BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~~ /y0 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ ':4" 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FlorIda 33435-0310 --(407) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 23, 1990 Currie Schneider Associates Attn: Mr. Jose Aguila 25 Seabreeze Avenue Delray Beach, FI 33483 RE: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 Dear Mr. Aguila: Please be advised that on Tuesday, February 20, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan, subject to staff comments, with the exception of the roadway link improvements to Congress Avenue between Miner Road and Hypoluxo Road, and those intersection improvements at N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue which cannot be accommodated within the existing right-of-way or right-of-way dedicated by the applicant. Copies of the staff comments are attached. These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance attached stipulations. After you have amended your reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies plan drawings with the changes incorporated to the Department for permitting purposes. with the plans to of final Building The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ""..... --00--- ~ /Jd ~ .("0i.DTI!/.~ 7 /'- ~.'.' ~;j;':'lji" <'/.' , " '1"{ '< (\\ <.... '-' (:,(1: !" ~,_ v',,: TIMOTHY P. CANNON ~. 11;- ~ ;- 1(' ~ ~, -~" / . Interim Planning Direct~L!'LO ' MAR 0 5 1990 .. JJG:frb Encs ,~, B;;;LC~N~ f' '"-....~...,r !J..":;-';c:rL ...~,,~. " )", " J / /' " ~t': I >- r ';'?- '"'_.~ '-41 -,.-..- , cc: Technical Review Board TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff REFERENCE: Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment CASE NO. & ADDRESS: #146 S.W. corner of N. Congress Avenue & N.W. 22nd Avenue MEETING DATE: June 11, 1990 CURRENT ZONING: C-3 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: See attached OWNED BY: American Development VARIANCE REQUESTED: Reduction in parking spaces FACTS: 1. This site is unplatted at present. 2. The site is presently zoned C-3 and was formerly zoned PUD. 3. The applicant wishes to construct a 141,940 square foot shopping center which includes an 8,740 square foot restaurant. 4. Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.H requires 815 parking spaces. 5. The applicant wishes to provide 784 of the required number of spaces; therefore, a variance of 31 spaces is requested. 6. This site was approved on February 20, 1990 by the City Commission, subject to staff comments (see attached letter dated February 23, 1990 from the Interim Planning Director). bh XC: Members - Board of Adjustment City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Planner Recording Secretary FACTS146.DOC ...-::: !,XHIBtT" AM A portion of land in the Sou~hla$t Quarter of Section 18, Township 45 South. Ringe 43 EAst. and being A part of the North half of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19. Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in Palm Beach Count~. Florida and being more particularly descrfbed is follows: Commencing at the East 1/4 corner of Section 18, thence South 89005'09" Wlst, 60.05 'let. along part of the North line of the SoutheAst 1/4 of Section 18. to A point on the West Right-at-Way line of Congress Avenue 4$ described in Off1c181 Records Book 1290 at Page 519. thence South 89005109" West. 1301.41 feet along part of the North l1na of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18. to the East line of a tract as dtscr1bQd in a deed from N.R. Field to Sunny South Estates. Inc.. rQcorded in Of11c1al Records Book 3206 At Page 1070. thence. South Ol~44'21/l West. 1370.28 feet. along pa.rt of said Ellt 11n. to the South R1ght"of-Way of Northwest 22nd Avenue, IS described in Officill Records Book 1785 At PAge 1569. thence North 8so5g156" East. 300.43 feet along said South Right-of-WAy line to the Point 01 Beginning. thince continuing North 88"59156" East. 991.00 feet along Slid South Right-of-Way line to the Wast 11ne of the 120 foot Congress Avenu. Right-of-Way, IS per Official Records Book 3560 at Pages 1115 throuah 1120. thlnce a10ng said Wlst R1gnt-of-Way 1 ins South Olo44T21Y ~Ist. 642.00 f..t, thence South 46044121" West. 35.36 feet, thence North S8015'3P" West, 199.34 feet, to A point of curve to the right having a radius of 600.00 feet. thence a'ong satd curve to the right. an arc distance of 75.05 feet. Slid arc having I delta angl. of 07010.02". thence South 08054122" West. 65.21 fe.t. thence North 88016.3~" West, 264.01 feet. thene. North 01-4412111 West. 60.00 feet. thence North 58C112'44" West. 360.00 feet. thence North 31047116" Ealt, 140.00 flit, North 68012144. WISt, 216.05 feet. thence North 01-44121" WC5t. 210.00 feet to the 'South R19ht-of.Way l1n." of Northwest 22nd Avenue and the Point of Beginning. { ."~~i'.' BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-235 June 1, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Building Permit Administrator RE: PRE-VARIANCE MEETING - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A pre-variance meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 4th, at 2:00 P.M. in my office at the Building Department. This meeting is in conjunction with the Board of Adjustment meeting to be held on June 11, 1990. '~ :ilL )kr,A~i ' Al Newbold~. AN: bh Attachments PREVAR.DOC ~ -.' ~' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting date Please print or type Submittal date: MA-,-. ., l lqq 0 The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinaf,ter described and in support thereof state( s) : 1. Property involved is.'de~cribed as follows: ~S:!t~~~_, Block , Subdivision Plat Book , Page or otherwise described as follows: , Property Address ~-u.'. ~15Q... co\. C.o""'~~~ .6.\I~ " f"l..vJ. l.:Z.,f!!t Ave. The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. A sealed survey by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundreth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of ownership of property purchase contract agreement. petition, a notarized copy of a accompany the petition. 5. statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying, the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): by petitioner(s), such as deed or If an aaent is submittina the letter designating him as such must A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; .') "'rA".~.~. . '';!If'' ,:; , ,;<i.f '"h '" BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION ,Page 2 B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in the amount of $275, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. 7. Name and address of owner: PMEIl.\~"" D6Je\bpN\~~-t-,o 4 CLJAkQ.. .rerl- I4A-shvA, tJ.~ 8. Name of applicant: CUff'';-( ~}''''~bd~,(' A~oc.. ~lA PA. ~c:; ~Abw<~'Z.e NJC t>~ ~.~L. Applicant's address: (Agent - Jose A ui1a) 33483 Date: mAq...., .qo Signature of Applicant: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed by the Building Official or Representative 1. Section of Ordinance for which variance is being sought: 2. Property is presently zoned: c.-'3 Formerly zoned: ~ 3. Property Control Number: 5 ~ ~ AT T A c.. \4. e.. 0 {.... ~ &- A \ 4. Denial was made upon existing zoning requirements (list sections[s] of Code from which relief is required: A P pQ...~,d> I ~ A 2-0 N I N ~ S .,', I.J ), <: C, LL-l.:.l s. Nature of exception or variance required: R e...Ou c...'" tON If\) R <?.~'-l l y< Q ~ Ar K, N C~ Sp A,e.s Date: 5/15/90 Permit denied: ~ J!j....UJ Build~partment 6. Case Number: 146 Meeting Date: June 11 r 1 qqO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be filled out by Board Signed: y BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Stipulations: BRDOFADJ . PRP Rev.4/90 ...-:: M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: SEE BELOW DATE: May 25, 1990 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk REF: Board of Adjustment Application for: Currie Schneider American Development #146 Assoc. Forwarded herewith are the following copies of documents regarding subject petition: Application with response to questions attached and submitted by Currie Schneider Associates, AlA, PA Letters from Currie Schneider Associates, dated May 7 and 21, 1990. Letter from American Development Corporation dated May 9, 1990 Letter dated May 13, 1990 from Board of County Commissioners pertaining to Right-of-Way Dedication from American Development located on S. W. corner of N. W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue Letter from Kimley-Horn dated May 16, 1990 per- taining to Right-of-Way Decision and Exhibit "A" Warranty Deed #87-294476 Certification of property list within 400 feet with map Notice of Hearing as advertised and sent to property owners within 400' List of property owners within 400 feet ~iL/'~~~~ Sue use ma Attachments cc: Raymond Eney Henrietta