., IILa"\ ~ <<At>> -4' c: n~"'-'" ~=-\~-o -<:J~~ 00'Z. r- ~ n~ ....')10 C aGl~~~-4 c Icas7-o~~ r . ~~....~,..~ ~ ""g'Z~ ' .. ,.. 0) ""0 0 r m\i(1\!!O"'l\ G1 tnras" ~s-r ,.. 0 ... 0 ..J- n-4-< .00 - ~i~~'Z~ "Umi~~a 1: ~~(1\as ~ r %-oCJ\o~~ J;J -4-<')10 G ~~!.~~~ (1'\ . tt\0 )J> n~U1%~~ \J :tc:"U(t\-< '0 .... r- U\ % -0 r @:t~;ac: )) z. -4 "%. - .,.-4'J)tAS(t\ 0 ,:<~~(J\m. ~ Gl'1l-o-4 ell ""1\ t'I\. ....,.. r- G).-' oa.' .-.(1\ 3) tan" U1 ~",tal~-o ,..,..-0 r- ~~ ~ - tJl tal .... - ' as (1\ .... i . . . ~.'S._t ~ ... ,:- i" ~~$t~." . , . ,I . I \... I, I &.~ \1\ \ i'\ I \ I I ~ ~ ~ \ 'h ~ \ \ I I . I , ' .- .. ~i .. ',l i' , N ~ ~ .., \ \~1 \\ ,,~ .", \ \\~ l " ,~ "1;.1t :~.1 , l i b REQOROE"'S w&\O: \"egi\)i\i\V unsa~tae1DfY -" tIC il j' VI\L.' 4..J . w,., I _. . ~.c. DOROTHY H. W ILKEbt, CLERK PB COUNTY, Fl I EXHIBIT "A" Ii II II I I The 20 foot drainage easement at the southwest corner of Tract C, Woolbright Place Plat 1, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 67, Pages 47 through 49, Public Records, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the southwest corner of said Tract C; thence north 490 31'18" west along the easterly line of said Tract C for 40.18 feet to a point on a curve, said point bears north 820 31112- east to the radius point of the next described curve; thence northwesterly along a circular curve to the right, having a radius of 1441.26 feet, a central angle of 050 32' 01", for an arc distance of 139.20 feet to the point of beginning and a point on the west line of said Tract C and centerline of said 20 foot drainage easement, said easement lying 10 feet on each side of and. adjoining the following described centerline; thence south 690 251 05- west for 203.97 feet to the point of terminus. :1 ;j tJ1ie City of 'Boynton tJ3eacli 100 'E. 1Joynton tJJeom tJJoufevartl P.O. 'Bo;c310 '1Jqynton tJJeom, %nitfa 33425-0310 City 9fJJ[[: (4fJ7) 375-6()()(J 7"JU: (4()7) 375-6090 FAXED TO: 407-997-8649 March 8, 1995 Ms. Deborah L. Fish Paralegal Trammell Crow Residential 6400 Congress Avenue Suite 2000 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 RE: Woolbright Place PUD (Plat No.1) File No. 508 Dear Ms. Fish: As requested and pursuant to your faxed letter on March 7, 1995, please be advised that the property known as Woolbright Place PUD (Plat No. I), is currently zoned PUD - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, according to the official zoning map for the City of Boynton Beach. If I can provide additional assistance with this matter, please contact me. Very truly yours, / dwd~2'~ Tambri J. Hey' en . Planning and Zoning Director TJH:arw f1ah.zone,ja.arw JImtri.ca's (jateway to the (juifstream "' -".---"-----"'-~--,._,----,-~.--_._"---_..__.,._-~------------------- fjjh 4:/\0 'T1ie City of iBoynton iBeacli TO: FAX NO: FROM: DATE: RE: 100 T.. tJJoynton ifJuz&. tjJoufefltJTti P.O. tJJo~310 tJJoynton tJJeadr., %nitfa 33425-0310 City:JfoiI: (4fJ7) 375-6()()() 7"JilX: (4fJ7) 375-6090 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION j1trwl.;jAP~ /?::J~ / ~~~ (k 1?v~A'!t~~J 1/) I -CfCl1 ~ ~?.l.j1- ;/ evrJ~ Lk-y/vv J)?r.A~ ?IICjCjJ- tc)o--dI-1~j) ;!Paa, ;/ (j f) J . NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET C: FAX-TRANS. frb ~merU;as (jateway to the (juifstream -----".,-------~,--------------------<---"---"..__."_._..------- . MAR-07-85 08,58 FROM, TRAMMELL CROW/RES. ID, 407+887+8648 PAGE 2 r-feR TI~"""'.""':'U, (;~""",' ....p.il~,NII:'l (~'jl"i \ d\lr,h"~" 1\\'\',11\ :"q Ilt, .~,OHll It" ,I \~,\" >II, 1 \ i. I:, "I(I',I'M,. ');111' 1,,\:\ I II) 1")'1 'il'P' MaNlh 7, 1995 Me. To.mbri J. Heydon Planning and Zoning DirEoctOl' City of BOYl1.ton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Bhrd. Boynton Beach~ FL 33425-0310 Re: WoolbJ!'ight PlacQ PUD (Plat No, 1) Your File No. 50s Dear Me. Heyden; Trammell Crow tmticipatafa to clofiOa on the above parcel with our construction lender, Friday) Mard1 10. A'i3 a 'i'equirem9nt of clOli1ing~ our lender has asked that we obtain a letter from the City of Boynton Beach confirming the ZOllinlr and stat'I" of impD('t fee! fOL th~b elte. Again, as Oll.r dosing i:!l only a few days aWa.y, I would appreciate your assistance In provJding me with a Jetter addreasing the above i!i.&uer;:. as soon as possible. Once complete, please fax the letter 1:0 me at 407/997-8649. Thank you In advance fot" your immediate attention to thig matter. Should you have any questions) please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely t ('" "" /.) \ \ L \....J~_,' L~} 1''- /.. 'K~ ~ -h.A.' Deborah L. Fish Paralegal TRAMMELL CROW/RES. [D, 407+897+8849 Tr,,-nmell Crow Residenrial- PAGE MAR-07-95 09,58 FROM, .. -11995 ill Q400 Conqr... Av.nua S\li.1:e '~oao Boca R~tcn, rL ~34S7 ~ 401/997-'700 407/991-~O.9 (r~) e'ACSJJI.ILE TRAHSKIT"1'AL DATI: 3/1 pLEASB OEI.J:Vml TO: HAD : CCKPAIIY : PAX NVIIRBR: 'lXH.AIft'!S : R, : rsc<\ "'- \" ",-~ 'd~t, -,;: l~ ' "" ,~,., fl lA., I 1'-" \" t, r'> - {'00oI b r; ):,U P /0 c..~, fJu () (P Ie. ~ A)(l. I ) .. ' .. r.-: ~JL~J lo.~L_L 1"tA~ !"AX op~'l'OIl~ lfWIbtI~ o~ 1'89_ inclucl1nq 'this caver sbllet: "2-- It' ygu do nat receiv. .~~ tha pa~... pl.... eontace us i~~at.~y. '~(~ "J/.1 A~' ',' ,'{ /~- ~{j Tradewinds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton, FL 33487 (407) 994-3133 June 7, 1994 ; Mr. Kevin 1. Hallahan The City of Boynton Beach 100 E.Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 , 1U' \ \) ,S<3~ \ '. ~""'" ",~~-......"",...." RE: Woolbright Place P.U.D. Dear Mr. Hallahan, I am. writing in response to your letter of May 3, 1994 relative to the three (3) Hibiscus specimen trees located in our P.U.D. adjacent to the home on Canal Way. Although we have no intention of disturbing these trees, there are two (2) issues to consider. First and most important those trees are on the parcel belonging to the First Baptist Church, not the Tradewinds property. Second, you may recall that back in 1990 when Tradewinds was installing the storm drainage pipe in the easement in front of those trees, there was a meeting with the City representatives and our contractor to move the storm drainage line to the south to avoid damage to the subject trees and leave them in place for the adjacent homeowner. We so moved the line, unfortunately, the Church has been insisting that we go back and put the drainage line in its original location, as in moving South we are out of the original easement given, although not really by much. The documentation and surveys are available. hurch be contacted and made aware of the desire to keep s, and perhaps we could all meet to resolve this issue. rnO\Vlm ill rn JUN I 5 1994 Michael Morton c.c. Howard Schartin cc: Tambri Heyden, Director Zoning & Planning Department AND Clfu: City of !Boynton !Beach rz1tuitw. ~u:mznt '24 C<ut <Woofb.t"9h.t <::Road !Boyn.ton. !B=aC., 9fo'f1.tia. 33435 P!:.oIU: (407) 375-6400 9c119(: (407) 375-6298 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES June 3, 1994 Ms. Bettina Scherer, Development Associate Trammel Crow Residential 6400 Congress Ave., Suite 2000 Boca Raton, FL 33487 RE: The Vinings at Boynton Beach Dear Ms. Scherer: This is to confirm that the City of Boynton Beach utility Dept. has sufficient reserve water and sewer capacity to serve your proposed 550 units to be located at the Woolbright Place, P.U.D.. Based upon the information provided in your letter of May 20, 1994, we estimate the water and sewer capital facilities charges for phase I to be $329,260.40, based upon the rate currently in effect. 