CORRESPONDENCE SENT BY: Iv '16--9.5 ~0737S6011:# 1/ 3 13:20 :JOSIAS & GORE~. P.A. ~ JOSIAS & GO~EN, P.A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 (305) 771.-4500 Facsimile No. (305) 771-4923 DATE: OctobQr 16, 1995 00 rm,,@ m :IO~C m1m.r .1 I .' .,;'1'"'".. ""'......v ,~ .' " ~~ .~,," . I 1_-;7~;:--~~~ , f -,L,~~,t:" !:l: .1..~ ~ fl't D ~ -'""''"',''''' ~.:;~:"~::.~,,~:j_, ;:.~~J:'.~....,,___,...,~, ~ RECIPIENTS FAX NO. 1-407-375-6011 TO: Tambri Heyden FROM: James A. Cherof, Esquire This transmission contains cover. two (2) page(s) including this FILE NO: 900182 FILE REFERENCE: Boynton Beach/General Matters COMMENTS: Attached is a copy of correspondence to ~. Richard Harris ddt&d October 16, 1995. The information ecntClined in tnis fOCllllil~ message and the po;ts following lire ettorncy privi lOllod and ccnfidentlal infonaation inttneOld only for the uso of tho indi~idual or Qntity nanod .bov~. :f th. ~tadtr of this mes,.ge is not the intended rec;fpient. you '~t h~r.cy I'lOt!fi~ that any disullIinatlon, dflltributiC\r1 or copy of this conmunicatic" is strictly prohibited, If y= ha",e rK"ei...ed this cClmIUnication in error, pl.... inmedilltely notify US by telephone and return the original IIIHSlIge to lJS It the above address viII the u.s. Postal Service. Thalli( YO\!. If any problems occur in receiving this message, please call this office at (305) 771-4500. Thank you. SE\IT BY: 11' ')-95 13:22 :JOSIAS & GOR~. P.A JOSIAS & GOREN~ P.A. ATTO"-NE;'fS /l1ooT LAW SUITC 0:00 J09'01 EAST <:OM"'[ItCI""L BOULE"''''''O FORT t"U!>ERD^Ln. FLORi!).... 3;);Wa 9TfllEN L. JOSI"'. S....MVU $. GO"t"l J"'NES A, C:HtRO" I;lON....LO .J. OOOOT "CR'''' L. EZAOL. TELCI'HONE (x)!l' 1'71 4500 .....L.. eC...CM 1407' 276 .g400 .....c:5....ILI: \;jO~1 771 .4923 4073756011:# 31 3 ~,t k (J\ ti>e<5 f- (t'-1~r~- AlSl-r/\/ TAMIU: "'. TItEH'f L,CON......C G. RUBIN eMAIlILE$E.c;.....TWIt.::lHT KN.J....MIN L. A.III:NI Transmission via Facsimile only october 16, 1995 J. Richard Harris, Esquire Scott, Royce, et al. 4400 PGA Boulevard suite 800 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Re: Lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc. Abandonment Petition Dear Mr. Harris: I am in receipt of a copy of your letter of september 22, 1995, to Tambri Heyden regarding the issue of roadway dedication in the Cedar Ridge P.U.D. and the High Ridge Commerce Park P.I.D. unfortunately, your letter does not rise'to the level of the type of opinion of title that I informed the Commission they must have before proceeding with an abandonment. I find your conclusion that the "dedication for public use has been accepted" to be particularly without roundation. perhaps we can discuss this matter further to explore other poss' . lities of obtaining the results you des i.re. Please fee fre to ontact me. J JAC/.Lms 900182 LETTERS HARRIS.LTR cc: Tambri Heyden I' (", G," :'"1'" \.'1 P,r; r~\ '~ I' i '(.f I r; i\ i , "-~'l ~ ill , . ,,; I SFP 2 6 fenr; , - .J ~ I .} i< DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-370 ".~.~-, TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director w~m ~ukill, P.E. rjV~nglneer September 26, 1995 FROM: DATE: RE: FOREST COURT OWNERSHIP I have reviewed the Harris letter dated September 22, 1995. His opinion regarding ownership of Forest Court is a legal matter, not an engineering matter. Mr. Harris outlines two ways roadway dedication can occur, but does not cite governing statute. If he is correct, we probably should require complete removal of gates as they have no permit to my knowledge. From a practical standpoint, the "fingers" of Forest Court extending north should logically be privately owned, and the main portion of the road should be public, without gates, with free access to all. Since the plat is unclear, ownership is unclear. I believe quit claim deeds for all of the "fingers" might demonstrate our position more clearly than abandonment, but if abandonment is pursued it should cover all of the "fingers", not just the easternmost one. WVH:ck xc: James Cherof, City Attorney Ken Hall, Engineering Aide C:FORF};TCT.OWN ~ - 1--;;;~[tit'~~oWgil~'~ '- SCOTT ROYCE @ ~~:: ~S~ 00: ATTORNEYS AT LAW SCOTT, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P,A. VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS City of Boynton Beach c/o Tambrey Hayden Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second Floor, West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc. Abandonment Petition .. Dear Ms. Hayden: As requested by the City Council at its meeting of September 19, 1995, please accept this letter as my opinion given to the City of Boynton Beach concerning the status of Forest Court, dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.D.