REVIEW COMMENTS 7.A.2 ECKERD DRUGSTORE ZONING CODE VARIANCE STAFF REPORT December 03, 1999 !.; cJ) / Jh.l ~t' P ., (\~ . v 1\ ( :; (.' \l-) y; \ - .; L ., ,t- 1L- ~"J~~Ah { ~:\(b DEVELvPMENTDEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-296 Meeting Date: December 14, 1999 File No: ZNCV 99-017 (number of signs) NW corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and ~Hlgh~ 6 I<. Boynton/Federal Development Location: Owner: Project: Eckerd Drugstore Request: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 21 Signs. Article IV.6.B to allow two site signs (the code limits the project to one site sign). BACKGROUND The property which is the subject of this variance request has an application for conditional use recently approved to allow for the construction of an Eckerd Drugstore at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and 4 Federal Highway (see Exhibit "A" -location map). One of the main architectural elements in the site plan submitted as part of the approved conditional use application, Planning and Zoning file COUS 99-003, was a gazebo to be located in the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and:$Federal Highway, within the S~bject&roperty. Originally, the gazebo was proposed as a structure featuring a sign identifying the business; GN~ '-{ rC'/iew and atlproval process of the .conduienal use) the City Commissiqrlff.equired the proposed signage to be removed from the gazebo in order to maximize its potential as a signatili1(structure (see Exhibit "B" - approved site plan). The Commission suggested the approval of two (2) monument signs at a maximum~f six (6) feet~ to compensate for the loss of the gazebo signage. 17(' j Ii I- Bonnie Miskel of Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A., agent for Universal Realty, has filed this variance application for relief from the city's sign regulations to allow the~~rent of two (2)~ite signs advertising the gckef.d prugstore projec;li. The proposed signs are six (6) i5& h, and nine~(9) fiwt wide, for a maxim~lgfi. tace_ lit. ~~1hirty-three (33) square fe~~"~i~ ?, ~ a total of sixty- six (66) square1eet per sig~e '{Yithin the maximum of eighty (80) square feet allowed by code in the Central Business District (see Exhibit "C" - Proposed Signs). The proposed signs are backlit;white letters on blue background. &; >-1{ The following is a description of the land uses of the properties that surround the subject request; all the properties are zoned CBD, Central Business District: West NE 3rd Avenue right-of-way, and farther north a City park; Boynton Beach Boulevard right-of-way, and farther south a gas station; US Federal Highway right-of-way, and farther east, Boynton Beach Plaza, a shopping center; a restaurant. North - South - East It is noteworthy to indicate that a sign on both walls fronting Boynton Beach_Boulevard and ~ Federal Highway ~ been approved in the site plan, as twenty-eight (28) inches ~ and thirteen (13) feet and six (6) inche~ide whjte channel letters on a blue background, advertising the Eckerd Drugstore. /~/A Page 2 Memorandum No. 99-296 ANALYSIS The code states that the zoning code variance can not be approved unless the board finds the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or buildings involved and which are not applicable to the other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to the other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. f. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter (ordinance) and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Exhibit "D" contains the applicant's response to the above criteria. Staff conducted this analysis based on the City's previously approved site plan for the same location and use. Therefore, staff has focused this analysis on items "a" and "b" above. According to the application, two (2) site signs are needed to provide appropriate signage that would be visible from both thoroughfares, Boynton Beach Boulevard and ,-Federal Highway. Originally, the applicant's intention was to place one (1) monument sign. diaeonally at said corner, but the location of a gazebo in the same corner made it impossible to havt *:~ mon~eru sign; another oPtiOl~lt~Sed by the applicant was to place a sign on the top portion of the gazebo,L~('the Commission G@e-m <'[6 elete the sign fl:om the gazeOO. hO preserve the gazebo as a signature structure for the project and fo]; the ~ area _~ 1.1 ~4 ~.{ c'!c...~ ~ -6(.JL-<.. The above cited actions created special conditions and circumstances for that particular property that do not exist for other similarly located property in the same zoning district; furthermore, said conditions and circumstanc~s, were clearly not created by the applicant's own actions. In fact, the Commission requested at the time o~si~ plan approval process, and as recognition of those special conditions and circumstances, that "Alternatively, two (2) monument signs at a maximum of six (6) feet high, will be allowed at the northeast and the southwest entrances consistent with sign code and if applicable, the variance process". The Land Development Regulations, Chapter 21, Signs, Article IV, section 6 (B) limits~ithi~:;;'tral Business District to one (1) freestanding sign that advertises the use of the premises. Section 6.B reads as follows: Page 3 Memorandum No. 99-296 "One (1) freestanding sign, not to exceed eighty (80) square feet in area, advertising the use of the premises. The maximum area for this sign shall be one (1) square foot of sign areafor each one and one half (1-1/2) linear feet of street frontage, with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. " This application for the Eckerd Drugstore represents a request for relief from this section of the city's regulations in order to allow two (2) freestanding site signs.. Article II of this same chapter describes those sections of the code (or aspects of a sign) that can be varied from code through this variance process. According to Article 2, Section 1 "The board of zoning appeals may grant a variance if it finds that the unusual shape or topography of the property in question prevents signage allowable under the provisions of this ordinance from adequately identifying the business or other activity located on such property. The board of zoning appeals may only grant a variance to: A. Allow a setback less than that required under this chapter: B. Allow the area and/or height of a sign to be increased by up to twenty-five percent of the maximum allowable height or area; or C. Allow the number of sign to be increase over the maximum allowed by this code." The applicant eel~ th)~~;~ial conditions and circijmstances surrounding the monument sign issue provide t> fY\ P L- r6a?6Ii~ Co - ~ariance.t$~i'e~t5n approved~based on thp Article-J.;--SeCl;on l.C. lcftaeuoed aBO'fe. - r""-a ~f~ ,J- roo1'\. fz'/J Staff summarizes its review by the following points: ~~areeswi. '..~. e'ber si" ~ ~~ er otor . ~___.1 --=----- e . n~~..wr1'm1n . /)2) The request is the direct result of the site plan approval process and the conditions imposed upon;4.. I").Q z) 3) Staff believes th~t the aesthetic impact in the area will be minimized given the relatively small size of the monument slgns{ 6- nil. C.1 ')G--I(1..~ (~s ~'); (l~< CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS .BaseJ un the lllln;'uwH aesthetic Impacts of-HYmeroull site sig"~, two ('), <tnd the desire of the City to maintain S;~Ui1g~ ~n scale and COIIlPd~bk with cQrrespoHding and adjacpnt l~es, and sped;.:,11y f'QRsideriag the .J1ig1:l visibilitruf (lit: :suLjt:d lu~cdlOilf staff recommends that this variance request to allow two (2) site signs for the subject project be approved. No conditions of approval are recommended, however, any conditions recommended by the Board, or required by the Commission, shall be documented in Exhibit "D" - Conditions of Approval. S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECfSIECKERD ZNCV\STAFF REP.doc DEV.....__OPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-296 STAFF REPORT December 03, 1999 . Meeting Date: December 14, 1999 File No: ZNCV 99-017 (number of signs) Location: NW corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway Owner: Boynton/Federal Development Project: Eckerd Drugstore Request: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 21 Signs. Article IV.6.B to allow two site signs (the code limits the project to one site sign). BACKGROUND The property which is the subject of this variance request has an application for conditional use recently approved to allow for the construction of an Eckerd Drugstore at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway (see Exhibit "A" - location map). One of the main architectural elements in the site plan submitted as part of the approved conditional use application, Planning and Zoning file COUS 99-003, was a gazebo to be located in the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway, within the subject property. Originally, the gazebo was proposed as a structure featuring a sign identifying the business; the City Commission required the proposed signage to be removed from the gazebo in order to maximize its potential as a signature structure (see Exhibit "B" _ approved site plan). The Commission suggested the approval of two (2) monument signs at a maximum height of six (6) feet to compensate for the loss of the gazebo signage. Bonnie Miskel of Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A., agent for Universal Realty, has filed this variance application for relief from the city's sign regulations to allow the placement of two (2) site signs advertising the Eckerd Drugstore project. The proposed signs are six (6) feet high and nine (9) feet wide, for a maximum individual sign face each side of thirty-three (33) square feet, or a total of sixty-six (66) square feet per sign which is well within the maximum of eighty (80) square feet allowed by code in the Central Business District (see Exhibit "C" - Proposed Signs). The proposed signs are backlit with white letters on blue background. The following is a description of the land uses of the properties that surround the subject request; all the properties are zoned CBD, Central Business District: North - South - East NE 3rd Avenue right-of-way, and farther north a City park; Boynton Beach Boulevard right-of-way, and farther south a gas station; US Federal Highway right-of-way, and farther east, Boynton Beach Plaza, a shopping center; a restaurant. West It is noteworthy to indicate that a sign on both walls fronting Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway has been approved in the site plan, as twenty-eight (28) inches high and thirteen (13) feet and six (6) inches wide, with white channel letters on a blue background, advertising the Eckerd Drugstore. \ Page 2 Memorandum No. 99-296 ANALYSIS The code states that the zoning code variance can not be approved unless the board fmds the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or buildings involved and which are not applicable to the other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to the other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. f. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter (ordinance) and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Exhibit "D" contains the applicant's response to the above criteria. Staff conducted this analysis based on the City's previously approved site plan for the same location and use. Therefore, staff has focused this analysis on items "a" and "b" above. According to the application, two (2) site signs are needed to provide appropriate signage that would be visible from both thoroughfares, Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway. Originally, the applicant's intention was to place one (1) monument sign diagonally at said corner, but the location of a gazebo in the same corner made it impossible to have a single monument sign; another option proposed by the applicant was to place a sign on the top portion of the gazebo, which then the Commission opposed in order to preserve the gazebo as a signature structure for the project and downtown area. The above cited actions created special conditions and circumstances for that particular property that do not exist for other similarly located property in the same zoning district; furthermore, said conditions and circumstances were clearly not created by the applicant's own actions. In fact, the Commission required as a condition of conditional use approval, that "Alternatively, two (2) monument signs at a maximum of six (6) feet high, will be allowed at the northeast and the southwest entrances consistent with sign code and if applicable, the variance process ". The Land Development Regulations, Chapter 21, Signs, Article IV, section 6 (B) limits uses within the Central Business District to one (1) freestanding sign that advertises the use of the premises. Section 6.B reads as follows: L Page 3 Memorandum No. 99-296 , "One (1) freestanding sign, not to exceed eighty (80) squarefeet in area, advertising the use of the premises. The maximum area for this sign shall be one (1) square foot of sign area for each one and one half (1-1/2) linear feet of street frontage, with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. " This application for the Eckerd Drugstore represents a request for relief from this section of the city's regulations in order to allow two (2) freestanding site signs.. Article II of this same chapter describes those sections of the code (or aspects of a sign) that can be varied from code through this variance process. According to Article 2, Section 1 "The board of zoning appeals may grant a variance if it finds that the unusual shape or topography of the property in question prevents signage allowable under the provisions of this ordinance from adequately identifying the business or other activity located on such property. The board of zoning appeals may only grant a variance to: A. Allow a setback less than that required under this chapter: B. Allow the area and/or height of a sign to be increased by up to twenty-five percent of the maximum allowable height or area; or C. Allow the number of sign to be increase over the maximum allowed by this code. " The applicant feels that the special conditions and circumstances surrounding the monument sign issue provide ample justification for granting this variance request. Staff summarizes its review by the following points: 1) This request is the direct result of the conditional use approval process and the conditions on which approval was granted; and. 2) Staff believes that the aesthetic impact in the area will be minimized given the relatively small size of the monument signs, and the enhanced landscaping approved on the project. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that this variance request to allow two (2) site signs for the subject project be approved. No conditions of approval are recommended, however, any conditions recommended by the Board, or required by the Commission, shall be documented in Exhibit "D" - Conditions of Approval. S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJEcrSIECKERD ZNCV\STAFF REP.doc ---, -") EXHIBIT ") E8!-1~r~\\~~~'->'~1 ",f]n~'"~~:: :~ =:_ j- o-~r,~;' ~----h i-i. + ~ Cif% '.~\ ' " - f <JI : i: :- :::: : ' . q :~ f-+ t= ~- ::..Y~~ - ~".. --= --=- ~r5 ~ 7iJ'C' t.. ca-;'L f I : l! 11 , . . ;- 4- -":-. .0- .---- t-1II ,.r-I r:-:J Y"':!I'f t- f- --r- LL . I, - ---- f-4 ~ ...J. "r? r :..-j ~ . I . ~ :- ~ '-;' :-- -. ~:.=; -:- '- '. -- --. ...... - ..=1f I- C3; I r': ....... "" r=.-- ~~- --r~""r - '\\ -- ':-- '-'-. . : r: I :} I L ~(.... #I A. . Aj ~:i ~.'. j ~ ;, '":~~1~ 1 :~':;r.-:";','~'~'9- I ...._ OtV-C~IlIL _ .C~~;.,~.._~- -: ' I I I I . I ' ") LOCATION MAP ECKERD DRUGSTORE ? ~ f . , '- .. I l:ililil:d'!I: r-'f' ., l'II'lil.!1 II' r:~~]mrll' ~ -~Hii+mf::: ~ rl~ I I=U '~~E:::l:BIPI'''':''U;+j'il:; ~>- III '" I I, ,t -111 ,,1: III .' . -, .q'I":IJHI1 : ~;r"n~;i7 I I I I : . III I :!, i ! i I f-_... I.