'This figure is calculated using a cost per equivalent dwelling unit (e.d.u.) of $1099 for water and sewer, and factors of 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 for 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartment units respectively. Your estimated cost of $1075 per 2-inch water meter is correct. Currently, this project carries a concurrency exemption for water and sewer, based upon the already-approved site plan. If your firm were to purchase the property and revise the site plan, a capacity reservation fee of $1358.28 per year for each 2-inch meter may be required until payment of the capital facilities charges. This particular issue is currently under discussion by City staff, and we are bringing it to your attention as a future possibility, not as a certainty. I trust this letter meets your needs. If additional questions on this matter, please Mazzella of this office. you should have any refer them to Peter ill JU(~ - 6 1994 00 JAG!PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager Tambri Heyden, Planning Director File cIImE.'tica'j, gatE-way to tf'u. gLL[f~tuam fJ1ie City of 13oynton 13eac/i 100 To. tJJoynton fJJeadi tJJoufevarti P.O. tJJOi(310 tJJoynton tJJeadi, %nitfa 33425-0310 City 9fafI: (4fJ7) 375-6()()(J 7"JU: (407) 375-6090 May 26, 1994 Ms. Bettina Scherer Development Ass't., Trammel Crow Residential 6400 Congress Avenue, Suite 2000 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 RE: Woolbright Place PUD (Plat No.1) - File No. 508 Dear Ms. Scherer: As requested in your May 19, 1994 letter, the following information is provided in response to your seven question: 1. Master plan modification process - A master plan modification is only needed if development of the PUD deviates from the approved master plan (i.e. - unit type, number of units, setbacks, buffers, etc.). Since your letter indicated that Trammel Crow is interested in developing a portion of the site for apartments, most likely a master plan modification would not be needed prior to site plan submittal. I would need a sketch of your proposal to answer this question definitively. However, if a master plan modification were necessary, 12 sets of the modified master plan drawings are required, accompanied by a letter of request, which summarizes the modifications, and a $500 processing fee. This process before the Technical Review Committee, City Commission and Planning and Development Board, respectively, takes approximately 1 1/2 - 2 months and if necessary, is required prior to site plan submittal. 2. S.W. 8th Street accesp - Pursuant to the approved master plan, access is available from S.W. 8th Street. Access points to the residential pods are shown on the master plan. 3. Concurrency and hook-up fees - The project is vested for concurrency. For hook-up fee information, please contact Peter Mazzella of the utilities Department (407}-375-6404. ;;Imtrica's (jateway to the (julfttream Page 2 May 26, 1994 4. Drainage - I do not know Ken Kruger, however on-site drainage is required and there is a master storm water system existing (I'm not sure whether it is complete - the Engineering Department would know the status of this infrastructure) which serves not only the PUD, but the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD to the south. The current development plans that were approved with the Woolbright Place PUD, Plat No. I, final plat and the Shoppes of Woolbright final plat are filed in the Engineering Department, (407)-375-6280, and can be viewed to analyze the drainage system. 5. Open space - There is no open space requirement within the residential pods of the PUD. 6. Wildlife - No wildlife issues remain outstanding. 7. Development order, development agreement or impact fee agreement - The approved master plan and final plat, which reflect the accepted, development terms are the most recent, valid development orders affecting the property. Unfortunately, this office does not have the equipment to copy the 24" x 36" master plan, last revised 10/30/90, therefore, one is not attached and the Engineering Department must be contacted regarding the final plat. The Building Department, (407)-375-6350, can be contacted for impact fee information and a schedule. other than these documents, development of the property is subject to court ordered, stipulation and settlement agreements (Tradewinds Development Corporation vs. The City of Boynton Beach, Case No. 86-3661). I believe the aforementioned documents would be adequate, however if copies of the stipulation and settlement agreements serve your need, the city Clerk can be contacted at (407)-375- 6060. If you need additional information, please contact me at (407)- 375-6260. Sincerely, ~~iJyAJ Planning and Zoning Director tjh A:WPlaclnq ,.~ .- n GEE & JENSON Engineers, Architects, n<1'1I1l',s,lnc. January 23, 1992 ,Mr. David Levy, P.E. Tradewinds Development Corporation 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Re: Woolbright Place P.U.D. - Request for Variance Dear Mr. Levy: In response to your request for a drainage variance on the dry retention area within the Woolbright Place P.U.D and P.C.D., we are awaiting your submittal of a variance request including a $400.00 check made payable to the City of Boynton Beach. Upon receipt of this check at the Engineering Department, I will schedule the variance for review by the Technical Review Committee for the City. In addition, I need a letter from you indicating who your present "engineer of record' will be on this drainage variance request. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer . ,';.o;tIfIIIi. ~ WRS:kvc enc 91-025.4 cc: (~~ Virice Finizio J. Scott Miller f~ ~~~~~rfDj 1f) ,\~J..r .1;', \ .... ,-- )- )A. - ( . ...\ ..... \)\;.P\~\ . .,...,l"U "- \".I"".~ ----- One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923.407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 J.88 LAIE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 1361 MILITARY TRAIL DfLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 Mal"ch 8. 1991 Mr. Mike Morton Tr.4ew1nds Development Corporation 902 Cl1At Moore Road. 1124 80ca Raton. FL 33487 Dear Mr. Morton: Re: LWDO Permit 191-12070.02. Woolbright Place pu~. Annexation. Canal [-4 The above project is only partially within the D1str1ctts boundaries. In order for the District to continue to provide proper flood protection via the E-4 canal. the entire parcel MUst be annexed. Enclosed is a copy of the Annexation fo~. Also. future parcels can not be approved until this matter is resolved. If you have any questions. regarding this matter. please feel free to call Mr. Richard S. Whee11han. Assistant Manager or me. Sincerely. ,/ PAM:.m Ene ~ osur~ ce:L-Gtfy of Boynton Beach South Florida Water Management District Richard S. Wheel1han. lWDD Ass1sta"t Manager William J. Ludtke. LWOO Inspector CERTI FlED MAll Delray Beach & Boca Raton 498-5363 . Boynttln Beach & West Palm Beach 737-3835 . FAX (407) 495-9694 ~Cf.l"'"f.'O .. t'! ~ R ).." ~1~' ,1 ,r. nE.~ ~'" . N'Nb \,.I'..... ~~ ~~ ')> ~, ,\,' Board 01 Supervisors C. Stanley WefNer Kennlt Dell John I. Whitworth III SecretarylManager William G. Winters Assistant Manager Richard S, Wheellhan Atlorney Perry & Schone, P ,A, ~ .';," ,CITY'of :~..B,0'YNTON BEACH " Mailing: Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425~0310 Telephone: (407) 738-7487 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 . . OFfICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER November 21, 1990 ~\~ ~0.D, Tradewinds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Dear Mr. Morton: Please be advised that the City Commission for the City of Boynton Bea Florida, during their regular meeting, held on November 20, 1990, apE oved the final plat for Woolbright Place Plat #1, P.U.D. In conjunction wit the aforementioned City Commission action, the Engineering Department or the City of Boynton Beach, herein provides you with this Land Development ermit, authorizing you to commence with the construction of only thos required sub- division improvements, which are depicted within approved dev opment plans, in the custody of the Engineering Department. As the City C ssion has approved this plat in its current form, there shall be no ch ges to the plat document relative to the deletion of Water Management easements as described within the November 20, 1990 Gee & Jenson letter describing conditions and procedures the Tradewinds Group must follow prior to receiving City authorization. The Gee & Jenson document is attached herein and made a part hereof this Land Development Permit. It shall be the obligation of the Tradewinds Group to immediately record the final plat into current Palm Beach County tax records. Upon completion of the recording, please deliver a quantity of three blue line copies of the plat document including a time stable reproducible to this office for entry into the City Clerk's files. This document does not constitute a Building permit(s) for the construction of improvements not specified within your submitted Letters of Credit and associated certified Engineer's Opinion of Costs for the required subdivision improyements. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Lh--.::r A ;=€.., Vincent A. Flnizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering . O' -. VAF{ck cc: J. Scott Miller, Jim Cherof, Christopher eutro, Don Jaeger, Mike Haag _,i'" ,',,, ,';', Tradewinds Group , Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton. FL 33487 (407) 994-3133 October 30, 1990 Mr. J. Scott Miller City Manager City of Boynton Beach P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-~310 RE: S.W. 8th Street Thoroughfare Plan Dear Mr. Miller: Commencing in late 1984, as part of the Woolbright Place development planning, Tradewinds Development Corp. and its consultants had meetings with Carmen An- nuziato, City Planner, to discuss the location most beneficial to the City for the final location of S.W. 8th Street. The starting point at Woolbright Road was fixed by the entrance/intersection with the Boynton Commerce Center across the street and by the dedication of right-of way property from George Fuller (Bass Creek North) a previous developer on the site. From the beginning it was always Carmen's inten- tion that S. W. 8th Street would be a major City thoroughfare. A north/south link between Woolbright Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, it would continue north on realigned Old Boynton Road and link up at Con- gress Avenue with the Boynton Beach Mall and other Con- gress Avenue commercial activities. The plan at that time was for Tradewinds to con- struct S.W. 8th Street to the northerly end of its property and receive road impact credits for that con- struction. Additionally, Carmen was requesting from the City help in effectuating a right-of-way condemna- tion and abandonment to corne from impact fees to allow for a three lane section of road going north from the Woolbright site through to Boynton Beach Boulevard. From there he planned a minimum of a three lane section northward on Old Boynto,n Road. His Ulti~~.%~D to have Old Boynton Road be a four lane~~~~ Congress to Boynton Beach Boulevard, then a three lane section to the Woolbright property line. NOV I 1990 The purpose in writing to you at thPlA~Nn'G:JotPw suggest that there is no North/South road between 1-9; and Congress that connects Woolbright tfi liOYRtQ~ ~9=o,...n '.a Boulevard. S.W. 8th Street, as described above, would ._------,._----------'----- - ._~ ~~-- Mr. J. Scott Miller, City Manager (page two) not only connect those two major East-West trafficways, but would cause considerable relief from the congestion occurring along Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. This was studied extensively by Mr. Annunziato and the traffic engineers back in 1985, and was considered to be an extremely important and logical link in the trafficways program. During the intervening time period wherein the parties were enmeshed in litigation, this congept and the methodology, ob- viously, fell by the wayside. We think it is extremely important at this time for the City to implement a program that eventually will cause this vital link to become a reality. There are several properties within the City that still re- quire approval for zoning and/or the payment of road impact fees including the Woolbright Place PUD and PCD. We would think that the road impact-fee dollars that our project and other projects now contemplated along this proposed thoroughfare and along Con- gress Avenue could be utilized for that direct purpose. If the City feels that there is some validity to exploring the matter further, this developer would like to recommend that a traffic study be made confirming the previous study amd methodology. This developer, at its sole cost and expense, would engage an independent traffic consultant to report to the City Commission on the proposed matter. The traffic engineer would also approach Palm Beach County and other governmental agencies required for such approva-ls on the feasibility of utilizing those future impact fees for right-of-way abandonment and construction. the plan makes a good deal of sense for the bfic and we appreciate your indulgence in con- atter. We await your response on what the next Morton, President MM/dob cc: Honorable Gene Moore, Mayor ~~ City Commissioners Mr. Chris Cutro, City Planner MEMO NO. 90-321 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ......,... ""HI V, l'1C1nning Director Vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director Chief Ed Hillery, Police Department Chief Ed Allen, Fire Department J. Scott Miller, City Manager November 5, 1990 Southwest 8th Street Thoroughfare Plan TO: Attached hereto please find a copy of a letter dated October 30, 1990, from the Tradew1nds Group regarding the above referenced subject matter. The conceptual road plan as presented appears logical and does make sense. I would ask that you please review the content of said letter and forward to this office your findings and conclusions. Your prompt attention is appre- ciated. Thank you. , c~-c-:l; :~ ~~~--- J,/ cott Mill er C,ty Manager JSM:cd Attachment RECEIVED ~O" 6 1990 PLANNiNG DEPT. ~ - CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 ea.t Boynton S.ach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton B.ach, Florida 33"2~-0310 (401) 73"-8111 November 5, 1990 Michael Morton, President Tradewinds Group 902 Clint Moore Rd, Ste 124 Boca Raton, FL ~3487 RE: Southwest 8th Street Thoroughfare Plan Dear Mr. Morton: Thank you for your letter dated October 30, 1990, regarding the above referenced subject matter. The conceptual road analysis and pattern pre- sented appears logical and makes sense. I am forwarding a copy of this letter to members of my staff who par- ticipate in the review and study of community development plans and requesting of them their comments. Upon receipt of these comments I will be in a better position to sit down with you and discuss this matter more comprehensively and accurately. :-1 Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~tI~ J( Scott Mi 11 er City Manager JSM:cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Central File ~ Tradewinds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 BDca Raton, FL 33487 (407) 994-3133 'r. --. -. ,-. --'VED ~ '.' f ~,$.t . ~.~. ~~ ''''1 1:';. .'-1" :' " ':. I \.\ ... ., . . ~...- - ......... --. ~!QV 1 1990 ITY MANAGER'S OFFICE October 30, 1990 Mr. J. Scott Miller City Manager City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: S.W. 8th Street Thoroughfare Plan Dear Mr. Miller: Commencing in late 1984, as part of the Woolbright Place development planning, Tradewinds Development Corp. and its consultants had meetings with Carmen An- nuziato, City Planner, to discuss the location most beneficial to the City for the final location of S.W. 8th Street. The starting point at Woolbright Road was fixed by the entrance/intersection with the Boynton Commerce Center across the street and by the dedication of right-of way property from George Fuller (Bass Creek North) a previous developer on the site. From the beginning it was always Carmen's inten- tion that S.W. 8th Street would be a major City thoroughfare. A north/south link between Woolbright Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, it would continue north on realigned Old Boynton Road and link up at Con- gress Avenue with the Boynton Beach Mall and other Con- gress Avenue commercial activities. The plan at that time was for Tradewinds to con- struct S. W. 8th Street to the norther ly end of its property and receive road impact credits for that con- struction. Additionally, Carmen was requesting from the City help in effectuating a right-of-way condemna- tion and abandonment to come from impact fees to allow for a three lane section of road going north from the Woolbright site through to Boynton Beach Boulevard. From there he planned a minimum of a three lane section northward on Old Boynton Road. His ultimate goal was to have Old Boynton Road be a four lane roadway from Congress to Boynton Beach Boulevard, then a three lane section to the Woolbright property line. The purpose in writing to you at this time is to suggest that there is no North/South road between I-95 and Congress that connects Woolbright to Boynton Beach Boulevard. S.W. 8th Street, as described above, would , .,l r ,I l ,1 I' , l , I Mr. J. Scott Miller, City Manager (page two) not only connect those two major East-West trafficways, but would cause considerable relief from the congestion occurring along Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. This was studied extensively by Mr. Annunziato and the traffic engineers back in 1985, and was considered to be an extremely important and logical link in the trafficways program. During the intervening time period wherein the parties were enmeshed in litigation, this concept and the methodology, ob- viously, fell by the