BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1-- 1.' (-' r," L' C ~ 1:"" .d '..- J' , I.. L..1 '';; .1..: ..'. E. Ho'.)ell ;','1'; if'';'' (J':.'.ri".~l.::l J..:.f ' \. ,--\..- __"-,,,1. ~U '-' .... Canu8.1l AnilUllZi[~t:o, Plar:":lit<c; Dircctc.l.: -:i110 TO. A.;t".~fld Chief Inspector - PL.">w Eeviu-l ~~'~~-C."'i"=''''''." "~.:r,..'- - '-""'.:;'l-~..::;.~.;,...~~~-~., .___,._~.._~~~'~:r:-~-.;'::~,~' ,-.,;";.-.,,.,..,...:. -:-.--......,...-'.- SUBJECT:____,_~.~E-VARIANCE ~:~~!~.!.!_~iQ .............. ..u..__.__...._.__m..__DATE:____.l 11.25186 FOLD. A pre-variance ll.1eeting is scheduled for Monday, Decel.lber 1, 1936 at 10: 00 A.1-1. in tIle Eui lding Departu:.ent confen::IlCE: l.'OOHl in conj uue t ivi.l. ui th the Bourd of Adj us truent meeting on December 8, 1986. Plc3Ge plan on attending. Thank you. '~"!'7_';;::7--'~~r:-"7':_~-:' bh At tachmentsf 1-3 PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED "em . F269 e Wheeler Group Inc. 19N . DETACH THIS COpy - RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. . TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment o 11110 110% N. Federal Hwy. REFERENCE: CASE NO. & ADDRESS: HEETING Dl\.TE: December 8, 1986 CURRENT ZONING: C-4 DESCRIPTION OF LOT: LAKE ADDN. TO BOYNTON, Blk. A, Lot 1 OWNED BY: Benjamin Aaron & Josef Glass FACTS: 1. The property is presently zoned C-4 and was formerly zoned C-l. 2. This lOG was platted in March of 1925 (120' x 44.39' or 5,327 sq. ft.). 3. Appendix A-Zoning, Sec. ll-H-16-b(1) requires 1 parking space per 4 seats, but no less than 1 per 100 sq. ft. A. The building has 40 seats (40 divided by 4 = 10). B. The building is 20' x 60' or 1,200 sq. ft. (1,200 divided by 100 = 12). . 4. There is only room for 2 parking spaces and 12 are required (12-2 = 10 additional spaces needed to meet code). 5. The old C-l zone required 1 parking space per 4 seats also. 6. The survey shows room for only 2 parking spaces, not 4 as the application states. 7. The 1,200 sq. ft. is the basis for the 10 additional parking spaces n~eded at this time. However, the Codes Enforcement Officer s"t;ated that the" l?eating count was 80, not 40 as state~ by~the appl~cant. If the seat count changes above 48, the variance count would need to change (see Code Enforcement Board minutes of September 17, 1986, page 11). 8. This building space was used for a dry cleaning business and to change the use to a church would be a change of occupancy from Group B to Group A and may not meet the code for a certificate of occupancy to use the building with a parking variance alone. XC: City Clerk Recording Secretary City P~anner City Manager Members - Board of Adjustment '. , I I I j i , , ..-- 5. (I)..\])LJ:\'I~ JtJ;{ ~~l;;,jJTJAL: 5 I'.'ccks J'L'fcJ)'c J\i.:ctjIJg) -, --- --- --..---------------------------- -- TO: BOARD OF l~DJUSTMENT, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DATE November 3 , 1981 The undersigned Owner (s) hereby respectfully petition the Board of Adju to orant to Petitioner (s) a special exception or variance to the existi, Zoning Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter describe, and in support thereof state (s): 1. Property involved is described as follo~s: Lot(s) 1 Lake addition to Boynton Block A SID , Plat Book _11 , Page 73 , or otherwise Of the Public Records of Palm Beach .collnt-.y. State of Florida describe~'3as follmvs: 11~N. Federal Highwa Prop~~ty Address ~oynrnn Rprl~hr Pl 1141 2. Property is presently zoned: C-4 Formerly 7oned: C-I 3. 