CORRESPONDENCE . . ";~.'~' 'f.~''!I;'.~J.~J~ ,~;~'~' .,." ~...;... . . ....;,.;. -... ,~.... ;".00, "",..,.,".. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-118 TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Development Soard i/}/fp. Michael W Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Manag'etw Jose R. Alfaro, Planner) A- THRU: FROM: DATE: August 6, 2000 SUBJECT: Mark Daly Street Abandonment (ASAN 99-001) NATURE OF REQUEST Mr. Mark Daly, the property owner of land located at 915 SE 3rc Street, is requesting abandonment of the following street segment: That part of East Railroad Avenue lying west of and adjacent to the south half of lot 13, and all of lots 14, 15 and 16, block E, Hathaway Park. according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Sook 13, Page 17 of the Public Records of Palm Seach County, Florida, bounded on the north by westerly extension of the north line of the south half of lot 13, and bounded on the south by the westerly extension of the south of said lot 16. BACKGROUND In July of 1925 the Plat of Hathaway Park was approved including a thirty (30) feet wide street known as Railroad Avenue and dedicated to the perpetual use of the public, reserving unto the developers or successors the right of reversion if not used as such. A section of that currently unimproved street is the subject of this request. The attached Exhibit "A" is a location map showing the general vicinity of the subject street, Railroad Avenue. The street to be abandoned is adjacent to property currently zoned C-3 and owned by the petitioner. The abandonment of this segment of the 30.32-foot wide street will increase the depth of the subject property by 15.16 feet (one-half the width of the street East Railroad Avenue). According to a faxed letter dated July 27,2000, management for the Florida East Coast Railway Company has approved conveyance (to Mr. Daly) of the half interest the Railway would normally acquire from this abandonment. Therefore, the depth of the applicant's property will be increased to the full width of the abandoned street. or 30.32 feet (see Exhibit "S" - survey). The petitioner desires the abandonment in order to increase the feasibility of developing the adjacent property, and justifies the request by the lack of use of the street for through traffic. It should also be noted that this request, if approved, reduces property frontage below the minimum required in this zoning district. Therefore, this application is accompanied by a variance application requesting that minimum frontage be reduced from 75 feet to 30 feet, which is equal to the width of the right-of-way to terminate at the applicant's property. ANAL YSIS Public notice has been given to the property owners that abut the right-of-way to be abandoned, and has been advertised in the newspaper. A summary of the review by the utility companies and city staff is as follows: CITY DEPARTMENTS Engineering Utilities No objection. No objection as long as a 12 foot utility easement is provided along the westerly right-of-way. Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 99-118 ABAN 99-001 Planning and Zoning A recorded unity of title including the abandoned street section will be required to prevent lots from becoming landlocked. Obtain consent from the remaining property owners who access their properties from the remaining segment of SE 3rd Street (between SE 8th Avenue and SE 10th Avenue). PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light Bell South Florida Public Utilities Company Cable Company (Comcast Telemedia, and Adelphia) No objection. No objection as long as a 10 foot easement is provided along the westerly right-of-way. No objection. No objection, Bell South requires easement rights in