wayside. We think it is extremely important at this time for the City to implement a program that eventually will cause this vital link to become a reality. There are several properties within the City that still re- quire approval for zoning and/or the payment of road impact fees including the Woolbright Place PUD and PCD. We would think that the road impact fee dollars that our project and other projects now contemplated along this proposed thoroughfare and along Con- gress Avenue could be utilized for that direct purpose. If the City feels that there is some validity to exploring the matter further, this developer would like to recommend that a traffic study be made confirming the previous study amd methodology. This developer, at its sole cost and expense, would engage an independent traffic consultant to report to the City Commission on the proposed matter. The traf fic engineer would also approach Palm Beach County and other governmental agencies required for such approvals on the feasibility of utilizing those future impact fees for right-of-way abandonment and construction. We feel the plan makes a good deal of sense for the City and th blic and we appreciate your indulgence in con- sidering e atter. We await your response on what the next step sh e. MM/dob cc: Honorable Gene Moore, Mayor City Commissioners Mr. Chris Cutro, City Planner ~ ~(v~ ---'. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH t ~ Mailing: ~ Telephone, Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, F1 33425-0310 (407) 738-7487 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER Stanley Consultants of Florida, Inc. 2000 Lanbard Street West Pa~ Beach, Florida 33425-0310 October 31, 1990 Re: Your October 29, 1990 Request for Letter(s) of Credit Release and Reductions Shoppes of Woolbright, P.C.D. Attention: Mr. Joel Wantrnan, P.E. Dear Mr. Wantman: Please be advised that this office is in receipt of the above referenced request. The information provided this office is insufficient for staff to determine accuracy of the percent camp let ion statements listed within your letter. The subject sureties were founded upon your original line item certified cost estimates and therefore reduction and release requests should be based upon incorrplete and canpleted line item reports for in-place construction of the required improvements. In accordance with the quidelines set forth within our City I S Cooe of Ordinances, specifically Appendix "C", Article XI, Section 2, "Administration of Construction" (page 2147), please provide a construction report listing by line item and unit prices required improvement (s) that are canpleted and/or incarplete to date. I recaT11l9nd that you revisit the appli- cable sections of Appendix "C", relative to records, measurements, certifications and City acceptance requirements. When this office receives the requested reports, data and associated dOCl..UT'ents, I will transmit copies to the affected City Departments for their analysis and verification of the quantities and totals listed within the requested report. A field inspection will then be conducted by each City Depart:rrent and I will subTIit to you our findings at that time. Thank you. RECEIVED Very truly yours, ,mv 1 1990 PLANNING DEPT. THE CITY OF OOYNI'CN BEAm, FIDRIDA l )~' . r-OL::r~ ~-{~__ ~ Vincent Anthony Fi;izi~ a Administrative COordinator of Engineering cc: City Manager lie Director of Planning CiTY of BOYNTON BEACH J~ ~ @ .~' 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FlorIda 33435-0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR September 19, 1990 Stanley Consultants Attn: Mr. Joel Wantman 2000 Lombard Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 RE: Woolbright Place Plat No. 1 - Preliminary Plat File No. 508 Dear Mr. Wantman: Please be advised that on Tuesday, September 18, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced preliminary plat, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. In addition, please be advised of the following additions, deletions and modifications to the staff comments that were approved by the City Commission: 1. That the developer provide surety for the industrial access road prior to final plat approval, based on the depiction of this road on the approved master plan and the preliminary plat drawings. 2. That the developer not be required to extend the guard rail adjacent to the water management tract southward beyond that required by Department of Transportation standards. 3. That the developer provide an MAI certified appraisal to determine the value of the land within the PUD. Upon acceptance by the City, said land value will be included in a legal document, to be executed by the City and developer, which specifies the nature of the improvements to be performed on the 3.5 acre park site to be dedicated to the City. The above requirements are to be completed prior to final plat approval. TO: Mr. Joel Wantman -2- Sept. 19, 1990 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Jt: j-!::!: Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs ~ cc: Tradewinds Development Corp. Technical Review Board Faxed 9/20/90 to: Tradewinds (407) 241-0646 Stanley Consultants (407) 842-0674 C:Wlbright .' STAFF COMMENTS WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PLAT NO. 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: PARKS & RECREATION: PRELIMINARY PLAT See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-240 TO: .J. SCOTT MILLER CITY MANAGER SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 FROM: VINCENT A. FINIZIO ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR OF ENGINEERING RE: PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMISSION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1990 WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PLAT #1 (6TH SUBMISSION) TRADEWINDS GROUP STANLEY CONSULTANTS OF FLORIDA. INC. CITY of c BOYNTON BEACH ~ Mailing: @ Telephone: Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, F1 33425-0310 (407) 738-7487 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 Certified Mail #P\041 547 507 Return Receipt Requested OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER Stanley Consultants of Florida, Inc. Lombard Center 2000 Lombard Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 October 18, 1990 Page 1 of 2 Attention: Mr. Joel Wantman, P.E. Re: Woolbright Place Plat #1 Statement of Technical Compliance and Surety Establishment Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Wantman: This document constitutes a statement of technical compliance and surety establish- ment for the above referenced preliminary plat submission as approved by the Honorable Mayor and City Commission during the regular October 16, 1990 Commission meeting. Technical compliance of the construction plans and preliminary plat shall not constitute acceptance of the final plat; rather it shall be deemed an expression of acceptance of the layout submitted on the preliminary plat as a guide to the preparation of the final plat. Technical compliance of the construction plans and preliminary plat shall not be construed as authority for filing the plat with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, nor as authority for the sale of lots in reference thereto. The following surety(s) shall be submitted to this office in conjunction with your final plat submission. Additionally, administration fees, final plat submission fees and monies relative to the funding of the street light construction shall be submitted in conjunction with the final plat submission. The breakdown for the aforementioned items are as follows: ~ Sewage collection system for 22 acre commercial site - Actual Sewage collection system for 22 acre commercial site @ 110% Fill/Earthwork for P.U.D. - Actual cost Fill/Earthwork for P.U.D. @i 110% Landscaping - Actual cost Landscaping @ 110% One (1) Acre Parcel - Actual cost One (1) Acre Parcel @ 110% Streets dedicated to the public - Actual costs Streets dedicated to the public @ 110% cost=$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ 34,980.00 38,478.00 * 11,000.00 12,100.00 * 123,000.00 135,300.00 * 75,000.00 82,500.00 * 438,022.86 481,825.15 * The total amount of surety to be submitted to the City as indicated by the improvement costs designated with an asterisk (*)=$ 750,203.15 The administrative fee to be submitted to the City in the form of monies made payable to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida =$ ~~'mVED OCT 18 1990 PI 1\.1\11\1 i ".: '"" ..... r-....... ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-240 Preliminary Plat Submission Woolbright Place Plat '1 cont'd 3. The applicant has stated at City Commission meetings and at T.R.B. meetings that they will not provide surety for the Industrial Access Road a requirement ot Final Plat approval, for they claim they will not construct this required improvement. As the City approved Master Plan depicts this roadway, the applicant must construct this roadway and provide surety assuring its construction. The road shall be constructed within twenty-one months from the issuance of a Land Development Order. Should the applicant fail to submit surety for this road as defined within the Final PInt sections of our code, a Final Plat approval can- not be provided the developer tlnless Il Aubdivis:fon vllriance procedure is sucessfully completed thereby Kranting the lIpplicnnt reltef Hhould the outcome ot Commissions final disposition rule in favor of the npplicllnts request but the applicant shall build the road and provide the surety should the City Commission rule that the applicant does not qUlllify for relief. The applicant has the right to enter into the subdivision And platt:fng vartalH'l! procedures as specified within Appendix "C", which includes PubUc lIearin~s in C'on.lunc.tion wi th City Commission rulings as out- lined within Article XVI, "Variances and Exceptions", Section 1, "Administration of Variances", Section lA 1.,2.,3., and Section lB 1:, 2., 3., and Section lC, Section lD. Notwithstanding the aforementioned items, the applicant's 09/14/1990 submission is in substantial compliance with City Code of Ordinances. - Respectfully submitted, J: _'AA.~-.._ Vincent A. Finizio (S cc: James Golden Interim Director of Planning MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-555 TO: Jim Golden Interim Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry Director of Utilities DATE: September 17, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Woolbright Place. Plat 1 Preliminary Plat (Revised submittal of 9/14/90) We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions:, '1. The existing 12" force main must be abandoned by re-routing the sewage flow southward in accordance with previously approved plans, before the dry detention area is constructed. Otherwise, the force main is likely to be damaged or exposed due to excavation. 2. Regarding the off-site sewer (sheet 1 of i), the sewer' shall be polyethylene-lined ductile iron pipe in three additional locations, as follows: a. 20' DIP centered on the future 30" RCP drainage pipe crossing northeast of MH #3. b. 20' DIP centered on both of the temporary drainage ditches. . If the ditches will be used for longer than one year, we request that the DIP be encased in a suitable thickness of concrete to protect the pipe from maintenance dredging activity. 3. The off-site sewer shall be bonded and constructed no later than February 1, 1992 (to coincid~ with the 21-month time frame from the platting of the PCD). 4. Dedicate and record the easement over the existing 12" force main prior to Commission approval of the final plat. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Mike Kazunas Mike Haag, Building Department (12) Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department .",tf!>_ MEMORANDUM POLICE # 90-0116 TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale S. Hammack RE: 1- Woolbright Place DATE: September 17, 1990 I have reviewed the plans submitted by Mr. Robert Gomez on 14 September 1990 and find the following items have not been complied with: 1. A guard rail be placed the entire length of the lake between the lake and S.W. 8th Street. (Public Safety) 2. Industrial access road to be renamed (Public Safety) 3. An additional Keep Right sign be placed on the North side of S.W. 8th Street at the intersection of industrial,access road.(~-/~~~) 4. Comply with Construction Security Ordinance. (~'8G) i)[)oJJ~ Lt. Dale S. Hammack DSH/cm PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-291 (REVISED 9-17-90) TO: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board FROM: James J. Golden, Interim Planning Director DATE: August 31, 1990 SUBJECT: Woolbright Place Plat No. 1 - Preliminary Plat With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. The master plan modification ratified by the City Commission on May 15, 1990, required the dedication of 3.5 acres of land to the City for parks and recreation purposes, in accordance with Article IX, Section 8 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. The title to this land should be conveyed to the City prior to final plat approval. The remaining acre that is required through the parks and recreation dedication requirement is to be the equivalent of a cash payment in the form of public improvements of equal value to the park site. The equi valent value of improvements should be based on either a recent purchase contract or an MAl certified appraisal and is to be set by the Planning and Zoning Board at the time of preliminary pla t approval (Article IX, Section 8. D of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting). A copy of the purchase contract or the MAl certified appraisal should be submitted to this office prior to review by the Planning and Zoning Board so that the appropriate land value can be determined by staff and included in the report to the Planning and Zoning Board. Otherwise, the fair market value must be determined by the Planning and Zoning Board without a recommendation from staff (Article IX, Section 8.D of Appendix C - Subdivisions, Platting) . The developer may then contest this value by submitting an appraisal, if he feels the value has been set too high. In addition, the City should execute a legal agreement for the public improvements prior to final plat approval. 2. The landscape plan required in accordance with Article VIII, Section 5 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting, and Section 11.B of Appendix B-Planned Unit Developments, must show landscaping details and cross-sections for all landscaping within public rights-of-way, buffer zone~ and common elements and must be consistent with the approved master plan. ROTE: Some changes will be necessary for the buffers within the boundary of pod 3, as outlined subsequently in this memorandum. 3. A license agreement or some other form of legal agreement acceptable to the City must be approved for the landscape buffer to be located wi thin the existing right-of-way for S.W. 8th Street, prior to final plat approval. 4. The developer must file a maintenance association agreement for improving, perpetually operating, and maintaining the common elements, prior to final plat approval. Such documents shall be subj ect to the approval of the City Attorney (Section 11 of Appendix B-Planned Unit Developments). NOTE: Draft document has been submitted for review. 5. Provide 6 copies of a master plan which reflects the changes approved by the City Commision at the May 15, 1990, meeting (see approval letter and Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-114 attached). NOTE: Additional revisions to the master plan drawing will be necessary, as outlined subsequently in this memorandum. Said change should be made prior to final plat approval. TO: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board -2- August 31, 1990 (Revised 9/17/90) 6. The total number of units on the Site Data tabulation of the revised master plan should be corrected to include the 40 duplex units approved in connection with the May, 1990 master plan modification (to be changed from 600 to 640). 7. Delete the 25 foot wide buffer on west side of pod 3 on the revised master plan drawing, in accordance with the language contained in Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-114 concerning the approved master plan modification. In addi tion, modify the buffer on the east side of pod 3 to include a note that states "install a row of trees and shrubs along the west side of the drainage ditch in a dedicated landscape easement to screen neighborhood from railroad tracks" (see Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-114). 8. In connection with the future pod 3 replat, dedicate drainage easements for City maintained drainage pipes which run from S.W. 6th Street right-of-way to drainage ditch (see Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-114). 9. Add note under "pod 3" on revised master plan drawing that states "max. one story" (see Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-114). 