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.LD., Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. As you know, on behalf of Lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc., I have requested an abandonment of Forest Court as established by such Plat. The portion of Forest Court which is to be abandoned is a part of a roadway tract shown on the Plat and designated as Tract S-4. According to the dedication on the Plat, the roadway tracts, including Tract S-4, are dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes. The language on the Plat also indicates that the roads are to be the perpetual maintenance obligation of the City. ~~ 'f~ -~ ?~ 'f~ It is my understanding that the City takes the position that it has never accepted these roads for maintenance purposes. Further, it is my understanding that the City has never formally accepted the dedication. However, it is my opinion that under Florida law, there is a great difference between accepting roadways for maintenance and accepting a dedication for roadway purposes. The dedication for roadway purposes can be accepted in two (2) ways: RICHARD K. BARRA' JOHN L BRYAN. JR. . BARRY B. BYRD' MARK P. GAGNON J. RICHARD HARRIS' JOHN M. JORGENSEN' DONNA A. NADEAU RAYMO~D W. ROYCE' ROBERT C. SCOTT 11925-J9821 4400 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 800 . PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 33410 (407) 624-3900 . FAX (407) 624-3533 City of Boynton Beach - 2 - September 22, 1995 (1) By formal action of the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach; or (2) By improvement and use of the public. a:: The roadways dedicated by the Plat were certainly improved. Further, it was not until my clients purchased the property that the roads were gated and public access to the roads denied. As a long-time resident of the area, I am very familiar with the fact that these roads have been used by the public since their completion. Therefore, it is my opinion that the roads have been properly dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes and that, ~en thouRb the City of Boynton Beach ha~ fa ken no formal action to accept the dedication for roadway purposes, the dedication for public use has been ,-./ ~ q<. Therefore, I am of the opinion that the public does have an interest in these , ,'~~ roadways that can and should be abandoued by the City of Boynton Beach. J. ,}' jlY"_ Should you require anjtbing further, please do not hesitate to contact me. p~ v6;' ~ ?Z y/~, ~J-I\ f ~/ rl't~ ~P/J:~ ~.r( p; ~f~~ ~r~ ~ ~ . (Y/(I JRHIkmb Jim Vaudc:nvoudc -, Ii: .-.......:-...._- ~ I) DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-370 _...~~~-'-~_. --------- .--,~,-.- 4 .J-:"" L. ..,.~....__'_h,~---' _ - _.'-"~'" ~.-.,..._ TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director w~m ~ukill, P.E. (f4~ng1.neer September 26, 1995 FROM: DATE: RE: FOREST COURT ONNERSHIP I have reviewed the Harris letter dated September 22, 1995. His opinion regarding ownership of Forest Court is a legal matter, not an engineering matter. Mr. Harris outlines two ways roadway dedication can occur, but does not cite governing statute. If he'. is correct, we probably should require complete remov~l of gates ?s . they have no permit to my knowledge. C:FORESTCT.OWN From a practical s~andpoint, the "fingers" of Forest Court extending north shou~d logically be privately owned, and the main portion of the road should be public, without gates, with free access to all. Since the plat is unclear, ownership is unclear. I believe quit claim deeds for all of the "fingers" might demonstrate our position more clearly than abandonment, but if abandonment is pursued it should cover all of the "fingers", not just the easternmost one. , ~ ~ ~~~fi-f-) . ;>f. ry / J ~ . 'Ij xc: James Cherof, C1.ty Attorney Jfv r II (?c.~L.f C(,t"" Ken Hall, Engineering Aide LI~ ~ ~ a:~ ~ O~/ ~ ~. p" J( "? i l t,-'-J-'( . , ~ ' ~L "' r~'/ ~u1/, ,;. . }:P~:J- 41;~ 1ll ~y(? 10 . r~ . . fJ-r'vlU)L,L" Ji.' ,- +. l~) , /" , I U .. -f], L ' /1 - I I j ,'. ' ./'<. C " LL.'\- ~ ,,,~ \...CL.-. L ! /J II . .///' /,/ WVH:ck ~ leBa ONINOZ ON~ 9NINNVld m ~j66H; ~ d3S ~ill~ID@ID m, ""',';' : ~ P.A. SCOTT ROYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Scorr, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, September 22, 1995 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS City of Boynton Beach c/o Tambrey Hayden Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second Floor, West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc. Abandonment Petition Dear Ms. Hayden: As requested by the City Council at its meeting of September 19, 1995, please accept this letter as my opinion given to the City of Boynton Beach concerning the status of Forest Court, dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.D.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. As you know, on behalf of Lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc., I have requested an abandonment of Forest Court as established by such Plat. The portion of Forest Court which is to be abandoned is a part of a roadway tract shown on the Plat and designated as Tract S-4. According to the dedication on the Plat, the roadway tracts, including Tract S-4, are dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes. The language on the Plat also indicates that the roads are to be the perpetual maintenance obligation of the City. It is my understanding that the City takes the position that it has never accepted these roads for maintenance purposes. Further, it is my understanding that the City has never formally accepted the dedication. However, it is my opinion that under Florida law, there is a great difference between accepting roadways for maintenance and accepting a dedication for roadway purposes. The dedication for roadway purposes can be accepted in two (2) ways: RICHARD K BARRA' JOHN L BRYAN, JR. . BARRY B. BYRD' MARK P. GAGNON J, RICHARD HARRIS' JOHN M. JORGENSEN . DO~NA A, NADEAU RAYMO~D W, ROYCE' ROBERT C. SCOTT (1925-1982) 4400 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 800 . PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 33410 (407) 624-3900 . FAX (407) 624-3533 CITY ATTORNEY PAGE 01 P".l ~." .:) PICZS tHLD, P .A. Conqre.. 8u.1n... Center lalO Nor~h ConQr... Avenue, Sui~. 104 w..t Palm a..ch, 'lorid. 33.0~ T.lephone: CS61) e.'-28'. ~.o.lail.: (511) "4-'370 fY /IIJ'llr1D'llllWN - " ...... I 'ROM: D~. P'lI "O~A"A 1IUItmT1I~ LOcAl,: J( LONG DIS'1'A1fCa I CHARGE '1'0: ~, NIlS" CQKNIN'l'S t NO. or PAGlal .:2 ,.-: 1997 13 43 55137550~ .12/15/ _......) '~I .,';l~ uc..1'Il~4.:l l(l)t.I'LL~, F'.~.) C ITV A HORNEY PAGE 02 P.2 nPD LAWa=F.OI. Vennls 1'. I\()ehler. COnI,. .'... c..., , no Nofth eo..,.. A..... .. , 04 W.. ".Im ... ""... ... T__OM~ (IIi) ....1144 1>.4. ICIlItOIAIfDUM - ~~ 18, 1..1 ~ (NU '"""70 Ha. e LallaMa, lAval A..l.t.n~ If aDeM CITY A'1"J'ORNZY n~P%C~ _ o.nnla P. Koeblel", !8qulr~ w.JlQ7r ".olu~10ft No. .'7"'203 (ANnelo...nt of '0 t~ ~1p~-of-"'J vi~l., lit. RIDeI OOMMDCI ,An PID an4 ceu aXI)G. POO IUbcIlvia10n) - ..cru.at to cM'r.",~ leval c1e.G~1p~ion ~,. 1..t Friday .tternoon Co.CM.beZO 11), aft.er revS_i.", tb4t packe._ of Publio he.ri", _at.rial. (ln~1u41ft9 tba r.r.ceftO~ .~n4on.eftt ".o~~tlon No. R9'.a03) that v.. earl1~ 'AXed to .. ~ 10\11' Ioynton ".Ob City l~~t'n.y'. Off1oe, .Y Glien~ NI'. .1o..p 'I. '..ile, Jr. noted an .pDaP."~ .rrQl in the 1.,.1 d..cr1ption for th. zooadway ~r.~ (For..t Court) propo.~ tor aAnComa.ft'. TOI noJIJ A~ la3' p... 1..t prida,. e".n1n9(l), you 1'0.<< a copy of the orl,iMl pW,l.{o h.uoilUJ not1c.. on thl. .... utter C 1..".