BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT , j 1-- r'le !.\ I " I;> i' ...... ;T 06104.29<< ~...._ FREE: 1.800.243.5250 1it:t'L Y JVIt:~Al:it: Fold At (., To Fit Grayare Window Envelope II EW10P 'r TO FROM REORDER ITEM' F268 -, George Hunt, Interim City Manager Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building Official Al Newbold Building Code Permit Administrator SUBJECT: __._____.!'_l3:_~_:_y:~~!.~ Cl!;__~EE_~_!.~_~_:.__~Q~_...Q_~___~}:UST~EN!..______._________---DA TE: POLO. 8/2/89 A pre-variance meeting is scheduled for Monday, August at 10:00 A.M. in my office at the Building Department. meeting is in conjunction with the Board of Adjustment to be held on August 14, 1989. 7, 1989, This meeting bh Attachments/II i i 1 I ,I 1 I .~ Neo/bo1d PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED lIem 1/ F269 Grayare, P.O. Box 29<<, Hartford, CT 06104.29<< @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED DETACH THi~; CUPi'-IH::TAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND '"vI-lITE AND PIl\iK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. --- -1/3 f I ",( ''''It 1 :, ,. L - -".....~.. TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: REFERENCE: CASE NO. & ADDRESS: MEETING DATE: CURRENT ZONING: DESCRIPTION OF LOT: OWNED BY: VARIANCE REQUESTED: City of Boynton Beach Staff Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment 11134 2563 S.W. 10th Street August 14, 1989 R-1-AA Golfview Harbour 1st Sec.,' Blk. 5, Lot 5 Dr. James E. Buffan ~ Lee Buffan Reduction in rear setback ',- FACTS: 1.' This site is presently zoned R-l-AA and was formerly zoned R-l-AA. 2. The property was platted with a 6' easement in the rear. 3. A permit to construct a pool was issued. It met the 8' rear setback as required. 4. A concrete deck was. constructed around the pool, with 1.05' of it into the ,easement. 5. A fence was installed to comply with the safety requirements of the code. 6. Our code does not permit any structure to be in or on an easement except a slab on grade and a fence, and then only at the owner's risk since it may have to be moved to perform work in the easement. ,I 7. The Pool Safety Code may be met by installing a fence or a screen enclosure. When the setback for an enclosure cannot be met, the fence is mandated. 8. Screen enclosures require the same side setback as the main structure in that zone and a rear setback of 8 feet (see Appendix A, Sec. 11.F). 9. The applicant wishes to construct his enclosure at the edge of It he easement, a setback of 6 feet. 10. Since there was no request for a side yard variance, it should be noted that the side setbacks must be met. , II I bh XC: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Planner Recording Secretary Members - Board of Adjustment . ~ r " ....,..,. _ J ~---_.. .-,- ----~- ". ..,....--... '^"-' . u....f.._..... ... _. .;1"1: . i~'i~:'_ t:.~,_.~:;-:,~...~_ 'ill v:.~. ,:.. '.' 1 . ,~> , 4. J;.. J BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION DATE: July 11, 1989 , The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment ,to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning Code of said City pertaining.to'the property hereinafter described~ and in support thereof state(s): 1. Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) 5 Block 5 Subdivision GOLFVIEW HARBOUR 1 st Sec Plat Book :: 26 , Page 178 , or otherwise described as follows: Property Address 2563 S. W. 10th Street, Boynton Beach,FL 2. 