-f. _~lL...tLi~ ':' I I / III J I, i ': ! I, I I I ' : 1'1' I i I . J~ _ ~ , r r. T" . 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J!II Jlj;~ilj i' i . jl' ;!~!i~: I.; !j == .ii ~ .:1 .i.....1 I...! '. .!'.'~I' " ..a,,' !i- ~ i i un !.!ulf. ,dll. !I' ,.'1_11' ,. Hi,t "I !i I I ~ i it! d i ! .. ! ! ! 'I I. ~ n I ~ 9; I ~ i $ r u ... w !.:! ot . 1I 1l l! ~ i .. Ii .. " h ., /flh I . : Z~ .2 !! ~~ I ~i - MONUMENT SIGN HT 6' MAX -----;.-;.-;.-------,------=--;.-;.-;.-;.---;.-;.-;.-.--;.'1' _j _' _. _ "'''1''._ ~-------;.-----;.-;.-----;.----:.1'"- !i! ~ _e__""__~~====~~~~~-t 9 -----.----------:.-0:::: -----~. I ". ". = ~.= = = = =-...:---..:-..:-- - ~ 4__ . ,! -- '~ll~!l'! I ~ !!! ~li. , _ -. .a~ lSiI I . -::..-,-- iiII " " 0 I ~ I 0.11 w 0 I II ' rll I I I , I :. ~ ~! '/1 I 1 I I I I, I: :, , I I 0 I I ~ I ~ . 8 I ~ ~ 9 , " v '" ! 1 z /1 - ,/ I I " ) I I 0( [ I~ .. . . i i o ...1 t ---- . I: I I . ""-JU!II ..., ''l r:""'. "..... v , , i'r1 .. I pi I. .. ! ~I il. D' c' -) 0- . I II, oj- Ii;: \ j I SB r ~~~~ ~I ~I cr- II Q ~ :> 1il '" ~ .. Z :;! ~ o .. ..... -:t t; ~ W ~ 0::: OJ: f-u 00< (!)~Z ~z:5 0:::00. ol-W ZI- ObW 0::: en wz ~- u ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ul ZI V1 -IX CJi\;! . en 5 i . o I a. t 0::: I' . c.J ~ f . 0 i 0::: ~ f o ~ ! I- ~ U 0 V1 . 0::: r>:: w . a.. w z . <3 Z z i w <( " $ :I: z ;:: <( :3 " Z - O::I~ i ,0 ~ 0'. .I.~~ L ~) ..' ... ... ; d ii xH 13 ~ i ~ il ~ . ~ v ~n~ ~H~ r l~n II:: ~i . ~I;; ~ I Sou ., ! , ! I I. ' ~: I ~; ,. ~~ BACKLIT SIGN 27 SF. ~ M-II TE l.l:: I I t::S<S B..LE BAQ::GI2OlJ'IO EA~ SIDE b. i-t a...u: 04AN'e.. U:l I~ (5 SF'> S I k't::t:: I ~ <::)r\j ON: STr<ET ON... r. I SF. eA04 SIDE STUCCO BASE. COLOk' TO MA T04 BLDG. I FlN-I i EXHIBIT "C" =3~ -J ~ , ? . 1 i I , 9'-0" MAX. DRIVE-THRU PHARMACY 0000 MONUMENT SIGN 5> (t') SCAJ...E! lIT . t' <I. 3i SF MAX. SIGf\I FACE EAOi SIDE ,,/'/ / / ~, --- : I '. ' .,\ \\ II i I I' , I ; I I, ~ I , 1 . i , ' ~ I I; I : I : : I ~ '.::,,~ - G ALLMINj\ . SEE s-e: Fl<AM: AI 286 E3LLE 3M SCOi, nc:= =-"'~. ...... J..<-~" 3970G './1/1 A ,. 8Li...E 3975G a... 3972G QE ~XHIBIT "0' JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT , A. That Special Conditions And Circumstances Exist Which Are Peculiar To The Land, Structure Or Building Involved, And Which Are Not Applicable To Other Lands, Structures Or Buildings In The Same Zoning District: The applicant was intending to locate one monument sign diagonally at the comer of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway so that the signage would be visible from both thoroughfares. At the request of Staff and the City Commission, the Applicant agreed to give up a portion of the Subject Property at the intersection to construct a gazebo which will be intended as an architectural feature to be incorporated into the overall Master Development Plan for the area. The construction of a gazebo will preclude the location of a monument sign at the intersection. As such, there is no one location that would provide visibility to both Federal Highway and Boynton Beach Boulevard. The City's Master Development Plan for Downtown includes common architectural themes and encourages special architectural enhancements to revitalize the Downtown area. Other developers similarly situated on comer lots with access to two (2) major thoroughfares utilize the very comer portion of the Subject Property at the intersection for the signage to cover both rights-of-way. Our client would have done so but for the gazebo that is now being required of us by the City Commission. Other properties that are comer parcels at two (2) intersections continue to have the ability to locate a sign at the intersection so that the sign is visible from both thoroughfares. B. That The Special Conditions And Circumstances Do Not Result From The Actions Of The Applicant: Staff provided, as a condition, that the gazebo be constructed at the intersection location. The City Commission is requiring the construction of the gazebo as a condition to the approval. The gazebo will be constructed at my client's expense. If the gazebo was not required by the City, my client would locate signage at the intersection and would not need a Variance. C. Granting The Variance Request Will Not Confer On The Applicant Any Special Privilege That Is Denied By This Ordinance To Other Lands, Buildings Or Structures In The Same Zoning District: As discussed in Paragraph A above, other comer parcels located on two (2) major thoroughfares have the option of locating a sign at the intersections so that their identification is visible from both thoroughfares. As a result of the gazebo, our client in not able to locate a sign at that intersection location. Although we initially submitted plans that had signage on the gazebo in an effort to address the issue, that suggestion was rejected by the City Commission and the signage had to be removed in order for the Site Plan to be approved. FTL:629858: 1 Ci D. That Literal Interpretation Of The Provisions Of This Chapter Would Deprive The Applicant Of Rights Commonly Enjoyed By Other Properties In The Same Zoning District Under The Terms a/The Ordinance And Would Work Unnecessary And Undue Hardship On The Applicant:' As discussed above, other Comer properties have the ability to locate signage at the intersection allowing visibility from both thoroughfares. If this Variance is not approved, the Applicant would be deprived of visibility as to one (1) thoroughfare with one (1) sign allowed on one (1) thoroughfare. That action would result in less visibility because of a condition requiring construction of a gazebo on the intersection. Other properties similarly situated would have visibility from both thoroughfares enabling access to the Sites using either opening. The location of the signage facilitates traffic movements, reduces U-turns and misapproaches, and provides for better convenience to those patrons utilizing the facility. E. That The Variance Granted Is The Minimum Variance That Will Make Possible The Reasonable Use Of The Land, Building Or Structure: The Applicant is asking for an additional monument sign in conformance with all other regulations relating to size and setback. During the Site Plan approval, the Applicant agreed that signage would not be greater than six feet (6') in height and represented on the Plan where that proposed signage would be located. Under the Code one (1) sign is already permitted. The second sign on Boynton Beach Boulevard is being requested, and is the minimum Variance needed to address the reduced visibility resulting from the location of the gazebo at the comer. F. That The Granting O/The Variance Will Be Harmony With The General Intent And Purpose O/This Chapter, And That Such Variance Will Not Be Injurious To The Area Involved Or Otherwise Detrimental To The Public Welfare: The purpose of the signage regulation for the City of Boynton Beach is to create the frame work for "a comprehensive and balanced system of sign control." The Code recognizes the need for the appearance of the Community and the "need for adequate business identification, advertising and communication." By agreeing to construct the gazebo, it is clear that the Applicant is committed to maintaining an attractive appearance in the Community, and is going above and beyond what other property owners and developers have done to achieve that goal. At the same time, the developer should not be penalized for going beyond the Code and dedicating property to the City to beautify the intersection of Federal Highway and Boynton Beach Boulevard. The addition of a new sign will equalize the loss of the most visible portion of the Subject Property which is the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway. By locating the signage near the entrance to the Subject Property, the City will achieve its goal to promote the general welfare, as well as providing convenience for the public without detracting from the overall appearance of the Subject Property. The signage will not disrupt or interfere with any of the landscaping that has been proposed. Also, as was shown on the Site Plan, FTL:629858:1 ~, the location of the sign is in a location that is not injurious to the area involved, and would not be detrimental to the public welfare. . , As is represented in Paragraphs A through F, the Applicant believes that it has met the burden for justifying 'the approval of the Variance, and is requesting that the City allow the developer to be on par with others similarly situated with signage that is visible from both thoroughfares. FTL:629858: 1 C\ bXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: Eckerd Drugstore File number: ZNCV 99-017 (number of signs) Reference. ZoninlZ Code Variance Application dated November 1 1999 I . . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1. Place address on both sides of each monument sign. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 2. To be determined. MWR:dim J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\ECKERD ZNCV\COND. OF APPR 12-3 P&D.DOC EXHIBIT "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Eckerd Drugstore File number: COUS 99-003 Reference: Conditional Use. File # COUS 99-003 ~-- --,_. INCLUDE REJECT ....I.L...... , U ...11VlENTS PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: 1. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (see Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your Health Department permit submittal. 2. Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water X service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. 3. Provide drainage calculations showing the amount of rainfall to be retained X on-site. Please be advised that there will be a fee for improvements the City is planning to make for off-site stormwater treatment and conveyance, as part of the Downtown Watershed Stormwater Improvement Project. (Sec. 26-406) FIRE Comments: 4. Show Fire Department connection on plans. X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 5. Drainage basin provided by City to be installed prior to issuance ofC.O. X 6. Within the Boynton Beach Blvd. roadway, remove the westbound left turn X lane into NE 4th St. and stripe a continuous left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic from the F.E.C. railroad to U.S. 1. This will allow some storage capability for left turns into the common driveway. This will require F.D.O.T. approval and permitting. 7. Request F.D.a.T. to install a yellow, warning flasher in the concrete X median for Boynton Beach Blvd. eastbound traffic to keep vehicles out of Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 2 of7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT the F.E.C. crossing when there are stacking conditions. This will require F.E.C. and F.D.a.T. approvals. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 8. To verify compliance with the Florida Accessibility Code for Building X Construction, add the following information to the ramp detail drawing found on sheet 3 of 8: The documentation shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the slope, surface finish and cross slope of the ramp. Amend the drawings to omit inconsistencies. The landscape plan and irrigation plan show two ramps and the site plan and drainage plan depict one ramp. The floor plan drawing shows parking spaces but does not show a ramp or identify the location of the accessible parking spaces. 9. The design professional-of-record for the project shall state on the plans X that the finish floor elevation is above the highest 1 OO-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site. The statement shall indicate that the base flood elevation is consistent with the surface water management regulations defined by the South Florida Water Management District. The statement "not determined" is not acceptable. Identify the finish floor elevation within the footprint of the building that is illustrated on the drawing titled Fixture Plan. [Section 3107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach Amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code] 10. Please note that the layout of the floor area depicted on the fixture plan will X be reviewed for compliance with the applicable codes at time of permit review. 11. Remove the text "per side" from the description of the gazebo signage that X is identified in the sign tabulations found on sheet A-2 of2. [Article IV, section 6. B of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 12. The overall height of the gazebo sign structure exceeds the overall height X allowed per the code. Amend the height to comply with the twenty-foot (20') maximum allowed by the code. [Article IV, section 6. B of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 13. Identify on the landscape plan the location of the landscaping that is X required for free standing signs/Gazebo structure. [Article III, section 3 of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] 14. Remove the text "facing streets" from the description of the wall signs that X is identified in the sign tabulations found on sheet A-2 of 2. [Article IV, Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 DEPARTMENTS section 6. C of the Sign Code -Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. Page 3 of7 INCLUDE REJECT 15. The total square foot area which is allowed for wall signage that is X identified in the signage tabulations found on sheet A-2 of 2 correctly identifies the maximum that is allowed by the Sign Code. However, the aggregate area of the wall signage that is shown and identified on the elevation view drawings of the building illustrated on sheet A-2 of 2 exceeds the total allowed. Correct the signage area so that it does not exceed the maximum area allowed by the code. [Article IV, section 6. C of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 16. The total number of directional signs that are depicted on the site plan does X not match the quantity that is identified in the sign tabulations listed on sheet A-2 of 2. The three types of directional signs that are illustrated on sheet A-I of 2 do not match the titles that are identified on the site plan. Correct the inconsistencies. All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 17. At time of permit review, verify that the platted right-of-way that is shown X on the survey has been abandoned by submitting a copy of the recorded City of Boynton Beach resolution that describes the abandonment. 18. At time of permit review, specify, in tabular form, on the site plan and/or X floor plan drawing the proposed use of the facility. Identify the Building Code used to design the building. Also, include the type of construction, occupancy classification that the building was designed to comply with. The tabular form shall include the total area, area per floor and overall height of the building. The City of Boynton Beach has adopted the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code and the City' of Boynton Beach Amendments to the Standard Building Code. Working drawings of the building shall comply with the codes specified in Chapter 20 of the Land Development Regulations. 19. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit X review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, Fire Department fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. 20. Permits are required to construct the improvements that are shown on the X approved site plan/conditional use documents. Permit application forms are available in the Building Division of the Development Department. A permit submittal checklist is available in the Building Division. The list identifies the basic documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applicant submits for permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 4 of7 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I Comments: None X FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 21. Per CBD regulations, Utilities shall be placed underground to the maximum X extent possible. 22. On the site plan provide the following information: Ch.4, Sec.7, Par.B - X Correct bearings and distances to match the survey. Correct the handicapped sign detail as per City drawing #B-90012 - sign should be 18' x 30". 23. On the landscape plans continue hedge west along south side southwest X entrance, to a point closer to entrance up to a point to avoid interference with clear sight area. Ch.7.5, Art.II, Sec. 5. 24. To further provide adequate screening for the loading area, maximize X density of north with additional materials ranging between 4 feet and 8 feet in height. Such as clusters of tree Philodendron. 25. It is recommended that site perimeter landscaping (east and south sides) be X further enhanced with additional materials ranging between 4 feet and 8 feet in height placed between the Royal Palms to fill the spatial void resulting from the lack of canopy trees and to contribute to the proper screening of the parking area. It is recommended that species be compatible with 20/20 plan species and other species proposed, be primarily native and enhance the site with added color and texture. Species could include Giant Crinum Lily, Bird of Paradise, King Sago, Day Lilly, Tree Philodendron, or Ixora. Colors at site comers and driveways should be maximimized. 26. Provide all lighting consistent with the CBD Guidelines (16 feet maximum), X and vision 20/20 plan, with the exception of supplemental lighting necessary to meet minimum required light levels per City code. If inconsistent lighting is used, proper data and specifications shall be provided to justify supplemental lighting and verify that lighting shall not be excessive. 20/20 light fixture is rounded or hook-shaped. 27. Increase design characteristics representative of the Florida Coastal style X architecture such as: a. Benches shall be consistent with Redevelopment Plan recommendations; b. Incorporate weather vanes or windsocks, and/or banners/flags that both accent the project and further the recommended nautical theme (elements Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 5 of7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT should be lightly used, not extensively used on the project); c. Place support signage over and under the main wall signs, hang under "open" area, or eliminate to remove them from the parapet which will lessen the visual and distractions from the building's design features. 28. Pursuant to traffic and circulation data submitted, and County's traffic X review, east and south driveways shall be limited to right-in and right-out only. 29. Exterior vending machines shall be prohibited. X 30. Remove signage from gazebo to prevent structure from being construed as X sign structure (structure exceeds maximum height allowed and requires foundation planting), and to maximize its potential as a signature structure. 31. As an alternative to placing parking to the rear of the project, out of sight X from the adjacent right-of-way, provide a covered structure such as a pergola that provides significant screening to the parking area by both the structure and vegetation to be planted and grown on same, possibly designed to include a solid roof at the adjacent bus stop, and the pergola should extend the length of the parking areas along both Boynton Beach Boulevard and U.S.-I. ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS 32. Revise comment #3 to read as follows: Provide drainage calculations X showing the amount of rainfall to be retained on-site. Please be advised that there will be a fee for improvements the City is planning to make for off-site storm water treatment and conveyance, as part of if the project is within the Downtown Watershed Stormwater Improvement Project area. (Sec. 26-406) 33. Revise comment #5 to read as follows: Drainage basin provided by City to X be installed prior to issuance of C.O., or installed by the developer, and reimbursed by the city, to avoid project delays. 34. Revise comment #6 to read as follows: Within the Boynton Beach Blvd. X roadway, remove the westbound left turn lane into NE 4th St. and stripe a continuous left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic generally from the F.E.C. railroad to U.S. 1. This will allow some storage capability for left turns into the eom.meR project driveway. This will T@qHir@ is subject to receiving F.D.O.T. approval and permitting 35. Revise comment #7 to read as follows: Request F.D.O.T. to install a X yellow, warning flasher in the concrete median for Boynton Beach Blvd. eastbound traffic to keep vehicles out of the F.E.C. crossing when there are stacking conditions. This 'Nill require is subject to receiving F .E.C. and F.D.O.T. approvals. Eckerd Drugstore Page 6 of 7 File No.: COUS 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 36. Omit comments #11 and #12 as sign will be removed from gazebo. X 37. Revise comment #24 to read as follows: To further provide adequate X screening for the loading area, maximize density of north buffer with aaaitioaal materials ranging het\veea 4 feet ami g feet in height. Sueh as elusters of tree Philoaeaar0n. the hedge planted at five (5) feet and Silver Buttonwood bushes rather than standards. Plantings shall be maintained to maximize density and therefore screening. Five (5) foot hedge shall follow pavement edge to the driveway. 38. Revise comment #25 to read: It is recommended that density of site X perimeter landscaping (east and south sides) be further enhanced with aaaitieaal materials ranging l::letweea 4 feet ana g feet in height plaeea bet\veen the Royal Palms to fill the spatial voia resHlting frem the laek of SaROpy trees aRa to eoatrihHte to the proper sereening the parkiRg area. It is reeommeRaea t-hat speeies ee eompatible '",ith 29/29 plaR speeies aRa other speeies proposea, be primarlily native, ana enRaHeea the site ','lith aaaeG eelor ana texture. standard Silver Buttonwood (rather than Hibiscus. Additional8pecies soaIa iReluae such as Giant Crinum Lily, Bird of Paradise, King Sago, Day Lilly, Tree Philodendron, or Ixora should be considered to add colors at site comers and driveways. ~ he ma-ximiz0G. Hedge shall be maintained at a minimum of 30 inches (except on the north side). 39. Revise comment #27 to omit item "C" to read as follows: Increase design X characteristics representative of the Florida Coastal style architecture such as: a. Benches shall be consistent with Redevelopment Plan recommendations; b. Incorporate weather vanes or windsocks, and/or banners/flags that both accent the project and further the recommended nautical theme (elements should be lightly used, not extensively used on the project); e. Plaee support sigRage e'/er aHa HRaer the main ,vall sigRs, haHg unaer "opeR" area, or eliminate to remove them from the J3af8f)et ','lhieh '.vill lessen the visHal anG aistraetioas from the l::lHiIGiRg's desigR features.. 40. Pursuant to traffic and circulation data submitted, and County's traffic X review, east and south driveways shall be limited to right-in and right-out only (unless a turn-lane is provided on Boynton Beach Boulevard). 41. Revise comment #30 to read as follows: Remove signage from gazebo to X pfeveRt stml;lt-ure from heiRg l;lons1nIea as sign stmetHre (strHl;lture exeeees maXlmHm height allowea aHa reElUlres fO\::lRaation plaHting), aHa to maximize its potential as a signature structure. Alternatively, two monument signs at a maximum of six (6) feet high, will be allowed at the northeast and southwest entrances consistent with sign code and if applicable, the variance process. Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 7 of7 DEP AR TMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 42. Replace comment #31 to read as follows: As aR alternative to 131aeing X l3arkiRg te tHe Fear of tHe I3rojeet, oat of sight from tHe adjaeeRt right of way, I3rovide a eeyeree stnleture sweh as a l3ergola that prO'lides signifieaAt sereening to the flarkh'l.g area BY Both the strueture aRd ':egetatioR to be plaRted aRd growR on same, possiBly designed to inelude a solid reef at the adjaeeRt bws stefl, aRe tHe flergola showld extend the leagth of tHe l3arking areas along Both Be)'Rton Beaeh Bowle'lard aRd U.S. 1. If feasible, place two similar but smaller gazebos to provide cover for benches at both the northeast and southwest project corners. 43. Prohibit the exterior storage of shopping carts, vending machines or X any other items. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS 44. Revise comment #34 to read as follows: Within the Boynton Beach Blvd. X roadway, remove the westbound left turn lane into NE 4th St. and stripe a continuous left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic generally from the F.E.C. railroad to U.S. 1. This will allow some storage capability for left turns into the project driveway. This is subject to receiving F.D.O.T. approval and permitting prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. 45. Revise comment #35 to read as follows: Request F.D.O.T. to install a X yellow, warning flasher in the concrete median for Boynton Beach Blvd. eastbound traffic to keep vehicles out of the F.E.C. crossing when there are stacking conditions. This is subject to receiving F.E.C. and F.D.O.T. approvals prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. 46. Revise comment #41 to read as follows: Remove signage from gazebo to X maximize its potential as a signature structure. Alternatively, two monument signs at a maximum of six (6) feet high, will be allowed at the northeast and southwest entrances consistent with sign code and if applicable, the variance process. Ifvariance request is denied, sign shall be allowed on gazebo as originally proposed (gazebo lighting shall be limited to that which internally illuminates the structure but does not directly light the sign). 1:\SHRDAT A IPLANNINGlSHAREDlWPIPROlECTSIECKERD DRUGSTORE COUS\CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CC 1O-19-99.DOC -rJEPARTIYIENT OF DEVELOPME~'~ "j~EMt ~NDUM NO. PZ 99-2...; TO: Sue Kruse City Clerk FROM: Pl~ Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE: November 23,1999 SUBJECT: Eckerd Zoning Code Variance 99-017 (Number of Signs) The legal advertisement for this request will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney. The requested variance is scheduled for the December 14, 1999 Planning and Development Board meeting. DEVELOPMENTDEPARTIMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-235 TO: Wilfred Hawkins Interim City Manager FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE: October 1, 1999 SUBJECT: Eckerd Drugstore - COUS 99-003 Staff report and postponement request Accompanying this memorandum please find the staff report and proposed plans for the above- referenced project. Please also find a letter from the applicant requesting that this item be postponed from the October 5,1999 meeting to the October 13,1999 regularly scheduled CRA meeting. The reason for this request is to allow additional time for the applicant to make further revisions to the proposed plan in response to final comments from staff that contained extensive recommendations, in part, relative to project appearance and the Vision 20/20 Redevelopment Plan. Staff will have received a further revision to this plan by October 1 st, will conduct a review of the revised plan, and will update the report and conditions of approval for distribution to the CRA for their regularly scheduled meeting of October 13, 1999. Staff has been assisting the applicant with their latest revisions and anticipates noticeable improvements relative to the plans included within this package. .. r ATTACHMENTS MWR/nl \\CH\MAlN\SHRDA T A\PlanninglSHAREDI WP\PROJECTSIECKERD DRUGSTORE COUS\Eckerd Conditional Use Postponement Letter.doc ulIIYe.-anl realty nud ..eI..pllle"', IK. . lilt It September 30, 1999 . TRANSMITTAL Mr. Mike Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Planning and Zoning Division RE: Proposed Eckard location NWC Federal Hwy & Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mike, Per our discussion today, I am writing to request postponement of review of File number: COUS 99-003 (Eckerd Drugstore Conditional Use) at the C. RA meeting of October 5. 1999 to October 13, 1999. As a result, this item will be heard at the subsequent City Commission meeting of October 19, 1999. .. Also by this letter, I am confinning that File number: ABAN 99.003 (Ecll8rd Abandonment) will remain on the Consent Agenda fer Odober 5, 1999. Very truly yours. UNIVERSAL REAL TV & DEVELOPMENT, INC. ~~ Mark WaJlace Vice President of Planning & Development 28855. BAYSHORE DRIVE. SUITE 9OS'MIAM.. FL 33133.TEL: (305) 286-9515.FAX: (305J 285.1102 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-225 FROM: Chairman and Members Community Redevelopment Agency /'0'-',Z Michael Rumpf~- Director of Planning and Zoning TO: DATE: September 22, 1999 Eckerd Drugstore- COUS-99-003 Conditional Use- Drugstore with drive-thru pharmacy SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION Contained herein is a description of the subject project. The proposed building is situated on 1.51 acres of land zoned Central Business District (CBD), and assembled from several parcels located at the northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway, including a portion of the property occupied by Bud's Chicken Restaurant. The proposed development consists of a one-story, 11,938 square-foot Eckerd drugstore/ pharmacy with two drive-thru lanes, and 61 parking spaces. ApplicanU Agent Donna C. WesUCarnahan and Proctor & Cross, Inc. Project Name: Eckerd Drugstore General Description: Conditional use approval for an Eckerd Drugstore with drive-thru pharmacy Property Size: 65,584 square feet (1.51 acre) Mixed Use (MX) Land use: Zoning: CBD - Commercial Business district .. Location: Northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Fecleral Highway (See Exhibit "A"- Location Map). I 11, 938 square feet ( See Exhibit "B" - Proposed Site Plan). Building area: Surrounding land uses/zoning: North- N.E. 3rd Avenue, and farther north is a park and utilities facility, zoned CBO East- Federal Highway, and farther east is a shopping center, zoned CBD South- Boynton Beach Boulevard, and farther south is a gas station, zoned CBO West- Bud's Chicken restaurant, zoned CBO STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING CONDITIONAL USES AND ANALYSIS Section 11.2. D of the Land Development Regulations contains the following standards to which conditional uses are required to conform. Following each of these standards is the Planning and Zoning Division's evaluation of the application as it pertains to standards. The Planning and Development Board and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or conditioned upon the conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, recreation space and sidewalks, as shall be determined necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizens' general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not Eckerd Drugstore COUS 99-003 Page 2 in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety and welfare of the community and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provisions have been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with the particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow, and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. The subject property has four points of ingress and egress: One two-way access point at Federal Highway and N.E. :;m Avenue and two, two-way access points onto Bud's Chicken parcel to the west (an agreement for shared access must be provided). No left-out turning movement will be allowed on Federal Highway. Pedestrian cross-access has been provided for all adjacent rights- of-way. The location of the proposed building provides for sufficient accessibility for emergency vehicles and efficient traffic flow. To reduce congestion created by trash service vehicles and drive-thru traffic, one driveway is recommended to be eliminated and to be the location for the dumpsters. 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required. with particular attention to the items in subsection 1 above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use will have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The building will have one adjacent 1.2'X35' loading space at the north end of the building. The proposed project will not increase the intensity of any glare or odors that already exist. With 61 parking spaces proposed, the project would include 100% of the spaces required for this retail use. 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection 1 and 2 above. - Two refuse structures are proposed at the north end of the proposed t>uilding, and waste will be removed on a standard schedule. As indicated above, and within the conditions of approval, the structures should be moved so that the door/gates do not swing into the drive-through lanes. 4. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability, and compatibility. With incorporation of Utility Department comments, utilities are available and consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies (except where inconsistent with referenced development plans) and city regulations. As indicated by the application for an abandonment, that is being processed concurrently, existing utilities are to be moved from the existing right-of-way. 5. Screening, buffering and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions, character. With incorporation of staff comments, screening and buffering of adjoining properties and adjacent rights-of-way will meet and exceed code. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. 'z. Eckerd Drugstore COUS 99-003 Page 3 At the time of permitting, lighting levels will be evaluated for minimum illumination and excessive glare. No increased conditions regarding glare are anticipated from the proposed development. It is recommended that the site lighting poles not exceed 16 feet in height, include fixtures consistent with Visions 20/20 recommendations including maintaining light levels that are not excessive, and that site lighting fixtures be placed on the building. It is further recommend that the light fixtures required to illuminate the entrance access aisle be directed away from any buildings located adjacent to the site. A wall sign and a monument sign are proposed, and to be constructed at the maximum allowable dimensions (the wall sign slightly exceeds the maximum area allowed based on the building frontage; the sign area must be reduced to comply with the sign code). It should be noted that the site sign is uniquely combined with a signature structure (gazebo) located at comer of the property and would not exceed the maximum area allowed if only placed on two sides of the structure. 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. The building setbacks for the CaD zoning district are 8 feet for lot front, 8 feet for abutting street, and 0 feet for interior lot lines. The proposed building location meets or exceeds this minimum requirement, which, however, is inconsistent with redevelopment recommendations that encourage the creation of a pedestrians scale environment with attractive streetscape storefronts. Alternatively, the building setback is maximized and parking spaces exist between the sidewalk and the building. 8. General compatibility with adjacent property and other property in the zoning district. The proposed facility is unique to the downtown, as it would represent the first redevelopment project for this area. With incorporation of staff comments, the project would be generally compatible with the proposed marina project and adjacent shopping genter.' 9. Height of building and structures, with reference to compatibility and hJlrmony to adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The overall height of the proposed structure is 35 feet, and is therefore well within the maximum allowed by code. 10. Economic effects on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The proposed Eckerd Drugstore is to be located in the heart of the city's commercial core, and would replace several existing uses, some of which are arguably blighted, marginal or undesirable in the downtown area. Therefore this project would assist with downtown beautification, proposes positive design features by which subsequent uses will be compared and reviewed, and would represent physical improvements which could be a catalyst for subsequent redevelopment projects. Furthermore, the proposed use may also provide some economic stability to existing retail uses in this vicinity. 11. Conformance to the standards and requirements which apply to site plans, as set forth in the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4. Site Plan Review. 3 Eckerd Drugstore COUS 99-003 Page 4 With incorporation of staff comments, the proposed project will comply with requirements stated within this section of city code. 12. Compliance with, and abatement of nuisances and hazards in accordance with the performance standards within Section 4 of the zoning regulations; also, conformance to the City of Boynton Beach Noise Control Ordinance. With incorporation of all conditions contained herein, the use would operate in a manner that is in compliance with the above-referenced codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. The conventional and standard development regulations are met by the proposed plan. However, consistencies and inconsistencies with the Vision 20/20 Redevelopment Plan recommendations should be indicated. The Redevelopment Plan recommendations address ideal site layout and building features such as roof style, facade materials, windows, signature elements, signage, landscaping and lighting. In summary, the general consistencies and inconsistencies between the proposed plan and redevelopment plan recommendations are listed as follows: Consistent elements: 1. Wall articulation minimizes blank walls; 2. A landmark feature is provided at a major intersection downtown; 3. Site lighting fixtures (are consistent with both the redevelopment plan and fixtures to be used at the planned marina and new bridge); ,.. 4. Design features such as compass rose, paver bricks, and benches; ard 5. Decorative gable roof features proposed for both sides of the project entrance. Inconsistent Elements: 1. Maximum building setbacks are proposed, and oft-street parking spaces proposed between the building and pedestrian walkways. As a consequence, the ideal environment for the traditional streetscape with window displays, storefronts, and covered walkways, is not created; 2. Tile roof material is proposed rather than metal seam; 3. Flat roof rather than a gable or hip roof; . 