CORRESPONDENCE 05/03/2001 12:10 9544302747 EVERGLADES PAGE 02/02 EVE..GLADES ENVIRONMENTAL CARE, INC. 911 N.W. 209th Avenue . Suite 1Z6 Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 (954) 430-1787 . Fax (954) 430-Z747 May rt, 2001 LeI Construction, Inc. 1226 Omar Road West Palm Beach, FI33405 Attn: Richard Ackner Re: Cocoplum @ Eckerd Drug-Boynton Beach and Federal .zt I have been unable to locate coco plum at the 30" spec. We plan to install 22" coco plum and add extra to ensure a satisfactory hedge. Thank you, John Pertwee Ceo' R, Bartlett Landscape, Inc. Arm: Rick City of Boynton Beach Attn: Kevin Hallahan LANbSCAPE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE. AQUATICS MANAGEMENT' IRRIiATION ) " '-. (~. '" MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 00 - 09 TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: January 14, 2000 SUBJECT: Eckerds - Rectified Plans comments We offer the following comments on the rectified plans submitted to your office: 1. The plans show a canopy tree (yellow Tabebuia) over one of the utility mains. Please relocate the tree out of the proposed easement, or replace with a palm speCIes. 2. Please submit a drainage plan with calculations demonstrating that the plan meets water quality and flood protection requirements. We have given the developer the option of discharging volumes greater than the first 2.5 inches of rainfall into the FDOT drainage system in U. S. 1, with FDOT' s approval. If the developer selects this option, they must also furnish a copy of the written approval from FDOT. Both of these comments were reflected on the conditions of approval, although item no. 2 has been amended to reflect changes in our downtown stormwater improvement's schedule. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office. Attachment JAG/PVM Xc: File OOII(",~ r.IIMMTNGS BRUCE CUMMINGS --'- PAGE 01 PAGE El6 15 4.5 (" . ) 10 a.Ii 5 I ~.5 VR 3lI1 n VR 3IIZ ft w_ In ~ 15 It 4.5 10 3.5 I \ 5 Ui Ec~i!' r>2 COUS ]I (3 ~ /~ ~ US - / VUI' ~ ~ VII. ft m 15 4.5 10 3.5 5 1.!i ft m ...;J;.l.::J 1954771278El BRUCE CUMMINGS PAGE 05 .. . '," ...... . . .. . ~. .. ':' . 21M' 8 1.0. 21GB" 8 I.D. 21118"" I.D. l52mml .<:: S2mm' lS2mml i.~ . ~ ,....., -!E 11 ,....., ':-=E .. e .salii] .fi;;o ] i~i: ilii: I- S I- I- .5 ... .... Ii ... S UE ~i UE UE a~ j!! 100 E ;8 '"' e ~i ~ ... -S -Iii -tJ; ~ DMS30-W- DL !... ~ ~! ~... [ [ [ 24" .. 1&10 mml (US mmI EN: 0.87 sq.ft, filA: 1.(1(1 sq.ft. IP.M : om ".It. ...... : 36lbl (11.3 q) Wei,IIt:401bs\11.l kll w-.w: 38lhsl1U lev) DMSZO DMS30 DMS40 DMS30 - LR MoulltillljS PM P o~ A'" btntRClion of Illl1IUCled lluminum. 2 318" (BO nvnl o.D~ weld,d1Dlwv 1'" (Z5 nm) QlMIed 11umi- rum Inns, two dlCOfI1MI Idap!Dra Ind a .- (102 mml round pale adaptgr. . 2 ballasts. mIX. 1lJlW. A 2 318- (60 mml D.O. alu- minum arm woldod to a ." U02 mmlruvnd !KIle adlP- tor Ind a calt-aluminum luminlire Idlpror. wiIh dlcora1ilHl halt-aphara. A IrruC1Urall/l.'" (13 mml rod Is wwlded to 1h. Inn and pella adaptor. . 2 baOlm, max. 111l1W. Crmllgurotlons -0 1.\ 0-0 ~ 2 fA cJ.o ~ 3 31 + 1-0 . M u Poles Fi"is"e~ APIM ~ .. _ .. LBCZ ..lBCl Dtgf@@ ,& SIIndInI CII_AtraiIIIble s.: The speclaJly-formulatld textured tTXI or non-tutllrld l1unibd powder oOllt is avaUlbI. in a rang. of 1& IIIIndIt'd 10 ColD.... This unique coaling Df IIIIrmo- ... Mttinlll polyaat8r rUins IltoV1dea . hlllhly-durlble W-ralsUlnt 8JdIrIor finilh II par AS1M 67. I .. 2M Lurrrit.1 coating. al'8 specially formulatad fur oulStllndlng IIIt-SPrwy resistlnce according to ASTM B1171lBndards. · A111Urf'~..... chemicallytnllllld using 1.11 a four-SlIlp (aluminuml or ........p (*ell process priorto pllinling. Consult l1Imoc lor complete speelftcllIOns. . I.D BClIpecIa' CIlIar lIiquid. sc:P s,.ci.1 CllIer (.pDwlIerI Provide II{' (102 mm) iquare color chip. It is possible to ordllr smaller minimal quantities of pO'II/d.r paint at a pre- mium. Your rlpresentatlve win be .ble to tell you jf . powder coat plint cln .. be developed for your projecL Plelse note thlt where qu.ntitil. do not warrant it.lumlc reSlrves the right to use an oven-cured liquid po/yureth.nl finish. IC>'~ IC:'~ IC:ID1/I' 11:;1Il/2" Iln .,J "JI ..III (2IJ _. 111111""1 Ct1MuIrt/le Pole GukW for det1Iils Mdlhl! ~trlline alpdn. Options fS AS IJL ID Lumineire integrated fuse House shield PoIyoIllbunn. ~p Ieo5 I.IIminaIIs dome IDMS10 IIIld3ll anly) L\IIninous ring (OMSlO IIldllO onJyJ HklQlld basil IAPfU a APS4 JIIII- anlvl Dupllll receptacle (l21hlll" riA PuplaJt reoeptacie with ground MUIt int8mlpt8r (t2IIVllllIlIIII>tl Pho1oeleGtric cell Provision for loudspeaker oud~ Bann.ral'll'l II DR'" GAl' PH ar U. . In1IIrior paint IpaII anIy, COIllllIt f1IC:lII1Yfal' applit:1bh1 pala' I.8C Optional bl.. cov.r ~ Co""'" f.etoI'f for f,.liblllry IIIIth 1I....1utIlht1lllt fhds. BII8 ClMtffor APR4 &. SPR4 poles only (...pLtceltandard baSI cover~ ~E, A LlC3 ~ laC't LltAlS lBC1 U1CZ ""vmeral WIII.c lIlc. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT r~Jt!'AH\ ~ h) \) 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 . (561) 686-8800 . FL W AlS 1-800-432-2045 . TOD (561) 697-2574 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 · www:sfwmd.gov NOTICE RECEIVED NOV 1 2 1999 TREASURE COASl REGIONAL PlANNING COUNCIL. November 5, 1999 Subject: Environmental Resource Permit Application Application No. 991105-17 Applicant Universal Realty & Development, Inc. Palm Beach County, S 22fT 43 SIR 45 E The South Florida Water Management District is c' Irr9ntly procGssing the attachod ::,~~'ication. If you havo any comments or objections concerning this project, please submit then; i,i wrilir I~ to this office within 30 days of receipt of this notice. This is also an opportunity for applicable State agencies to concur with or object to the proposed project unrlnr the federal consistenr'.! r>Y",,;~;"n ,:,f !!l'"l "IY',S::::'! ::"'C;'"' H~nnn,",n'nr' ^-.I ~'. flIJst bo ill <.ic;corc1.:.mco with the proc~uu, ~--' u~:~,...~cj ~J ~;,,:, :.,~~,C.J':'i:vJ :.".,,~ ~~". ""~ C_"',,:,,~~ on October 25, 1989. Findings of inconsistency must describe how the project conflicts with your agency's statutory authorities in the Florida Coastal Management Program and provide alternative measures, if any, which would make the project consistent. Commenting agencies must provide a copy of all consistency comments letters to the Florida Coastal Management Program Director, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. Please refer to the applicants name and application number as referenced above in any correspondence to help facilitate processing. Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Rob Robbins at (561) 682-6951 or Tony Waterhouse at (561) 682-6867. BAC:ls Attachments c: US Army Corps of Engineers Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Department of Environmental Protection/Office of Protected Species Management Department of State, Division of Historical Resources Regional Planning Council Department of Community Affairs Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management GoVERNING BOARD EXECUTIVE OFFICE Michael Collins, Chainnan Michael D. Minton, Vice Chainnan Mitchell W. Berger Vera M. Carter Gerardo B. Fernandez Patrick J. Gleason Nicolas J. Gutierrez, Jr. Harkley R. Thornton Trudi K. Williams Frank R. Finch, P.E., Executive Director James E. Blount, Chief of Staff ~',_110517 FORM: 62343.900 (I) FORM TITLE: JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 3, 1995 PART 3: A. OWNER (S) OF LAND B. ENTITY TO RECEIVE PERMIT (IF OTHER THAN OWNER) NAME NAME Mike Wallace Mike Wallace TITLE AND COMPANY TITLE AND COMPANY Vice President, Universal Realty and Development, Inc. Vice Presidnet, Universal Realty and Development, Inc. ADDRESS ADDRESS 2665 South Bavshore Drive - Suite 908 2665 South Bayshore Drive - Suite 908 CITY, STATE, ZIP CITY, STATE, ZIP Miami, Florida 33063 Miami, Florida 33063 TELEPHONE AND FAX TELEPHONE AND FAX (305) 285-9595 . (305) 285-102 (305) 285-9595, (305) 285-1102 C. AGENT AUTHORIZED TO SECURE PERMIT D. CONSULTANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM AGENT) NAME NAME D.M. Ambrose, P.E. D. M. Ambrose, P.E. TITLE AND COMPANY TITLE AND COMPANY Manager, Carnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. Manager, Carnahan-Proctor-Cross, Inc. ADDRESS ADDRESS 6101 Atlantic Blvd. 6101 Atlantic Blvd. CITY, STATE, ZIP CITY, STATE, ZIP Margate, FI 33063 Margate, FL 33063 TELEPHONE AND FAX TELEPHONE AND FAX (954) 372-3959, (954) 972-4178 (954) 972-3959, (954) 972-4178 PART 4: (Please provide metric equivalent for federally funded projects): A. Name of project, including phase if applicable: Eckerd Drugstore in Boynton Beach B. Is this application for part of a multi-phase project? [R] Yes DNo C. Total applicant-owned area contiguous to the project: 1.51 ac.; ha. D. Total area served by the system: 49.7 ac.; ha. E. Impervious area for which a permit is sought: 0.99 ac.; ha. F. Volume of water that the system is capable of impounding: N/A ac. ft; m3 G. What is the total area of work in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? ac.; ha. Sq. ft.; sq.m. H. Total volume of material to be dredged: N/A d3' m3 y . I. Number of new boat slips proposed: 0 Wet slips; dry slips Page 2 of6 .M: 62343.900 (I) FORM TITLE: JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 3, 1995 PARTS: Project location (use additional sheets, if needed): County (ies) Palm Beach Section (s) 22 Township 43 S Range 45E Section (s) Township Township Range Section (s) Range Land Grant name, if applicable Tax Parcel Identification Number Street address, road, or other location NW comer of Federal Highway and Boynton Beach Blvd. City, Zip Code if applicable Boynton Beach, Florida PART 6: Describe in general terms the proposed project, system, or activity. A 1.506 acre site in which we are demolishing the existing building and constructing a new commercial Store. The drainage system consists of a exfiltration system that will pre-treat the storm water before Discharging through a control structure into the master drainage system. The master drainage system Will handle the water quality and quantity for this site. The master drainage system is under constuction By the City of Boynton Beach. Page 3 of6 I JKM: 62343.900 (I) FORM TITLE: JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 3, 1995 PART 7: A. If there have been any pre-application meetings, including on-site meetings, with regulatory staff, please list the date (s), location (s), and names of key staff and project representatives. Kevin Dixon - SFWMD B. Please identify by number any MSSWlWetland resource/ERP/ACOE Permits pending, issued or denied for projects at the location, and any related enforcement actions. Action Taken Approved Agency sfwmd Date 1/14/99 No.\Type of Application 50-04166-P C. Note: The following information is required for proiects proposed to occur in. on or over wetlands that need a federal dredge and fill {lermit or an authorization to use state owned submerged lands. Please provide the names, addresses and zip codes of property owners whose property directly adjoins the project (excluding applicant) and/or (for proprietary authorizations) is located within a 500 ft. radius of the applicant's land. Please attach a plan view showing the owner's names and adjoining property lines. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. Page 4 of6 _.k 62343.900 (I) FORM TITLE: JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 3, 1995 PART B: A. By signing this application form, I am applying, or I am applying on behalf of the applicant, for the permit and any proprietary authorizations identified above, according to the supporting data and other incidental information filed with this application. I am familiar with the information contained in this application and represent that such information is true, complete and accurate. I understand this is an application and any permit issued or propriety authorization issued pursuant thereto, does not relieve me of any obligation for obtaining any other required federal, state, water management district or local permit prior to commencement of construction. I agree, or I agree on behalf of the applicant, to operate and maintain the permitted system unless the permitting agency authorizes transfer of the permit to a responsible operation entity. I understand that knowingly making any statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. Jay M. Huebner, P,E., Agent Typed/Printed ~a'lle of Applicant (Ifno Agency is used) or Agent (If one is so authorized below) l~ 'RO.d----' 11/4199 Signature 0 Apphcant/ Agent Date Carnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. - Project Engineer (Corporate Title if applicable) AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE ONLY IF THE APPLICANT COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING: B. I hereby designate and authorize the agent listed above to act on my behalf, or on behalf of my corporation, as the agent in the processing of this application for the permit and/or proprietary authorization indicated above; and to furnish, on request, supplemental information in support of the application. In addition, I authorize the above-listed agent to bind me, or my corporation, to perform any requirement which may be necessary to procure the permit or authorization indicated above. I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. TypedlPrinted Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant Date See attached letter of Authorization (Corporate Title if applicable) Please note: The applicant's original signature (not a COpy) is required above. PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING. C. I either own the property described in this application or I have legal authority to allow access to the property, and I consent, after receiving prior notification, to any site visit on the property by agents or personnel from the Department of Environmental Protection, the WaitT Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers necessary for the review and inspection of the proposed project specified in this application. I authorize these agents or personnel to enter the property as many times as may be necessary to make such review and inspection. Further, I agree to provide entry to the project site for such agents or personnel to monitor permitted work if a permit is granted. Jay M. Huebner, P.E. J 0'1r /!c".aJ-.