BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-279 June 26, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Building Permit Administrator RE: PRE-VARIANCE MEETING - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A pre-variance meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 2nd, at 10:00 A.M., in my office at the Building Department's temporary location, 333 N. Congress Avenue. This meeting is in conjunction with the Board of Adjustment meeting to be held on July 9, 1990. Alz€~ AN: bh Attachments PREVAR.DOC TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff REFERENCE: Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment CASE NO. & ADDRESS: *147 1770 N.E. 4th Street CURRENT ZONING: July 9, 1990 R-3 MEETING DATE: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 20-26, inclusive, Section 15, Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision OWNED BY: Hamlet Joint Venture VARIANCE REQUESTED: Reduction in rear yard setback FACTS: 1. This site is part of Lots 20-26 inclusive of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypo~uxo Subdivision which was platted in 1911 with each lot approximately 158' x 2,873'. 2. This site is presently zoned R-3 and was formerly zoned R-l. 3. This site is a 165' x 332' section of land running from the south line of Lot 20, north 332' to a point north of the south line of Lot 22 of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision, as shown on the survey by O'Brien, Suiter & O'Brien, Inc. 4. The R-3 zone requires a rear yard setback of 40 feet. 5. The applicant wishes to construct a day care center 20 feet from the rear lot line, which would require a variance of 20 feet. 6. This site is bounded on the rear by land presently used as open storage for a trailer park. bh XC: Members - Board of Adjustment City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Planner Recording Secretary FACTS147.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting date Please print or type Submittal date: 5/23/90 The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s); Property involved is described as follows:. Lqt(s) 20 to 26. inc1usiv~ , Subdivision Sam Brown Jr. IS Hypoluxo Subdivision , Block Section 15 Plat Book 1 , Page 81 or otherwise described as follows; Property Address The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted; 1770 N.E. 4th Street 1. A sealed survey by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundreth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing; A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of sUbject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant I s knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), purchase contract agreement. If an agent is petition, a notarized copy of a letter designating accompany the petition. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type); such as' deed or submitting the him as such must A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; ~=v 6~ . u. .p~T., U.'.N ./]1'.".. (,. q;. r\\, ~ '" C(J, , (')..,~ J~ '" ~" ~ \, 1>. <~ ~ (\ \ \ ~q-,\) f9~; 1::.' n'r \ .\ \ \ \- 0 '" '..::( u ~,-v~.o ,~~ -\ ~\j\.. ~ ("' _ .,\, . c; ';:l ..;. ,,\\~\\.. Q;:- ./)' 'f,:> \\\)~,\, ,,'5' '> &0' \J~. '>\\' ~ ~rIVIO~ in~" :"'1 !:r-'l"-- Wi 'I M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Vernon Thompson, Chairman Board of Adjustment FROM: Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk SUBJECT: Board Absence . , DATE: July 2, 1990 Henrietta Solomon called this office today to advise that Herbert Fox will be unable to attend the Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for July 9, 1990 and is requesting that this absence be excused as he will be out of town. ~LA ~/J; J Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk SMK:pwb CC: Al Newbold Board File Absence File Pat Ramseyer, Recording Secretary BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Page 2 B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimwn variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or '\ structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in the amount of $275, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. Hamlet Joint Venture 7. Name and address of owner: 4723 W. Atlantic Ave.-t'19,De1ray Beach, FL 33445 8. Name of applicant: Applicant's address: 2101 N. W . <2rtd Ave., Boca Raton ....,. ,~-Mark Burton, Slat;tery & Root Architects 407 39 -3720 Date: 5/23/90 Signature of Applicant: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed by the Building Official or Representative 1. Section of Ordinance for which variance is being sought: Appendix A, Sec. 5.G.2 2. Property is presently zoned: R-3 Formerly zoned: R-l 3. Property Control Number: 08-43-45-15-03-000-0201 4. Denial was made upon existing zoning requirements (list sections[s] of Code from which relief is required: Appendi~ A-Zoning, Sec. 5.G.2 S. Nature of exception or variance required: Code requires a 40' rear yard setback & applicant is requesting a 20' rear setback; therefore a variance of 20' is requested. Permi t denied: LOJ\.. cl).i~ ~ Milt Duff, Buildi~g-~partment Meeting Date: July 9, 1990 Date: 5/31/90 6. Case Number: 147 -~--------------------------------------------------------------------- To be filled out by Board BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approved Aye . '7' Denied /" Nay .3 Stipulations: Signed: BRDOFADJ . PRP Rev.4/90 " ~' ,r SLATTERY & ROOT ARCHITECTS Architectural Design & Planning Member: A.I.A. May 22, 1990 City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida .33435 Attn: Board of Adjustment Re: Nine To Five At Boynton Bay Daycare Center To Whom it May Concern: The following letter is a statement of reasons justifying the requested variance. The reasons are as follows: A. & B. The present condition of the site is a fully planted, mature mango orchard. The trees are planted in an approximate 25' x 25' grid, with tree heights an average of 30' high and clear canopies of 12' in height. The site is rectangular in size with dimensions of 165' x 332'. The daycare center will be caring for children whose ages range from infants to 12 year olds. Due to the large age ranges, the play areas will have to be segregated, with each play area having sufficient shaded spaces as per H.R.S. regulations. Adhering to the forty foot rear setbacks would require a long and narrow building footprint. That type of design would necessitate the removal of a majority of the existing mango trees, thereby eliminating prime shade tree areas from the site. In addition to the removal of the trees a long narrow building footprint would not allow the use of a centrally located classroom which could be closed off or opened for different functions. This dual purpose room is separated by a folding partition. When in the closed position the room is divided into separate classrooms for 3 and 5 year old children. When the partition is opened the room can serve as a multi-purpose room for school functions, plays, etc. By placing this dual purpose room in a central location bathrooms can be shared for two classrooms instead of having a separate bathroom for each classroom, thereby ensuring considerable savings in construction costs to the owner. 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue. Boca Raton. Florida 33431 . 1407J 392-3720 11760 U.S. Highway 1 . North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 . 14071 775-1334 .. c. Granting this setback variance is the only way that this project can proceed with a minimal impact on the site. This area of Boynton Beach is in dire need of a day care center. The size of the center is based on the location (across the street from the Hamlet Low Income Rental Apartment Complex) and anticipated usage. The approval of the Hamlet complex was contingent upon the development of a day care center to serve the inhabitants of said complex and surrounding area. Granting the variance will allow the project to proceed at the size needed, to meet the needs of the local inhabitants and will not constitute a special privilege to this applicant. O. A literal interpretation of this chapter would require this applicant to redesign the project which would in turn impact the amount of available land needed for code required parking. The applicant decided that the best approach was to proceed with a setback variance instead of a parking variance since the parking as presently shown is at the designed minimum and any change in the amount of spaces would cause cars to park in non-allocated areas, especially during peak morning and evening times. That problem would impact the surrounding neighborhood more than encroaching on the rear setback areas. E. Due to the amount of land needed for code required parking, land required for a 30' x 30' parcel which will be deeded to the city for the. construction of a new lift station and H.R.S. requirements for minimum playground square footages, the 20' encroachment onto the rear setback is the minimum variance required that will make possible the reasonable use of the land. F. The design intent was to maintain the front 40' setback to ensure that this project does not encroach on the visual integrity of the surrounding R-3 zoned projects directly to the north and south of this parcel fronting on N.E. 14th Street. The applicant felt that the variance for the rear setback would still allow for a 60' wide buffer between the back of the daycare building and the edge of any trailer homes in the adjacent R-3 zoned property and would not be injurious to the surrounding trailer park. The applicant has gone through various different design scenarios to make this project economically viable. The arrived at solution is the best scenario with the least impact on the surrounding neighborhood and existing mango orchard. Mark O. Burton, AlA SLATTERY , ROOT ARCHITECTS MOBile . 20lh AVE ; ':.. 'r' .r~ 1"'I'~'-0r"'~~"T7f" .. ,..' ~ ~I .. ) 26 \ ;.u ..., '7 t.~ ..,....;.. .;:~. ~...:~., <.;~ ~9SAM BR~M N / ~. ~ ~'1._~.. . . /~ .~. i-j \ I :r ; " ~6 ~": ,.. · ~ . ~ .'., ~ · ,. ;, ".. s ~~!; .~ ~ '9 SUB 0 \ '1 '~I b r ,7;~ 'If' ILl ".- W "f' 'fI' ~ ILl U.' . .t' , .~ .. ""~"'7 ;,, ,~ z;,o 9 ~~;"T s~ Z~81 ~Iv ~~;~.~ ' . ..... Ie> '. ~k.u,"'7. 27. ,.,' 8" ...' fl' ".' ". 80 7(' ". Bo' ,,,'.. 8.' '" '. ", . 20 nd AVE '@I"..T..T..".,f. " ~ tCf3'o~.cNtt'iHj- ;1 ,~w 21.2.A\"-2-14.A'-.27.4.,. ., .. z ~. 03- 0 -20.5 2" ,4 €O-23> 27 ~ N' ~ l--!. ::"'\ ~ , y ~~~ ~j'~~'1 ,~: :j -z:: . T , J l 23 .J" c: (\/ T ' -, ,., :. r~ E /' 171 h SAM BROWN JR'. ~YPz~LUXO SUB? ; r z;..., / "1QJr " T 1 tClft 7 ~/ -llIlI,.. 1 -:J ~ 4- \,\23 I - 22.~~ ...../""7.- - I t{ 03 CI) ~.~ ~~' , -, . , .... Z5 ...:~ ~ OAt< ~~u-~ , --- .'/.' - . -. i ~ SEA~ ONS ; BOYNt N BEACH : , , VILLAG A CONDO ( ~,. I '- AVE ---~ lJ:. "'0 j ....... .. 21 \ :: .. ,,'- ~ ;> F( UR - ~ . c ~,..:--J --- , , fc0"-O- J r , - {/L-{ AGENDA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING DATE: MONDAY, JULY 9, 1990 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: BOYNTON BEACH CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors B. Reading and Approving of Minutes C. Announcements D. Communications E. Old Business - None F. New Business: Case to be presented on July 9, 1990 1. CASE #147 - 1770 N.E. 4th Street OWner: Hamlet Joint Venture Request: Reduction in rear yard setback G. Pending request for future meeting - August 13, 1990 1. CASE #148 - OPEN H. Other Business I. Adjournment NOTICE: Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board of Adjustment with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. bh XC: Members - Board of Adjustment Honorable Mayor and Commission City Manager City Attorney Interim Planning Director City Clerk Building & Zoning Director Recording Secretary BAAGENDA.DOC TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff REFERENCE: Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment CASE NO. & ADDRESS: *147 1770 N.E. 4th Street MEETING DATE: CURRENT ZONING: July 9, 1990 R-3 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 20-26, inclusive, Section 15, Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision OWNED BY: Hamlet Joint Venture VARIANCE REQUESTED: Reduction in rear yard setback FACTS: 1. This site is part of Lots 20-26 inclusive of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision which was platted in 1911 with each lot approximately 158' x 2,873'. 2. This site is presently zoned R-3 and was formerly zoned R-l. 3. This site is a 165' x 332' section of land running from the south line of Lot 20, north 332' to a point north of the south line of Lot 22 of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision, as shown on the survey by O'Brien, Suiter & O'Brien, Inc. 4. The R-3 zone requires a rear yard setback of 40 feet. 5. The applicant wishes to construct a day care center 20 feet from the rear lot line, which would require a variance of 20 feet. 6. This site is bounded on the rear by land presently used as open storage for a trailer park. bh XC: Members - Board of Adjustment City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Planner Recording Secretary FACTS147.DOC AGENDA BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING DATE: MONDAY, JULY 9, 1990 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: BOYNTON BEACH CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A. ACknowledgement of Members and Visitors B. Reading and Approving of Minutes C. Announcements D. Communications E. Old Business - None F. New Business: Case to be presented on July 9, 1990 n 1. CASE #147 - 1770 N.E. 4th Street ~.e.-V\l~,,__ OWner: Hamlet Joint Venture .Y .._~_<'>.-_...- .~.... - Request: Reduction in rear yard se~~'- G. Pending request for future meeting - August 13, 1990 1. CASE #148 - OPEN H. Other Business I. Adjournment NOTICE: Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board of Adjustment with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. bh XC: Members - Board of Adjustment Honorable Mayor and Commission City Manager City Attorney Interim Planning Director City Clerk Building & Zoning Director Recording Secretary BAAGENDA. DOC BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-279 June 26, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Building Permit Administrator RE: PRE-VARIANCE MEETING - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A pre-variance meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 2nd, at 10:00 A.M., in my office at the Building Department's temporary location, 333 N. Congress Avenue. This meeting is in conjunction with the Board of Adjustment meeting to be held on July 9, 1990. @- ~ Al Ne~ AN: bh Attachments PREVAR.DOC TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: City of Boynton Beach Staff REFERENCE: Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment CASE NO. & ADDRESS: #147 1770 N.E. 4th Street CURRENT ZONING: July 9, 1990 R-3 MEETING DATE: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 20-26, inclusive, Section 15, Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision OWNED BY: Hamlet Joint Venture VARIANCE REQUESTED: Reduction in rear yard setback FACTS: 1. This site is part of Lots 20-26 inclusive of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision which was platted in 1911 with each lot approximately 158' x 2,873'. 2. This site is presently zoned R-3 and was formerly zoned R-1. 3. This site is a 165' x 332' section of land running from the south line of Lot 20, north 332' to a point north of the south line of Lot 22 of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision, as shown on the survey by O'Brien, Suiter & O'Brien, Inc. 4. The R-3 zone requires a rear yard setback of 40 feet. 5. The applicant wishes to construct a day care center 20 feet from the rear lot line, which would require a variance of 20 feet. 6. This site is bounded on the rear by land presently used as open storage for a trailer park. bh xc: Members - Board of Adjustment City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Planner Recording Secretary FACTS147.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting date Please print or type Submittal date: 5/23/90 The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Lqt(s) 20 to 26. inclusiv~ Block Section 15 , Subdivision Sam Brown Jr.' s Hypoluxo Subdivision, Plat Book 1 , Page 81 or otherwise described as follows: Property Address The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1770 N.E. 4th Street 1. A sealed survey by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundreth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of ownership of property purchase contract agreement. petition, a notarized copy of a accompany the petition. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): by petitioner(s), such as'deed or If an agent is submitting the letter designating him as such must A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Page 2 B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or , structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in the amount of $275, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. Hamlet Joint Venture 7. Name and address of owner: 4723 W. Atlantic Ave.i/9,Delray Beach, FL 33445 8. Name of applicant: Applicant's address: 2101 N. W.-:2rtd Ave., Boca Raton "".,. - --:--MaJ;'k Bur~ S.la~tery & Root Architects 407 39 -3720 Date: 5/23/90 Signature of Applicant: .----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed by the Building Official or Representative 1. Section of Ordinance for which variance is being sought: Appendix A, Sec. 5.G.2 2. Property is presently zoned: R-3 Formerly zoned: R-l 3. Property Control Number: 08-43-45-15-03-000-0201 4. Denial was made upon existing zoning requirements (list sections[s] of Code from which relief is required: Appendi~ A-Zoning, Sec. 5.G.2 S. Nature of exception or variance required: Code requires a 40' rear yard setback & applicant is requesting a 20' rear setback; therefore a variance of 20' Date: 5/31/90 is requested. Permit denied: L0.k ()) .l~~ _ Milt Duff, Buildi~g-~partment 6. Case Number: 147 Meeting Date: July 9, 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be filled out by Board BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: ."...,,/ Approved Aye . 7' Denied Nay .3 v Stipulations: //// li!- ,) / Sinned: ',/ /~,/ r'i"i J. 1i/t' ' /,.,,-)"'/' (-y ~ . _ 6- " ,1 _ 1/"_ {, " !.. ~ , _ 'J . ......Cha rman I' BRDOFADJ . PRP Rev.4/90 " .,.I' ~ SLATTERY & ROOT ARCH ITECTS Architectural Design & Planning Member: A.I.A. May 22, 1990 City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida .33435 Attn: Board of Adjustment Re: Nine To Five At Boynton Bay Daycare Center To Whom it May Concern: The following letter is a statement of reasons justifying the requested variance. The reasons are as follows: A. & B. The present condition of the site is a fully planted, mature mango orchard. The trees are planted in an approximate 25' x 25' grid, with tree heights an average of 30' high and clear canopies of 12' in height. The site is rectangular in size with dimensions of 165' x 332'. The daycare center will be caring for children whose ages range from infants to 12 year olds. Due to the large age ranges, the play areas will have to be segregated, with each play area having sufficient shaded spaces as per H.R.S. regulations. Adhering to the forty foot rear setbacks would require a long and narrow building footprint. That type of design would necessitate the removal of a majority of the existing mango trees, thereby eliminating prime shade tree areas from the site. In addition to the removal of the trees a long narrow building footprint would not allow the use of a centrally located classroom which could be closed off or opened for different functions. This dual purpose room is separated by a folding partition. When in the closed position the room is divided into separate classrooms for 3 and 5 year old children. When the partition is opened the room can serve as a multi-purpose room for school functions, plays, etc. By placing this dual purpose room in a central location bathrooms can be shared for two classrooms instead of having a separate bathroom for each classroom, thereby ensuring considerable savings in construction costs to the owner. 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 .14071392-3720 11760 U.S. Highway 1 . North Palm Beach. Florida 3340B . 14071 775-1334 .. C. Granting this setback variance is the only way that this project can proceed with a minimal impact on the site. This area of Boynton Beach is in dire need of a day care center. The size of the center is based on the location (across the street from the Hamlet Low Income Rental Apartment Complex) and anticipated usage. The approval of the Hamlet complex was contingent upon the development of a day care center to serve the inhabitants of said complex and surrounding area. Granting the variance will allow the project to proceed at the size needed, to meet the needs of the local inhabitants and will not constitute a special privilege to this applicant. D. A literal interpretation of this chapter would require this applicant to redesign the project which would in turn impact the amount of available land needed for code required parking. The applicant decided that the best approach was to proceed with a setback variance instead of a parking variance since the parking as presently shown is at the designed minimum and any change in the amount of spaces would cause cars to park in non-allocated areas, especially during peak morning and evening times. That problem would impact the surrounding neighborhood more than encroaching on the rear setback areas. E. Due to the amount of land needed for code required parking, land required for a 30' x 30' parcel which will be deeded to the city for the. construction of a new lift station and H.R.S. requirements for minimum playground square footages, the 20' encroachment onto the rear setback is the minimum variance required that will make possible the reasonable use of the land. F. The design intent was to maintain the front 40' setback to ensure that this project does not encroach on the visual integrity of the surrounding R-3 zoned projects directly to the north and south of this parcel fronting on N.E. 14th Street. The applicant felt that the variance for the rear setback would still allow for a 60' wide buffer between the back of the daycare building and the edge of any trailer homes in the adjacent R-3 zoned property and would not be injurious to the surrounding trailer park. The applicant has gone through various different design scenarios to make this project economically viable. The arrived at solution is the best scenario with the least impact on the surrounding neighborhood and existing mango orchard. Mark D. Burton, AIA SLATTERY , ROOT ARCHITECTS MOBile NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for the variance as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Code of said City: Case *147 OWner: Hamlet Joint Venture Requested Variance: Rear yard setback of 40' is required. Applicant wishes to have a 20' rear setback; therefore, a 20' variance is requested. Proposed use: Day Care Center Location: 1770 N.E. 4th Street Legal Description: Lots 20 to 26, inclusive, Section 15, Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision A PUBLIC HEARING will be held relative to the above application by the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT at City Hall, Cormnission Chambers, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Monday, July 9, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. Notice of a requested variance is sent to property owners within 400 feet of the applicant's property to give them a chance to voice their opinion on the subj ect. Cormnents may be heard in person at the meeting or filed in writing prior to hearing date. If further information is desired, call 738-7408, City Clerk's Office. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board of Adjustment with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS June 21, and June 28, 1990 bh CASE*147 76 Ci-fa A+t~, - bJ~ REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ,\ A completed co~~ o~ ~h~3 r~ut:ng sl:p must acccmpa~y any ~equest ~o have a Legal Nc~:c~ ~r Lega: Ad~er~~seme~~ Publlshed and must be submitted to the Office of the C1ty Attorney 8 w~rking days prier to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: BUILDING DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY: Al Newbold DATE PREPARED: 6/5/90 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Board of Adjustment Public Hearing Notice for Case #147 to be held at City Hall on July 9, 1990 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard Legal Ad SEND COPIES OF .;;:> 70: All property owners within 400' of property, Board of Adjustment members, City Commission, City Attorney. City Mgr., Building & Zoning Director & applicant. NEWSPAPER(S) TO ~LISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS DATE(S) TO EE PUBLISHED: June 21 & June 28, 1990 APPROVED BY: (1) IF/,A-P (Date:'; ( 2 ) (Date) (City Attorney) I 3 ; (Date} ( ::i t::. Manager) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: CCHPLET::D: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application has been made to the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, for the variance as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Code of said City: Case #147 OWner: Hamlet Joint Venture Requested Variance: Rear yard setback of 40' is required. Applicant wishes to have a 20' rear setback; therefore, a 20' variance is requested. Proposed use: Day Care Center Location: 1770 N.E. 4th Street Legal Description: Lots 20 to 26, inclusive, Section 15, Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo SUbdivision A PUBLIC HEARING will be held relative to the above application by the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT at City Hall, Commission Chambers, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Monday, July 9, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. Notice of a requested variance is sent to property owners within 400 feet of the applicant's property to give them a chance to voice their opinion on the subj ect. Comments may be heard in person at the meeting or filed in writing prior to hearing date. If further information is desired, call 738-7408, City Clerk's Office. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board of Adj ustment with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS June 21, and June 28, 1990 bh CASE#147 '" .,.I' .. SLATTERY & ROOT ARCHITECTS Architectural Design & Planning Member: A.I.A. May 22, 1990 City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Attn: Board of Adjustment Re: Nine To Five At Boynton Bay Daycare Center To Whom it May Concern: The following letter is a statement of reasons justifying the requested variance. The reasons are as follows: A. & B. The present condition of the site is a fully planted, mature mango orchard. The trees are planted in an approximate 25' x 25' grid, with tree heights an average of 30' high and clear canopies of 12' in height. The site is rectangular in size with dimensions of 165' x 332'. The daycare center will be caring for children whose ages range from infants to 12 year olds. Due to the large age ranges, the play areas will have to be segregated, with each play area having sufficient shaded spaces as per H.R.S. regulations. Adhering to the forty foot rear setbacks would require a long and narrow building footprint. That type of design would necessitate the removal of a majority of the existing mango trees, thereby eliminating prime shade tree areas from the site. In addi tion to the removal of the trees a long narrow building footprint would not allow the use of a centrally located classroom which could be closed off or opened for different functions. This dual purpose room is separated by a folding partition. When in the closed position the room is divided into separate classrooms for 3 and 5 year old children. When the partition is opened the room can serve as a multi-purpose room for school functions, plays, etc. By placing this dual purpose room in a central location bathrooms can be shared for two classrooms instead of having a separate bathroom for each classroom, thereby ensuring considerable savings in construction costs to the owner. 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 .14071392-3720 11760 U.S. Highway 1 . North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 . 14071 775-1334 . } TO: SEE BELOW FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk !, d/;y 7 U M DATE: June 4, 1990 REF: Board of Adjustment Application for: Hamlet Joint Venture - Nine to Five Child Care 11147 Forwarded herewith are the following copies of documents regarding subject petition: Application Letter dated May 22, 1990, from Mark D. Burton, AlA, of Slattery & Root Architects, stating reasons justifying the requested variance. Affidavit dated April 29, 1990. Affidavit dated May 22, 1990. Title Certificate with copy of deed and contracts for sale and purchase with addendums. Certification and property list of owners within 400 feet. Notice of hearing as advertised and sent to property owners within 400 feet. The site plan and survey will be brought to the meeting by the Recording Secretary. SK:pb Attachments CC: Raymond Eney Henrietta Soloman Vernon Thompson, Jr. Ben Uleck Thomas C. Newton James Miriana A. A. Stuart Patt Tompson Herbert Fox Al Newbold ~b/J~J~f / Sue Kruse,-City Clerk '. jI Feiner Construction, 4723 W. Atlantic Avenue, Bay 9 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 (407) 496-2000 Inc. w. .- AFFIDAVIT State of Florida SS County of Palm Beach Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Jay FeIner, President, Felner Construction, Inc., A Partner of the Hamlet Joint Venture, applicant, who being by me first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the authorized applicant of the following described property to-wit: That part of Lots 20 to 26, inclusive, lying in said Section 15, of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 81, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Being the South 332 feet of the West 165 feet (as measured along the South and West Lines thereof) of said lots 20 to 26, inclusive. 2. That they desire site and development plan approval to allow a Day-Care Center as a conditional use of subject property. 3. That the Hamlet Joint Venture has appointed Mark Burton of Slattery & root Architect to act as agent in their behalf to accomplish the above. q, (JpKe",. ~ (J~, ~ Sworn to and subscribed b~fore me /;!CJ'1 day OfCr\'cp 1990. ! g,!:7all {"'~ I~tv. 1- ~otarY' Public My commission expires: Notary Pllblic State of Florida M, Commission Expires Nov. 9. 1992 Bonded ThruRegenq Ins. Co. \ / " AFFIDAVIT State of Florida SS County of Palm Beach Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Francis R. McAlonan, Jr., President, WGM Realty, Inc., A Partner of The Hamlet Joint Venture, applicant, who being by me first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the authorized applicant of the following described property to-wit: That part of Lots 20 to 26, inclusive, lying in said Section 15, of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 81, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Being the South 332 feet of the West 165 feet (as measured along the South and West Lines thereof) of said lots 20 to 26, inclusive. 2. That they desire site and development plan approval to allow a Day-Care Center as a conditional use of subject property. 3. That the Hamlet Joint Venture has app to act as agent in their behalf to accomplis & Root Sworn to and subscribed before me this ;l.;l~L day of 11,f-/ 1990. -. -.../ /, '" ./;-; il.. r Notary Pub1ic ,2'/':~~':)~~, .....<t-<fI. .....,.. . ,..~\:..:~;y P:..t,~ ~ ,. . ... . . :" YD~)7{ \ expires'; ":\....'~...:~.t}} ! . t1, \;~-':'V.~~i;"\ . . .. .... _,.r I .. \I,."" ...;,T\,:f .....:~. ....-4r.....~.~1 .~..J. -.. ". ...',- F... ._* .....,,:., ... My commission "C:-r:CfAl :;:;~I'.RY SEAL- LI ,'~:o~ "'. i!..:CO'(~'i" ,'.;', ::"Y~. EXP. iG/ZO/i2 General Title Insurance Corporation of Florida TIT L E C E R T I F I CAT E A search of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida has been made on the property described as follows: That part of Lots 20 to 26, inclusive, lying in said Section 15, of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 81, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Being the South 332 feet of the West 165 feet (as measured along the South and West Lines thereof) of said lots 20 to 26, inclusive. Title to subject premises is vested in Charles D. Clapper, Jr. by virtue or that certain Personal Representative's Deed filed for record August 26, 1980, in Official Record Book 3351, Page 1389, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. This search is effective through May 15, 1990 at 8:00 A.M. ~An~ ~Z;~_ uthorized ignature 4010 57lh .-tl't'nue Suuth · Sulle .?u., · LJkt' U"orth. FlunJJ' ;-i,,; · Tele!,/'"",' 1-10- ..)-' ;-539<) · rJx #-107 -1-'3-53-1-1 .l ", ;.~, ',,,"~.": ~ ~ .;, PARTIES:. C h a r 1 e s D. C 1.Q..12llS r J r ,of__, . .6926 Skyline Drive. Delrav Beach. FL 11440 and Auburn Trace ,Joint VeIture ~ 4723 W. Atlantic Ave., DeIray Beach, Fl 33445 hf'rf'by nCjIC(' that Ihe Sellf" sll<lll sell nmJ OuyP.f s"all buy Iho followinCj ,cal property r'~l~!.!i') allll personal property ("Pc" terllls 81uJ conditions whichlNCLUOE the Stalldards for ncal Estalehansactions plinled 011 tile reverse or attached ("StanrJard(srl aile .l"~..] (phone 49(J-1791 I. DESCRIPTION: (a) Legal description of nenl Property located in Palm Bench Counly, Florida: _ SEE EXHIBIT A (b) (c) Streetaddress,city.ziP:'ofl"eProperlyis: 9.57 Acres in Boynton Beach Personally: None - vacant land II. PURCHASE PRICE.. .......... .... .......... .................... .............. ... ......... ... .... ..,... ....... .... ... ....... ....... .......... PAYMENT: (a) Dcposit(s) to be held in escrow by (b) Subject to AND assumption of mortgage in good standing in favor of ....,......... $ ~7::;; .J:; O. .~ Cbc ~ Buyer's Broker in the. an,'Junt of $ 10.000 ** having an approximate present principal balance f $ Purchase money mortgage and mortgnge nole bearing annual interest at .-<J A % on terms sel forlh herein, in amount)f ....:..... $ /1J /..:1 A' P> (c) (d) Olher: $ 440,00tr 5"d 00(; (e) Balance to close (U.S. cash, LOCALLY DRAWN cerlified or cashier's check), subject to adjustmenls and prorations $ --. - - --;;-- III. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVE DATE: 11 this offer is not execuled by ar~ered to 011 parties OR FACT OF EXECL nON communicated in writing between the par on or before -Se~t<SlIlber ?n, .l-98r 57 7.9' i9S,<J ,the deposit(s) will, at Buyer's option, ;.e returned to Buyer and the offer wilhdra / The date 01 this Contract ("Effective Date") will be the date when Ihe last one of the Buyer and the Seller ".1S signed this offer.' IV. FINANCING: (a) If the purchase price or any part of it is to be finnncp,d by a third party loan, this Contract for Sale and 'urchase ("Contmcn is condilioned on the Bl obtaining a wrillen commitment for Ihe loan wilhin days from Effective Date, at an initial interest rate not to exce(. J %; term of ye and in the principal amount of $ . Buyer will make application within days from Effective Date, ;..,ld use reasonable diligence to obtain the loan c milment and. thereafter, to meet the terms and conditions of the commilrnent and to close the loan. Buyer shall pay all loan expens,,>. If Buyer fails to obtain the loan commitment promplly notifies Seller in writing, or lifter diligent effort fails to meet Ihe terms and conditions of the commitment or to waive Bu, ;r's rights under this subparagraph within the stated for obtaining the commitment, then either party may cancel the Contract and Buyer shall be refunded the deposit(s). (b) 1he exisling mOllg;1ge described in Pa,agraph lI(b) above has (CHECK (1) OR (2)): (1) Do variable interest rate OR (2) C a fixed interest rate of % per anr At limo 01 till" lrnnsfer sorne fixed interest rates 1I1e subject to increase. If increased, the rate sllnlf not exceed '/ per annum. Seller shall, within_ dnys horn Effective Dnte, furnish a slatement from 1111 mortgagees stating principnl balances, melhod of payment, interest rate and ,,:alus of mortgnges. If Buyer has ngreed to ass a mortgage which requires approval of Buyer by Ihe mortgagee for assumption, then Buyer shnll promptly obtain all required appl;. at ions and will diligently complete and return I to the 010rI9<1gee. Any mortgagee c1mrge(s) nol to exceed $ shall be paid by (if not filled in, e,ually divided). If the Buyer is not accel by mOl tgllgee or the requirements for assumption are not in accordance with the terms 01 the Contract or mortgagee makes a chllrge in excess 01 Ihe slated amount, Selle Buyer may rescind Ihis Contract by ~9!npt wrillen notice to the other party unless eilher elects to pay lhe increase in interest rate or c<cess mortgagee charges. V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At least ~ days belore closing date, Seller shnll, at Seller's expense, deliver to Buyer or Buyer's at: lfney, in nccordance with Standnrd A. (Checl or(2)):(I) o abstract of title on (2)[] title insurance commitment. within 60 days after all contin~encies hae been satisfiE VI. CLOSING DATE: This transaction sl11l11 be closed nnd the deed and other closing papers delivered on . , u; ",ess extended by other provisions of Cont VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall lake tille subject to: zoning, restrictions, prohibitions nnd other require, 'ents imposed by governmental authority; restric and mailers appenring on the plat or olherwise common to the subdivision; public utility easements of record (easements are te. be located contiguous to Real Property lines not more tllan 10 feet in width as to the rear or front lines and 7'(, feet in width as to tile side lines, unless otherwise specifiec herein); taxes for year of closing and subse{ years; nssumed mOl Igages and purchase money mar tgages, if any; other: provided. t":11 there exists at closing no violation of the foregoing and none of them prevents use of Real Property for mu 1 t]- f amll y pur pm VIII. OCCUPANCY: Seller warmnts tlmt there are no par lies in occupancy other thlln Seller, but if Property is intended to be ren~d or occupied beyond closing, the facl and t thereof shall he stnted herein, and the lenant(s) or occupants disclosed pursuant 10 Standard F. Seller agrees to deliver occupar:;y of Property lit time of closing unless other stated herein. If occupnncy is to be delivered belore closing, Buyer nssumes all risk of loss to Properly from date of occupancy, ~ .1all be responSible and liable for maintenance Ihat date, and shall be deemed to have accepted Property in their existing condition as of lime of taking occupancy unless oUlerwise s:.,ted herein or in a separate writing. IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions shall control all printed provisions of (.:lIllract in conflict with them. X. INSULATION RIDER: II Contract is utilized for the sale of a new residence, the Insulation nider or equivalent may be attached. XI. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE ("CCCL") RIDER: II Contract is utilized lor 'he sale of Property affected by the CCCL, Chapter 161, F.S., (1907), as amel shall apply and the CCCL Rider or eQuivnlent may be attached to this Contract. XII. FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN REAL PROPERTY TAX ACT ("FIRPTA") RIDER: The parties shall comply \Vith the provision: 01 FIRPTA and applicable regulations which, require Seller to provide additional cnsh at closing to meet withholding'requrrements, and Ihe FIRPTA Rider or equivalent may be attact,.cd to this Contract. XIII. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ( 1) or (2)): Buyer ( 1) [] may assign OR (2) 0 may not assign Contract. XIV. SPECIAL CLAUSES: (CHECK ( 1) or (2)): Addendum ( 1) ~ is attached OR (2) 0 is not applicable. -lH~ SEE ADDENDUH THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRAC-'. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TC' SIGNING. l111S FORM HAS BEEN APPFlOVED BY TilE FLORIDA ASSOCIArION OF REALTORS AND mE 'LORIDA BAR. Approval does not constitute Dn opiniOf) 1I1Dt DIlY of IIle tellns and conditions in I/lis Con/rocl s/lould be accepted by file pal(ies in a palticu/ar tronsaction. Tenns a11d conditions sllould be negotiated based upon file respective interests, objccfives and bargaining positio,:$ 01 all inleres~ed pCfSOnS. COPYRIGllf 1988 BY mE FLORIDA BAn AND THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTC'lS, INC. ---------- -lH~ Date' (Buyer) (Seller) Social Security or Tax 1.0. # Social Securily o~ Tax I.D...,!, , -l~* Date (Buyer) (Seller) Social Security or Tax 1.0. # Social Security or Tax 1.0. # _. :'11" Deposit(s) under Paragraph 11 received; IF OTHER 1HAN CASH, THEN SUBJECT 10 CLEARANCE. (Escrow BROKER'S FEE: (CHECK & COMPLE1E THE ONE APPLICABLE) By: o IF ^ LISTING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: ~ ~Fe~~ :~~e;I:: ::Rt:::r::e~ ~:r::b:;:~~~I:I:::~~;:rnting sub-agents named, according to the terms of an existing, sel \late listing ::m~ S~il(;13LBir~~iBkefi18'-'liid'b~;;;1tiiili9~'g. "om Iho dl"h",,,n,,,,,,,I,, "f lh" r,,,,..,,,>(1,, nf Ill" "~I,, r"mpf' ,~tinl~" amount of lC MPLET . --X.XXXX},]~~it~~~iXd(M$ / C; ,noo lftldyo. :illing-amnmre 0 purchase pursunntlo the fOI Conllacl. If Buy"r fails to perform :Jnd ci"posil(s) is r"lainpd. 50% " ~tl{'h~\.,,,,,,l1ng le roker's ree above provided, 51:,11 be paid Broker, as lull consideration for El services inclurlinq cosls e )a ance sl,all bn paid to SP.ller. II the transaction shail not close b"cause ' i ,,,fusal or f~ilure of Seller to perform. Sell( <Oil Bri~in[l ~.t>!--l+~f_l-ool1ee~lhe-BfekeHHeeo{l,c pre.ailffiy-pafl '_5hell-taee'o'Cf-waGeAael~l1orn<JY feeG.....u By: WGM Realty (lirn~~,Hn~ol Bro:er}-, -:---.~~:.--;.:;,:."r /':7 (aulhorized siq;,alorvl Corp. (name of c~operali~ sub-agent) (Seile ) (Sell, ) ADDENDUfvl THIS ADDENDUM to Contract for Sale and pu=chase dated as of the 14th day of September, 1989, by and betwE2n Charles D. Clapper, Jr. as Seller, and Auburn Trace Joint Ventc~e as Buyer. 1 . following: This Contract is expressly conting~nt upon the a. Buyer obtaining a second mortgag.: lo.an from the State of Florida under its SAIL program for twenty-five percent (25%) of development and construction cast for this project. b. Buyer obtaining a low income housing tax credit allocation from the Florida Housing Finance Agency for the maximum amount allowable under the Internal Revenue Code. 13.4 from plus c. The subject property and the adjccent paretta acre property receiving final site plan and :)lat approval the City of Boynton Beach for at least 254 apartment units a day care center for up to 99 children. d. Confirmation that electrical, wat2r, sewer and telephone services are available to the property and the utili- ties shall be adequate for Buyer's intended use; and the Buyer's abili ty to obtain the necessary state and local governmental permits for sewer service, water service, and storm water drain- age, for its intended apartment project on said pro)erty. Buyer shall be diligent in submitting all data required by such govern- mental agencies. e. Buyer obtaining a certified tc)ographical survey, bearing a legal description, made by a lice~sed surveyor, showing the area, dimensions and location of the pr2mises to the neares t mon umen ts, streets and alleys, as well as all i mprove- ments and encroachments. The survey shall also shov: the location of all recorded easements against or appurtenant to the property, and d i s c lose any condi t i on render i ng the premi ses unusable, in Buyer's sole opinion, for the purposes stated hereir. f. Satisfactory soil and subsurface water condi- tions to allow the Buyer to use the property for its intended use in the Buyer's judgment. g. Buyer obtaining ingress and egre~s permits to publ ic thoroughfares adequate , in Buyer' s sole op ill on I for the intended purposes. .- In the event items C., d., e., f., and g. above have not been obtained and closing has not occurred by Ap~il 30, 1990, Buyer, at its option, may terminate this Contract an) receive a refund of all monies paid hereunder; or waive any Ole or more of the contingencies; or invoke the provisions of pc: ::-agraph 2 of this Addendum. In the event items a. and b. above have n~t been ob- tained by February 28, 1990, Buyer, at its option, ~ay terminate this contract and receive a refund of all money pa~d hereunder; waive either one or both of the contingencies; cc: e;<tend the period of time within which to receive said items for an addi- tional 90 days, in which latter event the Ten Thousa~d and No/100 Dollar ($10,000.00) depos i t paid hereunder become::s non-re fund- able. 2. It is the intent of the parties for E~yer to make every effort to close within nine months hereof, bc~ recognizing the difficulties of obtaining all of the above i~ems from the various governmental bodies involved, Seller here:>y agrees to grant six additional extensions of one month each :or a fee of Four Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($4,000.00) for ea-:h extension. This fee is not to be applied to the purchase pr~ce but is a non-refundable extension fee payable at closing. In no event shall the closing extend beyond fifteen months herecf. 3. Seller represents that they are the fee simple owners of the property. Further, Seller covenants that they have full authority to execute this Contract and that any restrictions of the property have been disclosed. 4. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller has dealt with no real estate brokers in thiE transaction, and agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from all claims of real estate brokers claiming by, through, and uncer Seller. 5. Seller hereby grants to the Buyer, its agents or contractors, the right to enter the premises to m._ke sa~d soil tests and surveys, if they are not already available to the Seller or if Buyer feels additional tests are necessary. The Seller will also make available to the Buyer existi'g soil data, surveys of topographical features on the property, engineering, site plans and any other work which Seller may hav2 in his pos- session relative to the property. The Buyer shall 9ay all costs incident to its examination and engineering and shall not suffer any liens to be placed on the property. If the Blyer does not close this transaction for any reasons, the Seller shall be entitled to all engineering plans, tests, or surveY3 obtained by the Buyer, at no cost to Seller. 6. Legal description on survey, deed and title policy are to agree. ...." ~ 7. Buyer agrees to allow Seller or their representa- tives, upon Buyer's receipt of reasonable notice, to examine their files to determine that reasonable progress is being made toward satisfactory contingencies enumerated in p"ragraph 1 of this Addendum. In the event Buyer does not close 0:. the land, it agrees to make available to Seller all files related to efforts expended in satisfying paragraph l.c., d., e., f., and g. 8. It is anticipated that Seller will deal with the sale proceeds as a 1031 tax exchange. This involv~s Buyer pur- chasing another parcel and trading it for the su':)ject parcel. Seller herein will hold Buyer harmless for any and all liability that may be involved therein, together with all closing costs for any and all other real estate closing that may be involved. Buyer herein agrees to execute and complete all other documents pertaining to the other closings as well as the subject closing, provided Seller indemnify and pay all costs there ':0 as reci ted herein. Seller agrees that this 1031 tax exchange ~ill not cause any delays in the subject closing as called for in this contract and will indemnify Buyer if any such delays should occur. WITNESSES: ~ ~ -- ~ .._/./.,-A.,.-, .~ ,/ SELLER: BY: ~ L/'2>. Charles D. Clap~er, BUYER: AUBURN TRACE JOINT VENTURE L' . ~- . ~c,'~ ...~ d, < < <<~_ / FELNER DEVELOPMEN~ CORPORATION, Managing partne: -- ,-/7 '"7 B Y(~-;.'~-F ~I n ~-;;- P r L- ~i-de n t STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Sworn to and subscribed before me this r.:P 0/ day o#- 1989. ~~Tt~~Mf~~~b~ i;:TE OF FLORIDA BONDED THRU r~NfRAl JAN.29, 1994 INS. UND. (..4'//~ .' ~'?~ '--.- ~ ../ " .-L?;)i . /' ~ (' ~ -",,- ~ _.Q~ _ Ne~ar.yPuD~ic State of Florida ./ PARTIES. L. 1\. rdlL.:LLd, Ii tl~Ll.'L.: \~ 01-: 1720 Ilarrison St., llo11y''''oocl, Florida (l-'11\)n" 457-7'2()7 and Auburn Trace Joint Venture .\~ of 4723 W. Atlantic Ave. I Delray Beach, Florida (Pll01l" 495-8470 hereby aglee that the Seller shall sell and Buyer sllall buy the following real property ("Real Ploperty") and ""Isonill plOP"" ty ("Pel. onalty") (colleel1wly "PriJ!,erly"luljOn tile fullowl terms ilnd conditions vlhich INCLUDE tlm Sti.ll1dalds . for Reill Estate TI ans;lclions prinled on the reverse or <llli1Cll"d ("Slalldanl(si") al., . any addendum to til,s IIlstrument Palm Beach County, Flonda: _ I. DESCRIPTION: (a) Legal descnption 01 Real Properly located in SEE EXHIBIT A lbl (cl . . . f P . 14.03 Acres in Boynton Beach ::;Ireet address, City, ZIp, 0 the roperty IS: None - Vacant Land Personalty: .$ 650,000 II. PURCHASE PRiCE.......................................,..................................... PAYMENT: (a) Deposllls) to be held in escrow by (b) Subject 10 AND assumption of mortgage in good standing in favor of Seller's Broker In the a: ount 01 $ 10 , OOO{H~ haVing an approximate present principal balance Jf $ (c) PUlchase money mOltgage and mortgage note bearing annual interest at % on lerms set forth here 111, in amou" of . $ (d) Other: $ leI Balance to close (U.S. cash, LOCALLY DRAWN certified or cashier's check), subject to adjustmen15 ilnd prorations $ 640 ,000 III. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVE DATE: If this offer is not executed by and delivered to all parties OR FACT OF EXEC mON conllnunicah;d III writll1g betwe,," lI)e par on or befole September 27, 1989 , tile deposit(s) Will, at Bllyer's option, .je leturned to Bu:;er and the of leI Wltl1dli Tile date of this Contract ("Eflective Date") will be the date wilen tile last one of tl18 BUY0r alld tile Seller 3S slQlwd this offer. IV. FINANCING: (a) II tile purcl1ase price or any part of it is 10 be Iinanced by a tl1ird party loan. IlIis Contr:Jct for SQle and ourcl1ase \"Colllract"l is conditioned 011 tile Bl obtaininQ a wlitten commitment for the loan within days Irom Elfective Date, al an initial inlelest rate not to eXCh j %; term of ye and in the prinCIpal amount of $ . Buyer will make application wltl1in J"ys from Ellcctlve Dale, "nd IISe leasonabl0 Jlllgence to ol)lalll U,U 10Qn c mitment and, thereafter, to meet the terms and conditions of the commitment alld to close tile loan. Buyer shull pay all loan expens"s. If Bllyer laits to obtain 111" loan comlllltmel,t promptly notilies Seller in writing, or after diligent effort fails to meet tile terms and conditions of tile commilment or to waiv0 Be. .::r's IIgills IInder thIS Sllbparagrapl1 wllllln tile stated for obtaining the commitment, then either party may cancelllle Contract and Buyer shall be rcfundl:eltl1e deposit(s) (b) Tile existing mortgage described in Paragrapl1l1lb) above l1as (CHECK (1) OR (2)): (1) 0 a varialJle interest r<:tte OR (2) C a fixed II1terestlate of % per anl At time 01 title transfer some fixed interest rates are subject to increase If Increased. tile rate Sll<:t1l not exceed ' per annum. Seller sl,all, will,ill_ days from Effectlv,) Date, furnish a statement from all mortgagees stating pnncipal balances, m81hou of payment. Interest rate and .:alus 01 mortgages. If Buyer has a\Jreed to ass a mortgage wl1icl1 lequlres approval of Buyer by the rnortg<:tgee for assumption, then Buyer sl1all promplly obtain all requrred appl, calions and will diligenlly complete and return I to Ihe morlgagee. Any mortgagee charge(s) nolto exceed $ sl,all be paid by (if not filled in, ,,~uillly divided). If the Buyer is not accel by mortgagee or the requiremenls for assumption are not in accordance with tile telms ot the Contract or mortgagee makes :, cl1arge in excess of the stated amoullt, Selt.: Buyer may rescind this Contract by prompt written notice to the other pally unless eitl1er elecls to pay the increase in interest rate or Acess mortgagee charges. V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At least --30- days before closing elate, Seller shall, at Soller's expense, deliver to Buy,)r or Buyer's ~::orn0Y, III accordance with Stand'lIel A. (CI1C:cl or(2)):(t) o absl,actof IilleOR (2)[]l:titleinsulance coml1litment. \vithin 60 days after all contingci1cies have been satisfiec VI. CLOSING DATE: This transaction shall be closed anel the deed and other closill\.! papers delivered on ' l dess extended by otl1er prOVISIons of Coni VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall take title subject to: zoninG, ICstllctlons, protlibilions and other .equlll. Clellts IInposed lJY governmental authoflly; restllc and matters appearing on the plat or otilerwise common to the subdivision; public utility 0as"mellts of recore! (0<,semenls are I be lociltod contlgllous to R"ell Properly Iillus not mOl,) Ihan 10 feet ill width as to the rear or front lines and 7'/' feet ill widtl1 as 10 the side lines, ullless oll1elwise specihe. I,erdn); telXOS lor year of CIOSlllg and subse< years; assumed mortgages and purchase money mortgages, if any; other: provided, that there exists al closing no violation of the foregoing and none of them prevents use of Real Property for mll 1 t :L - tam]. J Y purpo: VIII. OCCUPANCY: Seller warrants that there are no parties in occupancy other tl1an Seller, but if Property is intended to be re,,:ed or occupiecl beyond closing, the lact and I thereof shall be stated herein, and tile tenant(s) or occupants disclosed pursuant to Standard F. &:lIer agrees 10 deliver occupa .cy of Propelly at time 01 closing unless othe stated herein If occupancy is to be delivered before closing, Buyer assumes all risk of loss to Property from date of occupancy, :1all be responSible and liable for maintenallce that date, and shall be deemed to have accepted Property in their existing corKlilion as 01 tim0 of laking occupancy unless otherwise ,.:ated herein or in a separate writing. IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or halldwlltten provisions shall COlltrol all pllnled provisions 01 .,onllact III conllict ",ilhthem. X. INSULATION RIDER: If Contract is utilized for the sale of a new residence. the Insulation Rider or eljuivalent may be allacl1ed. XI, COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE ("CCCL") RIDER: II Contrilcl is ulitized lor the sale 01 Property al"'cteu b. the CCCL. Cl1apter 161. FS.. (t9ll7). as ame shall apply and the CCCL Rider or equivalent may be attached to this Contract. XII. FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN REAL PROPERTY TAX ACT ("FIRPTA") RIDER: Tile parties shall comply wllh tile provisio", 01 FIRPIA and applJeable rU\Julations whIch require Seller 10 provide additional cash at closing to meet withholding reqwrernents, and the FIF,PTA Rider or equiv<.llent milY be altac',,;u to tl1is Contract XIII. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK (1) or (2)): Buyer (1) Of may assign OR (2) 0 Illay nol assign Contract XIV. SPECIAL CLAUSES: (CHECK (1) or (2)): Addendum ( 1) 5a is attached OR (2)0 is not applicable. {H< SLe Addendum THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR T,) SIGNING. THtS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIAlION OF liEALTOnS AND TilL FLORIDA BAR Approval does not constilute an opinion IIlal any 01 the /ollns and conditions in lhis Con/Jac/ should bu acccplc)d-by-lIc., partius in a padicLI/ar tlansactioll. Tellns and conditions Sllould be negotiated based upon the mspective interests, objeclives an~rrftiiniflg po,itlll~ 01 all inleles/cd persons. COPYRIGHT 1988 BY THE F~R~A!A~ A~D ..::H:!L~R~A ~~~CIATI~t 1 ~ REALT' 'fS, INC / {H< ( ~ v% ~jiS; A~61~~ (Seller)'/ ~ Social Security 01 Tax I.D" 7 fC Z - (c) -4 '2 ? (, ---------- 1H~ Dale (Buyer) Social Security or Tax 1.0. # Date (Buyer) (Seller) Social Security or Tax 1.0. # Social Security or Tax 10. " Deposit(s) under Paragraph II received; IF OTHER THAN CASH, THEN SUBJECT TO CLEARANCE. BROKER'S FEE: (CHECK & COMPLETE THE ONE APPLiCABLE) By: ~ IF A LISTING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: sener agrees to pay iFie Broker named-below-;Tnclliding coOPerating sub-agents named, <.lccording to tile terms ot an eXlsltng, Sc :/';i3" Jeer, ~ (Escrow J.filte lislillg tlQl eemcnt: OR o IF NO LISTING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: 'Seller shalil':iaylhO-Brokerllamecr6eTo,';,-iitl,meoldosing, from tile disbursements of the plOel;ed~ 01 1I1e sale. comp, ,,,,,llUll in IIle amount of (COMPI ETE OND _ % of glO5S purchase plice on $ , for Broker's services in e1lecltny file sdle by IInulll(J 111" 8dyel reauy .1I11111C1 and "I,le to O',IIch""e plllsuant to Il,,, 10 Conltacl If Buyel fail5 10 per/orm and deposit(s) is retained, 50% Ihereof, bllt not uxceeulng tile Blo~er's fee above prowlod, " 111 UU l,a,,1 BIG~er, as 11111 cunsid""lilun fOI l servIces IncludinIJ costs expended by Broker, and 1110 balance shall be paiu to Seller. II th" Iransaclion sllall nDt dQ,e becallse .f relllsal 01 laillllc of Sell"r to per/,JIII\. Sdl, pay the 11111 fee to Blok",r on demand. In any litigation ali5ing out 01 Ihe Contract concerning the Bro~er's lee. the prevailing pal/shall r"cov"r re<.l~(JnatJle attolney te.:s WI<. 1 (name of cooper<:tting sub-agent) (Sell, By: (Sell, RIDERS CAN BE r'\8TAINED FROM THE f1 GRIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS OR THE i . ORIOA BAR ADDENDUM THIS. ApDENDUM to Contract for Sale and Pu~chase dated as of the ~~7lf1; day of September, 1989, by and b~tween L. R. Paret ta, Trus t ee, as Sell er, and Auburn Trace Joi 1. t Yen ture as Buyer. time by ceived, shall be 1. This Contract may be terminated by BLyer at any notice in writing to Seller. Until such notice is re- or until closing has occurred, the follcwing charges incurred by Buyer: a. Commencing on December 15, 1989, Buy€r shall pay $1,000 per month to Seller as a nonrefundable extension fee; b. In addition to the above, on March 15, 1990 the $10,000 depos i t paid hereunder would become nonr 2 fundable but would be applied to the purchase price upon subsequent closing; c. Commencing May 15, 1990, the monthly extension fee from Buyer to Seller shall be increased to $4,000 per month. In the event Buyer terminates this contract prior to ~_~l 15, 1990, the $10,000 deposit paid hereunder shall be refunded in full to Buyer. In the event Buyer does not pay the required extension fee within 10 days of its dU2 date, this contract shall terminate. In the event closing has not occurred by September 15, 1990, this contract shall terminate. 2. Seller represents that they are the fee simple owners of the property. Further, Seller covenants that they have full authority to execute this Contract# .:U'l9 tl:lat 0.1'1 J::~..,L.ic~ieRe e; tho proport:z I,o..c s9.e,R J.i..::>~16.3c9- BM)'~r ..rb..tJ// r~1Y ..ft:'/ev t9A1 51<. / 't'S t?t/# /,A/spee-TIP#-> /0 A'er-e,1-/1/~'~ '//,<- /.-sc.... C'f' -tf,e /,J-orr,/ 3. Selier hereby grants to the Buyer, its agents or contractors, the right to enter the premises to make said soil tests and surveysr if they are not already available to the Seller or if Buyer feels addi tional tests are necessary. The Seller will also make available to the Buyer existi~g soil data, surveys of topographical features on the property, engineering, site plans and any other work which Seller may hav~ in his pos- session relative to th~ property. The Buyer shall ?ay all costs incident to its examination and engineering and sh2ll not suffer any liens to be placed on the property. If the B~yer does not close this transaction for any reason, the Seller s~all be enti- tled to all engineering plans, tests, or surveys obtained by the Buyer, at no cost to Seller. 4. Legal description on survey, deed and title policy are to agree. ~ ~ ~ l.~~ 1 'ill.... .,. 5. It is anticipated that Seller will d€al with the sale proceeds as a 1031 tax exchange. This involv2s Buyer pur- chasing another parcel and trading it for the su Jj ect parcel. Seller herein will hold Buyer harmless for any and ~ll liability that may be involved therein, together with all clo~ing costs for any and all other real estate closing that may oe involved. Buyer herein agrees to execute and complete all ot~er documents pertaining to the other closings as well as the sutject closing, provided Seller indemnify and pay all costs there::.o as reci ted herein. Seller agrees that this 1031 tax exchange ~ill not cause any delays in the subject closing as called for in this contract and will indemnify Buyer if any such delays should cccur. 'j ~. l' .. / tl . -; A..C.t:-c er ----J ~/---- //~ / S'E L L E:./ './ .. ~.~p. ....,." f:~~ - t.,~jZ--(;(;f' _ ~ .tJ~) L. R. Paretta, ~rustee BY: BUYER: AUBURN TRACE JOINT VENTURE /~~~ BY: FELNER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Managing Partne:c Jay FeIner, prtsident STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Swom to and subscribed before me this c2..!i day Of,--~.o)l , 1989. - ~A<.. ic State of Florida NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP JAN.29,1994 BONnrD THRlJ GENERAL INS. UNO. I'll CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting date Please print or type Submittal date: 5/23/90 The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows:. Lqt(s) 20 to 26. inclusiv~ Block Section 15 , Subdivision Sam Brown Jr.' s Hypoluxo Subdivision, Plat Book 1 , Page 81 or otherwise described as follows: 1770 N.E. 4th Street 1. A sealed survey by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundreth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's certificate 2. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of ownership of property purchase contract agreement. petition, a notarized copy of a accompany the petition. s. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): by petitioner(s), such as'deed or If an agent is submitting the letter designating him as such must A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Page 2 B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E.That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or , structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in the amount of $275, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. Hamlet Joint Venture 7. Name and address of owner: 4723 W. Atlantic Ave.-i19,Delray Beach, FL 33445 8. Name of applicant: Applicant's address: - .,"",. ---:--Mark Burton, Sla~tery & Root Architects 407 39i-3720 2101 N. W ,,<2nd Ave., Boca Raton I Date: 5/23/90 Signature of Applicant: .----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be completed by the Building Official or Representative 1. Section of Ordinance for which variance is being sought: Appendix A, Sec. 5. G. 2 2. Property is presently zoned: R-3 Formerly zoned: R-l 3. Property Control Number: 08-43-45-15-03-000-0201 4. Denial was made upon existing zoning requirements (list sections[s] of Code from which relief is required: Appendi~ A-Zoning, Sec. 5.G.2 S. Nature of exception or variance required: Code requires a 40' rear yard setback & applicant is requesting a 20' rear setback; therefore a variance of 20' Date: 5/31/90 is requested. permi t denied: Ltt J7.1 L D ~ Milt Duff, Buildi~g~~partment 6. Case Number: 147 Meeting Date: July 9, 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be filled out by Board BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approved Aye . Denied Nay Stipulations: Signed: Chairman BRDOFADJ . PRP Rev.4/90 ~ 20 th ~ '~~. 7~' ..~. 17s, lof __'Y' I~",,'~ "I' ,,~ t~:~.-" -~-,~ ~:\' -.~_,o-,: ~~ ^~." .'~ ~SAM 8ROW~ T ~ . ",. ,\' --- ,\ ^~' ....- 16 ">- , ':'"-- ! 2.9 ~ ~ ,z. . 7. . ~ 'r.., .~ c...,.......< ~. .' ,~..::. " ~.. '<, ," ^..... ~ ->. . 18 'J~ 11#' 'J~"" ,.\ g. . ~fi .. " " '_ ~ ~ /2't ".: ~ ~,~ 'It ~ 7 ~ j7 /8,. ~~~u: /8 SUBD ~'-.lr - '..' /21 ",,' W 'S<' 'U' ~ LJJ :-0' .." ~,- ~-"7 , ; ~:. 9~ ~ ~ 10 9 ~ Z ; I' I /s ~ Z ~8 I ~ v ~)~V'r~D ~ 7" -0 .0' roO ,,.' . -.... ,,' SO '. ~ l!iA\.27.l.. 03-0-27.7 \. go ... IJI/~ uO 7~' 1{' 80' 80' 80' \ft . AVE ""'; , 20 nd AVE 27 '00'. ~,,'. 8.'17r. "r "($15 " I" '" I' ow .9:, 11Cf300~(t13.tt~-o''' ,~ ~ I ,.~ WI\...27.2.A\.ll4 7.~ -, .. Z ~. 03- 0 -20.5 2.,=> I . i \ ;'/ 26 " '.. ..., t-- 1 t.-lr L-J7 SAM BROWN JR's " 1 , J l z~ .) c '" I ::,) I;IYPgLUXO SUB? ; r ~.,/ . ~ n ~ r t 23 ~ ~ , (. ~,. I '!ol .... ---- I 10-0- D r I f- I..J "s" /4 .I:. I ': .:'Il~ ~ ' 7 .....-1" 42 '_'M lilWl ;4- '. ,... II .~ F ~~, -0-11 ~ CJ~ ~\ " BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEEI'ING - CASE # 14 7 ~ Rolling Green Sub:ii vision - Block 10 e 1. Verley, Ellison; 504 NE 16th Ave.; Lot 1 ~2. Lot 2, Roker, Alexander, Jr. & Linda C.; 1640 NE 4th Ct. 3. Lt. 3, Thorburn, J. J.; 1634 NE 4th Ct. . 4. Lt. 4, Conlon, Daniel T., 1628 NE 4th Ct. 5. Lt. 5, McKisic, Roy, 1622 NE 4th Ct.,; Mail: 545 cativo Dr., Atlanta - GA - 30~ 6. Lt. 6; Rape, Joseph H.; 1618 NE 4th Ct. E 7. Lt. 10; Kenllner, Oscar E; 514 NE 16th Ave. E., 8. Lt. 11; Bush, George W.; 1637 NE 4th St. 9. Lt. 12; Brookshire, RiChard J.; 1633 NE 4th St..; Mail: 312 W<x::>dland Rd. Palm Springs - FL - 33461 BLOCK 9 1. Lt. 1; Vazquez, Juna J; 420 NE 16th Ave.; Mail: 115ParkAve..Mt. Vernon - NY 10550 2. Lt. 2; Simpson, E. B.; 1630 NE 3rd St. 3. Lt. 3; Hoyte, Goulburn T.; 1626 NE 3rd St. 4. Lt. 4; Miley, JOM; 1620 NE 3rd St. 5. Lt. 5; Jean, Enough; 1616 NE 3rd St. 6. Lt. 9; Cantu, Natividad; 1635 NE 4th Ct. 7. Lt. 10; Williams, Shirley F.; 1637 NE 4th Ct. 8. Lt. 11; Nagel, Walter F., Sr.; 1633 NE 4th Ct. 9. Lt. 12; Algonas, Arthur J.; 1627 NE 4th Ct. 10. Lt. 13; Jones, Nathaniel R.; 1623 NE 4th Ct. BLOCK 8 1. Lt. 1; Moore, Smauel A.; 406 NE 16th Ave. 2. Lt. 2; Casarez, Marcelino; 1630 NE 3rd Ct. 3. Lt. 3; Evans, Bishop, Jr.; 1626 NE 3rd Ct. 4. Lt. 4; Clapper, Charles D., Jr.; 1620 NE 3rd Ct.; Mail: 6926 Skyline Dr. - Delray Beach, FL 33444 . 5. Lt. 5; Tbgnacci, R.P.; 1614 NE 3rd Ct. 6. Lt. 8; Waters, Hohnny L; 1635 NE 3rd Ct. 7. Lt. 9; PBC FL DIV. of HOUSING & CCM>1. DEV.: 1629 NE 3rd Ct. 8. Lt. 10; Clapper, Charles D., Jr.; , Same as #4{Under Block 8) 9. Lt. 11; Taber, Kenneth A.; 1619'NE 3rd ST. 10. Lt. 12; Fasolo, J.M.; 1503 NE 4th Ct. B:LCX:K 7 1. Lt. 8; Cam:rx:>s, Cannelo; 330 NE 16th Ave. 2. Lt. 9; Yormgs, Lois J.;' 1627 NE 3rd Ct. 3. Lt. 10; Spence, Juliette R.; 1623 NE 3rd ct.; Mail: 1173M3RBluteau.St. Felic Quebec, CN 4. Lt. 11; Johnston, J.W.; 1621 NE 3rd Ct. 5. Lt. 12; Conway, Kevin; 1615 NE 3rd Ct. ROILING GREEN RIr:GE - 1ST ADDITION - BLCCK 7 1. Lt. 1; City of Boynton; 1901 N. Seacrest Blvd. 2. Lt. 2; Matthews, Arthur L., Jr.; 1919 N Seacrest Blvd.; r-1ail: 1262 Gondola Ct. BB - 33435 3. Lt. 3; City Of Boynton; N. Seacrest Blvd. 4. Lts. -.4- j -II .J 1/ 5. Lt. .5. II ~ NW \q-\-~\ A.~. ~ ..:- II BILCK 32 CaNT... 16. 17. 18. 19. t 20. E/ 21. 22. Lt. 26; Me Cray, Nathan; 1850 NE 2nd Ct. Lt. 27; Bullard, Vernell; 1830 NE 2nd Ct. Lt. 28; Jerkins, E.; 1780 NE 2nd Ct. Lt. 29; BEST REAL ESTATE, rnc.: 1890 NE 2nd Ct.; Mail: 1605 N. State Rd. #7 Margate, FL 33063 Lt. 30; Thanas,. R. K.; 211 NE 18th Ave. Lt. 31; Jackson, Deleatha; 201 NE 18th Ave.; Mail: 501 E. Atalntic Ave., Delray Beach, FL 33483 Lt. 32; Snead Jr, James F.; 199 NE 18th AVe. OOYNTON RILGE - BLK. 21 1. Lt. 4; 2. Lt. 5; 3. Lt. 6; 4. Lt. 7; 5. Lt. 8; 6. Lt. 9; BILCK 20 Cooper, Steve; 204 NE 20th Ave.; Mail: 1170 Grand DUke Way, WPB - 33411 Coppin, Carlton C.; 210 NE 20th Ave.; 210 NE 20th Ave. Fradkin, M'Jses; 216 NE 20th Ave. Di Martino, Carl; 222 NE 20th Ave. Bertrand, Vincent J.; 228 NE 20th Ave. Skinner, Louis Jr.; 236 NE 20th Ave. 1. Lt. 1; Weathers, Nancy N; 302 NE 20th Ave.; Mail: 1202 Lake Ave., Lake Worth, FL 33460 2. Lt. 2; Gibson, Viola W.; 312 NE 20th Ave. 3. Lt. 3; Garcia, R.J.; 318 NE 20th Ave. 4. Lt. 4; Stetler A.; 404 NE 20th Ave. 5. Lt. 5; M'Jran, Robert J., Sr.; 408 NE 20th Ave. 6. Lt. 6; Johnson, Rue; 418 NE 20th Ave. BI.CO< 15 1. Lt. 1; Dimaro, Anthony P., Jr.; 2022 NE 3rd St. 2. Lt. 2; Healey, GeorgeW.; 428NE 20th Ave. 3. Lt. 3; Ostran, Dana; 434 NE 20th Ave. 4. Lt. 4; Hartseil, Gregory D.; 440 NE 20th Ave. 5. Lt. 5; Werner, Gary R.; 446 NE 20th Ave. 6. Lt. 6; Bertsche, George A.; 504 NE 20th Ave. 7. Lt. 7; Paulley, James J.; 510 NE 20th Ave. 8. Lt. 8; List, Vera R.; 518 NE 20th Ave. 9. Lt. 9; Clapper, Charles D.; 202lNE 4th st. BI..CX:K 14 1. Lt. 3; Moxley, R.D.; 2206 NE 4th ct. 2. Lt. 4; Mansfield, John E.; 2202 NE 4th ct. 3. Lt. 5; Smith, Ronald L.; 2128 NE 4th Ct. 4. Lt. 6; Wilson, B.W.; 2122 NE 4th ct. 5. Lt. 7; MJrtensen, Perry L.; 2114 NE 4th Ct. 6. Lt. 8; Boyer, Theona R.; 2104 NE 4th Ct. 7. Lt. 9; stonegard, Karin; 511 NE 20th Ave. 8. Lt. 10; Graham, Russell T.; 515 NE 20th Ave. 9. Lt. 11; Maldonado, N.; 2105 NE 4th st. 10. Lt. 12; Healey G.W.; 2111 NE 4th st. 11. Lt. 13; Case, Ella; 2117 NE 4th st.; Mail: 490 Ficus Tree Dr., Lantana, FL 3346: 12. Lt. 14; Riveria, RamJn; 2123 NE 4th st. - 13. Lt. 15; Reisberger, G.; 2201 NE 4th st. ~ , ~:"J!'Io 'I BLO:K 23 ~ Lt. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erlbacher, Russell; 2104 NE 1st Ct.; Mail: 9291 Bloomfield Dr.; palm Beach Garda~, - 33401 Lt. 2; Sears, LeO P.; NE 1st Ct.; Mail: 410 NE 27th Ave. Lt. 3; Schneider, J.; 2116 NE 1st sr.; Mail: 2115 NE 1st St. Lt. IS; Pierre, Phedre H.; 2121 NE 1st St. LT. 16; Canales, Noel M.; 2115 NE 1st St. Lt. 17; Knisley, Martha B.; 2109 NE 1st. Lt. 18; Millanise, Lloyd H.; 2101 NE 1st St. Lt. 14; Price, Preston; 2127 NE 1st St. ACREAGE - 43, 45, 22, 00, 002, 0030 1. The Lord's Place; l750-A NE 4th sr. VIA !AGO 1. 700 Lake St.; Via Lago Condo. 2. Lt. 701; Via Lago Dev. Corp.; Vacant #050468; Mail: 1920 Palm Beahc Lakes Blvd. WPB - 33409 3. Lt. 7; Smith W.; 2649 N. Federal Hwy. W. S. SHEPARDS SUBDIVISION - BLCCK 1 1. Lt. 12; 2. Lt. 17; 3. Lt. 21; 4. Lt. 24; 5. Lt. 25; BLO:K 2 Myers, Scott; 625 Oak St.; 1850 Diamond Bay Blvd.; Diamond Bar, CA - 91765 Mirabile, Carrie; 615 Oak St.; 1v1ial: 4806 NW 49 Dr., Tarnarac - FL - 33319 Sunshine Court Motel; 1900 N. Federal Hwy. Quo Vadis Realty & Dev. Corp.; 1900 N. Fed. Hwy. Oak St.; City of Boynton 1. Lt. 36; White, Rossie B.; Lake St.; gnl: 5301 Luella st:, JaCksonville - FL - 3':;20' SAM BROWN JR. SUB. 1. Lt. 16; Perron, Bernard; 1730 N. Fed. Hwy. 2. Lt. 16.1; " " ; 801 SVl, 15th St., Boca Raton, FL 33486 3. Lt. 16.2; Sun-op, Inc.; N. Fed. Hwy. 4. Lt. 17.1; " "; Lake St. Lt. 10.25. Elm::>re, F.B.; 2030 N. Fed. Hwy.; Mail: 405 SWAtlantic Dr., Lantana - FL - 33462; 6. Lt. 11; City of Boynton 7. Lt. 11.1; Same as # 5' -_-~~:=::-:: ::~_-:-::;~::. ,': 8. Lt. 11. 2; City of Boynton 9. Lt. 11.3; City of Boynton 10. Lt. 27.1; Black, Bruce; 537 NE 20th Ave. 11. Lt. 27.2; Brattain, Mary G.; 530 NE 20th Ave. 12. Lt. 27.3; Jackson, William F.; 527 NE 20th Ave. 13. Lt. 27.4; Horton, Harry; 540NE 20th Ave. 14. Lt. 27.5; Lewis, Mcihael D.; 533 NE 20th Ave. 15. Lt. 27.6; Orlando, Robert R.; 536 NE 20th Ave. 16. Lt. 27.7; Kirsch Holding Co.; NE 20th Ave.; Mail: PO EX 319, Manasquan, NJ, 08736 17. Lt. 28; Same as # 16. 18. Lt. 29; Same as #17. 19. Lt. 30.2; Rousseau, John R.; 2235 N. Fed. Hwy.; Mail: POBX40.BB - 33425-0040 20. Lt. 30.3; VFW, Inc. 500-NE 21st Ave.; Boynton-Lantana Post #5335 .," - .....i L. .. NORI'HSIDE CONJJ<::l.1llifu"'1 DEVEIDPMENT Ie 1. Lt. -1; 2206 NE 4th St. i MagnuSson, .;ndres; r-2il: Kopnangatan 13 - BB - 33435 2. Lt. 2; r-buntain Stream, Inc. ; 2206 ::E -lth ST.; Mail: 508 Lucerne Ave. , LW - 33460 3. Lt. 3; Same as #2 4. Lt. 4; Isokangas, Juhani N~; Mail 12 S. Dixie Hwy., Uv - 33460; 2206 NE 4th St. 5. Lt. 5; Gustafson, Sisko K. ; Same SVC. Addr . 6. Lt. 6; PC Team OY; Same SVC. Addr. ; ~.1yl:ynku j a 2ASF 0440, Jarve Finland 7. Lt. 7; Reunanan, ;mnikki . Sarre Svc. rlddr . - , 8. Lt. 8; Hamalainen, Martti ; Same SVc ~ Addr . 9. Lt. 9; Kit Cabinets, Inc. ; Same SVc. Addr. 10. Lt. 10; Teir, Sven; Same Svc. Addr. ; r-1ail : 2202 NE 4th St. SAM BID-VN JR' S . SUB. 1. Lt. 8 & 9; City of Boynton WATERSEI:X;E 1. Lt. 1; Tate, George, 612 NE 20th Lane 2. Lt. 2; Stowers, Dougls J.; 610 NE 20th Lane 3. Lt. 3; CUlver, George W.; 608 NE 20th La.; Mail: 728 Casa Lana Blvd. PB 4. Lt. 4; Jones, Boland T.; 606 NE 20th La.; Mail: 5295 Town Ctr. Rd., Boca Raton, 33486 5. Lt. 5; De Souza, Barbara B.; 604 NE 20th La. 6. Lt. 6; Laudicina, James J.; 602 NE 20th La. 7. Lt. 7; Faron, Donald B.; 600 NE 20th La. 8. Lt. 8; Caruso, Anthony; 626 NE 20th La. 9. Lt. 9; Livigni, Rosemarie; 624 NE 20th La. 10. Lt. 10; flrrnett, Ro1:ert G.; 325 N. 5th St.; Lindenjurst NY 11757; Svc: 622 NE 20th Lane 11. Lt. 4; Landis, Lisa D.; 620 NE 20th La. 12. Lt. 5; Greenhouse, M.W. & Cynthia S.; 618 NE 20th Lane. 13 Lt. 6; Eaton, Kathleen M.; 616 NE 20th Lane- 14. Lt. 7; Herold, Ro1:ert L;" 1665 Dillon Rd., Maple Glen, PA 19002; Svc: 614 NE 20th La. BOYN'IDNBOROUGH 1. Lt. 1;' 1750 B NE 4th st.; The Lord's Place; Mail: 1650 NE 4th St. t 2. Lt. 4; Granger, K.B.; PO BX 22187, Lansing MI 48909 3. Lt. 6; Claudio, Phyllis; 515 NE 16th Ave. €-4. Lt. 7; Grey, Dudley; 509 NE 16th Ave. € 5. Lt. 8.1; Meeker, Frederick C.; 505 KE 16th Ave. e 6. Lt. 9.1; BEST REAL ESTATE, INC.; 437 NE 15th Ave. b 7. Lt. 10.1; Grisby, Baxter A.; 431 NE 16th Ave. 8. Lt. 11.1; Cooley, Eve1ynM.; 427 NE 16th Ave. 9. Lt. 12.1; Brown, Bobby L.;405 NE 16th Ave. 10. Lt. 14; Strapp, Joseph M.; 329 NE 16th Ave. 11. Lt. 15; La Tour, V.D.; 327 NE 16th Ave. 12. Lt. 16; Notrez, Ulrick; 325 NE 16th Ave. 13. Lt. 21; N'GurumJ N'Detenga; 331 NE 16th Ave. 14. Lt. 22; Smith, Theresa L.; 319 NE 16th Ave. 15. Lt. 23; La Falaise, I-1agda; 317 NE 16th Ave. 16. Lt. 24; Roberson, Henry D.; 315 NE 16th Ave. 17. Lt. 25; Dalce, Jacques; 313 NE 16th Ave. 18. Lt. 26; Girtman, Particia F.; 311 NE 16th Ave. ~ 19. Lt. 27; Granger, K.B.; PO BX 22187, Lansing - MI - 48909 20. Lt. 28; Same as #19 SAM BRCW-l JR' S SUB. [,1. Lt. 19.1; Florida Four Seasons Manor, Inc.; 1708 NE 4th St. FOUR SEASQ.'lliS CONIX:)MlliIDM 1. Lt. 1; Brant, Agnes M.; 1715 NE 3rd Ct. #1 2. Lt. 2; Carty, Margaret M.; NE 3rd Ct. #1; Mail: 170-A Lovell St., Worcester, HA 01603 3. Lt. 3; Larson, Helen M.; 1715 NE 3rd Ct. #3; 4. Lt. 4; Mangeat, Alice; 1715 NE 3id Ct. #4 5. Lt. 5; Shackleford, Loretta L.; 1723 NE 3rd Ct. #1 6. Lt. 6; Egloff, Hazen C.; 1723 NE 3rd Ct. #2 7. Lt. 7; Shackelford, L.; 1723 NE rd Ct. 8. Lt. 8; Tello, Mary C.; 1723 NE 3rd Ct. #4 9. Lt. 9; 0 Riordan, Thanas P.; NE 3rd Ct. #4; RFD 3 BX #106, Laconia, NH 03246 10. Lt. 10; Abbles, Harry L.; 309 Circle Dr. #102; Mail: 17808 Sherman Way #209, Reseda,CA, 91335-3385 11. Lt. 11; Chambers, Luther H.; 309 Circle Dr. S. APt. #103 12. Lt. 12; Burrows, Alfred M.; 309 Circle DR. S. Apt. #104 13. Lt. 13; Willimas, W.R.; 309 #105 S. Circle Dr. 14. Lt. 14; Whittey, Barbara A.; 309 #201 Circle Dr. S. 15. Lt. 15; Saners, Bemard W.; 309 #202 S. Circle Dr. S.; Mail: PO BX #582, Tuxedo NY 109