LEGAL APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00- 308 TO: Sue Kruse City Clerk FROM: /1G.-'rL Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE: October 17, 2000 SUBJECT: Unity Of Title - Recording Mark Daly CABAN 99-001) Please record the attached Unity of Title regarding the above-reference in the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Please forward recorded copy to Planning and Zoning for further processing. MWR:dim };ISHRDA T AIPLANNINGISHAREDI WPIPROJECTSIMARK DALY V ARlANCEIMARK DALY ABAN AND INFOIUN iTY OF TITLE MEMO,DOC DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION UNITY OF T1TLI; In co.osidcrationofthe issuance oia peonitto (name) Mark Daly for the construction of Commercial Property in the City of Bornton Beach, Florida, the Underagned propc:.7' owner hereby agrces to restrict the use of lhe following legallydcscn'bedproperti.es: "SEE ATTACHED"EXHIBIT 'A' (where additioi:lafspace is required, indicate above see attached exhibit A), addressed as follows: , iu the: following manner: 1. Said property shall be considered as one plot and parcel of land, and that DO portion of said plut and parcel ofland shaH be sold, trlltl.sferred, devised or assigned separately, except in its entirety as one plot or parcel of laud. 2. The Undersiped iifeCS that this condition. restriction and ~tation shall be deemed a covt!UA1.)t l'UIlDing with the land, and shall rc~ in full force and effect, and bebiDdins upon the undersigned, their heirs and assigns. This agreement shall continue in effect until released by the authority or tho administrative head of Boynton :Beach Department of Development and approved by the City Attorney and the Mayor upon submittal of request, applicable fees and e\'jdence that the ~ment is no longer required by law. 3. Further, ~ Undersi&ned understands that the City shall record this instrument in the Puhlic Record:. of Palm Beach County at hit (ber) expense. fl ged on this date/' - Day of October. 2~ (Signature (Pdot=r~ _ ~' _ -- , . (SIgna - .' . (Print IWne) t:"'1<'~AI!:.'- N - Prrn.~ICCH 'l _ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUN'l'Y OF PALM BEACH The foreaoina ~trument was acknowl~dged beiore me this /~ O(!r(7g~R ~0t70 (date) by Mark Daly., who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification) as Iden:-tflC"~:-"()n and who did (did ~l) taler: an oath. (SEAL) i Signature of person takini acknowledgement Name of officelj talcin& acknowledaement-typed, printed or stampc Title orraJJk Serial number, irany~ CHERt B. JONES ..... COMMISSION # CC 930225 EXPIRES: Jun 25. 2004 ,~. " EXH. _T "A" Legal Description for Unity of Title The abandoned Right-Of-Way of East Railroad Avenue, lying adjacent to the Easterly Right- Of-Way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad and bounded on the south by the westerly projection of the southerly line of Lot 16, Block "E" and on the north by the westerly projection of the northerly line of the South One-Half of Lot 13, Block "E", Hathaway Park, a subdivision as recorded in plat book 13, page 17, of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Together with the South One-H~lf of Lot 13, Lot 14, Lot 15 and Lot 16, Block "E", H'athaway Park, a subdivision as recorded in plat book 13, page 17, of the public records of Plam Beach County, Florida. mrn@~uw~ t RDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE : ~~'i 2 L1 3m ,'i ~ OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING I ~ 'fRTION OF EAST RAILROAD AVENUE, BETVVEEN ! - -~ :":illiG ~im .E.i 10TH AVENUE AND S.E. 8TH AVENUE; SAID -.---.-",-. '-c.~:.:L~;;:L-.:_L__..gRcj,ERTY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. eOO-a WHEREAS, the applicant, Burl Gentry, of Gentry Engineering & urveying, Inc,. as agent fo~wner of the property, has requested bandonment of a portion of East Railroad Avenue, between S.E. 10th Avenue nd S.E. 8th Avenue; and WHEREAS I comments have been solicited from the appropriate City epartments; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and oning Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said alley no longer erves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION F TH E CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida y and through its City Commission does hereby abandon a portion of East ailroad Avenue, between S.E. 10th Avenue and S.E. 8th Avenue, and more articularly described in Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed o execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in he Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be nd the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion , "!".,., , ereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent 'urisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this rdinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon assage. FIRST READING this ~ day of (Pk7ZJ~//f 2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this Jl.. day of 2000. CH, FLORIDA o,t:. Vice Mayor Ma~ok~ comm~ c~~ (J;L. Commissioner :ca\Ord\Aband\Daly Abandonment092600 ~\\\\\\""II1"'11 ~:~'\ ~ 0 F 8 0 "I/.I~ ~ ,~ ...