-- /~/4l=rr TypedlPrinted Name Signature Date Project Engineer - ('al'!lahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. (Corporate Title if applicable) E:\MASTERSISFWMDISFWMPERM.DOC Page 5 of6 ORG CODE 3740-2010-0000 EO: Gl OBJ: 002256 .z. . _ .,M: 62343.900 (I) FORM TITLE: JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 3, 1995 SECTION A f'1t.\;'~' FOR AGENCY USE ONLY DEP/WWD Application # Date Application Received Fee Received $ Fee Receipt # ACOE Application # Date Application Received Proposed Project Lat. Proposed Project Long PART 1: Are any of the activities described in this application proposed to occur in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? DYes G No Is this application bein~ filed by or on behalf of a government entity or drainage district?D Yes Q No PART 2: A. Type of Environmental Resource Permit Requested (check at least one). See Attachment 2 for hn sholds and descriptions. _ Noticed General - include information requested ,in Section B. Standard General (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Sections C and D. - x Standard General (all other Standard General projects) - include information requested in Sections = C and E. 1== Individual (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Section C and D. "- Individual (all other Individual projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E. Conceptual - include information requested in Sections C and E. "- Mitigation Bank Permit (construction) - include information requested in Sections C and '-- F. (If the proposed mitigation bank involves the construction ofa surface water management system requiring another permit defined above, check the appropriate box and submit the information requested by the applicable section.) D Mitigation Bank (conceptual) - include information requested in Section C and F. B. Type of activity for which you are applying (check at least one). D Construction or operation of a new system, other than a solid waste facility, including dredging or filling in, on or over wetlands and other surface waters. EJ Construction, expansion or modification of a solid waste facility. Alteration or operation of an existing system which was not previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. []: Modification of a system previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. Provide previous permit numbers, 50-04166-P D Alteration ofa system 0 Extension of permit duration D Abandonment ofa system [K] Construction of additional phases of a system LJ Removal of a system C. Are you requesting authorization to use Sovereign Submerged Lands. 0 Yes [R] No (See Section G and Attachment 5 for more information before answering this question.) D. For activities in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, check type of federal dredge and fill permit RrqUrted: Individual D Programmatic General D General D Nationwide [R] Not Applicable .. E. Are you claiming to qualify for an exemption? 0 Yes !Xl No I If yes, provide rule number I f known. ~ Pagelof6 I. Offsite construction impacts 01. All de-watering will be kept on site when possible. J. On site irrh!ation 01. The site will use the existing irrigation system. II. MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN A-G. Location of drainaee system 01. All water bodies, control structures, road slopes and grading, building pad locations, easements and right-of-way locations, internal piping and inlets locations and pertinent off-site water management facilities are shown on the plans. III. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS A-G. Drainaee calculations information 01. The drainage calculations are provided within. Since the existing commercial site has a finished floor elevation of 11.0 and it drains directly into Federal Highway, we could not make the proposed site meet today's standards for 100 year zero discharge finished floor elevation. We designed the finished floor with the understanding that there will be discharge into Federal Highway and the water quantity will be stored in the City's drainage system as stated in the overall water management permit. This was agreed upon between Kevin Dixon of SFWMD and Mike Ambrose of Carnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. N. LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION A. Maintenance and Operation 01. The on-site drainage will be maintained by the Property owner and the off-site drainage system will be maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. B. Responsible Entitv 01. The on-site drainage will be maintained by the Property owner and the ofT-site drainage system will be maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. C. Utilities 01. The City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department will be providing water and sewer to this project. The water an sewer is existing at the site. 3 D. Governmental ae:encv approval status 01. The City of Boynton Beach will be approving the site plan for the project at the end of October, 1999. We have submitted to the Florida Department of Transportation for their review and approval and are waiting for their approval. 02. The recorded plat is provided. A legal description of property is provided as contiguous property owned by the applicant on the survey. E. Zonine: information 01. The project has a land use of commercial and 1S zoned CBD (central business district). F. Development Ree:ional Impact 01. The project is not in a Development regional impact area. G. Boundarv survey and recorded deed 01. A copy of the boundary survey is attached to this submittal. The owner is purchasing the property at this time and a Deed will be sent to you when the paper work has been finallized. H. Dischare:e information 01. The system is allowed to discharge into the City drainage system. R:\990504\docs\mikea\Sfwmdchklst.doc 4 10 en .!.. ==\ Dk - 7" - t>t:= -~- r- ~ I --- }'\. -<- V~- L t=Bcl~ -.. BIVb1 (N V 2N AV.> I T I \ I/!\ II - - <i. D:: o W LL [~- , ~ f ~tC -L- ;;::L ~r- ~ I~ ~ :I: I I-- - l2J ~ V'\ - ~ - ~~1 ~ ~'-J d'~ THIS SITE \II OC AN 0 ~IVE I /- ~ 60' \ -- l-- I I 'T NOT TO SCALE ~ LOCATION SKETCH LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF LOTS 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 AND 12, TOGETHER WITH AlL OF LOTS 2. 3, 6. 7 AND 10 IN BLOCK 8; TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF BLOCK 7. PH ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF "ROBERT ADDITION 10 TOWN OF BOYNTON" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 51 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TOGETHER WITH THAT CERTAIN 20.00 FOOT RIGHT-Of-WAY LYING BETWEEN SAID BLOCKS 7 AND 8 BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FEDERAL HIGHWAY WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00.00'00" WEST ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 277.76 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST; THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERL Y AlONG THE ARC OF SAID r.URVE. HAVING A RADIUS OF POD FEET, THRU A CEN If.;; l ANGLE OF 91.04'45", FOR NJ ARC DISTANCE OF 19.08 FEEl TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN NORTH 88.55'15" WEST AlONG THE NORTH RIGHT- OF-WAY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD FOR A DISTANCE OF 216.88 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN NORTH 01007'18" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 289.94 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN SOUTH 88.55'15" EAST AlONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF NORTHEAST 3RD AVENUE fOR A DISTANCE OF 223.