10. The 25 foot wide buffer easement shown along the west side of pod 3 on the plat document should be deleted (see Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-114). 11. Relief from the requirement to construct the Industrial Access Road will require a subdivision variance (see Article XVI of Appendix C - Subdivisions, Platting for procedure and requirements). 12. An overall sign program must be approved for the PUD prior to construction of any permanent project signage (see Sections 2l-l4.M and 21-15 (f) of the Sign Regulations and Article X, Section 15.B of Appendix C Subdivisions, Platting) . ~/~ ES J. GOLDEN JJG:frb Encs cc: City Manager Admin Coord of Engineering A:PM90-29l CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @. ;~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 14071734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNIN3 DIREcroR May 21, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Ms. Collene W. Parker 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 RE: Woolbright Place PUD - Master Plan Modification File No. 469 Dear Ms. Parker: Please be advised that on Tuesday, May 8, 1990, the Planning and Zoning Board approved the referenced master plan modification, subject to, staff comments, copies of which are attached. On Tuesday, May 15, 1990, the City Commission ratified the master plan modification as being consistent with the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, dated January 24, 1990. Also included in the approval is the berm cross-section, the building setbacks, and the building heights (which would supersede staff recomendations) on the northern end of the PUD which was approved as a maximum of three stories. These details are incorporated into the "Northern Landscape Buffer Treatment" dated May 7, 1990, which was prepared by Kilday & Associates, and submitted at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. No details of the buffer on the west side of the PUD are required as a part of the master plan. , Furthermore, it is a condition of approval that the equivalent of one acre of park area be provided in cash or by public improvements of equal value in the vicinity of the proposed neighborhood park which is to be dedicated. Please be advised that all plat documents, subdivision construction plans, and site plans which are submitted must -..- --- TO: Kilday & Associates -2- May 21, 1990 comply with the approved master plan for the PUD. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~;V~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central Files C:Wlbright PLANNIN3 rEPT. MEMOPANDUM NO. 00-1;4 T,:': v. S':Ott: MillE:1:. City Hane.gel.- FRCM: Tlmothy P. C3nnon, Actlng Plann2ng Director DATE: May 1, lS90 SUBJECT: Addendum--woolbright Place Planned ~nit Develo~m~nt P.,8vj,sed 1'1asteJ~ Plan ThlS memorandum is an addendum to Memorandum No. 90-102, which was included ill the agenda for the May 1. 1990 city Commission mE-etlng. After consulting with the Recreation and Parks Director, the Planning Department is recommending that the developer dedicate a~p~oximately three and one-half (3.5) acres of property to the C~7y. and pay the cash equivalent of one (1) acre. The location of thE' :;. 5-acre parcel (parcel HA") lS shown on the attached map. The money which would be paid to the City would then be used to ptll-chase an adj acent vacant parcel (Parcel "B") v;hich contains approximately one acre. The reason for this recommendation is that resulting configuration would be more usable for neighborhood recreation facilities, whereas the parcel that Tradewinds owns is only 200 feet deep and would be limited mainly to passive recreation. The Planning Department is also recommending that the portion of the project which extends to the northeast, along the railroad tracks be permitted to develop for one-story duplexes. There are a number of duplexes which lie long the railroad tracks to the nc~~h which are well-maintained. Rather than let this area used tor for passive recreation, which is likely to result i~ the area becoming a malntenance problem, it would be more desirable for the eXistlng Melaleuca trees to be cleared and the property d~veloped. Therefore, this strip should remainin the PUD. but but should be required be replatted for duplex lots. Replatting should include requirements that S.W. 6th Street be cans~ructed, 3~d that a row of trees and shrubs be installe~ along the west side of the drainag~ ditch, in a dedicated landscape easement. in order to screen the neig~borhood from the railroad tracks. This buffer, as well as all other buffers which protect ajjacent neighborho01s, s~ould be included in the Tree Management Plan for the project. Drainage easements waulC also nee~ to be dedicate~ t0r tne City-maintained drainage pipes which run fr~m the S.W. 6th Etreet right-of-way to the drainage ditch. ~)/.'~~- Tl~0thy P. Cann~n --- RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-469 TO: Vincent Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist ~~ SUBJECT: Shoppes of Woo1bright/SW 8th street/Lake Preliminary Plat #1 (Revision #2) DATE: September 17, 1990 The following comments pertain to the landscape plans submitted for the above project: 1. The trees shown as a preserve within the industrial access road must be relocated to the newly created lake or other sites if the road is to be constructed. This is in conjunction with Provision III D. Pg. 1 of the Tree Management Book. 2. The exact location of all street trees will be determined by the City at a later time, based upon consideration of all Technical Review Board members. All trees and sod shown on the landscape plans to receive irrigation. KH:ad RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-458 RECEIVED FROM: Jim Golden, Interim Planning Director Charles C. Frederick, Director Gp~" Recreation & Park Department ~_ - S::p 4 199:) PLA~j~I"i.J Utt>T. \ TO: - RE: Woolbright Place, Preliminary Plat #1 DATE: September 4, 1990 The memo of May 1, 1990 which is attached is still effective as our recommendation. The following issues need clarification: Land Dedication (4 1/2 Acres) The 3 1/2 acres of land dedication should be deeded to the City with clear title. It should be determined when this transfer of land shall take place. Basic engineering data should be provided, soil borings and drainage calculations on topographic data, to ensure the land is suitable for park construction. Appropriate quantity of fill should be provided if required to provide suitable grades for construction. The value of the fee in lieu of land for the remaining 1 acre needs determination. The developer should provide a recent sales contract or appraisal to make this decision. Our first choice is still to receive cash for the one acre, however, the developer has proposed that they provide in-kind work on the eventual park site based on the value of the one acre. If this alternate is accepted, it should be based on the City determining the type of work to be provided, the value of the work to be provided as well as a guarantee that the work will be provided once this park has been designed. Credit For Private Recreation Facilities The developer has requested 1/2 credit (4 1/2 acres) for providing private recreation facilities. Prior to site plan approval of the residential dwelling units, the developer must provide details as outlined in the sub-division ordinance, Section 8, which indicate the type, number, size, value and location of the private recreation facilities. Facilities and equipment shall be of institutional quality and grade. Once reviewed and approved, the facilities should be bonded. It should also be noted that the facilities provided must be available to all residents of both development P.O.D. 