APPLICATION ~"'" . .. - '''''''..... ,.,. "" ~""'J ..... . ... T"'( 1...._- ..' ~ I , . i PROJECT NAME: LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL LOCATION: East side of High Ridge Rd between Gateway Blvd (to the south) and Hypoluxo Rd. (to the north) COMPUTER ID: Lake Worth Christian\COUS-98 PERMIT #: 98-3144 I FILE NO.: COUS 98-004 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: Condo Use I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER! APPLICANT: Donald E. Bryan, A.I.A., Pres. Lake Worth Christian School Bryan and Associates - ArchitectslPlanners, PHONE: (561) 586-8216 Inc. FAX: (561) 586-4382 PHONE: (954) 971-9880 ADDRESS: 7592 High Ridge Rd. FAX: (954) 974-0518 Lantana, FL 33462 ADDRESS: 2300 W. Sample Road, Ste 315 Pompano Bch, FL 33073 Date of submittal/Projected meetine dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 10/1/98 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 10/16/98 PUBLIC NOTICE: adv/maill0 days prior Out to City Atty: 11/23/98 to P&D City Clerk/Fax: 11/25/98 PublishlMail: 11/27/98 TRC MEETING: l~/B 1'18 11l1"'/~8 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: .t 1/17/98- ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD ni8i~8 J 2j Jr:2j'18 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: .t2/1S/~8 J '$/CJ8 COMMENTS: PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date: 9/15/98 Meetine Date: 9/17/98 PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Time: 10:00 AM Build Elementary School PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NO.: 98-3144 Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall & Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Phone: (954) 971-9880 Fax: Name of Owner: Lake Worth Christian School Address: 7592 High Ridge Rd. Phone: (561) 586-8216 Fax: Name of Applicant/Contact: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Address: 2300 W. Sample Rd. #351 Pomoano Beach, FL 33073 Project Address: PCN: Phone: I Fax: Tyoe of Aoolication: Type of Business: Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMMENTS: -The Question of whether the forever cul-de-sac (Forest Court) had been abandoned. -Eneineerine would be contacted to address excavation question. -Ai mine for the Oct 6 deadline. J:\SHRDATA\Development\PRE-APPLICA nON TRACKING LOG FORM.doc PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date: 9/15/98 Meetin2 Date: 9/17/98 Time: 10:00 AM PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Build Elementary School PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NO.: 98-3144 Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall & Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Phone: (954) 971-9880 Fax: Name of Owner: Lake Worth Christian School Address: 7592 High Ridge Rd. Phone: (561) 586-8216 Fax: Name of Applicant/Contact: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Address: 2300 W. Sample Rd. #351 Pompano Beach, FL 33073 Project Address: PCN: -, Phone: I Fax: Tvpe of Application: Type of Business: Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMlVIENTS: '-' J:\SHRDA T A\Development\PRE-APPLICA TION TRACKING LOG FORM.doc PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Date: 7/8/98 Time: 9:00 AM PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Move fill to 5 7'2 acres PROJECT NAME: Lake Worth Christian School- Recreation Facility Sight Clearin , Gradin & Tern orar Placement of Fill. Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall & Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Phone: 954 971-9880 Name of Owner: Address: Phone: Fax: Name of Applicant/Contact: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Address: 2300 W. Sample Rd. #351 Pompano Beach, FL 33073 Phone: (954) 971-9880 Fax: (954) 974-0518 Project Address: 7592 High Ridge Rd. - Lake Worth Christian School Phone: 561) 586-8216 T e of A lication: Type of Business: Fax: Date Submittal Received: Date Acce ted: Date Denied: COMMENTS: No plan / application submitted. - Determine status of abandonment of right of way and obligations. - Conditional use vs. maior site plan modification? Was previously told Major site plan modification but knowing it is a conditional use in R 1 AA, it should be continued. J:\SHRDATA\Development\PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG FORM,doc PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Date: 7/8/98 Time: 9:00 AM PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Move fill to 5 ~ acres PROJECT NAME: Lake Worth Christian School- Recreation Facility Sight Clearin , Gradin & Tern ora Placement of Fill. Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall & Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Phone: 954 971-9880 Name of Owner: Address: Phone: Fax: Name of Applicant/Contact: Don Bryan / Bryan & Assoc. Architects Address: 2300 W. Sample Rd. #351 Pompano Beach, FL 33073 Phone: (954) 971-9880 Fax: (954) 974-0518 Project Address: 7592 High Ridge Rd. - Lake Worth Christian School Fax: Date Submittal Received: Date Acce ted: Date Denied: COMl\'IENTS: -~ c.<-.