CORRESPONDENCE -, Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Sugerman, Dale Tuesday, December 28, 19992:52 PM Rumpf, Michael Law, Mark; Mazzella, Pete KENMONT Agenda Item for January 18th City Commission Meeting Mike- The alley abandonment issue (Kenmont) originally scheduled for the December 21st City Commission meeting was tabled at the request of the applicant. I called him to find out why he wanted it tabled. He told me that there was a dispute about utility lines in the alleyway. I mentioned to him that there should not be much dispute about utility lines and their location, because our utility location crew does a pretty good job at identifying where their lines are. The agent told me that he needed at least a 90 day extension on this agenda item while we sorted out the utility line issue. Again, I told him that something seemed to be off because we normally can locate a line in a day or two. He then asked for a two meeting extension on the issue (which was granted to him at the City Commission meeting. This issue will next be considered at the January 18th meeting.) The day after the last Commission meeting, I checked with the utility crew and found out that we have been very clear on this issue all along. There are utility lines located in this alley and we are strongly opposed to the abandonment. There should be no question about the need to deny this request. I have copies of all of that information if you do not have it. Please let me know if the Planning Department has any problem insuring that this request for an abandonment is denied at the January 18th Commission meeting. Thanks for your follow-up! Dale 1 CI. i OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIL._ INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse Cit~d? ~~~~ Chief of Police DATE: 11-30-99 FILE: FROM: SUBJECT: Planning and Development recommendation REFERENCES: Kenmont abandonment of alley ENCLOSURES: I have reviewed this request regarding the abandonment of the alley lying north of and adjacent to lot 67, Ridgewood Hills. I expect no problems with regard to Police Services and recommend approval for this request. "l m @ & a _0/1 ill m .1 - '1 ill ,..,~,. 1/ H . " U &.IIlEV'"""" 1999 ! U ~, PlANNING AND ZONING DEPt - '. , ~~ - \ ') -< -- z - , l - "- G) f"-J _. .,~J ,. ) .. 1 , - . ~ n - MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 99 - 325 TO: FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: December 3, 1999 SUBJECT: Abandonment request application by Oris Walker, for the alley adjacent to Lot 67, Ridgewood Hills This Department has an active gravity sewer line in the subject alley. The applicant's intent is to incorporate a portion of the alley into his existing yard, thereby inhibiting our access to the sewer line, and obstructing future maintenance and repair of the sewer. We therefore recommend denial of the referenced application. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office. Attachment JAG/PVM xc: Dave Kelley .Sue Kruse, City Clerk File ._~ ....- '"--- D iE (& IE U JtJIJnfI 1& r;;-:!M1 '!' ii ,,,...-- ._~]lj:,.I..; ;)L.r1J: i I - I'D '1'UJr'MITftL aUft RECElYIHG pARTY Boyn!on Bch fax:# 1/ 1 0i~T ~Oi SE'iT BY: 12-20-99 :12:26PM : OAT!: I 1'Z - 2. 0 - " '110: :J,qN€.T. COMPANY: 0 E. (J V1' Y L I .,.. Y C L ~ It K FAX NUMBER: ? 1../2 - f,O 'f () NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER) I I E>OyN{DN 8<.'1 FROM r_ TBAUSMI~IUg ~y ALL ~ N M f1. ~ TI rv C!I vA foe I L . K~{. IV tvl,O WY- ,A 611 N.. q 9.... 0 o~ A L.. '- .c '7' 19 6 Ii rv 00 /IJ 111 t:? N-r- D/~IVA }JILEM.flrJ HE; O........."'eL Or<.l~ W,qL~E~ ,J-.qtv6, I I P, ~ i,..,. t=. 0 \..v (U e:: (L..5 8 1": ..,.. 