exchange for the street abandonment. The City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department also requires easement rights for any future public need. Lastly, the Planning and Zoning Division requires unity of title. These conditions are effectively dealt with in the conditions of approval, whereby the applicant must show that the easements and the unity of title are recorded prior to final approval of this request. The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the properties that surround the subject request. North - East South - West - A rear yard of a single family dwelling zoned C-3. Duplex and single family dwelling units, zoned R-2 Vacant property zoned C-3. FEC Railroad, and farther west industrial properties zoned M-1. It should be noted that no owners of other adjacent properties are required to use the subject segment for accessing their property. However, given the close proximity of these properties, located on the west side of the block, to the subject abandonment, staff has recommended that the applicant obtain the consent from others to confirm the lack of any unanticipated interest in the subject right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this abandonment request, subject to conditions included in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. xc: Central File J:ISHRDA T AIPlanninglSHAREDIWPIPROJ ECTSIMark Daly VanancelMark Daly Aban and infolstaff report- dalyaband 2CCO doc " ,J " ..u. L l.:;- j , ! - . '- ' ~'. , " :. o,......,-.i!..;.-- "=..: -r.:~~' r t.. .-.!t;; ..}I i_ ,I] " .' Pl;;;Ji -t;!! c' """, ~ 2'. = 7' 'tl- , . -..!.L~ to;~! .'1, L', "I: iii' 1\1- . .. . - -, , . -. , ~., :,ilIV: '''ii' : I I: :Ii,' I, -~, ',,'-_~. " ,,~ L.l-J, ,J, ' "i"1 ". ,- ~ 'r-i ' I' ,--,- -:.. ,I .~.. ~J~' ';11/. J;~ r"I' , I I''': .'~ I : i ;.......:.., T '[ '~I" . ,"""'" .j rr=-l:'--=- .1 , : ,! , ' ; L'_' . -_......:.-~ ..~~~~-Fl~ I!:~ 1 Pl"'""-' ~. - L --- . .. :;..~ ',-- r...' ;::"; >. U . C'; 1'41[. i r:..""H' i 'i ~ L : .. ...._~ ~~:-\ ~ ~:L;i:lli!!~ Lj_;-letr--nT~II;~' r--: - -~_..\-;;~c --,-->,":":......G ~.J.!..J ! ! if' -, lli.LL-ID 3=1 ~:i I F7 ~1 '1/1-- :'. 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(!flr"tf~'" ,qtJ: o'nG.If,'1, Sf/"r,1 ..t OOO/"~ .'He EXHIBIT "B" SE. 8 TH 13 '!E/yUE r"'l --J-rt ~~ . I ~f f' ,~C"""~ '" ,", " _ <- Ilf ?5tc '0) ~ ~O.J): ~'''. ( ~ ;')1" -, ..~-=----.- ; "'P:&. o,~ ~"', (,.;,. I () r 1.5 .... -P, 81. OCf( r =' . I-. ~ I~ V) --I ~ '8~,~~;;~~n~-;;:~~ /:,. t"J NAil '* W"~nFf? ~ "60 I Lr.j lVi I IJO[NU f ~ CENTERLINE OVERlIE,W UI/IITY IIN(') c, C5 <l. Lor 71 BL OCK [ WOOD F[NO, CIIIIIN I.INK r[NeE )..., ~ ~ I-.... ~ ~ C'J 6" Q: :;,..J ~ <i lJ 4-.' .... '" I IT. 50 = [LEVII nON 8ASEO ON N/lIIOf{,1L GEODEnC VEf?TlCIII. 0/1 TUM !~]:'<) SOURCE: FL omoll GEOL OCICAL SURVEY BENCII MARK B98 FL 000 ZONE: C LOT 15 BL OCK [ DESCRIP TlON' THAT PART OF EAST RAILROAD AVENUE tYING WEST OF MiD ADJACENT TO THE soum HALF OF LOT 13. AND ALL OF LOTS 14. 15 AND 15. BLOCK E. HA TIIA WA Y PARK. ACCORDING TO TlIF PLA T THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLA T BOOK IJ. P,1GE 17 or TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA, BOUNDED ON TliE NORTH BY THE WESTERL Y EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID LOT 13. ,1.'1[1 BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE WESTERL Y EXT[NSION nr TliE SOUTH LiNE OF SAID LOT 15. Lor 16 BL OCK E MAP OF RIGHT OF WA Y ABANDONMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY ~<l. 9:'J ~-l" r- ~~~ i.;&~ (.lll::'~ CAre .6'1. .... fJ~ L:..:--. ",' , - ::i. "-FOUND J{'- ... fRON PlP.. (NO NUI.I8fR) I HERfSY CfRT,n rH4T rHlS SuRVcr WAS !lAO[ UIICfR VY RfSrOIlS:[)l[ C!MQCr ANO II[US rJlf .W:""'.111 IfCIIIIICAl SIANDARDS .4S SU FORm 8Y 1/'[ FlCR.f' RO~l?D OF Pf1CFESS/ONAL SuR"'ErOR'5 AND IJAf1P[R'S I.J CIf,1PTFR 5/C'7 -6. n c.cl'~ 40.lJIflfSrRAnVā‚¬ COOf. PURSUANr TO SECr/Cfll f1')017, FLr'm.)A ; T,HUffS. FOR lvlCO OEVELOPMENT. /NC Lor J7 BLOCK E ~ ~\~ -,-..