--.Sl '/ '-of- '-' , ]:\SHRDA T A \Development\PRE-APPLlCA TION TRACKING LOG FORM.doc APPLICATION ACCEPT~~E DAT~.' ~~~9 R RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBER: FEE PAID: 1<)'00 . 06 RECE:LPT NUMBER:. / / l) :L 9 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) L.. ~ G \NOR., ~ C\-\~\"=l' 4 t-J "Sc..~ OCL- PROJECT NAME: Me \N E LE Me: NT A l' ~ C;;c\-\co L. 'Bu \ L~ I N Got 'Do.....&..o e . B~'(4N, A.;.~. I PRoSS. / AGENT'S NAME: &1t.~"N" ~~CGI"Te5 -A.~c.i-\\Tec:::r.s PL.LNNeR.~, INC.. I ADDRESS: "2:~oo 'N. '54.MPLe RC>6.0 - ~I.('TE: -::s J S Po ro~~NO BeAC.~l F-l.~. ~~o., 3 (z~R code) PHONE: (q~40}""\-'\ eeo FAX: (ql5l.t)~lL+- 051 e L..\c e WOR. .l N ~c. PHONE: ~5 G o~C L~NT"N ~ I r-L~. ~~4 b '"2.. (z i"p code) (Sc. \) 156'-- Sc.'" FAX: (5"') ~caG - ..:q.~e'2. OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee) ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: ~ ~IPB of HIe;. K e I D'S R.o~D ~aTk>eeN (not legal description) G4TEi\.V'"'-,"\ i!tl..\Jo .,.o,.....s '6oUT~ 1 H'(POL.4XO ~P. (T~ ,,-\s No~"'~ · CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) N/A * This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. 2 Fee File No. CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Date submitted: Ol:J"'o~~Q.. \ \ \'\'\8 Applicant Name: L~~E Wo't. T l-\ c.\1 ~I<&TI A.. /'J ~c..H 0:::> L. E:.o'1 t4TO N Applicant Address: 'Be~c...\-l. LA.NTb..NAJ FL.~. PHONE: CS(Q\)Seb-S'Z"~ site Address: 'lSCfc.. \-l.1G..H 12.JDG.f: ~ ~ \.1- b '2.. C~I~ . ('zip code) , ?ax: €tQ -4~e"2.. t<b,D '\ ~'1NTON BBAc..-H " TIE SOlmIIjIV (5.112) a: 'TlE tom! WLF (N .1/2) a: 'TlE Nt! 1/4 a: 'TlE .' ~ 114 a:'SEcnoo 9, TCWGHlP 45 simt, Il.AIE 43 EAsT, EXCEPTING llERE . FRC:M ilE RIa<< a: HAY a:~ 5EAOOAAD AIR RAILWAY, AND PlS) EXCEPTING . fRQ1 'TlE \EsT WLF a: TH: FalEOOING PRE/'lI SES ,'TlE SOlmI TEN FEET nEREa",.s CXWEYED I!'l J:EED'Dx;K W, PAGE 23, a: 'TlE Puri.lc RECOUlS a: PiIl.M llEAOl CcurTY! fLCRIM. LEss 'TlE \EST 15.00 FEET llEREa:. Legal Description: CaiTAlNING 9.~ N:1lE.S 11llE..<R LESS... Project Description: \"E ~N'5T~LJc..TION OF A NEW oN E: STo]2.'1 10 I P,OO SQ. 1"T. CA. Pi'''''~:) . E: 1-8. Me 1'1' " JZ, '\ Sc.. HCO I- '&... 1 1.1> I N ~ t.lJ D 'R. G LA T 1: D ~ \ T Eo MO 0 I 'PI C A -r 1 0 N S · ~f!c~ s~gnatur~ OWNER DoN....I..D E. Bi:.'ftl.N, A..I.A./1>I'ES. ~1t,( ~N 4 ~~.c::x:..1 A..jl:i~ - ~R.(,.~fT~ I>. H' 1 ....... Nl The OWNER has hereby j designated the above signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf.) 10 IV. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2 . Zoning District ~ \- A A A.. Area of Site (1. Gf 5 q e 3. acres .1'~~, Sq.~ sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including ~ acres lQ % of site surrounding lot area or grounds b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) 'tQ acres ~ % of site c. Water Area ~ acres ~ % of site d. Commercial ~ acres ~ % of site e. Industrial ~ acres ~ % of site f. Public/Institutional ~ acres ~ % of site g. Public, Private, and 0( ~ Canal Rights-of-Way acres % of site h. Othe'r ( specify) <:1 "C\S'\ PJ acres 100 % of site P1t\\J ~T6 CSc..\..\OOl... - ~ tz.'-O ~ K. "ntR~ \'2. i. Other (specify) ~ acres \( % of site j. Total area of Site <LG! SQB acres 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 11 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 4f> ,3<0 9 sq. ft. 10. 7 % of site Area ("building footprint") b. Water Area ~ ~ , % of site sq. ft. c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, pave area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas) and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. locI-gOO sq. ft. '2S."3 % of site , d. e. f. Total Impervious Area J 5 G J I 69 sq. ft. -a6.0 % of site Landscaped Area Inside of ~ . ~, Parking Lots (20 s1{... ft. \!,"ioc "p"'Ge~ ,'^ '2.0 :. "2,'00 41Cliq p) per interior parking space required--see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code 5, "2.00 sq. ft. 1.'2. % of site Other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area eo.q,O sq. ft. IS.r; % of site g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, AT~LaT1G fl..A'1 PI SI.&:>"", Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas 19'2.,010 sq. ft. +4.~ % of site h. Total Pervious Areas "'211, "80 sq. ft. "4.0 % of site i. Total Area of Site ~33, 8L1-L sq. ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area Residential lQ ~ ~ ~ sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. a. b. Commercial/Office c. Industrial/Warehouse d. Recreational e. Publici Institutional sq. ft. sq. ft. ~ 4B .6G>9 f. Other (specify) f'&\V~T Ii -s,"\o\ 00 L. c:. ,....0 at. K - I Z. g. Other (specify) ~ sq. ft. 12 h. Total Floor Aea ~e I e ~ 9 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached ~ dwelling units b. Duplex ~ dwelling units . c. Multi-family (3 + attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency ~ dwelling units (2 ) 1 Bedroom ~ dwelling units ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom ~ dwelling units (4 ) 3+ Bedroom ~ dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family ~ dwelling units . e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 8. Gross Density NIl)... . Dwelling Units per Acre feet 'l. r.4.1i: T I .. L. stories ~ G,iM 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site '26 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required b. Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces ~a.~l.lol"'e:l> v EXI?T I N Go. - pall. 1)BVIi,,"of e It : 15 "Gtl\e aM B""1''' ~4.-r ISD :UN. lC\e1 \U! C!lLUIl.~D ~ "& !c,&.4Ult.M ~ E> GI.....eP1l5 _ NBW t+ 1/." APMINI6TlLArlve - 20 -P,.,c.E - e '01' '-'- ~t>> ,c.~ i:.E!~U 1R..sa.O '" 9 5 ~ " Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan III ,c.l~rIN~ ",?Ac:..S'.s f1l0V' t) e-O - 103 N Ei'N 'SOP to. c. ES rRDU\ D e: D -=- "?-7 \oT6.1.. 'Sp'Ge~ 1'''0\.1 'DS () '& 1"30 13 RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that ,all plans, specificat:;ions, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall- place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. n.-, ~ ~ READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this Co" day of ~ ef'TE ME>E R , 19QCC. ~--'2 ~. Applicant ~ Witn~ Wi tf s s , 15 A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA ss. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Dot-Jb. l."D 1=. BR'1" .b.N , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse for all property with Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. '7 (Sign ~ / day of . Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ j ~p ~- , .~ Nota P ~c Stat Florida at Large A.D. , 19~F. ~ lEE! JAMroS My Commillsion QI"5'1976Ej Expires Jul. 11 ,J :::s My Commission Expires: MICHAEL B. SCHORAH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS SUITE 206 1850 FOREST H!LL BLVD, WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406 FAX (561) 642.9726 TELEPHONE (561) 968.0080 DRAINAGE STATEMENT FOR LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL I hereby certify that the design of the drainage system will conform with all the applicable rules, regulations and codes including, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations adopted April 4, 1995. I confirm that the proposed site development meets the conditions, set by South Florida Water Management (S.F.W.M.D.), for a No Notice General Environmental Resource Permit. Furthermore, in my opinion, the routing of excess runoff into the playing field area for percolation will meet or exceed the volume of runoff generated, by this project, based on the nature of the subsoils and the depth to the water table. ~lJItNJr~ Michael B. Schorah, P.E. President CIVIL' STRUCTURAL. DRAINAGE. HIGHWAYS. WATER & SEWER. SURVEY TRAfFIC IWPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Date: February 2.... 1998 Rev. November 23. 1998 Prepared By: GERALD B. CHURCH, P .E. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEEER 2575 S. OCEAN BOULEVARD SUITE 310 HIGHLAND BEACH. FLORIDA 33487 Phone/Fax - (561) 278-7"'01 4~~~d P .~ci? // /23/<78 PJl9JECT DESCR I PT IQJi The Lake Worth Christian School is a private school located at 7592 High Ridge Road, in the City of Boynton Beach; see LOCATION MAP, Figure 1. It is 0.6 mile south of Hypoluxo Road and 0.9 mile north of Gateway Boulevard. The site is a 9.96 acre tract. Presently there is: An existing High School, grades 9 through 12 with an enrollment of 170 students; total building area, 13,192 square feet. An existing Middle School, grades 6 through 8 with an enrollment of 130 students; total building area, 6,500 square feet. An existing Gym, total building area, 15,160 square feet. An existing recreation field, occupying, approximately the east half of the site. The Lake Worth Christian School plans to relocate its existing elementary school in Lake Worth to the site on High Ridge Road. A total of six classrooms will be constructed for 135 elementary school children, frpm Pre-Kindergarden through grade five. Also included are administrative offices and a library; see SITE PLAN, Figure 2. The buildout date for the proposed elementary school 1S September 1999. The school uses one bus daily to transport 20 students to and from school, for which a reduction will made for the net trip generation. S,COPE OF STUDY According to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning map, the property is zoned Residential, RIAA. A special exception was approved for the existing facilities, however the expansion of the school require a Modification of the Site Plan, for which this Traffic Study has been prepared. The Traffic Study has been performed in accordance with the standards and criteria as set forth in the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code, Article 15, Traffic Performance Standards. The scope of the study 15 to: i ) Determine the volume of traffic expected to be added to the thoroughfare system by the proposed elementary school for 135 students. ii) Assign project trips to the adjacent roadways. Determine the impact of the additional traffic on the capacity of the roadways in the area of the project, for both average daily traffic and P.M. peak hour traffic of the Adjacent street. iii) Analyze the peak hour turning movements and driveway