CORRESPONDENCE ~r<:::-. P<::i,'" f' 'C 'It..L/ C,..r ""- ~~. P /' ~"' 1"\- ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Ap~? Division of Engineering BuknJ 1. IWwlizk, NCARS Dir<<:tor of DntllopmenJ rffi' -,., -;::--'-:;-~I. -n~~- ~ !? if~; !? L \"'} l~ I W r~'~~T -"2--"1: I ~ I L----...-..-~__1 :~ PL .,'<; JG AND t ZO;'1:N(~ DEPT. Bulldln6 Pftuuri1Ig .. Zolling Engln..,;"g ~1flIl I.Jc.IUU Co_rurJq R....lopm.nt Schnars Engineering Corporation 951 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite 108 Boca Raton, FI 33487 Attention Jeffrey T.Schnars, P.E. Re: Summers Mill PUD. Balance of Plat Fee ($1,000) and Recreation & Park Impact Fee ($94,230) Dear Jeff: We are in receipt of the two checks for the subject tees specified in items I and 2 of your September 30, 1998 correspondence, The next time you are at the City complex, we can check with the Planning Division to see if there is any record of what the $1,000 fee represented. My feeling is that it was for the master plan application because we have no "plat pre-application" meeting per se Any adjustment to the recreation and park impact fee would depend on the proposed facilities and a review by the Parks Department We look forward to the development of your new project. Sincerely, ( ;) ) ,,)/ / / - ,~Z;l~ //c2Lt . Ken Hall Engineering Plan Check Inspector K H/ ck Xc: Mike Rumpf John Wildner Ray Davidson (".\Iy f)o~lIrn~nls'Surnrn~rs \Iill- Pial and R~~, & Par" F~~ r.dkLdo~ America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynlon Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6280 Fa.1:: (561) 375-6357 SCHNAR, ENGINEERING CORPORATION Jeffrey T. Schnars, P.E. President James W. Mahannah. P.E. Vice President ~.. -- [f a W.1 fr 1 1998 September 30, 1998 ,h~~l r::> r;;) j ...! i;:J I'; i.',~ . -.(; . .~! ,~ :!!' t ," J ; .JW j I I Mr. Ken Hall City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 VIA: Airborne Express . "- .-'" - ".-..."", -~w. :t.,,~ -.;.,niidtJ ~.~. RE: Summers Mill, a PUD Schnars EnqineerinCl Corooration Prooosal No. 97137 Ken: Please find enclosed the following checks: 1. $1,000.00 - remainder of plat review fee. We submit this check in protest since we were informed in a plat preapplication meeting with that only an additional $ 2000 was due for the plat application. The reasoning was that the Master Plan / Site Plan process was also a preliminary plat process and therefore the $1,000 Master Plan application fee was also credited toward the final plat application fee. The City people present at that meeting were John Yeend and Tambri Hayden, neither of which are employed by the City at this time. 2. $94,230.00 - Recreation and Park Impact Fee. We respectfully request the right to obtain a partial refund if private recreation facilities are provided. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, SCHNARS ENGINEERING CORP. copy: Greg Jordan, Continental Homes of Florida, Inc. 951 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite 108 . Boca Raton, FL 334B7 . Tel: (561) 241-6455 . Fax: (561) 241-5182 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Engineering BuknlI. KJuIllrl4k. NCARB DiT<<lDr o/IHHloplllat rDJ ~@~DW~fn) lJ1] JQ I 41998 I~ Bui/dlng Plmrning & Zoning EngilNering OccupalloMl Llce1UG Co_u,*, Rdnelopllle", July 14, 1998 PLANN!NG AND ZONING DEPT. Mr. Jeffrey T. Schnars, P.E. Schnars Engineering COl"poration 951 Broken Sound Parkway Suite 108 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Re: Summers Mill Preliminary Review of Plat and Construction Drawings Dear Mr. Schnars: Attached are the plat and construction plan comments on the subject development by department. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the department making the comment through the Permit Application Group (Bob Donovan at 561/375-6350). Please note that our Department is currently "fast tracking" your project. The "Master Plan" approval and Comprehensive Plan Amendment process is now in its final stage at the Florida Department of Community Affairs, at the same time the final plat approval process is underway. This Department cannot place the final plat for approval on the Commission agenda until the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, This might generate additional comments which must be complied with first. I look torward to completing the process as soon as possible. Very truly yours, ;/k~tF1Jr:;w:kt'L Bulent I. Kastarlak Director of DevelopIT"ent BIK/ck Attachments Xc: Mike Rumpf: Acting Planning & Zoning Administrator C \'~' I>",:um.:nls SUll1m.:rs :>'1i:11..:I\.:r.