APPLICATION ... -, \ , PROJECT NAME: KENMONT ALLEY ABANDONMENT LOCATION: 707 NW 3rd STREET COMPUTER ID: PERMIT #: 99-3-5 I FILE NO.: ABAN 99-005 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: ABAN I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: Oris W. Walker Diana Hileman, Esquire PHONE: (561) 364-0138 PHONE: (561) 736-2888 FAX: FAX: (561) 736-9612 ADDRESS: 707 NW 3rd Street ADDRESS: 1200 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FI 33435 Suite 1-201 Boynton Beach, FI 33435 Date of submittal/Projected meetine dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 10/18/99 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: 11/30/99 TRC MEETING: PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: 12/14/99 CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 12/21/99 COMMENTS: S:IPLANNINGISHAREDIWPIPROIECTSIKENMONT 707 NW, 3RDIPROIECT TRACKING INFO,DOC DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-256 TO: Sue Kruse City Clerk FROM: /7,~ Michael W, Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning DATE: November 11, 1999 RE: Kenmont ABAN 99-005 (707 N.W. 3rd Street) Accompanying this memorandum you will find one (1) copy of the application and related documents for the above-referenced abandonment application. The $500.00 application fee for staff processing and review has been forwarded to the Finance Department. A legal advertisement for same has been prepared for the December 14, 1999 Planning and Development Board meeting and the December 21, 1999 Commission meeting and will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney. Please request review and recommendations as outlined in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 22, Article III, Section 4, including requests from Fire Department and Police Department. MWR:jma REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two (2) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATOR: Planninq and Zoninq Division PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: November 22, 1999 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: abandonment of alley Iyinq north and adiacent to Lot 67. Ridqewood Hill. Boynton Beach, Florida SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard Leqal Ad for the Planninq and Development Board meetinq of December 14,1999 and the December 21,1999 Commission meetina. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Planninq and Zoninq Director, Newspaper, adioininq property owners. applicant and NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The Post DA TE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: November 29. 1999 APPROVED BY: (1) /2L c )~ (Originator) // /o?3/71 (Date) (2) (City Attorney) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board and City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct PUBLIC HEARINGS at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, December 14, 1999 and on Tuesday, December 21, 1999, respectively, at 7:00 p.m, to consider an abandonment request submitted by L. Diana Hileman, Esquire for said property, and more particularly described as follows: That portion of the 20 foot service drive lying north and adjacent to Lot 67, Ridgewood Hills, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in plat book 23, page 250, Public Records of Palm Beach Country, Florida. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH: The Post November 29, 1999 APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE DATb: i 0 !t9 /'11 FEE PAID: 15 ~c.) - RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBER RECEIPT NUMBER: ./ ,d 97' ~ 3 ,) 0lU rv "t- ,{, :,'.) '" i APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two(2) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: KENMONT ABANDONMENT OF ALLEY AGENT'S NAME: L. DIANA HILEMAN, ESQUIRE 1200 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 1-201 AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S PHONE: BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (561) 736-2888 AGENT'S FAX: (561) 736-9612 OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) ORIS W. WALKER OWNER'S ADDRESS: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET OWNER'S PHONE: BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (561) 364-0138 OWNER'S FAX: N/A PROJECT LOCATION: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET; Alley lying north and adjacent (not legal description~o Lot 67, RIDGEWOOD HILLS, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:. (if different than agent or owner) . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. 1 / ?LICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE i The undersigned, pu~~uant Florida, hereby appl~es to the, (check one) : { XX { ( ( to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, the City Commission to vacate/abandon, and discontinue ) ALLEY } STREET ) SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT ) OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and disclaim any right of the city and the public in and to any land in connection therewith. Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby cert~fy: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or property interest (check one) : ( ( XX { interest of the City and the public in and to the specific described above was acquired and is evidenced by, DEED DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in Plat Book Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Book ?3 , Page 250 ' and Public 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. Labels and/or addressed envelopes for property owners and 18t class ?ostage (stamps or pay for required postage) . ~ ADDRESS William J. and Julie Bouie 409 N.W. 6th Avenue, Boynton Beach334 j L.T. T.p~TPr <'Ad ilIa l.sEJter 406 N.W. 7th Avenue. Bovnton Beach334 2 , r / Lewis A. and Juanita M. Beckett ,.-- 410 N.W. 7th Avenue, Boynton BeachJ343 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no inte~est in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. (See attached Utility Company list) 8. Obtain a survey of the street (or easement). 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company. 10. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: for landscapinR for increased vard: to prevent loitering and use as a parking lot DATED: October 14, 1999 ~S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ~ -;h, ~~ ADDRESS 701 h m'll/) ~71ta;T B Dy/Y7i!I.N ft~1f, F'- ~"3"'.3~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being fi~st dul sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he _ areh s the applicant (s) in the foregoing Application to Abandon/Vacate; t they ha~ead the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. ~~{)~~J ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Flor~da My Commission Expires: S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\ABAN\ABANDON-2/98.WPD .,....... lJIIe I)Ian& H\IOIll8II ..........c:c: i~~>>' ~~ ..... COMMISSION' CC5Z4456~..-w 'wi iW' 11\' JaIWaIY \1.2000 \i~... '. IlJIJlIIntlllllDYfAlll~'lIlC, ....at., " 'J ..; EXHIBIT ~'A" Alley way lying North of and Adjacent to Lot 67, RIDGEWOOD HILLS, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Plarida, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 23, Page 250, / , /\ ~ t ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~~ "/ - ,<;0 "7! 7'1 '..,< ...1 . 30,'1. - ~ \y. .~~\A . ~.~~ y '(\~ lC j\5- ;/ t.J . I.~; ~ 1"} ~ ~ I Ht' ~~ ~ St. 401 _.. ",....-" Y:J ," " f7 "J1' ~.^~o/ t\} ~ ,1.. ~ ~ Z ~ , ~.J 17 :, ~ J.l:! . ....VW' ...... - j .~IT.JL t.: \'\J \I.D \ I~ ~ "L" ':t 71 \1'1 \1... "- ,.1,.., ~ t' <> .~ D~ S' "1 .. ~" A. '1;/ ~~~.;.,~, ~'..,.' {} ;y~.Ilf f. . , {:i.. ~ \IP'\ . :r ,,"""!I' ....t:. __ ~ ,.,.V.... Y ~ ~. !: ~ 1''''' 3;' ,. 15'.\ . :....- 1:'? ,. .' ,...-' , ..< ". l-1 · ,\<11 P, Uo ""'!'- T \~~ ~ ~ '!7 ~ 51/ "Ii '" ~.W rn N ,.l~< ~ ~ ~: '1iJ!..>f '~ ~! ~ ~ ~I tJ", 0 ~~~:\~~A aIT \P AI... -;:. ~ ~,~ =::. · · REOUll! :TED "J' !/ ;t~ ~ ~ lC\ (rJ)/ ...... I Ill;" ~- I'J:. ~~ ~ 1~~ ~ ~~ ~"Y'1 ~;!- ;~, ".l r ~ ~l ~ 'i:'.". ". qn /.Lh - I' · 1'''' · 1 ~ '1 ... ~ "/ \( . ,)' ,.. t~ \~ } ~ 1$- ,~, ~/ ft\ ,,} '\../ ],} , W .,., ~ .", ~ , ~}. ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'} ~~ ,~ '" \~~ "'l (11''1' of' \~ ~ III " \30"1N1UN '. \) " ) S\ 6E..:..CH ~-; . \) 703 tll'\ ~ ~ . \ ;--- ~"',\ ~ .6:; ;. ( 0 '" ,~-, 'Y~ . I \ 1, . , ~ ,fIId ~., ~ --'" ~ ",,,:.. i2 - , p..,C \ '- P- ~Z'{ ~[N\~R'( ~\-\OUL \y . ,..,. ~ \).- ~ \0 -. / 1" fr . ~ I A"e.. ~ ~'" \~ ~ ~ tV y ~ ~ }. ~ ,~ ~~ / of:: , :: \\ r ". \ "" '\',' " - ~ ~ .- ,. ,-_....,---------- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board and City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct PUBLIC HEARINGS at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, December ,14, 1999 and on Tuesday, December 21, 1999, respectively, at 7:00 p.m, to consider an abandonment request submitted by L. Diana Hileman, Esquire for said property, and more particularly described as follows: That portion of the 20 foot service drive lying north and adjacent to Lot 67, Ridgewood Hills, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in plat book 23, page 250, Public Records of Palm Beach Country, Florida, All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard, Any person 'Nho decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH: The Post November 29, 1999 SPEED lETTER@ TO FROM William Bingham Sue Kruse Fire Chief City Clerk SUBJECT Planning & Develo!).ment BOf;lrd Meeting, 12/14/92 OLD NO.9 or 10 MESSAGE Attached is a copy of an application for abandonment (see attached). The appliC'!at"ion Wi'll~ ~nhmitt"pd by Oris Walker. Please review and advise of your recommendation for approval or disapproval in accordance with Chapter 22, ] <i en ::> Q Co> Co> Cl: 8l @ Article Ill, See_ 4 of the Boynton BeaC'!h COde of Ordinance_ Plea~e re~pond to the Planning Dept. by Dec. 7, 1999 with a copy to this office. DATE4."t..4/pp SIGNED ')./f.Jj!A ~~.:2<"" ~~~~~~~~~y I j ';. ;i .. ... .. c en .. .. .. = .. ~ Co> REPLY ~-~ OLD FOR NO.9 DATE I ( (&tJ!9e; SIG~ED~/~~ Ch.j 44-902 . Triplicate SENDER: DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY, SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES, RECIPIENT: RETAIN WHITE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY 44-904. Ouadrupiicate OLD FOR NO, 10 . WilsonJones@ 10 !tell1 , RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBER RECEIPT NUMBER: APPLICATION TO AB~ON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two(2) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: KENMONT ABANDONMENT OF ALLEY AGENT'S PHONE: L. DIANA HILEMAN, ESQUIRE 1200 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 1-201 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (561) 736-2888 AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S FAX: (561) 736-9612 OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) ORIS W. WALKER OWNER'S ADDRESS: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 OWNER'S PHONE: (561) 364-0138 OWNER'S FAX: N/A PROJECT LOCATION: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET; Alley lying north and adjacent (~ legal description) L 67 to ot ,RIDGEWOOD HILLS, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:'" (if different than agent or owner) , This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. 1 __PLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate/abandon, and discontinue the, (check one) : xx ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit nAil, and to renounce and disclaim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in connection therewith. Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby cert~fy: 1. That a comp+ete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing Showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or property interest (check one) : ( ( XX ( interest of the City and the public in and to the specific described above was acquired and is evidenced by, DEED DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in Plat Book Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Book ~3 , Page :l50 ' and Public 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from th~ir property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. Labels and/or addressed envelopes for property owners and 1st class postage (stamps or pay for required postage) . ~ ADDRESS William J. and Julie Bouie 409 N.W. 6th Avenue, Boynton Beach334 / LaL T.p~t'pr lilH4 i:tla LS.6Jter 406 N.W. 7th Avenue. Bovnton Beach334 2 I'LeWiS A. and Juanita M. Beckett 410 N.W. 7th Avenue, Boynton Beach334 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. (See attached Utility Company list) 8. Obtain a survey of the street (or easement). 