CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning June 14, 1999 Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment Ed Ellman Contractors Management Services, Inc. 2983 N. Powerline Road Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Re: File No-: Location: Englewood Medical Building NWSP 98-001 906 S. Federal Highway Dear Mr. Ellman, We have reviewed your request for a Minor Site Plan Modification for the Englewood Medical Building. It has been tentatively determined that the changes to the previously approved site plan meet the Boynton Beach Code (Chapter 4, Section 9) criteria for minor modification and therefore will be processed through the permit process. We are still concerned about the proposed significant changes to the architectural details of the building. The code does not allow for a Minor Modification determination if the modification alters the effect of the elevation design of the structure or reduces the overall design below the standards stated in the community design plan. The exterior modifications should be minimized so as to retain more of the original design features. If you think that your design has accomplished this objective, please supply staff with color renderings of the building to verify that the architectural character has been maintained. With respect to other proposed changes, issues to be addressed during the permit review include the new dumpster location and parking plan. The Building Division has also reviewed the status of your permit application (# 983883). It has been determined that you need to apply for a three month extension of retroactivation of the application. starting 5/5/99. Please submit an extension letter, providing staff with appropriate explanation of the delay. Please contact the office at 561-742-6260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, . 1"'''-' ,''/&_'-'C Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director J :\SHRDA T A \Planning\S HARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Englewood Med\EnglewoodMinorModification.doc America's Gateway to tile Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bulent I. Kostarlak, NCARB Director Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment April 13, 1998 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Englewood Medical Building 906 S. Federal Highway File #NWSP 98-001 Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic statement on the Englewood Medical Building site dated November, 1997, prepared by Jonathan T. Ricketts, Inc. was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address. Sinc~ ~ -.J:l,/}~tVk S) ~ Tambri J. Heyden, ~ Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme Cc: Central File S :\projects\Englewood\NWSP\traffic America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 ftbuf2 C~(, J ) gy( 0;0 J '. fAi' S?1~ ,. 3~~l CcJ oC ~/ffrLL BE J Jv''r~~Jl.&TLc.\) ftS fO tlov s: ! ~\l \+l-=kJ Affl J I~V G A- NI:f of- THt:::- fVV Tt5- LE7T(i{2....t; l ~ j b) (, ~ ) '12? P(?"Tt:?nf\/lj'\/t'- (S,,11L D\1\.h.J Sfl1)t\-C~c;. '-1 au M 0 ~ T Ul1cr-r..t' Tf+f-' rlosr 4tC;&,iLtClIV(5- fLG-G0GA-"J10lJ. If...) lj()\JfL, Ctt-COf' h, S&1-o "50 I APJr1-tE.v r 'IV \2.e.S\OG-jv"ilf-TL., C . Sr41 \ CfhJ i/2-E00tt-- (2f-~ Sff ~mt:- 8> J tf' , L...J\D IH- vf ^i:Y\Itc(f-N"T t;'il1-efr D~ ~' -;'s \(~lcf- 9J1) L-' I '{1t fr j'^ '-IV '.v- \J M C f \ 0 f ('->0"""> b, (S T\+e- 1'-'\6..{..€- a..t ~T(L\ C- 1\ \Jtr- OF TH-t \W~ So ,WIS 5t+M\..- Afr l" :- .~o (LftM'L ~ fr r3~ / Q u~ ~- _ / , 'LE AL~ c A-tL~c-\')lO I+A-vf- ?:>. f(tot--JI ~ \.0 :1 OV,(l- c~f: f.J j TH J r2Eflt'- 5Ef13,~ fL ( ie. f- 1,0 / F - 1.. () \ F _ 2-0 ' ~ -':so J ) ) - ';ItJ~ Sf-VA(t.lG WcJ01..--0 CitEf}n= ntE 5 (V\ LCST L/ A-i:>3flLtt\J'I 10 (LP;'IPf.vnttC CftfhJ0f3= 'WO'-.)L" SI'Tf3 fLft-1J. TZ' llte 1Jo(L1\t 3. Building and site regulations. 0 building or portion thereof shall be erected, constructed, converted, establ' hed, altered, enlarged or used unless the premises and buildings shall omply with the following regulations: ~re~ - \) 'Tf-ff? Minimum lot frontag Minimum lot area Maximum lot cover e (building) Minimum front yard Minimum side yard (interior lots) Minimum side yard (comer lots) Minimum rear yard Maximum structure height 75 feet 15,000 feet 40 percent \ ' 20 feet None (see Notes a and b) 15 feet street side ~Noteb) 20 et (see Notes and c) 45 feet, not to exceed 4 stories a. Where rear access is not available from a public street or alley, a side yard of not less than fifteen (15) feet shall be provided on one side. Adopted April 4, 1995, Ordinance 095-02 2 40 (includes all ord. thru 97-10. adOPted 4/15/97) - ~6 When abutting a residential zone, side and/or rear yards shall be thirty (30) feet minimum. Where rear yard access is available from a public street or alley, rear yard may be decreased by one-half the width of such street or alley, but in no case shall a rear yard be less than ten (10) feet. 4. Off-street parking As set forth in Section II.H hereinafter. 5. Repair and service of merchandise: The repair and service of merchandise for household customers shall be permitted as either an accessory or principal use, for any merchandise which is typically sold in the C-3 district, excluding rebuilding or refinishing of any type. 6. Exterior display and storage of merchandise. Exterior display of retail merchandise shall be permitted, provided that such merchandise is owned by the operator of the business occupying the building, and is the same type of merchandise that is typically sold within the building. Exterior storage of merchandise shall be for a length of time which, on a daily basis, shall not exceed eighteen (18) hours. Exterior storage or display of motor vehicles and boats, excluding wrecked motor vehicles, shall also be permitted to the extent that same is integral to the operation of a conforming use or a legal nonconforming use, and without limitation on length of time. Exterior display of merchandise shall be completely contained within property lines, and shall not completely block walkways or otherwise create a hazard to the public. Parking areas shall not be used for such displays except for a period or periods of time which shall not exceed seven (7) days within anyone (1) calendar year. Permission from the development director or his authorized representative shall be required for any use of parking areas for display of merchandise. The exterior display or storage of growing plants shall be permitted in connection with a lawful principal use, without limitation on length of time 7. Sidewalk sales. Sidewalk sales in rights-of-way shall require approval by the city manager or such person as may be designated by the city manager. 8. Sale of used merchandise: The sale of used merchandise shall be permitted as an accessory use to the sale of new merchandise, meaning that used ~ merchandise shall be of the same type as the new merchandise sold on the premises, and shall be permitted as an accessory use to a repair shop which is permitted in the district, provided that in all cases, the floor area occupied by used merchandise shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area. Adopted April 4, 1995. Ordinance 095-02 (includes all ord. thru 97-10, adopted 4/15/97) 2-41 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Zonina Code Variance 4. Project: Agent: Location: Description: Motion APRIL 14, 1998 requirement from 20' to 1.6' and the minimum rear yard requirement from 40' to 10.7', respectively. 658 Manor Drive (Barbara Bradshaw) Peter H. Schmidt 658 Manor Drive Request for variances from Chapter 2- Zoning, Section 5.G.2.a, to allow for a reduction of the required minimum 750 square feet of living area for apartment units to 370 square feet for Unit #5; 568 square feet for Unit #9; and 499 square feet for Unit #10 Mr. Dube moved to table Items 7.A.3 and 7;A.4 to the May 12th Planning & Development Board meeting. Vice Chairman Reed seconded the motion that carried unanimously. New Site Plan 5. Englewood Medical Building Kres Mihelich 906 S. Federal Highway Request for site plan approval to construct a 5,480 square foot medical office building on a 0.696 acre parcel of land. Chairman Wische advised that there are 34 staff comments concerning this application. He requested that the applicant address only those comments he disagrees with or that require clarification. Project: Agent: Location: Description: Mr. Dube acknowledged the fact that he knows Dr. Provenzano but has never discussed the project and has no financial interest in this project. Kres Mihelich. Architect. addressed the comments as follows: Comment #19 The property is surrounded by three rights-of-way (US #1, 7th Avenue and 9th) and is located in the C-3 zoning district. There is a provision of the rear setback so that if public right-of-way exists, the rear can be reduced. The applicant is declaring US #1 as frontage with the property to the north as side, and because the property is on a comer, there is a second frontage. The applicant would like to move the building toward the back right-of- way up to 15'. Since staff interpreted that the applicant is on three streets, all of those streets are frontage. Therefore, the applicant is penalized. Ms. Heyden said the comment is insignificant because the building meets the zoning setbacks. However, there is a note on the plan that was contrary to how the Code reads. Neither the . building nor the site requires redesign. Mr. Mihelich agreed that the applicant complies. 10 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING 8r. DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1998 However, he would like to move the building to narrow the throat of the circulation of trucks. He pointed out that the 5' requirement on the front makes sense, but it does not make sense in the rear. Ms. Heyden reiterated that the site plan works with respect to traffic and cir-::ulation. She pointed out that Mr. Mihelich disagrees with her interpretation of the front yard. The site plan meets her interpretation, but he does not like that interpretation even though he has complied. Dr. William Shaos 8r. Dr. Provenzano, 1230 South Federal Highwav approached the podium. Dr. Provenzano explained that Mr. Davis took a one-line drawing to the City prior to their purchase of the property. At that time, a 15' rear setback came up. Initially, the site plan was designed on that 15' rear setback. The plan was submitted and comments were received and complied with. The applicant complies with the requirement, but pointed out additional shrubbery could be included in front and better traffic flow could be provided. This project will be buffered from the rear. It is his opinion that the 15' rear easement would be more aesthetically pleasing. Ms. Heyden reiterated that the plans, as submitted, meet the setback requirements. There was a note that was inconsistent with how the building was laid out. However, it does comply with Code. Ms. Heyden recommended that Comment #19 not be removed because the incorrect note must be corrected. Setbacks are addressed in two ways on the drawings, graphically and with a note. The two do not match and he must either remove the note from the plan or match the two items. Attorney Pawelczyk explained that this comment could be revised to solve this problem. It could read, "Setback notes are to be read as f'ollows: fir1nt (all street 'rontages) 20' min. and rear 30' min. Ch.'z Sec.6 Par.C.3.b., or the note shall be removed'rom the plan. AT Comment #34 Mr. Mihelich advised that the applicant submitted a letter from their engineer that they will be reducing the number of trips. He questioned whether or not the applicant must go to Palm Beach County with respect to this issue. Ms. Heyden advised that this is a formality and the Oty has not yet received any response from the County on this issue. Motion On the project known as Item 7.A.s, Englewood Medical Building, located at 906 South Federal Highway, request for site plan approval to construct a 5,480 square foot medical office building on a 0.696 acre parcel of land, Mr. Rosenstock moved that we approve this request with all staff comments. Mr. DutJe seconded the motion. Attorney Pawelczyk questioned whether or not the motion included the amended Comment #19. Mr. Rosenstock responded negatively. , The motion carried unanimously. 11 'ram; JanlldMII'l r, Flick.tlll To: Mf. K:.. Mlll..,1l 0-.: "/1~1l Tina: 18:03:45 P~g. 2 of 3 Jonathan T. Ricketts, Inc. 8106 WMUwatr"''' ,." ~ ~. ".". 3341. TRAFFIC STATEMENT roR THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR TilE MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING FOR DRS. PROVENZANO & SHAPSE BOYNTON BEACH, PL NOVEMBER, 1997 Tho project is located on the nonheut comer of U.S. Hilhway 'I and S.B. 9th Avenue also known as Lot 46, Boynton Isles Subdivision. The subjec:t parcel for the proposed site consists of a 0.6962 acre parcel which was previously approved as au station. The previous au station located on this parcel would generate a total of 748 trips. The proposed 6,420 s.C. medical office would generate a total of 219 trips. This fetulU in a net reduction of S29 trips from the previously las station use, therefore a ttart1c study is not warranted. Traffic leneralion rata are from the Institute of Traffic Engineers. Trip Generation. Fifth Edition. Please see the attached trip cenention by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultanu. ~O'd :JO'O~ ~0:S1 36'01 .JdtJ ~S8:;:-(t'8-19S:iJi. S:J3'+ r LJ.Jf:J Ii i ~I ~ Ii Ii II i ~I i 'i .. II .2 I ~ !H! I! II I .~ ~ I~ j N~ , .. II II! aa II! .. i ; II~ IN ~.'- i~ I. I ~ i ~ ~ ~~ II ~. I I ... ! .. =:: I . .= ~ S ..: I . ..~ II m i .... ~ I . 1= ~I s ~ u ~I ~ .. ;' 3B 01= IJ '. . at: a i_ I w ,. ~ II il Ii il Ii f I . Iii ill) ill I. ;~ " =1 'II Ii I II m; I S ill If I N .~ '18 II ae g ~ II ~ i1 .. G. Me II I & 'd 81._ ,. L8!I CXU/OJ.ZA ~ ~'S L8SL-eL-& L t '0 t eClltd 5t:Hl:e~ :.W!.1 11110." :."0 lP'''Ll!N '~)4 'IN :0.1 -Hell. 'J. 'IVtj,.uor :WOJI DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bulent l. Kastarlak, NCARB Director Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment February 18, 1998 Kres Mihelich, Architect 2655 N. Ocean Drive, Suite 300 Singer Island, Florida 33404 RE: Initial Review Comments - Englewood Medical Building File No. NWSP 98-001 Dear Mr. Mihelich: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to Planning and Zoning. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to Planning and Zoning, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial. A recommendation for denial will be made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. Dates pertaining to the remainder of the review process are as follows: . The amended plans will be due by 5:00 P.M. on March 17, 1998. America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 Page 2 of 2 Initial Review Comments Englewood Medical Building File No, NWSP 98-001 . The request will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on April 14,1998. . The request will be forwarded to the City Commission as a development plan on April 21, 1998. If you choose to resubmit amended plans after March 17, 1998, but before the 90 day period to avoid a new application, please call my office with your intended resubmittal date as the meeting dates above will no longer be applicable. Also, if you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call my office. Very truly yours, ~ / ' .~,I I /J . >- / / ./ I~~!-A~ /~f'1(X~J /. v /frYt~' Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:jbg Atts. J :\SHRDA T A \PLANNING\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\ENGLEWOOD MED\l ST COMMENT LETTER DOC EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Englewood Medical Building File number: NWSP 98-001 Reference: The plans consist of 9 sheets identified as 1 st Review. New Site Plan. File # NWSP 98-001 with a Januarv 26. 1998. Planning and Zoning Department date stamp markinl!. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utilities easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 2. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the city code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR Chap. 6, Art., Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (See Sec. 26-16(a) ). Please submit these calculations with your HRS permit submittal. 3. Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform with all rules of the city and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4, Sec. 7F). SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 4. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the city shall be included within utilities easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the city as stated in Sec. 26- 33(a) of the code. 5. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the city before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 6. Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. Page 2 Englewood Medical Building File No. NWSP 98-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE 7. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 8. The waste stream from this facility must meet the city's pretreatment requirements. A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of this waste stream. (Sec. 26-143,26-147) 9. The proposed sanitary service line shall be connected to the main line sewer rather than the lift station. FIRE Comments: 10. The driveway to the north side of the property needs to be marked as a fire lane, be a minimum of 16' wide and be able to support a 56,000 lb. vehicle. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 11. All plans need to be signed and sealed by a design professional. 12. Provide 4 foot concrete sidewalk along SE 7th Street and SE 9th Avenue. [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section 11.) 13. Road which connects north side of parking lot to existing SE 7th Street needs to be constructed to city codes. Provide a cross-section of proposed road. 14. Add a stop sign and stop bar adjacent to landscaped island to the west of egress on SE 9th Avenue. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] 15. No landscaping can be placed between back to back spaces at the southwest comer of building as 2 foot overhand from cars will take up all of 4'0" space on plans. 16. Civil site plan and architectural site plan do not match (one extra space on civil site plan is shown at handicap parking area). Revise plans to match. Page 3 Englewood Medical Building File No. NWSP 98-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 17. Need to submit an engineer's certification letter stating that drainage conforms to city rules, codes, etc. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.] 18. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: site lighting, pavmg, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP, and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 19. On the civil site plan specify elevations, flow arrows and pipe sizes. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.1.] Also correctly identify inlets as such, not "manholes" . 20. Locate handicap post signs on site and civil plans; add $250 fine plate below handicap post detail and show handicap wheel stops. 21. On site plan, correct reference to " 4' wide striping" to "Chapter 23 of the city's Land Development Regulations". 22. Show compliance with Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.1. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 23. To properly review the request for a new ground sign add to the submittal detail drawings of the proposed sign. The detail drawings shall depict the sign and sign structure in compliance with Article IV, Section 2 of Chapter 21 - Sign Code and Section 10.1. of Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan. The drawing shall include the following information: a) dimension the distance from finish grade to the highest point of the sign; b) show the sign copy; c) dimension the width and length of the sign face including indicating the total area in square feet (maximum area allowed is 64 sq.ft.); d) dimension the size of the structure that the sign is attached to; (e) identify the color name, color code and manufacturer of the colors proposed for the signage. Also identify the colors of the structure that the sign is attached to; and (f) indicate with a note whether the sign is illuminated and, where applicable, specify type of illumination. 24. Show and dimension on the site plan the clear unobstructed cross-visibility space that is required at the intersection of U.S. Highway No. 1 and Southeast 9th A venue. Amend the location of the landscaping, parking spaces and sign accordingly. [Chapter 2-Zoning, Section 4.E. and Chapter Page 4 Englewood Medical Building File No. NWSP 98-00 I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 21 - Sign Code, Article III, Section 5.] 25. Place the words "No Building Signage Will be Provided" on the sheet that illustrates the elevation view drawings of the building. 26. Add to the civil site plan, the on-site sidewalk that connects the project to the U.S. Highway No. I right-of-way. The sidewalk shall match the sidewalk depicted on the site plan and landscape plan. 27. Indicate that the slope of the flare sides of the ramp shown on the detail drawing and the plan view drawings shall not be greater than 1: 12. Identify the distance from the top of the ramp to the face of the building. Also show and dimension the 6-foot long level landing that is required at the top of the ramp. Note that if the rise of the ramp is greater than six inches handrails, meeting the accessibility code, will be required on both sides of the ramp. Identify the length of the ramp. [Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.3, Accessible Route] PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 28. The applicant should indicate which eXlstmg trees will be preserved, Relocated and removed/replaced. This would be in addition to those trees required by the landscape code. Code Reference: Code of Ordinances Environmental, Chapter 7.5 Tree Protection. The project should continue in the normal review process. PLANNING AND ZONING ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 29. Delete the landscaped area between the 8 parking spaces south of the building. Retain the terminal island but increase the width. The width of all terminal islands shall be five feet, excluding curbing, and landscaped according to Ch.7.5. 30. Submit a signed and sealed survey, dated less than a year old, referencing a title policy #. 31. Submit colored elevations, color chips and material samples with next submittal. Page 5 Englewood Medical Building File No. NWSP 98-001 32. Label existing zoning district in the site plan tabular data. 33. Label minimum setback dimensions under the actual building distance dimensions. Show in tabular form, front, side and rear setbacks. Front setbacks of 20 feet shall be required along the south, east and west property lines, and a 30 foot side/rear setback along the north property line. 34. List maximum and proposed building height in the site data. 35. Label the 6' masonry wall existing or proposed. 36. Provide landscape area on three sides of the dumpster structure. Ch.7.5, Art.2, Sec.5, ParJ. 37. Label maximum and proposed lot coverage in the site data. 38. Label on the site plan all surrounding zoning and land uses. 39. The 5' concrete walk entering the site from the west must provide a ramp if curbed. 40. Label on the buffer wall detail, proposed paint colors to match building colors. 41. The northeast corner wheel stop is dimensioned incorrectly. 42. Vines located along the north wall must be spaced 5' OC. Ch.7.5, Art.2, Sec.5, Par.CA. 43. Label and dimension all landscape strips on sheet L-l. 44. Provide on the site plan, calculations for vehicular use landscape area. Ch.7.5, Art.2, Sec.5, Par.G. 45. Correct the plant ID tag, SL which is labeled LJ on the detail sheet tabular. 46. Provide notation on the method of irrigation and its source. 47. Provide a minimum dimension of 14'-4" adjacent to the parking spaces along the north one way drive aisle. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS ~ ~ . d . d "to. tV ue etermme ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 49. To be determined. . KRES MIHELICH, INC. . Architecture. Planning. Design Answers to T.R.C. Comments dated Febnlary 17, 1998 Utili ti es 1. There are no easements on this property. See Surveyor's note #17. 2. Fire flow test is attached. 3. Engineering certificate is attached. Specific Conditions 4. There will be no sewer or water line owned or operated by the City. 5. N/A 6. Backflow preventer will be provided. Construction Documents. 7. Construction Documents 'Nill be suhmitted at the time of Building Permit Application. 8. This facility does not generate any hazardous waste, therefore pre-treatment of waste water is not necessary. See Owner's letter, attached. 9. Corrected on revised Civil Drawing. Fire 10. Corrected on revised Site Plan. Engineering 11. Signed and sealed. 12. 7th Street waiver requested. S.E. 9th street sidewalk will be provided. See revised site plan. 13. Corrected on revised drawings. 14. Corrected on revised drawings. 15. Corrected on revised drawings. 16. Corrected Civil Drawings. 1 7. Will provide, same as #3, 18. These documents have been prepared in general conformance with all the rules of the agencies having jufisdiction. 19. Corrected on revised drawings. 20. Corrected on revised drawings. 21. Site Plan calls for 4" (inches), not 4' (feet). Take a closer look. 2855 N. Oc.an Drive, Suite 300 . Singer Island, FL . 33404.4720 . (561) 845.6303 . FaI (561) 842-3857 22. There is no Section 5.H.I. in L.D.R. Building 23. Will include design in revised drawings. 24. Corrected on revised Site Plan. 25. Building Elevation indicates location of sign. 26. Corrected on revised plan. 27. Corrected on revised plan. Forester / Environmentalist 28. Corrected on revised drawings. Planning & Zoning 29. Corrected on revised plan. 30. Included in package. 31. Included in package. 32. Corrected. 33. Modified on revised plan to meet your requirements. However, I strongly disagree with staff interpretation of the zoning ordinance as requiring a 20'-0" setback from Southeast 7th Avenue. Setback provisions in the C-3 Zoning for properties with rear yard access allow reduction of setback to not less than 10'-0". Our original submission provided a 15'-0" setback. The plan as originally submitted is a superior planning solution over the modified submission. The original plan provides better internal vehicular circulation within the front yard, and more clearance for garbage trucks around the northeast and northwest corners of the building. 34. O.K. 35. O.K. 36. O.K. 37. O.K. 38. O.K. 39. It is level with pavement. 