<< in AUfU.t 1"5) to... It lncluded the leqel 4eacr1,tion for th. abandon8eftt tract in qu..t1on, You polnteo O\lt that. the 1.t7 PUbl.1o h..Z'in, not1CJe Clon~1J\a ~IM .alfte le,a 1 d..or ip~lon .. the oa. prepared 1ft AUtfUat 1"1, th.ft .,t.d if I .,.d Irlyth1." to .hOW tia. 811..-, enor. '!'hi. .0I:n11\9, I rev1ewe4 Pa,. " of the or191nal, 19'3 l"eoordH plat tor ~h. C..ar a14ge 'CD. Itappeara th.t the o~1,1n.l BXhib1t. "A- pr.p~ed to IUpport the 1'" abandon..ftt r"olution va. in f.at iftll!!ft~.a~. It l'.t.r~.tS to the lIal'~ 15 t..t of Lot ~S, rathc ~an ~. CoZ'l'~, ~ 1G t..t ot that .am. ~t. 'YI, % ettach a .ke~Gb that I ,r'''1'.4 till. .oJ:n1nl, 'aken tZOO1ft pave " ot the 1'13 plat. %1: ItlOW. (1) the boundar.t.. of the So 37 acr. tra~ ~.t 1, .w.~'Clt to the t.vo City C~l..ion O~d1n.noe. (NO.. '7-'4 and ".'8) ~.~ are propo..d tor rl~._ r..41nv by ~ne City Commi..ion toao~~ow ~."1D1 (Dec~~ 1'), .. vell a. . _bgwH 4rawn around ~h. IAal 75 t..~ of LOt 'I. I r..peottully aU99,at that Exhibit itA" to ...olut-1on Jr.. ."-203 be lIoclitt..<< .00_41"911' to correct tb1. UTor. By oopy of tbl. ..JltCra"dulI, I'. adV1atn9 eoNDOJIt IJfVI''l'IIIMT1 O. THE p~ .~CRI', INC. attorney ~ic~ Herr1., .aq. and ~. ...11. or ~h1. ~..~ to aeke . ainor correctien 1n th. ebaadonaent I"e.ol\l~i.ol\'. 1...1 cs..orlption. Hopetully, the .ehe4uled publio h..rin.. on th.., ..tter. will proc..4 withoUt. furtft~ 4.1ay. OPX/ft. enol. pen .101e Rarrl., "quire Mr. Joeaph ,.. ".11e, Jr. p.~ CliY An9R~S" . 'II _ I'll II I --~, . 4 12115/1 g97 13: 43 ,,?};1J!tJ:'i."- ~- ~.~.' ,_ WI" TKj(Cnl "" Co · ) ,-, DIN', pLAT 1001C as, P.Ga IT' .~EACH CO~TY t 'LO"ID~ ....~~, '11.,"" " ~ 6.11- .,.,. ~ ...... ... --- , , ....'\ \ .' c' . ,. 0 , ."ifII C } 0 -' , 1 .J - , c .. , \. ". . \:; al ! ,.... ..' , . . - ., e 0 . c 0 . c W en ~ #1 ~I " ,.. ,'0 ~ l""I\ - II 'i ~ " ~ ~"".. . '" .~.. 0( - tl .... -c; ... . . . ': \ .. ... ~ '. ~ .... - -' .. - ,). . ;"': ~.~ ..' .; , , ;' :.' ;. . ".\J :', .. .~ .' .' ,.,..,...-' -..;..-.... -., - . ~ ,,,lit LIIU , ~.u.," '. .~ -.---" .. . -------- City of Boynton Beach - 2 - September 22, 1995 (1) By formal action of the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach; or (2) By improvement and use of the public. The roadways dedicated by the Plat were certainly improved. Further, it was not until my clients purchased the property that the roads were gated and public access to the roads denied. As a long-time resident of the area, I am very familiar with the fact that these roads have been used by the public since their completion. Therefore, it is my opinion that the roads have been properly dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes and that, even though the City of Boynton Beach has taken no formal action to accept the dedication for roadway purposes, the dedication for public use has been accepted. Therefore, I am of the opinion that the public does have an interest in these roadways that can and should be abandoned by the City of Boynton Beach. Should you require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. JRH/kmb cc: Jim VandeIwoude rnm@uw~ MEMORANDUM .. TO: BULENT KASTARLAK, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT FROM: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK DATE: JANUARY 6,1998 RE: RESOLUTION #R97-203, Exhibit "A" and Disclaimer Attached please find copies of the above mentioned resolution and attachments which were recorded in Palm Beach County on December 23, 1997. C: Engineering Planning Files mas j: \shrdata\cc\wp\memos\kastarlak.doc PLANNING AND (INING DEPT. rl~l'l ; i Ii jI l:) lJ1ie City Of 'Boynton ~eacfi . ~. . .. 100 'E.# 'lJeadi 'lJoukvad Q''' . p.o. 'BQ)(310 , '..-...~ .. \ 'Boynton. 'Be.adi, ~foriIfa 33425-0310 ~. _ City 1faIl: (561) 375-6000 \~ ~JU: (561) 375-6090 Dec-23-1997 09:56a. 97-457827 ORB 10149 Pg 1174- IO~""~~M"M~~~~~M"Q"MIDI. CERTIFICATION I, SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CMC/AAE, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Resolution #R97-203 consisting of two (2) pages and attached Exhibit "A" consisting of one (1) page is a true and correct copy as it appears in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Also attached is the original disclaimer consisting of two (2) pages and Exhibit "A" consisting of one page. This resolution and disclaimer were approved by the City Commission on December 16, 1997. WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 18th day of December, 1997. ~\\\\'\\I11 ""'i)/, ~~'\ o'fNTOJ\l:f/~~ ~ ~ ......... IJ ~ t ~ ...