-.... J.-A. ~ S U~\~CO~... .,....A ~ ;::: 0'. 0 ~ .:::: ~.. ::: :: ~z::: - ~. - :: J'n mi CD :: :::: "" \7'~' IT1 ::: ~ <'o\...<?;'\ J. ~ :0;:: :.t"I. V 0 ~ ~ "TIt) ~ ~ ~II" A ~\~ "111/1I"lIn\\\\\~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: CITY AITOf7";::Y .' EXHIBIT "A" hat part of East Railroad Avenue lying west of and adjacent to the south half of ot 13, and all of lots 14, 15 and 16, Block E, Hathaway Park, according to the lat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 17 of the Public Records of Palm each County, Florida, bounded on the north by westerly extension of the north ine of the south half of lot 13, and bounded on the south by the westerly xtension of the south of said lot 16. .., .."", 1 DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton each, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Florida, oes hereby abandon and disclaim a certain portion of East Railroad Avenue, ore particularly described herein as Exhibit "A". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of oynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the ity this ~ day of October, 2000. :\\\\\\\\\II1I1I1/.Q!Y BOY~LC:::EACH, FLORIDA ~" ~p.CH :t~ I ~ ~ ....---- ' . ...~_n -........... ___ ..I<...~ -- zanne Kruse, City Clerk ~ ~ (! 0) 111~BrOening, Mayor ATE OF FLORIDA ~ ~ \{'b~"'" ! t;! j ~ -.s' ~ ~~o ~ ~//1. r ~ ,!\\o$' OUNTY OF PALM BEACH) I'II/I/"'III\\\\\\~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared GERALD BROENING and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City f Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who xecuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. EXHIBIT "A" at part of East Railroad Avenue lying west of and adjacent to the south half of at 13, and all of lots 14, 15 and 16, Block E, Hathaway Park, according to the lat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 17 of the Public Records of Palm each County, Florida, bounded on the north by westerly extension of the north ine of the south half of lot 13, and bounded on the south by the westerly xtension of the south of said lot 16. Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission . Boynton Beach, Florida October 4, 2000 the height issue be addressed. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-54 Re: Amending Chapter 26 entitled "Water, Sewer and City Utilities", amending Section 26- 8.1 to provide for commencement date for utility services billing cycle, and to provide a definition of base facility charge; amending Section 26-9, Schedule II (B) to provide billing formula for multi- family buildings in which several dwelling units are serviced by one meter; by amending Section 26-406 to provide billing formula for the "Fee in-lieu of" capital contribution for properties redeveloping within the downtown stormwater improvement watershed Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-54 by title only. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordnance No. 000-54. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-55 Re: Amending Development Regulations to include nightclubs Land Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-55 by title only. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordnance No. 000-55. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-56 Re: Approving the abandonment of a portion of East ~~ ~_SEI01ti Avenue and SE 8th Avenue'" . Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-56 by title only. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordnance No. 000-56. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. 19 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 David Katz, 742 NW il tit Street, urged the Commission to eliminate the use of the speakers' cards. He said that when there was discussion about term limits and single-member voting districts, Lee Wische spoke and was factually incorrect on a number of issues. Because of the need for a speakers' card, it was impossible to readdress the Commission to correct Mr. Wische's statements. In addition, Patti Hammer and Shirley Jaskiewicz wanted to speak on another occasion but were unable to do so because they hadn't filled out a card. Mr. Katz advised that the Golf Course staff offers clinics. His fourteen-year old son participated in those clinics and upon entering high school, he was accepted on the school team. Mr. Katz felt those clinics were directly responsible for his son making the team. He thanked staff and , urged the Commission to expand the program. Debbie Lytle, Chief Steward of the White Collar Baraainina Unit, said that she intended to compliment Mr. Bressner for his professional input and insightfulness into employee/labor relations. She added that Arthur Lee is always willing to listen and assist in any way possible. However, 30 minutes prior to tonight's meeting, she was notified that contract negotiations were cancelled again for the second time in two weeks after Attorney Cherof advised that if the bargaining unit would meet after hours on their own time, it would open up many available dates for negotiations. Ms. Lytle feels the City is stalling by not conducting negotiations. The contract expires on October 1st. She urged the Commission to direct the City negotiating team to set up some reasonable dates and times to meet the deadlines and limits of the contract. Terry Periera, 7692 Colonv Lakes Drive, said the proposed budget indicates that there will be an increase in property taxes. In a recent City newsletter Mayor Broening said a large portion of the citizens do not pay property taxes even though all citizens enjoy full City services. Mr. Periera said he had heard that the ratio of paying to non-paying property owners is 60/40. There needs to be a more equitable distribution of the tax burden in the City. He pointed out that property owners who pay taxes are on fixed incomes similar to those who do not pay. The Commission needs to do something about this situation. Everyone should pay something. VII. PUBUC HEARING: 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. '. Project: Mark Daly' . Agent: Burl Gentry, Gentry Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Owner: ' , -; _ Mark Daly Location: " East Railroad Avenue, south of SE 8th Avenue Description:., Request for abandonment of that portion of East Railroad Avenue , .,' - between SE 10th Avenue and SE 8th Avenue :- ,_ Burl Gentrv approached the podium. None of the Commissioners had any questions for staff or the applicant. Motion:, Commissioner Fisher moved to approve. Commissioner Black seconded the motion that carried .unanimously.- .':"" "'-.' ,;,. -, " " ::'.' ~. ".~. ~'.~ .-'~.'_ ;..<E:' -....... . -' - . . .~ .- ,.'~". .."".;........,e. .~ ., ~.-":. '. -'~ .... -: MEETING MINUTE'JI" :W' REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA -., SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 B. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Descri ption: Daise Temple Church of God in Christ Daise Temple Church of God in Christ ,James Gibbon/Bernett Bell/Anderson Lindsey Alley on east side of 340 NE 12th Avenue Request for abandonment of a 90' segment of right-of-way for NE 3rd Street, lying south of NE 12th Avenue Reverend James Gibbon, Bern~tt Bell and James A. Carter approached the podium. At Commissioner Rsher's request, Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director advised that this right-of-way lies between two parcels that are both owned by the Church. The applicant has requested the abandonment to allow them to improve the property or at least create an unobstructed passageway from the Church. Per the Utilities Department, the right-of-way is a utility corridor with existing lines. Although the City has allowed for easements to preserve them, because the Utilities Department was not certain about the plan for the property, they recommended denial of the request. In addition, the area around Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard is the subject of current and future planning studies. A mini-redevelopment plan is intended for this area. In doing a redevelopment plan, it is necessary to look at existing infrastructure and consider the improvements that are necessary. It would not be appropriate to abandon the right-of-way just prior to doing this plan. Staff considered postponing this type of request at least until the redevelopment plan is completed and the recommendations are known. This segment is part of a small portion of the road that is platted but not improved. Commissioner Rsher asked if the plan we are going to put in place would cause a problem. He pointed out that we do not have a plan now and we would eventually have to upgrade the utilities. He asked if the City could make do with that down the road if the Commission approved this request.. , ' " Mr. Rumpf said the improvements that are planned will probably happen before the Church would do anything with the parcel. Within a month or two, the City will be laying a cable that will connect to the communications facility at the old wastewater treatment plant. An easement could possibly preserve future maintenance to that right-of-way as long as the Church understood that there wouldn't be physical improvements other than a roadway or parking lot. Reverend Gibbon said there are sinkholes on the street crossing from the Church to the parking lot. He is fearful someone will fall. He said he spoke to the City about paving that area : or abandoning it. That is the reason for the abandonment request. Improvements are needed' in this area. ' ' " ' ",.,.. ~.