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boyatoa Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Pbone: (561) 375-6280 Fa.'t: (561) 375-6357 June 30, 1998 Summers Mill PUD Plat Comments Planning & Zoning Division I. Entrance to project represents a change from that configuration shown on proposed master plan. Revise plat to conform to master plan layout or revise master plan, prior to plat approval, to conform to proposed plat. 2. Proposed plat snows right-of-way to be 40' wide, which is consistent with the proposed master plan. Deviation from the minimum required, 50 foot right-of-way, must be approved by receiving relief through the variance process. Prior to final plat approval, a variance must be granted for same, or all plans modified to show compliance with respective code requirements. 3. Provide a copy of the unified control document as approved by the City Attorney. 4. Submit a copy of the purchase contract for use in determining land value and recreation impact fee. Utility Department I. After reviewing the engineering drawings submitted for the Health Department permit, we will be requesting an alternate water main routing that will require additional easements on the plat. As the plat cannot be approved until Health Department permits are issued, this should not delay the project any further. Fire Department 1. The Fire Rescue Department requires two (2) means of emergency vehicle access, paved with asphalt or concrete. In addition, a 45' turning radius is required throughout the project. Police Department t . Please provide a traffic study. 2. Emergency access must be paved and detail of gate and access method must be shown. 3. Screen emergency access from proposed houses. Building Division I. To verify that the proposed finish tloor elevations meet the minimum standards. submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 2. To ensure that the configuration. specifications and properties depicted on the plat drawings coincide with the project as depicted on the approved master plan. submit a copy of the rectified master plan that was approved by the City Commission. Public Works Department No Comments Engineering Division l. Change the General Legal Description from "Northwest W' to "Northeast '4". 2. In the metes and bounds description, change the last dimension to the point of beginning from" 1629.32" feet to "1,629.33" feet. 3. In dedication #1, correct the spelling of "Perpetuity" and "Construcion". 4. In dedication #2, change the period after the word "Assigns" to a comma and change the capital W of "Without" to a small w for grammatical purposes. 5. For all other dedications, where applicable, correct the spelling of the words "Perpteuity" and "Perprtual". 6. In dedication #3, delete the words "The Landscape ButTer" and replace with "Tract C, the Landscape ButTers". 7. For all dedications of tracts, easements, etc., where appropriate, identify the tract by its alphabetical letter the same as in note 6 above: i.e.: For dedication #6, specify Tracts B,D,E,F & J, the open space... 8. Regarding dedication #4, begin the sentence, -Tract "A", the "Ingress, Egress, Utility and Drainage Easement" as shown hereon~.. On Sheet 2 replace the words "(Private Road)" after "Tract A" with "Ingress, Egress, Utility and Drainage Easement", where applicable. 9. In dedication #6, correct the spelling of "Lanscaping". I O. In dedication #7, add the words "The 24' Utility and" at the beginning and correct the spelling of the words, "Maintence" and "Easment". II. Under the Surveyor's Certification, specify that the survey mathematically closes within .01 ofa foot. Also add a "t" to the "0" after the word "accurate". [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section I.D.7.c]. 12. Delete Surveyor's Notes 9 & lOon both sheets because the tracts are included in the dedication. 13. Regarding the Title Certification: Replace the wording. '.' "that the current taxes have been paid" with, that all taxes have been paid on said lands as required by Section 197. 192, Florida Statutes, as amended. Also, if there are no mortgages of record, certify that there are none, or place such information on the plat document acknowledging and approving recordatio"n of the plat. [LOR Chapter 5, Article V, Section 1.0.6.f] 14. Change "City Council" to "City Commission". 15. Under "Surveyor's Notes on both sheets, revise note 5 to read: No Buildings or Structures shall be placed within easements. [LOR Chapter 5, Article V, Section 1.0.10.] 16. On sheet 2 delete the words Tract "L" and identify it as a drainage easement and remove Surveyor's Note lIon both sheets. 17. On sheet 2, show the 12' drainage easement running south from the control structure. 18. An approved master plan must be obtained prior to final plat submission. , , Summers Mill PUD Construction Drawings Comments Engineering Division I. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, OERM, L WOO, OEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 2. Provide Engineer's certification that the drainage plan will conform with all rules, regulations, codes, etc. but not limited to, Chapter 6, Section 5 of these Land Development Regulations. 