-.:'./'<>....- ._-~~- J,rv:!'/ ,v 5::////,f' NOr VAlD .",mlQUT ".~ SJ(".N..!UR'! AM) \) {~~N~~NS~:t~~ 1~t,/1tp::tOR(JA l't/R~./t~}.J,l~ ~ /0' ./...~,..-c:~ #/ ~.!'L_________. O'BRIEN, SUITER & O'BR/EN, INC. LAND SURVEYORS CERTlf'lC.H[ or AUIIIORI!AlION IlEJJ5J SUflVUOfl AIIO .l(AF'P[/7 IN R[SPONSIfJ/[ CII,4RC(: JOIIN,y 5t'1l[R ~5Ct NOIml FEDeRAl IIICf/WAY. DHRAY 8(,IC/I, nomo,1 J_'J,q f (561) ;10-4501 7.f2-J2l9 rH 715 -lJ91J CIA T[ OF 51.P,;(r r Jr.l r '8, :991 ~w rAq ,Y(J 8,J;" '5," <;j.l'[ ,.. .- ;,." (.wcv~ 'If' 'J.... !:-F,j EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Aporoval Project name: Mark Daly street abandonment File number: ABAN 99-001 Rfi A r d dM h3 9 e erence: ~ nn lcation ate arc I 199 . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comment: 1. A 12 foot Utility Easement alon,g the westerly ri,ght-of-way. X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 2. Record a 10 foot easement along the westerly right-of-way satisfying X perpetual access requirements of Bell South. Access to said easement shall remain unobstructed unless otherwise aooroved by Bell South. 3. Recorded Unity of Title including abandoned street portion. X Mark Daly street abandonment ABAN 99-001 P 2 f2 age 0 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 4. Record a 12 foot utility easement along the westerly right-of-way satisfying X Utilities Deoartment reauirements 5. Obtain variance for minimum fronta~e remainin~ from abandonment. X 6. Obtain consent from the remaining property owners who access their X properties from the remaining segment of SE 3'd Street (between SE 8th Avenue and SE 10th Avenue). ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 7. NONE. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 8. To be determined. J:\SHRDATA\PLANNINGISHARED\WP\PROJECTSIMARK DALY VARIANCE\MARK DALY ABAN AND INFO\CC 9-19-00 CONDo OF APPR.DOC\ DEVELOPME~T ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS' -'. )N OF THE C, : OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME:. MARK DALY ABANDONMENT APPLICANT'S AGENT: N/A APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 915 SE 3rd Street, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 DATE OF CITY COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: September 19, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Street abandonment LOCATION OF PROPERTY: East Railroad Avenue DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant -1L HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the pUblic and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby -1L GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\Mark Daly Variance\Mark Daly Aban and info\CC 9-19-00 D 0 ABAN.doc l-rt - !i(,_8rH.~ItEN(/E___ 2~ ,;~ I ;" ~,)~ - -:.:..'!!.1!:..':'_' ,..if' Of' 1(\1 rr IJ "\ l., :., ~ 1 ~~~. "_~ ~ll-5 " ~~~ ;;;.; ~ f', ~2~ P~9 ~ ..'t~jJl jO.J2/~JJ.l"'- "J'," '7' r I ~",' .J?P.. 0,0 I (,o~. 0\.;.. LOT 1.J I;; ,P. BL OCl~ F i f- ' 1 ~ ~r , .1/ ~ {~II ~; !?~/'I ~~ " "" 0:0- ,,1..;:::;;:.....0 ::, ~..... :r:8: , 1 I' ;j f1j I Q:: C:.~ "'l J..... V) tS )... ; f:s J..... is Q: ~ ~ Q:: ~ ~ (j 1.0 l.... ~ll ~~ ~~ (- ~~~ "'-C"J~ hR, CAre QI I '=} "- FOUNO J /, . 1 eRCN ?!pr / ;~i~;~ 30.32' I 1 rf'J (.I',...f.....", ,'9i'f'" rrnr.'f.t, S1.7n-:.t afJf;!~ ~JC EXHIBIT "B" I-. tJ I~ If) --.1 ~ _._____.