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY Of BOYNTON BEACH. PAlM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CONTAIN 1.50G ACRES. MORE OR LESS. SITE DATA LIGHTING INC. : MSL-A100H ZONING: CBD ICENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) _ __~~'3EAGE.: 1.<)\ t..f.RI=C CO\) S C\ a.. - 0~,3 Carnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. Consulting Engineers. Surveyors. Planners. Land Development Consultants November 2, 1999 Mr. Mike Rumph Planning and Zoning Dept. Community Development Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: ECKERD DRUGSTORE: conditional use/site plan rectification Dear Mike: As per your request, attached please find 4 sets of the design plans for this project which have been revised per the final comments received from staff. The plans attached are: . Site plan . Survey . Engineering plans: water & sewer, paving & drainage . Landscape and irrigation plans . Floor plans and elevations. Also attached are two copies of the fire flow calculations and the drainage retention calculations. The changes to the plans include the addition of the two smaller gazebos, the revision of the landscaping buffer plantings, and the addition of the two monument signs. Thank you for your consideration and assistance with this project. Please let me know if you need anything else at this time. Very truly yours, Donna C. West, PSM Planning Manager 00 o Wi ~.fr1 NOV - I 1999 ; ~: PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT. R:\990504\docs\donnaYllbb-cond3.doc Web Page: www.carnahan-proctor.com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor.com 6101 West Atlantic Blvd.. P.O. Box 4399. Margate,FL 33063. (954) 972-3959. FAX: (954) 972-4178. Palm Beach (561) 364-0678 +305-285-1102 '~VERSAL REALTY 174 "'11 OCT 05'99 12:18 !=A~JMlLE JRANS.I~ON ~HEET rOOf; ~ ;imJ I i PL"""" ~-.J ""'~i.,G 1\1;0 Zor'!:'~G DEf'T 12 f ~ II . ': " i: i ; UNIVERSAL REAl TV & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Date; October 5, 1999 To: Mike Rumpf I City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division From: Mark Wallace Fax#: 561.742.6259 Total number of pages (including this cover): _L RE: County Tra.1fi~..~commendation Proposed Eckerd location Mlke, Relative to the request for additional information from Mr. AI Federico Of the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. our traffic consultant (MTP Group, rnc.) has forwarded the trip generation tables and turning moments at our proposed driveways, I am writing to request that you contact Mr. Federico directly to request his review of the new data, and to update his recommendation. Since the TraffIC Division is always inundated with applications, this particular project will not be addressed expediently unless Mr. Federico is made aware of our impending public meetings by your office. In fact, our traffic consultant has already indicated that we are on the agenda tonight. (She was operating from the published agenda whIch shows both the abandonment and Conditional Use 8S being heard tonight). It might not be a bad idea if your office did indic:ate we are on the agenda tonight in attempt to elicit a response today (since the abandonment is part of the overall redevelopment). If the review is not started immediately, I am concerned that we will not be able to get a response (or have time to address any new comments) prior to the C.R.A. meeting, Mr. AI Federico'. phone number is (561) 684-4030. ~~ Mark Wallace ... ScMIth..~ Drlve-8ultelOMlilml. Fl 331S3eTet: (3OI)218-tns-r8x: (*) 285-1102 OCT-01-1999 16:17 PBe TRAFFIC ENG 561 478 5770 P.01/01 PALM BJl:ACH COUNTY DEJ'ARrnIBN7! OF BNGINEERING AND PrJBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEBRING DIVISION TRANSMITTAL Date: October 1, 1999 Phone: Fax: Phone: Fax: AI Federico, P.E. ~ Senior Traffic Engineer 561.684.4030 561.478.5770 Name: Hanna Matras City of Boynton Beach 561.375.6260 561.375.6259 From: Subject: Eckerd at Boynton Beach - TPS Review The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement (dated July 6, 1999) submitted for the Eckerd at Bovnton Beach project. At this time we have the following comments: 1. An evaluation of Peak Hour trip generation ffillst be provided. 2. Due to the comprehensive nature of the proposed site modifications an analysis of the proposed accesses must be provided. Based on this review the Traffic Division has determined that thi8 project does not meet the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach COlmty and should n.ot be approved until these i8Bues have been addressed. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these comments, ec: MUl:iu T. Palombo. P. E. . MTP Group, 11'11:. (fu 56.1.7W.O:ii30) G; \ TRAFFlC'\apf\tps'\99180e1. wpd Please call 561. 684.40aO ifthi8 information was not transmitted clear,ly. TOTAL P.01 +305-285-1102 UNIVERSAL REALTY 132 PQ2 SEP 30'99 16:10 .llwenn. rea", BIHI deYe"~"lleId, ..~. . III~ It September 30, 1999 TRANSMITTAL Mr. Mike Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Planning and Zoning Division RE; ProDosed Eckerd Location ... NWC Federal Hwy & Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mike, Per our discussion today, I am writing to request postponement of review of File number: CO US 99-003 (Eckerd Drugstore Conditional Use) at the C.R.A. meeting of October 5, 1999 to October 13, 1999. As a result, this item will be heard at the subsequent City Commission meeting of October 19, 1999. Also by this letter, I am confirming that File number: ASAN 99~03 (Eckerd Abandonment) will remain on the Consent Agenda for October 5, 1999. very truly yours, UNIVERSAL REALTY & DEVELOPMENT, INC. -r-~ Mark Wallace Vice President of Planning & Development 2665 S. BAYSHORE ORIVE.SUtTE 9OS.MIAMI, Fl33133.TEl: (305) 285-9595'FAX: (305) 285-1102 +305-285-1102 UNIVERSAL REALTY 132 PJ;::ll UNIVERSAL REAL TV & DEVELOPMENT, INC. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION SHEET Date: September 30, 1999 To: Mike Rumpf' City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division From: Mark Wallace Fax#: 561.742.6259 Total number of pages (Including this cover): _L RE: Proposed Eckerd Location NWC SR 5 & SR 804 Boynton Beach, FL PLEASE SEE ATTACHED. SEP 30'99 1.5:10 ::';ij::-.. -.. /. r;;'-"-'o" /Dt.i / In! .' , I It f ,JL! ' 8r:D I') \/ n .2885 South Saphore Drive-SUite 908oMlaml, FL 33133-TeI: (305) 281-1SlJoFax: (305) Z8iw1102 ......... OJ. ...,., I.... ''''''U_ 1lJ"'V"'-~U"!;;; O1uo-m.