BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT rrhe. City of '.Boynton 'Beach ~i, JL lI~t:' <- , (/ j4-f:f!_ t' 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevam P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, 1"foritfa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7480 1"~: (407) 738-7459 'Builai.ng'Department, City:Jla[[ Comp~ 'Wt.ft 'U-ing June 7, 1991 Victoria Johnson 701 N.E. 7th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: VARIANCE FOR LOT 32, BLOCK 4, LAKE ADDITION Dear Ms. Johnson: Once a variance on a parcel of land has been granted, said variance runs with the land. The variance granted on the above described property in 1969 was for the purpose of building on a 50 foot wide lot when the code required the lot to be 60 feet. Without the variance, the appellant could not' build a residence in a district in which similar residences are permitted. The granting of this variance merely gives equal status on this point. Presently, Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.1.C(1) II Nonconforming Lots" of the Code of Ordinances will permit a detached single family dwelling to be constructed on the above described property, presently zoned R1A,without requiring a variance (see attached copy of this -section). Please be advised that this letter is only based on the code presently in effect and does not take into consideration any future changes to the code. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Official AN: bh Attachment XC: Central files .' VARIANCE. DOC JilmerUas gateway to tlie (julfstream 1;:'; -" ,i"" .eo'..... *, :t '.if' .. ~ ~~ ( , .1f .. .,.. ".~'--'.~ ...__ ____.....-...-c:6l"'~:.~r~~._~.. .. ... APPENDIX A-ZONING' Sec. il.l s. No additional structures or buildings shall .be erected in connection with such nonconforming use of land. C. NONCONFORMING LOTS. 1. A detached single-family dwelling may be constructed on any parcel located in an R-1, R.1A, R-2 or R-3 flistrict. provided that it meets all of the following requirements: a. The parcel contains at least one (1) whole platted lot; b. The parcel has a frontage of not less than fifty (50) feet, and a lot area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet; c. Property cannot be acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without caus- ing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to be- come nonconforming or more nonconforming. : For any parcel' or lot, or combination of lots under the same ownership, where the total frontage and the total area is equal to or greater than that which is required by the district building and site regulations, said properly shall not be developed except in accordan~e with the min- imum frontage and lot. area required iR the particular zoning district. . Not more than one (1) parcel or lot, or combination of lots under the same ownership, that is nonconforming but which meets the requirements under b. above may be developed for a single-family house. Ownership of parcels shall be determined by thJ property tax rolls on me in the Palm Beach County Property Ap- praiser's Office as of the effective date of this ordinance. 2. . Within R-2 districts, in subdivisions platted prior to the effective date of this ordinance, where the platted lots have a frontage of at least forty (40) feet but less than flfty (50) feet, the following rules shall apply: a. A detaChed single. family dwelling may be constructed on any such parcel. provided that it meets all of the following requirements: .. (1) The parcel contains at least one (1) whole platted lot. ' Supp. No. 35 1953 701 N.E. 7th Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 June 4, 1991 Mr. Al Newbold Deputy Building Official City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. Newbold, Enclosed please find a copy of the Board of Adjustment (7/10/69) action which approved a frontage variance for 637 NE 8th Avenue. As I am offering to purchase this vacant lot with the intention of constructing a single-family home, please provide official confirmation that this variance is still valid. Would any special procedure be required prior to obtaining a building permit? The property control number is 08 43 45 21 32 004 0320 and the lot dimension is 50 x 133. Thank-you very much for your help. Sincerely, VlC~~ Victoria Johnson 736-8680 (home) 243-7285 (work) attachment .' r . ') '.' / ' 1',....1 .) j .. .l~J-oI.'" Ezell Hester; Alternate ~~" /"~~'-"" /' . T .~, ' ~//.~ C\:' OF5" .' t.J'; 1> .", . ' "J _~_ ~...,,,,, : Stuart B. Fuller, Buildin I' f~}~ ~ \."";};', t ~~ .I)--~ or... ;~.., --- \,;... ..~~~, .-;'(L ~ <-- ALBERT J. ABEL ~J./\.11' ";;:._' !) "~ -:W /5 /. 6G6ROSErNNAVE. '.~ ~, ".,".; J"",.". ., / NAZERTH PENN. J' ,,10 . .~- " / J8064''<-.:~=" . Robert Hueston, C1ai.rm3n ....~~S~~~_... \-!illiam Yates Curtis Heaver RobeFt Olds, Alternate ABSENT . Meeting called to order at 5: 30 P.~. hy Chainnan Hueston. Chainr.a..""l introduced BoaIld to audience. Parcel 2. Re<luest front footage variar~ f:rom 60 Teet to 50 feet, lDt 32, Block 4, Lake Addition Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book ll~ Page i~, l, " "'",,,,. ',.,".,~,,____. Ad::ts ~:~6-~3' 7~T':E-:ecorose'th'" . ~""":~....r ~"""';"'-'_ '_"""""" ~'..":, .. t "-'. ",' ";'" '"'' .. ....:~,...'~~' s. . J'.'. ,rven~ .' "'.. ,"'H',., , ".' '.", ' O...m.er: YJrS. Ada M. Shook HI'S. Shook carre fon:ard to explain that she had o:-med subject lot since long before present zon:i.nE ordinance. Lot is only SO feet tdde~ but . houses there are bo.rll t on Sc3Iie size lots. !To property adj acent is available for sale to widen lot. Hrs. Shook l'rlsl1es to build a single family residence and toJOuld rr.eet all other restrictions ~ including square footage. and setbac.\:.s. Because of this, requests varianc.-e on front footage .from 60 feet to 50 feet. l-'~tion to grant made by l{r1. tleaver, seoonded ~.I'~. Yates. Pmnended to grant providing all otl1er building and zoning regulations !JEt. 1.J..1 r. ' voted aye and m::rtion carried. . Parcel No.. 1: Request side setback variance, t.jest 1/2 of Lots 19 & 20, Block 8, Gulf Stl"~am Estates~ Plat No. 2:1 Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 51, Pal."!\ Beac.~ Cotmty records; as follcws: East side setback from 7:'1/2 ft.1:o 6 ft. and . West side setbac}: from 12-112 ft. to 12.ft. =r"in. , Address: 328 S.. E. 34th Avenue Applicant:Jack G. ,llalme ..... - 1 - .' . /I ,Q15- cJ-1/' h~ A2c~4 t. ( , " l _ !"lJ.!1U'L~. Board of Adj llstrrei1t July 21) 1969 Variance on side setbacks. l~. \\aldie carre Defore fue Board and explained that this was the sane request he had rrade on a siPilar lot on "the corner in the sarre subdivision. Requested 3 inch variance on one 5ide and ana foot six inches on other. Ovms adjacent lot and \o1i11 adju?t house when built there to get n:axi.'ilI.IJIt saparation betr.-1een h"U~2S. '!his is t1)e last corner lot he a:ms in this area. lDt size ac; plattetl t.las 70 feet by 100 feet and had to get necessary house on 1:hi.s small a lot ""hen comer setbacks arc necessary. BOc...ro had di.scussion on above request. lbtion J1\3ds "to gr-ant varia.ice by lb:>. Yates and seconded by Mr. Fidget-lay. tiotion ca.rried lJ to 1, l.!ith t!r. l'a.vis VOti....1g no. 11otio; nade by It.... Yates and seco. e _ Hr. Pidg~ay to approv.e c;:m:e:,,~:;,,~ous7~ee~g afi ~~i tt:no_ _ \~ - .- --~ ~ ... '. ST~n: OF F1.0RIOA 1 COUNTY OF PAlM BU.CH SS CITY Of 1l0YNIOH eEACH , TE~Ets" '''OGW. CITY tLERK or ~r CITY OF 50YH101f lsa.CH. PA'" BEACH COI/"iY. fLtlRIOA.. . DO HEIEBY CERTIFY THAT lHIS C> I. TRUE I.~[) co~~ECT COPY or!1i.!"'\lrl-PC:: ,...,-F t1:oP- Board of Jl.djust.rrent t-EetinQ July 2L 1969 _- AS IT APPEARS iii tHE REtORt'S Of t,w: CI"Y. I" WITNESS WHEREOF, I Wo'/f Hf.~Wl'T~ !.(l MY NAND AND AfflXCO THE SEAL OF. TtiE Clll of BOYNTON BEJ,CH. fLORIDA tillS ..1 "7th DAY Of March . 19.a2-. ~Mf lEREE5^ P~~Tl . Cln'. CLERK ......,..,""~........'!'!.io:..1ti..~ .,.<~..:::,~. ; ..t;":, ...~"'......-c ..-~ :.-..... .~.-- ~ '- -- --- ~.::,.,.' ~~':..~~...'!. :-.:;':'~:....~~~.:<.~ ....,.:....: -. . (, I J J . .' ", '" , """ II' " , / 1(. ($UQ I . , ; . I, I ' 1 .:~ - 2. - ."