September 6, 1991
J. Scott Miller, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Chris cutro, Planning Director
Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director
FROM: Al Newbold
Deputy Building Official
A pre-variance meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 16, 1991
at 10:00 A.M., in my office at the Building Department. This
meeting is in conjunction with the Board of Adjustment meeting to be
held on September 23, 1991.
If you or a representative from your office cannot attend, please
call me regarding your input. Thank you.
- ,
.. ..",. ...::........ ... ..
AN: bh
~r:p 9
Board of Adjustment Members
City of Boynton Beach Staff
Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment
1531 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard
September 23, 1991
See attached
Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder,
A Florida General Partnership
Minimum distance separation between
service stations
1. This site is presently zoned C-3 and was formerly located in the
County and zoned R-1.
2. C-3 zoning permits automotive service stations providing they comply
with Section 11.L. of Appendix A-Zoning.
3. Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.L.1. requires a m1n1mum of 1,000 feet
between the site of the proposed service statiqn and an existing
service station. Therefore, a variance would be required to
construct a service station on the proposed site, located at the
northeast corner of W. Boynton Beach Blvd. and Winchester Blvd.,
which is 546.1 feet west of the Shell gas station on the northwest
corner of W. Boynton Beach Blvd. and N. Congress Ave.
4. The proposed site is also 106 feet from the U.S. Post Office that
was addressed in the applicant's justification statement A (see
attached drawing).
XC: City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
City Planner
Recording Secretary
Members - Board of Adjustment
. .
. ..
A parcel of land lying In Section 3D, TownshIp 45 South, Ran'ge;:'4i'~as't;":".~~I~':"
Beach County, Florida. Said parcel being a portion of Tracts A and B; Block 3, -,
43 EAST", according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 5, at Page 73,
of the Pub! Ie Records of Palm Beach County, Florida.
Said land.belng more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner'of Section 3D, Township 45 South, Range 43
East; Thence with a bearing of 5.87132'47"1'/.. 'along the North line of said
Section 3D, a distance of 60.00 feet to'a point on the I'/est Rlght.of-Way line
of Congress Avenue; Thence continue along the aforementioned course extended a
distance of 733.74 feet to a point; Thence with a bearing of ~ 011 IB'43"E..
along a line lying 120 feet West of and paral leI with the East line of said
Tracts A and B. Block-a of the above described Plat of "PALM BEACH FARMS
COMPANY PLAT NO. ai, a distance of 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of
Parcel of land hereinafter to be described: Thence continue along the afore-
lIIentioned parallel I ine, a distance of 191. 04 (eet ta a paint af Intersection
with the Narth Rlght-of-Hay I ine of Boynton Beach Boulevard (now known as New
Boynton West Road - State Road No. 804); Thence with a bearing of S.87132'47"W.,
along the North Alght-of.Way line of Boynton Beach Boulevard. a distance of
16a.43 (eet; Thence with a bearing of N.46IS2'SB"W.. a distance of 35.71 feet to
a point of Intersection with the East Right-or-Way line of Winchester Park
Boulevard; Thence loll th a bearing of N. 01' iB' 43"~1.. along the Easterly Alght.of-
Way J Ine o( Winchester Park Boulevard, a distance of 165.54 feet to a point;
1hence with a bearing of N. 87"32'47"E.. along a line lying 25.00 feet South of
and pal'allet with the North line of said Section 30, a distance of 193.94 feet
to the Point of Beginning. Lying and being siiuated In Palm Beach County,
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Submittal Deadline:" Five (5) weeks before meeting date
Please print or type
Submittal date:
The' undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s} the Board of
Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s} a special exception or variance to
the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the
property hereinafter d~scribed and in support thereof state(s):
Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) EJ<IIID.I'f "A"
, Subdivision
Plat Book
, ' Page
or otherwise described as follows:
Property Address _ 1531 W. Boynton Beach B~vd.
The following documents are required to .be submitted with this
application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be
~1. A sealed surve~ by a registered surveyor in' the State of Florida,
not over six (6) months old, indic~ting:
A. All property lines
B. North arrow .'
C. Existing struct.ures and :paving
D~ Existing elevations
E. Rights-of-way, with elevations
F. w Easements. on or adjacent to the site
G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site
H. Legal description
I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth' (1/100) of an acre
J. Location sketch of property
K. Surveyor's Certificate
~2. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing:
A. All proposed structures C4 I2l
B. All existing struc~res tnat are to remain on site
C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the
properly lines to the closest vertical wall.of structures
D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies)
E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all
stree~s and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways
F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on
the site
II '
.j' 3. Certified list of names and post office' addresses of property
owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400. feet of
subject property, as reco~ded in the County Courthouse. Such list
shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to
the best of the applicant I s knowledge, said list is complete and
Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s),
purchase contract agreement. If an agent is
petition, a notarized copy of a letter designating
accompany the petition.
..15. Statement of special: conditions, hardships or reasons justifying
the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6)
questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): '
such as deed or
SUbmitting the
him as such must
A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are
peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which
are not applical:>le to other lands, structures or buildings in
the same zoning district;
" ,
B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result
from the adtions of the applicant; _
C. That granting the variance requested will not confer 'on the
applicant any special privilege that is denied by this
Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same
zoning district; .
D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter
would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other
properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the
Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the
applic~nt; ,
E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will
make possible the 'reasonable use of the land, building or
structure; .
F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the
general intent and purpose of this -chapter and that such
variance will not be - injurious to the area involved or
otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.
./6. Application fee in the amount of $275, payable to the City of
Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition.
W1nchester,Winchester,Zeiher and Schroeder,
7. Name and address of owner: A Florida General Partnership
I~80~~IRg~~ ~d,SBge~e~~€6nEF~'33~~r L1ncoln PI, Ste 301
8. Name of appl~cant: Hill Win~bester
Applicant I s address: 9290 Nickels Blvd. Boynton Beach 3.5'13 (,.
Applicant's phone #: 407-689-5522 ;f
Date: ~ 5- /9?/ Signature of Applicant: /a:::it/.~4./;~.
----------- --------------------------------------------------------~-
To be completed by the Building Official or Representative
1. Property is presently zoned:
2. Property Control Number:
Formerly zoned:- R-l (County Zon
3. Denial was made upon existing . zoning or sign requirements (list
sections [s] of Code 'flf~ which~'relief . is required):
Appendix A-Zonin , Section 11.L.l. Service Stations With or Withou
, aJor epa1rs'
4. Nature of exception or variance required: Variance for minimum
distance-separation between servi.~~ations.
Permit denied:
B aing~artment
Meeting Date: September 23. 1991
5. Case Number:
To be filled out by Board.
Chai:rman .....
~ ,
Kilday & Associate.
Landscape Architectsl Planners
1551 Forum Place
Suite l00A
West Palm Btrcich. Florjda 33401
(4071 689-5522 · Fax: (4071 689.2592
A. TI:l..~_.?~i aJ..,_ cond it ions and ct rcumsta!~.2-es_.~Js!- which are
pe~_~.u._~~to~he Ian!!, structur~ __qr but Iding involved ~nd
!'_~ i c:_lJ_21:-~ no t app I i cab I e to ot h~.!:_1 anE~ s t r_~!....~t..!J..I.-P:_~_-.9.!:.
Q'!-!U. Q _i.~.lg s._~_!:lu._!}!~~.~.'!!~__~2!:l.!.!:!..g_~t!.!'!.:t:. r i ~.!:-.~.
The petitioner is requesting a variance of Sec:tion li.L.i.
of the Zonin~ Code which would allow the construction of a
service station with less than 1.000 foot separation from
its nearest ser~ice station as well as the public: post
office located on the south side of Boynto.~ Beach Boulevard.
Special conditions and circumstances are peculiar to this
land due to the conti~uration ot adjacent roadways in this
area as lhe result of lhe approval of the Boynton Beach Mall
in 1974. At that time, appropriate access needed to be
developed to a regional mall. In order to accommodate such
access new roads, including Winchester Boulevard, were
constructed. The location of Winchester Boulevard in
relationship to Congress Avenue was set by adequate
separation required tor si~nalized intersq~tions. This
location of Winche9ter iloul~vard resulted in the creation of
a small parcel of land bounded by the newly breated road to
the mal I on west. Boynton Beach Boulevard on the sout.h,
existing Lake Worth Draina~e District Canal on the north and
an existin~ City of Boynton Beach utility lift station on
the west. In essence, this small property became an island
wi. th a I lmi tp.d number of uses. Because of the I im i tat. ions
created by the size of the site, the petitioner has needed
to look at the besl possible uses for the property. In lhis
case, a service station was a natural user which required a
l\Iinilllal amount of area while allowinp, for adequate
circulation on the site.
How<'!ver, because 0 f the prev i ous I y doscr i bed d i 5 tance
soparation requirements between Winchester Boulevard and
Connress Avenue, the newly created property was located
wittlin 1,000 feet of the int.ersection of Congress Avenue and
Boynton Beach Boulevard which had three eKisting service
slation facilities. These stations have been allowed to
l'emain open and 1n some cases reconstruct wi.thout any
application of the 1,000 foot. requirement as they predate
this requirement of the City. Nevert.heloss, these
" ., ..
.. ,
;.:; :\f;:::: ~: ~
Variance Heque~t
Pap,e 2. 1
-propRrties are located within the same zoninR district and
are permitted to operate without meetinR this specific Code
requ i remen't.
Additionally, due to the development of the regional mal I
arna, the post office chose this area as an appropriate
location for the siting of a public buildin~. ThlS property
is located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard and
is separated accesswise by an existing median i.n the new si)(
lane arterial. The placement of a service station at
W I nGh(~s t~~ I' BOll leva rd an.j Boynton Beach Bou 18vard wou I d havH
no effect on either the safety or the traffic operations of
tho post office facility.
B . T.t!~.!... ...!- !I~ _..~~.9_L~.J.___~:E.~~_:U~J9.I'~__!l n_q._91..!:p u_I!I_~ ta T~~_~-E-,?___~Q.!:__!:~~~_J..I__~
~__~_~!!l __..t ~_~... .'? _Sj:}_2,".~_J.~.L__~.~.~_~~..P.P~_~2_~.~!:..:...
'As previouslY stated, the approval of the mall facilit.y
creat.ed t.hH rfJqu"i rement for a sui tab I e ['oad netwol"k to
service the mal I thereby creatinR this small corner parcel.
Previously, this parcel would not have been a COI'rH-!r parc(~1
but -merely one of a variety of commercial properties
frontinR on Boynton Beach Boulevard.
I..t_l a t ..g_~~~~~h..i_ n R.. ~U:!~_~_~.!l_?_I}E~_.2'_e.9.~J(-! e..~~.!L w il-L-Y 0 t. c .9..~!!...~_!:.... .9.!'__t~!g.
~. I~L~ _~~!.'j:__. .l:~ f:'_Y_.._..!:i.P.~~ .(~.L~J _....P .~:. !.y_.~.J..~_e.~ __...~J.l!.~_L_.__~~...._.~~ nJ e <<;!._ h Y__..1: t~.~_~)_.
o r:Q~. n~.~~.~_.....LQ_.9_ ~~~~_L...-l~D.9_~.L.l!..l.J.!J. d !.!l!t~__o !'...__~.t.:.!:.l}_.9 t l.J_~~~__-!..!L....1 t~~
~i!..I!!~_.u~9.!!.!.!! lL..QJ~.~.!..!.~.!:..:_
As prAviously stated, throe service stations currently are
located' within 1,000 feet of the applicant and wit.hin 1,000
feet of eac:h other. At least. ()nr~ of these Htations,(i,\. Mobil
Slatton at the southl:!ast corner) was allowed to reconstruct
in recerlt years despite the tact that it was already located
WIt. hill ttw I, 000 too t d i s tan ceo f the t w () 0 the r s e r' vie e
T!m _~._ .J.JJ":t3 X!}j._.__t!'!J~!"p_r e t~.1::.:L9_!:!__!:I_L. _.t h~.__,P.EQV..!.~Lt..~r.~~___. o.L-!-.t.! .i.,~.
~~t~.~ ~~_r:__.. .~g~ L9_._Q~.P_!", _~ v e __ih~___!!.PJiJ.tE:!?:_!.!~~:__._E..L..._~jLn_t::~~ ~:g!~.I!I!O f!..!.Y..
e_nj~'(ed __n_~J)~'..o..~:..t-'~!:._P.t_~F'~!J~..i.~S.____i.Dn _~,!:i_~._.__ s.?."-!..~__..?:.oTl_i_!.l.lL. i).t ~~..!:..! ~: t
LJ n.~ !'~r. ..l!...~___J-_~~-'~~...Q.L.JJ~e _(:!.!:..~.!!.~f:tIl. 9.~~.__n~I)_9___~.Q.l!.!..!:~.__~g.s-'~_l!I.~"!! !:?_l~ ~~ S ..'!IT
<]~) ~j_ _~ l.l..!...<!.~..J.~_ .(1 Cl,I:d st.!_Lp_. 0 n_!c he _r!-'p pL! ~~~Tl.I,:"~
A literal interpretation of the zoninK ordinance the riKht
of this applicant to construct a service station on this
sitc~ d(~spile the fact that the use is a pormitted use wit.hin
I.he C3 Zoninp, Di.strict. As previously stated, the location
of WinchHster llnulevard in rela.tion to Congress Avenue and
, '.
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Variance Request
P age ~i . 1 t
the creation of this property was the result
-the other applicants. This property is
signalized intersection at a main entrance
mall. A' U5H such as a service station
appropriate and proper use at such a location.
of act.ions 01'
local.ed at a
to ;), rHl1,illnal
w 0 u I d t)(~ an
FurUlermorp.. the applicant would suffer a hardship in its
ability to find an appropriate use for such a smal I parcel
ot properly. As previously slated, the existin~
confi~ural.ion of canals, ri~hts-of-ways and utlllty uses
prp.vents this prop.erty expanding to a laq~er si.te.
Therefore, only a certain number of uses can appropriately
be IOGat~]d on the property. A service stat.ion clearly is
one 0 I t.hnSt1 uses.
E . T.t} ~~.~.':'!_. '! a r i <:!.!!E~. e_. .ll..!'_~I'~~.!L. i s ~..t.!.~,___~'!.~...!!j..r!l.!-!.~.!i I' i a ~.~..b a t.:__~.LLl
!'!!!.~ f!._.j~.(~.~ ~1 j..\?.l~J ,__._t..!!~...'. ..I'. f! a. ~E!.!I.aJ.~.L~L.~...:~e,.._..~~J__t:. !}.f-~J..2.n.Q...l.-___.4\ ~.!.L(H_!J Ii. ..~ !:.
5 t!'_',1.c:_t:':J.!~_~~.~
The variance requosted i~ the minimum variance requirBd.
Needless lo say, t.he lucation of this property in relation
to the ot.her uses is the result of the actions described
abov..r 1n the desi~nlng 01' tho regional mall. There is no
ac lion t. ha t the app I i carll. can take to l"oduce t he val' i a nce
F. Ihp-.!: __..!:..I.I.e_g ~Cl,.!!.!:..~_~.t'.. _ Q.! "...tl1.~._~.r.!.r.i a.!l~.e_..~_U_J_~!!:-.l.!!-h~.!'_~lIo ny._~i.!:...1!
.!-_t~~_!te..n~..!:.?.I..__~..n...!:.!?_.I)_L,Cl.!1.d_.up'.!J r p ~J s~ _q.LJ::l~.~_ ~.!} apt e ~..~~, d ~'.~~.~~u c h
,'!'.~ r:_!..!~_!}C~.c:! .......~ U_J.__._.!lg_..t!.~__...~ rl j .~J.~"_L~_':'~L _._.~g_.._...J:J:!~~~..I:.e~.-2I)Y..o.l_.Y~~~L._9.!:
o tl!'O~ L w..!....~!.l1_g.f;;"! t x:.!..!n~ n t:._J:..'?___t.!~IL_P'~.t~ U_~: __~~ f.~.!"_~
The pr'oposal 01' thH appllcnnt \/i.11 be of genf-~('al bel1Htil to
the public health, safety and welfare. The proposed site
p I a n 10 fH} t ~; 0 l' e x c e e d s a. I I c I' i bH' i. a lis t e d wit h i n l: II e Z 0 n i n Po
ordinance with. the exception of the separation requirement.
ThH propert.y is locat.ed at. a signalized int.ersect.ion which
has II(~Hn fully developcul to provide adequale turning
m 0 v e III e n t. s t. h I' () U l~ h t. he i n If.) r !; e c t i () n and to and t' I' 0 m t it e
propc-!rly. The sit.e is located along a route which serves as
liH1 entra,nce to a rewional mall. I"lost timl:1s, I{asol ine sales
occur by people already on route to a. destination. The lIsnr
o t l. his H i Low a n l: 5 t it e sit e b C~ c a IJ !H~ 0 fit. s rei a t. ion s Il i p l ()
l.1Il'! ilia I I and the expectancy that thn site can provide
Has C) I i II e s a I l'-: 5 tot he t r a vel 1 i rq~ p lJ b lie as the Y Ii P P I' 0 a c h u r
If~;:.1V(! thH mall area.
I.Jh i lei t
is rccop'niz(~d
1 . 000 fee t 0 f
that. theru are
this proposed
othl1r sl'B'vice
st.ation, i L
should ue
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Va r ll:Hlce Iteques l
Page 4.
noted that t.he current cant' i ~ura1.ion of SerYiC:H sta.tions
require people defiiring t.o buy gas t.o traYBI to onH ot the
busiest inter!.ection!'; in I'alm Beach County. l;url'entlv, ttll~
n e x t cia s est 5 () I' vi c: est. a t ion s are I 0 cat. e cI I n t . he v I Gin i t Y 0 t
11i Ii t.ary Trai I and Boynt.on Beach l3oulHvard. By alloWlnl{ a
service st~t.]on to be locat.ed away from the intersect.ion ot
COil r, res s Avenue and \Joyn t.on Beach Bou I e yard a n a 1 tr.~ rna t. i ye
wi I I bH provided whereby the t.ravHI linr, public does riot need
to ,,"0 through t.hi.s very busy intel'section for th{~ purpose at
b lJ Y i II g t~ a 5 . I n (] the r W 0 I' d s , res ide n t s who I i v H to t h H W (~ 5 t
at COlll!,rQS5 ^venue can buy gas at thIS in1.E'r~ieGt.ion at
\J i n c he s t e r B nul t:J va rd. t. r a vel to t. h emall . and h~ a v e the III i:l I I
t.o r(~tul'l) to thfl w.est wit.hout. ever having tll pa5~; throll~h
t. he Con f~ I' e s s J\ v H n u e / H n y n l 0 nth,! iH:: h B 0 u I e v a r din leI' ~H? c t 1 01\ .
Any r r-HI U C t. 1 () n I II t. I' a t I' i C d.S are 5 lJ I t. 0 f the lac a t. lOll 0 I' l II i :;;
servIce stal.ion to the west of lhe Boynton Ueach
U () u I H V a r die 0 n g I' e s s A v e n u e i n t e r see l ion s h () u I d be vie wed d!:; a
.Conv(~rse I y, there apperll'S to be no adverse impact to Lh(~
publIC. 1\5 previously stated, the property is surl'ounded by
c () m III (-? r C 1 d 1 r.l n d / 0 I' nail - res ide n t. i a, Ius e son a 1 I sid e 5 . T I. ~~
site wi I I have no Impact un any surroundIng residential
neif{~b()rllood. The property is located in an area t.hat has
b e ~J n d 8 5 i I~ n a t. e d for J n h-1 n S I ve r eta i Ide vel 0 p RI e n t w i l h i n tile
Cit.y's Comprehensive Plan.
Approval of this proposal WIll have no effect on any (IUwr
fut.ure request. This nit.e haG demonst.l"aled that i.t. is
unique due to Lh(~ previ,DUt~ planning decisigns lIIadH in the
dovelopmenl ot a l'o(!,Lonal act.lvit.y center at t.h~) Boynton
Mal I. Ot.her sites do not contain t.he same set of
C i r c U III Ht a n c f:~ s . Tho I' e t 0 1"1.1 . 1 tiS .. rd l. t hat. a p p l' I.) V i:l lot I: h i. s
r e q lJ [.J S I. l 5 war ran t e d a II d tH~ II H I' ,i cia I tot he PUl'l lIe he a I l. h ,
s a 1 f~ L y and w (-) I l' a 1" I~ .
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Board of Adjustment Members
City of Boynton Beach Staff
Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment
Ar~~ - 1531 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard
""~ember 23, 1991
See attached
Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder,
A Florida General Partnership
Minimum diptance separation between
service stations
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1. This site is presently zoned G-3 and was formerly located in the
County and zoned R-1.
2. C-3 zoning permits automotive service stations providing they comply
with section 11.L. of Appendix A-Zoning.
3. Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.L.1. requires a m1n1mum of 1,000 feet
between the site of the proposed service statiqn and an existing
service station. Therefore, a variance would be required to
construct a service station on the proposed site, located at the
northeast corner of W. Boynton Beach Blvd. and Winchester Blvd.,
which is 546.1 feet west of the Shell gas station on the northwest
corner of W. Boynton Beach Blvd. and N. Congress Ave.
4. The proposed site is also 106 feet from the u.S. Post Office that
was addressed in the applicant's justification statement A (see
attached drawing).
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XC: City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
City Planner
Recording Secretary
Members - Board of Adjustment
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