BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT GI "YilrC' p (I 80lo. 2944 Ha-:f'rr:l. CT 06104 . CAi'L lOll FRnl BOO 243.5250 n[PL y r\'iE~:S/\GE Fold At (.) To FII Grayarc Window Envelope # EW10P a~L REORDER ITEM /I F269 r --, FROM TO Vernon Thompson, Jr. Chairman, Board of Adjustment Medard Kopczynski Deputy Building Official SUBJECT:__ Board of Adjus!=_I!l~.nt Agenda ______DATE:__l"_une 2, 19~ FOLD. Ca~~is to be deleted from the agenda. It has been dete~ed that no variance is required. See copy of memorandum to Planning Department. MK:bh Attachment/l XC: City Manager & PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED City Clerk ~ M. Kopczynski ,. REPLY DATE: SIGNED lIem' F269 @ Wheeler Group Inc. 1979 i.. THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED DETACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. .1 J MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director THRU: 7.? E. E. Howe II . . Building Official F'IL" DAT. May 30, 1986 FIIOM Med Kopcz:i'nski Deputy Building Official SUBHCT Board of Adj us tment Case Ul02 2410 S. Federal Hwy. This office has completed an evaluation of Board of Adjustment Case #l02; specifically, 2410 S. Federal Hwy. We have researched this case and have produced a series of facts in relation to proposed improvements on this property. The owners of this property wish to construct condominium apartments that would surround a pool shaped as an ilL". Appendix A-Zoning, Sec. ll-H-l6-e(l2)(a thru e) of the Code of Ordinances applies to the required parking spaces. The owners of this property, as a condition for Planning Department approval for this proposed project, have been informed that they would have to provide parking at the pool or obtain a variance to requirement imposed by (l2)(e). Please be advised that this office interprets (l2)(e) to be taken with and used with (l2)(a thru d). This office does not believe that the intent of this s~ction is to provide (e) above as enforce- able alone. A pool that is provided alone will be treated similarly to other structures as to distance requirements and spaces that must be provided. Otherwise, situations might arise whereby a pool alone is provided with parking and if a recreation building were substituted, no parking would be required. Case #l02 has l30 feet as the farthest building distance from the pool. It is the interpretation of this office that no parking is required and therefore, no variance is required. A~ Med IQ"opczynski MK: bh XC: City Clerk City Manager AGE N D A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING DATE: June 9, 1986 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Boynton Beach City Hall - Council Chambers ----------------------------------------------------------------- A. Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors B. Reading and Approving of Minutes C. Announcements D. Communications E. Old Business F. New Business: ~l. Cases to be Presented on 6/9/86 Case #l02 - 2410 S. Federal Hwy. Owner: Philip L. Patenaude & Lawrence L. Drum, Co-trustees Request: Pool parking 2. Case #l03 - l20l N. Federal Hwy. Owner: Dominick Iandimarino Request: Lot depth, rear setback & buffer wall *Case #l02 recommended for deletion - see attached memo to Board Chairman. G. Pending Requests for Future Meetings: JULY l4, 1986 l. Case #l04 - OPEN H. Other Business I. Adjournment