CORRESPONDENCE .,., LAW OFFICES ,. ..,. ~ ~ PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER, P. ., ~ ,c;J, \ ~ ---': ",~ ..00 AUSTRALIAN AVENUE SOUTH <'~ ,"'- - ci ALuLi I ' JUN 1 0 1991 .. SUITE 300 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33..01 F, MARTIN PERRY ROBERT LEE SHAPIRO JORDAN R, MILLER JILL A. JARKESY June 5, 1991 ;k ~ nt VIA FACSIMILE: 407-738-7459 Mr. Vernon Thompson, Chairman City ox Boynton Beach Board ox Adjustment 2535 S.W. 12th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 RE: Exxon Station - File No.: /~ Board ox Adjustment Case No.: 151 Board ox Adjustment Hearing Da . May 13, Owner: Westlake Hardware, Inc. (Lonestar Contract Purchaser: RJ Developments, Inc. Our File No.: 3157.01 1991 Hardware) Dear Mr. Thompson: Please be advised that this law xirm represents RJ Developments, Inc., the contract purchaser oX the above-described property. Application xor variance - Case No. 151 - was presented to the City ox Boynton Beach Board ox Adjustment at its hearing held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 1991 by Daniel Shalloway ox Shalloway, Fay, Rayman & Newell, Inc., Engineers, Planners and Surveyors, representing the owner at that hearing. The action taken by the Board ox Adjustment was a denial ox the request xor k variance by a 5 to 2 vote. On behalx ox our client we have reviewed the typewritten minutes oX that meeting prepared by the City as well as the tape recordings oX that meeting. Based upon bur review oX the proceedings we are ox the clear opinion that the denial was based upon xactors that bore no relationship to the issue ox the requested variance xrom the 1000 xoot separation requirement between gasoline service stations. In our opinion, a court ox law will require this matter to be reheard by the Board ox 'Adjustment. In view ox this and in the interest oX saving considerable time and expense not, only xor the City ox Boynton Beach but also my client, we hereby demand that this matter be placed on the agenda ox your June 10, 1991 meeting xor reconsideration and rehearing on that evening. We also request that the City Attorney be present at the hearing to ensure that the essential requirements oX law are xollowed by the Board in making its determination relative to the requested variance and that procedural and substantive due process are axxorded to my client. Mr. Vernon Thompson, Chairman June 5, 1991 Page 2 By copy ox this letter I am notixying all members ox the Board of Adjustment including both alternates as well as the City Manager's Office, the City Attorney's Oxxice and the Building Of xi cia 1. Please govern yourselves accordingly. F. FMP/rar cc: Raymond Eney, Board ox Adjustment James Miriana, Board ox Adjustment Thomas C. Newton, Board ox Adjustment Andrew Hayes, Board ox Adjustment Henrietta Solomon, Board ox Adjustment Ben Uleck, Board of Adjustment Kevin Michael Clair, Board of Adjustment Alternate Paul Slavin, Board ox Adjustment Alternate Don Jaeger, Building Oxxicial Scott Miller, City Manager James A. Cherox,Esq., City Attorney Christopher Cutro, City Planner Richard J. Ferayorni, RJ Developments, Inc. PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER, P.A. "'":""'__' --''''''''''""~~''_'_"''"''''__'::::''~_~''''".'-'-.' _^~~- __..~~~.:.;:~:E..~~:!.,c:.::..~~",:::~:::::~::,:::=."--' 3UN- 5-9~ W~~ 17:.1 LAW QFFEC~ P_Gas. s~ ' , '~/ / L.AIIf ornc:a , PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER, P.A. '; , .' . ~ HJ8TfW.IAf4 ,w[NUI, soUtti SUfTE lIOO WEST l"ALM 8[AC"'.I'LMI~ 33.01 , , .."..,... ~IIR" IIIOeCIIT LtE '''AI'l1tQ "O"DIlN" M"-LE" .JILL A """Kit',. . , '" C/'I4IlLl& D ."""ICTT 0" COUM.... 'JnE....OHl 1<&0" .u.~ ~"CSI".ILE t~71"' Uit., 'l'Er.EP~'" 'I'RAN~ISSIOB l '" ~ FROM: F. Martin perry TOTAL HUMBER. OF p~~s: 3 FAX I 407-833-3257 (lncludinq this oo~r page) Vernon Thompson AND ALL CITY , TO: OFFICIALS WHICH ARE COPIED CLI~NTI ' RJ Devaldpments, AS NOTED ON PAGE 2 OF L~~TER . l FAX NO.: 738-7459 FILE NO.: 3151.01 . Inc. DATE: June 5, 1991 .; *.*.*.****~.****.********.**..**.*.**.*.*****.*****.**..*****.. I PLEASE READ AND CALL M.R l~EOXA'1',ELY. PLEASE HANnLE. PLEASE FORWARD TO t' ; r ~ x FOR YOUR INFORMATION. OTHER. ~ COMMENTS. II Attached plea~e find copy of my letter dated June 5, 1991 which 4; is addressed to Ve%non Thomp~on, Chairman of the City of Boynton Beach Board bf Adju~tment. '1 1 I The intormatIon eon~ainQd in ~hic tao$i~ile mOQcag1 is attorney privileged a~d confidential information ineendod only for the U$e of the indiyidu81 or entity namod above. It the r~ader of tbis ~essage is ~ot thQ intendod roeipien~, you are heteby notified that any 4.1ssa:mination, di~tribu~i.on or cqpy ot t.his co~munication is strictly prohibited. If you have received t.his communicatio~ in error, pleaso immQdiately notify u4 by ~elephonc and return the oriqinal ~esca9o to us at tho abovt address vi~ the U. s. postal Servic.e. Thank you., faxform (1211)' l. ~ ~ ~( /WMu/'/ /C /t"~A"'-A'~ RECEIVE d~ C/1r;~ uMJ'm~t::;/ JU D , , /? " N 8 }99J b -0 .&/ / t!>9J/L.4/A/~.;y- CITY M ANAGER'S OFFICE - ~UN- S-~1 W.>> 17=Z~ LAW CFFXC. P.IlaZ LAW O"ICC. PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER. P.A. ._AU.T___ A.."U. "U'I'H a"'TII' :100 W.&T "^U. .I:^~'" '~O""1^ :11:11401 " MAln'lN ,eRIlV .08EIlT LEI: 8HA..l110 ..OliO..... 101. ..IL~." JIll. A, JAllJelES" 'TKL.C-..eONW: "'0'. ........0. ""(;&1..,\.1 I~07lI3S-I2I1' Jun. ~, 1~"31 VIA FACSIHILi: 407-73e-74~1 , ' Mr. V.rnan Thompson, Chairman City of Boynton Beach B08~d of Adjustment 2535 S.W. 12th Street Boynton e~ach, FL 33426 RE: Ex~on Station - File No. f 91-011 Soard of Adjustment Case No.: 151 Board o~ Adjustment Hearing Dete: May 13, 1991 Owner: We.tl.ke Hardvare* Inc. (Longstar Hard~.r.) Contract Purchaser: RJ Develo~ment.. Ine. Our File No.: 31~7.01 Dear Mr. Thompsont Pl..se be Bdvis9d ~ha~ thi. law ~ir_ r&prG..nte RJ Dev.lopm~nt., Inc. , the eont.raet purch..er o~ th. abo..,e-de.orib~d property. ApplicQtion for vQr1anc. - C.~. No. 151 - vas present.d to th~ City of Boynton BQach 90ard oL Adju.t~.n~ at it. hearing held at 7;00 p.m. on Monday, "ey 13, 19Q1 by Ceniel Sh.~loYay ot Shal1oway, ~oy, Rayman & NQv~ll, Ino., Engine.r., Planner. and Surveyors, r.pr.a~nting ~he Owner at ~h.~ hearing. The action taken by the BoaTd ot Adju$tment va. . denial o~ the reque.~ ror . vsrIBnce Dy . 5 t.o 2 vot... On behal~ Q~ ovr client we have reviewed the typewritten rn~nutea O~ that. Meeting prepared by the City as veIl e. the tape recordings of t.h.~ meeting_ B..ed upon OUr reviev 0% the proceed1ngs we are of the clea~ opinion that th~ den181 ve. based upon~8otors thst bore nO relat10nehip to the Isaue 0: th. requested variance fro~ the 1000 ;Coot eeparllt10n requ:1rement. bet.vl!en gasoline service 15tations. ]n our opinion, a oourt o~ lay w111 require this matter to be reheard by t.he Soard o~ Ad.1uat.m.nt. In view of this end in the 1nteT~~t 01 saving conSIderable time and expense not only for the City o~ Boynton BeaCh but also my client, ve he~.by de~and that this ~atter be plaoed on the agenda of your June 10, 1991 ~eetlng ~or reconsiderat.ion and r~h.aring on that evening. We also request that th. C1t.y Attorney be p~esent at the hearing to ~n.ure that the easential requirements of lav are followed by the Soard in making 1t. determination rltlative t.o th. requested variance and that proce~ural and substantive du~ process are afforded to ~y client. JUN- 5-~1 w~n 1?:Z1 ~AW OFFIC~ p.m2 Mr. V.rnon Thomp.on, Chairman June ~~ 1991 Page 2 By copy 01 thi. 1.~t.r I am noti~yin~ all m.mb.~. o~ the Board 0: Adjustment ineluding both .It.rn.t~B .. w_ll .. ~he City KanagQr'. Office, the City At~o~nQY'. O~tio~ end the ~uild1ng Ott1clal. Pl.gR. govQrn youruelv.. aooordingly. FMP/rar ee: Raymond En.y, Board of Adjust~ent 3ames Miriana, Beard or Adjustment Tho~.s c. "~vton, Board of Adju.tment Andr.v Hayes, Board 01 Adjustm~nt Henrietta SOlomon, Board of Adjustment Ben Uleck, Board of Adju.tment Kevin ftichael Cl.ir, Board of .djustment Alternate Paul Slavin, Board of Adjustment Alternat. Don Jaeger, Building Official Scott Ki11er, City Kanager James A. Cherof, Esq., City Attorney Chr18topher Cutro, City Planner Richard J. Fer.yorni, RJ Oevelop~&nt., Inc. PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER. P.A. 1J;.. --- MEMORANDUM May 1, 1991 TO: PRE-VARIANCE BOARD MEMBERS: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Chris Cutro, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: PRE-VARIANCE MEETING - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A pre-variance meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 6, 1991, at 10:00 A.M., in my office at the Building Department. This meeting is in conjunction with the Board of Adjustment meeting to be held on May 13, 1991. If you or a representative from your office cannot attend, please call me regarding your input. AN: bh Attachments RECEIVED MAY 2 q J PLANNING DEPT. - - A:PREVAR.DOC TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment REFERENCE: CASE NO. & ADDRESS: #151 1610 S. Congress Avenue MEETING DATE: May 13, 1991 CURRENT ZONING: C-3 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: See attached OWNED BY: Westlake Hardware, Inc. TYPE OF VARIANCE: Number of feet between service stations FACTS: 1. This site is presently zoned C-3 and was formerly zoned R-3. 