0 ,Q. Iv E Y ~M. f{6tQUE.Sr,ftJfQ "tH-~J "iHe.. ~8avE- M./'f-rrEt... be PtJLL~/) FP-.oYk. THE. I C. I"""Y C 0 t'1. J'\'t I s.s 10 - ~ I'1GEN/)A- 10fl'? olo\wJ . l""fo/ t:} N K yoU -~~ OiL _ ,11e pol'- LAW OPFICES OF ALLB. WK. MARTINCAVAGB, SR. 1200 SOOTH FEDERAL HICHWAV, SUITS 1-201 BOYNTON BBACH, PLORtDA ':t.3~ PHONE NUMBER (561) 136-2888, FAX HUMBER ('GI) 136-9612 MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 99 - 325 /J r(; Kc t? t??Ort f- TO: FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: December 3, 1999 SUBJECT: Abandonment request application by Oris Walker, for the alley adjacent to Lot 67, Ridgewood Hills This Department has an active gravity sewer line in the subject alley. The applicant's intent is to incorporate a portion of the alley into his existing yard, thereby inhibiting our access to the sewer line, and obstructing future maintenance and repair of the sewer . We therefore recommend denial of the referenced application. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter M~a~~~lla (7 42-64~4):.iOf}his office. ~. '\ ;""'''--'',' , U \, " "Z ~ ";j} 1 1 . II' DCCCos\ggg ..\_Jl. 1.\ 'l J \",:' J ~ "-,- ~ ,~ L -L_ - Attachment JAG/PVM xc: Dave Kelley Sue Kruse, City Clerk File MEMORANDUM TO: Peter V. Mazzella Assistant to the Director H. David Kelley, Jr., PEIPSM~ Utility Engineer FROM: DATE: December 3, 1999 SUBJECT: Application for Permit to Abandon Public Right-of-Way Alley between NW th Ave. and NW 6th Ave. at NW 3rd Street. Pursuant to your request of November 24th received on November 29th, we have research the area covered by your request. Please be advised that there is an existing sanitary sewer line located in this alley, the high point is behind Lot #72 and flows to the line located in NW 3rd Street. This line is active. The as-built specifics are located on Stick File #6995, Lateral # I-K. We cannot support the abandonment of this alley request. If you want to discuss this further, please advise me. HDK:d xc: John A. Guidry (upon request) Location Request File CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES 5469 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33437 561-742-6452 FAX 56 1-73 1-0065 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 11/24/99 TO: H. David Kelley RE: Abandonment request for alley between NW 7th Ave. & NW 6th Ave. TRANSMITTED HEREWITH ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Pages Description 2 location maps Remarks: Please indicate if any of our utilities are in the subject area, and forward me your reply by Dec. 3, 1999. Thank you. Signature: r Peter V. Mazzella Copy to: Peter Mazzella File l'),"L"~'~J'1'"'."'J4JM"'.lII~lII- ~....__,_.._.~. . - ~ ~_\.....- .-.&. ~ r l\ 0 61 rJ q~ ~~ ..,,- " ~ /' 75 7'1 II( " " 130,1- - :.-- 9TJ.1 ! ;:.1 ~ \,,1.\ ~1j; ~~ 1b\ 1~ -/ . /"' ;/ '/ l. f) ,lid ,~ <~ n \~ 0) ~ .:~ .....c I" ,- .2 \-" ~ ,I <. _ o ("S po ;.. 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PIPE (NO NUMBER) OIAIN 76.31' Sf r I.R " - L INK FENCE D~ SERVICE DRIVE ~ 0 SET IR. 76.26 ' .4 ': ra r-. .':1'0 ~ I~ '0'1 ii: Cll Cll I~ g; ~ (j (j (j ~ )-~\ ~ ~ ~l I~ (j (j ....--l \() in ::.~ i:! c:) c:) >=~ \ ~I ::)~ I~ a)- ~t. ~I 'i.~ ~ ~ ~? \ "' lD I ~ V)u >.... NrS' t-... ::. ~ o o~ 0 I~ ex) ~ --- 'Pfl lX)c.J (Q tl \<v& ~I ~~ I- ~ cti t-)/ ~ C) <.: -J ~ ~ ":\ t~ ~ -.J "".:\oo~ J \ ci~0 ~ ~ ~ a" ~ 'v 75.90' I I "'0. I ~, 0",_ ..., -.J o FOUND 4"X4" r CONC MONUMENT (NO NUMBER) J NOT SET TREE ON CORNER '1,4 .':1 '0'1 <:. It'i '" C .0 '" c: It'i: "': 0.5' CONC CURB _ ~L _ -f-t/._W. 6Tfi A VENf)~ _ _ ----C-FOUND NAIL AND 20' PA VING I WASHER IN CUT OUT NO NUMBER) " 00b! 8 I 180 \ ~j ~ . '!,-;~ :~~-J ~'~:~}L1G::: DESCRIP TlON: LOT 67 AND THA T PORTION OF THE 20 FOOT SERVICE DRIVE LYING NORTH OF AND ADJACENT TO LOT 67. RIDGEWDOD HILLS. ACCORDING TO THE: PLA T THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLA T BOOK 23. PAGE 250. PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY I HEREBY CERTIFY THA T TIIS SURVEY II'AS MADE UNEJER \:,' i<ESPONSI8LE CHARGE AND MEETS THE MIMI.IW TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS sa ."(JRTH BY THE FLOfWA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPf.1?S If CHAPTfR 6/G11-6, FLORt)A ADMNSTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.!J27, FLOR.vA STMUTE5. LEGEND: It = CENTERLINE Ik/0 ( ;:?/?VLC,EA/(j 'Zor NOT VALD WITHOUT TI€ SlGNATURC AM) SURVE YOR AND MAPPER #5;?~iJ THe OR/CI'IAL RAISED seAL OF A flORIDA ' UcrNSED SURVeyOR AND MAPPeR. , . 1.....,. 00 \~ ~ g il W \~ [lJ SPEED tETIER@ FROM 9 NOV 2 4 '99 Sue Kruse BOYNTON- BEAC?H UTIL'TIESCl.t~ Cler~__ TO John Guidry Utility Director SUBJECT Planning & Development Board Meeting 12/14/99 - FOLD NO.9 or 10 MESSAGE Attached is a copy of an application for abandonment (see attached). The applicat:ion was snbJnjt:t:ed by Oris Walker. Please review c.nd ;I(lvise of yonT recommendation for approval or disapproval in accordance with Chapter 22, ~ ci. '" => Cl '" '" .. lil @ Article ~~~, Section 4 of the Boynton Beach COde of Ordinance_ Please respond to the Planning Dept. by Dec. 7, 1999 with a copy to this office. //~~PP SIGNED.~~" ~-",<.L:JII'_ DATE ~ .f ~ ~ ..0: ~ = '" '" '" " -= ~ '" REPLY - FOLD FOR NO 9 - FOLD FOB NO. 10 DATE SIGNED ... WilsonJones@ SENDER: DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY, SEND WHITE AND PI~JK COPIES, RECIPIENT: RETAIN WHIlE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY. 44-902 . Triplicate 44-904. Quadruplicate NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board and City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct PUBLIC HEARINGS at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, December.14, 1999 and on Tuesday, December 21,1999, respectively, at 7:00 p.m. to consider an abandonment request submitted by L. Diana Hileman, Esquire for said property, and more particularly described as follows: That portion of the 20 foot service drive lying north and adjacent to Lot 67. Ridgewood Hills, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in plat book 23, page 250, Public Records of Palm Beach Country, Florida. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH: The Post November 29, 1999 ---.! .~PPLI'CATION ACCEPTANCE DATI:.: /0 II CO /'11 FEE PAID: i 5 ~""' - RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBER RECEIPT NUMBER: / it 17' - 3) (7JJJ lV (' (} I'j '1 I' - APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two(2) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: KENMONT ABANDONMENT OF ALLEY AGENT'S PHONE: L. DIANA HILEMAN, ESQUIRE 1200 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 1-201 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (561) 736-2888 AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S FAX: (561) 736-9612 OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) ORIS W. WALKER OWNER'S PHONE: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (561) 364-0138 OWNER'S ADDRESS: OWNER I S FAX: N/A PROJECT LOCATION: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET; Alley lying north and adjacent (~ legal description) L 67 to ot ,RIDGEWOOD HILLS, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: * (if different than agent or owner) . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other macerials will be forwarded. 1 2 FROM I TO ~SC f\'- FA~a. --, ~~'N ~Al.L " SUBJECT: IiIJPjJ'tx:Nr~t::J.JT "F fCR/llec=. D<\ve=- lS14Ir0J;> 7,:)-7 fU..W. 3 ~6'"f: DATE: 12./'f/ff~ FOLD. ... -Z;;:;~\~\<.'~\JC::. ~.Q5 NO c13";::recrrOk'\J T0 ~ SuB~Ecl ~t~m5nJT c: SUb k~\Y5E. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED ~ REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item # F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944, Hartlord, CT 06104-2944 Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED