CORRESPONDENCE January 12,1998 Phone (737-5405) Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beavh Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Re: Grand Park at Boynton Beach (East portion of Alhambra South) Dear Ms Heyden: On January 5, 1998 a meeting was held at the residence of Harry & Helen Brandt 2344 S.W. 13th Street, Boynton Beach with the principals of the above mentioned project and the residents of S.W. 13 Street. The concerns of these citizens were as follows: (1) They would prefer to have the percolation ponds on the east end of the project, which would entail flipping the site plan to accommodate. (2) The black chain link fence to be concealed by a 4 ft high hedge on the Golfview Harbour side of the fence for concealment. (3) The responsibility of the relief of the storm water trapped in the cuI de sac on the end of 13 St. to be determined and acted on before constuction of site work. The general plan amd these concerns were brought before the regular meeting Jan. 7,1998 of the Golview Harbour Estates Homerownwer's Association Inc. (Single Family Homes). and approved by the body. Sincerely, Robert J Borovy President 2521 S.W 11th St. Boynton Beach Fl. 33426 Nab;, g Il~, inc. Consulting Engineers, Land Planners Tel. ~ 272-1800 Fax ~272-0008 (5;// ) . 253 N.E. 2nd Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 February 5th, 1998 JO), U! ~ 0 \'H fij) !@ FfB-5~ Ii), I I t PZLANNING AND ,. ~ ONING DEPI Tambri Heyden City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 -'" Re: Legal description of the easemenf located at Tract 4, Golf View Harbour 3rd Section. Dear Ms. Heyden: At the request of Gregory Miklos & Associates Architects, we are enclosing herewith the legal descriptipn and a sketch of the easement located in the east half of Tract 4, GQlf View Harbour 3rd Section, as recorded in Plat Book 30, Pages 119'" 120, Public Records Palm Beach County Florida. Should you require any additional information, please contact our office at your earliest convenience. Sincerely Y o"rs , 1. ~I~N fioc. ..:pc. ~,,:_~~,~ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2212. Delray Beach, FL 33447-2212 FEB-04-98 01:03 PM MAL' €< ASSeC. 561 272 0008 P.01 , ....~ Tel. (~272-1800 Fex (A.9?') 272.0008 ($/1) . ~53 N.E'. 2nd Avenut Delray Beach, FL 33444 . MakJ, 11 ,(ld4lJcitlleJ., JII/;. I)" 1~ ::late; 2 /jIl2 2lL_______,___.__ " To: l' a III b r j II e y d t! n.....__...__,__~-----__ Re: Truet 4, Ea::&.em~\)t t..h...n<l"R1enl City .nf RO~~6-eft- P li'lJln i ~jL.!L.Zo n i ng Attention: . Fax No. (5(',1),\7.'>-6259 Number of Pages (Including this page) ,} . If copy is Illegible or Incomplete, please call1his office tor re.transmlsslon, DESCRIPTION Letter from the Director uf UtIlities of the City, () f B () Y TI t. 0 n B ~ ,1 C h. rt ~ l: e d 3/4 j 1 ~ tl O. in :r e gar d tot h e above referenced ~ubject. 5i^llY 6l ~~ J tdj,/tl Mailing Address; P.O. 80le 2212. Delray Beach, FL 33447-2212 FEB-04-98 01:04 PM MAL~' & ASS0C. 561 27.:? eeee p.e2 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH -- F' 0 90X ~ I" I'Q N l. 2..'" ...VENVt BOYNTON Bl.'>'CH. fL.O"'OA 3~~" March 4, 1980 Malek & Associates 100 East Linton Boulevard Delray Beach, FL 33444 Subject: Water Distribution Modification Plan Submitted for Approval - Golfview Harbour 3rd Section Gentlemen: This letter is to informally advise you that the Utilities Depa~~- ment approves the concept of tying an 8" water line on to the au, and 16'1 line on Congress Avenue, and abandoning the feed coming from the north off 23rd Avenue through Plat 4 and across Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-27. This is to make it clear to you that this informal approval is subject to your compliance, presenting a complete package for Tract 2 and 3 and g01n9 through the normal channels, endin9 with approval of the City Council. Further, my informal approval in no way is involved in the decision a8 to whether there shall or shall not be a bridge over the canal as ori;inally approved several years ago. Informal approval is given to you sO you may proceed with your entire plans and be assured that the Utilities Department will not object to the proposed plans. The entire packa98 should be routed through Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, who will re- ceive a copy of this letter. Yours very truly, CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH (] (J~ perr~~sna Director of utilities " .: PAC/db cc: Messrs. Cheney, Annunziato Central File FEB-04-98 ~1:03 PM MALEK & ASS0C. 561 272 001218 P.01 ,... . MtJJ.IlIlUDcitl/u" JHC. Tel. (*' 272-1800 Fax (A9?) 272-0008 (5(1) 253 N.E. 2nd Avenue Oelra)' Beach, FL 33444 1)(;4, 1~ Oale; 2 /jjJ.22~__'___'___HH___ " To: l' a lIltH.i II e y d ~ n Re: T r..1 c t 4. Eas.e m p n t ^ h <;l n o:l "Ill l' n l City .nf RQypt')Jl.-.i1H'~ft- Pli'tnning & .~.inll. Attention: ~ Fax No. (.')f,) ) '37,')-6259 Number of Pages (Including this page) , " L If copy is Illegible or Incomplete. please call1his office for re-transmlsslon. DESCRIPTION Letter frum the Director uf Utilities uf the City, of Boynton Beach. rtal:ed 3/4/1980. in regard to the abuve referenced ~ubject. 5;^(U61 I/t~ J 41Ul Mailing Address; P.O. BOl( 2212. Delray Beach, FL 33447-2212 FEB-04-96 01:04 PM MALEK 8. ASS0C. !561 272 0008 P.02 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ P C 80X :)'0 110 N E ~..~, AVENUf: BOVNTO", IllACH. I'1.0I:JO,," :.l:>>")5 March 4, 1980 Malek & Associates 100 East Linton Boulevard Delray Beach, FL 33444 Subjeot: Water Distribution Modification Plan Submitted for Approval - Golfview Harbour 3rd Section Gentlemen: This letter is to informally advise you that the Utilities Depa~~- ment approves the concept of tying an 8" w~ter line on to the 8"" and 16" line on Congress Avenue, and abandoning the feed coming from the north off 23rd Avenue through Plat 4 and across Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-27. This is to make it clear to you that this informal approval is 8ubject to your compliance, presenting a complete paCkage for Tract 2 and 3 and goins through the normal channels, endin9 with a~proval of the City Council. Purther, my informal approval in no way is involv&d in the decision a8 to whether there shall or shall not be a bridge over the canal as originally approved several years a9o. Informal approval is given to you sO you may proceed with your entire plans and be assured that the Utilities Department will not object to the proposed plan.. The entire package should be routed through Mr. Car.men Annunziato, City Planner, who will re- ceive a copy of this letter. Yours very truly, CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH (j a~ perr-::!l;~ sna Director of Utilities " .,' PAC/db CC: Messrs. Cheney. Annun~iato Central File Art. II, ~7 K. Replacement of sidewalks, curbs and driveways. Sidewalks, curbs and driveways, if removed for construction, shall be replaced in accordance with city standards, and no pavement shall be placed without prior inspection of forms and excavation by the director of development. L. Compacting surrounding area. All backfilled areas within six (6) feet of pavement shall be compacted/stabilized to meet a minimum Florida Soil Bearing Value of 30 P.S.I. M. Cleanup. Final restoration shall include removal of all construction rubble and dirt mounds from the area and removal of all dirt and dust caused by the construction from pavement. N. Planting in swales and rights-of-way. Limited non- invasive planting may be allowed in swales and/or rights- of-way subject to the following conditions: 1. Planting cannot significantly interfere with maintenance of existing utilities, and; 2. Layout with respect to plant material, location and size at maturity must be acceptable to both the city forester and the director of development, and; 3. Planting'must be consistent with Plorida Department of Transportation, Palm Beach County and City of Boynton Beach regulations. If planting is allowed and installed within swales and/or rights-of-way, the adjacent property owner assumes total responsibility for repairing/restoring the swale/right- of-way to its original condition if the swale/right-of- way is disturbed for installation and/or repair of utilities either already in place or constructed in the future. The property owner also assumes the maintenance responsibility for the swale/right-of-way as stipulated in the Landscape Code <Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5, Paragraph B) . . ARTICLE III. STREET AND EASEMENT ABANOONMBNT Section 1. Purposes. The purposes of this article are to establish uniform procedures for the application to the city for the vacation and abandonment of city streets, alleys, special purpose easements and other nonfee interests of the city; to designate those individuals who shall have the responsibility for the processing of such applications; and to provide the methods and procedures for processing said applications. Adopted Aprl1 4, 1995, orc:l1nanee O'5-0~ 22-5 .eVl..d1 Art. III, ~2 Section 2. Application/submission. All requests for vacation and/or abandonment of city streets, alleys, special purpose easements and other nonfee interests which the city may have in real property shall be in writing and executed in triplicate by the party or parties requesting the same. The application shall be filed with the city clerk and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. The name and address of the applicant' or applicants. B. A complete and accurate legal description of the street, alley, special purpose easement or other nonfee interest of the city or any portion thereof sought to be abandoned or vacated. Where possible, the legal description shall be accompanied by a plat, map or drawing showing the general area involved and the location of the specific property interest to be abandoned or vacated. C. Whether title or interest of the city and the public in and to the property sought to be abandoned or vacated was acquired by deed, dedication or prescription, and if recorded in the public records, the book and page number thereof. D. The reason for the request of the abandonment or vacation. B. The names and addresses of the owners and occupants of abutting real property. F. Certification that the property was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes and will not adversely affect other property owners or unreasonably limit access to their property. G. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. H. Notarized certificate by the applicant that the application and accompanying material are true and correct. I. Such other relevant information as the city may require. Section 3. Application fee. A. Each application filed with the city clerk, other than an application initiated by motion of the City Commission, shall be accompanied by payment of a fee as adopted by ~lSop~.1S Aprl1 .. 19'5. arlSla.a". 095-0% Il.Vl...s 22-6 Art. III, S3 resolution of the City Commission covering the cost of administrative review, site analysis and investigation and publication. B. Upon the application being properly submitted, it shall be accepted and filed by the clerk, who shall give a receipt to the applicant for the fee paid. Section 4. processing of application. A. Action by city clerk. The city clerk shall review the application for completeness and for compliance with the requirements of this article. The city clerk may reject the application if a similar application has been considered at any time within six (6) months of the date the later application is submitted. Upon proper submittal, the city clerk shall proceed as follows: 1. Provide the director of development, director of planning and director of utilities with a copy of the application and request their review and recommendations within twenty (20) days. 2. Set a date for public hearing on the application to be held by the City Commission, and refer the original application and all reports and recommendations of approval or disapproval thereof to the City Commission. 3. Notify the general public, by publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, of the time and place of public hearing on the proposed ordinance, at least fifteen (1S) days prior to the public hearing. 4. Provide notification of the City Commission's public hearing by regular mail to the following: a. Owners and occupants of all abutting property; and b. Bach and every public utility; and c. If a change in the comprehensive plan is contemplated, to all owners of property within three hundred (300) linear feet of any portion of the affected property. B. Action by City Commission. The City Commission shall consider the reports and recommendations on applications for abandonment or vacation within forty-five (45) days of receipt, and shall, after public hearing and due consideration, either accept, modify or deny the recommendation in accordance with the best interests of the public welfare. If by said acceptance, modification or denial of the recommendation, a change in the land use of the comprehensive plan is required, or if the aforesaid action by the City Commission necessitates a Adopted Apr,l ., 1995, oreliaeace 095-0~ aevl..d 22-7 -... ----,,-_.. Art. III, 54 change in the existing property interests or rights, an ordinance setting forth said change shall be introduced as soon as ~ossible. AcS09~.cS Apr11 .0 1"', OrcS1aea,.. 0"-02 .evle.eI 22-8 UTILITY COMPANIES · Mr. Larry Malernik BellSouth Telephone Company 326 Fern Street, Room 601 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 837-6350 Fax: (561) 833-9898 . Mr. Robert Arthur Florida Power & Light Company 9329 S. Military Trail Delray Beach, FL 33436 Phone: (561) 369-2225 Fax: (561) 369-2265 · Mr. David E. Pellico, Engineer Florida Public Utilities/Flo-Gas Corp. 401 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 838-1752 Fax: (561) 833-0151 . Mr. Dominique Aumais, Construction Coordinator Comcast Cablevision ofW.P.B., Inc. 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Phone: (561) 478-5866 ext,519 Fax: (561) 686-9499 . Ms. Jeanine McEnroe Adelphia Cable Communications 1595 S. W. 4th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Phone: (561) 272-2521 Fax: (561) 272-8776 . Ms. Nancy Yanofsky, District Manager Telemedia Co. 3020 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone: (561) 588-5553 Fax: (561) 588-3381 S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\UTIL1TY COMPANIES. DOC May, 1997 --~._----_.._._---.-------- .--- I' MEMORANDUM FROM: Dale Suqarman, Assistant City Han~~ n . James A. Cheraf, City Attorney \)~ TO: DATE: Soptambar 13, 1995 I r ~p..Sc,....<!'nr The process by which I would determine the ownership of a str..t.Ain . the City is as follows: . . 1. Obtain a survey of the street.{'.... elL-Se.rhc::r-tt-) 2. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and enCWDbrance report) from a title company. . RECOMMENDATION: provide land 2 covEt-. . Require applicants for abandonmen1:s to RATIONALE: The city should not: underwrite this costly determination reqardinq ownership when the applicant. is the ultimate beneficiary o~ the a~andonm.nt. cc: Bill Hukill 900192.BB MEMO abandonment