's as shown on the preliminary plat. Failure to provide the private recreation facilities as required by the sub-division ordinance will result in the developer owing the City an additional 4 1/2 acres of developable park acres or fee in lieu of the acreage. Attachment CF:ad ~ CC: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Vince Finizio, Administrator Coordinator of Engineering DOC:A:WOOLPL . RECREATION , PhRK MEMORANDUM 190-241 SUBJECT: James Golden, Zcnior city Planner John F. Wildner, pa~ks ~uperintendcnt 11) woolbright Place Master Plan MOdifica~o~ TO: FROM: DATE: May 1, 1990 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the master plan modifications to the Woolbright Place planned unit development. The following~comments are submitted: A. PARK LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENT: 1. six hundred (600) mUlti-family units at .015 acres each = 9. acres 2. Assuming 1/2 credit for private recreation provided 9 acres X .5 = 4.5 acres B. LOCATION: It is rec~mmended that approximately 3 1/2 acres of land be provided for park dedication and that a fee in lieu of land be provided for the remaining approximate 1 acre to meet the 4 1/2 acre land dedication requirement. Approval of this request will enhance the ability to develop as a full service neighborhood park: 1. The current 4 1/2 acres being proposed for dedication is a long, narrow strip approximately 200 feet wide with an "L" shape at the southern end. The narrow str ip borders Leisureville on the western side. The configuration does not lend itself to any type of active park development as buffers are necessary for adjacent residents. With buffers provided, the width available for development is limited and restricted to passive development only. 2. It is recommended that the acreage dedication start on the south side of Ocean Avenue, then run south to the proposed property dedication line. 3. A fee in lieu of land would be provided for the acreage originally proposed for dedication north of Ocean Avenue. . . TO: ,1."I1lc.-n (~f)jdc", ~clllor c.tty 1'1M",cr RF.: WonlbrlClht T'L"\cc M."\ntC'l' P.1.1n MocJ,lflc..,tlon ',1., Y t, 1 'I (\ 0 r.., 9(' ? "r ]. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 1\nothC't. vClc."\nt "r." p,ltcel of i\pproximilt:ely 1 .1C'''' i!'; lnr.;,tNl on l he SOI\t.lJr~;'\!';t ~id~ ."dj.1cent to th~ pl"nT1,..rl y tr' be dedicated. 1\cquisition of this propcrty by th~ city IItilizinq lh0 f('e rec0iv("cl for the rlpprnximrltr. 1 ,1<"1'" rl'('1O Tr"Hl("wln(l~ will plnvic1e .1 prill-: ~il'" .,( i"lpptoximately i\ 1/7. l\Cl-e~. The site \'lill h.lve ;'l cnnfig\1t'C'\tion (wider .1nd ~rptl\rcd oCf) which wi.ll" .1110w rot" both C'\ct 1v0. .1t\d pl\!;siv(" p.lrk 11evelopment. feill UH"S. .,~ Lal':.c Boynton Estat0s ,1S well a!; the futul'e Tl"iHie\./inds dev010pment can he imUcipi\ted to hnll~'" m<:\ny youth, i\dequate spilce for active recreation fa~ilities is desirable. C. CREDIT ;'FOR PRIVl\TE OPEN SPACE: The Pad~ Land Dedication Ordinance provides for lip to 1/2 credit (or private open space, If it provides ~ minimum of f i v0. (5) local park basic requirements, the developer llC\S indicated that he intends to apply for this credit. Re[ore credit is granted, the developer must indicate details regArding type, number and size and locations of the private recteation fi\cilities (per subdivision code section ~). Specifications mllst also be provided indicC\ting recreat.i.on equipment installed will be of industrial quality. .. . ~tri l~c,.l('(t,--'I ohn Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~ Recreation & Park Department JW:pb Attachments cc: J. Scott Miller Charles Frederick II ~Wl:r~OO @[F l:rOO~~~l:rl:r m Tradewinds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton, FL 33487 (407) 994-3133 FAX (407) 241-0646 DATE T JOB NO. 9/14/90 ATTENTION RE: Revised plans Woolbright Place PUD Plat TO City of Boynton Beach Planninq D2pt. Attention: Jim Golden WE ARE SENDING YOU 19 Attached o Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Samples o Specifications o Copy of letter o Change Order o COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION 1 Complete set. ,...+ en,gineerLq drawings and landscape drawings .....1. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval o For your use o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Resubmit o Submit o Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints o As requested 0 Returned for corrections o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE 19_ o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ~ fp p ~ <: f' i '\J;;;---' -~. J 14/4$' c -' s::/o t...... ""'''.~~._~'<;-' COpy TO SIGNED er_ 09:07/90 17:11 n407 241. M.t6 TRADEWINDS GROUP 14JOOl " 'rR^t)c.~I NOS Gl~()Ul) '02 eLlft~ Moore Road, Suite 124 I Uoca llAton, Pla.rlda 330\11 (4071 ,"4-3133 Data Jy 7. / '1 "J c) 'f01 ..)r,;iit nu"i)f6- I. h ADOUSSt .h . ~fSCOP" ptlON~r /-7 "37- Zt.fs-j /I " COKPUMA'fIctf PHOH!I .. . PIUlt, ~. c49~J ltt...m~ M.\wm. e~L. /Mr-<ll-i~ 'mM. PAC. 'fIWtSM1'f'tm (INCLUDI1IG COVER. SH!!'f) I 2..- , ~ 'l'O REC1PIMl IfO tnnlll1t, dial (40') 24 '-0&41_ .1 Tl.... '. , TO eonfim or fot' any prabl.... ill t:ece1vift'l,' call t4D', '94-31'3. . COMMPJftS I ~ 1 .... ., Pax Oper.tor.....i.J I . .I . .!.~ . " .. . ltECEIVED SEP 1 0 . 1990 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE' U9:07/90 17:12 U407 2H 0646 TRADEWINDS GROUP 141002 september 7, 1990 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton B~ach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attention: Mr. J. Scott Miller City Manager Re: Park Dedication OQAr Mr6 Miller= Pursuant to our m88tings and discussions relative to the 3-1/2 acrQ park site as depicted on the attached certified survey, our agreement is as follows: 1. Tradewinds will dedicate said 3-1/2 acre park s~te to the City of Boynton Beach free and clear of all 11ens and encumbrances. ~ 2. Tradewinds agrees that in the event that the two remaining parcels adjacent to the park site are zone~ to allow a ch1l~ abuse center and a neighborhood commercial designation, they will. provide sewer and water tor said park site and further construct a meeting area within the child abuse center structure for use by the City Park Department. ~ 3. There are no fees or fees in lieu of contemplated in this transaction. 4. The park areas noW' located eliminated, including Poinciana P the 3-1/2 acres. within the pun have been ich now becomes part of TRADEWINDS DEVELOPMEN'l' CORP. Michael Morton, President MM/dob CCI Jim Cheroff Tradewinds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton, FL 33487 (407) 994-3133 . -----:J f'L4:v IV IvG.,"Z>6!'"T' Mr. Scott Miller, City Manager City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 3345-0310 RE: GOTIveyance of 3.5 acre Park Site ~/Woolbright Place PUD Dear Mr. Miller: As per the discussion at the TRB meeting held in the City of Boynton Beach on Friday August 31, 1990 please be advised of the following. At the time of transfer to the City of the 3.5 acre site located in the Lake Boynton Estate Plat for the park requirement of the Woolbright Place PUD, such transfer of title shall be free of any and all liens, encumbrances, mortgages, etc. I trust that this satisfies the City's require- ments concerning this matter. DJL/dob A"J ~:!',; "':'" " ...-:;" .'....:.;' ..Y cc: Michael Morton Howard Scharlin ~ ""," . ~, " ~. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ . ' .~. Telephone: Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, F1 33425-0310 (407) 738-7487 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, F1 33435 Mailing: OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER Mr. Joel Wantman, P.E. stanley Consultants of Florida, Inc. 2000 Lombard street West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 July 18, 1990 Re: Preliminary Flat Submission/ Woolbright place Plat #1 Dear Mr. Wantman: Tlw Engineering Department for the Ci ty of Boynton Beach, Floridfl is i,11 receipt of your July 18-, 1990 preliminary plat submittal relative to the above referenced plat. During the initial revieN of your f:ubmission, it t"las noted that your submittal diel not. contain ronstrurtion p13ns for the Industria 1. Access Road as depiC' t' pd upon the ci t y Commi ss iOll approved master pI an, there fore th~~ sllbmi ttal is incomplete based upon the following sections of (IUI' ci ty of Boynton Beach, "Code of Ordi,nances". The plat documents and th~. construction plans shall conforIn to tlw 3pproved master plein in eccordance wi th Appendix "C", "Snbdivision and Platting Regulations", Article VIII, Section ':'.. "';ontnlc"'":ton Plans and Prl?limjnnry Plat". Additionally, Section SB statE'S that the construction plans "shall be sllbmitted for all the imprnVf'mpnts requirpr1 by this ordinance", including Section 5C which requirl?s that the prf':liJl1inary pl.:::tt shall be submitterl al(lllq with conE. truct i.Cin pI an S hlhich "shall meet a 11 of thp I'equin?ments of Sect ion G" toolh ich states (re ferenC'1? suhsection 6C)..; "the final plat shall conform to the approved master plan......" please bp advised that in accordance> with Section 5D, I reques t. that you mate the lll?cessary