#'\"rn. rL."'';' .,;,,;,-. CL.. \';'U>JI ~O>J-:J>J:J>J'r-AA; \';'U>JI ~O>J-IIU~ 1IIIR'el.sal I.ea",' alltl tle\'elttltlllellt, ill'::. . III~ It September 3D, 1999 TRANSMITTAL Mr. Mike Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Planning and Zoning Division RE: ProDosed Eckerd Location NWC Federal Hwy & Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mike, Per our discussion today, I am writing to request postponement of review of File number: COUS 99-003 (Eckerd Drugstore Conditional Use) at the C.RA. meeting of October 5, 1999 to October 13, 1999. As a result, this item will be heard at the subsequent City Commission meeting of October 19, 1999. Also by this letter, I am confirming that File number: ABAN 99-003 (Eckerd Abandonment) will remain on the Consent Agenda for October 5, 1999. Very truly yours, UNIVERSAL REAL TV & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Mark Wallace Vice President of Planning & Development 2665 S_ BAYSHORE DRIVE-SUITE 908.MIAMI, FL 33133-TEL: (305) 285-9595-FAX: (305) 285-1102 Enaineerina Division 15. Requested revisions have been shown. 16. Requested revisions have been shown. 16. Requested revisions have been shown. 17. Requested revisions have been shown. 18. Requested revisions have been shown. 19. Requested revisions have been shown. 20. Requested revisions have been shown. 21. Requested revisions have been shown. 22. Note has been added to Drainage Plan. 23. Requested revision has been shown. 24. Requested revisions have been shown. 25. Requested revisions have been shown. 26. A traffic analysis has been sent to Palm Beach County with a copy to the City's Planning Department. 27. Requested revision has been made. 28. Requested revisions have been shown. 29. The note regarding other permits has been added to the site plan as note #3. 30. Handicap signs are located on building columns. 31. The off-site street reference has been corrected. 32. Note #20 has been modified. 33. The Owner has been notified of the City's position. He believes a second solution may be necessary if the City's drainage system is not in place by March, 2000. BuildinQ Division 34. The handicap route from the parking spaces to the front door has been indicated and the symbol referenced in the legend. The note addressing compliance has been added as note #3. The ramp detail has been added to the paving & drainage plans. 35. The proposed floor elevation and the FEMA data have been added to the site data. SFWMD does not have an established 100-year base flood elevation applicable to this site. However, the floor elevation has been established in conformity with SFWMD criterion. 36. Site sign gazebo dimensions added on elevation sheet. Gazebo height changed to 20'-0". 37. Signs are dimensioned on elevation drawing. Sign area computations revised on elevation drawing. 38. A symbol has been added indicating the property line and referenced in the legend. 39. There are no existing easements, so there are none to be added to the site plan. All proposed easements have been added to the site plan. 40. The numbers of stories and floor areas have been added to the site data. 41. No response required. Forester/Environmentalist 42. Notes related to existing native species have been added to plans. Plannina and Zonina 43. No response required. 44. Signed and sealed surveys were provided in the plans with the original submittal and are again included in this resubmittal. 45. The following information has been provided as indicated below: · Bearing and distances on the site plan match the survey - the comment is not understood. . The hatched area adjacent to the right-of-way sidewalk has been labeled as stamped concrete. The rectangles were already labeled in one location as "bench (typ.)" and the label has been added in a second location. . Gazebo signs shown on Sign Tabulation, sheet A-2. The Eckerd signs are white channel letters U.O.N. All other signs are blue. . Wheel stops have been added to all parking places. Parking details for all types of spaces have been added to the paving & grading detail sheet. · The handicapped sign detail has been revised per City drawing #B-90012. . The maximum building height in the site data has been revised to 45'. · Allowable parking reduction in the CBD zone is 50% as originally indicated. · The dumpster enclosure materials are the same as the building. Added to drawings. . There is no minimum drive-thru stacking distance in the code for drive-thru's other than for food service. The food service minimum is 70'. We have provided more than 70' in each of the two drive-thru lanes shown. . Gazebo materials added on gazebo elevation. · Landscape buffers have been shown and labeled on the site plan & landscaping plan. 46. Colored drawings of building elevations to be submitted. 47. Irrigation system source and loading area landscape buffer are shown on the plans. 48. Exterior finish schedule on Sheet A-2 shows all color and material selections. All canopies are dimensioned on elevations. 49. Traffic data is being provided under separate cover. 50. A detail of the architectural light has been added to the site plan. We wish to discuss the height of the additional fixture with regards to meeting the code requirement for lighting. Thank you for your consideration and assistance with this project. 0:G~~ Donna C. West, PSM Planning Manager r:\990504\docs\donnaw\bb-cond2.doc Carnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. Consulting Engineers . Surveyors. Planners. Land Development Consultants September 7,1999 Mr. Mike Rumph Planning and Zoning Dept. Community Development Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: ECKERD DRUGSTORE: conditional use/site plan application Dear Mr. Rumph: As requested in your letter dated 8/20/99, I am enclosing herewith 7 copies of this letter which provides responses to the comments received and 10 sets of design plans which have been revised per the comments received. The 1 st review comments and our responses are as follows: Public Works 1. We have reviewed the dumpster location and think that, due to several reasons including accessibility to the building and lack of any significantly better location, we would like to discuss whether it will be better to move the dumpster or keep it in its current location. Utilities 2. The proposed utility easements have been added to the landscape plan and tree locations have been coordinated with utility locations. 3. Dept. of Health permit application will be filed by the project engineer. 4. Fire flow calculations are provided herewith. 5. A drainage certificate is provided herewith. 6. Water and sewer line easements will be provided in accordance with the City's requirements for the Eckerd Drugstore and Bud's Chicken and Seafood to the west. 7. The water and sewer utilities will be in-place prior to requesting a C.O. 8. Backflow preventers are shown on all water service and fire lines. 9. Statement understood. 10. Drainage calculations are provided herewith. Police 11.. No response required. 12. No response required. 13. No response required. 14. No response required Web Page: www.carnahan-proctor.com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor.com 610 1 West Atlantic Blvd. . P.O. Box 4399 . Margate, FL 33063 . (954) 972-3959 . FAX: (954) 972-4178 . Palm Beach (561) 364-0678 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI DA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 JJ ~?i Ci' ( ("1 lr<r c" 4/7t( C.;'~,-f1 (~1 -/ C ~ vI' ) , )' . 