3. Property is presently zoned: ___R~l~AA lormerly zoned: , . (l;'st .sec~io~(s) of Cc , L var i anc'e': of two' (2) 'feet R~l~AA Denial was made upon existing zoning requirements from which re~tef is required: :Appendix A, Section.ll(F) 5. Nature of exception or variance required: in rear set back line. Footing for screen . be six (G)'feet from rear property line at eight (8) feet. I Statement of special conditions, hardships or reaso~s justifying the requested exception or variance (please respond to the six (6) que$tionl as outlined on the attached sheet [a-f]). 'I 'II' Certified spot survey (not more than six (6) months' old) is required, with all setbacks and dimensions. Also, a 'locatio~imap. . /" Proposed improvement (attach site development sketch):' Screened pool enclosure enclosure for pool will edge of~ easement. code requi'r I 6. 7 . Certified'list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the'County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an affidavit'(see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge,said list is complete and accurate. , 9. Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If agent submitting petition, notarized ~copyof letter designating him as such must accompany petition. l6. Application fee in the amount of $2,' 5.00, payable to the City of / Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. 11.. Name & address of owner: Dr. James E. Buffan and Lee Buffan 8. James E. Buffan and Lee eet, Boynt 11, 1989 13. Case IJ 134 Meeting Date: . August 14. 1989 , . -----------------------------------------------------~--------------~------ TO BE FILLED OUT BY BOARD: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approved Stipulations Signed: .. Denied _(~ Aye ~i Nay _ . ~ ' 1 Rev. 9/28/87 .~.......~~; .7'.r:r......:(i";.~.7;7~M~~. .;~~..;. _" r:..t."':?i.-:r.:r.'~i": : '4',:. , I" , i ~ I .~~~. '. ",'f; " '.1.....,(.....1~.tW~.....~~~h.1 ..-:""::':',......'"7.{:' " il \!~'. /,-1 , " ~ f .. In the re.:ES::N::eT:u:;:::I:::perty tfre exists a six (6) foot utility ~asement. This easement is _djacent to ~ : another six (6) foot utility easement which is on t~e rear of the t properties in back of the subject property. At the time of purchase of the subject property there existed a swimming pool whose rear edge is eighteen (lS") j; r inches from the easement. ;". 7:;'; ~ t;.; f' In order to enclose the pool and maintain a safety ledge on the rear edge of the pool the enclosure must run up to the 1\ I easement thus requiring a two (2) foot variance in the setback. b) The requirement for the variance existed prior to the II I applicant (owner) purchasing the property. Without the variance the pool cannot be enclosed. Enclosing the pool provides an added safety factor as recogniz~d by the City Code. c) By granting the variance no special privilege will be conferred on the applicant. There will be no enlroachment by the enclosure on the easement. I. r ~ d) Not granting of this variance would work ~' hardship on for his ~POOl and applicant by denying him a safety means a i process for assisting in maintenance of a clean pool. Both goals are, in a sense, mandated by the Code. e) The two (2) foot variance is the minimum necessary for safety. This variance will provide an eighteen as") inch ledge in the rear which would permit a swimmer to pull themsleves out of water, if