4. Denial was made upon existing zoning requirements from which relief is required: Ad: A S' - 11 6 - . ppen 1X , ec;. -H-l -pH) of the Code or Ordinances requi, 1. park1ng space per 100 sq. ft. of.wss floor area of the aUditorium. There 1S 1, 200 sq: ft. o/"'J'N,li;"'I; I!Ali .parking spaces are required. Nature of except~6n.or varlance requ~red: . 12/ TWelve ~paces are.. require d. There are ~ spaces resent!. Therefore a . f' 41 var1Bnce 0 spaces is re uested. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or vaFiance: (Please respond to~e six (6) questions as outlined on. the attached (a- 6. Certified spot survey (not more than six (.6) months old) is required, wi, all setbacks and" dimensions. Also.. a location map. 7. Proposed improv~ent (a~tach site development sketch): See attached site development sketch. 8. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property OWners and legal description. of their property within-400 feet of subject property, as reporded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete'and accurate. I 1. Proof of ownership.of property by Petitioner (s) Such as deed or purchase Con tract agreement. '. If agent. suImi tti . peu Hon. notari zed copy of ] etter desi aU . . him - as suCh must accarpany pet it ion. _ , o. Application fee'is Beach, accompanies 1. -, Name & address of L in the amount of $275.00, payable to the City of BoyntoJ this Petition. Benjamin Aaron,' 300 N.E. 12th Ave., Ha11.ann;:de,Fl.33009 owner: Josef Glass. 301 N.E. 14t-h AuP.. Ha1]~nd""lP, F1 3lnnq 'Benjamin 'Aaron . . 300 N.E. 12th Ave. Name of applicant:- APE1icant's address: .. '10... Date: Nov. 454-2536 3. 1996 Signature of applicant: .. . - Da te: , NO'ye. 3" ~6 PerIni t,. Denied: ~ Case # 110 Meeti.ng Date: D~ce~er ~.. 1986 SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR BOARD USE ONLY AI Newbold. RD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approved '.. :')ulations: .. Denied . Aye Nay ~ ,F. . r - . ~- ,~:... .-.. . f r ! I ! I I i I I I I . (lUI:.:S'l'lONS . ; " 'I'd J.t ::'J'I;I) (a - f) , .1 . _ licant needs variance because there is not enough parking sr IIPP h \"hi,ch is the ';renant. for the Churc , b. The applicant needs a variance because of the shortage of parking places. c. This variance will only apply t~ the Church and will not apply to any other land.' .< .' d. The other properties are not affected and the Church is the only one that needs ~his variance for parking in order to secure a license to use the'premises. e. The Church only needs a variance for parking in order to secure an occupational license: I f. That the variance wi~l'only apply t~ the benefit of the Church and will not affect the adjoining property owners. , ., .. ->--'# ~~:.:;:-....:=:-_~=-::.-=:.:.=-__-=-.:.=-=--- ::.;;_-:..:=..=: ~ :.=:-:'.::::--::~--: -:....--_-:.:..:.=-~ ::::-"::'~_.~"7=_~"':':--;-:;.-. ~ ~~~7::., -:'-:':.-::.-:-:- --==:-::.-._-.-::~_--:- -~-=:-- - ~-' -. ~ f;~.--- D~f~ II D/x/ E: HWv.----n.'" I .. ~..,.;p I 01'" I I ~I ,., ~~I u.~ 4' Pl4.Nr. . ',' -:. '.0:< " ~c; . . .; .... ,~"': ~: ;j.:, /.' 5ETIJ~/'~ ...' ~c. Co' :.... .":'1,'. , ,,' '. . 0-::lt. 8' o~". . '. '. IO.r::.:..: ':'" .[. . '. . , . ~.. / ~, .. c. . ". .': ,: . " .VlA.....~.l.~\.I> "i~-_~3.30' ! _ -pto . . ,"' " '. .....c-n:;\'C. :. !'" '2101.L-$I::.17 x C:UT--.___ f'I..r- -.- 56 _ 40.1' -~. .~ ! ". () - tl ~~ ~{~ wo ", . t:>r. :z 1, ., - oJ . :.( v ~ ~;.. g ~6 & # -'..' .,:.'''.\\'\, ,... .,-\,n::'I'~.." I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEIlEON .. A "t"UE' AND ~ . , . I . ... . I '. CORRECT Rt:rRESEHT"'TION O~ A SURVEY OF TH~''';'O~~1Y .DE.t:!\lan)IN . ,,~ : THE C:A~IDH THERED,.. MADE UNDER MY DIRECI"ION. ....ND IS ",C:CURI.TE TO THE 8E.-T 0,. 