Solomon Vernon Thompson, Jr. Ben Uleck " Thomas C. Newton James Miriana A. A. Stuart Patt Tompson Herbert Fox Al Newbold " 'W,. ~ Currie Schneider Associates AlA. PA '\rchitl'cts, PI.lnnf'r- & InterIOr Desi~n{''' ~5 ~t~Jhrf'f'L(, OelrJ\ Bt'dlh, H ,.14tU Hay 7, 1990 4n~ ~-G-4451. -1--22-q 105 429-1 ebb CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Board of Adjustments 100 East Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Boul evard Re: TARGEI'SHOPPING CENTER - 89552 S. W. CORNER OF CONGRESS A VENUE & N. W. 22ND A VENUE Members of the Board, By means of this application, we respectfully request your consideration in granting us a variance on the number of parking spaces required by code. First, a little background information. Earlier this year, we submitted applications to the City of Boynton Beach requesting the following: modification to an existing PUD, rezoning and site plan approval. All of above applications were granted by the City Commission on February 20, 1990. Since that meeting, we have met with the County Traffic Engineer at his request to discuss the possibility of our granting additional right-of-way on N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. If we were to provide this additional right-of-way, we would then have a shortage of 31 parking spaces. We would like to accommodate the County in their effort, however, it is not in our power to be 31 spaces short and therefore, we are before this Board. During your evaluation, please consider the following; A. American Development is an approved development. Improvements at the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue are included in the approval conditions, but do not require additional right-of-way dedication to implement. B. Palm Beach County has requested that the development dedicate right-of- way, in excess of what is requested in the approval conditions. Dedication of the additional right-of-way will result in loss of parking spaces, compared to the parking code requirements. A total of 31 parking spaces will result from the right-of-way dedication, which is above that needed to meet the development conditions. C. Thirty one (31) parking spaces constitute less than four (4) percent of the total parking and wi 11 not have any meaningful negative effect on the operations of the site, nor on other properties. D. The requested dedication of right-of-way will positively affect the intersection operation at Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue, and will enhance the traffic f1 ow at the intersection for the benefit of all road users. FAX; 407/243-8184 ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Hay 7, 1990 Page Two Please feel free to contact this office if you should require any additional information. Sincerely, o IE SCHNEIDER ASSOCIATES AU, PA \\... JA/apr cc: AlJreri can Deve 1 opment ...-: Currie Schneider -\ssociates \! \, P\ HaJ' 21, 1990 ~. \~~ ,.." ~ \~'\ ",:.0.\, ,\'.1 ~ '\ ....'!'.. ,,~j ~ \,; :,;10(-\ :;.l\:. .'R\~~ ~~ \\),. \\;1 . d\Y\) \ '""\. V' . -\ \-,' \~ ,oJ ",;. . \ \ " " \ -- "\ ,.- \1--' ~....) . , . ,}\:..\ . ,-",\'\~ \;) ,', '.J ~\,; ,... '\r< hltt'(h, pl,lf1l1t'r.., & Inter"H I )1"i~,H''' ~5 l.)P,l{H t't' /l.' Del',ll Ill'''' /1, fl n.Hl3 407' 276-4'151, - r -22~q \05 42')-1 SGb CITY OF BOl~VTON BEACH Board of Adjustments 100 East B~~~ton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: TARGET SHOPPING CENTER - 89552 S. W. Corner of Congress Avenue & N. W. 22nd Avenue Hembers of the Board, The following are statements of conditions and hardships as required for your consideration of this request: A. Our specific special circumstances are that we are an approved site plan as of the February 20, 1990 City Commission, and following that date, the County Traffic Division has requested that we provide additional right- of-wa}' for expansion of roadway improvements to N. W. 22nd Avenue. If we agree to give this additional right-of-way, I+'e will lose parking spaces which will place our approved project below the city code requirements. B. The special conditions and circumstances are a result of the County requesting an additional right-of-way, not caused ~y our actions. C. No special pri\'ileges will be conferred to us because of this variance, since other lands have not been requested to dedicate right-of-way. If we do not agree to dedicate this land, then we can use our land as intended and meet all city codes and ordinances