3. On the "Typical Stop Sign" detail, show a minimum 2' x 6" cement collar to anchor the post. [Standard Drawing B-900 12] 4. Provide SFWMD permit and LWDO permit. [LOR chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.8.] 5. Provide Palm Beach County permit for connection to Miner Road prior to final plat approval. [LOR Chapter 23, Article II.H.6.] 6. Provide reflectorized pavement markers (RPM'S) on curbs at two median islands at entrance. Also, -provide two R4-7 signs at approach ends of islands per MUTCO. 7. Change the name Foster Farm PUD on construction plans to match Summers Mill, a P.U.O. on plat drawings. Declaration of Covenants City Attorney 1. Article V, Section I (b). This section should be revised to add a sentence stating that any "dedication or transfer of common area to a public agency, authority, or utility or local government shall be formally accepted by the governing body of the public agency, authority, or utility, or local government. A public agency, authority, or utility or local government is under no obligation or duty to accept a dedication or transfer of Common area. 2. Article Ill, Section 7. This sentence should be added to reflect that "under no circumstances shall a public agency, authority, or utility, or local government be required to accept the responsibility for maintenance, management, control, or repair of the Common Area and entrance feature." 3. Article XIII, Section 4. A sentence should be added to assure that the maintenance responsibilities would remain with the association or its successor. Therefore, a sentence assuring that no amendment shall, directly or indirectly, impose maintenance responsibilities for the Common Areas to the City of Boynton Beach. Any such amendment is null and void. Planning I. Within the Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions, Conditions and Easements of Summers Mill, page 2, section 3., supplement reference to the respective Exhibit" A-I" with a general list of all such areas defined as common areas (e.g. tract numbers). KRH/ck C:':\ly J)n':\Iin~'t1ts'Su",,,,crs :\1;11 ell",,,,.:nl I.dt.:r.dn.: J - DEPARTMENT OF. EVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBDIVISION PLATS APRIL 1996 I, APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. The following submissions are the minimum requirement for entering the optional preliminary pll review process: 1. Eight copies of the statement previously submitted with the master plan. 2. . Eight copies of the master plan. 3. Pre-application plat review fee ($1,000). 4. Eight cop~e~ of the ~liminary plat. ~ ,': ': ~ -'.. , r. ' - ~ . B. The following additi<?nal submissions are mandatory prior to administrative review of final plats: . .. _.,) I. C. , "l.. '., . 1. . A rectified Inaster plan consistent with the master plan development order. 2. Balance of plat review fee ($3,000). . 3. Cost estimate signed and, sealed by design. professional. 4. Mylar original and eight'sets cjf completed fmal plat. 5. Eight sets of completed construction docUinents for required improvements. 6. Sealed certification by design professional that the plat and all required improvemen' . f!: do~umentS' Were 'produced under his(her) reSponsible direction and they are in conformanc~ -+~., _'-' ~ t ~ with all18Ws, regulations~ codes, etc.. ; t"i..Gt'~/1") ,'-~ ,"u.,. .,~.; i. ::;~J' )'';'",,j.;'' ,.. . .l~ J , ' . ~'1;"t' ~ , ,)l~t-; )- ..~, '!{ '., ,..'1"f"t'~- ~)......; ... t' . - The following supplemental submissions are mandatory prior to placement on a City COmmisSiOI agenda for consideration of final plats: ? ,J,j \ll~' ~ J .~;e !/!.~.~ ~.j,C":, i - .:- , .> 1. Administrative fee (1,6% of estimated cost of required improvements). ~.. ~'.' . -"'''''''1f'''' ...~: - '~'.oi!"~":'o'r.., ~ '.r ' ". . 2, ..' . Recreation 8nd,pitk ree or land dedication approved by Recreation and Park Department. ...., 1l!- l"'t"'" '.,jO 1, ,'" ~ . 3. , Surety (110% of Cstin1ated cost of required improvements, approved by City Attorney' anc . 'W. Filuince oepartlnent);".'; . . ,. , ~ . " . 4.. .':'Checkfor:reto#fuigp~ payable to CoUnty Clerk. . 5. ." PahD B~lrcolmty Health Department written approval. r t. -~ f' . f ..". ..)1'; : 6. .. South FlondaWater Mariagement District written approval. 7. . Lake Worth Drainage District written approval, if applicable. ~- ~ r ~ . j 'f: l'r' _... ~ .'''1'''', 8. '. P,O.A. documents, By-laWs, Articles of Incorporation, etc., approved by City Attorney anc ~ i"'~~' " _ "'l',*,'; ~.t fit ~'''" ., "'. Planning and ZOning Department. ' ,"1 I' ,",." C';!.' '.' '.'t~:"A'<'.,. 't~. ~ ' ~ 9. . . DeedS; easements, etc., ifapplicable, approved by City Attorney. , .:4i',;i~,.':'.'. ':,~-;;.... ;C(~", '. :'i ~;l.,; -~:lLf' i-';' of Ie-., .,' I' ..f. *~ I . CONDmONS OF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL '" . .~Y!.;;.,nC... .., '. .m: ), 1 D. A. Director of Development will circulate plat and construction documents to Technical Revie~ Committee members and legal documents to the City Attorney as follows: ) A-6