__~ to-) 8(NC/fI,I,tI7K. fer or-/ .'1_1.1. '* W.4t;hEP "'''50 I L..j lvi I ,.., ~ II '-FCD,D t "" CEN rERLlNE "" O~'ER,L/E4D UTiLITY /IN[S LOT 14 BL OCI( F. = WOOD FENCE: = CffAIN LINK n::NCE + 1/60 = ELEV;' TlON 8;15[0 ON IVA rrON.IL GEODETiC VEf?T1CAL DA rUM 1D7!) SOURCE: FLomo" GEOLocrc,1L SURVEY 8ENCI1 M.1RK 898 FL 000 ZONE: C La T 75 BL aCK E oESCRIP nON: THAT PART OF EAST RAILROAD AVENUE LYING wEsr OF M/O ADJACENT TO THE SOUTH HALF OF LOT 1]. AND ALL OF U:;,"S 14.15 AND 16. 8LOCK E. HATI1AWAY PARK. ACCORDING TO TI'E PLA T THEREOF AS RECOF?DED IN PLA T 80CK IJ. PAGE 17 cr mE PU8L1C RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA, 80UNDED ON THE NORTH 8Y THE wEST[t7L Y ExTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID LOT 13. A,'/D 80UNDED ON THE SOU TH BY THE wES TE,~L Y EX T[NSiON OF TIlE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 16. La T 76 BL aCK E MAP OF RIGHT OF WA Y ABANDONMENT BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR ivfCO D[V[L OPM[N T. INC. ( H[P!3'f cr,~rr'f {HA r rJoJrS Sf,;'R'I{f ;VAS IJACf: 1..~liCf~ 41Y l?fSrCN5,8(: :.lfA~t;[ ),NO wer;s n~ lJ:I",'-'t!lJ rrCHNlCA( STANDAROS AS S(i r-:Rrll 8" TlJ[ FLCR,C'J" BeARD OF PRc"rss,'ON~1. S~"f?'I('fORS A^-O l.I~rp[~~ N CH~tPrrR 6TCt,"-6, FlC,r.:'f',4 "C.l,J~./TSm.J.rr\'[ caCE. ~'RSU,ANr fa SfCTlCN 477.0l1, F"lJ'q,.)A ;r..Hur:s ~~.~~\~,,- J...f'{ll/ lJ -5~I//,/,.f' NOr .....AlO .mN:uT f7-.C ~......n..f\l'! A."l(} \) . {~~...,;.~~.N~\~t~a ,.s~'i.S:,4./U}R.,r:J. f"t/R~-'~-!' yjf t ,,( ,:/;:--:' ::,.t: ;d' / :'-.!.f..______ . O'BRIEN, SUITER & O'BR/EN, INC. LAND SURVEYORS C[I/TJ'!CAT[ OF .IL'IIIORllWCN !tEiJ5J SU'/vUOfl AN'O 1,14;:'.0[,1/ ,11 !/[SPONS/DI[ CIIARCe. JOlfll N SUIr[iI 76';1 NORTII FtC[P.4l IIIClfW.1Y. l'1[tl1.1 Y E![ lell, rLOf1.'O.4 JJIH I (56/) ;;1;-45'01 1};-J?79 F4Y i'5-2J91J -, <c.,7---,-:-_=;~, CRC't.R ~..I ~... _ r~~',.' o...r[ (110- Sl..R"'(f' ...f.! f 18, .''1''- 'n.o d(.'(Y( r4';l .'of! 9' r: 6: May 10, 1999 Maria & Eduardo Salas 909 Southeast 3rd Street Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 (561) 364-1194 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 RE: Abandonment of Right-of- Way; #98-5300 Dear Mr. Rumpf, We are the property owners abutting Mr. Daly's property on the north side. Mr. Daly has kept us informed of the progress of his application for abandonment of the right-of-way which sits on the west side of his property. We are in favor ofthis application to vacate the right-of-way and have no opposition to it. In the near future, we will be making a similar application to vacate the right-of-way adjacent to our property. This unmaintained 30 foot right-of-way has never been used by the City and we want to clean it up and include it in our landscaped back yard. We have no intentions of selling this property in the future. Respectfully, Eduardo Salas (Owner) ~fjf ~ Maria Salas (Owner) ~;lM OFACIALNOTARYSEAL CHERI B JONES NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC56650B MYCOMMISSION EXP. TUNE 25.2000 May 10, 1999 Maria & Eduardo Salas 909 Southeast 3rd Street Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 (561) 364-1194 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 RE: Abandonment of Right-of- Way; #98-5300 Dear Mr. Rumpf, We are the property owners abutting Mr. Daly's property on the north side. Mr. Daly has kept us informed of the progress of his application for abandonment ofthe right-of-way which sits on the west side of his property. We are in favor of this application to vacate the right-of-way and have no opposition to it. In the near future, we will be making a similar application to vacate the right-of-way adjacent to our property. This unmaintained 30 foot right-of-way has never been used by the City and we want to clean it up and include it in our landscaped back yard. We have no intentions of selling this property in the future. Respectfully, &L~ Eduardo Salas (Owner) ~~. . 