0 jt () J i&'- ? fl- (t/ PLANNING AND ZONING DNISION to: fax #: date: from: re: pages: Cj7 -,6.il- /./ · K.. CO 1<<e.O e~ j,'c.'- ~~s -- S Ac.'(./C{) b~ de r; i,t:?d) ~ s rr~ dl i;t~J';~~rn;~, kv.., H 7F ~ ~ ;:;~YLS //1&~7f.~ C'-~(/ c:c/ers-- =-h.v Mo:--reY/e""-(Y ./ .:r (,JI// ne:<-f neecO <--n.1c'/ f c-G/"'c heq 1'-7 (j>~f;:"L fYFe'\J/~ ~ Ir;/ee R- p ,/.~ .,6 A~cq-;~ br:.fr<r:.- J>tl-D)j * U""fY\?5~ - f &Jc,<--({) c. .~f-(''n( p ~ reCC7'n-, rrf2-~ -r<: r'- /,c.U L6r1 r:-/l<..!~ ~ 6--f-~ThfOr Planning and Zoning Division . / ./ City of Boynton Beach -/J l~Sc/ v~ --r;(c. 4~~ Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 I~~ 0J'c-r~ k7 re-(,---h'i'f 742-6260 . ,1, , ./ . L..U -L' Fax: 742-6259 01 py;,v,~ /!) ~r-J;~. M/T:Jd-f72J ~~. I/ u n~.? (.)e- (....J( 1'/ ~5C"--'S"S 0... 7 I'7eC. {c.-r /l?c ~q'; ,/ Y<-J .4....~ C( ^7 ~4 Z --~J'?~J. /"'7,:R::. FILE No.040 08/25 '99 11:07 +305-2B5-1tla2 Iv ,ARNAHAN PROCTOR CROSS . ~ IlolERSAL REt=L TY FAX:9549724178 PAGE 1/ 1 784 ~ RUG 24.99 16:~4 UNIVERSAL REAL TV I DEVELOPMENT, INC. ~AC".LE ~I'" SHEEr Oete: August 24. 1999 To: Donna Welt I Camahen, Proctot From: Mark Wallace F8)( t: 954.972.4178 Total number of pages (ineluding this cover): ~ 1'1: PropoHd EcUtd LOGIItIon NEe Boynton Beach Btvd. & US 1 Boynton Belch, Florlda Donna, I have spoken with Maria Pafombo of MTP (our tram<: engineer) regarding the above referenced project. Apparently, the typical protOCOl I, for the CITY to send . cop~ of the report. to AI Frederico at the Pltm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department with a reque.t for review. Then, the County will send back a response or approval. M\ke ~ 'T PIeaae fax the City to request that they phone AND fax a requeet to AI Frederico: In thla ct8O, since AI has not received anything from the CIty, Mana gave him a copy of the report today (which he accepted Be a favor to Maria). He will not review untH the City formally requests the revilW. Phone: Fax: 561-6"-.4030 581-478-5770 Thanks, ~~ Martt Wallace .2e66 SOYth 8a~ ~ -'MWYI( FL U1sa.ret (305) 2I6--9I8Io>Fax: (306) 215-1102 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION TO: Donna West FAX #: 954-972-4178 DATE: 8120/99 RE: ECKERD DRUGSTORE Please find attached the Eckerd Drugstore first review comments for your project. To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all documents to the TRC meeting scheduled for 1. Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/comments, and bring 10 copies to the TRC review meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted); 2. Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments;( Le. traffic analysis. engineering certification, etc.) 3. Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information including location on the plans (this promotes an expeditious 2nd review by staff and your project representatives during the TRC meeting); and 4. Submit reductions (8 % x 11) for the proposed site plan, elevations and landscaping plan (this is required for the final report and public presentation). The applicant should not attend a TRC meeting (2nd review) until all documents have been revised and copied for staff review. Page 1 of q Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 If plans will not be fully revised and brought to the scheduled TRC meeting, contact JoAnn Alea in this office by the Thursday prior to the schedule meeting date. Projects deviating from the original schedule are eligible for review at subsequent meetings, which are held every Tuesday. To reschedule, contact JoAnn Alea by the Thursday prior to the Tuesday TRC meeting that you desire to attend. The remainder of the review schedule will be adjusted accordingly. If you have questions on the attached comments, please contact the respective reviewer using the attached list of TRC representatives. If the plans are reasonably complete and all significant comments are addressed following TRC (2nd review), the project is forwarded to the Planning and Development Board meeting that falls approximately 2 to 3 weeks following the TRC meeting. An u*" by any comment identifies a comment that must be addressed prior to moving forward to the Planning and development board. Note: Items recognized by staff as typically outstanding at this point include a traffic report and/or confirmation of the traffic concurrency approval from Palm Beach County, drainage certification by a licensed engineer, and colored elevations of the proposed project. This information is necessary for the project to proceed. If you have submitted this information, please disregard this note. TRC MEMBERS BOB BORDEN, ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL KEVIN HALLAHAN, FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST LEE THOMPSON, POLICE DEPARTMENT PETE MAZZELLA, UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MICHAEL HAAG, BUILDING DIVISION LARRY QUINN, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MARK L1PP JOHN WILDNER, PARKS DIVISION JACK CASLER, ACTING CITY ENGINEER KEN HALL MICHAEL RUMPF, PLANNING AND ZONING 742-6602 742-6227 742-6105 742-6404 742-6352 742-6202 742-6226 742-6280 742-6260 ~(]rnahan, Proctor and Cross, ItlC. Consulting Engineers' Surveyors. Planners' Land Development Consultants Memo Date: July 27, 1999 To: City of Boynton Beach Fire Safety Division Fm: D.M. Ambrose. P.E. HE: Fire Row -Eckerd Drogstore, Federal Highway & Boynton Beach Boulevard 1. Using the ISO formula F=18 C (A)O.5 the fire flow for this 1,112 S.F. one-story building is 480 gpm from the ISO pamphlet C=O.8 and A= total area of building. The required fire flow is rounded up to the nearest 250 gallon increment and becomes 500 gpm Fire flow is provided at fire hydrants at the northeast and southwest project entrances respectively. Hydrants are connected directly to existing 6" ductile iron water mains. Head loss to the hydrants is minimal and 500 gpm can be obtained from a single hydrant, adjacent to a 6" waterline if the static pressure is 60 psi. ~~ r:\990504\docs\donnaw\fireflowreqr.doc Web Page: www.carnahan-proctor.com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor.com 6101 West Atlantic Blvd. . P.O. Box 4399, Margate, FL 33063 . (954) 972-3959' FAX (954) 972-4178 · Palm Beach (561) 364-0687 t;arnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. Consulting Engineers' Surveyors' Planners' Land Development Consultants July 27,1999 ;i 2 7 1999 Mr. Mike Rumph Planning and Zoning Dept. Community Development Division City of Boynton Beach 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: ECKERD DRUGSTORE: conditional use/site plan application Dear Mr. Rumph: We represent Boynton/Federal Development, Inc. who are the proposed developers of an Eckerd Drugstore at the northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway. As per your requirements, attached please find the following for your review: 1. Application (2 copies) 2. Justification statement for conditional use 3. List of property owners within 400' with mailing labels and location sketch 4. Contracts for purchase of property (4 contracts) 5. Traffic Impact Analysis (2 copies) 6. Fire flow calculations (1 copy) 7. Review fee ($1000.00) 8. 