REVIEW COMMENTS ~. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPAR'l'MENT MEMORANDUM 192-169 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ FROM: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director DATE: August 13, 1992 SUBJECT: Request for Fee Waiver Michael Mrotek, has appqaled an administrative determination made by Don Jaeger, Building Official, as required by the District Court. This appeal will be heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in September. Mr. Mrotek has requested a refund of his two hundred and seventy five dollars ($275.00) filing fee. (See attached letter). I would ask that this item be placed before the City Commission for final determination at their meeting of August 18, 1992. CC:cp Ene. August 3rd, 1992 P.O. 157 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425 Mr. Christopher Cutro AICP Planning Director City of Boynton Beach, Fl. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, fl. 33425 Dear Mr. Cutro, Pursuant to our conversation 7-31-92 regarding the waiver of fees for application to the Board of Adjustment, as you indicated would need approval by the city COmmission, I am submitting this written request. The reason for this waiver is that back on 10-9-89 Circut Judge Rodgers agreed with the city attorney in a motion that I should seek a administrative remedy before the Board of Adjustment under Section 10C&D of the Boynton Beach Code, Appendix A-Zoning, which I applied for 11-3-89. My application was submitted for review of Section 10 C&D, but altered by the building offical to Section 4J 1&2, a variance. Had the application remained unchanged the decision would have been in my favor as the Board vote 4 yes and 3 no, adequate for approval in review of administrative orders/decisions. The Fourth District Court of Appeal has mandated that this appeal be heard again by the Board of Adjustment. In as much as I did not receive what I applied for 11-3-89, and paid for it, I respectfully request that the required fee for this application to the Board of Adjustment be waivered. Thank you for your time and consideration inthis matter. Respectfully, ja~ M.A.Mrotek 407-369-4609 MEMORANDUM RE: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James A. Cherot ~ Michael Mrotek Application to the Board of Adjustment August 11, 1992 TO: FROM: DATE: I have reviewed the application to the Board of Adjustment filed by Michael Mrotek in accordance with an Appellate Court Ruling- The Court Order makea reference to a gtipulation by the City'. previou8 attorn.y, Raymond Ray, which gives the applicant another opportunity to appeal the 8uilding Official's holdings. As I interpret the application, Mr, Mrotek seeks review of two (2) matters: 1. The Building Officlal'8 determination regarding the meaning and intent of "grade" Cl8 Cl take-off point to mea8ure wall height; 2. The Building OfficIal'S refusal to accept. affidavits estahlishing the strUCtural int.egrity of t.he wall in question, the upper port1on ot which was constructec1 w1thout the owner calling tor build1ng aepartment inspection. W1th respect to the Building Official's determination with respect to "grade", a review of the Building Official's administrative determination 1s reviewable by the Board of Adju8tment pursuant to Appendix A, Section 10, Subsection C , o. However, the Board of Adjustment has no authority as it relates to the Building Officials determination not to accept the affidav1ts 1n lieu of actual inspections. Appeals of decisions of the Building Official as they relate to the mode or manner of construction or materials used in installation or alteration of a structure are governed by Section 105.4 of the Model County Wide Administrative Code, 1988 Edition, which was in effect at the time the decision not to accept Affidavits was made and are heard by the Bulldinq Board of Adjustment and Appeals. In light of the foreqoinq, the City should proceed as folloW8: J. Scott M1ller Memorandum Auqu8t 11, 1"2 page -2- 1. Mr. Mrotek's appeal with respect to the determination regarding flqrade" should be placed on the Board of Adjustment agEtnda for its next meeting. In the event that the meeting agenda has several items on it, and in light of the fact that Mr. Mrotek's matter may take one to two hours, it may be necessary to schedule a special meeting of the Board of Adjustment where this item 18 the only item on the agenda. 2. Followinq the Board of Adjustment's decision and only if the decision of the Building Official 1s over-ruled, a meetinq of the BuildinQ Board of Adjustment should be 8cheduled to hear the inteqrity issue and the use of affidavits to support Mr. Mrotek 18 claim that the wall was properly constructed. In the event that Mr. Mrotek is unsuccessful before thQ Board of Adjustment, thQra will hQ no nQed for the Buildinq Board of Adjustment and Appeals to consider the matter ag the top portion of the wall would be required to be r9movQd. It 1.. my understanding that all condition. prcaoedent to t.he ilJliu.nce of the certiflcat9 of occupancy have occurred, except with respect to the wall height and inspections. The Building Official should specifically confirm this to you in writing. In an effort to aooommodate Mr. Mrotek's desire to occupy the home during the pendency of his appeals and any further leqal proceedings that might follow, it 18 my opinion that 4 certificate of occupancy can be 158ued conditioned upon Mr. Mrotek posting a cash or Burety bond which would cover the costs of reducing the wall heiqht to the height Bet torth on the approved plane. rhe bond should De con~ltloneQ upon tne outcome o! the appeals and any legal act10n challenging the rullnq ot the two Boards ana snoula include sufficient funds to cover the City's attorney's tees 11 the City is the prevai11ng party. Further, Mr. Mrotek must execute a document granting a temporary construction easement which would facilitate the removal of the wall by the City using the funds from the cash or surety bond. If you have any questions re9arding this matter, please let me know. (el Chr~ euU~1 City PlutIIK Dgn :~r, .u11dinV oerialal IN;ld~ A:'.B/M.-or.nd~lXo~ ~ A ! 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