-O~eJOA.4,.~ ~ \ -:Q "0 () ~ == >- ;~ ... :: -f-. ...- \: \(~ J ~ ....~~.-:":-"~~ ~ . ~~ \\St.~~cc\wp\general info\c e r t i fie at i 0 n.doc '/1111111111 n \\\ \\\\\'\ ~~<k-~~- SUZ NNE M..KRUSE, CMC/AAE City Clerk December 18, 1997 .:;t~riul's (jattway to tfu (julfstrtam ;~2c;i~;'~",:";O-j ~~ !...~ .. .....' ".;. i=! .~ ~JJ ,.1998 L! \ : - ~I \?\ c~.:.:;-;~y'Vro;v i~~i .~~~, '. ,(.,',7 .fj/ , '~-;.-;---:-~.~ /" .,~/ ! ! ORB 1.014'9 Pg 1175 l'i RESOLUTION NO. R97-t:fft1g A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING A SIXTY (60) FOOT WIDE RIGHT- OF-WAY, (LOCATED WITHIN THE HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID AND CEDAR RIDGE PUD SUBDIVISION); SAID PROPERTY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , , ; i I , , WHEREAS, the applicant, J. RICHARD HARRIS, ESQ., agent for CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., has requested abandonment of a Sixty (60') foot wide right-of-way, located within the High Ridge Commerce Park PID and Cedar Ridge PUD subdivision; WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission on the proposed" abandonment; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said right-of-way no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City C'Jmmission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission does hereby abandon a sixty (60') foot wide ORB 10149 Pg 1176 right-ot-way, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A". I ! I! directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to II 'II ! be filed in the Public Records ot Palm Beach County, Florida. Section.2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /~ day of December, 1997. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~~<;:/ . Mayor .~~'~ Vic ayor . - Commissioner Commissioner ~-\-._- ,h//- ~ s:ca\wp\Reso\Forest Court Aband. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ . " '''''1111/ ~ - ~~.;?JI' _/ ~oYNro I'/~ Ci ty g.te.*.k ~..-i:o..... ~ ~ ~ U"""&-p\\polij~ ~ ~ :#.),.. .y ~.. ~ ~ ~ -- l' C" ~ = . '.:- ,- ,\" 'f 11111111 \\\\\\\\\ --_._._------_.__.~_.__.- tr~/~ ORB 10149 Pg 1177 EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Forest Court established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the East 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. Rtf'7cPc ORB 10149 Pg 1178 DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton I I Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a certain right-of-way, more particularly described herein as Exhibit "A". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the City this /$ day of December, 1997. ATTEST: ~~~<2~ Su nne Kruse, City Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON Bj;ACH, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared JERRY TAYLOR and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. ORB 10149 Pg 1179 WITNESS my hand and official seal in the said State and County this I ~ ~ day of D'ecember, 1997. ~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida My Commission Expires: I I ,J) _ / 'llmllllllllllllmmNIINmmIIlINNlllm~ · ) .' ~ lOOt/SO/tO 'dx:l UO!I~:>'<., ~.~" :: ) 9t?Lt9:D 'oN UO!~ (,V,:. \. : ~ 1lp!JOliJo ~S 'O!lql1d. AatON 9s'tt.../: . ) quaqna ~^a ......_....~ .' ) .' ~ ~'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>\'>'>'>'>'>\'>'>'>'>'>\'>\...'>...........................'>\.........\...'>...... . ":. ORB 10149 Pg 1180 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL EXHIBIT '"A" That portion of Forest Court established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.O. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.O., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the East 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat.