LEGAL APPROVAL - -. ___I ..._... '-#n.u~,'" vr I na::. '-'II t \"UMMI~:SION OF THE cr-y ~F= BOYNTON BEACH, FLO,...... - ~ (QI' (!~ ~. PROJECT NAME: Eckerd Drugstore APPLICANTS AGENT: Donna West; Carnahan, Proctor & Cross, Inc. APPLICANTS ADDRESS: 6101 W Atlantic Blvd, Margate, FL 33063'~:::,~-~~0~-'~'-~ ,..~ \ -" "-.. ..- DATE OF CITY COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: October 19, 1999\ \\~! \-~~-~._. lYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Conditional Use \~\\l, OC\ 'lO -:-' ~ . .....-.. ~ ------ , ,- t"- ..--~ LOCATION OF PROPERlY: Northwest comer of Boynton Beach Boulevard and:federal Hignway- ----...~ DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commi~s!on hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the pUblic finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City'~ Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant lHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby l GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other \\\\\\\ 1I11"I! II/, <..''t\\\ 0 'f ~I j () III~ ~ , ~ ~"'.,. l' l) ~ ~ o( "0 otii ~. '" ~ ........e '~ ". .., ...... ~ .:p"- ::: ~ : ., '" ~ - I- :- , '" - =-i' i~= -0 . -. \ '- ~/ j '. ... ~ ~ .......... ~ ~ J:'LOR\O~ ,,'~ '/11 \\\" 11/11111 11 \1\\\\\ DATED: tf2:u:. pU). /?f'P ~h~~"-<U" City ClerK J:\SHROA TAIP'-nnongISHAREOIWP\PROJECTS\ECKERO ORUGSTORE COUS\OevELOPMENT OROER.cOUS.doC EXHIBIT "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Eckerd Drugstore File number: COUS 99-003 Reference' Conditional Use File # COUS 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES 'Comments: 1. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (see Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your Health Department permit submittal. 2. A"pp'ropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water X service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. 3. Provide drainage calculations showing the amount of rainfall to be retained X on-site. Please be advised that there will be a fee for improvements the City is planning to make for off-site storm water treatment and conveyance, as part of the Downtown Watershed Stormwater Improvement Project. (Sec. 26-406) FIRE Comments: 4. Show Fire Department connection on plans. X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 5. Drainage basin provided by City to be installed prior to issuance of C.O. X 6. Within the Boynton Beach Blvd. roadway, remove the westbound left turn X lane into NE 4th St. and stripe a continuous left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic from the F.E.C. railroad to U.S. 1. This will allow some storage capability for left turns into the common driveway. This will require F.D.O.T. approval and permitting. 7. Request F.D.O.T. to install a yellow, warning flasher in the concrete X median for Boynton Beach Blvd. eastbound traffic to keep vehicles out of Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 2 of 7 DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT the F.E.C. crossing when there are stacking conditions. This will require F.E.C. and F.D.O.T. approvals. n _. ..... BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 8. To verify compliance with the Florida Accessibility Code for Building X Construction, add the following information to the ramp detail drawing found on sheet 3 of 8: The documentation shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the slope, surface finish and cross slope of the ramp. Amend the drawings to omit inconsistencies. The landscape plan and irrigation plan show two ramps and the site plan and drainage plan depict one ramp. The floor plan drawing shows parking spaces but does not show a ramp or identify the location of the accessible parking spaces. 9. The design professional-of-record for the project shall state on the plans X that the finish floor elevation is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site. The statement shall indicate that the base flood elevation is consistent with the surface water management regulations defined by the South Florida Water Management District. The statement "not determined" is not acceptable. Identify the finish floor elevation within the footprint of the building that is illustrated on the drawing titled Fixture Plan. [Section 3107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach Amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code] 10. Please note that the layout of the floor area depicted on the fixture plan will X be reviewed for compliance with the applicable codes at time of permit revIew. 11. Remove the text "per side" from the description of the gazebo signage that X is identified in the sign tabulations found on sheet A-2 of 2. [Article IV, section 6. B of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 12. The overall height of the gazebo sign structure exceeds the overall height X allowed per the code. Amend the height to comply with the twenty-foot (20') maximum allowed by the code. [Article IV, section 6. B of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 13. Identify on the landscape plan the location of the landscaping that is X required for free standing signs/Gazebo structure. [Article III, section 3 of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] 14. Remove the text "facing streets" from the description of the wall signs that X is identified in the sign tabulations found on sheet A-2 of 2. [Article IV, Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 DEPARTMENTS section 6. C of the Sign Code -Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations speciflecf'in the Sign Code. Page 3 of7 INCLUDE REJECT 15. The total square foot area which is allowed for wall signage that is X identified in the signage tabulations found on sheet A-2 of 2 correctly identifies the maximum that is allowed by the Sign Code. However, the aggregate area of the wall signage that is shown and identified on the elevation view drawings of the building illustrated on sheet A-2 of 2 exceeds the total allowed. Correct the signage area so that it does not exceed the maximum area allowed by the code. [Article IV, section 6. C of the Sign Code - Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations] All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 16. The total number of directional signs that are depicted on the site plan does X not match the quantity that is identified in the sign tabulations listed on sheet A-2 of 2. The three types of directional signs that are illustrated on sheet A-I of 2 do not match the titles that are identified on the site plan. Correct the inconsistencies. All drawings of signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code. 17. At time of permit review, verify that the platted right-of-way that is shown X on the survey has been abandoned by submitting a copy of the recorded City of Boynton Beach resolution that describes the abandonment. 18. At time of permit review, specify, in tabular form, on the site plan and/or X floor plan drawing the proposed use of the facility. Identify the Building Code used to design the building. Also, include the type of construction, occupancy classification that the building was designed to comply with. The tabular form shall include the total area, area per floor and overall height of the building. The City of Boynton Beach has adopted the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code and the City' of Boynton Beach Amendments to the Standard Building Code. Working drawings of the building shall comply with the codes specified in Chapter 20 of the Land Development Regulations. 19. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit X review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, Fire Department fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. 20. Permits are required to construct the improvements that are shown on the X approved site plan/conditional use documents. Permit application forms are available in the Building Division of the Development Department. A permit submittal checklist is available in the Building Division. The list identifies the basic documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applicant submits for permit review. P ARKS AND RECREA nON Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 4 of7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: None X .+ -- --. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 21. Per CBD regulations, Utilities shall be placed underground to the maximum X extent possible. 22. On the site plan provide the following information: ChA, Sec.7, Par.B- X Correct bearings and distances to match the survey. Correct the handicapped sign detail as per City drawing #B-90012 - sign should be 18' x 30". 23. On the landscape plans continue hedge west along south side southwest X entrance, to a point closer to entrance up to a point to avoid interference with clear sight area. Ch.7.5, Art.II, Sec. 5. 24. To further provide adequate screening for the loading area, maximize X density of north with additional materials ranging between 4 feet and 8 feet in height. Such as clusters of tree Philodendron. 25. It is recommended that site perimeter landscaping (east and south sides) be X further enhanced with additional materials ranging between 4 feet and 8 feet in height placed between the Royal Palms to fill the spatial void resulting from the lack of canopy trees and to contribute to the proper screening of the parking area. It is recommended that species be compatible with 20/20 plan species and other species proposed, be primarily native and enhance the site with added color and texture. Species could include Giant Crinum Lily, Bird of Paradise, King Sago, Day Lilly, Tree Philodendron, or Ixora. Colors at site comers and driveways should be maximimized. 26. Provide all lighting consistent with the CBD Guidelines (16 feet maximum), X and vision 20/20 plan, with the exception of supplemental lighting necessary to meet minimum required light levels per City code. If inconsistent lighting is used, proper data and specifications shall be provided to justify supplemental lighting and verify that lighting shall not be excessive. 20/20 light fixture is rounded or hook-shaped. 27. Increase design characteristics representative of the Florida Coastal style X architecture such as: a. Benches shall be consistent with Redevelopment Plan recommendations; b. Incorporate weather vanes or windsocks, and/or bannerslflags that both accent the project and further the recommended nautical theme (elements Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 5 of7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT should be lightly used, not extensively used on the project); c. Place support signage over and under the main wall signs, hang under "open" area, 6i- eliminate to remove them from the parapet which will lessen the visual and distractions from the building's design features. 28. Pursuant to traffic and circulation data submitted, and County's traffic X review, east and south driveways shall be limited to right-in and right-out only. 29. Exterior vending machines shall be prohibited. X 30. Remove signage from gazebo to prevent structure from being construed as X sign structure (structure exceeds maximum height allowed and requires foundation planting), and to maximize its potential as a signature structure. 31. As an alternative to placing parking to the rear of the project, out of sight X from the adjacent right-of-way, provide a covered structure such as a pergola that provides significant screening to the parking area by both the structure and vegetation to be planted and grown on same, possibly designed to include a solid roof at the adjacent bus stop, and the pergola should extend the length of the parking areas along both Boynton Beach Boulevard and U.S.-I. ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMENTS 32. Revise comment #3 to read as follows: Provide drainage calculations X showing the amount of rainfall to be retained on-site. Please be advised that there will be a fee for improvements the City is planning to make for off-site stormwater treatment and conveyance, as ",art of if the project is within the Downtown Watershed Stormwater Improvement Project area. (Sec. 26-406) 33. Revise comment #5 to read as follows: Drainage basin provided by City to X be installed prior to issuance of C.O., or installed by the developer, and reimbursed by the city, to avoid project delays, 34. Revise comment #6 to read as follows: Within the Boynton Beach Blvd. X roadway, remove the westbound left turn lane into NE 4th St. and stripe a continuous left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic generally from the F.E.C. railroad to U.S. 1. This will allow some storage capability for left turns into the eeFRRH3R project driveway. This will r8E1Hire is subject to receiving F.D.O.T. approval and permitting 35. Revise comment #7 to read as follows: Request F.D.O.T. to install a X yellow, warning flasher in the concrete median for Boynton Beach Blvd. eastbound traffic to keep vehicles out of the F.E.C. crossing when there are stacking conditions. This will reElHire is subject to receiving F.E.C. and F.D.O.T. approvals. Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COUS 99-003 Page 6 of7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 36. Omit comments #11 and #12 as sign will be removed from gazebo. X 37. Revise comment #24 to read as follows: To further provide adequate X screening for the loading area, maximize density of north buffer with ae!e!itieRal materials r-aRgiag betv;eea 4 feet aRe! g f-tlet iR HeigHt. SHeH as clysters of tree PHileeeHereR. the hedge planted at five (5) feet and Silver Buttonwood bushes rather than standards. Plantings shall be maintained to maximize density and therefore screening. Five (5) foot hedge shall follow pavement edge to the driveway. 38. Revise comment #25 to read: It is recommended that density of site X perimeter landscaping (east and south sides) be further enhanced with aaaitieRal materials raRgiRg setweeR 4 feet aRe! g feet iR HeigHt plaeea sep-veeR tHe Reyal Palms te fill tHe spatial "Die resyltiRg frem tHe laek of eaRepy kees aRa t8 e8RtriByte te tHe proper sereeRiRg tHe parkiHg area. It is reeemmeRaea tHat sl"eeies se eampatiBle '::itH 29.'29 f:llaR sfleeies aRa otHer sl"eeies f)rOI"9see, se primarlily Hath'e, aRe! eRHaReea tHe site 'l.'itH addea eeler aRe! teKaJre. standard Silver Buttonwood (rather than Hibiscus. Additional species eayla iRElhiae such as Giant Crinum Lily, Bird of Paradise, King Sago, Day Lilly, Tree Philodendron, or Ixora should be considered to add colors at site comers and driveways, ~ Be ma,ximizea. Hedge shall be maintained at a minimum of 30 inches (except on the north side), 39. Revise comment #27 to omit item "C" to read as follows: Increase design X characteristics representative of the Florida Coastal style architecture such as: . a. Benches shall be consistent with Redevelopment Plan recommendations; b. Incorporate weather vanes or windsocks, and/or banners/flags that both accent the project and further the recommended nautical theme (elements should be lightly used, not extensively used on the project); e. Plase sy",,,,eIt sigRage e':er ana YRaer tHe maiR 'o'.'all sigRs, HaRg \:lRGer "opeR" Mea, ar elimiRate t8 reme'le tHem frem tHe para",et wHieH '.vill lesseR tHe ':isyal aRe eistrastieRs frem tHe BYileiRg's desigR feamres.. 40. Pursuant to traffic and circulation data submitted, and County's traffic X review, east and south driveways shall be limited to right-in and right-out only (unless a turn-lane is provided on Boynton Beach Boulevard). 41. Revise comment #30 to read as follows: Remove signage from gazebo to X ",reveRt strnElBire frem Beiag eeRstrnee as SigR stroemre (stroemre eKeeees maKiFRym HeigHt alll')',\'ee aRe reEiYlres faYReatiaH plaatiRg), aRe to maximize its potential as a signature structure. Alternatively, two monument signs at a maximum of six (6) feet high, will be allowed at the northeast and southwest entrances consistent with sign code and if applicable, the variance process. Eckerd Drugstore File No.: COOS 99-003 Page 7 of7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 42. Replace comment #31 to read as follows: :\s aR alternative t8 plaeiRg X parldRg te tAe rear -(:If tAe projeet, eyt ef sigAt frem tAe aajaeeRt rigAt of '.vay, f'lrevide a sovered stmet1:lre SYeA as a f'lergola tAat flroviees sigRifisaRt seFeeRiRg te tAe parkiRg area "'y !:letA tAe stryetare aRa vegetatieR te be plaRtea aRa gre\YR eR same, f'lossi"'ly aesigRea te iRelyae a selia reef at tAe aajaeeRt !:lYS stefl, aRa tAe flergela sAeyla e1(teRa tAe leRgtA ef tAe flarkiRg areas aleRg "'etA QOYRteR QeasA Qeyle\'ara aRa U.S. 1. If feasible, place two similar but smaller gazebos to provide cover for benches at both the northeast and southwest project corners. 43. Prohibit the exterior storage of shopping carts, vending machines or X any other items, ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS 44. Revise comment #34 to read as follows: Within the Boynton Beach Blvd. X roadway, remove the westbound left turn lane into NE 4th St. and stripe a continuous left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic generally from the F.E.C. railroad to U.S. 1. This will allow some storage capability for left turns into the project driveway. This is subject to receiving F.D.O.T. approval and permitting prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. 45. Revise comment #35 to read as foIlows: Request F.D.O.T. to install a X yellow, warning flasher in the concrete median for Boynton Beach Blvd. eastbound traffic to keep vehicles out of the F .E.C. crossing when there are stacking conditions. This is subject to receiving F.E.C. and F.D.O.T. approvals prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. 46. Revise comment #41 to read as follows: Remove signage from gazebo to X maximize its potential as a signature structure. Alternatively, two monument signs at a maximum of six (6) feet high, will be allowed at the northeast and southwest entrances consistent with sign code and if applicable, the variance process. Ifvariance request is denied, sign shall be allowed on gazebo as originally proposed (gazebo lighting shall be limited to that which internally illuminates the structure but does not directly light the sign), JlSHRDA T AIPLANNINGlSHAREDIWP\PROJECTSIECKERD DRUGSTORE COUSlCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CC lo-I9-99.DOC Ec & r.d2.. C~ <-- .s RESOLUTION ROO- /..1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE CONVEYANCE OF A 12' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT FROM THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY (LOTS 5 & 6, BLOCK 6, ROBERT ADDITION TO TOWN OF BOYNTON); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach is the owner of certain lands situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, and Florida Power and Light Company has requested an easement on the east boundary of the City's Animal Shelter on NE 4th Street, (Lots 5 & 6, Block 6, Robert Addition to Town of Boynton); and WHEREAS, it is the purpose of ,-..tRis--:-easem~nt to construct Underg::: ~::::;:::i.::OI: :::~:~=;~h;I::~:~ OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby approve the conveyance of an Easement from the City of Boynton Beach to the Florida Power and Light Company, and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said Easement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . Section 2. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /5 day of February, 2000. ! I ~ ~ CH, FLORIDA ,. / ,c,' Mayor Pro Tern A Ci Clerk \\\\\ \I 11/1 fIlII I. ~\\\ '}:.Q, I/I/: (Co~~~.\)~~.'~~ , ~ q, ,,~~OR.4 "'~',,'" ~ :::: 4. "0'<'" a \ 0 ~ ~ 0 10 J :t. ~ = > :~ = ca\r~~~menl~& . Eckej ~o, "\~""" ;:: ~ .... .' - ~ ~ ......... ^'{- ~ ~ ...\V ~ ~I FLO~ \\\~ 1111111/1111 \\\ \\\ MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 department head or in another area of public administration, is essential because of Boynton's need for a seasoned professional who can help bring the city gOvernment's culture back into line with the council-manager system. " . "He or she must have a demonstrated history of job stability. Turnover among city managers every five years or so is fairly normal, but the Commission wants to make sure that the new manager has been persistent and has succeeded in past jobs." Mayor Broening said the Commission will be working on this over the next weeks and months. XIII. OTHER: None XIV. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, Vice Mayor Tillman moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Denahan seconded the motion that carried unanimously. The meeting properly adjourned at 8:30 p.m. --------, YorL~ A~ '/: :...---- v(ce Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ Mayor Pro Tem ~i~'-L~'~ 'In. p~ o puty City Clerk hree Tapes) )llL0. ~jutJa~ Commissioner ~ ~. ~~'~~ . L-~~.€1/~1' ~ ~.' Commissioner - 22 MEETING MINUTES ...." REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ...., ~ 'W' OCTOBER 19, 1999 .. of Florida Atlantic University in his report dated October 18, 1999. (A copy of the report is attached to the original set of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.) "The impasse reached in the search for a new City Manager centered on the question of how much weight to give to different candidate characteristics. Some Commission members gave great weight to formal, higher education and to prior experience in the position of city manager. Others gave much more weight to familiarity with Boynton Beach and to the candidates' ability to communicate well with the city's African-American community. This differential weighting, along with the very different characteristics of the top candidates in the pool, left the Commission as a whole in the position of having to sacrifice one set of qualifications for another, and this led to an impasse." "My recommendation to the Commission was to raise the requirements for applicants, and to extend the search in an effort to find candidates whose ~background and qualifications would be strong in all areas. The Commission - considered all the options available to it and evaluated each option individually with respect to a number of factors." "The Commissioners agreed to extend the search to allow time to update and expand the pool of applicants, and to allow extraordinary efforts to be made to locate additional minority candidates. The Commission plans to hire a recruitment consultant or "headhunter" who specializes in recruiting city managers. The headhunter will be instructed to find the best candidates on the market and to take special steps to advertise the position to women and minorities. The Mayor and Commissioners understand that this will entail additional costs for the search process, but they recognize that such costs are small in comparison to the benefits that will be derived from bringing the search to a successful completion." "The Mayor and Commissioners also decided to be clearer about their expectations regarding the applicants' qualifications for the job. They want the new City Manager to meet the following requirements." . "He or she must have at least a Master's Degree in Public Administration or an equivalent degree in another field. Roughly 80 percent of Florida city managers have an MPA, and this level of formal education is needed to assure that the Manager will have technical skills essential for the job." . "He or she must have experience with a council-manager form of municipal government. Experience with this particular form of government is crucial because it is the form in Boynton Beach, and Boynton's governance has suffered from confusion about how this system should work." . "He or she must have at least five years experience as a city manager, or seven years experience as an assistant city manager. Again, experience with city management at the highest level, rather than just experience as a 21 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 Motion Vice Mayor Tillman moved to remove this item from the table. Commissioner Denahan seconded the motion that carried unanimously. At Commissioner Weiland's request, Mrs. Shepard approached the podium and stated she is very pleased with the City's support of the restoration of the Woman's Club that included the installation of an elevator and air conditioning. The Woman's Club would welcome working out a plan with the City to use it for meetings that were discontinued at the Royal Palm Clubhouse as was suggested in a Sun-Sentinel article. Ms. Shepard thanked the Commission for the opportunity to continue the Woman's Club's history of being a place where meetings can be held. Commissioner Denahan thought this was a wonderful opportunity to showcase the Woman's Club and she thanked Commissioner Weiland for the suggestion rather than just writing off this money that is owed to the City. Commissioner Denahan is hopeful this can be a simple process and that the City can keep this building filled. She does not want to offset any income that the Woman's Club might be able to earn. She would like the City to have the opportunity to write off this outstanding balance as quickly as possible in order to relieve the Woman's Club of the debt. Motion Vice Mayor Tillman moved to authorize staff to work with the Woman's Club to schedule City events to offset the amount of $26,156. Commissioner Weiland seconded the motion. Mr. Hawkins said the City has a list of the groups that used the Royal Palm Clubhouse. These are the organizations that would be potential users of the Woman's Club. Staff wants to make sure that the City converses with legitimate organizations. Therefore, we will use that list as a foundation. Commissioner Denahan did not want to make that exclusive because the Education Advisory Board and the Advisory Board on Children & Youth have showcased the Woman's Club in the past. The list is a good place to start and Commissioner Denahan does not want to bring in organizations that might be paying to use other buildings. Mr. Hawkins clarified that he would like to use the list of people outside of the City purview that use the Royal Palm Clubhouse as a foundation for filtering through the Woman's Club. The motion carried unanimously. B. Recommendation from the Institute for Government regarding the City Manager Search Mayor Broening said the Commission met during the hurricane to regroup and determine what was important to the Commission. One of the major issues was the hiring of a City Manager. Mayor Broening read into the record the recommendations stated by Dr. Lance deHaven-Smith, 20 MEETING MINUTES '-- REGULAR CITY COMMISSmN BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,., '.., ~ OCTOBER 19, 1999 2001 at which point those additional funds would become void. Vice Mayor Tillman seconded the motion that carried unanimously. XI. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 099-32 Re: Authorizing abandonment of a 20' wide segment of NE 4th Street between Boynton Beach Boulevard and NE 3rd Ave. Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 099-32 by title only. MAYOR BROENING ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 099-32. Motion Commissioner Weiland moved approval. Commissioner Denahan seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. B. Ordinances - 1st Reading None C. Resolutions: None D. Other: 1. Request for preparation of ordinance to amend City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article VII, Sections 2-116 to 2-122 pertaining to Advisory Board on Children & Youth Motion Vice Mayor Tillman moved approval. Commissioner Denahan seconded the motion that carried unanimously. XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Authorize the Finance Director to write-off balance of Woman's Club loan in the amount of $26,156 (TABLED) 19 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 Mr. Sugerman explained that spending the County's $83,000 and the City's minimal contribution of $41,500 is locked into a time frame of 24 months for construction from the time the grant agreement was signed': In addition, jobs must created one year after that 24 months. The total time frame is 36 months. The dollars above the minimal obligation are not subject to the County agreement. Therefore, we have flexibility on any contribution above the minimal obligation. We have a signed contract with Palm Beach County to administer this grant program. Mr. Sugerman said the grant was signed on February 24, 1998; therefore, on February 24, 2000, 24 months will have passed. Ms. Francoise is allowed 24 months for construction plus 12 months for the job creation. In February of 2001, we will have to close out the obligation with the County. They will conduct an audit and then they will close out. Commissioner Denahan recommended reserving the additional $150,000 (approximate) until the books are audited. This issue would become void at that time if Ms. Francoise has not issued new plans and drawings. Mr. Hawkins pointed out that the main objective is for Ms. Francoise to complete the project in progress to meet the current time frame. All of the remaining discussion can come back to the Commission at that time. Ms. Francoise said she needs more help now with the impact fees. 51-: requested that the City pay the fees that total approximately $70,000. Mr. Sugerman said he would have to review these figures since an invoice from the 500 Building parking lot was submitted, and that is not part of this project. Mr. Hawkins agreed that this portion was not directly related to the grant. Mr. Sugerman committed to giving Ms. Francoise what she is entitled to up to whatever limits the City Commission sets. May?r Broening requested a recommendation from staff on this dollar figure. Mr. Hawkins said the recommendation has not waivered. Staff recommends reimbursing Ms. Francoise $41,500. Ms. Francoise needs to finish the current project within a time frame of three years. The remaining issues will be reviewed at that time. When Mayor Broening questioned whether the impact fees are associated with the project, Mr. Sugerman said he was not sure. Mr. Hawkins suggested that the Commission move forward with staff's recommendation of $41,500. A determination is needed regarding bills that have been submitted. Mr. Sugerman was not able to do that without time for review. If necessary, staff will return to the Commission to request additional money. Motion Commissioner Denahan moved to amend the City's financial participation with Christine Francoise in the Dolphin Plaza project as part of Palm Beach County Development Regions Competitive Grant #R98-275-D to a maximum of $41,500 reserving the remainder of the $195,000 (approximately $150,000) until the books are closed from the audit of February 24, 18 MEETING MINUTES '-' REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA .... .., ., OCTOBER 19,1999 impact fees and permits for the 500 Building and some for the Dolphin. Ms. Francoise said she just handed Mr. Suger~an additional submittals for $58,000 in impact fees and permits. In response to Commissioner Denahan, Ms. Francoise said the County did not pay those fees for her. She said she paid all of the fees and the County reimbursed $37,000. Mr. Sugerman said the County reimbursed the first submittal of $37,000. The $58,000 submittal triggered this agenda item because the City was required to pay it. Commissioner Weiland feels Ms. Francoise's efforts to start the revitalization in this area should hold some weight. However, the entire project is broken down into phases and the City does not have any assurances that the phases will come to fruition. This is something the City must consider. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman said the drawing that was on display represented a project that could not move forward because Ms. Francoise does not own the land. Ms. Francoise said 50% of the project could go forward. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman said the project necessitates ownership of all of the land. Therefore, the project is different. Vice Mayor Tillman agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Sherman that this was a different project. He said he did not know what the City should offer in terms of percentages because it is totally different. At this time, it appears that this is a case of any other business owner expanding his/her business and he questions whether or not the City should be participating in the project. There were agreements made about what the original project was going to bring to the City. However, those circumstances have changed. In order to make a fair and equitable decision, he would have to know the impact of this project on the City. Commissioner Denahan said that in addition to the previous comments made by Commissioners, the City was looking at a tremendous economic impact to the community. The City is now hopeful that 8.5 jobs will be created. Commissioner Denahan reiterated that she is disappointed with the scaled-down project. She is happy that Ms. Francoise is committed to the redevelopment of this particular corner, but the City anticipated much more. The City's participation should be only the minimum contribution toward the economic development of 8.5 additional jobs ($41,500). When Ms. Francoise said she would create between 16 and 20 jobs, Commissioner Denahan said she would not be opposed to reserving the remaining $154,000 for some point in the future when Ms. Francoise could bring back sincere plans. Ms. Francoise said she is doing the parking lot behind the 500 Building that is costing more than $40,000 and she has already paid over $70,000 in impact fees. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman explained that he was a member of the Planning & Development Board and is aware of certain steps that must be addressed. Ms. Francoise must return to the City with drawings that can be reviewed by staff, the Planning & Development Board and the City Commission. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman recommended that Ms. Francoise begin the process over again since this is a new project. 17 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 Commissioner Denahan said the original agreement was to offset permitting fees, stormwater drainage, and infrastructure improvements. Mr. Sugerman said the original agreement would pay a number of her.fees for construction design. Commissioner Denahan said she is very disappointed because this was a very large portion of the City's Vision 20/20 package. A great deal of work and effort went into this project. Ms. Francoise displayed a drawing that she and the contractor prepared that showed the Dolphin expansion to the corner with "something" at the south corner. They envisioned a walkway. Ms. Francoise said her idea was to start the first project that will amount to approximately $450,000 or $500,000. She would then do the 500 Building. The corner with the fountain was going to be a third phase. The contractor envisioned the amphitheater later on if it was warranted. Ms. Francoise said the problem she has is that she does not own the entire block and cannot do what was originally planned. Ms. Francoise said she is still planning to do the corner and the two-story building. She will also install a fountain. She is doing the parking behind the 500 Building. The infrastructure is needed now because of the drainage situation in this area. Ms. Francoise said she is not planning to do the second restaurant at this point because of the lack of parking. It might be possible to do it in the future. When the Dolphin is completed, Ms. Francoise will begin the 500 Building. The third item would be the corner. Ms. Francoise said the seating capacity for the Dolphin was downsized due to the lack of parking. If the amphitheater was built now, there would be no parking at all. Commissioner Denahan asked if Ms. Francoise had ownership of the property when she applied for the grant. Ms. Francoise responded negatively and explained that she attempted to purchase the property but someone beat her to it. Commissioner Denahan said the City must take lessons learned through past experiences. She recommended that the Commission not give more than $41,500 and reserve the remainder of the $195,000 toward the balance of the project. Ms. Francoise said that in the Vision 20/20 plan, the total cost of the project was $700,000. She is spending between $450,000 and $500,000 on the Dolphin alone. The projected cost estimate for the 500 Building is $288,000. Commissioner Denahan requested renderings of the Dolphin project. She said she did not see a $500,000 building being added when she was present at the Planning & Development Board meeting. What she saw looked like a 2,500 square foot addition to an existing bar. Ms. Francoise said the existing bar was being completely gutted and redone. They are not just adding on a 2,500 square foot addition. Ms. Francoise did not have renderings for review by the Commission. Ms. Francoise said the corner building would probably cost a minimum of $300,000 to $400,000. She is spending a great deal more than the amount projected for this project in Vision 20/20. Ms. Francoise said the City committed impact fees, permits and additional seating impact fees to her that amounted to a lot more than $41,000. She has already given the City $37,000 for 16 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMIS~N BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA .." ..., ... OCTOBER 19, 1999 explained to the County that the existing business would be expanded, new business would be created and new jobs would be created. Ms. Francoise proposed expanding the Dolphin Bar into a bar and restaurant, expanding a two-story office building that would include office space and retail space and in a second phase, she would install an amphitheather, stage and a fountain on the corner of the property. This project was part of the discussions of the revitalization of the downtown and the City was strongly encouraged because it blended well with the marina project. Palm Beach County agreed to participate in this project in the amount of $83,000. The City committed to participate in the amount of $195,00 and Ms. Francoise was responsible for everything above those amounts (approximately $450,000). The grant was approved and the City entered into an agreement with Ms. Francoise. After a number of years, Ms. Francoise submitted her building application. The City found that what was planned to construct was significantly less than what was envisioned in the original grant agreement. Ms. Francoise has submitted for an expansion of the Dolphin Bar into the Dolphin Plaza Restaurant. The submittal did not include the retail space, the amphitheater, pedestrian walkway or fountain. Mr. Sugerman questioned whether or not the City was still prepared to participate in the amount of $195,000 knowing that the actual project is less than what was originally proposed. Palm Beach County's participation in this program is mostly for job creation purposes. The County has asked for the creation of 8'/2 jobs for their participation and Ms. Francoise indicated she would create those jobs. Their grant agreement identifies the ultimate creation of 52 jobs from the retail space, amphitheater and the stage. Many of those jobs will no longer be created. Palm Beach County is disappointed that the larger project is not going forward, but they will still commit their $83,000 for the creation of the minimum 81/2 guaranteed jobs. The County said the City must make its own determination on what it wants to do with its $195,000 participation. With the County continuing to participate at $83,000, the City has a minimal obligation of $41,500 to this project. Mr. Sugerman feels the range of the City's participation should be somewhere between $41,500 and $195,000. Mr. Sugerman did not suggest that the City remove all of its obligation except for $41,500. He recommended that the City consider reducing its participation to the $41,500 and setting the balance of the initial obligation aside until the full project is done. Vice Mayor Tillman asked how much of the project was scaled down in terms of the total size of the property. Mr. Sugerman displayed the two site plans. He said the original site plan was going to be expanded to include storage, a stage, event seating, a promenade and a fountain. What has been submitted is an expansion of the Dolphin Bar that would double the size of the existing establishment. This project has been permitted for construction and the project is underway. Mr. Hawkins explained that the original City input into this project with respect to funding had to do with making the size of this project successful particularly with regard to stormwater and utilities. The project Ms. Francoise is now doing does not need the type infrastructure that the original project envisioned. 15 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 Commissioner Denahan also asked if a conditional use application is the only time an application would go to the CRA. Commissioner Denahan pointed out that the Planning & Development Board serves a very useful purpose and the Commission relies on their review. In this case, that process was not served. She would like recommendations from staff to determine if this is the best review process. Attorney Cheraf said staff and the City Attorney can look at the language of the Code that dictates this process in an effort to find the proper balance between expediting projects of this nature while still preserving the review process at the same time. B. Approval of special warranty deed conveying title to Shandra Frazier for Lot 62 & 63, Cherry Hills (Proposed Resolution No. R99-140) ATTORNEY CHEROF ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ITEM. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. MotlOi1 Vice Mayor Tillman moved approval of Proposed Resolution No. R99-140. Commissioner Weiland seconded the motion that carried unanimously. VIII. BIDS: None IX. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: None X. NEW BUSINESS: A. Amend the City's financial participation with Christine Francoise and the Dolphin Plaza project as part of Palm Beach County Development Regions Competitive Grant #R98-275-D (TABLED) Motion Commissioner Denahan moved to remove this item from the table. Vice Mayor Tillman seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Christine Francoise approached the podium and requested that Dale Sugerman assist her in defining her project for the City Commissioners. Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager, said the City entered into an agreement with Palm Beach County and Christine Francoise under the Development Regions Competitive Grant Program. Ms. Francoise approached the City approximately 21/2 years ago with a proposal to expand her business in a way that it would create jobs. The City supported her application and 14 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA '-' .... ~ ~ OCTOBER 19, 1999 showed the Eckerd's signage removed from the large gazebo. A large blank area remains. Eckerd's would not be. opposed to the City putting something in that area that represents Boynton Beach. - Commissioner Denahan asked if the gazebo on the northeast corner of the site was before or after the entrance. Ms. Miskel said the gazebo would be north of the Federal Highway entrance and it is set back far enough so that it is not in the sight triangle or the setback area. Commissioner Denahan asked for clarification of the need for the variance. Ms. Miskel said the proposed location of the monument signs was shown on the plan. The first sign would be outside the setback area and the second is near the island that is more centrally located on Boynton Beach Boulevard. The applicant had to work with landscaping that was proposed and the location of the park benches so that they did not invade each other's area. Commissioner Denahan questioned why the monument signs needed to be 6' high. She said that at the Eckerd's on Lucerne and Dixie Highway, there is only one monument sign and it is significantly smaller. Ms. Miskel said the maximum is what is permitted by Code, but Ms. Miskel is not certain it will be six feet. Mr. Hawkins asked if there had been any further discussion with staff regarding the bench designs. Ms. Miskel said the applicant is prepared to work with the City on this issue. MAYOR BROENING ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. Motion Vice Mayor Tillman moved approval of the Eckerd Drugstore at the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway, request conditional use approval for the construction of an 11,938 square foot retail building with drive-up window on 1.51 acres with additional comments and concerns as set down by staff and Commission. Commissioner Weiland seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Commissioner Denahan thanked staff for working diligently to attain the Coastal Florida look we have been trying to attain as mentioned in the Vision 20(20 process. She asked if this application was returned to the CRA because it was a conditional use and inquired jf this application would have gone through the Planning & Development Board it it were a site plan approval. Attorney Cherot advised that the conditional use required this application to go before the Community Redevelopment Agency. Commissioner Denahan requested that staff make recommendations to the Commission regarding ways to keep the process streamlined to meet developers' needs while balancing the review process to meet the City's needs. 13 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 rcquircs found~tion pl~nting), ~nd te-maximize its potential as a signature structure. Alternatively, two monument signs at a maximum of six (6) feet high, will be allowed at the northeast and southwest entrances consistent with sign code and if applicable, the variance process." There had been discussion of the prospect of removing the sign from the gazebo and the location of two monument signs no greater than 6' in lieu of that. Ms. Miskel and Mr. Rumpf concluded that a variance would be needed to do that. The applicant has no objection to applying for that variance; however, there is no guarantee that a variance would be granted. Therefore, the applicant would agree to submit the variance application. In the event the variance is denied, the applicant would have the right to the gazebo. Commissioner Oenahan asked Ms. Miskel if the applicant selected a more suitable color for the roof. Ms. Miskel said she brought the suggestion back to Eckerd's, but their color is part of their identity and they are firm on the color. It is patented and part of their trademark. They offered another prototype that has neutral colors and "s" tile that is earth tone. Ms. Miskel said Eckerd is prepared to modify the main Eckerd's signage. They are willing to remove the blue background and use a beige tone in its place. The letters would be blue lettering on a light beige background. Commissioner Oenahan said she is vehemently opposed to the blue roof. She feels this is a signature sign and the name "Eckerd's" would not be needed on the building. In this case, she feels it is another marketing tool. Commissioner Oenahan asked if staff prefers the Mediterranean style tile roof to the Florida Coastal blue roof. Mr. Rumpf said there are pros and cons to both. There will be consistent design elements on the marina project that may have stronger colors. The Banana Boat is proposing to revise their building and it would probably have a colored metal roof. This is how the consistency elements are determined. With respect to the tile, there may be some consistency in the Coastal zone area along US # 1. The Mizner Buildings will have tile elements. There is nothing in writing that says it must be one way or the other. Staff will look for consistency. Mr. Hawkins explained that staff is not opposed to either scenario. Initially, the Eckerd's representatives were directed to the Woman's Club building as an example of architectural features. Mr. Rumpf is of the opinion that there will be more metal roofing in the immediate area. Mayor Broening confirmed with Mr. Rumpf that a variance is required. Mr. Rumpf explained that at the CRA meeting, it was the applicant's understanding that the CBO area did not limit a single-use site to a single sign. That is not the case. Mr. Hawkins asked for clarification of the two gazebos that were discussed at the CRA meeting. Ms. Miskel displayed a small elevation for review by the Commissioners. The applicant has located a gazebo at each end as discussed. The gazebo is set back so that there is no invasion of the visibility triangle. It is outside the setback requirements. One gazebo is on the northeast corner and one is on the southwest corner of the site. The small schematic that was reviewed 12 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY ( - MMISSl'frN BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ".., ,., - OCTOBER 19, 1999 day pumping water on Industrial Avenue. Help is needed in this area. The Stormwater crew also needs relief since there are only five employees in this area. We pay only $1 per month for storm water and- "you get what you pay for". VII. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: EckF rd Drugstore Donna West - Carnahan, Proctor & Cross Inc. Boynton/Federal Development, Inc. Northwest corner of Federal Highway & Boynton Beach Boulevard Request conditional use approval for the construction of an 11,938 square foot retail building with drive-up window on 1.51 acres Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all that would testify during this quasi-judicial proce~ding. Attorney Cherof advised that the agenda back-up material contained the Conditions of Approval. He recommended that the applicant identify only those Conditions of Approval that were not acceptable. Bonnie Miskel, 222 Lakeview Avenue, West Palm Beach, said all of the Conditions of Approval were acceptable. However, the applicant had two comments on three of the conditions. There was a long discussion during the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting on a number of items and with the help of staff, compromises were reached that should be acceptable to everyone. Ms. Miskel referred to Comments #34 and #35 that read as follows: Comment #34 Comment #35 "Revise Comment #6 to read as follows: Within the Boynton Beach Blvd. Roadway, remove the westbound left turn lane into NE 4th St. and stripe a continuous left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic generally from the F.E.C. railroad to U.s. 1. This will allow some storage capability for left turns into the common project driveway. This will rcquirc is subject to receiving F.D.O.T. approval and permitting." "Revise comment #7 to read as follows: Request F.D.O.T. to install a yellow, warning flasher in the concrete median for Boynton Beach Blvd. Eastbound traffic to keep vehicles out of the F.E.C. crossing when there are stacking conditions. This wfH r-cquirc is subject to receiving F.E.C. and F.D.O.T. approvals." Ms. Miskel said the applicant would like it clearly understood that the application that they are to make to F.D.O.T. and F.E.C. should not delay the issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy. Comment #41 "Revise comment #30 to read as follows: Remove signage from gazebo to prcvcnt structurc from being construed ~s Stgfl structurc (structurc cxcceds m~ximum height ~lIowed ~nd 11 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 built on this parcel. It is the will of the citizens that the land be developed as a park. She offered the namel "The People's Park" for the lO-acre parcel. She urged the Commissioners to make a decision very seon with respect to this issue. Tony Mignano, 614-617 West Industrial Avenue, said he has had 16 inches of water inside his warehouse for the past five days. He cannot take his trucks out of the facility and all of his machines that were sitting on the floor are full of water. He has more than $20,000 worth of damage in the warehouse. Mr. Mignano circulated photos he took on Sunday and earlier this afternoon. Mr. Mignano asked if the City was planning to do anything to correct this situation. He said that for the last 10 years, every time it rains, he calls the City. The City claims they plan to do something about it, but nothing has been done yet. He urged the City Commissioners to fix the street. Ron Whittaker, 3..59 West Industrial Avenue, said he built at this location in 1985 and he is tired of living with the flooding problem. Mr. Whittaker is aware of the fact that it would cost $1.6 million to fully correct this situation. A pump was delivered today at 11:00 a.m., but it was too late. Everyone has damage. This area has an additional problem with the access road from East Industrial Avenue to West Industrial Avenue. Nancy Byrne has been assisting with this . problem, but Mr. Whittaker believes the Commission needs to assis.t by putting pressure on Comcast. Ken Hall has also assisted, but this area needs immediate help. This industrial park is the forgotten area of the City and needs some attention. Mel Lowe, 630 West Industrial Avenuel said every time it rains, he gets one foot of water in his building. It cost him more than $1001000 last year because the computers got wet and the carpets were replaced three times. When the trucks go through this water, it costs $600 for each vehicle to take off the wheels and bearings and replace everything. The solution to this water problem has been to take off the manhole covers of the sewer to let the water flow. Mr. Lowe drove down the street on Sunday and his new truck dropped into the manhole because there were no barricades around it. The water in the toilets has been backing up into the office space since Thursday. The pump did not come out until today. The manhole is so full that the water will not go down any further. Mike Brandellen, 518 Industrial Avenue, said he didn't have much to offer in addition to what was said other than the fact that during this f100dl there was sewage coming back into the facilities. This was a more dangerous situation. Although the pump arrived today, it was too late since the damage was done. Mary Law, 625 South Federal Highway, knows that the City workers were very busy this weekend but questioned where the chiefs at City Hall were. She said there should have been announcements on the television regarding limiting the use of washing machines and limiting the flushing of toilets. She reported that the sewer cap across from Dr. Panzer's was floating for three days. People drive through the puddles and spread the water through the adjoining properties. The City knows where the problems exist and they should put up barricades before the rain starts. It is time to take strong action as a community. Tina Smith, 15 Belaire Drh said she and her husband have a warehouse on Industrial Avenue that flooded. Ms. Smith is a member of the Stormwater Team and she spent her entire 10 MEETING MINUTES ,., REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA .."" - .." OCTOBER 19, 1999 throughout the City have told him that Pond "B" was a "done deal". However, it is not a: good as done and it will cost a lot more money than was anticipated. 