40. O.K. 41. O.K. 42. Corrected on revised Landscape Plan. 43. Corrected on revised Landscape Plan. 44. O.K. 45. Corrected on revised Landscape Plan. 46. Corrected on revised Landscape Plan. 47. O.K. Mar-06-9S 06:01P Dr Provenzano/Dr Shapse 15617363991 P.Ol Enllewold Medlcalls.IClatls 1230 S. Federal Highway Bo}11lon Beam., FI 33435 Phone ~61.7J6-0015 Fax 561-736-3991 _it : 4, March 05, 1998 Planning and Zoning Department City of BO~'Ilton Beach To 'whom it may concern, This is to confirm that our medical practice prescntly sends all biohazardous materials 10 an outside facilit: for proper disposal. We \\ill continue the same procedure at our nc\.\ facility at 906 S. Federal Highwa '. Jos M, Provenzano. M.D, Jt~. - DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ~ . . ..~. ---; ." '~ -' -~.-- ~~-==--- --'.-~-..;...-.~~...._=-_.:: .--_.-'::'. BulentI. Kistorlak, NCARB Diruror of Development ~, a,~. . . ~~ .-.. ...~ .-' --Building' . Pkl'!ning &: Zoning Engineering, OccupationDl Lkenses Communiiy Redevelopment .. r- ~ --.-.= - - - March 10: 1998 Kres Mihelich, Inc. 2655 N. Ocean Drive, Suite 300 Singer Island, FL 33404-4720 RE: Request for waiver of sidewalk requirement along the easterly property line at fu - S.E. 7 Street - Future construction at 906 S. Federal Hwy., Boynton Beach Gentlemen: In consideration of your application for a waiver of sidewalk requirement, an inspection of the property at the above address revealed that there are existing trees and a hedge along S,E, 7th Street creating a buffer and visual barrier with residential lots to the east. MOBIL does not have access from S.E. 7ili Street. It has access from S.E. 9ili Avenue. It is beneficial to the City and the neighborhood if the sldewalk is not built. This letter serves as official APPROVAL of your application for waiver of sidewalk requirement. This is based on Chapter 22, .Auticle I, Section SA, Land Development Regulations. Sincerely. :/J"rc" /:JI)J/r.1k '- Bulent 1. Kastarlak Director of Development BIK:bg XC: Don Johnson, Deputy Building Official Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator, for permit file Lynn Hays, Plans Analyst John Pagliarulo, Plans Analyst CH \PJl\ ,SHRD.-HA\Development\Building-6870IDocuments\Sidewalk\906 S, Federal Hwy.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6371 Fax: (561) 375-6357 -- ._-- .'~ .~ -- .'-~ @. '"rv, . .: ~.. n, 9J(}~ton 9Jeach %e 9tedctte 9~tmC/bt . -~"~~~"'~ -. . '_ ~W~.c:~ST~':;';"- Request Date: 2/23/98 Requested From: Kres N.'Mihelich Company: Kres Mihelich Tnc; Phone~ -=--:.-561~:a16:-:6303_ 2.655_N. Ocean Dr. #300- Fax:,; _,;~._ 561:"'Sq:Z;385T ,Singer Island, 'FL 33404:.c38ST:'--:;;;'::0':;'~' ' Location: Federal Hwy. and SE 75treet-' Englewood Medical Building __ . __ __~. D J:~G~_* (Include direction, street names, hydrant locations, intersections and main sizes) N l' #1 l- V) r-- LlJ V) >- 3: I -! <C 0:: W Cl W l.\. #2 GREENBRIAR DR. Hydrant l: Static Reading: 62 Hydrant 2: Flow Reading: 20 Assigned Date: 2/26/98 Tested By: FF Chris Wandell Residual Reading: 46 Test Date: 2/26/98 Time Tested: 5:00 p.m. F~Vp.ILF.BLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: 2,182 REV, 8/9:. LMIFLO\\',WPD Jonathan T. Rickti/ts, Inc. 5708 WhirlllwlIY ROlld, Pili,,, Belich Gllrdenll, Floridll 33478 March 16, 1998 City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Medical Office Building, U.S. 1, and Southeast 9th Street This letter is to certify that the attached Civil Site Plan for "Medical Office Building" Job No. 9717, has been designed in general conformance with all of the applicable codes and regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, the South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Department of Transportation, Palm Beach County, the Dept. of Environmental Resource Management and the Department of Environmental Protection. Sincerely, Jonathan T. Rickt;;{ts, Inc. 5708 Whirl.w.y Ro.d, Pili'.. Se.ch G.,d_, Florid. 33418 March 16, 1998 City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Medical Office Building, U.S. 1, and Southeast 9th Street This letter is to certify that the attached Civil Site Plan for "Medical Office Building" Job No. 9717, has been designed in general conformance with all of the applicable codes and regulations of the South Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Transportation, Palm Beach County, the Dept. of Environmental Resource Management and the Department of Environmental Protection. Sincerely, .. @ / onat~~~cketts " / P.E.38799