operating conditions for the total school traffic to determine the need for site related improvements. The 1997-1998 Year Traffic Volume Counts were used, as prepared for the West Palm Beach Urban study Area. TRAFFIC GENERATION Trip generation for the site was obtained from Palm Beach County Traffic Division. Their approved daily trip rate for private schools is 3.38 trips per student. For an incremental increase of 135 students, less 20 student who use the school bus, the total trips generated was calculated as follows: 115 student @ 3.38 trips/student = 389 tpd. Peak hour rates were taken from the ITE report for Land Use Code 521 (Private School, K-12). For the incremental increase of 115 students, the total trips generated was calculated as follows: A.M.: 0.93 trips/student x 115 students = 107 trips. P.M.: 0.13 trips/student x 115 students = 15 trips. EXISTING ROADWAYS AND OPERATING CONDITIONS As noted the Lake Worth Christian School is located on High Ridge Road, between Hypoluxo Road and Gateway Boulevard. High Ridge Road is mainly a two lane roadway, with the exception of the southerly portion which is a four lane, divided roadway for approximately 1/4 mile from Gateway Boulevard. It is functionally classified as a Collector Road and it is listed as a link on the Thoroughfare Plan. Presently access to the school is via two driveways, located at the north and south side of the property. There is a connecting circular driveway at the front of the school; refer to SITE PLAN, Figure 2, which shows proposed traffic pattern. The 1997-1998 Traffic Count Volume for High Ridge Road was 4,319 ADT. THE EXISTING THOROUGHFARE LINKS & OPERATING CONDITIONS are shown on Figure 3. G. .. CHURCH,. P.Eo CONSULTING ENGINEER xo ~ ~ :5 w ::) z ~ e I BOYNTON BEACH LOCATION MAP TRAfFIC I-..PACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA DATE: 2/2./88 FIG. NO. 1 r-.._.._l~~ _ .:!.t~,~~._. -- -"r : I! ", J~I' Ii!. !ii '1 yl! I : ~~I' (,r ~! ~--- . I : ~--,-~--- '- -- -'-~~ " : j I ! ,- ~~' !i:J~'1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j I (11 < .~, - , '; ! ': (E "'-- ! " ' : I I:~, I I ......,u'-.:' "j' ' 'I ' ::......m m .~{~~~~,. ~~~~~;~ -' I Lt,~:~lj .........: .:",-,;;:mm u ........ ]~ . I ~~r=~~'-'~I"-I'HFlHli..- 1:1 i"-~ ~,'J I " '--'..' : ,. !cl)1 rmt'-'r'~-J-' ~._, ::'~:.. 1;1 ~~_~;LL~~:r)l;"' -, ,: ,:; ",'. ~II /--:~~-;~' -==~ ~.:; , , ~~!~ i~L~ l~~ ll~u,u" u ~:,(~~~~;~:~~~/ ~i:, ',I lif; -, .~/-' u, u, '," 'r ~'. " ~= ~ : ~". _ II, ":'::, ", ... I =j,= ~ I f= I' ,:, .... 1 ~~ ~u t---=--~~~rn":;I'! I .' : : ! : > Ij'" \.011 I "I ' , '.. . I ==- ~ UIJ!~II " : : ---'- -'c - ~~ ~ ,.Jl I U , u mn .... I . :' I i ~ I I 2~d~ L I ): : I ~ ~ l U~! ~ 1I : Id , ~,r r =i~. I ,!l ,. :1" ~~ h~-rJ T~ u(JC~Oon~~u~ I ilq.: c;! ~ '," , ~ L~ \ ',;:>. " " u___~ u~1~:::-,~:Ju j ~ccnL j .Uu um , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... - - - :c:nrOa!l~l~t,! I ~_._--, I I I; i in !', Ii I I i I ~l ~/ I i '._...J Z-=<J- SITE PLAN G. B. CHURCH. P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER TRAFFIC It.4PACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/24/88 FIG. NO. 2 >- g 2 Q ~ 1M ::) Z ~ B ! 1997-1996 AOT 4,319 .tL-D 1/4 W. .tL-D BOYNTON BEACH EXISTING THOROUGHFARE LINKS & EXISTING OPERATING CONDITIONS G. B. CHURCH, P.L CONSULnNG ENGINEER TRAFFIC IWPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA DATE: 2/24/88 F1G. NO. 3 RADIUS OF INFLUENCE The Traffic Performance standards establishes the project's Radius of Influence based upon the net trip generation of the project. The Radius of Influence, for a trip generation volume of 389 ADT is 0.5 mile. The only thoroughfare link affected is High Ridge Road. TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT The trip distribution has been based upon the locations where students reside. According to school records 66.7% are from the north, 33.3% are from the south. P.M. PEAK HOUR ADT A.M. PEAK HOUR NORTH 66.7% = 259 VT 71 VT 10 VT SOUTH 33.3% = 130 VT 36 VT 5 VT The PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION and PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES are " shown on Figure 4. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Project background traffic is based on an analysis of annual average traffic growth, to year end 1999, the buildout date, plus committed development traffic from Major Projects. The analysis of average annual traffic growth was obtained from the Compound Growth Rate Program, Year 1997-98. The compound growth rate for High Ridge Road is 8.86%. The calculated ADT compounded traffic volume increase for a eighteen month period, to year end 1999, for High Ridge Road is 600 Trips. The calculated PM Peak Hour traffic volume is: 0.093 x 4,319 = 402 Trips. The calculated PM Peak Hour compounded traffic volume increase for a one year period, to year end 1998, for High Ridge Road is 56 Trips. MAJOR PROJECTS The Palm Beach County Major Projects Map for 1997 identified several major projects in the area. However, due to the short buildout period, these projects would not produce 10% of trips for the Level of Service "D" for the roadway studied. 