2. This is a 1.0002 acre site located on the southeast corner of South Congress Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue. 3. Permit #5635 was issued April 7, 1972 to construct a commercial building, formerly known as Lindsley Lumber. 4. Automotive service stations without major repairs (car washing included as an accessory use) is permitted, provided that the site is developed in accordance with Section 11.L. 5. One of the eight requirements of Section 11.L. is that there be a minimum distance of 1,000 feet between the nearest property line of the lot or plot of land upon which the proposed service station is to be constructed and the nearest property line of a lot or plot of land upon which any other gasoline service station, church, public playground, hospital, public school or other similar public or semipublic place where large numbers of people congregate is located. 6. Since a service station was permitted on the northwest corner of South Congress Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue on April 20, 1981 and is approximately 200 feet from the proposed site, the owner has requested relief from Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.L.(1) (a variance of 800 feet). bh XC: City Manager City Attorney' City Clerk City Planner Recording Secretary Members - Board of Adjustment a:FACTS151.DOC . . , ;, '.' . .', '. ,rr','. .' . .... \~;:.;'( ,':. '. :/~:" " . '; ....,... ,'I'" .... 0" ,... ....... . 'C, LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 115 SOUTH, RANGE 113 EAST, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 115 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE 120 FOOT RIGHT-OF- WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 231 211" EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 357.05 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 870 401 08" EAST, ALONG A LINE 357.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO. THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 115.36 FEET, TO THE POI NT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED: THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 870 40' 08" EAST, ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 182.110 FE'ET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 23' 24" EAST, ALONG A LINE 297.72 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE RUN 'SOUTH 870 40' 08" WEST, ALONG A LINE 556.97 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID NORTH LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 221.75 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 010 231 24" WEST, ALONG A LINE 76.00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 160.65 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 430 08' 22" EAST. FOR A DISTANCE OF 56.10 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.0002 ACRES MORE OR LESS. ,', ~ . " :.~.~ , , .~:~t,: ..' '.:, ,'.. .. ,\,';' " , ...,':....:. '" ",'.....,'.'. .......,....... . ":':'''':',' , ',',',', ,'," 1,';. ...........,'.... ..........,....' ,...'............... . ,.."........ .,.......'.......' . .,' .......,'... ......'.,......'.... ............ .', .: :.:..... .:'/ .~.. , .....,'..,....,....... ". '.........." ." .............,',. ........,' " . . .. .... ". " ....'. (,. , . , . .... . " " . CITY OF BOYNTON BEAcH, k-4!?3'j;3 , Il )y 7~ -1'/;/1/ .. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting date Please print or type Submittal date: ~-e-" The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing zoning or Sign Code of said ci ty pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Block , Subdivisio~ ' -....,.. Lot(s) ,SEE ATTAc,HF.n LEGAL DESCRIPTION , . Page or otherwise described as follows: Plat Book Property Address rlA to ~. c.,tJ\,\~Qi6S ~ul:.'f4~ ~~i.l"/)'IL\ ~C).(..,"",.R '3\~74" -: The 'following documents are required to .be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. A sealed survey by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines ~ B. North arrow . C. Existing structutes and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. w Easements~on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate ~~ A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures -. .B. All existing str'uc~res. tnat are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines' to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners ,and legal descriptions of their property within 400' feet of subject property, 'as reco~ded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge', said list is complete and accurate. 5. Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), purchase contract agreement. If an agent is petition, a notarized copy of a letter designating / accompany the petition. Statement of special: conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested' exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): such as deed or submitting the him as such must 4. /" A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; , ' , . , , BO~R~'GF'ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Page 2' B. That the special conditions and circumstanc~s do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer "on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; , D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the ~ame zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; , E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; , F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be - injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in Boynton Beach, must the amount of $275, payable to the City of accompany this petition. l.o"'~ CO'T~n.. ~~wACVf. "I: 14(.,' G/o We.'".:n"LA.~ ~uML / owner: ~ . ~'1l.'1 ~u r&. <\l ~ E. ~ L~"~ <;~ N\oberlY (nO . ~~~ 7. Name and address of 8. Name of applicant: R.J. .De.VE.l.,.Clplf\e.fool-rS "1:"", (.. Applfcant's address:' q,S .c:lJ\t..~~'iJt. b 'ur. S>U\ ~O F*. l~ If.,R. " Applicant's phone *: 0 f;t,.S- '4~Q alioej ", Date: 1/'3/'1/ Signature of Applicant: ~ g.Af? " ----------- ------------------------------------------~---------------- To be completed by the Building Official or Representative '1. Property is presently zoned: C-3 Formerly zoned:" R-3 ~. Property Control Number: 08-43-45-32-00-000-3040 3. Denial was made upon existing 'zoning or sign requirements' (list sections[s] of Code 'f~ whicfi""'relief is required): ... Append~x A-Zoning~ Section 6.C.1.p -- subject to Section 11.1. of Append~x A ' ' " 4. Nature of exception or variance r'equired: A minimum of i. 000 feet is required betweeri service stations. This site is 200 feet from an existin service station on the N. and S.W. 15th Ave. , Date: ,04/15/91 Permit denied: 5. Case Number: . l51 Meeting Date: " ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be filled out bv Board, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: Signed: Cha1:rman ~ . ,'. STATEMENT OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS A) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning. No special conditions or circumstances exist on this site which are peculiar to this property, buildings or structures which are not applicable to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. C-3 zoning allows for the development of a service station (Appendix A- Section 6-Cp Communi ty Commercial District) . Therefore, this question is not applicable in this situation. B) That the special condi tions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant: The requests an approval to develop a service station on this site. Because of the location of this parcel which is adjacent to two (2) Palm Beach county thoroughfare roads, it would be an excellent location for a service station. C) That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district: This property is zoned C-3. According to Appendix A - Section 6p (Community Commercial District) of the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code it allows for the development of a service station on property zoned as such. D) That literal interpretation of the provJ.sJ.ons of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant: As stated in "C" above a service station is allowed in this zoning district and by the literal interpretation of this provision it would deprive the applicant the rights commonly enjoyed by others in the same zoning district. I '.. ..,.......... .- ':::.::'::.i::~::;i::;:;:' ........ ," '\:: ~':'::::/':,: , ',:-: ~,:.:.:.'.>>: ....:'..........' (., " . , .. '. ..'.:',,' ..:;':.....;.;.:.. .... :'.,.' .......'.:...,.:... , ......."..,. .... ... .,. . '" , , . ,.......... . ....." .. . .... ,. . - " E) That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; By granting this variance it will make it possible to reasonably use the land. This is the only variance that is being requested for this site. It is our opinion it is a minimal variance request to the zoning code. F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. By granting this variance request the general intent and purpose of this chapter will undoubtedly be adhered by and in general harmony of the city of Boynton Beach Zoning Code. the public welfare will not in any way be compromised or be exposed to detrimental situations. The gasoline retail business and related operations are so strictly governed and regulated to alleviate any possible environmental hazards the area surrounding this site will be protected from such hazards. The pUblic welfare will be better served by locating a gasoline station on the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road. By placing the gasoline station here it will alleviate the need to make additional left turns and cross over four (4) lanes of traffic to purchase gasoline. The motorist heading east on Woolbright Road would not have to make a u-turn at the Congress Avenue intersection to purchase gasoline at the existing Mobile station on the northwest corner. Addi tionally, motorist heading north on Congr~ss Avenue would have a much simpler and less congestion causing turning movement if th€y could use this station as opposed to the station on the northwest corner. " , .~ '.. . .. 4 '.1" .. ..........., . .....:....;..:;.,.'. ....." .. , . ~". . .. ,: .:: .-...-:.:.. .::.:;..:.:.:;:;:x .:-':-:.......-:..... , ./'......... :...... .... .....:. " .... ,',. . " ....... ....... .....:. . '. ,,, " ....', " .' .::..: ~ ',,:: ..,. ... 0",' ..... . ,., . . .. . .. ,~.; ~7Tt, ~;:":., .iI ;~~" ~~I . '" " ~io";'; ... ~~- U'\ ,;::-: ~ 1"'-= ''',:J~ ." '. .. ; I:!! 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" ll\ ')-:J:L..... "'i ~,... lla.~nl "'l .- ._a: '.)U. .-,.y' I 3^,~ .~ . a ~ . oJ> t- O 4 a:: ... ..... . .. :r tj .s:: Ct:: t- . .-.11 - m5t C\J :J - l- I ~ O- r<> .:f ~ ,,;' :c- 'S' . fa' ... .. .. .~~ ~-::;::s. o ;.. .~. ~;...,. "l'f ~ot ..... ., .r, .- - 1..9 :- t ,,. r:u- {i ~ ~ ~ lJl' N II ~~.,<;- ~~ l t~--1 ~~w . III ~ f; : !! ~ II) ~ ~II. a: t- O .. .. ,'" .... 1.S // NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING t:,:' i lI[:';'25 ,~91 '.' f'':;...'t .. .---:: A~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, F variance as indicated, under and pursuan~ ~o the provisions Zoning Code of said City: Case ~151 O\"ner: Requested Variance: Proposed Use: Location: Legal Description: Lone star Hardware A minimum of 1,000 feet is required between service stations. This site is 200 feet from an existing service station on the N.W. corner of S. Congress Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue. Service Station 1610 S. Congress Avenue A parcel of land in Section 32, Township 45 south, Range 43 East City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach countYi Flori~a, being more particularly described as fol ows: From the Northwest corner of Section 32, Township 45 South, Range 43 Eastl Palm Beach County, Florida, said corner be~ng on the center1~ne of the 120 foot ri~ht-of-way of Congress Avenue, thence run South 0... degrees 23' 24" East, along the West line of said Section 32, For a distance of 357.05 feet; thence run North 87 degrees 40' 08" East along a line 357.00 feet south of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the North line of said Section 32t for a distance of 115.36 feet, to the point of beg~nning of the parcel of land hereinafter described: Thence continue North 87 degrees 40' 08" East, along-the last described courser for a distance of 182.40 feet; thence run South 0 degrees 23' 24" East, along a liqe 297:72 feet East of and parallel ~ with, as measurea at r~gh~ angles to, the sa~d West line of Section 32 for a distance, of 200.00 feet; thence run south 87 degrees 40' 08" West, along a line 556.97 feet South of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the said North L~ne of Section 326 for a distance of 221.75 feet; thence run North 1 degrees 23' 24" West, along a line 76.00 feet East of and parallel with as measured at right angles to, the sa~d West line of Section 32~ for a distance of 160.65 feet; thence run North 4~ degrees 08' 22" East, for a d~stance of 56.10 feet, to the point of beginning and containing 1.0002 acres more or less. A PUBLIC HEJ,R7.NG will be hE-ld relative to the above application by the BOARD OF AD~USTMENT at City Hall, Commission Cllambers, Boynton, Beach, Florida, on Monday, May 13, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. Notice of a requested variance is sent to property owners within 400 feet of the-applicant's property to give them a chance to voice their opinion on the subject. Comments may be heard in person at the meeting or filed in writing prior to llearing date. If further information is desired, call 738-7408, City Clerk's Office. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. ~ny person who decides to appeal any decisioll of the Board of Adjuitment with respect to any matter considered dt this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such p'.:rpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the test1mony and evidence '.1pon whicl:.he appeal is to b~ based. CITY OF EOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE H. KRUSE CIT":: CLERt: PUBLISH' BCYN'I'On BEACH UE\-.:S April 25 dnd May 2, 1991 cc: CITY MANAGER, CITY ATTORNEY, CITY COr~IISSION RECORDING SECRETARY, BOARD MEMBERS,'BUILDING OFFICIAL TO: See Below DATE: May 7, 1991 "\ VJ V.J ^ ,,",>.':".,,, ~ ':~5;J, t ,,,, {<Ii ~,.. " '," '~\ "'<" "'. (I' (" , . H-,,:''1.. y ,"," (\t,\q't~\ ~.;~ '. :"..... II';..' ~ \'~ v c.i ~q,.'.; '- i ,.' '^~~O 1 }99 .., .,i' Cj \\\\.v\,~~ ~; 'i\ c-\!\\. ~ ' 6' (If\-'\!' ," oYNrON. e\';\>.\.'\\' / M E M 0 RAN DUM FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: R. J. Development, Inc. Application to Board of Adjustment for 5/13/91 meeting -- Case No. 151 Attached please find copies of two letters received in cor.nection with this application for a variance. Ms. Marie Brunner is in favor of the proposed gas station. Ms. Eleanor Wahl's letter indicates she is in opposition to this application. ~/~~?R / Sue Kruse cc: R. Eney J. Miriana T. Newton A. Haynes H. Solomon V. Thompson B. Uleck K. Clair P. Slavin A. Newbold , ,.r. ~ ---- May 2, 1991 Office of The City Clerk City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL. 33425-0310 ATT: Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk Gentlemen: SUBJECT: Service Station 1610 S. Congress Avenue I live at 2398 S. W. 14th Avenue, which is on the canal. I do not wish to have a Service Station built at 1610 S. Congress Avenue. One service station is enough for this area. It would be too near the surrounding houses, and too dangerous and too noisy. The noise and traffic is bad enough since Congress Avenue has been widened. Please, let us have some peace and quiet. Sincerely ". 1/ A, WaR..e c.....-u a. '1-vrv Eleanor S. Wahl -- ~ ..~ () ):J m tcJ 'I I-' ~n I-' d (I c' ~ ~ ---.J ~ t<" r- .. \' -C:0 ~ -,! ';'1;-1 \ -., /, -r p.onr-nZ (t'~'di{)O 'fl \-".1) rt \-" r-n ::l \ 1" \-' ' ~ ~. r-'-' (.I (DI-'Ooro p.. '~ ::l r-n ... }....l ''0 ~ 1-0 t-n 0 P. 0 Y C:"" r ~,>d ~ 0 0 ro ~ I-' t:'J "" ,,--,' 0 0 r: ::::: () I-' L' ~ -..::; ;j nUl\-" tr I-' "'"' IT, UJ \-', Ul ,<: I""' .jJ ~ ,;. <;--..:1: ro ::: p, 1-" ~ 'T "- (<-'"~',..... r '" '" ..... .... - \" ~ f... -' "., ; "" ~ .... \. ':' ' .... I' ,1-" \-'. ;:c' ~ ::::: ("t ro '\ f-- '(; ';j ro, ("t~ " \. t':,...... \D I-J 0, .:. 0 iTI ';t> t~, ".:,. S:' \ 'J, ,- H'I ~ ". ':j r--... . \ (' ~,,~ .... 0 K ;:;:.: \-'- 'U rt ('"r I'D fl. , ,h . tt u, 0 ::1 '< P. ~' Yo ~ w("tif> ....' "'-- ~ ;j it,::t Pi "0 f ' to OJ \-" trl ';j OJ ~ "-\ '~'d P. ~ 1ft 0 p~ t-; t;1 ~ "" j t-.. ,1. IT OJ OJ {'t ;l- t'1 _' \ \ - 0. ~ '< :3 r: cr' \-'. ::l :v C'" ~ , I-' ro p.. (t) (t. p.~~'-~~ ~';j(D fJ1 ::r. ~ \.~. I....' ~ ro (-t 0 ::;' :<. 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Ul ...' .~J t-3 Z \-b :;;:: (,) Wt":! '< Z ~ - I-J..... I...... :!:: ,ll' r" lli ("t k;: t1 () itl I-' 1-'- W ,t :::t - '< ({\ I-' t-' ~ 0.. \,' 0-0 ~, Ii \ t-' I-' ro '- .... ......J !lI OJ ,n rt rt:O ...... s< -.l8(t1 ., 1-" oUlrt ame \-" "ljo;t :..- \:::1 ::r' ~ ro .n :::'DJ !))O' so 0'< roro Ii Ul DJ ~ 'd 'tl tJjl-' o 1-'- ,<0 ::l~ rt ,t o 1-" ::l 0 ... ... tJj (1)0' pl'< () p'r-t ~ :;1" ro , ~ }- l \ \ p.l 0' Ii (tl( m~ ( S ot~ Ii< itH . o~ 11 ( l-'t (1) mt me . Ii ~ ..\ ." .~ ~kl ' I! r \ :\ Ii ., ~. i ~{ , ~~ ~ ~. ..,-_.....----'..,'-_.._,...., .. M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: See Below DATE: April 24, 1991 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk,_ RE: Board of Adjustment Meeting - May 13th at~M. ~se #15]/ L-----~/../ the following copies of documents #151, R. J. Development Inc. Forwarded herewith are regarding subject Case 1. Board of Adjustment Application & Legal Description 2. Notarized letter from R. J. Development Inc. dated 4/3/91 3. Statement of Conditions 4. Letter from Westlake Hardware dated 4/15/91 - State of Delaware, Office of the Secretary of State 5. Letter from Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. 4/8/91 6. Letter of Transmittal from Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. - dated 4/12/91 - copy of ownership 7. Certification, property list of owners within 400 feet and location map 8. Notice of hearing as advertised and sent to property owners The site plan and survey will be brought to the meeting by the Recording Secretary. cV~~pp~ Sue Kruse mas Attachments cc: Raymond Eney James Miriana Thomas C. Newton Andrew Haynes Paul Slavin Henrietta Solomon Vernon Thompson Ben Uleck Kevin Michael Clair Al Newbold "t # CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, k-1?3'f;?3 jJJ. ~ 7;t"'-i/;/11 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting date Please print or type Submittal date: <\-e-~, The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) BEE ATTAr-HED T.'IlGAL DESCRIPTION Block , Subdivision , _..,.~ ~ Plat Book , . Page or otherwise described as follows: Property Address luU> ~. ~tI~9QSi.E.S f\1JE..,.U4..L ~~"'tl)"'" ~~~;i=L '3\~?4.. The 'following documents are required to .be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. A sealed survey by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D~ Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. . Easements~on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate ~~ A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures -. .B. All existing struc~res, tnAt are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines' to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400' feet of subject property, as reco~ded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. /" Proof of ownership of property purchase contract agreement. petition, a notarized copy of a . accompany the petition. / by petitioner(s), such as deed or If an agent is submitting the letter designating him as such must 5. Statement of speciax conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested" exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; ", , " , ..;., BO~RD~G.F ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Page ;2 B. That the special conditions and circumstanc~s do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer "on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; , D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; , F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be - injurious to the area involved, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in the amount of $ 27 5, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. ,,-~ I . Lot-ll!. ~TAn.. \o\..ca.rh.,rACVI. '1: .,u...1 e/" WIil.'"A'L.c.1lof.. ...-uiIwML 7 . Name and address of owner: 9.. . ~~', ~u Ci.. <\l ~ E.. l~la.~~"tiUil:T N\obce.rlY 100 . . ~~~ 8. Name of applicant: R .J. .De.VE.L.011W\.f!.foL-r~ "J:"", (... Appllcant's address:' q \ 5 IclJ\t.. ~~ti:It. b 'ur.. ~u \ ~o F*. Lt:\ " Applicant's phone *: 0 -5~S-'4.Qa '-. Date: 1/3/"11 Signature of Applicant: 'M a.&f!j ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------~- To be completed by the Building Official or Representative \<<-, FL .1.iD~ 1. Property is presently zoned: C-3 Formerly zoned:' R-3 2. Property Control Number: 08-43-45-32-00-000-3040 3. Denial was made upon existing -zoning or sign requirements (list sections [ s] of Code 'f~om which'''''relief is required): ,.; Appendix A-Zoning~ Section 6.C.l.p -- subject to Section 11.1. of Appendix A , . 4. Nature of exception or variance required: A minimum of 1.000 feet is required between service stations. This site is 200 feet from an existing service station on the N.W. 15th Ave. Date: ,04/15/91 5. Case Number: . ~ 51 Meeting Date: corner of S. CongreRR Ave. I~. - Bu' din Department (AI Newbold) May 13. 1991 and S.W. Permit denied: I , :::::-::i::::::::::-::::::~--::::::::------------::::::--::::~~~~ "~~ Aye Nay Stipulations: signed: RJ DEVELOPMENTS, INC. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPERS April 3, 1991 City of Boynton Beach Planning & Building Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Sir: Please be advised that this letter serves to authorize Brian J. LaMotte, P.E., of Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc., to act as agent for owner for Board of Adjustment Application and Site Plan Approval for the Exxon Site, located on the Southeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. INC. President SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED to me this 1991. 3rd... day of Ay>;n-L , ~M M. ~u.i~' NO ARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: "'ICtAL NOTMY .Ill. ..... ft. WlllCI(QfQWBk1 NOro1lRY N!It.JC STAn: (f 'UIIOA ~ ~ [110, AUG. 22. 1m JSN/jmw 915 MIDDLE RIVER DRIVE: SUITE 209: FORT LAUDERDALE. Fl33304 TEL:(305) 565-1488 FAX: (305) 565.3552 STATEMENT OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS A) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning. No special conditions or circumstances exist on this site which are peculiar to this property, buildings or structures which are not applicable to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. C-3 zoning allows for the development of a service station (Appendix A- Section 6-Cp Community Commercial District). Therefore, this question is not applicable in this situation. B) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; The requests an approval to develop a service station on this site. Because of the location of this parcel which is adjacent to two (2) Palm Beach County thoroughfare roads, it would be an excellent location for a service station. C) That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; This property is zoned C-3. According to Appendix A - section 6p (Community Commercial District) of the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code it allows for the development of a service station on property zoned as such. D) That literal interpretation of the prov1s10ns of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; As stated in "C" above a service station is allowed in this zoning district and by the literal interpretation of this provision it would deprive the applicant the rights commonly enjoyed by others in the same zoning district. E) That the variance granted is the m1n1mum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; By granting this variance it will make it possible to reasonably use the land. This is the only variance that is being requested for this site. It is our opinion it is a minimal variance request to the zoning code. F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. By granting this variance request the general intent and purpose of this chapter will undoubtedly be adhered by and in general harmony of the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code. the public welfare will not