717 Maria Salas (Owner) ~~~ OFHCIAL NOTARY SEAL CHERI B JONES NOTARY PUBUC Sf ATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC566508 MY COMMISSION EXP. JUNE 25,2000 May 10, 1999 Maria & Eduardo Salas 909 Southeast 3rd Street Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 (561) 364-1194 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 RE: Abandorunent of Right-of- Way; #98-5300 Dear Mr. Rumpf, We are the property owners abutting Mr. Daly's property on the north side. Mr. Daly has kept us informed of the progress of his application for abandorunent of the right-of-way which sits on the west side of his property. We are in favor of this application to vacate the right-of-way and have no opposition to it. In the near future, we will be making a similar application to vacate the right-of-way adjacent to our property. This urunaintained 30 foot right-of-way has never been used by the City and we want to clean it up and include it in our landscaped back yard. We have no intentions of selling this property in the future. Respectfully, ~~ Eduardo Salas (Owner) ~~. . rp// Maria Salas (Owner) ~~~ OFflCIAL NOTARY SEAL CHERI B JONES NOTARY PUBLIC Sf ATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC566508 MY COMMISSION EXP. TUNE 25,2000 May 10,1999 Maria & Eduardo Salas 909 Southeast 3rd Street Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 (561) 364-1194 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 RE: Abandonment of Right-of- Way; #98-5300 Dear Mr. Rumpf, We are the property owners abutting Mr. Daly's property on the north side. Mr. Daly has kept us informed of the progress of his application for abandonment of the right-of-way which sits on the west side of his property. We are in favor of this application to vacate the right-of-way and have no opposition to it. In the near future, we will be making a similar application to vacate the right-of-way adjacent to our property. This unmaintained 30 foot right-of-way has never been used by the City and we want to clean it up and include it in our landscaped back yard. We have no intentions of selling this property in the future. Respectfully, ~~ Eduardo Salas (Owner) ~~~. . 717 Maria Salas (Owner) ~~~ OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL CHERI B JONES NOTARY PUBLIC Sf ATE OF FLORIDA COMMlSSION NO. CC566S08 MY COMMISSION EXP. TUNE 25.2000 6-20-1995 2:58AM FRO'-"'lARK C . DALY 561 364 7030 P.1 MARK C. DALY 915 S.E. Third Street Boynton Beach. Florida 33435 August II, 2000 Mr. Jose R. AltBro, City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach., Florida 33425-0310 RE: Meeting of August 11.2000 Dear Mr. Pur5uant to oW' meeting today and in response to the City's concem fur storm drainage along the East Railroad Avenue Right-of-Way, we are requesting a postponement of the Application for Abandomnent and the Application for Frontage Variance to the following dates of September 12th for the Planning and Development Meeting and September 19th for the City Commission Meeting. As discussed, this should allow enough time for the City Engineer to contact the relevant people to obtain the necessary infonnation regarding water volwne and potential swale requirements. Alfaro, Jose To: Cc: Subject: Galav Lusia; Kelley, David; Guidry, John Rumpf, Michael Mark Daly abandonment application Mr. Mark Daly has applied for the abandonment of a portion of Railroad Avenue, south of the baseball park on US 1. This office has been informed of the possibility of easement conflicts related to said street. I would like to have a meeting with you to analyze this issue ASAP in the P & Z conference room on Tuesday 3:00 PM, or Thursday 10:00 AM. Please indicate your preference as I would like to have the applicant present. Jose 1 ~ . , .t~,,;,;, ....~. FAX TRANSMISSION FLORmA EAST COASfR..uLWAY COMPANY 0..." ~ClA. S,""II!:~ ST, AUCUsnNC. F\. 