3. From the report given by Larry Roberts with regard to Gateway Boulevard, the project began 60 days ago and it is already 60 days behind schedule. This is not a comforting situation knowing that Ocean Avenue is the next project. Mr. Scully recommended hiring a permanent and qualified City Manager and Development Director and to finish the projects that are already underway in a timely manner in order to earn back the confidence of the people. Brian Edwards, G29 NE 9th Avenue, representing Inlet Cove Association, thanked the Police and Fire/Safety personnel for all they do throughout the City and for their awareness and serious attention to the dangerous situation at the Bikini Beach Club since May. The residents are ashamed of the fact that even though they have some of the most politically active people living in their communities, they abut an embarrassing display of disarray. Unbearable noise in early morning hours, inappropriate behavior from Club patrons and an increase in serious criminal activity is too much to bear. The Inlet Cove Association requested assistance in halting this situation. The Bikini Beach Club has done nothing but encourage the worst of a bad situation. The residents do not want this kind of example for the young adults and do not want senior citizens to be prisoners within their own homes. The residents are looking forward to working with the City to resolve this situation. Ron Washam, 112 S. Atlantic Drive, Chairman of the Community Relations Board, announced the first in a series of forums planned by the board. He invited everyone to attend the forum on "Conflict Resolution for the New Millenium" on Thursday, October 21st at 6:30 p.m. at the Fire Station. This will provide an opportunity for open dialogue. The board members will come back to the City Commission with a report on how they can assist in bringing about a positive change. Mr. Washam said the Community Relations Board's Annual S.T.A.R.'s Program will be held on Saturday, October 30th at the City Library between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The S.T.A.R. Program stands for "Students Trained and Ready". This event focuses on students who will begin working in the community and provides seminars on how to dress for success, fill out employment applications and how to go through job interviews. Many of the local businesses participate in this event. Herb Suss, resident of Quail Run, said he read a newspaper article in the Sun-Sentinel regarding the hiring of a "head-hunter" for the purpose of identifying a new City Manager. The cost of this consultant would be between $8,000 and $9,000. Mr. Suss said this was ridiculous and there is no need for this expenditure since there are qualified people within the City to fill this position. Mr. Suss requested that this Commission delay the appointment of a new City Manager since this search will take months and two new Commissioners would be elected in March. Mr. Suss feels this expenditure of funds continues to make the City of Boynton Beach a laughing stock. He accused the Commissioners of inviting ridicule. Henrietta Solomon, 230 NE 26th Avenue, said she is certain that after many weeks of research with respect to the 10-acre park, the Commission has concluded that a park should be 9 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORlDA OCTOBER 19. 1999 . Neighb6rhood Projects - The neighborhood projects are continuing in spite of the departure of Hank Ackermann, Neighborhood Project Specialist. Concrete pouring and installation of curbing are underway and landscaping of the medians will be the next step. It is the City's goal to have a new Neighborhood Project Specialist on board before January 1st. . Disaster Recovery Center - The City of Boynton Beach is working closely with State and federal agencies to set up a Disaster Recovery Center here in Boynton Beach. We are anticipating a response from F.E.M.A. regarding whether or not they will accept our offer. If they accept the offer, additional information would be forthcoming as to the location of the center. VI. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Mayor Broening announced that all speakers would be timed and limited to three minutes. Dee Zibelli, 440 Ocean Pjlrkway, said the reason why she was not present at the Public Forum on City Finances was because her son, who works for the FAA, notified her to shutter her home because the storm was heading toward us. Ms. Zibelli said she finds it hard to believe that not appointing Mr. Hawkins as City Manager is a race issue. During the last City Manager search when Mayor Taylor did not appoint the next qualified applicant, an African-American from Tyler, Texas, there was no uproar from the Black community. Ms. Zibelli said she was the only one who commented on the unethical choice by eliminating Mr. Turner and going back to the drawing board and choosing Kerry Willis. Ms. Zibelli questioned why the City Commission is so adamant about not having an independent auditor review every department to see where we could save money and to determine where the money has been expended in the past few years. Vice Mayor Tillman claimed that the City was broke and it would be necessary to develop the land the people voted to be a park. Ms. Zibelli said she received numerous calls from the Leisureville community saying that Lee Wische was walking the pool area telling residents that property needs to be made commercial because the City is broke. These remarks can be verified. Ms. Zibelli said that in this economy, we should be in good shape if the City did not give $750,000 in perks to Garcia/Jarvis. This is why we need an audit. It would be well worth the money. Kevin Scully, Scully's Market, addressed three issues as a result of the CRA meeting: 1. The loading zone designed for Scully's Market is 110' from the front door. That is completely unacceptable. 2. For months, Mr. Scully has requested that the City complete the Ci ~truction of Pond "B" before other drainage projects are started in the City. Many people 8 MEETING MINUTES ....,..., REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ..... '-' OCTOBER 19, 1999 4. Proposed Resolution No. R99-138 Re: Approving application with the Dept. of Business & Professional Regulation to allow for the sale of beer and wine at The Links of Boynton Beach Restaurant 5. Proposed Resolution No. R99-139 Re: Approving agreement with Lantana Police Department pertaining to use of firing training range D. Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: None E. Approve the donation from Law Enforcement Trust Fund to The Juvenile Transition Center, Inc. of Boynton Beach in the amount of $2,000 F. Approve funds for Housing Rehabilitation Case #4-98-013, Ethel Mae McCormick, residing at 611 NW 5th Street, in the amount of $14,020 G. Approve S.H.1.P. grant funds in the amount of $17,800 to Deborah Robinson to purchase property located at 351 NE 27th Ave. H. Approve S.H.1.P. grant funds in the amount of $11,000 to Shandra Frazier and Charles Gaskin to build on property located on NW 9th Ave. 1. Approval of Bills J. Approve the American Heart Association's Special Event application request to conduct the American Heart Association Heart Walk on October 23, 1999 at Quantum Corporate Park Trail and Motorola property K. Declare a 0.248 acre triangular-shaped median, located at the intersection of NW 3rd Court and NW 3rd Avenue as surplus and direct staff to initiate sales proceedings beginning with a legal advertisement Motion Commissioner Denahan moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Vice Mayor Tillman seconded the motion that carried unanimously. v. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Hawkins reported the follows: . Kids Kingdom - The rebuilding is on schedule and moving forward. A representative of the Leathers organization is the project manager on site. It is anticipated that the Kids Kingdom will be fully open by mid- November if the weather cooperates. 7 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19,1999 Mr. Hawkins reported that our Safety Committee has received statewide recognition. As a result of this Safety Committee, Mr. Hawkins gets an opportunity to teach once a year at the Safety Council Effective Safety Committee. He urged the Safety Committee to keep up the good work in making the City look good. IV. CONSENT AGENDA: Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Minutes: 1. Special City Commission Meeting - September 21, 1999 2. Regular City Commission Meeting - September 21, 1999 3. Joint City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop - September 27, 1999 4. Regular City Commission Meeting - October 5, 1999 B. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1999-2000 Adopted Budget 1. Award the bid for "PISTOL RANGE ROOF REPAIRS LOCATED AT: 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA" to Therma Seal Roofs, Inc., in the amount of $14,478 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R99-134) 2. Award the two year bid for "PRINTING OF CITY WIDE NEWSLETTER - VISIONS, VIEWS AND CITY NE.W5" TO Printsmart, Inc. with an anticipated expenditure of $16,000 3. Award the "ANNUAL BID FOR DELIVERED REFRESHMENTS FOR THE LATCHKEY AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM" to Sandra L. Stroke, in the amount of $12,834 4. Approve a Change Order to the bid for "ANNUAL SUPPLY OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE" (UQUID CAUSTIC SODA) to Jones Chemicals, Inc. for an additional amount of $45,950, bringing the estimated annual expenditure to $85,950 C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. R99-135 Re: Approving the Oceanfront Park Concession Lease Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Partners Plus, Inc. 2. Proposed Resolution No. R99-136 Re: Approving the renewal of a contract with the Children's Services Council for the 1999-2000 fiscal year Latchkey Afterschool Program in the amount of $46,052 3. Proposed Resolution No. R99-137 Re: Approving agreement with Lifecast.com for website development for The Links at Boynton Beach 6 ./ MEETING MINUTES ~ " REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 'J ..", OCTOBER 19, 1999 Motion Vice Mayor Tillman moved to approve the appointments and table all remaining appointments. Commissioner Denahan seconded the motion that carried unanimously. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS A. Announcements: 1. T.N.T. Concert - Friday, November 19, 1999 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. - "The Lakota Band" (Southern Rock) Mayor Broening made this announcement. 2. Green Market - Saturday, October 23, 1999 from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. - North side of the City Library Mayor Broening made this announcement. 3. Palm Beach County's Annual "Paint Your Heart Out 1999" in conjunction with "National Make a Difference Day" - Saturday, October 23, 1999 beginning at 8:00 a.m. At Mayor Broening's request, Octavia Sherrod announced that on Saturday, in conjunction with National Make a Difference Day, Paint Your Heart Out of Palm Beach County would be painting 30 homes, eight of which will be in the City of Boynton Beach. City employees and their families will do three of those homes. The City is soliciting volunteers to help paint the homes of elderly and handicapped residents. Volunteers can fill out forms and contact Ms. Sherrod at 742-6066. 4. Community Forum hosted by the Community Relations Board Mayor Broening announced that the Community Relations Board would host an Open Forum for citizens of Boynton Beach titled "Conflict Resolution and Community Relations for the 21st Century". This forum will be held on Thursday, October 21st at 6:30 p.m. at Fire Station #3 on Congress Avenue and Miner Road. For additional information, contact Beth Miller at 369-0230. 5. Core Grant Mr. Hawkins announced that the City applied to Palm Beach County for funds to participate in their Core Grant Program that is directed toward businesses. The purpose of these funds is to expand business operations, do fa<;ade improvements and hire additional employees. Interested parties were invited to contact Dale Sugerman in the City Manager's Office. The deadline for submittal is October 29th. Mr. Hawkins said the City needs more participation from businesses. 3 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1999 II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made: Appointment Length of Term To Be Made Boa rd Expiration Date III Sherman Children & Youth Advisory Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/00 IV Tillman Children & Youth Advisory Board Stu/NonVoting 1 yr term to 4/00 II Denahan Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Reg 3 yr term to 4/01 III Sherman Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Reg 3 yr term to 4/02 IV Tillman Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Alt 1 yr term to 4/00 Mayor Broening Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Alt 1 yr term to 4/00 Mayor Broening Code Compliance Alt 1 yr term to 9/00 III Sherman Community Relations Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/00 IV Tillman Community Relations Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/00 Mayor Broening Community Relations Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/02 Mayor Broening Education Advisory Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/01 I Weiland Education Advisory Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/00 I Weiland Nuisance Abatement Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/01 Weiland Recreation & Parks Board Alt 1 yi" term to 4/00 Weiland Firefighters' Pension Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/00 Tabled (2) The following appointments were made: Vice Mayor Tillman appointed John Critchett as a Regular member of the Community Relations Board and requested that all of his remaining appointments be tabled. Commissioner Weiland appointed Ronald Ehster as a Regular member of the Education Advisory Board and requested that all of his remaining appointments be tabled. Mayor Breening requested that all of his appointments be tabled. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman requested that all of his appointments be tabled. Commissioner Denahan requested that her appointment to the Building Board of Adjustment & Appeals be tabled. 2 ~./-, r ~i(j -F\ ..., ... ....,..- \. .., MINUTES OF THEREGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1999 @ 6:30 P.M. PI ann 'rx:J PRESENT Gerald Broening, Mayor Henderson Tillman, Vice Mayor William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem Nellie Denahan, Commissioner Ronald Weiland, Commissioner Wilfred Hawkins, Interim City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk NOV - A . ......,-..,-. .-1 <I. .,., I. OPENINGS: A. S. C. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Sroeniflg Invocation - Reverend Sob Hahn - First United Methodist Church Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Pro Tem William Sherman i _ J - ~'^..,- Mayor Sroening called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Following the invocation, Mayor Pro Tem-slierman led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Sroening announced that the public would observe the following changes at future meetings: 1. Meetings will begin on time. 2. Agenda additions, deletions and corrections will be reduced, and possibly eliminated, as a result of a pre-meeting workshop strictly related to agenda to offer Commissioners time to gather information in order to more reasonably debate the issues and to prohibit surprises. /' D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections Mayor Sroening requested the addition of Item III-A.4, Community Forum hosted by Community Relations Soard", Mayor Sroening requested the addition of Item XII-S, "Recommendation of the Institute for Government regarding City Manager Search". Interim City Manager Hawkins requested the addition of Item III-A.S, "Core Grant". 2. Adoption Commissioner Denahan moved to approve the agenda as amended. Vice Mayor Tillman seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 1 REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two (2) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATOR: PlanninQ and Zoning Division PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: September 29, 1999 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Conditional Use Approval for Eckerd DruQstore with drive-throuQh window. October 19. 1999 - City Commission meetinQ. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) STANDARD LEGAL AD SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Property owners (postmarked October 9. 1999) within a 400 foot radius of the subiect property. applicant and the PlanninQ and ZoninQ ManaQer. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The Post DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: October 9. 1999 APPROVED BY: (1) /~ -- .--- c::.- (Originator) '7 - 2- 5- - ?? (Date) (2) (City Attorney) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT v! THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this I1-'-dayof /If,dl-- , 1999, by and between ELIZABETH GILL, TRUSTEE, an individual, hereinafter ("Seller"), and BOYNTON/FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter ("Purchaser"), or assigns. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of property located at 323 North Federal Highway, Boynton, Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. (approximately 13,000 square feet (subject to survey) legally described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, hereinafter \,PROPERTY")), and Purchaser desires to purchase said property; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell and Purchaser wishes to buy the Property upon the terms, covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS: For purposes of this Agreement. the following terms shall have the following meanings: "Acceptable Title" means good, marketable, and insurable fee simple record title to the Property, free and clear of all Title Defects, except for any Permitted Exceptions and any special title matter to which Purchaser waives objection. "Aoreement" means this Agreement for Sale and Purchase as originally executed and as it may be amended in writing, from time-ta-time as provided herein. "Closino" means the execution and delivery of those documents, and the payment of those funds required to be paid at the time and manner required hereunder. "Conditions Precedent" means those items, if any, which must be satisfied prior to Closing in order to obligate the Purchaser to purchase and the Seller to sell the Property under the terms and conditions hereinafter described. "Escrow Aoent" means the party, if applicable, who will hold the Escrow Deposit in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. contract\giIl5. spa \3/1 0/99 "Escrow Deposit" means all funds delivered by Purchaser to Escrow Agent or Seller in connection with this Agreement which serves as partial consideration for Purchasers obligations hereunder. "Effective Date" means the date when this Agreement is last signed by both the Seller and Purchaser, and which date shall be evidenced by a written confirmation. "Inspection Period" means Purchaser shall have an unconditional inspection period of sixty (60) days from the Effective Date to conduct an inspection at the Property and receive if desired a refund of its deposit and interest during this period of time. "Permitted Assians" means those parties to whom this Agreement may be transferred without the prior written approval of Seller, as long as a majority of the new Purchaser( s) are principals of Boynton/Federal Development, Inc. "Permitted Exceptions" means the title exceptions set forth in Schedule "B" of the Title Commitment, which are acceptable to Purchaser, and which Title Commitment shall be secured by Purchaser within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date. Purchaser shall have twenty (20) days to review and accept or reject same. Purchaser shall attache a list of all title objections, if any, with its notice to Seller. If Purchaser does not accept the "exceptions", Purchaser shall be entitled to an immediate refund of its deposit and interest, which shall be its sole remedy. Permitted Exceptions shall specifically include (a) liens for state, county, and municipal ad valorem real property taxes for the current year (to be prorated); (b) liens for special assessments for public or municipal improvements, whether pending, completed or certified, confirmed, ratified, or otherwise due and payable; (c) easements for public utility services and facilities that serve the Property or the improvements or are located along and parallel to the front, rear, and side boundaries of the Property and do not, in Purchaser's sole discretion, substantially impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use of the Property; (d) easements, reservations, and restrictions of record that are common to any plat or subdivision of which the Property is a part, that are not in violation or coupled with any reversionary or forfeiture provision, and that do not in Purchaser's sole discretion, impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use and occupancy of the Property; (e) claims for vendors', carriers', mechanic's, materialmen's, and other similar liens arising from the Property, if each such claim of lien is discharged by payment; and (f) any other lien, exception I assessment, encumbrance, reservation, or restriction to which Purchaser waives objection or that can be removed or satisfied by Seller on the Closing Date. 2 "Pro-rated" means the allocation of an item of expense or income between Seller and Purchaser based upon the percentage of the time period as to which such item of expense or income relates as of Closing. "Property" means the parcel of land that is legally described on Exhibit "A" to this Agreement, together with all easements, tenements, hereditament, and appurtenances on or to that land. "Purchase Price" means the full consideration agreed to be paid by the Purchaser to the Seller for the purchase of the Property. All sums refer to the currency of the United States of America. "Survey" means that certain survey to be prepared at the expense of Purchaser, in accordance with this Agreement by a licensed surveyor and certified to Purchaser. "Title Defect" means a lien, defect, exception, encumbrance, restriction, reservation, or imperfection in, to, or on the record title to the Property, as defined in the standard Florida Bar Sale Agreement. 'Title Insurance" means the Title Insurance Commitments and Policy issued by a recognized title company selected or approved by Purchaser in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. "Transaction Document" means this Agreement and all of the documents required or contemplated in connection with the Closing of this transaction. 2. PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED: Seller agrees to sell and convey to Purchaser and Purchaser agrees to buy from Seller the Property, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and subject to performance of all conditions of this Agreement and performance by each party hereto of its respective obligation hereunder. 3. PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PROJECT: $325,000.00 PAYMENT: (a) Escrow Deposit payable to Escrow Agent upon execution of this Agreement by Purchaser to be placed in a interest bearing account (to benefit Purchaser), which sum shall be applied to the Purchase Price at closing. Purchaser must provide the Escrow Agent with its Federal Tax Identification number, which is the number under which, any and all, interest earned will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service by Purchaser. $10,000.00 3 (b) Mer expiration of the inspection period, in the event Purchaser elects not to terminate this Agreement, Purchaser will deposit in escrow an additional sum of $15,000.00 to be held in an interest bearing account, to the benefit of Purchaser, which sum shall be applied to the Purchase Price at closing. (c) Balance of $300,000.00 due in cash and payable at Closing to Seller, subject to adjustments and prorations as herein provided. 