4. Lack of sufficient windows to create a vibrant or visually interactive environment (all but one fac;ade includes windows, and all exceed eye level); 5. Project parking meets minimum requirements of code and is therefore eligible for being kept reserved for the subject use rather than being shared; and 4- Eckerd Drugstore COUS 99-003 Page 5 6. Design elements that insufficiently achieve a style reflective of the desired character for the Ocean District. SUMMARY/RECOMMENDA TION The inconsistencies between the redevelopment plan recommendations and the proposed use are created by virtue of the proposed use itself, which operates on established objectives relative to vehicular circulation and parking, perceptions on convenience, appearance, and maximizing interior efficiency which conflicts with the desire to maximize window space and other objectives of a traditional downtown redevelopment project. Prior to filing an application, project representatives communicated the negative position that Eckerd would have toward placing the building close to the right-of-way. In exchange, the applicant proposes enhancements to the pedestrian system including paver-brick walkways with benches, compass rose feature inlays, a gazebo, and enhanced landscaping. This circumstance of the inconsistency between the proposed project and the new redevelopment plan is not unusual but predictable given the characteristics of large retailers, which ultimately represent tradeoffs that must be considered by the city. While the project does not conform to the general streetscape concept of the downtown redevelopment plan, it would greatly enhance a very visible area within the core of downtown, and would represent stable private investment within the downtown which could initiate subsequent investments and redevelopment efforts. Based on the assumption that alternative pedestrian environments will be created through redevelopment efforts within more quaint and pleasant areas such as along the Ocean Avenue Promenade, within the marina project, by the ultimate redevelopment of the Boynton Beach shopping center, and by subsequent, more carefully planned redevelopment projects within key downtown locations, the proposed project has net benefits. However, aesthetic improvements are still warranted by the project to improve its physical appearance and consistency with design recommendations for the ocean district (see Exhibit "C" for an example of Coastal Florida design style and specific examples for several proposed recommendations. These design recommendations and options are listed within Exhibit "0" - Conditions of Approval. Based, in part on the need for downtown redevelopment efforts and complial'}ce with development regulations and those conditions of approval indicated within Exhibit "0", staff recommends that this request be approved. Furthermore, pursuant to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.2 Conditional Uses, a time limit is to be set within which the proposed project is to be developed. Staff recommends that a period of one (1) year be allowed to develop this project. As long as 25% or more of the total cost of the improvements are completed within one (1) year, this condition is met. SB:mr Attachments J:\SHRDATA\P".nning\SHARED\WP\PROJECT~CKERD DRUGSTORE COUSlSllIII Report COUS ~.doc 5 0- 4~ 'ns e~d ~I' r cJ~4.= ~ct:<J-<Y5 V( ~?i-r<c- · ;JU C~he-y ~f 1382Srl/cC!. y- JS. 1 · ;o/9cg ,SZ'-'w~ 0=-c....-r v( ce'y,.-.,e dr...l ~- Sc re~ h ; Y). V" c;f-~ ~ ~ r] x" ~<e:- I (J {) . 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";BO --~~ - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : NE. 3n:l AVENUE .) EKlSr........."'[IIIIf..., S8e- 55'15"E 223.4]' ,:'0".70' /-r.~,r.. /' IT~ ...~. , ," , .. , " , " 0' I ~, I ~, 1:1 '" ~ L....e'K.IIjIIII[ ..,r[II b o 8' 16' ~....- 4' 12' 20' SCAlE - - - - - - - - - ~\ I ,OJ" -, " " 0, 0, :1 (tIS' "~IQOI~J: ~, TO . I :, flGV[O ~ ~\ 1'1 , I, 1;:\ ~ ::: ~ " :: . ::~ ~ ;\: ? ',< 8 ::.: III filii ; L v I "IPIII'OP ~ ,) --::: 'f,'w :~ : ::~~~~l ,.:~O 1 :1 I': , , , , , , , , ~'...t : :~c'f:'1 : : ~ , " : :. I .: ~=ros:vc "-j' " ~ ~ / , Iii leu" --- " ' ::t,~~. / / . .' . ,. ~ .... :"~// ~ :", / : .1Zf . / ; :.~! ; ~ k>{/ ,~,y :;~ / ECKERD DRUG STORE \1 :jIOHY III ..IE1.Z........J(l r r (l 1]' ... Jt .... 55"15'" 211.... o o [_1_ "...... o o '- _._. _. _._-_._.- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---.-.-----. -. _. -.- BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD -.---.-.-.-. -. -.-.-.-.-.---.- .-.-.-.- .-.-.-.- ._. sc.....[ ....20' DArt 712/" F'8/PC H/A DRAWN .., DCW CH(ClC(D BY' DCW ~ CARNAHAN. PROCTOR. CROSS, INC. CONSUL TING ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS . PLANNERS &101 WEST AfLNlTIC IIOI.l.EV_.llMGATE, FLOMlA 33013 PHONE. 9~.-972-39~9 FAX: IJS4..'1'Z.4111 E-"AI.: rnarqot.ecCll"nanan-proctor,com ~ ~ 40' IN ;EET ;, .' .' .' .' " .' .' '~ :: ".~ :: ,~ I' ',\ I tJIC~....:: '.~! - :; .11 .' '1 :: 't ;': '.~ :' "I " ,i ;', '. ,. ~ ,', X '. " X ~ . " ... " 0 ., . ... .... " . t ~ ; I I I :l :l :1 .. ,I '. ,. ,. '. " ,. :) :) .. : ) ., :~ :~ ::1 " ::1 " .. "l " II. " \~:::!' I "( ~t_~AV(1I'I I ~ ~~1nc _._-_.~~~ , ,,' '1: >.i ,.' " ,,' ,,' ," ". :,t , iI' ,,' '" ,,' " ,,' " ,,' ,.' " .' ,.' ,,' ,,' ". ,,' . ',' .,' " , " J; .,' '" " '" " ," :11 ., " ," " ". . , . . . . . " . . . . . " . . . " II " .. II " .. '" . I " " . I '" III '" ,:',' ,...r::" xlST ~".., 'IC 'CHI - ---r ~ L ..J l-.,. 25' TYPE 11-0 POLE NTS r--A LIGHT POLE DETAIL -EXHIBIT "8 LEGAL DESCRIPTlON A PORTION OF LOTS '. 4. ,. 5, 9. 11 ~ 12. TOCETHER WITH oII.L or LOTS 2. J, 6, 7 ANO 10 iN 8LOCK 5. TOCETH(Il WITH A PORTION OF' BLOCK 7, oII.L ,ocCORDN; TO THE: PLAT OF "ROBERT .r.DOITION TO TOWN or BOTNTD.... AS RECORDED N Pl.AT BOOK 1 AT P.cE ,. Of' THE P\.8UC RtCOROS or PoII.II BEACH COUNTT. FLORClA. TOCETHER WITH THAT CERT'" 20.00 FOOT RlCHT.-OF'-WAT L TN; BETWEEN S.tIO B1.OCKS 7 "l<D a 8EING IolORE PNlTIC\.VIll T DESCRIlII:D AS FOlLOWS' BECN AT THE IITERSlCTIOH OF' THE wEST RlGHT-OF'-WAT LM Of' FEIl[RoII. HlCHwAT WITH THE NOlITH LM OF' S.tIO LOT ,; THENCt RIM SOUTH 00.00'00" wEST oII.ONC SAID WEST RlGHT-OF"WAT LM FOR A OISTNeE OF' 277.75 FEET TO A POINT OF ClIlVATUM OF' A C1lCUI.Nl CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NOItTHWEST, THENCE RIM SOUTHWESTElILY oII.OHG THE Me Of' SAID CUtVE. HAvING A RADIUS Of' 12.00 FEET. THIlU A CENTRoII. NG.E OF' 9l"0.'.~". FOR AM Me DISTANCE OF' 11.05 FEET TO A POINT OF' T AHCENCT' THENCE RIM NOlITH 5S.55'''" WEST oII.ONC THE _TH RIeHT- OF-WAY OF BOYNTON IIEJoCH IIOUI.EVNIO FOR A DISTANCE OF' 218.55 FEET TO A POtNT' THENCE RIM NOlITH 0,.07'111" EAST FOR A OISTNeE 01' 2119.94 FEET TO A POtNT' THENCE RIM SOUTH 5S. '5'I~. EAST oII.OHG THE SOUTH RlCHT-OI""AY LINE OF ..oRTHEAST JRO AvtHUIE FOR A OIST NeE OF 22J.47 rEEl TO THE POINT t)F' 8EC_. S;lj() L~S SITUATE IN THE CITY Of' 80Y..TON BE,ocH. PA.... BEACH COUNT' FLORIOA. ANO CONT.... 1.~06 ACRES, IoIORE OR LESS. SITE DATA ZONING. ClIO 'CENTRAL BUS'''ESS DISTRICT. "CREAG( I I.SI ACIIlS SI TE ARCA CALCuu.TIONS. eulLD11IG I~RVIOUS AIlIA P(IIV I OUS AIIIA PIIOVIOEO O.ZI AC. I U 0." AC. In 0.21 AC. 1 U ....Xll&l.. T5. BUILDING SETlACKS. FRONT I SOUTM I FRONT IEASTI REAli 'NOlITH I S Ill[ IIESTI GAZEBO SETlACU. FRONT 'SOUTH I FRONT 'EAST} PROVIDED 52' '" S" 37' PROV I OED IS' II' IIINII&I.. D' O' I' O' III NI 1&1" 10' 10' BUILDING AllEAS. FOOTI'IIIINT 11.132 FLOOR AIIEA. GROUND FLOOII Iā‚¬lUlIlNl TOTAL s.r. 10.1.1 S.F. 1.010 S.F. 11.'3' S.F. BUILDING HtICHT. .....1- PIIOV I Il[D I STORT W/lClUlIlNE 45' 35' PROPOSED FLOOII ELEVATION. FLOOD ELEVATION IWOIlUATION. COIoMlIIITT NO.. 120"1 0003 C DATE OF FIRIIo '"0Ill FLOOD lOlll. C SASE FLOOD ELEV.. "'A Sl'1IIoG IOO'lU11 lASE FLOOD ELEV.. 12.0' .. t NOT OETERUIIlED PAlIK IIlG SPAtES. RlOUIRlD. 51 II '200 S.F. I X 50&' PEII ClIO A&.LOWAIltE I TOTAL RtOUIRED. 2. TOTA&. PROVIIl[D. II H~IC"" SPAClS IINCLUIl[O III "'OVE h REOUlRED. ! PllOV IIl[D. 3 LOAD I NG l0llE5. REOU1RlD. PROV IDEO. (12'135' I NOTES: I THE SITE UCHTING FllClUIES WLL U~TE TIC SITE CONSISTENT WITH THE mCF1CAT1OIlS IllIHTFC .. THE PNIICItC LOT CODEI\.NIISCAl'E COllE. 2 AU. Pl.NCS S\8ITtm FOR SPtCF1C PaUTS SHILL IIEET THE C1TY'S CODE MOURD<<NTS AT 1M: aF IlPPUCATlOH. THESE P!MITS N:L1m:. BUT /IIIL NOT LIITEl) TO. THE rOLLOWIlG' SITE UCHTNl. PAV1NG. ORMIIICl. CUIlRIlG. LANllSCN'ING ~ IllllGATIClIl. I'!IUTS RtOLMED nIOM OTHER ppWfTlNG AGOlClEs. SUCH AS FUOT. SFWIoD. OEIIII. LWIIll. DIP 1M) MY OTICIIS. SWILL lIE INC\.UODl WlTMTHE PaUT IIEOUEST, 4 3 3 THE HNlOICN' ICtEssaE IIOUTt IS N COY'LLtHCt WITM SECT10IlS . (~CESS&E ROU'11:l 1M) ..5 lPNIICItC ~ pASS[NCER LO~ lOllESl aF THE FLORIIA ACCt$S8LITY CODE' FOIl llULDIG CONSTIIUC lOtI. <3 EXHIBIT "C'! .I !I .- JloJ1 "Coastal Village" st 'I: .! I, ' 'i :l h H I, . :1 ' .ilel ~. !III ! II I il I Ii : I ~ I' ~ ~ ~ t ~ i II~ ,~ ~ GI:, ~ el!" ~~j hJ Ii ~, .~~ i ~ ~ t ~ ~ 9 ~ I . . '0 /'. -. - - ,......r-----. -+. . ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ I :.-; I ~' j I I I- : , <{I 11 ~. ~ >- i ]1 I , i I .