32084 l~O"l 8Ze-2.2.ee Tou.. '1'116% ,"aOO-34,-/ 13' EJcT, 225., FA.lC: eli/04' 82.&-2.32.2 To: M \c..~ "...... R. UMf>" FuN: St." - '1+"'-, i#2.S, From; ~ ~c.SQ,. \- Subject: Date: 814 \0-0 Pages: % COMMENTS; ?\a..~L sat.. ""...~~e..D l'd S9S'Of,J lj'~n~ is 3~ ~ or J3j Wd11:v 0002'S '~n~_____._ .. ..~ ~ FLORIDA EAST COAST RA1LWAY COMPANY ONE .~...I.M)A STp>'f.jE'f. P. O. BOx lo.t8, :11'. AI/GUSTlNf., f'LOR1CA :12(J~r.'!O~1l July 27, 2000 File: 341-47-1 BOYNTON BEACH~ Proposed Sale to Mark C, Daly Mr. John Hume Hume & Johnson, P.A. 1401 University Drwe. Suite 301 Coral Springs, FL 33071.8909 Dear t.,,!r, Hume: This is in respot1se to your letter of July 24, 2000 requesting the Quit Claim Deed for the westerly half of that portiot1 of Railroad Avenue your client has made application to the Cl ty of Boynton Beach for Abandotunent. It is not the polley of [he Railway \0 lSSlIe a Deed or' conveyance (0 land it does noe have a current inrerest holding. I Cml assure you that on July 25, 2800 our Management did approve of the conveyance to Mark C. Daly for the half in teres! ilie Railway would acquire by approval of Resolution [rom the City. Until such time the Resolution is passed, we have serlOI.lS reservations about issuing a deed. I have however enclosed an un-executed copy of the Qui! Cla.im Deed we propose to issue. b. order that my file will be complete <:onceming this m.atter, would appreciate if ~'OU would provide copies of any and all application documents. Slncerely yours, 'M 8. M. ~. Bagley, Dire.. or Industrial Devdopment & Real Estate MOB:EVAJbb Encls. 2'd S9E'ON lj'~~ 15 3~ ~ ar ~3j Wdlt:v 000Z"E .~~ . Instrument Prepared as to fonn only by: Heidi J, Edc!ins, Esq. One Mallsa Street St. Augustine, FL 32084 (Legal Description pre))ar~d by Grantor) QUIT-CLAIM DEED THIS QUIT-CLAIM DEED. executed this ___ day of ,A. D, 2_, by FLORIDA EAST COAST .RAILWAY COMP fu'N, a Florida corporation and having its principal office and place of business in St. Augustine, St Johns County, Floridal and its post office address being P. O. Drawer 1048, St. Augustine, Plocida 32085-1048, hereinafter ca.lled ItGrantor", to MARK C. DALY, an individual, with post office address being 91 S SE Third Street. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, hereinafter called "Granteell, WITNESSETH That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars (SI0.00) and other good and valuable oonsiderations, to it in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quit~claim unto the said Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and dem.and which the Grantor has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and. being in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, to wit: See Attached Exhibit nAil TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and aU the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the said Grantor, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Grantee forever. QeD Page 1 File: 341-41-1 c'd S9E'ON l~'~n~ 15 ]~ ~ or )3~ Wd2't:t7 0002 'E . :lnl::L . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its cotporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY, a Florida corporation (Print Namt) By: (Sea~ R. F, MaoSwain, Executive Vice President P.O. Drawer 1048 St. Augustine, FL 32085-1048 Attest: Assistant Secretary (Print Name) STATE OF FLORIDA ] COUNTY OF ST. JOHNS] The foregoing Quit Claim Deed to MARK C. DALY was acknowledged before me this day of , 2___ by R. F. MacSwain and , known personally to me to be Executive Vice President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of FLORIDA EAST COAST RAIL WAY COMPANY. a Florida COlporation, on behalf of the corporation, and who did not take an oath. Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Notary S~ QeD Pase 2 File: 341-47-1 \7'd S9S'Of..J lji~n~ is 3~ ~ ar ~3j WdZ1: : \7 0002'S '~nlJ S'd . EXHI8IT "N' The westerly 1'1 of Railroad Avenue va.cated by City of Boynton Beach, Florida by Resolution No. lying West of and adjacent to the South half of Lot 13, and all of Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block E, HA THAW A Y PARK, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 17 of the Public Records ofPahn Beach County, Florida, bounded on the North by the Westerly extension of the North line of the South half of said tot 13, and bounded on the South by the Westerly extension of the South Line of said Lot 16. S9E'ON lj'~~ 15 3~ ~ ar ~3j Wd21:v 0002'E .~~ \ ~ \ ~ \~ .._-~ _ _ ___ _ _~_Li;m 01"11(:.... 110 J~!!~'1\M._ l. "",8Lt_ - ~- --- 1.,.."' -- -- - - ~ ~ .! a i . .- -' . . , --- ~OD.llL"''''' 5 ."...,..,. ; It... 8toc~ J'),~~ ~ "i;b ~~#' ~1i'1f '\ " '\ ~ _~L \ % I.j. \ ~'ltllol_ - - Mt,ROAQ ......A;U;"- SE. 4TK s"lle~1' ~i dJ ~~ ~ 00 "" at ~i~ ,. ~ h~ !.. .., \\~ ~-- ~ ~ rn It r.t 8 <- ~ ~%i ~ ~ V'l ./," ~\ l;l ~ l 0 .. I i ~ , i'i i a 1/'1 & l~ -c Q'.-l . S9E 'ON -"-"~--"~ -~-,----"--- ,- .' - ;:------- -.....--- " o o c: % -' -< "Y'\ c- o ,0 C) ~ tA rl o -t o % t-) OJ -' .... '" '" \ ~ ..t (,& rt ...--0 !CoIU: /"..tOti' ~~ \.i'~tI is 3d '8 al :)3.3 ____._.__.---~-r"-- WdE~:\7 000Z'S ':Jrt:\ .----- lJ.W OFF'ICE:S .. e HUME Be JOHNSON SUITE: 301 1401 I./NIVI!:I'lSITY ~~I - or- OO!l6N S~GS, F:t.OAmA a 07 . ,JOHN iotUMC HI.NFlV w. .JOIolN.!ION C;ATHi:Fl.Il'lE W. ZI~"AY DoN,4.L.C 1'1. wAL'l'IUlIIlI .J~NNII"~I'I SHA.... ~ ','. . : July 24, 2000 ';:t.'~ K:O. Bailey. n'ireetor .... ,'..../;' Induscrial Development & Real Estate Florida Eas~ Coaet Railway Company One Malaga Street p . O. Bo}!: 1048 St. Augustine, FL 32085-1048 Re: Proposed land .ale of abandoned R/W along portion of Railro.d Ave.to Mark C. Daly Dear Mr. Bagby: The city officials have advised ~y clien~ that they will not proeeed with the abandonment until he obtains ~he qui~ claim deed from you~ company. I can certainly commit to you that I will furni~h you with So eopy of their Resolution a$ soon as it is ado~ted. The request will go before the Planning & Zoning Board next week and will hopefully go before the City Commission ~h. following week. If you need anything further. please call me. Sinc:ere1y. ~.-. / ---- I" L'd sgE.ON lj'~nd is 3~ ~ ar J3j WdE~;v 0002.S .~nd r'- To: Fax: From: Date: Pages: From the desk of.,. Michael Rumpf Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561-375-6260 Fax: 561-375-6259 Bob Bordon AI IGm, Eric Jensen .7 ~364 ~-L \ \ ~\ ~5 f??v(Z.- Michael Rumpf May 10,1999 3, including cover sheet. Please review the accompanying documents deskribing the proposed abandonment and provide me with your comments by May 21 st. I was told by the applicant that the owners of the two residential parcels to the north of the area to be abandoned support the abandonment and may also be interested in requesting a similar abandonment for the segments abutting their properties. Thanks for your review of this item. If you have questions, do not hesitate to call or e-mail me. Mike. - 1\-,10 ol11 . UlNO oQ ) .( z \-")0 f.'''' J\Uoro..... \I.l~ . .....Z...... ..l\La IU t.~bl~ Q\U )- ((.tJoJ Om \l1 OUl~~ ~rk a ';Z. (l. 0 ' \l.l u i wo~~ .~ .. a :r.ttotll ~ry Z row tL.:. ~~ l .A u.. r-:~ (U b \U "'\ o~ ~ ~ u: ';Z.~'o~ ~ ~Q.db{L. ~~ t-' 0 ......r-- Z ~\-''!ltJ \llz ~ 0 Ul bl 'Z Ill';) J 0 (I.:~~'3 ~o ..... ' .(i:~~ ....lU z~~~~~~ ~ I{. ~~~\u ') \t Uiwl(O '00 <\ U 5:r:tu~ 000 .1...-' . .....~t'l';C ~ n\ o 0 r.~ ~ ' ~ 10 ~ . t. ..... u: ,:>0" .. J Ul~vi~ \U 'T" <wo ~ J'" ~ C)~1'{U .;t{' b ~~~tU "'~ it tLlO~:r: ~ '( lOd\-'\-' Vl ~.l {\~ N .-:::- s o ..