4. TITLE EVIDENCE: Purchaser shall secure within thirty (30) days, at its sole expense, a Title Insurance Commitment on the Property issued by a licensed Florida title insurer. Upon recording of the deed to Purchaser, Purchaser at its expense, shall secure an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price, insuring Purchaser's title to the Property. Seller shall make available to Purchaser copies of any title V\K)rk in its possession. Before the 20th day following Purchaser's receipt of the title insurance commitment, Purchaser shall notify Seller of each exception or requirement for a Title Defect that it considers to impair Acceptable Title to the Property and that it will not waive. If Purchaser fails to notify Seller within the time period of its objection to a Title Defect(s), Purchaser will be deemed to have waived the Title Defect. If Purchaser timely notifies Seller of its objection to a Title Defect, Seller shall within the following fifteen (15) days notify Purchaser whether Seller intends to cure, correct or remove a Title Defect. Purchaser and Seller hereby agree that Seller shall not be obligated to cure any Title Defect and may by written notice to Purchaser waive any curative period and thereby require Purchaser to, within fifteen (15) days, either accept the Title Defect as it then is or refund the Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. If Seller, within the time mutually agreed to (if and as extended), is unable or unwilling to cure, remove, or correct a Title Defect that has not been waived by Purchaser, Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser of that fact and the reason for it, and Purchaser may (a) elect to terminate the transaction; (b) postpone the Closing Date for up to thirty (30) days and either allow Seller to continue to try to cure, remove or correct the Title Defect, or attempt at its expense, to cure, remove or correct the Title Defect. If the Seller is unable to cure the Title Defect, Purchase may either accept the Title Defect as it then is or demand a refund of its Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. After issuance of the Title Commitment to the date of Closing, Seller shall not in any manner encumber title, create any liens or place any mortgagees) on the Property or in any way alter the status of title. 5. INSPECTION PERIOD: Purchaser shall have an unconditional inspection period of sixty (60) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement. Purchaser shall have the right (and Seller shall provide reasonable access for such purposes) to have an independent engineer and others of Purchaser's selection make inspections of the Property. Seller shall provide such documentation as Purchaser may reasonably requestfif said documentation is available to Seller. 4 (a) Inspection Verification: Purchaser shall have the right to inspect the Property, to conduct such topographical surveys, soil test borings and other sub-surface tests, percolation tests, engineering and other related developmental studies, tests and examinations thereof, including but not limited to sewer or septic availability, as Purchaser may desire in order to determine whether the Property is suitable for Purchaser's intended use thereof. In connection with its inspection of the Property, Purchaser shall (i) not damage the Property; (ii) repair or restore at its expense any damage to the Property that is caused by its agents or employees; and (iii) release and indemnify and hold harmless Seller from all claims, actions, suits, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, that are incurred by Seller and arise out of Purchaser's inspection of the Property, by Purchaser or any person Purchaser invites to inspect the Property, or his or their agents, employees or subcontractors. If prior to the Inspection Completion Date, Purchaser determines that the Property does not conform to -Purchaser's intended use, or for any other reason whatsoever, in Purchaser's sole discretion, Purchaser may elect to cancel this Agreement upon written notice to Seller whereupon the Escrow Agent shall return to the Purchaser the Escrow Deposit(s) and all interest earned thereon, and this Agreement shall thereupon be null and void. 6. CLOSING: This transaction shall be closed no later than 180 days after expiration of the Inspection Period, predicated upon the Purchaser's securing permitting as set forth in the subsection entitled "Permitting", to be extended by any extensions thereof, and the closing shall be subject to the time periods set forth in Paragraph 10, Permitting. The closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing" and the date and time of the Closing is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing Date". The Closing shall take place at the offices of the Seller's attorney or designated Title Agent. Purchaser may elect to close on any date prior to the above date, upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Seller. In no event, however, shall the closing take place any sooner than ninety (90) days from the date Purchaser provides Seller of its intent to close, pursuant to Section 9 hereof, unless the parties mutually agree to an earlier date. At the time of Closing, the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller the balance due on account of the Purchase Price, and the Seller and Purchaser, as applicable, shall execute the closing documents, and the Seller shall convey the Property to the Purchaser by a Warranty Deed. In the event the closing does not occur, the deposit money, interest and extension fees shall be governed by the provisions of Paragraph 9, Permitting. The parties agree that Purchaser shall have the right to have Seller convey all or a portion of the site directly to any subsequent assignee or Purchaser (Subsequent Purchaser), who acquires such right from the Purchaser. It is the intent of the Purchaser to avoid the necessity and cost of a dual conveyance. A conveyance to a Subsequent Purchaser shall not effect the terms of this Agreement in any way. At closing, any monies 5 due from Subsequent Purchr .~ -. 'r, if any, over and above the monje~ue Seller hereunder, shall enure to the benefit of . .Jrchaser. Closing costs between ~ Iler and Subsequent Purchaser shall be as set forth herein between Seller and Purchaser. 7. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS: Seller, to the best of its knowledge, hereby makes the following warranties, representations and covenants to Purchaser: (a) Marketable Title: Seller has good, marketable and insurable title to the Property, free and clear of all mortgages (other than any existing mortgagees) to be paid simultaneously with the closing by Seller allocating the necessary funds from the closing proceeds to satisfy the mortgagees)), liens, encumbrances, leases and tenancies (except for the leases set forth in Paragraph 7(e) herein), security interests, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights-of-way, easements, reservations, judgments, lis pendens and other matters affecting title, except Permitted Exceptions. (b) Pendino Litioation: There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, including condemnation cases and bankruptcy proceedings, pending or threatened, against the Property and Seller is not aware of any facts which might result in any action, suit or other proceeding against the property. (c) Seller has the power and authority to enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement, to execute and deliver all documents in and to the Property, and to otherwise take all steps necessary to the performance of the duties and obligations of Seller hereunder. (d) Mechanic's Liens: There are no mechanic's or other type liens against the Property, except as expressly allowed hereunder. ( e) Contracts: Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as of the date of execution of the Agreement, there are no leases, options, contracts or rights of any third parties affecting the Property in any manner whatsoever, except those listed herein, to wit: (i) Lease - Grooming by Holly - expiring April 30, 1999. (ii) Lease - Professional Home Care, Inc. - expired October 31, 1998 (now month-ta-month). (iii) Lease - Intercity Mortgage Brokers - expires April 30, 1999. (iv) Oral month-ta-month lease with Phoenix Wreckingllndigo Wrecking. (v) Oral month-ta-month lease with Barnes Assurance Company. 6 Seller shall be obligated to remove these ter.ants prior to closing, subject to the terms of Paragraph 9 herein. (f) Access to Highways and Roads: The Property has full and free access to and from publicly dedicated roadways which are located contiguous and adjacent to the boundary line of the Property, and Seller has no knowledge of any fact or condition which would result in termination on diminution of such access. 8. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT: The following are conditions precedent to the Purchaser's obligation to close this transaction. (a) Water, sewer, storm drainage, electricity, gas and telephone utilities shall be available for connection at the property line of the Property and in such capacities, pressures and rates of flow as to adequately provide for Purchaser's proposed plan of development without any cost to Purchaser other than the usual connection fees and service charges. (b) On the date of Closing, no moratorium or proceeding shall be pending or threatened affecting the availability at regular rates and connection fees of sewer, water, electric, gas, telephone or other utilities serving the Property. (c) There shall be sufficient ingress and egress for pedestrian and motor vehicular traffic to adequately provide for Purchaser's proposed plan of development. (d) No governmental restriction (including the concept of "concurrency") shall be in effect, or anticipated to become effective, which would impede or delay the immediate development of the Property, or the immediate issuance of any permit or license for the construction of improvements upon the Property, in accordance with Purchaser's proposed use. In the event any of the foregoing conditions precedent are not met or fulfilled by the time provided for Closing, Purchaser shall have the option of: (i) waiving the condition and closing, (ii) extending the Closing for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, during which time Seller shall attempt to fulfill such conditions, but without the obligation to do so, and without any obligation to incur any expense to fulfill such conditions; or (iii) canceling this Agreement by written notice to Seller and the Escrow Agent. in which event all escrow deposits (including interest thereon) remaining after deducting the sums provided for in Paragraph 10 of this Agreement shall be returned to Purchaser, whereupon the parties shall be relieved of all further obligations hereunder. 9. EXISTING LEASES: The Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as a condition of the closing, there will be no parties (tenants) in possession of any portion of the Property at the time of Closing. Notwithstanding, Purchaser, upon receipt of all its 7 building permits, shall notify ~eller of its intent to close, at which tinl~ the deposit(s) shall be non-refundable, unless the closing does not occur because of the default of Seller or because Seller fails to remove all tenants within ninety (90) days from the date Purchaser gives Seller written notice of its intent to close with a copy to Kevin La Montagne, Esquire, as provided immediately below. Upon Purchaser notifying Seller of its intent to close, it shall provide a proposed closing date no sooner than ninety (90) days from date of such notice, unless the parties mutually agree to an earlier date. Seller shall use all reasonable efforts to evict all tenants within ninety (90) days of the date of notice from Purchaser. The costs of evictions, if any, shall be paid by Seller. In the event the Tenants are not evicted or do not vacate, Purchaser shall receive a refund of all deposit(s) interest and extension deposits, or Purchaser may, at its cost, bring an action for eviction to remove any tenants in possession. The Closing shall be extended to permit Purchaser to bring eviction action(s). 10. PERMITTING: Purchaser, within a period of 180 days, from the expiration of the Inspection Period, shall have secured, at its cost, permits for the construction and operation of, at Purchaser's option, a retail facility, all in accordance with Purchaser's proposed plan of development. Permitting shall include, but not be limited to site plan approval, approval of curb-cuts as required by Purchaser, concurrency, water and sewer allocations, septic tank approval, if required, signage approval, and issuance of a building permit for the construction and operation of the facility, by all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Property. Purchaser shall pay all fees and cost including plans, impact fees, etc. required to receive its building permits. Such Permitting shall be final, non-appealable and without contingencies or conditions and acceptable to Purchaser in Purchaser's discretion. Seller agrees to promptly execute any and all documents or instruments as may be reasonably requested by Purchaser in order to effectuate the Permitting and to cooperate with Purchaser in connection therewith. In the event the permitting process as defined herein is not completed within the 180 days after the expiration of the Inspection Period, Purchaser may extend the Permitting Period for up to three (3) additional periods of thirty (30) days by giving written notice of each extension period ("Extension Payments"), prior to the expiration of the Permitting Period or each extension period, and delivering to Escrow Agent at the time of such notice, an additional sum of $2,500 for each thirty (30) day extension period, which the parties agree shall be paid to Seller to defray Sell's costs of carrying the property. In the event the transaction is not closed due to Purchaser's inability to obtain the permitting, the Escrow Deposit(s) remaining after deducting any sums paid to Seller, pursuant to this Paragraph 10, will be refunded. The Extension Payment(s) referred to in this Paragraph will be retained by Seller, unless the failure to close is due to the fault of Seller. At closing, Purchaser will receive credit for all escrow deposits paid, but Extension Payments shall not be credited against the Purchase Price. In the event Seller defaults under this Agreement, however, Seller shall be obligated to return the Extension Payments to Purchaser. All Extension Payments shall be paid directly to Seller by Purchaser. 8 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary else\Nhere in Lr1is Agreement, in the event Purchaser does not terminate the Agreement within ninety (90) days from the Effective Date, the Purchaser agrees that the Seller shall be paid from the Escrow Deposit(s) to be disbursed by the Escrow Agent to the Seller at the times provided below, the following sums: (a) after ninety (90) days from the Effective Date, the sum of $5,000.00. (b) after one hundred twenty (120) days from the Effective Date, an additional sum of $5,000.00. (c) Mer one hundred eighty (180) days from the Effective Date, an additional sum of $10,000.00. (d) The immediately foregoing sums, although paid prior to closing, will be credited against the Purchase Price, at closing, in accordance with Paragraph 3 hereof, but said sums shall be non-refundable as and when paid from the Escrow Deposits. In the event of a default by Seller, Seller shall repay any such sums to Purchaser. 11. SURVEY: Purchaser, at Purchaser's expense, shall secure within thirty (30) days a survey from a registered Florida surveyor. Purchaser shall, within twenty (20) days from receipt of the survey, notify Seller of its objection to any matter that is revealed by the survey and this event shall be treated as a Title Defect, as set forth herein. If Purchaser fails to notify Seller within the twenty (20) day time period of its objection to a matter revealed by the survey, Purchaser will be deemed to have waived any objection to the matter. If Purchaser timely objects to a matter revealed by the survey and Seller fails to cure or correct it on or before the Closing Date, the title matter will constitute a Title Defect, and all deposits and extension fees shall be refunded to Purchaser. 12. ENVIRONMENTAL: Purchaser, at its costs, shall secure within thirty (30) days from the Effective Date, a Phase 1 Environmental Survey. In the event, any Environmental Report indicates contamination or suspected contamination of the property, Purchaser, shall notify Seller of such findings no later than forty-five (45) days from the Effective Date, and in Purchaser's discretion, Purchaser shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and receive a refund of all Escrow Deposits, including any interest accrued thereon. ' In the event Purchaser desires to continue with the Agreement, Purchaser shall within thirty (30) days from said notice to Seller, secure at its costs, a Phase /I Environmental Survey. In the event this report indicates contamination or suspected contamination, Purchaser may terminate the Agreement and receive a refund of all deposits and any interest accrued thereon upon notification to Seller at that time. Extension fees shall be retained by Seller, unless Seller defaults. There shall be no obligation by Seller to secure a Phase /I Environmental Survey. 9 13. TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS: Seller's attorney, at Seller's cost, will prepare all Transaction Documents. At the Closing, the Seller and, as applicable, the Purchaser, shall executive the following Transaction Documents: (a) Warranty Deed from Seller to Purchaser conveying the Property and improvements free and clear of all encumbrances except for the Permitted Exceptions (any existing mortgage encumbering the property shall be satisfied by Seller simultaneously at the closing, at cost of Seller); (b) Mechanic's Lien Affidavit in the form customarily used by the title insurance company; (c) Non-Foreign Affidavit from appropriate parties; (d) Internal Revenue SeNice Form 1099 concerning the Property; (e) Closing Statement between Seller and Purchaser; and (f) Any instruments required to correct Title Defects from Seller. 14. TRANSACTION EXPENSES: Purchaser shall pay the cost of the Title Insurance Commitment and Title Insurance. Seller shall pay for state documentary stamps, required to be affixed to the instrument of conveyance, cost of recording any corrective instruments and the cost of recording the deed and any costs to satisfy any existing mortgage on the property. Purchaser shall pay for the cost of surtax: on the deed. 15. CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS: The following items, to the extent that they pertain to the Property and whether paid, prepaid, payable, accrued, or assessed, will be prorated, adjusted and allowed on the Closing Date, with Seller responsible for, or entitled to, the items before the Closing Date and Purchaser responsible for, or entitled to, the items on and after the Closing Date: Ad valorem real property taxes will be Prorated based on the number of days in the year before, and the number of days in the year on and after, the Closing Date and based on the taxes assessed for the calendar year (adjusted for any discounts allowed by law), unless the taxes for that year are unascertainable on the Closing Date, in which case the prospective taxes will be estimated and Prorated based on the tax bill for the year immediately preceding the closing and adjustments, if any, will be made upon receipt of the actual tax bill for the year of closing. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are either certified, confirmed, or ratified as of the Closing Date or substantially completed as of the Closing Date but not certified, confirmed, or ratified as of then. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are merely pending and are not certified, confirmed, ratified, or substantially completed as of the Closing Date. Any net amount owed by Seller to Purchaser as a result of reconciling the foregoing adjustments will be credited against the cash balance due on the Closing Date for the Purchase Price of the Property that is payable by Purchaser under this Agreement. Any net amount owed by Purchaser to Seller 10 as a result of reconciling the foregoing adjustments will be payable In full on the Closing Date, in immediately available funds. 16. TITLE TO PROPERTY: RISK OF LOSS: Title to the Property and risk of loss and damage to it by condemnation, eminent domain, or by casualty, whether or not insured, will pass to Purchaser upon completion of the closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, but will remain with Seller until then, including any condemnation award. 17. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The occurrence of anyone of the following events constitutes a "Default" under this Agreement by the party indicated: (a) Purchaser Default: Purchaser fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement; (b) Seller Default: Seller fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement. 18. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT: If a Default under this Agreement exists prior to or on the Closing Date, the following remedies will be available to the exclusion of all other rights or remedies and the appropriate party must elect one of the following: (a) Purchaser's Default: If Purchaser Defaults under the terms of this agreement, Seller may terminate this Agreement, and receive on demand copies of all plans, drawings, specifications, contracts, leases, approvals, permits and other documents relating to the site. The actions set forth, shall be full settlement of all claims by Seller against Purchaser and this Agreement shall be null and void. All Escrow Deposit(s) and interest, shall be retained by Seller. Extension Deposits shall be retained by Seller. (b) Seller's Default: If Seller defaults under the terms of this Agreement, Purchaser may terminate this Agreement and receive on demand from the Escrow Agent, payment of the Escrow Deposit(s) and extension fees, including interest, whereupon all rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement will terminate and become void or Purchaser may seek or bring an action for the specific performance of this Agreement. In addition, Purchaser shall have the right to bring an action for specific performance. 19. NOTICES: Any notice given or made for any purpose under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be valid if in writing and hand delivered, sent by facsimile or registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-paid or by recognized overnight courier, addressed: 11 ~-----_...,..-.__.._._--~----~--_.-._--_._.__.,--. -- if to the Seller: Mrs. Elizabeth Gill, Trustee 3001 Black Oak Court Boynton Beach, Florida 33436-6604 Telephone: (561) 737-4273 with a copy to: Kevin La Montagne. Esquire 125 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Telephone: (561) 732-0100 Facsimile: (561) 732-0877 if to the Purchaser: Gary P. Eidelstein, President Boynton/Federal Development, Inc. 2665 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 908 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 285-9595 Facsimile: (305) 285-1102 Either party may I at any time and from time-to-time, in the manner set forth for the giving of notices, change the address designated in this paragraph. 20. ESCROW AGREEMENT: Any Escrow Agent receiving Escrow Deposit(s) is authorized and agrees by acceptance thereof to deposit promptly and to hold same in escrow and subject to clearance thereof to disburse same in accordance with terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event of doubt as to Escrow Agent's duties under the provisions of this Agreement, the Escrow Agent may in its sole discretion, continue to hold the subject matter of this escrow until the parties mutually agree to the disbursement thereof, or until a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine the rights of the parties thereto, or Escrow Agent may deposit same with the Clerk of the Circuit Court having jurisdiction of the dispute, and upon notifying all parties concerned of such action, all liability on the part of he Escrow Agent shall fully terminate, except to the extent of accounting for any items theretofore delivered out of escrow. In the event of any suit between Purchaser and Seller wherein the Escrow Agent is made a party by virtue of acting as an Escrow Agent hereunder, or in the event of any suit herein Escrow Agent interpleads the subject matter of this escrow, the Agent shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred, said fees and costs to be charged and assessed as court costs in favor of the prevailing party. The Escrow Agent shall have such responsibilities and obligation as are provided by this Agreement and by law. 21. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Amendment; Successors: An amendment or modification of this Agreement or any provision of it will be valid and effective only if it is in writing and signed by each party to this Agreement. This Agreement inures to the benefit of, and is binding on, the respective 12 heirs, a.......ignees. successors, and personal ~presentatives of the parties. (b) Attorney Fees and Costs: In the event a party to this Agreement must employ an attorney to enforce provisions hereof or to secure performance by a defaulting party under the terms herein stated, the prevailing party in any litigation arising therefrom shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees and taxable costs both at a trial and the appellate levels incurred in and enforcing this Agreement and/or securing performance of the terms herein stated. (c) Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and that there are no agreements, understandings, restrictions. warranties or representations, expressed or implied, oral or written between the parties other than those herein contained. (d) Time of essence: Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of the parties' respective obligations under this Agreement. In the event any due date occurs on a weekend or legal holiday, the due date shall be extended to the next occurring business day. (e) Counterpart Executions: This Agreement may be executed in tv\,o or more counterparts. each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument, and facsimile transmissions shall be deemed originals. (f) Section and other HeadinQs: Section, paragraph and other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. (g) Severability: In case anyone or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held invalid, illegal or un- enforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or un- enforceability shall not effect any other provision herein and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. (h) Waiver: No waiver hereunder of any condition or breach shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach. (i) Applicable Law: This Agreement is to be construed under the laws of the State of Florida and venue shall lie in Palm Beach County, Florida. (j) Radon Gas: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may 13 oJ........ '''1'-' ......1 I I . .. . ..._ . .... . . .~ . . 'oJ' I . . . - ; ...... . -- ".~. ".- ~.~.--~:~- ~-..: i - - .~...--~ --. -...- -. - ..- . -'".'" present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon may be present in buildings. in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. - 22. BBOKE~GE: The parties hereto represent to the other that there are no brokers involved in this matter and that each party indemnifies .the other from any claim 'made:by any. br.ok~r. ' . . 23. ,PROGRESS REPO~TS: Purchaser ~hall 'keep' Seller ,and its attorney apprIsed of its-prc;gres8 on a regular, periodic basls;- - '. ' IN WlTNESS'WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed the day and 'y~r indic8ted above. WITNESSES: ~.tCr. .Jft4lil4 ,/}/., ' ./ ,re.....rvw'V' JY> I .~ "'Lc",.:.t~....; " Seller" ELIZABETH GILL, TRUSTEE BY .-. Execution Date of Seller: ..). - I) - rj "-) "Purchaser" BOV~TONiFEqE~L DEVELOPMENT, INC. a Flori_di:f~n)o~ation BY: ~FrC~41~ Gary P. e elsteln, President Execution Date of Purchaser: :::'-/1:,/ ......t?y 14 -..----- ACKNru'fLEDGMENT BY ESCROW AGEN~ ESCROW AGENT, , hereby acknowledges receipt of the Escrow Deposit(s) for the above agreement in the amount of $10,000.00, this _ day of ,1999. In the event this Agreement is terminated during the Inspection Period, the unilateral request of Purchaser shall be sufficient to release the Escrow Deposit(s). The Escrow Agent may also release the sums provided for in subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) of Section 10 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement upon the meeting of the terms of said Section 10, without needing to seek any prior approval from the Purchaser. "ESCROW AGENT" KEVIN LA MONTAGNE, TRUST ACCOUNT BY: Kevin La Montagne 15 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots Three (3) to Six (6), inclusive, Block 8, ROBERTS ADDITION to Boynton, less the East 35 feet of Lots Four (4) and Five (5), according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 1, page 51. contract\gi 115. spa \3/10/99 16 SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 100'day of ~Cf( , 1999, by and between B-4, a Florida partnership, hereinafter ("Seller"), and BOYNTON/FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter ("Purchaser"), or assigns. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of property located just east of the existing Bud's Chicken and Seafood Restaurant facility, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, and Purchaser desires to purchase approximately 30,000 square feet (subject to survey) of said property, legally described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, hereinafter ("PROPERTY"); and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell and Purchaser wishes to buy the Property upon the terms, covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS: For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: "Acceptable Title" means good, marketable, and insurable fee simple record title to the Property, free and clear of all Title Defects, except for any Permitted Exceptions and any special title matter to which Purchaser waives objection. "AQreement" means this Agreement for Sale and Purchase as originally executed and as it may be amended in writing, from time-to-time as provided herein. "ClosinQ" means the execution and delivery of those documents, and the payment of those funds required to be paid at the time and manner required hereunder. "Conditions Precedent" means those items, if any, which must be satisfied prior to Closing in order to obligate the Purchaser to purchase and the Seller to sell the Property under the terms and conditions hereinafter described. "Escrow AQent" means the party, if applicable, who will hold the Escrow Deposit in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. contract\b-4. sp4 '3/8/99 "Escrow Deposit" means all funds delivered by Purchaser to Escrow Agent or Seller in connection with this Agreement which serves as partial consideration for Purchasers obligations hereunder. "Effective Date" means the date when this Agreement is last signed by both the Seller and Purchaser, and which date shall be evidenced by a written confirmation. "Inspection Period" means Purchaser shall have an unconditional inspection period of ninety (gO) days from the Effective Date to conduct an inspection at the Property and receive if desired a refund of its deposit and interest during this period of time. "Permitted Assiqns" means those parties to whom this Agreement may be transferred without the prior written approval of Seller, as long as a majority of the newPurchaser(s} are principals of Boynton/Federal Development, Inc. "Permitted Exceptions" means the title exceptions set forth in Exhibit "B" of the Title Commitment, which are acceptable to Purchaser, and which shall be provided by Seller to Purchaser within twenty (20) days of the Effective Date. Purchaser shall have thirty (30) days to review and accept or reject same. If Purchaser does not accept the "exceptions", Purchaser shall be entitled to an immediate refund of its deposit and interest, which shall be its sole remedy. Permitted Exceptions shall specifically include (a) liens for state, county, and municipal ad valorem real property taxes for the current year (to be prorated); (b) liens for special assessments for public or municipal improvements, vvhether pending, completed or certified, confirmed, ratified, or otherwise due and payable; (c) easements for public utility services and facilities that serve the Property or the improvements or are located along and parallel to the front, rear, and side boundaries of the Property and do not, in Purchaser's sole discretion, substantially impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use of the Property; (d) easements, reservations, and restrictions of record that are common to any plat or subdivision of which the Property is a part, that are not in violation or coupled with any reversionary or forfeiture provision, and that do not in Purchaser's sole discretion, impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use and occupancy of the Property; (e) claims for vendors', carriers', mechanic's, materialmen's, and other similar liens arising from the Property, if each such claim of lien is discharged by payment; and (f) any other lien, exception, assessment, encumbrance, reservation, or restriction to which Purchaser waives objection or that can be removed or satisfied by Seller on the Closing Date. 2 "Pro-rated" means the allocation of an item of expense or income between Seller and Purchaser based upon the percentage of the time period as to which such item of expense or income relates as of Closing. "Property" means the parcel of land that is legally described on Exhibit "A" to this Agreement, together with all easements, tenements, hereditament, and appurtenances on or to that land. "Purchase Price" means the full consideration agreed to be paid by the Purchaser to the Seller for the purchase of the Property. All sums refer to the currency of the United States of America. "Survey" means that certain survey to be prepared at the expense of Purchaser, in accordance with this Agreement by a licensed surveyor and certified to Purchaser. "Title Defect" means a lien, defect, exception, encumbrance, restriction, reservation, or imperfection in, to, or on the record title to the Property. ''Title Insurance" means the Title Insurance Commitments and Policy issued by a recognized title company selected or approved by Purchaser in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. ''Transaction Document" means this Agreement and all of the documents required or contemplated in connection with the Closing of this transaction. 2. PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED: Seller agrees to sell and convey to Purchaser and Purchaser agrees to buy from Seller the Property, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and subject to performance of all conditions of this Agreement and performance by each party hereto of its respective obligation hereunder. 3. PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PROJECT: $260,000.00 PAYMENT: (a) Escrow Deposit payable to Escrow Agent upon execution of this Agreement by Purchaser to be placed in a interest bearing account (to benefit Purchaser), which sum shall be a part of the Purchase Price. $5,000.00 3 (b) Mer expiration of the inspection period, in the event Purchaser elects not to terminate this Agreement. Purchaser will deposit in escrow an additional sum of $10,000.00 to be held in an interest bearing account, to the benefit of Purchaser. which sum shall be a part of the Purchase Price. (c) Balance of $245,000.00 due in cash at Closing, subject to adjustments and prorations as herein provided. less any security deposits held in escrow. 4. TITLE EVIDENCE: Purchaser shall secure. at its sole expense, a Title Insurance Commitment on the Property issued by a licensed Florida title insurer. Upon recording of the deed to Purchaser, Purchaser at its expense, shall secure an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price. insuring Purchaser's title to the Property. Seller shall make available to Purchaser copies of any title v-.K:>rk in its possession. Before the 20th day following Purchaser's receipt of the title insurance commitment, Purchaser shall notify Seller of each exception or requirement for a Title Defect that it considers to impair Acceptable Title to the Property and that it will not waive. If Purchaser fails to notify Seller within the time period of its objection to a Title Defect(s), Purchaser will be deemed to have waived the Title Defect. If Purchaser timely notifies Seller of its objection to a Title Defect, Seller shall within the following fifteen (15) days notify Purchaser whether Seller intends to cure, correct or remove a Title Defect. Purchaser and Seller hereby agree that Seller shall not be obligated to cure any Title Defect and may by written notice to Purchaser waive any curative period and thereby require Purchaser to, within fifteen (15) days, either accept the Title Defect as it then is or refund the Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. If Seller, within the time mutually agreed to (if and as extended), is unable or unwilling to cure, remove, or correct a Title Defect that has not been waived by Purchaser, Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser of that fact and the reason for it, and Purchaser may (a) elect to terminate the transaction; (b) postpone the Closing Date for up to thirty (30) days and either allow Seller to continue to try to cure. remove or correct the Title Defect, or attempt at its expense, to cure. remove or correct the Title Defect. If the Seller is unable to cure the Title Defect, Purchase may either accept the Title Defect as it then is or demand a refund of its Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. After issuance of the Title Commitment to the date of Closing, Seller shall not in any manner encumber title, create any liens or place any mortgage(s) on the Property or in any way alter the status of title. 5. INSPECTION PERIOD: Purchaser shall have an unconditional inspection period of ninety (90) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement. Purchaser shall have the right (and Seller shall provide reasonable access for such purposes) to have an independent engineer and others of Purchaser's selection make inspections of the Property. Seller shall provide such documentation as Purchaser may reasonably request if said documentation is available to Seller. 4 (a) Inspection Verification: Purchaser shall have the right to inspect the Property. to conduct such topographical sUNeys, soil test borings and other sub-surface tests, percolation tests, engineering and other related developmental studies, tests and examinations thereof. including but not limited to sewer or septic availability, as Purchaser may desire in order to determine whether the Property is suitable for Purchaser's intended use thereof. In connection with its inspection of the Property, Purchaser shall (i) not damage the Property; (ii) repair or restore at its expense any damage to the Property that is caused by its agents or employees; and (iii) release and indemnify and hold harmless Seller from all claims, actions. suits, damages and expenses. including reasonable attorneys' fees, that are incurred by Seller and arise out of Purchaser's inspection of the Property. by Purchaser or any person Purchaser invites to inspect the Property, or his or their agents, employees or subcontractors. If prior to the Inspection Completion Date, Purchaser determines that the Property does not conform to Purchaser's intended use. or for any other reason whatsoever, in Purchaser's sole discretion. Purchaser may elect to cancel this Agreement upon written notice to Seller whereupon the Escrow Agent shall return to the Purchaser the Escrow Deposit(s) and all interest earned thereon, and this Agreement shall thereupon be null and void. (b) During the Inspection Period, Purchaser and Seller shall agree on (i) legal description of the Property; (ii) any required cross-easements; (iii) any easements over the Property to be reseNed by Seller to seNe the "Adjoining Property" to be retained by Seller; and (iv) any landscaping, buffering or similar requirements to be imposed on the Property and the Adjoining Property. If Purchaser and Seller do not agree on all of such matters, either party may terminate this Agreement, in which event the Deposit shall be returned to Buyer. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is Seller's intent that Purchaser bear all costs of relocation of utilities and that such relocation shall be undertaken and completed with minimal disruption of Seller's business. 6. CLOSING: This transaction shall be closed no later than 180 days after expiration of the Inspection Period. predicated upon the Purchaser's securing permitting as set forth in the subsection entitled "Permitting", to be extended by any extensions thereof, and the closing shall be subject to the time periods set forth in Paragraph 9, Permitting. The closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing" and the date and time of the Closing is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing Date". The Closing shall take place at the offices of the Seller's attorney or designated Title Agent. Purchaser may elect to close on any date prior to the above date, upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Seller. At the time of Closing, the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller the balance due on account of the Purchase 5 Price, and the Seller and Purchaser, as applicable, shall execute the closing documents, and the Seller shall convey the Property to the Purchaser by a Warranty Deed. In the event the closing does not occur, the deposit money, interest and extension fees shall be governed by the provisions of Paragraph 9, Permitting. The parties agree that Purchaser shall have the right to have Seller convey all or a portion of the site directly to any subsequent assignee or Purchaser (Subsequent Purchaser), who acquires such right from the Purchaser. It is the intent of the Purchaser to avoid the necessity and cost of a dual conveyance. A conveyance to a Subsequent Purchaser shall not effect the terms of this Agreement in any way. At closing, any monies due from Subsequent Purchaser, if any, over and above the monies due Seller hereunder, shall enure to the benefit of Purchaser. Closing costs between Seller and Subsequent Purchaser shall be as set forth herein between Seller and Purchaser. 7. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS: Seller, to the best of its knowledge, hereby makes the following warranties, representations and covenants to Purchaser which warranties, representations and covenants shall survive the closing. (a) Marketable Title: Seller has fee simple title to the property. (b) Pendino Litioation: There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, including condemnation cases and bankruptcy proceedings, pending or threatened, against the Property and Seller is not aware of any facts which might result in any action, suit or other proceeding against the property. (c) Seller has the power and authority to enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement, to execute and deliver all documents in and to the Property, and to otherwise take all steps necessary to the performance of the duties and obligations of Seller hereunder. (d) Mechanic's Liens: There are no mechanic's or other type liens against the Property, except as expressly allowed hereunder. ( e) Contracts: Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as of the date of execution of the Agreement, there are no leases, options, contracts or rights of any third parties affecting the Property in any manner whatsoever. (f) There are no restriction or covenants prohibiting Purchaser's intended us of the Property. (g) Hazardous Wastes: To the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no hazardous substances as defined by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"), 42 USC 9601 (14), pollutants or contaminants as 6 defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RC RAil) , 42 USC 6903 (5), or other similar applicable federal or state laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, asbestos, PCBs and urea formaldehyde, generated, released, stored, or deposited over, beneath or on the Property or on or in any structures located on the Property from any source whatsoever by Seller, its predecessors in interest in the Property or any other person. This warranty shall survive closing. This representation shall survive the Closing, and Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time during the Inspection Period, or to the date of Closing, in the event Purchaser discovers that the site was, or is suspected of being environmentally contaminated, at or prior to the ,Closing. If this occurs, Purchaser shall receive a refund of all deposits and interest including extension deposits. In the event any of the foregoing warranties or representations are not fulfilled at, or at any time prior to Closing, Purchaser shall have the option of: (i) waiving the condition and closing, (ii) extending the Closing for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, during which time Seller shall have the obligation of attempting to fulfill such conditions; or (iii) canceling this Agreement by written notice to Seller and the Escrow Agent, in which event all escrow deposits including extension deposits, made hereunder, together with all interest, shall be returned to Purchaser, whereupon the parties shall be relieved from all further obligations hereunder. 8. EXISTING LEASES: The Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as a condition of the closing, there will be no parties (tenants) in possession of any portion of the Property at the time of Closing. 9. PERMITTING: Purchaser, within a period of 180 days, from the expiration of the Inspection Period, shall have secured, at its cost, permits for the construction and operation of, at Purchaser's option, a retail facility, all in accordance with Purchaser's proposed plan of development. Permitting shall include, but not be limited to site plan approval, approval of curb-cuts as required by Purchaser, concurrency, water and sewer allocations, septic tank approval, if required, signage approval, and issuance of a building permit for the construction and operation of the facility, by all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Property. Purchaser shall pay all fees and cost including plans, impact fees, etc. required to receive its building permits. Such Permitting shall be final, non-appealable and without contingencies or conditions and acceptable to Purchaser in Purchaser's discretion. Seller agrees to promptly execute any and all documents or instruments as may be reasonably requested by Purchaser in order to effectuate the Permitting and to cooperate with Purchaser in connection therewith. In the event the permitting process as defined herein is not completed within the 180 days after the Effective Date, Purchaser may extend the Permitting Period for up to three (3) additional periods of thirty (30) days by giving written notice of each extension to Seller prior to the 7 expiration of the Permitting Period or each extension period, and delivering to Escrow Agent at time of such notice an additional sum of $2,500.00 for each thirty (30) day extension period ("Extension Deposits", which shall be a cost of carrying the property. In the event the transaction is not closed due to Purchaser's inability to obtain the permitting, the deposit(s) will be refunded; however, the extension deposit(s) will be retained by Seller, unless the failure to close is due to the fault of Seller. Purchaser agrees that extension deposit(s) shall not be applicable to the Purchase Price. It is understood and agreed that during the Permitting process, the governmental authorities may impose certain requirements for the development of the Property, which adversely effect the Adjoining Property. It is the intent of the parties that Seller's continued use and enjoyment of the Adjoining Property shall not be adversely affected by the Permitting requirements. If Seller objects to any Permitting requirements and Purchaser is not able to satisfy any such objection, in the sole discretion of Seller, this Agreement shall terminate and all deposits (except any Extension Deposits) shall be returned to Purchaser. If any matters agreed to during the Inspection Period, as set forth in Paragraph 5 above, are subject to change during the Permitting process, the adversely effected party may terminate the Agreement in which event all deposits (except the Extension Deposits) shall be returned to Purchaser. Purchaser shall not make any agreement which adversely affects the Adjoining Property without the prior written consent of Seller, which consent of Seller, which consent shall be in the sole discretion of Seller. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary elsewhere in the Agreement, if Permitting (site plan, signage, issuance of all building permits, curb-cuts, water and sewer availability, concurrency, etc.) has not been effectuated at anytime within the Permitting Period (or any extension thereof), or if Purchaser determines in its sole discretion, not to pursue permitting, either during the Permitting Period, or any extension, Purchaser may terminate the Agreement and receive a full refund of all Escrow Deposit(s) and interest; however, all Extension Deposits shall be retained by Seller. 10. SURVEY: Purchaser, at Purchaser's expense, shall secure a survey from a registered Florida surveyor. Purchaser shall, within twenty (20) days from receipt of the survey, notify Seller of its objection to any matter that is revealed by the survey and this event shall be treated as a Title Defect, as set forth herein. If Purchaser fails to notify Seller within the twenty (20) day time period of its objection to a matter revealed by the survey, Purchaser will be deemed to have waived any objection to the matter. If Purchaser timely objects to a matter revealed by the survey and Seller fails to cure or correct it on or before the Closing Date, the title matter will constitute a Title Defect, and all deposits and extension fees shall be refunded to Purchaser. 8 11. ENVIRONMENTAL: Purchaser, at its costs, shall secure a Phase 1 Environmental Survey. In the event, any Environmental Report indicates contamination or suspected contamination of the property, Purchaser shall, notify Seller of the findings, and in its discretion, Purchaser shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and receive a full refund of all deposits including extension deposits and interest. In the event Purchaser desires to continue with the Agreement, Purchaser, in its sole discretion, at its cost, may secure a Phase II Environmental Survey. In the event this report indicates contamination or suspected contamination, Purchaser may terminate the Agreement and receive a refund of all deposits and interest including any extension deposits and interest. 12. TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS: Seller's attorney, at Seller's cost, will prepare all Transaction Documents. At the Closing" the Seller and, as applicable, the Purchaser, shall executive the following Transaction Documents: (a) Special Warranty Deed from Seller to Purchaser conveying the Property and improvements free and clear of all encumbrances except for the Permitted Exceptions (any existing mortgage encumbering the property shall be satisfied by Seller simultaneously at the closing, at cost of Seller); (b) Mechanic's Lien Affidavit in the form customarily used by the title insurance company; (c) Non-Foreign Affidavit from appropriate parties; (d) Internal Revenue Service Form 1099 concerning the Property; (e) Closing Statement between Seller and Purchaser; and (f) Any instruments required to correct Title Defects from Seller. 13. TRANSACTION EXPENSES: Purchaser shall pay the cost of the Title Insurance Commitment and Title Insurance. Seller shall pay for state documentary stamps, required to be affixed to the instrument of conveyance, cost of recording any corrective instruments and the cost of recording the deed and any costs to satisfy any existing mortgage on the property. Purchaser shall pay for the cost of surtax on the deed. 14. CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS: The following items, to the extent that they pertain to the Property and whether paid, prepaid, payable, accrued, or assessed, will be prorated, adjusted and allowed on the Closing Date, with Seller responsible for, or entitled to, the items before the Closing Date and Purchaser responsible for, or entitled to, the items on and after the Closing Date: Ad valorem real property taxes will be Prorated based on the number of days in the year before, and the number of days in the year on and after, the Closing Date and based on the taxes assessed for the calendar year 9 (adjusted for any discounts allowed by law), unless the taxes for that year are unascertainable on the Closing Date, in which case the prospective taxes will be estimated and Prorated based on the tax bill for the year immediately preceding the closing and adjustments, if any, will be made upon receipt of the actual tax bill for the year of closing. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are either certified, confirmed, or ratified as of the Closing Date or substantially completed as of the Closing Date but not certified, confirmed, or ratified as of then. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are merely pending and are not certified, confirmed, ratified, or substantially completed as of the Closing Date. Any net amount owed by Seller to Purchaser as a result of reconciling the foregoing adjustments will be credited against the cash balance due on the Closing Date for the Purchase Price of the Property that is payable by Purchaser under this Agreement. Any net amount owed by Purchaser to Seller as a result of reconciling the foregoing adjustments will be payable in full on the Closing Date, in immediately available funds. 15. TITLE TO PROPERTY; RISK OF LOSS: Title to the Property and risk of loss and damage to it by condemnation, eminent domain, or by casualty, whether or not insured, will pass to Purchaser upon completion of the closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, but will remain with Seller until then, including any condemnation award. 16. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The occurrence of anyone of the following events constitutes a "Default" under this Agreement by the party indicated: (a) Purchaser Default: Purchaser fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement; (b) Seller Default: Seller fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement. 17. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT: If a Default under this Agreement exists prior to or on the Closing Date, the following remedies will be available to the exclusion of all other rights or remedies and the appropriate party must elect one of the following: (a) Purchaser's Default: If Purchaser Defaults under the terms of this agreement, Seller may terminate this Agreement, and receive on demand copies of all plans, drawings, specifications, contracts, leases, approvals, permits and other documents relating to the site. The actions set forth, shall be full settlement of all claims by Seller against Purchaser and this Agreement shall be null and void. All Escrow Deposit(s) and interest, shall be retained by Seller. Extension Deposits shall be retained by Seller. (b) Seller's Default: If Seller defaults under the terms of this Agreement, Purchaser may terminate this Agreement and receive on demand from the Escrow Agent, payment of the Escrow Deposit(s) and 10 extension fees, including interest, whereupon all rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement will terminate and become void or Purchaser may seek or bring an action for the specific performance of this Agreement. 18. NOTICES: Any notice given or made for any purpose under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be valid if in writing and hand delivered, sent by facsimile or registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-paid or by recognized overnight courier, addressed: if to the Seller: Mr. Mark Brinkman B-4, a Florida partnership 518 Industrial Avenue, Suite 12 Boynton Beach, Florida 33426-3664 Telephone: (561) 736-3344 Facsimile: (561) 736-5205 with a copy to: David Shaw, Esquire Fleming, Hail & Shaw, P.A. 440 Royal Palm Way, Suite 100 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Telephone: (561) 833-5600 Facsimile: (561) 833-5604 if to the Purchaser: Gary P. Eidelstein, President Boynton/Federal Development, Inc. 2665 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 908 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 285-9595 Facsimile: (305) 285-1102 Either party may, at any time and from time-te-time, in the manner set forth for the giving of notices, change the address designated in this paragraph. 19. ESCROW AGREEMENT: Any Escrow Agent receiving Escrow Deposit{s) is authorized and agrees by acceptance thereof to deposit promptly and to hold same in escrow and subject to clearance thereof to disburse same in accordance with terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event of doubt as to Escrow Agent's duties under the provisions of this Agreement, the Escrow Agent may in its sole discretion, continue to hold the subject matter of this escrow until the parties mutually agree to the disbursement thereof, or until a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine the rights of the parties thereto, or Escrow Agent may deposit same with the Clerk of the Circuit Court having jurisdiction of the dispute, and upon notifying all parties concerned of such action, all liability on the part of he Escrow Agent shall fully terminate, except to the extent of accounting for any items theretofore delivered out of escrow. If escrow Agent is a licensed real estate broker, the Escrow Agent will comply with provisions of Chapter 475, F.S., as amended. In the event of any suit between Purchaser and Seller wherein the 11 Escrow Agent is made a party by virtue of acting as an Escrow Agent hereunder, or in the event of any suit herein Escrow Agent interpleads the subject matter of this escrow, the Agent shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred, said fees and costs to be charged and assessed as court costs in favor of the prevailing party. All parties agree that the Escrow Agent shall not be liable to any party or person whomsoever for mis-delivery to Purchaser or Seller of items subject to its escrow, unless such mis- delivery shall be due to the willful breach of this Agreement or gross negligence of the part of the Agent. The parties hereby agree, that the Escrow Agent is authorized to represent Seller herein. 20. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Amendment; Successors: An amendment or modification of this Agreement or any provision of it will be valid and effective only if it is in writing and signed by each party to this Agreement. This Agreement inures to the benefit of, and is binding on, the respective heirs, assignees, successors, and personal representatives of the parties. (b) Attorney Fees and Costs: In the event a party to this Agreement must employ an attorney to enforce provisions hereof or to secure performance by a defaulting party under the terms herein stated, the prevailing party in any litigation arising therefrom shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees and taxable costs both at a trial and the appellate levels incurred in and enforcing this Agreement and/or securing performance of the terms herein stated. (c) Entire Aqreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and that there are no agreements, understandings, restrictions, warranties or representations, expressed or implied, oral or written between the parties other than those herein contained. (d) Time of essence: Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of the parties' respective obligations under this Agreement. In the event any due date occurs on a weekend or legal holiday, the due date shall be extended to the next occurring business day. (e) Counterpart Executions: This Agreement may be executed in t\M:) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument, and facsimile transmissions shall be deemed originals. 12 (f) Section al,,,,, other Headings: Section, paragraJJ.. .::lnd other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. (g) Severability: In case anyone or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held invalid, illegal or un- enforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or un- enforceability shall not effect any other provision herein and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. (h) Waiver: No waiver hereunder of any condition or breach shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach. (i) Applicable Law: This Agreement is to be construed under the laws of the State of Florida and venue shall lie in Palm Beach County, Florida. (j) Radon Gas: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon may be present in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. 21. BROKERAGE: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed the day and year indicated above. WITNESSES: ffJl/f'a -~L~ "Seller" B-4, a'i)O;ida partnership BY: /!l/\.jZ Execution Date of Seller: "Purchaser" BOYNTON/FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation BY: J!!:il.t-/ ,~:Ch!/d;irr Gary P. Eidelstein, President Execution Date of Purchaser: 3 - 1'-l7</ 13 .J I .' ~, I "" \ "'.... ~.... . 1'; oS> ~i;.~ c..;,~ 10- ~.~ : ~~ , 't " ~ ~ ~~' ! I u~~ ~~ :.I i~~( , . I \ , " .l ~ , 'f ~ ~.~~~ I .. I.... ,.\ ~~ . .~~,~ ~~~ ~~ \ <J ~~~~" ~ ~ o v c \~,r ""~y \ /~ I / / / ;;. ~ .... ~ ....~ ~~~ -..:."" '- . ~\- "''- " 1', \' ~ ~ ~ i\.l~ N " . Q:\- ~. -'~I . ~' ~ ~ X ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~~ ;;<:. ~K t,; . ~ ~~ .. . '---.1 ......" \..\ \ -'4 Q\ ... .- .... 0 ,p" " I .4 v ~ ~ e ~ t.U , .. . -,;:71 -;I tI..vt. :l17t1/- . J l' ~/~O / Bl vn. '^Cll ' TON ni', F.. nOY N ---. -----~---- ~ ~ ~ [ ~ . . ~ .... ~ ..... ~ ~ t --.. ~ ~ ~ '- ....... "'" '. ~ ~~ ~~ .., I ...... ~... '1;,(' ,~ ~, ~, , s ~\;;, """ .....~ .... <"'c:> " ~ -- .... ...,.. - " .8-' . /' #tld, ~ ,/JF~ '1,N'E \ ~ "i</ . ' ~ \ ~ . ~'. cA '", \.~~ '\;~ SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1., 8 day of tk ,1999, by and between 303 FEDERAL, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter ("Seller"), and BOYNTONI FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT, INC" a Florida corporation, hereinafter ("Purchaser"), or assigns. .: . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of property located at 303 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, and Purchaser desires to purchase approximately 18,200 square feet of said property, legally described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, herein'after ("PROPERTY"); and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell and Purchaser wishes to buy the Property upon the terms, covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS: For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: "Acceptable Title" means good, marketable, and insurable fee simple record title to the Property, free and clear of all Title Defects, except for any Permitted Exceptions and any special title matter to which Purchaser waives objection. ' "Agreement" means this Agreement for Sale and Purchase as originally executed and as it may be amended in writing, from time-to-time as provided herein. "Closing" means the execution and delivery of those documents, and the payment of those funds required to be paid at the time and manner required hereunder. "Conditions Precedent" means those items, if any, which must be satisfied prior to Closing in order to obligate the Purchaser to purchase and the Seller to sell the Property under the terms and conditions hereinafter described. "Escrow Agent" means the party, if applicable, who will hold the Escrow Deposit in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The parties hereby designate James M. Painter, P.A., as the Escrow Agent. contracl\303 federaI5.spa\2/17/99 "Escrow Deposit" means all funds delivered by Purchaser to Escrow Agent or Seller in connection with this Agreement which serves as partial consideration for Purchasers obligations hereunder. "Effective Date" means the date when this Agreement is last signed by both the Seller and Purchaser, and which date shall be evidenced by a written confirmation. -: . "Inspection Period" means Purchaser shall have an unconditional inspection period of ninety (90) days from the Effective Date to conduct an inspection at the Property and receive if desired a refund of its deposit and interest during this period of time. , "Permitted Assigns" means those parties to whom this Agreement may be transferred without the prior written approval of Seller, as long as a majority of the new Purchaser(s) are principals of Universal Realty & Development, Inc. "Permitted Exceptions" means the title exceptions set forth in Exhibit "B" of the Title Commitment, which are acceptable to Purchaser, and which shall be provided by Seller to Purchaser within twenty (20) days of the Effective Date. Purchaser shall have thirty (30) days to review and accept or reject same. If Purchaser does not accept the "exceptions'" Purchaser shall be entitled to an immediate refund of its deposit and interest, which shall be its sole remedy. Permitted Exceptions shall specifically include (a) liens for state, county, and municipal ad valorem real property taxes for the current year (to be prorated); (b) liens for special assessments for public or municipal improvements, whether pending, completed or certified, confirmed, ratified, or otherwise due and payable; (c) easements for public utility services and facilities that serve the Property or the improvements or are located along and parallel to the front, rear, and side boundaries of the Property and do not, in Purchaser's sole discretion, substantially impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use of the Property; (d) easements, reservations, and restrictions of record that are common to any plat or subdivision of which the Property is a part; that are not in violation or coupled with any reversionary or forfeiture provision, and that do not in Purchaser's sole discretion, impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use and occupancy of the Property; (e) claims for vendors', carriers', mechanic's, materialmen's, and other similar liens arising from the Property, if each such claim of lien is discharged by payment; and (f) any other lien, exception, assessment, encumbrance, reservation, or restriction to which Purchaser waives objection or that can be removed or satisfied by Seller on the Closing Date. 2 tlPro-ratedtl mc.....ls the allocation of an item of expb, ._~ or income between Seller and Purchaser based upon the percentage of the time period as to which such item of expense or income relates as of Closing. ' tlPropertytl means the parcel of land that is legally described on Exhibit tlA" to this Agreement, together with all easements, tenements, hereditament, and appurtenances on or to that land. tlPurchase Pricetl means the full consideration agreed to be paid by the Purchaser to the Seller for the purchase of the Property. All sums refer to the currency of the United States of America. "' tlSurvey" means that certain survey to be prepared at the expense of Seller, in accordance with this Agreement by a licensed surveyor and certified to Purchaser. tlTitle Defect" means a lien, defect, exception, encumbrance, restriction, reservation, or imperfection in, to, or on'the record title to the Property. tlTitle Insurance" means the Title Insurance Commitments and Policy issued 'by a recognized title company selected or approved by Purchaser in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 'Transaction Documenttl means this Agreement and all of the documents required or contemplated in connection with the Closing of this transaction. 2. PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED: Seller agrees to sell and convey to Purchaser and Purchaser agrees to buy from Seller the Property, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and subject to performance of all conditions of this Agreement and performance by each party hereto of its respective obligation hereunder. 3. PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PROJECT: $420,000.00 PAYMENT: (a) Escrow Deposit payable to Escrow Agent upon execution of this Agreement by Purchaser to be placed in a interest bearing account (to benefit Purchaser), which sum shall be a part of the Purchase Price. $10,000.00 (b) After expiration of the inspection period, in the event Purchaser elects not to terminate this Agreement, Purchaser will deposit in escrow an additional sum of $32,000.00 to be held in an interest bearing , account, to the benefit of Purchaser, (except as otherwise provided herein), which sum shall be a part of the Purchase Price. 3 (c) Balance of $378,000.00 due in cash Cll Closing, subject to adjustments and prorations as herein provided, less any security deposits held in escrow. 4. TITLE EVIDENCE: Seller shall secure for Purchaser, at Purchaser's expense, a pro-forma title commitment (unsigned, as identical to the Title Policy to be signed at closing). The cost of the pro-forma title commitment shall not exceed $175.00. The Title Policy to be issued, at closing, shall be at the promulgated rate. Upon recording of the deed to Purchaser, Seller shall, at Purchaser's at its expense, secure an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price, insuring Purchaser's title to the Property. Seller shall make available to Purchaser copies of any title work in its p6ssession. Before the 20th day following Purchaser's receipt of the title insurance commitment, Purchaser shall notify Seller of each exception or requirement for a Title Defect that it considers to impair Acceptable Title to the Property and that it will not waive. If Purchaser fails to notify Seller within the time period of its objection to a Title Defect(s), Purchaser will be deemed to have waived the Title Defect. If Purchaser timely notifies Seller of its objection to a Title Defect, Seller shall within the following fifteen (15) days notify Purchaser whether Seller intends to cure; correct or remove a Title Defect. Purchaser and Seller hereby agree that Seller shall not be obligated to cure any Title Defect and may by written notice to Purchaser waive any curative period and thereby require Purchaser to, within fifteen (15) days, either accept the Title Defect as it then is or refund the Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. If Seller, within the time mutually agreed to (if and as extended), is unable or unwilling to cure, remove, or correct a Title Defect that has not been waived by Purchaser, Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser of that fact and the reason for it, and Purchaser may (a) elect to terminate the transaction; (b) postpone the Closing Date for up to thirty (30) days and either allow Seller to continue to try to cure, remove or correct the Title Defect, or attempt at its expense, to cure, remove or correct the Title Defect. If the Seller is unable to cure the Title Defect, Purchase may either accept the Title Defect as it then is or demand a refund of its Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. After issuance of the Title Commitment to the date of Closing, Seller shall not in any manner encumber title, create any liens or place any mortgage(s) on the Property or in any way alter the status of title. 5. INSPECTION PERIOD: Purchaser shall have an unconditional Inspection Period of sixty (60) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement. Purchaser shall have the right (and Seller shall provide reasonable access for such purposes) to have an independent engineer and others of Purchaser's selection make inspections of the Property. Seller shall provide such documentation as Purchaser may reasonably request if said documentation is available to Seller. 4 (a) Inspecl.L..1 Verification: Purchaser shall havt, _..e right to inspect the Property, to conduct such topographical surveys, soil test borings and other sub-surface tests, percolation tests, engineering and other related developmental studies, tests and examinations thereof, including but not limited to sewer or septic availability, as Purchaser may desire in order to determine whether the Property is suitable for Purchaser's intended use thereof. In connection with its inspection of the Property, Purchaser shall (i) not damage the Property; (ii) repair or restore at its expense any damage to the Property that is caused by its agents or employees; and (iii) release and indemnify and hold harmless Seller from all claims, actions, suits, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, that are incurred by Seller and arise out of Purchaser's inspection of the Property, by Purchaser or any person Purchaser invites to inspect the Property, or his or their agents, employees or subcontractors. If prior to the Inspection Completion Date, Purchaser determines that the Property does not conform to Purchaser's intended use, or for any other reason whatsoever, in Purchaser's sole discretion, Purchaser may elect to cancel this Agreement upon written notice to Seller whereupon the Escrow Agent shall return to the Purchaser the Escrow Deposit(s) and all interest earned thereon, and this Agreement shall thereupon be null and void. 6. CLOSING: This transaction shall be closed no later than 150 days after expiration of the Inspection Period, predicated upon the Purchaser's securing permitting as set forth in the subsection entitled "Permitting", to be extended by any extensions thereof, and the closing shall be subject to the time periods set forth in Paragraph 9, Permitting. The closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing" and the date'and time of the Closing is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing Date". The Closing shall take place at the offices of the Seller's attorney or designated Title Agent. Purchaser may elect to close on any date prior to the above date, upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Seller. At the time of Closing, the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller the balance due on account of the Purchase Price, and the Seller and Purchaser, as applicable, shall execute the closing documents, and the Seller shall convey the Property to the Purchaser by a Warranty Deed. In the event the closing does not occur, the deposit money, interest and extension fees shall be governed by the provisions of Paragraph 9, Permitting. At time of closing, and simultaneously therewith, the parties agree that Purchaser shall have the right to have Seller convey all or a portion of the site directly to any subsequent assignee or Purchaser (Subsequent Purchaser), who acquires such right from the Purchaser. It is the intent of the Purchaser to avoid the necessity and cost of a dual conveyance. A conveyance to a Subsequent Purchaser shall not effect the terms of this Agreement in any way. At closing, any monies due from Subsequent Purchaser, if any, over and above the monies due Seller hereunder, shall enure to the benefit of Purchaser. Closing, costs between Seller and Subsequent Purchaser shall be as set forth herein between Seller and Purchaser. 7. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS: Seller, to the best of its knowledge, hereby makes the following warranties, representations and covenants to 5 Purchaser which warrantie~, .cpresentations and covenants shah _..Jrvive the closing. (a) Marketable Title: Seller has good, marketable and insurable title to the Property, free and clear of all mortgages (other than any existing mortgage{s) to be paid simultaneously with the closing, by Seller allocating the necessary funds from the closing proceeds to satisfy the mortgage(s)), liens, encumbrances, leases, tenancies, security interest, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights-of-way, easements, reservations, judgments, lis pendens and other matters affecting title, except Permitted Exceptions. Pendiri~ Litigation: There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, including condemnation cases and bankruptcy proceedings, pending or threatened, against the Property and Seller iS,not aware of any facts which might result in any action, suit or other proceeding against the property. (c) Seller has the power and authority to enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement, to execute and deliver all documents in and to the Property, and to otherwise take all steps necessary to the performance of the duties and obligations of Seller hereunder. (b) (d) Mechanic's Liens: There are no mechanic's or other type liens against the Property, except as expressly allowed hereunder. (e) Contracts: Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as of the date of execution of the Agreement, there are no leases, options, contracts or rights of any third parties affecting the Property in any manner whatsoever. (f) Seller discloses to Purchaser that the closest driveway to the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway (which such driveway is accessible from Boynton Beach Boulevard) has been closed-off by order of the Florida Department of Transportation. (g) Phase I Environmental Report - The Seller will provide, if available, to Purchaser, a copy of an existing Phase I Environmental Report. Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time during the Inspection Period, in the event Purchaser discovers that the site is environmentally contaminated. If this occurs, Purchaser shall receive a refund of all deposits and interest. (h) Conditions Precedent: The following are conditions precedent to the Purchaser's obligation to close this transaction. (i) Water, sewer, storm drainage, electricity, gas and telephone utilities shall be available for connection at the property line of the Property and in such capacities, pressures and rates of flow as to adequately provide for Purchaser's proposed plan of 6 ut.."elopment without any cost to Pu..... .dser other than the usual connection fees and service charges. (ii) On the date of Closing, no moratorium or proceeding shall be pending or threatened affecting the availability at regular rates and connection fees of sewer, water, electric, gas, telephone or other utilities serving the Property. (iii) There shall be sufficient ingress and egress for pedestrian and motor vehicular traffic to adequately provide for Purchaser's proposed plan of development. (iv) No governmental restriction (including the concept of "concurrency") shall be in effect, or anticipated to become effective, which would impede or delay the immediate development of the Property, orthe immediate issuance of any permit or license for the construction of improvements upon the Property, in accordanc"e with Purchaser's proposed use. In the event any of the foregoing warranties or representations are not fulfilled at, or at any time prior to Closing, Purchaser shall have the option of: (i) waiving the condition and closing, (ii) extending the Closing for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, during which time Seller shall have the obligation of attempting to fulfill such conditions; or (Hi) canceling this Agreement by written notice to Seller and the Escrow Agent, in which event all escrow deposits including extension deposits, made hereunder, together with all interest, shall be returned to Purchaser, whereupon the parties shall be relieved from all further obligations hereunder. 