101'1' KNOWLEDGE ~ND SELIEI'". AND ,"~,"'T THERE tr!)' N~ AP. ~ARENT ENC:RO~T.'C1T~el't..~....~o"",'-l" " ", \,) ~" .~~. : ." .' " ,-" /04., tJr.. "" _ " , . , .-.~ i,~ '. :,.... ;,' R~T~"~" L...""t,.5U.V~" Il, "LOl< DO. Cll"TI~le"'Tll Nn~? 01/ 0 ') I I . \ ' ~ - o l.f\ ,fI OW t~ ~ .J ri~ " UJ 03 & Coo.:., LI4~.,. "'~T 33' ~1.0' ,Z.?' . ~ (J a . . :t: ll\~ , Q) 9 ~ - v . {'J 13 ~ o ~: ::t .( :r fi > .0 '" <cf -~ ot'l .t.! 0 ~ J- . ..: n: ~ 0 : ..~jl ~ ~ " '.' _ 0 ::. - B III ::- l1\ 5 o - f'l\' d! lD - N '0' . . . I/) .' ar V": . roO. 11':. ,ij ,.:'. tJ. 7' O. .4 'J .z '0 v ill. ~ ) ... ~ :; ~.t ~:4' : 1 .,' : .:3' · t! .- '- .....~. ~ N . c:-<e- r:-: ~;-. . . 1.;;;,.-,-. R.y.. \ "'\ " " . '. , \!l -d: fA o If) .{ \" cr: UJ i' ~ . 'j" ~'3' u1 i "!' . c> . I ~ .-t{' ~~.; . "d.J . ('OJ . ~;. . I- .- . 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G.I~ i "., '''" 1 '1(13-) sT51i.l~}~':{{i"-~I-/:/.3 J T'us/, J z....'.: 11 ~,",,' of 5 (., c.. i 10111/1\.<7 .. 1 , I .. ~ '. --: -~ (f) I (-':;&l' 1\ " I ... '~ I I-'~ -: .,,. : ~ _..,S t7 i CD4.wl: ..,rS9 "::1. l '" r I"' ~).o C :v I C Ct:.J~ J ~,~ 7' ; C;~. . ..- . I /-'lZ." ~ fOS .... !Ir..'se. '\olh I ~~J; R ~ 'nc' ~. . _ I':-'" ,,; <y 0, U)' Jr<. '.. .. 11 . . c.. r-' .. y'o(. . I(y . ~a~' 71 .J ,L1. S'7 i}" 0, 7' ~ ~ N E 6th AVE '" I ;,/ I ; .1 f Iu i) "1 ...;,. I u. So' - - - - - - " _ U >$''';' ; :>> ~ i...........: ")0 :, ! G:,;l.... ~I ..,.56":/ ~ I' of" "'UI ':1 .C', N 5th AVE.a. -:11 :I It" . 'Y ~~Ua O~-66)~ s oJ. '7~ : ''''. 'S' ~ . i - 1-4~ -:1 # 44-' .'gs:1 'U2 '~~,:z. ~ * 3n~ 4 > I. 1 '# , Ie II pc.. a o~ J. 4() "f1ARD~ fJ'I}-PA K5Y:Jci l ~ .3 oJ. . '1' .r'i ""\;....; N -r ~I ,.... ....41 -:/ I: 410__ ''fll!t..-5:!> 'i1~ ~ ~ R. S., Rmm L.<\"; {' .... ~- ....?09 't/~/:: 4,- "f ~ ~ , yt/:' ~ J 10. P": ~ :~CDJ ?'lr,:/r<)~2'JJ'9 .:~d~.J';"I'. :,IIf', 'SUB (1-68)' ...,. s:,. ...{....~, )1 J: 4~ -' I. :..50 a fL, . "'.. 6 ID " DE WEYS -+ TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment REFERENCE: CASE NO. & ADDRESS: 11111 High Ridge Road MEETING DATE: December 8, 1986 CURRENT ZONING: R1AAA (to be rezoned to PID) A part of Old Gov't. Lot 1, Sec. 17, Twp. 45S., Rge. 43E. Max Schorr, Trustee DESCRIPTION OF LOT: OWNED BY: FACTS: 1. The property was annexed to the City on September 3, 1986. 2~ This property is presently zoned R1AAA due to annexation (see attached facts from the Planning Department). 3. Appendix A-Zoning, Sec. 7-C requires 25 acres minimum for PID zoning. 4. The property has 10.84 acres. 5. Other PID zoning has been established around this site (see Planning Department's facts sheet attached). Xc: City Clerk Recording~pecretary City Planner~ _' City Manager Members - Board of Adjustment J EBGI~==MeX_~G~QBB_VBBIBN[~_B~QQ~~Ii 1 . The p 1'- 0 P e f- t Y ~'J i:;. '3 cl. n 'I e;~ Co' (j 0 n S E' P t em bey" ::::; ~ 1 Si 8 6 i n tot h e C i t y , .~. R-1AAA zoning district. The property was previously zoned RS (Single Family Residential) in Palm Beach County. ro, ..:... The prope~ty contains 10.84 3cres. ~; (~.:'c: t i c,n :' 1$ C: " c)-{= t h t:.' Z L:~"l i n q F:c:'~1 u.l .::-:.. ~:. i C)i"l':=:. r- E.:' qUo i. r- c:'-:::. t. h.;::" t F' I I)~ h ..? ,./t? .::;1. minimum area of 25 acres. 0. The Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan (see attached pages) Y' ,-:=;c D in m f.': i"', d.:;:; th3 t t hi ',3 .:.'1:.... '=?;::' b c? d C'\!'-;2:!. op i?:?d::I.<:3 a PI D.n nf?d I nd U'::, t to- i31 Development (as opposed to M-l zoning). The reason for this recommendation is that PID zoning would create a higher quality c1 ~?""/ f2' 1. L)j:::'IT:t::? n t:! :.:"tn d ~z.JC)L\:I. d ,-a lIt., Jt h E' C: i t. \l t. c:, e;.~ ef'- t. 9 :.