Division of Planning and Zoning
September 17, 1999
Planning & Zonill6
Occupationlll License
Comntl.lnity Redevelopment
Donaldson Hearing
Cotleur, Hearing and Associates
Maplewood Professional Center
1934 Commerce Circle
Jupiter, Florida 33458
4' FQC~I()lILE
Re: Manor at Newport Place MMSP File No. 99-022
c::h...~ CJo. J.. ~ "'- ftr (Jo....{ (
Dear Mr. Hearing:
In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the
above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed change is "minor", as defined
within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4. Site Plan Review.
Please note that all original site plans or master plans, once approved, must be rectified (revised
incorporating and addressing all conditions on which the project was approved). Sets of rectified plans
must be submitted to this office and endorsed by all Technical Review Committee (TRC) members prior
to receiving a building permit.
This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application. Your permit
application shall include details absent on site plan, such as height, structure, materials and color, etc.
Also, please note the maximum height of a wall or a fence within a residential zoning district is six feet.
Please contact this office if you have any further questions.
I 'h~L.J CJ ~111 jd.",
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
I:ISKRD....T....\PI.nningISH....REOIWP\PROIECTSIMANORS AT NEWPORT I'lACElMinor MDdil1e.,iDn lettet.doc
America's Gateway to ti,e Gulfs/ream
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. DOll 310 BOYllton Oeuh. Florida J341!\-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259
"'"' t--\SV <=\<1- t) ~
Cotleur &
landscape Architects
land Planners
Environmental Consultants
August 31, 1999
Mr. Mike Rumph, ACIP
Planning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: The Manor at Newport Place
Request for Administrative Amendment
CH Project #97-0511
Dear Mike:
Please accept this correspondence as Senior Lifestyle Corporation's official request to
make a minor amendment to the Site Plan for The Manor at Newport Place. The purpose
of this request is to facilitate the addition of an Alzheimer's unit to be located in the
southwest comer of the building. It is the applicants desire to replace the previously
proposed picket fence with a 6 foot 6 inch decorative concrete wall. An opaque concrete
wall or fence is a required to provide a safe and secure outdoor environment for
Alzheimer's patients. The proposed wall will be in the same configuration as the picket
fence previously shown in this area. Within the interior of the wall a 4-foot concrete
walkway with associated landscaping and bench seating will be provided for use by the
The proposed modifications are consistent with the criteria of Chapter 4 of the City of
Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations concerning Administrative Site Plan
· This request will not change the building square footage.
Maplewood Professional Center
1934 Commerce lane - Suite 1
Jupiter, Florida 33458
lic.# lC-C000239
561-747-6336 FAX 561-747-1377
f\proj ectdoc\newportplace\administrativeamendment.doc
Mr. Mike Rumph
The Manor at Newport Place
August 31, 1999
Page 2
· This request will not affect the required parking for the project.
· This request will not cause this project to be below the development standards for the
Zoning District.
. This request will not adversely affect adjacent property owners and is consistent with
the spirit and the intent of the original approval for The Manor at Newport Place.
Please find enclosed with this correspondence a check in the amount of $100.00, which is
the required modification fee, together with five (5) signed and sealed sets of Site Plans,
Landscape Plans and related site details. Should there be any questions or should you
need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.
cc: Tom Little
Jerrold Fromm
Division of Planning and Zoning
September 17, 1999
PI"n., & Zonilll
Oet:IlptltiD1I1ll UCDln
eotMIIIlflty Redevclopl'Mnt
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1= FQC~I('nILE
Donaldson Hearing
Cotleur, Hearing and Associates
Maplewood Professional Center
1934 Commerce Circle
Jupiter, Florida 33458
Re: Manor Jot l';:I.ewport Place MMSP File No. 99-022
1.AJoocJ- t'e ~c. to l,)~( (
Dear Mr. Hearing:
In response to your request for the adm inistrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the
above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed thatthe proposed change is "minor", as defined
within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4. Site Plan Review.
Please note that alt original site plans or master plans, once approved, must be rectified (revised
incorporating and addressing all conditions on which the project was approved). Sets of rectified plans
must be submitted to this office and endorsed by all Technical Review Committee (TRC) members prior
to receiving a building permit.
This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application. Your permit
application shall include details absent on site plan, such as height, structure, materials and color, etc.
Also, please note the maximum height of a wall or a fence within a residential zoning district is six feet.
Please contact this office if you have any further questions.
/ "n~L.J w )1.11 (tl---
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
J:\SHIlDA T A\PllIlnin8\SH....RED\WP\PROJECTS\MANORS AT NEWPORT PlACE\Mino< ModillcMion lelIet.doe
America '.' Gateway 10 the Gulfstream
\00 East Boynton Btac:h Dh;d., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Btac:h, Florida 3341!l-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6160 FAX: (561) 375-6159
"'-'NS\=l qq-t>2'~
Cotleur &
Landscape Architects
Land Planners
Environmenlol Consullonts
,...~-:~-.. ~ ---.
August 3 1, 1999
,.... ;
Mr. Mike Rumph, ACIP
Planning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: The Manor at Newport Place
Request for Administrative Amendment
CH Project #97-0511
Dear Mike:
Please accept this correspondence as Senior Lifestyle Corporation's official request to
make a minor amendment to the Site Plan for The Manor at Newport Place. The purpose
of this request is to facilitate the addition of an Alzheimer's unit to be located in the
southwest comer of the building. It is the applicants desire to replace the previously
proposed picket fence with a 6 foot 6 inch decorative concrete wall. An opaque concrete
wall or fence is a required to provide a safe and secure outdoor environment for
Alzheimer's patients. The proposed wall will be in the same configuration as the picket
fence previously shown in this area. Within the interior of the wall a 4-foot concrete
walkway with associated landscaping and bench seating will be provided for use by the
The proposed modifications are consistent with the criteria of Chapter 4 of the City of
Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations concerning Administrative Site Plan
· This request will not change the building square footage.
Maplewood Professional Center
1934 Commerce lane. Suite 1
Jupiter, Florida 33458
lic.# lC-C000239
561-747-6336 FAX 561-747-1377
r \projectdol.:\newportpl ace\adm Inlstrativeamendment.doc
"----,-~ ~
Mr. Mike Rumph
The Manor at Newport Place
August 31, 1999
Page 2
This request will not affect the required parking for the project.
This request will not cause this project to bl' below the development standards for the
Zoning District.
This request will not adversely affect adjact:nt property owners and is consistent with
the spirit and the intent of the original approval for The Manor at Newport Place.
Please find enclosed with this correspondence a check in the amount of $100.00, which is
the required modification fee, together with five (5) signed and sealed sets of Site Plans,
Landscape Plans and related site details. Should there be any questions or should you
need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.
cc: Tom Little
Jerrold Frumm