in trouble, and sit on the ledge. .. f) The requestd variance permitting the enclosure would bring applicants' residence in conformity with its neighbors many of whom already have enclosures on their pools. The 1 i... DAVID D, CENTOLA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 12S HYPOLUXO ROAD. HYPOLUXO. FLORIDA 334eiZ . (407) :lee.eezl ~ ~ ----- - ~ ~ - --- - - ~-- ur. \James bur-ran / I ~'I, . .'i '(j ',- "~....J" 1) Ji ~f structure will not be injurious to the surroundings area o~ otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. It will perform two functions, both of which are mandated by the code, that of providing safety to the pool area by preventing small children from entering the pool and help maintain a clean pool which would not cause a health hazard. ~ \ I!' I, t II 2 t I DAVID 0, CENTOLA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 125 HYPOLUXO ROAD. HYPOLUXO, "'LORrDA 33462 . (407) 588.8821 ,-40". .. ",it,>' " 't~~_.~__+ __ _ _ _ __ i _ + _ ~ I~ ,'II; \ ':'" . \ "\' '. ~o ~ l: ~ ~ , \J ~' s.......,.. 0./7' -Is ~ x ~ ~ \) ",~ '> " 4'\ ;'" f'\ ., 'IJ ,~...' '\ '.oJ ~~/Z~n~ ',4-9' ~',I.!3 . UE__,;c21 P TIO"-l: Lor.7; /5/0<:.1<. 5, <$0L. r VI &" W ,.L-'/4 R 730012. I,S-r SC:-C.7/0A/, ....,J c.- C o/"d//;f'.. To rh~ P/Q If 7;''/;11:;'<<01.' :4s Rc<:ardfZq "/7 ' .." / "7 . "':"~/O~ .I<. '2 <::: J Po 9 tZ 17 f!!J ~ -:I'?')..~ .c~ 'bllt:. Rcr~or4.$ a~ H7;:." / J::}J 0"'7 c.h Ccp"n,1'// ,.eA:::>,......"": d, ,:": old L. Q/7r/s S>tUQr-tt",; /, "/"'; 9 Ao4 CJ<z ,.hp >/J '" ".,..;/ .8<zoc h C oun c'I ,/ " '/C'-'~ / do , ~ v ~ ~, -/. r-d. /, F? , ,.; " -I:'. .. ... . L.. . "I This sUI'Vey cONforms to the minimum technical standards for land surveys adopted by the Florida State 8nal'd of Land Surveyors nn S!~pt. I, 198 L CERTIFICATI;.! I hereby CERTIFY Iha' 'he aUachld Ikllell of IUrv.)' 01 the above. descrIbed 'proper'y I. 'ruI and correcllo the bUI 0' fr!I knowledge and belief as surveyed under my dlreclfon In Jul y , 19~ , DATi OF 6U~v"",,: 7.. 29 _ 8 ~ (sa '7'b77lt. ~w ) s, ,r-./, V 0 'T:> oS -r: I ,i~_~~ ('1-<>:7' p.~~:~~~_.._-1 :Jbs. 0 0' (P.~#) _,1_", It 4 'c<JI'I(::.If"Q/~ .L ~.. , I ~ ~.~ t>JQ l.J " ~ 1 ~ . 1.9' <<'Is z.1.'??' . 149~ ,~ . /1,3 '" " OnlZ $Iarl.j ~ ~.i 't <:.#1,-;>, RcZ. si.dcnctZ . VI' k\ t'I\ 'Z 'I. 7 " ~ . ... 7k"', 0 0 ('".lM f ~~ I J 12' tJl.= , ,'. ,,~, '.. . . ' .'!': "'..., I. , ,. i ,." This Sk~tch Is Not Valid Unless It Bears ,6Jn Original Signature And An En~bossed Surveyor's Seal ~~D~~l: STATE OF tLORIDA .ow/G~ ..:./. (!#.UJn THIS u.tld\ h ,... r,fOj>trly of . ''Y'.r. L..HAZLETT a ASSOC.IHC aM aAoJI M' be r.fIt04uC'd 1ft ~ho.. or pot, ~lIhourjitll\lulol\:o' lht obcM 1ft wrllll\1 UPOA.TES OIld/fJI REVISIONS DA.TE 81 CK'o ~ : Till uftdlf1lgned ."if; w. L.. ,)i~LETTwa ASSOC. INC.. ",oh I Op-d" I'e z4/?~ !J:/t; -8~ )1/1..11 'G/yP UP"""'OIIcn, Of CUClfOlllul 01 10 'h.WCltmct'Cl!' UI~'~I~d "'fI~ ptf'o~ ~t..rl;l\I..o'._o,. N' bodl \In..lr.....vollMfi.~Nt"*'" OI\d Olbw amJlCI' me ~ ,,,,11\,, .lhIs nlrlllNnI II nol Inllroded 10 ,ctif~ or wi 'iKIII all &uCh ",ollen, SI WClfIMIIaIt ahculd '" ~1Q/nc d Gr\d ccnllrtn6d bJ Ob.n .trough opprcp.o,. 1111, lie t:!2It Lo.-.dl tho." 1\....0. -"'1'00' oIlalraCI.d fOl "oM-or."" lAf/or , IOUIllInII 0' record. , . JOS NO, 4~- 510 r tiUWH BY, R c': I OitCKCO 8Y. Wu-I I,,,,, Z 4 Po. 44 'rn.c NO. I - ' - ' - ~-~- ~ .~ ~... .. -....--.. -. 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