12 sets of design plans: . Site plan . Survey . Engineering plans: water & sewer, paving & drainage . Landscape and irrigation plans . Floor plans and elevations Thank you for your consideration and assistance with this project. Very truly yours, ~gEtJ Planning Manager R:\990504\docs\donnaw\bb-cond1.doc Web Page: www.carnahan-proctor.com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor.com 6101 West Atlantic Blvd. . P.O. Box 4399. Margate, FL 33063 . (954) 972-3959' FAX (954) 972-4178 · Palm Beach (561) 364-0687 ~ Florida Real E,eCisiOns, Inc. --- 16375 N.E. 18th Avenue Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33162 (305)757-6884 July 26, 1999 3195 N. Powerline Rd. Suite 104 Pompano Beach, Fl. 33069 (954)761-9003 180 St. David's Way West Palm Beach, Fl. 33414 (561)798-4423 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Property Owners List Within 400 feet of: ROBERT ADD TO BOY TON PB 1 PG 51 A POR OF BLK 7 & ALL OF BLK 8 SEE ATTACHED LEGAL This is to certify that the attached ownership list, map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within 400 feet of the subject property listed above. This reflects the most current records on file in the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor's office. RNH/lv ~ cc: Donna C. West, Planning Manager CARNAHAN PROCTOR CROSS, INC. 6101 West Alantic Boulevard Margate, Florida 33063 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION Of' LOTS, 9, " AND 12. TOGETHER WITH ALL OF LOTS 2,3,6,7 AND 10 IN BLOCK B; TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF BLOCK 7, AlL ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF "ROBERT ADDITION TO TOWN OF 80Y~TON" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 51 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF P.~ M RF:ACH COUNTY, FlORlnA, TOGETHER WITH THAT CERT AlN 20.00 fOO, RIGHT-Of-WilY L Y!~G f!fTWEEN SAlD BLOCi<S 7 AND a BEING MORE PARTICllLARl Y DfSCRISED AS f Ot LOWS: BEGIN AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF FEOERAL. HIGHWAY WITH THE NORTH LINE Of SAID LOT ,; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00-00'00" WEST ALONG SAJO WEST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE FOR A DISTA.~CE OF 277.76 ffET TO A POINT Of CURVATuRE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST; THfNCE RLN SOUTHW;-STERL Y ALONG THE ARC Of SAID CURvE, HAVING A R~\US OF 12.00 fEET, THRU A C~NTRAl ANGLE or 91-04'45", fO~ AN Ai(C D:STA1''liCE OF 19 as rEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN NORTH 8BQ 5:,"~" wEST ALONG THE NORTH R!GHT- Of -WAY OF BOYNTON Bf ACH 90ULEV,A,,:CO FOR t, DISTANCE OF 216.88 FfiT TO A POINT. THf1'lo::E RUN NORTH 01~07"8" EAST FOR A DtSTANCE Of 28954 FEU TO A POINT;iHfNCE RUN SOUTH QB-S5'15" EAST t.1CNG THE S()uHi RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF NORTHEAST JRD AVENUE fOR A DISTANCf Of 223,.n FEU TO HiE PO:N: Of BfG1N/to"i\G. SAID LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PAlU BEACH COUNTY. fLORIDA, AND CONTAIN 1.506 ACRES, UORE OR l f::;S. ~. . . -. . . . . MTP Group, Inc. 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33414-4704 Phone: (561) 795-0678 Telefax: (561) 795-0230 July 6, 1999 Al Federico, P .E. Development Review Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Division 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Re: Eckerd at Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Federico: Eckerd is proposing a 10,908 square-feet store to be located at the northwest comer of the intersection of Boynton .Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway (US-I) in the City of Boynton Beach. The project is to be built expeditiously with a bui1dout date in the year 2000. The site has existing uses which have been occupied for more than five years. A copy of the survey identifying existing uses is attached for your reference. A summary of existing uses follows: ~ 1,251.55 square-feet Apple Insurance ~ 4,699.03 square-feet strip mall ~ 1,317.76 square-feet Supreme Hair ~ 2,274.78 square-feet Indian Food Market ~ 2,245.49 square-feet Auto Repair ~ 1 apartment above Supreme Hair ~ 3 apartments above Indian Food Market The purpose of this study is to compare the trip generation potential of the previously approved development versus the trip generation potential of the proposed development. The trip generation potential has been calculated using official daily trip generation rates contained in the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, Article 10 - Impact Fees. The trip generation potential of Apple insurance has been determined using trip generation rates for office. Trip generation rates for convenience store have been used for the Indian Food Market. The trip generation potential of both the strip mall and Supreme Hair have been determined using trip generation rates for commercial development. Table 1 presents the daily trip generation characteristics of the existing development while Table 2 presents the daily trip generation characteristics of the proposed development. 8:::2 'i ~ ....ll -o..j o " W :t: ~ ~ Z ~ o ~ t;; Q ~ ~ U ~ ;: o ~ '" III ;: Ql t) (:l., 'f: .....F-< Ql..e- ::a ... lU lU E-<Q , ;: o ... .... e III II ~~ (:l., 'f: lIQ III lIQ ~ 1lIl .5 .... lIQ .~ ~ ..-iNoooo(f) NN~N\.O --0--0 O"-N(f)O..-i l1; 8. ..... .-I "#-"#"#?ft?ft --00000 0"-0000 ~OlfiON ~--o .-I OO"-.-Ioo~ NNlf')N--o l:"!. --0. .-I .-I . . 0"-. 0"- r...; (f) N N~ rri N ... lIQ ;:: .2 ;: - 0"-00\.000"- NNlf')O~ -o~"";~lfi .....Nl() ~ ONN N --0. N .-I. N lIQ .... 'E ;:J u;u;u; u; ululul;:jul 88808 o. o. o. o. .-I .-I .-I .-I III lIQ ;:J ""'t:l j Ql l.l ~ e ; 1l ;: 00",: -;; ~ --a '" .!:: 'r, ;:...9" 1: lU i:i lll..... III (:l., III 'E -- E ,.s E III III ..... E ~ .~ ~ 1l 00:::=0 (:l.,;l uu << N N ~. .-I '] ~ ""'t:l ~ o :t: ~ ~ z o E-< ~ ~ t;; Q ex:: 12 u ~ ;: o ] III ;: III o (:l., 'f: E-< ..e- N .; lllQ ::ci~ ~ ~ E (:l., o 1 Q ""'t:l III lIQ o (:l., ~ lIQ .... III ;: o :..= lU t .2 f~ (:l., 'f: ... lIQ ;: Ql .... ;: .... lIQ .... ~ III lIQ ~ ""'t:l j AI Federico, P.E. Eckerd at Boynton Beach July 6, 1999 Page 2 of3 --0 N 0' --0 N 0"- (f) 0"- N ~ o If') 00 l 0' --0 N. .-I g III N N o o . ""' \Ii '<t< 11 III - III -.0 '6 Y. l'-i ... \Ii rtl e + + e _go ~s::~ s:: - 0 iti~- N N ~ ..qo~ o ~ 11 11 li' €€: ..5j~ . : ! 00 o 0' 6 .-I u; 00 o o O. ..... 'i: Ql ~ ~ Iii 'E III e e o u '] o E-< ""'t:l ;: ~ o AI Federico, P.E. Eckerd at Boynton Beach July 6, 1999 Page 3 of 3 As shown in tables 1 and 2 above, the proposed development does not increase the amount of existing traffic at the site. There is a reduction in traffic estimated as 496 daily trips. Therefore, the project complies with the Palm Beach County Traffic Peiformance Standards Ordinance. Should you have any questions or require any additional information about this project, do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience at (561)795-0678. Sincerely, ottlod" Maria . Palombo, P .E. President Florida Registration Number 44095 Attachment - Survey Copy: Mr. Mark Wallace c: \MTP\EckerdatBoynlonBeach. wpd ) ~" n <~~ ~ti/i G; ~ "t ~ ~ ~~< . . ft > . _ 3, 12 ~i; ~ g~~ .~r 15 t, fiaZ .~. ~~3 1~t J i! ~ i H~ t~~t l! i : ! If~ ~ ~ ~ 3 =.g. " . 