20.0% 298 N 66.7% 259 c ..c o ~ ..... ~ c it: ::J: ~ ::J: SITE 33.3% 130 s = PERCENT OF PROJECT TRAFFIC = PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUWE PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION & PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES G. B. CHURCH. P.L CONSULnNG ENGINEER TRAFFIC IWPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/24/0 FIG. NO. 4 N LEGEND 66.7" PROJECT TRAffIC 2:5. BACKGROUND TRAffIC 600 259 EXISTING TRAfFIC <1.311 TOTAL TRAFFIC 5178 c LOS -0- TRAFFIC ~ 0 VIC 31.2" ex: w C) 0 ex: ::I: C) ::I: SITE 33.3" 130 S TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR ADT G. B. CHURCH. P .[. CONSULTING ~ER TRAFrlC It.iPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA DATE: 2/2<1/M FIG. NO. 5 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS For the total school enrollment of 435 students, less 20 students who use the bus, the total trips generated for 415 students was calculated as follows: A.M.: 0.93 trips/student x 415 students = 386 trips. P.M.: 0.13 trips/student x 415 students = 54 trips. The peak hour IN and OUT splits, for the total enrollment of 485 students were calculated as A.M. IN: 63%, = .63 x 386 = 243 trips. A.M. OUT: 37%r = .37 x 451 = 143 trips. P.M. IN: 33%, = .33 x 54 = 18 trips. P.M. OUT: 67% = .67 x 54 = 36 trips. school follows: The total AM Peak Hour left turn movements to the school were calculated as follows: From the North, 0.67 x 243 = 163 trips. The total AM Peak Hour right turn movements to the school were calculate as follows: From the South, 0.33 x 243 = 80 trips. It may be noted that the PM turning movements are substantially less than the AM turning movements, and thus only the AM turning movements have been analyzed. THE AM PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS are shown on Figure 5, for one way entering and exiting driveways. TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS - TEST 1 This test requlres that the project not add traffic on any road link, within the radius of development influence, which would cause the total traffic to exceed capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "D". The total average daily traffic volumes, existing traffic, (4,319) plus project traffic, (259), plus background traffic, (600) for the roadway link are shown on Figure 5, TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR ADT. The total ADT computed for buildout by year end 1999, shows that High Ridge Road is operating above the Threshold LOS D standard. Therefore this phase meets the criteria established for Test 1. ~_EAK HOUR TRAFF I C STANDARD This test requires that the project not add traffic on any road link, within the radius of development influence, which would cause the P.M. Peak Hour traffic volume to exceed the capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "D". The PM Traffic Peak Hour trip generation was calculated as follows: ADT X 0.093 = 4,319 x 0.093 = 402 Trips. The P.M. Peak Hour Project Traffic for the adjacent street was 15 Trips. The calculated growth rate traffic was 17 trips. These trips were assigned to the thoroughfare network as was done for the average daily traffic. The total trips for P.M. Peak Hour and the roadway capacity for the link, are shown on Figure 6, TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR P.M. PEAK HOUR. The total P.M. Peak Hour traffic volumes, computed for buildout by year end 1998, shows that High Ridge Road is operating above the Threshold LOS D Standard. Therefore this phase meets the criteria established for Test 1. DRIYEWAY OPERATING CONDITIONS The turning movemeIlt at the driveway have to be based upon the total school traffic. For the total school enrollment of 435 students, less 20 students who use the bus, the total trips generated for 415 students was calculated as follows: 415 Students @ 3.38 trips/student = 1,403 tpd. According to the Palm Beach County "Guide To Parking Lot and Street Access Design Criteria And Standards", the driveway volunw for 1,403 average daily traffic, is classified as Intermediate. The minimum distance from the street right of way at any driveway to any interior service drive or parking space shall be 50 feet. Both existing driveway meet this criteria. B t)l~~B-X For the A.M. Peak Hour Turning Movements a left turn ingress lane is required since the turning movements exceed 30 in the peak hour, and a right turn ingress lane is required since the turning movements exceed 75 in the peak hour. ~he existing Right-of-Way for High Ridge Road fronting the school property is 50'. As such it is not possible to construct the required improvements. In order to reduce the number of conflicting traffic movements during the A.M. Peak Hour, the access driveways have been revised. The south driveway will restricted for ENTRY ONLY. The north driveway will be restricted for EXIT ONLY, and during the beginning school hour and the departure school hour, this driveway will be restricted for exiting RIGHT TURN ONLY. A traffic monitor will be placed at these driveway to ensure proper traffic flow. This revised traffic pattern will substantially reduce the number of conflicting turns at the school. The A.M. PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS FOR ONE WAY DRIVEWAYS & RESTRICTED TURNS have been shown on Figure 7. The total ADT, on High Ridge Road, to year end 1999 is 5,172 which is low, and therefore only minimal traffic delays are expected with respect to the turning movements at the driveways. N LEGEND N 66.7" PROJECT TRAFTIC 10 10 BACKGROUND TRAfFIC 17 EXISTING TRAfnC <102 0 TOTAL TRAFFIC <128 ~ LOS -0- TRAfTIC 1,330 0 a: V C 3Z.3X w C) 0 ~ ::I: C) :J: SITE 33.3" 5 S TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR P.M. PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET O. I. CHURCH. P .E. CONSULTING ENGINEER TRAFrlC It.iPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/24/18 nG. NO. 6 w C) c ex: ::I: C) :z: N NORTH DRIVEWAY ONE WAY OUT ONLY 1 n_ WITH RESTRICTED RIGHT TURN ONLY .....- DURING PEAK HOURS SITE 183 . SOUTH DRIVEWAY 80--' ONE WAY IN ONLY s t<<rrE TOTAL A.... PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC - 386 TRIPS A.M. PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS FOR ONE WAY DRIVEWAYS & RESTRICTED TURNS G. 8. CHURCH. P.Eo CONSULTING ENGlN[[R TRAFFIC I..PACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA FIG. NO. 7 --= It ./ TRAffiC IMPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Date: February 24, 1998 Prepared By: GERALD B. CHURCH, P.E. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEEER 2575 S. OCEAN BOULEVARD SUITE 310 HIGHLAND BEACH, FLORIDA 33487 Phone/Fax - (561) 278-7401. A. (..,C ~ . .~~ 2/.Z#rd PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Lake Worth Christian School is a private school located at 7592 High Ridge Road, in the City of Boynton Beach; see LOCATION MAP, Figure 1. It is 0.6 mile south of Hypoluxo Road and 0.9 mile north of Gateway Boulevard. THe ~ite is a 9.96 acre tract. Presently there is: An existing High School, grades 9 through 12 with an enrollment of 170 students; total building area, 13,192 square feet. An existing Middle School, grades 6 through 8 with an enrollment of 130 students; total building area, 6,500 square feet. 1 An existing Gym, total building area, 15,160 square feet. An existing recreation field, occupying, approximately the east half of the site. The Lake Worth Christian School plans to relocate its existing elementary school in Lake Worth to the site on High Ridge Roac. A total of six classroom will be constructed for 135 elementary school children, from Pre-Kindergarden through grade five. Also included are administrative offices and a library; see SITE PLAN, FIGURE 2. The bui:dout date for the proposed elementary school is September 1998. The s~hool uses one bus daily to transport 20 students to and from school, for which a reduction will made for the net trip generation. SCOPE OF STUDY According to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning map, the property is zoned Residential, RIAA. A special exception was approved for the existing facilities, however the expansion of the school require a Modification of the Site Plan, for which this Traffic Study has been prepared. The Traffic Study has been performed in accordance with the standards and criteria as set forth in the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code, Article IS, Traffic Performance Standards. The scope of the study is to: i) Determine the volume of traffic expected to be added to the thoroughfare system by the proposed elementary school for 135 students. ii) Assign project trips to the adjacent roadways. Determine ....;:: a- J G. B. CHURCH. P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER ~ ~ ~ ::J :i 1&1 :;) Z 1&1 ~ en tJ a= <:I z 8 BOYNTON BEACH LOCATION MAP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/2l;/98 FIG. NO. 1 -= It r-._,-,:I~_- _..:!.C.~.~:,.._.._. _.._." L ! I h ~ ~I' J ~ lal (r \r iii I III ~ I ,---,'"1 :--;' I ~ : , : --,_ \ _ . ;ll ,L____________________-:_____J ffi1 , : --- \- ~-'~ :: ""'-, ~:: : IE -: '!: -""-- : : j ! I: ~ G~\\ ' \ ::--- - u uu_~:(;\'..-u, ~;;;,-: ~~~~~~-- '1) II ' I, Ii i' ',I " ,'/,_u --. uu 0 I '; H~ I '-" -' I ~:'i ~ qJu_-_-_-.-_-___n~.j ,: " " "i~' i 'i<-= "i I I , .'~--- t t- +_-1 0 I i p b.~1 !; b'-' : :_:_u______.uu__"U ______u_uuu uuu__" li1: ~mt iITmi - 'Il' L._ '~ 9 ilJ.J.llL': ; ! ~: fJ~~~r- g'!;i'- nnnnnn ..~ ! . I =:gl.:::j I ,L.mu__.u'"' .l.~!"'O::l coom~3dd3d I I i ~ '=111 ~... 2. '..\" ........, : ',' ',' '. I ,,~: I' ,>~/------,-uu----,-uuuc-,- . \', i~_ ;::'J I, ~": " ,,--------::: " \ \" V \~ ii. " -,." : : : ',\ ", 11 ~ ~ Itt I~~!~l:: ....../ : : : ! ..\~ ~ ?~~.'I '~'j~ ~'Jnnnnn'nm+nnnL;ni/ ....... ---,,--- ~, ~ll,! ,-= Iii, ; ~ r= -=.J i 'r~..~;-:: ..~ t . =4 c= I ~.:: !o.: I ig f . ~ i= . L,r- '--;E I i ji ,. :: : I ~~~ ~ ~:r-~~~li1~.I..------.i/~~~~---~~-.-----.-~ IE:::; ~~~~ ~,~ ',\ i _---~---WT.U-----:---------- , I ,-::;:: .,1l3 i= i I ',~:, , : ::3 t:: :=j t I '. ~-' , i \, 0 ~ : Lhnw_____u._: !~Olii · L I, ! I :: - -..- '-,_.._--,-, -- -_ _1...1- '..' ______~_'~~_.d'f...,.ftl...; -.... -_______...J_____~ _1_____.:.______1 .. - -- -- - -- - - :avo~ _ _ !I..:;<:lI~~~~ Ze::::::i- SITE PLAN G. If. CHURCH. P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER TRAFFIC It.iPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/2~/98 " FIG. NO. 2 ~ . the impact of the additional traffic on the capacity of the roadways in the area of the project, for both average daily traffic and P.M. peak hour traffic of the Adjacent street. iii) Analyze the peak hour turning movements and driveway operating conditions for the total school traffic to ~ · determine the need for site related improvements. The 1997 Year Traffic Volume Counts were used, as prepared for the West Palm Beach Urban study Area. TRAFFIC GENERATION f -'~.: Trip generation for the site was obtained from Palm Beach County Traffic Division. Their approved daily trip rate for private schools is 3.38 trips per student. For an incremental increase of 135 students, less 20 student who use the school bus, the total trips generated was calculated as follows: 115 student @ 3.38 trips/student = 389 tpd. Peak hour rates were taken from the ITE report for Land Use Code 521 (Private School, K-12). For the incremental increase of 115 students, the total trips generated was calculated as follows: A.M.: 0.93 trips/student x 115 students = 107 trips. P.M.: 0.13 trips/student x 115 students = 15 trips. EXISTING ROADWAYS AND OPERATING CONDITIONS As noted the Lake Wo~th Christian School is located on High Ridge Road, between Hypoluxo Road and Gateway Boulevard. High Ridge Road is mainly a two lane roadway, with the exception of the southerly portion which is a four lane, divided roadway for approximately 1/4 mile from Gateway Boulevard. It is functionally classified as a Collector Road and it is listed as a link on the Thoroughfare Plan. Access to the school is via two driveways, with the northerly driveway to serve the existing Middle School and High School. The southerly driveway will be solely for the proposed Elementary School; refer to SITE PLAN, Figure 2; which shows proposed traffic pattern. The 1997 Traffic Count Volume for High Ridge Road is 3,955 ADT. THE EXISTING THOROUGHFARE LINKS & OPERATING CONDITIONS are shown on Figure 3. ___ Il f ."S- ~ ~ ::J 2 1997 ADT 3,955 Q 1- G W ;:) Z w ~ en tl It: <:) Z o u GA 'AY BOULEY D <IL-D 1/<1 WI <IL-D BOYNTON BEACH EXISTING THOROUGHFARE LINKS & EXISTING OPERATING CONDITIONS G. B. CHURCH. P.L CONSULnNG ENGINEER TRAFFIC It.iPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/24/98 FIG. NO. 3 RADIUS OF INFLUENCE The Traffic Performance Standards establishes the project's Radius of Influence based upon the net trip generation of the project. The Radius of Influence, for a trip generation volume of 389 ADT is 0.5 mile. The only thoroughfare link affected is High Ridge Road. -= It TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT The trip distribution has been based upon the locations where students reside. According to school records 66.7% are from the north, 33.3% are from the south. f .'~ A.M. PEAK HOUR P.M. PEAK HOUR ADT NORTH 66.7% = 259 VT 71 VT 10 VT SOUTH 33.3% = 130 VT 36 VT 5 VT The PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION and PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES are shown on Figure 4. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Project background traffic is based on an analysis of annual average traffic growth, to year end 1998, the buildout date, plus committed development traffic from Major Projects. The analysis of average a~nual traffic growth was obtained from the Compound Growth Rate Program, Year 1997. The compound growth rate for High Ridge Road is 4.81%. The calculated ADT compounded traffic volume increase for a one year period, to year end 1998, for High Ridge Road is 193 Trips. The calculated PM Peak Hour traffic volume is: 0.093 x 3,955 = 368 Trips. The calculated PM Peak Hour compounded traffic volume increase for a one year period, to year end 1998, for High Ridge Road is 18 Trips. MAJOR PROJECTS The Palm Beach County Major Projects Map for 1997 identified several major projects in the area. However, due to the short buildout period, these projects would not produce 10% of trips for the Level of Service "D" for the roadway studied. -= It- ( .i N 66.7% 259 c ~ o ex: w C) o D:: ::I: C) :I: SITE 33.3% 130 s 20.0% 298 = PERCENT OF PROJECT TRAFFIC = PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUt.iE PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION &: PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES G. 8. CHURCH. P.L CONSULTING ENGINEER TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/24/98 FIG. NO." PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS For the total school enrollment of 435 students, less 20 students who use the bus, the total trips generated for 415 students was calculated as follows: A.M.: 0.93 trips/student x 415 students = 386 trips. P.M.: 0.13 trips/student x 415 students = 54 trips. -= a The peak hour IN and OUT splits, for the total school enrollment of 485 students were calculated as follows: A.M. IN: 63%, = .63 x 386 = 243 trips. A.M. OUT: 37%, = .37 x 451 = 143 trips. P.M. IN: 33%, = .33 x 54 = 18 trips. P.M. OUT: 67% = .67 x 54 = 36 trips. / The total AM Peak Hour left turn movements to the school were calculated as follows: From the North, 0.67 x 243 = 163 trips. The total AM Peak Hour right turn movements to the school were calculate as follows: From the South, 0.33 x 243 = 80 trips. A left turn ingress lane is required since the turning movements exceed 30 in the peak hour, and a right turn ingress lane is required since the turning movements exceed 75 in the peak hour. It may be noted that the PM turning movements are substantially less than the AM turning movement, _and thus only the AM turning movements have been analyzed. THE AM PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS are shown on Figure 5, which also shows the turning movements at each driveway. TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS - TEST 1 This test requires that the project not add traffic on any road link, within the radius of development influence, which would cause the total traffic to exceed capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "D". The total average daily traffic volumes, existing traffic, (3,955) plus project traffic, (259), plus background traffic, (193) for the roadway link are shown on Figure 6, TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR ADT. The total ADT computed for buildout by year end 1998, shows that High Ridge Road is operating above the Threshold LOS D Standard. Therefore this phase meets the criteria established for Test 1. -;;: It f .,. N 163 95 o ~ o a::: w <.:) o ~ :I: 2 :I: NORTH DRIVEWAY ~ 32 --<lII MIDDLE SCHOOL 112-' ~ HIGH SCHOOL 55-' 32~SITE A1--: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 25---' SOUTH DRIVEWAY <18 8 s HOlE. TOTAL A..... PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC - 386 TRIPS A.M. PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS G. B. CHURCH. P.E. COHSULnNG ENGINEER TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FIG. NO. 5 IR N LEGEND PROJECT TRAFFIC 259 66.7% BACKGROUND TRAFRC 193 259 EXISTING TRAFFIC 3,955 TOTAL TRAFFIC <1.<107 0 LOS · rf' TRAFFIC ! ...a: -, 0 vIe ac:: 30.8" w C) 0 it: :I: ~ :I: SITE 33.3% 130 S TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR ADT G. B. CHURCH, P.E. CONSULnNG ENGINEER TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DATE: 2/24/98 FIG. NO. 8 i . PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC STANDARD This test requires that the project not add traffic on any road link, within the radius of development influence, which would cause the PM Peak Hour traffic volume to exceed capacity of the adopted threshold volumes at Level of Service "D". ...;0:;; It The PM Traffic Peak Hour trip generation was calculated as follows: ADT X 0.093 = 3,955 x 0.093 = 368 Trips. The P.M. Peak Hour Project Traffic for the adjacent street was 15 Trips. The calculated growth rate traffic was 18 trips. I These trips were assigned to the thoroughfare network as was done for the average daily traffic. The total trips for P.M. Peak Hour and the roadway capacity for the link, are shown on Figure 7, TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR P.M. PEAK HOUR. The total P.M. Peak Hour traffic volumes, computed for buildout by year end 1998, shows that High Ridge Road is operating above the Threshold LOS D Standard. Therefore this phase meets the criteria established for Test 1. DRIVEWAY OPERATING CONDITIONS The turning movement at the driveway have to be based upon the total school traffic. For the total school enrollment of 435 students, less 20 students who use the bus, the total trips generated for 415 students was calculated as follows: 415 Student~ @ 3.38 trips/student ~ 1,403 tpd. According to the Palm Beach County "Guide To Parking Lot and Street Access Design Criteria And Standards", the driveway volume for 1,403 average daily traffic, is classified as Intermediate. The minimum distance from the street right of way at any driveway to any interior service drive or parking space shall be 50 feet. Both existing driveway meet this criteria. SUMMARY . With the provision of both left turn and right ingress lanes, the Lake Worth Christian School meets Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. The existing Right-of-Way for Ridge Road fronting the school property is 50'. As such it is not possible, at this time, to construct the required improvements. The total traffic to year end 1998 is 4,407 ADT which is low, and therefore traffic delays are not expected with respect to the turning movements at the driveways. R N LEGEND N 66.7% PROJECT TRAFFIC 10 10 BACKGROUND TRAF'FlC 18 EXISTING TRAFFIC 368 I 0 <101 ;-"{ <C( 1.330 0 ex: 30.1 " w C) 0 0::: :I: C) ::I: SITE 33.3% 5 S TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT FOR P.M. PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET G. J. CHURCH. P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER TRAf"f"IC IMPACT STUDY LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH, f"LORIDA DATE: 2/2~/98 FIG. NO. 7