as approved. D. If we adhere to this County request, and give the land to the County for R.O.W. improvements, we will lose parking spaces and thus not have the same benefit as other proper~y owners to develop our approved site plan. E. The granting of this variance is the minimum which will make it impossible to de~'elop our approved site plan. F. The granting of this variance will be ill harmony with the general intent and purpose of the codes, and will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise determined to the public welfare. In fact, the granting of this variance will result in an enhancement of the public safety and welfare while not diminishing the quality and service of the shopping center. Thank. you for your consideration. Sincerely, ClJR!lIE SCHNEIDER ASSOCIATES AlA, PA FAX: 407/243-8184 JAlapr ~ Currie Sch neider Associates \r( hitl'Cf<" f-'LH-'~H'I... ,v" Intf'rior IJp",,,n!'r', \1\, P-\ 25 "eJhr,'p,'e [)plrJ\ Ik,Hh, f! U483 407' 276-4<)51, - 3--22:-<) IOS 42'1-1566 The following site data represents the improvements of the approved site plan after all the conditions of approval have been incorporated on the drawings. CURRENT ZONING COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (C-3) TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT SHOPPING CENTER SITE AREA 574,077 S.F. (13.17 AC'j BUILDING FOOTPRINT 141,940 S.F. 124.72 % PAVED AREAS & DRIVES 262,482 S.F. 45.72 % WALKWAY AREAS 26,250 S.F. 4.57 % GREEN AREA 143,405 S.F. 24.99 % PARKING: RETAIL @ 1/200 S.F. RESTAURANT @ 1/2.5 SEATS TOTAL RETAIL AREA 133,200 S.F. - 200 = 666 SPACES TOTAL RESTAURANT AREA 8,749 S.F. @ 60 % = 5,244 S.F. 5,244 S.F. - 15 - 2.5 =140 SPACES TOTAL PARKING REgUIRED _ ='806 SPACES TOTAL PARKING PR VIDED = 825 SPACES TOTAL HANDICAPPED REgUIRED = 17 SPACES TOTAL HANDICAPPED PR VIDED = 17 SPACES LOADING SPACES PROVIDED = 3 SPACES BUILDING HEIGHT 28 FEET ...t, ...,,, ., ~', . ~ \~\,21-' , ,,', \\ ::\>,J-- FAX: 407/243-8184 .# . Currie Schneider Associates \IA, p" ~ \ r. :, .t""\ .~ ,~~ r~ . t':' - - _.J "t:' _~ ~..... :- f-.J ~t,jrJ. 3c',. .- :- ;_'':'2_i -. -" - ,-- _; I .~,-_..- _;'J) -,~')-' ,"- The following site data represents the improvements of the approved site plan after all the conditions of approval have been incorporated on the drawings, as well as the dedication of the requested ROW from the Palm Beach County. CURRENT ZONING COMMUNITY COM~ERCIAL ((-3) TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT SHOPPING C~NTEn SITE AREA 556,955 S.F. (12.78 AC'j BUILDING FOOTPRINT 141,940 S.F. 124.72 % PAVED AREAS & DRIVES 258,467 S.F. 46.47 % WALKWAY AREAS 17,879 S.F. 3.36 % GREEN AREA 138,669 S.F. 25.26 % PARKING: RETAIL @ 1/200 S.F. RESTAURANT @ 1/2.5 SEATS TOTAL RETAIL AREA 133,200 S.F. - 200 = 666 SPACES TOTAL RESTAURANT AREA 8,749 S.F. @ 5,244 S.F. - 15 - TOTAL PARKING REgUIRED TOTAL PARKING PR VIDED TOTAL HANDICAPPED REgUIRED TOTAL HANDICAPPED PR VIDED LOADING SPACES PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT 60 % = 5,244 S.F. 2.5 = 140 SPACES = 806 SPACES = 778 SPACES = 17 SPACES = 17 SPACES = 3 SPACES 28 FEET ,,~. ~ \~~,\\~~~~-/ ~~-~, ~J.\,':\...:,. -~\\t :'- ~.' , - ~~~ \~>: . \J ; '. .1 ''"' .- /- FA\: 407.:.13-8184 ~ American Development Corporation May 9, 1990 CUrr~e Schneider As~iates, AIA 25 Seabreeze Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33483 Rl:: 13 .179 ACRE (APPROXIMATE) TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHWEST (UADRANT OF THE INI'ERSEX:TION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND NW 22ND AVENUE, OOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Gentlemen: This letter authorizes Jose Aguila, an associate of your firm, to act on behalf of American Developrrent Corporation with respect to any and all requirements of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida related to the proposed var~ance of the above-captioned tract and any and all related approvals in connection therewith. Yours truly, f{~ (/4 Richard Ade President STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH S'MJrn to and subscnbed before Ire this 9th day of May, 1990. My Cammiss~on Expires: _OrARY PUBLIC SrATE OF FLORIDA NY COHNISSI3H EXP. APR. 5,1992 BONDED THRU GE~ERAL IN1. UNO. -...,~ '"ti':,---"~:., --~' ;~ ~~)"< ...r'" " / '\ ~ ~' f~~\:~;'~:.},. ,~'-/ \\ -~,.'" ,,-i-l;- ::o.~. ';' rl \. - \: ,-;. 1'''- ;./-, "c....', \/, ','~ ....... '_\ i . ( r ~.\ - . \...' \ ~ ;//1 ';';/if,', l;,'-.'~~ ~l 1r1"iY 0 U ':. ". ..,. 1 r.-o Q. p- I r.~.,." '" 1~9.tr .,' ;- 1 ~j. '~:. '..~~ ~, '-"fI f1I. :! .~~~ -;:~:E ,:~~,,'37:';, ./ 4 water Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03060 Board of County Commissioners Carol J: Elmquist, Chairman Karen'T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips May 13, 1990 County Administrator Jan Winters Mr. Ii m Cannon Acting Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway Post Office box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: , RIGHT-Of-WAY DEDICATION fROM AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON S.W. CORNER Of N.W. 22ND AVENUE l CONGRESS AVENUE Department of J:ngineering and Public Works Dear Mr. Cannon: As you know, the City recently approved the subject commercial development. It is requested that right-of-way, consistent with Palm Beach County's Thoroughfare Plan, be dedicated by this development to accommodate an expanded intersection at this development. This dedication would require 71.5 feet from the centerline of N. W. 22nd Avenue and 64 feet from the centerl i ne at Congress Avenue, cons i stent wi th Palm Beach County's standard drawi ngs for expanded intersect ions. It is my understanding from Mr. John Benditz with Kimley Horn, engineers for the project, that they will be able to accomplish the requested dedication if the City grants a variance for the reduction of 31 parking spaces from that required by the City code. Given the proposed interchange of N.W. 22nd and 1-95 and the extensive commercial approvals in this area, including Motorola, Boynton Beach Mall and Quantum Park, it is my feeling that it is critical that we maintain the option of providing a fully expanded intersection at this location. A fully expanded intersection allows for two lefts, three thrus and a right turn lane on each approach. Unless this right-of-way is dedicated, the future cost of obtaining this right-of-way may be prohibitive,and this intersection could evolve into a traffic bottleneck. Based on the above, it is my recommendation that the City grant the requested variance. Your is assistance is appreciated . Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER etJJJJL- ........., ~~.'.,'~r< ~D lWC~~ll V,.r., Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division ~~, 1& 19lt PLANNING DEPt:! 1...- ' '1;' . CRW:te cc: John Benditz, Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc.' file: Intersections - N.W. 22nd Ave. & Congress Ave. Municipality - City of Boynton Beach v ---q .. An J:qual Opportunity - Affirmative Action J:mployer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA @ ptintfJd on rflCyclfld pllpfJr " "~ K I ~"lLEY -HORN TEL No,407-863-S175 May 16,90 9:10 No,005 P.02 , , I Klm/ey.Horn , Klml9y-Horo and AlJsocIates, loe, el'l\:lINee"5 . P"LAIIINeIlB . 8UAVe'l'OA3 4431 EmbarcaClefO Drive Weat Palm BSBen, Flor!da 33401 407 84~'0605 F~~",il11il.. 407663-8175 May 16, 1990 4071T.OO Mr. Tim Cannon Acting Planning DIreCtor City or Boynton BeaCh J 00 EaSt BoyntOn Beach Boulcvard POSt office BOx 310 BoyntOn Beach, Florh1a 3342:J-03l0 Rc: Right-of-Way Del3Jcatlon for American Development Located aD SW Corner of NW 22nd Avenue ana Congress Avenue Dcar Mr. Cannon: This letter is intended to clarify the basis of the requested variance for the rC(luction Of 28 parking spaces from those required by City code in Order to prOvil1C for the right-of-way dedication requested by Palm Beach County bngineering Uepartmcnt. The County has requested the right-of-way dedication to accommodate the ultimate roadway improvcment rcq\liremcnts for the intcrsection of NW 22nd Avenue and Congress A venue. The justification for the requested variance is as follows: I. A site plan for the above-referenced project was approved by the Boynton Beach City Commission on February 20, 1990. The approved site plan fully met, the parking requirements identified by City code. 2. The only improvements at the intersection of NW 22nd Annue and C.:>ngress Avenue required of this project included the addition of an eastbound right-turn lane, l'he existing right-of-way line on this approach of NW 22nd A venue is approximately 13.5 feet from the currcnt edgc of pavement. This would allow construction of the required turn lane improvement and adjacent sidewalk section without requiring any additional right-of-way dedication beyond that shown on the approved site plan, with the exception of an additional corner clearance which would not result ill the loss of any parking from the approved plan. 3. Palm Beach County has requested the dedication of an additional 21.5 feet from the centerline of NW 22nd Avenue to accommodate the ultimate intersection configuration at this location Dot to accommodate those improvements as required as a condition of the development approval. An.LlIli" . C~.riul'" _ 011011.. . ~rl l.~c(o,d.l. . FCH't M~e,. - NIlt~.ile . Or'lendo . Pl\09IIlx RtlHflgh . Sa" c~u + SIUlut . bm'-Rl . Vwu 8tttuitl I YIr~'lIf1 8tI.:.;.t, . WVtSl Patm 8tf~c:h 8 u i I u I '1 U 'I,; Ii" II t f.:. t I v PI 4f h I u" .. i 11 C w 1 t 6 7 -- /~f,f, TI/. '-'-, ,/ r..' \ \.J..----- l-/ . /it'REC [- ' ' ". LL~ ~AY 2 4 1910 ~ _ . r,;;,I' mY Of BOYNTON B~li I _j-: em Clrp~ ,'--~ r-,/\ ." '" \'0/" ; I ~ /" /' . , '~ / " ---- , . ~~ \~ 161$-m p\.ANN\~G OE.Pl. ~ -- K I M,LEY-HORN TEL No.40r-863-8175 May 16,90 9:10 No.OOS P.03 Mr. Tim Cannon -2- May 16, 1990 In summary, this project could proceed forwan1 with the approvca site plan in full compliance with City code and no additional right-oC-way dedication to meet their required roadway improvements at this location. However, the applicant has agreed to make a voluntary dedication of right-of .way to Palm Beach County in order to meet the ultimate roadway needs in this area in exchange for a variance covering the short-fall of required parking spaces which would result following the requested dedication. Palm Beach County has recognized that the requested right-of-way dedication can only be obtained through voluntary dedication at this location Bnd has recommended granting of the requested variance to preserve the options to accommodate the ultimate needs of this intersection, Please advise jf you have any further Questions regarding this matter or require additional clarification. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~~ VIce President . JFR/mcc cc: Charles R. Walker, Jr" P,E. Palm Beach Count}' Engineering Department -4071 TOO-TC-LOSl690-JP'B. wp ~ .' ~, OCTooilS..19 __J4:04P1lI 87-294476 ~~_:~~;~/ .~ a.1.liw ~ So", IlAI.OQ" r~ 33431 ThI. In,"wm.nl ...01 'lfapored b,. RichArd H. Critchfield ..... -1ltLlarranty Jeed. (STATUTOrt lOIM-SECTIOIl Ut.D2 f.S,) RICHARD H. CRITCHJllil.D, P.A. lUG 101..... ..... 10'" U,O", HW.'"" ......, "---" \' . rg~ JMrntm'r. JNlg. ,hi, -.' v~'t dar 0' ORe 5441 119 0264 September \vB7 .lltttuUl1 C.l R. Dlveloperl, Inc., a Connecticut corporAtion 01 tile Cown!)' of Hew Haven , Stote 01 C Q n n c c tic u t ' Q/'OnlOr., ond Amer1c,n Oav.lopm&nt Corporlt1on, l Hew whQ" poll 011\,. odd,." ,. elo R 1 e II a rd E. B Dye yo 4 W.ter Street. N&~hu., 01 ,he Cownty vi Hill s b a ra u 9 t\ ..11'II1e .1 lii Unr ",11]. Tho' Illld gren,ot. fot and in ,lIIIIId,retlon 0' .h, Will 0' Hampsh1re corporAtion Hew HampShire 03060 NllW Htmpsh1ri Ten I1nd No/100 . gu~nl..., ___.._._____.~---.----.------.-..-.------.--.-.-...--....---($10.00)DoUQ~ oM o,h., gON 0"" wo"'olale ,0l\aiderelillAS hi Illid (jtllntet In hand 1HI111 by Maid gran'aa. ,h. r.c.ipl ..h.,."E I. h.. .b, CKknowl.dg,d. l1li, gra",.d, bellllalllld and Mid '0 ,he lAid i,Qllh... Gild 8roll'..', Mi" ..nd Quilln' I~,.~." Ill. 1011<,,,,011 ".iClihd 101ld, Whloltt. Iylnll IInd 1I.lnll In P . 1 m II a II C h (;111111". flo/.dll. ,0...1t, SEE EXHIBIT MAu ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Tnt '01. eons1dorlt1on for this conv,yanee is the partial Assumption b~ the Grantee ot that c&rta1n mortg4go in flvor of Ritaco Development Corporation dAud Oecelllber 18.1984 and recordod D.camber 26.1984 in Offiti.l Records Oook 4426 It Pigs 508 (tne NMortgAgtl'), which Mortgagt WH au1gned to WAlbo,yn Development Corp.. I MAinO corporation by virtue ot thH cartAin instrURlllnt rtlcordecl ,\prl1 1. 1986 in Otf1c;hl Records Book 4634 .at PIg. 1565. which Mortgage ~lS ca''''tHilly us1gud to BAnc8ouon Rul Enllu CApItal Corporatfon. I MaslAchusettl corporat1on. by vfrtu. ot tn4t turt41n 1nlltrument ricorded Afrl1 11 1986 in Offic1.,l Records Book 4~34 at PClgtl 1592, All of thi Pub' c Rlcords of Palm Beach County. Florida. The Grlnh~ her_by issume. and agrees to pay ~hot portion of thl outit4nding principal bAlanc~ 01 the Mortgagl eq~1vll.n~ to the product which riiult5 from mult1plying the out$tinding prIncipal balance of tni Mortgage t1m.. 4 trAction. the numiTitor of ~hich 1s 13.179 and the denomfnator of ~h1ch 1~ 49.31- alld lAid ;/01110' d_ het..., "-II., ...cutOnl th. tint Ie Milo IlIncl. .nd wlU cI,I,,,4 ,lie Illm. aglli"" 'h, lowfloll d..i",. 01 gll pe'..1I1 wll__.." · "Orentot" Gild ..grG,,'.... or. ~ fa, IInllwlll' III ,lw'IIL III ,,,nl,al r.qloll/" In lUUM" lDbrrlllf. Orlln,,,' ha. h"'lIlIIO lit 11/0111101". hond alld ,"I Ih. dO." lInd r.or fi.., obon ..,iIlGu, ~llIn.cl. ,"I.d lInCII "11_.0 IA ewe ,,_neel ~.~~ - t"1 ~ .,t...,r ~ ~~~-y-r- c., R. (~CQI) (S...11 '--... CAli' 0... J1.29"-' ?6 . (~QI} JOi1N , 6m/a'119cflRJ<OQ~ 5.t~ts' 'ka" ITATa Of CONNECTICUT .' .. PS COI.Mi, Fl. , COlJ~tY,C' NEW'HA,VE,N'.' ", ' ,. ..... "h~ItEftY"c:unlY',lIa" 011 l/Ii. do., beforw ..... ." oHic.t dwl1....Iif~ 10 IIIi.'lId&nowIedQIlMA". jlIrllWlOlh!,.......~~_.._'.. ChrfuoplHtr Err1cheu1. &$ Pru1ctcnt of C.l. R. DlVclop.r~t'=:i'~";"4(~41.;,,;. Co n n 0 c t 1 cut CO rDO r. t 10 n , ,,!..., ,~\\.:;..:l' ..1'.'''.~. Ie 1I141111"..,n ,. M llle...ttWI il9Krt\kd III on4 who tIlIClIlwd III. lor.oolno Inllrllmtn' And ,~~~. :~~~,rj~~:,';"Q' .... ....Cwt." In. WI.... ,vA~ .... ......._;...,.~....,....;l>~..... WITNEU mt lI;and en41 eHlclal _I In ,h, C'lInty allld S,.,. 10.. alEoratall. ,hi,. i) ( . ~,~"?~ ~~~~.:~};/i:r7 ltl 81. J Il . A /."J '''!'If. ~!f~:,c"';.~''''":::~'.' 6fJ.,.{_.L @, ~YI ~'-"'" , M> '~hj'~- , .~>~lf~i~~1Ji!~,;;'~ ~ _.._~ EXHIBIT" AN A portion of land in the Sou~hea$t Quarter of Section Township 45 South, Range 43 East. and being A part of the half of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19. Township 4S South. 43 E a Ii t . 1 n P 41 m Be a c h Co un toY . F lor 1 d I & n d be 1 n g particularly descrfbed &$ follows: Commencing at the Eait 1/4 corner of Section 18. thence South 89005'09" West. 50.05 fl.t. along part of the Narth line of the Southeast 1/4 of Sect10n 18. to a pOint on the West Right-of-Way Hne of Congress Avenue 4S described in Official Records Book 1290 at P4~e 519, thence South 89005109" West. 1301.41 feet along part of the Harth 'ina of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, to the ~ast 11n8 of a tract as d,ser1bad in a deed from N.R. Field to Sunny South Estates. Inc., rQcorded in Of11c1al Records Book 3206 At Page 1070, thence. South 01"44121" West. 1370.28 feet. along part 01 said Ellt l1n. to the South Right.of-Way of Northwest 22nd Avenue. as described in Off1c;11 Records Book 1785 At poge 1569. thence North 88059156" East, 300.43 feet along said South Right-of.Way line to the Point of Beginning, thince continuing North 88"59156" East. 991.00 feet along said South Right-af-Way line to the Wast 11ne of the 120 foot Congress Avenue Right-of-Way, as per Official Records Book 3560 at Pages 1115 throu~h 1120. thlnee along Slid Wlst Right-of-Way line South 01944 21M ~.st. 642.00 f'lt, thence South 46044121" ~est. 35.35 feet. th.ne. North 88015'39" West, 1~9.34 feet, to l point of curve tD the right having l radius of 600.00 feet. thence along said curve to the right. an arc distance of 15.05 feet. said Irc having & delta angl. of 01010.02". thence South 08054122" West. 65.21 felt. thence North 88015'39" West, 254.01 feet, thence North 01-44'21" West. 60.00 feet. thence North 5801214411 West, 360.00 feet. thence North 31047'1611 East, 140.00 felt. North 58012144" WIst. 216.05 feet. thence North 01.4~121" We5t. 210.00 feet to the South Right-af-Way l1n~ of Northwest 22nd Avenue And the Point of Beginning. 18, North Range more f........ . -- . C E R T I F I CAT ION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. ~ '9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for the variance as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions of the zoning code of said City: Case #146 Owner/ Applicant: American Development Corporation Requested Variance: Relief from zoning requirement of 815 parking spaces to be reduced to 784 to construct a 141,940 square foot shopping center (which includes a 8,740 square foot restaurant) Location: Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue Legal Descriptions A portion of land in the Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, and being a part of the North half of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in Palm Beach County, Florida A PUBLIC HEARING will be held relative to the above application by the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT at City Hall, Commission Chambers, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Monday, June 11, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. Notice of a requested variance is sent to property owners within 400 feet of the applicant's property to give them a chance to voice their opinion on the subj ect. Comments may be heard in person at the meeting or filed in writing prior to hearing date. If further information is desired, call 738-7408, City Clerk's Office. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board of Adjustment with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS May 24 and May 31, 1990 eaf BOA146 j -=--- .: ". --_. -- ,.11' 311.' (\/ ~ gas, -.L9) , 'ON J.'J1d oe ..L'J )f~'Jd wnJ.N'Jno d/:JL.IC 1>'-/ ------ -----= ~ -- ------------- ----.=-.::::-- .ll )I tf 7 ~ <i-_~:::~~~_ )) .......~- ....--- - ~"-. --- -- -J9NOO >- Z <l (!) o :x: <( :!E --.- . I , , .~ I , - : -l, I ~ V' \ ... I ~ ~ I I 01 =>, Cl. w ~ . I - I I I -0 r::: C\J '" ~ -J a. to V I N to - l-~~ ~ @ V r.... ?; "" - (.) <r ~ ~ /" . ,"1'./1 I , I - 0 "i" - (J) "l ('() 'J ~ ,. ~ , , ~ ('() '-> ,8V),?/ CD - ~ --=- ~ - <X : ~J(')cO ;it- I t-Z I Z LLI CD <xU ~ <..> If 7 (.) <r S Yl C/) "'- C/) 0:: f " ~-- - J I Stl.t.. BOARD OF ADJUS'IMENT CASE #146 - AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORP. 1. C & R Developers, % R. Critchfield 2250 Glades Rd., Boca Raton, 33431 - Mailing 1901 S. Congress Ave., BB - 33436 - Service 2. Quantum Assoc., N. Congress Ave., BB- 33436 Mail: 2455 E. Sunrise Blvd., Suite #1106 Ft. Laud. 33304 3. M:>torola, 1500 NW 2nd Ave., - 33436 4. Am. Dev. Corp. % Richard Boyer, Nashua, NH, 03060, 4 Wt:L#"\.. S+' 5. Mahogany Bay Ltd. 2001 Mahogany Dr. 4001, n 5001, " 6001, " 7001, " 8001, " 9001, " 12001, " 13001, " 14001, " 16001 " 6. Catalina Centre Dev. Corp. 8132 Glades Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33434 7. Mahogany Bay, Ltd. PO BOX 98309 Atlanta, GA 30359 8. MJtorola, Inc. Attn: Tax Dept. ILOl-9th 1303 E. Algonquin Rd., Schaumberg, II, 60196 .. REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed CO?y 0: th~3 r~ut~ng sl~p must accompany any request to have a Legal Nct~c~ or Legal Ad~ertlseme~c Published and must be submitted to the office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Building Department PREPARED BY: Al Newbold DATE PREPARED: 5/15/90 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Board of Adjustment Case #146 Public Hearing Notice to be held Monday, June 11, 1990 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard legal notice form SSND COPIES OF .~:J 70: Owners within 400 feet of requested site, all Board members, City Commission members, Building Official, Ci LY AL torney, City Manager, App lh:i:UlL NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: Boynton Beach News DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: May 24 and May 31, 1990 rD .100 Da e} APPROVED ( 1 ) ( 2 ) (Date) I 3 } (Date) (City Manager) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: CCHPLET::D: -~----_..._------_._~-------- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for the variance as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions of the zoning code of said City: Case #146 OWner/ Applicant: American Development Corporation Requested Variance: Relief from zoning requirement of 815 parking spaces to be reduced to 784 to construct a 141,940 square foot shopping center (which includes a 8,740 square foot restaurant) Location: Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue Legal Descriptionl A portion of land in the Southeast quarter of section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, and being a part of the North half of the Northeast 1/4 of section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in Palm Beach County, Florida A PUBLIC HEARING will be held relative to the above application by the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT at City Hall, Conunission Chambers, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Monday, June 11, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. Notice of a requested variance is sent to property owners within 40q feet of the applicant's property to give them a chance to voice their opinion on the subj ect. Conunents may be heard in person at the meeting or filed in writing prior to hearing date. If further information is desired, call 738-740&, City Clerk's Office. All interested parties are, notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board of Adj ustment with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS May 24 and May 31, 1990 eaf BOA146