CORRESPONDENCE ~l)'J.__~i d 1..(,,4 lr'~1" i"\ ~:':r ~~~ ~.,; ~i~ ;f \;1l1Yt: iJ;; ~~' ~:fu~.f' t~t ,:1q MCRon..l,d"s J.,:f'itJ ~t: @ McDonald's Corporation 5200 Town Center Circle Suite 600 Boca Raton, Florida 33486 (407)391-8003 Fax: (407)750-0199 August 11, 1992 Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Fax # 407-738-7459 Re: McDonald's Restaurant Catalina Centre Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Cutro: On July 13, 1992, McDonald's Corporation and its franchisee, Paul Raffa, were denied their application for a variance to install'two (2) small monument signs at the above mentioned restaurant by the Board of Adjustments. We request the right to petition the Board for reconsideration of this matter. The reasons for this request are as follows: 1. Variance ADDlication Process: Certain members expressed concern that McDonald's did not follow the proper procedure in applying for the variance (ie: McDonald's did not first apply for and be denied a building permit before appearing before the Board). It was clear from our previous conversations with you, Mike Haag, and other staff members that McDonald's would not be granted a permit for the proposed signs and as such you instructed us to go directly before the Board. Additionally, subsequent to this July 13th hearing, Brian Dan reviewed the sign code and determined that it was, indeed, not necessary that McDonald's first apply for and be denied a permit. It is our feeling that this issue detracted some of the board members from the matter at hand and may have unfairly prejudiced some votes. RECEIVED MJ6 1" P~N NI NG ;DEP'1T".. ( 2 ) '.. 2. utility Easement ~ Removal Aareements: Mention was made that we needed to produce, at that hearing, all appropriate documentation that proved that all affected utility companies with easement rights in the area of the proposed signs had approved the location of our proposed signs. At that point I had verbal agreements from all four utility companies and written authorization from three of them. I did not have these with me at the hearing as I did not believe they would need to be produced at that time. However, certain member(s) felt that they could not vote in favor of this request without first seeing the signed documents. This, despite Mike Haag's assertion that McDonald's would not be granted a permit without first producing these documents during the permit application phase. We feel that producing these documents to the Board was not necessary and should not have been grounds for denial of the variance. 3. Simultaneous Conversations: There were several superfluous conversations between some board members during the hearing which also appeared to have sidetracked their attention away from this matter before them. I feel this had an adverse affect on their decision regarding this request. Because of the above, I respectfully request an opportunity to repetition the Board in order to obtain a fair and just decision on this matter. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ~d414/~ ~ ~l ~;ler Real Estate Representative South Florida Region Ism McDonald's Restaurant 1799 No. Cougress Aveuue Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 (407)369-1550 April 2, 1992 ~H Ui l~l~~~ ~ ~~! ~ ,- 7, "-Ii Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Mr. Cutro, This letter is to express my sincere appreciation for your rect:lIl VI;:)H .~ H_.; ~ ~estaurant to discuss the problem of lack of visibility our restaurant has to the motoring public even though it is adjacent to Congress Avenue. One would expect that a restaurant located on Congress Avenue would have a high visibility to the public passing in motor vehicles but unfortunately for me, the owner/operator, this is not true. The landscaping of the restaurant was designed to be appealing to the eye and therefore, numerous large palm trees with enhancing shrubbery give the restaurant site an almost residential appearance for passing motorists. There is no obvious signage to get the attention of prospective passing customers. Unfortunately for me as the owner/operator the attractive landscaping has been detrimental to the visibility of my McDonald's Restaurant. I respectfully request consideration being given to providing some relief to this prevailing problem. Possibly a variance could be considered to allow eye-appealing, tastefully constructed signage such as grn"nd le"""] .....o'"'umpn+s tr- be er",,,+od ;~ tt..e porl.In~.e" la~rlsnap;~u ~~ "h~ "cs+aur~n" Tt..;r "'0"1..'1 -~. \..J'y 1 v........ J..l.l 1.1 1..1_ lL V.J ~\."'..\./ 111 it . \", 1 \...ft..... .IU"'" ",,' 111e \.11. l1 "" 1 l. Q.l l.. .1111." VV U U 11Ul detract from the landscaping but would serve to call attention to passing motorists that there is a McDonald's Restaurant hidden behind all those palm trees and shrubbery. Your thoughtful consideration of my request would be greatly appreciated. " '- aul G. Raffa Owner/Operator McDonald's Restaurant 1799 North Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 P~ECEIVED ... APR 8'_" PLANNlf>:G DEPT! ...