in any way be compromised or be exposed to detrimental situations. The gasoline retail business and related operations are so strictly governed and regulated to alleviate any possible environmental hazards the area surrounding this site will be protected from such hazards. The public welfare will be better served by locating a gasoline station on the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road. By placing the gasoline station here it will alleviate the need to make additional left turns and cross over four (4) lanes of traffic to purchase gasoline. The motorist heading east on Woolbright Road would not have to make a u-turn at the Congress Avenue intersection to purchase gasoline at the existing Mobile station on the northwest corner. Addi tionally, motorist heading north on Congress Avenue would have a much simpler and less congestion causing turning movement if they could use this station as opposed to the station on the northwest corner. fd,.lJI:.'JI:.LUf-Hf:.f'.j IS rEL 1-10. C' C'''' <j I:' r~ '1 c:;,_, ,':J 1 305 ~)f)::, 5_,_<2 n - - '21:32 P.02 . , ... , . " ~Westlake Hardware . Famous for SeHctIon J" . \'\'MtIIM HardwanJ, lno. 15601 Welt 99th Lt~ Kan... e6219 (i13) eea.oooe J j i \ Apr1~ 1', 1991 Raa EXXON SITE ($.1. CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENVE AND WOOLD%GHT ROAD) BOARD OF ADJUS~ APPLICATION VARIANCB - 1,000 PlIT Dear Bo.r4 Membersl W..tlake Hardware, Ino. hereby .uthoriz.. Mr. Jona. S. Nardal of R. J. Developm*ntl, Ino. (Contraot Purchaser) and Mr. Brian J. LaMot~. ot Shalloway, Foy, R.ym.n, & Newell, Inc. to act in QQr behalf a. a~p11oant and a9.nt re.pootiv$lY, sinc.r.ly, ~j{IJ Anne w. Bl.borry secretary/General Coun..l AWl a dh tJ&\OS.7 .. '., - ." LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE 120 FOOT RIGHT-OF- WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 23' 24" EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 357.05 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 870 401 08" EAST, ALONG A LINE 357.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 115.36 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED: THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 870 40' 08" EAST, ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 182.40 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 231 24" EAST, ALONG A LI NE 297.72 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 870 40' 08" WEST, ALONG A LI NE 556.97 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID NORTH LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 221.75 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 010 23124" WEST, ALONG A LINE 76.00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 160.65 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 430 08' 22" EAST. FOR A DISTANCE OF 56.10 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.0002 ACRES MORE OR LESS. , ,> oJll ". . f . ~... ~. . ~l~ /,' STATE OF nr:;r.AW^RF, Olrt1JGr. 01'" sJ:;Gnr.'tARV OF STAtf: 1. tnGIIAEt, ',^I\KIHS. ~nCf(>tnt y or ~I;nt 0 or the ,Stllte of Dehw.tI. do hereby certHy that: t.h<! CntUlc;n,r or 'tlcor'llItnl '"It nr. thl) "LONE st^1l ACQUISITION, ,. tNO.", '.Ins uc:dved nnd rt '-I'd lit lhl,A orrl,c:o tho twenty-fourth day of June, A.D, 19B1, lit 10 o'clock ^.II. And t do hereby (urt.hrr (,l'rU fy I hnt. th9 MIld ltJ~ONf: STAR ACQU1SITJON, INC.' Ul.d n CortUlcdte of '^,nt>nmrllt nr 'I("tronr. chl1l1g1ns its corpoute t.lt;1e to "LONE STAt{ UMU)W^ItE, 'NC.", nil t.ht' t'''~"I.Y-1l1nl:h ddY of June, A.b. 1981, at. 10 o'clock ^.tI. And I do hereby (tlrt.h(!f r.er.tify tho!: tht! ttl11d "t.ONE stAIlIJARIlWARE. INC,", fllGd d CertlCicete or Amendmonl, OIl lho twolCth dayof July, A.b. 1988, at to o'clock A.fI. And 1 do haraby rurl:hot C:l't'U ry ,hilt t.ho "nld "tONE STAR IIAltb'MRB, INC.", riled" Certificate of Amondmcnt. on tJ,c olRhtoChlh ddY of Augu.t. A.b. 1989, at 10 u'clock A.M. And 1 do hereby [lltUl~r C'nrlHy Ihnt I.hn Bnld "LONE SIAIt IIARIJ\lAM:, Hie.". Bled II COt'HUCdt. or An1'[!t'rn(>l1t. or t1f.'tr.OI'. chnt,olng Hs corl'orate title to "tJ&STLAKE IIARI.J1.MRE, tUG.", on c.he twenty-n'-nth dny or becember, A.Il. 1989, at 8130 o'clock A.H. '^nd I do hereby furt.her r.cttJ Cy t.hrlt. UtI! nroreuld certific.te' Dfe the only CBttlCicdte8 on record of Lhe o(ot~nnld Corporation. And I do her@by rurtl1l'!t cert ify thnt the n[or8!Ulid corporllHon 18 dUly Ihcot~oi~ted under the l~ws of tile Stnte or nelnwdr~ ~"d 1e in good 8tdhdlhg dnd hdl a 1~8nl cor~Orftle ~xl~t~"ce not hovlng been cancelled or die.olved so hr '8 tll1l records or thin oCClce show nnd is dUly 8uthor1ze~ to hannct buDines9.; f' And 1 do hereby (urlher eartHy thi1t the Annuel ItUf'orh hive be~h Hled to ddte. In TJ::S'tUIONY W"r.~r:;OF. I have hureunt:o 8fJt 1111 hand nnd officinl aen! nt Dover thli hiht:h dey ot February In th~ year of our Lord ohl thoue8hd hlne hundred surl nihely. .. , I I ! it' IIi .. , 1!'..\~,r'tl"M'/ '1Ir. " I " 1,1 . I I ' . I ;j .J "ORM t:r4 tl ."'.""." -; ':l1li;: Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. April 8, 1991 Mr. Michael Haag Zoning and site Development Administrator City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FI 33425 RE: EXXON SITE (S.E. CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND WOOLBRIGHT ROAD) SFRN PROJECT #90085 Dear Michael, We are pleased to submit to you our Board of Adjustment Application and back-up information for your review. According to Appendix A - Section 11 L(l), "There shall be a minimum distance of one thousand (1,000) feet between the nearest property line of the lot or plot of land upon which the proposed service station is to be constructed and the nearest property line of any other gasoline service station Such distance shall be by direct airline measurement." On the northwest corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road there is another service station which is wi thin one thousand (1,000) feet of this property. Our variance request is to allow the development of a service station within one thousand (1,000) feet of another. I have enclosed hardship's or reasons Also enclosed are: a statement of justifying the special conditions, requested variance. (1) site Plan (1) Sealed Survey (1) Certified List of adjacent property owner's wi thin 400 feet of this property and certification form. (1) Letter of Authorization from Owner to Applicant. (1) Letter from Applicant designating myself as agent. (1) Application Fee ($275.00) (1) Location Map Engineers · Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 4lJ7/655.1151 Fax 4lJ71832.9390 Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel. 4lJ7/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491 ~. M.j.chael Haag. ~prl.l 8, 1991 Page -2- We will be submitting on April 19th for a site plan approval. If there is any way this process can run concurrently with the site plan process it would be greatly appreciated. If not, we request to be placed on the May 13th meeting of the Board of Adjustments. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Associate BJL/ar Encs. cc: Jonas Nordal/R.J. Development I11III . Shalloway, Foy, ... Rayman & Newell, Inc. ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SURVEYORS 1201 BELVEDERE ROAD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33405 TEl. (407) 655.1151 FAX (407) 832.9390 SUITE 340, 900 EAST OCEAN BLVD., STUART, FL 34994 TEl. (407) 286.3223 ~~ulY~rn @~ lYrnillm~~~mrill~ OATE AE TO 4L /II d~~LJ ??...~ Rt'I/d5~ S/r€ 2y.u~ GENTlEWlEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU G-1'lttached 0 \.k'lder sepaate COIro via ~g#6"e.. the follOUJing items: o Shop c:rowings o Copy of lettro o Prints o P100s o SO'T'ples o Specifications o Change Ordro o I ~/;;aJ91 ;' , I (J - I, ~ ?"lr>--. ,..J - DESCAlPTIC\'Il -~:,....;v ~ A'J~, ,J / rJ? r ., ~r"", COPIES DATE 110. ~ -.. ./ '-'\, '~', . /'" '\ \-.-------..,-or. .' '\.. , ) . " .. , F~ .. ? .. "-~~-, '.. ",/ THESE ARE TRAN5.MI,?D os checked ooiow~.~.;'/" 15V'",opprr::NOI 0 Appro.red os submitted ~ p your use 0 Appro.red os noted riI' As requested 0 Returned for corrections o for r0JiOOJ O'ld comment 0 o Resubmit _ copies for opproval o Submit _ copies for distl'lbution o Return _ corrected prints o fOR BIDS DU: 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US RE~RKS .. COPY TO J ~ flJ /Jzu<<Jp..6rHf. $~ SIGNED: If er.c:IosI..xe5 ae rd asl"lOCed. please nool\l us ex ooc::e. . 11 I' ,-... ~..-c- _'''' II ,-........ :;,..- - -=:;,.. -. . "ifill II',' " 0111. Mm 1'. tllll II 1'lIn I J ""'I'''' 'V , ""' li "''''111111111 f~~~: JJ,.=C-.'. ~-!("""'" Ie:> . '.:.' B SIJIYOV AtIlcn(IO\\('''' , f."""."' e,,,'" I~ [ ,. hl10ynrs 'litlo Insurance (9rporation Schedule A OWNER'S pOLle 871065 [==_ DATE OF POLICY 11/2/87 3:47 P.M. 2,100,000.00 TH~ POliCY NvMBEFl SHOWN~ ON THIS SCHEDULE MUST AGREE WITH THE Pf\F.PRlNTEO NUMBER ON THE COVER SHEET PUlIC'!' NUMBER CASE NUMBER $ 84-00-070457 Nnrnr or 'n~",('rl t~ne Ste~ Hardware, Ino., a Delaw~re Corpo~ation ') till' R!;lflln (II IIlII'llt'll III 11111 land detlcrioed herein and which Is covered by this policy Is: FEE SIMPLE 3 Tlln n!ltnln Of inlr>rllsl rnl~rred to het"in is At Dnte of Policy vE\$led in' Lone Star Herdwa~e, Ino., a Delaware Corporation SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION /_\~/"l',7'(i';, . / r.-' \ " ':'< /<Y ltC' ;. J< t' '7 ",_).'\t\, 'v ,1' ,,\,,,... , \ \) -I';... . .~ ~ ~,..r ~ h ~ ~ o. ' <~ \:",,,,,, ~ ,$Ji\... 'j ... ~ \- ." ~ ~ \i"I~\ ~ r.1 :01 0 1 2 .J.~) t\?\"I. M.~~\\& ,c.:;,I-- Vw....--_ ~~=- ,1........... ,)~ ,.' ,,-: 1-., f \\ ""4...... " " ' I ,.. "'ION ~l: ~\i'~ .,< ,,' .... .... ~ "" \\ ' n'\ ~ (0 I \ .., T itA 1:111<1 rnlr.rrc'lllll III Ihill policV is described as follows: By vi,r.t\lp. of Deed wherein the named insured herein appears as Grantee, seme havio9 ~an record~d in Official ~eoords Book 5469, at Page 5~9, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Notet ^ll references to recorded instt'uments contained in this policy, refer to instruments recorded amon9 the'Public-Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. ,~ o:~ :"~~:,..,,,...?-. .. . " /' _,~l:.~. '-= . Itll"'''' (,.I" '.It" Au'h,t..,,,ff (')"Ir", m ^oft" ~B~aneR~~~~~R~~rouBeachr-Flor~ Pl1llev'''' llthn IIIIJ !; A Form No 035 nOM oo:m, 1 T1ti~ r"I,ry .. 11I.l\lirlllrtt,,~~ fl,,, r......., SJ,,,,., "n" Srhr'flllc' R "'11 nltllcht'f/ , Al TA Ownnr', POIl~y Form A l 970 Iq~y 10 17, 701 Co~\'rIQ"l ..~__"_____._________._ ___._____.______..m___ t--" _ '"_ .,.,J PA.,H~EL, 1\ V A PARCEL Of LMW IN SEC1IOlt 32. IUVlNSHIP 115 SOUIH, /U1NCiE '13 CITY OF BOVrnON BEAC", J1^LM BE^CII courn Y. r lOR I D", BU NG "101 PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEU AS FOLLOWS: , fROM TIlE HORTUWEST COHf'llH OF SECIIUN 32, ImmSlIlP 16 SUU1H, HANGE 113 EAST, PALM BEACII (DUN r Y I FL OH I OA, SA IlJ CORN[I~ BE I N( 1I1E CEN1ERlINE UF "fIlE 100 rOOJ Rj(;"J..OF-\~AY UF COIlGHLSS AVE~ HUN SOUTII 1. 02' 40" [AS 1 (F OH CONVEN I [NeE. filE HE S I L I Nt UF SAlU SECTION 32 IS ASSUMED '10 Hf^,~ NOHIII 1" 02' '/0" vlf.ST ANU BEARIHGS RECI'IEIJ IIEREIN ARE HEl.ATIVE '''t:HErO) ^ IJIS'^NCE or 596.07 FEE.T TO lifE HUF.RSEClrON OF 1I1E WESI I.lr~E OF SAIl> SEe 32 HITIf A LINE PARAl.LEL TO ANn 5~)G FEET SOUJlIEHL Y J HOM, WIIEfI MEASURElJ I\T RlGlfl I\NGLES TO lUE rWrU/llrur. OF SI\IIJ SE(IJUU 3. lllENCE NORTH 880 OU' 52" EAST Al.OIIG SAID PAH^LlCL LHIE f\ UISTANCE OF 50,01 FEET 10 1I1E JNIEHS[CIIOrl or: SI\I/J (1M~^Ll[l LIr4E WllH THE EASTEHLY LIlIE OF TilE I\fORESl\lO lUO rUOl HIDE RIGHr"'UF-WAY OF COUGRESS AVENUE 10 ItIE POIHl or IJEGlrlNrfHj UF TIlE "ERE I N OEseR (REU PAnCEL or: I. MW 1 IIIUICE AL UNG f II[ 13UurWM UF SAID PflRCEL OF 1l\NU I\S FOLLOWS: NOHJII 88" 00' 'J/" LASl ^ DISlf1NCE OF 365.05 FEET; HIEHCE SOUTlI '" 02' QO" [I\SJ ^ 0lS1I OF 355.05 FEET; TIIENCE NOIUU 880 00' )21/ E"51 ^ IJISIMHI UF 335.0'1 FEE T lO 1 liE SUUl ffF.I\S" CUHNE H or SA (U PI\HCLI. OF l. MHJ; lllENCE NOR JlI ]" 02' tw" HE S T 1\ IJJ S J MJCE ur (iO). 08 fT[ I 10 ! ilL UORTUEAS r CORUEH OF SA IV PAHCEl OF l ANIJ; r liE NeE ~;OU I II 881> 00 I 52" \'/EST A orS1MfCE or: (,75.5] FEll 10 IIIl:: BEGINNING ur " CUHV COHCI\VE 10 TilE SQUHIE.ASr HAVING A HAIJlUS OF 2~)IUO rFII I\fW 1\ CEHJRAL ArlGLEOF Rge (13' 32", IIIFtlCEHI:SIEHlY, Stll111IHlSIUUY !\IW SOU TifF. Rl Y ALONG rill: AHe UF SI\ I f} lUHVE ^ 01 S I AN(.(, or ~8 1m, rEE r TO rilE END UF SA I 0 CUHVE; T"l:.NeE SOU III .1" 01.' IJ{J"~ I I\S I 1\ I)IS1""(E OF 225.411 FEEl TO Till porNI or UEGINffflHi. ~;^"1 I MW l Y I NG AND BE )fIG IN r-Al M H[^(JI (DUN T Y I n, on I I)" . LESS rUE FOLLUWING: rOH'rJON OF SECflOH 32, JUHNSIlII' '15 SOUIII, RMIGE IJ3.E^SI, .B[ltH MURE PARTICULARLY UEseRlBED AS FUlLOWS: , . CUMMENCE AT TlfE NORTff\'lESr COHUEH ur SEcrlUN 32. 'l(IHH~;IIIP ll) SOUltl, RANGE ", 3 EAS r, AND HUN ON AN ASSUME IJ BEArU tH; ur suu III 1- 02' 40" EAST ALUNG TilE ~/ESI LINE UF SAIV S[Cflurl:;2 FUH 293,04 F tEl J HIENCE RUH NORl It 880 OU' )2" EAS I "AH"L L U f U /l1( NORTH LINE OF SI\ID SECllON 32 Fun tll~.UG FLEf'; IIIUKE. HUll SUUI 1002' 40" EAST ALONG ^ liNE PAHALLFL IV J\NlJ lU5 FEl.l U\sr OF AS MEASURED AT ({lGllI' ANGLESTU HIE WL~,r I JNE OF S^IU SI C' ION 32 FOR 53.0] FEET TO T liE PO I N r OF BEG I NN Jf~G, '1IILNU. CUN J I NUl:. SOUltr 10 02' 40" EAST ^lUNG TilE l^Sr DESCIUBElJ COUHSE rOR UU5.08 FEEll l/1EIICE HUN NORIII 88. OU' 22" [ASI ^LU{lG 1\ liNt-: PAR^LLE l 10 AND 951 FEE T SOU'lJl Uf ^S Mt:^Sum::1J ^ r HI (jl\ I ^NGU:~ 10 TtIE NOR1H LINE OF SAIV SECTION 32 FOH 3,~5.0q F[El; IIIENeE nUN NORHt III 02' '10" HEST PAR^L1.ELIO JIIE H[Sl lIrlE UF SA[(J SECTION 32 Fon 605.08 FEET; THENCE HUN sour" 880 OU' 5211 WE-sr PARAl.LEL TO lHE UORHI LINE OF SI\IU SEC1IUN 32 run 33).0/1 r-EET 10 THE POINT UF BEGINNIHG) SAID LflNVS LYING MW BEING IN PI\LN BEAell COUNTY, FLORIDA. f- _ ..._ ~-I v , , P.A,gCEL, B " PARCEL OF l.AND 1 N SECT ION 32, 'J lMNSfI J P Q~j SUUfll, HAUGE 113 (I\S r . LYING IN BOYNrON BEACH. PALM BE^CII COUNTY, rL.UHIUA, I3F.IUG 'llle EAST 365 FEET OF lifE ~/EST 'llS rEEl OF HIE SUUIII 35') FEEl (IF IIIE NORTH 951 FE.El OF SI\IO SECTION 32, BEIHG MUnE PARflCUlAHI.Y VESCRIBEU AS FOLLOWS: r:nOM litE NURIII\~EST COnUF.H OF SEC1IUN 32, rUHNSHIP 45 SaUIIL HMJG[ 43 EAST, PALM BEI\CII CUUNTY, FLOrn 1M, SA 1 U COHNf:n DE I NG UU IIIE CENIEHl.JNE OF HIE JOO FOOl WIDE rU(iIlT-UF-\"AY OF CONGRESS AVEfJUt, RUN SOUlIl 1. 02' 40" EAST (FUn CONVEN I ENeE, 1 liE WES r II NF OF SA II) SEe 110'1 32 IS ASSUMEO 10 BEAR NOH III J 0 U2' 'fU" Hf.S 1 I\ND M, L BEARINGS r,tC IT ED UERE J N ARE HEt.A rJ VEl HERE r 0) 1\ IJ IS (ANeE: or 596.07 FEET fO HIE INTERSECTION OF lIlE \-lESt LINE OF SAID SLCfl(l(l )2 WIlli A LINE PM~ALLEl 'fO ANU 596.00 FEEl SOU11lEHLY FHIJM, WIILN ME.ASURED Al RIGfH ANGLES 10 THE NURltlllHE UF SAID SFCtlOlI 32; TtIEflCE HOR III 88. 00' 52" EAST ALONG SA I 0 PAHf\ll. EL LitH: f\ D I S I ANeE OF 50,01 FEr, ro lifE JrHERSEcrtUN UF SAID PARALLEL LINf: \'/1111 lilt EASTERLY llNf OF TilE AFORESAID JOO FUOl HIDE HIGJlI~or-W^Y UF CUNGRESS AVENUE, 1I1E UOR1IIHESJ CORUEH ArlO !lIE I'OINr OF 13EGlrWlrlG OF 1 Jlt tllHll N LJESCR I BED PAnCEL or- l.MW J HIENCl AI. OHG I liE l30UllDAUV OF SAIU PARCEL OF LI\NO AS r=Ol.lOHS: UURIII 88n OU' 52" [f\Sf A 01 S 1 AUCE OF 3(,5. os rEET; T IIENCE- SUU 111 J 0 02' 4U" EAS I A D I S I MlCL OF 355.05 fEE I, TlfEUCE SOUl If 88" 00' 52" WEST, A U I S'J ANCE Ur- 365.05 fEF.,. fO A poun ON 1I1E EASIEnLY lrUE UF nit AFUHES^"J 1 go o~yo 40~ I H~s ~ I ~r6;,gF s~16 X~ Gfi~~gH~~~y^r~ ~~[ ^ I(S~7~~c~OUllI 355.05 FlEl TO HIE POlin OF BEGINNING. SAIO LANDS l.YING AND.: BEIUG IN PAl.M BEACtl COUN1Y, FLORIDA. ' LESS ArW EXCEPT HtE HEST 10 FEE r OF ABUVE foOH HUAD HI Gfll ~ur -HAY, 1-" _ ~ .' ~ . .: .'~."''i\'''iil'''r'.~>:~~~;:'~,:~.' pll.llil"II'I~JI~I1"IIII~'I"~IIIIIII!IIII~"~ !'I""I_'!I_I~L_;dd,*A*"II'I~m..II".II-.ll!II.!II!IIJIIJ!II..II. , , . .,,.,. fu!uyersptle Insurance @rporation NATIONAL liEAOQUARTERS RICH!,!,\ONO. VIFlOINIA ENDORSEMENT CODe NAME NUMBER ED438528 Case No. 811065 LONE STI\R/ME:rRO NORTH Allached 10 cmd rr1(Jde (1 port of lawyors Title Insurance CorporatIon Policy The followinq is .added to the list of policy coverages contain8d on abov~ NumbP.red policyr No. 84-00-070457 the first Page of 4. Onmerketabilitv of such title. Item No. 4 of the Exclusions From Coverage is deleted. Thp. pl.lrpo:c:p. of this endorsement is to expand the coverge given so that the policy wil providE'!' c'OVf?ot"aqe identical to that provided by the 1\rnerican Land Title l\ssociation Fo. 8-1970 (~ll1E?'nded 10/17/70 and 10/17/84). lhetotolllobllltyof the Company under !laid polley, blndor or commitment end under th Is and any prlot endorse, ment. thfnelo sholl not 9xceed, In 'he 099regote. the amount of lIoblllty staled on the foco of sold policy. binder or commltmonl. as the same may be spoclflcally amended In dollor omount by this or any prior endorsoments, and the costs whl(h the Compcmy 1$ obllgatcJd 10 pay undor the Condition, and Stlpvlotlon$ of the potl<y. Thi! llnd()r~l\lnnr1f it mncln II pDrt of IDid pellcy. bindor or commitment nnd " subject to all tho torms Ilnd provisIons th"roa'. excopt In modifi.,d by the provisions hQreof. Nothing h"reln contolnod shall be construod as extondlng or changln9 the effe<:tlvu date of the aforosald policy. binder 0" ~ommltment unleu otherwlsf!l expressly stated. IN WITNFSS WHEREl 'f'. the Comoanv he! caused this Endorsement to be slanod and soarod as of Ihll At=:R-12-91 FRI 9:07 P.0 .....".; v .. . P.A.I\CE.L. B _..._--_._--._.._.._-------~_._._......._....."..._._._----- ~yer~ ~Iltle lnsurance (c....-1)oration DATE OF POLICY V TIlE POLICY NUMBER SHOWN ON THIS SCHEOULE ~ MUST AGRfl: WITH THE PREFRINTED NUMBER Ot-4 'THE COVER SHEET. OWN ER'5 POLlC CAS! NUMBF.R POLICY NUMBER 871065 11/2/81 84-00-070457 Schodule ., This poJir.y rlom: no' in!lure ngn1nsl loss or damage by reElson of the following: .'1\/'" fohn du...nr, .,llrlMy, I ",n I~stettd. 1:;011 ,mttT'titr1'rope1't~heMt!Jftl~~Ml-f'19ht~n'y';-Of-the"'~P'O~~f-ttny- tw" Tndi"irfuel irHI~_ 2. Taxe!': f(')l4 the yea:t"' 1987 end any taxes and assessments levied or assesst:!d subsequent t~ th~ effp.ctive date he~eof. Said taxes become a lien as of January 1, 1987, but Ilre .,not due end paysble until November 1987. ttV 3 . R~strict.:lons, reservations, covenants, and conditions pursuant to those C€~rtain instrlllMnt~ recorded in Official Records Book 2342, at Page 1590, and in Official Records Rook 2342, at Pege 1593, contains covenants and restrictions. 4. AgrP.Pment And Easements recorded in Offici61 Recot"ds Book 3637, Page 347 and Official Records Book 3631, Page 357, contains covenants and restrictions. 5. Survey prepared by Schwebke, Shiskin & Associates, Inc., dated October 26, 1987 under Job t801S73 reveals. the followin9' (8) Sidewalk encroachment on North Property line. (b) 10 foot road ri9ht-of-way a10n9 West property line. 6. Mortqaqe in favor of Metro North state Bank, recorded in Official ~ecords Book. 5469, at: PSCJP- S5S. 7. Firl1:mcin9 Statement in favor of Metro North State Bank, recorded in Officials Record Book 5469, Page 606. Page 1 of Sclled, a-policy No, 84-00-070457 Pnkv StllIlhllln II Ii ^ J """ 11" n:rr. n on,l tI"l" I ALTA Owner', Policy, ForM A . 1970 IROY 10 I?7()) C()fI~rlghl 19 _._..._._---_.~--_. , ~ :". .. v v ENDORSEMENT (Contiguity) The Company heteby insures the Insured ~galn9t loss or damage which the Insured may sustain by reason of any inaccuracy in the following assurance: Th~ pa-rcels of the property described in Schedule ^ are contiguous to each other and, taken as a tract constitute one parcel of land. This endorsement is made a part of the polIcy and is subject to all the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and provisions of the policy and prior endorsements, if any, nor does it extend the effective date of the ~olicy and prIor endorsements or increase the face amount: thereof. EXHI8I'r B APR-12-91 FRI . 9:1219 I':> . ~..:.1 I ,I '" , ~... , 'J,'" . ..,J v ENDORSEMENl' (Legal Description Accuracy) The Company hereby insures the Insured against loss or damage that the Insured may sustain by reason of any inaccuracies in the following assurance: The and correct: prepared by 1987 . legal description given in Schedule A is accurate and correctly describes the land shown ,on the survey Schwebke-Shiskin $; Associates " _ da ted October 26 The survey prepared by SchtoJebke-Shiskin & Asscx::iiltes dated October 26 , 1997 accurately depicts, as of the date of,said survey, theloca~ion of all buildings and visible improvements on the land described in Schedule A of this policy, the exterior boundaries Of said land and all visible or recorded easements and rights of way to which said land is subject, and shows the proper dimensions of said boundaries, easements and rights of way. This endorsement is made a part of the policy and is subject ~o all the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and provisions of the policy and prior endorsements, if any, nor d6es it extend the ~ffective date of the policy and prior endorsements or increase the face amount 'thereof. Attached to Pol icy no. 84-00-070457 . t-" _ ...~1 v v ENDORSEHENT (Restrictions) The Company hereby insures the Insured against loss or damage which the Insured shall sustain by reason of: 1. ~ny inaccuracies in the following assurances: (a) A present or future ~iolation on said land of said covenants or restrictions or plat building lines, if any, will not 9ive rise to a right of reentry or result in a forfeiture or reversion of title. (b) That, unless otherwise expressly set forth or indicated to the contrary in Schedule B: (1) There are no present violations on said land of any enforceable covenants, conditions or restrictions or plat building lines; '. (2) Any instrument referred to in Schedule B as specifically containing "covenants and restrictions" affecting said land does not, in addition, establish an easement thereon or provide for either a lien for liquidated damages, a levy of a private charge or assessment, an option to purchase, or the prior approval of a future purchaser or occupant; (3) There are no encroachments of e~isting improvements located on said land onto adjoining land, nor any encroachments onto said land, of existing improvements located on adjoining land, except as specifically referred to in Schedule B; (4) There are no encroachments of existing improvements located on said land onto that portion of said land subject to any easement shown in Schedule S, except as specifically referred to in Schedule B. 2.' The entry of any court order or judgment which constitutes a final determination and denies the riaht to maintain any existing improvements on said land because of any violation of any covenants, conditions or restrictions or plat building lines or because of any encroachment thereof over onto adjoining land. ',~I!I ,.Ir. ~-' _ 1 ~ ... :.' Wherever 'in '~iS endorsement: any or a'if. the words "covenants, conditions or restrictions" appear, they shall not be deemed to refer to or to include the terms, covenants, conditions or limitations contained in any lease, instrument creating an easement or declaration of condominium referred to in Schedule A. This endorsement 1s made a part of the policy and is subject to all the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto~ Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and provisions of the policy and prior endorsements, if any, nor does it extend the effective date of the policy and prior endorsements or increase the face amount thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this'Endorsement to be signed and sealed as of the 11th day of March, 1988 to be valid countersigned by an Authorized Officer or Agent of the Company, all in accordance with ints By-Laws. COUNTERSIGNED -~ Authorize fficer or Agent - 2 - ttE BES't OF ll!\CT LIST OF l'ROl'l!\RT'L ~1. C~'t' S FR01?ER'tY. T ClIED LIST IS ]>. TRUl!\ NlD t<I'l \UlO'llLl!\DGl!\ NlD Bl!\LIEF, TlIE ]>.T ]>. oWNERS 'IlIT1l111 FOUR lIUlIDRED \ 400) Fl!\l!\T OF TilE C l!\ R T 1 F 1 C ]>. T 1 0 11 -. I, - . - . :: 04- ' ~:~.. .-- .- j' ; , BtU>OF1>J)J .1)OC Req.l/9l, ~ LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN A 400 FOOT RADIUS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RECORDED IN THE 1990 PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX ROLLS. OS 43 45 32 00 000 304.0 - 08 43 45 32 00 000302.3 Lone Star Hardware Inc. c/o Westlake Hardware/ R. Briscoe 415 E. Logan Street Moberly, MO 65270 Sun First National Bank of Palm Beach County C/O Sun Bank P.o. Box 510, Acct. Dept. Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33310 ;/ 08 43 45 32 00 000 306.0 - v #498 08 43 45 32 00 000 302.1 - Sunburst Properties Inc. 16114 Florida Avenue Lutz, Fl 33549 r/ 08 43 45 32 00 000 305.0 - P.B. Federal Savings Bank / 2506 PGA Plaza Prosperity Farms Road Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410 08 43 45 32 00 000 307.0 - Raga Gonzalo C/O Mac Callum Inc. 201 S.E. 24th Avenue Pompano Beach, Fl 33062 J Mobil oil Corp. C/O Property Tax Div. J P.O. Box 290 Dallas, TX 75221 08 43 45 31 17 001 002.0 08 43 45 31 17 001 001.0 - Nelson & Carmen Lopez & Edgar & Cecilia Ibanez ~ 2609 Woolbright Road #5 Boynton Beach, Fl 33436 08 43 45 31 17 002 000.0 - First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Broward County J 301 E. Las Olas Blvd. /Gknd,. e- Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33301 F~der~l_ Travelers-American Properties 1901 S. Congress Avenue, #303 Boynton Beach, Fl 33426 /cOWL Prcf'~\ j 08 43 45 31 17 003 000.0 - 08 43 45 32 12 000 033.0 James Abbott 2656 S. Federal Highway Delray Beach, Fl 33483 ... ~ fal/4 gelt!c /.e/5ilrff'/ I k- I (J "-"><,c kO" J! loe/( II Z frtt',jt D 6 - 43-'; 5 <p- --04- - //2- -/00/0 +1>..) ~ f ~Oqt' J ~, w;?orle /I -r ,Plttl /I Lev lUll;' /1D 3 0//1/ 22 J j- -ps-- 334/3-5 Ill-'" p.' ,J ;,7 06-4;>,4<;,;),Q-/),-0..;).' 17' (&'/"( /LA [,1'15' - -r, ef ~ Ot3V ~ /-0+ /3 !-k '" A- ')(11'5 l' tylarl"- 1'-0 ~ /31''15{)/ ""'4)'1 - /3(7- 3>' ~ c'keJ/'( 5' 1;1h),/ :;<3'iS" sv/ i-t five - 613') '-13' --1<, 1" --P~-<~ ;f , L~p,. /0'01 Sui /J-;)., d J:/- '$73- 3343$ ~ -I~"'L -1+ <AA-I<L,1 7;:1l~ /Jty SUi~:) ,7, S.f 1lD-- 3343 5 ~ (l~c.dL II, P;"s.feY /0'/1 JW 22 J I ']:;8- 3) 435" ~ YJ{.~,t<L tt 13~(A/tL ;uy't /J/3 Jtt/.22 "II- -$[;_ y3?f,35 ~ ' tx:>>l1lV7f L -f (/fl1e IrL;j'lrJ IffJNO 10/'; stl :i2 J/ --;p8.... 334 3S" ~ I1rj},v( F -r 1nall.1 .!- ]3,:yj<er /10 / 51/),2 Jf .......n -- _ ? --:;?f "? 7 ld-L, -i~ &-cUJ1'.9.1' '1G(',jlJ,-U.~ ~ /,f'0'3 so.l .)J- 5+ 68 ~ 33435 ~ J1,.dit );/ ~{u ki () c} SUi .2.::L sJ < BB - 33135- tIJ/3 ~ ~ %fl}tn t -r /)tJ(/5 f.,y./erh J, J tj(' 51J/ (.:1- J4 1/4!.. - t3 6 3 11/1 j rfu) :;: ., G.fv U Iy J !lc1'l,1C5 - ,~3c;4 5u/ (4 '38- 33435 lAJ-I- 11 .-- - lUll1 tJ (:/!fl b/4. d ^ 3 92- 5tl./ ;4 fJ I~ (36- 33 4 35~ ~ / bf'r+ c, fYlac (k'l11tl./ ~ 3 q () SUj 14 f1 ~t(. /)8- 33435 t[/rr1 -{- fJ1f!r1t!rel pe ,q 3ftf 5i--(/ J4- ;11-<L /313-- 3 3435 p.. ,Jtt{v{ 1'J.L -I ~'14 ~ !,(jj /7 e '"^ 3S'~; 51.1/ I~ A/'t... t3!3- 334i5 !(/ci,-ar-) IJe/--J...t .x 324 5{,l./ Ikf /,~r:7 - 3343S- L,tJ I- /6' -.:.---- ~ ~ ~ elf-" 3 -45 .]C- CI ." Ftl.I'1'1J (0.:- d 111 a ((I (rt+ r:<-"1'-/ I 3 ~ 0" '7'~ - {':1::'} C..J3 - j.?.{ 35 ~pG ~ ~ ~ 08 43 45 32 12 000 034.0 08 43 45 32 12 000 035.0 08 43 45 32 12 000 036.0 08 43 45 32 12 000'037.0 { OVp/l(~' 08 43 45 32 12 000 038.0 08 43 45 32 12 000 039.0 08 43 45 32 12 000 042.0 08 43 45 32 12 000 043.0 -48.0 ~ '~~~ .~~5 A. Caruan 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue #137 Boynton Beach, Fl 33426 v' J. & K. Sming1er 4131 Grove Park Lane' Lantana, Fl 33462 vi Jack Lowe 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue #136 'Boynton Beach, Fl 33426 A. Caruana' L ~L~~) 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue #137 Boynton Beach, Fl 33426 / v' Allen & Virginia Shaw 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, #138 I Boynton Beach, Fl 33426 Gregory Sheller ,,/(} c.~\lv/'.-. Vlllc.'t5 1901 S. Congress Avenue #138 / Boynton Beach, Fl 33426 Florida Coast Bank C/O Moyle; et al P.O. Box 3888 West Palm Beach, Fl 33402 .; ST. - Pn ~r~~ r~)~ '.~ ~)" ~ :~~~J '~\ 'j,. ~ l.f' '~ { ~ , ~\ ~ t\ ~_ ~ _~ ~ V. ~--=-'" I c/)f ~/ - . ~4~-=;'--= c-/-='- ~t I \ \, ~ ; ~ ,) I \1' ~~~ ) \ ~. ..... . .., " ~ I. ~ ~~ 0-.3 i. ~ ~ g: ::!l ~,...... :: ~, ~ ~~ '~OJ "' -4 g>)::loO)-4 "' <n ~ · ~ G) 10. - :1:' -4 .,....: 01 ...... - ';0 r ~~ - .. 01 \) IJe' tJ> ~ -l ;1:1 ...)> ,",0 ~ iD ~ ;f 6 ~ '" (SR 807) see>' ~. .... AVE - - ~ .',' !~~~~ . ,,~ ,li ~ -,~I ~-, 11' :f;~ ~, (j) ~ ;~n . - I~ ..:~ :f. : t ~,. ... t:I ~ I. TO t- ,I'> ~, $. .' _I, -. :. 7),' ':: It 81.....,-.. ": ",;: 1;',00 ,n~" ~ (ft' .. ,:-r~.BI . l ~.. ,~!;., : 8~' 'l'> ' [Z3 ,s' ~ '.s' _ -g ~ ::: ~ ....,.: " ."', ~ .," n' ; $..i 6" f. --~. 5' SS' 10' ..... .~ ... '" ~ 56' S7' .'~ t' : .~' '..~. '".' 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" -rr cID ~~ - '<:'" ,~ I.1l ~ ;I) " 1'1 ':: r ., ~' // ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for the variance as indicated, under and pursuan~ to the provisions of the Zoning Code of said City: Case ~lSl O\'iner: Requested Variance: Proposed Use: Location: Legal Description: Lone star Hardware A minimum of 1,000 feet is required between service stations. This site is 200 feet from an existing service station on the N.W. corner of s. congress Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue. Service Station 1610 S. Congress Avenue A parcel of land in Section 32, Township 45 south, Range 43 East City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach countYi F10ri~a, being more par~icularly described as fol ows: From the Northwest corner of Section 32, Township 45 south, Range 43 Eastr Palm Beach County, Florida, said corner be~ng on the centerl~ne of the 120 foot ri9ht-of-way of Congress Avenue, thence run South o~ degrees 23' 24" East, along the West line of said Section 32, - For a distance of 357.05 feet; thence run North 87 degrees 40' 08" East along a line 357.00 feet south of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the North line of said Section 32r for a distance of 115.36 feet, to the point of beg~nning of the parcel of land hereinafter described: Thence continue North 87 degrees 40' 08" East, along.the last described coursei for a distance of 182.40 feet; thence run south 0 degrees 23' 24" East, along a line 297.72 feet East of and parallel with, as measured at righc angles to, the said West line of Section 32 for a distance, of 200.00 feet; thence run South 87 degrees 40' 08" West, along a line 556.97 feet South of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the said North L~ne of Section 326 for a distance of 221.75 feet; thence run North 1 degrees 23' 24" West, along a line 76.00 feet East of and parallel with as rnea~ured at r~ght angles to, the sa~d West 11ne of sect~on 32 for a distance of 160.65 feet; thence run North 4~ degrees OB' 22" East, for a d~stance of 56.10 feet, to the point of beginning and containing 1.0002 acres more or less. A PUBLIC HEhR;NG will be held relative to the above application by the EOARD OF AD0USTMENT at City Hall, Commission Chambers, Boynton, Beach, Florida, on Monday, May 13, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. Notice of a requested variance is sBnt to property owners within 400 feet of th~:applicant's property to give them a chance to voice their opinion on the subject. Comments may be heard in person at the meeting 01- fil ed in wri t ing prior to hE:ar'ing date. If further information is desired, call 738-7408, City Clerk's Office. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. ~ny persall who decides to appeal any dec is iOll I) f thE: Board of Adjustment with respect to, any matter considered dt this meeting will ueed a record of the proceedings and' for stIch p'.:rpost? may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings i5 made, which record includes the test1illony and evidence ~pon whicl the appeal is to ~e based; CITY OF ECYNTON BEACH SUZAHHE H. KRUSE CIT':: CLEF-K PUELI SH . B(;Yl~'l")li BEACH nEWS April 25 dnd May 2, 1991 '91 lH/24 12'52 a 407 e32 9390 SHALLOIolAY 01 !R Shalloway, Foy, _ Rayman & Newell, Inc. TELECOMMUNICATION COVER PAGE .. P~ (\C\ I . , \ i...... " lc:'~ /' ..' , '~I i\ \ ~ . ;' y\ " .. , TO: #fL. 4/ ~JkJ/d NAME OF FIRM: (!/ry ~ l%tmtHI ~ -&".6f~ ~c: FAX NO. ~ -:154 - 7.1/5'J BtfbN '1./ /Afom€- FROM: NO. OF PAGES: c:;2. (INCLUDING COVER PAGE) DATE SENT: I?I ftl TIME SENT: 1.:75 REGARDING PROJECT NO. 9ao$~ COMMENTS: :r tvl// S'1Md ~ M Qt//IIV~ ~ ~ ~ :c ;a;c./'-'.e "..r.. r ~ #4J~ ~ ~ ~r doiJf'''~' f 81?~~ } c...::.... __ ___ ~-(151 l<.nRineel"B. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Bclvede", Road, Well Palm Belch, Morldl 33405 Tel,401M5.1151 Fall 4011832-9390 Suile 340. 900 r"'RI o.,.,..n Blvd,. SllI"n. FI",i,'~ :t~()'),1 Tel. 407/286-3223 hx 4071286-1W)1 Z 407 932 9390 I) It -' tit - ~ 1 '111; ~ tR~ 4 r ktM5 HUNIU. L:HAMliR, LEi, SHAL~OIdAY 02 r .. . " , j :.. -- "I .....R~ .pes I <It? In un 'MALLOWA'" u April 24, 1.'.1 RBI IDOII IIR (.... cou. or COIIGUSI AVINUB AID ~IGIft' ROAD. 80DD 0' AD.nI8Na!' APPltICA'l'IOIf VAJUUC:I - 1,000 ,.ft b..r Board Member.s Wa.tlaka Hardwar., lno. hereby authorize. Mr. Jon.. s. Ho~4.1 of R.J. Oevelopment., Inc. (contraot Puroha.er) and Hr, Brian J. LaMott, or 8bllloWIV, Poy, RaYJllan . ",.".11, Ino. to aot 1n our behalf .. applicant and l;ent r..peot:lvely. 8inaer.ly. ~b Anna ". 11Ibllrry ..or.~.rY/G.fta~.l Coun..l RAT. 01 Mi.80\.lti OOUIft'V UP l\~naolpn - Anne W. i1ebetry Be'on It paOMJlr IMVId . to II vtU kaom lI4 kllOw b . to .. ttle perIOIt 4IMorll* 1ft w Who ..tINted tM fonto11Q Illltrullnt, a" Iclalovlttqtd to 1M lIItort " UIIt. be tltO\lted uid llltruMllt for tbt pu,*, thutl" .1...... WI,.. If 1111'14 aM offioial ...1, iJ111 .2!.th. of t i ~ A,1)., 1"1. I. or 1 ,..l..... _., QLIC IMTI ~ f1\IIUA lW8lPH cum HV~QP. IIPr 1.'"2 -. . /;:~:.~...~:.t~;>; , ?- ~_ :':::. 'f::.w .~~~I..ion expire.. Sept. 1. 1992 \'..:.::: ~':~......'...~~..~.~~':~/ '.. . . .... ,". I,' ~