't ~acf ~t i ; :;~ , fiU i; 'ill i if <( ~~i ~!t [ -~~r I, f.5 " , ~ h - , ! i~"; ~ 5~ i !~ 0 ......~ '-~ ~ i'~iS ..a. I!I.I d s ,!.l;; 8 l:;! ~ ~. . 31 . ilE . i ~:. ! · Iii- i. ill.. ;y; ~ ;> Iii 2 f A)"1~ ,. i O"i . ~ f' -e 'I ~, 2 ~.l ~ . i:m ~.: .fJi. . ~ "it II ~'l'" <( . ~ .~J Ij. .. I!l Is !iI. "$? i !~ >- ~ . ~i~i ~:~; ~ ii'~i!i i i I g 'j~~ i~ m. 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P ARK PLAZA (STRIP MALl! 469903 APARTMENT SUPREME HAIR 59185 131776 ALF 2nd FLOO .\ (FULL 1st FLOOR) I I I INDIAN FOOD I MARKET <CON- ENIENCE STORE 227478 GARAGE SAYS 104238 APARTMENTS (2nd FLOOR) 227478 OFFICE 120311 1\ II ==-----~----- -----------~-- - ~-~ I . I . \ . \ . I . \ . I . I . \ I I \ I l I I \ I I \ I I t \ ,1 1 \ I I I I \ \ I \ ).... ------ Department of Engineering and Public Works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.co.palm-beach.fl.us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee, Chair Warren H. Newell. Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Ilffirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper '-- ',\,'"' \C\I..~'.) ~)C\ -1 . ,'" October 5, 1999 Mrs. Hanna Matras City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: ECKERD AT BOYNTON BEACH TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIE\V Mrs. Matras: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement (dated July 6, 1999) for the project entitled Eckerd at Bovnton Beach pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: Federal Highway (US 1), north of Boynton Beach Boulevard Municipality: Boynton Beach Proposed Use: General Commercial Retail (10,908 sf) New Trips: NET DECREASE Buildout: 2000 This is an urban redevelopment project eligible for 110% credit for the existing use traffic. Based on information obtainedfrom the City of Boynton Beach and the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office, the exiBting uses are General Commercial Retail (11,200 sf); Auto Repair (1,440 sf); General Office (1,200 sf); and MF Residential (4 du). Based on our review the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this review. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Al Federic P. E. Senior Tr fie Engineer cc: Maria Palombo, P.E. - MTP Group, Inc. File: General. Tps. Mun - Traffic Study Review F:\TRAFFIC\apf\tps\99130app.wpd - TAZ 50[' +305-285-1102 l,!N _ _'ERSAL REALTY 558 p~ FEB 25'00 1.2:37 UNIVERSAL REALTY & DEVELOPMENT. INC. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION SHEET Date: February 25, 2000 To: Mike Rumpf I City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division From: Mark Wallace Fax#: 561.742.6259 Total number of pages (including this cover): ....L RE: Warning Flasher & StriDina on Boynton Beach Boulevard Eckerd Location #3831 US Highway 1 & Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL Mike, We have made submittal to both the FDOT and the FEe regarding the flashing light and restriping. Please see the attached memo from Carnahan Proctor and Cross relative to the flashing light. Apparently, the FEe does not want to pay for the electricity for the flasher. In our preliminary discussion with the FDOT, they were concemed that the property owners to the south would need to be notified that they would be losing left-in access from Boynton Beach Boulevard. I am sure that this will appear as a comment from them prior to approving our plans. Please call me to discuss how we can proceed on these two matters Thanks, ~~ Mark Wallace -2865 S. Bayshore Driv..SUIta 80s-Miami, FL 33133-Tel: (306) 285-9895-FaK: (305) 285-1102 +305-285-1.1.1212 ll'll VERSAL REALTY 558 r'~j2 FEE 25' .012L 1. 2_; 3~ ---...... " ';-~- ~.~ '0 c...- ..s ~~ ~ Memorandum = DATE: ~ TO: ~ CARNAHAN. PIlOC1"OR. CRoss, INC. cansum~ EllSl"" . SWWMn . PIIww's . LMtd ~ OVllIlllra'1bil 6101 We!lt Atlanti; ~ MBrgate, Fl- 33063 Phone: (9!i't) 9n-3959 Fox: (9M) 9n"U78 February 24. 2000 Mr. Mark WaM.w Universal Realty & Development FAX NO.~ (305) 285-1102 FROM: fill : J~y M. Huebner. p.e. ECkerCfsln B~ Beach PAGES: 1 Dear Mr. Wallace: We arc in the proceu of aoni"l Bo)IQton B~h Boulevard atrippina as sisnaao approval from the FEC lU Jhi_ lime. Per Our conversation Wilh the FEC pIe...., be IIdvised that (he elecnical power required for the nalehin~ yeUow lilh~ cannot be connected to the FaC salOl and it was recommended to havo a scparaao olactric meter for Jhc light to but Ulo City of Boynton Beach directly. r.fj ~ ~ K:\9lJO$lM..1'1IlIkn\nlA1ldl)WNf("....~ Consulting Engineers · Surveyors · Plan Carnahanl Proctor and Crossl Inc. elopment Consultants m (n II \VJ ~ irnJ FfB - 2 1009 ~I February 2, 2000 Mr. Mike Rumph Planning and Zoning Dept. Community Development Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT via: hand delivered RE: ECKERD DRUGSTORE: conditional use/site plan rectification Dear Mike: As per your request, attached please find 4 sets of the design plans for this project which have been revised per the second rectification comments received from staff. The plans attached are: . Site plan (SP-1) . Paving, grading, water & sewer plans (sheets 2-6) . Landscape plan . Building floor plans (A-1). The changes to the plans include revising the bench detail, moving a tree, and revising notes. In addition, the engineering plans have been revised to remove the north drainage outfall per Pete Mazella. Thank you again for your consideration. We would appreciate your efforts in finalizing the plan rectification so that we can continue with the building permit application. Very truly yours, ~g~~ Planning Manager R:\990504\docs\donnawlbb-cond5.doc Web Page: www.carnahan-proctor.com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor.com 6101 West Atlantic Blvd.. P.O. Box 4399. Margate, FL 33063. (954) 972-3959. FAX: (954) 972-4178. Palm Beach (561) 364-0678 Carnahanl Proctor and Crossl Inc. Consulting Engineers. Surveyors. Planners. Land Development Consultants Mr. Mike Rumph Planning and Zoning Dept. Community Development Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 ill ~@rnn\flru rn .. I 0 LUO:J PLANNiNG AND Z 0 llilliLP E PT. January 10, 2000 via: priority overnight RE: ECKERD DRUGSTORE: conditional use/site plan rectification Dear Mike: As per your request, attached please find 4 sets of the design plans for this project which have been revised per the comments received from staff. The plans attached are: . Site plan (SP-1) . Landscape plan . Floor plans and elevations (A-1 & A-2). . Boynton Beach pavement marking plan The changes to the plans include the removal of the gazebo signage, the landscaping at the monument signs, the revisions of the wall sign tabular data, the removal of the directional sign not called for, the addition of a bench detail, and the proposed re-striping of Boynton Beach Boulevard, subject to DOT approval. Thank you again for your consideration. Please let me know if you need anything else at this time. Q;;5U~ Donna C. West, PSM Planning Manager R:1990504Idocsldonnawlbb-<:ond4.doc Web Page: www.carnahan-proctor.com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor.com 6101 West Atlantic Blvd. . P.O. Box 4399 . Margate, FL 33063 . (954) 972-3959 . FAX: (954) 972-4178 · Palm Beach (561) 364-0678