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company. 10. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: for landscaping for increased yard: to prevent loitering and use as a parking lot DATED: October 14,1999 ~S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ~ ->>, ~~ ADDRESS 70 1 h mfR./) ~71ttGT B pylV7ll' # lli51t!If, Ft.. ~ 3 t-~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being fi;J!!Ist dul sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he _ areh s the applicant (s) in the foregoing Application to Abandon/Vacate; t they ha~ead the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. ~~{Jiv:~ ~ ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Flor~da My Commission Expires: "n'''" lJ\\ODlanaHl\Ol1l8ll RES i~~iJ. ~~ w COMMISSION' CC524456 EXPI s: \I>LANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\ABAN\ABANDON-2/9S, WPD ,,:*i n January 11, ~ tc: '. -: _n~",""""FAlN~'" ~iit, ., .....-- ".- 1t'_W 3 UTILITY COMPANIES ~ Mr. Larry Malernik B~USo~th T stephone Company 326 Fern Street, Room 601 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phon~: (561) 837-6350 Fax: (561) 833-9898 J. Mr. Robert Arthur Florlct.. Power & I..ight Company 9329 S. Military Trail Delray Beach, FL 33436 Phone: (561) 369-2225 Fax: (561) 369-2265 . Mr. David E. Pellico, Engineer Florida Public Utmti"/Flo-Ga$ Corp. 401 South Dixie Highway We$t Piilm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 838-1752 fax: (561) 833"() 1 f$1 . Mr. Dominique Aumais, Construction Coordinator Comc.". Cablevhiion ofW.P.Q., Inc. 1401 Northpolnt Parkway West Pctlm Beach, fL 33407 Phone: (561) 478-5866 ext. 519 Fax: (561) 686-9499 , Ms. Jeanine McEnroe Adelphi, Cable Comm~micatlon$ 1595 S.W. 4" Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Phone: (561) 272-2521 Fax: (561) 272-8776 , Ms. N@ncy YanofskY, District Manager T ,Iemoctli Co. 3020 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone: (561) 588-5553 Fax: (561) 588-3381 S:\PLANNING\SHARE::D\WP\FORMS\APf'S\UTILITY COMPANJES,DOC May. Hl97 06 ' 43 -4'? _ZI_lro,-ooO,-Oh70 ~XHTBIT "A" Alley way lying North of and Adjacent to Lot 67, RIDGEWOOD HILLS, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Plorida, in Plat Book 23, Page 250, ~-_.._~_._._---- . FPL Florida Power & Light Company September 29, 1999 Law Office Of Allen WM Martincavage, Sr Colonial Center Suite 1-201 1200 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FI 33435 Re: 707 NW ~rd St, BOYIlton Beach, FI Abandonment of Alley Right-of-Way To Whom It Concerns: This is to notify you that Florida Power & light Company is unable to abandon the existing power line easement. The easement is being used to provide service to the existing residences West and North of the reference property. If you have any questions about the above information or any further matters, do not hesitate to call me at (561) 742-2024. Sincerely, ~~~ Charles Blake Area Technician An FPL Grol,Jp ComptJ1V .11-...." ."._......,...M --- ..--..--....-...--.. SEVr BY: 11-23-99 9:42AM 5613756259:# 1/ 2 FAX TRANS.M1TT AI. SHEET DATE: November 23, 1999 RECEIVING PARTY TO: Jose Alf8IO COMPA.NY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FAX NUMBER: 742-6259 NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER): 2 TRANSNITrTINGPARTY FROM: L. Diana Hileman, Esquire RE: RIDGEWOOD HILLS ALLEYWAY ABANDONMENT (OWN'ER) ORIS WALKER Please find following a copy of a letter from Charles Blake, Florida Power and Light, conceming the above referenced abandonment. If there is llIlythi~,g further you require, please do not he&itate to cowct me, Vel)' truly yows, J ' V-. ' jY).(,-~-o- t~ L"b <'~-~ L Diana Hileman, Esquire LAW OFFICES OF ALLEN WM MARTNCAV AGE, SR, 1200 SOUTIlFEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 1-201 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 PHONE NUl.:tBER (561) 736-2888 FAX NUMBER (561) 736-9612 Tho iloooaIm ""_WqthM raOlimilo l..........i... collt.ill milll...UQlllrom th. Lw; 0lIl00 of 4J1llIl W... MuNn ,.,.."" Sr, whioh I. 1lIllIlIdonti&l1lll.lll.. liQ&IlJI ~ Tho ~ ..__ ONLY l'arlho _ .flhoiadividual aronlily .....ad..., 1hi.1r...,,,,,,,, li1Ht. If yon...... nut."'. irftantt8d ~ }Qll\1t1 ~lS' nnUtled ht.~ difcMniMf:Wa. <1iaclulU~, c.~ diltr"ution or 11Cl1alclns atany aariorl i.~ rcli4Acc en the OOI1Lellt't nfth. famlimitc. tranlll\W\lli~ ,. *ktly prohihW. 1l)'QA Jl&VO rtOtiwd ~ oommut'IiOltaoa in <<FOr, plWlo nolil.} M hy ~VJII~ (CJUo;i) ~l'f ~lJ IJu.fI w,,~.unq:.oh Ihor~vaJ athe urlpi dllCDmcnIA I-I'.(\.;;;tl~ to yw. SENT B'(; 11-23-93 ; 9:42AM 56137~~t~9;~~21 2 . r:PL I'lQI1QIl'O\Vlf .. ~unl Call1Ila'1Y ~~,1999 UwOfla or Atka WM Matllau..... 81. Cow.ial amcc. Suu.I.201 12.00 ScudI Foc\m.l Hitla'nf BoyIIIOI1 BeIdi, 1'] ~J.43~ lie: 107 NW )'" St. BlI)'IIlIDIa !Mob. F1. Abudaalllllt of Alley Ri&h1<oOf-WIY To Whom It ClaCl!ma: Thil "10 DOtiry )'01111111 P1.onla p()l1o'Cf '" Li&bt COIlIflUy is ClI.IRIIdr IIIq the lI!1t'ltWll Ul povhllllmc. tI;lllu; tllllUq 1911_10. weuw lIIOrtIl ordlt rt('~Dte~, A..... tlMlnl!llt :mllit be aralld to Flori4a Power II; ~ ~ bllfon: alllloumat of Uli: cucmC!lt. If any *lCrIlCflClll l'eqlliremcDt \I iIIlUliecl. frOll1lbo "~t, II. pCDClll Dr pcncm.l n'l'""tma Iiuo .-1'<1011_1 will ha..... to p.)' 100"> oftb. ~0lI1 ineun'oCl by1'loticli Po_. Li&\tCDDlpuy. It )'OlIlwve &11)' '111C$tillllllbout tbD lIbov" infomlatiOl'l CII' &II)' t'Iv:1her roattlm. Iio !:lot helitale 10 tlllllK II (561) 7,U. 20:&4. SblctNly, ~~ (;I, J__ ct.ri-mu. I~ "- Tcc:Jaciu Nt IIfll ~~1IJt 1100 Northpoint Parkway - Suite 200 West Pahn ~ch, FI 33407 Saturday, September 25, 1999 L. Diana Hileman, Esquire Law Office Of Allen Wm. Martincavage, Sr, 1200 South Federal Hwy ~ Suite 1-201 Boynton Beach, Fl33435 RE: Proposed Alley RIW Abandonment i.e. : Lot 67, Ridgewood Hills Plat Book 23 pg. 250 as recorded in PBCounty Comcast Print No. 2354 Pear Ms. Hite~ Esquire: In reviewins YOll" request on the above ref project, Corncast has existing aerial plant within the r~u~~~ a,btm4pnment area. Comcast has no objections nor conflicts with your proposed pl~s, However, ... a ten-foot utility easement that centers our existing aerial plant must be provided to Comeast and shall be recorded prior to the proposed alley abandonment. Should you bave any other questions, please feel free to call me at 1-561-227-4343/ Fax: Numbers - 1-561-686-8507 / e-mail leonard_max:weU@comcast.com, Sincerely, \--nW 2Lo Leonard Maxwell Permit Adjustor 9/25/993:44:59 PM p o cc: Scott Swendner - Project Man,ager Dorn Aumais - Construction Coordinator Michelle Goods - Engineering Coordinator Boynton B~ch Draw File Adelphia 1595 S,W A....,; Delray Beach, FL 33444 Phone (561) 272-2522 Fax (561) 272-8776 September 22, 1999 LAW OFFICE OF ALLEN WM,MARTINCAVAGE, SR. Colonial Center, Suite 1-201 1200 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Attn: L Diana Hileman, Esq. RE: 707 NW 3rd STRt:ET BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA Dear Ms, Hileman: Adelphia has no facilities at the above referenced address. If you have any questions please contact me at 561-272-2522, Since~ ?!1neM~ Construction Supervisor , JOMlmf Equal Opportunity Employer ~ Florida Publ1c i UtlUtles Company ~jJI'IIjKIII64 ~ , 1 ,. ',I '! ':i- \' ,:' ,,' : " 11. '" II l \ I .,:. I ; , I;, ~.1. 1 ~ ~" l .' .. '.f,' . 1 t . \ l.1I " 'i\ I U11 SUJ ~'. ~> ',I~~j \\1 \ .", " [I ~C:':J\:7e:-jU \J L~lI . ...,...........--.....- -...--...... -.- ... ~ ......- ......- ' P. 0, Box 3395 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3395 September 24, 1999 L. Diana Hileman, Esq, Law Office of Allen Wm. Martincavage, Sr, Colonial C~nter, suite 1-201 1200 S. Fed~ral Hwy. Boynton Beach, fL 33435 RE: Abandonment of Alley RJW Dear Ms, Hileman: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment of the existing 20' easement described in your letter, At the present time, we have no undergroWld gas distribution facilities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment. Sincerely, ~ David E. Pellico Division Engineer ... HOUU _roa'lOU_ , QlU. AIlUt_ 1-aoQ-432-4170 Jr$ 1I\Ii lM# !' !,UHIIDA @ BELLSOUTH BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. 561 439-9110 Engineering 2021 South Military Trail West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 fD).J W!,J! n_JL~ ~ t!lJ NOV I 9 1999 1 iJ!j PLANNING AND ZONiNG DEPT October 22. 1999 L. Diana Hileman. Esquire Law Office of Allen Wm. Martincavage. Sr. Colonial Center - Suite 1-201 1200 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach. Florida 33435 RE: Abandonment of Alley Right-of-Way Rear of Lot 67 Ridgewood Hills Dear Ms. Hileman: BellSouth has buried facilities in this alley. Therefore the only way we can agree to the easement is to receive a 12' easement where our facilities are. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 439-9118. Sincerely. ~f!?//~ Project Manager Outside Plant Engineering ~~~(\) ~ C\ -00 S APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE DATE: 'FEE PAID: &.,-)O-o/tl cj 11-1&J~- ,4e4JJ Cl~'-07JJ q q ~ 03 S /o/; g/cj 9 RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBER RECEIPT NUMBER: APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two(2) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: KENMONT ABANDONMENT OF ALLEY AGENT'S PHONE: L. DIANA HILEMAN. ESQUIRE 1200 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 1-201 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 (561) 736-2888 AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S FAX: (561) 736-9612 OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) ORIS W. WALKER OWNER'S ADDRESS: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 OWNER'S PHONE: (561) 364-0138 OWNER'S FAX: N/A PROJECT LOCATION: 707 N.W. 3rd STREET; Alley lying north and adjacent (not legal description) L 6 to ot 7, RIDGEWOOD HILLS, BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: * (if different than agent or owner) . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. 1 2LICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate/abandon, and discontinue the, (check one) : xx ) ALLEY ) STREET ) SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT ) OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and disclaim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in connection therewith. Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby cert~fy: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or property interest (check one) : ( ( XX ( interest of the City and the public in and to the specific described above was acquired and is evidenced by, DEED DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in Plat Book Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Book ?'3 , Page 250 ' and Public 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. Labels and/or addressed envelopes for property owners and 1st class ?ostage (stamps or pay for required postage) . NAME ADDRESS William J. and Julie Bouie 409 N.W. 6th Avenue, Boynton Beach334 L.L. T,pc::j-pr 91lQ :Ella LQEJtor 406 N.W. 7th Avenue. Boynton Beach33L 2 Lewis A. and Juanita M. Beckett 410 N.W. 7th Avenue, Boynton Beach334 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. (See attached Utility Company list) 8. Obtain a survey of the street (or easement) . 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company. 10. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: for landscaping for increased yard: to prevent loitering and use as a parking lot DATED: October 14, 1999 ~(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) r -->>, ~~ ADDRESS 70 T JI~ 7HII<P ~77fiFeT BcylY7C'N /J1?#fI; Fl. ~3f-3;- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being fi~st dul sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he' _ areA s the applicant (s) in the foregoing Application to Abandon/Vacate; t they ha~ead the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\ABAN\ABANDON-2/98,WPD ~~~~d ~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida """'" U\la Diana Hileman A~,~'\~'f~:ft~ W COMMISSION * CC524456 EXPIRES ~\ " ~~ January 11, 2000 CE ltC, ~""""~.o 1!ONOEOl\iRlliROVFAlNlllSuMN. ~"~t;?fu\~"~ My Commission Expires: 3 UTILITY COMPANIES ~ Mr. Larry Malernik BellSouth Telephone Company 326 Fern Street, Room 601 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 837-6350 Fax: (561) 833-9898 j Mr. Robert Arthur Florida Power & Light Company 9329 S. Military Trail Delray Beach, FL 33436 Phone: (561) 369-2225 Fax: (561) 369-2265 . Mr. David E. Pellico, Engineer Florida Public Utilities/Flo-Gas Corp. 401 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 838-1752 Fax: (561) 833-0151 . Mr. Dominique Aumais, Construction Coordinator Comcast Cablevision ofW.P.B., Inc. 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Phone: (561) 478-5866 ext.519 Fax: (561) 686-9499 . Ms. Jeanine McEnroe Adelphia Cable Communications 1595 S,W. 4th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Phone: (561) 272-2521 Fax: (561) 272-8776 . Ms. Nancy Yanofsky, District Manager Telemedia Co. 3020 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone: (561) 588-5553 Fax: (561) 588-3381 S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\UTILlTY COMPANIES.DOC May, 1997 - .---~",.._--_. - -" ~-_.. .._-_.._,--_.~.---- EXHIBIT "A" t!J t3 - '-t ~ - 4 S 2./ -I (" -06;;> - 0 fa [.:3 Alley way lying North of and Adjacent to Lot 67, RIDGEWOOD HilLS, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 23, Page 250. . FPL- Florida Power & Light Company September 29, 1999 Law Office Of Allen WM Martincavage, Sr Colonial Center Suite 1-201 1200 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 Re: 707 NW 3rd St, Boynton Beach, Fl Abandonment of Alley Right-of-Way To Whom It Concerns: This is to notity you that florida Power & light Company is unable to abandon the existing power line easement. The easement is being used to provide service to the existing +esidences West and North of the reference property. If you have any questions about the above information or any further matters, do not hesitate to call me at (561) 742-2024. Sincerely, ~(5~ Charles Blake Area Technician An FPI- GrOlJP ComPlIrv ......- ..-."'- ...-"--- S~T BY: 11 <~.-fJfJ 3:42AM 5eI3756~53;; I! 2 FAX TRANSMITI AI.. SHEET DATE: November 23, 1999 RECEIVING PARTY TO: Jose Alfaro COMPANY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FAX NUMBER: 742.6259 NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER): 2 TRANSMITTING PARTY FROM: L. Diana Hiltmall, Esquire RE: RIDGEWOOD HILLS ALLEYWAY ABANDONMENT (OW!\"ER) ORIS WALKER Please find following a copy of a Jetter from Charles Blake, Florida Power and Light, eoncen1ing the above referenced abandonment. If there is anything further you require, ploue do not hesitate to collUct me, Very nuly yours, 1 ' ~ C.(l.f'-~-c'J--I;~ .()Q ,J'--r.... L Diana Hileman, Esquire LAW OmCES OF ALLEN WM. MARTlNCAVAOE, SJL 1200 soum FEDERAL ffiOHWAY, SUITE }.201 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 PHONE NUMBER. (561) 736-2888 FAX NUMBER (561) 736.9612 ThollooolluM ICoomp'''l'i".1l1io ,"",imlJo ............. ooIDin iaf'omu.Iiao, INm 1lte Lw 0l&oI of <UIIIl WIlL .......,.,'""" Sr, .1011 I. ~ 1lI1l1'<< JoQOlly pnI'i\oltN. 1bo_ ilJoIoadodONLY r",lIIo_ .r"illdivichd ",entily .....ee1... tis1r-'-obNL 1I yom .....nt,..... _~ fm... ......yoniillee1hl"'IYd..--..,~, ""l'YiJli. di_lion",ho .1Ic"'sot'any...ion in rcliM<o: en the .."lien" .flhio 6oIrim1Jo1nl...NlIIi.. ;.lIIriollfpnWhilod. 1ll"U h&v. .-iVlNi1bia _in _.pI.... noIify.. hI' ~l..ua.(CotlJ..1)~'f:!ol.ldd WrI'loIliIL~b..,r~olthearlp'd.llCIJft'ICrU.."iC\t:iI<<!W5'CJU. ~E~i BY: 11-23-99 . 9:42rlY. 5~137S6259:~ 2! 2 . .- -.... . I=PL IIlQI1QI !"OW., . LO'II 00m1lWlY ~JJ,lm l.A1t 0.. or Allen WM MartiDu"IC. Sr. CoJo.ial Cer\Uf Su~ 1.20 I 1200 Soudl '..1 HIIk-r 8oyI\IoIl1leadl, Fl ~J.4)' lie: 707 NW l"'St. ~ BMoh, Fl. AIadollmIDr ol Alley RichloOf- WIY To WIIlIm lIe- ThiI ilto DOtify )'GU 1Il.I.l .F~ Power &; upt CoaIflUy i. cwreIldy lIIiDa die llIRl!U:nt Ul plovldl ..ml:e 10 ~ txlldlla 1'IIidatlCl _lUI4l*lb oflbl rer.l'eOCC prepcr1y, A Ilnftlllll\lll1111l11t be an&*! to Florida Power II Li&bl CcIa;laD)' bl1fon: '''.W<v-'l or UlI: ~tlIlt If IIIlY ~ tcquimaf:Dt IIWU1e4 frllll1lbo ~ tIw pc:nclD ar..-. ~ IiuI ~.~o_t will haw 10 p.,. 1~ otllP ~l iacumd byFlolida Po_ A: upt C<IIIlpIll)'. Ihou lun1c 111)' '1l1CsliOllllbout tbo abave informatiOl'llll' any ~r man.n, do !:lot hesitate 10 c&lllllll! (S61' 742. ZllU, SlzIotrtIy , ~__~ 12., J~_ a.r.Bw.. '~ Alur~ M ~ ~ComDInY ~ Florida Public I Utwtles Company ~PN/KNi. ~ . I"', 'I .fl'" ~ '.. ,I, I" I . I' 1. ,,; l. ' , t t t t L iLL . _A .. ,r;' ,~ . ~ l'j', f \ i "I " C.' '\1 hi 1'1' I \\11 SLl) '}\',.JJ~.,h\\ U~D\.:7e'jU \J l.~']1 . ~r--~-~~----_.'~_.-' -_.....,-,.,...,;. . P. 0, Box 3395 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3395 September 24, 1999 L. Diana Hileman, Esq, Law Office of Allen Wm, Martincavage, Sr. Colonial Center, suite 1-201 1200 S, Fed~ral Hwy. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Abandonment of Alley R/W Dear Ms, Hileman: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment of the existing 20' easement described in your letter. At the present time, we have no underground gas distribution facilities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment. Sincerely, David E. Pellico Division Engineer 'If'''_~ ," ',...'.,"" ,,<If HO,UU IlEfOIIE , YOU IIIMi , ".." QlLL 1UIISlI_ :~ . 1-8QO-432-4770 , "" lJ!Ii ~.. f~ 1100 Northpoint Parkway - Suite 200 West Palm ae;tcl1. f133407 Saturday. September 25. 1999 L. Diana Hileman. Esquire Law Office Of Allen Wm. Martincavage. Sr. 1200 Soutb Federal Hwy ~ Suite }-201 Boynton B~cb, Fl33435 RE: Proposed Alley RIW Abandonment i.e. : Lot 67, Ridgewood Hills Plat Book 13 pg. 150 as recorded in PBCounty ComeRst Print No. 1354 Pe~ Ms. HiletlUln, Esquire: In reviewillj YQ~ requ~t on the above ref. project, Comcast has existing aerial plant within tbe r~um~ lblm41>nment ar~. Corneast has no objections nor conflicts with your proposed plans, However. ... a ten-foot utility easement that centers our existing aerial plant must be provided to Comcast and shall be recorded prior to the proposed alley abandonment. Should you have any other questions. please feel free to call me at 1-561-227-4343/ Fax Numbers - 1-561-686-8507 / e-mail leonard_maxwell@comcast,com, Sincerely. 'tnW cJ_O Leo~d Maxwell Permit Adjustor 9/25/993:44:59 PM {) o cc: Scott Swendner - Project Manager Dom Aumais - construction Coor~tor Michelle Goods - Engineering Coordinator Boynton Beach Draw File Adelphia 1595 S.'W, Ave Delray Beach, FL 33444 Phone (561) 272-2522 Fax. (561) 272-8776 September 22, 1999 LAW OFFICE OF ALLEN WM,MARTINCAVAGE. SR. Colonial Center. Suite 1-201 1200 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 Attn: L Diana Hileman, Esq, Rt:: 707 NW ard STRt:ET BOYNTON BeACH, FLORIDA Dear Ms, Hileman: Adelphia has no facilities at the above referenced address, If you have any questions please contact me at 561-272-2522, Since~ 1!1ne Mcenroe Construction Supervisor JDMlmf Equal Opportunity Employer @ BELLSOUTH fDJ ~ ~ f~ fl \17 ~ fnI lPJr;,~-~1 W PlANNiNG'-AN~ Z0r'\';~"!G DfP7 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. 561 439-911 0 Engineering 2021 South Military Trail West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 October 22. 1999 L. Diana Hileman, Esquire Law Office of Allen Wm. Martincavage, Sr. Colonial Center - Suite 1-201 1200 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach. Florida 33435 RE: Abandonment of Alley Right-of-Way Rear of Lot 67 Ridgewood Hills Dear Ms. Hileman: BellSouth has buried facilities in this alley. Therefore the only way we can agree to the easement is to receive a 12' easement where our facilities are. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 439-9118. Sincerely, ~1!~ Project Manager Outside Plant Engineering ~ ,0'1 OMER C'l ~-' ':::'O':'4MCt'" " ~ 5':; 75 15/1 \ .50 " " .'" - ? f- \'- 6;::...<-"..... \~:'5~ " <pt...-Vt.- \ ~ CO 0> ..o~ N <$ (J) \ CO (j) 0> 0> \0 O~ \Xl \r 0> \ ~ \ U' 0' '.\ '0 t.nt'o \ 7S . 50 \1 \. 75',4./ \ 50 " \' c:. 'iJ<;Z.\"~ JIl Z U" - ~ ,; .- \0 i~ - \~ ~ ~ 0' - \ '" -.\ .. - \ I - \ = CO ; 'J' - \ ~ .]"I, G 1.0 \J . \ \ \ ..... tv \ - Cl 0 \) \n ~ ~ ." \ .6l.'b " leo 1'2 :To ~C1'" t'~ o+i '~ "'" - t'\ 1\ -? ~ '1: .1 Vl ~ ~ ".C ~ d ~ I... f' 1"" z ~ ) .., 'f; .., "SO , J -1 :> ,'I Cc""- ~C'''' ~ {) '" t.. 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