corrections, t-hen resubmi t the construction pla.ns anti preliminary plat in the form of a COITeC"r, ;:1Jld prop'?l' submi.ss ton prior to the next T. P... B. ~mbmission deadl jnp which is July 27, 1990. Thank you in advance of your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, ~A~ ";"";5' Vincent A. Finizio Administrator of Engineering RECEIVED cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Timothy Cannon, Director of Planning M18191J PLANNING DEPT. 1) CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beaet! Boulevard P.O. BOl( 310 Boynton Beach. FlorIda 33"25-0310 (4071 734-8111 ~ June 22, 1990 Mr. Michael Morton Tradewinds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road-Suite 124 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 RE: WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PCD - PUD MASTER PLAN INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD Dear Mr. Morton: I have attempted on several occasions to reach you by phone and unfor- tunately we never connected, therefore this letter. I have reviewed the approved Master Plan, the text of the 1990 Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, and the text of the Settlement Agreement of November 1986, and I find no provision which expressively releases you of having to construct the Industrial Access Road. The City Attorney was involved during this review process. Pursuant to Appendix C of the Boynton Beach Code a Master Plan is defined as "a drawing which shows the intended division and improvements of real property meeting the requ1rements of this ordinance." Further, Article X, Section 10 of AppendiX C states ."when a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land, then the new street, where necessary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided to promote reason- able development of adjacent laDds and provide continuity of street systems. II Based upon the above noted, it is detenmined that you are required to construct the Industrial Access Road. Should you wish relief on this requisite you will be responsible for filing a Master Plan Modification and following through the appropriate procedural process. Sincerely CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH J<<;; . 'y,/(, .. - ___tii/'l /u[{/_------ J: Scott Miller - City Manager JSM:jb cc: Honorable Mayor & City Commission Jim Cherof, City Attorney Tim Cannon, Acting Planning Director Vincent Finizio, Admin. Coordinator for Engineering P. O. Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, Fl.33425 June 29, 1990 t1r. Scott Miller City Manager City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Woolbright Place - Plat No. 1 Dear !'~r. Miller, It is my understanding that the referenced Plat has been submitted to the City for review and approval. I have learned that no plans were submitted for the construction of the access road to the industrial property which lies east of Woolbright Place between the railroad and (-95, a portion of which belongs to my family. (There are three oBler property owners that would use the access road) . I have been told the TRB has found the application deficient for not mee.ting the Codes and Haster Plan require- ments and the applicant was requested to re-submit with the required corrections. Would you please call me at 732-3961 to let me know when this matter will come before the Planning and Zoning Board and the date for City Comnlission consideration so that I may inform other affected property owners located on the industrial strip. Very truly yours, /~~ ~<-',:// ) ;' / / ,'1/ ' /.,./"', ,{ :?:: /.,/. '<-'/./ '~/ I Bill R. Winchester ' cc: Kr. 7im Cannon, Acting City Planner Mr. Vincent A. Finizio, Administrative of Engineering Four Steel Corp. Michael Schroeder, Esq. Coordinator TI -;;' ,r:r;1~.T~D 1)~-~ ',:--..; - _~r ~L 'oj ~-1' JUL 9 1990 CITY f\11,'\~,~;,c~:.rr's o!~. flC~ P. O. Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, Fl.33425 .June 29, 1990 Mr. Scott Miller City r-'.anager City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Woolbright Place - Plat No. 1 Dear !.J. Miller, It is my understanding that the referenced Plat has been submitted to the City for review and approval. I have learned that no plans were submitted for the construction of the access road to the industrial property which lies east of Woolbright Place between the railroad and 1-95, a portion of which belongs to my family. (There are three otl1er property owners that would use the access road). I have been told the TRB has found the application deficient for not meeting the Codes and Master Plan require- ments and the applicant was requested to re~submit with the required corrections. Would you please call me at 732-3961 to let me know when this matter will come before the Planning and Zoning Board and the date for City Commission consideration so that I may inform other affected property owners located on the industrial strip. cc: Very tru~y yours, ~J Bill R. Winchester ~u. 7im Cannon, Acting City Planner Mr. Vincent A. Finizio, Administrative of Engineering Four Steel Corp. Michael Schroeder, Esq. coR.'EeFIVED JUt!il9'J) PlANNING DEPT., p~~-~::p~t{/9- Jh/ ~~A . June 27, 1990 Tradewinds Group Mr. J. Scott Miller City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PCD - PUD MASTER PLAN INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road Suite 124 Boca Raton, FL 33487 (407) 994-3133 Dear Mr. Miller: I received your letter dated June 22 this morning and, of course, do not agree with the conclusions reached. I believe that the decision is contrary to the 1986 Settlement Agreement. David Levy had delivered documentation relative to the historical file that exists regarding this matter along with cureent correspondence from the D.O. T. and the traffic engineer. Unfortunately, had you had this file before writing your letter, I believe you would have reached a different conclusion. Jim Cherof, the City Attorney, Martin Perry for Tradewinds, and other City officials that may affect decision making should get together and review the documentation, the facts involved, and therefore revisit the previous resoloution altogether. If neces- ~~~:' this tter should be brought to the~ itgardS, " _ JJI.Jl.. a .- PLANNING DEPT. Michael Morton --...' - MM/dob ~ cc: F. Martin Perry, Esq. Mayor Gene Moore City Commission Tim Cannon, Acting Planning Director Vincent Finizio, Admin. Coordinator for Engineering CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 Ea8t Boynton Beach Bouls'IIl!lrd P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FI<Hlda 33.425-0310 (407) 73.4-8111 22, 1990 Mr. Michael Morton Tradewi nds Group Congress Corporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore Road-Suite 124 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 RE: WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PCD - PUD MASTER PLAN INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD Dear Mr. Morton: I have attempted on several occasions to reach you by phone and unfor- tunately we never connected, therefore this letter. I have reviewed the approved Master Plan, the text of the 1990 Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, and the text of the Settlement Agreement of November 1986, and I find no provision which expressively releases you of having to construct the Industrial Access Road. The City Attorney was involved during this review process. Pursuant to Appendix C of the Boynton Beach Code a Master Plan is defined as "a drawing which shows the intended division and improvements of real property meeting the requirements of this ordinance." Further, Article X, Section 10 of Appendix C states "when a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land, then the new street, where necessary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided to promote reason- able development of adjacent lands and provide continuity of street systems. II Based upon the above noted, it is determined that you are required to construct the Industrial Access Road. Should you wish relief on this requisite you will be responsible for filing a Master Plan Modification and following through the appropriate procedural process. Sincerely RECEIVED CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) cC' /f,t ,:- ~':'Cbf1 /d{{/_~ J/Scott Miller - City Manager JUN 25 1900 PLAN Nli"tG DEPT. JSM:jb cc: Honorable Mayor & City Commission Jim Cherof, City Attorney Tim Cannon, Acting Planning Director Vincent Finizio, Admin. Coordinator for Engineering ..