-. E'2~ t E'I' C Cll1 t t- C)] c)\/ er- si.te desigrl, aesthetics, ar1~ tJses Of1 tt12 property. 4. According to state law~ all land development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. j S :::;u.ppo':;:,[?d to ,- - ut:.:' 5c 1"\"1E City COlJncj.l t1as giver1 preliminal~Y approval fo~ zoning the property to a PID. Final approval by the City Council is contingent upon the applicant obtaining a variance from the Board of Adjustment for the 25 acre requirement. 6. A 540-acre PID has already been established immediately to the south of the subject property. Furthermore~ it is anticipated that the 52 acres which lie to the west of the subject property will also be developed as a PID. ""',',.,.,",,j:,;,.,.;,'};,t,:".c,'~{j.~J~~;' :;.;r>>- ~ ~ ~ Road, between the church ~nd High Ridge Road, should be placed in the "Local Retail Commercial" category, consistent with the Palm Beach County Land Use Plan. The parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, to a depth of approximately 300 feet, should be placed in the "Office Commercial" land use category. The large vacant parcels on the east side of High Ridge Road should be annexed only if analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the City's annexation policies and State statutory requirements. annexed, these properties should be placed in the "Low Density Residential" land use category and should be developed so as to be compatible with the surrounding low-density residential subdivisions. The adjacent right-of-way for Hypoluxo Road should be annexed only if there is reasonable expectation that most of the abutting parcels between High Ridge Road and Seacrest Blvd. will be annexed. However, the right-of-way for Interstate 95 and the Seaboard Airline Railway abutting any annexed parcels should be annexed, in any case. ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ]! .. .... ~. )1 J J ] to ~ 1 l J ~, ~ ~ -. ~ ~ :I - -:I , If Area 48 High Ridge Shopping Center Site and Palm Beach Memorial Gardens A utility and annexation agreement exists between the City and the owners of the High Ridge Shopping Center Site, which is located on the southwest corner of Seacrest Blvd. and Hypoluxo Road. Palm Beach Memorial Gardens may be required to apply for annexation if utility service to this cementery is expanded. These properties should only be annexed if found to be consistent with the City's annexation policies and State statutory requirements. Although High Ridge Shopping Center would be contigious to the City along only 25 percent of its boundary, it may be advantagious to annex this property because of the property taxes that this commercial development would generate. Also, annexation of the shopping center and cemetery sites would make annexation of parcels on the west side of 1-95 possible. High Ridge Shopping Center, if annexed, should be placed under the "Local Retail Commercial" land use category, while Palm Beach Memorial Gardens should be placed under the "Public and Private Governmental/Institutional" land use category. The adjacent right-of-way for Hypoluxo Road should be annexed only if there is reasonable expectation that the parcels abutting Hypoluxo Road from High Ridge Road to Seacrest Blvd. will be annexed. The rights-of-way for Interstate 95 and Seacrest Blvd. adjacent to any these parcels, however, should be annexed with the adjacent properties. Area 49 Unincorporated Parcels at Southwest Corner of Miner Road Extended and High Ridge Road This is an unincorporated enclave that should be annexed. This parcel should eventually be placed in the "Industrial" land use category and developed as a Planned Industrial Development in a manner similar to the adjacent Boynton Beach Park of Commerce. 