BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff REFERENCE:S.l~ ~~te Analysis - Board of Adjustment CASE NO. & ADDRESS~'~~. Boynton Beach Blvd. MEETING DATE: January 13, 1986 CURRENT ZONING: C2 DESCRIPTION OF LOT: Lots 10-18 inclusive, less the N 10' thereof, Block 2, BOYNTON HEIGHTS ADDITION to the town of Boynton according to the revised plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 10 at page 64 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. OWNED BY: Royal Petroleum, Inc. (GBS Architects/Agents) VARIANCE REQUIRED: 30' front setback FACTS: 1. Existing gas station was constructed in 1967. 2. Existing canopy is legally nonconforming. 3. When a nonconforming structure is reconstructed, it shall be reconstructed in conformity with the existing zoning regulations, Section 11.1 F. 4. Applicant is changing the shape of the proposed canopy. 5. If this variance is grante~ a nonconforming structure will become more nonconforming. Xc: City Clerk Recording Secretary City Planner City Manager Members - Board of Adjustment