- -< ~ rz 8 .. '-+- ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ \l, \J 't " 1 ---\r--- , . . , <\... tI'~'\'"'' \l~ ~. 'i>V~ ';:" t. "i lei :{ ')"14., .l' \. \ ~ w-=.:.ft!U"'j!' ~~ ... ,.....~ {~ ~ ~'" ~"":':"j" ~ ,. I)' ~ ,,~. \ ... \ ~ ~ l! '\.\ _t ~ '~'- ~ " ,..., .._~' ,~ ..~~c.. ~ ., '\ \- l\tltt~tr i t t~ \"..l'''''....-P J ~-\~~~ ~\~J" '.\'"4" .a t \-\'" \, _\"'-41 11!.t-t \~t,11\.~ b)H~,-t,,"ll~l ~ N \os "" -. ~.'\"I"l't'.h.:t:'t\ Ioi _ .. ...." ~ ,..;,.." "l ..." l. .. .. ....", ,... "'t.t "l \ ~ ... .. ........ .' - ~Q.. Q;(j . ~~ Il)~t? .....t;)Q1 ~O:,.J -.Q-:~ II) ~ ...., .,. I I <0 I c) 30 32' f .s>/(SOb.. "do. ~ !'i ..., ..,. ~ ...., I ~ ^ I ~ I ~ .)... I ~ ~ ,...... ~ ~ tfj ~ ..... .. I s .)... J(;:) ~)... S' ~ ~' ~ b ~ ~~ ~~~ .. ~ ~'" I (;:)~ ~ t-....: C) C)~ (Qit' "- . ~ Cl:::"~ N (c)~ Q;: ...., lti ;t:fl ..,. ..,. ::::::!~~ K!d ".~ ~ Q:'~ t-....:~ ~ L<'~ I !:? ~ '" l::i VJ It) I LJ I 25' I ~ (~ I ~ r~ ~ c.Q "" (SO. ..,. V;.. LOT 13 (S). BL OCK E ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ;::S~ If?~~ ...."<::~ _ S.E. 8 JH A VEfjUE rNORTH UNf OF LOT tJ 2TJ. '8' -.---- ~-- h ~ I~ j (/), Q; --.....1):: . t'). ; BENCH MARl<: TOP OF j- . NAil ct WASHER +11.60 I Lu ~ri. LEGEND: f = CENTERLINE = OVERHEAD L, · · = WOOD FENCE M M = CHAIN LINK I +11.60 = 6LEVA TlON BASEl GEODETIC VERTlC,l SOURCE: FL ORfoA SURVEY BENCH M, FL 000 ZONE: C ~ l::i It) LOT 14 BL OCK E LOT 15 BL OCK E ~ LOT 16 I:::i It) BL OCK E t~ P FOUND 3/4- IRON PIPt (NO NUMBER) GATE _: r · i;. ... .' ~,.,~. I ftt~ , J LOT 17 I BLOCK E DESCRIPTION: THA T PART OF EAST RAILROAD A VENUl ADJACENT TO THE SOUTH HALF OF LO 14, 15 AND 16, BLOCK E. HA THAWA Y PA PLA T THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLA T THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY THE WEST THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF t BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE WEST THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 16. MAP OF RIGHT G ABANDONMENT BOUNJ FOR MCD DEVELOPMENTJ I HEREBY CERTFY rHA T THIS SURVEY WAS MADE UN AND MEErS THE MINfMlJU TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS ADMfNlSTRA TlVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.0. ~~,.. April 12, 1997 RE: 98-5300 Abandonment of Right- of- Way Hi Mike, I am including these three copies , two of which are to be added to the application for abandonment and the third is for your files if needed. Thanks very much for your help. \_.\-.. ~NNING ~NO lONING tlEP1. April 1 , 1999 Mark C. Daly 915 Southeast 3rd Street Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 RE: Abandonment of Right-of- Way; #98-5300 Dear Mr. Rumpf, Pursuant to our conversation at the meeting this morning and in further support of the abandonment of the subject right-of-way, please add the following reasons to my application. The dedication of this right-of-way in 1925 by Arthur D. Crane, the developer, was to provide public access ifnecessary. In the past and present, the City has demonstrated no need to access this undeveloped alley for any public purpose and, presumably, there will be no such public need arising in the future. This access has proven to be unnecessary and is causing an unwarranted limitation on the use of my property. Eliminating this unnecessary right-of-way will provide for the better utilization of the property and increase its developmental potential. Additionally, this abandonment will not adversely impact the abutting properties nor the City. By granting this abandonment, the City does not afford me any privilege not available to other property owners and, at the same time, satisfies the intent of the dedication made by the original developer. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. c. Mark C. Daly, Resident/Owner