~.,.~ ... -,.~ - -' .- ,..~- ~,....,' ,- . ~. .". , ..... -,.:-' " ..i ",' , . r,-' , " '}L;~~:;~~:;;J ", "~:., ., -- : ~:... . < .....-:~_"";.f~ _', ;:-~~=~... -~.~..' ....... ',!.-~,:"'::-:-<:: ~-.." ~-' . -- ..'1 '.,,' _" . ..~_'"'--,' " '. ~.' l'". ..~~.. -- '. ..;:~-. ~ ''',-" . .,:. ~ ..', -'. " . '. - "~"-"- MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA May 11,1998 Attorney Cirullo suggested that the Board table the request to a date certain in order that the variance can be noticed properly. Ms. Salter requested that her request for a variance be tabled. ,Mr. Reed requested that the request be re-advertised with no cost to the applicant. Chairman Wische said that is not within the Board's jurisdiction. Motion Vice Chair Dube moved to table the applicant's request to the first meeting in July. Motion seconded by Mr. Rosenstock. Motion carried 6-0. Ms. Salter requested the date of the first meeting in July and was informed it was July 13th. Abandonment Description: Mark Daly City of Boynton Beach East Coast Railroad Avenue, between S.E. 10th Avenue and S.E. 8th Avenue Request approval for abandonment of a portion of street abutting property. (POSTPONMENT REQUESTED TO JUNE 22, 1999 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MEETING TO ALLOW FOR THE CONCURRENT REVIEW OF A RELATED VARIANCE REQUEST.) 2. Project Name: Owner: Location: Attorney Cirullo requested that the Board vote on the request for postponement. Motion Vice Chair Dube moved that the request for postponement by Mark Daly be approved. Motion seconded by Mr. Reed. Motion carried 6-0. B. TIME EXTENSION Owner: Palm Walk ACLF Richard T. Sovinsky, RA Ehasz Giacalone Architects, PC Palm Walk Associates 7 1. Project Name: Agent: MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA May 11, 1998 Vice Chair Dube said that in the past the Board has approved extensions, but added the caveat that there would be no more approvals and Vice Chair Dube requested that this be noted in the file. Mr. Rumpf said in this case staff would not accept an application for a postponement, but Mr. Rumpf was not certain that staff could deny a request for postponement. 8. OTHER None 9. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Chairman Wische said that this Board requested a meeting with the Attorney and the City Commission on issues pertinent to this Board and the City Commission. Chairman Wische said he asked Ms. Byrne to coordinate the meeting. Mr. Rumpf said he had two dates available for the Board's consideration. The Commission is requesting that a joint meeting be considered prior to one of this Board's regular .meetings to begin at 6:00 p.m: on Tuesday, May 25th or Tuesday, June 22nd. Mr. Rumpf said it is anticipated the meeting would take one and one-half hours and the Board's regular meeting would begin at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Rosenstock asked what the specific issue for the meeting was. Attorney Cirullo said that this Board wanted to have a joint meeting to discuss the interaction between this Board and the Commission and the review of this Board's recommendation. After discussion, it was determined to hold the meeting on June 22nd at 6:00 p.m. when all the Board members would be available. 10. ADJOURNMENT Motion Ms. Cleary moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Rosenstock. The meeting properly adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,--lk",iut-.'- A _ }t'Ldc:~ Barbara M. Madden Recording Secretary (one-tape) 9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board and City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct PUBLIC HEARINGS at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 and on Tuesday, May 18, 1999, respectively, at 7:00 p.m. to consider a street abandonment, submitted by Mark Daly, located on East Railroad Avenue between S.E. 10th Avenue and S.E. 8111 Avenue. Said property is more particularly described as follows: That part of East Railroad Avenue lying west of and adjacent to the south half of lot 13, and all of lots 14, 15 and 16, block E, Hathaway Park, according to the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 13, page 17 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, bounded on the north by westerly extension of the north line of the south half of said lot 13, and bounded on the south by the westerly extension of the south line of said lot 16. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the' appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 PUBLISH: The Post April 20, 1999 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF EAST RAILROAD AVENUE LYING WEST OF AND ADJACENT TO THE SOUTH HALF OF LOT 13, AND ALL OF LOTS 14, 15 AND 16, BLOCK E, HATHAWAY PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGE 17 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY WESTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID LOT 13, AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE WESTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 16. --.