8. EXISTING LEASES: The Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as a condition of the closing, there will be no parties (tenants) in possession of any portion of the Property at the time of Closing. Notwithstanding, Purchaser, upon receipt of all its building permits, shall notify Seller of its intent to close, at which time the deposit shall be non-refundable, unless the closing does not occur because of the default of Seller for any reason including Seller's failure to remove all tenants within ninety (90) days from the date Purchaser gives Seller written notice of its intent to close with a copy to James M. Painter, Esquire. Seller shall use all reasonable efforts to evict all tenants within ninety (90) days of the date of notice from Purchaser. The costs of evictions, if any, shall be paid by Seller. 9. PERMITTING: Purchaser, within a period of 150 days (the "Permitting Period"), from the expiration of the Inspection Period, shall have secured, at its cost, permits for the construction and operation of, at Purchaser's option, a retail facility, all in accordance with Purchaser's proposed plan of development. Permitting shall include, but not be limited to site plan approval, approval of curb-cuts as required by Purchaser, concurrency, water and sewer allocations, septic tank approval, if required, signage approval, and issuance of a building permit for the construction and operation ofthe facility, by all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Property. Purchaser shall pay all fees and cost including plans, impact fees, etc. required to receive its building permits. 7 Such Permitting shall be fine-I, . lon-appealable and without contin9v.. ...ies or conditions and acceptable to Purchaser in Purchaser's discretion. Seller agrees to promptly execute any and all documents or instruments as may be reasonably requested by Purchaser in order to effectuate the Permitting and to cooperate with Purchaser in connection therewith, provided such cooperation or execution of documents does not result in prejudice to Seller, should the subject transaction not close. In the event the permitting process as defined herein is not completed within the 150 days after the Effective Date, Purchaser may extend the Permitting Period for up to four (4) additional periods of thirty (30) days by giving written notice of each extension to Seller prior to the expiration of the Permitting Period or each extension period, and delivering to Escrow Agent at time of such notice an additional sum of $5,000.00 for each thirty (30) day extension period ("Extension Deposits"), which shall be': a cost of carrying the property. In the event the transaction is not closed due to Purchaser's inability to obtain the permitting, all deposit(s) shall be non-refundable, including the Extension Deposit(s), and shall be retained by Seller, unless the failure to close is due to the fault of Seller. The Extension Deposit(s) shall not be credited toward the Purchase Price. '. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary elsewhere in the Agreement, if Permitting (site plan, signage, issuance of all building permits, curb-cuts, water and sewer availability, concurrency, etc.) has not been effectuated at anytime within the Permitting Period (or any extension thereof), or if Purchaser determines in its sole discretion, not to pursue permitting, during the Permitting Period, or during any extension, Purchaser may terminate the Agreement and receive a full refund of all Escrow Deposit(s) and interest; however, all Extension Deposits shall be retained by Seller. 10. SURVEY: Purchaser, at Purchaser's expense, shall secure a survey from a registered Florida surveyor. Purchaser shall, within twenty (20) days from receipt of the survey, notify Seller of its objection to any matter that is revealed by the survey and this event shall be treated as a Title Defect, as set forth herein. If Purchaser fails to notify Seller within the twenty (20) day time period of its objection to a matter revealed by the survey, Purchaser will be deemed to have waived any objection to the matter. If Purchaser timely objects to a matter revealed by the survey and Seller fails to cure or correct it on or before the Closing Date, the title matter will constitute a Title Defect, and all deposits and extension fees shall be refunded to Purchaser. 11. ENVIRONMENTAL: Purchaser, at its cost, shall secure a Phase 1 Environmental Survey. In the event, any Environmental Report indicates contamination or suspected contamination of the property, Purchaser shall, notify Seller of the findings, and in its discretion, Purchaser shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and receive a full refund of all deposits including extension deposits and interest. In the event Purchaser desires to continue with the Agreement, Seller shall within thirty (30) days from said notice from Purchaser, at its cost, secure a Phase II Environmental Survey. In the event this report indicates contamination or suspected contamination, PurGhaser may terminate the Agreement and receive a refund of all deposits and interest including any extension deposits and interest. 12. TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS: Seller's attorney, at Seller's cost, will prepare all Transaction Documents. At the Closing, the Seller and, as applicable, the 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY ESCROW AGENT ESCROW AGENT, FLEMING, HALE & SHAW, P,A., hereby acknowledges receipt of the Escrow Deposit(s) for the above agreement in the amount of $5,000.00, this_ day of ,1999. In the event this Agreement is terminated during the Inspection Period, or any extension thereof, the unilateral request of Purchaser shall be sufficient to release the Escrow Deposit(s). "ESCROW AGENT" FLEMING, HALE & SHAW, P.A. BY: 14 Purchaser, shall executive... following Transaction Documents. (a) Warranty Deed from Seller to Purchaser conveying the Property and improvements free and clear of all encumbrances except for the Permitted Exceptions (any existing mortgage encumbering the property shall be satisfied by Seller simultaneously at the closing, at cost of Seller); (b) . .. ... (c) (d) (e) (f) Mechanic's Lien Affidavit in the form customarily used by the title insurance company; Non-Foreign Affidavit from appropriate parties; Internal Revenue Service Form 1099 concerning the Property; Closing Stafement between Seller and Purchaser; and Any instruments required to correct Title Defects from Seller. 13. TRANSACTION EXPENSES: Purchaser shall pay the cost of the Title Insurance Commitment and Title Insurance. Seller shall pay for state documentary stamps, required to be affixed to the instrument of conveyance, cost of recording any corrective instruments and the cost of recording the deed and any costs to satisfy any existing mortgage on the property. Purchaser shall pay for the cost of surtax on the deed. 14. CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS: The following items, to the extent that they pertain to the Property and whether paid, prepaid, payable, accrued, or assessed, will be prorated, adjusted and allowed on the Closing Date, with Seller responsible for, or entitled to, the items before the Closing Date and Purchaser responsible for, or entitled to, the items on and after the Closing Date: Ad valorem real property taxes will be Prorated based on the number of days in the year before, and the number of days in the year on and after, the Closing Date and based on the taxes assessed for the calendar year (adjusted for any discounts allowed by law), unless the taxes for that year are unascertainable on the Closing Date, in which case the prospective taxes will be estimated and Prorated based on the tax bill for the year immediately preceding the closing and adjustments, if any, will be made upon receipt of the actual tax bill for the year of closing. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are either certified, confirmed, or ratified as of the Closing Date or substantially completed as of the Closing Date but not certified, confirmed, or ratified as of then. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are merely pending and are not certified, confirmed, ratified, or substantially completed as of the Closing Date. Any net amount owed by Seller to Purchaser as a result of reconciling the foregoing adjustments will be credited against the cash balance due on the Closing Date for the Purchase Price of the Property that is payable by Purchaser under this Agreement. Any net amount owed by Purchaser to Seller as a result of reconciling the foregoing adjustments will be ,payable in full on the Closing Date, in immediately available funds. 15. TITLE TO PROPERTY: RISK OF LOSS: Title to the Property and risk of loss and damage to it by condemnation, eminent domain, or by casualty, whether or not insured, will pass to Purchaser upon completion of the closing of the transaction 9 contemplated by this Agre\.i,..~nt, but will remain with Seller lh" then, including any condemnation award. 16. EVENTS OF DEFAULT, The occurrence of anyone of the following events constitutes a "Default" under this Agreement by the party indicated: (a) Purchaser Default: Purchaser fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement; (b) Seller Default: Seller fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement. . .. ... Of 17. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT: If a Default under this Agreement exists prior to or on the Closing Date, the following remedies will be available to the exclusion of all other rights or remedies and the appropriate party must elect one of the following: (a) Purchaser's Default: If Purchaser Defaults under the terms of this Agreement, Seller may terminate this Agreement, and receive on demand copies of all plans, drawings, specifications, contracts, leases, approvals, permits and other documents relating to the site. The actions set forth, shall be full settlement of all claims by Seller against Purchaser and this Agreement shall be null and void. Further, all Escrow Deposit(s) and any interest shall be retained by Seller. Extension Deposits shall likewise be retained by Seller. In addition, Seller shall have the right to bring an action for specific performance. (b) Seller's Default: If Seller defaults under the terms of this Agreement, Purchaser may terminate this Agreement and receive on demand from the Escrow Agent, payment of the Escrow Deposit(s) and extension fees, including any interest, whereupon all rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement will terminate and become void or Purchaser may seek or bring an action for the specific performance of this Agreement. In addition, Purchaser shall have the right to bring an action for specific performance. 10 18. NOTICES: A.,) .Iotice given or made for any purp\..~ under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be valid if in writing and hand delivered, sent by facsimile or registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-paid or by recognized overnight courier, addressed: if to the Seller: Michael Puder, President 303 FEDERAL, INC. 9798 Laina Lane, Suite 3 Boynton Beach, Florida 33437 Telephone: (561) 477-0404 Facsimile: (561) 477-7140 if to the Purchaser: Gary P. Eidelstein, President Boynton/Federal Development, Inc, 2665~outh Bayshore Drive, Suite 908 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 285-9595 Facsimile: (305) 285-1102 Either party may, at any time and from time-to-time, in the manner set forth for the giving of notices, change the address designated in this paragraph. 19. ESCROW AGREEMENT: Any Escrow Agent receiving Escrow Deposit(s) is authorized and agrees by acceptance thereof to deposit promptly and to hold same in escrow and subject to clearance thereof to disburse same in accordance with terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event of doubt as to Escrow Agent's duties under the provisions of this Agreement, the Escrow Agent may in its sole discretion, continue to hold the subject matter of this escrow until the parties mutually agree to the disbursement thereof, or until a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine the rights of the parties thereto, or Escrow Agent may deposit same with the Clerk of the Circuit Court having jurisdiction of the dispute, and upon notifying all parties concerned of such action, all liability on the part of he Escrow Agent shall fully terminate, except to the extent of accounting for any items theretofore delivered out of escrow. If escrow Agent is a licensed real estate broker, the Escrow Agent will comply with provisions of Chapter 475, F.S., as amended. In the event of any suit between Purchaser and Seller wherein the Escrow Agent is made a party by virtue of acting as an Escrow Agent hereunder, or in the event of any suit herein Escrow Agent interpleads the subject matter of this escrow, the Agent shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred, said fees and costs to be charged and assessed as court costs in favor of the prevailing party. All parties agree that the Escrow Agent shall not be liable to any party or person whomsoever for mis-delivery to Purchaser or Seller of items subject to its escrow, unless such mis- delivery shall be due to the willful breach of this Agreement or gross negligence of the part of the Agent. The parties hereby agree, that the Escrow Agent is authorized to represent Seller herein. 11 20. MISCELLANL..... JS: (a) Amendment: Successors: An amendment or modification of this Agreement or any provision of it will be valid and effective only if it is in writing and signed by each party to this Agreement. This Agreement inures to the benefit of, and is binding on, the respective heirs, assignees, successors, and personal representatives of the parties. (b) Attorney Fees and Costs: In the event a party to this Agreement must employ an attorney to enforce provisions hereof or to secure performance by a defaulting party under the terms herein stated, the prevailing party in any litigation arising therefrom shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees and taxable costs both at a trial and the appellate levels incurred in and enforcing this Agreement and/or securing performance of the' terms herein stated. (c) Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and that there are no agreements, understandings, restrictions, warranties or representations, expressed or implied, oral or written between the parties other than those herein contained. (d) Time of essence: Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of the parties' respective obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties extend to the other, a three (3) business day grace period for the performance of any obligation herein undertaken. In the event any due date occurs on a weekend or legal holiday, the due date shall be extended to the next occurring business day. (e) Counterpart Executions: This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument, and facsimile transmissions shall be deemed originals. (f) Section and other Headings: Section, paragraph and other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. (g) Severability: In case anyone or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held invalid I illegal or un- enforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or un- enforceability shall not effect any other provision herein and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. (h) Waiver: No waiver hereunder of any condition or breach shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent 12 breach. (i) Applicable Law: This Agreement is to be construed under the laws of the State of Florida and venue shall lie in Dade County, Florida. m Radon Gas: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon may be present in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. 21. BROKERAGE: A real estate commission in the amount of seven (7%) percent shall be paid to Mark V Properties, Inc., a licensed real estate broker, by Seller at closing. 22. LIKE KIND EXCHANGE: Should Seller elect to employ "like-kind-exchange" treatment forthis transaction, Purchaser agrees to sign all documents reasonably required by Seller, provided there is no expense to Purchaser and provided no adverse consequence befalls Purchaser as a result of executing such documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed the day and year indicated above. lorida corporation Execution Date of Seller: "Purchaser" 13 ACKt-4l".tlLEDGMENT BY ESCROW AGEN . ESCROW AGENT, JAMES M. PAINTER, P,A" hereby acknowledges reC~Ofthe Escrow ~osit(s) for the above agreement in the amount of $10,OOO.O~his day of / I /~ I 1999. In the event this Agreement is terminated during the Inspection Period, or any extension thereof, the unilateral request of Purchaser shall be sufficient to release the Escrow Deposit(s). "ESCROW AGENT' '* Sc)~-z::..-r 'Tb ~ oP FV~bS'.. (y' 14 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, of Block 8, ROBERTS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH, a subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter (S,E, 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in Plat Book 1, at Page 51, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Lots 7, 8, ,and 9, less the East 35 feet of said Lots 8 and 9, for right-of-way purposes (State Road 51/U,8, Highway No. l}i Lots 10 and 11, less the South 40 feet of said Lot 11 for right-of-way purposes (Northeast 2nd Avenue/Boynton Beach Boulevard), and Lot 12, less the South 40 feet and the East 35 feet of said Lot 12 for right-of-way purposes and further less that part of the said Lot 12 which is included in the external area formed by a 12 foot radius arc which is tangent to a line 40 feet North of and parallel to the South line of Section 21 (South line of Lot 12), Township 45 South. Range 43 East, and which is tangent to a line 50 feet West of and parallel to the East line said Section 21, all being located in Block 8, of ROBERTS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 51, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. IIl1h'ersnl renl"" ;..111 tle,'elt.,tlllellf, inc. . 111~lt FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION SHEET Date: 1-P, g /ql7 { { f3~-rI-\N MtUt--JN To: From: Scott Sheron Fax#: 1Sro I - 36"'1-- oR d( Total number of pages (including this cover): I~ If you do not receive all the pages, please contact the above sender at (305) 285-9595 as soon as possible. Special Remarks: ~ t'l:"HtlSf... cC- s::AL..C A.GP-F-r_M(J\)\. -2M.S SlIlIlh na~ ,hlll'l' J)l'in-Suih- 9UN_ Miami, FI. JJ IJJ-Td: (JUS) 2N5-4):'9:'_ Fa\: (JII5) 2H5-11 U2 TRANSMISSION-REPORT TIME TEL NUMBER NAME APR 29'99 09:12 +305-285-1.102 UNIVERSAL REALTY TO 15613640808 START TIME : APR 29'99 08:59 END TIME APR 29'99 09: 12 PAGES 17 MAIL BOX MODE G3 STATUS OK ERROR ON PAGES SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT THISAGREEMENTmadeandentered intothis_dayof ,1999, by and between RAYMOND W. ALLEN, TRUSTEE, hereinafter ("Seller"), and UNIVERSAL REAL TV & DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter ("Purchaser"), or assigns. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of property located at 325 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida, and Purchaser desires to purchase said property, legally described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, hereinafter ("PROPERTY"); and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell and Purchaser wishes to buy the Property upon the terms, covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS: For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: "Acceptable Title" means good, marketable, and insurable fee simple record title to the Property, free and clear of all Title Defects, except for any Permitted Exceptions and any special title matter to which Purchaser waives objection. "Agreement" means this Agreement for Sale and Purchase as originally executed and as it may be amended in writing, from time-to-time as provided herein. "Closing" means the execution and delivery of those documents, and the payment of those funds required to be paid at the time and manner required hereunder. "Conditions Precedent" means those items, if any, which must be satisfied prior to Closing in order to obligate the Purchaser to purchase and the Seller to sell the Property under the terms and conditions hereinafter described. "Escrow Agent" means Kevin M. LaMontagne, the Seller's attorney, who will hold the Escrow Deposit in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. conlracl\allen2.spa\7/15/99 "Escrow Deposit" means all funds delivered by Purchaser to Escrow Agent or Seller in connection with this Agreement which seNes as partial consideration for Purchasers obligations hereunder. "Effective Date" means the date when this Agreement is last signed by both the Seller and Purchaser, and which date shall be evidenced by a written confirmation. "Inspection Period" means Purchaser shall have an unconditional inspection period offorty-five (45) days from the Effective Date to conduct an inspection at the Property and receive if desired a refund of its deposit and interest during this period of time. "Permitted Assigns" means those parties to whom this Agreement may be transferred without the prior written approval of Seller, as long as a majority of the new Purchaser(s) are principals of Universal Realty & Development, Inc. "Permitted Exceptions" means the title exceptions set forth in Exhibit "B" of the Title Commitment, which are acceptable to Purchaser. Purchaser shall have twenty (20) days from receipt of its Pro-forma Title Commitment to review and accept or reject same. If Purchaser does not accept the "exceptions", Purchaser shall be entitled to an immediate refund of its deposit and interest, which shall be its sole remedy. Permitted Exceptions shall specifically include (a) liens for state, county, and municipal ad valorem real property taxes for the current year (to be prorated); (b) liens for special assessments for public or municipal improvements, whether pending, completed or certified, confirmed, ratified, or otherwise due and payable; (c) easements for public utility services and facilities that serve the Property or the improvements or are located along and parallel to the front, rear, and side boundaries of the Property and do not, in Purchaser's sole discretion, substantially impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use of the Property; (d) easements, reservations, and restrictions of record that are common to any plat or subdivision of which the Property is a part, that are not in violation or coupled with any reversionary or forfeiture provision, and that do not in Purchaser's sole discretion, impair, prohibit, or interfere with the use and occupancy of the Property; (e) claims for vendors', carriers', mechanic's, materialmen's, and other similar liens arising from the Property, if each such claim of lien is discharged by payment; and (f) any other lien, exception, assessment, encumbrance, reservation, or restriction to which Purchaser waives objection or that can be removed or satisfied by Seller on the Closing Date. "Pro-rated" means the allocation of an item of expense or income between Seller and Purchaser based upon the percentage of the time period as to which such item of expense or income relates as of Closing. 2 "Property" means the parcel of land that is legally described on Exhibit "A" to this Agreement, together with all easements, tenements, hereditament, and appurtenances on or to that land. "Purchase Price" means the full consideration agreed to be paid by the Purchaser to the Seller for the purchase of the Property. All sums refer to the currency of the United States of America. "Survey" means that certain survey (boundary and topographic) to be prepared at the expense of Purchaser, in accordance with this Agreement by a licensed surveyor and certified to Purchaser. "Title Defect" means a lien, defect, exception, encumbrance, restriction, reservation, or imperfection in, to, or on the record title to the Property. However, Permitted Exceptions shall not be considered a Title Defect. Furthermore, this Agreement shall be governed by the Florida FAR/BAR contract, as it relates to the definition of Title Defects and Permitted Exceptions. "Title Insurance" means the Title Insurance Commitments and Policy issued by a recognized title company selected or approved by Purchaser in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. "Transaction Document" means this Agreement and all of the documents required or contemplated in connection with the Closing of this transaction. 2. PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED: Seller agrees to sell and convey to Purchaser and Purchaser agrees to buy from Seller the Property, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and subject to performance of all conditions of this Agreement and performance by each party hereto of its respective obligation hereunder. 3. PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PROJECT: $165,000.00 PAYMENT: (a) Escrow Deposit payable to Escrow Agent upon execution of this Agreement by Purchaser to be placed in an interest bearing account (to benefit Purchaser), which sum shall be a part of the Purchase Price. Purchaser must provide the Escrow Agent with its Federal Tax Identification number, which is the number under which all interest earned will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service. $5,000.00 3 (b) After expiration of the inspection period, in the event Purchaser elects not to terminate this Agreement, Purchaser will deposit in escrow an additional sum of $10,000.00 to be held in an interest bearing account, to the benefit of Purchaser, which sum shall be a part of the Purchase Price. (c) Commencing with the 46th day from the Effective Date of the Agreement, Purchaser shall allow $1,000.00 to be released from the Escrow Agent to Seller, for each thirty (30) day period until closing. Said sums shall be applicable to the purchase price. but non- refundable in the event Purchaser terminates this Agreement. (d) Balance due in cash at Closing, subject to adjustments and prorations as herein provided. 4. TITLE EVIDENCE: Purchaser shall procure, at its sole expense, a Title Insurance Commitment on the Property within twenty (20) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, issued by a licensed Florida title insurer. Upon recording of the deed to Purchaser, Purchaser, at its expense, shall secure an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price, insuring Purchaser's title to the Property. Before the 20th day following Purchaser's receipt of the title insurance commitment, Purchaser shall notify Seller of each exception or requirement for a Title Defect that it considers to impair Acceptable Title to the Property and that it will not waive. If Purchaser fails to notify Seller within the time period of its objection to a Title Defect(s), Purchaser will be deemed to have waived the Title Defect. If Purchaser timely notifies Seller of its objection to a Title Defect, Seller shall within the following fifteen (15) days notify Purchaser whether Seller intends to cure, correct or remove a Title Defect. Purchaser and Seller hereby agree that Seller shall not be obligated to cure any Title Defect and may by written notice to Purchaser waive any curative period and thereby require Purchaser to, within fifteen (15) days, either accept the Title Defect as it then is or refund the Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. If Seller, within the time mutually agreed to (if and as extended), is unable or unwilling to cure, remove, or correct a Title Defect that has not been waived by Purchaser, Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser of that fact and the reason for it, and Purchaser may (a) elect to terminate the transaction; (b) postpone the Closing Date for up to thirty (30) days and either allow Seller to continue to try to cure, remove or correct the Title Defect, or attempt at its expense, to cure, remove or correct the Title Defect. If the Seller is unable to cure the Title Defect, Purchaser may either accept the Title Defect as it then is or receive a refund of its Escrow Deposit and interest and terminate this Agreement. After issuance of the Title Commitment to the date of Closing, Seller shall not in any manner encumber title, create any liens or place any mortgage(s) on the Property or in any way alter the status of title. 4 5. INSPECTION PERIOD: Purchaser shall have an unconditional inspection period of forty-five (45) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement. Purchaser shall have the right (and Seller shall provide reasonable access for such purposes) to have an independent engineer and others of Purchaser's selection make inspections of the Property. Seller shall provide such documentation as Purchaser may reasonably request if said documentation is available to Seller. Purchaser's access for inspections shall be arranged only through Seller, and said inspections shall be made without disturbing the existing Tenant. (a) Inspection Verification: Purchaser shall have the right to inspect the Property, to conduct such topographical surveys, soil test borings and other sub-surface tests, percolation tests, engineering and other related developmental studies, tests and examinations thereof, including but not limited to sewer or septic availability, as Purchaser may desire in order to determine whether the Property is suitable for Purchaser's intended use thereof. In connection with its inspection of the Property, Purchaser shall (i) not damage the Property; (ii) repair or restore at its expense any damage to the Property that is caused by its agents or employees; and (iii) release and indemnify and hold harmless Seller from all claims, actions, suits, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, that are incurred by Seller and arise out of Purchaser's inspection of the Property, by Purchaser or any person Purchaser invites to inspect the Property, or his or their agents, employees or subcontractors. If prior to the Inspection Completion Date, Purchaser determines that the Property does not conform to Purchaser's intended use, or for any other reason whatsoever, in Purchaser's sole discretion, Purchaser may elect to cancel this Agreement upon written notice to Seller whereupon the Escrow Agent shall return to the Purchaser the Escrow Deposit(s) and all interest earned thereon, and this Agreement shall thereupon be null and void. If this agreement is terminated for any reason, Purchaser shall furnish Seller with copies of all work product, including surveys, environmental reports, title work, etc. in its possession. 6. CLOSING: This transaction shall be closed no later than 180 days after expiration of the Inspection Period, predicated upon the Purchaser's securing permitting as set forth in the subsection entitled "Permitting", to be extended by any extensions thereof, and the closing shall be subject to the time periods set forth in Paragraph 9, Permitting. The closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing" and the date and time of the Closing is sometimes herein referred to as the "Closing Date". The Closing shall take place at the offices of the Seller's attorney or Purchaser's designated Title Agent. Purchaser may elect to close on any date prior to the above date, upon forty-five (45) days prior written notice to Seller. At the time of Closing, the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller the balance due on account of the Purchase Price, and the Seller and Purchaser, as applicable, shall execute the closing documents, and the Seller shall convey the Property to the Purchaser by a Warranty Deed. 5 In the event the closing does not occur, the deposit money, interest and extension fees shall be governed by the provisions of Paragraph 9, Permitting. The parties agree that Purchaser shall have the right to have Seller convey all or a portion of the site directly to any subsequent assignee or Purchaser (Subsequent Purchaser), who acquires such right from the Purchaser. It is the intent of the Purchaser to avoid the necessity and cost of a dual conveyance. A conveyance to a Subsequent Purchaser shall not effect the terms of this Agreement in any way. At closing, any monies due from Subsequent Purchaser, if any, over and above the monies due Seller hereunder, shall enure to the benefit of Purchaser. Closing costs between Seller and Subsequent Purchaser shall be as set forth herein between Seller and Purchaser. 7. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS: Seller, to the best of its knowledge, hereby makes the following warranties, representations and covenants to Purchaser. (a) Marketable Title: Seller has, at the time of closing, good, marketable and insurable title to the Property, free and clear of all mortgages (other than any existing mortgage(s) to be paid simultaneously with the closing, by Seller allocating the necessary funds from the closing proceeds to satisfy the mortgage(s)), liens, encumbrances, leases, tenancies, security interest, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights- of-way, easements, reservations, judgments, lis pendens and other matters affecting title, except Permitted Exceptions. (b) Pending litigation: There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, including condemnation cases and bankruptcy proceedings, pending or threatened, against the Property and Seller is not aware of any facts which might result in any action, suit or other proceeding against the property. (c) Seller has the power and authority to enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement, to execute and deliver all documents in and to the Property, and to otherwise take all steps necessary to the performance of the duties and obligations of Seller hereunder. (d) Mechanic's liens: There are no mechanic's or other type liens against the Property, except as expressly allowed hereunder. (e) Contracts: Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as of the date of execution of the Agreement, there are no leases, except Apple Insurance, options, contracts or rights of any third parties affecting the Property in any manner whatsoever. 6 (f) Access to Highways and Roads: The Property has full and free access to and from publicly dedicated roadways which are located contiguous and adjacent to the boundary line of the Property, and Seller has no knowledge of any fact or condition which would result in termination on diminution of such access. (g) Hazardous Wastes: To the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no hazardous substances as defined by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"), 42 USC 9601 (14), pollutants or contaminants as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA") , 42 USC 6903 (5), or other similar applicable federal or state laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, asbestos, PCBs and urea formaldehyde, generated, released, stored, or deposited over, beneath or on the Property or on or in any structures located on the Property from any source whatsoever by Seller, its predecessors in interest in the Property or any other person. That to the best of Seller's knowledge, there is no contamination ofthe Property from off- site sources; that there is no past or pending litigation which effects the property and that there are no underground tanks or previous environmental regulatory filings on the site. Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time during the Inspection Period, or to the date of Closing, in the event Purchaser discovers that the site was, or is suspected of being environmentally contaminated. If this occurs, Purchaser shall receive a refund of any Escrow Deposits remaining after the deductions provided for in Section 3(c). It is understood that Extension Fees are also to be non-refundable, in the event Purchaser terminates due to environmental conditions In the event any of the foregoing warranties or representations are not fulfilled at, or at any time prior to Closing, Purchaser shall have the option of: (i) waiving the condition and closing, (ii) extending the Closing for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, during which time Seller shall have the obligation of attempting to fulfill such conditions; or (iii) canceling this Agreement by written notice to Seller and the Escrow Agent, in which event any and all Escrow Deposits remaining after the deductions providing for in Section 3(c) shall be returned to Purchaser, whereupon, the parties shall be relieved form all further obligations hereunder. 8. EXISTING LEASES: The Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that as a condition of the closing, there will be no parties (tenants) in possession of any portion of the Property at the time of Closing. 9. PERMITTING: Purchaser, within a period of 180 days, from the expiration of the Inspection Period, shall have secured, at its cost, permits for the construction and operation of, at Purchaser's option, a retail facility, all in accordance with Purchaser's 7 proposed plan of development. Permitting shall include, but not be limited to site plan approval, approval of curb-cuts as required by Purchaser, concurrency, water and sewer allocations, septic tank approval, if required, signage approval, and issuance of a building permit for the construction and operation of the facility, by all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Property. Purchaser shall pay all fees and cost including plans, impact fees, etc. required to receive its building permits. Such Permitting shall be final, non-appealable and without contingencies or conditions and acceptable to Purchaser in Purchaser's discretion. Seller agrees to promptly execute any and all documents or instruments as may be reasonably requested by Purchaser in order to effectuate the Permitting and to cooperate with Purchaser in connection therewith. In the event the permitting process as defined herein is not completed within the 180 days after the Inspection Period, Purchaser may extend the Permitting Period for up to three (3) additional periods of thirty (30) days by giving written notice of each extension to Seller prior to the expiration of the Permitting Period or each extension period, and delivering to Escrow Agent at time of such notice an additional sum of $2,500.00 for each thirty (30) day extension period ("Extension Fees", which shall be a cost of carrying the property. In the event the transaction is not closed due to Purchaser's inability to obtain the permitting, the remaining after the deductions provided for in Section 3(C) shall be refunded: however, the Extension Fees will be retained by Seller, unless the failure to close is due to the fault of Seller. At closing, Purchaser will receive credit for all the deposits, but not extension fees. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary elsewhere in the Agreement, if Permitting (site plan, signage, issuance of all building permits, curb-cuts, water and sewer availability, concurrency, etc.) has not been effectuated at anytime within the Permitting Period (or any extension thereof), or if Purchaser determines in its sole discretion, not to pursue permitting, either during the Permitting Period, or any extension, Purchaser may terminate the Agreement and receive a full refund of any and all remaining Escrow Deposits and interest, and Seller shall also retain any and all Extension Fees paid. 10. SURVEY: Purchaser, at its expense, within twenty (20) days of the Effective Date, shall secure a survey (boundary and topographic) from a registered Florida surveyor and deliver same to Purchaser. Purchaser shall, within twenty (20) days from receipt of the survey, notify Seller of its objection to any matter that is revealed by the survey and this event shall be treated as a Title Defect, as set forth herein. If Purchaser timely objects to a matter revealed by the survey and Seller fails to cure or correct it on or before the Closing Date, the title matter will constitute a Title Defect, and all deposits. 11. ENVIRONMENTAL: Purchaser, at its cost, within the forty-five (45) day Inspection Period, shall secure a Phase 1 Environmental Survey. In the event, any Environmental Report indicates contamination orsuspected contamination ofthe property, Purchaser shall, notify Seller of the findings, and in its discretion, Purchaser shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and receive a full refund of all deposits including extension deposits and interest. 8 In the event Purchaser desires to continue with the Agreement, Purchaser, at its cost, may secure a Phase II Environmental Survey. In the event this report indicates contamination or suspected contamination, Purchaser may terminate the Agreement and receive a refund of any and all remaining Escrow Deposits and interest. Furthermore, Seller shall retain all Extension Fees which have been paid. 12. TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS: Seller's attorney, at Seller's cost, will prepare all Transaction Documents. At the Closing, the Seller and, as applicable, the Purchaser, shall execute the following Transaction Documents: (a) Warranty Deed from Seller to Purchaser conveying the Property and improvements free and clear of all encumbrances except for the Permitted Exceptions (any existing mortgage encumbering the property shall be satisfied by Seller simultaneously at the closing, at cost of Seller); (b) Mechanic's Lien Affidavit in the form customarily used by the title Insurance company; (c) Non-Foreign Affidavit from appropriate parties; (d) Internal Revenue Service Form 1099 concerning the Property; (e) Closing Statement between Seller and Purchaser; and (f) Any instruments required to correct Title Defects from Seller. 13. TRANSACTION EXPENSES: Purchaser shall pay the cost of the Title Insurance Commitment and Title Insurance. State documentary stamps, required to be affixed to the instrument of conveyance, cost of recording any corrective instruments and the cost of recording the deed and any costs to satisfy any existing mortgage on the property, shall be paid the Seller. Purchaser shall pay for the cost of surtax on the deed. 14. CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS: The following items, to the extent that they pertain to the Property and whether paid, prepaid, payable, accrued, or assessed, will be prorated, adjusted and allowed on the Closing Date, with Seller responsible for, or entitled to, the items before the Closing Date and Purchaser responsible for, or entitled to, the items on and after the Closing Date: Ad valorem real property taxes will be Prorated based on the number of days in the year before, and the number of days in the year on and after, the Closing Date and based on the taxes assessed for the calendar year. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are either certified, confirmed, or ratified as of the Closing Date or substantially completed as of the Closing Date but not certified, confirmed, or ratified as of then. Purchaser is responsible for paying any special assessments for public or municipal improvements that are merely pending and are not certified, confirmed, ratified, or substantially completed as of the Closing Date. Any net amount owed by Seller to Purchaser as a result of reconciling 9 the foregoing adjustments will be credited against the cash balance due on the Closing Date for the Purchase Price of the Property that is payable by Purchaser under this Agreement. Any net amount owed by Purchaser to Seller as a result of reconciling the foregoing adjustments will be payable in full on the Closing Date, in immediately available funds. 15. TITLE TO PROPERTY; RISK OF LOSS: Title to the Property and risk of loss and damage to it by condemnation, eminent domain, or by casualty, whether or not insured, will pass to Purchaser upon completion of the closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, but will remain with Seller until then, including any condemnation award. 16. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The occurrence of anyone of the following events constitutes a "Default" under this Agreement by the party indicated: (a) Purchaser Default: Purchaser fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement; (b) Seller Default: Seller fails to perform within the time specified any of its obligations under this Agreement. 17. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT: If a Default under this Agreement exists prior to or on the Closing Date, the following remedies will be available to the exclusion of all other rights or remedies and the appropriate party must elect one of the following: (a) Purchaser's Default: If Purchaser Defaults under the terms of this agreement, Seller may terminate this Agreement, and receive on demand copies of all plans, drawings, specifications, contracts, leases, approvals, permits and other documents relating to the site. The actions set forth, shall be full settlement of all claims by Seller against Purchaser and this Agreement shall be null and void. All Escrow Deposit(s) and interest, shall be retained by Seller. Extension Deposits shall be retained by Seller. (b) Seller's Default: If Seller defaults under the terms of this Agreement, Purchaser may terminate this Agreement and receive on demand from the Escrow Agent, payment of the Escrow Deposit(s) and extension fees, including interest, whereupon all rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement will terminate and become void or Purchaser may seek or bring an action for the specific performance of this Agreement. 18. NOTICES: Any notice given or made for any purpose under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be valid if in writing and hand delivered, sent by facsimile or registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-paid or by recognized overnight courier, addressed: 10 if to the Seller: Raymond W. Allen, Trustee P.O. Drawer AA Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Telephone: (561) 683-8323 Facsimile: (561) 683-8390 with a copy to: Kevin M. LaMontagne, Esquire Attorney at Law Fruda Law Building 125 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Telephone: (561) 732-0100 Facsimile: (561) 732-0877 if to the Purchaser: Gary P. Eidelstein, President Universal Realty & Development, Inc. 2665 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 908 Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 285-9595 Facsimile: (305) 285-1102 Either party may, at any time and from time-to-time, in the manner set forth for the giving of notices, change the address designated in this paragraph. 19. ESCROW AGREEMENT: The Escrow Agent, Kevin M. LaMontagne, Esquire, receiving Escrow Deposit(s) is authorized and agrees by acceptance thereof to deposit promptly and to hold same in escrow and subject to clearance thereof to disburse same in accordance with terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Escrow Deposit shall be refunded to Purchaser without the necessity of Seller's approval for failure of a conditional event including, but not limited to the termination of this Agreement, pursuant to the terms of Paragraph 5, termination during the Inspection Period. In the event Escrow Agent questions any of his duties under the provisions of this Agreement, the Escrow Agent may in his sole discretion, continue to hold the subject matter of this escrow until the parties mutually agree to the disbursement thereof, or until a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine the rights of the parties thereto, or Escrow Agent may deposit same with the Clerk of the Circuit Court having jurisdiction of the dispute, and upon notifying all parties concerned of such action, all liability on the part of the Escrow Agent shall fully terminate, except to the extent of accounting for any items theretofore delivered out of escrow. In the event of any suit between Purchaser and Seller wherein the Escrow Agent is made a party by virtue of acting as an Escrow Agent hereunder, or in the event of any suit herein Escrow Agent interpleads the subject matter of this escrow, the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred, said fees and costs to be charged and assessed as court costs in favor of the prevailing party. All parties agree that the Escrow Agent shall not be liable to any party or person whomsoever for mis-delivery to Purchaser or Seller of items subject to its escrow, unless such mis- delivery shall be due to the willful breach of this Agreement or gross negligence of the part of the Agent. The parties hereby agree, that the Escrow Agent is authorized to represent 11 Seller herein. Escrow Agent has the authority to disburse to the Seller, in accordance with Section 3(c), without obtaining any prior approval from the Purchaser. 20. MISCEllANEOUS: (a) Amendment: Successors: An amendment or modification of this Agreement or any provision of it will be valid and effective only if it is in writing and signed by each party to this Agreement. This Agreement inures to the benefit of, and is binding on, the respective heirs, assignees, successors, and personal representatives of the parties. (b) Attorney Fees and Costs: In the event a party to this Agreement must employ an attorney to enforce provisions hereof or to secure performance by a defaulting party under the terms herein stated, the prevailing party in any litigation arising therefrom shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees and taxable costs both at a trial and the appellate levels incurred in and enforcing this Agreement and/or securing performance of the terms herein stated. (c) Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and that there are no agreements, understandings, restrictions, warranties or representations, expressed or implied, oral or written between the parties other than those herein contained. (d) Time of essence: Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of the parties' respective obligations under this Agreement. In the event any due date occurs on a weekend or legal holiday, the due date shall be extended to the next occurring business day. (e) Counterpart Executions: This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument, and facsimile transmissions shall be deemed originals. (f) Section and other Headings: Section, paragraph and other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. (g) Severability: In case anyone or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held invalid, illegal or un- enforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or un- enforceability shall not effect any other provision herein and this 12 Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. (h) Waiver: No waiver hereunder of any condition or breach shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach. (i) Applicable Law: This Agreement is to be construed under the laws of the State of Florida and venue shall lie in Palm Beach County, Florida. U) Radon Gas: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon may be present in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. 21. BROKERAGE: At the Purchaser's request, Seller agrees to pay Mark V Properties, the Purchaser's Broker, from the closing proceeds the sum of $8,700.00 upon the closing of this transaction and receipt by Seller of the full purchase price to which Seller is entitled. Purchaser warrants and represents that it has involved no other broker in this transaction and hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Seller from any claim made against the Seller by any other broker. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed the day and year indicated above. WITNESSES: "Seller" RAYMOND W. ALLEN, TRUSTEE BY: Execution Date of Seller: "Purchaser" UNIVERSAL REALTY & DEVELOPMENT, INC. a Florida c~ion BY: .---.,' ~ Gary P. Eid Istein, President Execution Date of purchaser:. 13 ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY ESCROW AGENT ESCROW AGENT, , hereby acknowledges receipt of the Escrow Deposit(s) for the above agreement in the amount of $ this _ day of ,1999. In the event this Agreement is terminated during the Inspection Period, or any extension thereof, the unilateral request of Purchaser shall be sufficient to release the Escrow Deposit(s). Escrow Agent has the authority to disburse to the Seller, in accordance with Section 3(c), without obtaining any prior approval from the Purchaser. ' "ESCROW AGENT" BY: 14 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Roberts addition, Lot 1 (less the East 35 feet) and Lot 2, Block 8, Plat Book 1, Plat page 51. Folio #08-43-45-21-26-008-0010-001. contracts\allen2,spa\7/15/99 15