124 .--:.==r.:.--. --:p.,....=:---=;.-=~= .:::~: ~'.: ~::;;:~::,c'..,:~'::+, . :~-~~..~~~[G]tTti . 11/ : r.;' : ~ :. I · 1 r .;;' JJ J _~--:7"'___-:::~=~-.~~:::::'I----.--:~ -:~ L- 20 -Can~'._"_~ - __-_:P/_.,---:::.,:---.~ J .--;;,-., . :::/' / ..- . , _~~..}t-"i ,'- ,/ \. 'I:r f:Jll:i .~'}_-J . _..-:f~ / ~ ,~..-~. , 0 ] ] 'J 'C;- ,p r.f -~I' ~~-~~.~ ] ~ ... . .. ~ ... .. ] ~ . . . _' .S}N-23IJLA~ ~fcnl. --:~"--' .. I "[;- I l~ ! ~" : "'0 -- ~,~~r~ 0: ./' ~,i(;:5>, . .~ ,-,' / /- ~ ti' - ..-..~- ~j~ 40 -~i~' ~:l"'if" ~,- I................ REGULATORY FRAMEWORK - AREAS TO BE l' ADDED ------- ~ I "....,,'.",,>,.,1 . .:-.-: -:.:.~ '.':':.. ~ Areas of Potential Land Use Co nflict Areas of Existing Land Use Conflict BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Recommended Limits of Annexation EVALUATION & APPRAIS REPORT - 1986 Recommended Controls for Aimexation Area r.......\ Pf;EPARED rrt. CITY OF BO'fNTON BEAl PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1986 38-A ~_/ ,-" , ,,' ?" ~ :",-,1,:1) .~..",,-. ,I Nov. 18, 1986 ( .) . id)JU:;T!'lEN'r, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DATE ,,' downer (s) hereby respectfully petition the Board of Adjustn 'I' , 1111<1<'1 s~<Jnc . 1 t' . . . oil .. t' t peti tioner (s) a speCl.a excep l.on or varl.ance to the eXl.stl.ng to l11 d Il 0 . .. t th t h . . :':olling Code of said Cl ty pertal.nlng 0 e proper Y erel.nafter descrl.bed, ,ll1d in support thereof state (s): l. Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) A part of I Old Gov't. Lot 1 , Sec. , 17, Twp. 45S, Rge.43 Block SiD '- E. Plat Book , Page , or otherwise described as follows: Property Address High Ridge Road RlAAA (to 'be rezoned to PID) 2. Property is presently zoned: Formerly zoned: RS (Palm Bch. Coun 3. Denial \vas made upon e~sting zor.ing requirements from which relief is required: . Appendix A- Zoning, Sec. 7-C requires that the minimum land area for a Planned Industrial Development shall be 25 contiguous acres. 4. Nature of exception or variance required: ,. The contains 10.84 acres; therefore a 14.16 acre waiver is re uested to'rezone. land to the Planned Industrial Develo ment (PID). 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships br reasons justifying the requested exception or variance: (Please respond to t~e six (6) questions as.outlined on the attached (a-f 6. Certified spot survey (not more than six (6) months old) is required, wit all setbacks and'dimensions. 7. Proposed improvem.ent. (attach site development' sketch) : See attached master development plan for proposed light industrial develo~ mente 8. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal description of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such 'list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the appli~ant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. 9. Proof of ownership of prQperty by Petitioner (s) such as deed or purcnase contract agreement.. If agent submitting petition, copy of document designating him as such.mu~t acc~mpany petition. o. Application fee - is in the amount of $275.00. payable to the City of Boynto: Beach, accompanies this Petition. 1. Case i Date: Meeting Date Dec. 8, 1986 './ttlM J(Lj Irl/U -r;Ab1~ R .. () I Address of Applicant: 2-->0 Q ~ a..J2 r~ L~A ' (lJn I, , Phone ~. A ' ~~.~~~ /~'1 JE-r'f<i' Signature of Appl'tt:~nt I Nov. 18~ 1986 111 2. Name of Applicant: Bu:tldin .-/ Number f~3...71()C ~ Date: Permit Denied: SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR BOARD USE ONLY ARD OF ADJUS TMENT ACTION: Approved Denied Aye Nay riPulations: 'eting Date: .. # Signed: --~..---- -- -- --.----.----- ..-------- --'-- (" . " .!"-'~~'::,(F <1 ph 5 tI""--' il- I Background Statement of Special Conditions A 14. 16 acre waiver of the 25 acre minimum requirement of Section 7, Paragraph "C", Boynton Beach Code, is requested because the applicant's 10.84 acre site abuts exist- ing PID zoned property and is across the street from light industrial buildings already in place or under construction. The intent ,of the minimum acreage require- ment is to avoid spot zoning, by encouraging large PID districts. In this case, the applicant's site is part of a larger, well planned light industrial district com- prised of the following pr?jects: 1. The Boynton Beach Park of Commerce 2. The High Ridge ,Commerce Park 3. The Boynton Distribution Center There are more than 600 acres of land in the above projects. The City Land Use Master Plan was amended in December, 1985, to allow the PID rezoning of the Park of Commerce. Because the applicant's ~maller site is contiguous to, and partly sur- rounded by, industrial la?d use, it cannot be ~sed feasibly for single family hous- ing, as presently zoned. Response to Six Questions a. Special conditions do e*~st in this case, as noted above. The applicant owns 10.84 acres of land adjacent to an existing PID district. This existing district conta~ns more than 600 acres. The site cannot be used feasibly for single family housing, as zoned. because of light industrial land use across the street, and contiguous to the site on the .south and southeast. However, the City Code requires a minimum of 25 acres to apply for PID rezoning. b. Property across the street and contiguous to the south and to the southeast and northeast has already been rezoned to the PID district by the City. This rezon- ing did not result from any action by the applicant: c. Granting a 14.16 acre variance of ~he 25 acre minimum requirement will not confer special privileges because abutting land is planned for light industrial use. Also, other land owners in the area with less than 25 acres have the same right of variance. d. Literal interpretation of Paragraph "C" WOUld. if applied in this case, force the land owner to' build single family homes next to industrial uses. If this variance is not granted. the applicant will be forced into an inappropriate land use, and thus deprived of the PIC zoning enjoyed by adjoining property owners in the imme- dia te area. e. Granting this variance will not only permit a reasonable use of the land, but also the most apP~opria~e USe in this section of the city. f. The intent of PdFagraph "e" i.s to avoid rezoning l.and too smal.l in acreage to be sel.f-sustaining or to be planned in a comprehensive unit. Since the appl.i- cant's 10.84 acre parcel. Is abutting a large, wel.l planned l.ight industrial district and is' across the street from existing l.ight industrial uses, this variance wil.l not be injur10US to the surrounding area nor wil.l it be detrimental. to the,publ.ic welfare. .# :;-; - I ~l " '" L: - " " V) V) ~~ ~ C)~~ ~S,>.l"""'''''''' l.&..J- \.Q.. ~ ~ ~~~t ~::~::~B -...-..,'--'-- ............ "~1 '-! ~ ::Q-" ; 4~ .. ~l C) ,.' C) ..... ~ iU ~ - r !:>l;;;~ g ~~~ ~~~ . ::>j::- ,..., -- ~"'~ l ,~~~ ~'Q 1{ --::>;: ~~ ~ ~;::: l~~ 0 ~~ ~"5 [) ~~ ....." "". 0.; 0' ~~ c ~<:::. ~ r-"" !::;:.-<.:) v;. m- ~ ht to:: r-- ../ ~ - """ (1) JJ s- 2 g ~,l ... -0" ;;:.g; "0...= =g~3 >_oa 1::-= . i'i r e: ~ ii .. .- ~~ "'t-f\} ~8 ~~ l O)~ I'J~ "h: f~ 'tii ~o r ~. ~~ ~ 8 .. i ; ~ l! 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