-------- ~, -1 li!' "I 1,- ._. 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Ak'- I ~'..J:' _r'." _.'.., .." ~ , ~A'vf St~~~2- 'f~., " , ': ~ " li ~\ u ~, 'l ,1\ . ~ f,j ,\ 11'- 111'\ ~~ ~~ -t-- ~ J I '. ~ -'lll~~~~ ii ~i ~~ ') ~l t ~i, \I~~,l ~~t~t~) 't t("l (.~ ~ll'~r~FlitlM rttlt lt~ lJ.f~l 'it'~.tih4f K (I:)t~ hI ........ N ~':\ r. r ~r f- r t' ~t U ,'H' 10" ,," I ~t. k.t fli II i .,,~ " ~'tl h ml;! .t-t, l~; ill {t ~~ ~ \l' I~ ~CD ~~OtD ) ~ r05~~~ ~ ~ .(~ ~~;;j~ ~ ~ ['1 ~tn;ucn ~ .. "oC ... ~. 9l... .." to 0 rn I Otlll 0 ~ IU... :t U,;~. to roo ~rJ:t~ () (JO,o>M~;n 0 ~ ~tntno )a ~ ~ ~..,OZ "'C ~~~o Z ~ ~ z:I: "l) fT1 ~ g~ C~P1~ 6 0 --i~ o~~~ ~ --<() "1J.;Po ~ :t ri~~Z ;U f-T1 :I ::no \... 'J 2~ ('1]> --i"1J r r :r :-'J6rl~ Z ~ rJ ['1] ;U:I 0 ~ Q ~t~t'J 0 . ~IT 0~ ~<..' Z [1J _ ~ LOO ~~~~ < ~ [110 ~(1]n-i tTl ~ ?Jr >zj~ r ~ 4 (1J ~ --i 0 ['Tl 0 S ~z> nO oroUl l ~ ' rn 0 (X).; [T1 p' ;u ~, ' ,,'" . , $)~. , .~':~!. ~ ~ I ~ .~. ~ . f I ; 1 . J . .. . NOTE: Thi s 3}1 k " RECEIVED BY _,'F .~ ~ RECEIPT NUMBER: , :\ I -" I MEMB~ . /?:,/< II~ ~ V' .:-.21?:': :'ATION )CCEPTANCE FEE PAID: . ,;f7L/t:J./2j ABANDON VACATE ANNING DEPARTMENT ORMATION FORM ely and accurately and must accompany al~ anning and Zoning (Two{2) cooies of PROJECT NAME: N/A N/A N/A AGEN':"S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT 1 S FAX: N/A N/A AGENT'S PHONE: OHNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) Mark C. Daly mrnER'S ADDRESS: 915 S.E. 3rd Street Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 OWNER'S PHONE: (561) 364-4072 (561) 364-7030 OWNER'S FAX: PROJECT LOCATION: (not legal description) and S.E. 8th Avenue. A portion of (17~ft.) East Railroad Avenue between S.E. 10th Avenue CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) 915 S.E. 3rd Street Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials w~:: be forwarded. 1 hPPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE - The undersigned, pursuan... to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of ...ne City of BoyntOn Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate/abandon, and discontinue the, (check one) : xx ALLEY (a.k.a. East Railroad Avenue) STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as desc:::-ibed in attached Exhibit flAil, and to renounce and disclaim any right or the City and the public in and to any land in connectior~ therewith. Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respecc. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific propercy interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or property interest (check one) : ( ( XX ( interest of the City and the public in and to the specif~c described above was acquired and is evidenced by, DEED DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in November 1925 Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Book 13 , Page 1 7 of , -a-~ Public 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, s~ch abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. ... 4. That the above described property interest is under the control anc jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; :5 not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquirec or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. S. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all o'mr.ers and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. Labels and/or addressed envelopes for property owners and 1st class postage (stamps or pay for required postage) . NAME ADDRESS See Attached List. 2 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their interests. (See attached Utility Company list) 8. Obtain a survey of the street (or easement). - See Exhibit "A" 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company. 10. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this aJ>plication: That In accordance with the stated intent of the original dedication by Arthur Crane, Developer, (August 3, 1925) for use as public access and whereas the public presently and into the future has no need for such access and too, t~at no other property owner is adversely affected bY such change, I respectfully request the abandonment of the section of East Railroad Avenue which abutts my property_ DATED: March 29, 1999' APPLlCANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ADDRESS 915 S.E. 3rd Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that _ (he J_ are/@ the applicant (s) in the foregoing Application to Abandon/Vacate. that they have- read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. OfACIALNOTARYS L CHERI B JONES NorARY PUBLIC Sf ATE OF f1.0RIDA COMMISSION NO. CC56650B MYCOMMISSION EXP. UNE 25,2000 NOT~!:;:L.~orida My Commission Expires: S:\PLAHNING\SHARBD\WP\FORMS\APPS\ABAN\ABANDON-2!98.WPD 3